Combating Robocalls with Phone Virtual Assistant Mediated Interaction
Sharbani Pandit
Georgia Institute of Technology
Krishanu Sarker
Georgia State University
Roberto Perdisci
University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mustaque Ahamad
Georgia Institute of Technology
Diyi Yang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Mass robocalls affect millions of people on a daily basis. Un-
fortunately, most current defenses against robocalls rely on
phone blocklists and are ineffective against caller ID spoofing.
To enable detection and blocking of spoofed robocalls, we
propose a NLP-based smartphone virtual assistant that auto-
matically vets incoming calls. Similar to a human assistant, the
virtual assistant picks up an incoming call and uses machine
learning models to interact with the caller to determine if the
call source is a human or a robocaller. It interrupts a user by
ringing the phone only when the call is determined to be not
from a robocaller. Security analysis performed by us shows
that such a system can stop current and more sophisticated
robocallers that might emerge in the future. We also conduct
a user study that shows that the virtual assistant can preserve
phone call user experience.
1 Introduction
The number of scam/spam phone calls people receive are
increasing every day. Phone security company YouMail
estimates that April 2022 saw 3.9 billion robocalls in the
United States and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) phone
complaint portal receives millions of complaints about such
fraudulent and unwanted calls each year [21]. Voice scams
have become such a serious problem that people often no
longer pick up calls from unknown callers. Robocalling, voice
phishing, and caller-id spoofing are some of the techniques
that are used by fraudsters and criminals in these scams.
A number of commercial applications are available for
blocking unwanted calls (Hiya, Truecaller, Youmail etc.)
but call blocking defenses used by such apps can be easily
undermined with caller ID spoofing [52]. Such spoofing is
easy to achieve, and robocallers have resorted to tactics like
neighbor spoofing (i.e., the spoofed caller ID is similar to the
targeted phone number) to increase the likelihood that the
user will pick up the call. Both industry groups and regulatory
bodies have explored stronger authentication with efforts
such as SHAKEN/STIR [18], which enable the callee to
verify the authenticity of the caller ID. Although the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) mandated US telecom
companies to begin implementing SHAKEN/STIR starting
June 30, 2021 [32], its slow adoption and global nature of
phone scams will limit its effectiveness. Furthermore, as new
phone numbers can be cheaply acquired and used to overcome
blacklists, victims will continue to fall for robocall scams that
do not use caller ID spoofing [19].
At a high level, the robocall problem resembles the email
spam problem, in which information about the source of an
email could potentially be spoofed. Over the years, the security
community has been successful in developing effective spam
filtering solutions [58, 65,69]. However, most techniques used
in such solutions rely heavily on the content of the email. This
is not the case for phone spam, since content of the caller’s
message becomes available only after the call has been picked
up. By this time, the user is already exposed to the spam
call. In response to this, recently, a number of automated
caller engagement systems that collect call content before
forwarding a call have been proposed. The Call Screen feature
available on the Google Pixel phone app provides call context
to the user via a real time transcript of the call audio. However,
distinguishing robocallers from humans is not addressed by
such systems since their focus is on providing meaningful call
context (e.g., caller name, call purpose etc.).
To protect users from mass, spoofed, targeted and evasive
robocalls, we introduce a smartphone virtual assistant named
RoboHalt, which uses a novel voice interaction model. It picks
up incoming phone calls on behalf of the callee and aims to
make a natural conversation with the caller to detect robocalls
based on the conversation. RoboHalt asks questions that occur
naturally among humans at the beginning of a phone call.
The questions are designed in a way that it is easy and natural
for humans to respond to; at the same time, it is difficult for
robocallers to provide appropriate responses without incurring
significant additional cost. Based on the responses provided by
the caller, RoboHalt uses a combination of Natural Language
Processing (NLP) based machine learning models to decide
if the caller is a human or a robocaller. It only forwards a
call to the callee once it has determined that the caller is a
human. RoboHalt can stop mass robocalls even if caller ID
spoofing is used because it does not solely depend on phone
blocklists. Since it requires human-like interaction from
callers, pre-recorded robocalls can be successfully blocked.
Such interaction also allows RoboHalt to block robocalls
when robocallers target their victims and use voice activity
detection to bypass existing defenses. It aims to achieve this
while preserving caller experience.
In summary, we make the following contributions:
We design an interactive virtual assistant (RoboHalt)
which can vet phone calls on behalf of the user by making
a natural conversation with the caller.
RoboHalt uses multiple NLP machine learning models
to detect if the caller is a human or a robocaller. To the
best of our knowledge, we are the first to develop such
a defense that detects robocalls even when robocallers
use caller ID spoofing and voice activity detection.
To conduct rigorous security evaluations, we recruited
red team members to craft attacks to defeat RoboHalt.
The security analysis showed that 95% of the mass
robocalls, 84% evasive robocalls and 87% of targeted
robocalls were not able to directly reach the callee, thus
eliminating user interruption by unwanted robocalls.
To demonstrate the usability of our system, we conducted
an IRB approved user study. Its results demonstrate that
users had a positive experience and would benefit from
using such a system.
2 Related Works
Voice spam has grown significantly in recent years
[25, 36, 49, 61, 68, 71]. It has been shown that phone
blacklisting methods provided by smartphone apps (e.g.,
Truecaller [15], Nomorobo [8], Youmail [17], Hiya [7] etc.)
or telephone carriers (e.g., call protect services offered
by AT&T [1], Verizon [16] etc.) can be helpful. However,
these services typically rely on historical data such as user
complaints or honeypot-generated information [42, 52, 67],
and their overall effectiveness tends to be low due to caller ID
spoofing [22]. Robokiller [34], a smartphone application, on
the other hand, features an Answer Bot that detects spam calls
by forwarding all incoming calls to a server, which analyzes
their audio to determine if the call source is a recording. The
audio analysis techniques used by Robokiller can be countered
by sophisticated robocallers that use voice activity detection.
A number of research papers have explored caller ID
authentication [51,59,60,72]. The SHAKEN/STIR [10, 11]
effort by the IETF and SIP Forum enables the callee to
verify the correctness of the caller ID. However, caller ID
authentication alone may not be sufficient if victims continue
to fall for scams that don’t use spoofing [20]. In recent work
that conducted a large scale user study [73], it was shown
that a significant fraction of users fall victim to telephone
scams. Prasad et. al [56] use call audio and metadata to cluster
robocall spam campaigns. Also, [64] evaluates the impact of
user interface design elements on user decision-making for
robocall blocking applications. In contrast, our work aims to
handle incoming calls and provide a solution to block current
and future robocalls from reaching recipients without user
intervention, even in the presence of caller ID spoofing.
In the latest version of its Phone app, Google offers an
automatic call screen feature where users can opt to have their
calls from unknown callers automatically screened to block
robocalls. Although this feature indicates that call content
could be used for such blocking, our experiments reported
in Section 4.2 found that this is not the case. Therefore, call
screen does not currently stop robocallers that spoof benign
caller IDs to deliver their spam content.
The questions asked by our phone virtual assistant dur-
ing its interaction with a caller can be viewed as challenges
which the caller must pass in order for the call to be forwarded.
Audio captchas aim at achieving a similar goal where users
need to prove that they are not robots. Typically they con-
sist of a series of spoken words/numbers and some form of
audio distortion or background noise [47]. However, several
researchers have explored attacks that can easily break audio
captchas [28,29,43,70]. Solanki et. al [66] have demonstrated
how off-the-shelf speech recognition systems can be used to
break all commercially deployed audio captchas. Hence, cur-
rently used audio captchas are not effective when used against
sophisticated robocallers. Fanelle et. al [37] explored cognitive
audio captchas where users have to solve puzzles, answer math
questions or identify sounds to pass the challenge. However,
this disrupts the natural call experience. The interaction Robo-
Halt requires can be thought of as a NLP-based captcha, where
the natural flow of the conversation is maintained to preserve
usability. Moreover to pass the challenges posed by Robo-
Halt, robocallers need more advanced AI capabilities to truly
comprehend what the virtual assistant is asking them to do.
RoboHalt is a conversational agent that detects and blocks
robocalls. Typically dialog systems communicate with users
in natural language (text, speech, or both), and fall into
two classes: task-oriented [50] and chatbots. Task-oriented
dialogue agents use conversation with users to help complete
tasks. Dialogue agents in digital assistants (Siri, Alexa, Cor-
tana, etc.), give directions, control appliances, find restaurants,
or make calls. By contrast, chatbots [77] are systems designed
for extended conversations, set up to mimic the unstructured
conversations or ‘chats’ characteristic of human-human
interaction [78]. Chatbots [39,45,75] are conversational agents
designed to mimic the appearance of informal human conver-
sation. These conversational agent systems are enormously
data-intensive; Serban et. al. [63] estimate that training modern
chatbots requires hundreds of millions or even billions of
words. However, data on robocall messages and human assis-
tant conversations is limited. Hence building such a system that
has high accuracy is challenging. Also, the need for the system
to be resistant to adversaries makes it even more challenging.
3 System Design
3.1 System Overview
RoboHalt picks up incoming calls on behalf of the user without
user intervention. If the incoming call is from a safelisted caller,
it immediately notifies the user by ringing the phone. A safelist
can include the user’s contacts and other legitimate caller IDs
(public schools, hospitals etc.). On the other hand, if the call
is from a blocklisted caller, RoboHalt blocks it and does not
let the phone ring. However, if the caller ID belongs to neither
a safelist nor a blocklist, RoboHalt picks up the call without
ringing the phone and uses multiple techniques to detect
robocallers. Upon picking up the call, it greets the caller and
lets the caller know that he/she is talking to a virtual assistant.
During the conversation, RoboHalt randomly chooses to ask
a question from a predefined pool of questions that naturally
occur in human conversations. It determines whether the caller
is a human or a robocaller based on the responses provided
by the caller. The number of questions RoboHalt asks before
making this decision depends on the responses provided by
the caller and the confidence RoboHalt has in labeling them
as appropriate/not appropriate. To strike a balance between
usability and security, the maximum number of questions
asked before making a decision is five. We explain this in detail
in later sections. If the caller is deemed to be a human, the call is
passed to the callee along with the transcript of the purpose of
the call. Otherwise, the caller is deemed to be a robocaller and
RoboHalt blocks the call and sends a notification to the user.
3.2 Challenges
3.2.1 Availability of Datasets
Building natural language models presents numerous
challenges. First, a large annotated dataset is required to
build highly accurate NLP models. However, large datasets
consisting of phone call conversations are difficult to find or
collect. Similarly, datasets of real robocalls are not easy to
collect as they typically require setting up a large telephone
honeypot. To overcome this challenge, we used datasets
generated for other NLP tasks (for instance, speech-to-text)
and adapted them to suit our purposes.
3.2.2 Real-time Performance
Second, models that have the capability of fully understanding
natural language and user intent tend to be very complex;
this is still an area of ongoing research in the field of natural
language processing [33, 40]. Also, we intend RoboHalt
to be used in real-time. Therefore, the models should be
light-weight and have low latency. To achieve our goal of
high accuracy in real time while keeping the overall system
light-weight, instead of relying on one single large model we
use an ensemble of multiple light-weight ML models.
3.2.3 NLP Challenges
Finally, most of the work on conversational agents has focused
on usability and how the conversation can be made more
human-like [23, 44, 78]. However, we need to strike a balance
between usability and security, since RoboHalt is designed
to face both human callers and robocallers. Having the
conversational agent succeed in an adversarial environment
while at the same time being user-friendly to human callers
is an additional challenge [76].
3.3 Threat Model
3.3.1 In-scope Threats
In this section we describe the scope of threats that our system
is designed to protect against.
Non-targeted and Targeted Robocalls:
robocalls are mass calls that are not directed at specific victims.
Most current robocalls fall in this category. In contrast, in
targeted robocalls, the attacker knows both the name and
phone number of the intended victims (there have been several
data breaches which could provide associations between
phone numbers and names). Hence, the attacker could generate
pre-recorded robocalls that start by asking to speak with a
specific person before continuing with the actual robocall mes-
sage. Since RoboHalt requires human-like answers to multiple
questions, it can stop such unwanted targeted robocalls.
Evasive Robocalls:
We assume an evasive robocaller does
not have AI capabilities, hence cannot comprehend what Robo-
Halt is saying in real-time; however, we assume the attacker
has knowledge of how RoboHalt works and can try to bypass
it. Such calls are currently not common, but may emerge in
the future in an attempt to defeat intelligent phone call defense
tools such as the one we propose. An evasive robocaller might
use voice activity detection to identify interruptions from the
callee’s side and pause accordingly to give the impression
of liveness. It may also learn common questions and try to
provide prerecorded responses in a certain order in an attempt
to bypass RoboHalt. However, since we randomize the order
of RoboHalt’s questions and use multiple challenges to detect
a robocaller, the likelihood of providing a reasonable response
and overcoming all challenges without understanding the
questions is low. We discuss this in detail in Section 4.
3.3.2 Out-of-scope Threats
RoboHalt does not protect against the following attacks:
Unwanted calls from an AI equipped attacker:
in which robocallers emulate human conversations, to the
extent that even humans have difficulty distinguishing between
an automated call and a human caller, are out of scope. Such
AI equipped robocall systems are not common in the phone
fraud ecosystem and building them is expensive and requires
a substantial amount of resources. Since robocallers aim
at making cheap mass calls so that they can reach a vast
number of targets, crafting such AI equipped attacks will add
significant cost for them.
Unwanted live calls from humans:
Unwanted calls can
be made by telemarketers, debt collectors or humans working
for a scam campaign. Since our system looks for human-like
interaction from the callers, such unwanted live calls from
humans cannot be stopped. Since malicious actors who craft
these campaigns aim at decreasing their cost and increasing
the profit by fooling victims, having a human caller instead
of a robocaller increases their cost significantly.
3.4 RoboHalt Use Cases
There can be two example use cases of RoboHalt. It can be
embedded with the Phone app where all incoming calls are han-
dled locally. With each incoming call, RoboHalt examines the
caller ID and interacts with the caller without making the callee
aware. Once the call is deemed to be from a human, RoboHalt
makes the phone ring and lets the caller reach the callee. One
other scenario is where RoboHalt is hosted at a network carrier.
In this case, all incoming calls go through RoboHalt hosted
by the carrier and it performs the above mentioned activities.
Once the call is deemed to be from a human, the carrier then
forwards the call to the user (i.e., the callee, in this case).
3.5 RoboHalt Workflow
RoboHalt handles all incoming calls and first makes a decision
based on the caller ID of the incoming call. There can be
three cases: (i) the caller ID belongs to a predefined safelist,
(ii) the caller ID belongs to a predefined blocklist, or (iii)
the caller ID does not belong to these predefined lists and
is an unknown caller. If the caller ID is safelisted, RoboHalt
immediately passes the call to the callee. RoboHalt blocks
calls from blocklisted caller IDs and does not ring the phone.
Additional analysis is performed for calls from unknown
callers to understand the nature of the call. The following steps
are taken to handle this case.
RoboHalt picks up the call, greets the caller and informs
them that they are talking to a virtual assistant. RoboHalt
then randomly chooses to ask the caller to hold or
continue the conversation.
Once the caller has responded to the previous question,
RoboHalt then asks a question from the question pool
described below. The question is chosen by RoboHalt
according to rules defined later in this section. The
questions are easy and natural for humans to answer, but
without comprehending what the question is, it is difficult
for robocallers to answer. RoboHalt then determines if
the response is appropriate for the question asked and
assigns a label (appropriate, not appropriate). RoboHalt
also assigns a confidence score with each label.
RoboHalt might ask another question or make a decision
on whether the caller is a human or robocaller. The num-
ber of questions RoboHalt asks the caller before making
this decision depends on the responses provided by the
caller earlier and the confidence RoboHalt has in labeling
each of them. For example, if RoboHalt is highly confi-
dent that the caller is a human or a robocaller after asking
two questions, it chooses not to ask a third question. Oth-
erwise, it asks the next question. The minimum and maxi-
mum number of questions RoboHalt asks before labeling
a caller human or robocaller is two and five respectively.
RoboHalt asks for the purpose of the call before com-
pleting the conversation if it has not already been asked.
The response to this question provides additional context
about the incoming call. It is important that RoboHalt asks
questions in a random order to avoid a robocaller simply
playing pre-recorded responses in a certain order to fool it.
Based on the steps discussed above and following
the algorithm discussed in Section 3.7.1, RoboHalt
determines whether the caller is a human or not. If the
caller is deemed to be a human, the call is forwarded to
the user along with the context captured during the initial
interaction and other relevant information such as the
name of the caller. Calls from robocallers are blocked
and a notification is provided to the user.
3.6 RoboHalt Questions
RoboHalt chooses questions to ask from Table 1. The ques-
tions are designed to be easy and natural for a human caller
to respond to during a phone call. However, the responses to
these questions are specific enough that they do not typically
appear in robocall messages. While designing the questions,
we aimed to balance between usability and security. The
trade-off we intend to make depends on the following factors.
Number of questions: Asking too many questions might
annoy a human caller and degrade call experience. On
the other hand, asking too few questions can make it easy
for the attackers to evade the system.
Type of questions: To preserve usability, we are limited to
questions that are reasonably common at the beginning
of a phone conversation between people who may not
know each other. However, at the same time there should
be enough variations in the questions so that the system
is robust against attacks.
Gathering call context: Besides preserving usability,
determining the context of the call is another important
goal. Therefore, questions should be asked so that
meaningful information can be captured (e.g., the
purpose of the call, the caller’s name, etc.).
The list of question types that RoboHalt can ask includes:
Hold: As seen very commonly in phone conversations,
RoboHalt asks the caller to hold briefly.
Context Extractor: This type of questions is asked to
extract context (e.g., purpose of the call). While pre-recorded
robocalls contain spam messages (free cruises, vehicle
warranty, etc.), human callers will provide legitimate context.
Name Recognizer: If the caller knows the callee, they would
be capable of saying who they are trying to reach.
Relevance: These questions commonly occur in natural
human conversations and allow RoboHalt to determine if the
caller can actually comprehend the questions and provide
meaningful responses.
Repetition: It is reasonable to expect that, if asked, a human
can repeat a statement by either saying it again or providing a
semantically similar statement. However, without understand-
ing the question, robocallers won’t be able to perform this task.
Speak up: It is natural in a human conversation to ask a
caller to speak up. Our system asks this question to determine
if the caller can indeed speak up when asked to do so.
Follow up: RoboHalt may choose to ask a follow up
question, after asking certain questions. For example, it might
ask “Can you please tell me more about it?” as a follow up
question after asking “How can I help you?”. Moreover, after
asking, “Who are you trying to reach?”, RoboHalt might ask
“Did you mean [name]?” as a follow up question. For example,
if the name of the callee is Taylor, RoboHalt can ask “Did you
mean Taylor?” or ask “Did you mean Tiffany?”, where Tiffany
is not the name of the callee.
It is important to note that RoboHalt uses multiple variations
of each question. For example, the question "How are you?"
can have multiple variations with the same meaning such as
"How are you doing?", "How’s it going?" etc. This enables
us to defend against robocallers that can use the audio length
Table 1: RoboHalt Question Examples
Question type Example
Hold Please hold briefly.
Context Extractor How can I help you?
Name Recognizer Who are you trying to reach?
Relevance How are you doing?
How do you like the weather today?
Repetition Can you please say that again?
Speak up Can you speak up please?
Follow up Can you tell me more about it?
Did you mean [name]?
of a question to determine what question was asked. With
multiple variations of the same question, a robocaller truly
needs to comprehend what RoboHalt is saying to provide
an appropriate response. An AI equipped attacker might
be able to automatically learn the questions. However, it
is going to be difficult for the attackers considering the
lack of significant amount of labeled data of such type of
human assistant-like conversations. The effectiveness of these
questions is discussed in detail in the later sections.
Question Order
RoboHalt uses the following rules to
choose a question at each turn:
After the announcement and initial greeting, our system
randomly chooses to ask the caller to hold or not.
RoboHalt then randomly asks the Context Extractor or
Name Recognizer question with equal probability.
At this point RoboHalt might choose to continue the
conversation or block/forward the call based on the
previous responses. If RoboHalt decides to continue the
conversation, it randomly chooses one of the Follow up,
Relevance, Repetition, Name Recognizer, Hold questions
with high probability or Speak up with low probability.
If RoboHalt decides to ask a fourth or fifth question, it
randomly chooses one of the following questions with
equal probability, Context Extractor, Repetition, Name
Recognizer, Hold, Relevance, Speak up.
RoboHalt asks a specific question only once during its interac-
tion with the caller. The rules are designed to keep the conversa-
tion similar to a typical phone call while increasing the entropy
for the attacker so that there is no specific pattern that the
attacker can exploit. An example conversation is shown below:
VA: Hello, you’ve reached the
virtual assistant. How can I help you?
Caller: I’m calling to make an appointment.
VA: I’m sorry, I didn’t get that.
Can you please repeat?
Caller: I said I wanted to make an appointment.
VA: Please wait while I forward your call.
3.7 System Architecture
In this section, we describe our system architecture, depicted
in Figure 1, which is independent of the implementation
environment. With each incoming call, the Metadata Detector
module determines if the caller ID is present in the safelist
or blocklist. Calls from unknown callers are passed to the
Controller of the Robocall Detector.
Robocall Detector (RD)
Forward call
directly to user
Hang up
Incoming Call
Pass the
to RD
Metadata Detector (MD)
Forward call
with context
Figure 1: System Architecture
3.7.1 Controller
The Controller determines which question to ask the caller at
every turn. After asking each question, the controller records
the response from the caller. The audio from the caller is
recorded until the caller finishes speaking or 20 seconds elapse,
whichever is the minimum. The audio recording is then tran-
scribed through the Transcriber module. The controller uses
individual modules to label the transcripts (of responses) to de-
termine if it is an appropriate response. For example,Relevance
Detector determines if the response is an appropriate one to the
relevance question, Repetition Detector determines if the re-
sponse is an appropriate one to the repetition question etc. Each
of these modules (Relevance Detector, Repetition Detector
etc.) predicts a label (appropriate/ not appropriate) and a confi-
dence score with it. After every prediction,RoboHaltcalculates
a score
(with 1
5) inspired by the sequential probability
ratio test (SPRT) [74], according to the following equation:
+min((i/λ),1)×log A
log A
= log (C
/1 C
is the confidence
assigned by the corresponding module and
is a tunable
parameter that determines the weight of the
prediction. In
our implementation we set
λ = 3
determines the stopping
rule of RoboHalt, i.e when to stop asking questions. As
in classical hypothesis testing, SPRT starts with a pair of
hypotheses, H
and H
. We specify H
and H
as follows.
:Caller is human
:Caller is robocaller
The stopping rule is a simple threshold scheme:
a < S
< b: continue asking questions.
b: Accept H
a: Accept H
Figure 2: RoboHalt Controller Algorithm
depend on the desired type I and type II errors,
α and β. We choose α and β to be 5%.
and b log
RoboHalt requires at least two and at most five predictions
to make a decision.The controller implements the algorithm
depicted in Figure 2 to make this decision. At any given point,
if a majority does not exist in the prediction labels, RoboHalt
chooses to ask the next question. If a majority exists but the
score is between
, RoboHalt chooses to continue the
conversation and asks the next question; otherwise it checks if
the majority labels and the label supported by SPRT (according
to the stopping rule specified above) are in agreement. If yes,
RoboHalt finalizes the label and makes a decision to forward
the call if the caller is labeled human, and blocks the call if
the caller is labeled as robocaller. If not, RoboHalt chooses
to ask the next question. If RoboHalt is unable to make a
decision after ve predictions, it makes a decision of passing
or blocking the call supported by the majority labels.
3.7.2 Transcriber
This component transcribes the responses from the caller for
other modules,which then determine if the responses are appro-
priate ornot. Moreover,when the useris notified of an incoming
call, the transcript of the conversation between the caller and
the virtual assistant (VA) is shown on the screen for additional
context. For blocked calls, call context is saved for the user to
review later. We chose Google Cloud Speech API [6] because
it has high accuracy and transcription can be performed in
minimal time, unlike Kaldi [55] and Mozilla deep speech [4].
3.7.3 Silence Detector
This module is invoked by the controller when RoboHalt asks
the caller to hold. It randomly picks a hold time,
, ranging
between five to ten seconds, asks the caller to hold and comes
back to the caller to continue the conversation after
The Silence Detector module transcribes everything said by
the caller during the
seconds and calculates the average
number of words said per second,
. If
is less than
the threshold
, the response is labeled as appropriate by
the Silence Detector module and vice versa. We set
in the
following way. We calculate the average number of words
spoken per second,
, from our collection of pre-recorded
robocall recordings and set θ
3.7.4 Context Detector
This module is invoked after the virtual assistant says “How
can I help you?” To identify not appropriate responses, we
build a robocall campaign detector using a dataset of phone
call records collected at a large phone honeypot provided by
a commercial robocall blocking company. This dataset con-
tains 8,081 calls (having an average duration of 32.3 seconds)
coming into a telephony honeypot during April 23, 2018 and
May 6, 2018. The audio recordings of these calls are used to
generate call transcripts. Using LSI topic modeling, we extract
30 topics from our corpus of transcripts where each topic rep-
resents a spam campaign. We construct a similarity matrix by
computing the cosine similarity between each transcript. We
then convert the similarity matrix into a distance matrix by
inverting the elements of the similarity matrix. We then per-
formed DBSCAN clustering on the distance matrix. At the end
of this, 72 clusters were created where each cluster represents
groups of highly similar transcripts of robocalls. We then take
one representative robocall from each cluster and calculate
the vector representations by projecting the robocall messages
onto the pre-computed LSI topic model. To classify a response
from a user, the Context Detector, after pre-processing the text,
calculates the vector representation by projecting the response
onto the pre-computed LSI topic model. It then computes the
cosine similarity of the user response with the pre-computed 72
roboball feature vectors. If the cosine similarity is greater than a
, it is labeled as an inappropriate response. In other
words,ifthe content of the callerresponse matches withany pre-
viously known robocall message, it is labeled as a not appropri-
ate response; otherwise it is labeled as an appropriate response.
3.7.5 Elaboration Detector
A follow up question of “Howcan I help you?” is “Tell me more
about it”. This module determines if the response provided by
the caller for this follow up question is appropriate. There has
been a lot of work on text summarization in the area of natural
language processing [24, 38, 46]. However, a large amount
of data and a complex architecture is required to train models
accurate enough to be useful in real-life scenarios. Therefore,
to keep this component simple, we take the following approach.
We count the number of words in the caller’s response. If the
number of words is higher than the number of words in the pre-
vious response, it is labeled as an appropriate response and vice
versa. We understand this is a simple approach but it is impor-
tant to note that RoboHalt uses labels from multiple modules
to make a final decision. Hence mislabeling by an individual
component should be compensated by the other components.
3.7.6 Relevance Detector
This module determines whether the response from the
caller is an appropriate response for the Relevance questions
asked by RoboHalt. We build a binary classifier that, given
a (question, response) pair, labels the response appropriate
if the response is a reasonable answer to the question selected
by the controller and not appropriate if not. Human callers
are expected to provide appropriate responses and robocallers
are expected to provide not appropriate responses.
To build such a classifier, a large labeled dataset of relevant
question answer pair during phone conversations would be re-
quired. However, due to the unavailability of such datasets, we
use the “FisherEnglish Training Part2, Transcripts” dataset [5],
which was collected to build Automatic Speech Recogni-
tion(ASR), and modify it to fit our use case. This dataset
represents a collection of conversational telephone speech.
Under the Fisher protocol, a large number of participants each
make a few calls of short duration speaking to other partici-
pants, whom they typically do not know, about assigned topics.
We tailor the Fisher dataset to build our Relevance Detector
model. We take the conversation between each speaker pair
(speaker A and B), convert it into (comment, response) pairs
and label them as appropriate. To generate the irrelevant
examples, for each comment by speaker A we randomly pick
a response which is not the response provided by the speaker
B from the Fisher dataset and label that pair as not-appropriate.
As a result, we generated 300,000 appropriate and 300,000 not-
appropriate (comment, response) pairs to construct our dataset.
We then perform sentence embedding on each data point to
convert the text into a vector. Similar to word embeddings
(like Word2Vec [48], GloVE [53], Elmo [54] or Fasttext [27]),
sentence embeddings embed a full sentence into a vector space.
We use Infersent [35] to perform sentence embedding on our
data points. InferSent is a widely used sentence embedding
method that provides semantic sentence representations. The
(comment embedding, response embedding) pairs are then
passed to the binary classification model we built.
We used a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) as our base model.
The train, validation and test accuracy of the base model is
83%, 70% and 70% respectively. To test with robocalls we
take the following approach. We treat the questions asked
by RoboHalt as a comment and the transcripts from robocall
recordings as a response. However the base model performs
poorly when tested with robocalls. Since the model is not
specifically trained to recognize robocalls, the testing accuracy
decreases in this case.
We further fine-tune our base model to specifically recog-
nize robocalls and legitimate (human) calls. We assume that
human callers will be able to provide appropriate responses to
the questions whereas robocallers will not. Therefore we label
(question, robocall response) pairs as not appropriate and
(question, human response) pairs as appropriate to fine tune
our base model. To generate our not appropriate responses,
we use the dataset of robocalls described in Section 3.7.4. We
Table 2: Relevance Detector Results
First 10
First 20
First 30
First 40
Overall 91.02% 97.18% 98.32% 97.21%
Robocall 92.5% 98.46% 100% 98.49%
Human Call 87.23% 93.62% 93.62% 93.62%
take the first 30 words (as we let each response to be of at most
20 seconds) from each robocall transcript and pair it with both
relevance questions to form our not appropriate responses. In
this way we get 67 unique (question, robocall response) pairs.
Since this dataset is too small to fine tune a model and the
number of unique robocall messages is limited, we perform
data augmentation on the 67 unique robocall responses. For
each robocall response, we generate two more augmented
texts using the techniques in [31]. To generate the appropriate
pairs, for each question from the Relevance question pool we
use Quora [9] to collect appropriate human responses to these
questions. We augment the (question, human response) pairs
in the same way. Upon generating the appropriate and not
appropriate pairs we generate the sentence embedding pairs,
which are then passed to fine tune our base model. Table 2
shows the test accuracy of the fine-tuned model.
3.7.7 Repetition Detector
To build a repetition detector, a labeled dataset of repetition
pairs of human responses are required. However due to the
unavailability of such datasets, we collect segments of conver-
sation (current response, last response) pairs from Lenny [62]
recordings. Lenny is a bot (a computer program) which plays
a set of pre-recorded voice messages to interact with human
callers. Lenny is surprisingly effective in keeping the con-
versation going for tens of minutes. There are more than 600
publicly available call recordings where Lenny interacts with
human spammers (for e.g. telemarketers). During the conversa-
tion, Lenny asks the callers to repeat themselves multiple times.
Among 600+ publicly available call recordings, we randomly
selected 160 call recordings and manually transcribed the parts
where the callers have repeated themselves. Specifically, we
created 160 (current response, last response) pairs and assigned
them with the “appropriate” label. Since the telemarketers
talking to Lenny are humans, when asked to repeat themselves,
they provide a semantically correct answer, if not the exact
repetition of their last statement. We expect most legitimate
human callers to behave in a similar way. Robocallers on the
contrary are not expected to provide an appropriate response
when asked to repeat. To generate our “not appropriate” pairs,
for each last response, we randomly pick a response from the
Lenny transcripts which is not an appropriate repetition. In this
manner, we generate 160 “not appropriate” pairs. We extract
the following three features from the data points generated:
Cosine similarity: We calculate the cosine similarity
between current response and last response.
Word overlap: Upon removing stop words and punctuation,
Table 3: Repetition Detector Results
Robo Test
SVM 94% 82% 12.5%
Logistic Regression 93.6% 85% 12.5%
Random Forest 95% 86% 6.25%
XG Boost 95% 85% 9.4%
Neural Network 93.7% 83% 12.5%
we calculate the number of words that overlap between current
response and last response.
Named entity overlap: In information extraction, a named
entity is a real-world object, such as persons, locations, etc.,
that can be denoted with a proper name. We use Spacy [13]
to extract the named entities and then calculate the number of
overlapping named entities between current and last response.
These simple yet effective features allow us to determine
if a
is a semantic repetition of
using resource intensive machine learning models. We train 5
different classifiers using the above mentioned three features.
Table 3 shows the test accuracy and false positive rates for each
classifier. Table 3 also shows how the classifier performs on
the robocall test set. To generate the robocall test set we take
72 representative robocalls messages and generate (current
response, last response) pairs by setting the first sentence
and second sentence from the robocall messages as current
response and last response respectively. In this dataset, none of
the current responses are semantic repetitions of last responses
and hence these pairs should be labeled as “not appropriate”.
Since Random Forest has the highest robocall test accuracy
and lowest false positive rate, it is chosen to be the most
suitable classifier for the RD module.
3.7.8 Name Recognizer
This module is invoked by the controller when RoboHalt asks
the caller to provide the name of the callee. Name Recognizer
(NR) determines whether the correct name was spoken. The
user is allowed to set the name(s) that should be accepted as
correct by RoboHalt. Users may set multiple correct names
as a valid recipient of phone calls coming to their device. The
backbone of the NR module is a keyword spotting algorithm.
In our implementation we use Snowboy [12] to recognize the
name. We treat Snowboy as a blackbox, which when provided
with 3 audio samples, creates a model to detect the keyword.
We embedded the downloaded trained model with the NR
module to recognize the correct name(s). Since Snowboy
does not provide a confidence score, we set the accuracy of
Snowboy (0.83) as its fixed confidence score for every label.
3.7.9 Affirmative/Negative Intent Recognizer
A follow up question of “Who are you trying to reach?” is ask-
ing the caller to confirm the name. RoboHalt does this in two
ways, asking the caller to confirm by saying the correct name
or saying an incorrect name. For example, if the correct name
is Taylor, the virtual assistant will say, “Did you mean Taylor?”
and expect an affirmative answer from a human caller. An al-
ternative question is asking the caller to confirm the name by
intentionally saying an incorrect name, such as, “Did you mean
Tiffany?”. In this case RoboHalt expects a negative answer
from an human caller. Based on the question and the expected
response from the caller, Affirmative/Negative Intent Recog-
nizer labels a response from the caller as inappropriate or appro-
priate. To detect if the response is affirmative or negative, we
manually compile a list of affirmative (e.g. yes, yeah, true etc.)
and negative (e.g. no, not etc.) words. If an affirmative answer is
expected and the caller’s response contains any of the affirma-
tive words, it is labeled as an appropriate response. Similarly, if
a negative answer is expected and the caller’s response contains
any of the negative words, it is also labeled as an appropriate re-
sponse. All other cases are labelled as inappropriate responses.
3.7.10 Amplitude Detector
The Amplitude Detector module is invoked after RoboHalt
asks a caller to speak up. If the average amplitude of the
response audio is higher than the caller’s previous response by
an error margin, Amplitude Detector labels it as an appropriate
response and vice versa.
4 Evaluation
In this section, we report results of the evaluation we performed
to assess the accuracy of decisions made by RoboHalt. We
also conduct a red team style security analysis and discuss
attacks the red teams crafted in an attempt to evade RoboHalt.
By performing this analysis, we demonstrate RoboHalt’s
effectiveness against robocalls in our threat model. We also
discuss a user study that was conducted to evaluate its usability.
4.1 Security Analysis
We first report the effectiveness of RoboHalt against current
robocalls and a baseline attack in which the robocaller
randomly responds to its questions. We recruited a group of
graduate students with varying expertise in security analysis
who play the role of a robocaller. We had three red teams, Red
Team A, B and C, working independently of each other. Red
Team A consisted of two MS students and one PhD student.
Red Team B consisted of one MS student with expertise in
voice-based attacks. Red Team C consisted of a PhD student
who is an expert security tester. Red teams A and B attempted
black-box attacks. They were provided with unlimited access
to RoboHalt but not its implementation details. Red Team C
had knowledge of how the system works and crafted a grey
box attack discussed in the later sections. All red team attacks
were automated and no human interaction was present when
making calls to RoboHalt. Our red teams mainly crafted three
types of attacks discussed below.
Current Mass Robocall Attacks:
We define mass robocalls
as automated calls made by attackers who don’t have any
specific information, such as name of their target victim.
We provided Red Team A with 72 representative robocall
recordings from a corpus of 8000 real robocalls. The sample
was selected using the method described in Section 3.7.4. Red
Team A used the robocall recordings in various scenarios to
craft the black-box attacks on RoboHalt.
In the first experiment,Red Team A used the robocall record-
ings and played them as soon as RoboHalt picks up the call.
Each recording was played two times to make two independent
calls. Red Team A found that 95% of the 144 mass robocalls
were successfully blocked. In the second experiment, Red
Team A used the same robocall recordings. However, they did
not play the recordings as soon the call is picked up. Instead
the recordings were played after RoboHalt finishes saying the
greetings and asks the first question. This was done to simulate
the evasion technique many current robocallers use, where they
speak only after being spoken to, once the call is picked up.
Red Team A similarly used every recording two times to make
two independent calls and found that 94.5% of the 144 mass
robocalls were successfully blocked. Red Team A then con-
ducted additional experiments by increasing and decreasing
the playback speed of the audios and did not find any difference
in RoboHalt’s performance. Moreover, they played the shorter
robocall recordings in a loop and found similar success rate.
Red Team A reported that they could not find any pattern of cur-
rent mass robocalls which can be exploited to attack RoboHalt.
Random Response Robocalls Attack:
An attacker can
learn the questions asked by RoboHalt by interacting with
it multiple times. We measure the effectiveness of RoboHalt
against an adversary who randomly chooses a response to the
asked questions. To build this random response adversary, we
take the following approach. We create appropriate responses
for the questions from the question pool. For example, we
create the response “I am fine. for the question “How are you
doing?”. We assume that the random response adversary does
not craft targeted attacks, hence, does not know the correct
name. Therefore, we create the response, “I am trying to reach
Mike.” as an answer to the question “Who are you trying to
reach?", where Mike is a common name in the US. As an
appropriate response for the Hold question, the adversary
randomly chooses to pause for 5 to 10 seconds. Also, we don’t
create any response for the Repetition and Speak up questions
as these responses are related to the previous response. Once
the response pool is created, the adversary makes a call to
RoboHalt and then randomly chooses the number of questions
to answer. We assume that the adversary knows RoboHalt asks
2 to 5 questions and chooses between 2 to 5 responses.
The adversary set up by us made 300 calls to RoboHalt
where the followings choices were made randomly by the
adversary during each call: (i) the number of questions to
answer, (ii) the response to a certain question, and (iii) the
time interval between each response. 273 out of 300 calls were
blocked, yielding a blocking rate of 91% for attackers who
randomly guess responses to RoboHalt questions.
Baseline Evasive Robocall Attacks:
We define baseline
evasive robocallers as attackers who use information extracted
from interacting with RoboHalt to craft black-box attacks.
Red Team B was asked to launch the baseline evasive robocall
attacks. To do this, Red Team B interacted with RoboHalt
several times to extract information about which questions are
asked, the order and frequency of the questions. Based on this,
they created audios of appropriate responses to the questions.
For the Name Recognizer question, they used the callee names
“Jessica” and “William”. Forthe questions “What’s the weather
like?” and “How are you?”, they used “Great” as a general
answer. For the Context Detector question, the sentence
pattern they used is “I want to talk to CALLEE NAME”. Red
Team B realized that once the call is picked up, RoboHalt will
either ask the caller to hold briefly or ask questions directly.
They created several audios where some start with a pause and
others start with the responses to the questions. Red Team B
sorted the answers in different orders and created 10 different
audios. They used each audio 10 times to make 100 calls in
total and found that RoboHalt was successful in blocking 84%
of the evasive attacks. The only time the attack was successful
was when the order of the responses aligned perfectly with
the questions which happened 16% of the times. Since the
attacks were only successful by random chance, it can be said
that RoboHalt is effective against evasive attacks.
Targeted Robocall Attacks:
In targeted attacks, we assume
that robocallers know the name of the callee and use that infor-
mation to craft attacks. We conducted a limited scale targeted
attack on RoboHalt. First, we appended the audio, “I want to
reach Taylor" to the beginning of all of the 72 representative
robocall recordings. We used these newly created targeted
robocall recordings and made two calls for each recording to
RoboHalt. Out of the 144 targeted robocalls we made, 87%
of the calls were successfully blocked by RoboHalt.
Red Team B also crafted a targeted attack on RoboHalt.
A red team member used the same audio recordings used in
the evasive attack discussed above. For conducting targeted
attacks, we shared the correct name of the callee, “Taylor",
with red team B. Therefore, they used the correct name
“Taylor” instead of “Jessica" and “William" for the Name
recognizer question and kept the rest of the audios same as
the ones they used during the evasive attacks. Similar to the
evasive robocall attacks, they used the 10 audio recordings
10 times to make 100 calls in total and found that RoboHalt
was successful in blocking 82% of the targeted attacks.
Successful Attacks:
Red team B found that if a short generic
response such as “I want to talk to Jessica" is repeated for every
question, in most cases RoboHalt fails to block the call. This
occurs because such a short generic response is applicable for
manyquestions RoboHaltasks in the beginningof the call,such
as “How can I help you?", “Can you please hold?", “Can you
repeat?". This attack can be countered by adding a simple check
to see if the caller is saying the same thing over and over again.
NLP Equipped Evasive Robocall Attacks:
Red Team C
crafted a grey box attack on RoboHalt using NLP techniques.
The red team member had knowledge of the categories of ques-
tions asked and how the individual components and RoboHalt
as a whole work. Hence, we define this as a grey box attack.
To craft this attack, red team C used a Python websocket client
to automatically initiate calls with the RoboHalt web app and
download all of the audio files returned from the VA server. Af-
ter about 30 minutes of continuous running, Red Team C was
able to harvest a large portion of the audio prompts by the VA.
The red team member then ran all the prompts through AWS
Transcribe [3] to get the transcripts of the audio files and man-
ually clustered the transcripts and labeled the clusters based
off of the categories mentioned in Table 1 (Hold, Context Ex-
tractor, Name Recognizer, etc). After this, short and plausible
text-based responses were crafted for each cluster of questions
(such as “I am fine”, “The weather is nice today, etc.). They
then ran the text responses through AWS Polly [2] to build a
database of corresponding voice responses. After this initial
learning phase, calls were attempted. During the attack, a call
is initiated and the questions from RoboHalt are transcribed
in real-time using AWS Transcribe. After generating the tran-
script, the attacker labeled the given question with their respec-
tivequestion category, based on keywordsand phrase matching.
Finally, the attacker returned the appropriate response for each
question from the database of voice responses. The red team
member made 100 such calls and was able to evade RoboHalt
67% of the times. The attack was not successful the remaining
33 times because the attacker was not able to provide the appro-
priate response within reasonable time due to latency caused
by the transcription service. The red team member then crafted
a second attack where the attacker selects an appropriate re-
sponse as soon a keyword/phrase is matched, instead of waiting
for the whole transcription to finish. Using this optimization,
the red team member was able to achieve a 96% success rate.
The attack was not successful the remaining 4% of the times
because of transcription error caused by background noise.
: Red team C noticed that the success
of the attack heavily relied on the quality of the transcription.
Adversarial examples have been explored in the research
community where inputs can be specially designed to cause a
machine learning algorithm to produce a misclassification [26].
Recent work has showed that any given source audio sample
can be perturbed slightly so that an automatic speech
recognition (ASR) system would transcribe the audio as any
different target sentence [30, 57]. Hence, such techniques
could be used to perturb the audio prompts by the VA where
the audio is perceived by humans correctly while being
incorrectly transcribed by ASR systems. Moreover, since
robocall hit rates are extremely low, robocallers have to make
a massive number of calls for their scams to be profitable.
Therefore, adding advanced NLP capabilities at such a scale
will add significant cost and complexity to their infrastructure.
4.2 Comparison with Google Call Screen
Google Pixel phones include an automatic call screening fea-
ture that allows Google Assistant to pick up calls on the user’s
behalf and filter out spam calls. Since the goal of this feature
is similar in principle to our RoboHalt’s goal, we conducted
an experiment to better understand how Google Pixel’s call
screening works and to evaluate its performance in blocking
robocalls. To the best of our knowledge, Google Pixel’s call
screening features is a closed-source system with no detailed
documentation available to the public. Therefore, we per-
formed an initial exploratory black-box analysis to understand
how the system works. After some experimentation, we sus-
pected that the spam call filtering functionality relies primarily
on caller ID blocklists. To test this hypothesis, we devised an
experiment in which both benign and robocall-like calls were
made to a Google Pixel device from both legitimate and known-
spam phone numbers. We describe these experiments below.
Calls from legitimate phone numbers
: Since no ready-
to-use phone safelist is available, we collected a set of phone
numbers that can be considered as legitimate (i.e. non-spam)
by crawling the phone book. We gathered
around 200 phone numbers listed across 5 different major US
cities and 5 different business categories including doctors,
plumbers, restaurants, etc. The assumption is that the vast
majority of these businesses are legitimate entities unlikely
to engage in phone spam activity. We used Spoofcard [14] to
spoof these benign phone numbers. For each of the 200 phone
numbers, we made 3 calls to our own Google Pixel, each
simulating one of 3 different scenarios: benign conversation,
robocall message, and silence. Each of the calls we made
using the benign phone numbers were picked up by the Google
Assistant, as expected, which asked for the purpose of the call.
To simulate benign conversation, we randomly selected and
played an audio recording from a set of pre-recorded generic
phrases, such as “I am calling to make an appointment”. For
robocall message we randomly selected and played a robocall
recording from a set of 72 representative robocall recordings
chosen from a honeypot containing 8000 real robocall
recordings (same dataset used to analyze mass robocall attacks
in 4.1). For the last scenario, we stayed silent after the purpose
of the call was asked. We found out that none of these calls
were blocked by the Google Assistant, and were instead
forwarded to the user along with the transcription of the
recordings. For the silent calls, no transcription was shown. It
is important to notice that none of the 200 robocalls made from
benign phone numbers were blocked by Google Assistant,
even though the content of the calls was obviously spam. The
phone call records were not shared with Google’s server to
ensure low risk for the benign phone numbers we used.
Calls from spam phone numbers
: To confirm our hypoth-
esis that Google Call screen only relies on the caller ID to block
unwanted calls, we then conducted the same experiment with
known spam phone numbers. To gather a list of known spam
phone numbers, we extracted the most complained about 200
phone numbers reported by the FTC during the first week of
March 2022, and spoofed these numbers to make calls to our
Google Pixel during the first week of April 2022. We conducted
the same experiment with 3 call scenarios of benign conversa-
tion, robocall message, and silence for each of the 200 spam
numbers. We obtained the exact same result across the 3 differ-
ent scenarios. In each scenario, 52.2% of calls were blocked,
31.5% calls were forwarded to the user with a spam warning
and 16.5% of the calls were forwarded without any warning.
: The above results demonstrate that Google
Pixel’s call screening feature makes decisions on blocking or
forwarding a call based primarily on the caller ID, indepen-
dently of the content of the call. Therefore, robocalls with
spoofed benign or previously unseen caller IDs can evade
the Google Assistant without any additional effort. On the
other hand, our RoboHalt system does not solely rely on the
caller ID and can successfully block robocalls even when they
originate from a benign or unknown caller ID.
4.3 Usability Study
To explore the usability of RoboHalt, we conducted an
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved user study. In the
following, we first describe the study setup, its participants
and then discuss the results.
Study Setup:
Our study participants were 40 users who were
sampled from a population of grad and undergrad students,
their parents and other family members. All participants were
required to be above 18 years old and fluent in English. 20%
of our users were aged between 18-25 old, 30% were aged
between 25-35 years old, 24% were aged between 35-50 and
the rest were above 50 years old. 45% of users were female
and the rest were male. We collected information about phone
usage and previous experience regarding robocalls from our
users. 56% of our users use Android and the rest use iPhone.
Moreover, 35% of our users reported that they use some sort of
call blocking applications (e.g. Truecaller, Youmail etc.). 82%
of the users who use call blocking applications reported that
they never pick up calls labeled as suspicious/spam. Regarding
their previous experience of receiving robocalls, 39% of our
users reported that they receive one or more robocalls every
day and 53% of the users receive one or more robocalls every
week. However, the majority of these users don’t use call
blocking applications and are unprotected from robocallers.
We briefed the participants about the experiment and ex-
plained the purpose of RoboHalt. Due to the ongoing pandemic,
it was not safe to conduct an in-person user study. To ensure
that the user study avoids physical contact, we hosted RoboHalt
on a AWS server which can be accessed via a web interface. We
provideda URL to users which directed them to a web interface
in their browser. By clicking on a Start Call button, users ini-
tiate an interaction with RoboHalt. The users are able to talk to
RoboHalt through the microphone of their own device. In this
study, all users played the role of a caller and made four calls
on various given topics. Such a call took at most one minute.
Upon completing each call, users were provided with a set of
survey questions that focus on evaluating the user experience.
At the end of the user study, each user was asked three generic
questions about their overall experience with RoboHalt.
We performed two experiments, one where the callers know
the name of the callee and one where the caller doesn’t know
the name of the callee. During the first experiment, we preset
the correct name to be Taylor instead of having each user set
a name. We make this choice because the purpose of the user
study is to get insights about call experience in the presence
of a phone assistant, rather than testing the accuracy of the
keyword spotting algorithm. We recruited 30 out of 40 users
for this experiment and provided the following four topics to
make the four simulated phone calls: (i) make a movie plan,
(ii) make an appointment, (iii) plan a cruise vacation, and (iv)
make a call about car warranty. The topics are selected such
that it is natural for a phone call setting and common in real
life scenarios. We choose the last two topics to overlap with
robocall topics (free cruise and car warranty).
During the second experiment, the caller is either given an
incorrect name or no name at all. We recruited the remaining
10 users for this experiment. Since in a real life scenario most
legitimate human callers know the callee’s name, we have a
lower number of users playing the role of a caller who does
not know the callee. The following are the call topics of the
three calls made by the callers during the experiment: (i) play
role of telemarketer to sell a computer, (ii) conduct a survey
on robocalls, (iii) call friend Robert to meet for lunch, and
(iv) call Jordan about car warranty. The caller is not given any
name in the first two topics and is given an incorrect name
in the last two topics. Since RoboHalt requires human-like
interaction to forward a call, it is expected that the calls will
be forwarded even if the caller doesn’t know the correct name.
This ensures that calls from first-time legitimate callers who
don’t know the name of the callee are not blocked.
4.3.1 User Study Survey Results
In this section we present the results obtained from the user
responses to the survey questions. After each call the users
were asked the following four questions. The user responses
to these questions are summarized in Figure 3
Question 1: The conversation with RoboHalt felt natural.
Question 2: I was able to answer the questions asked by
RoboHalt without difficulty.
Question 3: The number of questions I answered was
Question 4: The time I spent interacting with RoboHalt
before my call was forwarded/blocked is acceptable.
Figure 3(a) demonstrates that most of the users reported that
the conversation with RoboHalt felt natural. Only 13.5% of the
times users reported that the conversation did not feel natural.
We collected additional feedback about their experience and
asked for suggestions from the users during the study. The
users who felt that the conversation was not natural, mentioned
that when they responded to how they were or how the weather
was, they also asked the virtual assistant the same question.
However, RoboHalt did not respond to their question and
moved on to ask the next question. It is understandable because
(a) Question 1 (b) Question 2
(c) Question 3 (d) Question 4
Figure 3: User Responses
RoboHalt is not designed to respond to the caller’s questions.
This feedback from the users was useful and could be incorpo-
rated in future work. Figure 3(b) demonstrates that most of the
users (80%) were able to answer the questions asked by Robo-
Halt without difficulty. The additional feedback collected from
our users showed that 4 out of 50 users mentioned that they
felt unfamiliar with the system and had difficulty answering
the questions during the first call. However, after making one
or two calls, they became familiar and were able to answer
the questions with ease. We also asked users if the number of
questions they had to answer was acceptable. Only 5% of users
reported that it was not acceptable (Figure 3(c)). We found out
that these users had to answer five questions before a decision
about their call was made. Moreover, we computed the number
of questions RoboHalt asked during its interaction with our
users and found that in 70% of the cases, RoboHalt made a de-
cision by asking up to three questions. Hence, 80% of the users
reported that the number of questions they had to answer was
acceptable. Figure 3(d) further shows that only 8.7% of users
felt that the time they spent interacting with the virtual assistant
before their call was forwarded/blocked is not acceptable.
After the end of the experiment, each user was asked the
following three questions regarding their overall experience
with RoboHalt. The user responses to these questions are
summarized in Figure 4.
Question 5: It was easy to interact with the RoboHalt.
Question 6: I felt comfortable with RoboHalt intervening
phone calls.
Question 7: I think I would like to use a system equipped
with such a virtual assistant frequently.
As shown in Figure 4(a), 83.8% of user study participants
reported that it was easy to interact with RoboHalt. Moreover,
85% of participants reported that they felt comfortable with
RoboHalt intercepting the calls (Figure 4(b)) and 88.7%
reported that they would like to use the system frequently
(Figure 4(c)).
4.3.2 RoboHalt Performance During User Study
During the user study, we computed the number of questions
users had to answer and the time they spent interacting with
RoboHalt before a decision about the call was made. We found
that for 30% calls, users answered two questions. Also, users
answered three questions for 40% calls. In only 15% of the
cases, RoboHalt asked five questions before a decision was
made. Moreover, users spent an average of 23.8 seconds with
a median of 19 seconds interacting with RoboHalt. The max-
imum latency a user experienced before a decision about their
call was made is 90 seconds. We further investigated which
questions performed better during the user study. We found
that most users were asked the Hold question during their inter-
action and the Silence Detector module labeled the responses
correctly every time. The Relevance questions also performed
well during the user study, which were only mislabeled for
7% of the calls. Moreover, Context Extractor and Repetition
questions incurred an error rate of 12% and 13%, respectively.
We noticed that mislabeling in Repetition only occurred when
the statement from the user produced an incorrect transcription.
During the user study, the Name Recognizer performed the
worst, yielding an error rate of 23%. This is expected since
we utilized Snowboy’s personal model in our implementation,
where the model is trained using only one person’s audio
recordings. However, since RoboHalt does not heavily rely
on one specific module, it can correctly label human callers de-
spite mislabeling by individual modules. We further describe
the effectiveness of each module in the following sections.
4.4 Measuring False Positives
To compute false positives, we use the data collected during
the user study. 40 users made 160 calls in total and only 13 calls
were blocked, yielding an overall false positive rate of 8.1% .
We further investigated calls that were mistakenly blocked and
found that in 10 out of the 13 (76.9%) calls, the user kept silent
and didn’t answer all the questions, hence the calls were mis-
labeled. This is expected because RoboHalt blocks calls when
human-like interaction is not detected. We also investigated if
not knowing the right callee name incurs a higher false positive
rate. Among the 40 calls made by users who did not know the
correct name, 3 calls were blocked. Hence the false positive
rate (7.5%) remained similar. Thus, RoboHalt is not heavily
dependent on a caller knowing the name of the callee. We also
investigated if call topics had any effect on their blocking. Two
of our call topics in the user study overlapped with robocall
topics (free cruise and vehicle warranty). 70 calls were made
by users regarding these topics and only 6 calls were blocked,
yielding a false positive rate of 8.6%. It is important to note
that these 6 calls are the same calls where the users did not
respond to all questions. Therefore, it can be concluded that
RoboHalt is not biased towards specific keywords and does
not block calls when it detects such keywords.
While 8.1% false positives may seem high for security ap-
plications, we find that most of the false positives occur when
callers do not respond to the questions asked by RoboHalt.
(a) Question 5 (b) Question 6 (c) Question 7
Figure 4: User Responses (contd.)
We found that in all the cases where users kept silent, it was
their first or second time interacting with the system. Since
each user made 4 calls, users who were initially silent became
familiar with the system by the third call and answered all
questions. If we only consider the third and fourth calls, false
positive rate drops to 5% (4 out of 80 calls). Thus, as users
become accustomed to RoboHalt, we expect the false positive
rate to further decrease. Also, it is important to note that false
positives only impact calls from numbers that are not in the
callee’s contact list. Given that false positive calls are redi-
rected to voicemail (which is similar to the callee not picking
up the call), the user will be notified of the call with a transcript.
Since users often do not pick up calls from unknown caller
IDs, the cost of a RoboHalt false positive is expected to be low.
4.5 Effectiveness of RoboHalt’s Components
RoboHalt uses an ensemble of ML models. We explore the
performance of the 8 sub-modules during RoboHalt’s handling
of both legitimate and robocalls. For legitimate callers, we uti-
lized the data collected during our user study and observed how
each individual component performs in labeling the responses
(see Section 4.3.2). For interaction with robocallers, we
made 72 representative robocalls to RoboHalt and measured
the performance of each individual sub-module in labeling
them. Table 4 summarizes the accuracy of each sub-module.
Silence Detector (SD) always labels human responses very
accurately, however it incurs a lower accuracy for robocallers.
This is caused by short length robocalls where the robocaller
stays silent when the Hold question is asked. Since the SD
module finds silence as a response, it mislabels the robocaller.
Repetition Detector incurs a higher error rate for legitimate
callers because of transcription errors. However, it has a higher
accuracy for robocallers, as they do not repeat themselves.
Name Recognizer has a 100% accuracy for robocallers, since
robocall messages didn’t include the correct name. However, it
has lower accuracy for legitimate callers. It is important to note
that,RoboHalt’s ensemble design ensures that it does not solely
rely on one component. Therefore, its overall performance re-
mains high even when individual components mislabel callers.
5 Discussion and Limitations
Our evaluation shows RoboHalt is effective against both cur-
rent mass robocallers and more sophisticated robocallers that
might emerge in the future. However, there are some limita-
tions. RoboHalt cannot block calls from an AI-equipped robo-
caller who comprehends its questions and responds accord-
Table 4: Accuracy of Sub-modules
Legitimate Caller Robocaller
Silence Detector
100% 85%
Context Detector
88% 89%
Elaboration Detector
98% 87%
Relevance Detector
93% 90%
Repetition Detector
87% 93%
Name Recognizer
77% 100%
Aff./Neg. Detector
97% 100%
Amplitude Detector
92% 84%
ingly. However,deploying such AI-enabled robocallers at scale
can be expensive and resource-intensive. RoboHalt is also not
designed to protect against unwanted human callers. Therefore,
spam campaigns that use human callers cannot be stopped by
RoboHalt. Again, hiring human callers can also be expensive.
RoboHalt does not intercept calls from safelisted callers. It
may be possible for robocallers to spoof a phone number from
the victim’s contact list to bypass our defense. However, to
craft such an attack, robocallers need to obtain a large number
of contact lists and target each individual user. Since robocall
conversion rates are extremely low, robocallers have to make a
massive number of calls to be profitable. Such targeted attacks
at scale will increase their cost significantly.
Our user study was limited to 40 users. We hope the results
of the study would be applicable to the general population
but further studies may be needed. Our experiments were
conducted with a specific name set as the correct name. Since
keyword spotting algorithm evaluation is out of our scope, we
did not conduct experiments with a broader range of names.
Also, RoboHalt is not designed to answer questions from
callers and the natural flow of the conversation may not always
be maintained, as was pointed out by some of our users.
6 Conclusion
RoboHalt is a smartphone virtual assistant that aims to
automatically detect and block robocalls before they reach
the user. We presented the design of RoboHalt and explored
if it can be effective against mass, targeted, and evasive
robocallers. We developed a proof-of-concept system, hosted
it on an AWS server and conducted a user study to assess its
usability. The results from the user study demonstrate that
RoboHalt can preserve user experience and at the same time
keep the false positive rate low. We recruited multiple red
teams with varying levels of expertise who crafted attacks
against RoboHalt. Our red teams reported that 95% of the
mass robocalls were successfully blocked. The red teams also
tried more sophisticated robocalls and found that RoboHalt
was successful against 82% of evasive attacks.
In future work, we plan to explore if RoboHalt can ask ques-
tions dynamically, instead of choosing from a fixed question
pool. Similar to a chatbot [41], RoboHalt can carry a more nat-
ural conversation with the caller. The responses can be created
using text generation. We anticipate that such a method would
further improve robustness and enhance user experience.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their
constructive comments and suggestions on how to improve
this paper, and the red team members for their valuable
contributions to the evaluation of our system. This material
is based in part upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) under grants No. CNS-1514035 and
CNS-1514052. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.
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