Management Plan
Guide 2.0
January 2022
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
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Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Organization ............................................................................................................ 4
1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Background ............................................................................................................................. 4
3. Supersession ........................................................................................................................... 4
4. Document Management and Maintenance ............................................................................ 5
Chapter 2: Introduction to Distribution Management .............................................................. 6
Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
1. Intra-agency Coordination ....................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Introduction to Distribution Management Plans .................................................... 9
Overview …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Submission ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Guiding Principles ........................................................................................................................... 9
1. Technical Assistance Resources .......................................................................................... 11
Supply Chain Resilience ............................................................................................... 11
Logistics Capability Assistance Tool 2 (LCAT2) .......................................................... 11
FEMA Regional Technical Assistance.......................................................................... 12
Exercising a DM Plan ............................................................................................................ 12
Chapter 4: Components of a Distribution Management Plan ................................................ 14
Overview …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
1. Define Requirements ............................................................................................................... 14
1.1 Research Pre-existing Data ......................................................................................... 15
1.2 Conduct Incident-Specific Analysis.............................................................................. 16
1.3 Generic Planning Factors ............................................................................................. 16
1.4 Considerations for Refining the Requirement ............................................................ 16
2. Order Resources ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Existing Internal Capability and Stocks ....................................................................... 18
2.2 Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) ................................................................................ 18
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
2.3 Partnership ................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Contracting ................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Voluntary Organizations Active in a Disaster (VOADs) ............................................... 21
2.6 Faith-based and Community Organizations ................................................................ 21
2.7 Interstate Request Process ......................................................................................... 21
2.8 Donations ...................................................................................................................... 22
2.9 Federal Request Process ............................................................................................. 22
3. Distribution Methods ............................................................................................................ 23
3.1 Direct Distribution ........................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Commodity Points of Distribution (C-PODs) ................................................................ 24
3.3 Transition Plan .............................................................................................................. 26
4. Inventory Management ........................................................................................................ 26
4.1 Resource Tracking ........................................................................................................ 26
5. Transportation ...................................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Modes of Transportation.............................................................................................. 28
5.2 Strategic Considerations .............................................................................................. 29
5.3 Empty Trailer Management ......................................................................................... 30
5.4 Shuttle Fleet ................................................................................................................. 30
5.5 Cross Docking……………………………………………………………………………………………………31
6. Staging ................................................................................................................................. 31
6.1 Models .......................................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Types of Staging Areas ................................................................................................. 35
6.3 Establishing a Staging Site .......................................................................................... 35
6.4 C-POD Operations ......................................................................................................... 37
7. Demobilization...................................................................................................................... 37
7.1 Triggers and Indicators ................................................................................................ 38
7.2 Property Reconciliation ................................................................................................ 38
7.3 Right-Sizing the Mission ............................................................................................... 38
7.4 Organizational Shutdown ............................................................................................. 39
7.5 Reimbursement ............................................................................................................ 39
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
7.6 Final Records and Reporting ....................................................................................... 39
7.7 Clean and Replenish Kits ............................................................................................. 39
Appendix A. Acronym List ........................................................................................................ 40
Appendix B: Glossary............................................................................................................... 43
Appendix C. Technical Assistance and Resources ................................................................. 45
Appendix D. FEMA Relief Supply Chain Map .......................................................................... 47
CONUS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47
OCONUS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48
Appendix E. Defense Production Act (DPA) ............................................................................. 50
Requesting DPA Priority Ratings .................................................................................................. 50
Establishing a Voluntary Agreement ............................................................................................ 51
Appendix F. Inventory Management Form .............................................................................. 53
INVENTORY MANGEMENT FORM ................................................................................................. 53
Appendix G. Demobilization Checklist .................................................................................... 54
Appendix H. Evaluation Sheet and Review Checklist ............................................................. 56
Distribution Management Plan Guide Review Checklist ............................................................. 58
Appendix I. Distribution Management Plan Template ............................................................ 60
How to use this template .......................................................................................................... 60
Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Scope ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61
Technical Assistance
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Chapter 1: Organization
1. Purpose
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0 (DMPG 2.0)
provides actionable guidance for state,
local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) agencies, private-sector and nonprofit partners, and the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to effectively and efficiently distribute critical resources to
disaster survivors in the community. Collaboration among these stakeholders supports supply chain
augmentation during a response operation.
The DMPG 2.0 introduces the concept of distribution management, guidance for developing and
maintaining a Distribution Management Plan (DM Plan), and the components of DM Plans. The
organization of the DMPG 2.0 includes:
Chapter 2: Introduction to Distribution Management
Chapter 3: Introduction to Distribution Management Plans
Chapter 4: Components of a Distribution Management Plan
The actions described in the DMPG 2.0 will not necessarily be completed in every incident, nor does
it exhaustively describe every activity that may be required. Local, state, tribal, and territorial officials
and nonprofit and private sector partners must use judgment and discretion to determine the most
appropriate actions at the time of the incident.
2. Background
In 2019, the program requirements for the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
were updated to require that recipients’ Emergency Operations Plans include a DM Plan. The DMPG
2.0 provides information on how to develop a DM Plan, the key components of a DM Plan, how to
review and update a DM Plan, and how FEMA reviews and evaluates DM Plans. Lessons learned
during the unprecedented Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2019 and 2020 hurricane seasons,
and recent wildfires illustrated the complexity of planning for and establishing temporary distribution
management systems that can rapidly source, track, transport, stage, and distribute critical
emergency supplies to disaster survivors.
3. Supersession
The DMPG 2.0 replaces the existing Distribution Management Plan Guide published in 2019. The
revised DMPG incorporates lessons learned and best practices from recent response operations and
provides new tools to assist with distribution management.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
4. Document Management and Maintenance
The FEMA Office of Response and Recovery (ORR), Office of Doctrine and Policy is responsible for the
management and maintenance of this document. Comments and feedback from FEMA personnel
and stakeholders regarding this document should be directed to the Office of Policy and Doctrine at
FEMA HQ at FEMA-ORR-Doctrine@FEMA.DHS.gov.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Chapter 2: Introduction to
Distribution Management
This chapter describes the concept of distribution management and the various coordination
opportunities that exist to share information and engage SLTTs.
Distribution management is an activity that encompasses all organizations, processes, systems, and
tools used to move commodities from one location to another to quickly deliver resources to disaster
survivors. Large-scale disasters often disrupt normal supply chains, triggering the need for temporary
relief supply chains that address critical emergency supplies such as food, water, and fuel. This
temporary distribution management system is managed by SLTT agencies or voluntary, faith-based,
or community-based organizations. Distribution management at the SLTT level includes:
End-to-end commodity and resource management.
Warehouse and transportation operations to effectively and efficiently distribute supplies to
staging areas and distribution points.
Provision of equipment and services to support operational requirements.
A mechanism for supplies and commodities to be provided to survivors.
As with disaster response, distribution management is locally executed, state-managed, and
federally supported. SLTT governments play a large role in establishing and maintaining logistics
capacity to effectively manage and employ FEMA resources.
The distribution management function is used to move commodities and resources to prepare for,
respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of an incident; enable restoration of private sector
distribution; and supplement or augment a relief supply chain. FEMA’s distribution management
function supports SLTTs in closing gaps and building capabilities. At the Federal level, distribution
management includes:
Managing a comprehensive relief supply chain, including warehouse operations where FEMA
receives, stores, and issues commodities and equipment; and transportation operations to
effectively distribute supplies, equipment, and services in response to domestic disasters
and emergencies.
Establishing commercial contracts and agreements with multiple public and private sector
partners to provide additional support.
Setting up incident support bases and federal staging areas to quickly deliver resources to
disaster survivors.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Coordinating situational awareness of disaster impacts to supply chain networks to aid in
developing interventions to expedite restoration of private sector distribution and target
emergency management efforts.
FEMA's DMPG 2.0 enables unity of effort among resource coordination and movement from the
incident, regional, and national levels.
1. Intra-agency Coordination
FEMA’s Logistics Management Directorate (LMD) collaborates extensively with other FEMA
components to provide opportunities for SLTT engagement and information sharing. Through this
process, FEMA components provide technical expertise and logistical support for EMPG recipients.
Table 1 highlights examples of types of support between LMD and other FEMA components at
different points during the distribution management process.
Table 1. Examples of Intra-agency Distribution Management Coordination
FEMA Component Coordination Opportunities
FEMA Regions
Provides technical assistance to improve emergency
management capabilities. This technical assistance includes in-
person workshops and opportunities for peer-to-peer learning
on emerging, cross-cutting, or complex topics.
FEMA Integration Teams
Provides technical and training assistance on the Federal
Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) programs and
continuous on-site support to the state. FIT represents FEMA’s
commitment to reducing the complexity of FEMA programs
through direct staff engagement on emergency management
with the state.
Office of Business,
Supports coordination with private sector partners and
Industry, and
Supports lifeline stabilization and access to critical services.
Integration (OB3I)
Provides situational awareness of ongoing efforts to engage the
private sector through the National Business Emergency
Operations Center.
Cultivates and advocates for private sector integration with
Field Operations
Coordinates effective and efficient availability and deployments
Directorate (FOD)
to ensure FEMA is able to help people before, during, and after
Organizes the incident workforce and provides field leadership.
Ensures training and qualifications of the incident workforce,
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
FEMA Component Coordination Opportunities
National Exercise
Provides exercise assistance to Regions, to help state, local,
Division (NED)
tribal and territorial (SLTT) partners in designing, developing,
and exercising exercises to test Distribution Management Plans
(DM Plans).
National Integration
Provides planning technical assistance, to include supply chain
Center (NIC)
collaborative technical assistance that helps local emergency
managers explore and understand supply chains and support
private-public collaboration for catastrophic incidents.
Office of the Chief
Counsel (OCC)
Provides subject matter expertise for creating memorandums
of understanding (MOU).
Office of the Chief
Procurement Officer
Coordinates with contracted private sector partners.
Office of External Affairs
Develops appropriate messaging to answer stakeholder and
media questions around distribution plans happening in
Recovery Directorate
Supports recovery support function (RSF) operations.
Promotes resource capabilities identified by SLTT and private
sector partners.
Promotes increased situational awareness through established
communications channels with SLTT and private sector
Coordinates with Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) to address
the needs of disproportionately impacted populations and
disaster survivors.
Response Directorate
Provides expertise on distribution management needs and
capabilities to support lifeline stabilization.
Office of Policy and Provides support to direct Defense Production Act (DPA)
Program Analysis (OPPA) resources.
Provides support to identify partners interested in the DPA.
Provides support for updating LMD policies and strategies.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Chapter 3: Introduction to
Distribution Management Plans
This chapter contains an introduction to DM Plans, including the guiding principles for development.
These tools assist SLTTs and their partners to better understand the needs and gaps of their
communities to create a more effective DM Plan.
A DM Plan establishes strategies, functional plans, and tactical guidance for SLTT logistical response
operations. These plans cover staging sites and operations, logistical support services and
personnel, information management, transportation of resources to point of need, commodity points
of distribution (C-PODs), inventory management, resource sourcing, and demobilization.
DM Plans include sections with information on the following seven components:
1. Define Requirements
2. Order Resources
3. Distribution Methods
4. Inventory Management
5. Transportation
6. Staging
7. Demobilization
Per the 2021 Preparedness Grants Manual, EMPG recipients are required to submit their DM Plan to
the Regional Grants Office along with the Q3 (quarter ending September 30) Periodic Performance
Report (PPR) of their most recent EMPG award. The Regional Grants Office coordinates with Regional
Logistics Staff to review and evaluate the DM Plan using the standard criteria in Appendix H. Regions
provide recipients with additional feedback and technical assistance as necessary to ensure
continual progress and improvement of the DM Plan for the next annual submission.
Guiding Principles
Guiding principles for DM Plan development enable SLTT partners to strengthen capabilities before a
disaster, which enhances the effectiveness of resource distribution to survivors after a disaster.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Having distribution procedures ready minimizes the time required to distribute commodities to
survivors. When developing a DM Plan, consider the guiding principles outlined in Table 2.
Table 2. Guiding Principles for Distribution Management Plan Development
Guiding Principles for
Management Plan
Remain SLTT focused
State, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT)-led distribution
management provides clear direction and expected outcomes.
Emergency management is locally executed, state managed,
and federally supported when requested and appropriate.
Collaborate with the
Partnership between SLTT partners, private sector, the
whole community
Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), and
nonprofits can bridge gaps until normal supply chain systems
are restored. Improved communication among all responsible
parties mitigates the risk of artificial demand and ensures that
the jurisdictions place teams and critical commodities in areas
that support survivors and communities. Involving the whole
community will most effectively re-establish the normal supply
chains, minimizing the dependence for relief supply chains.
Equity for underserved
Work with whole community partners to identify resource gaps
for underserved and historically marginalized people.
Develop strategies for making sure critical commodities and
resources are distributed equitably.
Explore and develop
Consider implementing new ways to establish Commodity
best practices to get
Points of Distribution (C-PODs), identify ingress and egress
resources directly to
routes, and leverage traffic patterns.
Develop innovative messaging to inform the public of resource
Identify isolated populations and develop creative solutions to
deliver supplies.
Develop innovative and accessible messaging to inform the
public of resource locations.
Identify gaps and
Consider conducting a risk analysis within each DM Plan
component to identify gaps and shortfalls that may emerge
during an incident.
Analyze emerging risks from climate change that are causing
larger and more frequent disaster incidents.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
1. Technical Assistance Resources
Several resources and tools already exist to help develop a DM Plan. These include the Supply Chain
Resilience Guide and the Logistics Capability Assistance Tool 2 (LCAT2). Additionally, specific
functional guides cover staging operations, transportation management, C-POD operations, inventory
management, and tracking and acquisition are also available.
Appendix C provides a complete list of
available resources and technical assistance.
Supply Chain Resilience
FEMA’s Supply Chain Resilience Guide provides emergency managers and planners at every level
with a basic introduction to supply chains. Supply chain resilience is key to disaster response.
Successful SLTT distribution management planning depends on a clear understanding of pre-
incident private sector supply chain norms and flows. If emergency managers understand
fundamental network behaviors, they can help avoid unintentional suppression and create
intentional enhancement of supply chain resilience.
Supply Chain
The socio-technical network that identifies, targets, and fulfills demand. It is the process of
deciding what, when, and how much should move to where.
Source: FEMA Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Understanding a jurisdiction’s supply chain can have a great impact on emergency plans and
planning. The Supply Chain Resilience Guide helps emergency managers think through the
challenges and opportunities presented by supply chain resilience and provides specific suggestions
on research, accessible outreach, and action.
SLTT emergency managers use the FEMA Supply Chain Resilience Guide to map, analyze, conduct
outreach, take appropriate actions, and assess and refine private sector supply chain resilience
activities. DM Plans should not detract from or impede recovery of surviving private sector capability.
The relief supply chain efforts and supporting distribution plan should focus on filling the gaps in the
private sector supply chains.
Appendix D provides an example of the relief supply chain.
Logistics Capability Assistance Tool 2 (LCAT2)
The LCAT2 is a transferrable tool for use by SLTT governments that encourages collaboration among
multiple stakeholders to assess core logistics functions, identify strengths and relative weaknesses,
and focus efforts for continued improvement within disaster response logistics. The LCAT2 was
designed by FEMA logistics experts to provide SLTT emergency managers with a comprehensive
understanding of their logistics capabilities. LCAT2 is formatted as an Excel file within a web-based
program that prompts a series of questions. The tool aggregate answers to produce a set of graphs
that identify logistics strengths and opportunities for improvement.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
SLTT governments have the option to participate in LCAT2 workshops. These workshops average 1.5-
2 days in length and are held in person or virtually. Workshops are led by a facilitation team that
includes staff from FEMA Regions Logistics Support and FEMA Headquarters ORR/Logistics Plans.
Upon completion of the workshop, a FEMA team will assist with all administrative support and
provide a confidential written Analysis Report based upon the assessment conducted during the
workshop. The Analysis Report details the validated measurement criteria that the SLTT submitted
during the assessment, which evaluated the SLTT’s overall logistics capabilities in the preparedness
and response and recovery areas. The Analysis Report documents a better understanding of the
SLTT’s readiness to respond to disasters, assesses strengths and weaknesses, and identifies areas
for improvement.
The LCAT2 enables an unbiased assessment of the SLTT logistics capabilities, by:
Evaluating current SLTT disaster logistics readiness.
Identifying areas for targeted improvement.
Developing a roadmap to mitigate weaknesses and further enhance strengths.
For more information on the LCAT2, contact your FEMA Regional Logistics Branch Chief.
FEMA Regional Technical Assistance
FEMA Regions support SLTTs through various forms of technical assistance including, periodic
engagement sessions to discuss DM Plan requirements, logistical support, in-person workshops, and
opportunities for peer-to-peer learning on emerging, cross-cutting, or complex topics.
For example, Region IV conducts monthly logistics calls and focus groups with states to discuss
challenges in a group setting. Although solutions are often state specific, the goal is to create or
identify shared solutions that can be captured in DM Plan development.
Other forms of technical assistance include reviewing past After-Action Reports (AAR) from previous
incidents to incorporate best practices and/or assigning a Lead Logistics Planner to each state or
2. Exercising a DM Plan
Exercises help build preparedness for threats and hazards by providing a low-risk, cost-effective
environment to test and validate plans, policies, procedures, processes, and capabilities. Exercises
also enable participants to identify resource requirements, capability and accessibility gaps,
strengths, areas for improvement, and best practices. Conducting exercises provide SLTTs with an
opportunity to test and validate their DM Plans. FEMA offers design, development, facilitation, and
evaluation support for individual exercises to SLTT and other whole community partners.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Exercising DM Plans creates an opportunity for SLTTs to determine how effective the plan is, identify
any gaps, and validate if the DM Plan is realistic enough to implement. Best practices for designing
an exercise to test DM Plans include:
Conducting workshops and facilitated discussions on how to create and validate DM Plans
and training, review existing plans, and discuss ways to improve the DM Plan
Coordinating with FEMA Integration Team (FIT) personnel
Incorporating the use of private sector resources
Providing DM Plan samples and examples to support DM Plan development
Joint Full-Scale Exercise: State of Ohio and FEMA
The State of Ohio has exercised side by side with FEMA in the full-scale exercise Eagle
Rising to Point of Distribution Operations downstream of a Federal Staging Area practicing
the receipt of commodities and establishment of burn rates. The state invited FEMA
regional logistics to observe State Staging Areas exercising with public-private partnerships
to supply local PODs.
Collaborating with the National Guard
Louisiana conducts statewide Point of Distribution (POD) exercises to train the Louisiana
National Guard (LANG) on how to operate both a POD and the state component of the supply
chain, in a robust and effective manner. LANG controls the state’s supply chain as it relates to C-
PODs, staging areas, and distribution management. LANG has organic capability to develop and
execute annual exercises and conduct internal training to prepare units for upcoming hurricane
Figure 1. C-POD Layout
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Chapter 4: Components of a
Distribution Management Plan
This chapter provides detailed information on the main components of a Distribution Management
This section provides detail on the seven components of a DM Plan:
1) Define Requirements
2) Order Resources
3) Distribution Methods
4) Inventory Management
5) Transportation
6) Staging
7) Demobilization
1. Define Requirements
Some requirements can be identified prior to an incident based on the jurisdiction’s hazard analysis,
previous situations and operations, demographic profiles, communities’ data, and modeling.
Planning models and matrices help determine the resources necessary to assist affected
Resource requirements may exceed a jurisdiction’s capability to manage resource distribution. A
best practice is to order the number of resources that align with a jurisdiction’s ability to store and
distribute them because sending too many resources into a disaster area can hamper the response.
While generic planning factors may be used initially, jurisdictions should refine the requirement
based on demand for meals, water, mass care supplies, transportation of the resources, and an
understanding of private sector capacity and capabilities.
To ensure response efforts do not impede rapid recovery, engaging with the private sector helps
understand the established baseline (blue sky) norms, pre-disaster supply chain flow, and how
disasters impede this flow.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
SLTT agencies can leverage data sets such as FEMA’s LCAT2 to identify potential requirement needs.
Additionally, the DM Plan evaluation criteria can serve as a checklist for meeting plan requirements.
For example, following the severe winter storm in 2021, Texas worked with Region VI to review what
occurred during the winter storms versus what was outlined in the state’s DM Plan. This opportunity
allowed Texas to examine transportation shortfalls, major chokepoints, and secondary sites
1.1 Research Pre-existing Data
A critical first step in developing a robust distribution plan is to conduct an unbiased assessment of
the SLTT logistics capabilities. For example, leveraging the Department of Homeland Security’s
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) supply chain vulnerability assessments and
the Supply Chain Analysis Network (SCAN) can help to identify potential challenges in distribution
The following sources and tools, although not required, provide mechanisms to research and collect
pre-existing data:
LCAT2: LCAT2 helps SLTT organizations conduct self-assessments to determine their
readiness to respond to disasters. The survey-style tool provides a detailed assessment of
core logistics functions, helps jurisdictions identify specific strengths and weaknesses, and
constructs a systematic roadmap for SLTTs to improve current logistics processes and
Deliberative Plans and Historical Data: Models or scientific data for planning factors may
already be used by your jurisdiction; these agreed-upon factors provide realistic information
for resource requirements. Data models and planning factors should account for the
emerging risks of climate change which amplifies the impacts of annual planning threats.
Reviewing previous distribution and burn rates, after-action reports, and lessons learned
reports may provide insight to developing resource requirements.
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA): The THIRA helps
communities understand their risks and determine the level of capability that they need to
address those risks. The outputs of this process lay the foundation for determining a
community’s capability gaps as part of the Stakeholder Preparedness Review.
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201 provides guidance for conducting a THIRA
and Stakeholder Preparedness Review.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA): A HIRA provides the factual basis for
activities proposed in the strategy portion of a hazard mitigation plan. An effective risk
assessment informs proposed actions by focusing attention and resources on the greatest
risks. The four basic components of a risk assessment are 1) hazard identification, 2)
profiling of hazards, 3) inventory of assets, and 4) estimation of potential human and
economic losses based on the exposure and vulnerability of people, buildings, and
infrastructure. For more detailed guidance on the process to complete a multi-hazard risk
assessment, work with your State Hazard Mitigation Officer or see FEMA’s State Mitigation
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Plan Review Guide, Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide, Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide,
or Local Mitigation Planning Handbook.
Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP): Managed by the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), the RRAP is a voluntary, non-regulated interagency assessment of critical
infrastructure resiliency in a designated geographic region. Each year DHS, with input and
guidance from Federal and state partners, selects several projects for the RRAP that focus
on specific infrastructure sectors within defined geographic areas and address all-hazard
threats that could result in regionally and/or nationally significant consequences.
FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC): The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the
official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP). Use the map service enter to find official flood map, access a
range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding
flood risk.
County, Municipality, or Parish Profiles: County, municipality, and parish profiles are a
compilation of selected economic, geographic, and demographic data that can be utilized to
determine resource needs. These profiles typically provide a statistical snapshot of
information related to development tracking, employment, transportation, and community
1.2 Conduct Incident-Specific Analysis
Based on demographics and impacted populations, the initial distribution network should effectively
support and distribute resources to survivors in the jurisdiction. An overall 72 or 96-hour
requirement drives the scale and scope of the SLTT staging areas, transportation requirements, and
C-PODs. Jurisdictions develop initial distribution network requirements by using the pre-existing data
and various tools to conduct incident-specific analysis. Some tools include the private
sector/Business Emergency Operation Centers (BEOCs), modeling tools, and geo-enabled tools (e.g.,
geographic information system [GIS]).
1.3 Generic Planning Factors
If deliberate plans are not available, generic FEMA planning factors of two meals and three liters of
water per person of the impacted population each day can be used. Customize the planning factors
based on impact population (e.g., 10, 20, or 75 percent) relative to the characteristics and/or
intensity of the incident (e.g., hurricane, earthquake, flood). Other FEMA generic planning factors can
be coordinated through the Regional Logistics Section and Recovery.
1.4 Considerations for Refining the Requirement
Additional considerations that make sense for the community should be used to adjust the planning
factors used in developing requirements. Each jurisdiction needs to look at their historical and
current data if any exists. For example, population zones and storm strengths can alter generic
planning considerations.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
In addition to the considerations listed below, other types of resources that may be considered for
distribution include propane, gas stoves, flashlights, blankets, and bug spray.
Meals: Incorporate community preferences (e.g., cultural, dietary, age) within reason and
practicality into the type of meals stocked and ordered. For example, if your community has a
large population that culturally eats a specific food, then the plan should include reasonable
storage and procurement capabilities for that specific food.
Water: As units of measure (e.g., gallons, liters) vary, develop consistent language in
planning, ordering, and reporting processes to reduce confusion among stakeholders.
Suggest using liters as the standard unit of measure, as that is FEMA’s standard. When
determining how much bottled water to distribute, consider other available sources of
potable water and identify efforts (e.g., installation of generators at water plants) that could
be taken to back up local water systems.
Mass Care Supplies: These are unique to each incident. Some commonly used supplies
include shelter items (e.g., cots, blankets), among others (e.g., camp stove, lanterns,
flashlights). Consulting community data can inform supply requirements, such as
accessibility requirements.
Support/Transportation: The geography of the jurisdiction may drive diverse transportation
strategies and requirements (e.g., ground, air, sea).
Capability and Capacity of Distribution Network: Identify what is possible for the jurisdiction
during the planning stage and understand the limitations of the disaster supply chain nodes.
The number of resources ordered should not exceed the distribution network’s capacity (e.g.,
the maximum storage and throughput capabilities of the on-ground staging areas and C
Private Sector Capability versus Requirement: Revise planning factors based on
understanding the status of private sector supply chains, time to restoration, and how this
will impact the duration of the requirement for critical emergency supplies. Monitor the
private sector’s ability to re-establish its supply chain, which may reduce the response
requirements for emergency commodities and resources. Leverage the private sector to
assist with the response (e.g., transportation, supplies, food, water).
Climate Change Impacts: Challenges posed by climate change, such as more intense storms,
frequent heavy precipitation, heat waves, drought, extreme flooding and higher sea levels
could significantly alter the types and magnitudes of hazards faced by communities. More
intense disasters could impact distribution of resources and delivery methods. Consider the
impacts of climate change on distribution planning assumptions.
2. Order Resources
Sourcing resources relies on establishing organic capabilities and capacity to provide commodities
and equipment to disaster survivors based on the pre-identified jurisdictional requirements.
Establishing multiple sourcing mechanisms mitigates supply chain risk. Thus, building existing
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
internal capability and stocks is paramount to effective distribution management. For example,
SLTTs can establish standing, spot, or contingency contracts for resources, vendor-managed
inventory (VMI), logistics services, warehousing, and coordinating with nonprofit and other
government partners (e.g., Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster [VOADs], Emergency
Management Assistance Compact [EMAC], etc.).
Engaging and leveraging a whole community approach initiates an effective and beneficial path of
success in implementing a DM Plan. This approach creates an informed and shared understanding
of community needs and capabilities, greater empowerment and integration of resources from
across the community, establishment of relationships that facilitate more effective response and
recovery activities, and a stronger and greater resiliency at the community level. Partnerships with
residents, local businesses and agencies, EMAC, private sector personnel, and Federal government
agencies allows for consistent coverage across all levels of response and a decrease in the chance
for gaps in resource delivery and recovery.
Use of the Defense Production Act
In response to the COVID-19 global crisis, the Defense Production Act (DPA) was used by the
presidential authority to expedite and expand the supply of materials and services from the
United States industrial base. DPA authorities are available to support: Emergency
preparedness activities conducted pursuant to Title VI of the Stafford Act; protection or
restoration of critical infrastructure; and efforts to prevent, reduce vulnerability to, minimize
damage from, and recover from acts of terrorism within the United States. See Appendix E for
additional information.
The following sources of supply are listed in a suggested order of consideration that supports the
optimal framework (where emergency management is locally executed, state managed, and federally
2.1 Existing Internal Capability and Stocks
A standing inventory of critical emergency supplies can be drawn upon in response to an incident;
this is a logical first source for meeting immediate needs of a time-sensitive nature. This standing
inventory may include items such as medical supplies or commodities (e.g., meals and water).
Leveraging the capacity of other stakeholders can bolster the SLTT jurisdiction’s ability to support
logistical requirements (e.g., schools, universities, meals on wheels).
2.2 Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)
Vendor Management Inventory (VMI) is a network of business models in which the buyer of a product
provides certain information to a supplier of that product (vendor), and the supplier takes full
responsibility for maintaining an agreed-upon inventory of the material.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
On occasion, vendors may hold a portion of inventory in their warehouses to more effectively rotate
stock, though they may charge associated holding costs, regardless of the rate of consumption.
Although this method is available, it may be less cost effective to house and stock your own
VMI can be utilized during small and large-scale disasters allowing SLTTs to defer manpower,
resources, and response efforts to different parts of an incident.
Using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
The State of Indiana uses VMI to store meals and water in the Marengo caves. Vendors can
manage shelf life by obtaining state permission to rotate product toward other customer disaster
needs, later backfilling the items drawn from inventory saving replenishment costs.
2.3 Partnership
Partnerships require an understanding of steady-state operations and available capabilities. For
example, consider identifying SLTT institutions that order and buy meals and water regularly, such as
schools and universities, correctional facilities, and other community infrastructures.
2.4 Contracting
The optimal time to prepare contracts is before an incident occurs. This includes assessing
capabilities during steady-state and anticipating potential resource requirements to determine
contracting needs. Know the key vendors, suppliers, and manufacturers that can provide the needed
capability. Contracts can address needs for the following resources and capabilities:
Life-sustaining commodities (e.g., water, meals, cots, blankets, tarps).
Critical emergency supplies (e.g., generators, fuel, sandbags, pumps).
Transportation (e.g., air, sea, ground, multimodal).
Third-party logistics (e.g., warehouse management, inventory tracking).
Some additional considerations when preparing contracts include the following:
Legislation: Consider whether applicable laws and regulations governing procurement may
permit or hinder standing contracts with private vendors for commodities and/or logistics
services, early commodity acquisition, and warehousing. Contingency contracts established
prior to an incident may accelerate response time. Also, spot contracts may be required in a
relatively short period of time to source immediate needs. Pre-scripting a statement of work
for anticipated requirements can help jurisdictions move quickly to establish a new contract.
Existing Contracts: Inventory existing jurisdictional contracting vehicles and business
capability in advance of an incident. Ensure logistics personnel understand the established
supply chains and vehicles. Adding capacity to an existing contract can accelerate ordering.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Staffing: In most cases, existing purchasing capability and authorized offices for purchasing
and contracting will be leveraged. During disaster response, staff must be flexible and have a
sense of urgency, allowing jurisdictions to scale operations with an adequate number of
trained personnel. Consider which personnel have the requisite contracting skills, which
agencies staff may be drawn from, or what agencies may need to be assigned this role. As
with other aspects of emergency management, it is important to practice actions planned
and validate staff capability.
Vendor Deconfliction: Cross-walking suppliers with neighboring counties, municipalities,
parishes, SLTT agencies, and Federal partners ensures that you have different vendors and
suppliers. Confirm that vendors committed to multiple entities have the capacity to service all
commitments simultaneously.
Redundancy: Establishing relationships and vehicles with multiple vendors is useful as a
contingency. Multiple options eliminate the dangers of single-point failure, making the supply
chain more resilient.
Purchase Cards: Each jurisdiction establishes unique requirements on who can use
government purchase cards, for what purpose, and any thresholds on spending.
Understanding these limitations and knowing these parameters in advance ensures
purchase cards are clear for end users.
Exercises: SLTT governments should hold periodic exercise or training sessions with their
contractors. Contractors may need to be available 24/7 before and during disasters.
Exercises help clarify the requirements and the urgency of disaster responses, equipping
contractors to be readily available when every hour is critical.
States are able to use existing Federal contract schedules during an emergency, such as the General
Services Administration's (GSA) Disaster Purchasing Program. Other national programs are available
through the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),
and other Federal agencies. [Note: this is separate from Direct Federal Assistance that becomes
available during a declared disaster with a cost-share where applicable.]
When considering these tools, be cognizant of speed and cost. They cannot replace effective market
research or existing capabilities.
Certain supply nodes may be overseas, across the country, or in hazardous areas and could have
potential incidents that impact supplier production (e.g., extreme weather or natural disasters,
political upheaval, national holidays). Establishing secondary contracts with alternative suppliers
would ensure the acquirement and delivery of resources in situations where primary contracts may
not have the necessary amount or capability to provide supplies.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
2.5 Voluntary Organizations Active in a Disaster (VOADs)
Establishing a relationship with national and state VOAD members to harness effective and targeted
operations can help deliver critical emergency supplies to disaster survivors. A state VOAD
representative needs a seat in the state Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate with the
liaison officer. For more information on national and state VOAD contacts, visit the National VOAD
2.6 Faith-based and Community Organizations
Faith-based and community organizations offer a wide variety of human and material resources that
can prove invaluable during and after a disaster has occurred. These organizations can be points of
distribution for emergency commodities and supplies, provide staging areas and reception sites for
emergency services, and/or support mobile feeding and transportation services. Many faith-based
and community organizations are connected to the national and state VOADs and engage in disaster
activities in preparedness and during operations. For more information on engaging these
organizations, see the Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations Planning Considerations
for Emergency Managers guide.
2.7 Interstate Request Process
Through EMAC, states can support each other with resources, commodities, teams, or services.
EMAC enables assistance during governor-declared states of emergency or disaster through a
responsive, straightforward system that allows states to send personnel, equipment, and
commodities to assist with response and recovery efforts in other states. Determine what resources
and capabilities (e.g., equipment, transportation, lodging, warehouse) are available for the state to
use and are needed to deploy staff.
Figure 1. EMAC Activation Process
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
2.8 Donations
Donations can be of national or international origin. International donations can come to an SLTT
jurisdiction via two different routes and are handled differently.
For international donations provided directly to the SLTT partners, collaboration with the
Department of State, Customs and Border Protection, and appropriate regulatory agencies is
FEMA may accept international donations in support of survivors and will work directly with
SLTT partners to facilitate rapid acceptance and distribution as necessary. In general, FEMA
does not accept and warehouse donations in its supply chain.
Direct donations to FEMA will be managed by FEMA International Affairs Division (IAD) to the
maximum benefit of the SLTT partners. IAD works to promote international coordination to
establish and maintain partnerships with capable international responders and implement
arrangements for cross-border mutual assistance to build a more resilient Nation
SLTT partners should consider their donation strategy for disaster operations, especially for
unsolicited donations. Coordinate with communications or media teams on messaging, specifically
on the donation requirements, pickup/drop-off logistics, private sector donations,
storage/warehouse/equipment needed, solicited/unsolicited donation practices, and direct
deployment. The Department of State can ensure this information is disseminated globally,
minimizing negative impacts to the logistics supply chain.
FEMA can provide technical assistance for donations, such as the layout of the warehouse
management plan or leasing of the warehouse or equipment.
2.9 Federal Request Process
When a state exhausts its resources, it turns to FEMA for assistance. A state may make an official
request for direct Federal assistance once a presidential emergency or disaster declaration has been
issued for that state. This request must be submitted to FEMA through the Agency’s web-based
Emergency Operation Center (WebEOC), on an official document known as the Resource Request
Form (RRF).
A state may request technical assistance at any time regardless of declaration status. Aligning state
processes with FEMA processes for Federal resource requests streamlines resource delivery directly
to survivors.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Figure 2. Federal Request Process
3. Distribution Methods
Methods of distribution describe how commodities are provided directly to the impacted
communities. The planned distribution includes robust yet scalable methods to accommodate any
level of disaster and support the characteristics of the affected communities. Two common methods
Direct distribution: Supplies are initially moved to a central location for staff to collect and
redistribute through “door-to-door” residential delivery.
Commodity Points of Distribution (C-PODs): Initial (accessible) point(s) where survivors can
obtain emergency relief supplies. C-PODs can be in accessible open areas or existing
community infrastructures (e.g., schools, athletic facilities, community centers) or accessible
care facilities (e.g., shelters, food banks, cooling/warming stations, feeding kitchens).
The following sections discuss each of these methods in greater detail.
3.1 Direct Distribution
Supplies can be delivered directly to a survivor’s residence through direct distribution. Supplies may
be initially delivered to a central location for personnel to provide “door-to-door” residential delivery.
First, consider the populations that need to be served (e.g., people with disabilities, highly dispersed
populations or populations with no means to travel that may live in nursing homes, hospitals, or
remote homes). Then identify ways to reach these populations, including equipment, types of
delivery vehicles, and cross-docking needs. Implementing these mechanisms may require identifying
and partnering with the following existing community organizations or activities:
Health and Welfare Checks: Leverage these checks to enable employees to deliver supplies.
National Guard: Enable military members to deliver supplies when conducting house-to-
house visits.
Mass Care: Leverage multiple delivery mechanisms:
Contract for food resources (e.g., grocery boxes)
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Coordinate delivery of resources at their facilities (e.g., shelters, food banks,
cooling/warming stations, feeding kitchens, and responders [e.g., search and rescue
teams, state police, EMTs])
Collaborate with Meals on Wheels, Food Banks, and School Districts.
Marinas and Private Airports: Understand their steady-state capabilities and coordinate
requirements for use of special vehicles (e.g., vulnerable populations, high-water, rotary-wing,
boats, trains, all-terrain) for distributing resources to isolated communities.
Mobile Delivery: Use their vehicles to drive into an affected area and provide commodities at
different drop locations or where the need is identified. This type of distribution is common in
rural areas and where roads are damaged.
3.2 Commodity Points of Distribution (C-PODs)
A C-POD establishes an initial accessible point(s) where the public can obtain life-sustaining
emergency relief supplies. These facilities must serve the population until no longer needed; this
may be indicated when power is restored, traditional facilities reopen (e.g., retail establishments),
fixed and mobile feeding sites and routes are established, and/or relief social service programs are
in place.
The following subsections discuss considerations for establishing C-PODs.
FEMA offers comprehensive C-POD training to help develop actionable plans for emergency
distribution and understanding associated challenges. The IS-26: Guide to Points of Distribution
Course, including an explanatory DVD, C-POD guide, and online exam, is available on the Emergency
Management Institute (EMI) website.
Additional training measures include train-the-trainer courses to customize C-POD training for
jurisdictions within SLTT governments and conducting full-scale exercises that test C-POD’s
capability. When providing training, it is important to include all participating groups and
organizations that would be activated upon implementation of a DM Plan. These participating groups
can include the National Guard, local emergency responders, volunteer organizations, and
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members. Incorporating these groups into training
exercises generates a full understanding of their roles and responsibilities during an incident and
how they fit into the DM Plan at large. This requires the need for training materials that are
accessible for people with disabilities as well as available for people with particular language needs.
In addition to traditional C-POD training and the above alternatives, initiating a Regional Logistics
SLTT Outreach Program allows for each state to identify critical counties, municipalities, or parishes
for their most common hazard(s).
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Regardless of the methods used, the DM Plan should be feasiblewithin the capabilities, limitations,
restraints of the community being servedand include the following information:
The site location(s).
Individuals or groups responsible for managing the C-PODs (e.g., National Guard, SLTT
employees, volunteers, schools); may include the Adopt-a-POD model.
Equipment resourcing methods.
Operations (e.g., hours of operation, reporting, safety, accountability, basis of issue, security,
commodities to be disbursed).
Demobilization plan (more information in Section 7. Demobilization.).
Accountability and management of empty trailers.
Reporting system and reporter(s).
C-POD wraparound support contracts (e.g., portable toilets, light tower maintenance and
fueling, security, solid waste removal).
Within the C-POD operations section of the DM Plan, consider alternate methods (e.g., Adopt-a-POD,
pop-up PODs, churches, VOADs, businesses) and their impact on the disbursement of commodities
(e.g., burn rate, accessibility requirements). Address how response logistics leverage pop-up PODs
and VOAD kitchen operations. Every food bank system has a feeding distribution plan that should be
capitalized on. Develop a good working relationship with these groups to quickly expand a
distribution network in a disaster environment.
C-POD operations differ in an urban environment, which might include cross-docking, foot traffic, and
public transportation aspects. Find the existing infrastructure of community hubs that are easily
accessible, especially by foot, to establish C-PODs. Pedestrian PODs (P-PODs) may include athletic
facilities or fields for distribution points. Explore potential partnerships with grocery delivery services.
Consider access to the C-POD and that public transportation nodes (e.g., metro, bus stop, and traffic
circles) can be possible distribution locations. More C-PODs are usually needed if the public transit
system is not fully operational.
In a rural environment, C-POD operations may require increased distance and delivery times.
Consider using data analytics to identify population locations and common commodities. Explore
opportunities to outsource distribution to third parties.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
3.3 Transition Plan
The DM Plan should include considerations for transitioning from emergency shelf-stable meals to
feeding kitchens (hot rations) to demobilization. As a general rule, this transition should take place
within ten days of the response, if not sooner.
4. Inventory Management
Inventory management addresses the number of commodities and equipment that an organization
physically has on hand. Managing the acquisition, use, distribution, storage, and disposal of
commodities and equipment is vital to identifying available resources, controlling costs, and
improving the efficiency and readiness of an organization. Ineffective inventory management may
result in a shortage or surplus of resources. For an example inventory management form, see
Appendix F.
Effective inventory management starts with a plan that incorporates proper assessment of needs,
regular accounting of resources, standard, consistent, and understandable policies and procedures,
and industry best practices. Inventory management properly prioritizes matching requirements with
available resources and the order of execution.
4.1 Resource Tracking
Resource tracking is critical to inventory management. It is a standardized, integrated process
conducted throughout the life cycle of an incident to provide a clear picture of where resources are
located and help staff prepare to receive them. It should include procedures to track resources
continuously from mobilization through demobilization and display real-time information in a
centralized database, allowing total visibility of assets.
SLTTs should develop and maintain resource tracking systems as a baseline for inventory
management in a DM Plan. Resource inventories should be adaptable and scalable. While a
resource inventory can be as simple as a paper or electronic spreadsheet, many resource providers
use information technology (IT) based inventory systems. For example, some states use Excel
spreadsheets to track inventory by sorting information based on active C-PODS. Additionally, some
states utilize the reports generated from FEMA’s Logistics Supply Chain Management System
(LSCMS) to track and manage material and equipment.
The Incident Resource Inventory System (IRIS) is a distributed software tool, provided at no cost by
FEMA. It is standards-based and allows for the seamless exchange of information with other
instances of IRIS and other standards-based resource inventory and resource management systems.
IRIS allows users to identify & inventory their resources, consistently with National Incident
Management System (NIMS) resource typing definitions, for mutual aid operations based on mission
needs and each resource’s capabilities, availability, and response time. IRIS automatically uses the
national NIMS resource typing definitions cataloged in the Resource Typing Library Tool (RTLT). IRIS
stores data locally on the user’s computer or the user’s network if configured during installation.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Please note IRIS is not a database centrally managed by FEMA. Users and their respective agencies
are responsible for their data.
Resource tracking provides information and usage data that enables a jurisdiction to forecast
demand and cross-level remaining assets, while simultaneously working with FEMA to ensure
inbound commodities reflect need.
5. Transportation
This function enables the relief supply chain, through coordinated transportation nodes and modes,
to effectively deliver goods and services in an expeditious and efficient manner. Capacity, capability,
speed, cost, resiliency, reliability, and robustness of transportation all contribute to a supply chain’s
ability to respond to demand or changes in demand while meeting mission requirements.
Jurisdictions should describe transportation architecture (e.g., key routes and nodes) and inbound
and outbound flows. Inbound flows may include commodities, equipment, and teams; outbound
flows may include retrogrades and redeployments.
Many aspects of transportation influence success or failure during a response. Assessing SLTT
capability and requirements is necessary to evaluate the organic capability and identify where
potential shortfalls exist. Capability can be difficult to identify and goes beyond an emergency
management agency’s current equipment or contracting capacity. True capability lies within the
transportation solutions and operations SLTT agencies are already engaged in, even if they are
separate from obvious emergency management connections.
Government institutions and contracts may already exist to move resources and people for routine
daily operations, such as moving commodities for population and business operations. It may be
possible to leverage that capability for emergency transportation, as a separate or additional source
for capacity. Additionally, government agency agreements and contract line-item numbers (CLINs)
could be added to provide for emergency response support, even vendors fulfilling requirements that
are seemingly unrelated to emergency response.
Assess what internal capabilities exist and what other non-emergency capacity can be leveraged
(e.g., SLTT agencies, private sector, nonprofit organization) by cataloging current transportation
capabilities. Then determine how robust and resilient the capability is, what redundancy is available
and can be developed, lead and cycle times with variance, and scalability and limits.
Once main supply chain routes are identified and their resiliency capability determined, alternative
routes should be established. These alternative routes allow for additional delivery of resources,
access to debris impacted areas, and various modes of transportation to pass through that main
supply chain routes could not provide (e.g., height for roads under bridges, debris, noise restrictions).
Regions encourage EMPG recipients to identify all forms of transportation and alternative routes, if
possible, based on previous shortfalls and best practices learned from previous executions of their
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
DM Plan. Geographic diversity can make this difficult but exploring robust transportation options and
developing and focusing on a whole community approach could prove to provide realistic
alternatives. EMPG recipients can also work with their local Emergency Support Function (ESF) 1:
Transportation Annex, Department of Transportation, representative, or a point of contact with their
local transportation companies to establish alternative routes and modes of transportation. Such
alternative modes of transportation can include ferries, small aircraft, and tourism-based vessels.
5.1 Modes of Transportation
Given priorities established by the operations and SLTT leadership, determine a plan for tasking,
managing, and prioritizing transportation requirements from all modes: ground, air, water, and rail.
All will have unique transit, lead, and cycle times along with a degree of reliability of those times.
Multiple methods are often combined as intermodal movements.
5.1.1 GROUND
Transporting resources by truck is an often-used capability. Tractor-trailers are the most common
method for quickly moving substantial quantities of resources in the Continental United States
(CONUS). Ground transportation also includes specialty vehicles, such as high-water, off-road, box
trucks, and lift gates. Combined with other transportation methods, ground capabilities provide
operational control and redundancy in case of failure or obstacles but may require other support
such as dispatching. Ground transportation capability may exist internally and/or require contracting
through pre-existing or spot contracts. Additionally, ground transportation must consider size of
operations and geographic access. Utilizing mixed loads in smaller quantities may make sense
based on access and population served.
5.1.2 AIR
Transportation by air can be sourced from the National Guard, the private sector, or Federal
capabilities. Determine a plan for how operations should occur, accounting for perceived capability
and actual capacity. Transport by air is often the most expensive, and while can be the quickest from
point A to B, prioritization and backlog of requested items may make other types of transportation
more feasible and timelier. Also, consider wraparound support services and agreements for
operations and services. To reach remote access point, sling loading may be necessary. Planning for
this in advance will ensure your plan has accounted for all populations and into areas with minimal
access whether normal or created by a disaster.
5.1.3 WATER
Transportation by water (e.g., barge or boat) is typical for movement outside the Continental United
States (OCONUS). Address various modes of transportation required in OCONUS areas to transport
resources and commodities for the last mile. If the jurisdiction being served has islands, it is
important to make sure the methodology for serving those populations is included in the DM Plan.
Especially in the case of a no-notice incident or if evacuation is not possible.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
5.1.4 RAIL
Transportation by rail may provide a sustained supply of commodities. Establish the capacity and
capability of current private sector rail operations.
5.2 Strategic Considerations
Match distribution requirements with transportation capacity, including tracking of orders throughout
the supply chain lifecycle. This includes not only the commodity or resource, but the vehicle utilized
(e.g., trailer, container, vessel, aircraft).
Address OCONUS considerations and challenges as part of the DM Plan. Stress the importance of
and variability of lead, transit, and cycle times. Both time and variability will be more extensive than
most CONUS operations.
Other methods and sources can augment known or predictable requirements; developing a
consistent plan to execute those solutions is important. This can be achieved through a checklist
with options, an order of addressing options, and decision-making criteria.
Determine a plan for moving commodities and resources between staging areas, warehouses, and C-
PODs. Explore transportation as an overall lifecycle of the incident (i.e., round trip) or as segmented
requirements (i.e., each leg of the route).
Determine a list of available transportation operators who are authorized and/or cleared to transport
materials to staging areas. Availability of transportation operators may require specific
considerations for various supply chains (e.g., strict rules in healthcare supply chains on who can
transport certain products and requirements for temperature and environmental controls) and often
rely heavily on information technology and communications to direct their movements and deliveries.
Disasters on a larger scale may diminish available transport staff and alternative staff may need to
be utilized.
Determine available options (e.g., contracts, National Guard, spot contracts, EMAC), if funding
methods are in place, to acquire additional support to move resources and the cost and feasibility of
executing them. Determine possible courses of action for meeting shortfalls and an order of
execution that is scalable to cover unforeseen circumstances.
Determine the best way to track operations and measure performance, including triggers to indicate
when tactical corrections are needed. The measurement system should be repeatable, understood
by all actors, and lead to achieving mission goals.
Identify how transportation providers will enter disaster areas, especially evacuated areas, and areas
with limited and strained infrastructure. These items are often tracked:
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Methods of control.
Identification and validation.
Entry during contraflow.
5.3 Empty Trailer Management
Planning and executing the return of equipment aids the response by reducing total units required,
reallocating resources more effectively, and preventing field operations from outgrowing their
required footprint. Tracking returned trailers needs to be a part of the SLTT jurisdiction’s
transportation management plan. A recovery system for empty trailers is simple to teach, socialize,
and integrate into existing procedures and methodology with partners. It should leverage current
common industry practices, including nomenclatures that identify the trailer number, tag number,
state, transponder number, and trailer owner.
5.4 Shuttle Fleet
Staging and distribution may utilize a shuttle fleet. At the Federal level, this consists of multiple
trucks (e.g., bobtail tractors with drivers) to transport commodities and freight to the Federal staging
The typical zone of operation is an area with an “X”-mile radius. In general, a shuttle fleet can
transport commodities and equipment to any point operationally necessary for the mission within a
functional limit based on geography, contract limits, or time.. Each jurisdiction should consider its
geographic area, along with fleet capability, to establish its practical limit. This includes transporting
to state or local staging areas, C-PODs, other sites, and volunteer groups. Some jurisdictions manage
effective cross-dock operations where larger shipments and pallets are reconfigured into smaller
“box trucks” or custom loads.
For staging and warehousing, proper command, control, and coordination of logistics resources with
requirements are needed. For example, shuttle fleet management should be close to the command
center while ensuring drivers and dispatch maintain a safe distance from the flow of traffic. A
company representative on-site ensures communication flow, including mission status, timely
updates on the shuttle fleet, and dispatch status. A best practice is for staging-site staff to maintain
a log of all drivers, including time and attendance, and any other supporting actions, such as
authorized emergency repairs and other logistics support.
Suggested aspects of a shuttle fleet include:
Preestablished operating procedures for staging area operations and integrating movement
Identified and qualified sources and vendors.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
A clear statement of work (SOW) with responsibilities and appropriate flexibility (with
oversight) to meet objectives.
Immediately available shuttle leadership (but not so engaged that that operation interferes
with decision making, command and control, or ability for oversight).
Separate mustering of drivers, away from command and control and government operations.
5.5 Cross Docking
FEMA will utilize cross-dock capability to transfer commodities/equipment from commercial trailers
to DHS owned trailers or to support multi-modal operations. Planning and executing a cross dock
operation aids the response by reducing the total number of commercial trailers that FEMA is holding
and increasing the commercial availability of assets for SLTT use. Cross docking increases
commercial availability for the civilian trucking industry. Further, cross docking reduces detention
and relocation costs of commercial trailers.
6. Staging
A staging area is a designated temporary site established in the community to receive and distribute
emergency relief supplies (e.g., water, food, cots, blankets, tarps, generators) following an incident. A
staging area consolidates commodities and resources to a location suitable for supporting disaster
response, enabling:
Accountability of all government resources.
Proximity placement for fast and efficient service to survivors.
Better coordinated planning and management of the response effort.
Staging area sites should be predetermined and listed in the DM Plan including addresses, acer-age,
and capacity. Once sites are predetermined, sites should be assessed for accessibility, equipment,
staff, contracts, and other support needs. Sites may also be used to support and stage disaster relief
personnel/equipment (e.g., search and rescue teams, damage assessment teams, security teams)
for deployment in affected areas. The same should apply to state warehouses that are used for
assisting with the relief supply chain.
The state staging area is the focal point in the supply chain for resources to be delivered from
multiple sources to survivors in a community:
Federal resources move from FEMA incident support bases (ISBs) or Federal staging areas.
States move inventory from state distribution centers or state partners.
Private sector resources originate from commercial contracts or donations.
Resources move from state staging areas to county, municipality or parish staging areas or
commodity points of distribution.
Figure 3 illustrates the role of the staging area in moving resources.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Figure 3. Movement of Resources to Staging Areas and then to Sites to Distribute Supplies
Directly to Survivors
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
6.1 Models
In most cases, an SLTT jurisdiction operates a central fixed location to dispatch commodities to the
locally operated C-PODs, like the traditional hub-and-spoke model. A good site is near a major
highway or interstate for access to ground transportation, ideally co-located with an operational
airport, and near the impacted area (e.g., within an hour) without impeding response efforts.
Figure 4. A Hub and Spoke Model Receives and Distributes
Shipments for Delivery
Operational requirements may in some cases necessitate the SLTT jurisdiction operating a fixed
location such as a warehouse to receive, store, and cross-dock resources. A third-party logistics
provider or state-run warehouse may be needed for temperature control or inventory management
during unloading from trailers. Figure 5 is an example of a fixed site model.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Figure 5. A Fixed Site Staging Center Receives and Distributes
Incoming Shipments
Cross-docking optimizes the delivery size of shipments (see Figure 6). Commodities may arrive in
shipments that require reconfiguration. In some cases, optimizing resources in smaller delivery
quantities, the layout of the receiving C-PODs, or transportation constraints dictate a smaller
conveyance for distribution. Figure 6 is an example of how to execute a cross-docking model.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Figure 6. A Cross-Docking Terminal Receives and Sorts
Incoming Shipments for Delivery
6.2 Types of Staging Areas
Staging areas come in many shapes and sizes, normally limited by geography rather than the
mission. However, a staging area must be the right size for the anticipated mission. As primary and
secondary staging sites are selected, coordination between FEMA, SLTTs, and private sector partners
is paramount to ensuring the effective establishment and implementation of staging sites.
6.3 Establishing a Staging Site
When establishing a staging site, select and assess a location that is convenient for operation,
security, and meets accessibility requirements. Leveraging site survey forms and GIS maps can help
SLTTs assess and select locations. Developing and using a checklist for selecting sites provides
operational consistency.
Disruptions to supply chains can significantly diminish public access to life-sustaining commodities,
supplies or equipment and the required staging of incoming support resources is beyond the
capacity of one or more affected SLTT government(s) within an operational area. When determining
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
the location and model of a staging site, the following criteria should be considered as the minimum
requirements for establishing a staging area.
Determine staging area location, model, and layout.
Ensure location is outside Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
Identify any support needs for equipment, feeding, sanitation, security, and accessibility.
Confirm process for requesting additional resources for staging.
Determine the types and numbers of resources to be maintained in staging.
Maintain staging area in orderly condition.
Confirm process for reporting status changes.
Confirm process for demobilization.
When activating staging area, SLTTs should consider the following:
Existing or expected unmet resource needs for response and recovery operations.
Current or anticipated resource requests with no SLTT sources of supply.
Sustained damage to critical infrastructure that is expected to influence public and private
sector sourcing mechanisms, including:
Scope and duration of disruptions to a jurisdiction’s utilities (e.g., water supply, electric
grid, natural gas supply, fuel distribution, and telecommunications systems).
Damage or destruction of critical warehouse, production, and distribution facilities.
Anticipated cascading effects to local, state, and national supply chains.
Overall needs for resources compared against available supply.
Accessibility of staging areas.
The following minimum requirements for establishing a Federal staging base or ISB can help SLTT
partners develop minimum requirements for their staging sites:
Five acres for parking and staging commodities.
Another five acres to support generators, support operations, and mission and support
Communications support and viability.
Access to fuel and other support services.
Ability to segregate commodities, resources, and staff for the operation and from other
activities and entities.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Ability to meet all accessibility requirements.
Ability to establish a traffic pattern that supports the mission and minimizes impact on the
installation and immediate area.
Hours of operations (activation timeline).
A staging area may require equipment such as a trailer, safety kits, two-way radio, forklifts, pallet
jacks, rope, truck seals, tape, strapping, banding machine, stretch wraps, pallet puller, fire
extinguisher, chain sling, chain hooks, chain(s), wheel chocks, reflective safety vest, rainwear
apparel, gloves, earplugs/hearing protection, portable light sets, shelf-stable meals and bottled
water for staff, portable toilets, generator, surveyor’s tape, duct tape, road cones and barriers,
dumpster, satellite phone, and flashlight with batteries.
In addition to identifying equipment, determine a daily maintenance schedule, a breakdown protocol,
and refueling procedures.
6.4 C-POD Operations
Resources are moved from staging areas to C-PODs. C-PODs are generally open to the public during
daylight hours, especially in no power/no lighting situations, to encourage public safety. Resupply is
conducted when the C-POD is closed.
Establishing the number of staff required is one of the more difficult parts of determining support
requirements. Positions include C-POD manager, support team leader, loading team leader, traffic
controller, pallet jack operator, forklift operator, loader, and site security officer. Shuttle fleet drivers
may either be assigned to or pass through the site.
The C-POD Manager manages the staff, including breaks, meal breaks, and whether food is
provided; determines traffic flow and check-in procedures, site services, security, and stocking
requirements; and manages reports and maintains records. Specific suggestions on these aspects
can be found in the C-POD training (mentioned in
Appendix C).
7. Demobilization
Demobilization is when resources are retrieved, rehabilitated, replenished, disposed of, and
retrograded. The DM Plan should incorporate a demobilization plan and address how the jurisdiction
conducts property reconciliation and an organized shutdown of the response. Within a DM Plan,
SLTTs should include a broad orientation on the procedures to be used in the demobilization
process. This includes the responsibilities for initiating the plan and specific responsibilities by
function for various implementation activities. A DM Plan should establish a chain of command and
outlines the activities at specific locations. As a best practice, EMPG recipients should prioritize the
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
demobilization of resources whether the order was placed through the jurisdiction. See Appendix G
for an example demobilization checklist.
7.1 Triggers and Indicators
Indicators that a distribution system can be shut down include restoration of the power grid,
reopening of retail stores, operable point-of-sale systems, restoration of traditional transportation
systems (e.g., seaport, airport, or rail stations), diminishing population in shelters, and decreased
demand for resources at C-PODs.
7.2 Property Reconciliation
Property reconciliation starts with an established property accounting system. The C-POD Manager
and the SLTT distribution manager should assign a property officer(s) to track the influx and changes
of property. Once the SLTT jurisdiction is satisfied that all assets assigned to or purchased for
response operations have been accounted for, an orderly disposition can be accomplished. If an
SLTT uses a single source entity to manage resource tracking and ordering, the SLTT should
coordinate with that entity when demobilizing.
Suggested Steps to Ensure Accurate Property Reconciliation
C-POD/SLTT manager(s) assigns a property officer at the beginning of the incident.
Property officer monitors receipt of all commodities and accountable property received.
Property officer inputs all property data into the jurisdiction’s approved inventory tracking
Property officer amends the inventory system with the release of commodities and receipt of
additional quantities.
Property officer updates inventory daily.
C-POD/SLTT manager instructs property officer to initiate property reconciliation.
Property officer returns/retrogrades commodities back to the source and returns
accountable property to warehouses.
Property officer forwards the final report to C-POD/SLTT manager, to be forwarded to the
jurisdiction’s procurement office to verify commodities purchased.
7.3 Right-Sizing the Mission
Evaluate C-PODs throughout the operation, and as power is restored, adjust the quantity, location,
and size of C-PODs in consideration of closing, consolidating, or right-sizing the staging areas. Screen
assets to determine whether they will be needed elsewhere in theater and transfer those items to
the appropriate location in accordance with local policy. Return the remaining items to their place of
origin or other appropriate locations.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
7.4 Organizational Shutdown
Once the physical assets of the facility are planned for and/or disposed of and all other
documentation such as records and reports have been completed, the remaining staff can begin to
stand down or transition into operations at an alternative C-POD location. Do not release personnel
to other assignments until all tasks in the demobilization plan have been accomplished. An essential
part of the organizational shutdown is retrofitting and rehabilitating the facility used during the
operation to the satisfaction of the property owner.
7.5 Reimbursement
Processes and procedures exist to reimburse resource providers in a timely manner. Tracking helps
establish and maintain the ability to obtain reimbursement, which is critical to reestablishing and
maintaining the readiness of resources for future incidents. A jurisdiction’s DM Plan should include
the roles and responsibilities around maintaining detailed records, which are important for
accountability, particularly if an audit is conducted.
7.6 Final Records and Reporting
Final reports (e.g., on distributed and returned supplies, number of survivors served, and staff
activity) provide a comprehensive view of operations at the distribution site. No standardized final
reporting template has been designed but several reporting mechanisms have been reported as best
practices. These reporting mechanisms include utilizing reports generated by the Logistics Supply
Chain Management System (LSCMS); used for reporting on commodities ordered per site as well as
retrograded back to the distribution centers. Individual Assistance (IA) also generates reports which
could be used to indicate information such as the number of survivors served. Utilizing reports from
areas with more routine experiences, like hurricane regions, could prove to provide robust templates
based on repetitive application of lessons learned.
7.7 Clean and Replenish Kits
Cleaning, inventorying, and replacing equipment, supplies, and C-POD kits ensures everything is in
good working order for the next use.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix A. Acronym List
AAR After-Action Reports
BEOC Business Emergency Operations Center
CERT Community Emergency Response Team
CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
CLIIN Contract Line-Item Numbers
CONUS Continental United States
CPG Comprehensive Preparedness Guide
C-POD Commodity Point of Distribution
COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
DC Distribution Center
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DMPG Distribution Management Plan Guide
DPA Defense Production Act
EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact
EMI Emergency Management Institute
EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grant
EOC Emergency Operations center
ESF Emergency Support Function
FIT FEMA Integration Team
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
GIS Geographic Information System
GSA General Services Administration
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
IA Individual Assistance
IAD International Affairs Division
IRIS Incident Resource Inventory System
ISB Incident Support Base
JFO Joint Field Office
LCAT2 Logistics Capability Assistance Tool 2
LMD Logistics Management Directorate
LSCMS Logistics Supply Chain Management System
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NIMS National Incident Management System
OCONUS Outside the Continental United States
ORR Office of Response and Recovery
P-POD Pedestrian Point of Distribution
POD Point of Distribution
RRAP Regional Resiliency Assessment Program
RRF Resource Request Form
RSF Recovery Support Function
RTLT Resource Typing Library Tool
SCAN Supply Chain Analysis Network
SLTT State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial
SOW Statement of Work
SSA State Staging Area
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
STOS Standard Tender of Service
THIRA Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VMI Vendor-Managed Inventory
VOAD Voluntary Organizations Active in A Disaster
WebEOC Web-based Emergency Operations Center
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix B: Glossary
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 (CPG 101): Provides guidance for developing emergency
operations plans (EOP) and promotes a common understanding of the fundamentals of risk-informed
planning and decision making to help planners examine a hazard or threat and produce integrated,
coordinated, and synchronized plans
Commodity Points of Distribution (C-POD): Locations where life-sustaining commodities are
distributed to members of the public following a catastrophic incident.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC): A national interstate mutual aid agreement
that offers assistance during governor-declared state of emergency or disaster through a responsive,
straightforward system that allows states to send personnel, equipment, commodities, and other
necessary resources to assist with response and recovery efforts in other states during times of
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG): Provides state, local, tribal and territorial
emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National
Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient
Emergency Operations Center (EOC): Provides multiagency coordination of information and
resources to support incident management.
Emergency Support Functions (ESF): ESFs are the primary mechanism for grouping federal functions
most frequently used in emergency management as outlined in the National Response Framework.
ESFs provide the structure for organizing, planning, and deploying federal partner support to
domestic disasters and emergencies.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: Describes what hazards may affect the state, where they
may occur, and how frequently they may happen to identify risk-informed mitigation actions.
Incident Resource Inventory System (IRIS): IRIS features the capability for users to inventory
resources and share resource information with other agencies. Users are able to define non-typed
resources and select specific resources for mutual aid purposes based upon mission requirements,
the capability and availability of resources, and desired response times.
Individual Assistance (IA): Provides financial assistance and direct services to eligible individuals and
households who have uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs
International Affairs Division (IAD): Defines and manages international partnerships to enhance the
Agency’s disaster readiness; strengthen regional, hemispheric, and global emergency management
capabilities; and support U.S. Government homeland security priorities.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Logistics Supply Chain Management System: An internet-based software system that FEMA uses to
manage certain transportation functions
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): MOUs are documents that describe a bilateral agreement
between parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended
common line of action, rather than a legal commitment. MOUs describe very broad concepts of
mutual understanding, goals, and plans shared by the parties; it does not create duties or legally
enforceable liabilities or obligations for any party that is involved.
Points of Distribution (POD): Centralized locations in an impacted area where survivors pick up life-
sustaining relief supplies following a disaster or emergency.
Recovery Support Function (RSF): The coordinating structure for key functional areas of assistance in
the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF).
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA): A three-step risk assessment process
that helps communities understand their risks and what they need to do to address those risks.
Web Emergency Operations Center: A system that supports emergency management processes and
functions by providing multitiered situational awareness of incident support and management
activities for FEMA headquarters and regions, as well as for federal, state, territory and tribal
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix C. Technical Assistance
and Resources
Technical assistance is available for developing a Distribution Management Plan. FEMA Regional
Logistics staff and/or FEMA Integration Teams (FITs), where applicable, will work with EMPG
recipients to provide technical assistance, including the resources below, to develop and maintain a
Distribution Management Plan. SLTT partners should contact their respective FEMA Regional
Logistics Branch to learn more about these programs and tools:
Community Lifelines Implementation Toolkit: Provides whole community partners the
information and resources to understand lifelines, coordinate with entities using lifelines,
and serve as basic guidance for how to implement the lifeline construct during incident
Community Preparedness Toolkit: Comprehensive distribution management resource for
training and planning.
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 (CPG 101), Developing and Maintaining Emergency
Operations Plans: CPG 101 provides guidance on how to incorporate logistics into Emergency
Operations Plans and is available on the FEMA website.
ESF #7- Logistics Management and Resource Support: The IS-807 familiarizes participants
with the function and composition of ESF #7- Logistics Management and Resource Support.
This independent study online course details key points on major topics including the
purpose and scope of ESF #7, logistics management and primary and supporting agencies,
logistics management activities and national logistics staging areas. Resource support and
the primary and supporting agencies who provide that support, resource support activities,
and GSA resources are also discussed. More information on the content of this course and
when it is available can be found via the course catalog on EMI’s website.
FEMA Technical Assistance: FEMA provides specialized expertise to SLTT partners to improve
emergency management capabilities.
FEMA’s National Integration Center provides planning technical assistance, to include
supply chain collaborative technical assistance that helps local emergency managers
explore and understand supply chains and support private-public collaboration for
catastrophic incidents. Email FEMA-TARequest@fema.dhs.gov
for more information.
FEMA’s Regional Logistics Branches provides technical assistance to improve emergency
management capabilities in terms of logistics. This technical assistance includes in-
person workshops and opportunities for peer-to-peer learning on emerging, cross-cutting,
or complex topics. Contact your Regional Logistics Branch for more information.
Interagency Logistics Training: The L854: Basic Interagency Logistics Course familiarizes
participants with interagency logistics concepts of planning and response. It provides an
overview of interagency logistics partner disaster response organizations, discusses
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
parameters for logistics support coordination, and creates a whole community forum to
exchange best logistics practices. More information on the course is available via the course
catalog on the Emergency Management Institute’s (EMI) website.
LCAT2: LCAT2 helps SLTT partners conduct self-assessments to determine their readiness to
respond to disasters. The survey-style tool provides a detailed assessment of core logistics
functions; helps jurisdictions identify specific strengths and weaknesses; and constructs a
systematic roadmap for SLTT partners to improve on current logistics processes and
National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) All-Hazards
Logistics Section Chief Course: The E0967: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief
Course provides local- and state-level emergency responders with a robust understanding of
the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of an effective Logistics Section Chief on an All-
Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT). NIMS ICS Position Specific training is to be
completed by personnel who will be required to gain a certificate of training and credentials
to function in an ICS organization, such as an IMT, a member of the Command, General Staff
or as a Unit Leader. More information on this course and the criteria to sign up can be found
on EMI’s website.
Points of Distribution (PODs) Training: FEMA’s comprehensive POD training helps SLTT
partners develop actionable plans for emergency distribution and understand associated
challenges. FEMA’s Independent Study (IS) course IS-26: Guide to Points of Distribution
Course, including an explanatory DVD, POD guide, and online exam, is available on the EMI
Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP): Managed by DHS, the RRAP is a voluntary,
non-regulated interagency assessment of critical infrastructure resiliency in a designated
geographic region. Each year DHS, with input and guidance from Federal and state partners,
selects several projects for RRAP that focus on specific infrastructure sectors within defined
geographic areas and address all-hazard threats that could result in regionally and/or
nationally significant consequences.
Special Directed Studies or Analyses: FEMA will consider special case studies or analyses,
such as the National Academy of Sciences 2017 Supply Chain Resilience Study and the
Supply Chain Resilience Guide, particularly in advance of major disaster plans updates, that
can contribute to Distribution Management Plan updates or development.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix D. FEMA Relief Supply
Chain Map
Emergency managers look at supply chains through two lenses: normal private sector supply chains
that exist before an incident, and the relief supply chains that must be established until private
sector supply chains recover. These relief supply chains, Continental United States (CONUS) and
Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) can be seen in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7. FEMA Relief Supply Chain - CONUS
Suppliers Suppliers deliver supplies to the distribution centers to restock inventory and can deliver
directly to the ISB. FEMA uses contract capacity and strategic partnerships to procure relief supplies.
Quantities of selected supplies are stored in FEMA facilities. FEMA maintains Indefinite Delivery,
Indefinite Quantity contracts and Pre-scripted Mission Assignments (PSMAs) with strategic partners
to rapidly provide supplies during an emergency.
Distribution Centers (DCs) FEMA manages four DCs that are regionally positioned in the
Continental U.S. (California, Georgia, Maryland, and Texas) to rapidly provide supplies to disaster
survivors. DCs stock meals, water, cots, blankets, infant and toddler kits, durable medical equipment
and consumable medical supply kits, tarps, blue roof sheeting, and generators. These items are
moved forward to an ISB or transported directly to the staging area if the situation dictates. FEMA
maintains two storage locations for Manufactured Housing Units (MHUs).
Incident Support Base (ISB) – In anticipation of requests for assistance, FEMA moves commodities
from the DCs closer to the probable impacted areas and establishes a temporary ISB where relief
supplies are received, managed, and moved forward.
Logistics Supply Chain Management System (LSCMS) LSCMS is the FEMA Information System that
integrates initial requests for assets and commodities, orders to FEMA partners, transportation
tracking, inventory management at FEMA locations, shipment, and receipt, and in transit visibility
Figure 8
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
State Staging Area (SSA) Staging area designated by the state to temporarily manage relief
supplies for onward movement to points of distribution. FEMA considers the relief supplies expended
when they are delivered to the SSA and no longer tracked in LSCMS.
Commodity Points of Distribution (CPOD) Locations where life-sustaining commodities are
distributed to members of the public following a catastrophic incident.
Points of Distribution (POD) Locations in the impacted area where relief supplies are picked up by
Transportation Commercial truck is the primary mode of transportation for a CONUS response;
FEMA uses FEMA Standard Tender of Service (FEMA STOS) contracts.
Key Enablers/Choke Points Aspects that may disrupt or assist supply chain flows in CONUS supply.
Suppliers FEMA uses the same CONUS-based supplier model but looks for regional suppliers
closer to the impacted area to minimize transportation time and cost and support the regional
Sea and Air Ports of Embarkation and Debarkation OCONUS transportation requires loading and
unloading at commercial or military air or seaports. This process greatly increases the level of
complexity. These ports create bottlenecks when relief supplies compete with commercial or military
DCs FEMA manages three storage facilities in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Guam.
ISB Same as CONUS.
SSA or Territorial Staging Area Same as CONUS.
PODs Same as CONUS.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Transportation In addition to FEMA STOS trucking to move supplies to the Port, the OCONUS supply
chain can employ a combination of commercial and military aircraft, ships, and barges to move
supplies forward.
Key Enablers/Choke Points In addition to those mentioned for CONUS, aspects that may disrupt or
assist supply chain flows in OCONUS supply chains include ports or legal (Trade Agreement Act,
Jones Act, Berry Act).
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix E. Defense Production Act
The Defense Production Act (DPA)
is the primary source of Presidential authorities to expedite and
expand the supply of critical resources from the United States private sector to support national
defense. The DPA broadly defines national defense to include emergency management
preparedness, response, and recovery activities. Emergency preparedness activities, which are a
component of national defense, include measures designed or undertaken to:
Prepare for or minimize the effects of a hazard upon the civilian population;
Deal with the immediate emergency conditions, which the hazard would create; and
Effectuate emergency repairs to, or the emergency restoration of, vital utilities and facilities
that the hazard destroyed or damaged.
DPA is a set of Federal authorities that states, localities, tribes, and territories can petition to use,
and approval is considered on a case-by-case basis. Private sector critical infrastructure owners can
also petition for DPA priority rating use to protect and restore their critical infrastructure. In times of
disaster operations, they must coordinate their requests for rating orders of contracts using DPA
authorities with their Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) assigned to that disaster at their Joint Field
Office (JFO) or at the FEMA Regional Office if the JFO is not operational at the time of inquiry.
DPA authorities are primarily used for prioritizing resources both in the planning process and in
response and recovery activities. DPA priority ratings can be executed during the contracting
process. DPA priority-rated contracts receive preferential treatment from contractors and supporting
subcontractors and suppliers to meet needed delivery dates and quantities. This authority, in effect,
places these rated contracts at the head of the line, in front of all unrated contracts.
DPA encompasses the term “critical infrastructure protection and restoration” in its definition of
national defense. The DPA defines “critical infrastructure” to mean “any systems and assets,
whether physical or cyber-based, so vital to the United States that the degradation or destruction of
such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on national security, including, but not
limited to, national economic security and national public health or safety.”
Requesting DPA Priority Ratings
The process usually starts with a request from a state, local, tribal, or territorial government or
owners and/or operators of private sector critical infrastructure for a priority rating based on an
The Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.)
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
identified obstacle to timely acquisition of a set quantity of a needed good or service. DPA requests
can go to different organizations in various ways, but during Presidentially declared disasters,
requests should go to the Federal Coordinating Officer at the Joint Field Office (JFO). The Federal
Coordinating Officer will determine whether to support the request and initiate coordination
accordingly. Outside of a disaster, such as preparedness planning, the state, local, tribal, and
territorial governments should refer to the FEMA Regional staff to initiate coordination.
Step 1 (Request) The Federal Coordinating Officer should notify the supporting FEMA
Region and the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) of the request and provide
comments on whether to approve the request or not. (e.g., whether alternative solutions exist
or whether potential downstream consequences are known).
Step 2 (Operational Priority) The NRCS Chief, the Resource Support Section Chief, and the
DPA HQ staff in the NRCC identifies the stakeholders who should work together to determine
if this should be an operational priority. In conjunction with these stakeholders, the Federal
Coordinating Officer, and the supporting FEMA Region, the Resource Support Section Chief
and/or Deputy will determine if this request is an operational priority.
Step 3 (Approval) If the request is approved, FEMA works with the appropriate Federal
resource department to obtain a priority rating. The Federal Coordinating Officer will provide
the rating to the jurisdiction or private sector organization requesting the priority rating.
Step 4 (Implementation) The private sector organization or jurisdiction places the priority
rating in its contracts in accordance with the applicable Federal statutes and regulations.
Establishing a Voluntary Agreement
Voluntary agreements allow key business sectors that are likely to be severely impacted by
catastrophic disasters, or suppliers of critical materials or services for disaster response and
recovery, to coordinate emergency preparedness plans and actions. A voluntary agreement allows
cooperation among what otherwise may be business competitors to expedite or expand the supply of
critical materials or services to meet national defense needs, including emergency preparedness,
response, recovery, and mitigation activities and critical infrastructure protection and restoration.
Sectors that could respond more effectively with coordinated emergency response plans might
include, for example, data processing and storage for financial and other vital business records and
construction for repair and rebuilding of damaged infrastructure.
The steps to establish a voluntary agreement at the JFO level include:
Step 1 (Request) Forward request for voluntary agreements to the Federal Coordinating
Officer, the primary Federal interface with jurisdictions and private sector owner/operators of
critical infrastructure. The Federal Coordinating Officer should notify the supporting FEMA
Region and the Resource Support Section in the NRCC of the request and comment on
whether to approve the request.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Step 2 (Sponsor) The process for establishing a voluntary agreement starts with identifying
a Federal sponsor for the private sector organizations that the agreement will represent.
Contact the FEMA Office of Policy and Program Analysis’ DPA Program Division at
OPPA-DPA@fema.dhs.gov or (202) 212-2900 for assistance finding a sponsor.
Step 3 (Initial Approval) FEMA coordinates with the Department of Justice to obtain the
initial approval from the Attorney General. This approval allows the sponsor to consult with
private interests about establishing an agreement.
Step 4 (Meetings) Conduct publicly announced meetings to establish the agreement.
Step 5 (Final Approval) The Attorney General provides final approval to implement the
agreement, along with a finding that a voluntary agreement is needed (See 44 CFR 332.2 for
more details).
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix F. Inventory Management
Inventory management is a vital component of a Distribution Management Plan as it allows SLTTs to
determine the quantity and availability of resources on deck for disasters and incidents. Below is an
example of an inventory management form for tracking inbound and outbound resources and
INCIDENT NAME: Name of Incident DATE: Dates of Incident
CATEGORY: Product Category
AGENCY NAME: Agency in Charge
INTAKE (Where is it OUTTAKE (Where is
coming from) it going to)
# Ordered
Click or tap here
# Distributed
Click or tap
Name/# to enter text. here to enter
# Ordered
Click or tap here
# Distributed
Click or tap
Name/# to enter text. here to enter
# Ordered
Click or tap here
# Distributed
Click or tap
Name/# to enter text. here to enter
# Ordered
Click or tap here
# Distributed
Click or tap
Name/# to enter text. here to enter
SIGNATURE SIGN OFF: Signature of Individual Completing Form
DATE: Date Form Completed
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix G. Demobilization
As SLTTs prepare to demobilize, consider the example planning factors outlined in Table 3.
Table 3. Example criteria for demobilization
General Information
Resources will be released after the agreed upon tour of duty, or at such time
that the Requesting Jurisdiction’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
determines a resource is surplus to current missions.
Demobilization activities will be coordinated with the Requesting Jurisdiction EOC
Resources will not be released unless alternate arrangements are approved.
No resources will de-mobilize until authorized to do so by the Requesting
Requesting Jurisdiction Responsibilities
Approve demobilization plans.
Ensure coordination, and reporting of, demobilization activities with Federal
authorities and other member jurisdictions of the system.
Prepare and execute demobilization plan in coordination with Requesting
Jurisdiction authorities.
Debrief all personnel prior to release.
Fully brief/debrief replacement staff of the resource and operations status
Post final Situation Report as directed and other close out operations prior to
departure as requested by the Requesting Jurisdiction.
Debrief Requesting Jurisdiction personnel, complete and submit all demobilization
Return operations over to Requesting Jurisdiction
Gather all hard copy and electronic documents and mission records and ensure
copies are available to the Requesting and Responding Jurisdictions upon
Responding Personnel Responsibilities
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
General Information
Maintain contact with Requesting Jurisdiction Point of Contact for debriefing and
other demobilization instructions as necessary.
Inform Requesting Jurisdiction and Responding Jurisdiction of method of travel,
point of departure, destination and estimated time of arrival at home station.
Return any equipment checked out for use during deployment.
Submit any documentation as needed or requested.
Notify the Requesting Jurisdiction and Responding Jurisdiction of safe arrival at
home station upon return.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix H. Evaluation Sheet and
Review Checklist
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regional Logistics Branch uses the evaluation
sheet on the following page to determine a baseline assessment of a Distribution Management Plan.
It includes 13 questions to evaluate the inclusion of key components. The “Comments” column
identifies areas or actions for improvement. Based on the results of the evaluation, the Plan is
placed in one of three Tiers:
Tier 1: Approved and complete.
Tier 2: Approved with comments, action plan required.
Tier 3: Received, technical assistance and action plan required.
After the initial assessment, an Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) recipient is
expected to make continued progress in subsequent years, working with the FEMA Regional Logistics
Branch as necessary.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Distribution Management Plan Evaluation Sheet
Baseline Assessment
Year 1 Baseline Assessment
– Year 1
Distribution Management Plan Evaluation Sheet
State/Territory: Reviewed by:
Date Received: Date Reviewed:
No. Question Rating Comment
Yes No
1 Did the EMPG recipient submit a Distribution Management Plan?
2 Does the plan address all seven componentsDefine Requirements;
Order Resources; Distribution Methods; Inventory Management;
Transportation; Staging; and Demobilization?
3 Is the focus on SLTT distribution capacity with the Federal Government in
a supporting role?
4 Does the plan indicate how to integrate private sector, nonprofit, and local
and Federal partners?
5 Does the Define Requirements section refine the requirement based on
anticipated demand for meals, water, mass care supplies, and
transportation of resources and include private sector capabilities?
6 Does the Order Resources section include multiple sourcing mechanisms?
7 Does the Distribution Methods section include robust and scalable
methods to accommodate any level of disaster?
8 Does the Inventory Management section describe how the state will
acquire, use, distribute, store, and dispose of commodities and equipment?
9 Does the Transportation section describe the transportation architecture
(e.g., key routes and nodes) and inbound and outbound flows?
10 Does the Staging section predetermine and assess sites for equipment,
staff, contracts, and other support needs?
11 Does the Demobilization section describe how the recipient will conduct a
property reconciliation and organized shutdown?
12 Is the plan implementable for the EMPG recipient?
13 Has the DM Plan been exercised?
14 Has the DM Plan been executed for disaster operations?
Score (total number of yes) of 14
Baseline Evaluation: Tier 1: Approved and complete
Tier 2: Approved with comments, action plan required
Tier 3: Received, technical assistance and action plan required
This evaluation sheet provides a baseline assessment of a EMPG Recipient’s Distribution Management Plan. A
recipient should make continued progress from this baseline assessment in subsequent years, working with the
FEMA Regional Logistics Branch as necessary. Comments are areas or actions for improvement.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Distribution Management Plan Guide Review Checklist
The following checklist is provided to assist SLTTs and contains additional context for
developing Distribution Management Plans.
Did the EMPG recipient submit a Distribution Management Plan?
Is the focus on SLTT distribution capacity, with the Federal Government only acting in
a supporting role?
o Have the SLTT’s utilized a whole community approach before requesting
additional assistance and resources from FEMA?
Is there collaboration with the whole community including leveraging partnerships
with SLTT partners, private sector, EMAC, nonprofits, and local and Federal partners?
Does the plan address all seven components?
o Requirement Defining
Does this section refine the requirement based on anticipated demand
for meals, water, mass care supplies, and transportation of resources
and to also include private sector capabilities?
Has research and analysis been conducted to determine distribution
needs for the impacted population(s)?
o Resource Ordering
Does this section include multiple sourcing mechanisms?
Have partnerships been developed to assist in gathering and
distributing resources?
Are there main and secondary contracts developed and prepared?
o Distribution Methods
Does this section include robust and scalable methods to
accommodate any level of disaster?
o Inventory Management
Does this section describe how the state will acquire, use, distribute,
store, and dispose of commodities and equipment?
Is there a tracking system in place to track inbound and outbound
resources and supplies consistently and accurately across all types of
transportation and staging sites?
o Transportation
Does this section describe transportation architecture (e.g., key routes
and nodes) and inbound and outbound flows?
Does this section provide alternative routes for delivery of resources
and supplies?
o Staging
Does this section include information that predetermines and assess
sites for equipment, staff, contracts, and other support needs?
Does this section establish staging sites that meet most, if not all,
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Has the appropriate number of supplies and resources been identified
as well a daily maintenance schedules, breakdown protocols and
traveling and refueling procedures?
o Demobilization
Does this section describe how the recipient will conduct a property
reconciliation and organized shutdown?
Is there indication of which assisting parties demobilizes which
resources and commodities?
Identify and include any best practice solutions used during response and recovery
efforts in the current version of the DM Plan.
Based on the information provided in all seven components, have the appropriate
representatives and personnel who will track and lead those services to full
completion from Requirement Defining to Demobilization been identified?
Have workshops been conducted with those identifiable personnel to confirm
knowledge of job requirements, priorities, and information planning?
Have tabletop exercises been conducted to practice the Distribution Management
Plan to check for errors, gaps, and other needs of development or change?
Have best practices been identified and tagged for future recovery and response
Is the plan implementable?
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Appendix I. Distribution
Management Plan Template
as of (Date)
How to use this template
This is an optional template for developing a Distribution Management Plan for your
jurisdiction. Please reference the Distribution Management Plan Guide available on
FEMA.gov for more information about each of the sections. This template is organized with
sections and descriptions of what to include. To use this template, insert information
relevant to your jurisdiction under each section below and delete the reference text. Reach
out to your FEMA Regional Logistics Branch for technical assistance with this template and
distribution management plans.
Explain the purpose of your jurisdiction’s Distribution Management Plan. The purpose
statement is a simple and general statement of what your Distribution Management Plan is
meant to do by providing the framework for how you will manage the distribution of
resources to survivors in your community after a disaster and who use the plan.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
This section should explicitly state the scope of distribution (e.g., the number of regional
staging areas, logistics staging areas, and/or state staging areas as well as commodity
points of distribution) and the geographic areas to which commodities will be distributed.
More importantly, the scope should address how the jurisdiction will collaborate with the
whole community. As partnership with state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) partners,
private sector, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), and nonprofits can
bridge gaps until normal supply chain systems are restored, this section should identify the
entities involved in the distribution and how to coordinate with all applicable stakeholders.
This section clearly characterizes why a Distribution Plan is necessary. A Distribution
Management Plan establishes strategies, functional plans, and tactical guidance for SLTT
logistical response operations. The plan should cover staging sites and operations, logistical
support including services and personnel, information management, transportation of
resources to point of need, commodity points of distribution (C-PODs), inventory
management, resource sourcing, and demobilization. The plan should address all
components of distribution management from defining requirements to demobilization and
inventorying resources from small incidents to catastrophic incidents.
Assumptions identify what the SLTT considers to be facts for planning purposes to make it
possible to execute the Distribution Management Plan. Regardless of the type of incident,
certain fundamental assumptions about distribution should be made. Some suggested
assumptions include:
A detailed and credible common operating picture might not be achievable for 24-72 hours
or longer after the incident. As a result, response activities will begin without the benefit of a
detailed or complete situation and critical needs assessment.
Local and regional supply chains and infrastructure will have been significantly disrupted,
destroyed, or over-extended.
Demand may exceed supply, evidenced through shortages of response teams, first
responders, equipment, and supplies. A viable resource allocation and adjudication system
must be immediately in place to get the maximum benefit of critical resources.
Multiple jurisdictions will have to work together to share emergency commodities.
Multiple incidents may occur simultaneously or sequentially in contiguous and/or
noncontiguous areas. This will require prioritization of limited resources.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
The incident may result in significant disruptions (for an extremely long duration of time) of
critical infrastructure including transportation, commodities, energy, telecommunications,
public health, and medical systems.
Normal forms of communications may be severely interrupted, if not destroyed, during the
early phases of a disaster.
Transportation to impacted areas may be disrupted due to damaged roads, bridges, rail, and
airports. The limited capability to refuel delivery vehicles within an affected jurisdiction may
become a critical factor in planning.
Unaffected jurisdictions may be requested to provide personnel and equipment to the
affected jurisdiction/region for distribution support.
An area’s response capabilities and resources, including resources normally available
through EMAC, memorandums of understanding (MOUs) and/or memorandums of
agreement (MOAs), may be insufficient and quickly overwhelmed. It is highly likely that local
public safety personnel who normally respond to such situations may be among those
affected and unable to perform their duties.
An incident might result in such severe damage to a jurisdiction’s infrastructure that
habitation is not feasible during response operations. Consequently, mandatory evacuation
may be ordered by appropriate authority. Distribution of commodities will decrease as the
population shifts due to mandatory evacuation.
The status of supply chains, infrastructure, fuel, transportation providers, material handling
equipment, staffing, and other major systems will have to be evaluated on an on-going basis.
Technical Assistance
My jurisdiction has engaged in the following types of technical assistance. Please check all
that apply and indicate dates and details as appropriate.
Reviewed the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 (CPG 101), Developing and
Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans
Participated in the DHS Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP)
o Please provide the date and topic:
Received FEMA Technical Assistance through the FEMA National Integration Center
o Please provide the date(s):
Received FEMA Technical Assistance through FEMA Regional Logistics Branches
o Please provide type:
Participated in Emergency Management Institute’s Interagency Logistics Training and
Staging Area Operations (e.g., L854and L660 courses)
Conducted the Logistics Capability Assistance Tool 2 (LCAT2)
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
o Please provide the most recent date:
Participated in the Points of Distribution (PODs) Training (e.g., IS-26) and/or any
other relevant training available
Conducted Special Analyses or Studies on supply chain, logistics, and/or distribution
o Please describe:
Reviewed the Supply Chain Resilience Guide
I. Define Requirements:
Define how your jurisdiction identifies and refines requirements to anticipate demand
for meals, water, mass care supplies, and transportation of resources. Include how
you integrate private sector capabilities in defining your requirements. Discuss your
planning models and the assumptions behind how demand is forecasted.
II. Order Resources:
a. Cite your resources ordering sourcing mechanisms, such as existing internal
capability and stock, vendor managed inventory, partnerships, and contracts.
b. Describe how you manage the resource request form (RRF) process for federal
assistance and balance requests for federal resources with state capability and
c. Indicate how you will incorporate key partnerships, such as private sector
partners, nonprofit organizations, territorial and local governments, federal
government, into how resources are ordered.
d. Indicate who, in your organization, is the lead for resource ordering.
III. Distribution Methods:
Cite and describe your robust and scalable methods to accommodate any level of
disaster. This includes direct distribution and establishing commodity points of
distribution (C-PODs). When discussing C-PODs, include staffing (i.e., who by position
and numbers of people) and equipment (e.g., gloves, traffic cones, chains, forklift,
dumpster, lights, advertising signs) requirements, training, and the duration of
operations. Indicate who, in your organization, is the lead for distribution.
IV. Inventory Management:
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Describe how you will acquire, use, distribute, track, store, and dispose of
commodities and equipment. Indicate who, in your organization, is the lead for
inventory management.
V. Transportation:
Describe the transportation architecture (e.g., key routes and nodes), and inbound
and outbound flows that will be used as part of the distribution process. Describe
which transportation modes you will use (e.g., ground, air, water, rail, and intermodal)
and how you will strategize the use of these modes to meet distribution
requirements, including the identification of alternative transportation modes and
nodes. This section is also used to discuss how you track the consumption rate of
resources and use of material and equipment, how you manage empty trailers, and
how you will use shuttle fleets, as applicable to your jurisdiction.
VI. Staging:
Cite the predetermined staging locations and what commodities and resources will
be distributed at each location. Discuss how you conduct site inspections to
determine the staging locations. Discuss how the sites will be used for operations,
such as how you will receive federal commodities, inventory from state distribution
centers or state partners, and resources from private sector through contracts or
donations. Discuss how these staging areas will be used to move resources to and
from county staging areas and commodity points of distribution. Finally, discuss who
has the lead for each staging requirement in your jurisdiction.
VII. Demobilization:
Describe how property reconciliation and an organized shutdown will be initiated and
conducted. Additionally, describe what mechanism final records and reports will be
developed and ensure equipment and supplies have been cleaned, inventoried and
replenished for future incidents and disasters. Indicate who, in your organization is
the lead for demobilization.
VIII. Exercise Development and Implementation:
Describe how your Distribution Management Plan will be exercised and how often
exercises will be conducted. Identify any gaps that require change and best practices
that can be tagged for future response and recovery efforts.
Distribution Management Plan Guide 2.0
Approval Signature