Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
Study Objectives: Mobile health (mHealth) tools such as smartphone applications (apps) have potential to support sleep self-management. The objective of
this review was to identify the status of available consumer mHealth apps targeted toward supporting sleep self-management and assess their functionalities.
Methods: We searched four mobile app stores (iTunes Appstore, Android Google Play, Amazon Appstore, and Microsoft Appstore) using the terms “sleep”,
“sleep management,” “sleep monitoring,” and “sleep tracking.” Apps were evaluated using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS) and the IMS Institute
for Healthcare Informatics functionality scores.
Results: We identied 2,431 potentially relevant apps, of which 73 met inclusion criteria. Most apps were excluded because they were unrelated to sleep self-
management, simply provided alarm service, or solely played relaxation sounds in an attempt to improve sleep. The median overall MARS score was 3.1 out
of 5, and more than half of apps (42/73, 58%) had a minimum acceptability score of 3.0. The apps had on average 7 functions based on the IMS functionality
criteria (range 2 to 11). A record function was present in all apps but only eight had the function to intervene. About half of the apps (33/73, 45%) collected
data automatically using embedded sensors, 27 apps allowed the user to manually enter sleep data, and 14 apps supported both types of data recording.
Conclusions: The ndings suggest that few apps meet prespecied criteria for quality, content, and functionality for sleep self-management. Despite the
rapid evolution of sleep self-management apps, lack of validation studies is a signicant concern that limits the clinical value of these apps.
Keywords: consumer health informatics, mHealth, self-management, sleep
Citation: Choi YK, Demiris G, Lin SY, Iribarren SJ, Landis CA, Thompson HJ, McCurry SM, Heitkemper MM, Ward TM. Smartphone applications to support
sleep self-management: review and evaluation. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018;14(10):17831790.
Sleep that is adequate in quality and duration is essential for
life, health, and well-being. Yet, sleep deciency is quite com-
mon and pervasive in modern society. Sleep deciency is de-
ned as a decit in the quantity or quality of sleep obtained
versus the amount needed for optimal health, performance,
and well-being.”
Sleep deciency most often manifests as re-
current disrupted or fragmented sleep, an inadequate amount
of sleep, or sleep of poor quality from a sleep disorder such as
insomnia or sleep apnea. Sleep deciency associated with poor
sleep quality is common in chronic illness and directly con-
tributes to (1) various problems in carrying out daytime func-
tions, (2) reduced health-related quality of life, (3) increased
health care utilization,
and (4) is associated with increased
morbidity and mortality.
Often adults and children with
chronic illness, who report poor quality of life, have substan-
tial sleep deciency.
Self-management is an ongoing, perhaps lifelong, process
with a focus on self-identied needs or problems that require
continual monitoring and enacting appropriate actions that may
require interaction with others including health care providers.
In the eld of interdisciplinary sleep medicine, interventions to
treat sleep deciency are mainly provider initiated. As an al-
ternative to provider-directed interventions, sleep investigators
have tested the use of self-help behavioral interventions based
Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management:
Review and Evaluation
Yong K. Choi, MPH
; George Demiris, PhD
; Shih-Yin Lin, PhD, MPH, MM
; Sarah J. Iribarren, PhD, RN
; Carol A. Landis, PhD, RN
Hilaire J. Thompson, PhD, RN, ARNP, CNRN, AGACNP-BC
; Susan M. McCurry, PhD
; Margaret M. Heitkemper, PhD, RN
; Teresa M. Ward, PhD, RN
School of Nursing, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington;
School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
pii: jc-18-00177 http://dx.doi.org/10.5664/jcsm.7396
on the self-management approach.
Although self-management
approaches have shown small to moderate eect sizes,
greater gains could potentially be achieved with the use of
self-management approaches, such as patient-centered self-
monitoring technologies, and strategies that engage individu-
als and families in interaction with providers and/or with other
individuals with insomnia. The advent of developing patient-
centered self-management sleep interventions to support main-
tenance of therapy over time has been considered a “new era”
in the sleep eld.
Sleep self-management interventions that incorporate tech-
nology have the potential to empower patients to improve
health and health care outcomes of individuals who have sleep
deciency. With an uptake of mobile phone ownership among
adults in the United States, a rapid development in mHealth
technologies allows users to self-monitor and visualize their
sleep patterns, symptoms, and behavioral data and aid them in
taking appropriate actions on potentially a daily basis. Several
years ago, Ko et al. provided a general overview of the land-
scape of mobile health apps to support sleep self-management
along with other consumer sleep health technologies including
wearable devices.
About the same time, Ong et al. reviewed
and assessed 51 unique sleep analysis apps available for down-
However, this review was based on the description
available at each developer’s website only as the authors did
not download the apps to conduct a systematic evaluation of
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
YK Choi, G Demiris, SY Lin, et al. Review: Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management
their quality. To date no studies have systematically assessed
the quality of commercially available apps to support sleep
self-management. To address this gap in the literature, we con-
ducted a thorough review of commercially available mHealth
apps focused specically on sleep self-management. Our ob-
jectives were to (1) identify the current landscape of commer-
cially available sleep self-management related mHealth apps;
(2) describe their characteristics; (3) identify the extent to
which available apps have been rigorously tested; (4) rate the
quality of the apps based on existing rating scales; and (5) pro-
vide recommendations for the design and implementation for
future apps to support sleep self-management.
Systematic Search and Selection Criteria
In April 2017, we conducted a thorough review of mHealth apps
across four leading web-based mobile app stores: Apple iTunes
App Store, Android Google Play store, Amazon Appstore, and
Microsoft Appstore. The following search terms were used in
each app store: “sleep,“sleep management,“sleep monitor-
ing,and “sleep tracking.In the rst round of screening, the
duplicate apps identied from multiple search terms in each
app store were excluded. In the second round, two members of
the research team (YC, SL) conducted a preliminary screening
based on app titles, full market descriptions, and screenshots of
the potential apps to evaluate relevance. Inclusion criteria for
the apps were as follows: (1) focus on sleep self-management
based on user generated data (eg, monitoring or tracking us-
ers’ sleep patterns, providing guidance to improve sleep based
on user generated data); (2) must be able to be used without
the assistance of a healthcare provider; (3) must be currently
available on the public market; and (4) must be in English.
Because our focus was to assess apps that use user-generated
data, apps that only provided sleep education, tips, or relax-
ation techniques without the use of user-generated data were
not part of this review. More specic exclusion criteria can be
found in Figure 1.
Any discrepancies in ratings of inclusion and exclusion cri-
teria between the team members were discussed until consen-
sus was reached.
The remaining apps were downloaded and reviewed (using
the following platforms: iOS on iPhone 6; Android on Nexus
5x; Amazon Fire Tablet; Windows Phone 8.1 on Lumia 435).
Approximately 25% of the apps were independently evaluated
and rated by both reviewers and the interrater reliability was
high. For the remainder, apps on the Apple iTunes appstore
were reviewed by one member (SL) and apps on the other plat-
forms were reviewed by another (YC).
In reviewing the apps, 75 additional apps that did not meet the
inclusion criteria upon closer examination were excluded. The
preliminary list of apps to be included was reviewed for dupli-
cated apps identied across multiple platforms and for highly
similar versions of the same app (eg, “lite” or “pro” versions) to
produce the nal list of unique apps (see Figure 1owchart).
A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet was used to characterize
each app as to its required platform (eg, iOS, Android, etc.),
country developed, cost to download, number of downloads,
rating and number of reviewers contributing to the rating, date
of last update, and primary features. Additionally, a data ex-
traction form was developed using a Research Electronic Data
Capture (REDCap) survey that included the two rating scales
(described in the next paragraph). In the REDCap survey, we
also measured the sleep tracking method of each app (eg, “au-
tomatic,” “manual entry,” “both”). Additionally, we conducted
PubMed searches using the app name of each of the included
apps as the search term to identify peer-reviewed publication
reporting on the app credibility (eg, development using evi-
dence-based intervention, ecacy testing).
Rating Tools
To systematically assess and appraise the apps, the reviewers
used two dierent rating tools: (1) Mobile Application Rat-
ing Scale (MARS) quality score,
and (2) IMS Institute for
Healthcare Informatics app functionality score.
rating tool is a 23-item scale developed to systematically as-
sess the quality of mHealth apps (Table 1). The MARS instru-
ment includes an objective app quality section with 19 items
divided into 4 scales: engagement, functionality, esthetics,
and information quality and one subjective quality section
with 4 items evaluating the users’ overall satisfaction. Each
MARS item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = inadequate,
2 = poor, 3-acceptable, 4 = good, and 5 = excellent). For this
review, we did not rate the MARS item 19 pertaining to app
credibility, because a PubMed search identied only three
validation studies among the included apps.
15 17
rating tool has been previously applied to evaluate diverse
mHealth apps including mindfulness,
weight management,
smoking cessation,
heart failure symptom monitoring,
blood alcohol calculation.
The IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics mobile app
functionality score consists of 7 functionality criteria and 4
functional subcategories
(Table 2). Each app was evaluated
to assess whether each of 11 functionalities exists and a func-
tionality score (0 to 11) was calculated accordingly. The IMS
functionality score is dierent from the MARS functionality
score as it focuses solely on the availability of the functional-
ity (inform, record, display, guide, remind, and communicate),
whereas the MARS functionality score measures the quality
of performance, ease of use, navigation, and gestural design of
the app with a 5-point Likert scale.
Additionally, we assessed the type of data recording into
three categories: automatic tracking (eg, using embedded sen-
sors such as an accelerometer), manual tracking (ie, manual
logging by the user), or both.
Data Analysis
Two reviewers (YC and SL) were trained in the use of the
MARS scale
following the steps presented in the YouTube
training tutorial.
Both reviewers rated 25% of randomly selected apps to eval-
uate interrater reliability for both MARS and the IMS func-
tionality scores. The intraclass correlation coecients were
calculated on all MARS subscales and total score, as well as
for the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics functionality
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
YK Choi, G Demiris, SY Lin, et al. Review: Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management
score. For our analysis, we used a two-way mixed-eects, aver-
age-measures model with absolute agreement.
All statistical
analyses were conducted using R Software.
Descriptive Characteristics
Our search queries in Android Google Play, Apple iTunes,
Amazon Appstore, and Microsoft App stores yielded 2,431
potentially relevant apps, of which 73 unique apps were in-
cluded in our review. The ow diagram (Figure 1) shows
the overview of the selection process and categories for ex-
clusion. After multiple screening iterations, most of the apps
were excluded because they were unrelated to sleep content
(n = 437), focused on simply playing environmental or relax-
ation sounds (n = 642) or providing alarm service (n = 305), or
required other external devices to operate (eg, wearable watch)
(n = 238). Appendix 1 in the supplemental material provides
the full list of the included apps and their characteristics.
Seventy-eight percent of the apps (57/73) were free to down-
load and 22% of the apps (16/73) had costs up to $9.99. When
there were multiple versions of the same app, we chose to
download the paid version only if it added signicant features
such as visualizing the data in dierent graphs. Sixty-six per-
cent of the apps (48/73) had been updated within the past 2
years. We did not include the small number of apps (n = 6)
that had no updates beyond 2012. The average consumer star
rating across all of the apps was 3.8 out of 5 with a range of
0 to 5 (5 being the highest score) for those with a user rating
reported. Approximately 20% of the apps (15/73) had not been
rated by anyone. The number of individual ratings ranged from
0 to more than 25,000. Only Google Appstore provided infor-
mation on the number of downloads per app. Of the 33 apps
Figure 1—Screening process owchart.
CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
YK Choi, G Demiris, SY Lin, et al. Review: Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management
with download information, 27% (9/33) had fewer than 5,000
downloads, 27% (9/33) had 5,000 to 50,000, 27% (9/33) had
50,000 to 500,000 downloads, and 18% (6/33) had 500,000 to
MARS App Quality Scores
Table 3 presents the four subscale scores (engagement, func-
tionality, esthetics, and information), overall quality score,
and subjective quality score (satisfaction) for the top 20 apps
in the order of descending overall quality. The full list of the
MARS scores for all included apps is found in Appendix 2
in the supplemental material. Approximately 25% of the apps
(19/73) were independently evaluated by both raters, and there
was good interrater reliability (two-way mixed consistency-of-
agreement intraclass correlation = .81, 95% condence inter-
vals .75–.84). Of the 4 subscales, functionality had the highest
median score (3.75) and satisfaction had the lowest (2.25). The
median overall MARS score was 3.1 out of 5, and 58% of the
apps (42/73) had a minimum acceptability score of 3.0.
Overall, Sleep as Android Unlock, Alarm Clock Xtream
& Timer, and Sleep Center Free each had the highest average
MARS total (4.0) followed by Smart Sleep Manager: Alarm
clock & sleep log (3.8), Samsung Health (3.7), and Good Morn-
ing Alarm Clock (3.7).
Figure 2 illustrates the functionalities of the apps based on the
seven functionality criteria and four functional subcategories
adapted from the Institute for Healthcare Informatics report.
The gure highlights that all apps had a record function (73/73,
100%). Out of a total of 11 functionalities, the median number
of functionalities was 7; 55% of apps (41/73) had 7 or fewer
functions. Sixty-six apps (90%) were able to provide some
form of graphical representations of user-entered data and 62
apps (85%) had the function to inform. Additionally, there were
56 apps that had the function to instruct (77%), 36 to remind/
alert (49%), 33 to communicate (45%), and 15 to guide (21%).
Among the 73 apps that had the function to record, 72 could
collect and evaluate data, 45 could share the data, but only 8
had the function to intervene by sending alerts or to propose be-
havioral changes based on the collected data. Most of the apps
focused on collecting daily sleep duration but also collected
other information including snoring or sleep sounds, daily
moods, diet, and physical activity. Thirty-three apps (45%) col-
lected data automatically using the embedded sensors, 27 apps
allowed users to manually enter the sleep data, and 14 apps
supported both types of data recording. For automatic data
Table 1MARS items and subscales criteria.
App Quality
Scoring Criteria Subscales
1. Engagement 1.1 Entertainment
1.2 Interest
1.3 Customization
1.4 Interactivity
1.5 Target group
2. Functionality 2.1 Performance
2.2 Ease of use
2.3 Navigation
2.4 Gestural design
3. Aesthetics 3.1 Layout
3.2 Graphics
3.3 Visual appeal: how good does the app look?
4. Information 4.1 Accuracy of app description
4.2 Goals
4.3 Quality of information
4.4 Quantity of information
4.5 Visual information
4.6 Credibility
4.7 Evidence base
5. Subjective
5.1 Would you recommend this app?
5.2 How many times do you think you would use
this app?
5.3 Would you pay for this app?
5.4 What is your overall star rating of the app?
MARS = Mobile Application Rating Scale.
Table 2IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics functionality scoring criteria.
Scoring Criteria Description
1. Inform Provides information in a variety of formats (text, photo, video)
2. Instruct Provides instructions to the user (eg, app user guides, instructions to interpret sleep charts)
3. Record Capture user-entered data (eg, manual sleep log, sensor-based automatic sleep log)
3.1 Collect data Able to enter and store health data on individual phone
3.2 Share data Able to transmit health data (eg, export, upload, email sleep data)
3.3 Evaluate data Able to evaluate the entered health data by patient and provider, provider and administrator, or patient and caregiver
3.4 Intervene Able to send alerts based on the data collected or propose behavioral intervention or changes (eg, smart wakeup alarm based on
user sleep data, anti-snoring alerts when snoring is detected)
4. Display Graphically display user-entered data/output user-entered data (eg, sleep trends chart)
5. Guide Provide guidance based on user-entered information, and may further offer a diagnosis, or recommend a consultation with
a physician/a course of treatment (eg, recommendations for improving sleep based on user sleep data)
6. Remind or alert Provide reminders to the user (eg, bedtime notication)
7. Communicate Provide communication between health care providers, patients, consumers, caregivers and/or provide links to social networks (eg,
email or upload sleep data to Facebook)
Total score (0 to 11): one point is assigned to each functionality that is present.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
YK Choi, G Demiris, SY Lin, et al. Review: Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management
collection to function correctly, the phone needed to be placed
nearby or on the bed.
Four apps had a total of 11 functionalities (Good Morning
Alarm Clock, SleepRate: Sleep Therapy, Sleep as Android Un-
lock, Samsung Health) followed by 5 apps that had 10 func-
tionalities (MotionX 24/7: Sleeptracker, Sleep Center Free,
WakeMode, Snail Sleep, Instant - Quantied Self).
Sharing data was often supported through syncing data with
a cloud server, exporting as a CSV or PDF le, or sending an
email. Some apps provided a channel to communicate by allow-
ing users to share their sleep-related data with friends and family
through linking with social networking services. The guidance
was often provided to the user by analyzing the sleep data and
providing information such as sleep decit and snoring statistics
(Figure 3). Additionally, some apps monitored the sleep session
using the embedded microphone and alerted the user when snor-
ing was detected by producing gentle sounds or vibration.
Overall App Quality
Cross-comparing the apps that had the highest MARS scores
with and IMS functionality scores, the highest-performing
apps included Sleep Center Free, Good Morning Alarm Clock,
Sleep as Android Unlock, and Samsung Health (Table 4).
Design Recommendations for Developers
A number of key features emerged from analyses of the apps
that could help improve the design of future apps for sleep self-
management. As noted in the previous section on app func-
tionality, all the included apps had some form of sleep data
automatic and/or manual recording function. However, one of
the biggest challenges identied across the apps was the lack
of manual editing functionality, especially for apps that do au-
tomatic tracking of sleep. Many apps did not allow users to
go back and edit the previous log entries. The manual editing
functionality is crucial because automatic tracking based on the
embedded sensors, despite some developer’s marketing claims,
is often inaccurate and the user would want to adjust the logs to
more accurately reect that night’s sleep and identify potential
bias in underestimation or overestimation of sleep.
Figure 2Functionality of included apps based on IMS
Institute for Healthcare Informatics functionality scores.
Table 3Top 20 MARS score apps.
App Name Engage Function Aesthetics Information Satisfaction Overall
Sleep as Android Unlock 4.0 4.3 4.3 3.8 3.8 4.0
Alarm Clock Xtreme & Timer 4.2 4.3 4.3 3.5 3.8 4.0
Sleep Center Free 4.2 4.3 4.0 4.0 3.5 4.0
Smart Sleep Manager: Alarm clock & sleep log 4.0 4.3 4.0 3.8 2.8 3.8
Samsung Health 4.0 3.5 4.3 3.8 3.0 3.7
Good Morning Alarm Clock 3.8 4.3 3.7 3.7 3.0 3.7
SnoreLab: Record Your Snoring 3.8 4.3 3.7 3.8 2.8 3.7
TracknShare LITE- A Quantied Self Journal 4.6 4.0 3.7 3.8 2.3 3.7
SnoreClock-Do you snore? 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 2.5 3.7
Instant - Quantied Self 4.2 3.8 4.0 3.5 2.8 3.6
MotionX 24/7: Sleeptracker 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.8 2.8 3.6
Sleep Meister - Sleep Cycle Alarm Lite 4.0 4.3 3.7 3.8 2.5 3.6
Alarm Clock - Sleep Cycle 3.6 4.0 3.7 3.0 3.8 3.6
Juice 3.8 3.8 4.0 3.2 3.0 3.5
Argus Health & Calorie Counter 3.8 3.5 4.0 3.2 3.3 3.5
Sleep Well Alarm; Intelligent Alarm Clock 3.4 4.0 4.0 3.8 2.5 3.5
Snail Sleep 3.4 4.0 3.7 3.8 2.8 3.5
Zen Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock Pro - Sleep Smarter 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.3 3.5
Sleep Science Alarm Clock: smart sleep cycle tracker &
monitor with diary & graphs
3.6 4.0 3.7 3.5 2.8 3.5
Sleep Tracker+ Mood Diary 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.5 2.8 3.5
MARS = Mobile Application Rating Scale.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
YK Choi, G Demiris, SY Lin, et al. Review: Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management
Another important feature is the ability to easily document
or annotate information related to sleep such as subjective
sleep quality, diet (eg, caeine, alcohol intake), and exercise.
Allowing users to easily record this information in a structured
format would help when investigating behaviors and habits that
could be aecting sleep. In addition, goal setting is a feature
that was often missing from the included apps. Users could
benet from being able to set up personalized goals for bet-
ter sleep self-management. Having capacity to visualize sleep
data in clear and informative graphs could further help users
easily understand their sleep patterns and facilitate meaningful
interpretations of the data.
A potentially important feature that was missing from the
included apps was user ability to export data. Although some
apps allowed users to upload their data to the cloud servers
that app supported, many apps did not allow users to export
the data for further analysis. Additionally, only a few apps had
a functionality to record sound or noise along with sleep pat-
tern data. Although there were apps specically designed to
capture sleep noise or environmental sounds, it would be more
convenient for users if a sleep app supported capturing sleep
sounds, sleep pattern behavior, and other environmental fac-
tors such as light levels and temperatures.
Ideally, to maximize user experience and satisfaction, future
apps should engage end users in the design process to identify
and address usersneeds and preferences. This would also help
Table 4Description of top 5 apps combining MARS and IMS functionality scores.
Name Platform Cost, US $ # of Installs
* Star Rating MARS Score IMS Score Tracking Type
Sleep as Android Unlock Google/Amazon 3.99 500,000–1,000,000 5 4.0 11 Both
Sleep Center Free Apple Free N/R NA 4.0 10 Both
Good Morning Alarm Clock Apple/Google Free 1,000,000–5,000,000 4 3.7 11 Automatic
Samsung Health Google Free 100,000,000–500,000,000 4 3.7 11 Manual
Snail Sleep Google/Amazon Free 100,000–500,000 4 3.5 10 Automatic
* = data on number of installs were only available in Google Play. MARS = Mobile Application Rating Scale.
designers of future apps address potential mechanical or visual
limitations that might be important to users across a diverse
spectrum of abilities.
In the past several years, smartphone ownership and adoption
has skyrocketed. A recent survey shows that approximately
77% of United States adults owned a smartphone in 2017.
the growth of smartphone usage, the number and the variety of
health-promoting apps has increased exponentially. In this re-
view, we identied and evaluated consumer mHealth apps for
sleep self-management and systematically evaluated quality
using validated rating scales. Despite the need for supporting
sleep self-management and the large number of mHealth apps
on the market, our results showed that there are few apps that
scored above average in prespecied criteria for quality, con-
tent, and functionality for sleep self-management. The func-
tionality of the apps was primarily focused on recording and
displaying the user generated sleep data for self-evaluation.
About half of apps (45%) collected data automatically using
the embedded sensors in a smartphone device. Such apps often
instruct a user to connect the phone to the charger and place it
on the sleeping surface or under the pillow to collect data. Using
the data collected, apps provided information on sleep patterns
Figure 3Screenshots of the selected apps.
Apps display different sleep statistics based on the data collected by the embedded sensor. Left, Sleep as Android Unlock. Right, Good Morning Alarm
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 10 October 15, 2018
YK Choi, G Demiris, SY Lin, et al. Review: Smartphone Applications to Support Sleep Self-Management
(eg, bedtime, wakeup time, and average time in bed) and some
even reported additional sleep parameters including amount of
time in light, deep, and rapid eye movement stage. However, it
is critically important to highlight that such sleep parameters
calculated by the custom algorithms of the sleep self-manage-
ment apps have yet to be successfully validated against results
obtained by polysomnography (PSG), the gold standard. Based
on our PubMed search of included apps, only three apps (Sleep
MotionX 24/7,
Sleep Cycle
) have been formally eval-
uated for clinical validity comparing the parameters reported
by the apps and those obtained by PSG. The validation studies
have shown that the sleep parameters by the apps poorly corre-
lated with PSG and failed to accurately reect the sleep stages
and thus deemed not useful as a clinical tool.
15 17
With the rapid evolvement of consumer health technologies,
governmental regulation of mHealth apps has not been able to
adequately keep pace. In 2013, the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has issued initial guidelines regarding
the type of mobile apps to be considered “medical devices”
to be under stringent regulation.
Although the guideline will
change over time, as of 2018, a sleep self-management app falls
under the category of “lower risk” products for which the FDA
intends to exercise enforcement discretion.
In practice, devel-
opers or companies make claims to benet users’ sleep health
but categorize their products as “lifestyle apps” or “entertain-
ment apps” to circumvent potential liabilities that may arise for
its use for clinical purpose. Nonetheless, the lack of validation
research to demonstrate clinical value from the use of these
apps is a serious concern. The position statement issued by the
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) emphasizes
this concern and asserts that consumer sleep technology in-
tended for a diagnosis and/or treatment of sleep disorders must
be cleared by the FDA and undergo rigorous testing against
current gold standards.
The potential implications of self-
management or self-treatment protocols informed by inaccu-
rate or invalid data generated by an unvalidated sleep app are
important to consider. The lack of validation also limits sleep
specialists ability to recommend or draw conclusions about
their potential eect. The position statement arms that given
the lack of FDA clearance and validation data, consumer sleep
technology tools cannot replace a clinical evaluation and vali-
dated diagnostic instruments.
As the popularity of using consumer sleep self-management
apps along with other sleep tracking devices continues to grow,
sleep specialists and more broadly health care providers will
inevitably have to deal with patients who bring questions re-
lated to data collected by their sleep self-management apps.
Despite the limitations, data generated by the apps may facili-
tate meaningful interactions between patients and providers
and encourage patients to be more active in their sleep care.
However, without concrete clinical evidence and established
guidelines regarding the app use in clinical practice, clinicians
would have to rely on their individual experience and judgment
on how to guide their patients on the use of such apps.
Usability or ease of use of an app is another important as-
pect for widespread adoption. Without a simple and easy-to-
navigate interface, gestural design, and clear instructions,
consumers would struggle to use the features in the app. Sleep
self-management apps target a variety of potential consumers
across a broad age spectrum, physical abilities, and technology
literacy levels. Therefore, designers and developers should pro-
vide dierent interface settings to accommodate a broad range
of consumers. For example, voice-activated interfaces for data
entry and retrieval could make the app more usable for those
with ne motor issues.
The strength of this study is that it systematically applied
and evaluated the quality and the functionalities of the apps
using the MARS rating scale and the IMS functionality score.
Although the use of the MARS scale to evaluate health pro-
moting mobile apps has been done before,
our study rep-
resents the rst to assess sleep self-management apps. Our
review provides an exhaustive and comprehensive snapshot of
mobile apps for sleep self-management across four major app
stores. One of the limitations of this review is that we did not
include apps that required subscription to external services or
additional tracking devices such as a wearable tness band.
Additionally, we were not able to fully assess all the technical
aspects and accuracy of all features within the apps, especially
features that required long-term data tracking (eg, month-to-
month comparisons).
In conclusion, consumer-targeting apps that support sleep
self-management have the potential to help raise awareness
and promote healthy sleep habits. However, without regulation
and enforcement of clinical validation compliance, these apps
should certainly be used with caution. It is clear that concrete
guidelines and regulation are necessary for safe usage of con-
sumer sleep health technologies in general including speci-
cally mobile sleep apps. In addition, future research should
focus on testing the ecacy of the apps and demonstrating the
magnitude of behavior change with respect to improved sleep
health outcomes. For example, research that compares the ef-
cacy and eventual eectiveness of a sleep self-management
app in a head to head comparison with recommended cognitive
behavioral therapy for insomnia programs would advance the
science of sleep self-management.
MARS, Mobile Application Rating Scale
mHealth, mobile health
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Submitted for publication March 28, 2018
Submitted in nal revised form July 17, 2018
Accepted for publication August 1, 2018
Address correspondence to: Yong K. Choi, University of Washington Box 357266,
Seattle, WA 98195-7266; Tel: (206) 496-2147; Email: yongchoi@uw.edu
This work was performed at the University of Washington and supported by NIH/
NINR, Center for Innovation in Sleep Self-Management (P30NR016585, MPI:
Heitkemper MM & Ward TM). All authors have contributed to this work, reviewed the
submitted manuscript, and approve it for submission. The authors report no conicts
of interest.