Maximum Unit Limits
NAME:___________________________________________________________ ID#:___________________________________
HOME PHONE # (_____) ________ - _______________ ALTERNATE PHONE# (_____) ________ - _______________
1. Complete ALL of Section A before you make an appointment to see a counselor.
2. You must have completed the Math/English Assessment before meeting with a counselor.
3. Have a counselor complete Section B. Call the Counseling office at (619) 644-7208 to schedule an appointment.
EOPS/ARC/CalWORKS students are encouraged to contact the EOPS/ARC/CalWORKS offices to schedule an appointment.
4. Please make sure that one of the following documents is attached to your petition: 1) Educational Plan, 2) DARS Evaluation or 3) General
Education Information (Green sheet, Blue sheet, IGETC). One of these documents will be provided by the Counselor at your appointment.
5. Return petition to the Financial Aid Office.
1. By the time you have completed 71 units or have attempted 90 units, federal regulations mandate that you should
have completed your educational objective for an associate degree or transfer at the Community College level.
Furthermore, students will be expected to complete their educational objective for a certificate by the time they
have completed 36 units and/or attempted 45 units, whichever comes first. Please state in DETAIL why you have not
done so by this time and why you need additional coursework at Grossmont College. Specifically, you should address any
changes in major and why the change was made, any semesters where there are units attempted with a W, F, NC and/or I,
and/or any extenuating circumstances surrounding job re-training. Attach your signed, typed statement and, if appropriate,
include copies of any supporting documentation (i.e. medical documentation supporting any injuries or need for re-training).
2. Have you attached supporting documentation in addition to your typed statement? Yes No
3. What is your educational objective at Grossmont College? (Financial Aid will typically fund only one objective.)
CHECK ONLY ONE: Certificate Associate Degree Transfer Associate Degree Transfer
4. If transferring to another institution, please list name ________________________________________________________.
5. What is your major for the educational objective you marked above? (Majors marked Associate Degree must appear in the
Grossmont College Catalog) ___________________________________________.
6. What catalog year are you using? (Please discuss with your counselor during your appointment) .
7. Planned date for graduation or completion of studies at Grossmont College _______/_________
month year
8. The following courses meet my educational objective at Grossmont College:
FALL 2018 SPRING 2019
Subject & Course# (e.g. Psy 120 or Engl 120) Units Subject & Course# (e.g. Psy 120 or Engl 120) Units
By signing I am certifying that all the courses listed above are required for my major and educational goal here at Grossmont College.
I further certify that all the information contained in this petition, in my statement and in all the supporting documentation is true and
accurate. I understand that financial aid is intended only for required coursework for the educational objective I have declared.
WARNING: If you purposely give false or misleading information on this worksheet and/or any attached documentation, you may be
fined, be sentenced to jail, or both.
_____________________________________________ _________________________
Student Signature Date
SECTION B (To be completed by an Academic Counselor)
Counselor: Please complete this section for the student IN BLACK INK. We need your help in clarifying the minimum number of
units necessary to complete the student's educational objective at Grossmont College.
1. List total number of units completed at all colleges which are transferable to the institution listed in Section A #4 (_____).
2. Which general education pattern is being followed? CSU Certification IGETC TAG Catalog Requirements
3. Do all of the courses listed in Section A #8 meet the student's educational objective at Grossmont College? Yes No
If no, which do not? __________________________________________________________________________________
4. Has the student completed required general education? Yes No
5. If general education is not complete, how many units in addition to those listed in Section A #8 are needed? _______
6. If student needs additional units to complete preparation for major, how many more units(in addition to those listed in Section A #8)
MUST be completed at Grossmont College before the student can transfer? _______
7. What is the earliest possible completion date for the remaining required coursework for the educational goal listed in Section A #7?
For a part-time student:____________________ For a full-time student:____________________
8. Has the student completed any remedial coursework?
Yes No If yes, please list the coursework (i.e. Math 88, English
1. Do all of the courses listed in Section A #8 meet the student's educational objective at Grossmont College? Yes No
If no, which do not? __________________________________________________________________________________
2. If the student’s goal is a Certificate or Associate degree, how many units in addition to those listed in Section A #8 are needed to
complete the objective? _______
3. What is the earliest possible completion date for educational objective coursework listed in Section A #5?
For a part-time student:____________________ For a full-time student:____________________
4. Has the student completed any remedial coursework?
Yes No If yes, please list the coursework (i.e. Math 88, English
********** Please attach one of the following: 1) Educational Plan, 2) DARS Evaluation (all sections open) or 3) General Education
(Green sheet, Blue sheet, IGETC) + Major Preparation **********
Additional Comments_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Official Academic Transcripts from all colleges have not been submitted/evaluated. This petition form may only include GCCCD coursework.
All other official academic transcripts must be submitted and evaluated to receive complete and accurate information.
Counselor's Name (Print) ________________________________Signature ______________________________Date________
Total Units Attempted__________ Total Units Completed__________ Overall GPA___._____ Completion Rate______%
Previous Petition?
Yes No (last award year was ______) Previous Warning Status? Yes No (term _______; year________)
Previous Probation Status?
Yes No (term _______; year________) Units Deficient? Yes (# of Units:______) No
Assessment Placement: Math _________ English _________ ESL ___________ PLEU ____________
Educational Objective ____________ What is student’s 150%? _________ Deducted ESL/Remedial units: _________
Petition Approved (check all that apply)
Fall only - final semester of eligibility at Grossmont College (student will have exceeded the maximum # of units by Spring).
Final year of financial aid eligibility at Grossmont College (student will have exceeded the maximum # of units by end of year).
As Re-training for length of program and educational plan is attached.
Student will finish within or the same semester reaches the 150%.
Petition Denied (check all that apply)
Student has exceeded the institutional unit maximum for units completed.
Student has exceeded the institutional unit maximum for units attempted.
Not following educational plan. Required documentation not submitted.
Student is not meeting Pace of Progression standards. Student needs to meet a semester of SAP to re-evaluate.
Student did not explain Preventative Measures / Resolutions.
Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Financial Aid Advisor/Supervisor/Director Initials: _____________ Date: ________________________________
Counseling Center
If you are participating in the Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS), please go by or call the office,
located in Room 60-125. Telephone: (619) 644-7617
All other students contact the Counseling Center, Administration Building, and 10-162 Telephone: (619) 644-7208
The Counseling Center and EOPS are available to assist financial aid students with the following forms: 1)
Consortium Agreement, 2) ESL Long Term Plan, and 3) Petition for Maximum Units Exceeded.
Financial aid forms ARE NOT completed at Drop-In.
Regular counseling appointments can be made in person or by calling (619) 644-7208. You can choose a date and
specific counselor you would like to see. Appointments are scheduled one week in advance and availability varies
throughout the year. Check with Counseling for more information.
Drop-in counseling is designed for quick 5-minute questions and is located in the Counseling Center lobby.
It is strongly recommended that academic transcripts be submitted from all prior institutions attended so that prior
coursework may be used to determine outstanding academic requirements for your educational goal here at
Grossmont College.
Step 1. At the Grossmont College Admissions and Records Office, obtain a “Transcript Request Form” and
mail a form to each college or university previously attended. Check with the Grossmont College
Admissions Office to verify that the transcript(s) has been received. It takes two to three weeks for a
college to process and mail an official transcript.
Note: Transcripts that have been previously opened are not considered official.
Step 2. Once the transcript has been received at the Grossmont College Admissions and Records Office,
request an “Evaluation of Transcripts” at the Grossmont College Counseling Center through an
Step 3. Before your appointment, complete all of Section A of the “71 or more units completed and/or more
than 90 units attempted” petition before you meet with the counselor.
Step 4. Have the counselor fill out Section B of your Financial Aid Petition.
Step 5. Return the completed form to the Financial Aid Office.
T:\MASTERS\Forms\2017-2018\Unit Maximum Petition 1718.doc (Revised 3/13/2018 MCh)