Circular Letter 0012/2024
To: The Managerial Authorities of Recognised Primary, Secondary,
Community and Comprehensive Schools
The Chief Executives of Education and Training Boards
1. Purpose of this Circular
1.1. The purpose of this Circular is to confirm the role and the relationship of
the Employer, Medmark Limited and the Department of Education as
Joint Data Controllers with regards to the processing of personal data
and special category personal data in relation to the Occupational Health
Service (OHS) for the purposes of Section 79 of the Data Protection Acts
1988 to 2018 and Article 26 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
1.2. It is a requirement under the GDPR that Joint Data Controllers set out
their respective responsibilities in a transparent manner by means of an
agreement and that is the purpose of this Circular.
1.3. Please ensure that the contents of this Circular are brought to the
attention of all members of the Board of Management/Education and
Training Board and all relevant employees (teacher, special needs
assistant and clerical officer/caretaker (employed under the 1978/79
Scheme)) in your employment, including those on leave of absence.
Further information is available from the Department of Education’s
website at www.gov.ie.
2. Definitions
2.1. “The Department” means the Department of Education;
2.2. The “parties” is a reference to the Employer, Medmark Limited and the
Department of Education as Joint Data Controllers under this agreement;
2.3. “The Data” means such personal information as is processed;
2.4. “GDPR” means the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679;
2.5. The term “Article” refers to an article in the GDPR;
2.6. “Personal Data”, “Processing”, “Data Controller”, “Data Processor”, “Data
Subject” and “Personal Data Breach” have the meanings assigned to
them by Article 4 of the GDPR;
2.7. “Data Protection Acts” means the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and
any amendments thereto;
2.8. “The Act” means the Education Act 1998 as amended;
2.9. “Employee” means teacher, special needs assistant and clerical
officer/caretaker (employed under the 1978/79 Scheme) in approved
posts funded by monies provided by the Oireachtas;
2.10. “Employer” means an Education and Training Board (ETB) for vocational
schools/community colleges, community national schools and a Board of
Management/Manager in the case of primary (excluding community
national schools), voluntary secondary, community and comprehensive
schools. The ETB or Board of Management/Manager may delegate as
2.11. “Joint Data Controller has the meaning given to it by Article 26 of the
GDPR, which is where two or more Data Controllers jointly determine the
purposes and means of processing;
2.12. “Occupational Health Service (OHS)” means a service which provides
independent medical advice on occupational health to the Employer;
2.13. “Special Category Personal Data” has the meaning given to it by Article 9
of the GDPR, which is personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin,
political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union
membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the
purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health
or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation;
2.14. On Line Claims System (OLCS) means the system for
recording absences and claiming substitution currently operating
in primary, voluntary secondary, community and comprehensive
3. Background and Introduction
Background, Subject Matter and Purpose of the Processing
3.1. The OHS is in place to provide employers with occupational health
advice in relation to pre-employment medical assessments and an
employee’s medical fitness for work under the terms and conditions of
the Sick Leave Scheme. The OHS provider, contracted by the
Department, is the sole recognised provider of independent medical
advice for employers.
As Data Controllers the Employer, Medmark Limited as the OHS provider
and the Department are all assigned responsibilities by the GDPR
relating to personal data held by them. Each Data Controller is expected
to comply fully with all such responsibilities.
Irrespective of the terms of this Joint Data Controller Agreement, a data
subject may exercise his/her rights in respect of and against each of the
Data Controllers including, but not limited to, those rights contained in
Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.
Where a data subject seeks to exercise his/her rights under the GDPR in
relation to the OHS process from a particular Data Controller, that Data
Controller shall deal with the request where it relates to the data held by
that Data Controller’s organisation.
The subject matter of the processing is personal data and special
category personal data in relation to the OHS.
The purpose of the processing is to provide occupational health advice to
employers which incorporates health management including Pre-
Employment Health Assessments, Sickness Absence Assessments,
Medical Assessments of Fitness for Work and Ill-Health Retirement
Assessments including facilitation of Critical Illness Provision appeals
and Ill-Health Retirement appeals for employees.
Type of Personal Data
3.2. The Employer holds personal data relating to the employee’s Sick Leave
record(s), the OHS referral record(s) and the OHS medical fitness to
work report(s).
Medmark Limited holds personal data relating to assessments of the
employee’s medical fitness to work which includes pre-employment
health assessments, sickness absences, assessment of applications for
access to Critical Illness Provisions and Ill-Health Retirement
The Department holds the following data:
(i) Personal data relating to the employee’s Sick Leave records
(available on the Online Claims System (OLCS)), and Ill-Health
Retirement applications;
(ii) Statistical data collected from Medmark Limited in the form of
periodic reports. This data is anonymised, aggregate data, which
cannot be attributed to a specific data subject.
The categories of personal data processed by the Employer are:
Date of birth
Residential address
Contact details
Sick Leave records (Medical Information/Special category
personal data concerning health)
The categories of personal data processed by Medmark Limited are:
Residential address
Date of birth
Medical information
Special category personal data concerning health
The categories of personal data processed by the Department are:
Date of birth
Residential address
Contact details
Sick Leave records (available on the Online Claims System
Category of Data Subject
3.3. Data Subject has the meaning given to it by Article 4 of the GDPR,
which is an identified or identifiable natural person. For the purposes of
this agreement it is any person referred to the OHS.
4. Functions and obligations of the Employer
4.1. The Employer is responsible for:
(i) Referring the employee to the OHS.
(ii) Seeking advice from the OHS.
(iii) Providing the employee with a copy of OHS referral and OHS ‘Fitness
to Work’ report.
(iv) Providing the employee with data relating to the employee’s Sick
Leave record(s).
(v) The ETBs hold personal data relating to the employee’s Ill-Health
Retirement applications.
Therefore, in relation to the personal data processed in these
circumstances, the Employer has the responsibility to comply with a data
subject exercising his/her rights under the GDPR.
4.2. In accordance with Article 6(1) and Article 9(2) of the GDPR, the
Employer in discharge of its obligations must have regard for:
The Data Protection Acts; and
5. Functions and obligations of Medmark Limited
5.1. Medmark Limited is responsible for (i) Processing referrals from employers
and (ii) Determining appropriate retention criteria for personal data.
Therefore, in relation to the personal data processed in these
circumstances, Medmark Limited has the responsibility to comply with a
data subject exercising his/her rights under the GDPR.
5.2. In accordance with Article 6(1) and Article 9(2) of the GDPR, Medmark
Limited in discharge of its obligations must have regard for:
The Data Protection Acts; and
6. Functions and obligations of the Department
6.1. The Department holds personal data relating to the employee’s Ill-
Health Retirement applications. Therefore, in relation to this personal
data, the Department has the responsibility to comply with a data
subject exercising his/her rights under the GDPR.
6.2. In accordance with Article 6(1) and Article 9(2) of the GDPR, Sections
7(1)c and 24(3) of the Education Act 1998, the Department in discharge
of its obligations must have regard for:
The Data Protection Acts; and
7. Joint Data Controllers
7.1. Article 26 of the GDPR defines a joint controller as follows: “where two or
more controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of
processing, they shall be joint controllers”. The Employer together with
Medmark Limited and the Department are deemed to be Joint Data
Controllers in respect of the data processed for the purpose(s) set out
above. However, the respective roles and obligations of the parties differ
and as such need to be defined.
7.2. The purpose of this agreement is to define the relationship and
respective obligations to data subjects of the Employer, Medmark Limited
and the Department. In so doing the parties have determined their
respective responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under the
Data Protection Acts and GDPR, in particular as regards the exercising
of the rights of the data subject and their respective duties to provide the
information referred to in Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR. The parties
understand that a separate Privacy Notice by each party is to be in place
for data subjects in relation to the OHS.
7.3. None of the parties to this agreement shall engage a data processor
without the agreement of the other parties.
8. Obligations of the Employer, Medmark Limited and the Department
as Joint Data Controllers
8.1. For the purposes of this agreement the parties jointly assume the role of
“Data Controller” within the definition of the Data Protection Acts and
shall have responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection
Acts and GDPR. Each party shall respond to requests made to that party
from data subjects regarding the data held by that party. Without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the obligations of the parties
under this agreement shall extend to:
Data compliance
8.1.1. Compliance with relevant sections of the Data Protection Acts in
force from time to time.
8.1.2. Compliance with the GDPR.
Fair and Lawful Processing
8.1.3. Ensuring compliance with Section 71 of the Data Protection Acts
in respect of fair and lawful processing and Articles 5 (principles relating
to the processing of personal data), 6 (lawfulness of processing), 7
(conditions for consent) and 9 (processing of special categories of
personal data) of the GDPR.
8.1.4. None of the parties to this agreement shall transfer the personal
data to a third country outside of the European Economic Area without
the express consent of the other parties.
Data Subject Rights - Dealing with Requests under Article 15 - 22 of the GDPR
8.1.5. Dealing with requests under Articles 15 - 22 of the GDPR
regarding the rights of data subjects.
8.1.6. Complying with Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR in respect of
information to be furnished to individual data subjects.
8.1.7. Maintaining suitable records to demonstrate compliance with the
GDPR and Data Protection Acts in accordance with Article 24 of the
Data Security & Data Breach
8.1.8. The use of appropriate security measures for the data as per
Article 32.
8.1.9. The notification of any data breach in accordance with Article 33
and where applicable, under Article 34.
8.1.10. Where a data breach occurs, the party whose breach of
security has resulted in the breach shall inform the other party without
undue delay and no later than 24 hours of becoming aware of the
Consultation with the Data Protection Commission
8.1.11. The parties shall collaborate in respect of communication
with the Data Protection Commission on the processing which is the
subject of this agreement. This includes the obligation to consult under
Article 36.
Data Protection Officer appointed under Article 37 of the GDPR
8.1.12. Contact details
The Data Protection Officer for Medmark Limited can be contacted at:
Data Protection Officer (DPO),
69 Lower Baggot Street,
Baggot Street Bridge,
Dublin 2,
D02 HW52.
Phone: 01-6761493.
The Data Protection Officer for the Department can be contacted at:
Data Compliance & Support Section,
Department of Education,
Co. Westmeath,
N37 X659.
Phone: +353(0)90 648 3908
8.1.13. The parties will not disclose any of the personal data which they
process unless there is a legal basis for such disclosures and,
subject to any regulations restricting the data subject’s rights
under the Data Protection Acts, the data subjects will be
informed by the parties of these disclosures in advance.
Data Storage
8.1.14. Each party shall determine the retention period which is
necessary for any personal data which it processes.
9. Administrative Matters
9.1. The parties as Joint Data Controllers, shall:
9.1.1. Assume liability for all Data in respect of Sections 141, 142 and
143 of the Data Protection Acts, Articles 79 and 82 of the
GDPR and the Law of Torts.
9.1.2. Deal with all requests under Chapter 4 of the Data Protection
Acts regarding rights and the restriction of rights of data
subjects and Articles 13 to 22 of the GDPR. Responses thereto
shall be final, subject to review only by the Data Protection
Commissioner or Courts as appropriate.
9.1.3. A party that is demonstrably in breach of one of its obligations
under the agreement, thus causing the other parties to be held
liable by a third party for any damage, costs or interest
payments it has incurred, shall indemnify the other parties
against the claims brought by the third party and reimburse any
expenses the other parties may incur.
10. Contact Details for Data Subjects
10.1. Data subjects wishing to make contact with the data controllers can:
Contact the Employer i.e. the relevant recognised Primary, Secondary,
Community and Comprehensive School or the Chief Executive of the
relevant Education and Training Board.
Contact Medmark Limited at:
Data Protection Officer (DPO),
69 Lower Baggot Street,
Baggot Street Bridge,
Dublin 2,
D02 HW52.
Phone: 01-6761493.
Contact the Department at:
Pension Unit,
Department of Education,
County Westmeath,
N37 X659.
Phone: 090 648-4189
11. Duration of Agreement
11.1. Save for any review undertaken, this Joint Data Controller Agreement will
remain in force between the Employer, Medmark Limited and the
Department for the duration of the Occupational Health Service Contract.
The agreement will be reviewed at the request of any party.
James Walsh Tara Carton
Principal Officer Principal Officer
Teacher/SNA Terms and Data Compliance & Support Section
Conditions Section
01 February 2024