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Graduate Assistant Appointment Letter Checklist
Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Florida State University and the United Faculty of
Florida Florida State University Graduate Assistants United, signed appointment letters are required
for every graduate assistant appointment and re-appointment. Article 2 in the CBA requires the following:
Appointments may not exceed one calendar year. Graduate assistants may be appointed for an
academic year, for a semester, and/or for a summer term.
Where practicable, graduate assistants who are appointed in both the fall and spring semesters
should have an academic year appointment or should have appointment dates that are continuous
between both semesters. Departments should prioritize issuing such appointments before
appointing graduate assistants for an individual semester.
Programs cannot use appointment dates to avoid granting benefits to eligible graduate assistants.
Appointments on a semester basis must have a minimum appointment period of a least five (5)
business days prior to the start of classes through the last day of finals (as outlined in the
academic calendar).
If unforeseen or exceptional circumstances arise, a limited appointment may be for less than the
minimum appointment period outlined above. In this case, the department shall provide an
explanation to the Office of Human Resources, who will review and approve the appointment.
For graduate assistant assignments that require advanced preparation before the start of
appointments, such as course development, planning or preparation, required training (including
PIE), or pre-semester meetings, programs shall establish the start date of the appointment to
provide a reasonable length of time to accomplish this work. Additionally, for assignments that
require grading duties, departments shall continue the appointment period through the grade
submission deadline.
Notice of Appointments: Programs must issue signed appointment letters in a timely manner
according to the schedule below:
A. Fall/Spring Appointments- At least 30 days before the first day of classes.
B. Summer Appointments- At least 21 days before the start of the applicable summer term.
Note: If a department does not provide a signed letter by the above deadlines, the department
shall notify the employee(s) as to why the deadline was not practicable, as well as provide an
estimate based on available information, as to when appointment letters will be issued. If a
department fails to issue this notice by the above deadlines, an employee may request that they
do so; departments shall have five (5) days to comply with such request.
Minimum Elements to include in Appointment Letter:
Required Element Description/Notes
If combining student admission letters and
appointment letter, use Initial Offer Letter template
Offer letter templates are provided by the
Graduate School
Date Issued
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Updated 01/16/2024
Required Element Description/Notes
Classification title and class code
Must include general description of duties
associated with class code
Employing Unit
Applicable department, college, area, center,
Length of Appointment
Use specific dates. Dates should cover any
required training such as PIE, SPEAK test, etc.
Statement that no department or University
representative may make a binding agreement to
reappoint the employee for longer than the term of
the contract
Research grants, advisor’s verbal promises, and
department agreements are not binding
Conditions of employment
Such as: Required background checks,
departmental policies, etc.
Note: Departments may not restrict or limit
outside employment unless it is considered a
conflict of interest as defined in Article 7
Name of employment supervisor
*Effective January 2024* Statement reading:
“This assistantship is contingent upon you
providing Florida State University required
documentation of employability and upon approval
to work following successful completion of all
university and statutorily required
screenings. Additionally, this
assistantship/appointment is subject to the
Constitution and laws of the State of Florida and
the United States, the regulations of the University
and the Florida Board of Governors, and the
Collective Bargaining Agreement between Florida
State University and the United Faculty of Florida –
Florida State University – Graduate Assistants
United (UFF-FSU-GAU).”
Statement that appointment is contingent upon the
employee providing documentation of
For teaching assistants, include a statement
regarding the required
certifications/qualifications for teaching status
Percent of full-time equivalent (FTE) assigned
Combined FTEs from all appointments cannot
exceed 0.75 FTE
Stipend amount based on appointment
Specific stipend amount
Statement reading:
“All graduate assistants at FSU work under a
contract negotiated by United Faculty of Florida-
Florida State University-Graduate Assistants United
(UFF-FSU-GAU) and Florida State University.
UFF-FSU-GAU is the labor union certified as the
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Updated 01/16/2024
Required Element Description/Notes
exclusive bargaining agent for graduate assistants at
FSU. For more information about UFF-FSU-GAU,
visit http://www.fsugau.org or email
An estimate of current tuition and fees per semester
Updated information can be obtained from
Student Business Services
In-state matriculation waiver and out-of-state fee
waiver, if any
If attached to the offer letter, this information
can be provided in a Graduate Student Fact
sheet. Reference the examples for both
domestic and international students attached to
this checklist. Contact The Graduate School for
the current version of these documents
Statement that health insurance coverage is
mandatory, statement that FSU sponsored health
insurance is available, and a statement of the costs
associate with an FSU sponsored policy
Updated information can be obtained from
Health and Wellness Center or The Graduate
Statement the Graduate Assistant Tuition Plan is
available for all qualifying GA’s and direction to
the appropriate link
Information is located on the Student Business
Services website under Payment Plans
Information about where to access the University’s
non-discrimination and harassment policies
Located on HR’s EEO website
For questions regarding the above requirements, please contact Faculty Relations at (850) 645-1952.
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Graduate Assistants - Letter of Appointment Template
City-State, Zip
Dear <__>,
The <Department/College of > at Florida State University is pleased to recommend you for acceptance to
the graduate program in <Major> for <Term,Year>. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate
you and hope that you will accept this offer and join us in <Term Year> pending a final decision from the
Office of Graduate Admissions. Once a decision has been made, you will receive an email notifying you that
your application status has changed, and you can log into your Application Status page to see the final
decision on your application. If you do not hear from the Office of Admissions within two weeks, contact
<Name/Title> in our department at <email, phone>.
< Name> will be your <Temporary Advisor and Program Contact>. <S/he> may be reached through
<email> or <phone>. Please feel free to contact <him/her> if you have any questions about the graduate
program. For any other questions, please feel free to contact <Name>, the department’s <Office Assistant
or Other Appropriate Contact>. S/he can be reached either by <email> or <phone>.
The <Department/College of > at Florida State University is pleased to inform you that you have been selected
for a departmental assistantship with the following class title and code:< class title and code> for the <X>
(academic year, calendar year, or semester), and your employment supervisor will be <supervisor>. You will be
responsible for < general description of duties >. The assistantship carries with it a stipend amount of <stipend
amount>, as well as a tuition waiver up to < X> credit hours for the <X> fall and spring semester and <X>
credit hours for the summer semester (specify if out-of-state fee waiver will be covered). The departmental
assistantship offer is for an average of <X> hours per week, < FTE %>, beginning <M/D/Y and ending
M/D/Y>, and will be under the < employment unit>.
This assistantship is contingent upon you providing Florida State University required documentation of
employability and upon approval to work following successful completion of all university and statutorily
required screenings. Additionally, this assistantship/appointment is subject to the Constitution and laws of the
State of Florida and the United States, the regulations of the University and the Florida Board of Governors,
and the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Florida State University and the United Faculty of Florida
Florida State University Graduate Assistants United (UFF-FSU-GAU). No Department or University
Representative may make a binding agreement to reappoint you for longer than the term of the contract (for
teaching assistants, you must include a statement that teaching assistants are required to meet certification and
qualification requirements to obtain teaching status). Continuation of funding is contingent upon academic
progress in the program and fulfilling the obligations of the assistantship. All graduate assistants at FSU work
under a contract negotiated by the UFF-FSU-GAU and Florida State University Board of Trustees. UFF-FSU-
GAU is the labor union certified as the exclusive bargaining agent for graduate assistants at FSU. To find out
more information about the UFF-FSU-GAU, or join their action newsletter, visit http://www.fsugau.org or
email [email protected]g. Florida State University is an equal opportunity employer. Prior to the start of your
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appointment, you should become especially familiar with the University policies on non-discrimination, non-
retaliation, and sexual harassment (https://www.hr.fsu.edu/sections/equity-diversity-inclusion/equal-
Please review the departmental assistantship offer below and the academic fee schedule provided for you. Since
the offer is based on 20__-20__ tuition rates, the rates may change. Please refer to the enclosed Fact Sheet
which covers other important information or visit http://studentbusiness.fsu.edu/ for updated tuition, fee
rates and other cost estimates. The Graduate Assistant Tuition Plan is offered year-round to all Graduate
Assistants employed by FSU to defer the due date for tuition and fees until the end of the term. For added
convenience, plan participants can also enroll in payroll deductions. This plan applies to tuition and class fees
only and does not change the due date of any other charges the graduate assistant might owe to FSU. Detailed
information on the plan is available on the Student Business Services website.
FSU requires that all prospective graduate assistants enrolling full-time must show proof of health insurance
before they can register for classes. A University-sponsored health insurance plan is available for purchase from
our health center. A health insurance subsidy is also offered to graduate assistants towards the
university-sponsored health insurance plan. The subsidy is based on your FTE and citizenship
please see Fact Sheet for details and rates.
Please note that only this written offer is binding. Research grants, advisor’s promises, and departmental
agreements are not binding.
_____________________________________ _________________
Appointee Signature/Acceptance Date
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Assistantship Offer Estimate Based on Tuition Rates for 20__-20__
Please review the assistantship offer and academic fee schedule provided for you below. Department funding
is available for ______ years subject to satisfactory academic progress and continued availability of funds.
Students are expected to enroll in _____ credits during the first 12-months and thereafter ____ credits per
year for the remainder of their academic program at FSU (Modify as applicable). Please note that tuition rates
and fees are subject to increase.
Table 1: FSU Funding Offer
Fall 2022
Spring 2023
Summer 2022
Academic Department Funding
* The stipend is provided directly to the student as a bimonthly salary (with taxes and health insurance
premiums withheld); waivers post to the student’s my.FSU account and have no cash value.
Stipend (PhD)
Tuition Waiver
Tuition Waiver
Funding (e.g. LAC
scholarship, one-
time additional
scholarship, etc.)
Additional FSU Funding
* The Graduate School pays an insurance stipend, but students must pay the remaining insurance cost
themselves (see below).
Graduate School
Insurance Subsidy
for .5 FTE.
(For less than .5
FTE insert lower
Total FSU
Although the department provides you with a tuition waiver as listed above, you are responsible for paying
the academic fees each semester you are enrolled, as well as your portion of the health insurance cost. The
estimated academic fee for 2021-2022 is $105.87 per credit hour for out-of-state students. (Change as
necessary for LAC students paying In-State rates). Additionally, a $20.00 facilities use fee is charged each
semester, and a $5.00 university card fee is charged fall and spring semester. Academic fees are subject to
increase. Based on a full-time enrollment of __9__ credit hours each semester, your total estimated academic
fees each semester are as follows. (Modify as applicable).
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Table 2: Student’s Financial Responsibility
Fall 2022
Spring 2023
Summer 2022
Paid to FSU
Academic Fee
(Use In-State fees
if student is
receiving LAC
Facilities Use Fee
(Remove if student
is not expected to
enroll in summer)
University Card
Student’s portion
of estimated health
(Adjust as
necessary based on
*Students are required to maintain
continuous health insurance coverage
during enrollment at FSU. Summer
insurance is automatically included in the
spring/summer insurance payment.
Estimated Out-
of-Pocket Cost to
________________________________ _________________
Appointee Signature/Acceptance Date
Enclosure/s: Fact Sheet, Council of Graduate Schools Resolution