Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a reappraisal of property at this time?
Reappraisals are conducted to provide equity between
properties and to maintain fairness. It is necessary to
reequalize values periodically to ensure that all property
bears its fair share of the tax burden - no more, and no
Will the revaluation affect my property value?
The tax value of your property is based upon the likely
sale price of your property if sold on January 1, 2021.
The actual sales price of a property is determined by the
buyer and seller. Our values follow the market, they do
not create it.
How will the reappraisal affect my bill?
The impact of a reappraisal on an individual tax bill
varies. The County attempts to consider the overall
market, the local market and the individual
characteristics of each property when estimating value.
Therefore, the value of an individual property may
increase or decrease independently of surrounding
properties. The amount of change in your total tax
obligations will depend on the amount and value of
personal property you own, the amount of change in
your real property value, and the amount of change in
the tax rate as determined by your local government.
The assessed value utilized in calculating your 2020 tax
bill was determined by the application of the Schedule
of Values, Standards and Rules used in the 2017
reappraisal. The 2021 Schedule of Values was used to
determine your new assessed value, which is effective
as of January 1, 2021.
New values are based upon market information from the
prior four years. During this time, the market has varied
depending on the property type. Many properties have
increased in value while some properties have not.
Individual values should reflect the best information
available for the local real estate sales market.
What if I disagree with my assessed value?
If you believe the information used to value your
property or the property value is incorrect, you may file
an informal appeal by completing the enclosed form and
returning it to our office within 30 days of receiving this
notice. Please make certain that you verify the
information printed on the form and provide as much
detail as possible. Please keep a copy of any
information provided to us for your records.
May I talk with someone in the Tax Office?
Reappraisals bring about a significantly increased
workload for our appraisal staff. In addition, we are
attempting to limit personal contact with staff due to
COVID-19 safety measures.
If you would like to speak with someone, please call
(336) 703-2300 or email to reapp[email protected] , and
we will be happy to set an appointment at a convenient
What if I'm still not satisfied?
If the informal review process does not resolve your
concerns, you may appeal your valuation to the Forsyth
County Board of Equalization and Review. Appeals to
this board must be submitted in writing no later than
June 30, 2021, If you do not agree with the Board's
decision, you may appeal to the North Carolina Property
Tax Commission. The North Carolina Court of Appeals
and the North Carolina Supreme Court would hear
further appeals.
What does Value Pending mean?
Each year the County staff review permits, land changes
and other changes to properties that have occurred
during the year. If we have not completed that review
on your property, the notice values will say, VALUE
In this case, the County will send the owner as of
01/01/2021 a new notice of value after we finalize the
value for that property. The notice of value will contain
appeal instructions.
What sales did you consider?
Good appraisal practice requires that we review all sales
to identify those in the open market that are true sales.
From this collection of qualified sales, we compare your
property to other sale properties that are similar to your
property and located nearby. Adjustments are made for
differences like size and bathroom counts.
Are there programs that can help lower my
property tax bill?
The North Carolina Statutes offer several forms of tax
relief for persons or properties that qualify. Some of
these include Senior Citizens, Disability, and Disabled
Veterans exemptions, Circuit Breaker, Historical
Property, and Present Use Value deferments. In
addition, there are a number of exemptions or exclusion
for items like Pollution Abatement, Brownfields,
Builders Inventory, Religious Purposes, and other
charitable organizations.
If you would like additional information about the
requirements of these programs or to request an
application, call (336) 703-2300 or visit our website at
What is the difference between the way Real
Property and Personal Property are valued?
Real property in Forsyth County was last reappraised in
2017. Personal property, such as automobiles, trucks,
trailers, boats, business equipment, etc. is listed and
appraised every year. This difference in the way real
and personal property is valued has an effect on the
amount of taxes you will pay before and after a
reappraisal. This is because the same tax rate is applied
to both real and personal property in North Carolina.
Personal property values are not affected by
Information about Reappraisal
2021 Forsyth County
Property Taxes
The property (or ad valorem) tax is an important source
of revenue for local governments. Revenues are used to
fund schools and vital services such as fire protection,
law enforcement, public health, social services, and
The amount of property tax you pay is based upon the
value of your property and the tax rate as determined by
your local governments. The Tax Assessor's Office
determines the assessed value of all taxable property in
the county. The governing bodies of our county, cities
and towns determine the spending priorities for their
respective jurisdictions. The governing bodies will also
determine the amount of revenue that will be available
from all sources other than the property tax. The
resulting tax rate is based upon the budgetary needs of
the local governments after considering all other sources
of revenue.
The Forsyth County Tax Assessor/Collector administers
the property tax for the County, Bethania, Clemmons,
Kernersville, Lewisville, Rural Hall, Walkertown,
Winston-Salem, Tobaccoville, portions of King and
High Point, and all fire protection districts.
How can I compare my property values to other
2021 Real Estate Appraisal information is available to
the public free of charge.
The Schedule of Values is available in person for
viewing in the Tax office by request.
Property Record Cards for all properties are available at
Sales Information is available at
North Carolina law requires each county to reappraise
real property (land, buildings and other improvements)
at least every eight years. The law allows counties to
reappraise more frequently at its discretion. Forsyth
County generally performs reappraisals every four
years, which lessens the shift in values that occur over
an eight-year period. The law also requires counties to
appraise real property uniformly at its true value in
money. True value in money is the price estimated in
terms of money at which the property would change
hands between a willing and financially able buyer and
seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell
and both having reasonable knowledge of all the uses to
which the property is adapted and for which it is capable
of being used.(NCGS 105-283).
The Tax Assessor's Office reviews every sale of real
property recorded since the last reappraisal. Our
appraisers utilize a market area approach to the
reappraisal, analyzing only the sales within or close by
each market area to the greatest extent possible. Some
sales are disqualified, such as those between family
members, related corporations, gifts, auctions, etc. as
these sales usually do not represent market value. The
needs and compulsions of buyers and sellers obviously
influence sale prices. Analyzing all recent sales allows
the Tax Assessor's Office to account for unusual
circumstances such as those described above and
develop a uniform schedule of values, standards and
rules that can be applied to all properties. The
application of the schedule may not exactly match every
recent sale price; however, the schedule insures that
each parcel of real property will be treated uniformly.
Can I receive my notices electronically?
The tax office offers the ability to receive notifications
electronically through eNoticesOnline. If you want to
go paperless, register at
Your Authorization Code can be located on your
reappraisal notice, your most recent bill, or you may
contact the tax office.
Appeals, Personal Property, and Real Estate
improvements may be listed through this site..
Forsyth County
Tax Administration
John Burgiss, RES
Forsyth County Tax Assessor/Collector
Phone: 336-703-2300
Fax: 336-703-2291
PO Box 757
Winston-Salem, NC 27102-0757