DPSCD Reopening Plan
Questions? Contact info.reopen@detroitk12.org.
v. Aug 2021
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
DPSCD Reopening Plan
DPSCD (Detroit Public Schools Community District), like other school districts, organizations and businesses, emerged from
the height of the COVID-19 pandemic ready to recover and return to more normal operations in Fall 2021. Students, families,
staff, partners and community members contributed to the District’s successful efforts to maintain safety during the previous
school year while continuing to innovate and improve the way we educate our students. This Fall, we look forward to a return
to at-scale face-to-face teaching and learning while maintaining ongoing safety protocols and best practice mitigation
measures designed to keep our community safe.
The District’s decisions regarding reopening are grounded in recommendations from local and national healthcare
professionals including the Centers for Disease Control, the Detroit Health Department and the Michigan Department of
Health and Human Services, all of which have indicated that a return to face-to-face instruction is not only in the best interest
of students, but can be done safely when proper safety protocols are used. Beyond the recommendations of medical
professionals, the Districts reopening plan is in alignment with local and national leaders, including leadership from the
American Federation of Teachers, who all agree it is critically important to get students back to school safely.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 led to significant and immediate changes in how DPSCD
educated and cared for its students. In a matter of weeks, DPSCD coordinated with private corporations and philanthropies
to raise $23 million for its Connected Futures initiative, ensuring we could put a device in the hands of every District student.
Our teams worked tireless to transition curricula and lessons to online platforms so students could access their learning
from home, and our Family and Community Engagement team led immediate and ongoing campaigns to go out to
neighborhoods and homes to check in with families, provide support and training, and share important information about
the pandemic. The Office of School Nutrition organized food distribution centers around the city to provide meals for both
DPSCD families as well as those in our community who needed assistance. In short, our District worked tirelessly to meet
every challenge with a solution.
As students in the District returned to school in the fall of 2020, DPSCD, like the rest of the city, state and country, battled
the need to continue educating students and employing its staff while reacting to the peaks and valleys of the COVID-19
infection in the community. When necessary, the District paused face-to-face instruction at individual school sites where
infections surfaced and across sites when community transmission rates and a lack of vaccine coverage meant that
operating face-to-face may have posed too much of a risk. To bolster online learning throughout the year, the District
launched more than a dozen technology support hubs throughout the city where families could receive online learning
support, technology hardware repairs or loaner devices, if needed. Despite operating with some form of face-to-face
instruction nearly all school year, the District saw only 20 examples of defined “outbreaks” (evidence of transmission
between people in a school building).
Through ongoing discussion and collaboration with employee unions, the District negotiated a number of agreements with
to provide additional hazard pay to keep operations running, additional leave options for staff who experienced the effects of
COVID-19, and temporary adjustments to assignments and duties to maintain employment. While many organizations and
Districts were forced to reduce staffing or layoff employees, the District maintained continuous employment for all its staff
and made a commitment to keeping them compensated while they continued to support students and families.
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Engaging the Community in Reopening
Over the last year and a half, the District continued ongoing engagement and communication with students, families,
community members, and staff to ensure we collected the most up-to-date feedback on our operations. Regular town halls,
family surveys, engagement sessions organized around specific topics and audiences, as well as a dedicated “Online Learning
Task Force” all helped refine our approach throughout the 2020-2021 school year and have informed our reopening for 2021-
District-Wide Safety Measures for Fall 2021
As the District reopens schools for 2021-2022, the most important aspects of DPSCD’s COVID-19 mitigation strategy remains
its adherence to basic safety commitments, including:
Correct use of masks required by all students, staff, contractors, visitors, parents and volunteers when inside
school buildings; masks are optional when outdoors*
Weekly COVID-19 saliva testing for all employees (and students who have a consent form completed)
Required “return to work” saliva testing prior to initial reporting in August and September
Physical distancing (3ft for student seating)
Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities
Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine as well as dedicated nursing staff at all schools
Daily symptom screening & temperature checks for all students and staff
*Central office staff in central office locations where students are not present are required to wear masks if they are
unvaccinated. Masks may be worn by anyone vaccinated who feels comfortable doing so.
These safety measures may be revisited or revised as the data indicates changes are necessary and/or the District is directed
to comply with other orders or requirements by local health officials.
Promoting the Vaccine as our Best Protection Against COVID-19
Through our close partnership with the Detroit Health Department, DPSCD employees became some of the first with access to
the COVID-19 vaccine. Through ongoing promotion, school-hosted vaccine clinics, and a $500 vaccine incentive for
employees, the District reached a full vaccination rate of more than 70% of its staff by July 2021. In addition to promoting the
vaccine with staff, the District collaborated with community partners to host vaccine events for students and families and will
continue to do so into the 2020-2021 school year as the vaccine becomes available for younger students.
Face Masks
Research has shown that the proper wearing of face coverings/masks can be an important way to prevent the spread of
COVID-19. For the start of 2021-2022 school year, masks will be required for all students and adults inside school buildings.
Masks are optional when outdoors. Central office staff in central office locations without students are required to wear masks if
they are unvaccinated. The District will continue to work closely with local health authorities to monitor infection rates and any
evidence of community spread of COVID-19. If it is determined that the infection rate warrants additional precautions, all
students and staff in a school or across the District may be required to wear masks, even if they are fully vaccinated. These
decisions will be made as part of the regular review of COVID-19 safety data.
Weekly Saliva Testing
The District will continue its practice of weekly saliva COVID-19 testing. All staff, regardless of vaccine status, will be required
to test every week and testing is highly encouraged for students. Each DPSCD school and central office location has an
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
identified day of the week when students and staff can provide saliva samples and ensure they remain COVID-free.
Administrators have access to a newly developed dashboard to quickly view whether required testing has been completed
each week.
Temperature Check Kiosks
Last year, the District procured and installed temperature kiosks for every school. The kiosks are used to take student, staff or
visitor temperatures. The kiosks and touchless thermometers will alert schools if staff or students have a temperature at or
above 100.4. Those individuals with temperatures above 100.4 will be sent home.
Air Purifiers
While the District is in compliance with all required ventilation system recommendations, it has also offered an air purifier for
any classroom or office at the employee’s request.
Daily Health Questionnaire /Symptom Check
The District will continue its use of an electronic tool to collect daily information from employees about their readiness to attend
work in person (through a basic web form). All employees are required to complete the symptom check. If the employee
answers “yes” to any of the symptom questions in the app, then they will receive a message indicating they are not to report to work
and to seek the appropriate medical attention (unless they have a confirmed vaccine on file. Information about daily work
readiness (e.g. ready/not ready) is maintained centrally through an administrator dashboard. Employees unable to complete the
survey electronically before work will be required to complete a similar checklist upon arrival to a District location.
Students will also complete a daily symptom check and temperature check upon arrival to school.
The survey asks the following questions (questions may be adjusted to align with changing public health guidance as necessary):
Are you fully vaccinated against COVID-19? (Yes/No)
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms unrelated to a known preexisting condition (e.g.
asthma, allergies)?
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea of vomiting
I am not experiencing any symptoms
Have you been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15+ minutes) with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19
or has exhibited symptoms of COVID-19? (Yes/No)
COVID-19 Safety Commitments
DPSCD has established and will follow strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students, families, and staff.
When in a school setting, the following commitments will be expected and monitored regularly:
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Monthly PPE supplies based on student enrollment and staffing size
o Reusable Face Shields for staff
o Reusable masks for students and staff
o Surgical loaner masks for students, staff, and visitors without a mask
o KN95 for staff first responders
o Goggles or protective eyewear available for staff first responders
Staff, students and limited visitors consistently and effectively use PPE
KN95 masks available for the following staff:
o Nurses
o Trainable aides working with students requiring select services
Specialized PPE for students with select disabilities is available
Specialized PPE for staff supporting students with select disabilities is available
Testing & Symptom Checking
Employees have completed a weekly COVID 19 test
District accountability symptom checker and COVID test clearance dashboard
Temperature checks installed at multiple entry points
Symptom check signage installed
Isolation area is defined and has a staffing plan
Documented quarantine and suspected case protocol is in place
Classrooms, Office & Hallway Configurations
Handwashing, masks, and social distancing signage installed
Maximum occupancy signs are prepared and posted by school staff
Desks in any classroom or multipurpose space are separated by 3 feet of spacing. Number of total seats in a
classroom may be smaller if square footage limits desks due to 3 feet of space.
Class size target 22 students for grades K 2
Class size target 25 students for grades 3 - 5
Class size target 27 students for grades 6 8
Class size target 30 students for grades 9 12
Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the school, in cafeteria, and in classrooms
Checklist for office, restroom, isolation area and classroom cleaning is in place
Adequate cleaning supplies are available
Cleaning checklist and evidence of disinfecting process in place for pre-K and Montessori classroom manipulatives in place
Cleaning checklist and evidence of disinfecting process in place for shared classroom technology in place
Engineer preventative maintenance logs include filter changes every quarter
Evidence of bus cleaning and disinfecting in place
Rituals & Routines
Principal has a plan for explicitly teaching and reinforcing rituals and routines for safety
Building entry and dismissal for students, staff, and visitors
Going to the restroom
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Using classroom materials including laptops
Lunch and snacks
Consistently and effectively wear and use PPE
Hallway passing and transitions
Weekly testing of all staff
Employee training in place for delivery in pre-planning
Student training in place for delivery day 1 including newly enrolled during the school year
Evidence of custodial training in place during on-boarding
Evidence of bus driver training in place during on-boarding
Crowd Management
Principals have a plan for dispersing groups on school property:
o New arrival families hoping to enroll
o School related events and programming
o Adhoc groups that may form due to weather, recreation, etc. (e.g., it is raining and individuals gather under ove
o Adequate space to allow for 3 feet of space between two individuals
Monitoring Safety Commitments
The District will continue its practice of relying on a dedicated team of individuals to routinely audit safety practices in school
buildings and provide regular reports on the adherence to safety protocols in schools. Additionally, in accordance with the
signed Letter of Agreement for reopening, the District and DFT will continue a joint Labor-Management Committee on
Schools Reopening (CSR) to meet regularly and review reopening issues with the intent to improve educational and safety
practices. Concerns about reopening can be shared via a dedicated inbox info.reope[email protected]
. In addition, any
questions or concerns related to Operations (especially cleanliness, bathroom supplies, etc.) can be submitted via phone at
Class Size
As indicated in the negotiated Letter of Agreement for Reopening of Schools with DFT, the District will make every effort to
maintain class sizes at the levels in the table below. Using COVID-19 funding, the District will hire additional teachers to
reduce class size and increase the oversize classroom budget to compensate teachers for class sizes above the levels below.
2021-2022 Full Reopening of Schools Class Size Targets
Grade Range
9-12 35 30
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Safety Matrices
To make informed, data-driven decisions about how best to operate schools, District-level and school-level safety matrices will
be used to assess a variety of factors that may lead the Superintendent to recommend a review to pause or suspend specific
face-to-face activities. The matrices use a points-based system to assess safety and risks within buildings (e.g. through weekly
saliva testing and safety audits), as well as across the District, the city and the Tri-County region of Southeast Michigan
encompassing Wayne, Macomb and Oakland Counties. Each week, the District reviews relevant data in the matrices to
determine, based on the total points, if any additional review or discussion about operating is necessary. The two matrices are
included below. If the Superintendent and Board determine that a pause or suspension of activities is necessary based on the
most recent data, additional information will be shared with students, families, and staff about the expected duration of that
pause, how students and employees are expected to operate during that period, as well as any additional safety measures
that may need to be taken.
The District is committed
uspected or confirmed case, the District will follow the protocol below:
Positive or suspected cases will be confirmed with the local Department of Public Health who will assist with
developing a recommended next step based on the level of potential exposure.
Staff and families will be notified if they or a student have been in “close contact” with a confirmed case and may be
directed to self - isolate and monitor themselves for potential symptoms.
We also commit to notifying staff and families who are not close contacts in the location (i.e. school, department, etc.)
where a case has been confirmed, and although they were not identified as close contacts, they should continue to
monitor for symptoms and continue their work/learning as normal.
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
DPSCD Reopening Plan
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
DPSCD Reopening Plan
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
DPSCD Virtual School: A New Option for 2021-2022
While we expect most students to return to school face-to-face full time in the Fall, a key learning from the pandemic is that for
some students, virtual learning may provide a needed alternative to the traditional brick-and-mortar learning environment.
Beginning in 2021-2022, DPSCD will operate a standalone virtual school for students in grades K-12. The school will offer a
menu of standard courses that lead toward graduation requirements but will not offer specialized programs such as IB, AP,
dual language, etc. The DPSCD Virtual School will be staffed with its own dedicated principal, teachers, and support staff, and
will issue grades and credits under its own school code and name and will employ many recommendations offered by this
year’s Online Learning Task Force, provided they are allowable by the rules that govern virtual learning in Michigan.
Students who enroll in the Virtual School will be able to enroll for a semester at a time at the beginning of year and before the
second semester. Students at the Virtual School will be able to maintain a seat at their “home” school for a period of up to one
school year. Students new to DPSCD will also be eligible to enroll in the DPSCD Virtual School.
Blended Learning for Specialized Programs
For students in specialized programs that will not be offered at the Virtual School, a blended option may be available. Through
the negotiated Letter of Agreement for Reopening of Schools with DFT, teachers will receive additional compensation ($500
per quarter) if they are teaching in a blended mode. This may be an option for students in dual language programs or students
with IEPs who have a documented medical need that prevents them from attending school face-to-face. Students with
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans who require a virtual setting should request an IEP Team Meeting to
determine if the student’s individual needs can be met and a FAPE provided in a virtual setting. Families of students with IEPs
who have questions about virtual learning should contact your IEP Team Case Manager or call the Office of Exceptional
Student Education at 313-873-7740.
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Appendix A: DFT Fall 2021 Reopening Agreement
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.
Students Rise. We All Rise.
DPSCD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or religion
Contact Compliance for more information at (313) 240-4377 or detroitk12.org/admin/compliance.