April 28, 2020
Detroit Public Schools Community District COVID-19
School Year 2019-2020 Closure Frequently Asked Questions
Question and Answers following the State’s Executive Order 2020-35 to close schools.
Question: Is school officially out for the 2019-2020 school year?
Answer: Yes. To ensure the health and safety of all students and school employees during the
COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis, Governor Whitmer announced Executive Order 2020-35
Thursday, April 2 that stated all schools in Michigan are closed for face-to-face learning for the
rest of the school year. Schools will be moving to a distance learning model. The models should
be put in place by April 28, according to the mandate. DPSCD will implement its plan no later than
the week of April 20, 2020.
Question: Will food still be provided to students and families?
Answer: Yes. The 17 schools that are currently used for meal service will continue to offer
students/families a bag of four pre-cooked breakfast meals and four pre-cooked lunches. Food
distribution will continue every subsequent Monday and Thursday at the 17 schools. On Mondays,
three pre-cooked breakfast meals will be provided along with three pre-cooked lunches. On
Thursdays, once again, four pre-cooked breakfasts and lunches will be provided.
Students/families can pick up the food at any of the 17 sites. Monday and Thursday door to door
delivery will still take place for medically fragile DPSCD students. Breakfast and lunch will also be
expanded at Roberto Clemente and Gompers on Thursday, April 16th to increase our food
distribution sites to 19.
The printed academic packets will also be made available at these 19 locations. Additional sites
have also been identified to distribute the packets as well. See below for the complete list of
schools that will also offer access to the academic packets.
Question: Where can I get more information about Coronavirus/COVID-19?
Answer: For the most up-to-date information on Coronavirus/COVID-19 please visit the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention’s website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
Question: What health supports will be available to students and families?
Answer: Families who are in need of medical support are encouraged to contact their primary
care physician or if you do not have one, please contact the Detroit Department of Health at
Hotline: 313-876-4000, 24 hours a day; or by email: dhdoutbreak@detroitmi.gov.
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: What emotional supports will be available to students and families?
Answer: The District has counselors and support staff available through a hotline, please call
1-833-466-3978 Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
and Friday, 9:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. The hotline will be active by April 20
Question: How will students and families receive materials for distance learning?
Answer: We will engage our students virtually and through printed academic packets that will be
available at the 17 food distribution sites (plus the two additional ones, Clemente and Gompers
and select schools). A list of locations is provided on the last page of this document. The District
will send a robocall to families when packets are ready for pick up. Our district staff has been
working hard since school was closed to develop a new learning framework that will offer learning
opportunities for PreK-12 students in literacy, mathematics, science and social studies. This will
include lessons for physical education and art as well. Learning will build from the curriculum our
students are currently using with linked videos introducing learning concepts and assignments.
The printed packets will be available the week of April 20
. We will release the exact dates for
pick up.
Question: Will the teachers and staff also be required to work during this time off?
Answer: Yes. All school and District personnel will have specific roles and responsibilities to
engage and support students and families during the closure through phone calls and the virtual
platform of “Teams.”
Question: What is Teams?
Answer: Microsoft Office has a variety of applications, most people use Word, Excel and
PowerPoint. Microsoft Teams is an app in the Microsoft suite, that enables teachers, students
and staff to talk and video chat, to share written messages (similar to text messaging), as well as
documents and assignments. Teachers and students can also schedule meetings and collaborate
with other students. Each DPSCD employee and student has five FREE licenses to use this app
and Microsoft Office using their district email address.
Question: How do we set this up?
Answer: Teams is set up and ready to use for students. They can login through Clever
with their district accounts and click the purple Teams icon. Families can also download
the Teams app for Android or Apple iOS and login directly with their student’s credentials
through Clever.
Question: When will these items be implemented?
Answer: Although learning and engagement will not start until the week of April 20, 2020, the
new learning platform is up and available for review at https://www.detroitk12.org/Domain/5087.
We will focus on student learning and their social emotional needs during these difficult times as
well. All of the assignments will be printed for families and students who do not have technology
and/or internet. This is the academic packet referenced in these responses.
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: I don’t have a smartphone, tablet or computer. Can I still use Teams?
Answer: Students unable to use the Teams app on a smartphone, tablet or computer can still
take advantage of support offered on Teams; every scheduled meeting includes a local (313)
telephone number and pin so that students can call in and participate in the audio portions of the
Question: Will the District be providing laptops/tablets or internet service?
Answer: The District is actively working with the business community to implement a strategy to
provide all DPSCD families with a tablet and internet access. Our goal is to execute this
commitment by mid to late May.
Question: I have a computer and internet, I don’t know how to log on to Teams, where can
I get help?
Answer: Families can login to Teams through Clever. You can access instructions here. If you
need further support, please email info.clever@detroitk12.org.
Question: How many hours are students expected to work each day?
Answer: Recommended student schedules will be shared with families by your child’s teacher
and can also be found on the District’s website at https://www.detroitk12.org/Domain/5087.
Students in different grade levels have a different number of recommended live and video
engagements. On average, students may spend between 3 to 4 hours a day engaged in
recommended academic activities. After reviewing your student’s recommended work, families
should determine their level of participation. Our goal is to keep learning occurring at a pace
individual students and/their families can support.
Question: Will the work be graded?
Answer: Teachers will be providing feedback to all work that students turn in, but students will
not be given grades. Your child’s teacher may evaluate the work, such as saying “Outstanding”
or giving a percentage of correct answers, but that grade will not be included in any report cards
or permanent records. Any feedback given by a teacher will only be used to communicate how
well the student completed the work.
Question: Do I have to be my child’s teacher during this time?
Answer: No. We understand that juggling parenting and your other responsibilities is challenging
work. We know that your child will need your help and support to engage in distance learning.
Your child’s teacher will be providing as much support to your child as possible along with all the
learning activities your child will need. Obviously for younger students (grades PreK-3), caregivers
will need to play a greater role facilitating learning at home than caregivers with older students.
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: How can I help my child with their work?
Answer: The best way to help your child with their schoolwork is to continue to provide them a
loving home, support them emotionally, and keep things as consistent as possible. Children learn
best when they are free from worry and stress and have a predictable environment. Your child
will learn best if they first feel safe and loved and have as close to “normal life” as possible.
You can also help your child by helping them set up a calm and quiet space where they can work
without too much distraction. Setting up a routine will also help your child adjust and be ready to
Create a calm environment by:
- Watching online videos with your child(ren)
- Helping to communicate with teacher
- Calling homework hotline if you need help: https://www.detroitk12.org/homeworkhotline
- Having students complete iReady and Khan Academy online lessons
Question: If I am a parent or caregiver and I am not in a position to encourage my child to
keep up with the recommended learning what should I do?
Answer: Do what you can to encourage constant and daily learning. We know that our families
are in different positions to support learning at home, this is why we are not issuing grades. At
the minimum, have students complete as many of the assignments as possible. Also, have
students read daily, talk to you about what they are reading, and have them keep a journal
about their thoughts on the reading. If you have access to a device and have internet access,
then have them complete iReady (k-8) and Khan Academy lessons (high school).
Question: How do students interact socially?
Answer: We understand that socializing is an important part of any student’s day. Building and
maintaining friendships is an essential part of childhood and especially important during difficult
times such as these. Teachers will be hosting live class time with students and encouraging a
continued culture of high engagement of students both with the teacher and student’s peers.
Question: I have not heard from my school or teacher, who should I call?
Answer: If you do not hear from your child’s teacher after the week of April 20
, email your child’s
principal. Email addresses may be accessed at www.detroitk12.org.
Question: Will there be distance learning for students with IEPs?
Answer: Yes. Students on general standards will complete the distance learning materials given.
A packet will also be available for students on special standards. Teachers will be reaching out to
students with IEPs as well. We will continue to develop materials for all students with special
needs as the distance learning process progresses.
Question: My students IEP was not completed, will it be completed, and how will that
impact them next year?
Answer: We are continuing to move forward virtually with the IEP process. As each students
needs and progress in the IEP process is different, please contact your school principal to better
understand next steps for continuation of the evaluation process.
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: Will students still receive academic report cards or transcripts throughout our
online education?
Answer: No. Grades will not be issued during online learning; however, feedback will be given
for assignments. Failing status before the shutdown can be improved by completing assignments
through online/academic packet learning.
Question: Will grades be given for the assignments?
Answer: Assignments will be enrichment based with the exception of students who need to
complete assignments to earn a passing grade which would give them a “pass” for the 2
Question: Will resources be available for families who are homeless or live in shelters?
Answer: Yes, we are contacting families and we are working with community partners to provide
items requested as available.
Question: Will the Homework Hotline still be a resource?
Answer: Yes, the hours are:
Monday Thursday: 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
Friday - 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Contact the Hotline at 1-833-466-3978 during operating hours.
In accordance with MDE guidance and requirements for students with IEPs, DPSCD will have
ESE (certified Special Education Teachers) available via the Homework Hotline.
Question: I received a letter that my child was at risk for being held back due to the Third
Grade Read Law, will my child be held back or be promoted to fourth grade?
Answer: The Third Grade Reading Law will not be enforced this year. The letter you received is
now void due to the closure of schools. Promotion decisions will be based on the academic
standing of a 3
grader based on class work. Ultimately, a decision to retain a 3
grader will be
based on the decision of a principal, teacher, and parent.
Question: Does my child still need to take M-STEP?
Answer: No, state testing was cancelled.
Question: Addressing those students that were chronically absent, what will happen to
them for the following year? What is the follow up that the schools are doing with them?
Answer: All employees are committed to continuing to work during school closure, this includes
attendance agents, Deans of Culture, and School Culture Facilitators. Our staff will be dedicated
to following-up with families to work toward resolving any remaining issues.
Question: Can we enroll our kids in K-12 for remainder of the school year?
Answer: Yes. Students can still be enrolled in DPSCD. Traditionally, enrollment has occurred in
person at your school of choice. Currently, we are moving to an online enrollment system that will
launch by May 1, 2020. Please check our website detroitk12.org/enroll for the latest updates. To
enroll today, please connect with an enrollment specialist during normal business hours by calling
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: How can I enroll my child in a DPSCD School for Fall 2020-2021?
Answer: Traditionally, enrollment has occurred in person at your school of choice. Currently, we
are moving to an online enrollment system that will launch by May 1, 2020. Please check our
website https://detroitk12.org/enroll for the latest updates. If you have a time sensitive concern,
please connect with an enrollment specialist during normal business hours by calling 313-873-
Question: How will grades be handled for the 3rd and 4th quarters and the semester? What
about GPAs? Report cards? Transcripts? Athletic eligibility for the Fall?
Answer: Students will receive a PASS/FAIL second semester grade. PASS/FAIL marks will be
based on grades earned by students prior to the state mandated closure of all schools during the
quarter (with all grades inputted before the shutdown). Students who earned a D- or higher
would receive a PASS. If they had an F then they would receive a FAIL. A teacher would be given
the opportunity to give a student a PASS if they had an F if they believed that a student would
have earned a D- or higher with more instructional time and/or if the student completes
assignments during the online learning period. Teachers would provide feedback on assignments
during the online learning period but not issue grades. Report cards would not be given for the
quarters or the semester. Transcripts would use the PASS/FAIL code. This would allow
students to gain credit for courses for promotion and/or graduation. This also allows GPAs to
remain neutral as a result of the shutdown. For athletic eligibility, a student would need to receive
a PASS in the majority of their courses for Fall sport participation.
Question: I am a senior, how will I know if I will graduate at the end of the year?
Answer: If you were on a path to graduate at the end of the year, and you were passing all of
your 3
quarter classes (D- or higher) then you will graduate this year. Each high school will be
reaching out to their seniors to clearly communicate where seniors stand with graduation.
Question: I am a senior and I need to take additional classes to graduate. Will I have an
opportunity to take these classes?
Answer: Yes. Students who need additional classes will be enrolled in up to three recovery
courses. Once students earn enough credit to receive a passing grade in the class, then they will
receive the credit. Summer school may also be an opportunity to make up credits (face to face
and/or online) based on the health status of the crisis.
Question Will seniors still graduate in June and receive their diplomas? Will there be
graduation ceremonies?
Answer: Yes. Eligible students will still graduate in June and diplomas will be received by the end
of July. We are also open to a graduation ceremony once the stay at home order is lifted,
hopefully this can happen in late June or early July. If this is possible, all graduation celebrations
will be held at the high school or an alternate district high school. There should be no expectation
that the ceremony will take place where it was originally scheduled to take place due to challenges
with reservations and site availability.
Question: What is the status of prom?
Answer: Currently all proms are canceled. We are open to proms once the stay at home order is
lifted, hopefully this can happen in late June or early July. If this is possible, all proms will be held
at the high school. No prom will be held at the original planned prom location.
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: I paid senior/eighth grade dues, will we get our money back and when?
Answer: Yes. Funds will be returned to students/parents for graduation activities once the stay
at home order is lifted and school staff returns to work to process refunds. The district will cover
any, and all, graduation ceremony and/or prom expenses.
Question: When will students be able to clean out their lockers and return
Answer: After the stay at home order has been lifted, the district and schools will create a
schedule for students to pick up their belongings.
Question: How does the stay at home order and school closures impact students who were
suspended or expelled during the COVID crisis? Are there any opportunities for them to
resume their education in this virtual environment?
Answer: Although it will be dependent on the type and level of the discipline, most students
should be in a position to resume online/academic packet instruction. Because each incident is
unique, we encourage students to reach out to their school principal for specific information.
Question: Will the school year begin as scheduled for the fall of 2020 or due to this crisis
will it be altered to compensate for lost instructional time that would have prepared
freshman, sophomores, and juniors for their following academic year?
Answer: Guidance for the opening of school will be contingent upon the Executive Order provided
by the Governor. We are hopeful that we will start the 2020-21 school year on time, after Labor
Question: Has the SAT testing date for April 14, 2020 rescheduled for a later date and is
DPSCD doing anything to bring ease to juniors during this time regarding testing?
Answer: The spring SAT administration has been cancelled statewide. All juniors and seniors will
be able to take the SAT in the fall of 2020. Scores will be returned in time for college admissions
Question: Will our trips to other countries be canceled or postponed?
Answer: All trips are canceled.
Question: Will colleges understand why my transcript is missing a semester?
Answer: We are uncertain of how colleges and universities will review the transcript in light of
school closures throughout the country. However, we do believe there will be a national and
collective sympathy for students and their academic status. To avoid the challenge that may be
caused, a pass or fail grade will be issued for quarters 3 and 4 and credit will be awarded. The
cumulative grade point average (GPA) will be the same as the end of the first semester. No grades
will be issued for quarters 3 or 4. Colleges and universities typically focus on earned credits for
particular courses; this will still be earned by high school students this year. GPAs will remain the
same as prior to the closure.
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: Will there be summer school?
Answer: Once the stay at home order is lifted, the District is open to providing summer
school services for enrichment at an increased number of summer sites if the health condition of
the city improves. The District is also committed to offering summer school to identified seniors
who need 3 or fewer credits to graduate face to face and/or through online learning.
Question: Will we be able to participate in summer conditioning?
Answer: This will be determined with guidance from MHSAA after the stay at home order has
been lifted. We are hopeful that this will happen by June.
Question: Are all teachers using the same online platforms or programs?
Answer: All teachers in the district will be using Microsoft Teams as their online learning platform.
Teams allows teachers to communicate with students, have video or phone meetings with
students, collect work, and provide feedback. Teachers may have been using other platforms,
like Zoom, before now, but the entire district is transitioning to using Microsoft Teams. Teams will
be the primary way students and their teacher interact.
Teachers will be leveraging the District developed resources for students which can be found for
download by families on the District’s website at https://www.detroitk12.org/Domain/5087.
Teachers and students in the District also have access to several online learning tools. This
includes, i-Ready, Khan Academy, myON, and Newsela. Teachers may decide to assign
additional work, practice, or reading from those platforms. In addition, students can access them
through Clever (clever.com/in/dpscd) and do independent practice and work.
Question: I do not have access to the internet or a telephone to access Teams. What do I
Answer: Per the executive order, staff can report to a school to provide support to students for
online learning. The district will identify school buildings for this purpose and employees will be
able to work in separate rooms to maintain social distancing. Employees unable to work due to a
self or medically ordered quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19 are expected to take
leave through protections and relief offered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Affected
staff are to contact the Department of Benefits and Employee Health Services. Please email
dps.ehs@detroitk12.org or call 313-576-0080 to speak with the Benefits team.
Question: What is the status of teacher evaluations? Will they still count?
Answer: Teacher evaluations will not be issued this year. District and school-based
administrators will receive an evaluation, but it will not include student achievement factors.
Question: Will staff be able to clean out their classrooms or collect their personal
Answer: No, not until the stay at home order has been lifted. The schedule to do this will be
COVID-19 Q & A
Question: If I am sick or the caregiver of someone who is sick, what do I do when it is time
to return to daily work?
Answer: Staff members who are ill or caring for someone who is ill, will need to take leave.
Eligibility for FMLA or other extended leave can be determined by the Department of Benefits and
Employee Health Services. Please email dps.ehs@detroitk12.org or call 313-576-0080 to speak
with the Benefits team.
Question: I am not sick but unable to work with my children at home. Do I need to take
Answer: Yes. Any staff member not able to work during our distance learning process will need
to take leave. Staff who are unable to work will have no prejudice, judgment or jeopardy for their
job because they had to take leave during online learning. Eligibility for FMLA or other extended
leave can be determined by the department of Benefits and Employee Health Services.
Please email dps.ehs@detroitk12.org or call 313-576-0080 to speak with the Benefits team.
Question: Only a few of my students are doing the work, what can I do to engage more?
Answer: The expectation is that you continue to reach out to as many of your students as
possible. Teachers will not be held accountable if students and/or families are not in a position to
engage consistently during online learning.
Question: As a staff member I have obtained a 2
job during the time we are off. Am I
allowed to keep this job?
Answer: Yes. If the job is worked outside of normal work hours. Per board policy, you must also
disclose any additional work by completing the Employee Disclosure form located in Peoplesoft.
Question: Will all employees continue to be paid?
Answer: We are disappointed that the Legislature did not commit to maintain the same rate of
funding through this fiscal year, but this is to be assumed by the Governor’s Executive Order. We
will work to ensure that our employees continue to receive their full pay and expected income as
long as they participate in this learning and engagement shift with our students and families.
Question: Is it the District’s expectation that all employees work during the online learning
Answer: Yes, if employees expect to be paid they must work throughout the rest of the calendar
year. Everyone’s role will be different based on their responsibilities. Most employees will work
from home; however, when this is not possible based on their job responsibilities then school
buildings can be open under the Executive Order to support online learning. If this occurs then
we will ensure everyone’s safety and practice best practices, such as social distancing, use of
masks and gloves, and daily cleaning of work areas. Employees will be told, if and when, they
may need to complete their work at school buildings. The status of working from home or a district
or school building will evolve if, and when, the stay at home order is lifted.
COVID-19 Q & A
Breakfast/Lunch and Academic Pick Up Locations (Grab-and-Go)
Distance Learning Printed Packets will be available after April 20, 2020
Monday and Thursday at these locations and the additional locations
at the bottom.
1. Denby
2. East English Village
3. Fisher Upper
4. Law
5. Martin Luther King
6. Pershing
7. Southeastern
8. Brenda Scott
9. Cass
10. Central
11. Charles H. Wright
12. Cody
13. Frederick Douglass Academy
14. Mumford
15. Munger
16. Renaissance
17. Western
18. Gompers*
19. Roberto Clemente*
*Newly added