A RESOLUTION of the Board of Education of the Detroit Public Schools Community
District (“Board”) declaring Detroit Public Schools Community District (“District”) to be an anti-
racist institution.
WHEREAS, we acknowledge that racism and its effects, including economic injustice, are
embedded in all social institutions as well as in ourselves. This we know is true;
WHEREAS, we know that implicit bias manifests in police interactions with Black and
brown people that too often end tragically. We know that racial disparities in health care exist and
were made obvious by the COVID-19 pandemic when Black, brown and poor persons suffered
from little or no access to treatment. We know that inequities in mental health occur as persons
go undiagnosed or untreated only to be ridiculed or criminalized. We acknowledge that the social,
economic and ecological health of our planet is imperiled by the deepening divisions in our world
caused by inequitable and unjust distribution of power and resources. And of course, we know
that the State of Michigan school funding is inequitable as affluent suburban, metro-Detroit school
districts enjoy two times the per pupil funding as the District and other urban Michigan school
districts due to the hold harmless aspects of local mileages and results in fewer services or
programs for the students who are most in need;
WHEREAS, we know that all of these matters impact learning by Detroit’s school children;
WHEREAS, we acknowledge the impact of racism on the educational outcomes and social-
emotional wellbeing of our students and the interconnection among oppressions (race, class,
national origin, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation and religion). Accordingly, we further
our efforts by making an institutional commitment to end racism and all forms of oppression;
WHEREAS, the history of Detroit Public Schools and the Detroit Public Schools
Community District includes evidence of both great commitment and individual achievement in
the struggle for racial justice as well as the failure of our institutional policies and practices to
respond fully to the call for educational justice; and
WHEREAS, the Board has considered this matter in open session.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Detroit Public Schools Community District makes
the following commitments:
1. We are committed to eradicating racism, bigotry, hate and violence in any form that
is not reflective of the educational community we strive to support.
2. We are committed to honest and transparent transformation of District culture and
practices so students, families, community members and staff feel visible,
respected and connected.
3. We are committed to developing and implementing an Equity Strategic Framework
that looks to examine policy, curriculum and instructional practice to center the
needs of our students and the experiences of those that have been historically and
institutionally oppressed. This framework will also outline expectations for all
employees to be reflective about their own biases, intentional about how to shift
their practice, supportive of all identities and deliberately engaged in anti-racist
strategies such as elevating student voice to directly confront injustices (“Anti-
racism Training”).
4. We are committed to all Board members and staff engaging in ongoing Anti-racism
Training, to examine basic assumptions, structures and functions. In response to
what is learned, each staff member will be expected to: (i) develop action plans for
the welfare of our students; (ii) identify his/her own implicit biases; and (iii) take
steps to ensure that his/her own biases do not result in the unfair management,
unjust handling or mistreatment of students. If a staff member violates the
principles taught in this training and/or takes action prohibited by District policy,
he/she will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. This is how
we will take action to stop racist behavior in the District.
5. We are committed to transforming the racist practices of our educational institution
and public policies. We will engage in deep learning, dialogue, action steps and
establish relationships with other organizations that are working to dismantle
6. We are committed to engaging only with partners or businesses that actively work
to eradicate racist behaviors and policies and promote inclusive environments for
students and families. We expect partners, contracted businesses and bargaining
units to engage in ongoing Anti-racism Training and to examine basic assumptions,
structures and functions.
7. Finally, we are committed to engaging students, families and community members
in learning about anti-racism and in developing action plans for change. District
Administration will monitor and assess the District’s transformation as an anti-
racist organization and the Board will receive annual updates specifically on the
programs and resources dedicated to assisting our District in carrying out the
objectives of these commitments.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as we remember George Floyd, Ahmaud Aubrey,
Breonna Taylor and the many others named and unnamed who were senselessly deprived of the
breath of life, liberty and justice we vow to deliberately engage in analysis and action to eradicate
racism. Racism is a disease that has far too long ravaged our city, state and nation and we can no
longer bear the burden of behavior, systems or institutions that allow for knees on necks for 8
minutes and 46 seconds. As an anti-racist institution, we decry such activity and will take action
that respects the humanity of every student. This we know is true.
RESOLVED this 16
day of June, 2020.
By: ____________________________________
Iris A. Taylor, Ph.D, President
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
By: ____________________________________
Angelique Peterson-Mayberry, Vice President
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
By: ____________________________________
Sonya Mays, Treasurer
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
By: ____________________________________
Misha Stallworth, Secretary
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
By: _____________________________________
Georgia Lemmons, Member
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
By: ____________________________________
Deborah Hunter-Harvill, Ed.D, Member
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
By: ____________________________________
Bishop Corletta Vaughn, Member
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education
I certify that this Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Education of the Detroit Public
Schools Community District at a properly-noticed open meeting held with a quorum present on
the 16
day of June 2020.
Misha Stallworth, Board Secretary
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Board of Education