William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D.
Associate Clinical Professor and Licensed Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
Work Address Contact information
2460 S. Vine St, University of Denver (828) 738-6694 (cellular)
Denver, Colorado 80208 neil.gowensmith@gmail.com
Post-doctoral Residency in Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology (APA Accredited Specialty Practice Program in Forensic Psychology)
Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washington D.C.
Forensic Inpatient Services & Bureau of Legal Services Divisions
September 1999 to September 2000
Clinical Internship
Internship in Clinical Psychology (APA Accredited)
Honolulu Veterans Affairs Medical & Regional Office Center, Hawaii
September 1998 to September 1999
Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited)
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Awarded: Summer 1999
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Awarded: December 1992
Licensed Psychologist, Colorado
Member, American Psychological Association
Member, American Psychology-Law Society
Member, Colorado Psychological Association
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of Denver
September 2011 to present
Supervisor: Lavita Nadkarni, Ph.D.
Half-time faculty responsibilities:
Teach multiple courses in forensic psychology to master’s level graduate students. Create, prepare,
teach, monitor, and evaluate courses and student performance. Advise multiple graduate students on
academic and programmatic progress. Oversee research paradigm in forensic psychology, including the
supervision of multiple research assistants. Submitted successful grant proposals for student
involvement in service-based grant opportunities. Engage in hiring and student selection committees,
student capstone requirements, and other departmental activities. Chair or co-chair doctoral student
research committees. Performed a program evaluation for the College Gateway Program at Red Rocks
Community College. Created a thriving research lab with master’s level students. Led groups of DU
students on a service-learning course to South Africa in 2013 and 2016. Created and directed a
postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology in fall 2016. Received Service Learning Faculty of the
Year Award in 2014.
Half-time administrative responsibilities:
Creator and director of the University of Denver’s Forensic Institute for Research, Service and Training
(Denver FIRST), a regional hub for research, consultation, trainings and service to Colorado and
adjacent Western states since July 2014. As director, have directly supervised more than 75
psychological evaluations and provided an apprenticeship model to 12 doctoral students. Also as
director, have conducted multiple research projects, published multiple peer-reviewed articles, presented
to more than 700 participants, and mentored 33 forensic master’s students in 28 regional and national
conference presentations and 12 publication co-authorships. Created and supervised a post-doctoral
fellowship in forensic psychology in 2016. Also created Colorado’s first and largest outpatient
competency restoration program, which has demonstrated good outcome results for more than 150
defendants to date. Serve on multiple legislative and policy committees, respond to media requests, and
consult with multiple jurisdictions and states nationwide on forensic public policy issues.
Private Practice
Groundswell Services, Inc.
January 2013 to present
Provide evaluations for a host of forensic mental health questions raised in court proceedings, including
competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, violence risk, mitigation, aid in sentencing,
immigration, Miranda waivers, second opinions, diagnosis, psychopathy, evaluation reviews, and other
issues. Consult with the states of Colorado, Nebraska, Washington, Texas, Pennsylvania, Utah,
California, Hawaii as well as the Colorado Department of Corrections and Los Angeles County on
forensic mental health services, statutes, and policies. Qualified as an expert for courtroom testimony
nine times in Colorado, Hawaii, and in federal court. Qualified as an expert in capital cases.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Lead Consultant
Groundswell Services, Inc.
US Federal Court, Colorado
January 2019 to present
Serve as Special Master for the US Federal Court’s oversight of the litigation between Colorado’s
Department of Human Services and the Colorado Disability Law Center. Assist in mediation between
the parties in creation of a binding consent decree. Fulfill all obligations in consent decree, including
assisting CDHS with implementation of new programs, development of new staff positions, and
monitoring progress through data collection and analysis. Primary focus is on reducing waitlists for
people adjudicated as incompetent to proceed, ordered to competency restoration, and waiting in county
jails for transfer to restoration services.
Los Angeles County Department of Diversion and Reentry
December 2018 to present
Provide ongoing consultation and recommendations for the Los Angeles County Jail, LA County
outpatient competency restoration program, and other related diversion programs. The project focuses
on finding alternatives to lengthy county jail incarceration for low-level offenders facing competency-
related services. This follows a 2016 collaboration with the same department focused on setting context
and planning for the increase in competency-related service referrals in 2015. The current project goals
are to determine accurate numbers and profiles of offenders suitable for alternatives to county jail
incarceration, and may include improvements / capacity-building for outpatient restoration, improved
mental health care and triage of competency cases in the county jail, or development of alternatives to
the competency-related service process in Los Angeles.
Groundswell Services, Inc.
State of Washington’s Department of Social and Human Services
December 2013 to present
Provide ongoing consultation and recommendations for the State of Washington’s forensic mental health
system. Surveyed more than 100 individuals across more than twenty relevant criminal justice and
mental health agencies. Produced report with practical and measurable recommendations. Served as lead
expert for Washington’s Department of Social and Human Services in Trueblood v Washington (2015).
Helped develop long-term plan and helped develop a system of outpatient competency restoration
programs in various settings. Continue to provide consultation and expertise regarding public forensic
mental health policy on issues such as outpatient competency restoration, forensic administrative
infrastructure, conditional release of insanity acquittees, hospital policy, and treatment methodologies.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Forensic Evaluator
Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo, State of Colorado
September 2012 to June 2014
Supervisor: Thomas Gray, Ph.D.
Conducted more than 100 Competency to Proceed evaluations as ordered by the criminal court.
Conducted evaluations in jails and outpatient settings in the Denver metro area and beyond.
Incorporated psychological, diagnostic, malingering, cognitive, and forensic testing as necessary.
Submitted reports in a timely fashion and in accordance with departmental and state regulations.
Consulted on administrative initiatives such as statutory proposals, outpatient forensic programming,
and research proposals. Provided training and consultation to evaluators statewide.
Technical Assistance and Research Psychologist
Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education
September 2011 to August 2012
Supervisor: Mimi McFaul, Psy.D.
Provided consultation on forensic mental health issues to the 15 westernmost states. Consulted with
stakeholders in Hawaii and other experts in Alaska and Colorado to plan, implement, and manage a pre-
doctoral psychology internship in Hawaii (HI-PIC). The internship consortium includes a forensic
mental health rotation as a primary training site. Collaborated on grant-writing and grant-management
Chief of Forensic Services:
Department of Health, State of Hawaii
August 2006 to September 2011
Supervisor: Bill Sheehan, M.D.
Directed the forensic mental health services for the Adult Mental Health Division for the State of
Hawaii. This included a statewide population of approximately 1500 outpatient and 500 inpatient
consumers per year. Supervised a statewide staff of 20 individuals, including 11 psychologists, across
more than 12 programs and services. Chaired several committees, implemented and analyzed data
collection for each program, ensured that current best practices were incorporated statewide, and
participated and led in several legislative work groups and task forces. Planned, created, implemented
and monitored multiple community-based forensic programs, including outpatient competency
restoration, pre- and post-booking jail diversion, step-down housing program for insanity acquittees,
court-based clinics, and a phased program for conditionally-released insanity acquittees. Designed and
completed several local and national research studies. Created, directed and supervised practicum, pre-
doctoral internship, and post-doctoral fellowship programs. Received multiple grants to fund key
programs. Oversaw training and quality of all court-ordered mental health examinations and examiners
statewide. Earned recognition as a 2008-2009 Department of Health Team of the Year.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Forensic Coordinator:
Department of Health, State of Hawaii
March 2004 to August 2006
Supervisors: Wayne Law and Reneau Kennedy, Ed.D.
Operated as Hawaii’s first state-employed community forensic psychologist, with a primary focus on
overseeing risk factors for recidivism, violence, and clinical decompensation in Hawaii’s legally
encumbered mental health population. Provided supervision to non-licensed psychologists, developed
forensic workforce, and provided forensic consultation and trainings to staff and consumers statewide.
Academic Program Director / Instructor:
Global Stewardship Study Program (GSSP), Belize, Central America
January 2003 to January 2004, May 2005
Supervisor: Gordon Aeschliman
Directed international, university study-abroad program located in Belize, Central America. Taught
psychology courses, supervised assistant directors, and worked with multicultural, international staff to
provide a safe and positive learning environment for students. Oversaw academic integrity of the
program while emphasizing social justice and diversity issues.
Staff Psychologist:
New Jersey State Prison, Trenton, New Jersey
January 2001 to December 2002
Lead Psychologist: David Starkey, Ph.D.
Managed multidisciplinary team providing mental health treatment, crisis stabilization, and assessment
of risks for violence and suicide to approximately 250 maximum-security inmates. Also provided lead
supervision for female inpatient crisis unit, overseeing all components of acute mental health treatment.
Psychology Post-doctoral Fellow:
John Howard Pavilion, St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington D.C.
September 1999 to September 2000
Supervisors: Maureen Christian, Ph.D., Sidney Binks, Ph.D., Michael Lipscomb, Ph.D.
Provided therapy, psychological assessment, and consultation to forensic populations in inpatient
maximum security psychiatric hospital, outpatient forensic department, county jail, and courthouse cell
block settings. Developed emphases on assessment of risk for violence, assessment of competency, and
competency restoration.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Clinical Psychology Intern:
Honolulu Veterans Affairs Medical & Regional Office Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
September 1998 to September 1999
Supervisor: Kathleen McNamara, Ph.D.
Completed pre-doctoral psychology internship in clinical psychology with rotations in neuropsychology,
inpatient acute treatment, day treatment with the chronically mentally ill, health psychology, and
forensic psychology.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Assistant Professor:
University of Denver
Introduction to Statistical Methods (2011 - 2020)
Ethics in Forensic Psychology (2011 - 2013)
Practicum / Case Conference (2012 - 2021)
Treatment and Evaluation of the Adult Offender (2012 - 2021)
Public Policy and Forensic Mental Health (2012 - 2021)
Criminal Evaluations (2012 - 2021)
International Service Learning South Africa (2013, 2016, 2018)
Applied Research (2015 - 2021)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Introduction to Statistical Techniques (2005, 2006, 2008)
Experimental and Research Methods (2006, 2007, 2008)
Introduction to Forensic Psychology (2008, 2009, 2011)
Introduction to Forensic Psychology online (2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019)
Psychopathology online (2011)
Adjunct Faculty:
Argosy University, Honolulu
Diagnostic and Assessment Practicum (2011)
Forensic Assessment (2011)
Global Stewardship Study Program, Belize
Global Psychology (2003, 2005)
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Introduction to Psychology (1996)
Abnormal Psychology (1997)
Pre-practicum / Introduction to Counseling Techniques (GTA 1998)
Team Leader:
South Africa Community Fund, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
2002, 2003, 2005, 2009
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Standards of forensic evaluation: Reliability, validity and quality of forensic evaluation reports, certification
and qualification of forensic evaluators, state certification processes
Competency to stand trial evaluation and restoration: Contrasting models of competency restoration,
effectiveness and models of outpatient and jail-based competency restoration, infrastructural and clinical
approaches to managing increasing numbers of competency evaluation referrals
Insanity acquittees and conditional release: Management and supervision of insanity acquittees on
conditional release, decision-making in evaluators of conditional release requests, recidivism and
rehospitalization of insanity acquittees on conditional release
Cross-cultural issues in forensic psychology: Ethnic and racial bias in forensic evaluation, comparisons and
contrasts between forensic mental health systems in the United States versus other countries (South
Africa in particular)
Animal abuse evaluation: Development of a measure for evaluation of propensity and risk for animal
Social justice in forensic mental health: Investigation of unjust policing and correctional practices, evaluation
of community re-entry programs, effective strategies to combat stigma / discrimination / criminalization
of persons with mental illness
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Gowensmith, W. N. & Murrie, D.C. (in press). Competence Restoration amid a Competency Crisis. In B.
Bornstein, M. Miller and D. DeMatteo (Eds.). Advances in Psychology and Law (Volume 6). Springer.
Gowensmith, W. N., McCallum, K. E., & Stout, H. G. (2022). Using a mobile app to identify base rates and
monitor bias in forensic evaluation. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. Advance online
publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/24732850.2022.2104146
Martin, D. A., Bailey, C. A., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2022). Ethical considerations of competency restoration:
The risk of decompensation in correctional settings. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Advance online
publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000356
Kruh, I., Gowensmith, W. N., Alkema, A., Swenson, K., & Platt, D. (2021). Community-based remediation of
juvenile Competence to Stand Trial: A national survey. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
Services, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/14999013.2021.2007431
Heilbrun, K., Giallella, C., Wright, H. J., DeMatteo, D., Griffin, P. A., Gowensmith, W. N., Locklair, B.,
Ayers, D., Desai, A., & Pietruszka, V. (2021). Appraising Jackson-based unrestorability to competence to
stand trial: The demonstration model. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.
Heilbrun, K., Giallella, C., Wright, H. J., DeMatteo, D., Griffin, P. A., Gowensmith, W. N., Locklair, B.,
Ayers, D., Desai, A., & Pietruszka, V. (2021). Jackson-based restorability to competence to stand trial:
Critical analysis and recommendations. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(3), 370–386.
McCallum, K. E. & Gowensmith, W. N. (2020). The role of forensic evaluations in the criminalization of
mental illness. In S. Stahl & K. Warburton (Eds.), Decriminalizing Mental Illness. Cambridge University
McCallum, K., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2020). Tipping the scales of justice: The role of forensic evaluations in
the criminalization of mental illness. CNS Spectrums, 25(2), 154-160. doi:10.1017/S1092852919001275
Gowensmith, W. N. & Murrie, D. C. (in press). Restoration of competency. In R. Roesch (Volume Ed.),
Psychology and Law, a volume of Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World. New York:
Brooks Holliday, S., Pace, N. M., Gowensmith, W. N., Packer, I., Murrie, D., Virani, A., Han, B., & Hunter, S.
B. (2020). Estimating the Size of the Los Angeles County Jail Mental Health Population Appropriate for
Release into Community Services. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Pillay, A. L., Gowensmith, W. N., & Banks, J. M. (2019). Towards the development of a forensic psychology
training curriculum in South Africa. South African Journal of Psychology, 0081246319879291.
Gowensmith, W. N. & Murrie, D. M. (January 28, 2019). Groundswell response to CDHS plan. (United States
Federal Court District of Colorado, Civil Action No. 11-cv-02285-NYW).
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Gowensmith, W. N. and McCallum, K. E. (2019). Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the least biased of them
all? Dangers and potential solutions regarding bias in forensic psychology evaluations. South African
Journal of Psychology, 1-12. doi: 0081246319835117
Gowensmith, W. N. (2019). Resolution or resignation: The role of forensic mental health professionals amidst
the competency services crisis. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 25(1), 1-14. doi: 10.1037/law0000190
Gowensmith, W. N. (2018). Thrills, chills, and social justice in forensic psychology. Psychotherapy Bulletin,
53, 32-36. https://societyforpsychotherapy.org/thrills-chills-and-social-justice-in-forensic-
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Packer, I. K. (June 30, 2018). Updated implementation plan for
outpatient competency restoration. (State of Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services).
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Packer, I. K. (May 25, 2017). Implementation plan for outpatient
competency restoration. (State of Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services).
Gowensmith, W. N. & Robinson, K. P. (2016). Fitness to stand trial evaluation challenges in the United States:
Some comparisons with South Africa. South African Journal of Psychology, 47, 1-11. doi:
Gowensmith, W. N., Peters, A., Lex, I. A. S., Heng, A., Robinson, K., & Huston, B. (2016). New frontiers for
conditional release: Applying lessons learned from other offenders with mental illness. Behavioral Sciences
& the Law, 34, 407-422. doi: 10.1002/bsl.2217.
Gowensmith, W. N., Frost, L. E., Speelman, D. W., & Therson, D. E. (2016). Lookin’ for beds in all the wrong
places: Outpatient competency restoration as a promising approach to modern challenges. Psychology,
Public Policy, and Law, 22(3), 293-305. doi: 10.1037/law0000088
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., Boccaccini, M. T., McNichols, B. J. (2016). Field reliability influences
field validity: Risk assessments of individuals found not guilty by reason of insanity. Psychological
Assessment, 29(6), 786-794. doi: 10.1037/pas0000376
Gowensmith, W. N., Sessarego, S. M., McKee, M., Horkott, S., MacLean, N., & McCallum, K. E. (2016).
Diagnostic field reliability in forensic mental health evaluations. Psychological Assessment, 29(6), 692-700.
doi: 10.1037/pas0000425
Eddy, T., Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Dettmer, J., & Gowensmith, W.N. (2015). Traumatic Brain Injury and
Traumatic History. The Colorado Psychologist, 6, 6-7.
Acklin, M.W., Fuger, K., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2015). Examiner agreement and judicial consensus in
forensic mental health evaluations. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15, 318-343. doi:
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Gowensmith, W. N., Pinals, D. A. & Karas, A. (2015). Statesstandards for training and certifying evaluators
of competency to stand trial. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15, 295-317. doi:
Gowensmith, W. N. (2015). The best possible outcome of the Holmes insanity trial. The Colorado
Psychologist, 6-8.
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Packer, I. K. (2015). Report in response to the Trueblood v. State
Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services. (Office of Attorney General, State of
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Packer, I. K. (2014). Forensic mental health consultant review final
report. (State of Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services).
Gowensmith, W. N., Bryant, A. & Vitacco, M. (2014). Decision-making in post-acquittal hospital release:
How do forensic evaluators make their decisions? Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 32, 596-607. doi:
McCallum, K. E., MacLean, N., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2014). The impact of defendant ethnicity on the
psycho-legal opinion of forensic evaluators. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 39, 6-12. Doi:
Fuger, K.D., Acklin, M. W., Nguyen, A. H., Ignacio, L. A., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2014). Quality of criminal
responsibility reports submitted to the Hawaii judiciary. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37,
272-280. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.11.020
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Boccaccini, M. T. (2013). Forensic Mental Health Evaluations:
Reliability, Validity, Quality, and Other Minor Details. The Jury Expert, 25, 1-8.
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Boccaccini, M. T. (2012). How reliable are forensic evaluations of legal
sanity? Law and Human Behavior, 37, 98-106. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000001
Gowensmith, W. N. (2012, winter). Are competency evaluators competent? American Psychology-Law
Society Newsletter, 16-19.
Nguyen, A. H., Acklin, M. W., Fuger, K., Gowensmith, W. N., Ignacio, L. A., & Low, S. (2011). Freedom in
paradise: Quality of conditional release reports submitted to the Hawaii judiciary. International Journal of
Psychiatry and Law, 34, 341-348. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2011.08.006.
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Boccaccini, M. T. (2011). Field reliability of competency to stand trial
evaluations: How often do evaluators agree, and what do judges decide when evaluators disagree? Law and
Human Behavior, 36, 130-139. doi: 10.1037/h0093958.
Deffenbacher, J.L., Dahlen, E.R., Lynch, R.S., Morris, C.D., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2000). An application of
Beck’s cognitive therapy to general anger reduction. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 24, 689-697.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Gowensmith, W. N., & Bloom, L. J. (1997). The effects of heavy metal music on anger and arousal. The
Journal of Music Therapy, 34, 33-45.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University: Member
University of Alabama Graduate Faculty: Affiliate Member, 2021-2024
Associate of Behavioral Medicine, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal: Member 2017 – present
Health Professions’ Council of South Africa (Professional Board for Psychology) Task Team on Forensic
Psychology Registration and Training: External consultant, 2016 – present
Invited Advisor, US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration’s Taskforce on Forensic
Mental Health: 2017 – present
Board Member, Behavioral Sciences & the Law Journal: 2017 – present
Judicial District’s Clinical Advisory Committee: 2016 – present
Consultation with the State of Washington’s Department of Health and Human Services and the State of
Washington’s Office of the Attorney General: 2014 - present
Trueblood v Washington State Department of Health and Human Services: Defendant expert witness, 2015
American Psychology-Law Society: National conference advisory committee member 2014-2017
Committee to increase reimbursement rates for forensic mental health evaluators in Colorado:
Committee member, 2013-2015
State of Colorado Jail-based Competency Restoration Program Development: Member 2012
American Psychology-Law Society: National conference dissertation review committee member
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, Forensic Div.: Vice President 2010-2013;
State of Hawaii Designee 2006-2011; Representative 2011-2015
Mental Health Transformation State Incentive Grant: Vice Chair, Criminal Justice Taskgroup
Hawaii Mental Health and the Law Taskforce: Standing member
Senate Committee Resolution #117 Legislative Taskforce: Forensic mental health designee
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Lead author:
Faculty Research Fund (2017-19, $2910). University of Denver: Conduct research examining base rate
cognitive and psychological profiles for individuals sentenced as juveniles to life without parole.
Internationalization Grant (2016-18, $30,000 / 3 years). University of Denver: Develop a working research
relationship with the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal in the fields of forensic mental health and
competency to stand trial.
Public Good Fund (January 2017, $8464 / 1 year). University of Denver: Photovoice project with the College
Gateway Program at Red Rocks Community College, a community re-entry program designed for
recently released ex-offenders in Colorado.
Public Good Fund (January 2014, $15,000 / 1 year). University of Denver: marketing plan for the College
Gateway Program at Red Rocks Community College, a community re-entry program designed for
recently released ex-offenders in Colorado.
Internationalization Grant (November 2014, $5000 / 1 year). University of Denver: Develop a working
research relationship with Simon Fraser University and University of British Columbia in the fields of
violence risk assessment and reduction.
Incorporation of Trauma and Violence Against Women Assessment into a Community Mental Health
Clinic (January 2013, $2500 / 9 months). Federal Office on Women’s Health: updated and trained
university-based community clinic on current strategies for assessing histories of trauma and
victimization in potential female clients.
Public Good Fund (September 2011, $9000 / 1 year). University of Denver: conducted program evaluation of
the College Gateway Program at Red Rocks Community College, a community re-entry program
designed for recently released ex-offenders in Colorado.
Sequential Intercept Model Research (October 2010, $65,000 / 2 years). Federal State Block Grant
(SAMHSA): hires research assistants to develop and implement a research program focused on program
evaluation of inter-agency systems of care among mental health and criminal justice agencies
throughout the state of Hawaii.
East Hawaii Drug Court Evaluation (October 2010, $36,500 / 1 year). Federal State Block Grant
(SAMHSA): hires a research assistant to perform program evaluation on innovative court program, in
partnership with the judiciary.
Maui County Police Training and Forensic Services Implementation (October 2010, $90,000 / 2 years).
Federal State Block Grant (SAMHSA): Trains local police officers in Crisis Intervention Training, and
provides funding for transition services for mentally ill offenders leaving correctional facilities or local
hospitals. Developed in partnership with county police department, mental health providers, and the
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Pre-doctoral Forensic Internship (August 2009, $270,000 / 2 years). Justice Assistance Grant through the
U.S. Department of the Attorney General: funds the implementation of a post-doctoral psychology
internship as well as implementation of key forensic and criminogenic programs and trainings.
Pre-booking Jail Diversion (June 2009, $300,000 / 2 years). Justice Assistance Grant through the U.S.
Department of the Attorney General: hires, trains and places multiple psychiatric nurses in police pre-
adjudication cellblock.
Translational and Outcome Research on Forensic Programs and Services (September 2009, $20,000 / 1
year). Federal State Block Grant (SAMHSA): funds implementation of implementation science research
to assess viability and outcomes associated with new forensic programs implemented across multiple
Forensic Licensed Crisis Residential Shelter (September 2009, $40,000 / 1 year). Federal State Block Grant
(SAMHSA): funds planning of a 4-bed unit to be created to provide service and shelter to forensic
consumers in crisis, either pre-trial or post-acquittal.
Forensic Examiners and Forensic Professionals Training (September 2008, 2009, 2010, $135,000 / 4
years). Federal State Block Grant (SAMHSA): funds forensic trainings and collection of forensic
resource materials to ensure workforce development.
Contributing or co-author:
Evaluation of MHCD’s Colorado Second Chance Housing and Reentry Program (C-SCHARP)
(September 2015, $44,342 / 1 year). The Mental Health Center of Denver: Provided technical
assistance in the preparation of the grant proposal. The grant proposal was successful.
Traumatic Brain Injury Screening and Training Project (June 2013, $1,500,000 / 3 years). Office of
Behavioral Health, HRSA: Partner on grant designed to screen and treat inmates with traumatic brain
injury throughout seven sites in Colorado. Specific responsibility for training correctional staff, mental
health staff, civil staff, and inmates about recognizing and coping with traumatic brain injury.
Walton Family Foundation Bilingual Certificate Program (January 2014, $450,000 / 3 years). University
of Denver: Partner on grant creating a bilingual mental health certificate program to include
international exchange with Spanish-speaking countries and an on-line bilingual mental health
certificate program.
Front End Users Grant (January 2014, $18,000 / 1 year). City and County of Denver: Jail-based and
community-based assessment of criminogenic and clinical needs of frequent users of mental health and
emergency services in Denver, CO.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Peer-reviewed presentations:
Stewart, H. J., Kois, L. E., White, C., McDowell, L., Cox, J., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2023, March 16–18).
Understanding competency restoration practice and process through meta-analysis: What is it, who
benefits, and how long does it take? In L. Kois (Chair), New meta-analytic research to inform
competency to proceed "crisis” practice and policy [Symposium]. American Psychology-Law Society
Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Francis, J. M., Varela, J. G., Boccaccini, M. T., Gowensmith, W. N., & Crosby, J. W. (2023, March).
Predictors of unfavorable outcomes in competency restoration [paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of
the American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Murrie, D.C., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2022, March). Strategies to address the competency crisis: The Colorado
example. In L.E. Kois (Chair), Fresh Approaches to Understanding and Addressing the United States’
(In)Competency “Crisis” [Symposium]. Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society,
Denver, CO, United States.
Richelson, S., Pogue, A., Gowensmith, W. N., & Murrie, D. C. (September, 2021). Competency services in
Colorado: Unraveling the process. Symposium at the Colorado Virtual Judicial Conference, online
Callahan, L., Pinals, D., Gowensmith, W. N., Compton, L. (May, 2021). Exploring models of community-
based competency restoration. Symposium at National Council for Behavioral Health conference, online
Kanani, H., McCarver, K., Unger, L., & Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2021). Participant outcomes and
experiences in a wellness court program during COVID-19. Poster presentation at the 2021 annual
meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, online format.
Fonzi, L., Lodovic, J., Robles, K., Tuder, S., Gowensmith, W. N., Batastini, A. B., & Vitacco, M. J. (March,
2021). Perceived credibility of social media as a collateral source in forensic evaluations. Poster
presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, online format.
Darby, C., Griffith, E., Martinez, R., Weinstock, R., & Gowensmith, W. N. (October, 2020). Can we overcome
our biases to reach an objective opinion? Symposium at the 2021 annual meeting of the American
Academy of Psychiatry and Law, online format.
Gowensmith, W. N. & McCallum, K. E. (March, 2020). Monitoring bias with a handheld mobile app. Paper
presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Gowensmith, W. N. & Murrie, D. C. (March, 2020). Promising approaches to competency restoration: CO's
placement and triage system. Paper presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2019). Case Rate: Using a new app to track forensic evaluation outcomes. Paper
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Brooks-Holiday, S., Appel, O., Giallella, C., Longtin, J, & Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2020). Shaping
diversion through law, policy, and data. Symposium at the 2020 annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Fahlbusch, K., Gowensmith, W. N. & Gowensmith, D. M. (March, 2020). Outcomes from a university-based
outpatient competency restoration program. Paper presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Gardner, B., Tomascak, D., Murrie, D. C, & Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2020). Disproportionate impact of
misdemeanants on forensic mental health services. Symposium at the 2020 annual meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
McDermott, B., Warburton, K., Hughes, G. & Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2020). The IST crisis: Are jail-
based restoration programs the solution? The California experience. Symposium at the 2020 annual
meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Tassin, C., Janicke, K., & Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2020). Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training and its
effects on law enforcement officers. Data blitz presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Azama, C., Kanani, H, Roberts, H. & Gowensmith, W. N. (March, 2020). Predicting outcomes of a wellness
court program. Paper presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society,
New Orleans, LA.
McCallum, K. E., Gowensmith, W. N., & Azama, C. (March, 2020). Monitoring potential bias w/ a handheld
mobile app. Paper presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society,
New Orleans, LA.
Wolbranksy, M., Gowensmith, W. N., Kemp, K., Torres, A, & Meissner, A. (March, 2020). Influencing policy:
Varied lives of policy work. Symposium at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law
Society, New Orleans, LA.
Gowensmith, W. N., McCallum, K. E., Jennings, M., & Johnson, C. (March, 2019). Monitoring potential bias
within a forensic evaluation agency. Paper presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Davies, E., Hauglid, L., Gowensmith, W. N., & Meyer, L. (March, 2019). Criminogenic risk factors in the
Denver County Wellness Court Population. Paper presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Gowensmith, W. N., Alexander, A. A., Harvey, C., and Manguno-Mire, G. (March, 2019). Outpatient
competency restoration: Development and outcomes from three major programs. Symposium at the
2019 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Bryson, C. N, Boccaccini, M. T., Gowensmith, W. N., Reinhard, E., & Holdren, S. (March, 2019). Does time
matter in competency to stand trial evaluations? Paper presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Gowensmith, W. N., Candilis, P. J., Johnson, N., & Morel, J. (October, 2018). Outpatient competency
restoration programs: A national overview. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Academy of Psychiatry and Law, Austin, TX.
Potts, H. M., Smith, K. P., Meyer, L. J., Gowensmith, W. N., Alexander, A. A. (2018, October). Evaluating
treatment needs for non-offending men with pedophilic sexual attractions. Data blitz presentation at the
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers annual conference, Kansas City, MO.
Gowensmith, W. N., Candilis, P. J., Morel, J. Kruh, I. P., Alkema, A., Swensen, K., & Graf, A. (March, 2018).
Outpatient competency restoration programs: Updates on the hows, wheres, and whos. Paper
presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
Gowensmith, W. N., Smith, K. P., & Yeager, K. N. (March, 2018). Monitoring one’s personal bias in forensic
evaluation: A how-to guide. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law
Society, Memphis, TN.
Gowensmith, D. M., Gowensmith, W. N., Osentoski, K. D., Blackmond, L. N., & Nowrouzi, E. M. (March,
2018). Returning citizens through a different lens. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
Bryson, C. N., Boccaccini, M. T., Gowensmith, W. N., Laxton, K. L., Mattos, L., Reinhard, E., Holdren, S., &
Lawrence, J. (March, 2018). Time matters in competency to stand trial evaluations. Poster presentation
at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
Patin, H. R., Pait, O. R., Gowensmith, W. N., & Meyer, L. J. (March, 2018). Jurors’ perceptions of juvenile sex
offenders. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society,
Memphis, TN.
Winn, C. B., Gowensmith, W. N., Mandeville, S. R., Ray, K. F., Jay, A. P., & Meyer, L. J. (March, 2018).
Validation of risk-need-responsivity assessment measures. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of
the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
Potts, H. M., Gowensmith, W. N., Martinez, R., Gray, B. T., Meyer, L. J., Patin, H. R., & Schultz, P. D.
(March, 2018). Mandated video recording of legal sanity evaluations. Paper presentation at the annual
meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
Druhn, N., Gowensmith, W. N., Patin, H. R., & Murrie, D. M. (March, 2018). A survey of forensic psychology
postdoctoral programs. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law
Society, Memphis, TN.
Meyer, L. J., Gowensmith, W. N., Montalvo, J., Patin, H. R., Pegher, K., Yeager, K. N., & Tedeschi, P.
(March, 2018). Development of the Animal Abuse Risk Assessment Tool. Poster presentation at the
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
Gowensmith, W. N. (2017, July). Decision-making in post-insanity acquittal conditional release evaluations.
Paper presentation at the International Association of Law and Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.
Faulbusch, K., Gowensmith, W.N., & Meyer, L. (2017, March). Probation compliance and gender. Poster
presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Psychology – Law Society, Seattle, WA.
Gowensmith, W. N., Lichton, A., & McNichols, B. J. (2016). Forensic evaluation research: Is it actually
helpful to clinical practice? Presentation at the 2016 Hawaii Psychological Association Annual
Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Gowensmith, W. N. & Henderson-Metzger, L. (2016). Toward Cultural Competence in Forensic Clinical
Training: A Dialogue. Presentation at the 2016 Hawaii Psychological Association Annual Conference,
Honolulu, HI.
Gowensmith, W. N. (2016, August). Translating knowledge into action and action into outcomes – Models of
service-learning training. Symposium at the 123
annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Denver, CO.
Davis, T.M., Smith-Acuña, S., Nadkarni, L., Gowensmith, W. N., Sturm, S., Anderson, L., Ross, K., &
Walton, S. (August 2016). Formation of the DU graduate Sturm specialty in military
psychology. Symposium at the 123
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Denver, CO.
Gowensmith, W. N. (2016, May). Mental illness and the courts: Myths, misconceptions, and…hope? Paper
presented at the Colorado Collaborative Justice Conference, Denver, CO.
Smith, B. N., Meyer, L., Gowensmith, W.N., & Nadkarni, L. (2016, March). Program Evaluation: Addiction
Severity Index (ASI). Paper presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Psychology – Law
Society, Atlanta, GA.
Eddy, T., Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Dettmer, J., & Gowensmith, W.N. (2016, March). Traumatic Brain Injury
and Traumatic History. Paper presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Psychology – Law
Society, Atlanta, GA.
Gowensmith, W. N., Metroz, H., & Bratcher, J. (2016, March). The impact of timing on competency to stand
trial evaluations. Paper presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Psychology – Law
Society, Atlanta, GA.
Gowensmith, W. N., Bratcher, J., & Metroz, H. (2016, January). The impact of timing on competency to stand
trial evaluations. Paper presentation at the 2016 University of Denver Research Summit, Denver, CO.
Eddy, T., Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Dettmer, J., & Gowensmith, W.N. (2016, January). Traumatic Brain Injury
and Traumatic History. Paper presentation at the 2016 University of Denver Research Summit, Denver,
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Smith, B. N., Meyer, L., Gowensmith, W.N., & Nadkarni, L. (2016, January). Program Evaluation: Addiction
Severity Index (ASI). Paper presentation at the the 2016 University of Denver Research Summit,
Denver, CO.
Nadkarni, L., Meyer, L. A., Gowensmith, W. N., & Gorgens, K. (2015, August). The psychological impact of
animals in the lives of three diverse, global populations. Symposium at the 123
annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Gowensmith, W. N., Meyer, L., & Robinson, K. (2015, August). The applicability of traditional risk
assessment measures to a chronically homeless population. Paper presentation at the 123
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Gowensmith, W. N., Laub, C., & Nadkarni, L. (2015, May). Denver’s Recovery Court and the PHASE
Programs. Paper presentation for the 2015 meeting of the Colorado Collaborative Justice Conference,
Denver, CO.
Gowensmith, W. N., Lachman, C., & Coles, J. (2015, May). The College Gateway Program: A successful
application of the RNR model in a community re-entry program. Panel presentation for the 2015
meeting of the Colorado Collaborative Justice Conference, Denver, CO.
Gowensmith, W. N., Sledd, M, & Sessarego, S. (2015, March). The impact of stringent certification standards
on forensic evaluator reliability: Further analysis. Paper presentation for the 2015 annual meeting of the
American Psychology – Law Society, San Diego, CA.
Hanson, L., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2015, March). The effects of gender, sexual orientation, and diagnostic
categories on jurors in sex offense cases. Poster presentation for the 2015 annual meeting of the
American Psychology – Law Society, San Diego, CA.
Galen, K., Weitenheller, D., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2015, March). Jail-based competency restoration: A
successful case study. Paper presentation for the 2015 annual meeting of the American Psychology –
Law Society, San Diego, CA.
Gowensmith, W. N., Sledd, M, & Sessarego, S. (2014, August). The impact of stringent certification standards
on forensic evaluator reliability. Paper presentation at the 122
annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Gowensmith, W. N. & Tassin, A. (2014, March). Courts, cops, clinicians and community corrections:
Differences in understanding violence risk in the mentally ill. Paper presentation at the annual meeting
of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Therson, D., Speelman, D. & Gowensmith, W. N. (2014, March). Adult outpatient competency restoration:
Results from a nationwide survey. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Bryant, A., Gowensmith, W. N., & Vitacco, M. J. (2014, March). Decision-making in post-acquittal hospital
release: How do forensic evaluators make their decisions? Paper presentation at the annual meeting of
the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Karas, A., Gowensmith, W. N., & Pinals, D. A. (2014, March). States’ standards for training and certifying
evaluators of competency to stand trial. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Jul, E., Gowensmith, W. N., Ignacio, L.A., & Tanji, J. (2014). Perceptions of Violence Risk Factors Amongst
Judges Working with Criminal Offenders with Mental Illness. Unpublished manuscript, Argosy
University, Honolulu, HI.
Gowensmith, W. N. & McNichols, B. J. (2013, August). Decisions, decisions: insanity acquittees, hospital
discharge, and the forensic evaluator. Paper presentation at the 121
annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Gowensmith, W. N., Skeem, J. L, & McNichols, B. J. (2013, March). Specialty community supervision
practices for insanity acquittees: How well do they work? Paper presentation at the annual meeting of
the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Nassab, N., McCallum, K. E., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2013, March). Reliability of diagnoses in forensic
evaluation. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland,
Purta, M., McCallum, K. E., Nassab, N., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2013, March). Consistency of violence risk
prediction across professional disciplines. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Gowensmith, W. N., Musgrove, L., Muller, K., & Henry, K. (2013, March). The College Gateway Program:
Case study of a successful offender re-entry program. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Nadkarni, L., Gorgens, K., Henderson-Metzger, L. & Gowensmith, W. N. (2012, August). Does this ivory
tower have a changing table? Managing multiple roles and identities in a professional graduate program.
Roundtable presentation at the 120
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Gowensmith, W. N., McCallum, K. & Nassab, N. (2012, August). Does a defendant’s ethnicity impact the
psycholegal opinion of a forensic expert witness? Paper presentation at the 120
meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Gowensmith, W. N., McNichols, B. J., Bauer-Smith, B., & Dolder, S. (2012, June). New dawn or new
nightmare? The impact of new mental health legislation in Hawaii. Roundtable presentation at the
meeting of the Law and Society Association, Honolulu, HI.
Kemp, K., Gowensmith, W. N., Boccaccini, M. T., & Murrie, D. C. (2012, March). Predictors of competency
to stand trial opinions in 1,318 evaluations of Hawaiian defendants. In L. Kois (Chair), Multicultural
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
considerations in competence to stand trial evaluations. Symposium accepted for presentation at the
meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, San Juan, PR.
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. & Boccaccini, M. (2011, March). Evaluator agreement in assessing violence
risk and need for hospitalization. Paper presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society
Conference (Miami, FL).
Gowensmith, W. N. & Frost, L. (2011, March). Outpatient competency restoration: Promising results from a
new frontier. Paper presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference (Miami, FL).
McNichols, B., Gowensmith, W. N. & & Jul, E. (2011, March). Forensic evaluators and conditional release
evaluations: Is evaluator agreement of CR readiness related to longer community tenure? Paper
presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference (Miami, FL).
McNichols, B., Jul, E., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2011, March). Conditional release in the state of Hawaii: A
qualitative and quantitative analysis. Poster presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society
Conference (Miami, FL).
McNichols, B., Jul, E., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2010, October). Is conditional release working in the state of
Hawaii? Rehospitalization and recidivism rates for insanity acquittees. Poster presentation at the Hawaii
Psychological Association Conference (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. & Boccaccini, M. (2010, August). How reliable are forensic evaluations?
Evaluator agreement in sanity evaluations. Paper presentation at the American Psychological
Association Conference (San Diego, CA).
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. & Boccaccini, M. (2010, March). How reliable are forensic evaluations?
Evaluator agreement in competency to stand trial evaluations. Paper presentation at the American
Psychology-Law Society Conference (Vancouver, Canada).
Gowensmith, W. N. & Frost, L. (2010, March). Outpatient competency restoration: State of the practice for
juvenile and adult restoration. Paper presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference
(Vancouver, Canada).
Miller, R., Gowensmith, W. N., Cunningham, S., & Bailey-Smith, K. (2009, October). Community-Based
Treatment to Restore Competency to Stand Trial. Symposium conducted at National Association of
State Mental Health Directors Forensic Division National Conference (Virginia Beach, VA).
Morris, J., Pinals, D., Griffin, P., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2009, October). National Jail Diversion Options.
Symposium conducted at National Association of State Mental Health Directors Forensic Division
National Conference (Virginia Beach, VA).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2009, April). Evidence-Based Assessment of Dangerousness. Paper presented at Best
Practices in Forensic Mental Health: Responsibility and Recovery in the Legal System (Honolulu, HI).
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Polokoff, R., Steffen, J., Gowensmith, W. N. (2009, April). Analysis of the Conditionally Released Population
in Hawaii. Poster at the Forensic Mental Health: Responsibility and Recovery in the Legal System
Conference, (Honolulu, HI).
Ehrhorn, E., & Gowensmith, W. N. (2009, April). Outcomes of the CREST (Conditional Release Exit and
Support Transition) Program. Poster at the Forensic Mental Health: Responsibility and Recovery in the
Legal System Conference, (Honolulu, HI).
Gundaya, D., Steffen, J., Gowensmith, W. N., & Crisanti, A. (2009, April). Forensic Involvement and
Victimization Among AMHD Consumers. Poster at the Forensic Mental Health: Responsibility and
Recovery in the Legal System Conference, (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2008, October). Current Practices in Assessment of Competency. Symposium (Chair),
Hawaii Forensic Examiner Training (Honolulu, HI with statewide video-teleconferencing).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2008, March). The Conditional Release Program in Hawaii: Successes and Challenges.
Paper presented at the National GAINS Center Conference (Washington, D.C.).
Gowensmith, W. N. & Pedro, D. (2008, March). Specialized Forensic Programs in Hawaii: Hale Imua and
Community-Based Competency Restoration. Symposium conducted at National GAINS Center
Conference (Washington, D.C.).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2008, February). Overview of Forensic Mental Health. Invited presentation for
International Public Health course offered by the University of Hawaii at Manoa (videoconferencing to
Hawaii and several Pacific Island nations).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2007, September). The Big Kahuna: The Conditional Release Program in Hawaii.
Symposium conducted at National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Forensic
Division National Conference (San Antonio, Texas).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2007, September). Effectiveness and Future Directions for Forensic Mental Health.
Symposium conducted at State of Hawaii Forensic Examiner Training Conference (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2007, January – April). Reducing Risk for Violence in Mentally Ill Offenders. Trainings
and consultations to judiciary staff, mental health providers, housing providers, correctional staff, and
police. (Statewide, Hawaii).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2007, January). Forensic Services in Hawaii. Presentation to Senate Committee 117 Task
Force of the Hawaii State Legislature (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2006, December). The Intersection of Adult Mental Health and the Criminal Justice
System on Oahu. Presentation to Senate Committee 117 Task Force of the Hawaii State Legislature
(Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2006, April). The Conditional Release Process. Symposium conducted at Hawaii
Forensic Examiner Training Conference (Honolulu, HI).
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Gowensmith, W. N. (2001, 2002, 2003, Summers). Psychology, Racism, and Peace-building. Trainings and
consultations for South Africa Community Fund (Cape Town, South Africa).
Deffenbacher, J., Dahlen, E., Lynch, R., Morris, C. & Gowensmith, W. N. (1998, August). Application of
Beck’s cognitive therapy to general anger reduction. Paper presented at the American Psychological
Association conference (San Francisco, CA).
Invited Presentations:
Gowensmith, W. N. (October 2021). Evaluation of fitness to stand trial. Invited presentation to the
Psychological South African Association annual conference (online).
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., Richelson, S., & Pogue, A. (September, 2021). Competency services in
Colorado: Unraveling the process. Invited presentation to the Colorado Judicial Conference (online).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2021, March). Mirror, mirror on the wall: Who’s the least biased of them all? Invited
presentation for the University of Massachusetts Medical School (virtual).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2017, September). Challenges and solutions in forensic psychology. Invited presentation
at the Pan-African Psychology Union Congress (Durban, South Africa).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2016, September). Bias in forensic evaluation. Invited presentation at the Annual
Forensic Examiners Training Conference (Denver, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N., Murrie, D. M., & Gallagher, J. A. (2016, August). Threats to reliability in forensic
evaluation. Invited symposium at the 123
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Denver, CO.
Gowensmith, W. N. (2016, July). Comparisons and contrasts in the forensic mental health systems between the
USA and the Republic of South Africa. Invited presentation for the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal’s
Medical School (Durban, South Africa).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2016, July). Forensic evaluation: Reliability, validity, quality, and other minor details.
Invited presentation for Ft. Napier State Hospital and the Kwa-Zulu Natal Department of Health
(Pietermaritzburg, South Africa).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2016, March). Suicide and violence risk prediction. Invited keynote presentation for the
Colorado Association of Social Workers (Denver, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2015, September). Mental illness and the courts: Myths, misconceptions, and…hope?
Invited presentation for the University of Denver’s Pioneer Symposium Series (Denver, CO).
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Gowensmith, W. N., Sledd, M., Leland, C., & Lachman, C. (2015, January). The College Gateway Program:
Matching ex-offenders with their purpose and passion. Invited presentation for the University of
Denver’s Chancellor’s Research Summit (Denver, CO).
Lachman, C. & Gowensmith, W. N. (2014, February). The College Gateway Program: Matching ex-offenders
with their purpose and passion. Invited keynote presentation for the Colorado Career Development
Association (Aurora, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2013, September). Outpatient competency restoration programs: A national survey.
Invited presentation at the Annual Forensic Examiners Training Conference (Denver, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2013, June). Program evaluation of the College Gateway Program: Success in the face of
defeat. Invited presentation for Campus Compact of the Mountain West (Breckinridge, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2013, January). Program evaluation of the College Gateway Program: Success in the face
of defeat. Invited presentation for Red Rocks Community College administration (Denver, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2012, September). Forensic evaluation: Reliability, validity, quality, and other minor
details. Invited presentation at the Annual Forensic Examiners Training Conference (Denver, CO).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2012, June). Forensic evaluation: Reliability, validity, quality, and other minor details.
Invited presentation at the Annual Forensic Examiners Training Conference (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2012, June). Assessment and management of violence risk. Invited presentation at the
Annual Forensic Examiners Training Conference (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2010, September). The roles of the police, providers and the public with the criminally
mentally ill. Invited symposium for the Society of Police and Criminal Psychologists national
conference (Honolulu, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2010, September). The reliability of forensic evaluations in Hawaii. Invited presentation
for the State of Hawaii Forensic Examiner Training (Honolulu, HI).
Amano, R., Iboshi, C. & Gowensmith, W. N. (2009, September). Intersection of the Criminal Justice and
Mental Health Systems: Collaboration or Competition? Symposium conducted at Professionals
Redefining Options for the Mentally Ill through Skills and Education (PROMISE) Conference (Hilo,
Gowensmith, W. N. (2008, March). Eco-worriers to Eco-warriors: The Role of Ecopsychology. Invited
keynote at Laulima Conference on Environmental Awareness and Action (Honolulu, HI).
Amano, R. & Gowensmith, W. N. (2007, September). Mental Health Courts and Calendars: Reducing
Recidivism & Risk for Violence. Invited symposium conducted at Kauai Judicial Complex (Lihue, HI).
Gowensmith, W. N. (2005, May). Ecopsychology: It's not Easy Being Green. Invited symposium for Watada
Lecturer of Excellence Series at University of Hawaii. (Honolulu, HI).
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
5280 article
Wyoming article
Sherry, A. (2021, October 15). Jailed Coloradans waiting longer and longer for competency services, with
sometimes tragic consequences. Colorado Public Radio. Retrieved from:
Stringer, H. (2019, March). Improving mental health for inmates. APA Monitor on Psychology, p. 46. Retrieved
from: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/03/mental-heath-inmates.
Skene, L. (2018, February 24). What happens after not guilty by reason of insanity plea? Retrieved from:
http://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/crime_ police/article_44b13aaa-1279-11e8-b0c0-
07b4cb18013e.html?utm_medium=social&utm_ source = email&utm_campaign=user-share
Wagner, L., Gowensmith, W. N., & Fitch, L. (2016, April). Issues in public forensic mental health. Into the
Fold podcast, University of Texas Hogg Foundation for Mental Health.
Benzel, L. (2016, February 24). Mental competency report not completed for Planned Parenthood shooting
suspect Robert Dear. Retrieved from: http://gazette.com/mental-competency-report-not-completed-for-
Rodgers, J. (2015, December 23). Accused Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooter wants to represent
himself: Judge orders mental health evaluation. Retrieved from: http://gazette.com/accused-colorado-
Rodgers, J. (2015, December 22). Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting suspect to return to court
Wednesday Retrieved from: http://gazette.com/colorado-springs-planned-parenthood-shooting-suspect-
Glasgow, G. (2015, September 21). Pioneer Symposium: Professor to speak on mental illness and the courts.
University of Denver Magazine.
Jenkins, A. (2015, July 29). Training, quality assurance lacking in Washington forensic mental health program.
Northwest News Network. Retrieved from http://nwnewsnetwork.org/post/training-quality-assurance-
Hubbard, J. (2015, July 16). Live coverage and reaction to the Aurora Theater trial verdict. Fox News Denver.
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William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
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William Neil Gowensmith, Ph.D. 828-738-6694
Dr. Lavita Nadkarni
Director, Masters of Forensic Psychology Program
Graduate School of Professional Psychology
University of Denver
(303) 871-3736
Dr. Shelly Smith-Acuna
Dean, Gradaute School of Professional Psychology
University of Denver
(303) 871-3736
shelly.smith-ac[email protected]
Dr. Richard Martinez
Director of Fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry
University of Colorado Denver
richard.mar[email protected]
Dr. Daniel C. Murrie
Associate Professor, University of Virginia
(434) 924-5435