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Content Management System
Raymond Gines
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Honor’s Project: Imprint CMS
Raymond Gines
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Languages and Frameworks
1.2 Database
1.3 Libraries
2 Design Process
2.1 Requirements
2.2 Modern Responsive Design
2.3 User Credentials and Authentication
2.5 Content Management
3 Blog
3.2 Add Blog Post
3.3 Edit and Delete Post
4 Product Page
4.1 Product Index
4.2 Add Product
4.3 Edit and Delete Product
5 Landing Page
5.1 Add Landing Page
5.2 Edit Landing Page
6 Other Content Management Essentials
6.1 Address
6.2 Themes
7 Deployment
8 Learning Outcomes
9 Conclusion.
The Imprint CMS (Content Management System) aims to emulate the key
features of popular existing CMS applications such as Wordpress, Drupal, Magento, etc.
This will be a lightweight alternative that can be used to kick start a digital presence by
producing landing pages, product pages, and blog posts with ease. Individuals will be
able to register and create their own account that will be secured in a database that they
can use to login and manage their pages and posts. In addition, they will have the option
of changing multiple settings such as the theme and color scheme of their website.
I will be developing this application from scratch and utilizing the software
development lifecycle to gather requirements, design the features, code, test, and deploy
the application to the web. The overall goal is to be able to setup a website with the main
features that can dynamically create pages on the fly and edit them as one wishes. I want
to be able to experience all levels of development from the front-end, back-end, and
server-side to create a single web application that is usable and provides value to users.
Github Repository: https://github.com/rkg18/imprint_cms
1 Introduction
The Imprint Content Management System was built with the aim of utilizing
different web programming languages and frameworks to build a singular web
application that would make it simpler to generate web content for individuals with a
non-technical background. The development, creation, and research of this project is to
emulate the development of real-world applications from scratch. This covers the
standard software development cycle of gathering requirement, planning, development,
maintenance, and repeating the process to perfect a usable web application.
1.1 Languages & Frameworks
The web application was built on a foundation of Python as a base language and
using a micro framework extension known as Flask. Flask makes it easy to translate
Python code to browser and web languages. This programming language helps process
form data and display information on database to the web interface. It helps with mostly
backend data receiving, storing, and sending.
For the front-end side of the application, I’ve utilized common languages such as
HTML and CSS for the structure and styling of the application. In addition to that, I am
using a web library known as Bootstrap to help streamline the responsive design of the
website. This library enables the application to have a usable interface on any device -
mobile, tablet, or desktop. To top it off, I will be using JavaScript to change the stylings
and settings of the page through actions.
1.2 Database
For this project, I have elected to use a lightweight SQL database known as
SQLite that makes it easy to access, store, and collect information on the go. It is
included in the library for the Python/Flask framework for convenient use and
The database will be used to mainly store user information such as login details,
as well as digital content information such as titles, text, url, authors, media, etc. As for
the images, we will be downloading them to the server but only storing the name of the
respective image or video in the database to save space.
1.3 Libraries
One of the main reasons I chose to use Python was because of the extensive
access of 3
party libraries that can help jumpstart a web application on a solo project
such as this. I utilized several open-source libraries in order to streamline the
development and design of the project.
Slugify – Takes a string or text (such as a title) and transforms it into a valid URL
slug so it can properly display on a webpage.
Google Maps API – Since this project was design with a small business in mind I
wanted them to have the ability to broadcast their location so it would be easier to
find their business.
GeoPy – This library helps with parsing addresses to and from latitude and
longitude coordinates that would then be plugged into the Google Maps API.
2 Design Process
The following will be a much more detailed log of what I have learned and
applied in my project in terms of software, technology stacks, and the frameworks used. I
will be explaining the main features of a CMS that I will be emulating and break down
my design and thought process. Below is a basic UML design of the 3 main features and
their respective properties and methods. In addition to that, I will be explaining the design
of the other smaller features.
2.1 Requirements
The main features I wanted to replicate with this project boiled down to 3 main items:
Modern Responsive Design
Flexibility in Adding, Editing, Deleting Pages
Login Credentials and Authentication
The main goal of the application, from a functional standpoint, is to allow a
non-technical user to create a website and digital presence with a web interface. With this
comes an individual’s personal login credentials to take ownership of their website
design, the attractive UI aspect of responsive design which is in accordance with modern
day, and the ability to manipulate the content however they like. These were broad
requirements going into the project.
2.2 Modern Responsive Design
The modern responsive design was accomplished by using a library known as
Bootstrap to help streamline the frontend process of creating a web interface that can
function on mobile, desktop, and tablet. This way the application can be viewed on any
size device based on screen resolution. The reason for this is because of Bootstrap’s
column/table mechanism it uses to position and properly size the pages contents
according to the user’s screen resolution.
The mobile view can be seen in the figure below. The dashboard applications will
stack on top of one another so the user can see the entirety of the application’s contents as
well as access them easily
2.3 User Credentials and Authentication
The creation of users was done through HTML form handling and Flask to fetch
and store information in the SQLite database. There are 2 form: register and login. They
will both use Flask to fetch via the POST form method and will then error check the
inputted information against the existing database to ensure there are no duplicates. Once
all the information is validated it will be stored in the ‘user’ table using a SQL insert
In addition, to add an extra layer of security, I leverage Flask’s hashing function
in order to further secure and hide password details instead of storing the plaintext
information in the SQLite database. This way no individual with access to the database
can see the plaintext password.
2.4 Content Management
One of the key aspects of any CMS is adding and managing different types of
content. I will have 3 categories of pages that I developed with this prototype: landing
page, product page, and blog posts. These pages are designed to cater to the common
needs of business owners and a digital presence. Individuals who require a web pages to
convert customers using an offer via a landing page to. The product page is designed for
selling and informing online customer about a particular product or item on their own
website. They can both be accessed through the dashboard and have their own respective
forms to fill in the needed information that will be converted to the respective page the
user chose. Lastly, is the blog post which is just a content medium to help spread more
information about a company’s industry, needs, events, etc.
The goal of this content management system is to dynamically create web pages
that is easy to add, edit, and delete. In the below image will serve as an example of the
form handling, data insertion into the SQLite database, and passing that information to
HTML templates to dynamically create the page.
3 Blog
To add, edit, and delete posts I mainly used Python and Flask to manage receiving
data from forms via the POST protocol. I then had to check for valid input and
insert/update/delete the respective information. When displaying the web page and
dynamically creating them, I had to ensure I structured the page that made sense from a
user experience standpoint and display the correct information from the database. I
encapsulated all the blog information in a flask “Blueprint” object to hold the methods
and properties and handle the web page creation.
3.1 Add Blog Post
An important option of traditional content management systems are a blog reel
that users can read to better inform themselves about a product or service before buying.
This is also useful in growing an online presence via SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
I have designed this blog post to allow users to input title and their respective body of
text and format them in a natural way.
The output will be a dedicated blog reel under ‘/blog’ URL. But the pages can clicked to
lead to the dedicated page that can be read in its entirety instead of a blog reel.
3.2 Edit and Delete Post
If an admin ever wants to update or remove a post I have added a simple button feature that can
remove a post on command with a secondary error message to ensure it is what the user intended.
In addition, if a user selects the edit option. The application will receive the existing information
and allow the user to edit and change anything they want or receive.
4 Product Page
Since the purpose of this application is to cater to small business owners, one of
the main pieces of content that they can use is to add a product page. They can easily
input their button text, images, links, and descriptions. The ability to manage and
dynamically add, edit, and delete a content page is crucial for business owners in a digital
age and online ecommerce presence. Like the blog posts before, I used Python and Flask
to handle the data that came in from form input. I then used the respective SQL command
to add or change the information for the product page.
4.1 Product Index
The index page allows the owner to view and manage all their products in a
concentrated area. In addition, they have easy access to essential information like product
title and urls. And they also have the ability to view pages directly or go to an edit mode
for them. Lastly, there is an option to add another product page so the user owner doesn’t
have to go the dashboard to add a product page.
4.2 Add Product
The add product feature provides the functionality to dynamically create and
customize a product page. While you can easily edit the text of the page, you can also
change things like the layout, URL, bullet descriptions of the page. An admin of a
website can add and edit as many bullet point description as they want. In addition, there
is the ability to select the layout of the page whether to have the product image on the left
or right as well as the main product title/bullets. This allows individuals to pick a page
layout that is suitable to their user experience. Lastly, a user can add and update the
product photo as many times as they want as changes come about.
4.3 Edit and Delete Product
The option to edit a product page allows owners to keep up and enhance their
product listing and description to get a better online conversion. This way if there are
they need keywords or images one would like to upload, it can be easily changed.
And if there is ever a need to delete a product if an item is being discontinued or
being sold out, then the option to delete the page is there to free up some space for the
product listing.
5 Landing Page
The landing page feature allows users to easily add and edit landing pages to attract and
convert users to do a certain action. This landing page function allows individuals to
grabs email or lead them to a product or offer page. I just Javascript and JQuery to grant
users the ability to add and remove certain Landing Page elements they would or would
not need. I used Python/Flask to handle the form data and execute SQL statements to
update the given information.
5.1 Add Landing Page
The add landing page functions provides a dynamic user interface to add different
elements that would be needed in general landing page. The 3 types of landing page
blocks include:
1. Jumbotron with Button Call-to-Action
2. Email Block to capture email leads
3. Information Block to convey additional features and such
These 3 blocks can be added or used depending on the users choices or options.
5.2 Edit Landing Page
The edit feature allows individuals to change and update the content of a given landing
page. In addition, users are able to shift the elements of a page up and down to get their
desired layout for the product. I used JQuery to be able to shift the different rows of
elements up and down to allow users to customize the structure of the respective page.
6 Other Content Management Essentials
To add to that usability of a content management system, I added additional features that
I felt would compliment the use of this application such as an address to display a
physical location and different colored themes to change the look and aesthetic of a
6.1 Address
One of the key contact points for a small business is their location. I have implemented
an input form where admins can input their business address and it will output a Google
Map showing their business location. I have implemented this using the Google Maps
Cloud API and a respective python flask API. I grabbed form data using Python and
Flask and stored it into its own table. I then converted the address into latitude and
longitude coordinates using a third party library, GeoPy. I then inputted those coordinates
into the Google Maps API to display the surround area.
6.2 Themes
Themes are an easy way to change the look and feel of a website with different color
palettes. For simplicity sakes, I added a dark and light theme to the project. To do this I
used 2 CSS stylesheets and Javascript to change and shift the color of the different
website elements.
7 Deployment
One of the other aspects of shipping a product is deployment to a production
where it can be seen by the public. While this is a personal project, I still wanted to be
able to deploy this web application so it could be seen by companies.
A deployment service that is free to use and is relatively easy for Python/Flask
web apps is Heroku. Heroku allowed me to compile and build the web app to deploy the
web under their services. With building I had to ensure that I several different elements to
be able to build the site with all the functionality on my local server and ensure it has the
same functionality on their server. To do that, I had setup the version of Python is the
same on my local and production server. In addition, I had the setup a package manager
to ensure all the 3
party libraries would be applied as well.
8 Learning Outcomes
With this project, I was able to accomplish what I set out to do, which was to be able to
built a small-to-medium usable web application using the Python/Flask stack. I was
exposed the different elements of a software application: front-end, server-side, backend,
database, and design.
For front-end, I applied my HTML/CSS/Javascript knowledge to make a modern
and attractive design. I also leveraged open source libraries such as Bootstrap to help
with the responsive user interface.
On the back-end I was able to use Python and Flask to help manage and
manipulate the forms and its respective data to store and receive the information I needed
to properly output the page. In addition to that, I was able to use Flask to dynamically
generate content that I was getting from the database to structure my pages. This
complimented my front-end design when trying to structure where all the data and
content should go.
I got exposure to using a database with SQLite and SQL when trying to execute
SQL commands to get the records I needed that would be able to properly display the
9 Conclusion
This project will be deployed to Heroku for live site testing and usability while
being worked on in my local machine. This project and application was meant to be a
small scale demonstration of emulating usable and popular applications that exist out
there today, but I wanted to build my own from scratch using different languages and
tools to handle the development from beginning to the end. I was able to accomplish
those goals and be exposed to the development cycle of building a usable and
“real-world” application through this Honor’s Project.