ACCESS HRA Portal Home Page
Apply Now
Apply / Recertify online
for these programs:
Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)
Cash Assistance
Medicaid Renewals
Contact Us
Submit questions to
Get Information
Find out how to apply and
which documents you need,
search for office locations,
and view and print forms.
Select a
available in seven
languages, including
English, Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese,
Haitian Creole,
Korean, and Russian
and is formatted
for text-to-speech
screen readers.
Get Help
Click the question
mark icon ( ? )
for answers to
frequently asked
questions about
Your Homepage
Why should I create an ACCESS
HRA account?
Creating an account
allows you to apply or recertify online for
certain programs, such as SNAP or Cash
Assistance, as well as print your online
Medicaid Renewal form through ACCESS
Can I update my Account
you can select the ‘My Account’ option at any
time, and then ‘Edit Username/Password’ to
change any of your ACCESS HRA account
Create an
From the home page,
click “Apply Now”,
“Log In”, or “Create
Account” to create
your account.
Your upcoming recertifications will display on your home page.
Your home page will also keep a record of recently submitted applications.
Your HRA Case Profile
View your cases
Lets you track your case information, such
as Application Status, upcoming Benefit
Payments and Appointments. You can even
update Contact Information, such as the
Mailing Address that HRA currently has on
file for you.
View your documents
Lets you view electronic notices HRA
posted to your case as well as recently
submitted documents that HRA
received for your application or case.
Connect to your HRA case
If you are currently receiving SNAP or
CA benefits, have received benefits in
the past year, or have applied for
benefits, you can connect to your online
HRA case profile to view your case
information in ACCESS HRA.
Entering Information for
If you are a Payee, and currently
receiving SNAP or CA benefits on
behalf of children in your home,
enter the oldest child’s information
to connect to your HRA case
Why connect to
your HRA case
You can connect to your
HRA case profile at any
time. Go to ACCESS
HRA and select the ‘My
Organizations’ icon.
Once you connect to
your HRA case online,
you will have access to
Link to a Partner
Organization, as well as
to your ‘My Cases’ and
‘My Documents’ pages.
Your HRA Case Profile – My Account
Connect to your HRA case profile
to link to a Partner Organization
If you are working with a partner organization
and would like to grant them access to view
your case information and assist with case
updates, you must first connect to your online
HRA case profile. You will not be able to link to
a Partner Organization until you connect your
case to HRA online by completing the ‘Connect
to My Case’ page (refer to prior page).
Do you want to link to a Partner Organization?
You can link to a partner organization to receive help with your case. By linking to a
partner organization, you are giving the organization access to:
- View your Case information and make updates, such as to the mailing address
- Read Notices posted to your account
- Be notified of activity on your case, such as when a budget letter is issued
Your HRA Case Profile – Link to a Partner Organization
Link to a Partner Organization
Once you have connected to your HRA case
profile online, this button will become
available. Click on the ‘Link to a Partner
Organization’ button to begin the process.
How do I know if my HRA case
profile is connected?
Once you connect to your HRA case profile
online, the ‘My Account/My Organizations’ page
will show a disconnect option. This means that
your case is currently connected online.
Your HRA Case Profile – Link to a Partner Organization
Enter Organization ID
Organizations enrolled in the Provider
Portal have all been assigned a 4-digit
Organization ID. You can ask the
organization you are working with for
their Organization ID. You can then enter
the 4-digit number and click ‘Search’.
Confirm Organization
Once you have searched for the partner
organization, you can review the search results
to confirm that this is the correct organization.
Continue with this organization
If the correct organization is displayed and
you want to move forward with granting
access to this organization, click the
‘Continue with this organization’ link.
Your HRA Case Profile – Link to a Partner Organization
Authorize Access - Details
The final step to link to a partner
organization is to grant the
organization access to your case
information for a period of 24 months.
Easy to read icons explain the terms
of the authorization. Please read the
details carefully.
Authorize Access - Disclaimers
Once you have read and understood what
actions a partner organization can take on
your behalf, read the ‘Authorize Access to
SNAP and Cash Assistance Information’
disclaimer, check the checkbox, and enter
the your initials; then read the ‘Authorize
Access to Medicaid Information’
disclaimer, check the checkbox, and enter
the your initials.
Once this is complete, click ‘Next’.
Your HRA Case Profile – Link to a Partner Organization
Organizations with Account Access
Once you have successfully linked to a partner organization, you will be able to
see the name of the organization, the date access was granted, and the end date
of the partner organization’s access to your account here.
You can also view the authorization details by clicking on the “View Details” link. A
pop-up with the most recent authorization, complete with your initials will be
If you decide that you want to remove access from the partner organization, this
can be done by clicking on the “Remove Access” link in the ‘Actions’ column.
Your HRA Case Profile – Link to a Partner Organization
Organizations with Account Access
You can be linked to up to 5 partner organizations at a time.
An ACCESS HRA Organization Account Access Agreement’
PDF is generated in these scenarios:
- When you initially grant access to a partner organization
- When you renew access to a partner organization
- When your access is revoked from a partner organization
Copies of these Access Agreements can be found in the ‘Agency
Notices about your Case’ section of the ‘My Documents’ page.
Renew link to Partner Organization
After 18 months of being linked to a partner
organization, the ‘Renew’ link will become available for
you to renew access to the partner organization. Upon
click of the “Renew” link, the same disclaimers will be
presented and you will have to re-enter your initials
again to grant the partner organization access for an
additional 24 months.
In the event that you do not renew access to the partner
organization within the authorization period, access will
be denied and you will no longer be linked to the
partner organization. To re-establish the link, you will
have to follow the authorization process again.
Your HRA Case Profile - My Documents
View your
Lets you to view notices or
documents that HRA has
on file for your case(s) or
View Agency Notices about your Case
Lists the notices that were posted to your case over
the last 60 days. Click on the ‘Read’ link to view a
PDF of the notice.
The ‘ACCESS HRA Organization Account Access
Agreement’ generated via your link to a partner
organization can be found here.
See more Notices…
Click on the ‘See more Notices…’ link to change
the notices you can view from 60 days to the last
3 months, last 6 months, or last year.
Read your Notice
Even if an organization employee reads a notice in
the Provider Portal, you must also read the notice
here in order to not be opted-out of paperless
Your HRA Case Profile - My Documents
View Recent Documents for your Case
Lists the documents that you recently submitted to HRA that were
received. Documents from within the last 60 days will appear here
within your account. This includes documents that you have:
Uploaded through the HRA Document Upload Mobile app
Dropped off at an HRA center
Sent to HRA via mail or fax
Your HRA Case Profile - My Cases
Show Info - Case Details
Click on the ‘Show Info’ link to access the ‘Case
Details’ page for the selected case.
My Cases
Lets you view a list of all HRA cases related to you
along with the current status of each case. If one of
your cases is “Closed” or “Rejected”, a reason is
displayed next to the status. Also, if you have a
recertification coming up, the date when you can start
that recertification is displayed in the ‘Next
Recertification’ column.
Your HRA Case Profile - My Cases
Paperless Status
Your current status for paperless
notices is displayed at the top of
the ‘Case Details’ page. Click the
‘here’ link to navigate to the
section where your Paperless
Status can be updated.
View Upcoming
Lets you view upcoming
appointments that have
been scheduled for your
View Documents You
Need to Submit
Lets you view a list of
documents that HRA still
needs for your application or
Your HRA Case Profile - My Cases
View Benefit Details
Lets you view current EBT balance as well
as a list of past benefit payments and
upcoming benefit payments.
Your HRA Case Profile - My Cases
Request Budget Letter
Lets you request a budget letter online. It is sent to the mailing
address that HRA has on file for your case. It is also available on
the ‘My Documents’ page the next business day.
View your Household
Lets you see a list of the people on your case and their current status.
You can also view the Residence and Mailing Address that HRA has
on file for your case.
Your HRA Case Profile - My Cases
Edit Contact Information
Click on the ‘Edit or Enrollbutton to see and
request changes to the contact information for
your application or case, such as:
- Mailing Address
- Language for Notices
- Email Address
- Primary Phone Number
Sign up for Email and Text Messages
Lets us know how you would like to receive
information about your case. Options include:
- Email and Text Message (paperless)
- Email only (paperless)
- No electronic notifications
E-Notices – Go Paperless!
Edit Contact Information
You can edit your Paperless Status preference at
anytime on the ‘Case Details’ page using either option
- Click on the Edit or Enroll button in the Contact Me
- Click the ‘Update your paperless status here’ link
E-Notices – Go Paperless!
Lets you see notices for your case on the ACCESS HRA ‘My
Documents’ page.
You can enroll in paperless notices while completing a SNAP
Application (shown below) or Recertification, or Cash
Assistance Application or Recertification. Your ACCESS
HRA account must be connected to your HRA case profile
before you start the application or recertification. You must
also sign up for email notifications and provide an email
address to enroll in paperless notices.
HRA Online Applications
Confirmation Page
Shows you your confirmation number and the next
steps in the application process. The “Confirmation
Page’ is only shown if you submit your application.
Apply for SNAP or Cash Assistance
Applying for benefits is easy!
- Answer questions about your household, income,
and expenses.
- Review a summary of your answers and make
changes, if needed.
- Electronically sign and submit your application.
HRA Online Applications – Confirm Your Identity
Identity Questions
A service called LexisNexis uses certain
information that was given in the application
to create three multiple choice questions
about the head of the case. The answers to
the questions can confirm their identity.
Confirm Your Identity
This new feature lets the head of case confirm
their identity online for SNAP and CA application
submissions. If the online identity confirmation is
successful, the head of case does not have to give
documents to prove identity.
This is an optional set of questions. Select the
“No, skip this step, provide documents later” radio
button if you do not want to use the online
identification option.
HRA Online Applications – Document Re-use
If the user receives a passing
score on the ‘Confirm Your
Identity’ questions, the “Identity”
category will already be met and
not appear here.
Choose Documents to Re-use
The documents available for reuse will be
displayed once you click on the ‘Choose
Document’ button. You will not be able to
view the content of the document itself,
but you can see the type of document.
Once you mark the checkbox and click
‘Save’, the document will be associated to
your application and a green exclamation
point will be displayed to show that
documents have been selected.
Re-use Documents for Identity, Age,
or U.S. Citizenship
Lets you select documents that HRA already has on
file for the head of case to accompany your SNAP
or Cash Assistance application submission.
Selecting these documents within the application
will help provide HRA with supporting
documentation that might be required during the
interview process. This feature will be available to
users who have connected to their HRA case.
HRA Online Recertifications
Recertify your SNAP or Cash
Assistance Benefits
Through ACCESS HRA you can also
submit your recertification for SNAP or
Cash Assistance online. Your existing
information will be pre-filled into the online
form for you, saving you time while
completing your recertification.
If you create an HRA account and sign up
for electronic notifications, ACCESS HRA
can even send you an e-mail or text
message when it’s time to recertify!
ACCESS HRA Mobile App Login
Should I create a new
If you have an existing ACCESS
HRA online account, you do not
need to create a new account. You
should use the same email or
username and password that you
use to login online.
If you do not have an existing
ACCESS HRA online account, you
should create a new account. This
account can be used for both the
mobile app and ACCESS HRA
Connect to Your HRA
Case Profile
If you are currently receiving SNAP
or CA benefits, have received
benefits in the past year, or have
applied for benefits, you can
connect to your HRA case profile to
view your case information in
If you have already connected to
your HRA case profile online, you
will not need to do so via the mobile
app if you use the same username
or email and password.
Entering Information for
If you are a Payee, and currently
receiving SNAP or CA benefits on
behalf of children in your home,
enter the oldest child’s information
to connect to your HRA case
Download the ACCESS HRA App
On your Google Play or iTunes Store type
‘ACCESS HRA’ to me prompted to download
ACCESS HRA Mobile on your Android or iOS
ACCESS HRA Home Screen
Click here to view more
menu items including “My
Documents”, “Upload” and
“Online Applications”
Displays a list of your cases
and their corresponding
statuses. Click “View
Cases” for more
information. detailed
Displays a snippet of your
most recent unread alert. HRA
will send push notifications to
your phone regarding
recertification dates, submitted
applications, upcoming
appointments and E-Notices.
Click “View Alerts” to view all
alerts that you have received
from HRA.
Displays your SNAP and
Cash Assistance balance
information. Click “View
Cases” for more
Displays the details for your
next upcoming payment.
Click “View Payments” for
more information about past
and upcoming payments.
Displays the details for your
next upcoming
appointment. Click “View
Appointments” for more
Available in 7 languages
ACCESS HRA Mobile is available in seven
languages, including English, Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, and
Russian and is formatted for text-to-speech
screen readers.
If your phone is set up in any of these 7
languages, ACCESS HRA Mobile will display
in that language set up.
Overview of Case Information
This screen provides a quick overview of the information that is
available within ACCESS HRA. It presents details about your cases
cases, upcoming appointments, recent alerts, next payment and
ACCESS HRA Cases and Appointments
View Case Details
Lets you view your detailed case information such as case
status, SNAP or Cash Assistance balance and recertification
due date.
If your case was closed or rejected, the reason will also be
displayed if available.
My Benefits section displays the applicable programs and the
View Appointment Details
Lets you view your detailed appointment information such as
appointment type, date, time and location. When available, a
map will be displayed with the appointment location.
All upcoming appointments will be displayed. Kept or missed
interviews for SNAP will also be displayed.
Call Us
You can click “Call
Us” to easily dial
Add to Your
You can click “Add to Your
Calendar” to add the
appointment details to your
phone’s calendar app.
Call Us
You can click “Call Us”
to easily dial the HRA
Infoline phone number.
ACCESS HRA - Uploads and My Documents
View Documents That HRA
Has On File for You
Lets you view documents that HRA
has on file for your case(s) or
Documents that you have uploaded
through ACCESS HRA will not
appear on the My Documents page
until they have been added to your
electronic case file by an HRA case
Upload a New
Select a Case, Case
Member and Document
Category when uploading a
new document.
Documents You
Need to Give Us
Lets you view the
outstanding required
documents for each of your
case members.
Uploaded Documents
The documents listed on the Uploads
screen are documents that you have
uploaded from your phone. These will
remain on this screen for 100 days.
Check back in 5-7 days for uploaded
documents to be added to your file and
appear on the My Documents screen.
ACCESS HRA - Profile
Profile and Update Profile
Lets you view your contact information and notification
preferences and update this information once every 24
hours. When you click the “pencil” next to a field, you will be
directed to the screen that allows you to update certain
Allows you to
view and update
the information
on file regarding
your Primary
Phone Number,
Mailing Address
and Notice
Language. You
are not able to
update to your
address via the
app at this time.
E-Notice Opt-In
You can Opt-In or Opt-
Out from E-Notices on
this screen.
Phone Number
This section allows
you to update your
Alternate Phone
Type, Number and
Extension if there is
This section allows
you to update your
preferred Text
Message Phone,
Email Address and
set your email
ACCESS HRA Notifications and E-Notices
Users will be receiving Push Notifications on their Mobile
devices that alert them when:
- Upcoming Appointment
- Requested Documents
- E-Notice
- Budget Letter
- Voter Registration
You can see current and past notifications on the Alert
screen on the ACCESS HRA Mobile Application.
When the Agency
needs you to
submit a
document for
your case, you
will receive a
notification to
upload your
document. You
will be directed to
Upload your
When an Electronic
Notification is issued to
your case, you will be
able to download it and
view it in your Mobile
device. You download the
document and then be
prompted to “Open
Document” on your
You will receive a notification when you have an
upcoming appointment. You will be able to add
this to your device calendar by clicking “Add to
Your Calendar” and call the Agency by clicking
“Call Us”.
You will get a
notification on
your lock screen.
Notifications will
only be received
by users who
have enrolled in
paperless notices.
View E-Notice
You can download the
e-notice and then be
prompted to “Open
Document” on your