This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
30th USENIX Security Symposium.
August 1113, 2021
Open access to the Proceedings of the
30th USENIX Security Symposium
is sponsored by USENIX.
Driving 2FA Adoption at Scale:
Optimizing Two-Factor Authentication
Notification Design Patterns
Maximilian Golla, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy; Grant Ho,
University of California San Diego; Marika Lohmus, Cleo AI; Monica Pulluri,
Facebook; Elissa M. Redmiles, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Driving 2FA Adoption at Scale:
Optimizing Two-Factor Authentication Notification Design Patterns
Maximilian Golla, Grant Ho
, Marika Lohmus
Monica Pulluri
, and Elissa M. Redmiles
Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, University of California San Diego, Cleo AI,
? Facebook, § Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the primary mecha-
nisms for defending end-user accounts against phishing and
password reuse attacks. Unfortunately, getting users to adopt
2FA remains a difficult challenge. While prior work at the in-
tersection of measurement and usability has examined how to
persuade people to avoid dangerous behavior (e. g., clicking
through TLS warnings), relatively little work has conducted
measurements at industry scale about how to persuade people
to adopt protective behaviors.
In this work, we focus on improving end user security in
the wild by examining whether (i) messaging that addresses
users’ motivations, mental models, and concerns about 2FA
and (ii) UX design patterns found effective in other fields
can effectively improve 2FA adoption. To do so, we con-
duct a series of large-scale in-the-wild, controlled messaging
experiments on Facebook, with an average of
622, 419
ticipants per experiment. Based on our results, we distill a
set of best-practice design patterns for most effectively en-
couraging protective behavior, in the context of promoting
2FA adoption. Finally, we suggest concrete directions for
future work on encouraging digital security behavior through
security prompts.
1 Introduction
Two-factor authentication (2FA) has received increasing
attention from industry [60, 61, 94, 95] and academic re-
search [1, 17, 75, 76]. By augmenting the user authentication
process with an additional security step, 2FA helps protect
against account security threats such as phishing and pass-
word reuse attacks. Microsoft has recently claimed that using
2FA can prevent 99.9 % of account hacks [94]. Mirian et
al. [60] studied the ability of professional hackers to infiltrate
user accounts and found that 2FA created significant friction
that hindered attackers. Yet despite its security benefits, fewer
than 10 % of Google users have adopted 2FA and, as of 2016,
fewer than 1 % of Dropbox users had done so [13].
To address this gap between the benefits of security best-
practices, such as 2FA, and the decisions that users actually
make, a significant amount of work has studied how to im-
prove end user security behavior [9, 14, 20, 28, 66, 88]. For
example, prior work has examined a variety of approaches
to increase 2FA adoption, ranging from user education [5] to
institutional policies that require users to adopt 2FA [13]. Un-
fortunately, despite this sizable and growing body of research,
the problem of encouraging users to engage in protective
behaviors remains an open and difficult problem.
In the context of improving user security behavior via
prompts, prior work has extensively studied security warn-
ings that discourage dangerous behaviors [4, 20, 28, 32, 74].
Although some studies do focus on promoting proactive secu-
rity measures (such as better account hygiene), and have even
evaluated their designs in the wild [4, 26, 86], no prior work
has specifically studied the impact of prompts on improving
2FA adoption in the wild and at scale.
In this work, we conduct a series of large-scale measure-
ment experiments (n=
622, 419
users per experiment on aver-
age) aimed at protecting end users by improving 2FA adoption
in the wild. Specifically, we seek to answer the following
research questions, with the ultimate goal of establishing a
set of optimal design patterns for protecting end users by
encouraging 2FA use:
: Does messaging tailored to address users’ motiva-
tions, mental models, and concerns about 2FA improve
: Does applying UX design patterns from other
domains (e. g., advertising and TLS warnings) in enroll-
ment prompts encourage the adoption of 2FA?
Our work investigates these questions through a set of ex-
periments using Facebook’s native 2FA prompts. We use
de-identified, aggregated log data to examine whether the
strategies we apply in our experimental prompts lead to an
increase in the volume of users who click-to-enable 2FA.
We find that tailoring messaging to increase users’ sense
of individual responsibility for digital security — in line with
USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 109
protection motivation theory [78, 87] — increases the rate at
which users click to enable 2FA by over 30 %.
tailored messaging that provides users with an accurate mental
model of 2FA, by explaining how 2FA works, also increases
the rate at which users click to enable 2FA by nearly 30 %.
Our analysis also indicates that users’ demographics influence
their receptiveness toward these different security messages,
and their ultimate willingness to enable 2FA, regardless of
how they are prompted to enroll in it.
Beyond tailoring the wording of messages displayed to
users, we also find that three UX design strategies can effec-
tively increase the proportion of users who protect their ac-
counts by adopting 2FA. Personalizing prompts by including
the user’s name in the message — a strategy found effective in
prior marketing and public policy work [40, 80] — increased
the number of users who clicked to enable 2FA by 26.5 %.
Interstitial prompts, or those that block the user’s screen, also
increased clicks to enable 2FA by over 20 %. Finally, we
replicate and extend the results of prior work [26, 29], and
find that using a combination of commitment devices (i. e.,
buttons that commit the user to a future action) and opin-
ionated design (i. e., highlighting the safer choice visually)
increased the proportion of users who sought to enable 2FA
by over 10 %.
From both a practical and theoretical perspective, our re-
sults enhance our understanding of how to increase the adop-
tion of 2FA and improve user security behaviors. First, we
offer the first validation, to our knowledge, of the role of indi-
vidual responsibility in the adoption of security behavior in a
real world setting (rather than a lab). Second, we find that ab-
stracting the details of how a security mechanism works may
hinder adoption; instead, security messaging should clearly
and simply explain the functionality and protections of a se-
curity mechanism. Third, we find that UX design patterns
can significantly improve 2FA adoption, including simple
patterns such as adding the user’s name to the beginning of a
prompt. In sum, we find that prompts can effectively improve
the adoption of security behavior in the wild, although we
note that prompts alone are not the only factor influencing
security behavior adoption. To further protect users, future
work should conduct additional research on the factors af-
fecting security behavior more broadly, including the impact
of feelings of individual responsibility and the role of user
demographics; the latter appears to influence user response to
security messages and the choice to adopt protective behavior,
based on our study’s results.
2 Background and Related Work
In this section, we begin by providing background and related
work on two-factor authentication. Next, we review prior
While we find that increasing users’ sense of individual responsibil-
ity is effective, we do not purport that users are solely, or even primarily,
responsible for their security.
work on both (i) 2FA and its alternatives and (ii) security
messaging to improve security behavior.
2.1 Two-Factor Authentication
To improve users’ account security, large online services offer
2FA as an additional protection mechanism that reinforces
password-based authentication; these services began offering
2FA around 2011 [22]. 2FA serves as an additional barrier that
makes the security of an account less reliant on the secrecy
and guessability of its password [65]. It is often advertised
as protection against phishing and credential stuffing attacks,
which exploit users’ tendency to reuse passwords [15, 32].
The biggest usability challenges are problems with
the level of effort or time required [18], the remembrance set-
tings and session length (the number of times a user has to re-
authenticate) [13,76], the registration and handling of security
keys [12], and in the case of time-based one-time passwords
(TOTPs), tokens that change too frequently [75]. Despite
these challenges, users generally perceive 2FA solutions as
usable, as detailed in Section 2.2.
The adoption of 2FA is generally very low. A
measurement study from 2015 concluded that no more than
6.4 % of Google users enabled 2FA [65]. In 2018, Google [59]
confirmed that less than 10 % of their users enabled 2FA.
Statistics released by Dropbox in 2016 state that less than 1 %
of their users had adopted 2FA at that time [13].
Types of 2FA:
There are multiple ways in which companies
implement 2FA. Commonly used solutions include:
One-Time Passwords (OTP) sent to the user via SMS,
app, email, or call, which the user must then enter to
“Tap to sign-in” (Push) notifications in an app that the
user must approve to authenticate.
Security keys (hardware tokens, caBLE [51,62]) that the
user must tap to authenticate.
Designed as a fallback solution, many platforms also provide
a list of so-called one-time backup codes that users can print
out and use in cases where the normal second factor is unavail-
able (i. e., new, lost, or broken authenticator). There are also
less commonly used solutions that include smart cards [85]
and/or other specialized hardware through which users can au-
thenticate. These solutions are typically used in commercial
settings or as part of online banking.
Attacks on 2FA:
While 2FA is a powerful tool for increasing
account security [60], there are attacks that try to bypass
or compromise 2FA. A generic attack vector against 2FA
solutions are social engineering attacks that, for example,
involve tricking help desk employees to disable the 2FA [42].
All OTP-based 2FA solutions that ask users to enter a nu-
meric code are susceptible to phishing attacks, regardless of
110 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
whether those solutions deliver a code via SMS, email, a 2FA
app, or hardware token [53,60].
Even though SMS-based 2FA is the most commonly
used 2FA solution, delivering OTPs via SMS is often cri-
tiqued [61, 95] as an insecure mechanism when it comes to
high-value accounts. Attacks such as SIM swapping [48]
and SS7 routing attacks [33] can bypass SMS-based 2FA by
exploiting vulnerabilities in the telephony signaling protocol
stack. However, under many common threat models, SMS-
based 2FA remains a good deterrent to compromise [60].
Push notification, or “Tap to sign-in”, 2FA solutions pro-
vide a more phishing-resistant alternative to 2FA OTPs, but
they require a smartphone with Internet connectivity and a
service-specific app to receive the notifications. However,
once users become habituated to approving such 2FA notifica-
tions, they might accidentally approve malicious requests [1].
One way to counter such reflex actions is to increase cognitive
load by displaying three codes from which the user has to
select the correct one [58].
Finally, due to their phishing resistance, FIDO Universal
2nd Factor (U2F) [12] and FIDO2 [50] security keys are of
particular interest in security-sensitive environments and are
a key component of Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and
future password-less user authentication solutions. Since
their deployment of U2F security keys in early 2017, Google
reported in mid-2018 that they have not experienced any suc-
cessful phishing attack against their more than 85,000 em-
ployees [45]. However, because a specialized key must be
purchased for each user, they incur a higher cost than less
secure 2FA mechanisms, making them best-suited for em-
ployees or security-keen end-users.
2.2 Related Work
Here, we review research on 2FA and security messaging.
2.2.1 Two-Factor Authentication
While a larger body of research about two-factor authenti-
cation in both enterprise settings [84, 85] and online bank-
ing [46, 96] exists, we primarily focus our review on non-
enterprise and non-banking 2FA solutions for end-users.
Comparison Studies:
Early work by De Cristofaro et al. [18]
compared three 2FA OTP solutions (i. e., hardware token,
SMS, and app) via an online survey with 219 participants.
Their respondents perceived all OTP solutions as highly us-
able regardless of the motivation and context. The authors
concluded by suggesting that 2FA usability is mostly driven
by ease of use, trustworthiness, and required cognitive effort.
More recently, Reese et al. [75] compared five different
2FA mechanisms (i. e., OTP app, OTP SMS, push notification,
security key, and pre-generated backup codes). To study 2FA
usability, they conducted a between-subjects study with 72
participants. Participants were asked to log into a simulated
banking website. As in previous work, participants perceived
all methods as highly usable and expressed an interest in using
2FA for other sensitive accounts. The authors also examined
the usability of setting up these methods of 2FA, in addition
to using the 2FA methods. They found more usability issues
with setup, especially with security keys and OTP solutions.
Deployment Studies:
Weidman and Grossklags [93] studied
the acceptance of a mandatory transition from hardware to-
kens to a Duo Mobile push notification-based 2FA solution
running on employee-owned mobile devices (BYOD) at Penn-
sylvania State University. Their participants found the old
token-based system easier to use than the new push notifi-
cation solution and perceived the old token-based system as
more “professional.” The authors concluded by mentioning
the need for better educational materials that focus on the
benefits of the newly introduced system.
Colnago et al. [13] monitored the deployment of manda-
tory 2FA, using the Duo Mobile 2FA platform, at Carnegie
Mellon University. They analyzed authentication log files
and conducted two online surveys with over 2000 responses.
While their participants found the new 2FA system annoying
(e. g., some considered it a “significant hindrance to their daily
routine”), the respondents also stated that it was relatively
easy to use and believed it made their accounts more secure.
The authors recommended focusing more on the implementa-
tion design (i. e., fixing “remember me” and push notification
issues), refining and employing strategic messaging (i. e., em-
phasizing the added security), and ensuring that educational
materials are easily accessible.
Dutson et al. [19] surveyed 4,275 participants from
Brigham Young University one year after the university de-
ployed mandatory, Duo Mobile-based 2FA. They found that
half of their participants reported at least one instance of be-
ing locked out of their account. They also emphasized the
need for 2FA methods that work without Wi-Fi, proposed UI
changes to the 2FA authentication flow, and discussed issues
with the remembrance parameters of existing systems.
Abbott and Patil [1] conducted an online survey with users
at Indiana University Bloomington during their deployment
of a mandatory two-factor authentication system. The au-
thors recommended to only mandate 2FA for a few sensitive
services to not degrade the user experience.
Reynolds et al. [76] analyzed millions of 2FA logs from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley to quantify the impact of manda-
tory 2FA deployments on employees. The authors estimated
that the average user spends tens of minutes per year on 2FA.
Thus, they concluded that 2FA systems are not a significant
burden compared to other common risk-mitigation mecha-
nisms and suggested that session timeouts and remembrance
parameters should be tuned to further reduce this burden. The
authors also noted that about one in twenty 2FA attempts
USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 111
were unsuccessful, in most cases because users canceled or
abandoned their interaction or entered an OTP incorrectly.
All of these prior in-the-wild studies address manda-
tory 2FA deployments. However, most commercial, non-
university deployments of 2FA outside of industry settings
are voluntary: users can choose whether to enable 2FA. Our
work is the first, to our knowledge, to study how to promote
voluntary adoption of 2FA at scale. Drawing upon sugges-
tions from prior work, part of our study examines how strate-
gic messaging and including educational content about the
mechanism of 2FA — as suggested by Colnago et al. [13] and
Reese et al. [75] — can increase voluntary adoption.
Security Keys:
Many studies focus on specific issues related
to the use of 2FA hardware tokens and security keys. Since
prior work focuses on phone-based 2FA methods, we review
this work only briefly. Reynolds et al. [77] studied the use
of security keys in a non-enterprise setting over four weeks.
They found issues with setup instructions but reported that
most participants generally enjoyed using security keys. Das
et al. [16] also studied security keys. Via a think-aloud proto-
col, they found participants did not understand the advantage
of security keys compared to a more secure password and
expressed fear of losing the device. In a follow up study, Das
et al. [17] explored why older adults choose not to adopt 2FA.
They found problems with handling the tiny form factors and
the need to communicate the benefits of 2FA and risks of not
using 2FA more clearly. Ciolino et al. [12] studied the usabil-
ity of U2F security keys and compared them to SMS-based
2FA via a lab and diary study. They found the setup time
for security keys was considerably longer, and participants
perceived the keys as less usable than SMS-based 2FA.
Finally, 2FA is not the only approach to improv-
ing account security. Wiefling et al. [97] studied the usability
of risk-based authentication – in which users are only asked
for a second factor (an OTP received via email) if their login
appeared risky based on several factors, such as whether the
device was previously used and the login’s current location
and compared it to traditional 2FA and a password-only
solution. Further, Lyastani et al. [50] and Farke et al. [25]
evaluated security key-based FIDO2 solutions in which the
user only has to use a security key and no password.
2.2.2 Designing Security Messages
A large body of prior work has studied security messages,
warnings, and notifications. Examples include warnings,
messaging, and educational materials to help users detect
phishing [20, 81], choose stronger passwords [21, 89, 90],
avoid password reuse [32], change their password when it
gets breached [86], and adopt 2FA [2, 5, 71].
Browser Security:
Akhawe et al. [4] found that user expe-
rience has a significant impact on behavior and that users
often do look at warnings, contrary to other findings which
claim that users often ignore web warnings [9, 10]. Felt et
al. [26, 28] studied and compared click-through rates (CTRs)
and designed new TLS warnings to help users make an in-
formed decision and encourage them to act securely. Their
work aimed to create a simple, brief, specific, and opinion-
ated warning that included no technical jargon. Among other
features, the study carefully considered how to communicate
the threat and made use of opinionated design (for exam-
ple, UX changes to promote the safe choice), which led to
substantially improved adherence rates.
Account Security:
Jenkins et al. [43] evaluated the efficacy
of just-in-time fear appeals and found that such appeals re-
sulted in a significant decrease in password reuse. Golla et
al. [32] designed password reuse notifications that are usu-
ally delivered via email. They also evaluated a variant that
suggested users to enable 2FA. Thomas et al. [86] designed
password breach alerts that are shown when a user tries to
reuse an already breached credential. They designed an in-
page warning and tray icon warning message that included
a clear action and the context for the danger. They mini-
mized the technical jargon and linked to an explanation with
more details. Markert et al. [52] evaluated enforcing and
non-enforcing PIN blocklist warnings and their impact on the
guessability of smartphone unlock PINs. Egelman et al. [21],
Golla et al. [31], Ur et al. [88, 89], and Vance et al. [90] ex-
plored and tested various password strength meter designs
to encourage users to choose more secure passwords. They
explored various designs that included elements from fear
appeals, peer-pressure, and gamification.
Most relevant to our work, Ackerman [2] and Albayram et
al. [5] developed and evaluated informational videos about
the security risk, self-efficacy, and ease-of-use to encourage
2FA adoption. They evaluated the impact of these videos in
a lab setting and/or users’ reported intent to adopt 2FA. Our
experiments build on this prior work, evaluating the impact
of messages that provide, for example, education about the
mechanism of 2FA and the risks against which 2FA protects
(e. g., hacking) on real-world 2FA adoption. Finally, Redmiles
et al. [71] studied the design of 2FA messages. The authors
conducted a small interview and participatory design study
with 12 participants that evaluated existing 2FA messages
and created a set of best practice guidelines for improved
messages. Following recommendations from this work, we
utilize messaging in our study that includes personalization
and communicates the time costs of 2FA. In contrast to this
prior work, we evaluate the impact of applying these strategies
to improve 2FA adoption in the wild.
3 Methodology
To systematically address our research questions and identify
effective design patterns for improving 2FA adoption, we
conducted a series of controlled experiments to improve the
112 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
(a) Prompt with a
user responsibility
line and mechanism body text.
(b) Prompt with a
company responsibility
headline and 2FA cost body text.
prompt with a neutral headline
and neutral body text.
Figure 1: Examples of prompts used in our RQ1 experiments.
messages used to prompt Facebook users to enable 2FA. We
then analyzed aggregated, de-identified Facebook log data
from these experiments to identify effective messaging strate-
gies and design patterns.
3.1 Prompt Design Patterns
Motivated by a diverse body of prior literature from the secu-
rity, public policy, and HCI communities [8, 13, 28, 34, 40, 41,
44, 71, 73, 80, 82, 91], we designed and compared the impact
of nine different messaging strategies and three different UX
design patterns on 2FA adoption.
RQ1: Messaging Strategies:
To address RQ1, we used a
3 experimental design to craft a total of 9 prompts en-
couraging users to enable 2FA. Each prompt consisted of a
headline message (3 variants), a body text (3 variants), and a
blue “Turn On” button that a user could click to initiate the
2FA enrollment process.
Figure 1 shows three examples of
our prompts. These examples illustrate the three different
headlines and body texts that we evaluate in our experiments.
Each headline framed the benefits of 2FA through three
different responsibility lenses. Protection motivation theory –
an often cited theory for explaining users’ motivations to take
security precautions [38, 78, 87] suggests that a sense of
individual responsibility is a necessary prerequisite for users
taking protective action. However, little work evaluating this
theory has been conducted in a real-world setting. Separately,
other prior work has suggested that users feel a loss of control
with regard to digital security [83] and that users may be more
responsive to requests to take security measures when they
feel that the platform requesting those measures is taking
responsibility for their security [69].
To evaluate these two contrasting hypotheses – that users
must feel individual responsibility to take action vs. that users
will be more likely to take action if they feel that action is
We conducted a post-test following this experiment (n=28, 417) to vali-
date the wording of this button. We evaluated the phrases: ‘Try It,’ ‘Turn On,
and ‘Get Started.’ ‘Turn On’ resulted in a significantly higher CTE rate as
compared to ‘Try It’ (
= 33.6
p < 0.001
) and ‘Get Started’ (
= 443.4
p < 0.001).
part of a broader corporate approach to protecting them – we
test the following headlines in our messages.
1. User Responsibility:
This design framed 2FAs benefits
as part of the user’s responsibility (“You can increase
your protection against account hacking”).
2. Company Responsibility:
This prompt emphasized
2FAs security benefits as part of the company’s respon-
sibility (“Your security is our responsibility”).
3. Control Message:
The final (control) prompt used a
responsibility-neutral message that broadly spoke to
2FAs security benefits (“Protect your account, pages,
and friends”).
For our body text messages, we focused on addressing
cognitive biases and concerns users might have about the
operational mechanics and costs of 2FA. We designed one
control message and two experimental messages designed to
address common concerns found in prior work [13,41,71,73].
1. Time Costs of 2FA:
Prior studies have shown that user
concerns about the time cost of a security process (such
as 2FA) influence whether they engage in it [13, 41, 71,
73]. Our first experimental body text explicitly addressed
the time cost of enrolling in 2FA (“Turn on two-factor
authentication in just a few minutes to help protect you
and the people you interact with”).
2. Mechanism:
Users’ negative perceptions and/or lack of
understanding of the mechanism and operational costs of
2FA (for example, when they will have to engage in extra
operations and the potential burden of these extra steps)
has contributed to the lack of 2FA adoption [13, 71]. To
appropriately set users’ mental models of 2FA, especially
about its operational frequency and overhead, we crafted
and tested a body text that explained the mechanics of
2FA and how this process protects the user (“Turn on
two-factor authentication and we’ll ask for a code if we
see a login from a device we don’t recognize”).
USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 113
Figure 2: Personalization design.
Figure 3: Opinionated Reminder design.
3. Control Message:
For our third body text, we designed
a neutral control message that omitted any discussion
about the time or operational requirements of 2FA, and
instead, simply re-framed the benefits of 2FA (“Turn on
two-factor authentication to increase protection for you
and the people you interact with”).
RQ2: Applying UX Design Patterns:
We explored the ef-
fect of three different UX design patterns on encouraging
2FA adoption, drawing upon prior work that illustrated the
efficacy of these strategies in other notification and warning
contexts [8,28, 29, 34, 40, 44, 80, 82].
: Our first UX strategy examined the im-
pact of personalizing a prompt’s text. Research from mar-
keting and public policy studies have shown that personaliz-
ing notifications can lead to significant increases in response
rates [40,80]. Motivated by these results, we explored whether
adopting the simple personalization techniques from this prior
literature would lead to similar improvements in 2FA adop-
tion. Specifically, we crafted an experimental prompt that
addressed the user by their first name in the beginning of
the headline (e. g., “John, You Can Increase Your Protection
Against Account Hacking”). See Figure 2 for an example.
Opinionated Reminders
: For our final UX strategy, we
studied whether using reminder messaging which was
found effective in prior work [29] on encouraging self-
reported adoption of 2FA — combined with opinionated de-
sign which was found effective in prior work [26] mea-
suring the efficacy of different warnings on discouraging by-
passing of SSL warnings in the wild — could increase 2FA
adoption. Prior work has shown that adding a deferral or
(a) Interstitial design. (b) Non-blocking design.
Figure 4: Figures showing the
(blocking) and
non-interstitial (non-blocking) designs we evaluated in our
third RQ2 UX experiment.
reminder option to security prompts can reduce the likeli-
hood that a user ignores or dismisses the notification [29].
Researchers hypothesize that adding these options helps re-
duce the effect of “present bias,” or the tendency for users to
undervalue future risks and rewards (a bias that can lead users
to make less secure decisions). However, while adding these
choices decreases the proportion of users who outright dis-
miss a prompt, this decrease is often the result of more users
selecting the reminder (deferral) option, and not an increase
in users who choose to follow the prompt and immediately
perform the secure behavior.
For our design, we explored whether augmenting this “re-
minder” option with opinionated design could not only de-
crease the number of users who dismissed the 2FA enrollment
prompt, but actively increase the users who engaged with our
prompts to enable 2FA. In particular, research from the secu-
rity and marketing literature reveals that employing forms of
opinionated design, such as coloring, pre-selected defaults,
and specific wording can encourage users to make particu-
lar decisions [11, 26, 34]; in cases where companies employ
this design to emphasize potentially unwanted options, the
community considers this a dark pattern (termed “nagging”).
Because our goal is to improve user security, we explored
whether we could combine techniques from this literature
with reminder messaging to improve 2FA adoption.
In our experiments, we crafted two prompts. The first de-
sign combined reminder messaging with opinionated UX col-
oring to encourage 2FA adoption: this prompt included both
the blue “Turn On” button that would initiate 2FA enrollment,
as well as a grayed out “Not Now” (reminder) button that a
user could click to close the 2FA prompt; this prompt design
also included the standard “
” window closure button. See
Figure 3 for an example. Our control prompt excluded this
“Not Now” button, allowing users to either click-to-enable
2FA via the “Turn On” button or click on the window closure
button to close the prompt (as seen in Figure 1).
Interstitial (Blocking) Prompts
: Although prior work
has shown that users do not prefer interstitial (“blocking”)
114 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
prompts [8, 82], other related work has shown that this style
of prompt does improve the message’s efficacy and user com-
pliance [28, 44]. Examining the impact of this design pattern,
we developed an interstitial prompt that covered the user’s
full Facebook News Feed. We then compared the efficacy of
this interstitial design versus the default prompt style used in
RQ1, where the prompt hovered at the top of a user’s News
Feed, but did not block them from interacting with Facebook
if they did not first interact with the prompt. Figure 4 shows a
side-by-side comparison of the prompts.
3.2 Procedure
We conducted two series of experiments to answer each of
our research questions.
In each experiment, participants were selected following
standard procedures for Facebook product experiments. Our
samples consisted of a subset of US Facebook users who
did not already have 2FA enabled and whose demographics
(age, gender, friend count, tenure, activity level) were not
statistically significantly different from the demographics of
all US Facebook users (see Section 3.4 below for sample
demographics). Selected users were shown the prompt at the
top of their Facebook News Feed. If users clicked to enable
2FA on the prompt, they were taken through Facebook’s 2FA
enrollment flow, which offers OTP 2FA via SMS or a third-
party authenticator app (cf. [24]). On the other hand, if they
clicked away from their News Feed, the prompt disappeared.
To evaluate the efficacy of our design patterns, we mea-
sured the click-to-enable (CTE) rate of our messages. The
CTE corresponds to the fraction of users that initiated the 2FA
enrollment process in response to our prompt (i.e., clicking
on the “Turn On” button to start the 2FA enablement process).
We focus on measuring CTE rates, since none of our exper-
iments influenced subsequent parts of the 2FA enrollment
flow; i.e., the different designs we implemented center around
this first step of the 2FA enrollment (clicking on our prompt to
start the enablement process). Additionally, all of the designs
with a statistically significant increase in CTE rate also had a
statistically significant increase in 2FA enablement.
RQ1 Experiments:
Across the nine messaging strategies
explored in our RQ1 experiments, a total of
697, 212
each received only one style of prompt, where each prompt
varied in headline (3 variants) and body text (3 variants),
resulting in an average of
71, 700
distinct users per prompt
). To compute the CTE rate for each prompt, we
recorded the number of users who clicked on the “Turn On”
button for each message and divided this count by the total
number of users who received the prompt.
After we identified
the most effective message among these nine strategies, all
users in our study who had received one of the less effective
Once a user clicks on the ‘Turn On’ button, they are taken to the 2FA
onboarding flow in which they need to either enter their phone number or set
up app-based 2FA [24].
messages and who had not enabled 2FA were shown the most
effective message to maximize participant safety; this step
was separate from our study’s measurements.
RQ2 Experiments:
To address RQ2, we conducted three ex-
periments, each addressing one UX design principle that prior
work found effective in other notification contexts (see Sec-
tion 3.1); each experiment compared an experimental prompt
against a control prompt. In these experiments, we used the
most effective message from the RQ1 experiments.
In the first experiment (
n = 609, 327
), we tested the ef-
fect of personalization by comparing a prompt that addressed
the user by their first name in the beginning of the prompt’s
headline (e.g., “John, You Can Increase Your Protection
Against Account Hacking”) to a version that did not (“You
Can Increase Your Protection Against Account Hacking”).
304, 633
users saw the personalized prompt and a separate set
of 304, 694 users saw the control prompt.
In the second experiment (
n = 562, 459
), we tested the
effect of using interstitial (blocking) prompts, instead of the
less intrusive prompts used in the RQ1 experiments.
273, 322
users received an interstitial prompt and a separate set of
274, 571 users received a non-interstitial prompt.
Finally, we tested the effect of reminder messaging
and opinionated design on improving 2FA adoption (
n =
620, 678
). Half our sample received a control prompt that
only presented the blue “Turn On” button (
n = 310, 220
) and
window closure button, as seen in Figure 1). The other
half of the users in this experiment (
n = 310, 458
) received a
prompt that had both a “Turn On” button in blue and also of-
fered a “Not Now” button in gray (in addition to the standard
× window closure button in the top right corner).
3.3 Analysis
To answer RQ1, we first constructed a logistic regression
model comparing the elements of the different prompts. The
dependent variable is whether a user clicked and the inde-
pendent variables are the headline of the prompt they were
shown, the body text of the prompt they were shown, and an
interaction term between the headline and the body text that
they were shown. Next, to ensure our results were robust to
demographic variance, we added demographic features and
interactions between those features and message character-
istics to our model. Specifically, we added the independent
variables: gender (a binary factor for whether the user self-
reported in their Facebook profile as Female, or not), age (a
numeric value self-reported by the user), Facebook tenure in
years (how many years the user had been on Facebook), friend
count in hundreds of friends (how many hundreds of friends
the user had on Facebook), and days active on Facebook (the
number of days out of the last 30 days where the user engaged
in any activity on Facebook). We additionally included inter-
action factors between each of these demographic variables
and the headline and body message variables.
USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 115
For both models, we report the odds ratio (i. e., the exponen-
tiated regression coefficient which, for significant variables,
represents the likelihood of a click given this variable), 95 %
confidence interval for the odds ratio, and the p-value.
For RQ2, we compared the CTE rate for experimental
conditions in each of the three RQ2 experiments using
proportion tests. Section 4 presents the results of these models
and tests, as well as the relative differences in CTR rates.
3.4 Sample Demographics
The Facebook users in our experiments were all based in the
U.S. and had their locale (language) set to English. Given that
many of our experiments focus on improving the language
of 2FA prompts, we chose to focus on a single country and
language for this work to avoid introducing locale-related
confounding effects. These users had a median self-reported
age of 42 and a mean self-reported age of 43.8 (Std. Dev.:
15.2 years). 54.3 % of our sample self-reported as Female,
43.7 % self-reported as Male, and 2.0 % either chose not to
self-report their gender or self-reported as non-binary.
In the 30 days prior to the experiment, participants had a
median of 30 / 30 days with some online activity, and a mean
of 25.5 / 30 days with prior activity (Std. Dev: 9.00 days).
The median account age across our sample was 11 years, and
the mean was 10.76 years (Std. Dev: 3.69 years). The sample
had a median Facebook friend count of 607 friends and an
average of 950.7 friends (Std. Dev.: 1070.2 friends).
3.5 Ethics and Use of Facebook Data
In this work, we analyzed de-identified, aggregated Facebook
log data records. Apart from displaying the 2FA enablement
prompts there was no manipulation of any Facebook user’s
experience, and no personal identifying information was used
in this work. All users in this work were offered the oppor-
tunity to enable 2FA authentication, and experiments were
ordered such that the best-performing message from the first
set of experiments were used in the second set of experiments
to ensure the most benefit to user security.
3.6 Limitations
Our work has multiple limitations. First, we conducted our
experiments only on Facebook. While Facebook is the largest
social media platform and among the largest platforms on the
internet, with 2.85 billion monthly active users as of March
2021 [23], user behavior on Facebook may not be representa-
tive. Moreover, our results most accurately reflect 2FA in the
context of individual (personal) use, and may not generalize
to, for example, 2FA adoption in enterprises.
Additionally, we conducted our experiments only with U.S.
Facebook users. We do so because our experiments focus
on language, and thus to avoid the introduction of language-
related-variables we focus on a single locale. However, prior
work studying security behavior on Facebook [69, 70] and
security behavior in general (cf. [7,36, 39]) has found signif-
icant differences between users based on geography. Thus,
our results cannot be presumed to generalize beyond the U.S.
Finally, we focus on SMS-based 2FA, and do not explicitly
examine 2FA adoption for more elaborate mechanisms (e.g.,
security keys, app-based 2FA).
4 Results
In this section, we examine the results of our experiments
using the analysis procedure described in Section 3.3. For
simplicity, we report our results in terms of click-to-enable
(CTE) rates. Across our experiments, CTE is significantly
and strongly correlated with actual adoption (
r = 0.744
p < 0.001
), and every design pattern that exhibited signif-
icant CTE results also exhibited a significant change in 2FA
enablement. Our analysis indicates that two messaging strate-
gies and all three of the UX design patterns we studied lead to
statistically significant improvements in user click-to-enable
rates (an increase in the relative volume of users who initi-
ate the 2FA enrollment process via our notification prompts).
Additionally, our results illuminate interesting dynamics be-
tween user demographics and the effect of different strategies
we explored, which we highlight as a direction for future
4.1 Impact of Messaging Strategies
Table 1 shows the results of our logistic regression model
of the relationship between clicking-to-enable 2FA and the
different messaging strategies we explored. Two designs,
one headline and one body variation, showed statistically
significant relationships to increased 2FA adoption.
We found that a headline that framed 2FA as the user’s
responsibility led to an increase in CTE. Relative to a control
headline that generically stated the security benefits of 2FA,
this user-responsibility headline led to a 33 % increase in users
who clicked to enable 2FA. We hypothesize that this message
is effective for two reasons. First, it underscores individual
responsibility as a factor that protection motivation theory,
and prior digital security work conducted in the context of
behavioral intent, has suggested is an important prerequisite
to users taking protective digital security action [38,78, 87].
Second, it effectively communicates risk [2,5,47,71] by bring-
ing up hackers, whom research shows are one of the main
threat models of western users for computer security [92], and
particularly account security [69].
With respect to addressing users’ cognitive biases about
the burden of 2FA, via variations in the prompt’s body text,
a message that explained the mechanics of how 2FA would
work significantly increased CTE rates. Users who received
116 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
Variable O.R. CI p-value
Intercept 0.01 [0.01, 0.01] < 0.01
Headline: Company Responsibility 1.05 [0.96, 1.16] 0.25
Headline: User Responsibility 1.33 [1.22, 1.45] < 0.01
Body: Mechanism of 2FA 1.28 [1.17, 1.39] < 0.01
Body: Cost of 2FA 1.00 [0.92, 1.1] 0.92
Headline: Company Responsibility * Body: Mechanism of 2FA 1.04 [0.92, 1.18] 0.5
Headline: User Responsibility * Body: Mechanism of 2FA 1.00 [0.89, 1.12] 0.98
Headline: Company Responsibility * Body: Cost of 2FA 1.02 [0.9, 1.16] 0.74
Headline: User Responsibility * Body: Cost of 2FA 1.10 [0.98, 1.24] 0.12
Table 1: Logistic regression model of the relationship between user likelihood of clicking to enable 2FA and the headline and
body text of the 2FA prompt they were shown. The table reports odds ratio (O.R.), 95 % confidence intervals for the odds ratios
(shown in brackets), and p-values.
Variable Odds Ratio CI p-value
Intercept 0.00 [0, 0] < 0.001
Headline: Company Responsibility 1.02 [0.37, 1.08] 0.09
Headline: User Responsibility 2.28 [1.29, 4.08] < 0.001
Body: Mechanism of 2FA 2.06 [1.16, 3.71] 0.01
Body: Cost of 2FA 0.70 [0.4, 1.23] 0.22
Age 1.02 [1.02, 1.02] < 0.01
Gender: Female 0.90 [0.82, 0.99] 0.03
FB Friend Count (100s) 1.02 [1.02, 1.02] < 0.001
FB Tenure (yrs) 0.92 [0.91, 0.93] < 0.001
Days Active (out of 30) 1.05 [1.03, 1.07] < 0.001
Headline: Company Responsibility * Body: Mechanism of 2FA 1.04 [0.92, 1.17] 0.55
Headline: User Responsibility * Body: Mechanism of 2FA 1.00 [0.89, 1.12] 1
Headline: Company Responsibility * Body: Cost of 2FA 1.00 [0.89, 1.14] 0.97
Headline: User Responsibility * Body: Cost of 2FA 1.08 [0.96, 1.21] 0.22
Headline: Company Responsibility * Age 1.00 [1, 1] 0.81
Headline: User Responsibility * Age 0.995 [0.99, 1] < 0.001
Body: Mechanism of 2FA * Age 1.00 [1, 1] 0.49
Body: Cost of 2FA * Age 1.00 [1, 1] 0.8
Headline: Company Responsibility * Gender: Female 1.04 [0.94, 1.15] 0.4
Headline: User Responsibility * Gender: Female 1.00 [0.91, 1.1] 0.92
Body: Mechanism of 2FA * Gender: Female 0.99 [0.9, 1.08] 0.77
Body: Cost of 2FA * Gender: Female 0.97 [0.88, 1.07] 0.5
Headline: Company Responsibility * FB Friend Count (100s) 1.00 [0.99, 1] 0.12
Headline: User Responsibility * FB Friend Count (100s) 1.00 [0.99, 1] 0.13
Body: Mechanism of 2FA * FB Friend Count (100s) 0.99 [0.99, 1] < 0.001
Body: Cost of 2FA * FB Friend Count (100s) 1.00 [1, 1] 0.69
Headline: Company Responsibility * FB Tenure (yrs) 1.00 [0.99, 1.02] 0.77
Headline: User Responsibility * FB Tenure (yrs) 1.00 [0.98, 1.01] 0.58
Body: Mechanism of 2FA * FB Tenure (yrs) 1.03 [1.02, 1.04] < 0.001
Body: Cost of 2FA * FB Tenure (yrs) 1.01 [0.99, 1.02] 0.44
Headline: Company Responsibility * Days Active (out of 30) 0.98 [0.96, 1] 0.21
Headline: User Responsibility * Days Active (out of 30) 0.99 [0.97, 1.01] 0.39
Body: Mechanism of 2FA *Days Active (out of 30) 1.02 [1, 1.04] 0.06
Body: Cost of 2FA * Days Active (out of 30) 1.01 [0.99, 1.03] 0.2
Table 2: Logistic regression model of the relationship between user likelihood of clicking to enable 2FA, the Headline and body
text of the 2FA prompt they were shown, and the user’s demographics. See Table 1 for column details.
prompts with this messaging strategy were 28 % more likely
to enable 2FA protection, as compared to users who received a
generic prompt that simply re-iterated the security benefits of
2FA. We hypothesize that this may be the case because users
do not know, or are suspicious, about why they need to turn on
2FA. Prior work suggests that users want to understand why
they need to provide information, like their phone number, to
gain security benefit [72].
Demographics and Messaging Strategies:
Next, we ex-
panded the model presented in Table 1 to include user de-
mographics (see Table 2). We find that even when controlling
for user demographics, our results remain the same. However,
our analysis suggests that (i) some user demographics are
more or less likely to enable 2FA regardless of the message
they were shown, and (ii) certain messaging is particularly
effective, or ineffective, for different demographics.
USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 117
Specifically, we find that older users, more active users,
and those with more Facebook friends were all more likely
to enable 2FA. However, women — in line with prior work
showing that women may focus more on content-level safety
controls, while men focus on system-level controls [35,55,68]
and those who have been on Facebook longer, perhaps
because this group has been prompted regarding enabling
2FA in the past, are less likely to enable. While our work
does not focus on explaining these findings – future work on
the relationship between 2FA use and socio-demographics
is needed – they do suggest that (i) prompts are not the sole
determiners of 2FA use and (ii) prompts alone cannot bring
equity to differential use of security behaviors, but may offer
a step in the right direction.
Related, we find that different messages may be more, or
less, effective for different user groups. Those who are older
and who were presented with the headline focusing on user
responsibility were less likely to enable. This suggests that
older users may have different perceptions of their role in
the security protection relationship with platforms, and that
further work is needed to customize security messaging to
older adults. Indeed, a growing yet still small body of
work has recently emerged focusing specifically on older
adults [30, 49, 56, 57, 67], and suggests that the needs of this
population may differ from those of other users.
Those who have more friends on Facebook were less likely
to click to enable 2FA if they were presented with the message
focusing on the mechanism through which 2FA works. We
hypothesize this may be the case because our control body text
mentioned “increasing protection for you and
the people you
interact with
.” In other words, those with more friends may
value protecting others more than those with fewer friends,
making the control message more salient.
On the other hand, those who had been on Facebook longer
(those with longer tenure) were even more likely to enable
when shown the message describing the mechanism through
which 2FA works than those who had been on the platform for
less time. We hypothesize that because these users may un-
derstand Facebook better, they might be able to more clearly
reason about the information provided in the mechanism body
text. That said, the mechanism body text remains significant
in this model: users of any demographic who saw this were
more than twice as likely as those shown the control text to
click to enable 2FA. This finding simply suggests that mes-
saging around the operational mechanics of 2FA is even more
effective among those with longer tenure on Facebook.
4.2 Impact of UX Design Patterns
With respect to the different UX design patterns we explored
(RQ2: §3.1), all three designs led to significant increases in
user CTE rates. Figure 5 summarizes the increases in CTE
rates of prompts that used each design pattern, relative to a
control prompt that did not employ the design.
Opinionated Reminders
Percent Increase in CTE
Figure 5: The percent increase in user click-to-enable (CTE)
rates for the UX design patterns we tested (cf. Section 4.2).
Personalization led to higher 2FA CTE rates:
Prior work
studying public policy messaging strategies suggests that
addressing users by name leads to increased responsive-
ness [40, 80]. Testing this approach, we found that this strat-
egy of personalizing 2FA prompts did lead to a significant,
26.3 % improvement in CTE rates (χ
= 103.4, p < 0.001).
Opinionated Reminder Messaging increased 2FA CTE
In this experiment, we explored whether combining
reminder messaging with opinionated design could increase
2FA click-to-enable rates. Our results revealed that this design
pattern, adding an option to dismiss the prompt for the time
being (reminder messaging) and using coloring to highlight
the click-to-enable option, led to a significant improvement
in adoption: click-to-enable rates to begin the enrollment pro-
cess increased by 11.1 % (
= 30.814
p < 0.001
), relative
to a prompt that completely omitted the “Not Now” button.
Although prior work has shown that reminder messaging leads
to a decrease in users who explicitly exit a prompt [29], this
design pattern did not improve the users that affirmatively
engaged with the prompt (i. e., who chose to perform a se-
curity action like enabling 2FA or updating their software).
Rather, reminder messaging led a significant fraction of users
to select the reminder option, in lieu of clicking to immedi-
ately dismiss the prompt. Our results suggest that opinionated
reminders that combine reminder messaging with opinionated
design, in the form of selective coloring to highlight the 2FA
enablement option, can effectively increase the number of
users who choose to protect their accounts with 2FA.
Interstitial prompts increased 2FA CTE rates:
The second
UX modification tested the effect of a blocking prompt [8, 28,
44, 82, 91], instead of the less intrusive prompts used in the
RQ1 experiments. In our experiments, we observed that the
118 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
interstitial prompts did lead to a significant increase in 2FA
adoption: interstitial prompts resulted in a 22.1 % higher CTE
rate (χ
= 14768.0, p < 0.001).
4.3 Does 2FA Remain Enabled?
While not directly tied to our experimental stimuli, we also
sought to investigate whether those who enabled 2FA kept
it enabled. We find that 95.2 % of participants in our experi-
ments still had 2FA enabled 90 days following their initial en-
ablement period. Notably, this is 8.06 % higher (
= 19761
p < 0.001
) than the 2FA retention rate for non-experiment par-
ticipants who turned on 2FA without having been prompted,
during the same time period. This suggests that prompting
users to enable 2FA – when appropriate – may be effective
not only for increasing the number of users who enable 2FA
but also the number of users who keep it enabled.
5 Discussion
Overall, our experiments show that adjusting the messages
used in 2FA prompts, as well as implementing UX design
patterns found effective in other applications, can significantly
increase the number of users who enable 2FA. We found that
messages emphasizing the user’s responsibility for protecting
their account and messages explaining specifically how 2FA
works increased the proportion of users who clicked to enable
2FA by approximately 30 %.
Individual responsibility as a driver of digital security
Our work first evaluates the impact of prompt mes-
sages that focus on user vs. company responsibility in order to
compare two contrasting bodies of literature. Protection moti-
vation theory [78] suggests that individual responsibility is a
prerequisite to protective behavior and prior work on security
behavior supports this theory [87]. On the other hand, a sepa-
rate set of prior work on digital security behavior suggests that
users may be more receptive to engaging in secure behavior
when they believe the platform promoting such behavior is in
control of their security [83] and/or looking out for their inter-
ests [69]. Our work — which is the first, to our knowledge, to
test the individual responsibility criterion of protection moti-
vation theory in the wild — supports the validity of protection
motivation theory in digital security behavior. Specifically,
our results indicate that increasing individual feelings of re-
sponsibility through explicit messaging leads to an increase
in users’ willingness to enable 2FA. We do not find support
for messaging that emphasizes the platform or company’s re-
sponsibility. This may be because 2FA is a proactive behavior,
rather than a reactive behavior (e. g., changing password after
a breach) studied in past work [32, 69, 83].
That said, we do find that emphasizing user responsibility
is less effective among older adults, perhaps because these
adults feel less confident and in control over their technology
use and ability to stay safe online [6,54]. While we do not find
that older adults are receptive to the idea of the platform being
responsible for their security either, future work may seek to
further investigate the role of responsibility in security. In
particular, it should seek to examine the role of responsibility
and feelings of confidence across users of different ages.
We note that while emphasizing individual responsibility
for security is an effective strategy to increase a user’s like-
lihood of enabling 2FA, we do not purport that security is
solely, or even primarily, the user’s responsibility. Rather,
platforms should make all possible efforts to secure user ac-
counts, and only when it is necessary to partner with the user
should their individual responsibility be emphasized. Finally,
an alternative to these individual approaches are policy so-
lutions, such as the EU payment services directive (PSD2),
which mandate the use of 2FA. However, such solutions may
burden users who are less concerned about account security
or who have lower digital skills [73].
Don’t hide the mechanism of protective behavior from
We also find that explaining the mechanics of how 2FA
works — including what threat (e.g., an unrecognized login)
it protects against and how it does so (e.g., by blocking the
login until a code is entered) — led to an increase in the num-
ber of users who sought to enable 2FA. This effect is even
more pronounced among those who have more experience on
the platform; i. e., users who have used Facebook for longer
were even more likely to enable 2FA when provided with
these additional details. This result supports prior work that
suggests cognitive biases around the difficulty of enabling
2FA may prevent users from adopting it [13,71]. Adding to
our understanding from prior work, our analysis shows that
(a) the perceived difficulty of enabling 2FA can be reduced
and that (b) reducing the perceived difficulty of enabling 2FA
can increase enablement rates. Furthermore, this finding sug-
gests that abstracting away all detail about a security behavior
from the user is not necessarily helpful, which is in line with
prior findings regarding end users’ mental models of encryp-
tion [79]. While overloading users with technical detail has
been found to reduce willingness to engage in protective be-
haviors [27,37,63,98], explaining how protective mechanisms
work transparently and at an appropriate level of detail may
be an effective way to aptly set user mental models.
Perhaps surprisingly, we do not find that telling users 2FA
enablement will take a limited amount of time improves their
willingness to enable 2FA. This is despite prior work suggest-
ing that the time cost of 2FA and/or security behaviors more
generally is a barrier to users wanting to enable 2FA or other
protective behaviors [13,41, 71, 73]. We hypothesize that our
message stating 2FA would take “a few minutes” to enable
may not have reduced the perceived time cost of enablement
enough for us to observe an effect.
UX design patterns, especially personalization, effec-
tively improve 2FA adoption.
Beyond evaluating whether
different messaging used in prompts could improve user en-
rollment in 2FA, we also evaluated the impact of three UX
USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 119
design patterns: personalization (adding the user’s name to
the prompt), interstitials (blocking the user’s screen until they
interact with the prompt), and opinionated reminders (that
offer a “Not Now” button that is colored less appealingly
than the enablement button). All three UX design patterns
encouraged secure behavior, significantly improving the pro-
portion of users who clicked to enable 2FA. Personalization
was the most effective (a 26.3 % improvement), followed by
the interstitial prompt (22.1 % improvement). Offering an
opinionated reminder increased the proportion of users who
clicked to enable 2FA by 11.1 %, perhaps because explicitly
offering this option increases user trust.
While interstitial prompts have potential downsides
users may find them annoying and they may decrease en-
gagement if users leave the platform instead of navigating
past the prompt – personalization and opinionated reminders
offer few downsides. Thus, future implementations of secu-
rity prompts should strongly consider integrating these two
design patterns and carefully consider when it makes sense to
use interstitial prompts to protect users.
Prompts are only one piece of the 2FA — and broader
security behavior puzzle.
Finally, our work also illus-
trates that while prompts and UX design patterns are effective
at increasing 2FA enablement rates, other factors also influ-
ence users’ adoption decisions. In Section 4.1, we show that
user demographics have a significant impact on whether a user
clicks to enable 2FA, regardless of the 2FA prompt they are
shown. This finding echoes themes from prior work, which
has found that the value of a user’s account [73], the security
information they receive [72], their security knowledge [5],
and how many other accounts they have [41], influence their
willingness to engage in 2FA and other security behaviors.
Additionally, platforms and services should carefully consider
when and how frequently to display prompts to users. Our ex-
periments illustrate that displaying one-time prompts to users
can promote proactive security behaviors; however, repeat-
edly showing users similar prompts could lead to fatigue and
habituation [10] that decrease the efficacy of future prompts.
Future Work.
Our work suggests three concrete directions
for future work. First, our results show that prompts can be a
powerful way to increase adoption of security behavior in-the-
wild. Our findings add to the body of prior work evaluating
the efficacy of security indicators and warnings in practice [4,
26, 28, 74, 86]. In this broader context, our work addresses
only a subset of security messages and behaviors. There is a
significant need for further development of best practices for
security messaging based on in-the-wild studies.
Second, our work finds variation in the efficacy of secu-
rity messaging by demographics. These findings along
with prior work [3, 64] — suggest that future research should
explore methods for personalizing security prompts toward
user groups and individual users. Our findings suggest that
demographics, account value (e. g., friend count), and length
of time using the platform may be particularly effective.
Third, while prompts can be a powerful method for en-
couraging protective behavior — and personalized prompts
may be even more effective — prompts alone cannot be held
responsible for user security behavior. Thus, additional future
work into user security behavior is necessary; for example,
investigating the role of feelings of individual responsibility
in users’ security behavior, and additional strategies that take
these personalized notions into account.
6 Conclusion
This paper explores how platforms can better protect users by
increasing 2FA adoption through the application of carefully
designed security prompt messaging and UX design patterns.
Drawing on the digital security, marketing, and HCI literature,
we examined whether the design and messaging strategies
recommended in these other contexts could be effectively
applied in the wild to encourage proactive security behavior.
First, we designed a set of prompts to test whether messages
that target users’ motivations, mental models, and concerns
about 2FA could improve adoption. Second, our work studied
whether applying different UX design patterns found to be
effective in other domains could improve 2FA adoption. We
evaluated these different designs in a set of controlled, in-the-
wild, and large-scale experiments (with an average of over
600,000 users per experiment).
Our results show that:
Carefully designed prompts encouraging users to enable
2FA can significantly increase the number of users who
choose to engage in 2FA as a protective behavior.
Prompts that emphasize individual responsibility for pro-
tective behavior are more effective than those that omit
mention of responsibility or those that emphasize cor-
porate responsibility. This finding validates the appli-
cability of protection motivation theory to encouraging
digital security behavior [78].
Prompts that correctly establish users’ mental models
of the mechanism through which 2FA offers protection
are more effective at increasing adoption than prompts
that address the costs of 2FA or prompts that generically
reference the benefits of 2FA.
Prompts leveraging UX design patterns found effec-
tive in other applications specifically, personaliza-
tion [40, 80], interstitials [34, 44], and opinionated re-
minders [28, 29] effectively increase 2FA adoption.
This suggests that UX design patterns for other types of
behaviors like product purchases or avoidance of phish-
ing websites generalize well to encouraging protective
security behavior.
Demographics significantly influence (i) how well dif-
ferent prompts encourage a user and (ii) their general
120 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
willingness to adopt 2FA. Combined with findings from
prior work [3, 64], this result highlights the potential
value of future work that explores how accounting for
user demographics and personalizing prompts can im-
prove users’ security behavior.
Taken together, our work illustrates that prompts can effec-
tively promote good security behavior in the wild through a
variety of messaging and UX strategies. Although prompts
cannot bear the sole responsibility of improving account secu-
rity or user security behavior, our results underscore the value
of developing an understanding for how different factors, rang-
ing from UX design, to cognitive biases, to demographics,
can influence and promote good security behavior in practice.
The authors wish to thank John Lyle at Facebook for his work
facilitating and conceiving of this paper and Laura Woodroffe
at Facebook for her work on content strategy and design. The
authors also wish to thank the USENIX Security reviewers
for their constructive feedback in improving this work. Grant
Ho was supported in part as a postdoc through the UCSD
CSE Fellows program.
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