arXiv:1010.0308v1 [stat.ME] 2 Oct 2010
Statistical Science
2009, Vol. 24, No. 3, 343–360
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2009
The Impact of Levene’s Test of Equality
of Variances on Statistical Theory and
Joseph L. Gastwirth, Yulia R. Gel and Weiwen Miao
Abstract. In many applications, the underlying scientific question con-
cerns whether the variances of k samples are equal. There are a sub-
stantial number of tests for this problem. Many of them rely on the
assumption of normality and are not robust to its violation. In 1960
Professor Howard Levene proposed a new approach to this problem by
applying the F -test to the absolute deviations of the observations from
their group m eans. Levene’s approach is powerfu l and robust to non-
normality and became a very popular tool for checking the homogeneity
of variances.
This paper reviews the original method proposed by Levene and sub-
sequent robust modifications. A modification of L evene-type tests to in-
crease their power to detect monotonic trends in variances is discussed.
This procedure is useful when on e is concerned with an alternative of
increasing or decreasing variability, for example, increasing volatility
of stocks prices or “open or closed gramophones” in r egression resid-
ual analysis. A major section of the paper is devoted to discussion of
various scientific problems where Levene-type tests h ave been used, for
example, economic anthropology, accuracy of medical measurements,
volatility of the price of oil, studies of the consistency of j ury awards
in legal cases and the effect of hurricanes on ecological systems.
Key words and phrases: ANOVA, equality of variances, Levene’s test,
trend tests, effect of dependence, applied statistics.
Very few s tatisticians write an article that is still
cited forty or fifty years after it is published . Profes-
sor Howard Levene, whose research focu sed on sta-
Joseph L. Gastwirth is Professor of Statistics and
Economics, George Washington University,
Pennsylvania Ave. 2140, Washington, DC 20052, USA
[email protected]du. Yulia R. Gel is Associate
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 e-mail:
[email protected] Weiwen Miao is Associate
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Haverford
College, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041, USA e-mail:
tistical problems arising in biological science, was
the sole author of three such classic papers. Not
only have they been cited hundreds of times; they
continue to be cited today. Professor Levene passed
away in July, 2003 and this article is written in
recognition of his important contrib utions to sta-
tistical science.
After introducing two earlier well cited articles,
Levene (
1949) and Levene (1953), the imp act of the
third article, on a robus t test f or the equality of
This is an electronic reprint of the original ar ticle
published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in
Statistical Science, 2009, Vol. 24, No. 3, 343–360. This
reprint differs from the original in pagination a nd
typographic detail.
the variances of k populations, will be emphasized.
In particular, both the robustness aspect and the
focus on the “spr ead” or variability of the data in
the L evene (
1960) article influ enced the work of the
authors, especially J. L. Gastwirth, who took his
first class in Mathematical Statistics from Professor
The first seminal article of Professor Levene con-
cerned checking that the random mating assump-
tion often used in mathematical models in popu-
lation genetics holds. This implies that the alleles
transmitted by each parent are independent, that
is, when there are two possible alleles, A and a
at a locus, w ith frequencies p(A) = p and p(a) =
1 p = q in the population, the frequ encies of the
three genotypes (AA, Aa and aa) in the next gener-
ation equal p
, 2pq and q
. Hardy (
1908) and Wein-
berg (1908) showed that in a large randomly mat-
ing population these genoty pe frequencies remain
the same from one generation to the next. To test
whether the Hardy–Weinberg (HWE) equilibrium
holds at a locus, one estimates the frequencies p
and q from a sample of n individuals, using ¯p =
[2n(AA) + n(Aa)]/2n, ¯q = 1 ¯p. Under HWE, the
expected genotype frequencies at a particular locus
are obtained by substituting these estimates into the
equilibrium distribution. Then the standard χ
1998, pages 11–15) is conducted. When
HWE does not hold, d ifferent genetic theories and
settings typically predict either a decrease or in-
crease in the number of homozygotes.
An analogous equilibrium distribution holds when
there are k possible alleles at a locus and the ap-
propriate χ
-test is used. In the highly polymorphic
(large k) situation, which is of interest in forensic
applications (Evett and Weir,
1998), the accuracy
of the χ
-test in moderate sample sizes is question-
able; while in studies of rare or endangered species,
only small sample s izes are available (Hedrick, 2000,
page 74). In th e spirit of Fisher’s exact test, Lev-
ene (
1949) obtained an exact test for the number
(h) of homozygotes that conditioned on the num-
ber of alleles of each of k types. The importance of
the prob lem is reflected by th e current literature de-
veloping more computer intensive exact pr ocedures
(Huber et al., 2006; Maur er , Melchinger and Frisch,
2007); however, Levene’s exact test for HWE was
the first. The original article also derived the large
sample distribution of the statistic and considered
the effect of misclassification of a small fraction of
heterozygotes as homozygotes. Finally, Levene ex-
pressed the problem of finding the distribution of h
in terms of card matching; similar an alogies between
exact tests for HWE and card shuffling prob lems are
still used to day (Weir,
1996, p age 110).
A few years later, Levene (
1953) developed the
first theoretical model that examined the effects of
spatial variation on fitness (Hedrick, 2000, page 161).
During the 1920’s Fisher and Haldane asked an im-
portant question: How is polymorphism maintained
when selection is operating? When there are two al-
leles at a locus, natural selection should favor the
allele (A) most related to s urvival and mating, so
eventually all the entire population should become
homozygotes (AA). As described by Pollak (
they demonstrated that each of the two alleles can
have a substantial equilibrium frequency when het-
erozygotes are superior in viability to either homozy-
gote and that a deleterious allele, d, can be main-
tained at a low equilibrium frequency due to re-
current mutation of the favored allele to d . Levene
1953) showed that two alleles could be maintained
when a pop ulation inhabits K ecological niches, mi-
grates between them, and selection varies among the
niches, even if the viabilities of a heterozygote are
between those of homozygotes in all K niches. In
particular, a stable polymorphism can o ccur when
the harmonic mean fitness of both homozygotes is
less than that of the heterozygote. The basic ap-
proach taken by Levene (
1953) is still used in mod-
ern texts (Hedrick, 2000, page 161), where references
to developments incorporating genotypic-specific habi-
tat selection, that is, ind ividuals preferentially mi-
grate to niches in which they have higher fitness
(viability), are described. Recent developments are
surveyed by Hedrick (
2006) an d Star, Stoffels and
Spen cer (2007) who investigate the levels of p oly-
morphism in a model incorporating recurrent muta-
tion and selection.
In 1960 P rofessor Howard Levene proposed a now
classic test for the equality of the variances of k
populations. The p ractical importance of Levene’s
1960) article is demonstrated by the fact that it
has been cited over 1000 times in the scientific litera-
ture. The goal of this paper is to d iscuss th e scientific
heritage of Professor Levene’s contribution on both
statistical methodology and its use in a wide vari-
ety of disciplines. Other procedures for testing the
equality of variances have been surveyed by Boos
and Brownie (2004).
Levene’s (
1960) original article was motivated by
the k-sample problem. Before comparing the sample
means, one should check that the underlying popu-
lations have a common variance. At the time, proce-
dures that were easy to calculate were desired. Sec-
3 describes the proper use of Levene-type tests
as a first stage test to select either the standard
or Welch-modified k-sample ANOVA. With m odern
computers and software, nowadays one can use the
Welch method in place of ANOVA, as it incurs only
a small loss in power when the variances are equal.
Levene’s test, however, remains very useful, as
many scientific questions concern the variances of
k populations, rather than their means or location
parameters (centers). For example, to choose among
several ways of delivering the same average dose of
a drug, the one with least variability in the mea-
sured dose is preferred. When reviewing the applied
literature, it became apparent that many altern a-
tive hypotheses were best described as a monotonic
trend in the variances of the k populations; hen ce, a
modification of Levene-type tests for this situation
is proposed. The increased power of a trend test,
which is directed at the alternative of interest, is
illustrated by r eanalyzing data from two published
Levene-type tests have become very popular and
are used in a wide variety of applications, for exam-
ple, clinical data (Grissom,
2000), marine pollution
(Johnson, Rice an d Moles,
1998), species preserva-
tion (Neave et al., 2006), climate change and geol-
ogy (Henriksen, 2003; Khan, Coulibaly and Dibike,
2006; Coulson and Joyce, 2006), animal science
(Waldo and Goering, 1979; Schom and Kit, 1980),
food quality (Francois et al.,
2006), spherical distri-
butions in astronomy (Fisher, 1986), regional differ-
ences of semen quality (Auger and Jouannet, 1997),
business (C hang, Jain and Locke, 1995; Christie and
Koch, 1997; P lourde and Watkins, 1998), auditing
1996), studies of awards in civil cases (Saks
et al., 1997; Robbennolt and Studeb aker, 1999; Marti
and Wissler, 2000; Greene et al., 2001), the anal-
ysis of data in actual legal cases (Tyler v. Uno-
cal, 304 F.3d 379, 5th Cir. 2002), genetics and evo-
lution (Mitchell-Olds and Rutledge,
1986; Giraud
and Capy,
1996), toxicology (Mayhew, Comer and
Stargel, 2003), psychology, education and speech
(Flynn and Brockn er , 2003; Cattaneo, Postma and
Vechi, 2006; O’Neil, Penrod and Born stein, 2003;
Tab ain, 2001), sports (Cumming and Hall, 2002)
and even sex research (Hicks and Leitenberg,
Hays et al.,
The original tests along with s ubsequent modifi-
cations that improve the robustness of the test to
non-normality of th e underlying data, for example,
Brown and Forsythe (
1974), or improve the statisti-
cal performance in certain circumstances, for exam-
ple, unequal sample sizes, are described in Section
2 discusses Levene-type tests when the al-
ternative is that the variances of the k-groups follow
a monotonic trend. A modification of the statistic
along the lines of the Cochran–Armitage trend test,
used to analyze dose-response data, is described.
The resu lts of a small simulation study illustrate
its increased power. Our results are consistent with
the detailed investigations of Balakrishnan and Ma
1990) and Lim and Loh (1996) and collectively they
provide extensive support for the use of robust Levene-
type tests in practice. Section
3 describes the proper
use of Levene-ty pe tests as a rst stage test to de-
cide whether to analyze the d ata by the standard or
Welch-modified k-sample ANOVA. While th e two-
stage method, us ing an appropriate size for a Levene-
type p reliminary test, remains valid, with modern
day statistical software, in most situations one can
use the Welch method, as it is only slightly less pow-
erful than th e standard test when the variances are
equal. The use of Levene-type tests in the analy-
sis of data arising in a w ide variety of interesting
applications is described in the penultimate section
4). The paper concludes with a summary
of recommended methods and a discussion of topics
needing f urther research .
A basic problem in ANOVA is to determine whether
k populations have a common mean µ . One has k
random samples, x
, . . . , x
, of size n
from each of
k populations with respective means, µ
, and vari-
ances σ
, i = 1, . . . , k. The standard F -test assumes
that in each of the populations the variable studied
has a common variance σ
and compares the be-
tween group mean square to the w ith in group mean
square (s
), that is,
F = s
/(k 1),(1)
where s
is the pooled variance, ¯x
is the mean of the
ith group, ¯x
is the grand mean and N =
. It
has long been known that the actual size of the test
based on F may differ noticeably from the nominal
size, for example, 0.05, when the groups have dif-
ferent variances (Sheffe,
1959, p ages 351–358). This
problem is q uite serious when the variances are neg-
atively correlated with the sample sizes (Krutchkoff,
1988; Weerhandi, 1995). Hence, it is important to
develop methods for checking the validity of the
equal variance assumption.
Bartlett (
1937) proposed a statistic, M, for test-
ing the equality of k population variances that is
a function of the variances (s
) of the ith group.
Subsequ ently, Box (1953) s howed that the sampling
distribution of Bartlett’s M is not robust to vio-
lations of the assumed normality of the underlying
distributions. Box noted that Bartlett’s pro cedure
is more u seful as a test of n ormality than as a test
for equality of k group variances. Box and Anderson
1955) showed that the effect of normality depends
on the kurtosis, γ
= µ
, the ratio of the fourth
central moment of the underlying distribution to the
square of the variance. Assuming the data from the
k groups have the same distrib ution, the natural es-
timator of γ
Multiplying Bartlett’s M by 2/( ˆγ
1) yields a
test statistic, B
, which has an approx im ate χ
distribution with (k 1) degrees of freedom. Notice
that for normal data th e expected value of the factor
2/( ˆγ
1) equals 1.0 and as the kurtosis increases
above 3, it becomes smaller. The statistic B
is the
form of the Box–Anderson test discussed by Miller
1986); see also Shorack (1969).
In the small samples often encountered in appli-
cations of ANOVA, the higher moments are quite
variable, so a test that does not rely on the fourth
sample moment is desirable. To appreciate the idea
underlying the approach ad op ted by Levene, assum e
that the group means µ
are known. To measure
variance or spread, he consid er ed various functions
of x
, for example, |x
| and (x
. The
expected value of (x
is σ
, the variance of
the ith group, while the expected value of |x
is the mean deviation from the mean, a well-known
measure of spread related to a classical measure of
income inequality due to Pietra (Gastwirth, 1972).
Thus, if one knew the group means, one could ap-
ply the standard ANOVA statistic to |x
| or
Since the group means, µ
, are typically unknown,
Levene naturally used the sample group means, ¯x
in their places. Then |x
| or (x
treated as independent, identically distributed, nor-
mal variables, and the u sual ANOVA statistic is uti-
lized. While neither |x
| nor (x
is nor-
mally distributed, Levene’s approach takes advan-
tage of the fact that classical ANOVA procedures
for comparing means are robust to violations of the
assumption that the data follow a normal distribu-
tion (Miller,
1968, page 80). Of course, Levene real-
ized that |x
| and (x
are not indepen-
dent within each group, as they are deviations from
the group mean. However, he showed that the cor-
relation is of the order 1/n
and had the intuition
that this small degree of dependence would not seri-
ously effect th e distribution of the F -statistic. After
trying different functions of (x
), for example,
square, log etc., Levene pr oposed the final version of
the test in the form of the classic ANOVA method
applied to the absolute differences between each ob-
servation and the mean of its group d
= |x
i = 1, . . . , k, j = 1, . . . , n
. Since the d
are not nor-
mally distributed even when the original x
are, the
resulting F -statistic,
F =
N k
k 1
is not exactly distributed as the usual F -statistic
with k 1 and N k degrees of freedom. Levene
1960) showed by simulation that the usual F s tatis-
tic prov ides a good approximation, especially at the
cut-off values corresponding to the commonly used
significance levels, α = 0.01 an d 0.05.
A natural way to increase the robustness of Lev-
ene’s original s tatistic is to replace th e group m eans
in the definition of d
by a more robust estima-
tor of location, for example, the median (Brown
and Forsythe,
1974) (BFL test). Studies by Conover,
Johnson and Johnson (
1981) and Lim and Loh (1996)
confirm that utilizing the absolute deviations of the
observations from their group medians, rather than
means, is preferable. Thus, the mod er n version of
Levene’s test uses the z
= |x
| in place of d
in (
3), where ˆµ
are robust estimators of µ
In small samples, for example, when there are
no m ore than 10 observations in each group, the
level of the Levene test can be quite conservative
when the group centers are estimated by their me-
dians. The problem arises from the fact th at for
odd group sizes, one of the absolute deviations from
the group median must equal 0; and for even sam-
ple sizes, two of the absolute deviations are equal
as the group median is estimated by the average
of the middle two observations. Thus, a bootstrap
version was proposed by Boos and Brownie (
and shown to have improved power by Lim and Loh
1996). An alternative modification was suggested
by Hines and Hines (
2000). When the number of ob-
servations n
in the ith group is odd, they propose
to remove a structural zero z
for m = [n
/2] + 1
(here [y] is the floor function of y); when n
is even,
then the two s mallest and necessarily equal devia-
tions z
and z
are replaced by one single
. The Hines–Hines (2000) procedure
increases the variability of z
, reducing degrees of
freedom by one for each group to compensate for the
structural zeros as well as decreasing the Error Sum
of Squares and Mean Squares in the Levene ANOVA
table. As a resu lt, this simple modification provides
a test with size closer to the nominal one, especially
in small samples. In addition, this usually provides
a Levene-type test with increased power.
Several authors, Martin and Games (
O’Brien (
1979), Keyes an d Levy (1997) and O’Neil
and Mathews (
2000, 2002), examined the effect that
unequal sample sizes create when the data follows a
normal distribution and proposed appr op riate cor-
rection factors. I n the one-way ANOVA, under H
the variances of the observations σ
differ, implying
that the expected values of the d
are given by
) = σ
Notice that equation (
4) im plies that even under
, that is, when all groups have a common vari-
ance σ
, the expected group averages differ. Thus,
large differences in the sample sizes, n
, may cause
the original Levene test to reject the null hypothesis
when it is true.
O’Brien (
1979) and Keyes and Levy (1997) re-
move this design effect by replacing d
by u
1 1/n
, which have the same expected value
and are proportional to the absolute values of the
standardized residuals from the original ANOVA.
Then one app lies OLS ANOVA to the u
. O’Neill
and Mathews (
2000) obtained the covariance ma-
trix of u
and created the appropriate weighted
least squares estimates of th e within group and be-
tween group variances of u
and obtained th e corre-
sponding F -test. When the n
are equal, to n, they
showed that the weighted F -statistic is a factor, m,
times the OLS F -test. Furthermore, m tends to 1
as n increases. O’Neill and Mathews (
2000) also ob-
tained the corresponding multiplier when deviations
from the group medians are used. Manly and Fran-
cis (
2002) showed that when the significance level of
the F -test was determined by randomization of the
residuals of deviations from the sample medians, it
was very robust to nonnormality and was less af-
fected by modest differences in the n
While reviewing the large numb er of studies ap-
plying Levene’s test or the Brown–Forsythe mod-
ification, we noticed that the alternative hypoth-
esis appropriate to the subject matter often indi-
cated that the variances would follow a decreasing
or increasing trend; for example, th e groups might
correspond to dose levels or could be classified by
status on a monotonic scale. It is well known that
tests directed at a specific alternative typically are
more powerful in detecting a particular alternative
2002; Freidlin and Gastwirth, 2004). Of-
ten, under the alternative the k groups can be ar-
ranged so that their variances increase, that is, H
is σ
< σ
< ··· < σ
. A number of procedures which
employ the idea of regressing the sample variances
of each group vs. some preselected scores or consid-
ering a particular contrast have been d eveloped for
this problem (Vincent,
1961; Chacko, 1963; Fujino,
1979; and Hines and Hin es, 2000). Here we follow
the simple linear regression approach in which scores
< w
< ··· < w
are assigned to each observation
in th e ith group (i = 1, . . . , k). The expected value
of the slope
β (5) of the regression line relating the
to the w
is zero und er the null hypothesis, but
will be positive (negative) under the alternative that
there is an increasing (decreasing) trend in the vari-
ances. The estimator
β of β is given by
β =
¯w =
where ¯z
, i = 1, . . . , k, are the group means of z
and ¯z
is the grand mean over ¯z
, i = 1, . . . , k. When
the observations in each group come from a nor-
mal distribution, the null hypothesis that the group
variances are equal implies that the mean deviations
from the group means (or medians) also are equal.
When the variances or other measure of spread are
β should be centered around zero, while u n-
der the alternative that the group variances increase
β should be positive.
The expression for the slope
β in (
5) is analo-
gous to the classic one degree of freedom test for
the strength of linearity (Johnson and Leone,
page 78) or the Cochran–Armitage trend test for
binary data (Piegorsch and Bailar,
2005) and its
numerator is like a covariance between the group
centers ¯z
and scores w
. Hines and Hines (
show that using contrasts that reflect the alterna-
tive or suspected trend have higher power than the
usual F -statistic (
1) for homogeneity applied to the
. Abelson and Tukey (
1963) showed the lin ear
scores are efficiency robust over a wide range of in-
creasing trends, so they are commonly used. If the
alternative hypothesis implies a specific nonlinear
trend, one should us e the correspondin g values for
, for example, w
= i
or w
i. Roth (1983)
and Neuhauser and Hothorn (2000) developed trend
tests using order-restricted inference. These meth-
ods may be more powerful when the trend is mono-
tonic but far from linear, they are not explored here.
The increased power of Levene-type trend tests will
be seen in Section
4 where we reanalyze d ata sets
from two scientific studies.
Remark. If the true group centers are known,
then the standardized Levene-type trend statistic
asymptotically f ollows a standard norm al distribu-
tion, as do results from Proposition 2.2 of Huber
1973), Theorem 1 of Arnold (1980) and Carroll and
Schneider (1985). In pr actice, however, the “true”
group centers are typically unknown and estimated
from a sample of observations. In the one-sample
setting Miller (
1968) showed that Levene’s original
statistic, using absolute d eviations from the group
means, is asymptotically distribution-fr ee only when
the underlying distribution is symmetric; if the sam-
ple group med ian are employed, then the statistic is
asymptotically distribution-free. The corresponding
large sample result for k groups was pr oved by Car-
roll and Schneider (
1985). Using the results of Car-
roll and Schneider (1985), Bickel (1975) and Carroll
and Ruppert (
1982), it can be shown that if the
“true” group centers are unknown, th en the size of
Levene’s trend statistic determined from its asymp-
totic distribution is correct on ly when the group lo-
cation parameters are estimated by the group medi-
A small simulation study considering samples from
normal and heavy-tailed symmetric distributions was
conducted w here a robust trimm ed mean (Cr ow and
1967; Gastwirth and Rubin, 1969; Andrews
et al.,
1972), the average of the middle 50% of the
data, was also used to estimate the group centers.
Our simu lation study
indicates that for small and
moderate sample sizes, the 25% trimmed versions
of Levene’s (L
) trend tests yield the most accu-
rate size f or a test at the nominal 5% level for all
the distributions (normal, exponential, t- and χ
distributions with 3 degrees of freedom) studied. In
contrast, the corresponding test statistics using the
sample means have levels exceeding the nominal 5%,
especially for the heavy tailed and skewed distribu-
tions. Using medians, as in the Brown–Forsythe ver-
sion, su bstantially underestimates the size of the test
for small samples, especially for normal data. Over-
all, all the three versions of Levene’s trend test, that
is, the mean, median and 25% trimmed mean based,
were more powerful against monotonic trend alter-
natives than the corresponding homogeneity tests,
especially for small sample sizes. This is true even
when the scores differ somewhat from the true trend,
for example, the linear scores 1, 2, 3 are u sed w hen
the ratios of the standard deviations are 1 : 3 : 5. As
expected, in larger samples the difference in perfor-
mance between Levene-type homogeneity and trend
tests is minor.
In many applications adaptive procedures that uti-
lize a preliminary test to choose the estimator or
test for the final analysis improve the accuracy of
the final inferen ce (Hall and Padmanabhan,
1997). For example, Hogg (1974) and
Hogg, Randles and Fisher (
1975) us e a measure of
tail-weight to select the estimator of the location
parameter; Freidlin, Miao and Gastwirth (
2003) use
the p-value of the Shapiro–Wilk test to select a pow-
erful nonparametric test f or the analysis of paired
differences. Miao and Gastwirth (
2009) use the r atio
of two measures of spread to choose the nonpara-
metric test to analyze paired data for the second
stage. These methods have been successful in the
one-sample problem because heavy-tails can sever ely
All calculations are performed using the R package Law-
stat that is freely available from
affect the behavior of the sample mean and an ap-
propriate preliminary test enables one to choose a
robust estimator or test that has high efficiency across
a class of distributions with tail weight close to that
of the sample. Recently, Schucany and Ng (
noted that pr eliminary tests must be us ed with care,
as at the second stage, the analysis is conditional on
the results of the first-stage test. They demonstrated
that graphical diagnostics for normality are prefer-
able to a formal test of normality at the rst stage
when the objective is to make inferences about the
population mean.
For testing the equality of k sample m eans, when
the variances may not be equal, Welch (
1951) pro-
vided the following modification of the usual ANOVA
F -test:
/(k 1)
1 +
2(k 2)
where w
= n
and ˆx =
This Welch modification rejects the null hypothe-
sis of equal means if the F statistic (
6) is larger than
the critical value determined from an F distribution
with degrees of freedom f
and f
, where
= k 1,
When k is 2, the procedur e reduces to the Welch
1938 two-sample t-test. Because the test using (6)
allows for unequal variances, one needs to examine
whether it incurs a noticeable loss of power when the
group variances are equal. T his section reports the
results of a sm all simulation study that compares
three tests: the usual ANOVA F -test, the Welch
modification (6 ) and an adaptive ANOVA. The adap-
tive procedure is the following: first use a Levene-
type test to see whether the variances are equal
or not. If the test concludes that the variances are
equal, use th e ordinary ANOVA F -test, otherwise,
use th e Welch modification. The resu lts indicate that
just using the Welch method (
6), which is now avail-
able on statistical p ackages, is easier to use than the
adaptive ANOVA and only in curs a small loss in
power when the variances are equal.
The study focu sed on testing whether the means
from three normal distributions are equal. Following
the recommendations of Bancroft (
1964) and Huber
1972) that the level of a preliminary test should be
greater than 5%, a level of 15% is used here.
Tab le
1 shows the observed level of the three tests
for different sample sizes and different variance ra-
tios. The nominal level is 5%. Clearly, the Welch ad-
justed ANOVA test and the adaptive procedure pre-
serve the nominal levels very well for all sample sizes
and variance ratios studied. T hese resu lts are con-
sistent with previous studies of the two-sample situ-
ation (Moser, Stevens and Matts,
1989, 1992; Weer-
1995; Zimmerman, 2004 and Vangel, 2005).
In contrast, the actual level of the ordinary ANOVA
F test is affected when the variances are not equal.
In some situations, th e actual size of the test can be
Table 1
The actual sizes of a nominal 0.05 level test for the three procedures. The
results are based on 10,000 simulations
10, 10, 10 10, 10, 20
: σ
: σ
1 : 1 : 1 1 : 2 : 3 1 : 3 : 5 1 : 1 : 1 1 : 2 : 3 1 : 3 : 5
ANOVA 0.0481 0.0665 0.0665 0.0512 0.0264 0.023
Welch ANOVA 0.0485 0.0518 0.053 0.0514 0.0524 0.0529
Adaptive A NOVA 0.0496 0.0572 0.0539 0.0546 0.0514 0.0529
10, 20, 10 20, 10, 10
: σ
: σ
1 : 1 : 1 1 : 2 : 3 1 : 3 : 5 1 : 1 : 1 1 : 2 : 3 1 : 3 : 5
ANOVA 0.0491 0.0714 0.0867 0.0542 0.1212 0.1399
Welch ANOVA 0.0494 0.0495 0.0524 0.0557 0.0506 0.0515
Adaptive A NOVA 0.0523 0.0554 0.0528 0.0572 0.0564 0.052
as large as 0.1399, for example, when (n
, n
, n
) =
(20, 10,10) and (σ
: σ
: σ
) = (1 : 3 : 5).
The powers of the adaptive and Welch ANOVA
tests were also investigated by simulation. When the
variances are equal, the powers of the ad ap tive pro-
cedure are about 2–3% higher than the Welch ad-
justed ANOVA F -test. When the variances are not
equal, the Welch adjusted test has higher power,
about 2–3% more than the adaptive one. Overall,
the differen ce in power between the two procedures
is quite small, rarely more than 0.02. (Detailed re-
sults can be obtained from the authors.) Thus, both
the Welch method and the adaptive ANOVA are
valid procedu res.
The results reported in Table
1 use the group me-
dians to estimate their centers, in the preliminary
Levene-type test. Simulation studies, using th e 25%
trimmed means in place of the medians in the Lev-
ene test, yielded similar results. Other simulations
explored the role of the size of the preliminary test.
The findings ind icate that the size of the rst-stage
test should be in the range 15% to 25% in order
for the adaptive procedure to have th e nominal size
(0.05) and have reasonable power. T hese results con-
firm the recommended levels of 25% by Bancroft
1964) or 20% by Huber (1972, 1973) for the size of
a preliminary test.
Both the Welch and the adaptive tests are more
robust to departures f rom the equal variance as-
sumption than the usual ANOVA F -test. These two
tests are nearly as powerful as the standard F test
when the group variances are equal. As th e Welch
test is simpler, we recommend it for general use.
Research er s in areas where the two-stage method is
commonly accepted, however, can still rely on it.
The size of the Levene-type preliminary test should
be between 15% and 25%.
The important role statistical design, methodol-
ogy and in ference have in a wide array of intel-
lectual disciplines is exemplified by the numerous
applications of Levene-type tests. This section de-
scribes how Levene-type tests were used in a number
of interesting studies from a variety of disciplines.
In many cases the Levene-ty pe test was used as a
preliminary check of the equal variance assumption
in classical ANOVA; in others, the scientific issue
concerned the equality of the variances of measure-
ments from k populations. The topics described were
chosen from hundreds of valuable scientific contri-
butions and illustrate the broad scientific impact of
Professor Levene’s method.
4.1 Applications in Archeology and Ethnography
Archaeologists are concerned w ith the effects in-
creasing economic activity has on older civilizations.
Economic growth encourages specialization in the
production of goods, which led to the “standard-
ization hypothesis,” that is, increased pr oduction of
an item would lead to its becoming more uniform.
Kvamme, Stark and Longacre (
1996) tested this the-
ory on a type of earthenware, chupa-pots, from three
Philippine communities that differ in the way they
organize ceramic production. In Dangtalan, pottery
is primarily made for h ou sehold use and restricted
exchange. Dalupa has an extensive nonmarket based
barter economy, where p art-time specialist potters
trade their output for other goods. T he village of
Paradijon is near the Prov incial capital; full-time
pottery specialists sell their output to shopkeepers,
located in the village or in the capital, for sale to
the general public. To test the “standardization” hy-
pothesis, these authors took measurements on three
characteristics (aperture, circumference and height)
of two-chalupa pots from the three areas and used
the F -test and Brown–Forsythe vers ion of Levene’s
test to compare the variation among pots prod uced
in each area. T he null hypothesis is that the vari-
ance or spread of each characteristic is the same in
the thr ee areas, while the alternative is that they
After demonstrating that typically the measure-
ments did not follow a normal distribution and h ad
heavier tails, the authors showed (their Table 5) that
the usual F -test can yield substantially d ifferent p-
values than those obtained from Levene’s test. For
example, comparing the circumference of the 55 pots
from Dangtalan with 170 fr om Dalupa, the stan-
dard F -test statistic yielded 1.24, leading to accep-
tance of the null hypothesis that variances are the
same. In contrast, the robust Levene test yields a p -
value = 0.001. Several other pair-wise comparisons
showed that th e F -test could yield much lower p-
values than the robust Levene method. Here we ap -
ply the three Levene type tests for homogeneity of
variances described in Section 2 to assess whether
the variances of the apertures of th e two-chalupa
pots from the th ree locations are the same. All three
tests, th e original Levene’s test (L), the Brown and
Forsythe version (BFL) and the trimmed version
), conclude that the variation in each of the
three measured characteristics of the pots made in
the regions are statistically significant. These results
provide support for the standardization hypothesis.
The standardization hypothesis pr edicts that as
economies develop, production intensifies, causing
products to become more uniform or less variable.
A test having high power for this particular alter-
native hypothesis, that is, the standard deviation of
the three characteristics of the pots should decrease
with increasing economic d evelopment, is preferable
to a general test of homogeneity of the variances.
Because the alternative hypothesis predicts that th e
variances of the three characteristics in pots from
Dangtalan should be larger than those produced in
Dalupa, which in turn should be larger than pots
made in Paradijon, we analyze the data with the
trend test (
To appreciate the increased power of the directed
trend test, we analyzed the aperture data, kindly
provided by Professor Kvamme. Using weights 1, 2
and 3 and deviations from the group means, mid-
means and medians, respectively, in (
5) yielded p-
values 0.0001, 0.0004 and 0.0004 respectively. The
estimates of the slope
β were similar: 1.77, 1.68
and 1.81. All three p-values are less than one-half
those obtained from the corresponding test of ho-
mogeneity and provide stronger evidence in favor of
the “standard ization hypothesis.”
4.2 Applications in Environmental Sciences
Even before Katrina, ecologists studied the effect
of hurricanes on forests, especially their rejuvenation
after a severe storm. The catastrophic uprooting of
trees creates mounds, pits and other micro-sites that
provide possible locations for a particular species
to regenerate. Carlton and Bazzaz (
1998) s imulated
the effect of a hurricane by pulling down selected
canopy trees and then measuring several important
environmental resources (soil organic matter con-
centration, nitrogen transformation rates and the
amount of CO
) at ve types of micro-sites th at are
created after a storm. These are as follows: mounds;
pits; top sites, which are north facing forest floor
surfaces; open sites, which are level and unshaded
portions of the forest floor; and level portions of the
forest floor th at are covered by ferns or similar veg-
etation, called fern sites. For comparative purposes,
measurements of the various resources were taken
in a control area. Several questions were addressed,
including: what were the residual effects of the dis-
turbance on the average levels of key resources in the
disturbed sites three years later? Did the simulated
hurricane increase resource heterogeneity among the
different micro-sites?
One-way ANOVA was used to test the differences
in the average level of a resource among the five
types of micro-sites. Samples of size ve were taken
from eight different micro-sites of each type. The
authors applied the original version of Levene’s test
to check wh ether the variances of the measurements
in the five groups were equ al. When it indicated un-
equal variances, a single d egree of freedom contrasts
(SDFC) were used in lieu of ANOVA (Milliken and
1984). When the homogeneity of variances
assumption was satisfied and the ANOVA indicated
significantly different effects among the micro-sites,
a standard multiple comparison method for con-
trasts was utilized.
Due to nonhomogeneity of variance, Carlton an d
Bazzaz (
1998) needed to use an SDFC to establish
that the top sites were higher in soil organic matter
than all other micro-sites, while percent soil water
by m ass was highest on fern, open and control sites.
The standard ANOVA method was applicable to the
data on climate factors. The CO
concentr ation was
lowest on mounds . A major finding was that pho-
ton ux density (PFD), a measure of the amount of
light level, on mounds, open sites and pits was higher
than in the control (undisturbed) area. In contrast,
the PFD on fern and top micro-sites was less than in
the control area. The results suggest that hurricanes
increase light levels immediately, which may encour-
age the growth of shade-intolerant species, while the
change in the availability of various soil resources is
more gradual. The authors carefully noted that their
simulation cannot replicate all the features, for ex-
ample, very high winds, of a real hurricane. Presum-
ably, similar studies are underway in the areas most
affected by the recent severe storms to assist in the
regeneration of plant species.
4.3 Applications in Business and Economics
The problem of comparing k sample variances also
arises in business and economics. Here, two appli-
cations of Levene’s test in this area are briefly de-
scribed, although there are many other interesting
studies (Davis,
1996; Christie and Koch, 1997;
Dhillon, Lasser and Watanbe, 1997; Chang, Pine-
gar and Schacter,
1997; Koissi, Sh ap iro and Hognas,
2006) that implemented the procedure.
Prior to the 1970s, the price of oil was less vari-
able than that of other commodities; first due to
the dominance of the major oil companies and later
the formation of OPEC by the main countr ies pro-
ducing it. To examine whether the behavior of oil
prices changed in the 1980s and became more simi-
lar to that of other commodities, which tend to have
large price fluctuations, Plourde and Watkins (
applied Levene’s test to monthly price changes, mea-
sured by th e logarithm of th e ratio of the price in the
current month to that of the previous month, in oil
and other commodities (tin, zinc, wheat, etc.). After
noticing that the monthly price changes of the two
oil markets (West Texas and Brent) and the seven
other commodities have high kurtosis, the authors
realized that the usual assumption that the underly-
ing populations all have the same shape or distribu-
tion and differ only in the scale parameter was im-
plausible. Thus, they used both the Brown–Forsythe
adaptation of Levene’s test and the nonparametric
Fligner–Killeen (
1976) test in a series of pairwise
comparisons to assess the relative dispersions of the
price changes. In general, both tests showed that
the monthly oil price changes were statistically sig-
nificantly more dispersed than those of other com-
modities, except for lead and nickel, during the years
1985–1994. The modified Levene test did detect an
increase in the dispersion of the price changes of zinc
that the F–K test did not. This is consistent with
the findings of Algina, Olejnik and Ocanto (
indicating that the O’Brien (1979) and BFL tests
have relatively high power and preserve the nomi-
nal significance for the family of distributions and
sample sizes they studied.
Stock market analysts and investors are interested
in deciding whether various actions by companies
assist them in predicting the future earnings and
market prospects of those firms. Sant and Cowan
1994) studied the impact of an omission of a div-
idend by a company on the variability of both the
forecasts of future earnings and the actual earnings.
They compared the earnings and forecasts of com-
panies that omitted a dividend dur ing the period
1963–1984 by comparing the variances of the ac-
tual or forecasted earnings per share two years after
the omission and two years before. Since the data
was not normal, they utilized a robust Levene test
(BFL). All comparison s showed that the variability
of actual and forecasted earnings were significantly
larger after the d ividend omission. The authors also
were careful to construct a control group of simi-
lar firms that did not omit a dividend. In a similar
comparison, the earnings of these companies was not
significantly greater in the later period. Because the
increased earnings variability only occurred in the
firms that omitted a dividend, their ndings sup-
port the hypothesis that managers omit dividends
when a firm’s earnings become less predictable.
4.4 Applications in Medical Research
Since a cancer patient’s p robability of survival is
increased when the disease is detected at an early
stage, screening tests are an essential part of health
care. Women over 50 typically have a mammogram
every year or two. In many European nations, for
example, the UK, mammograms tend to be evalu-
ated at a few central locations, so each radiologist
reviews many of them. In contrast, the system in the
US is more decentralized, so there are fewer radiolo-
gists who assess a large number of mammograms. To
study whether the accuracy of the m amm ogram is
related to the volume a radiologist sees, Esser man
et al. (
2002) obtained a sample of 59 radiologists
in the US an d 194 high-volume radiologists in the
UK The number of US radiologists in each volume
category was 19 low (<100 per month), 22 medium
(101–300) and 18 high (> 300). Each radiologist was
given a test set of 60 two-view films that contained
13 cancers.
In th e disease screening context (Gastwirth,
2003) accuracy is measured by both sensi-
tivity (the probability a person with cancer is cor-
rectly identified) and specificity (the probability a
healthy person is correctly classified). One can in-
crease the sensitivity of a scr eening test by lowering
the thresh old level for classifying a subject as dis-
eased, which decreases the corresponding specificity.
A radiologist’s accuracy is evaluated by their sensi-
tivity at a specificity level of 0.90. Therefore, the
authors fit an ROC curve (Gastwirth,
2001; Pepe,
2003) to the data for each radiologist using a vari-
ant of the binormal model (Dorfman and Berbaum,
2000). For the US radiologists, average sensitivity
was 70.3% for those in the low-volume category,
69.7% for the medium volume group and 77% for
readers of a high-volume of mammograms. High-
volume UK radiologists had an average sensitivity
of 79.3%. Because the BFL test indicated that the
variances in the sensitivities of the radiologists in
the grou ps were not equal, separate pairwise Welch-
type t-tests were performed and showed that the
differences among the average sensitivities were sta-
tistically significant. The area under the ROC curve
(AROC) was used as a second measure of accu-
racy. The areas under the ROC curve ranged from
an average of 0.832 for low-volume readers to 0.902
(0.891) for h igh volume UK (US ) radiologists. Lev-
ene’s test sh owed that the variances of the AROC in
the four groups were statistically significant. Thus,
Bonferroni adjus ted pairwise comparisons were car-
ried out and showed that the high volume radiol-
ogists were n oticeably more accurate than the low
and medium volume readers. Several related com-
parisons were conducted, which confirmed th at the
percentage of cancers detected by high volume ra-
diologists significantly exceeded the corresponding
percentage detected by lower volume radiologists.
Their finding that higher volume improves d iagnos-
tic performance suggests that the quality and effi-
ciency of screening programs can be improved by re-
organizing them into more centralized high-volume
Berger et al. (
1999) utilized a database of 6026
echocardiograms that were read by one of three sim-
ilarly qualified readers to assess the differences in
frequency of several diagnoses an d related measure-
ments. The numbers of echocardiograms read by the
readers (1, 2, 3) were 2702, 2101 and 1223, respec-
tively. Levene’s test was used to assess the variabil-
ity in the measurements of several continuous char-
acteristics, of which we discuss two: left atrial di-
mension (LAD) and left ventricle ejection fraction
(LVEF). The median values of L AD for the three
readers were as follows: 3.9, 3.9 and 3.8, respec-
tively. The Kr uskal–Wallis test (K–W test), how-
ever, showed that the three groups were significantly
different, but th e Median test did not d etect any dif-
ference. Levene’s test indicated statistically signifi-
cant differences in the variability of LAD measure-
ments made by the three doctors. Like the Wilcoxon
test, the null distribution of the K–W test is affected
by differences in the scale parameters or variances of
the und er lying distributions. The investigators may
not have been aware of this issue and did not explore
whether the differences among the variances of the
three distributions would be sufficient to change the
inference obtained f rom the usual K –W test.
The median values of the LVEF measurements
made by the three readers were identical, 57.5 and
Levene’s test foun d no difference in their variability.
A s omewhat surprising statistically significant dif-
ference in location was found by both the Kruskal–
Wallis and the Median tests. This might be du e
to the large, but unequal, sample sizes and/or the
fact that the LVF measurements appear to be left-
skewed, as the mean values of all three readers (52.7,
51.5 and 51.6) were less than the corresponding me-
dians. The nonnormality and skewness of both data
sets wer e indicated by Q–Q type plots. In contrast
to the LVF data, the LAD measurements appear to
be right skewed, with a fairly heavy right-tail.
A major find ing was that the prevalence of mitral
valve prolapse (MVP) differed in the three groups
(5.3%, 3.0% and 4.8%), as did the recognition of
clots (1.9% for reader 1 versus about 0.5% for read-
ers 2 and 3). After checking that the individuals
in the three groups had similar age and sex com-
positions, the authors noted that these differen ces
would be difficult to detect in a typical small-scale
reproducibility study. The data used in this study, as
in many epidemiologic investigations, were observa-
tional, and not obtained fr om a randomized clinical
trial. Thus, a sensitivity an alysis based on general-
izations of Cornfield’s inequality (Rosenbaum,
can be used to assess whether an omitted variable
could explain the observed d ifferen ces in the preva-
lence of heart problems found by the three readers.
The article noted that some data was missing in a
small proportion of cases but, given the large sample
size, the authors decided not to impute th ose data.
In this particular case, they are probably correct,
however, from a statistical viewpoint it would be
preferable for researchers to report the proportion
of missing data. Then readers could assess whether
it might affect the r esults. For example, the Kruskal–
Wallis test of equality of the location p arameters of
the LVF measurements just reached statistical sig-
nificance at the 0.05 level. If the proportion of m iss-
ing measurements varied among the three readers,
then the data would not be consistent with “missing
at random” and the s ignificance of the data might
change with th e m ethod of imputation adopted.
An interesting study (Rosser, Murdoch and
Cousens, 2004) demonstrated that a medical prob-
lem, optical defocus, increases the variability of the
measurements of visual acuity. When visual acu-
ity is repeatedly measured on the same person, the
recorded scores can vary. This test-retest variabil-
ity (TRV) is measured in units of the logarithm of
the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) and is a
form of measurement err or. Previous studies yielded
estimates of the 95% range of TRV measurements
between ±0.07 to ±0.19 logMAR. Following up on
a conjecture that the length of the 95% TRV range
might increase with the amount of defocus, these
investigators examined 40 subjects und er three con-
ditions: no defocus or full refractive correction, full
correction plus 0.50 D and full correction plus 1.00
D. The order of the six measurements given to a
participant was randomized and no eye chart was
used for consecutive measurements. When the same
chart was used th e patient was asked to read it for-
ward one time and backward on the other. Thus,
memory or learning as well as th e potential effect of
fatigue were controlled for in the experimental de-
sign. Following a common practice in ophthalmol-
ogy of ignoring the matching, the authors applied
the original Levene test of homogeneity of variances
and obtained a significant result (p = 0.00023). The
trend test using the group means yielded a more sig-
nificant result (p = 4.16×10
). Similarly, the trend
test using group medians yielded a lower p-value
than the test of homogeneity (0.00024 v s. 0.00124).
As expected, the p-values obtained using the 25%-
trimmed means of each group as their centers were
in between those ob tained using the mean and me-
dian. The s maller p-value of the trend test, which
is directed at the alternative of interest, provides
greater support for the conclusion that the variabil-
ity of measured visual acuity increases with the de-
gree of optical defocus than the test of homogeneity.
4.5 Applications in Legal Studies and Law Cases
In product liability and other tort cases, there
is concern that monetary damages are not propor-
tionate to the actual harm. Furthermore, individ-
uals who contract the same illness after exposure
to the same toxic product can receive very differ-
ent monetary compensation from the legal system.
Since the deliberations of actual jurors are confiden-
tial, researchers (Saks et al.,
1997; Goodman, Green
and Loftus,
1989; Robbennolt and Stu debaker, 1999;
Marti and Wissler,
2000) have varied the scenario
described or the instructions given to mock jurors to
evaluate whether the variability of awards for simi-
lar injuries can be reduced.
For example, Saks et al. (
1997) explored the ef-
fect of giving jurors different types of information
to guide their awards. Thus, some jurors were given
no guidance (control), some the average award for
the type of injury, some a range or interval of val-
ues, some both an interval and the average, and
some were given some examples of awards in sim-
ilar cases while some were given a cap or upper
limit. These researchers also varied the severity of
the injury. For low severity injuries, Levene’s origi-
nal test yielded a highly significant result F
11.5, (p < 0.001). Significant variation also occurred
in the medium and high injury categories. Some-
what unexpectedly, ju rors given a cap had the most
variable awards for low-level injuries. In the h igh-
level category, the most variable conditions were th e
ones when no guidance or just the average award was
provided to the mock jurors. Robbennolt and Stude-
baker (
1999) explored the effect of varyin g the cap
on punitive damage awards. Levene’s test showed
that the variability of those awards also increased
with the s ize of the cap th e mock jurors were given,
however, the variability of the awards the control or
no cap mock juries gave was less than those of mock
juries given the highest cap ($50 million). These
authors also showed that overall variability of jury
awards was reduced when the awards for compen-
satory damages an d punitive damages were made in
two separate stages of jury deliberation.
The Tyler v. Union Oil Co. of California (304 F.
3d 379, 5th Cir. 2002) case concerned age discrimi-
nation in layoffs. First, plaintiffs’ expert showed that
recent job evaluations received by employees and
their r etention status were not significantly corre-
lated. Then he compared the age distribution of the
employees who were terminated to those who were
retained in various locations of the firm. Levene’s
test was u sed to determine whether the usual t-test,
which assumes the variances of the distributions are
equal, or the Welch modified t-test is more appro-
priate. In most comparisons both versions of the t-
test were significant. In one location, Ponville, the
ages of 36 employees who were placed in a redeploy-
ment pool and eventually terminated were compared
with the ages of 272 retained employees. Levene’s
test showed that the standard deviations (9.97 and
6.94) of the age distributions of the two groups were
statistically significant. Th e usual t-test found the
difference of three years between the average ages
of the two groups significant (two-sided p-value is
0.024), while the modified t -test did not (two-sided
p-value is 0.093). Surprisingly, the transcript of the
expert testimony does not mention any questions
by the defendant about the potential implication of
the result that the age distributions of retained an d
laid-off employees were s im ilar. Comparisons show-
ing that the termination rates of emp loyees aged 50
or more were higher than those of emp loyees under
50, however, were quite s ignificant (p < 0.001). This
analysis provided very str on g evidence supporting
the finding of age discrimination.
4.6 Miscellaneous Applications
By the late 1990s researchers had documented ge-
ographical differences in semen quality, including
sperm concentration, which raised qu estions about
the possible causal roles of genetic differences and
environmental factors. Since the criteria for recruit-
ing study subjects, methods of laboratory analysis
and experimental design differed among the earlier
studies, to eliminate those factors as possib le expla-
nations for the basic finding, Au ger and Jouannet
1997) conducted a retrospective study of candidate
semen donors to sperm banks at University hospitals
in eight r egions of France d uring the period 1973–
1993. These hospitals adopted the same guid elines
for recruiting male semen donors and used similar
laboratory methods. The authors analyzed data on
seminal volume, sperm concentration, sperm count
and the percentage of sperm that were motile. As
the data were not normally distributed, they made
appropriate transformations for each variable of in-
terest, for example, the square root transform for
sperm concentration and total sperm count. Lev-
ene’s original test indicated that even the trans-
formed data for all four variables had statistically
significantly different variances. Hence, the authors
used the Welch analog (
6) of ANOVA to analyze the
data. The results showed statistically significant dif -
ferences among th e eight regions in all four charac-
teristics of semen quality (all p-values are less than
0.0001). While these small p-values arose in part be-
cause the total sample size was large (4710), varying
from 226 in Caen to 1396 in Paris, the differences ap-
pear to be quite meaningful. For instance, the mean
total sperm count varied from 284 per million in
Tou lous e to 409 per-million in C aen. The au thors
showed that these regional differences remained sta-
tistically significant after controlling for age, year
of semen donation and number of days the subject
abstained from sex prior to sample collection.
Sexual fantasies and their content can provide in-
sight into the process of sexual arousal as well as
gender differences in what people find exciting. As
previous research indicated that men have more fan-
tasies than women, Hicks and Leitenberg (
2001) stud-
ied whether men and women d iffer in their likelihood
of having sexu al fantasies about their current part-
ner as compared to extra-dyadic fantasies (about
someone else) after controlling for the overall differ-
ence in number of fantasies. Using an anonymous
questionnaire, they obtained 317 surveys f rom stu-
dents (94% response rate) and 273 completed sur-
veys (24% response rate) from faculty and staff at a
mid-sized University. Eliminating a few cases with
missing data, six outliers and 188 forms from in-
dividuals not currently in a relationship, they an-
alyzed 349 responses (215 females, 134 males); ap-
parently females had a higher r esponse rate than
males. Levene’s test showed a significant gender dif-
ference in the variance of the number of fantasies, so
the Welch modified t-test was used to compare the
means. Men had a statistically significantly higher
numb er of fantasies per month than women (76.7 vs.
34.1, t
= 4.77). To control for this gender dif-
ference in total number of fantasies, the researchers
calculated the percentage of each respondent’s f an -
tasies that were extra-dyadic. Since the variances
of these percentages again differed by gender, the
Welch t-test s howed that men reported a greater
numb er of sexual fantasies with an outsider than
women (54% vs. 36%, t
= 5.1). While only a
modest percentage of extra-dyadic fantasies
concerned former partners, on average, women had
significantly more of them than men (34% vs. 22%,
p = 0.004).
A regression analysis, adjusting for length of the
relationship and whether one cheated on their part-
ner, showed that the number of prior partners a
person had was significantly more highly related to
the percentage of extra-dyadic fantasies of women
than men. The percentages of fantasies that involved
someone other th an their current partner was nearly
identical for men and women who had cheated on
their partner (55% vs. 53%), implying that the ma-
jor difference between the genders in extra-dyadic
fantasies occurs in faithfu l partners. Since the per-
centages of male and female respondents who ad-
mitted to hav ing cheated on their current partner
were nearly identical (28% vs. 29%), the previous
finding is not likely to have been affected by nonre-
sponse. For both sexes, the percentage of fantasies
that were extra-dyadic increased with the length of
the relationship. As most of the individuals in long-
term relationships were faculty and staff rather th an
students, the subjects with a high degree of nonre-
sponse, this last finding might require further con-
firmation. Since the overall regression had an R
of only 0.25, more research is needed to determine
other explanatory factors as well as improving the
accuracy of the recall data collected in similar stud-
Levene’s original article and the statistical proce-
dures that developed and refined his original test
enabled researchers in many intellectual disciplines
to check the validity of an important assumption un-
derlying the analysis of data obtained from studies
using an ANOVA design. With modern day com-
puter programs for calculation of statistical tests
and estimators, the results in Section
3 show that
today there is less need for a Levene-type test as
a preliminary step to decide whether a standard or
Welch-modified ANOVA test statistic should be ap-
plied, as the Welch procedure does not lose much
power when the variances are equal. With an ap-
propriate choice for the size of the Levene-type pre-
liminary test, the two-stage procedure is valid and
can be reliably used in disciplines where it has be-
come a standard technique.
Levene’s article and the subsequent literature h ave
properly focused users of statistics on the need to ex-
amine whether their d ata “fit” the assum ptions un-
derlying the methods they apply. If one observes a
“borderline” result, a Levene-type test may be used
as one of the diagnostic tools to assess the sensi-
tivity of the inference to potential violations of the
basic assumptions. In particular, an analog of the
Sprott and Farewell (
1993) use of a confidence in-
terval f or the ratio, ρ
, of both sample variances in
the Behrens–Fisher problem to assess the sensitiv-
ity of inferences on the difference of the two means
should be developed for the k-group setting. Using
the ratios of the m ean absolute deviations from a
robust estimate of the group centers in place of the
ratio of the sample variances may increase the appli-
cability of this technique to data from heavier tailed
The Welch-modified t-test now appears in some
standard textbooks and statistical packages. Since
that procedure h as been shown to be nearly as pow-
erful as the standard one used in the equal variance
setting and has much superior control of the Type
I error when the group variances differ, authors of
statistical textbooks sh ou ld consider including it in
their discussion of ANOVA. The main extra com-
plications are the calculation of the denominator
of the statistic (
6) and the degrees of freedom (7),
which are now readily carried out in statistical soft-
ware. Since Levene-ty pe tests for equal variance or
a trend in variances are easy to describe and nearly
as powerful as more complicated alternative proce-
dures (Pan,
2002), these methods can now be in-
cluded in statistics curriculum.
Reviewing the applied literature showed that com-
paring the variability of data from several groups
frequently is the scientific question of interest. In
particular, analysis of the variability of the mea-
surements of medical characteristics obtained from
different devices or techniques should lead to more
reliable diagnosis. Q uite often the problem of inter-
est was whether there was a decreasing or increasing
trend in the variability of the characteristic of inter-
est that is associated with a covariate. This was the
focus of articles from a variety of fields: the study
relating characteristics of pots to the degree of eco-
nomic development, the investigations of the rela-
tionship between the amount of information given to
juries and the variability of th e monetary damages
they award, or the variability of eye examination
The simple test described in Section
2, along with
related references, should be useful to researchers
concerned with similar trend alternatives. For exam-
ple, Kutner, Nachtsheim and Neter (
2004) describe
the use of the BFL two-sample test f or checking the
equality of variances of residuals from a time se-
ries regression against a time-trend alternative. It
is likely that the power of such a test would be in-
creased if more than two groups were f ormed and th e
trend test was applied. Further research is needed, as
the appropriate number of groups is likely to depend
on the total sample size as well as the magnitude of
the trend.
The incr eased power of the test will also enable
researchers to use smaller samples in those studies.
Graubard and Korn (1987) noted that the choice
of scores used in the Cochran–Armitage (CA) trend
test in proportions is an important topic, as they
can have a noticeable effect on the p-value of the
test. Th eir point also applies to the tren d test for
variances. When there are several scientifically plau-
sible choices for the weights, analogs of the efficiency
robust methods (Zheng et al.,
2003) developed for
the CA test can be obtained, as the correlations of
the test statistics based on each set of weights can
be estimated from the data. These correlations are
used in creating a suitable test statistic that has
high power over the family of scientifically plausible
models of the trend.
Although there exist several methods based on
Levene-type statistics for studying differences in vari-
ability or the scale p arameter of two variables mea-
sured on paired data (Wilcox, 1989; Grambsch, 1994),
the visual acuity study (Rosser, Murdoch and
2004) indicates that appropriate k-sample
versions should be developed. A related problem oc-
curs when the same technician assesses the same
sample with s everal devices. This topic is related
to tests for the equality of variance in randomized
block designs. The survey of Schaalje and Despain
1996) found that when the block effect is mild,
the method of Wilcox (1989) performs well. When
the block effect is strong and the distributions are
symmetric, a variant of Levene’s test due to Yitno-
sumarto and O’Neill (
1986) is recommended. Fur-
ther research is needed for the situation of asym-
metric or very heavy-tailed distributions.
Textbook discussions of ANOVA focus on compar-
ing a relatively small number of treatments (groups)
and the large sample theory is derived assuming that
the numbers of observations in each group increase
at the same rate. In some situations the number of
treatments can also be large (Boos and Brownie,
1995). Bathke (2002, 2004) examines the effect of
unequal variances in the multi-factor situation. In
the commonly occurring two-factor design, when the
numb er of levels of the rst factor, A1, increases but
the number of levels of the second, A2, remains fi-
nite, as long as the in equality in the error variances
is not related to the level of factor A1, the F -test
for the main effect of the fi rst factor is almost un-
affected by differences in the variances at the levels
of the other factor. The tests for the main effect
of factor A2 and interaction, however, are affected.
A thorough analysis of tests of equality of variance
when there are many treatments with a modest sized
sample for each one r emains to be done.
In most of the applications discussed here th e ob-
servations in each group are independent random
samples. It is well known (van Belle, 2002) that de-
pend ence can have a major effect on the distrib ution
of many s tandard statistics. Thus, researchers will
need to design their experiments and studies care-
fully to ensure that the observations in each group
are independent of each other and th ose in other
groups. This may not be a routine prob lem in stud-
ies where th e same individuals and devices are used
to make the measurements. More statistical proce-
dures that model the dependence appropriately and
incorporate it in the analysis need to be developed.
In several large studies we reviewed there was some
nonresponse or missing data. In general, the poten-
tial effect of missing data on the conclusions of a
study should be examined, as in English, Armstrong
and Kricker (
1998). In the stud y by Berger et al.
1999), only a small proportion of data was missing,
which was unlikely to affect the conclusions. Never-
theless, researchers should be encouraged to report
the pattern of missin g data and any m ethods of im-
putation they adopted in the statistical analysis.
In contrast, th e probability of nonresponse in the
study of sexual fantasies (Hicks and Leitenberg, 2001)
was highly correlated with age, a characteristic that
is related to two independent variables in the re-
gression predicting percentage of fantasies that were
extradyadic. Thus, a study population containing a
greater p roportion of older respondents might yield
different estimates of the effects of the number of
prior partners and the length of current relation-
ship, respectively. Since the slope of the regression
relating the proportion of extradyad ic fantasies to
numb er of prior partners was stronger for women
than for men, whether the nonresponse rates of older
males and females differed should also be investi-
gated. Given the recent development of imputation
and other techniques for handling missing data (Lit-
tle and Rubin,
2002; Molenberghs and Kenward,
2007), it would be useful to explore how they can
be used in these applications to realistically assess
the affect of missing data on the results of Levene-
type tests, both for homogeneity and trend.
The number of observational, rather than designed,
studies we encountered in the area of quality control
or accuracy of medical measurements indicates the
importance of developing methods for assessing the
sensitivity of inferences based on tests of the equal-
ity of variance to an unob served variable. Hopefully,
this review will stimulate the development of meth-
ods analogous to those used to assess the potential
impact of omitted variables on th e comparison of
the means or proportions from two samples (Rosen-
baum, 2002) or in regression analysis (Dempster,
For cost-effectiveness many government sponsored
surveys have a complex design based on stratified
multistage probability cluster sampling, which pro-
duces estimates of population means and propor-
tions with larger standard errors than would be ob-
tained from a purely random sample of the same size
(Nygard and Sandstr om,
1989; Korn and Grau bard,
1999). App ropriate modifications of Levene-type tests
for variance or measures of relative variability should
be useful when the status of several sub-groups of
the population is studied.
The research of Professor Gastwirth was supported
in part by NSF Grant SES -0317956. The research
of Professor Gel was in part supported by a Grant
from NS ERC of Canada and was made possible by
the facilities of SHARCNET.
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