Oracle Enterprise
Resource Planning
Cloud Service
Leading Practice
WHITE PAPER / MAY 22, 2019
2 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
The purpose of this white paper is to provide implementation leading practices to system integrators who are about to assist customers
with new Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud Service implementations. It is a living document that will evolve as service
policies and features evolve.
This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the
exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the
terms and conditions of your Oracle software license and service agreement, which has been
executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may
not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written
consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated
into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for
the implementation and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver
any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.
The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features
described in this document without risking significant destabilization of the code.
3 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Purpose Statement......................................................................................... 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 5
Project Planning Framework .......................................................................... 5
Environment management ............................................................................. 6
Accessing environments ............................................................................................................... 7
How to stay informed and How to Request Support ................................................................... 9
Project and Environment Usage Planning ................................................................................. 10
Production Environment ............................................................................................................. 10
Non-production Environment ..................................................................................................... 11
Additional Environments ............................................................................................................. 11
Instance Management ................................................................................................................. 12
Manage and Monitor Your Own Services ................................................................................... 13
Cloud Updates ............................................................................................................................ 13
Concurrent Updates ................................................................................................................... 14
Exception Cloud Updates ........................................................................................................... 15
Upgrades .................................................................................................................................... 15
Key Implementation Considerations ............................................................ 16
Overall key considerations for any Oracle ERP Cloud Service ................................................... 16
Key considerations specific to Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service ............................ 24
4 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Key considerations specific to Oracle Procurement Cloud Service ............................................ 27
Data migration, integration and extensibility................................................ 28
Inbound Integration ..................................................................................................................... 28
Outbound Integration .................................................................................................................. 30
Content Migration ........................................................................................................................ 31
Extensibility ................................................................................................................................. 33
Usability ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Conclusion .................................................................................................... 34
5 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
This white paper provides implementation leading practices to system integrators who are about to
assist customers with new Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud Service
implementations. It is a living document that will evolve as service policies and features evolve.
This document examines the primary factors to consider when planning for and managing a
successful Oracle ERP Cloud Service implementation project:
Outlines the project planning framework available with the Oracle Unified Method (OUM)
Cloud Application Services Implementation Approach.
Explains the provisioning of environments, cloud updates and upgrades provided with the
Oracle ERP Cloud Service.
Highlights key implementation considerations.
Details the data migration, data integration, and system extensibility capabilities available
with Oracle ERP Cloud Service.
Proposes post implementation leading practices to consider for successful continuous
The information in this white paper is current for Oracle ERP Cloud Service on Release 13. All
referenced solutions exist in the Oracle ERP Cloud Service today.
The Oracle Unified Method (OUM) Implementation Approach for Oracle Applications Cloud is
Oracle’s lightweight approach for implementing applications running on a cloud infrastructure. It
emphasizes an out-of-the-box approach and adoption of leading practices inherent in the application
products as a foundational element of the approach.
It is currently available on the Oracle Partner Network (OPN) Portal to Diamond, Platinum, and Gold
Partners as a benefit of the membership.
The OUM Customer Program allows customers to obtain copies of the method for their internal use
including guidelines, templates, and tailored work breakdown structure. Customers who qualify for
access through the OUM Customer Program are able to download the method materials from the
Oracle OUM Program blog.
6 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Figure 1. Overview: Key Implementation Activities
The current release of the OUM Implementation Approach for Oracle Applications Cloud consists of:
Method Guidance (including a Work Breakdown Structure)
Implementation Approach Overview Course
MS Office Templates
Training includes an Overview course and a Delivery Readiness course, which is accessible to
Oracle partners from the OUM Knowledge Zone on the OPN Portal.
The Oracle ERP Cloud Service subscription provides two environments:
These two environments are identical in size when provisioned. During the implementation, the size
of each environment can be increased for optimal performance. Both environments are provisioned
with English as the default language, however, if requested upon subscription of Oracle ERP Cloud
Service; additional languages will also be applied to the non-production and production
environments. Please note that additional languages will incur a small additional downtime and
In some cases, you might want to request special-purpose environments in addition to the single
non-production environment provided with the service. These additional environments, explained
later on in this white paper, behave like non-production environments. To add additional language
support for additional environments you must raise a service request for the appropriate language
packs to be installed on the additional environments. Please note that additional language packs
are ONLY available for customers who subscribed to an Enterprise Operational Policy.
7 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Implementation tip: We recommend that you identify your sizing requirements for your environments early
in the implementation and ensure that they are adjusted in advance of when you need to support that
number of users and transaction volume. Review the white paper on My Oracle Support Document ID:
2015718.1 onOracle Applications Cloud – Environment Resizing’ and fill in the questionnaire and provide it
to Oracle Cloud Support when you raise a Service Request to have the environment(s) resized. This will
help minimize delays in your implementation. For planning purposes, allow a three (3) week lead-time for
resizing requests.
Accessing environments
Designated Service Administrators will receive automated welcome emails when the environments
are provisioned for an Oracle ERP Cloud customer:
A service activation email with details of your Oracle profile, URLs to access the Cloud Portal,
subscription details for your new environments, Customer Support Identification (CSI) number and
useful links to My Oracle Support websites help you get started.
An email with login credentials and environment URLs will be sent for each provisioned environment
e.g. at minimum one email when the non-production environment is ready for use and another email
when the production environment is ready for use.
If subscribing to the Automated Invoice Processing Service a notification email will be sent
containing the email address to use for invoice images. For planning purposes, allow up to 20 days
to receive this email notification.
The identity of the designated Service Administrator is determined based on the contact information
provided by the customer when the Cloud subscription contract is signed and should ideally be a
person who is assigned to work full time on the implementation project. Be aware that a Service
Administrator assigned to the production environment can be different from the Service
Administrator assigned to the non-production environment. System integrators need to obtain the
CSI number from the customer to engage with Oracle Support on service requests.
Figure 2. Example of service activation email sent by Oracle Cloud Operations to the service administrator
A service administrator can:
View the services assigned and resend service activation emails.
8 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Receive the environment access email with the environment logins and URLs.
Follow the instructions on Service Administrator Action List.
Create additional users (incl. additional service administrators) and set up security profiles.
Add other users or distribution lists that need to receive downtime notifications.
Manage optional service entitlements through support.
Coordinate upgrade scheduling in advance of each new upgrade.
Implementation tip: Set up additional service administrators for each environment to ensure that if a
designated service administrator leaves the company or is unavailable for a period of time, Oracle’s Cloud
notifications will still be sent to other service administrators in the company.
Figure 3. Abstract from the Service Administrator Action List, which is accessed via link in the environment
access email
A link is provided in the Service Administrator Action List to an article on My Oracle Support (Doc ID:
2046113.1) called Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud: Get Started with your
Implementation, which will help you progress quickly with the implementation.
9 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Implementation tips: 1) Ensure user access to essential business functions: Check if all users, other than
implementation users, should be registered as employees first. It is good practice to create the relevant
users as employees first and then let the application create user accounts for them to ensure critical
business functions will work. 2) Adding users who need to receive system availability notifications: A
leading practice that has worked for many customers is to establish a distribution list by the internal email
administrator and the customer’s ERP staff and system integrators are subscribed to that distribution list.
The Service Administrator can then add that distribution list as a notification user of the Oracle ERP Cloud
Service. The people receiving the system availability notifications need not be service administrators.
How to stay informed and How to Request Support
Connected customers experience more value, loyalty, and satisfaction. Customer Connect is one
great way customers can stay connected and get the most from their Oracle services. The more
customers that join, the more value all customers experience. So, get your customers signed up
Customer Connect provides an Enterprise Resource Planning page, which consolidates content
from ERP including Financials, Project Portfolio Management, Procurement and Revenue
Management. On this page, customers can find great resources such as 'Getting Started with ERP'
videos, release documentation, and quick links to ERP-related Forums, Event calendars, and Idea
Labs on the community. The page can also be accessed from the Forums menu, or by clicking the
ERP icon under the Forums section on the Customer Connect homepage.
Figure 4. Accessing Cloud Customer Connect
There are several things customers can do when joining the Oracle Customer Connect Community:
Events: Be the first to know about upcoming events that showcase new release
functionality, and more.
10 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Get Questions Answered: Use discussion forums to pose questions, explore ideas, and
discuss Oracle Applications.
Learn from other customers when you subscribe to the ERP forum to view questions and
Contribute to the Roadmap: Share ideas on product enhancements, vote and comment on
ideas in the Idea Lab Financials.
New! Leverage and share sample Financials Cloud OTBI and BI Publisher reports at the
ERP Report Sharing Center.
Signing up is easy for customers by going to the Cloud Customer Connect home page.
There is a wealth of good documentation available on the Release Readiness, Applications Help
and websites that will help you progress with your Oracle ERP Cloud
Project and Environment Usage Planning
A critical step in the project planning process is to develop a time phased environment usage plan
that describes the implementation tasks and the environment where they will take place aligned with
the overall project timeline. In general, the non-production environment supports all non-production
activities. The sole purpose of the production environment is to run your real day-to-day business
operations and should not be used for non-production activities.
Figure 5. Typical Oracle ERP Cloud Service Environment Usage in an implementation lifecycle
Production Environment
A production environment is intended to support the ongoing management of your Oracle ERP Cloud
Service applications in production for day-to-day real time business operations by authorized staff.
Oracle ERP Cloud Service ensures that the production environment is maintained to the most current
update levels (refer to section on Cloud Updates in this document), always providing notifications to
customers in advance of any maintenance downtime as a result of Cloud updates. When a new
release of the Oracle ERP Cloud Service software is available, Oracle Cloud Support will work with
the customer to schedule the upgrade of the production environment, and upgrades can take place
multiple times in a calendar year.
11 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Note: After Release 13, there will be no more upgrades. Moving forward, additional releases will be
deployed via quarterly updates. Refer to the chapter on Updates for additional information.
Non-production Environment
A non-production environment supports all non-production activities for managing the Oracle ERP
Cloud Service implementation lifecycle. This includes:
Familiarization and prototyping through functional prototype workshops commonly referred
to as Conference Room Pilots (CRP).
Development of extensions (reporting, pages, interfaces).
End user acceptance testing of configurations and data loading prior to going live.
Pre-upgrade validation (Oracle will notify customers of upgrades and allow customers time
to test upgraded data in the non-production environment prior to upgrading the production
Initial configuration of the non-production environment performed for early CRPs could be enhanced
and reused for subsequent test cycle iterations during the Validate phase.
To isolate test data and ensure data integrity between various test cycles (such as proof of concept,
integration, and user acceptance), you can configure additional enterprise structures on the non-
production environment. You can use Rapid Implementation spreadsheets as described in the
Content Migration chapter in this document to help speed up the creation of additional enterprise
Implementation tip: It is very important that you take a holistic approach to enterprise configuration given
that Oracle ERP Cloud service is a highly integrated solution with multiple dependencies. Even if you are
implementing a single pillar (ERP, HCM, CX) it is important to design an enterprise configuration that can
grow with the customer. Refer to the Multiple Pillar Oracle Cloud Implementation Best Practices
Once a non-production configuration is signed off by the customer, it is migrated to the production
environment either manually or using some of the content migration tools described in the chapter on
Data Migration, Integration and Extensibility within this white paper.
The non-production environment is typically refreshed from the production environment for
simplification referred to as Production-To-Test (P2T) copy at selected project milestones, for
instance right after completing validated configuration in the production environment. It is, however,
not possible to request a Test-to-Production copy. Test-To-Test (T2T) copy service is also available
when a customer requires synchronization across their multiple non-production environments.
Additional Environments
Some customers subscribe to additional cloud environments due to the complexity of their operating
environments. A couple of business cases are illustrated below where additional cloud environments
may be required:
12 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
A large, global implementation project with a phased roll out to different countries. Let’s say
that the customer has gone live on Oracle ERP Cloud Service for their UK operations. A
copy of the UK production environment to a non-production environment is made available
for regular maintenance. Meanwhile the customer’s global implementation team has an
Oracle ERP Cloud Service implementation underway for its French operations, and thus an
additional non-production environment for the French operations design, configuration,
validation, and transition phases of the project would be needed. Once the configuration
and reference data for the French operations have been transitioned to the production
environment, both the UK and French Operations will operate within a single instance in
the production environment.
A phased implementation project where the customer has gone live on Oracle ERP Cloud
Service but there are plans to subsequently implement Oracle HCM Cloud Service. A copy
of the Oracle ERP Cloud Service production environment to a non-production environment
is made available for regular maintenance. The Oracle HCM Cloud Service project is
commenced using a separate non-production environment for the design, configuration,
validation and transition phases of the project. This approach ensures that you have a
separate non-production environment that is exactly like production for internal
testing/support activities.
Subscription to additional environments is subject to extra fees. You can contact your Oracle
account sales representative for further information on fees for additional environments.
Instance Management
Implementations should create an instance management plan early in the implementation and
proactively identify services required for instance management. Best practice is to have these
events noted as a line item in the project plan to identify potential impact based on schedule
Figure 6. Sample Instance Management Plan
Additional information regarding instance management plans and templates can be found on MOS
(Doc Id: 2351681.1 Instance Management Plan for Oracle Cloud ERP services).
A comprehensive list of requests, which can be raised with Oracle Cloud Operations, is available on
My Oracle Support in the article on Oracle Applications Cloud Service Entitlements (Doc ID
All Oracle Cloud Services are subject to the Oracle Cloud Enterprise Hosting and Delivery Policies,
which may be viewed at
13 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Manage and Monitor Your Own Services
As a Service Administrator, you have access to the Oracle Cloud My Services Portal, which
provides a single access point for all your Oracle Cloud service lifecycle management needs. The
portal is role-based and provides both business and operational details of your Oracle Cloud.
The Oracle Cloud My Services portal is the one place you will go to provision new services, manage
existing resources in the cloud, schedule P2Ts and monitor the overall cloud instance performance.
It provides information such as notifications with the ability to track service usage and important
statistics. To login to the My Services Portal, use your Oracle Cloud user profile.
Figure 7. Oracle Cloud My Services Portal Service Status
The Oracle Cloud My Services portal can be used to verify environment updates schedule and
scheduled unavailability of your cloud service environments.
Cloud Updates
While planning an Oracle ERP Cloud Service implementation, you need to carefully consider Oracle’s
regular cloud release updates and service lead times for Production-to-Test copies well in advance.
Further details are available in the following documents on My Oracle Support site:
Doc ID: 1966109.1 Oracle Applications Cloud Applications Update Policy
Doc ID: 1597086.1 Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues and Update
Doc ID: 1554124.1 Oracle Procurement Cloud Functional Known Issues and Update
Doc ID: 1545504.1 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Functional Known Issues
and Update Documents
Oracle Cloud Release Readiness Quarterly Updates (Spotlights, New Feature Summary,
What’s New)
14 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
By default, Oracle ERP Cloud Service customers are on a quarterly cloud update schedule where
the quarterly updates are applied to the non-production environment on the first Friday of the month
and applied to the production environment on the third Friday of the same month (except for the
Middle East where it is the respective Thursdays instead of Fridays). Full information is provided to
cloud customers on the product updates provided in these cloud updates via system outage
notifications announced ahead of time. This allows customers time (i.e. 2 weeks) to validate
transaction processes and reports on the non-production environment prior to the quarterly cloud
updates being applied to the production environment.
The Oracle Cloud Release Readiness portal is your single point to get up to speed on the latest cloud
release and ensure your upgrade is a success with Oracle's Release Readiness assets.
Figure 8. Oracle Cloud Release Readiness Portal
Implementation tip: Utilize the What’s New section in the Oracle Cloud Release Readiness, portal and the
Oracle Applications Cloud Known Issues and Update Documents (Doc ID 1603154.1) to perform an update
impact assessment.
Concurrent Updates
If an Oracle ERP Cloud customer is not live and not in production, the Concurrent Update option (see
also My Oracle Support Doc ID: 1646394.1) provides additional flexibility in utilizing Oracle ERP
15 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Cloud environment services and minimizing environment downtime. Utilize Concurrent Updates to
keep production and non-production environments at the same update level.
If an Oracle ERP Cloud customer decides to go with Concurrent Updates:
The outage for both environments will occur simultaneously every month since your
production and non-production environments are updated at the same time.
Both production and non-production environments remain at the same update level at all
Youll need to plan the Concurrent Update end date for the last day of the month prior to the
go-live month. Concurrent updates can only be requested via a SR. If the go-live date
changes, then you will need to update the SR request accordingly with the new date.
This also facilitates a wider timeframe for Production-to-Test (P2T) copy to be executed.
Note: Oracle has to ensure all Oracle ERP Cloud Service customers have the latest code updates and
functionality and that means that the cloud updates are mandatory. There is no option for Oracle ERP
Cloud Service customers to opt-out of cloud updates.
Exception Cloud Updates
As with any implementation there may arise the need to have updates that are more frequent during
the implementation. Monthly updates are available upon request. System integrators need to be
aware that a service request must be raised with Oracle Cloud Support to request how the updates
should be handled for the two environments at the start of implementation project and around go-live
(once go-live date is set).
Note: If a customer has been approved by Oracle to be on an exception cloud update schedule then the
customer must remain on the exception cadence until the next quarterly update cadence. The System
Integrator and Customer should plan for additional downtime(s) during the implementation.
Oracle ERP Cloud Service upgrades may take place multiple times in a calendar year. System
integrators need to advise cloud customers to nominate a project manager or a team leader to set
aside time and resources to prepare for each upgrade, research new features, plan for upgrade
validation tasks, allowing time to test business processes and reporting after the non-production
environment upgrade and allowing time to validate data and reports after the production upgrade.
Service Administrators can review available upgrade dates, schedule, confirm and reschedule their
upgrade dates in My Services. No Service Request (SR) is required and customers who log SRs will
be redirected to My Services.
Each new release of Oracle ERP Cloud software typically includes new offerings and features. New
with Oracle ERP cloud service is the ability to enable or “opt in” to new functionality. This approach
provides the Systems Implementer/Customer the ability to control when new functionality is deployed
to users. For additional information, refer to the “Enable Offerings for Oracle Applications Cloud
Release 13 Upgrade” MOS document (Doc ID 2318112.1)
16 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Upgrade testing should first focus on validating existing functionality before expanding to new
functionality to be deployed.
As you prepare for Release 13, review the Important Upgrade Documents and Webcasts:
Release Readiness documentation for Release 13.
Oracle Cloud Applications - Release Upgrade Planning (Upgrade process).
Oracle Cloud Applications - Performing Your Upgrade (Pre/Post upgrade steps).
Watch for additional R13 webcasts found at Oracle Cloud Customer Connect.
Implementation tip: Generally, most Oracle ERP Cloud Service customers want a recent a copy of the
production environment prior to an upgrade, so ensure you advise the customer to raise a Service Request
for a P2T several weeks in advance of a planned upgrade of the non-production environment.
Note: Release 13 is the last major release of Oracle ERP cloud services. Moving forward, additional
functionality will be deployed via quarterly updates.
Overall key considerations for any Oracle ERP Cloud Service
Business Solution Expectations: A public cloud deployment model has the potential to bring
out the best of an ERP solution. However, this will require the customer to adapt their
expectations of what ERP software should do and should not do. The implementation
should take a solution-driven requirements management approach versus the traditional
requirements-driven management approach.
Executives and ERP users must embrace on-going updates to the service. The Oracle ERP
Cloud service update cycle is more frequent than the typical update cycles the customer
experienced in their current on-premise ERP system. The key limitation to executives not
experiencing greater business value from their existing ERP investment is the inability to
upgrade quickly given customizations made to the on-premise software. Oracle Cloud ERP
service provides you the ability to make extensions that are “upgrade-safe”.
Online vs. Offline reporting/analysis. Oracle ERP Cloud is fundamentally designed for the
business user to perform analysis and make decisions online versus an offline fashion (MS
Excel, emails, etc.). There are exception processing features that streamline management
reviews (management by exception). This design approach also will eliminate the large
volume reports that the customer may have created in the past strictly for backup purposes
(eliminating costs). This will require a significant organizational change for users that are
used to offline reporting and analysis. There should be a reinforcement to do everything in
the ERP cloud service and minimize costly offline activities.
Executive support is not enough. The customer must make a business decision regarding
how much of an investment to make in end users. It will be end users that will enter source
transactions and perform the transactional activities that will generate the information utilized
by executives. If the end users are not enabled (educated & trained) then there will be
exponential impact on the business value that executives can realize.
Implementation Tip: A general recommendation is a minimum of 30% costs associated with user
enablement, training and participation throughout the implementation.
17 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Oracle ERP Cloud has the flexibility to support a country-first or a global-first
configuration. This will be one of the first business decisions that will impact your
enterprise configuration. Utilize the following Oracle Cloud whitepaper that addresses both
Shared Services and Enterprise Structures.
Gathering business requirements can be a lengthy process. Given that Oracle ERP Cloud
service is a public cloud service, utilizing a traditional requirements-driven approach is not
in the best interest of Oracle, Oracle Partners and most importantly, the customer.
Leading Practice: Utilize a solution-driven approach for gathering business requirements.
A solution-driven approach will ensure that the customer is maximizing their value from the
Oracle ERP cloud service. Leverage Oracle’s detailed business process models to quickly
(a) identify scope, (b) business requirements, and (c) how the ERP Cloud Service supports
the customer’s business processes.
o Utilize the Detailed Business Models (see MOS Document ID 1542019.1) to better
understand how a specific business process is supported. There are five levels
(L1-L5) with each level providing a greater level of explanation. The business
process model moves from a conceptual level (L1) to a specific business task
level (L5) with the corresponding Oracle ERP Cloud Service functionality.
o The Detailed Business Models can be used to identify the organizational change
required to support the Oracle ERP Cloud service. This is performed by
comparing the existing customer’s organizational roles/responsibilities to Oracle’s
defined business process roles/responsibilities defined in the Business Process
Use Oracle’s predefined duty roles to accelerate and streamline ERP deployment and
operation - they provide access to the privileges needed for your essential activities. Use
Advanced Access Controls to determine compliance with separation of duties requirements
(SoD), especially if you modify roles, combine them, or assign more than one to a user.
Use the Security Reference for Oracle Financials Cloud to review the standard predefined
roles and privileges to determine how the seeded security model supports your existing
security model.
Copy Predefined Roles before Customizing. Copy Role and Compare Roles are
supported in the Security Console
Don’t Grant Resources Directly to Roles. Granting resources directly to roles complicates
In general, assigning a large number of roles to a user might impact performance,
particularly when the system needs to check the authorization policies for the user.
o Consider Segregation of Duties when creating custom roles.
Consider how to migrate suppliers, customers, open transactions and balances as well as
historical data. For projects, you will have to consider how to migrate project, plan, budget,
forecast, contract, billing and revenue transactions as well as historical data. The next
section in this white paper goes into more detail on Data Migration, Integration and
Data validation is a critical task in data migration. Given the importance, Oracle has
provided the following guidance to support your implementation (Doc Id 2084189.1) “How
to Verify Data Conversion Results”.
18 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Given that Oracle’s ERP Cloud service is a “public” Cloud service, customers generally
convert between 2-5 years of data depending on their use cases and regulatory
o If additional space is required then speak with your Oracle Success Management
partner to confirm that the appropriate sizing requirements have been
communicated to Oracle. Additional costs may apply based on the cloud service
o Conversion of payment history should not be part of the data conversion scope.
The following is guidance on the key data items to include as part of your data conversion
o General Ledger: Balances for current year and prior year.
o Payables: Open balances and the Suppliers to support converted balances.
Consider including transactions with related configuration data that still require
Value Added Tax (VAT) declaration.
o Receivables: Open balances and the Customers to support converted balances.
Try to pay off as many partially paid invoices as possible. Apply for as many
credits and prepayments before you initiate your data conversion to minimize data
conversion complexities. Consider including transactions with related
configuration data that still require Value Added Tax (VAT) declaration.
o Purchasing: Convert open purchase orders with current quantity remaining.
Make sure all open purchase orders are waiting on receipt of merchandise (i.e.
minimize closed purchase orders).
o Order Management: Convert open orders.
o Fixed Assets: Current assets as of the month of go-live. You can convert old
assets that are being tracked focusing on asset owner and asset locations).
o Employees: Active or inactive employees for the current and prior year.
Leading practice is to take a risk-adverse, iterative data conversion approach to ensure
proactive management of potential data issues.
Implementation Best Practice: The implementation should have at least three data conversions (initial Non-
production, full in Non-production environment, full in Production environment).
Implementation Tip: Although not mandatory, many customers convert ‘X’ periods of closed Receivables
transactions (with a transaction type that is set up to not invoice or record accounting entries). This
approach enables the calculation of certain KPI’s such as average days paid late or for exception
processing related to issuing credits for invoices that may have been paid or to deal with payments that
have been misapplied.
Ensure the implementation team is made aware of the system requirements for supported browser
versions and optimum screen resolutions to ensure as smooth a user experience as possible.
Refer to the “System Requirements for Oracle Applications Cloud” site for additional
19 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Oracle has developed a functional configuration leading practices guide for Oracle Partners
and customers to utilize during their ERP cloud implementation. Refer to Oracle ERP
Cloud Guided Path and Configuration Leading Practices (Doc ID 2226879.1).
Implementation Tip: Execute the Enterprise Structures Setup Report before conducting the Proof of
Concept to validate configuration setup.
Testing is the key validation activity that confirms service configuration, integrations,
business workflows and data migration is complete and successful. Testing also confirms
that the customer’s organization has adapted to the new solution.
o Leading Practice: Simulate a month end close as part of your testing activities.
This will be useful when submitting the resizing request for your Production
o Keep your test scripts to reuse as needed to validate periodic ERP Cloud Service
Note: At this time, Oracle ERP Cloud Service does not provide automation tools/services for test scripts.
Review the ‘ERP Cloud Service Checklist’ available on My Oracle Support in Doc ID
199562JU1.1. This checklist document has been created as guidance in preparation for
go-live and for on-going Oracle ERP Cloud activities, the customer must consider
subsequent to the go-live.
Implementation tip: Use Rapid Implementation Spreadsheets and File Based Data Import files to track the
master configuration and master content to be loaded into your production environment, and keep the
master configuration and content up-to-date as a result of your prior test cycles.
Cloud Services: Shared Support Model
o Oracle ERP Cloud service utilizes a shared support model across Oracle Support
and the customer’s ERP support team.
o Understanding and embracing Oracle’s Cloud Support model is a key success
metric for any implementation. It is the key communication vehicle for Cloud
implementation issues that require Oracle assistance.
o Leading practice: The project team needs to decide who will log service requests,
who will manage service requests, and who will escalate service requests.
Confirmation of system access to complete these tasks is also required.
o Set up a level one helpdesk that includes the customer’s business and IT
analyst(s) that can provide support to the end users. The selected business and
IT analyst(s) should receive Oracle training on the Cloud applications
implemented and should obtain knowledge transfer from the SI on the system
design and configuration options implemented.
o My Oracle Support’s website provides extensive knowledge management content
with the ‘Oracle Applications Cloud – Your Soft Landing in the Cloud’ page (Doc
ID 110.2) and more specifically also an Oracle ERP Cloud Landing Page (Doc ID
20 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
1982039.2). You can get up to speed with what’s new and changed for the latest
Key considerations specific to Oracle Financials Cloud Service
Enterprise structures provide a framework for developing and managing your Chart of
Accounts, ledgers, legal entities, and business units to meet your accounting and reporting
requirements. Following are the key enterprise structures to consider as part of your
o Enterprise (Group)
o Legal Entities (Companies)
o Ledgers (Books)
o Business Units
o Cost Centers (Departments
Figure 9. Enterprise Structure Overview
Implementation Tips: Utilize the seeded value of “Enterprise” for the enterprise structure. Each registered
company (with its own tax ID) should be defined as a legal entity in Oracle ERP Cloud. Each legal entity is
accounted for in only a one ledger, but one ledger can serve multiple legal entities.
Identify the real legal entities, management entities and business divisions/operations and
map these to enterprise structures in Oracle ERP Cloud Service e.g., Ledger Sets, Ledgers,
Legal Entities, Business Units and so forth.
21 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Identify transaction processing, tax and reporting requirements to enable you to design the
Chart of Accounts optimally for the business. Oracle has produced a white paper that
discusses enterprise structures and chart of account designs and more. It is called ‘Oracle
ERP Cloud Service Introduction for CFOs and System Integrators’.
Decide on how many account hierarchies will be needed for the purpose of accounting and
reporting, as you can define multiple versions of account hierarchies to support varied
business needs. You can benefit from reviewing the white paper on My Oracle Support, Doc
ID 1520970.1 ‘Oracle General Ledger Hierarchies: Recommendations and Leading
Practices’ prior to commencing the implementation.
Consider whether Account Alias configuration will help ease journal entry and transaction
processing for the data entry staff, and enable the Shorthand Alias check box in the Manage
Shorthand Aliases within Functional Setup Manager.
Figure 10. Chart of Accounts Design Flow
Implementation Tips: If possible, define one Chart of Accounts for the entire enterprise. This approach will
ensure report consistency and streamline consolidations. It is strongly recommended you use the Data
Type of “Character” and Subtype of “Text”. This allows for better flexibility in extending your chart of
accounts to use both characters and numbers.
The first step in defining your Business Unit structures across Financials and HCM is to
review the features associated with each type of Business Unit / business function before
deciding what organization levels Business Units will represent.
Financial Reporting Center brings together report output across all Oracle Financials Cloud
applications into a single, central location for customers to access. You can easily retrieve
the output for reports you access most often, add reports to your Favorites so that you can
easily find them, and browse through a list of all reports to which you have access.
22 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Figure 11. Illustration of report types that are available in the Financial Reporting Center.
Decide which reporting tools would be appropriate for varied reporting needs. Ensure that you
identify power business users who will be responsible for each of the reporting tools, to ensure
key reports are defined and reporting procedures are documented for other users who need
access to the relevant reporting tools. Different reporting tools serve different purposes, as
outlined below:
Financial Reporting Studio Reports provide boardroom quality financial statements
and departmental reports, which can be viewed in the user’s preferred format HTML,
PDF, or MS Office. CFOs can export financial statements to MS Office products, such
as PowerPoint, Excel or Word, and refresh the results within those desktop applications
with a single click.
Smart View is an Excel plug-in that allows your financial users to perform ad hoc multi-
dimensional analysis on general ledger balances.
Self-service reports enable you to analyze and investigate account balances. For
instance, Sunburst enables you to pivot data for ease of analysis. Account groups are
easy-to-use reporting components that save queries on account balances that require
regular monitoring. The results of the account group balances inquiry are displayed in
the Account Monitor in the General Accounting Dashboard. The account groups can
also be displayed on Revenue, Expenses or Allocations infolets. Account Groups and
Sunburst reporting are available on any device: both desktop web browser and tablet
optimized reporting with the Mobile Financial Reporting Center.
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) for Financials provides the
ability to build custom queries on transactional data, and the output can be downloaded
to Microsoft Excel.
BI Publisher (BIP) delivers out-of-the-box reports, which can handle high transaction
volumes. BI Publisher reports can be configured to extract the data in Rich Text Format,
Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel or XML. BI Publisher gives control to power business users
who can develop skills to use BI P template builder as an add-in to MS Word to create
custom Payment formats such as checks to suppliers and Receivable invoices /
23 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
remittances. Its bursting engine can also take a batch of data, splitting the data into
individual documents and then delivering them to multiple recipients in various formats.
The Oracle Customer Connect Community provides a BI Publisher Learning Center,
which provides training on how to create a report, customize a report, and extensibility
using online layout editor.
You can find more information about the OTBI and BI Publisher reports available for
Oracle Financials Cloud here.
Figure 12. Oracle ERP Cloud Reporting Tools Overview
Tip: To create a report that queries balances and allows drill down to journals, use the General Ledger -
Transactional Balances Real Time and the General Ledger - Journals Real Time subject areas. Other than
that, it is advised that you do not create reports that cross BI subject areas. Such reports may result in less
than optimal performance and are hard to maintain.
Identify the project roles for the business and the data access required for each role. For an
overview of the seeded roles and privileges, refer to the Oracle Financials Cloud Security
Oracle ERP Cloud Service allows a single payment business unit to process payments for
invoices of multiple business units. The same principle applies to customer receipt
processing. In addition, for Payables invoices, you can perform cross currency payments so
that you can pay invoices in any currency, irrespective of the currency on an invoice.
Therefore, you need to establish if such capabilities are needed. For additional information,
please refer to the following whitepaper: Oracle Financials Cloud: Shared Service Centers
Obtain the designated e-mail accounts for both non-production and production cloud
environments before scanning or emailing the invoices to Oracle ERP Cloud Service (refer
to chapter on Accessing Environments). In order to get the best recognition result, make
sure the scanner is setup properly and the addresses of suppliers are setup correctly in the
24 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
application. Before implementing, it is highly recommended you read the ‘Oracle Integrated
Invoice Imaging Guide’ available on My Oracle Support in Doc ID: 1966280.1.
Implementation Tip: Log a Service Request (SR) titled “QA Health Check at least 1 week or more before
User Acceptance Testing. Log a similar SR for the production environment at least1 weeks before go-live.
This action will ensure scanner is setup properly, supports 300 DPI compression and identifies duplicate
Customers subscribing to Oracle Expenses Cloud Service - Hosted Expense Report, who
are planning to use the Expense Imaging feature will need to log a Service Request early in
the project (2-4 weeks before needed) to enable this feature. Oracle support will provide
customers with the Expense email addresses they will need to start using this functionality.
There may be approval requirements that must be addressed as part of your implementation
in order to comply with internal or external controls, so it’s important that you identify and
document these requirements at the start of the project. This will enable you to map
business requirements to configuration required in Oracle ERP Cloud Service. My Oracle
Support provides guidance in respect of approvals configuration with Doc ID 2315701.1
“Oracle Fusion Financial Approval Workflow”.
Functional Setup Manager (FSM) in Oracle ERP Cloud Service provides implementers with
a self-service portal that is used to identify the setup tasks you need based on your project
scope, assign tasks by business user, and collaborate on the team’s progress through the
use of notes and status. Included within FSM is a subset of tasks focused on ‘Rapid
Implementation.’ The Rapid Implementation tasks include the recommended minimum
setup requirement.
Some tasks include spreadsheet templates that can be used to quickly upload key setup
such as enterprise structure and chart of account values. You can identify the spreadsheet
templates by searching on ‘spreadsheet’ within the Task field in the Functional Setup
Implementation Tip: You should run diagnostic tests to perform a health check and data validation on the
enterprise structures setup data. For additional information on available configuration validation reports,
please refer to the follow MOS article (DOC ID: 1338511.1 - What Diagnostic Tests Are Available For
Fusion Financials.).
Key considerations specific to Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service
Identify the current footprint in terms of your client’s existing ledgers used for corporate reporting
and national statutory reporting respectively.
Discuss and understand your client’s decision on retrospective adoption of ASC 606 / IFRS 15
e.g. restatement or disclosure. To support the retrospective adoption approaches your client can
chose to:
continue using their deferred revenue systems through cut-over day in the Corporate ledger as
required by ASC 605 / IAS 18;
execute their ASC 606 / IFRS 15 GRC validation through iterative modeling in an additional
Secondary Ledger.
25 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
assemble their ASC 606 / IFRS 15 Adoption Opening Retrospective Sub Ledger Balances in that
ASC 606 /IFRS 15 Adoption additional secondary Ledger.
Use Oracle’s cutover utility to point the new ASC 606 / IFRS 15 fully populated sub ledger to
the original corporate ledger, and turn off the deferred revenue systems for that ledger.
If you need deferred revenue after the cut over date, use your existing systems and
Subledger Accounting to populate a non-Corporate ledger.
Be sure to get an ASC 606 / IFRS 15 (not an ASC 605 / IAS 18) articulation of your client’s
main revenue use cases that they have validated with an accounting advisor, tabulate them
in “review at inception” mode (a phrase from the standard) and analyze that table in terms of
the data needed to identify and process them.
Ensure that your client with every use case documents, inception-, billing-, and
satisfaction event (revenue) triggers, standalone selling or estimated selling prices
and the related pricing policies, contract revisions, and the expected accounting
entries throughout the life cycle of the accounting contract.
When you have obtained the use case data, set the product up in a Cloud pod
reflecting the client’s standard business environment (customers, items,
accounting, enterprise structure etc.).
Then create a first draft set of rules in Revenue Management to automatically
identify and create accounting contracts and performance obligations and to
account for contract liabilities, contract assets, and revenue.
Import the oldest relevant data (typically on a period-by-period basis such as
January 2016, February 2016 etc.), test the rules, and review the results in an
Enterprise Performance Tool (EPM) such as Oracle Planning and Budgeting
Cloud, or Oracle Hyperion Essbase. If your client doesn’t like the results, discard
the contracts, revise the rules, and try again. Save each iteration in EPM. When
the results are validated by your client as giving the appropriate outcome, save the
results in EPM, and book the transaction output in the additional secondary ledger,
and import more source data for subsequent periods.
Your client can use the EPM data to plan and budget next year’s revenue, to validate your
Governance, Risk and Compliance around the new standard, and perhaps, in the client’s
external reporting.
The data that is posting to the additional secondary ledger will support a revised
“retrospective” opening balance sheet on cutover day. It will become subledger data to your
regular ledger on that date. Oracle provides a cutover utility that will support your adoption
journal entry, and replace the old-rules deferred revenue processes you will stop using.
For additional information on Revenue Management, utilize the Release 13 Readiness portal at the
Oracle Cloud website.
Key considerations specific to Oracle PPM Cloud Service
Organizational Design
From a financial perspective identify and map the requirement for accounting,
reporting, planning, cost collection and revenue generation functions to the
appropriate Business Unit, Project Unit, Project Owning Organization and
Expenditure Organization. This key consideration should be reviewed alongside
the Financials Chart of Accounts design.
A project unit defines a set of rules and options for creating and managing the
nonfinancial aspects of projects, such as project definition, scheduling, and
reporting. You can define one or more project units based on how granular you
want to separate processing options, reference data, security, and other controls.
The list of project units can be different and independent from the list of business
26 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
units that perform your enterprise financials functions, such as payables and
Figure 13. Diagram of Project Business Unit to Financial Business Unit alignment
Implementation Tip: If a business unit isn't associated with any project unit, then the business unit is valid
for all project units.
Centralized configuration for speedy setup
The rapid implementation feature enables you to:
Define the most important attributes that are required to set up the Project Financial
Management offering. Use the ProjectsDataUpload.xlsm spreadsheet that has
worksheets for key business objects.
The worksheets contain the most important attributes you must define. Additional
attributes are automatically populated during the upload process.
Implement the Leading practices as default setup options. Use setup values based on
common Leading practices. You can disable any value that isn't applicable to your
Set up project organizations without hierarchies for simple organization structures
For additional information on utilizing rapid implementation templates for Project
Financial Management, navigate to the Rapid Implementation of Project Financial
Management Applications in the Oracle Help Center.
Project Roles and Data Access
Identify the project roles for the business and the data access required for each role. For
an overview of the seeded roles and privileges, review the section “Secure PPM Cloud
at the site.
Project Accounting Calendars
27 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Determine the calendar periods that each business unit requires for planning and
reporting. Will the General Ledger calendar meet the requirements or is a more granular
(weekly) time interval required? Ensure that any calendar created can accommodate
any converted data.
Reporting Requirements
Depending on how the organization wishes to track and report on project-based work
consideration should be given to how best to utilize Service Types, Work Types, Project
Classifications and Descriptive Flexfields to manage data.
You can find more information about the OBIA, OTBI, and BI Publisher reports available
for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud here.
Project Planning Requirements
Planning Resource Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical list of resources related by
function and resource type that is used to facilitate planning, controlling and reporting on
project-based work. Decide how resource elements, inventory items (if applicable) and
resource classes are to be structured to meet the organizational project planning needs.
As a project moves through its lifecycle there may be approval requirements enabling
stronger project management and financial management control. Determine which
project statuses require approvals and if budgets and forecasts additionally require
Key considerations specific to Oracle Procurement Cloud Service
Shared Services or Individual Procurement organizations
Oracle Procurement Cloud provides new flexibility to deliver shared services for
procurement. Designed around the ability to create purchasing centers of excellence,
procurement activities can be executed across business units, within business units or
with a hybrid approach. You will need to understand the organizational structures and
desired procurement processes in order to define the right service provider relationships
and assign the appropriate business functions to each Business Unit.
Reporting requirements
Depending on how the organization wishes to track and report on purchasing spend,
consideration should be given to how best to utilize Purchasing Categories and
Descriptive Flexfields.
You can find more information about the OTBI, and BI Publisher reports available for
Oracle Procurement Cloud here.
Transaction Accounting
Some businesses would like to automate the derivation of charge accounts on
transactions based upon their corporate policies. Transaction Account Builder (TAB)
provides a flexible mechanism to derive accounting for procurement transactions. TAB
is the component of Subledger Accounting, which is solely responsible for building or
defaulting the accounts on a transaction such that appropriate accounting entries can be
created against such transaction accounts. Work with your financials counterpart to
manage transaction accounting and building TAB rules. Refer to the “Define Transaction
Accounting for Procurement” section in the Oracle Procurement Cloud Implementing
Procurement guide.
Self Service Procurement Catalog Considerations
Keeping catalog management simple is a priority for cloud customers. In many cases,
description-based agreement ordering is going to meet the requirements and setting up
items may not be needed. However, a complete purchasing category structure is
required to deliver a complete search and browse experience. Understanding the
28 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
requirement for the catalog before defining the structure will save time and reduce the
ongoing maintenance complexity for Self Service Procurement catalog management.
Approvals play a critical role in the procurement processes. There can be approvals for
Requisitions, Agreements, Purchase Orders, Change Orders, Contracts, and
Negotiations. Each of these document types will have unique workflow requirements.
Oracle Procurement Cloud Service delivers a unified, rules-based workflow engine that
drives approvals and notifications. For an overview of approvals in Procurement, see:
Define Approval Management for Procurement’ in the Oracle Procurement Cloud
Implementation Procurement guide.
Centralized configuration for speedy setup
Functional Setup Manager (FSM) in Oracle ERP Cloud Service includes Rapid
Implementation options. You can use the 'Define Procurement Configuration for Rapid
Implementation’ to identify the recommended minimum setup requirement. You can
learn more about Procurement Cloud Rapid Implementation via the Help Center (link).
Inbound Integration
Oracle ERP Cloud Service provides the following methods for inbound integration of data:
Application Development Framework (ADF) Desktop Integration (ADFdi)
SOAP Web Services
File Based Data Import (FBDI)
ADF Desktop Integration (ADFdi) provides desktop integration with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for
the purpose of importing small to medium volumes of data into Oracle ERP Cloud Service typically
as part of day-to-day management (instead of initial data migration). ADFdi requires applications user
login to ensure data is securely accessed and provides great interactive capabilities with list of values
for many fields and online validation of data in the worksheet upon upload. Data obtained from
another environment can be copied and pasted into the ADFdi template provided that the data is
consistent and dependencies, if any, are met.
A practical implementation example of when you could use ADFdi is when you need to load currency
conversion rates on a regular basis to use for subsequent transaction processing.
Implementation tip: Load your budgets into General Ledger with ADFdi instead of File Based Data Import
because ADFdi will validate your budget accounts, periods, and more, immediately upon upload and
highlight any errors for you to correct in your budget upload.
The Oracle ERP Cloud service is transitioning from a traditional SOAP architecture to a more efficient
REST web architecture.
29 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Complete the following prerequisites before you start working with Oracle Applications Cloud REST
Confirm your version of Oracle Applications Cloud to determine the URI path for your REST
API requests. Contact your system administrator for assistance.
Be familiar with JSON and cURL (the command-line tool for transferring data using URI
Choose a version of the REST framework. See Setting the REST Framework Version.
Enable a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) endpoint in your application server in order to access
REST APIs. For more information, see URL Paths for REST Services.
Review these topics to better understand the key terms and concepts:
Resource Types
Resource Methods
Supported Data Types
Know which REST URL to use. Use the Request tab to understand the parameters and the
Examples tab to review an example request.
For additional information regarding the available REST endpoints, utilize the following link to online
Help Center.
Use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) web services to integrate with or extend Oracle
Applications Cloud. To discover the public external SOAP web services in Oracle Applications Cloud,
you can use the SOAP Web Services guides for the appropriate Oracle Applications Cloud service,
Developer Connect, or the Service Catalog Service.
Implementation tip: It is recommended that you utilize REST web services. If a REST web service is not
available then utilize the SOAP web service associated with the component.
Oracle File Based Data Import (FBDI) is used when there is a need for high volume data uploads to
Oracle ERP Cloud Service. It is used for both legacy data migration as well as daily or regular import
of data. To identify the File-Based Data Imports available for Oracle ERP Cloud service, you can use
the FBDI guides located on the Oracle Help Center.
Some practical examples where you would use FBDI for high volume upload on a daily or regular
basis are:
Customer invoices
Project Contracts
Project Tasks
Projects Unprocessed (see above table)
Supplier invoices
Lockbox receipts
30 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
For more details on how to use these integration tools, refer to the Using External Data Integration
Services for Oracle ERP Cloud (Doc ID 2102800.1) in My Oracle Support.
Outbound Integration
Data extraction from Oracle ERP Cloud service to a 3rd party or legacy on premise system can be
performed either via a manual or automated method.
Reporting tools can be used to extract data from Oracle ERP Cloud Service for further analysis. The
extracted data can be imported data into external systems via XML, Excel or other file types.
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Reporting can be used to extract data for import
into your external systems. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides the ability to build
custom queries on transactional data, and the output can be downloaded to Excel.
BI Publisher (BIP) delivers out-of-the-box reports, which can handle high transaction volumes and
can be exported as CSV files for import into external systems.
Automating the export of data from Oracle ERP Cloud typically consists of the following steps:
1. Create a BI Publisher report(s) using the respective Enterprise Scheduler (ESS) job or BI
Publisher Dashboard.
2. Invoke the Oracle ERP Integration Service to initiate the respective export job.
3. Provide notification through asynchronous callback upon completion.
4. Deliver the status and information using callback to access extracted data file(s) from the
Oracle ERP Cloud.
5. Review any errors if applicable and take appropriate action, such as process the data
extracted for further downstream business operation needs.
The following diagram outlines the steps involved in the automated data export process:
31 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Figure 14. Diagram of Automate Data Export Process
Implementation Tip: BI Publisher is the recommended reporting tool for outbound integration as it can
handle high transaction volumes and the report formats can be saved as .csv files. To ensure good report
performance, it is advisable to use only seeded BI Publisher XML extracts that come with seeded report
templates to create new report templates. Ensure you confirm performance and load balancing on the BI
server on the non-production environment before migrating the reports to the production environment.
Content Migration
Oracle ERP Cloud Service provides the following methods to migrate content between cloud
environments as illustrated in Table below.
Content Migration Support
Functional Setup
Functional Setup Manager (FSM) Configuration
Package export/import migrates all setup for a
Logical Business Object (LBO)
Scope (FSM concept): allows row-level migration
but is enabled only for a few Financials LBO’s
Scope enabled Financials LBOs currently include:
Business Unit, Ledger, and Subledger Application
It is worth noting that consideration should be
given to unwanted data in non-production when
using FSM to migrate some setup data to
production. An option is to simply end date
(1/1/1900) the setup, where feasible, to ensure it
is not active in the production environment.
See My Oracle Support Doc ID: 2125389.1 -
Utilize Functional Setup Manager to migrate
Oracle ERP Cloud Reference Data
Rapid Implementation
Rapid Implementation
Rapid implementation spreadsheet templates are
available for download from the Financials
Configuration for Rapid Implementation task list in
the Oracle Functional Setup Manager. You can
identify the spreadsheet templates by searching
on ‘spreadsheet’ within ‘All Task’ tab in the
Functional Setup Manager.
You can use the Rapid Implementation
spreadsheets to create segment values and
hierarchies. You can also set up multiple ledgers
and hierarchies. Rapid Implementation
spreadsheets will automatically create a primary
ledger for each country in which a legal entity is
registered. Additionally, you can create multiple
hierarchies for any chart of accounts segment,
either during initial setup or at any later point in
32 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Note: Where you use a Rapid Implementation
spreadsheet in the source environment to create
the initial enterprise structure with chart of
accounts, ledgers, et cetera it may make sense to
reload the same spreadsheet in the target
environment rather than export reference data
from the source environment.
Flexfields / FSM
Functional Setup Manager (FSM) Configuration
Package export / import
See My Oracle Support Doc ID:1510288.1 -
Guidance for Managing Customizations in Oracle
Cloud Application Services: Flexfield Migration
OTBI, BIP, FR Studio
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)
archive / unarchive facility and BI Publisher
Reporting (BIP) download / upload facility.
See My Oracle Support Doc ID: 1572602.1 “How
to Migrate BI Catalog content From One Instance
to Another Instance.
See My Oracle Support Doc ID: 1611612.1 - How
To Migrate Financial Reporting Studio Reports
From One Instance To Another
Managed by Cloud
Typically, customers request no more than one
P2T per quarter. The Production-to-Test content
migration tool is explained in more detail below.
Oracle ERP Cloud Service maintains a Production-to-Test (P2T) content migration service which
overlays your non-production environment with a copy of the configurations and data from your
production environment.
The primary aim of a P2T content migration is to refresh the non-production environment with
production data after you have gone into production with one or more Oracle Cloud Applications.
You can also request a P2T refresh to be executed by Oracle Cloud Operations prior to going into
production to support a refresh of the non-production environment when it is being repurposed. For
example, you might prepare the environment for pre-production configuration after the environment
was previously used for a conference room pilot.
33 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
If your project has more than one non-production instance, the P2T migration tool may also be used
to perform a non-production to non-production environment refresh. Refer to the following MOS
article for additional information on P2Ts (MOS Document 1632261.1).
Implementation tip: You need to plan ahead when scheduling a P2T refresh to avoid delaying your
implementation. Request your P2T refresh via My Services portal to schedule P2T (rather than logging an
SR) because the portal shows the blackout dates and only lets you schedule a P2T at a valid time. Please
ensure that you allow a three (3) week lead-time in requesting a P2T. In order for a P2T content migration
process to work correctly, the production and non-production environment must be at the same cloud
update level. The process requires no downtime for your production environment but your non-production
environment will be down for 24-48 hours. Once the P2T is complete there is one manual step you have to
execute, and that is to submit the ‘Create Cube’ report program to rebuild the Essbase Balances Cube in
the non-production environment. It is recommended that you submit the ‘Create Cube’ report program
during non-business hours to minimize possible performance impact.
The following Oracle Cloud Applications extensibility capabilities are available as part of Oracle ERP
Cloud Service:
Page Composer enables you to change selected user interfaces to suit your needs. For example,
you can rearrange certain objects on a dashboard, add and remove designated content, and save
queries. Refer to the section “Configuration and Extending Applications Page Modification” for
additional guidance.
Flexfields enable you to configure your applications to capture additional pieces of information
(attributes) without having to perform custom development. The attributes that you add by configuring
flexfields are available throughout the Oracle Fusion Middleware technology stack, allowing custom
attributes to be used in user interface pages, incorporated into the service-oriented architecture
(SOA) infrastructure, and, in the case of descriptive flexfields, integrated with Oracle Business
Intelligence. For more information about flexfields, see the Oracl Fusion Applications Extensibility
Guide, Chapter 5, Using Flexfields for Custom Attributes.
Often overlooked and underutilized, Oracle ERP Cloud provides several capabilities to support
unique usability requirements of our customers.
Theme Management supports change the look and feel of your application and to configure the
home page layout. Use the Themes page to change the branding logo, background colors, icon
styles, and so on. You can apply an existing theme to your application pages, or create your own
theme and apply it. Use the Home Page Layout page to configure the look of the home page.
Infolet Management can be configured to include OTBI reports, for instance to show key
performance indicators important to your specific business. You can drag and drop objects in an
infolet to be displayed in your preferred order. Custom components such as text, images, and URL
links can be added to an infolet.
User Interface Text Modification enables you to modify and replace words or phrases that appear
on pages, in messages, and other areas of user interface using several tools or tasks.
34 WHITE PAPER / Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading Practice
Configuration of Navigation provides the ability to configure the Navigator and springboard, as well
as define settings for the home page and springboard using the Structure work area.
Managing Help Content enables you to add and edit help files in Applications Help and help
windows, as well as help text that appears on UI elements. You can also tailor the pages in the
Getting Started work area.
Customers choose Oracle ERP Cloud Service with an expectation of achieving faster time to value through
shorter implementation timelines. To successfully meet this expectation, system integrators are advised to
ensure they follow through on the following steps:
Gain a thorough knowledge of Oracle ERP Cloud Service application tools and functionality
through attending Oracle University training and/or self-paced options accessed via the Oracle
Cloud Learning Center.
Adopt a structured implementation method such as OUM Cloud Application Services
Implementation Approach that focuses on adoption of standard functionality and streamlining of
business processes.
Evaluate environment needs prior to the start of the project and incorporate adequate service lead
times in your project plan for any required maintenance such as additional languages for
additional environments or P2T copies.
Have a solid understanding of the configuration, integration, data migration, and extensibility tools
that are available to Oracle ERP Cloud Service implementations, and how to leverage them to
expedite the implementation process.
Take quarterly cloud updates into account when planning the cut over date for go-live for the
Production environment.
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White Paper Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service Implementation Leading PracticeWhite PaperOracle ERP Cloud Leading Impl
Practices Oracle Erp Cloud Leading Impl Practices
May 2019May 2019
Author: Brett Beaubouef
Contributing Authors: Helle Henning, Theresa Hickman, Jeff Mols