New York State Diploma Requirements
School Counselors Presentation
October 18, 2021, 4-5:30 pm
Let’s Connect!
“I define connection as the
energy that exists between
people when they feel seen,
heard, and valued; when they
can give and receive without
judgment; and when they derive
sustenance and strength from
the relationship.”
― Brené Brown
Credit Requirements
Diploma Types (Assessment
Multiple (+1) pathways
Exemptions due to COVID
Appeals, Safety Nets, Superintendent
Endorsements and Seals
Transfer Students
Exiting Credentials
Diploma Requirements
General Education and Diploma Requirements
Credit Requirements
Credit Distribution
Student Choice in Course Selection
In most disciplines, student choose the courses
they want to take.
Required Courses
Health (½ credit required)
Global History and Geography (2 credits required)
United States History (1 credit required)
Participation in Government (½ credit required)
Economics (½ credit required)
English 4
Social Studies
Distributed as follows:
U.S. History (1)
Global History and Geography (2)
Participation in Government (½)
Economics (½)
Distributed as follows:
Life Science (1)
Physical Science (1)
Life Science or Physical Science (1)
Mathematics 3
World Languages 1
Visual Art, Music, Dance, and/or
Physical Education
(participation each semester)
Health ½
Electives 3 ½
Total 22
Credit Requirements
Earning Credit
Completing a Unit of Study
8 NYCRR 100.1 (a) and (b)(1)
180 minutes of instruction per
week (or the equivalent); and
mastery of learning outcomes
Credit by Examination
8 NYCRR 100.5 (d)(1)
85 on a Regents exam without the
opportunity to complete a unit of
oral exam or special project
Grade 8 Acceleration
8 NYCRR 100.4
Independent Study
(Elective Credit)
8 NYCRR 100.5(d)(9)
Participation in
Performance Arts
8 NYCRR 100.5(d)(2)
Transfer Credit
8 NYCRR 100.5(d)(5)
Summer School
8 NYCRR 110
Make-Up Course Credit
8 NYCRR 100.5(d)(8)
Earning Credit Transfer Students Summer School
Let’s Chat!
True or False?
Students must pass Algebra I to earn a NYS local or
Regents diploma.
False, students can use any three commencement-level
mathematics credits to fulfill the mathematics credit requirement.
Assessment Requirements
Multiple (+1) Pathways
All students must pass
4 required assessments
(one in each discipline)
Multiple Pathways
Multiple Pathways
Passing one
additional Regents
Exam or Department-
approved alternative
Passing a
pathway assessment
World Languages
Completing a NYSED-
approved CTE
Earning the CDOS
Earning the Seal of
Civic Readiness*
Civic Readiness*
Multiple Pathways
CTE Pathway
In order to earn the CTE Pathway to a diploma, students must:
Successfully complete a NYSED-approved CTE program; and
Earn a passing score on the program’s 3-part technical assessment.
Current NYSED-Approved CTE Programs
Requirements for the CTE and CDOS Graduation Pathways, and CDOS Credential
Multiple Roles of CDOS
CDOS as a Pathway to
a Diploma
earns 22 units of credit
passes four required
assessments (one in
each discipline)
successfully completes
all the CDOS
Credential requirements
CDOS in Addition to a
earns 22 units of credit
passes four required
assessments (one in
each discipline)
completes a pathway
other than CDOS
successfully completes
all the CDOS
Credential requirements
CDOS as a Stand-alone
Exiting Credential
attempts, but does not
successfully complete
all the Regents or local
diploma requirements
completes all the CDOS
Credential requirements
CDOS Pathway to a Regents or Local Diploma
CDOS Commencement Credential: Option 1
Career Plan
Employability Profile
Demonstrated Achievement of
CDOS Learning Standards
216 hours of CTE coursework
and/or work-based learning
* at least 54 hours must be work-
based learning experiences
CDOS Pathway to a Regents or Local Diploma, Work-Based Learning and CDOS
CDOS Commencement Credential: Option 2
Meets requirements for one of the
Department-Approved Pathway
Assessments in CDOS
National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) /
NWRC Assessments
NOCTI 21st Century Skills for Workplace
NOCTI Employability Skills
Precision Exams 21st Century Success Skills
SkillsUSA Career Essentials: Career-Ready
Workforce Skills Certification System
Department-Approved Pathway Assessments in Career Development and Occupational Studies
Seal of Civic Readiness
Pilot began September 2021
List of Approved Seal of Civic Readiness Pilot Schools
Students must demonstrate:
Civic Knowledge
Earning credit in Social Studies courses, passing/mastering Social Studies
Regents Exams, completing civic readiness research project
Civic Participation
Completing a high school civics project, completing a service-learning project,
achieving proficiency in a civic engagement elective course, participating in
an extra-curricular program or work-based learning experience that promotes
civic engagement or civic action (min. of 40 hrs.), completing a MS or HS
Capstone project
Seal of Civic Readiness Initiative
Forthcoming Pathway
Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP)
A collection of student work
demonstrating growth in the
arts over time
Meets the HSII Accomplished
Level in the New York State
Learning Standards for the Arts
Artistic method(s), media, or
form(s) utilized are based on
student artistic and research
Will be piloted in September
Beginning in early 2023, all
school districts can choose
to offer the IAAP based on
student and community
interest and program
Interested in piloting
the IAAP?
Complete this survey by
November 15, 2021.
Individual Arts Assessment Pathway
Types of Diplomas
22 units of credit
Used appeals, safety
nets to meet
OR Superintendent
Determination of a
Local Diploma
22 units of credit
Earned passing scores
(65+ for Regents
Exams)* on all required
assessments (4 + 1)
Regents with
Advanced Designation
22 units of credit
Earned passing score on
all required assessments
(7 + 1)
Additional exams
+2 math
+1 science
1 life, 1 physical
Completed a sequence
* A student can appeal one Regents exam score within 5 points of passing and still receive a Regents Diploma
Diploma Types
Let’s Chat…
True or False?
Students must pass the Living Environment Regents
Exam to earn a NYS Regents diploma with advanced
False, students could use a Department Approved
Alternative to fulfill the life science assessment requirement.
Admission to a Regents Exam
Section 8.2 of the Rules of the Board of Regents:
All students who had the opportunity to complete the course of study
leading to a Regents Exam have the right to be admitted to that exam.
Students may not be barred from an exam for disciplinary reasons or
because their achievement in a subject is considered unsatisfactory.
In the case of a science Regents Exam, only students who have also met
the laboratory requirement, which includes 1,200 minutes of laboratory
experience with satisfactory laboratory reports, may be admitted.
8 CRR-NY 8.2
Exemptions due to COVID-19
Science Laboratory Requirements
Students who completed a course culminating in a Regents
Examination in science during the 2019-20 or 2020-21
school year, including the 2020 and 2021 summer sessions,
but were unable to meet the 1,200-minute laboratory
requirement due to the COVID-19 crisis, continue to be
eligible for admission into future test administrations for that
specific Regents Examination.
This flexibility is not extended to the 2021-22 school year,
however, the Board of Regents has extended the period of
time during which the 1,200-minute laboratory requirement
may be met “through a combination of hands-on and
simulated laboratory experience” where “such hands-on
laboratory experience cannot be met as a result of the
COVID-19 crisis.”
Virtual Lab Experiences and the 1,200 Minute Science Lab Requirement for the 21-22 School Year
Scenario 1
Addison failed Earth Science during the
2020-2021 school year. Addison successfully
completed 1,000 hours of satisfactory
laboratory experiences. Addison was unable
to complete the remaining 200 hours due to
COVID-19 scheduling adjustments. Addison
did not complete a summer make up
1. Does Addison need to retake the Earth
Science course during the 2021-2022
school year?
2. Is Addison eligible to sit for the Regents
Exam in Earth Science in January 2022?
1. No. If the student needs a physical science credit, the
school can provide the make up program they deem
most appropriate.
2. Yes.
Exemptions from Assessments due to COVID
Students granted an
exemption from any
examination are not required
to pass such specific
examination to meet the
assessment requirements for
any diploma type (local,
Regents, or Regents with
advanced designation).
Exemptions remain with
students through graduation.
FAQs: June/August 2020, January 2021, June/August 2021, January 2022 (USHG only)
Regents Exam in US History & Government
Students who meet one of the following eligibility conditions will be exempted from the
January 2022 USHG Regents Exam:
enrolled in a course of study that would ordinarily culminate in the taking of the
January 2022 Regents Examination in United States History and Government
(Framework) and earn credit for such course of study by the end of the first semester
of the 2021-22 school year;
successfully completed a make-up program for the purpose of earning course credit
in a course that would ordinarily culminate in the taking of the Regents Examination
in United States History and Government (Framework) between September 1, 2021
and the end of the first semester of the 2021-22 school year; or
preparing to take the Regents Examination in United States History and Government
(Framework) in order to graduate at the end of the first semester of the 2021-22
school year.
January 2022 Regents Exam in US History & Government (Framework) Diploma Requirement Exemption
Parental Right to Decline Exemptions
Parents must understand:
the decision is irrevocable;
the student will not be eligible to graduate
until the student meets all graduation
assessment requirements, including those
for which the student was previously eligible
for an exemption and the parent declined
such exemption; and
the student will remain eligible to receive a
free public education until the end of the
school year in which the child attains age
21 or earns a diploma, whichever shall
occur first.
Memo and Sample Form
Scenario 2
Hope has the following score/exemption
history. Has Hope met the assessment
requirements for a Regents diploma with
advanced designation?
Algebra I Regents Exam, 95
Algebra II Regents Exam, E (June 2021)
Chemistry Regents Exam, E (June 2020)
Earth Science Regents Exam, 88
English Regents Exam, E (June 2021)
Geometry Regents Exam, E (June 2020)
Global Studies Regents Exam, E (June 2020)
Physics Regents Exam, E (June 2021)
US History Regents Exam, E (June 2021)
No. Hope is missing a life science
Appeals, Safety Nets, and Superintendent Determination
Appeals, Safety Nets, and Superintendent Determination
Appeal Eligibility Criteria
Students seeking an appeal must meet the following criteria:
Have taken the Regents examination under appeal at least two times
Have at least one score on the Regents examination under appeal within the point range
appropriate for the appeal:
All student appeal 60-64
Students with disabilities seeking the local diploma 52-54
English language learners seeking appeals in ELA only 55-59*
Have taken advantage of academic help provided by the school in the subject tested by
the Regents examination under appeal
Have passed the course for which the appeal is being sought
Be recommended for an exemption to the graduation requirement by the student’s
teacher or Department chairperson in the subject of the Regents examination under
Appeal to Graduate with a Lower Score on Regents Exams
Diplomas via Appeal for All Students
Regents Diploma via Appeal for
All Students
Meets credit requirements
Meets assessment
requirements using one
successfully appealed
Regents exam score no
more than 5 points below
passing (60-64)
Local Diploma via Appeal for
All Students
Meets credit requirements
Meets assessment
requirements using two
successfully appealed
Regents exam scores no
more than 5 points below
passing (60-64)
NYS Diploma/Credential Requirements
Local Diploma via Appeal for ELLs
Local Diploma via Appeal for
English Language Learners
Meets credit requirements
Meets assessment
requirements using one
successfully appealed
English Language Arts
Regents exam score of 55-59
May also use one successfully
appealed Regents exam
score no more than 5 points
below passing (60-64)
To be eligible, students must:
enter the United States in grade 9 or after; and
be c
lassified as an English Language Learner
when they took the Regents Exam in English
Language Arts the second time.
Office of Bilingual Education & World Languages
Safety Net Options for Students with Disabilities
Low Pass Safety Net
Meets credit requirements
Meets assessment
requirements for a local
diploma by achieving a score
between 55 and 64 on one or
more of the required Regents
May also appeal up to two
Regents exam scores
between 52-54
Compensatory Safety Net
Meets credit requirements
Meets assessment
requirements for a local
diploma by compensating
Regents exam scores
between 45-54 (on any
required Regents exam except
for ELA and math) with a score
of 65 or higher on another
required Regents exam
Safety Nets apply to:
Students with
disabilities with a
current IEP
Students with a
Section 504 plan,
if documented on
the plan
declassified from
special education
in grades 8-12, if
recommended by
the CSE
Safety Net Options Available to Students with Disabilities to Graduate with a Local Diploma
Applying the Compensatory Safety Net
Two Questions:
Are the student’s ELA and
Mathematics Regents Examination
scores at 55 or above (or did the
student successfully appeal scores in
the 52-54 range)?
For every required Regents
Examination score between 45 and
54, is there a compensating score of
65 or above?
If the answer to BOTH above questions is yes, then the student has
met the assessment requirements for a local diploma.
Safety Net Options Available to Students with Disabilities to Graduate with a Local Diploma
Superintendent Determination of a Local Diploma
Eligibility requirements include:
Student with a disability currently receiving special education services through an
Individualized Education Program (not applicable to 504 or declassified students)
Student participated in and passed all relevant Regents level coursework
Student actively participated in all required Regents examinations
Student earned the appropriate 22 units of diploma credit
If the request involves English Language Arts and/or mathematics assessments,
students must ALSO earn the Career Development and Occupational Studies
(CDOS) Commencement Credential.
Student’s parent or person in parental relation submitted a written request to the
superintendent for a determination of a local diploma
Superintendent Determination Option
Let’s Chat!
True or False?
Students with a current IEP may request a Superintendent Determination
of a local diploma if they have met all the credit requirements, attempted
the required Regents examinations for graduation, and earned the CDOS
Commencement Credential.
False, students cannot request a Superintendent Determination of a local diploma;
this request must be made by the student’s parent or person in parental relation.
Endorsements & Seals
Endorsements and Seals
Local Diploma
Technical Endorsement
Seal of Civic Readiness
Regents Diploma
Technical Endorsement
Seal of Civic Readiness
Seal of Biliteracy
Honors Endorsement
Regents with
Advanced Designation
Technical Endorsement
Seal of Civic Readiness
Seal of Biliteracy
Honors Endorsement
Mastery in Mathematics
and/or Science
Endorsements and Seals
Honors Endorsement
If students have exemptions (due to COVID-19), the calculation for the honors
endorsement will be dependent upon the number of scored Regents Examinations the
student has.
Minimum of 3 scored Regents
applicable to the
exemptions due to COVID-19 are
removed from the calculation
computed average of the Regents
Examination scores required for the
diploma (not including exemptions)
must equal 90 or above
Students with fewer than three scored
Regents Examinations
applicable to
the diploma
student’s final course grade for each
exempted Regents Examination will be
substituted in the calculation for honors
computed average of the scored
Regents Examinations and the final
course grades for courses for which
exemptions were granted must equal
90 or above
Endorsements and Seals, FAQ # 45-47
Tool for Calculating the Honors Endorsement
3 step process to clarify
computation for honors
with exemptions
Examples for both the
Regents and Regents
with Advanced
Designation Diplomas
Links to additional
Computing the Honors Endorsement with Exemptions due to COVID-19
Scenario 3
Leon has the following score/exemption history.
Leon completed a 5-unit sequence in the arts.
Did Leon earn the honors endorsement?
Assessment Score Earned
Final Course
Algebra I RE 94 n/a
Algebra II RE E 92
AP Biology 4 n/a
Chemistry RE E 95
Earth Science RE 82
English RE E 98
Geometry E 96
Global Studies E 88
Physics 86
US History E 90
* RE = Regents Exam
Computing Leon’s Honors Endorsement
1. Determine the diploma type;
choose the scores that most
benefit the student.
2. Determine if final course
averages are included in the
honors computation.
3. Compute.
Regents Diploma with Advanced
English E (FCA: 98)
Math 1 (Algebra I)
Math 2 (Geometry)
Math 3 (Algebra II)
E (FCA: 96)
E (FCA: 92)
Life Science (AP Bio)
Physical Sci. (Chem)
E (FCA: 95)
Social Studies (US) E (FCA: 90)
Pathway (Global) E (FCA: 88)
Sequence Arts
Since the combination most
beneficial to the student
includes less than three earned
Regents Exams applicable to
the diploma type, the final
course averages are included.
The student is able to meet the
assessment requirements for
advanced designation without
using the Earth Science and
Physics scores.
98 + 94 + 96 + 92 + 95 + 90 +
88 = 653
Department Approved
Alternatives are not included in
the computation.
653 ÷ 7 = 93.29
Leon earned the honors
Mastery Endorsement
Students may earn the Mastery in Mathematics and/or Science endorsement(s) if the
student meets the requirements for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation and:
passes 3 math and/or 3 science Regents Examinations with a score of 85
or better; or
passes 2 math and/or 2 science Regents Examinations with a score of 85
or better and has been granted an exemption on a third math and/or
science Regents Examination; or
passes 1 math and/or 1 science Regents Examination with an 85 or better
and has earned a final course grade of 85 or better in 2 additional math
and/or science courses culminating in a Regents Examination for which
they were granted an exemption.
FAQ # 44, 47
Scenario 3b
Leon met the assessment requirements for advanced
designation and has the following score/exemption
history. Did Leon earn the mastery endorsement?
Assessment Score Earned
Final Course
Algebra I RE 94 n/a
Algebra II RE E 92
AP Biology 4 n/a
Chemistry RE E 95
Earth Science RE 82
English RE E 98
Geometry E 96
Global Studies E 88
Physics 86
US History E 90
* RE = Regents Exam
Leon has earned Mastery in Mathematics; Leon has
not earned Mastery in Science.
Scenario 4
Erin met the assessment requirements for
the Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation and earned the following
scores/exemptions in science. Has Erin
earned the mastery in science endorsement?
Living Environment RE, 80
Earth Science RE, 92
Chemistry RE, E, Final Course Average 90
Physics RS, E, Final Course Average 85
Yes, Erin has one earned science Regents Exam
score above 85 and two additional science
Regents Exam exemptions with final course
averages of 85 or above.
* RE = Regents Exam
Transfer Students
Awarding Transfer Credit
The principal shall grant transfer credit for all
credit awarded by any New York State
registered public or nonpublic high schools.
8 CRR-NY 100.5(d)(5), Transfer Credit,
Registered NYS High Schools Other Educational/
Cultural Institutions
State Agencies
The principal, after consultation with
relevant faculty, may award transfer credit
for work done at other educational and
cultural institutions and for work done
through independent study. The decision as
to whether or not to award transfer credit for
work done at educational institutions other
than New York State registered high schools
shall be based on whether the record
indicates that the work is consistent with
New York State commencement learning
standards and is of comparable scope and
quality to that which would have been done
in the school awarding the credit.
The principal shall award transfer credit to
any student for credit awarded while the
student attended an educational program
administered or supervised by a State
agency pursuant to Education Law sections
112 and 3202(7) and Parts 116 or 118 of this
Title, upon the attestation of the chief
administrator of such program.
Out-of-State Transfer Student Exemptions
Students who enter a registered NYS high school
for the first time in grade 11
or who re-enter after
having been enrolled for 3 or fewer semesters in a
NYS high school
, may be exempt from the Global
History and Geography Regents* and may meet
the assessment requirements for a Regents
diploma by passing the Regents exams in:
1 Math
1 Science
US History
Students who enter a registered NYS high school
for the first time in grade 12
or who re-enter after
having been enrolled for 3 or fewer semesters in a
NYS high school
, may be exempt from the Global
History and Geography Regents* and the science
Regents and may meet the assessment
requirements for a Regents diploma by passing
the Regents exams in:
1 Math
US History
Transfer Students
* The Principal may also exempt these students from the two
units of credit requirement in global history and geography
by substituting two units of credit in social studies.
Exemptions due to COVID-19
Transfer Students
15. Are transfer students eligible for the Regents
Examination exemptions?
If a high school granted transfer credit for a course that
typically culminates in a Regents Examination in the
school granting credit and the student intended to take
the Regents Examination in June 2021 or August 2021,
the student is eligible for the exemption.
Example 2: A student transfers to a NYS high school in
July from a private NYS high school that does not
administer Regents Examinations. The NYS high school
awards transfer credit for Algebra I. The student
intended to take the Regents Examination in August
2021. The student is eligible for the Algebra I Regents
Examination exemption.
June/August 2021,FAQ
Regents Exam in US History & Government
Transfer Students
Transfer students may also be eligible for an
exemption from the January 2022 US History &
Government Regents Exam, if they:
Entered during the first semester of the 2021-22
school year;
Were granted transfer credit for a US History &
Government course; and
Were preparing to take the January 2022 Regents
Exam in US History & Government (Framework)
January 2022 Regents Exam in US History & Government (Framework) Diploma Requirement Exemption
The Interstate Compact for Military Children
Applicable to:
students of active
duty military
NY Schools will
provide and accept
unofficial hand
carried records
from such students
for the purpose of
placement while
awaiting official
NY schools will
honor the
placement of
students in
courses, as well as
extracurricular and
activities (when
available and if
space allows)
A properly
executed power of
attorney is to be
sufficient for the
purpose of
Interstate Compact
Transitioning Military Students
Exit or End of Course
Exams Required for
Graduation in the
Sending State
Where the principal from the sending school attests in writing that the
student achieved a satisfactory score on such exam(s) and met the
proficiency standards for the course(s) assessed in the sending state
National Norm
Achievement Tests
Where the principal from the sending school attests in writing that the
student achieved a score equal to or greater than the national grade
equivalent corresponding to the typically administered Regents
examination grade
End of Course
Where the principal of the sending school accepted course credit for a course that
would typically culminate in an examination required for graduation in New York
Where the principal from the sending school attests in writing that the student has
achieved a score on such exam that meets the proficiency standards for the
course assessed in the sending state
Interstate Compact
Physical Education Credits
Students must:
earn ¼ credit of PE for every semester they are enrolled in a NY high
school; AND
enroll in PE every semester they are in a NY high school through their
senior year or 8
# Semesters Spent in a
NYS School
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Minimum number of PE
credits required for
¼ ½ ¾ 1 1 ¼ 1 ½ 1 ¾ 2
Physical Education Regulatory Amendment Memo
Scenario 5
Jefferson received home instruction
(homeschooling) during the 2020-21
school year. In July, Jefferson re-enrolled
in a public school district. The receiving
high school granted credit for Algebra I.
Can the high school also grant the
exemption from the Algebra I Regents
If Jefferson intended to take the
Algebra I Regents Exam in August
2021, the exemption could be
Scenario 6
Olive transferred to a NYS high school for
the first time in the fall of her senior year.
She does not have any credits in physical
How many physical education credits
does Olive need to earn to graduate?
Olive needs to earn ¼ credit for every
semester she’s enrolled in a NYS high
school. Since she entered in her senior
year, she would be enrolled for two
semesters, therefore needing to earn ½
Exiting Credentials
CDOS Exiting Credential
Exiting Credentials
Available to all students
Student attempts, but does not successfully complete all the New
York State diploma requirements
Student completes all the CDOS Commencement Credential
Option 1 or Option 2
Credential shall be issued any time after such student has
attended school for at least 12 years, excluding kindergarten, or
has received a substantially equivalent education elsewhere, or at
the end of the school year in which a student attains the age of
Skills & Achievement Commencement Credential
Available to Students with Disabilities assessed using the
NYS Alternate Assessment
Must be accompanied by documentation of the students’
skills and strengths and levels of independence in
academic, career development and foundation skills
needed for post-school living, learning and working
The credential may be issued at any time after such
student has attended school for at least 12 years,
excluding kindergarten, or has received a substantially
equivalent education elsewhere, or at the end of the school
year in which a student attains the age of 21.
Exiting Credentials
Additional Resources
Regents Examination Schedules
Regents Examination Schedules
Work-Based Learning Manual
Updates include:
Cosmetic updates to reflect a modern document design
Minor editing of content to ensure that the content presented
best assists schools in implementing work-based learning
Updated links to NYSED and NYSDOL to reflect updates to
both web pages
Clarification on how registered work-based learning
experiences may be carried out remotely, when appropriate
New definitions for industry-based projects and
Additional information reflecting the CDOS 4+1 pathway to
graduation and clarification of how work-based learning
opportunities can meet CDOS Option 1 requirements
Work-Based Learning Programs
Diploma Requirements Resource Updates
General Education and Diploma Requirements
SIRS 340 & 341, Graduation Exam
Requirements: Summary and Detail Reports
SIRS 340/341 Report Guide
Resources for Students and Families
Tracking Tool
Family Resources
Webpage Update
Resources page includes:
What’s New?
General Resources
COVID-19 Guidance
Contact Information
Diploma and Graduation Resources
Graduation Measures Review
What? Why?
How Can I Stay
Review of New York
State high school
graduation measures
Goal: To reaffirm what it
means to obtain a
diploma in New York
and what that diploma
should signify to ensure
educational excellence
and equity for all
students in New York
Subscribe for
Graduation Measures
Content Area Notification Service
Join our Notification Service for news and updates from the Office of Curriculum and Instruction.
Social Studies
Please feel free to write a
question in the chat or raise
your hand to ask a question.
Questions about School
Counselor Certification may be
directed to the Office of Teaching
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
(518) 474-5922
Melissa Montague
Associate in Instructional Services
Thank You!