vSphere Web Services
SDK Developer’s Setup
21 SEP 2023
VMware vSphere 8.0
vCenter Server 8.0
VMware ESXi 8.0
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vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
VMware, Inc. 2
About This Book 5
1 What is the vSphere Web Services SDK 7
What you need to know for the vSphere Web Services SDK 7
Programming Language Support in the vSphere Web Services SDK 8
Types of Applications That You Can Build Using This SDK 8
How You Can Download the vSphere Web Services SDK 9
Sample Authentication with Single Sign-On Configurations 9
What files are in the vSphere Web Services SDK package 10
SDK Version Support and Limitations of the ESXi API 11
2 Set Up to Develop in Java with the vSphere Web Services SDK 12
Java Development Requirements for the Web Services SDK 12
Set Up for Java Development for the Web Services SDK 13
Software Downloads for the Web Services SDK 13
Set Up for Development Using JAX-WS with the Web Services SDK 13
Batch Files and Shell Scripts for Building and Running Samples in the Web Services SDK
Import Server Certificates into the Java Keystore for the Web Services SDK 15
Generating Stubs and Compiling Classes for the Web Services SDK 16
Precompiled JAX-WS Samples in the Web Services SDK 16
Use the Included Build Scripts in the Web Services SDK 16
Running the Web Services SDK SimpleClient Sample Application to Validate Setup 17
Run a Sample Application Using the Provided Scripts in the Web Services SDK 18
3 vSphere Server Certificates 20
Secure Client-Server Communications 20
Simplified Security Setup for Development Environment 20
Obtaining Server Certificates 21
Obtain Certificates Using the vSphere Client 21
Updating the Active Directory Group Policy to Accept Certificates 22
4 Endpoint Configuration for HTTP 24
Modifying Service Endpoint Configurations to Support HTTP 24
HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint 25
HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint on ESXi or vCenter Server for Windows
HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint on vCenter Server Appliance 27
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HTTP Configuration for vSphere Automation API Endpoint 29
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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About This Book
This book, the
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide,
provides information about
setting up your development environment to use the VMware® vSphere Web Services SDK.
VMware provides several different APIs and SDKs for various applications and goals. This
book provides information about using the vSphere Web Services SDK for developers who are
interested in creating client applications for managing VMware® vSphere components available
on VMware ESXi and VMware vCenter Server systems.
To view the current version of this book as well as all VMware API and SDK documentation, go to
Revision History
This guide is revised with each release of the product or when necessary. A revised version can
contain minor or major changes. The Revision History summarizes the significant changes in each
version of this guide.
Table 1-1. Revision History
Revision Description
21 SEP 2023 vSphere 8.0 Update 2 release.
n Minor changes for search engine optimization.
11 OCT 2022 vSphere 8.0 release.
n .NET content removed.
05 OCT 2021 n Update to JDK 11 in the vSphere Management SDK.
n Update certificate procedure.
12 APR 2021 VMware has rebranded the My VMware portal as VMware Customer Connect. We have updated this
document accordingly.
09 Mar 2021 vSphere 7.0 Update 2 release, with Java 11 work-around.
06 Oct 2020 vSphere 7.0 Update 1 release.
02 Apr 2020 vSphere 7.0 release: Java 1.7 no longer supported.
17 Apr 2018 Minor updates for vsphere 6.7.
05 Nov 2016 Update and restructure procedures for modifying service endpoints with vSphere 6.5.
Simplify process of building C# DLLs and samples.
12 Mar 2015 vSphere 6.0 release. Changed destination directory for C# DLLs.
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Table 1-1. Revision History (continued)
Revision Description
20 Feb 2014 Corrected instructions for modifying reverse proxy configuration.
04 Dec 2013 Clarified location of Web Services SDK.
01 Oct 2013 Revised C# setup instructions to reflect simplified procedure in 5.5 release and use new tools.
Corrected path to Java sample. Updated Java version. Fixed minor typographical errors in code.
09 Sep 2012 Removed Axis support for 5.1 release. Made more corrections and expansions to C# instructions.
17 Nov 2011 Corrected setup instructions for C# stubs.
24 Aug 2011 Updated for vSphere 5.0 (included information on using JAX-WS bindings).
13 Jul 2010 Minor updates for vSphere 4.1 (new WSDL file configuration, example syntax).
07 May 2009 Revised release of the
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
for vSphere Web
Services SDK 4.0. Server-certificate setup information is located in the reference section. Changed
directory name for WSDLFILE environment variable.
29 Nov 2007 Initial release of
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
for VMware Infrastructure SDK
Intended Audience
This book is intended for anyone who wants to develop applications using the
VMware vSphere Web Services SDK. vSphere Web Services SDK developers typically include
software developers creating client applications using Java and targeting VMware vSphere.
Document Feedback
VMware welcomes your suggestions for improving our documentation. Send your feedback to
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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What is the vSphere Web Services
The VMware vSphere® Web Services SDK helps you develop client applications for the VMware
vSphere API. Learn how to install it in this publication.
vSphere Web Services SDK includes all the components necessary to work with the
VMware vSphere API, including WSDL files, sample code, and libraries. With the vSphere Web
Services SDK, developers can create client applications to manage, monitor, and maintain
VMware vSphere components, as deployed on VMware® VMware vSphere® ESX®, ESXi, and
VMware® vCenter Server systems.
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
explains how to set up the
development environment to create new applications with Java. This guide also includes
information about running the sample applications included with the vSphere Web Services SDK.
Read the following topics next:
n What you need to know for the vSphere Web Services SDK
n Programming Language Support in the vSphere Web Services SDK
n Types of Applications That You Can Build Using This SDK
n How You Can Download the vSphere Web Services SDK
n What files are in the vSphere Web Services SDK package
n SDK Version Support and Limitations of the ESXi API
What you need to know for the vSphere Web Services SDK
To develop applications for the vSphere Web Services SDK requires a programming language
with a SOAP toolkit. You must also understand the following concepts:
n Web services technology provides operations, also known as methods in the context of
client applications. Using the vSphere Web Services SDK and your choice of programming
language, you can create client applications that invoke these operations to perform the full
range of server-side management and monitoring tasks.
n The Web services API is defined in Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files. The
WSDL files are used by client-side Web-services utilities to create proxy code (stubs) that
client applications use to interact with the server.
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n Client applications invoke operations by calling proxy interface methods. The client proxy
encodes an operation invocation into a SOAP message and sends it to the server. Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a programming-language neutral XML format. SOAP
message translation is transparent to the developer.
n Communications between client and server occur over HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS is a secure
form of HTTP that uses SSL to encrypt client-server communications. The default is HTTPS,
but you can configure the VMware vSphere Web server to support HTTP. (See Chapter 4
Endpoint Configuration for HTTP.)
You should also know about basic ESXi and vCenter Server operations. See the VMware vSphere
Documentation page on the VMware Web site.
Programming Language Support in the vSphere Web
Services SDK
You can develop for the vSphere API in any language from which you can generate client-side
stubs from Web-services WSDL files. This section describes SDK support for Java clients.
See What files are in the vSphere Web Services SDK package for additional packaging details
and for some caveats about the Java samples and for specific version requirements for the JDK,
the Java API for XML Web Services libraries, and the JAXB libraries.
Language/Tool Context
Development environment or framework JDK 11 (also known as J2SE 1.11).
Web-services-client application development toolset, also
known as a SOAP toolkit
JAX-WS 2.3.3 and later (Java/Jakarta XML Web Services).
JAXB 2.3.2 and later (Java/Jakarta XML Binding).
SOAP toolkits are readily available for Java. Developers, scripters, and administrators can
also use Microsoft PowerShell or Perl with the vSphere Web Services API through toolkits
that VMware provides. For more information, see http://communities.vmware.com/community/
Types of Applications That You Can Build Using This SDK
You can use the vSphere Web Services SDK to develop system administration, provisioning, and
monitoring applications for VMware vSphere systems.
The VMware vSphere Client application and VMware vSphere Web Access are two examples
of client applications that were developed using vSphere API. The vSphere Client is a traditional
Windows client application. Web Access is a browser plug-in that is available through the Web
server port on ESXi and vCenter Server systems.
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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With the vSphere Web Services SDK, you can create your own client applications that automate
many administration, provisioning, or monitoring tasks associated with virtual infrastructure
management and operations. The following examples are operational tasks that you can
automate using the vSphere Web Services API:
n Create, configure, power cycle, or suspend virtual machines explicitly or by using profiles or
templates to facilitate faster provisioning.
n Create, configure, and manage virtual devices, such as virtual CD-DVD drives, virtual network
interface cards, virtual switches, and other components.
n Connect, power cycle, and disconnect ESXi host systems.
n Capture the state of a virtual machine to a snapshot and restore the state of a virtual machine
from a snapshot, such as in a backup application.
n Gather statistics about host system and virtual machine performance.
n Manage events generated by the server, such as those created by alarms set for specific
n Move virtual machines between hosts automatically.
n Manage load balancing and failover through the distributed resource scheduler (VMware
DRS) and high availability (VMware HA) subsystems. VMware DRS and VMware HA require
vCenter Server.
This list is not comprehensive. Also, some of the operations pertain to the service as a whole, not
specific hosts or virtual machines. For example, load balancing can be a service-wide operation
rather than a per-host or per-virtual machine operation.
How You Can Download the vSphere Web Services SDK
The vSphere Web Services SDK is part of the vSphere Management SDK. This section tells how
to access the Web Services SDK files.
You can download the vSphere Management SDK at https://code.vmware.com. Click the SDKs
link to reach a landing page that has links to all vSphere SDKs. After you download and expand
the vSphere Management SDK package, the Web Services SDK is in the subdirectory SDK/
vsphere-ws. You also need the SDK/ssoclient subdirectory for client authentication.
Sample Authentication with Single Sign-On Configurations
You can choose to authenticate your client with vCenter Server Single Sign-On. This topic
explains how to do Single Sign-On authentication with the SDK samples..
At this time, the two possible configurations are:
n vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller, which includes vCenter Single
Sign-On Server, Lookup Service Server, and other features. This configuration combines all
the platform services in the same installation with vCenter Server.
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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n vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller, where the platform services are
installed on a different host or in a different virtual machine from vCenter Server.
You will have to provide the vCenter Single Sign-On URL explicitly in order to run samples with
the second configuration. With the first configuration, there is no need to provide the vCenter
Single Sign-On URL (since the vCenter Single Sign-On service is embedded in the management
node) and our SDK will continue to work as before.
The SDK samples have always had the option to explicitly specify the vCenter Single Sign-On
URL (whether the vCenter Single Sign-On service is running inside or outside the management
node). This is useful in cases where the vCenter Single Sign-On service is deployed outside the
vSphere management node like the second configuration above.
When you log in to a vCenter Single Sign-On Server, you must be in a domain that has been
added as a vCenter Single Sign-On identity source. If that domain is not the default domain, you
must include the domain name as part of your user name, such as, [email protected].
To learn more about configuring the vCenter Single Sign-On Server, see vSphere Security.
What files are in the vSphere Web Services SDK package
The vSphere Web Services SDK is one of several SDKs bundled inside the vSphere Management
SDK. The Web Services SDK contains the following files:
n WSDL files that define the API available on a VMware vSphere server (ESXi or
vCenter Server) Web service.
n Precompiled client-side libraries (vim.jar, vim25.jar) available for test purposes that were
generated from the WSDL. The vSphere Web Services API is packaged in the vim25.jar file
and is available in the SDK\vsphere-ws\wsdl\vim25 subdirectory.
n Sample code demonstrating common use cases associated with managing virtual
infrastructure. The sample code includes compiled and ready-to-run Java class files and
source code files.
n Batch files and shell scripts (build.bat and build.sh) that automate the build process for
Java client applications.
n Batch files and shell scripts (run.bat and run.sh) that facilitate running the Java samples
from the Windows command prompt.
n The
vSphere API Reference
, which provides language-neutral descriptive information about
the VMware vSphere API and the object model, such as object type definitions, properties,
and method signatures.
Complete information about setting up the environment, and about generating, compiling, and
running applications is included in Chapter 2 Set Up to Develop in Java with the vSphere Web
Services SDK.
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SDK Version Support and Limitations of the ESXi API
vSphere supports various versions, both with vCenter Server and with ESXi. The ESXi service
contains some limitations not present in vCenter Server.
You can use the VMware vSphere Web Services SDK with many previous versions of VMware
vSphere servers and its predecessor, VMware Infrastructure, including:
n ESXi 8.0, 7.0, 6.7, 6.5, 6.0
n vCenter Server 8.0, 7.0, 6.7, 6.5, 6.0
All versions are supported by the WSDL declarations in the vimService.wsdl top-level file in the
vim25 directory.
The VMware vSphere API is a Web service that runs on VMware vSphere ESXi and
vCenter Server. The API exposed is the same in both products. However, vCenter Server
provides the following capabilities which are not available through an ESXi Web service:
n Collecting historical performance data
n Optimizing resources, including managing distributed resources
n Enabling migration from one host system to another by using VMware vMotion
n Providing distributed resource management, including recovery, across all host systems
under its control
If you attempt to invoke an operation on an ESXi system that is supported only on
vCenter Server, the server returns a fault saying “not implemented” or “not supported.” For
example, the ExtensionManager API is available only on VirtualCenter Server. Attempting to
register an extension to an ESXi system returns a fault, “not supported.”
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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Set Up to Develop in Java with the
vSphere Web Services SDK
To develop a Web Services client, you need a development environment. This chapter explains
how to set up an environment to develop in Java.
Read the following topics next:
n Java Development Requirements for the Web Services SDK
n Set Up for Java Development for the Web Services SDK
n Generating Stubs and Compiling Classes for the Web Services SDK
n Running the Web Services SDK SimpleClient Sample Application to Validate Setup
Java Development Requirements for the Web Services SDK
To develop Java client applications using the VMware vSphere Web Services SDK, you need
Java SE and a Java Web services development toolset.
For best results, use the Java platform Standard Edition (SE) version 11. Java SE includes both the
runtime environment (JRE) and the development kit (JDK).
The Java Web services development toolset must be a SOAP implementation that can be
deployed to a Tomcat server. For example, you can use the client-side libraries in JAX-WS. The
JAX-WS libraries are included with the vSphere Management SDK.
You can use other client-side tools and libraries, such as IBM WebSphere and several open
source implementations, such as Open JDK, with the vSphere Web Services SDK. However, only
the JAX-WS client libraries were tested with this guide.
The samples archive, in samples.jar, includes all vSphere Web Services SDK samples. The
samples include client-side stub classes generated using the JAX-WS libraries.
Note Use JDK 11 for production environments. vCenter Server supports HTTPS connections with
Java 1.8 and later, but not with Java 1.7. If you need to use Java 1.7 for development work, see
Chapter 4 Endpoint Configuration for HTTP.
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Set Up for Java Development for the Web Services SDK
Specific setup instructions depend on whether your development workstation already meets
some or all of the requirements, which client-side Web service library you plan to use, and
whether you plan to use the provided samples. Specific setup instructions also depend on
whether your target server uses the HTTPS protocol or HTTP.
Software Downloads for the Web Services SDK
You can obtain the software you need for Java client development from the following Web sites:
n The JDK is available from http://www.oracle.com. The vSphere API supports connections
from JDK 11.
n Obtain the VMware vSphere Web Services SDK from https://developercenter.vmware.com. It
is included in the vSphere Management SDK package.
Set Up for Development Using JAX-WS with the Web Services SDK
The Web Services SDK provides precompiled samples that use JAX-WS libraries. The
precompiled files include vim25.jar and samples.jar.
The precompiled sample programs use the vim25.jar client side library to access the Web
Services API. The following instructions describe how to set up your environment to run sample
programs. These instructions assume that the target server uses HTTPS, which is the default
server configuration.
1 If the JDK is not installed, create directories for the JDK and for the
vSphere Web Services SDK package.
Do not use spaces in the directory names, to avoid issues with some of the included SDK
batch and script files.
2 Install Java SE with JDK 11.
3 Unpack the components into subdirectories created in Step 1, using the provided installer if
The JDK uses an installation wizard. The SDK ZIP file unpacks into the directory you specify.
n Unpack with Use folder names selected, to maintain the organizational structure.
n On UNIX development systems, use the unzip command with the -a modifier, to ensure
proper line-endings in the shell scripts. For example:
unzip -a VMware-vSphere-SDK-8.0.0-14379537.zip
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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4 (Optional) Import server-certificates and use the Java keytool utility to create a
vmware.keystore. See Import Server Certificates into the Java Keystore for the Web
Services SDK for details.
As an alternative, pass the --ignorecert argument at runtime to ignore server-certificate
verification for any of the sample Java applications.
5 Create the JAVAHOME environment variable.
The JAVAHOME environment variable must be set to the root path of the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE), such as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk11.0.16_221. The root directory
of your Java installation contains
bin\javac and other binary files needed to build the stubs
and the samples.
6 If you are unable to use the run.bat or run.sh script to run Java samples, add the
precompiled sample files, vim25.jar and samples.jar, to your system CLASSPATH
environment variable.
To test your setup, run the Java version of SimpleClient, as described in Running the Web
Services SDK SimpleClient Sample Application to Validate Setup.
Batch Files and Shell Scripts for Building and Running Samples in the
Web Services SDK
The vSphere Web Services SDK includes several batch files for Windows and shell scripts for
Linux that facilitate building and running the sample applications.
Some of the batch files are used by other batch files. For example, build.bat calls the
lcp.bat and clean.bat scripts. If you modify the batch files for any reason, be aware of the
dependencies among them.
Description Usage note
Checks for environment variable JAVAHOME and
sets PATH, using the JAVAHOME variable. Cleans
up existing Java files (by calling clean.bat or
clean.sh). build.bat sets the local classpath
(by calling lcp.bat). Creates the vim25.jar, and
samples.jar files.
Use this script to generate
client stubs and rebuild all
sample applications. Use the
-w flag to recompile without
regenerating stubs.
Sets the local classpath on the workstation. Called
by build.bat and by run.bat.
Optional. Use to set local
Batch file that enables running any of the sample
applications. Sets the Java trustStore property to
the local trust store and invokes the Java runtime
with the name of the application passed as a
Use this script to run any Java
sample applications.
Removes any existing artifacts before building the
samples, deleting Java class files in the samples
packages and samples.jar file. Called by build
Optional. Deletes all
generated source code files.
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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Import Server Certificates into the Java Keystore for the Web
Services SDK
Import server certificates if you plan to use the HTTPS protocol and if you do not plan to use the
--ignorecert command-line argument.
To use HTTP, rather than HTTPS, and avoid the use of certificates entirely, follow the procedure
detailed in Chapter 4 Endpoint Configuration for HTTP. However, using HTTPS provides better
security for production environments.
The JAVAHOME environment variable must be set and added to the PATH environment variable.
The certificate for each target server must be located in the vmware-certs subdirectory, as
described in this procedure. For detailed information about server certificates, see
Server Certificates.
1 Open the Windows command prompt or Linux shell command.
2 Create the directory for the Java certificate store.
Create the directory only. The actual keystore file, vmware.keystore, is created during the
process of importing the certificates.
Operating System
Windows C:\VMware-Certs\vmware.keystore
Linux ~/vmware-certs/vmware.keystore
3 Navigate to the directory.
For example, on Windows use the following directory:
cd vmware-certs\vmware
4 Use the Java keytool utility to import a certificate.
The syntax is as follows:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server-name -file certificate-filename -keystore
For example:
C:\VMware-Certs>keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file root.cer -keystore
A prompt requesting a password for the keystore appears:
Enter keystore password:
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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5 Create a password for the keystore by entering it at the prompt.
The keystore utility displays the certificate information at the console. For example:
Owner: OID.1.2.840.113549.1.9.2="1183400896,564d7761726520496e632e",
CN=sdkpubslab-01.vmware.com, [email protected],
OU=VMware ESX Server Certificate, O="VMware, Inc.", L=Palo Alto,
ST=California, C=US Issuer:
CN=sdkpubslab-01.vmware.com, [email protected],
OU=VMware ESX Server Certificate, O="VMware, Inc.", L=Palo Alto,
ST=California, C=US Serial number: 0 Valid from: Mon Jul 02 11:28:17 PDT 2007 until: Mon
Aug 31 11:28:17 PDT 2026
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: . . .61:35:C0:C4
SHA1: 4C:...78:B2
At the end of the certificate information, a prompt displays a request for confirmation that
the certificate is trusted:
Trust this certificate? [no]:
6 Type yes and press Enter to respond to the prompt and import the certificate into the
vmware.keystore keystore.
The console displays this message:
Certificate was added to keystore
7 Repeat Step 4 through Step 6 for each target server.
Generating Stubs and Compiling Classes for the Web
Services SDK
The vSphere Web Services SDK includes a set of Java archive files for the sample programs. The
sample .jar files were created using the JAX-WS Web services libraries.
Precompiled JAX-WS Samples in the Web Services SDK
The JAX-WS samples include the vim25.jar and samples.jar files that were created using
the JAX-WS libraries included with the JDK. These files are located in the %WS_SDK_HOME%
\java\JAXWS\lib directory.
To use these precompiled libraries, see the instructions in Running the Web Services SDK
SimpleClient Sample Application to Validate Setup. If you modify the precompiled code, see the
build instructions in Use the Included Build Scripts in the Web Services SDK.
Use the Included Build Scripts in the Web Services SDK
If you modify the sample files, or need to rebuild them for any reason, you can use the
build.bat or build.sh script included with the SDK. These scripts performs all necessary tasks
to build the SDK files.
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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This task shows how to use the build scripts included with the SDK.
You must install the JDK and set the JAVAHOME environment variable.
1 Open a command prompt.
2 Navigate to the subdirectory containing the build.bat and build.sh files.
cd %WS_SDK_HOME%\java\JAXWS\
3 Run the build.bat (or build.sh) script by entering its name at the command prompt.
The console displays output, starting with Generating stubs from wsdl. In a few minutes,
the process finishes. The word Done appears at the command prompt, as shown in the
following example. The
Generating stubs from wsdl message appears twice, because
this build file generates client stubs using both sets of WSDL declarations, found in the \vim
and \vim25 subdirectories.
Successful Stub Generation and Compilation Using the build.bat Script
Generating stubs from wsdl
Compiling stubs.
When the process finishes, the appropriate sample .jar files show the current date and time.
To compile without re-generating the stubs from the WSDL, use the -w flag with the build script,
as follows:
build -w
You can run any of the sample applications by following the instructions in Running the Web
Services SDK SimpleClient Sample Application to Validate Setup
Running the Web Services SDK SimpleClient Sample
Application to Validate Setup
You can test your setup and connectivity by running one of the sample applications, such as
SimpleClient. SimpleClient is a Java class that connects to the server and obtains a listing of the
vSphere Web Services SDK Developer’s Setup Guide
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top-level inventory entities, their properties, and references. You can run any of the samples
using the run.bat (or run.sh) script.
If you are using stubs generated by JAX-WS, these scripts require the JAVAHOME environment
variable to be set.
Run a Sample Application Using the Provided Scripts in the Web
Services SDK
You can use the run.bat or run.sh script to run any of the Java samples. The SimpleClient
sample is a good choice to verify that your installation is correct. The path to the source file for
SimpleClient is:
When you run the script, specify the Java class for the sample application along with the --url,
--username, and --password switches on the command line. Include the complete package name
in the Java class specification. The following statement shows the general format for using the
run.bat script to run the SimpleClient sample application from the Java samples subdirectory
for JAX-WS:
run.bat com.vmware.general.SimpleClient --url https://yourFQDNservername/sdk
--username username --password password [--ignorecert ignorecert]
The following example shows sample output from the SimpleClient sample program.
Sample Output of a Successful Run of SimpleClient, Using Precompiled Java Sample
Object Type : Folder
Reference Value : ha-folder-vm
Property Name : name
Property Value : vm
Object Type : HostSystem
Reference Value : ha-host
Property Name : name
Property Value : sdkpubslab-02.eng.vmware.com
Object Type : ResourcePool
Reference Value : ha-root-pool
Property Name : name
Property Value : Resources
Object Type : Folder
Reference Value : ha-folder-host
Property Name : name
Property Value : host
Object Type : ComputeResource
Reference Value : ha-compute-res
Property Name : name
Property Value : sdkpubslab-02.eng.vmware.com
Object Type : VirtualMachine
Reference Value : 16
Property Name : name
Property Value : Windows_2K3_VM
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Object Type : Datacenter
Reference Value : ha-datacenter
Property Name : name
Property Value : ha-datacenter
Object Type : Folder
Reference Value : ha-folder-root
Property Name : name
Property Value : ha-folder-root
To run the precompiled SimpleClient from the command prompt, do the following procedure.
1 Open a Windows command prompt or shell prompt on Linux.
2 Navigate to the Java samples subdirectory.
cd %WS_SDK_HOME%\java\JAXWS\samples
3 Invoke the Java runtime, providing the full package name of the SimpleClient, server URN,
credentials, and Java keyStore location, or the --ignorecert argument. The complete syntax
is as follows:
java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=keystore-path-or-%KEYSTORE%-environment-variable
package-hierarchy-classname --url server-url --username username
--password password [--ignorecert ignorecert]
For example:
java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%VMKEYSTORE% com.vmware.general.SimpleClient
--url https://example.com/sdk --username pubs --password ***
--ignorecert ignorecert
Note If error messages occur due to system heap or other memory problems, you can give
the Java VM more memory, as follows:
java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%VMKEYSTORE% -Xms512M -Xmx1024M
com.vmware.general.SimpleClient https://sdkpubslab-02.eng.vmware.com/sdk
--username username
--password password --ignorecert ignorecert
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vSphere Server Certificates
The VMware vSphere API is available as a secure Web service. Secure Web service means that,
by default, ESXi and vCenter Server are configured for HTTPS and support SSL to encrypt
communications. This appendix explains how to manage the certificates needed for secure
Read the following topics next:
n Secure Client-Server Communications
n Simplified Security Setup for Development Environment
n Obtaining Server Certificates
Secure Client-Server Communications
To connect to the server using HTTPS, client applications must verify the identity of the server
by using the server’s certificate during an initial handshake. The client must obtain the server
certificate in advance, so that it is available during the handshake.
See Obtaining Server Certificates.
Simplified Security Setup for Development Environment
You can bypass certificate checking while developing software in a non-production environment.
To do this, create a custom implementation of the javax.net.ssl.TrustManager interface that
returns true rather than actually verifying certificates during the SSL handshake. You can see
examples of such a class in the Java code samples included with the vSphere Web Services SDK.
The Java samples included with the SDK use this technique by accepting an optional command-
line argument, --ignorecert. If you plan to use the --ignorecert option or use this automatic
server-certificate verification technique in your own code, you do not need to import certificates.
See Set Up for Java Development for the Web Services SDK for more information.
Use the --ignorecert option only for development and testing purposes. Do not use it outside a
firewall. If the server-certificate is not verified during the SSL handshake, the client application is
subject to man-in-the-middle attacks.
VMware, Inc.
Obtaining Server Certificates
VMware products use standard X.509 version 3 (X.509v3) certificates to encrypt session
information sent over SSL connections between server and client systems. When a client
application initiates an SSL session with the server, the server sends its certificate to the client
application, which checks the X.509 certificate against a list of known Certificate Authorities
(CAs) to verify the authenticity of the certificate. The client then uses the server’s public key
contained in the X.509 certificate to generate a random symmetric key, which it uses to encrypt
all subsequent communications.
The installers for ESXi and vCenter Server create server certificates during the process of
installation. For ESXi systems, the certificate name matches the DNS name of the server. For
vCenter Server systems, the certificate name is VMware. Because these certificates are not
signed by an official root CA, you must obtain the server certificate from each server that you
plan to target with your client application and store it locally.
For example, if you are creating a client application to run against the vCenter Server and an
ESXi system in standalone mode, you must obtain both the vCenter Server certificate and the
ESXi certificate. If your application is aimed solely at the vCenter Server that might manage any
number of ESXi systems, you must obtain the certificate only from the vCenter Server.
You can obtain the certificates in one of the following ways:
n Developers working on the Microsoft Windows platform can use the certificate-handling
capabilities of the vSphere Client from the development workstation to connect to each ESXi
or vCenter Server and accept the certificate into the local cache and export the certificate.
See Obtain Certificates Using the vSphere Client.
n Developers with access privileges on the target server systems can use a secure shell client
utility (SCP, WinSCP, or SSH) to connect directly to the ESXi or vCenter Server and copy the
certificates directly from the server to the development platform.
Obtain Certificates Using the vSphere Client
Use the vSphere Client to obtain certificates, so you don’t have to install another client on your
development workstation. You can download the VMware Certificate Authority root and leaf
certificates and then add them to the operating system root store of the system from which you
are connecting to the vCenter Server system.
1 From a client system Web browser, go to the URL of the vCenter Server instance.
2 Click the Download trusted root CA certificates link at the bottom of the grey box on the
right and download the file.
3 If needed, change the extension of the file to .zip.
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4 The file is a ZIP file of all root certificates and all CRLs in the VMware Endpoint Certificate
Store (VECS).
5 Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
6 The result is a .certs folder that contains two types of files. Files with a number as the
extension (.0, .1, and so on) are root certificates. Files with an extension that starts with an r
(.r0,. r1, and so on) are CRL files associated with a certificate.
7 Install the certificate files as trusted certificates by following the process that is appropriate
for your operating system.
Firefox has its own trusted roots store and does not use the operating system store. If you
are working with Firefox, download the certificate as described above, and then select Tools
> Options, click Advanced, and click Certificates to import the certificate into Firefox.
What to do next
After you obtain the certificate from each target server, follow the other setup steps appropriate
for your programing language. For Java developers, see Set Up for Java Development for the
Web Services SDK.
For the latest information about certificates, see the
vSphere Security
guide at http://
Updating the Active Directory Group Policy to Accept Certificates
In some configurations, you might need to import certificates into your Active Directory domain.
If you have a configuration where the VMware Certificate Authority is an intermediate Certificate
Authority, a Custom Certificate, or another certificate that is not trusted in your environment,
n you have a Web browser that uses the operating certificate store on Windows (such as
Internet Explorer and Google Chrome)
n you can access the vCenter Server from several different machines
you can import the root certificate into the group policy of your Active Directory environment to
make the certificates trusted in your Active Directory domain.
1 Go to the URL of the vCenter Server system or the vCenter Server Virtual Appliance using a
client system web browser.
2 Click the Download trusted root CA certificates link at the bottom of the grey box on the
right and download the file.
3 Change the extension of the file to .zip.
4 The file is a ZIP file of all root certificates and all CRLs in the VMware Endpoint Certificate
Store (VECS)
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5 Extract the ZIP file.
6 The result is a .certs folder that contains two types of files. Files with a number extension
(.0, .1, and so on) are root certificates. Files with an extension that starts with an r (.r0,. r1, and
so on) are CRL files associated with a certificate.
7 Open the Active Directory Group Policy Management Editor.
8 Open Public Key Policies and select Intermediate Certification Authorities.
9 Add the certificate file or files that you downloaded.
10 From your Windows command prompt, run gpupdate /force to force an update.
Firefox has its own trusted roots store and does not use the operating system store. If you
are working with Firefox, download the certificate as described above, and then select Tools
> Options, click Advanced, and click Certificates to import the certificate into Firefox.
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Endpoint Configuration for HTTP
For development environments, you can simplify the connection process by configuring an HTTP
connection rather than an HTTPS connection to the Web service. If your client also connects to
a vSphere Automation API endpoint, you can use a similar procedure to configure the vSphere
Automation API connection.
The procedure to modify the service configuration differs, depending on the service type.
Choose one of the following options that applies to your situation:
n HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint
n HTTP Configuration for vSphere Automation API Endpoint
Read the following topics next:
n Modifying Service Endpoint Configurations to Support HTTP
n HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint
n HTTP Configuration for vSphere Automation API Endpoint
Modifying Service Endpoint Configurations to Support HTTP
ESXi, vCenter Server, and vSphere Automation API endpoints run by default on port 443, as
secure Web services that can be accessed using SSL or TLS over HTTP (HTTPS). However, for
a development environment, you might want to simplify the connection process from a client
application by configuring the target services to support HTTP.
Note The HTTP protocol without SSL or TLS is insecure. Your user credentials could be
intercepted by wire capture software.
The API service endpoints are handled by a reverse-proxy service, which has a configuration file
that can be modified to specify support for HTTP as an accepted protocol. If you configure the
service for HTTP, you do not need to import the server certificates on the client development
workstation. Modifying the service configuration to support HTTP access is recommended for
test or development environments only, not for production deployments. The default protocol,
HTTPS, provides better security for production deployments.
VMware, Inc.
HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint
You can modify the Web Services API endpoint configuration to accept HTTP connections, in
addition to or instead of HTTPS connections.
HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint on ESXi or
vCenter Server for Windows
This procedure applies to version 5.5 or later ESXi or vCenter Server for Windows.
You can modify ESXi configuration from a shell window over an SSH connection, using the
following procedure. If you do not have SSH enabled, use the appropriate vSphere CLI command
to obtain the configuration file from the server, modify the file to support HTTP, and move the file
back to the ESXi system. For more information about the vSphere CLI command syntax, see the
vSphere CLI Installation and Reference Guide
1 Log in to a shell window or File Explorer with root or administrator privileges.
2 Change directories to the location of the endpoint configuration file.
The location differs, depending on the platform.
n For ESXi:
n For vCenter Server for Windows:
C:\Program Data\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-
3 Copy the endpoints.conf file to a temporary directory for editing.
n On ESXi:
# cp endpoints.conf /tmp/endpoints.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, use File Explorer to copy the file.
4 Change the permissions on the temporary endpoints.conf file to allow editing.
n On ESXi:
# chmod +w /tmp/endpoints.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, right click the file in File Explorer and select Properties
to change file permissions.
5 Use a text editor to open the temporary file.
n On ESXi:
# vi /tmp/endpoints.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, choose any text editor, such as Notepad, from the Start
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6 Navigate to the line that specifies the endpoints for SDK connections, which begins with /
The line looks similar to this:
/sdk local 8085 redirect allow
To enable HTTP connections, change the word redirect to allow.
When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the /sdk line looks similar to
/sdk local 8085 allow allow
8 (Optional) If you prefer to completely disable HTTPS, change the last word to reject instead
When configured to allow only HTTP connections, the /sdk line looks similar to this:
/sdk local 8085 allow reject
9 (Optional) Change the setting for the Managed Object Browser as well.
When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the /mob line looks similar to
/mob local 8085 allow allow
10 Save your settings and close the file.
11 Change the permissions on the temporary file to disable editing.
n On ESXi:
# chmod -w /tmp/endpoints.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, right click the file in File Explorer and select Properties
to change file permissions.
12 Copy the original endpoints.conf file to a backup file.
n On ESXi:
# cp endpoints.conf endpoints.conf.old
n On vCenter Server for Windows, use File Explorer to copy the file.
13 Copy the temporary file endpoints.conf file back, replacing the original endpoints.conf
n On ESXi:
# cp /tmp/endpoints.conf endpoints.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, use File Explorer to copy the file.
14 Signal the reverse proxy service to update its configuration by entering the following
n On ESXi:
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/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart
n On vCenter Server for Windows:
From the Windows menu, choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right
click the rhttpproxy service, and choose Restart.
Example: An endpoints.conf File Modified To Support HTTP connections to
the SDK and the MOB
/ local 8309 redirect allow
/sdk local 8307 allow allow
/client/clients.xml local 8309 allow allow
/ui local 8308 redirect allow
/vpxa local 8089 reject allow
/mob namedpipe /var/run/vmware/proxy-mob allow allow
/wsman local 8889 redirect allow
/sdkTunnel namedpipetunnel /var/run/vmware/proxy-sdk-tunnel allow reject
/ha-nfc local 12001 allow allow
/nfc local 12000 allow allow
/folder local 8309 redirect allow
/host local 8309 redirect allow
/tmp local 8309 redirect allow
/screen local 8309 redirect allow
/guestFile local 8309 redirect allow
/cgi-bin local 8309 redirect allow
HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint on vCenter
Server Appliance
You can modify the Web proxy service to support HTTP on vCenter Server Appliance.
You can modify from a shell window over an SSH connection, using the following procedure. If
you do not have SSH enabled, see
vCenter Server Appliance Configuration
VMware vCenter
Server Appliance Progrmmaing Guide
. This procedure applies to version 6.0 or later vCenter
Server Appliance.
1 Log in to a shell window with root privileges.
2 Change directories to the location of the endpoint configuration file.
n For vCenter Server Appliance:
cd /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf.d
3 Copy the endpoints.conf file to a temporary directory for editing.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# cp vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
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4 Change the permissions on the temporary vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf file to allow
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# chmod +w /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
5 Use a text editor to open the temporary file.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# vi /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
6 Navigate to the line that specifies the endpoints for SDK connections, which begins with /
The line looks similar to this:
/sdk local 8085 redirect allow
7 To enable HTTP connections, change the word redirect to allow.
When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the /sdk line looks similar to
/sdk local 8085 allow allow
8 (Optional) If you prefer to completely disable HTTPS, change the last word to reject instead
of allow.
When configured to allow only HTTP connections, the /sdk line looks similar to this:
/sdk local 8085 allow reject
9 (Optional) Change the setting for the Managed Object Browser as well.
When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the /mob line looks similar to
/mob local 8085 allow allow
10 Save your settings and close the file.
11 Change the permissions on the temporary file to disable editing.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# chmod -w /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
12 Copy the original endpoints.conf file to a backup file.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# cp vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf.old
13 Copy the temporary file endpoints.conf file back, replacing the original endpoints.conf
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# cp /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
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14 Signal the reverse proxy service to update its configuration by entering the following
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
/etc/init.d/vmware-rhttpproxy restart
For an example of the contents of a vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf file modified to support
HTTP connections, see HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint.
HTTP Configuration for vSphere Automation API Endpoint
You can also modify the vAPI endpoint configuration for vCenter Server to accept HTTP
connections in addition to or instead of HTTPS connections. This is useful for clients that interact
both with the vSphere Web Services API endpoint and the vSphere Automation API endpoint in a
development environment. Use the following procedure.
1 Log in to a shell window or File Explorer with root or administrator privileges.
2 Change directories to the location of the endpoint configuration file.
The location differs, depending on the platform.
n For vCenter Server Appliance:
n For vCenter Server for Windows:
C:\Program Data\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-
3 Copy the vapi-endpoint.conf file to a temporary directory for editing.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# cp vapi-endpoint.conf /tmp/vapi-endpoint.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, use File Explorer to copy the file.
4 Change the permissions on the temporary file to allow editing.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# chmod +w /tmp/vapi-endpoint.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, right click the file in File Explorer and select Properties
to change file permissions.
5 Use a text editor to open the temporary file.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# vi /tmp/vapi-endpoint.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, choose any text editor, such as Notepad, from the Start
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6 Navigate to the line that specifies the endpoint for REST connections, which begins with /
The line looks similar to this:
/rest local 12346 redirect allow
To enable HTTP connections for REST clients, change the word redirect to allow.
When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the /rest line looks similar to
/rest local 12346 allow allow
8 (Optional) If you prefer to completely disable HTTPS, change the last word to reject instead
When configured to allow only HTTP connections, the /rest line looks similar to this:
/rest local 12346 allow reject
9 Navigate to the line that specifies the endpoint for clients that use language bindings rather
than REST, which begins with
The line looks similar to this:
/api local 12346 redirect allow
10 To enable HTTP connections for clients using language bindings rather than REST, change the
word redirect to allow.
When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the /api line looks similar to
/api local 12346 allow allow
11 Save your settings and close the file.
12 Change the permissions on the temporary file to disable editing.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# chmod -w /tmp/vapi-endpoint.conf
n On vCenter Server for Windows, right click the file in File Explorer and select Properties
to change file permissions.
13 Copy the original vapi-endpoint.conf file to a backup file.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# cp vapi-endpoint.conf vapi-endpoint.conf.old
n On vCenter Server for Windows, use File Explorer to copy the file.
14 Copy the temporary file back, replacing the original vapi-endpoint.conf file.
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
# cp /tmp/vapi-endpoint.conf vapi-endpoint.conf
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n On vCenter Server for Windows, use File Explorer to copy the file.
15 Signal the reverse proxy service to update its configuration by entering the following
n On vCenter Server Appliance:
/etc/init.d/vmware-rhttpproxy restart
n On vCenter Server for Windows:
From the Windows menu, choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right
click the rhttpproxy service, and choose Restart.
Example: A vapi-endpoint.conf File Modified To Support HTTP
connections for API and REST
/vapiendpoint/health local 12346 allow allow
/vapiendpoint/resourcebundle local 12346 allow allow
/rest local 12346 allow allow
/site/api local 12346 redirect allow
/site/rest local 12346 redirect allow
/api/ local 12346 allow allow
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