University Transportation Center for
Underground Transportation Infrastructure
Marte Gutierrez, Ph.D.
James R. Paden Distinguished Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401
University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation
Infrastructure (UTC-UTI)
Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) funded under the
2016 DOT UTC Competition.
Addresses the FAST Act Research Priority Area: “Improving the
Durability and Extending the Life of Transportation Infrastructure.
Budget is $7.5 million for five years (2017-2022). 50% required cost
match (in kind and/or cash).
Participating Institutions: Colorado School of Mines (Lead
Institution), California State University Los Angeles (Minority
Serving Affiliate), and Lehigh University (Affiliate).
UTC-UTI builds upon the strong foundation of the Center for
Underground Construction and Tunneling (CUC&T) at Colorado School
of Mines (Dr. Mike Mooney, Director), and cements Mines as the
leading place in the world for UC&T research and education.
32 funded UTCs out of 212 applications.
UTC-UTI is the first DOT Center at CSM.
UTC-UTI is the first and only UTC focused on Underground Construction.
CSM is the only Lead University for a UTC in CO.
Locations of the 2016 UTCs
ASCE Infrastructure Report Card
Signed by President Obama on December 4, 2015 into law.
The first federal law in over a decade to provide long-term funding
certainty for surface transportation infrastructure.
Authorizes $305 billion over fiscal years 2016 through 2020 for safety,
public transportation, research and technology.
Maintains focus on safety, streamlining of project delivery, and support for
freight projects.
Enables states and local governments to move forward with long term
federal partnership for critical transportation projects.
The FAST (Fixing America's Surface Transportation) Act
Motivation for UTC-UTI
Increased urbanization, population density and traffic congestion demand
greater investments in underground transportation infrastructure (UTI) for
highways, roads, railways, transit, parking and lifeline conveyance.
Many areas in the US and the world are increasingly finding that underground
transportation is one of the few options available.
Underground transportation offers many positive aspects to long-term
Future UTIs will be deeper, larger, more complex, and will be for multiple
Many of existing UTIs in the US are beyond nominal expected life, and are in
need of repair, retrofit or upgrade.
New UTIs involve expensive and complex construction. Many instances of UTI
projects have encountered major problems.
Maintenance, retrofit and extension are costlier for UTIs than for other forms
of transportation.
Underground transportation offers many positive aspects to long-term
sustainability particularly in urban areas:
Reducing traffic congestion and travel times.
Reducing fossil fuel use and emissions.
Positively affecting land use and development by reducing urban sprawl
and traffic noise, and preserving landscape and biodiversity.
Increasing the resilience of communities by providing reliable service safe
from natural and anthropogenic hazards.
Many areas in the US and the world are increasingly finding that underground
transportation is one of the few options available. Examples:
San Francisco Bay Area: MUNI Central Subway, Silicon Valley Rapid Transit, Trans Bay
Seattle: Alaskan Way Viaduct, Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel (DSTT), Sound Transit
3, …
New York City: East Side Access, Second Avenue Subway, Number 7 Line Extension, ..
Washington, DC: Dulles Transit Extension, Orange Line Extension, Silver Line Extension,
Georgetown Tunnel and Inner Loop, …
Future underground transportation infrastructure will be deeper, larger, more
complex and will be for multiple uses.
Source: BBC
Gotthard Base Tunnel: World's Longest and Deepest Rail Tunnel
Source: BBC
World’s longest road tunnel
Length = 24.5 km
Lærdal Tunnel, Norway
World’s deepest undersea
290 m below sea level
7.7 km long
16,000 m
of shotcrete
1,300 tons of explosives
5 million blast holes
Eiksund Tunnel, Norway
Many of the existing UTI in the US are beyond nominal expected life and in
need of repair or becoming functionally obsolete. Examples:
Bostons Callahan Tunnel built in 1961.
Amtrak's 104-year old Hudson River tunnels.
Amtrak’s tunnels in Baltimore and Potomac with tight curvatures and clearances that force
trains to slow down to 30 mph.
It is estimated that shutdown of train services along the Northeast Corridor alone can cost up
to $100 million a day from congestion, productivity and other losses.
Even some newer project are rapidly deteriorating. Example:
The Cumberland Gap twin-bore tunnel in the Appalachian Mountain.
Built in the 1990s for $290 million.
Tunnel carries about 22,500 vehicles bi-directionally per day. About 10% of the
traffic is trucks.
Already needed major repairs in 2007 and 2012 due to approximately 7,400 ft
pavement surface having voids beneath ranging from 0.5 to 40” deep.
Closure for repair will entail cost of $1.1 million per day due to traffic delays.
Many instances of underground construction projects that
have encountered major problems. Examples:
“Big Dig Central Artery/Tunnel project that incurred huge
cost escalation from an initial estimate of $2 billion to a final
cost $24 billion, and delay of completion of 11 years,
1994 Heathrow Airport Tunnel Collapse,
2003 Shanghai Metro Line 4 collapse in China,
2004 Nicoll Highway collapse in Singapore, and
2007 Sao Paulo 100-ft deep shaft collapse.
“Big Dig” Central Artery/Tunnel Project
“Big Dig” Central Artery/Tunnel Project
Described by UK Health Safety Executive (HSE) as “the worst civil engineering disaster in the UK in
the last quarter century.
Recovery took nearly two years and cost around £150 million - nearly three times the cost of the
original contract.
A catalogue of design and management errors, poor workmanship and quality control were at the
root of the catastrophic tunnel collapse.
1994 Heathrow Airport Tunnel Collapse
Seven persons killed.
“Design shortcomings due to oversimplification of the geomechanical model in terms of
overburden load and weaknesses in the sides of the tunnels due rock discontinuities.
“Failure to consult monitoring data compounded all the errors. There is no evidence of any
back analysis of data from monitoring − Data were there but never looked at.
2007 Sao Paulo 100-ft Deep Shaft Collapse
Vision for UTC-UTI
Be a leading Center for the development of technologies for UTIs that are sustainable,
less costly and more durable, and that can be efficiently constructed, operated and
maintained with minimal problems.
Objectives of UTC-UTI
Develop technologies that will improve the durability and extend the life of new
and existing UTI through safe and cost-effective planning, design, construction,
operation, maintenance and rehabilitation using advanced intelligent and data-
driven systems based on condition monitoring, sensing and performance
assessment, as well as in new construction materials and technologies;
Educate and train the next generation of engineers from diverse backgrounds with
educational, research and entrepreneurial experiences, and who are attuned to the
multifaceted nature and impact of underground transportation projects; and
Transfer research results and technology to industry (consultants, contractors and
insurers), professional organizations, governmental institutions, permitting agencies
and the academe, and be an incubator of new technologies.
Challenges in the engineering of underground space:
Difficulty in predicting complex geologic conditions and material behavior,
and long-term geologic material interactions with the built environment.
Difficulty in managing unexpected ground conditions resulting in project
delays and cost escalation.
Design of underground excavations is still largely empirical due to
uncertainties in ground conditions and properties .
Owners, designers and/or contractors often take large risks or are excessively
conservative as a consequence of insufficient geological and geotechnical
A fixed design based on limited information is often used, wherein few
provisions are made to allow for deviations from perceived initial conditions,
even when the original design becomes untenable and continuation leads to
large financial losses.
SOLUTION: Real-time and adaptive system for investigating, analysis and
design of underground space:
A unique aspect of underground projects is that they allow for improved
understanding of the ground conditions and interactions with the built
environment as construction progresses.
However, current design and construction practices do not allow a
project to adapt to new information that can be obtained from the field
as the construction is being carried out.
Even in cases where extensive monitoring is performed, little is done to
use new data and information.
Barriers to implementation and use adaptive real-time systems
Inflexible contract, potential lawsuit and adversarial relationships
between, designer and contractor.
Underground construction is still too conservative, tradition-
bound, and sometimes slow to adopt innovations.
Outdated regulations and design/construction standards.
Lack of time, personnel and/or resources to gather field data and
monitor response.
Lack of system to process new data and information, and adaptive
models and techniques to adapt design to improve understanding
of field behavior.
Interplay between the different research
topics to be pursued in UTC-UTI.
Condition monitoring, remote
sensing and use of GPS;
Asset and performance
management; and
Application of new materials and
UTC-UTI Research Topics Under Priority Research Area 4
The core of UTC-UTI is an adaptive,
intelligent and data-driven system
that turns the results from the asset and
performance management system into
actionable recommendations, which are
implemented through the use of new
materials and technologies.
AMADEUS (Adaptive Real-Time Geologic Mapping, Analysis
and De
sign of Underground Space)
Information Technology Research (ITR)
Funded by the National Science Foundation
UTC-UTI Initial Suite of Research Projects -
Condition monitoring, remote sensing and use of GPS
1. Use of sensor networks, LiDAR and Digital Photogrammetry for rapid assessment of
underground and infrastructure conditions.
2. Geophysical methods for predicting ground conditions ahead of underground
3. 3D subsurface mapping and geologic modeling.
UTC-UTI Initial Suite of Research Projects -
Asset and performance management
1. Real-time performance assessment of underground
transportation infrastructures.
2. Resilience and sustainability of underground
transportation infrastructures.
3. Data-driven risk mitigation.
4. Data assimilation and adaptive computational
5. Uncertainty modeling and risk assessment.
6. Impact of underground excavation on above-ground
7. Blast and fire hazard mitigation assessment for
highway and rail tunnels.
UTC-UTI Initial Suite of Research Projects - Application
of new materials and technologies.
1. Sustainable and high-performance materials for underground construction
2. Performance-based design methodology for underground construction using new
3. New excavation technologies for underground construction
4. Development of a blast and fire resistant structural tunnel liner
Faculty Participants
Wendy Zhou
Associate Professor,
Geological Eng.
Gabe Walton
Assistant Professor,
Geological Eng.
Mike Mooney
Grewcock Chair
Center Director
Professor, Civil
Marte Gutierrez
Paden Chair
and Professor,
Civil Eng.
Reza Hedayat
Assistant Professor,
Civil Eng.
Priscilla Nelson
Professor and
Dept Head,
Mining Eng.
Eunhye Kim
Assistant Professor,
Mining Eng.
Rennie Kaunda
Assistant Professor,
Mining Eng.
Richard Brune
Mining Eng.
Hugh Miller
Assoc. Professor,
Mining Eng.
Shilling Pei
Professor, Civil
Panos Kiousis
Assoc. Professor,
Civil Eng.
Andrei Swidinsky
Assistant Professor,
Courses Related to Urban Transportation Infrastructure
Center Level Course on Urban Transportation Infrastructure
Undergraduate Minor or Area of Special Interest in Urban Transportation
Graduate Degrees Focused on Urban Transportation Infrastructure
Short Courses
Seminar Series
Field Trips to Construction Sites
Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) Students
Pre-College K-12 Education
UTC-UTI Education and Workforce Development Activities:
Industrial/Practitioner Partnership
Continuing Education Short Courses
Other means of dissemination of results (worldwide web, print media,
conference presentations, demonstrations to contractors and engineers, and
archival journals)
All products will be available to the public through RiP, NTL, TRID and
Research Hub
UTC-UTI Technology Transfer
High demand which will continue to grow (in California, one in six
construction workers has fallen into the “underground economy”).
Job stability many underground projects last for years and even decades.
Challenging everything is new and different and requires a high degree of
Opportunity to travel the world.
Diverse work force. Women are joining the underground construction
industry in increasing number.
Diverse types of work from office to field.
Opportunity to grow.
Opportunity to work in landmark projects that will have major impact to
Careers in Underground Transportation Infrastructure
Please consult UTC-UTI Faculty Participants in your Department or:
Marte Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Director, University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation
Infrastructure (UTC-UTI)
James R. Paden Distinguished Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
Coolbaugh 308, 1012 14th St., Golden, CO 80401
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Opportunities at UTC-UTI
REU Research Experiences for Undergraduates during spring and gall
semesters and summer
Research assistant-ships from graduate students in CEE, MN, UCTE and GGE.
Research topics cover field work, laboratory testing, analysis and design, and
analytical and computational modeling.