Teck Alaska Incorporated
Red Dog Operations
3105 Lakeshore Drive Building A, Suite 101
Anchorage, AK USA 99517
+1 907 754 3800 Tel
COVID-19 Testing and Travel Protocols for Red Dog employees traveling within
the NANA region
The purpose of this document is to provide direction to Red Dog employees and contractors traveling
to communities in the NANA region. These steps are required to protect our communities from the
threat of COVID-19 when traveling from the mine into the NANA region.
The current travel protocols for employees and contractors who live in the NANA region are as follows:
Suspension of all outbound regional travel from Red Dog, until further notice.
All employee travel is being routed through Anchorage.
Regional personnel impacted by this change are required to follow state and local mandates,
while on R&R utilizing Red Dog provided accommodations in Anchorage, or may elect to
spend their R&R at the Port Site (limited availability).
In order to minimize the number of personnel traveling to/from site, the current protocols also require
all personnel to modify their shift rotation to an 8-week rotation schedule. The end of the first rotation
will be in early May. Extending this to a second or third 8-week rotation is problematic for regional
employees since personnel are unable to return home to their families and their ability to hunt and
participate in the subsistence lifestyle is being impacted.
Maniilaq Association (Maniilaq), the Northwest Arctic Borough (NAB) and local communities in the
region have been working closely to control spread of the virus. Anyone traveling from out-of-region
poses a risk to local communities, as they may be unknowingly carrying COVID-19 even if they do not
have symptoms of the virus. It is the collective goal of NANA, Teck Alaska, NAB, Maniilaq and the
local communities to continue to mitigate this risk. Maniilaq has two COVID-19 rapid test analyzers
available for use in Kotzebue, and is currently offering rapid tests to all passengers traveling from
Anchorage to Kotzebue on Alaska Airlines. NANA and Teck are utilizing Maniilaq’s testing capabilities
for employees who reside within the Region, in an effort to have employees return home safely and
protect their communities at the same time.
Protocol change:
1. Applicability: This document applies to intraregional travel and modifies travel restrictions
for employees and contractors (Personnel) traveling to and from Red Dog.
2. Intraregional travel is permitted under the following conditions and guidance:
a. Personnel: Personnel are permitted to travel between Red Dog and the Northwest
Arctic Borough (NAB) communities for rest and recuperation under the following
i. Personnel manifested for an in-region flight must complete a COVID-19 rapid
test with the PA one day prior to departure.
ii. Personnel must receive a negative test result prior to travel.
iii. Personnel must submit a completed Travel Declaration Form.
iv. Personnel must follow local mandates regarding travel.
v. Personnel returning to Red Dog will undergo inbound passenger screening
upon arrival at Red Dog, prior to returning to their work site.
3. Precautions while traveling:
a. Personnel must practice social distancing by keeping six feet away from others when
b. Personnel shall wear a cloth face covering or mask.
c. Personnel shall wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before boarding the aircraft,
and immediately after departing the aircraft.
4. Additional Information:
a. Personnel should refer to State Health Mandates for further and additional
information on how to navigate State and local rules regarding intrastate travel
(available here: https://covid19.alaska.gov/health-mandates/)
b. Questions may be directed to Greta Schuerch at greta.schuerch@teck.com or 907-
230-1864, Larry Hanna at larry.hanna@nana.com or 907-754-5444 or the NAB at
covid19@nwabor.org or 907-442-8230.
All Red Dog employees and contractors who wish to travel home within the region for their R&R
will be required to take the following steps:
COVID-19 Sample Collection: One day prior to travel, all personnel manifested for
an in-region flight will be required to coordinate with their supervisor to schedule
an appointment with the Physician Assistant (PA) who will collect a sample for
COVID-19 testing using a nasal swab. This sample will be collected in the
afternoon on the day before personnel are scheduled to fly home.
Health Screening: Following sample collection, employees will undergo a health
screening, consisting of a temperature check, and a series of questions
screening for the presence of COVID-19 symptoms.
Travel Declaration: While at the appointment, the employee will be required to
complete a Northwest Arctic Borough Travel Declaration Form, and will be
provided the current travel protocols for their respective community by Red Dog
Human Resources. The Employee will be required to review and sign the
document acknowledging that the document has been read and received.
Sample Analyses: Once nasal swab samples are collected from each outbound
traveler, the samples will be sent to Maniilaq Health Center in Kotzebue via
helicopter or small aircraft, for same-day analysis. A Red Dog provided courier will
meet the flight and deliver the samples to MHC. Once the analyses are complete,
Maniilaq officials will communicate test results to the Red Dog PA. If the results
are negative, the employee will be permitted to travel back to their home
community the following day on a regional air charter from Red Dog.
The Red Dog Mine Community Relations (CR) department will submit a travel manifest and
associated confirmation of a negative test result to Maniilaq, NWAB, and each tribal and city
administrator on the day of travel, prior to any scheduled flights with an estimated arrival time.
Each Monday, Red Dog CR will contact each IRA Administrator or their designee to ask if any
new COVID-19 travel restrictions have been adopted. Current community travel restrictions
will be communicated to all personnel traveling home to a regional community. IRA
Administrators are asked to contact Community Relations with any changes to travel protocols.
Personnel are required to follow all Red Dog Operations travel protocols for regional travelers
until they arrive at the local community.
When arriving at final destination, employees will follow the community specific COVID-19
guidelines and recommendations.
Travel will be from Red Dog to employee’s home community. If a flight is required to make a
stop in multiple communities, employees are required to stay on the plane until they reach their
final destination. All travel will be coordinated by Red Dog.
In the event an employee or contractor tests positive for COVID-19 at Red Dog Operations,
flights into the region will cease until 14 days have elapsed to ensure no new cases are
confirmed on site after the sick individual(s) depart to Anchorage for medical care.
Employees are reminded that even when off work they are a representative of Red Dog and
their actions should set an example for others of their safety ethic and the protection of their
Employees traveling to Red Dog Mine
Upon arrival at Red Dog, employees will report for inbound passenger screening, consisting of a
temperature check and answering a series of heath questions.
If employees are experiencing any symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 (fever, cough,
shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell), they must notify the Red Dog PA prior to travel. Employees
should contact their local health clinic to seek a COVID-19 test and self-isolate until a test result is
As operational requirements permit, regional employees following this revised protocol will
work with their supervisors on timing to resume their previous work schedules