Spring Trip to Kings Dominion!!!
Friday, May 31st, 2019
The Silver Spring International Middle School will perform in a
Mid-Atlantic adjudicated festival at Kings Dominion. This trip will
allow each student to practice their art in a friendly competitive
setting outside of the school building. “Music in the Parks” provides
a fun atmosphere for each student to explore music through their
own performance and through performances of other groups in the
Mid-Atlantic Region. The day includes time in the park for students
and chaperones! I hope you will support your child and the SSIMS
Music Department.
Call for chaperones
Mr. Nassar and Mr. Dawson would like to invite you to
chaperone this trip. Please fill out the chaperone form if you are
interested. Chaperone space is limited and will be given on a
first-come first-served basis. If space is available on the buses,
those volunteers not selected to chaperone, may attend the trip for
$120 .
We need approximately 12 chaperones for the trip. Students will
be checking in with their chaperones at regular intervals. MCPS
staff chaperones will assist with medical and bus issues. As per
MCPS policy, all chaperone trip costs will be subsidized through
student participation fees. Chaperones are selected on a
first-come first-served basis.
Chaperones MUST feel comfortable with the following
duties in order to attend the trip: - Taking roll of your group and
other groups as needed before leaving each location of the trip -
Addressing minor behavior issues of SSIMS students - Keeping
track of the students in your group and making sure the students
check in with you throughout the day - Getting to the awards
ceremony with all students on time
*****Students will be performing on this trip, so they are expected
to come to school that morning
wearing concert attire. Students
ld bring a change of clothes (appropriate for the weather and
the school dress code),
*Per MCPS policy, If prescribed medication needs to be administered ANY TIME during
the trip (5:00am - 11:00pm) MCPS Form 525-13 must be filled out by a parent or guardian
AND A PHYSICIAN and turned into the school nurse. Over-the-counter medication must
be NEW, in the original container with the manufacturer's dosage instructions, and
the safety seal must be INTACT. Signatures are needed and required. If your child
takes medication during the school day already you DO NOT need to make a
duplicate form. If you have any questions please contact the school’s nurse.
SSIMS Kings Dominion Trip Itinerary (tentative)
4:45 a.m. Parent Chaperone /
Staff meeting in the band room.
time for students to arrive at SSIMS. Students should arrive
wearing their concert dress of black bottoms and white tops
5:00 a.m. “Official” check-in #1 with chaperones
5:15 a.m. Load busses with instruments, equipment, and students
5:30 a.m. Buses depart for Doswell, VA
7:00 a.m. SNACK! Students should bring and eat a light snack for
performance fuel!
7:30 Arrive Caroline High School 19155 Rogers Clark Blvd Milford, Va 22514
11:30 a.m. BUSES depart for Kings Dominion
12:00 p.m. Arrive at Kings Dominion and enter park
5:15 p.m. “Official” check-in #
2 with chaperones
5:30 p.m. Award Ceremony at the Kingwood Amphitheater
7:30 p.m. DINNER! Students continue park activities and
purchase dinner in the park when
8:30 p.m. “Official” check-in #
3 with
8:45 p.m. Students and chaperones arrive at the
park exit 9:00 p.m. Load busses and depart for
11:00 p.m. Arrive at SSIMS and unload
instruments from buses
11:00 p.m. Parents pick-up students
In case of an emergency, all staff and chaperones will be provided with a phone
tree. Staff will be contacted by the involved chaperones and initiate the phone
Student Cost (
Cost of transportation, performance, park,
and lunch) : $141.00 per student
ations will
be accepted to offset the cost for students in
Scholarships are available for students with financial
hardship. Parent/
Guardian must submit the attached form if a
scholarship is needed. DEADLINE for scholarship eligibility
is March 1st.
DEADLINE for scholarship eligibility is March 1st.
*****Checks and Money Orders MUST be made out to Silver
Spring International Middle School. Please write your student's
name and the King Dominion in the memo line of each check or
money order. Parents are strongly encouraged to submit payment
online via the school’s website. (Directions to submit online
payment will provided at a later date). In case of cancellation, any
unspent and/or refundable money remaining will be available for
refund or donation to the program.
Payment due dates: (Student Performers)
Option A
Deposit $50.00 due by February 28th
Payment #1 March 28th, $45.50
Payment # 2 April 25th, $45.50
Option B
Payment in Full
We will accept chaperone applications on a first come, first
served basis. MCPS chaperone/
volunteer policy requires that
chaperones attending this trip must complete the Online Training
for Volunteers and Contractors: Recognizing and Reporting
Child Abuse and Neglect
and must be fingerprinted by MCPS.
Additional information will be provided to Chaperones and
Volunteers for this trip. The cost to attend for adults not selected
to chaperone is $120.
Please Return this form to RSVP for Kings Dominion
_________________________________________________(Student Name)
Has my permission to perform and travel with the SSIMS to participate and perform in the Music in
the Parks Festival at Kings Dominion on May 31, 2019.
(please indicate your payment option with an “x”
_______ enclosed is my $50 deposit and I will submit $45.50 on March 28th and April 25th.
_______enclosed is my full payment of $141
_______ enclosed is request for a scholarship for my student to attend(Deadline for scholarship
requests will be March 1st)
______ I am enclosing an additional $_________ please use this donation to fund scholarships.
_____ I would like to volunteer as a chaperone
_____ I am attending with my child as an adult volunteer (non-chaperone and have enclosed $120
_______________________________parent/guardian signature
Financial Hardship Request
MCPS remains committed to providing all students, regardless of
their economic circumstances, with full access to all the courses,
the instructional materials required for those courses, and the
instructional program.
Student Name_______________________________
On behalf of this student I am requesting
_________ extended payment schedule
________reduced payment
________ full waiver
___________________________parent/guardian signature
Chaperone Form – DUE March 1st
Chaperones MUST feel comfortable with the following duties in
order to attend the trip: - Taking roll of your group and other groups as
needed before leaving each location of the trip - Addressing minor behavior
issues of SSIMS students - Keeping track of the students in your group and
making sure the students check in with you throughout the day - Getting to the
awards ceremony with all students on time
PAYMENT! We will inform you whether or not you have been chosen as
a chaperone. If you are not chosen and there is extra space on the bus,
you may still attend the trip for $89 (admission/
bus ride)
Name of Chaperone:
Relationship to
Please return the signed form with your initial payment
I, ____________________________________ a participant in the Music in the Parks
festival on May 31, 2019, sponsored by Silver Spring International MS (SSIMS) and
approved by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), agree to all of the
following as a condition of participating in the trip:
I agree to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies of the Board of Education of MCPS,
policies of SSIMS, and policies set forth by Mr. Dawson, Mr. Nassar, and the trip chaperones.
I will follow instructions of the chaperones in all instances. I understand that the safety and
welfare of the group is of utmost importance. I understand that I am expected to participate in all
group activities.
In the event of any violation of the rules, the chaperones reserve the right to make a decision
about any initial consequences and may, if deemed appropriate, contact Mr. Dawson, Mr. Nassar,
or the SSIMS administrator. Mr. Dawson and Mr. Nassar may decide to exclude a student from
park activities if any action(s) were deemed to be detrimental to the safety or well-being of our
program, students, or other parties. If such an infraction occurs, parents /
guardians will be
contacted immediately. If legal action occurs, MCPS policy will be in effect and parents may be
required to pick up their child from police custody.
I agree to act in a responsible, ethical, and positive manner so as to derive the greatest benefits
from the program and make a valuable contribution to it. The SSIMS PBIS philosophy is
expected to be implemented and used by every student at all times.
I have read and understand this behavior agreement and I agree to abide by
all points. Student
Parent Agreement: I certify that I am a parent or legal guardian of the student
named above and that I have read, understand, and agree to this agreement.
Specifically, I agree to assume financial and legal responsibility if necessary,
Parent / G
uardian Signature: Date: