Weber’s Law and Weberized TV Restoration
Jianhong Shen
School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Most conventional image processors consider little the influence of human vi-
sion psychology. Weber’s Law in psychology and psychophysics claims that hu-
man’s perception and response to the intensity fluctuation of visual signals are
weighted by the background stimulus , instead of being plainly uniform. This
paper attempts to integrate this well known perceptual law into the classical total
variation (TV) image restoration model of Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi [Physica D,
60:259-268, 1992]. We study the issues of existence and uniqueness for the pro-
posed Weberized nonlinear TV restoration model, making use of the direct method
in the space of functions with bounded variations. We also propose an iterative
algorithm based on the linearization technique for the associated nonlinear Euler-
Lagrange equation.
PACS (2001): 87.19.Dd (information processing in vision and hearing); 87.57.Nk
(image analysis).
Keywords: Weber’s Law; Vision; Psychophysics; Image restoration.
1 Introduction: Weber’s Law
As information carriers, all images are eventually perceived and interpreted by the
human visual system. As a result, human vision psychology and psychophysics play
an important role in the successful communication of image information. From the
imaging science point of view, this fact implies that any ideal image processor should
take into account the consequences of vision psychology and psychophysics.
The current paper makes an attempt in this direction. We develop an image restora-
tion model that intends to incorporate one of the most well known and influential psy-
chological results - Weber’s Law for sound and light perception. We study its major
mathematical properties (e.g., existence and uniqueness), as well as the computational
strategy for the associated nonlinear PDE.
Email: [email protected]. Tel: (612) 625-3570. Fax: (612) 626-2017.
Weber’sLawwas first described in 1834 by German physiologist E. H. Weber [Web34],
and was later formulated quantitatively by the great experimental psychologist Gustav
Fechner [Fec58], founder of the modern psychophysics. The law reveals the universal
influence of the background stimulus on human’s sensitivity to the intensity incre-
ment , or the so called JND (just-noticeable-difference), in the perception of both
sound and light. It claims that the so-called Weber’s fraction is a constant:
const. (1)
Many experiments have demonstrated that in a large range of stimuli , Weber’s Law
indeed provides a good approximation.
Empirical evidence is easy to gather from daily life for a qualitative understanding
of Weber’s Law. In a fully packed stadium where the background sound intensity is
high, one has to speak close to shouting in order to be effectively heard by the other
folks. The same observation is true for visual communication. The stars can be clearly
spotted in a dark night without a bright full moon, and away from the urban neon
lights. But otherwise our naked vision has much difficulty in finding them. In the
current paper, we apply Weber’s Law in the context of visual perception. Therefore,
stands for the background light intensity and the intensity fluctuation.
Since almost all images are eventually to be observed and interpreted by humans,
an ideal digital image processor has to take into account the effects of human psychol-
ogy and psychophysics, such as that of Weber’s Law. This is an important new area that
needs to be further explored. The current paper makes the first infantile attempt of in-
tegrating Weber’s Law into image restoration schemes. We demonstrate our main idea
through “Weberizing” the well known classical model of total variation (TV) denoising
and enhancement by Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi [ROF92, RO94].
The organization goes as follows. In Section 2, we quickly review the TV restora-
tion model in image processing, and explain the idea behind its “Weberization. In
Section 3, we first rigorously interpret the Weberized TV restoration energy and its ad-
missible space, and then apply the direct method to study the existence and uniqueness
of the minimizers. The computational approach to the minimization of the Weberized
TV energy is addressed in Section 4, accompanied by some typical numerical results.
The conclusion goes into Section 5.
2 Weberized TV for Image Restoration
Let denote the observed raw image data, which is assumed to be a degraded version
of the original good image . Distortions in are typically modeled by blurring and
where is a linear blurring operator, or a lowpass filter with , and denotes
white noise. The goal of image restoration is to recover the original good image
from one single observation of (since strictly speaking, is a random field). In
this paper, we shall assume that the noise is spatially homogeneous, and can be well
approximated by Gaussian. We shall also focus on the pure denoising case when there
is no severe blurring.
The TV restoration model first proposed by Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi [RO94,
ROF92] is to minimize the following Bayesian type energy [GG84, Mum94, CS02]:
in the space of functions with bounded variations BV . (Here, imitating the con-
ditional expectation in probability theory, the vertical bar defines two domains for the
known variables and the unknowns.) The first regularity term is understood beyond
the conventional Sobolev space
, instead, as the TV Radon measure [Giu84].
BV has been proven a sufficiently good image space for most images without much
texture [CS02]. The main characteristic of the BV image model is that it legalizes 1-
dimensional singularities, or popularly referred to as “edges,” an important visual cue
in human and computer vision [MH80].
Ever since their first introduction into digital image processing in [RO94, ROF92],
the BV image model and TV restoration model (3) have witnessed many successful new
developments during the past decade. We refer to our recent survey paper [CS02] and
the references therein for more detail. In particular, with his collaborators, the author
of the present paper has been able to extend and generlize the models onto digital graph
domains [COS01], onto the so-called nonflat image features that live on Riemannian
manifolds [CS00], and onto the novel area of image inpainting and geometric image
interpolations [CS01]. Figure 1 shows one application of the TV restoration model for
the error concealment of a blurry image transmitted through a wireless network with
randomly lost packets.
A blurred image with 80 lost packets Deblurring and error concealment by TV inpainting
Figure 1: TV restoration of a blurry image with simulated random packet loss.
Most conventional restoration models do not take into account that our visual sen-
sitivity to the regularity or local fluctuation depends on the ambient intensity level
. That is, models such as (3) assume that a local variation, say, should be
treated equally independent of the background intensity level , no matter whether it
is or . But this exactly violates Weber’s Law, according to which, a
fluctuation level of against a background intensity is much more
significant than the same amount against . In fact it is approximately equivalent
to a level of
in the latter situation.
It is out of this consideration that we propose to “Weberize” the classical TV
restoration model (3). The key is to replace the uniform local variation
by the Weberized local variation ,
which encodes the influence of the background intensity according to Weber’s Law (1).
Therefore, instead of (3), we propose the Weberized TV restoration model
The current paper is devoted to the study of the mathematical properties of this new
model, including issues related to the existence and uniqueness of the minimizers, and
its computational approach.
3 Existence and Uniqueness
We first work out some natural assumptions on the data model, and then investigate the
existence and uniqueness of the minimizers to the Weberized TV restoration model (4).
3.1 Assumptions and the admissible space
In Weber’s fraction , denotes the intensity value. Thus . We shall call
the “blackhole” since physically it means no photons are emitted or reflected. The
blackhole is the singularity of both Weber’s fraction and the Weberized local variation
. Therefore, technically we should stay away from the blackhole and
assume that .
The blackhole similarly imposes some natural restrictions on the noise model
Since also represents the intensity value, we must have , which implies that
. Now that in both the TV restoration model (3) and its Weberized version (4),
noise reduction has been controlled by the least square energy, we are implicitly as-
suming that the noise can be well approximated by some Gaussian [Str93].
In particular, (or its probability density function) should be almost symmetric, and
the condition is equivalent to , which can be roughly translated to that
the signal-to-noise ratio SNR . Therefore,
and we obtain a natural technical constraint for the Weberized TV restoration model (4):
Before investigating the existence of the Weberized TV retoration (E:Ew)
we need to explain the exact meaning of the Weberized TV, and the admissible space
for the restoration energy .
First, due to the least square energy control in , we assume that . As
a result, . Throughout the paper, we also assume that is a Lipschitz open
domain with a finite Lebesgue measure .
Second, the Weberized TV energy
is understood in the sense of the coarea formula [Giu84]. More generally, let
be a continuous function. Then, for any BV and ,
we define
Per (7)
Here for any , the perimeter of the set is defined as [Giu84]:
Per Per (8)
(Note: in this paper we shall always use the conventional notation to denote
the TV Radon measure [Giu84]. ) When , (7) is precisely the classical
coarea formula.
Another equivalent way is to introduce the integral of : . Then
the definition (7) is identical to
TV (9)
For instance, for the Weberized TV, , . Therefore, the
Weberized TV restoration can be rewritten as
The combination of all the three elements discussed above leads to the following
natural admissible space for the Weberized TV restoration (10):
TV (11)
This is the space that we shall work with from now on.
3.2 Existence of Weberized TV restoration
First we prove a Maximum Principle type result for the Weberized energy form (10).
The technique is characteristic to total variation related energies, but becomes difficult
for conventional Sobolev type regularity energies.
Lemma 1 Suppose that
for all , and is a minimizer of the
Weberized TV restoration energy restricted in the admissible space as defined
in (11). Then (in the Lebesgue a. e. sense). In particular, .
Proof. Define . Then
The equality in the inequality line holds if and only if has Lebesgue measure 0.
Meanwhile, by the coarea formula (7),
Per Per
Per Per
where for the second equality, we have applied Per . Together, we have
established directly that
and the equality holds if and only if Since is a minimizer in and
, the equality must hold and thus
Notice that such direct method is almost unique to TV related energies. The ceiling
operator (or the flooring operator ) is readily compatible
with the TV measure. The same technique is valid even for more general nonnegative
functions as in (7).
Theorem 1 (Existence) Assume that the observation satisfies
Then the Weberized TV restoration model (6) or (10) has at least one minimizer when
restricted in the admissible space (see (11)).
Proof. Notice that the admissible space is nonempty since . Let
be a minimizing sequence of the Weberized TV restoration energy
restricted in . In the spirit of Lemma 1, we can assume that .
Therefore, is a bounded sequence in the Banach space BV endowed with the
BV norm:
By the weak compactness, has a subsequence, still denoted by for conve-
nience, that converges strongly in to some : . Furthermore, after a
refinement of the subsequence if necessary, we can assume that
Then by the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem,
For the control over the Weberized TV, define and
. Then
and since , we also have
For any compactly supported vectorial test function
we have
Now that the observation
and that is compactly supported,
the right hand side of (14) must belong to
. Hence, again by the Lebesgue
Dominated Convergence Theorem,
Consequently, for each of such test functions ,
Therefore, by definition [Giu84], we must have
Finally, the combination of (12) and (15) gives
It is easy to see that . Since is a minimizing sequence, we therefore have
shown that is in fact a minimizer. This completes the proof.
We close this subsection with a remark on the conditions of the existence theorem.
In numerous digital applications, the conditions in Theorem 1 are naturally satisfied
since intensity values are always scaled to a positive interval . For instance,
and in most 8-bit display systems. When , one level of
elementary shifting, say, resolves the blackhole problem. Such practice is
equivalent to what some vision psychologists have called the modified Weber fraction
, in which the small intensity value is called the activation level.
3.3 Uniqueness of Weberized TV Restoration
Unlike the classical TV restoration model (3), the Weberized energy
is not convex. As a result, uniqueness is no longer a direct product of convexity.
We start with a computational lemma that is again unique to total variation related
Lemma 2 Let be a function, and
then the formal Euler-Lagrange differential of is
Proof. We witness an intrinsic cancellation mechanism characteristic to the TV energy
during the standard computation of Calculus of Variation :
where denotes the arc-length element of the boundary. The cancellation occurs in
the first integral of the second line. This completes the proof.
Applying the lemma to the Weberized TV restoration energy , we obtain the
formal equilibrium Euler-Lagrange equation:
along (17)
Or, applying the time marching scheme along the gradient descent direction,
with the same Neumann adiabatic boundary condition, and an appropriate initial guess.
Notice that (18) is a nonlinear diffusion-reaction type equation. At each fixed pixel
, set . Then the pure reaction mechanism is given by the ODE
which has an unstable repelling boundary , and the unique globally stable attrac-
tor . It is this property that hints that the Weberized TV restoration model may
have a unique solution.
The following uniqueness theorem is at a formal level in the sense that our proof
relies on the formal Euler-Lagrange equations (17). A mathematically more rigorous
proof, or an appropriate reformulation of the uniqueness issue, still remains an open
problem for our readers.
Like the Existence Theorem 1, the following Uniqueness Theorem is again estab-
lished in the natural admissible space in Section 3.1.
Theorem 2 (Uniqueness) Assume that is a minimizer of the Weberized
TV restoration energy restricted in . If for all , then
is unique.
Proof. Since , is away from the boundary of the admissible
space and Calculus of Variation is valid, which leads to the Euler-Lagrange equation
for :
along (20)
or equivalently,
along (21)
Define a new reference energy for the Weberized TV restoration as fol-
It is easy to derive that (21) is exactly the Euler-Lagrange equilibrium equation for
. At each fixed pixel , set , and define a cubic potential of
In particular, , for all . As a result,
is strictly convex when restricted on . Now that the
TV Radon measure is semi-convex, together we conclude that the reference energy
is strictly convex:
for any BV and . The equality holds if and
only if when . Consequently, its equilibrium Euler-Lagrange equation (21)
(even unnecessarily being a global minimum) has at most one solution that satisfies
, which implies that is indeed unique as claimed.
The lower bound has been initially motivated by the blackhole constraint
on Weber’s fraction, as discussed in Section 3.1. It is perhaps more than a coincidence
that it also naturally appears as the inflection point of the reference energy in the
proof of uniqueness.
4 The Computational Approach and Examples
As for the classical TV restoration, there are many computational tools available for
digitally implementing the energy minimization (see, for example, [CGM99, ROF92,
MO00, VO96]). In this paper, as in [COS01, VO96], we propose to apply the lineariza-
tion technique to iteratively solve the Euler-Lagrange equation (17).
Define . Then Eq. (17) can be re-written as
with the Neumann adiabatic condition along the boundary of the image domain. It is
formally identical to the classical TV denoising equation [ROF92, VO96], except that
the fitting constant now depends on . Notice that since .
To numerically solve (24), we apply the linearization technique. Eq. (24) is to be
solved iteratively ( ) based on the linearization
where , and stands for the linear elliptic operator
As well practiced in the TV restoration literature [CL97, VO96], is computation-
ally better conditioned to
where the notation stands for for some positive parameter . Such
conditioning gets rid of the singularity of
on the homogeneous regions of the
current guess where is close to zero. Notice that in terms of the energy
formulation, (25) and (26) are equivalentto tracking down the unique minimizer
of the quadratic energy
Figures 2 and 3 have been generated by this algorithm, and the central-difference
based finite difference schemes for the linearized equation (25). Figure 2 displays the
noisy test image (the left panel) and its Weberized TV restoration (the right panel). Fig-
ure 3 shows a typical 1-dimensional horizontal slice taken from both the noisy image
and its Weberized TV restoration. One clearly observes that unlike the conventional
TV restoration, the Weberized version is able to distribute the minimum amount of
irregularity adaptively over the image domain according to Weber’s Law. Therefore,
in the restored image, the minimum fluctuation is allowed to be larger on regions
where the background intensity is higher and human’s visual sensitivity is weaker.
5 Conclusion
Most conventional image processors consider little how human subjects “feel” about
the outputs. Weber’s Law claims that human’s perception and response to the inten-
sity fluctuation of both aural and visual signals are not simply uniform, instead,
Figure 2: Weberized TV restoration of a test image with homogeneous noise.
should be weighted by the ambient stimulus . The current paper has attempted to in-
tegrate this famous psychological effect into the classical TV image restoration model
of Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi [ROF92].
We have studied the issues of existence and uniqueness for the proposed Weber-
ized TV restoration model, based on the direct method in the space of functions with
bounded variations BV . We have also proposed an iterative algorithm based on the
linearization technique for the nonlinear Euler-Lagrange equation.
We consider the present work as an infantile step in the big blueprint of integrating
important psychological and psychophysical results (either empirical or statistical) into
the contemporary imaging science and technology. Our long-term goal has been set on
the exploration of all possible important interactions.
I deeply thank my great teachers and friends Professors Dan Kersten and Paul Schrater
at the Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, for patiently teaching me
both vision psychology and psychophysics.
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The same slice after Weberized TV restoration
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