Updated 07-2018
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The ACE Reports Data Dictionary is a reference guide designed to enhance the understanding of ACE Reports by clearly
categorizing and defining data universes and data objects available to system users. It is meant to assist users in
identifying data sets and/or specific objects that best fulfill a particular business need and to encourage overall use of
the reporting tool. The dictionary is a living document that will evolve as reports capabilities change and as new data
universes are added. Each update will be marked with the month and year of issuance to allow for quick and easy
identification of the most recently published document.
This version of the ACE Reports Data Dictionary contains detailed information on data that can be accessed by users in
the Trade community and focuses on data universes deployed since 2015.
The following features have been integrated into the dictionary to enable users to navigate the document and quickly
access relevant content:
1. Linked Table of Contents Enables users to quickly locate a particular reporting area in the electronic
version of this document by simply clicking on the desired section title listed in the table of contents
2. Built-In Search Feature Enables the user to search for a word or phrase (e.g., a specific data object) within
the electronic version of this document by pressing Ctrl + F on the keyboard
Due to the length of the dictionary, it is recommended that users take advantage of these features by working with this
reference document in electronic format.
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Table of Contents
Data Universe Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Cargo Release
Cargo Release ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
PGA Message Set Cargo .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Entry Summary
ADCVD ............................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Entry Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 69
Liquidation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Protest ............................................................................................................................................................................. 114
Reconciliation .................................................................................................................................................................. 123
Statements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Trade Export .................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Harmonized Tariff Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 166
Date Objects .................................................................................................................................................................... 174
Training .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1736
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Data Universe Descriptions
A data universe is the interfacing layer between the user and the database. It is a business representation of the data
warehouse that defines the relationship between select data tables and allows the user to interact with data without
knowing all of the complexities of the database.
The following table outlines data universes created since 2015 that are available to Trade users for creating custom ad
hoc reports and/or modifying existing public standard reports in ACE Reports.
Cargo Release
Cargo Release
This universe contains data on cargo release entries filed in ACE and ACS. Data elements
include, but are not limited to: entry header, entry line, entry tariff, and select entry-
related manifest information.
Available to: CBP, PGAs, Brokers, Importers
Cargo Release
PGA Message Set
- Cargo
This universe contains data on cargo release entry lines filed with Partner Government
Agency (PGA) message set data. Data elements include, but are not limited to: entry
header, entry line, entry tariff, and select PGA message set information.
Available to: CBP, PGAs, Brokers, Importers
Entry Summary
This universe contains data on Antidumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) data for any
line filed in ACE or ACS that contains an antidumping or countervailing duty case number.
Available to: CBP, select PGAs, Brokers, Importers
Entry Summary
Entry Summary
The Entry Summary universe contains data elements pertaining to 7501 entry summary
filings, which have been standardized to include both ACS and ACE filed entry summaries.
Data elements include information captured at the entry summary header, line, and tariff
Available to: CBP, Brokers, Importers
Entry Summary
The Liquidation universe contains data elements related to the liquidation records that
occur on 7501 entry summary filings. This universe is separate from the main entry
summary universe to account for the fact that multiple liquidations can occur on the
same entry summary.
Available to: CBP, Brokers, Importers
Entry Summary
This universe contains data on protests filed in ACE and ACS along with select entry
summary information for entries that are associated to a protest. Data elements include,
but are not limited to: protest header, protest activities, protest attachments, and select
entry summary information.
Available to: CBP, Protest Filers
Entry Summary
The Reconciliation universe contains data elements pertaining to type 09 reconciliation
entry summaries as well as their underlying 01, 02, and 06 entry summaries.
Available to: CBP, Brokers, Importers
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Entry Summary
The Statements universe contains data elements found in the ACE Statements
application, which captures data at four different levels of detail: monthly statements,
daily statements, entry summaries associated to daily statements, and the accounting
class code/user fee details for each entry summary associated to a daily statement.
Available to: CBP, Brokers, Importers
Trade Export
This trade-specific universe allows United States Principal Parties in Interest (USPPIs) and
filers to retrieve Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing data on exports in the
Automated Export System (AES). It contains a U.S. Census Bureau approved set of data
elements which include, but are not limited to: EEI header, commodity line, party, vehicle,
equipment, and Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) license information.
Available to: CBP, Exporters
Tariff Schedule
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) contains data elements related to the master
Harmonized Tariff Schedule record. Each HTS record is uniquely identified by an HTS
number, and a beginning/end effective date range.
Available to: CBP, Brokers, Importers
Date Objects
These date-related objects that can be used in conjunction with the other data universes
to apply certain time restrictions on reports that a user wishes to generate. It should be
noted that this group of data objects do not comprise a data universe independent from
the other universes in this data dictionary.
Available to: CBP, PGAs, Brokers, Carriers, Exporters, Importers, Protest Filers, Sureties
This universe is a virtual sandbox that contains a selection of non-personally identifiable
entry header and entry line information. The intent of the universe is to allow users to
familiarize themselves with the SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence application in a
smaller, more controlled environment. Data elements include: select entry header, entry
line, and entry tariff information.
Available to: CBP, PGAs, Brokers, Carriers, Exporters, Importers, Protest Filers, Sureties
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Cargo Release
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Cargo Release data universe. These objects can be used
to modify existing Cargo Release reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
ACE Entry Status
The description indicating the status of a cargo release entry filed in ACE. Possible values
include: "Admissible," "Bill Hold," "Cancelled," "Document Required," "Intensive,"
"Pending," and "Released."
ACE Entry Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the status of a cargo release entry filed in ACE. Possible values
include: "A" indicating Admissible, "B" indicating Bill Hold, "C" indicating Cancelled, "D"
indicating Document Required, "I" indicating Intensive, "P" indicating Pending, and "R"
indicating Released.
Actual Arrival Date - BETA
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when the conveyance transporting the
merchandise from the foreign destination arrived within the limits of the U.S. port with the
intent to unload. Note: This object should not be used. It is currently being tested to
validate accuracy.
Agency Code
The commonly known Partner Government Agency (PGA) code. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "FSIS" indicating U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and
Inspection Service, "NHTSA" indicating U.S. Department of Transportation, National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and "DCMA" indicating U.S. Department of Defense,
Defense Contract Management Agency.
Agency Name
The full name of the Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Bill Number
The alphanumeric code issued by a carrier for a particular shipment being transmitted from
a shipper to a consignee.
Bond Number
The unique 9 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by CBP to the posted bond after
the bond has been approved by an authorized CBP official.
Bond Type
The description indicating the type of bond coverage required for the payment of duties,
fees, and taxes. Possible values include: "Continuous," "Single Transaction," and "No Bond
Bond Type Code
A 1 digit code that signifies the type of bond coverage required for the payment of duties,
fees, and taxes. Possible values include: "0" indicating no bond required, "8" indicating
continuous, and "9" indicating single transaction.
Broker Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
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Object Name
Object Description
Broker Mailing Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the mailing
address of the broker's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the location
where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the
physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing City
The city associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify
the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the broker's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA(TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Broker Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the mailing
address of the broker's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP
should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical
address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the broker's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
Broker Mailing Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the broker's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
Broker Mailing Phone Number
The phone number associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the broker's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Broker Mailing Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
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Object Name
Object Description
Broker Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical City
The city associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is where the
broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by
CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the broker's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Broker Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the broker's physical address.
The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the broker's physical address.
The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Phone Number
The phone number associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is
where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the broker's physical
address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not
be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California,
and "NY" indicating New York.
Broker Physical Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
broker's physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This
may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
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Object Name
Object Description
Broker Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is where
the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used
by CBP for written correspondence.
Carrier Name
The proper name belonging to a carrier.
Carrier SCAC/IATA Code
The carrier ID, which is either the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) or the International
Air Transport Association (IATA) code. For vessel, rail, or truck shipments, the SCAC is used;
for air shipments the IATA code is used.
Consignee Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is
Consignee Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is
Consignee Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is
Consignee Mailing Building
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the mailing
address of the consignee's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the location
where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the
physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing City
The city associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not
be the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the consignee's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Consignee Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the mailing
address of the consignee's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP
should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical
address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the consignee's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee
business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Phone
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the consignee's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee
business is conducted.
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Object Name
Object Description
Consignee Mailing Phone Number
The phone number associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the consignee's mailing address. The
mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is
Consignee Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the consignee's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Consignee Mailing
Suite/Apartment Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should
send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address
where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise.
Consignee Number
The identification number of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper
sold the imported merchandise.
Consignee Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical
address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the consignee's physical address. The
physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical
address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Building
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the
consignee's physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts
business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Consignee Physical City
The city associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical address is where the
consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used
by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the consignee's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
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Object Name
Object Description
Consignee Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the consignee's
physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may
or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the consignee's physical
address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may
not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Phone
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the consignee's physical
address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may
not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Phone Number
The phone number associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical address is
where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical PO Box
The post office (PO) box number associated with the consignee's physical address. The
physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the consignee's
physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may
or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Consignee Physical
Suite/Apartment Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
consignee's physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts
business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Consignee Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical address is
where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Container Number
The unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to each unit of a carriers’ equipment. The
identifier is constructed of a 4 character Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC), a 1 to 15 digit
serial number and in some instances a 1 digit check digit. Note: This object should only be
used to perform a specific query. If used to run an open ended query the user will
experience significant performance implications.
Conveyance Name
The name of the conveyance used to transport merchandise from the foreign location to the
United States. For ocean shipments, this will return the vessel name. For air, truck, and rail
shipments, this will return the carrier name.
Country of Origin Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of origin (COO) related to a specific entry line. The country of origin is the country of
manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Country of Origin Code and Name
A concatenated field indicating the Country of Origin Code and Country of Origin Name. The
Country of Origin Code is the 2 character International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) code indicating the country of origin (COO) related to a specific entry line. The country
of origin is the country of manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. The
Country of Origin Name is the full name of the country of origin (COO) on an entry line.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CN - China," "AR - Argentina," and "BE -
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Object Name
Object Description
Country of Origin Name
The full name of the country of origin (COO) on an entry line. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "China," "Argentina," and "Belgium."
Designated Exam Site
The district and the port a filer has selected to make entry at and where a CBP examination
will occur, if applicable. This location differs from the location where the freight is unladen.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA,"
"PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and "NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA." Note: The option to
select a designated exam site is only available for entries submitted via remote location
filing (RLF).
Designated Exam Site Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port a filer has selected to make entry at
and where a CBP examination will occur, if applicable. This location differs from the location
where the freight is unladen. The district code is the first two characters and the port code
is the last two characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating
LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: The option
to select a designated exam site is only available for entries submitted via remote location
filing (RLF).
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United
States. This is normally the date of cargo release, but it can also be the date of entry or
entry summary filing for merchandise subject to immediate delivery requirements or quota
Entry Date - Year (Fiscal)
The fiscal year (YYYY) in which a cargo release entry date occurs. The CBP fiscal year begins
on October 1 and ends on September 30.
Entry Date - Year Month
The calendar year and month (YYYY - MM) in which a cargo release entry date occurs. A
calendar year begins in January (calendar month 01) and ends in December (calendar month
Entry Date within Last 12 Months
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 12 months of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
Entry Date within Last 13 Months
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 13 months of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
Entry Date within Last 2 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 2 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
Entry Date within Last 3 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 3 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
Entry Date within Last 4 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 4 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
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Object Name
Object Description
Entry Date within Last 5 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 5 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
Entry Election Code
A 1 character code indicating whether the presentation date or the date of arrival was used
as the entry date as listed on the entry header. If neither the presentation date nor the date
of arrival is elected, CBP determines the appropriate entry date by established procedures.
Entry Filing Date - Year (Fiscal)
The fiscal year (YYYY) in which the entry record was created in the transaction system.
Entry Filing Date - Year Month
The calendar year and month (YYYY - MM) in which the entry record was created in the
transaction system.
Entry Filing Date within Last 4
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry filing date within 4 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need
to filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date
Entry Line Number
The number that identifies the line on an entry that the data correlates to.
Entry Line Sequence Number
The number that identifies the specific sequence on an entry line that the data correlates to.
Note: The sequence number can range from 0 to 9.
Entry Line Value
The value of the merchandise imported on the entry line. Note: This amount is reported in
whole U.S. dollars.
Entry Number
A unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to each entry
transaction. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7 positions are the number
assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
Entry Presentation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when the entry is filed with CBP.
Entry Status
The description indicating the status of a cargo release entry filed in ACE or ACS. This object
is derived based on values in the “ACE Entry Status Code” and “Selectivity Type Code”
objects. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Admissible," "Intensive,"
"Released," "Not Released," "Cancelled," and "Not Cancelled." Note: This will reflect that
status that is displayed in the Cargo Release Application UI.
Entry Summary Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the entry summary is filed with CBP. For
timely filing, this date must be within ten working days after release of the merchandise.
Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "01" indicating Consumption - Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption -
Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11" indicating Informal.
Entry Type Code and Description
A concatenated field indicating the Entry Type Code followed by the Entry Type Long
Description. The Entry Type Code is a 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed.
The Entry Type Long Description is the description indicating the type of entry being filed.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "01 - Consumption - Free and Dutiable," "03 -
Consumption - Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and "11 - Informal."
Entry Type Long Description
The description indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Consumption - Free and Dutiable," "Consumption - Antidumping
(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and "Informal."
Estimated Arrival Date - BETA
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) on which the conveyance transporting the
merchandise from the foreign country is estimated to arrive within the limits of the U.S.
port with the intent to unload. Note: This object should not be used. It is currently being
tested to validate accuracy.
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Object Name
Object Description
Expedited Release Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that the cargo referenced in a particular entry has been
released via an expedited entry program. The current expedited entry programs are Free
and Secure Trade (FAST), Border Release Advance Screening and Selectivity (BRASS) and
Line Release. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Expedited Release Type
A written description indicating which expedited entry program was used to release cargo
for a particular entry. Possible values are: "FAST" indicating Free and Secure Trade, "BRASS"
indicating Border Release Advance Screening and Selectivity, and "Line Release."
Field Office Name
The name of the field office associated with each port of entry. Formerly known as the
Customs Management Centers (CMCs). Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries.
First-Time Commodity Indicator
An indicator which identifies if the commodity declared on an entry line is being imported
for the first time. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes.
First-Time Country Indicator
An indicator which identifies if the commodity declared on declared on an entry line is being
imported from the country declared on the entry line for the first time. Possible values are:
"Y" indicating Yes.
First-Time Manufacturer Indicator
An indicator which identifies if the commodity declared on an entry line is being imported
from the manufacturer declared on the entry line for the first time. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes.
Foreign Trade Zone ID
The identification number of the foreign trade zone where merchandise is physically
HTS Description
The description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Long Description
The long description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Short Description
The short description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
Immediate Transportation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when merchandise will be transported from the
first port of arrival to another location for final disposition.
Importer Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing City
The city associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not
be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the importer's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Importer Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted.
Importer Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the importer's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the importer's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Phone Number
The phone number associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Mailing Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used
to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Name
The name of the entity importing the goods into the United States.
Importer Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with each entry. Typically this
consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR
number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-
NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-
", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located outside of the United
States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Importer Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical City
The city associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is where the
importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used
by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the importer's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Importer Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the importer's physical address.
The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the importer's physical address.
The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Physical Phone Number
The phone number associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is
where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the importer's physical address. The
physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same
as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Importer Physical Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
importer's physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business.
This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Importer Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is
where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Inbond Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the entry type associated with a particular shipment that is being
transported under bond. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "36" indicating
E, "67" indicating FOREIGN TRADE ZONE WITHDRAWAL FOR IE, "68" indicating FOREIGN
INBOND. Note: This object should only be used to perform a specific query. If used to run an
open ended query the user will experience significant performance implications.
Inbond Number
A unique 9 to 11 position code that identifies the movement of a particular shipment that is
being transported under bond. Note: This object should only be used to perform a specific
query. If used to run an open ended query the user will experience significant performance
Industry Name
The industry grouping of an imported product based on the Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number associated with an entry line. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Electronics," "Base Metals," and "Machinery." Note: Industry names currently align with
the Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEEs); however, groupings are based solely on tariff
ranges and are not intended to reflect actual team assignment or workload statistics for a
particular CEE.
Location of Goods FIRMS Code
The 4 digit alphanumeric Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS)
code that identifies the facility where the imported goods are physically located. FIRMS
codes represent locations where CBP work is performed on a regular basis and can be inside
or outside ports of entry.
Location of Goods Port Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port associated with the Facilities
Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code. The district code is the first
two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605"
indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW
Manufacturer Address Line 1
The first line of the manufacturer's address.
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Object Name
Object Description
Manufacturer Address Line 2
The second line of the manufacturer's address.
Manufacturer City
The city associated with the manufacturer's address.
Manufacturer Code
The unique alphanumeric code that identifies the manufacturer of goods on the entry line.
If the manufacturer ID (MID) code is not available or found, this field is left null. An MID can
be up to 15 characters in length and is comprised of 5 different pieces to make the complete
MID string. Follows the format: "OOAAABBB1111CCC" Position 1-2: "OO" indicating the
country in 2 characters. Corresponds to the ISO code for the country. Position 3-5 & 6-8:
"AAA" and "BBB" indicating the Manufacturer Name, up to 3 characters each from the first
two words of the company name. There will be no third piece if the name is one word.
Position 9-12: "1111" indicating the Address Line with Street Name and/or Box Number, up
to 4 characters, and is the largest number on the address line. Position 13-15: "CCC"
indicating the City, up to 3 characters. The first 3 letters from the city name.
Manufacturer Country
The full name of the country associated with the manufacturer's address. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "TUVALU," "CHINA (TAIWAN)," "TANZANIA," "UKRAINE,"
Manufacturer Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the manufacturer's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating TUVALU, "TW"
indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating UKRAINE, "UG"
indicating UGANDA, "UM" indicating UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS, and "US"
indicating USA.
Manufacturer Name
The proper name identifying the manufacturer of goods on the entry line as it appears in
the ACE MID information screen.
Manufacturer State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the manufacturer's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts,
"CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Manufacturer Zip Code
The postal code associated with the manufacturer's address.
Message Set Agencies
The 3 character code that identifies the Partner Government Agency (PGA) for which PGA
Message Set data was transmitted on a particular entry line and sequence. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "FSI" indicating U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety
and Inspection Service, "NHT" indicating U.S. Department of Transportation, National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and "DCM" indicating U.S. Department of Defense,
Defense Contract Management Agency. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR
Appendix V. More than one PGA can be listed for a particular entry line and sequence.
Message Set Indicator (Entry Line)
A 1 character code indicating if a particular entry line and sequence contain PGA Message
Set data. Possible values are: "Y" for Yes and "N" for No.
Mode of Transportation
The description indicating the mode of transportation by which the merchandise is
exported. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Vessel (Containerized)," "Rail
(Non-Containerized)," "Rail (Containerized)," "Truck (Non-Containerized)," and "Truck
Mode of Transportation Code
The 2 digit code that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise
from the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "11" indicating Vessel (Containerized), "20" indicating Rail
(Non-Containerized), "31" indicating Truck (Containerized), and "50" indicating Mail.
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Object Name
Object Description
Mode of Transportation Code and
A concatenated field indicating the Mode of Transportation Code followed by the Mode of
Transportation. The Mode of Transportation Code is the 2 digit code that represents the
mode of transportation used to move merchandise from the country of export to the port of
unlading in the United States. The Mode of Transportation is the description of the 2 digit
code. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "11 - Vessel (Containerized)," "20 - Rail
(Non-Containerized)," "31 - Truck (Containerized)," and "50 - Mail."
North/South Border Indicator
An indicator which identifies if a port is located at a northern or southern land border.
Possible values are: "NORTH" and "SOUTH".
Number of Agencies by HTS
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of Partner Government
Agencies (PGAs) that regulate a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
Number of Days Since Entry Filed
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of days since the cargo
release entry was created.
Number of Days Since Entry Filed
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of days since the entry was
created and displays the range it falls within. Possible values are: "<20" indicating the cargo
release entry was created less than 20 days ago , "20-30" indicating the cargo release entry
was created 20 to 30 days ago , ">30" indicating the cargo release entry was created more
than 30 days ago.
Number of Entries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entries related to a
specific object.
Number of Entry Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry lines related to a
specific object.
Number of Filers
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of filers related to a specific
Number of HTS on Entry Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of unique HTS numbers
regulated by a particular agency that are declared at time of entry. For example, if this
object were combined with "Agency Code" it would indicate the number of unique HTS
numbers that the agency regulates, which were declared at the time of entry.
Number of Importers
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of importers related to a
specific object.
Number of Message Set Entry
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry lines and sequences
containing PGA message set date.
Number of Ports of Entry
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of ports of entry related to a
specific object.
Number of Regulated HTS
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of HTS numbers regulated by
a Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Port of Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise entered. The
district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating
OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601"
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Object Name
Object Description
Port of Entry Code and Name
A concatenated field indicating the Port of Entry Code followed by the Port of Entry. The
Port of Entry Code is the 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the
merchandise entered. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the
last two characters. The Port of Entry is the name of the district and the port where the
merchandise entered. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704 - LOS ANGELES,
CA," "2506 - OTAY MESA," "2605 - PHOENIX, AZ," "3001 - SEATTLE, WA," and "4601 - NEW
Port of Entry Name
The district and the port where the merchandise entered. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and
Port of Unlading Code
A 4 digit code that represents the district and port at which goods are unloaded from the
means of transport having been used for their carriage. The district code is the first two
characters and the port code is the last two characters.
Port of Unlading Name
The name of the district and port at which goods are unloaded from the means of transport
having been used for their carriage. The district code is the first two characters and the port
code is the last two characters.
Regulated HTS Description
The description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number that is regulated by a particular Partner Government Agency (PGA).
The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that identifies commodities in a
standard format.
Regulated HTS Number
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number identified in the memorandum of
understanding (MOU) as being regulated by the Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Release Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the imported merchandise is released by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection and allowed to enter the commerce of the United States.
Surety Code
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and
other charges associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the
importer defaults on payment to the government.
Surety Name
The proper name of the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges
associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer
defaults on payment to the government.
System of Release
A 3 character code indicating which CBP system was used to release the entry. Possible
values are: "ACE" indicating the Automated Commercial Environment and "ACS" indicating
the Automated Commercial System. Note: This object populates what is reflected for "Entry
System" in the PGA Data Processing User Interface entry details.
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current
system date and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current
day. Date objects are intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating
the need to filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can
be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds
to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Voyage/Flight/Trip Number
The unique number assigned by the carrier to each voyage (if by ocean vessel), flight (if by
air) or trip (if by truck or rail) made to the United States.
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PGA Message Set Cargo
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the PGA Message Set Cargo data universe. These objects
can be used to modify existing PGA Message Set Cargo reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
ACE Entry Status
The description indicating the status of a cargo release entry filed in ACE. Possible values
include: "Admissible," "Bill Hold," "Cancelled," "Document Required," "Intensive," "Pending,"
and "Released."
ACE Entry Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the status of a cargo release entry filed in ACE. Possible values
include: "A" indicating Admissible, "B" indicating Bill Hold, "C" indicating Cancelled, "D"
indicating Document Required, "I" indicating Intensive, "P" indicating Pending, and "R"
indicating Released.
Actual Arrival Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when the conveyance transporting the
merchandise from the foreign destination arrived within the limits of the U.S. port with the
intent to unload. Note: This object should not be used. It is currently being tested to validate
Actual Temperature
The reported temperature. Note: Reported to 2 decimal places.
Additional Information
The free-form text description of the additional information being provided in relation to the
Additional Information Qualifier Code.
Additional Information Qualifier
A code indicating the type of additional information provided. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "AD1" indicating Entity Address 1 Overflow, "AD2" indicating Entity Address 2
Overflow, and "ENA" indicating Entity Name Overflow. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE
Affirmation of Compliance Code
A code used to affirm compliance with FDA requirements. If the merchandise is subject to
BTA, this field is used to report the appropriate affirmation of compliance information not
reported elsewhere. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Affirmation of Compliance
The free-form text description of the information required by the PGA in relation to the
Affirmation of Compliance Code.
Agency Code
The commonly known Partner Government Agency (PGA) code. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "FSIS" indicating U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and
Inspection Service, "NHTSA" indicating U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, and "DCMA" indicating U.S. Department of Defense, Defense
Contract Management Agency.
Agency Name
The full name of the Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Agency Name
The full name of the Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Bill Number
The alphanumeric code issued by a carrier for a particular shipment being transmitted from a
shipper to a consignee.
Bond Number
The unique 9 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by CBP to the posted bond after the
bond has been approved by an authorized CBP official.
Bond Type
The description indicating the type of bond coverage required for the payment of duties,
fees, and taxes. Possible values include: "Continuous," "Single Transaction," and "No Bond
Page 22 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Bond Type Code
A 1 digit code that signifies the type of bond coverage required for the payment of duties,
fees, and taxes. Possible values include: "0" indicating no bond required, "8" indicating
continuous, and "9" indicating single transaction.
Broker Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address
is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the mailing
address of the broker's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the location
where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the
physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing City
The city associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify
the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the broker's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
"US" indicating USA.
Broker Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the mailing
address of the broker's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP
should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical
address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the broker's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
Broker Mailing Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the broker's mailing address. The
mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Phone Number
The phone number associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used
to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Page 23 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Broker Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the broker's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Broker Mailing Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same
as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical City
The city associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is where the
broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by
CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the broker's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
"US" indicating USA.
Broker Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the broker's physical address.
The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the broker's physical address.
The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Phone Number
The phone number associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is
where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address
used by CBP for written correspondence.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Broker Physical PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the broker's physical
address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be
the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and
"NY" indicating New York.
Broker Physical Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
broker's physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This
may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is where
the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used
by CBP for written correspondence.
Can Dimension #1
The first dimension of a can containing acidified or low acid food. If the container is
rectangular, this dimension represents the width. If the container is cylindrical, this
dimension represents the diameter. Note: Reported up to 4 digits. The first two positions are
reported in inches. The second two positions are in 16ths of an inch.
Can Dimension #2
The second dimension of a can containing acidified or low acid food. If the container is
rectangular, this dimension represents the height. If the can is cylindrical, this dimension
represents the height. Note: Reported up to 4 digits. The first two positions are reported in
inches. The second two positions are in 16ths of an inch.
Can Dimension #3
The third dimension of a container containing acidified or low acid food. If the container is
rectangular, this dimension represents the length. Note: Reported up to 4 digits. The first two
positions are reported in inches. The second two positions are in 16ths of an inch.
Carrier Name
The proper name belonging to a carrier.
Carrier SCAC/IATA Code
The carrier ID, which is either the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) or the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) code. For vessel, rail, or truck shipments, the SCAC is used; for
air shipments the IATA code is used.
Commodity Category Code
A code indicating the commodity category. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR
Appendix PGA.
Commodity Category Type Code
A code indicating the commodity category type. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI
CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Commodity Characteristic
A free-form text description of the imported commodity.
Commodity Characteristic
A code indicating the type of characteristic being provided for the imported commodity.
Qualifiers may represent color, gender, age, etc. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI
CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Commodity Gross Quantity
(Individual Unit - Gross)
The quantity at the individual unit level, including any packaging, but excluding weight of the
carrier's equipment.
Commodity Gross Quantity (PGA
Line - Gross)
The quantity at the PGA line level, including any packaging, but excluding weight of the
carrier's equipment.
Commodity Harvesting Vessel
The free-form text description of the distinguishing feature or property of the vessel used for
harvesting the commodity.
Commodity Harvesting Vessel
Characteristic Type Code
A 3 character code indicating the vessel characteristic provided to describe or identify the
harvesting vessel. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Commodity Net Quantity
(Individual Unit - Net)
The quantity at the individual unit level, excluding all packing and packaging.
Commodity Net Quantity (PGA
Line - Net)
The quantity at the PGA line level, excluding all packing and packaging.
Commodity Political Subunit of
Routing Name
The name of the political subunit (e.g. state, province, or region) through which goods are
routed between the country of original departure and the country of final destination.
Commodity Qualifier Code
A code indicating the type of essential or distinctive attribute or quality of the imported
commodity. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Commodity Routing Country
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country through which goods are routed between
the country of original departure and the country of final destination. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "TV" indicating TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ"
indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating UKRAINE, "UG" indicating UGANDA, "UM" indicating
Commodity Routing Type Code
A 2 or 3 digit code indicating the routing location in relation to its position in the complete
journey of the goods (e.g. start of journey, intermediate destination, loading on importing
conveyance). Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Common Name (General)
The free-form text indicating the general name of the item being imported.
Common Name (Specific)
The free-form text indicating the specific name of the item being imported.
Commonly Known Agency Code
The commonly known Partner Government Agency (PGA) code. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "FSIS" indicating U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and
Inspection Service, "NHTSA" indicating U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, and "DCMA" indicating U.S. Department of Defense, Defense
Contract Management Agency.
Compliance Description
The free-form text describing the information required by the PGA.
Confidential Information
A 1 character code indicating information should be treated as confidential per the agency's
regulations. The only possible value is "Y" indicating Yes.
Consignee Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Building
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the mailing
address of the consignee's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the location
where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the
physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing City
The city associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Page 26 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Consignee Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the consignee's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
"US" indicating USA.
Consignee Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the mailing
address of the consignee's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP
should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical
address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing House
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the consignee's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is
Consignee Mailing Phone
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the consignee's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is
Consignee Mailing Phone
The phone number associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing PO Box
The post office (PO) box number associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the consignee's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Consignee Mailing
Suite/Apartment Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the consignee's mailing address. The mailing address is used
to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where consignee business is conducted.
Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise.
Consignee Number
The identification number of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold
the imported merchandise.
Consignee Physical Address Line
The first line of the address associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical
address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Page 27 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Consignee Physical Address Line
The second line of the address associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical
address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Address Line
The third line of the address associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical
address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Building
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the consignee's
physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical City
The city associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical address is where the
consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used
by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the consignee's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
"US" indicating USA.
Consignee Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the consignee's
physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical House
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the consignee's physical address.
The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Phone
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the consignee's physical address.
The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical Phone
The phone number associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical address is
where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical PO Box
The post office (PO) box number associated with the consignee's physical address. The
physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same
as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Consignee Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the consignee's
physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Consignee Physical
Suite/Apartment Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
consignee's physical address. The physical address is where the consignee conducts business.
This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Consignee Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the consignee's physical address. The physical address is
where the consignee conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Constituent Active Ingredient
A 1 character code indicating if the imported merchandise contains active ingredients. The
only possible value is "Y" indicating Yes.
Container ID 1
The first shipping container or equipment identification number.
Container ID 2
The second shipping container or equipment identification number.
Container ID 3
The third shipping container or equipment identification number.
Container Length 1
The total length associated with Container ID 1. Note: Reported in feet.
Container Length 2
The total length associated with Container ID 2. Note: Reported in feet.
Container Length 3
The total length associated with Container ID 3. Note: Reported in feet.
Container Number
The unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to each unit of a carriers’ equipment. The
identifier is constructed of a 4 character Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC), a 1 to15 digit
serial number and in some instances a 1 digit check digit. Note: This object should only be
used to perform a specific query. If used to run an open ended query the user will experience
significant performance implications.
Container Type 1 Code
A 1 digit code indicating the condition of Container ID 1. Possible values are: "1" indicating
Refrigerated and "2" indicating Not Refrigerated.
Container Type 2 Code
A 1 digit code indicating the condition of Container ID 2. Possible values are: "1" indicating
Refrigerated and "2" indicating Not Refrigerated.
Container Type 3 Code
A 1 digit code indicting the condition of Container ID 3. Possible values are: "1" indicating
Refrigerated and "2" indicating Not Refrigerated.
Conveyance Name
The name of the conveyance used to transport merchandise from the foreign location to the
United States. For ocean shipments, this will return the vessel name. For air, truck, and rail
shipments, this will return the carrier name.
Country of Harvest
The full name of the country of harvest on an entry line. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "China," "Argentina," and "Belgium." Note: For Lacey Act, if the Country of Harvest
is known, it must be provided. If circumstances associated with the product in question are
such that the country of harvest is unknown, each country of from which the plant material
may have been taken must be listed. However, if this list would include more than 10
countries, a Special Use Code of “**” (two asterisks) may be used.
Country of Harvest Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of harvest related to a specific entry line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Country of Origin Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of origin (COO) related to a specific entry line. The country of origin is the country of
manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Country of Origin Code and Name
The concatenation of Country of Origin Code and Country of Origin Name. This will display
the 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of origin (COO) related to a specific entry line, and the full name of the country of
origin (COO) on an entry line.
Country of Origin Name
The full name of the country of origin (COO) on an entry line. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "China," "Argentina," and "Belgium."
Date of Signature
The month, day and year (MM/DD/YYYY) the declaration was signed.
Declaration Certification
A 1 character code indicating that the entity certified the data or the signature is on file. The
only possible value is "Y" for Yes.
Declaration Code
A code indicating the declaration or conformance criteria of an item. Note: Valid codes can
be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Page 29 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Declaration Entity Role Code
A code indicating the role of the entity making the declaration certification. Note: Valid codes
can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Degree Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the degree type. Possible values include: "F" indicating
Fahrenheit, "C" indicating Celsius, and "K" indicating Kelvin.
Description of Merchandise
A free-form written description of the imported merchandise.
Designated Exam Site
The district and the port a filer has selected to make entry at and where a CBP examination
will occur, if applicable. This location differs from the location where the freight is unladen.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX,
AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and "NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA." Note: The option to select a
designated exam site is only available for entries submitted via remote location filing (RLF).
Designated Exam Site Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port a filer has selected to make entry at and
where a CBP examination will occur, if applicable. This location differs from the location
where the freight is unladen. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is
the last two characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: The option
to select a designated exam site is only available for entries submitted via remote location
filing (RLF).
Disclaimer Code
A 1 character code which identifies the reason data is not being provided. Possible values
include: "A" indicating the product is not regulated by this agency, "B" indicating data is not
required per agency guidance, "C" indicating data filed through other agency means, and "D"
indicating data filed through paper. Note: Codes "A" and "B" cannot be used if the HTS is
flagged as 'Must Be' provided.
DOT Bond Amount
The value of the DOT bond. The amount of bond coverage is determined by the DOT and is in
addition to the normal bond coverage required by CBP for the payment of duties, taxes, and
fees. Note: Reported in whole U.S. dollars.
DOT Bond Qualifier Code
A 1 digit code representing the DOT bond type. Possible values are: "1" indicating Single and
"2" indicating Continuous.
DOT Bond Serial Number
The unique number assigned by a surety to identify a bond.
DOT Surety Code
The 3 digit code assigned to the surety company that underwrites the DOT conformance
Electronic Image Submitted
A 1 character code indicating if an electronic image for PGA use was submitted. The only
possible value is "Y" indicating Yes.
Entity Address 1
The first line of the address associated with the foreign or domestic entity.
Entity Address 2
The second line of the address associated with the foreign or domestic entity.
Entity Apartment Number/Suite
The apartment number or suite number associated with the foreign or domestic entity
Entity City
The city name associated with the foreign or domestic entity address.
Entity Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the foreign or domestic
entity address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating TUVALU, "TW"
indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating UKRAINE, "UG"
indicating UGANDA, "UM" indicating UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS, and "US" indicating
Entity Identification Code
A 3 character code indicating the type of entity number being provided. Note: Valid codes
can be found in the ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Page 30 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Entity Name
The name of the foreign or domestic entity.
Entity Number
The unique number assigned to a foreign or domestic entity. This could be a DUNS, IRS
Number, FDA Facility Code, FIRMS Code or Manufacturer Code.
Entity Role Code
A code indicating the role of the foreign or domestic entity. Note: Valid codes can be found in
the ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Entity State/Province Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the foreign or
domestic entity address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Entity Zip/Postal Code
The zip code associated with the foreign or domestic entity address.
Entry Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the entry record was created in the
transaction system.
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United States.
This is normally the date of cargo release, but it can also be the date of entry or entry
summary filing for merchandise subject to immediate delivery requirements or quota
Entry Date - Year (Fiscal)
The fiscal year (YYYY) in which a cargo release entry date occurs. The CBP fiscal year begins
on October 1 and ends on September 30.
Entry Date - Year Month
The calendar year and month (YYYY - MM) in which a cargo release entry date occurs. A
calendar year begins in January (calendar month 01) and ends in December (calendar month
Entry Date within Last 3 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 3 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date object.
Entry Date within Last 4 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 4 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date object.
Entry Date within Last 5 Years
A filter that can be added to a report query filter, which will enable a saved report to always
return data with an entry date within 5 years of today’s date. This eliminates the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: This is a filter, not a date object.
Entry Election Code
A 1 character code indicating whether the presentation date or the date of arrival was used
as the entry date as listed on the entry header. If neither the presentation date nor the date
of arrival is elected, CBP determines the appropriate entry date by established procedures.
Entry Filing Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) the most recent version of an entry was
transmitted to Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Entry Line Number
The number that identifies the line on an entry that the data correlates to.
Entry Line Sequence Number
The number that identifies the specific sequence on an entry line that the data correlates to.
Note: The sequence number can range from 0 to 9.
Entry Line Value
The value of the merchandise imported on the entry line. Note: This amount is reported in
whole U.S. dollars.
Entry Number
A unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to each entry
transaction. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7 positions are the number
assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
Entry Presentation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when the entry is filed with CBP.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Status
The description indicating the status of a cargo release entry filed in ACE or ACS. This object is
derived based on values in the “ACE Entry Status Code” and “Selectivity Type Code” objects.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Admissible," "Intensive," "Released," "Not
Released," "Cancelled," and "Not Cancelled." Note: This will reflect that status that is
displayed in the Cargo Release Application UI.
Entry Summary Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the entry summary is filed with CBP. For timely
filing, this date must be within ten working days after release of the merchandise.
Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "01" indicating Consumption - Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption -
Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11" indicating Informal.
Entry Type Code and Description
The concatenation of Entry Type Code and Entry Type Long Description. This will display A 2
digit code indicating the type of entry being filed, and the description indicating the type of
entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "01 - CONSUMPTION: FREE
Entry Type Long Description
The description indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Consumption - Free and Dutiable," "Consumption - Antidumping
(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and "Informal."
Estimated Arrival Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) on which the conveyance transporting the
merchandise from the foreign country is estimated to arrive within the limits of the U.S. port
with the intent to unload. Note: This object should not be used. It is currently being tested to
validate accuracy.
Expedited Release Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that the cargo referenced in a particular entry has been
released via an expedited entry program. The current expedited entry programs are Free and
Secure Trade (FAST), Border Release Advance Screening and Selectivity (BRASS) and Line
Release. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Expedited Release Type
A written description indicating which expedited entry program was used to release cargo for
a particular entry. Possible values are: "FAST" indicating Free and Secure Trade, "BRASS"
indicating Border Release Advance Screening and Selectivity, and "Line Release."
Field Office Name
The name of the field office associated with each port of entry. Formerly known as the
Customs Management Centers (CMCs). Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries.
First-Time Commodity Indicator
An indicator which identifies if the commodity declared on an entry line is being imported for
the first time. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes.
First-Time Country Indicator
An indicator which identifies if the commodity declared on declared on an entry line is being
imported from the country declared on the entry line for the first time. Possible values are:
"Y" indicating Yes.
First-Time Manufacturer
An indicator which identifies if the commodity declared on an entry line is being imported
from the manufacturer declared on the entry line for the first time. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes.
Foreign Trade Zone ID
The identification number of the foreign trade zone where merchandise is physically located.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
FWS Description Code
A 3 character code identifying the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) description of the imported
merchandise. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "FLO" for Flower, "FRU" for
Fruit, "MEA" for Meat, and "WPR" for Wood product (including furniture, rainsticks). Note:
Valid codes can be found in the ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Globally Unique Product ID Code
The number that uniquely identifies the commercial product or commodity in the global
supply chain.
Globally Unique Product ID
Qualifier Code
A code indicating the type of globally unique number used to identify the commercial
product or commodity. Possible values are: "SRV" indicating Global Trade Item Number
(GTIN) and "AI" indicating Universal Product Code (UPC). Note: This should not be confused
with the PG02 record to provide a non-globally unique product identity number such as a
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) number or the PG07 and PG08 records to provide numbers that
identify items by such things as serial numbers or vehicle identification numbers.
Government Agency Code
The 3 character code that identifies the Partner Government Agency (PGA). Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "FSI" indicating U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety
and Inspection Service, "NHT" indicating U.S. Department of Transportation, National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and "DCM" indicating U.S. Department of Defense,
Defense Contract Management Agency. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR
Appendix V.
Government Agency Processing
A unique code indicating the specific PGA processing requirements for which the data set is
related. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Government Agency Program
A unique code indicating the specific PGA program requirements for which the data set is
related. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
HTS Description
The description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Long Description
The long description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Short Description
The short description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
Immediate Transportation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when merchandise will be transported from the
first port of arrival to another location for final disposition.
Importer Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Importer Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Building
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing City
The city associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify
the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the importer's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
"US" indicating USA.
Importer Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted.
Importer Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the importer's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Phone
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the importer's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Phone Number
The phone number associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the importer's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Importer Mailing
Suite/Apartment Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where
importer business is conducted.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Importer Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used
to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Name
The name of the entity importing the goods into the United States.
Importer Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with each entry. Typically this consists
of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number
identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-
NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-",
followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located outside of the United
States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Importer Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Building
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical City
The city associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is where the
importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by
CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the importer's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
"US" indicating USA.
Importer Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the importer's physical address.
The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Phone
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the importer's physical address.
The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Phone Number
The phone number associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is
where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Importer Physical PO Box
The post office (PO) box number associated with the importer's physical address. The
physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same
as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Importer Physical
Suite/Apartment Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with the
importer's physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business.
This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Importer Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is
where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importers Substantiating
Conformance Declaration
The box number from the PGA form. For example, if DOT HS-7 box 2B is checked, this object
will reflect 2B. If no box numbers exists, this object will reflect the same information as
reflected for the Compliance Description object.
Importers Substantiating
Document ID
A code indicating the type of document or specific PGA form number being certified. Note:
Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Importers Substantiating
Document Indicator
A 1 character code which indicates if the importer has a copy of a document (e.g. contract or
PGA permission letter) needed to import a product that is under government agency
jurisdiction. Possible values are: "Y" for Yes.
Inbond Entry Type
The description indicating the entry type associated with a particular shipment that is being
transported under bond. Possible values include, but are not limited to: WAREHOUSE
MERCHANDISE NOT SHIPPED INBOND. Note: This object should only be used to perform a
specific query. If used to run an open ended query the user will experience significant
performance implications.
Inbond Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the entry type associated with a particular shipment that is being
transported under bond. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "36" indicating
E, "67" indicating FOREIGN TRADE ZONE WITHDRAWAL FOR IE, "68" indicating FOREIGN
INBOND. Note: This object should only be used to perform a specific query. If used to run an
open ended query the user will experience significant performance implications.
Inbond Number
A unique 9 to 11 position code that identifies the movement of a particular shipment that is
being transported under bond. Note: This object should only be used to perform a specific
query. If used to run an open ended query the user will experience significant performance
Individual Email or Fax Number
The email address or fax number for the individual.
Individual Name
The name of the individual.
Individual Qualifier
A code indicating the type of entity or facility the individual represents. Note: Valid codes can
be found in the ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA - PG19 Entity Role Codes.
Individual Telephone Number
The telephone number of the individual.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Industry Name
The industry grouping of an imported product based on the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number associated with an entry line. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Electronics," "Base Metals," and "Machinery." Note: Industry names currently align with the
Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEEs); however, groupings are based solely on tariff
ranges and are not intended to reflect actual team assignment or workload statistics for a
particular CEE.
Inspection Location
A code or free-form written description indicating the site of inspection.
Inspection Location Code
A code indicating the type of inspection or arrival location. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "4" indicating FIRMS Code, "7" indicating DUNS number, and "8" indicating
Inspection Establishment Number Qualifier. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI
CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Inspection/Laboratory Testing
Status Code
The 1 character code indicating the status of an inspection or laboratory test. Possible values
include: "R" indicating Request for Inspection, "S" Indicating Inspection Previously Scheduled,
"P" for Inspection Previously Performed, "L" for Lab Testing Previously Performed, "A" for
BTA Anticipated Arrival Information, and "I" for Product Location for Regulatory Authority
Intended Use Code
A code indicating the general and specific intended use of the imported merchandise. The
code is comprised of a 3 digit base code followed by a period and the 3 digit sub code. Note:
Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix R.
Intended Use Description
A free-form written description indicating the general and specific intended use of the
imported merchandise.
Invoice Number
The unique number assigned to an invoice by the supplier.
Item ID Number
The free-form text description which identifies the unique Item ID of the imported product or
Item ID Number Qualifier Code
A unique code which indicates the type of Item ID Number. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "AKG" indicating Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), "MN" indicating Model
Number, and "SE" indicating Serial Number. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI
CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Item Identity Number 1
The unique number identifying the first item.
Item Identity Number 2
The unique number identifying the second item.
Item Identity Number 3
The unique number identifying the third item.
Item Identity Number 4
The unique number identifying the fourth item.
Item Type Code
A 1 character code that identifies whether the information provided is for a product or a
component. Possible values are: "P" for Product and "C" for Component.
Lab Inspection Test Date
The month, day and year (MM/DD/YYYY) representing the requested or scheduled date of
inspection/laboratory testing, the date of previous inspection/laboratory testing, or the
arrival date.
Lab Inspection Test Time
The hours and minutes (HHMM) indicating the requested or scheduled time of inspection,
the time of previous inspection/laboratory testing, or the arrival time. Note: Reported in
military format (e.g. 1130 is 11:30 a.m. and 2130 is 11:30 pm).
Location of Goods FIRMS Code
The 4 digit alphanumeric Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS)
code that identifies the facility where the imported goods are physically located. FIRMS codes
represent locations where CBP work is performed on a regular basis and can be inside or
outside ports of entry.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Location of Goods Port Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port associated with the Facilities
Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code. The district code is the first
two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605"
indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW
Location of Temperature
Recording Code
A 1 character code indicating where the temperature was recorded. Possible values include:
"A" indicating Product, "B" indicating Container, and "C" indicating Conveyance.
Lot Number
The free-form written description which identifies the lot that the manufacturer, producer,
seller or grower assigned to the product or component.
Lot Number Qualifier Code
A 1 digit code which identifies the type of entity that assigned the lot number. Possible values
include: "1" indicating Manufacturer, "2" indicating Seller, "3" indicating Grower, and "4"
indicating Producer.
The month, day and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when a particular event occurred in relation to the
license, permit, certificate or other document (LPCO).
LPCO Date Qualifier Code
The 1 digit code indicating the type of license, permit, certificate, or other document event
date provided. Possible values include: "1" indicating Expiration Date, "2" indicating Effective
Date, "3" indicating Date Issued or Signed, and "4" indicating Date Application Received.
LPCO Issuer
The free-form text indicating the entity that issued the license, permit, certificate, or other
document (LPCO).
LPCO Issuer Geographic Qualifier
The 2 character code indicating the location of the issuer of the LPCO. Possible values
include: "PR" indicating Canadian Province, "ISO' indicating Country Code, "EU" indicating
European Union, "MS" indicating Mexican State, and "US" indicating US State.
LPCO Issuing Agency Regional
The free-form written description indicating the region within a country where the agency
issuing the license, permit, certificate or other document (LPCO) is located.
LPCO Location of Issuer Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country, province or state associated with the issuer of the LPCO. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating
LPCO Number or Name
The free-form number or name assigned to the License, Permit, Certificate or Other (LPCO)
issued by a PGA or other government entity. Note: This is also used to record prior
notification numbers issued by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the E-DECS
numbers issued by Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS).
LPCO Transaction Type Code
A 1 digit code indicating the type of license, permit, certificate, or other document (LPCO)
transaction. Possible values include: "1" indicating Single Use, "2" indicating Continuous, and
"3" indicating General.
LPCO Type Code
A code indicating the type of License, Permit, Certificate or Other (LPCO). Note: Valid codes
can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Manufacture Month and Year
The month and year (MMYYYY) the imported product or component was manufactured.
Note: If only the year (YYYY) is transmitted, the month (MM) will be zero filled (e.g. 002015).
Manufacturer Address Line 1
The first line of the manufacturer's address.
Manufacturer Address Line 2
The second line of the manufacturer's address.
Manufacturer City
The city associated with the manufacturer's address.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Manufacturer Code
The unique alphanumeric code that identifies the manufacturer of goods on the entry line. If
the manufacturer ID (MID) code is not available or found, this field is left null. An MID can be
up to 15 characters in length and is comprised of 5 different pieces to make the complete
MID string. Follows the format: "OOAAABBB1111CCC" Position 1-2: "OO" indicating the
country in 2 characters. Corresponds to the ISO code for the country. Position 3-5 & 6-8:
"AAA" and "BBB" indicating the Manufacturer Name, up to 3 characters each from the first
two words of the company name. There will be no third piece if the name is one word.
Position 9-12: "1111" indicating the Address Line with Street Name and/or Box Number, up
to 4 characters, and is the largest number on the address line. Position 13-15: "CCC"
indicating the City, up to 3 characters. The first 3 letters from the city name.
Manufacturer Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the manufacturer's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating TUVALU, "TW"
indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating UKRAINE, "UG"
indicating UGANDA, "UM" indicating UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS, and "US" indicating
Manufacturer Name
The proper name identifying the manufacturer of goods on the entry line as it appears in the
ACE MID information screen.
Manufacturer State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the manufacturer's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Manufacturer Zip Code
The postal code associated with the manufacturer's address.
Message Set Indicator (Entry
A 1 character code that indicates if a particular entry line and sequence contain PGA Message
Set data. Possible values are: "Y" for Yes and "N" for No.
Mode of Transportation
The description indicating the mode of transportation by which the merchandise is exported.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Vessel (Non-Containerized)," "Vessel
(Containerized)," "Rail (Non-Containerized)," "Rail (Containerized)," "Truck (Non-
Containerized)," and "Truck (Containerized)."
Mode of Transportation Code
The 2 digit code that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise from
the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "11" indicating Vessel (Containerized), "20" indicating Rail (Non-
Containerized), "31" indicating Truck (Containerized), and "50" indicating Mail.
Mode of Transportation Code
and Description
The concatenation of Mode of Transportation Code and Mode of Transportation Description.
This will display the 2 digit code used to move merchandise from the country of export to the
port of unlading in the United States, and the description for the mode of transportation
used to move merchandise from the country of export to the port of unlading in the United
States. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "10 - Vessel (Non-Containerized)" and
"11 - Vessel (Containerized)".
The free-form text description which identifies the model of the imported product or
Name of the Constituent Element
The free-form text description indicating the specific name of the ingredient or
product/component of an ingredient.
Negative Number Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that the actual temperature reported is a negative number. The
only possible value is "X," indicating the number is negative.
North/South Border Indicator
An indicator which identifies if a port is located at a northern or southern land border.
Possible values are: "NORTH" and "SOUTH".
Page 39 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Number of Agencies by HTS
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of Partner Government
Agencies (PGAs) that regulate a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
Number of Entries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entries related to a specific
Number of Entry Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry lines related to a
specific object.
Number of Filers
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of filers related to a specific
Number of HTS on Entry Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of unique HTS numbers
regulated by a particular agency that are declared at time of entry. For example, if this object
were combined with "Agency Code" it would indicate the number of unique HTS numbers
that the agency regulates, which were declared at the time of entry.
Number of Importers
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of importers related to a
specific object.
Number of PGA Entries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entries which contain PGA
Message Set data. For example, combining this with the "Agency Name " object will show
how many entries with PGA Message Set data exist by agency.
Number of PGA Entry Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry lines which contain
PGA Message Set data. For example, combining this with the "Agency Name" object will show
how many entry lines with PGA Message Set data exist by agency.
Number of Ports of Entry
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of ports of entry related to a
specific object.
Number of Regulated HTS
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of HTS numbers regulated by
a Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Package Identifier
A unique identifier on the product packaging, which may include dates or codes (marks and
numbers). Note: This does not include lot number.
Package Tracking Number
The unique number issued by a company to identify and track the imported merchandise.
Package Tracking Number Code
The code indicating the company that issued the tracking number for the imported
merchandise. Note: Possible values include a valid carrier code or the letters ITN
(International Tracking Number).
Packaging Group Code
The 1 digit code indicating the hazardous nature of the package. Possible values include: "1"
indicating Great Danger, "2" indicating Medium Danger, and "3" indicating Minor Danger.
Packaging Method Code
The 2 or 3 character code indicating the method used in packing the product. Note: Valid
codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix B.
Packaging Qualifier
A 1 digit code indicating the level of packaging for the product. There can be up to 6 levels of
packaging. The outermost or largest package is identified with a "1" and the innermost or
smallest package is identified with a "6."
Percent of Constituent Element
The percentage of an ingredient in the imported product/component. Note: Reported to 4
decimal places.
PGA Line Number
A 3 digit number beginning with 001 within a CBP line and sequentially incremented on
subsequent PG01 records as applicable.
PGA Line Value
The value associated with the PGA line number. Note: Reported in whole U.S. dollars.
PGA Unit Value
The value of the lowest unit of measure reported in PG26. Note: Reported to 2 two decimal
Page 40 of 177 Updated 07-2018
PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Port of Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise entered. The
district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating
OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601"
Port of Entry Code and Name
A concatenated field indicating the Port of Entry Code followed by the Port of Entry. The Port
of Entry Code is the 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise
entered. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two
characters. The Port of Entry is the name of the district and the port where the merchandise
entered. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704 - LOS ANGELES, CA," "2506 -
OTAY MESA," "2605 - PHOENIX, AZ," "3001 - SEATTLE, WA," and "4601 - NEW YORK/NEWARK
Port of Entry Name
The name of the district and the port where the merchandise entered. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE,
Port of Unlading Code
A 4 digit code that represents the district and port at which goods are unloaded from the
means of transport having been used for their carriage. The district code is the first two
characters and the port code is the last two characters.
Port of Unlading Name
The name of the district and port at which goods are unloaded from the means of transport
having been used for their carriage. The district code is the first two characters and the port
code is the last two characters.
Processing Description
The free-form text description indicating the processing methods used to grow, manufacture
or harvest the imported merchandise.
Processing Start Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when the processing involved in the growth,
manufacture or harvest of the imported merchandise started.
Processing Type Code
The code identifying the method of processing used to grow, manufacture or harvest the
imported merchandise. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Product Code Number 1
A number that characterizes the first commercial product or component.
Product Code Number 2
A number that characterizes the second commercial product or component.
Product Code Number 3
A number that characterizes the third commercial product or component.
Product Code Qualifier 1
A 2 or 3 character code indicating the type of product number used to characterize the first
product or component. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "SKU" for Stock
Keeping Unit, "CAS" for Chemical Abstract Services number, and "ACC" for Accession Number
(for EPA).
Product Code Qualifier 2
A 2 or 3 character code indicating the type of product number used to characterize the
second product or component. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "SKU" for Stock
Keeping Unit, "CAS" for Chemical Abstract Services number, and "ACC" for Accession Number
(for EPA).
Product Code Qualifier 3
A 2 or 3 character code indicating the type of product number used to characterize the third
product or component. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "SKU" for Stock
Keeping Unit, "CAS" for Chemical Abstract Services number, and "ACC" for Accession Number
(for EPA).
Production End Date of the Lot
The month, day, and year (MMDDYYYY) when the production for the lot ended.
Production Start Date of the Lot
The month, day, and year (MMDDYYYY) when the production for the lot started.
Quantity (Constituent Element)
The specific quantity of the identified element contained in the product/component. Note:
Reported to 2 decimal places.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Quantity (LPCO)
The quantity listed on the license, permit, certificate, or other document (LPCO). Note:
Reported to 4 decimal places.
Quantity (Packaging Level)
The total quantity for the packaging level.
Regulated HTS Description
The description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number that is regulated by a particular Partner Government Agency (PGA).
The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that identifies commodities in a
standard format.
Regulated HTS Number
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number identified in the memorandum of
understanding (MOU) as being regulated by the Partner Government Agency (PGA).
Release Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the imported merchandise is released by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection and allowed to enter the commerce of the United States.
Remarks Code
A code indicating the pre-canned remark associated with the shipment or commodity. Note:
Valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Remarks Text
The free-form written remarks relevant to the shipment or commodity.
Remarks Type Code
A code indicating the type of remarks relevant to the shipment or commodity. If a code is
selected, either "Remarks Code" or "Remarks Text" is required. Note: Valid codes can be
found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
Scientific Genus Name
The scientific genus name of the merchandise being entered.
Scientific Species Code
A 3 character code identifying the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) wildlife category of the
imported merchandise. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "FSH" for Fish, "REP"
for Reptiles, "AMP" for Amphibians, and "MAM "for Other Mammals.
Scientific Species Name
The scientific species name of the merchandise being entered.
Scientific Sub Species Name
The scientific sub-species name of the merchandise being entered.
Source Country Code
A 2 character code that identifies the country where the harvest, growth, production,
processing, sale, or catch took place, or the raw material was sourced. Note: Valid
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country codes can be found in the ACS
ABI CATAIR Appendix B. For Lacey Act, if the list of possible countries of harvest is 10 or more,
2 asterisks (**) is populated in lieu of the ISO code. For shipments of wildlife (sea turtles, fish,
etc.) that are landed in the U.S. after harvest on the high seas, a ZZ is populated in lieu of the
ISO code.
Source Geographic Location
The state, province, or geographical location where the harvest, growth, production, sale, or
catch took place, or the raw material was sourced. Note: Valid state and province codes can
be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix B. Valid ocean geographic area locations can be found
Source Type Code
A code which identifies what role a country had regarding a product. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "30" for Country of Source, "39" for Country of Production, "CPK" for
Country of Packing, and "CST" for Country of Storage. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACE
Surety Code
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and
other charges associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the
importer defaults on payment to the government.
Surety Name
The proper name of the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges
associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer
defaults on payment to the government.
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PGA Message Set Cargo Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
System of Release
A 3 character code indicating which CBP system was used to release the entry. Possible
values are: "ACE" indicating the Automated Commercial Environment and "ACS" indicating
the Automated Commercial System. Note: This object populates what is reflected for "Entry
System" in the PGA Data Processing User Interface entry details.
Temperature Qualifier Code
A 1 character code indicating the reported temperature category. Possible values include: "A"
indicating Ambient, "F" indicating Frozen, "R" indicating Refrigerated/Chilled, "D" indicating
Dry Ice, "H" indicating Fresh, "U" indicating Uncontrolled, and "P" indicating Flashpoint.
Trade Name/Brand Name
The name under which a product or component is marketed, or the name of the company
that manufacturers or distributes the product or component.
Travel Document Identifier
A unique code used to identify the document issued by a government to certify the identity
and nationality of the person importing the product.
Travel Document Nationality
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country under whose
authority the travel document was issued. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR
Appendix B.
Travel Document Type Code
A 1 digit code indicating the type of travel document issued by a government to certify the
identity and nationality of the person importing the product. Possible values include: "1"
indicating Passport Number, "2" indicating Visa Number, "3" indicating Enhanced Tribal Card,
and "4" indicating Driver License Number.
Unit of Measure (Conveyance)
The unit of measure associated with the conveyance. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACS
ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Unit of Measure (Individual Unit -
The unit of measure associated with the commodity gross quantity at the individual unit
level. Note: Valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Unit of Measure (Individual Unit -
The unit of measure associated with the commodity net quantity at the individual unit level.
Note: Valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Unit of Measure (LPCO)
The unit of measure (UOM) listed on the license, permit, certificate, or other document
(LPCO). Note: Valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Unit of Measure (Packaging
The unit of measure at the packaging level. Note: Valid units of measure can be found in ACE
ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA, ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix B (Shipping/Packaging Unit Codes), and
ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C (Tariff Abbreviations).
Unit of Measure (PGA Line -
The unit of measure associated with the commodity gross quantity at the PGA line level.
Note: Valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Unit of Measure (PGA Line - Net)
The unit of measure associated with the commodity net quantity at the PGA line level. Note:
Valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Unit of Measure Code
(Constituent Element)
The code indicating the unit of measure at constituent element level. Note: For Lacey Act
(and Fish and Wildlife Service), valid codes can be found in ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA.
For non-Lacey Act shipments, valid codes can be found in ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.
Voyage/Flight/Trip Number
The unique number assigned by the carrier to each voyage (if by ocean vessel), flight (if by
air) or trip (if by truck or rail) made to the United States.
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The following table lists all data objects that are available in the ADCVD (Antidumping/Countervailing Duties) data
universe. These objects can be used to modify existing ADCVD reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
AD Bond or Cash Claimed
The description indicating the bond requirements for the antidumping (AD) portion of an
entry summary line, when an applicable AD case exists. Possible values are: "Cash" and
AD Bond or Cash Claimed Code
A 1 character code indicating the bond requirements for the antidumping (AD) portion of
an entry summary line, when an applicable AD case exists. Possible values are: "C"
indicating Cash and "B" indicating Bond.
AD Non-Reimbursement Blanket
Statement Number
The unique 10 digit number which identifies the Antidumping (AD) Non-Reimbursement
Blanket Statement that covers merchandise imported on a particular entry summary line.
The AD Non-Reimbursement Blanket Statement is a declaration made to U.S. Customs &
Border Protection indicating that the listed importer has not received or entered into any
agreement for payment or reimbursement of any or all antidumping duties by the
manufacturer, producer, seller or exporter. The blanket statement covers all entry
summary lines filed by the specified importer during a particular date range, which are
subject to the listed antidumping case number and declared the listed manufacturer,
shipper and/or exporter.
AD Value
The value of an entry summary line that is subject to an antidumping (AD) case. This value
is used for calculating the amount of antidumping duties (ADD) for a specific entry
summary line. This value may be the same as the line value, or less. For example, in
instances where only a portion of the merchandise on a line is subject to antidumping
duties, it will be less than the line value.
ADD Paid Amount
The amount of antidumping duties (ADD) paid on a particular entry summary line.
ADD Specific Other UOM
The total number of primary units which corresponds to the unit of measurement (UOM)
code prescribed by the case, to be used exclusively and in lieu of any other article quantity
for the specific purpose of calculating any estimated antidumping duty (ADD) when a
specific rate applies.
ADD Specific Rate
The specific rate to be applied in order to determine the antidumping duties (ADD) on a
particular antidumping (AD) case. The rate is specific to the AD case. The rate is expressed
as an amount in U.S. dollars per unit of the goods imported. Note: The unit of
measurement (UOM) is stored in the object "ADD Specific UOM Code." ADD Specific Rate
and ADD Specific UOM Code are understood together.
ADD Specific UOM
The description indicating the unit of measure (UOM) used to calculate with the
antidumping duty (ADD) specific rate. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Dozen," "1,000 Grams," and "Pieces."
ADD Specific UOM Code
A code indicating the unit of measure (UOM) used to calculate with the antidumping duty
(ADD) specific rate. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ" indicating Dozen,
"KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces.
Administrative Refund Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an administrative refund was processed on an
entry summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
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Object Name
Object Description
Ad-Valorem Rate
The rate to be applied to the value of subject merchandise in order to determine the
antidumping duties (ADD) or countervailing duties (CVD). The rate is expressed as a
percentage to two decimal places. For example, 2.71%, 0.00%, and 0.65% are
representative of ad-valorem rates that would be returned.
ASI Indicator
A 1 character code indicating if a surety is participating in the Automated Surety Interface
(ASI) and is receiving electronic downloads. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No.
Author Name
The name of the author of an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message.
Balance Due Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or a not a balance is due on an entry summary.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Bond Type Code
A 1 digit code that signifies the type of bond that has been filed with a particular entry
summary guaranteeing the payment of duties, taxes, and fees. Possible values include: "0"
indicating No Bond required, "8" indicating Continuous Bond, and "9" indicating Single
Entry Bond.
BRASS Filer Code
The unique identifying code for use in BRASS transactions by the filer. The Border Release
Advanced Screening & Selectivity (BRASS) program was formerly known as the Line Release
Program. It is an automated cargo release system designed to expedite the processing of
highly compliant, repetitively shipped products.
BRASS Importer Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with each entry. Typically this
consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR
number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the form.
Broker Alias Name
The name that refers to a particular broker - often this name is different from the broker's
full legal name.
Broker DBA Name
An alternate name by which the broker may be conducting business. ACE automatically
populates this field with the appropriate information from the legal name if a DBA name is
not provided.
Broker Division Name
The division name of the broker company if it is part of another company.
Broker DUNS Number
The unique 9 digit number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) to identify a business
within the global community. The DUNS abbreviation stands for Data Universal Numbering
Broker Location Name
The physical address of the individual licensed broker. The physical address may or may
not be the same as the location used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
Broker Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
Broker Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
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Object Name
Object Description
Broker Mailing Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the mailing
address of the broker's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the location
where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the
physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing City
The city associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not
be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the broker's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA(TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Broker Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the mailing
address of the broker's organization. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP
should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical
address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the broker's mailing address.
The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is
Broker Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing State
The full name of the state associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "Massachusetts," "California," and "New York."
Broker Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the broker's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where broker
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Broker Mailing Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with
the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should
send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address
where broker business is conducted.
Broker Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the broker's mailing address. The mailing address is used
to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where broker business is conducted.
Broker Organizational Structure
The description indicating the type of organization related to the ACE account. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "Corporation," "Trust," "Organization," "Limited
Liability Corporation," and "Partnership."
Page 46 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Broker Organizational Structure
A code indicating the type of organization related to the ACE account. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "4" indicating Corporation, "5" indicating Trust, "6"
indicating Organization, "7" indicating Limited Liability Corporation, and "8" indicating
Broker Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical City
The city associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is where the
broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by
CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the broker's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Broker Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the broker's physical address.
The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the broker's physical address. The
physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same
as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Physical State
The full name of the state associated with the broker's physical address. The physical
address is where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "Massachusetts," "California," and "New York."
Broker Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the broker's
physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business. This may or
may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Page 47 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Broker Physical Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with
the broker's physical address. The physical address is where the broker conducts business.
This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Broker Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the broker's physical address. The physical address is
where the broker conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Broker Taxpayer ID Number
The federal tax ID associated with the broker's ACE account. The tax ID can be either a
Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Broker Taxpayer ID Type Code
A code indicating the type of tax ID associated with the account profile. Possible values are:
"US1" indicating that a Social Security Number (SSN) is the associated tax ID and "US2"
indicating that an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is the associated tax ID.
Case Country of Origin Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code representing the
country of origin (COO) related to an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CN" indicating China (Mainland), "AR"
indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Case Country of Origin Code and
A concatenated field indicating the Case Country of Origin Code and Case Country of Origin
Name. The Case Country of Origin Code is the 2 character International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) code representing the country of origin (COO) related to an
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. The Case Country of Origin Name is the
full name of the country of origin related to an AD/CVD case. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "CN - CHINA (MAINLAND)," "AR - ARGENTINA," and "BE - BELGIUM."
Case Country of Origin Name
The full name of the country of origin related to an antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CHINA (MAINLAND),"
Case Number
The 10 character case number for a specific company that is part of a principal case.
Follows the format: "A111222333" or "C111222333" Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate
either an antidumping (AD) or countervailing (CV) case. Position 2-4: "111" indicating the
country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3 digits. Position 8 to
10: "333" indicating the specific company case number assigned by DOC to identify the
party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies in sequential order
as they are added to a case. Note: The company number “000” has a special meaning. It
represents “all other companies” in the country that export the commodity in the principal
Case Party Exporter Name
The proper name of the company identified as the foreign exporter on a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case.
Case Party Manufacturer Name
The proper name of the company identified as the manufacturer on a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case.
Case Related HTS Long Description
The long description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, that has been associated to a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially being subject to AD/CVD.
Note: The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that identifies
commodities in a standard format.
Case Related HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number that has been
associated to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially
being subject to AD/CVD.
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Object Name
Object Description
Case Related HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number that has been
associated to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially
being subject to AD/CVD.
Case Related HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number that has been
associated to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially
being subject to AD/CVD.
Case Related HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number that has been
associated to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially
being subject to AD/CVD.
Case Related HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number that has been associated to a
particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially being subject to
Case Related HTS Short Description
The short description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, that has been associated to a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially being subject to AD/CVD.
Note: The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that identifies
commodities in a standard format.
Case Related TSUSA Number
The 5 or 7 digit Tariff Schedule of the United States (TSUSA) number that has been
associated to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case, as potentially
being subject to AD/CVD. The TSUSA number was used prior to the publication of the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Note: Although not allowed in
creating new cases, the TSUSA number is preserved as entered in older AD/CVD cases.
Case Short Description
The brief description associated with an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case
describing the merchandise covered. For example, "Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar."
Case Status
The description that indicates the status of an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
case on a given date. Possible values include: "Active," "Inactive - Company Revoked,"
"Inactive - Deactivated," "Inactive - Final Exclusion," "Inactive - Order Revoked," "Inactive -
Terminated," and "Inactive - Company Deactivated."
Case Status Code
A 2 character code that indicates the status of an antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case on a given date. Possible values include: "AC" indicating Active, "IC"
indicating Inactive - Company Revoked, "ID" indicating Inactive - Deactivated, "IF"
indicating Inactive - Final Exclusion, "IO" indicating Inactive - Order Revoked, "IT" indicating
Inactive - Terminated, and "IX" indicating Inactive - Company Deactivated.
The full name of a particular Customs Management Center (CMC) region. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "North Atlantic," "South Pacific," "Mid-Pacific," "Mid-
Atlantic," and "South Atlantic." Note: CMC codes are used to organize ports of entry by
CMC Code
A 2 digit code indicating a particular Customs Management Center (CMC) region. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "00" indicating North Atlantic, "04" indicating North
Atlantic, "27" indicating South Pacific, "28" indicating Mid-Pacific, "13" indicating Mid-
Atlantic, and "17" indicating South Atlantic. Note: CMC codes are used to organize ports of
entry by region.
Collection Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the last date on which a payment was
made for the entry summary.
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Object Name
Object Description
Company Event
The description indicating the lifecycle events related to a specific
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Initiation," "Termination," and "Deactivation."
Company Event Code
A 3 character code indicating the lifecycle events related to a specific
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "INI" indicating Initiation, "TER" indicating Termination, and "DEA" indicating
Company Event Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the date that a specific company event
was created in the system. Note: This should not be confused with the "Company Event
Effective Date" object.
Company Event Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that designates when a specific company event
goes into effect. Note: This should not be confused with "Company Event Create Date"
Company Number
The 3 digit code found at the end of a 10 character antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case. Assigned by Department of Commerce (DOC) to identify the party the case
applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies in sequential order as they are
added to a case. Note: The company number “000” has a special meaning. It represents
“all other companies” in the country that export the commodity in the principal case.
Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise.
Consignee Number
The identification number of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper
sold the imported merchandise.
Control Team CEE
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team identified
on a particular entry summary falls under. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace," "Electronics," and
Control Team CEE Code
The code assigned to the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team
identified on a particular entry summary falls under. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "CEE-001" indicating Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals, "CEE-003"
indicating Automotive and Aerospace, "CEE-007" indicating Electronics, and "CEE-010"
indicating Machinery.
Control Team Number
The team number corresponding to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) line item with
the highest value on the entry summary. This team number relates to the entry summary
header, and is not to be confused with the "Review Team Number" which applies
specifically to entry lines.
Court Order Number
The U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) court case number associated with an
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message. There can be both a CIT court case
number and CAFC (Court of Appeals Federal Circuit) court order number in an antidumping
message. The message header only lists the CIT court case number and that is the number
that is represented by this object.
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Object Name
Object Description
Current Month Begin
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current
system date and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current
calendar month. This date object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current
Month End" when setting a date range for a given query. These two data objects will
create a date range that will enable the query to always return data from the current
month's start through the last day of the current month. Date objects are intended to be
used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define
Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object
from this query."
Current Month End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current
system date and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current
calendar month. This date object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current
Month Begin" when setting a date range for a given query. These two data objects will
create a date range that will enable the query to always return data from the current
month's start through the last day of the current month. Date objects are intended to be
used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define
Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object
from this query."
Current Quarter Begin
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current
system date and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current
quarter. This date object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Quarter End"
when setting a date range for a given query. These two data objects will create a date
range that will enable the query to always return data from the current quarter's start
through the last day of the current quarter. Date objects are intended to be used when
scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time a
saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this
Current Quarter End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current
system date and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current
quarter. This date object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Quarter
Begin" when setting a date range for a given query. These two data objects will create a
date range that will enable the query to always return data from the current quarter's start
through the last day of the current quarter. Date objects are intended to be used when
scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time a
saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this
Current Rate
The most recent rate in effect for an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case (ad-
valorem, specific or compound).
Current Rate Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most current rate on a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case became effective.
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Object Name
Object Description
Current Suspend Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) upon which an entry summary should currently
start or stop being suspended under a specific antidumping or countervailing (AD/CVD)
Current Suspend Entry Summary
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an entry summary should currently be
suspended under a specific antidumping or countervailing (AD/CVD) case. Possible values
are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
CV Bond or Cash Claimed
The description indicating the bond requirements for the countervailing (CV) portion of an
entry summary line, when an applicable CV case exists. Possible values are: "Cash" and
CV Bond or Cash Claimed Code
A 1 character code indicating the bond requirements for the countervailing (CV) portion of
an entry summary line, when an applicable CV case exists. Possible values are: "C"
indicating Cash and "B" indicating Bond.
CV Non-Reimbursement Blanket
Statement Number
The unique 10 digit number which identifies the Countervailing (CV) Non-Reimbursement
Blanket Statement that covers merchandise imported on a particular entry summary line.
The CV Non-Reimbursement Blanket Statement is a declaration made to U.S. Customs &
Border Protection indicating that the listed importer has not received or entered into any
agreement for payment or reimbursement of any or all countervailing duties by the
manufacturer, producer, seller or exporter. The blanket statement covers all entry
summary lines filed by the specified importer during a particular date range, which are
subject to the listed case number and declared the listed manufacturer, shipper and/or
CV Value
The value of an entry summary line that is subject to a countervailing (CV) case. This value
is used for calculating the amount of countervailing duties (CVD) for a specific entry
summary line. This value may be the same as the line value, or less. For example, in
instances where only a portion of the merchandise on a line is subject to countervailing
duties, it will be less than the line value.
CVD Paid Amount
The amount of countervailing duties (CVD) paid on a particular entry summary line.
CVD Specific Other UOM
The total number of primary units which corresponds to the unit of measurement (UOM)
code prescribed by the case, to be used exclusively and in lieu of any other article quantity
for the specific purpose of calculating any estimated countervailing duty (CVD) when a
specific rate applies.
CVD Specific Rate
The specific rate to be applied in order to determine the countervailing duties (CVD) on a
particular countervailing (CV) case. The rate is specific to the CV case. The rate is expressed
as an amount in U.S. dollars per unit of the goods imported. Note: The unit of
measurement (UOM) is stored in the object "CVD Specific UOM Code." CVD Specific Rate
and CVD Specific UOM Code are understood together.
CVD Specific UOM
The description indicating the unit of measure (UOM) used to calculate with the
countervailing duty (CVD) specific rate. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Dozen," "1,000 Grams," and "Pieces."
CVD Specific UOM Code
A code indicating the unit of measure (UOM) used to calculate with the countervailing duty
(CVD) specific rate. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ" indicating Dozen,
"KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces.
Debit Voucher Indicator
A 1 character code indicating if there is a dishonored payment resulting in a debit voucher
associated with the entry. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
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Object Name
Object Description
Deem Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) upon which an antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case is considered to be deemed by operation of law. The deem date occurs 6
months after the lifting of suspension date. The lifting of suspension date may or may not
be the same as the Federal Register (FR) cite date.
Deem Date - Year Month (Calendar)
The year and month (YYYY-MM) upon which an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
case is considered to be deemed by operation of law. The deem date occurs 6 months after
the lifting of suspension date. The lifting of suspension date may or may not be the same
as the Federal Register (FR) cite date.
The description indicating the determination made by the Department of Commerce (DOC)
or the International Trade Commission (ITC) related to a specific
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case event. Possible values are: "Affirmative"
and "Negative." Note: This value will only populate for DOC/ITC Preliminary and Final
Determination Code
A 2 character code indicating the determination made by the Department of Commerce
(DOC) or the International Trade Commission (ITC) related to a specific
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case event. Possible values are: "AF" indicating
Affirmative and "NG" indicating Negative. Note: This value will only populate for DOC/ITC
Preliminary and Final Events.
DOC File Location ID
An 18 character alphanumeric code indicating the location of entry summary documents
coded and entered in ACS. The DOC file stores both entry summary (ES) and cargo release
(CR) document locations. Only the latest document file location is stored for each entry
summary. Follows the format: "XXYYMMDDTTTTBBBSSS" Position 1-2: "XX" indicating the
document file type. Position 3-8: "YYMMDD" indicating the date in the system the
document was filed. Position 9-12: "TTTT" indicating the terminal ID of the user who filed
the document. Position 13-15: "BBB" indicating the document file batch number. Position
16-18: "SSS" indicating the document file sequence number.
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United
States. This is normally the date of cargo release, but it can also be the date of entry or
entry summary filing for merchandise subject to immediate delivery requirements or quota
Entry Line AD Case Number
The 10 character case number for a specific company that represents the antidumping (AD)
case that applies to a particular entry summary line. Follows the format: "A111222333"
Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an AD or countervailing (CV) case. Position 2-4:
"111" indicating the country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3
digits. Position 8 to 10: "333" indicating the specific company case number assigned by
DOC to identify the party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies
in sequential order as they are added to a case. Note: The company number “000” has a
special meaning. It represents “all other companies” in the country that export the
commodity in the principal case.
Entry Line AD Indicator
A 1 character code indicating an entry line is subject to an antidumping (AD) case. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Entry Line ADD Ad-Valorem Rate
The case rate effective at the time of entry, which is used for the purposes of calculating
antidumping duties (ADD) due on an entry summary line. Note: Ad-Valorem rates are
reported as a percentage.
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Object Name
Object Description
Entry Line Country of Export Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of export (COE) related to a specific entry summary line. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "CN" indicating China (Mainland), "AR" indicating Argentina, and
"BE" indicating Belgium.
Entry Line Country of Export Code
and Name
A concatenated field indicating the Entry Line Country of Export Code and Entry Line
Country of Export Name. The Entry Line Country of Export Code is the 2 character
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the country of export
(COE) related to a specific entry summary line. The Entry Line Country of Export Name is
the full name of the country of export (COE) on an entry summary line. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "CN - CHINA (MAINLAND)," "AR - ARGENTINA," and "BE -
Entry Line Country of Export Name
The full name of the country of export (COE) on an entry summary line. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "CHINA (MAINLAND)," "ARGENTINA," and "BELGIUM."
Entry Line Country of Origin Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of origin (COO) related to a specific entry summary line. The country of origin is
the country of manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "CN" indicating China (Mainland), "AR" indicating Argentina,
and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Entry Line Country of Origin Code
and Name
A concatenated field indicating the Entry Line Country of Origin Code and Entry Line
Country of Origin Name. The Entry Line Country of Origin Code is the 2 character
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the country of origin
(COO) related to a specific entry summary line. The country of origin is the country of
manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. The Entry Line Country of Origin
Name is the full name of the country of origin (COO) on an entry summary line. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "CN - CHINA (MAINLAND)," "AR - ARGENTINA," and
Entry Line Country of Origin Name
The full name of the country of origin (COO) on an entry summary line. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "CHINA (MAINLAND)," "ARGENTINA," and "BELGIUM."
Entry Line CV Case Number
The 10 character case number for a specific company that represents the countervailing
(CV) case that applies to a particular entry summary line. Follows the format:
"C111222333" Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an antidumping (AD) or CV case.
Position 2-4: "111" indicating the country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the
commodity in 3 digits. Position 8 to 10: "333" indicating the specific company case number
assigned by DOC to identify the party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the
companies in sequential order as they are added to a case. Note: The company number
“000” has a special meaning. It represents “all other companies” in the country that export
the commodity in the principal case.
Entry Line CV Indicator
A 1 character code indicating an entry line is associated with a countervailing (CV) case.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Entry Line CVD Ad-Valorem Rate
The case rate effective at the time of entry, which is used for the purposes of calculating
countervailing duties (CVD) due on an entry summary line. Note: Ad-Valorem rates are
reported as a percentage.
Entry Multiple Case Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an entry summary has more than one unique
antidumping (AD) or countervailing (CV) case appearing on the entry summary. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Page 54 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Number
A unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to each entry
transaction. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7 positions are the number
assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
Entry Record Status
The description indicating the status of an entry record. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "Rejected," "Not Liquidated," and "Liquidated." Note: This object may not
populate a status even if one exists in the system of record. Please use "Liquidation Date"
or "Liquidation Status" as your query filter if trying to identify entries that are liquidated,
unliquidated or pending liquidation. This is a known issue resulting from nulls being stored
in the data warehouse. As a result, until this is resolved, using this object as a query filter
may result in incomplete data.
Entry Record Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the status of an entry record. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "2" indicating Rejected, "3" indicating Not Liquidated, and "4" indicating
Liquidated. Note: This object may not populate a code even if one exists in the system of
record. Please use "Liquidation Date" or "Liquidation Status" as your query filter if trying to
identify entries that are liquidated, unliquidated or pending liquidation. This is a known
issue resulting from nulls being stored in the data warehouse. As a result, until this is
resolved, using this object as a query filter may result in incomplete data.
Entry Summary Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the entry summary is filed with CBP. For
timely filing, this date must be within ten working days after release of the merchandise.
Entry Summary System of Filing
A 3 character code indicating which CBP system was used to file the entry summary.
Possible values are: "ACE" indicating the Automated Commercial Environment and "ACS"
indicating the Automated Commercial System. Note: This object populates the CBP system
associated with the entry summary "Transaction Type" in the PGA Data Processing User
Interface entry details.
Entry Summary Version Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most current version of the entry
summary was created in the transaction system.
Entry Summary Version Number
The number that tracks the version of an entry summary over time. ACE does not track
versions of the entry summary until the preliminary daily statement is generated, at which
point the entry summary control status is updated to “CBP.” Authorized CBP users may
modify an entry summary in “CBP” control via the ACE Portal. As changes are made to the
entry summary, ACE tracks the versions. The number to the right of the decimal reflects
CBP changes (e.g., v 1.01, 1.02). Changes made by the trade are reflected in the number to
the left of the decimal (e.g., v. 2.0, 3.0) after the entry is in CBP control, such as when the
filer retransmits an entry summary following a CBP rejection, or when a PSC is filed. Note:
Only ACE entry summaries have a valid version number. ACS entry summaries will reflect a
version number of 0.00.
Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "01" indicating Consumption - Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption -
Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11" indicating Informal.
Entry Type Code and Short
A concatenated field indicating the Entry Type Code followed by the Entry Type Short
Description. The Entry Type Code is a 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed.
The Entry Type Short Description is the more succinct description indicating the type of
entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "01 - Consumption," "03 -
Consumption: AD/CVD," and "11 - Informal."
Page 55 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Type Long Description
The description indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Consumption - Free and Dutiable," "Consumption -
Antidumping(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and "Informal."
Entry Type Short Description
A more succinct version of the "Entry Type Long Description" object that shortens
descriptions which are particularly long in length. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Consumption: AD/CVD," "Consumption: FTZ," and "Informal."
Export Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the exporting vessel departed the last port
in the exporting country.
FAST ID Number
The unique 7 digit identification code assigned to carriers that participate in the Free and
Secure Trade (FAST) program.
Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries.
Foreign Exporter Address Line 1
The first line of the foreign exporter's address.
Foreign Exporter Address Line 2
The second line of the foreign exporter's address.
Foreign Exporter City
The city associated with the foreign exporter's address.
Foreign Exporter Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the foreign exporter's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating TUVALU, "TW"
indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating UKRAINE, "UG"
indicating UGANDA, "UM" indicating UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS, and "US"
indicating USA.
Foreign Exporter ID
The unique alphanumeric code that identifies the foreign exporter of goods on the entry
summary line. If the MID code is not available or found, this field is left null. An MID can be
up to 15 characters in length and is comprised of 5 different pieces to make the complete
MID string. Follows the format: "OOAAABBB1111CCC" Position 1-2: "OO" indicating the
country in 2 characters. Corresponds to the ISO code for the country. Position 3-5 & 6-8:
"AAA" and "BBB" indicating the Manufacturer Name, up to 3 characters each from the first
two words of the company name. There will be no third piece if the name is one word.
Position 9-12: "1111" indicating the Address Line with Street Name and/or Box Number, up
to 4 characters, and is the largest number on the address line. Position 13-15: "CCC"
indicating the City, up to 3 characters. The first 3 letters from the city name.
Foreign Exporter Name
The proper name identifying the foreign exporter of goods on the entry summary line as it
appears in the ACE MID information screen.
Foreign Exporter State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the foreign
exporter's address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Foreign Exporter Zip Code
The postal code associated with the foreign exporter's address.
Foreign Port of Lading Code
A code representing the foreign port in which cargo was laden on board the conveyance
destined to the U.S. or where the export cargo is to be unlade. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "52101" indicating ADEN, YEMEN, "56506" indicating BATANGAS,
PHILIPPINES, "57056" indicating DONGGUAN, CHINA, "58883" indicating TOYOHASHI,
JAPAN, and "60205" indicating BOTANY BAY, AUSTRALIA.
Page 56 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Foreign Port of Lading Country
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country abbreviation
for the Foreign Port of Lading. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CN"
indicating China (Mainland), "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Foreign Port of Lading Country
The country name of the foreign port of lading. Possible values include, but are not limited
Foreign Port of Lading Name
The city name of the foreign port of lading. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
FR Cite Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
case findings are published in the Federal Register (FR).
FR Cite Page Number
The page number of the Federal Register (FR) volume in which antidumping/countervailing
duty (AD/CVD) case findings are published.
FR Cite Volume Number
The volume of the Federal Register (FR) in which antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case findings are published.
Holding Code
A 3 digit code indicating the reason an entry summary is being held from liquidation.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "010" indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY
Holding Description
The description that corresponds to the 3 digit holding code placed on an entry, indicating
the reason an entry summary is being held from liquidation. Possible values include, but
HTS Long Description
The long description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers
that identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Short Description
The short description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers
that identifies commodities in a standard format.
Importer ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit number that identifies an importer account, specific to ACE.
Importer Alias Name
The name that refers to a particular importer - often this name is different from the
importer's full legal name.
Importer DBA Name
An alternate name by which the importer may be conducting business. Note: ACE
automatically populates this field with the appropriate information from the legal name if
a DBA name is not provided.
Importer Division Name
The division name of the importer if it is part of another company.
Importer DUNS Number
The unique 9 digit number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) to identify a business
within the global community. The DUNS abbreviation stands for Data Universal Numbering
Importer Email Address
The email address associated with the importer. The email address is used to specify the
place CBP should send electronic correspondence.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Fax Number
The fax number associated with the importer's address. The mailing address is used to
specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the
same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence.
This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the
importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP
should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical
address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing City
The city associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to
specify the location where CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not
be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the importer's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the location where CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Importer Mailing Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted.
Importer Mailing House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the importer's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the importer's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Phone Number
The phone number associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Mailing PO Box Number
The post office (PO) box number associated with the importer's mailing address. The
mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is
Importer Mailing State
The full name of the state associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing
address is used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Massachusetts," "California," and "New
Importer Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the importer's
mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should send written
correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address where importer
business is conducted. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating
Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Importer Mailing Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with
the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify the place CBP should
send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address
where importer business is conducted.
Importer Mailing Zip Code
The postal code associated with the importer's mailing address. The mailing address is
used to specify the place CBP should send written correspondence. This may or may not be
the same as the physical address where importer business is conducted.
Importer Name
The name of the entity importing the goods into the United States.
Importer Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with each entry. Typically this
consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR
number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of
NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six
digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located outside of
the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Importer Organizational Structure
The description indicating the type of organization related to the ACE account. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "Corporation," "Trust," "Organization," "Limited
Liability Corporation," and "Partnership."
Importer Organizational Structure
A code indicating the type of organization related to the ACE account. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "4" indicating Corporation, "5" indicating Trust, "6"
indicating Organization, "7" indicating Limited Liability Corporation, and "8" indicating
Importer Physical Address Line 1
The first line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Address Line 2
The second line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The
physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the
same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Address Line 3
The third line of the address associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Physical Building Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the building number associated with the
importer's physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business.
This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Importer Physical City
The city associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is where the
importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used
by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the importer's physical
address. The physical address may or may not be the same as the location used by CBP for
written correspondence. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating
TUVALU, "TW" indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating
and "US" indicating USA.
Importer Physical Floor Number
The alphanumeric value that represents the floor number associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may
or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical House Number
The alphanumeric value that identifies the street location of the importer's physical
address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may
not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Phone Extension
The calling extension associated with the phone number for the importer's physical
address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may
not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical Phone Number
The phone number associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is
where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Importer Physical State
The full name of the state associated with the importer's physical address. The physical
address is where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the
mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "Massachusetts," "California," and "New York."
Importer Physical State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the importer's
physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts business. This may
or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written correspondence.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Importer Physical Suite/Apartment
The alphanumeric value that represents the suite or apartment number associated with
the importer's physical address. The physical address is where the importer conducts
business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address used by CBP for written
Importer Physical Zip Code
The postal code associated with the importer's physical address. The physical address is
where the importer conducts business. This may or may not be the same as the mailing
address used by CBP for written correspondence.
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Object Name
Object Description
Importer Suffix Number
The 2 digit suffix that precedes the taxpayer ID number. The combined values make up an
importer number. This does not return a value for all importer numbers, as it is also
possible that the importer of record (IR) number identifies an individual via their Social
Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-
assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically
assigned to importers located outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Importer Taxpayer ID Number
The federal tax ID associated with the importer's ACE account. The tax ID can be either a
Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Importer Taxpayer ID Type Code
A code indicating the type of tax ID associated with the account profile. Possible values are:
"US1" indicating that a Social Security Number (SSN) is the associated tax ID and "US2"
indicating that an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is the associated tax ID.
In-Bond Entry Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an entry is an in-bond entry. Possible values
are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Internal Entry Summary Number
The internal number that corresponds to a specific entry in the ACE universe. Note: This
object is not used specifically for CBP field personnel processing purposes other than to
create links from reports into the ACE Entry Summary document.
Internal Message Number
An internal message number exclusively for Department of Commerce (DOC) use.
Lading Port Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular port is a lading port. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
License Issue Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) when the broker's license was issued by CBP.
License Number
The 5 digit license number of the Customhouse Broker.
License Status
The description indicating the status of the broker's license. Possible values include:
"Active," "Canceled," "Inactive," "Revoked," "Suspended," and "Voluntarily Suspended."
License Status Code
A code indicating the status of the broker license. Possible values include: "ACTIVE"
indicating Active, "CANCELED" indicating Canceled, "INACTIVE" indicating Inactive,
"REVOKED" indicating Revoked, "SUSPENDED" indicating Suspended, and "VOLUNTARIL"
indicating Voluntarily Suspended.
Line Multiple Case Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an entry summary line has both an
antidumping (AD) and countervailing (CV) case appearing on the entry summary line.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Line Number
The number that identifies the line on an entry summary that the data correlates to.
Liquidation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the entry summary liquidated, or is set to
liquidate. Liquidation is the final computation of duties accruing on an entry summary.
Liquidation Status
The description indicating the liquidation status of an entry record. Possible values include:
"Liquidated," "Not Liquidated," and "Pending Liquidation." Note: Liquidated indicates the
liquidation date is equal to today or any day prior to today, Not Liquidated indicates the
liquidation date is null, and Pending Liquidation indicates the liquidation date is set but is
greater than today.
Liquidator Code
The 3 digit code that identifies the trade specialist responsible for processing the
liquidation of an entry.
Manufacturer Address Line 1
The first line of the manufacturer's address.
Manufacturer Address Line 2
The second line of the manufacturer's address.
Manufacturer City
The city associated with the manufacturer's address.
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Object Name
Object Description
Manufacturer Code
The unique alphanumeric code that identifies the manufacturer of goods on the entry
summary line. If the manufacturer ID (MID) code is not available or found, this field is left
null. An MID can be up to 15 characters in length and is comprised of 5 different pieces to
make the complete MID string. Follows the format: "OOAAABBB1111CCC" Position 1-2:
"OO" indicating the country in 2 characters. Corresponds to the ISO code for the country.
Position 3-5 & 6-8: "AAA" and "BBB" indicating the Manufacturer Name, up to 3 characters
each from the first two words of the company name. There will be no third piece if the
name is one word. Position 9-12: "1111" indicating the Address Line with Street Name
and/or Box Number, up to 4 characters, and is the largest number on the address line.
Position 13-15: "CCC" indicating the City, up to 3 characters. The first 3 letters from the city
Manufacturer Country Code
The 2 character abbreviation, as defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), used to identify the country associated with the manufacturer's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "TV" indicating TUVALU, "TW"
indicating CHINA (TAIWAN), "TZ" indicating TANZANIA, "UA" indicating UKRAINE, "UG"
indicating UGANDA, "UM" indicating UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS, and "US"
indicating USA.
Manufacturer Name
The proper name identifying the manufacturer of goods on the entry summary line as it
appears in the ACE MID information screen.
Manufacturer State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the manufacturer's
address. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts,
"CA" indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Manufacturer Zip Code
The postal code associated with the manufacturer's address.
Message Category Code
A 1 character code indicating whether a message applies to an antidumping (AD) or
countervailing (CV) case. Possible values are: "A" indicating Antidumping and "C" indicating
Message Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that Department of Commerce (DOC) issued a
particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message to CBP.
Message Date - Year (Fiscal)
The fiscal year (YYYY) that Department of Commerce (DOC) issued a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message to CBP.
Message Date - Year Month
The calendar year and month (YYYY-MM) that Department of Commerce (DOC) issued a
particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message to CBP.
Message Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the action being described in the
contents of a particular antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message is effective.
Message Number
The number assigned by Department of Commerce (DOC) to an
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message for reference and recordkeeping
purposes. Note: This object will be listed as "Message No" on the message.
Message Party ID
The party identification number, if available, for the party associated with the
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message. For manufacturer and exporter the
manufacturer identification (MID) code is used; for importer and sold to party, importer of
record (IR) number is used. Note: This value is listed on the "Companies" tab in ACE
AD/CVD Message module.
Message Party Name
The proper name of the party associated with a particular antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) message. Note: This value is on the "Companies" tab in ACE AD/CVD Message
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Object Name
Object Description
Message Party Type
The description indicating the type of party associated with a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message. Possible values include: "Importer,"
"Manufacturer," "Exporter," and "Sold To." Note: This value is on the "Companies" tab in
ACE AD/CVD Message module as "Party Ind."
Message Party Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the type of party associated with a particular
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message. Possible values include: "I" indicating
Importer, "M" indicating Manufacturer, "E" indicating Exporter, and "S" indicating Sold To.
Note: This value is on the "Companies" tab in ACE AD/CVD Message module as "Party Ind."
Message Period Covered Begin
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) of the first day of an entry date range that the
Department of Commerce (DOC) has determined an antidumping message applies to.
Message Period Covered End Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) of the last day of an entry date range that the
Department of Commerce (DOC) has determined an antidumping message applies to.
Message Period of Review Begin
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) of the first day of an entry date range that the
Department of Commerce (DOC) reviewed an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
case. This entry date may or may not be the same as the Period Covered Begin Date
depending on the type of review conducted by the DOC.
Message Period of Review End Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) of the last day of an entry date range that the
Department of Commerce (DOC) reviewed an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
case. This entry date may or may not be the same as the Period Covered End Date
depending on the type of review conducted by the DOC.
Message Status
The description indicating the status of an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
message. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Active" and "Inactive."
Message Status Code
A 2 character code indicating the status of an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
message. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "AC" indicating Active and "IN"
indicating Inactive.
Message Sub-type
The description of the antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message sub-type.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Amend," "Correction," "Auto Liquidation,"
and "Out of Scope."
Message Sub-type Code
A code indicating the antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message sub-type.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "AMD" indicating Amend, "COR" indicating
Correction, "ALI" indicating Auto Liquidation, and "OUTSCO" indicating Out of Scope.
Message Title
A brief description of the commodity type and action to be taken per the
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message.
Message Type
The description indicating the antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message type.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Liquidation," "Enforcement," and
Message Type Code
A code indicating the antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message type. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "LIQ" indicating Liquidation, "ENF" indicating
Enforcement, and "INJ" indicating Injunction.
NAIC Number
The unique numeric value assigned by the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC) that identifies each surety corporation.
Notice of Lifting of Suspension Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that notice is given to indicate that suspension of
an entry summary line subject to an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case is
legally lifted and the entry summary line may be processed for liquidation.
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Object Name
Object Description
Number of AD Cases
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the total number of antidumping (AD)
cases associated with a particular object. For example, pairing this with the "Case Status"
object would show how many AD cases are currently in "Active" status, how many are in
"Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Case Countries of Origin
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the total number of countries of origin
associated with a particular object. For example, pairing this with the "Case Status" object
would show how many different countries of origin have "Active"
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) cases, how many have "Inactive - Company
Revoked," etc.
Number of Cases
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the total number of cases associated
with a particular object. For example, pairing this with the "Case Status" object would
show how many antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) cases are currently in "Active"
status, how many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Collections
The number of collections processed on a particular entry summary.
Number of CV Cases
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the total number of countervailing (CV)
cases associated with a particular object. For example, pairing this with the "Case Status"
object would show how many CV cases are currently in "Active" status, how many are in
"Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Entry Summaries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry summaries related
to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case Status" object will show
how many entry summaries are associated with cases in "Active" status, how many are in
"Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Entry Summaries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of liquidated entry
summaries related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case Status"
object will show how many liquidated entry summaries are associated with cases in
"Active" status, how many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Entry Summaries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of unliquidated entry
summaries related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case Status"
object will show how many unliquidated entry summaries are associated with cases in
"Active" status, how many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Entry Summary Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry summary lines
related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case Status" object will
show how many entry summary lines are associated with cases in "Active" status, how
many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Entry Summary Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of liquidated entry
summary lines related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case
Status" object will show how many liquidated entry summary lines are associated with
cases in "Active" status, how many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Entry Summary Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of unliquidated entry
summary lines related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case
Status" object will show how many unliquidated entry summary lines are associated with
cases in "Active" status, how many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Number of Messages
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the total number of messages
associated with a particular object. For example, pairing this with the "Message Type"
object would show how many messages were "Liquidation" types, how many were
"Enforcement" types, etc.
Page 64 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Number of Principal Cases
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the total number of principal cases
associated with a particular object. For example, pairing this with the "Case Status" object
would show how many principal cases are currently in "Active" status, how many are in
"Inactive - Company Revoked" status, etc.
Payment Type
The description indicating the method of payment selected by the trade for a given entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Individual payment (NOT on a
statement)," "Batched by Importer of Record & subdivision suffix," and "Batched by
Importer of Record (no suffix)."
Payment Type Code
A 1 digit code indicating the method of payment selected by the trade for a given entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "1" indicating Individual payment
(NOT on a statement), "3" indicating Batched by Importer of Record & subdivision suffix,
and "5" indicating Batched by Importer of Record (no suffix).
Periodic Statement Month Number
The calendar month (MM) in which the entry summary is to appear on the final periodic
monthly statement.
Port Border Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the border location for a specific port. Possible values are:
"N" indicating Northern Border and "S" indicating Southern Border.
Port Mailing Address Line 1
The first mailing address line of a port. The mailing address is used to specify the location
to which the trade community should send written correspondence. This may or may not
be the same as the physical address of the port.
Port Mailing Address Line 2
The second mailing address line of a port. The mailing address is used to specify the
location to which the trade community should send written correspondence. This may or
may not be the same as the physical address of the port.
Port Mailing Address Line 3
The third mailing address line of a port. The mailing address is used to specify the place the
trade community should send written correspondence. This may or may not be the same
as the physical address of the port.
Port Mailing City
The city associated with the port's mailing address. The mailing address is used to specify
the location to which the trade community should send written correspondence. This may
or may not be the same as the physical address of the port.
Port Mailing State
The full name of the state associated with the port's mailing address. The mailing address
is used to specify the place the trade community should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address of the port. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "Massachusetts," "California," and "New York."
Port Mailing State Code
The 2 character abbreviation used to identify the state associated with the port's mailing
address. The mailing address is used to specify the place the trade community should send
written correspondence. This may or may not be the same as the physical address of the
port. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA"
indicating California, and "NY" indicating New York.
Port Mailing Zip
The postal code associated with the mailing address of the CBP port. The mailing address is
used to specify the place the trade community should send written correspondence. This
may or may not be the same as the physical address of the port.
Port of Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise entered. The
district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506"
indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and
"4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA.
Page 65 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Port of Entry Code and Name
A concatenated field indicating the Port of Entry Code followed by the Port of Entry. The
Port of Entry Code is the 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the
merchandise entered. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the
last two characters. The Port of Entry is the name of the district and the port where the
merchandise entered. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704 - LOS ANGELES,
CA," "2506 - OTAY MESA," "2605 - PHOENIX, AZ," "3001 - SEATTLE, WA," and "4601 - NEW
Port of Entry Name
The district and the port where the merchandise entered. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and
Preliminary Statement Print Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the entry summary is to appear on the
preliminary statement.
Principal Case Contact Name
The contact name related to a principal antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case.
Contact Office Name, Contact Name, and Contact Phone Numbers are used to store the
Department of Commerce/Import Administration (DOC/IA) contact information related to
the principal case.
Principal Case Contact Office Name
The contact office name related to a principal antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD)
case. Contact Office Name, Contact Name, and Contact Phone Numbers are used to store
the Department of Commerce/Import Administration (DOC/IA) contact information related
to the principal case.
Principal Case Contact Phone 1
The extension of the first phone number (if it exists) for the contact related to a principal
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) . Contact Office Name, Contact Name, and
Contact Phone Numbers are used to store the Department of Commerce/Import
Administration (DOC/IA) contact information related to the principal case.
Principal Case Contact Phone 1
The first phone number for the contact related to a principal antidumping/countervailing
duty (AD/CVD) case. Contact Office Name, Contact Name, and Contact Phone Numbers are
used to store the Department of Commerce/Import Administration (DOC/IA) contact
information related to the principal case.
Principal Case Contact Phone 2
The extension of the second phone number (if it exists) for the contact related to a
principal antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Contact Office Name, Contact
Name, and Contact Phone Numbers are used to store the Department of
Commerce/Import Administration (DOC/IA) contact information related to the principal
Principal Case Contact Phone 2
The second phone number (if it exists) for the contact related to a principal
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Contact Office Name, Contact Name, and
Contact Phone Numbers are used to store the Department of Commerce/Import
Administration (DOC/IA) contact information related to the principal case.
Principal Case Number
The first 7 alphanumeric characters of an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case
number that identifies the type of case, the country, and the commodity. Follows the
format: "A111222" or "C111222" Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an antidumping
(AD) or countervailing (CV) case. Position 2-4: "111" indicating the country in 3 digits.
Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3 digits.
Principal Event
The description indicating lifecycle events related to a principal
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Initiation," "Termination," and "Deactivation."
Page 66 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Principal Event Code
A 3 character code indicating lifecycle events related to a principal
antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "INI" indicating Initiation, "TER" indicating Termination, and "DEA" indicating
Principal Event Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the date that a principal event was
created in the system. Note: This should not be confused with "Principal Event Effective
Date" object.
Principal Event Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that designates when a principal event goes into
effect. Note: This should not be confused with "Principal Event Create Date" object.
Principal Official Case Name
The official antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case name as in Department of
Commerce, Import Administration (DOC, IA) and CBP records. In the Automated
Commercial System (ACS) these are in 4 lines of 80 records. In the Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE), 320 characters are assigned for storing the official case name.
Public Indicator
A 1 character code indicating if an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) message is
public or non-public. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Public and "N" indicating Non-
public. Note: Public messages can be viewed by the trade community. Non-public
messages are only visible to CBP and Department of Commerce (DOC) and information in
those messages should not be shared with the trade community.
Rate Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that designates when a rate (ad-valorem or
specific) goes into effect for an antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case.
Region Code
A unique code that identifies the region in which a CBP port of entry is located. Regions
were part of the original Customs Service whereas today, CBP ports of entry are organized
under one of twenty Customs Management Centers (CMCs). Note: This object is obsolete
for current processing, but may be used in a situation comparing legacy data.
Reinsurance Amount
The dollar amount of the additional bond coverage provided through a third-party surety.
The original surety limit plus the reinsurance amount equal the underwriting bond limit or
the maximum amount of bond coverage.
Related Company Case Number
A related company case number, if any, to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case. Note: For AD cases, the related CV case is entered here, and vice versa.
Related Principal Case Number
A related principal case number, if any, to a particular antidumping/countervailing duty
(AD/CVD) case. Note: For AD cases, the related CV principal case is entered here, and vice
Release Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the imported merchandise is released by
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and allowed to enter the commerce of the United
Review Team CEE
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Review Team identified
on a particular entry summary line falls under. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace," "Electronics,"
and "Machinery."
Review Team CEE Code
The code assigned to the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Review Team
identified on a particular entry summary line falls under. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "CEE-001" indicating Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals, "CEE-003"
indicating Automotive and Aerospace, "CEE-007" indicating Electronics, and "CEE-010"
indicating Machinery.
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Object Name
Object Description
Review Team Number
The number of the team responsible for reviewing a particular entry summary line. Note:
This should not be confused with the "Control Team Number" object, which is assigned at
the entry summary header level.
Selectivity Port Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether a particular port of entry is a selectivity port.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Service Port Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether a particular port of entry is a service port, smaller
ports use service ports to handle most of the "back office" support for a particular port.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Sold to Party ID
The importer of record (IR) number of the party that the merchandise listed in the entry
line item is being sold to.
Sold to Party Name
The proper name of the party that the merchandise listed in the entry line item is being
sold to.
The proper name related to a specific special program indicator (SPI) that specifies an
applicable trade agreement or applicable program that may reduce or eliminate duty
and/or merchandise processing fees (MPF). Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)," "South Korean Free Trade Agreement," and
"U.S. Insular Possession."
SPI Code
The special program indicator (SPI) code that specifies an applicable trade agreement or
applicable program that may reduce or eliminate duty and/or merchandise processing fees
(MPF). Possible values include, but are not limited to: "A" indicating Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP), "KR" indicating South Korean Free Trade Agreement, and "Y" indicating
U.S. Insular Possession.
Statement Client Branch Identifier
A unique identifier that indicates the client branch that a statement is submitted for. The
use of a statement client branch identifier allows for the submission of multiple statements
by a filer or broker based on location, payment type, etc.
Surety Code
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and
other charges associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the
importer defaults on payment to the government.
Surety DUNS Number
The unique 9 digit number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) to identify a business
within the global community. The DUNS abbreviation stands for Data Universal Numbering
Surety Name
The proper name of the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges
associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer
defaults on payment to the government.
Surety Organizational Structure
The numeric code that represents the type of organization related to the ACE account. This
object should represent a numeric code commensurate with a Surety.
Surety Producer Number
The identification number assigned by a surety company to a specific entry filer such as a
broker or importer.
Surety Taxpayer ID Number
The federal tax ID associated with the surety's ACE account. The tax ID can be either a
Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Surety Taxpayer ID Type Code
A code indicating the type of tax ID associated with the account profile. Possible values are:
"US1" indicating that a Social Security Number (SSN) is the associated tax ID and "US2"
indicating that an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is the associated tax ID.
Suspend Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) upon which an entry summary should start or
stop being suspended under a specific antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case.
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Object Name
Object Description
Suspend Entry Summary Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an entry summary should be suspended
under a specific antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) case. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Total ADD Amount
A measure used in summary reporting that sums the total value of antidumping duties
(ADD) related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case Status"
object will show how much ADD has been collected on all of the "Active," "Inactive -
Company Revoked," etc. statuses.
Total CVD Amount
A measure used in summary reporting that sums the total value of countervailing duties
(CVD) related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case Status"
object will show how much CVD has been collected on all of the "Active," "Inactive -
Company Revoked," etc. statuses.
Total Line Value
A measure used in summary reporting that returns the sum of the value of all entry
summary lines related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the "Case
Status" object will show the sum of the value of all the entry summary lines that are
associated with cases in "Active" status, how many are in "Inactive - Company Revoked"
status, etc.
Total Line Value (Liquidated)
A measure used in summary reporting that returns the sum of the value of all liquidated
entry summary lines related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the
"Case Status" object will show the sum of the value of all the liquidated entry summary
lines that are associated with cases in "Active" status, how many are in "Inactive -
Company Revoked" status, etc.
Total Line Value (Unliquidated)
A measure used in summary reporting that returns the sum of the value of all unliquidated
entry summary lines related to a specific object. For example, combining this with the
"Case Status" object will show the sum of the value of all the unliquidated entry summary
lines that are associated with cases in "Active" status, how many are in "Inactive -
Company Revoked" status, etc.
Trade Line Item ID
The trade line item ID of an entry summary line.
The description indicating the unit of measure (UOM). Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Dozen," "1,000 Grams," and "Pieces."
UOM Code
A code indicating the unit of measure (UOM) associated with a particular entry summary
line. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ" indicating Dozen, "KG" indicating
1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces.
UOM Quantity
The quantity related to the unit of measure (UOM) associated with a particular entry
summary line.
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Entry Summary
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Entry Summary data universe. These objects can be
used to modify existing Entry Summary reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Accelerated Liquidation Request
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a filer has requested that a particular entry
summary be processed for accelerated liquidation. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and
"N" indicating No.
Actual Port of Entry Code
In cases where different from the port of entry submitted at the time of filing, the 4 digit
code that represents the district/port where the merchandise actually entered for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating
LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the
format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the
port code.
Actual Port of Entry Name
In cases where different from the port of entry submitted at the time of filing, the proper
name of the district/port code where the merchandise actually entered for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA,"
AD Non-Reimbursement
Statement Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether any of the lines on a particular entry summary has a
non-reimbursement statement for an antidumping case. Possible values are: "Y" indicating
Yes and "N" indicating No.
Additional Bond Type
The description indicating the type of additional bond coverage required for the payment of
duties, fees, and taxes, when required. Possible values are: "No Additional Bond" and "Single
Entry Bond."
Additional Bond Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the type of additional bond coverage required for the payment
of duties, fees, and taxes, when required. Possible values are: (NULL) indicating No Additional
Bond and "9" indicating Single Entry Bond.
Additional Single Entry Bond
For any additional type "09" single entry bonds filed on a particular entry summary, the
amount of additional bond coverage that the additional bond provides in whole U.S. dollars.
Additional Single Entry Bond
The unique 9 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by CBP to the additional single entry
bond (if applicable) after the bond has been approved by an authorized CBP official, listed on
a particular entry summary. Follows the format: "11ABBBBBB" Position 1-2: "11" indicating
the year the bond was filed. Position 3: "A" indicating the bond type ("S" for single entry
bond). Position 4-9: "BBBBBB" the 6 digit alphanumeric unique identifier. Note: The previous
format for bonds was "1122AAAAA" with "11" indicating the district code where the bond
was filed, "22" indicating the year the bond was filed, and "AAAAA" indicating the
alphanumeric unique identifier.
Additional Single Entry Bond
Producer Account Number
For any additional type "09" single entry bonds filed on a particular entry summary, the
surety reference number from CBP form 301 as assigned by the surety company of the single
entry bond.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Additional Surety ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the surety
responsible for underwriting the additional bond (if applicable) on a particular entry
summary. The surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges
associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer
defaults on payment to the government.
Additional Surety Code
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the surety responsible for underwriting the
additional bond (if applicable) on a particular entry summary. The surety is the entity that
ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with international trade
transactions are covered in the event the importer defaults on payment to the government.
Additional Surety Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the surety responsible for underwriting the
additional bond (if applicable) on a particular entry summary. The surety is the entity that
ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with international trade
transactions are covered in the event the importer defaults on payment to the government.
AGOA Textile Provision Number
An alphanumeric code issued by the Department of Commerce (DOC) for a particular African
Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) provision. Note: This provision corresponds to LPC type
code "19."
Agricultural License Number
The 10 digit alphanumeric code which represent the license number for various agriculture
products subject to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requirements. The
license is supplied by the USDA. Note: This license corresponds to LPC type code "14." Refer
to CSMS 04-001326 for more information regarding special sugar license usage.
AMS Certificate of Exemption
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number used by approved
producers importing raspberries. This is supplied by the Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS).
Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC type code "23." Refer to CSMS 14-000113 for more
information regarding certificate requirements.
AMS US Origin Number
The alphanumeric code which represents the Automated Manifest System (AMS) number,
allowing advanced declaration of cargo vessel manifest information to CBP. Note: This
number corresponds to LPC type code "24."
Antidumping Ad-Valorem Rate
The case rate effective at the time of entry, which is used for the purposes of calculating
antidumping duties (ADD) due on a particular entry summary line. Note: Ad-Valorem rates
are reported as a percentage.
Antidumping Bond/Cash Claimed
The description indicating the bond requirements for the antidumping (AD) portion of an
entry summary line, when an applicable AD case exists. Possible values include: "N/A," "Bond
or Cash," and "Cash Only."
Antidumping Bond/Cash Claimed
A 1 character code indicating the bond requirements for the antidumping (AD) portion of an
entry summary line, when an applicable AD case exists. Possible values include: "0" indicating
N/A, "B" indicating Bond or Cash, and "C" indicating Cash Only.
Antidumping Case Number
The 10 character/digit case number for a specific company that represents the antidumping
(AD) case that applies to a particular entry summary line. Follows the format: "A111222333"
Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an AD or countervailing (CV) case. Position 2-4: "111"
indicating the country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3 digits.
Position 8 to 10: "333" indicating the specific company case number assigned by DOC to
identify the party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies in
sequential order as they are added to a case. Note: The company number “000” has a special
meaning. It represents “all other companies” in the country that export the commodity in the
principal case.
Page 71 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Antidumping Duty Amount
The amount of antidumping duties (ADD) identified as due on a particular entry summary
Antidumping Goods Value
The value of an entry summary line that is subject to an antidumping (AD) case. This value is
used for calculating the amount of antidumping duties (ADD) for a specific entry summary
line. This value may be the same as the line value, or less. For example, in instances where
only a portion of the merchandise on a line is subject to antidumping duties, it will be less
than the line value.
Antidumping Non-
Reimbursement Declaration ID
The unique 10 digit number which identifies the antidumping (AD) non-reimbursement
blanket statement that covers merchandise imported on a particular entry summary line. The
non-reimbursement blanket statement is a declaration made to U.S. Customs & Border
Protection indicating that the listed importer has not received or entered into any agreement
for payment or reimbursement of any or all antidumping duties by the manufacturer,
producer, seller or exporter. The blanket statement covers all entry summary lines filed by
the specified importer during a particular date range, which are subject to the listed
antidumping case number and declared the listed manufacturer, shipper and/or exporter.
Antidumping Quantity
The total number of primary units on a particular entry summary line, which corresponds to
the unit of measure (UOM) code prescribed by the associated antidumping (AD) case, to be
used exclusively and in lieu of any other article quantity for the specific purpose of calculating
any estimated antidumping duty when a specific rate applies.
Antidumping Specific Rate
The specific rate to be applied in order to determine the antidumping duties (ADD) due on a
particular entry summary line. The rate is specific to the AD case. The rate is expressed as an
amount in U.S. dollars per unit of the goods imported. Note: For the purposes of calculating
this object, the "Antidumping Quantity" can be used in conjunction with this object to obtain
the ADD due.
Antidumping Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular antidumping case record on
an entry summary line was last updated in the system.
Antidumping Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular antidumping case record on
an entry summary line was last updated in the system.
Associated Chapter 98/99 Tariff
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary line tariff is part of a
group of multiple entry summary line tariffs that include an 8 digit chapter 98/99 Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) number. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes
and "N" indicating No.
Associated Warehouse Entry Filer
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
entries, identified on the associated warehouse entry for a particular entry summary. Note:
The associated warehouse entry is the type "21" warehouse or type "22" rewarehouse entry
summary that a particular type "22" rewarehouse or type "31," "32," "34," or "38"
warehouse withdrawal is the child of.
Associated Warehouse Entry Filer
The trade entity name associated with the legal entity qualified by CBP to file entries,
identified on the associated warehouse entry for a particular entry summary. Note: The
associated warehouse entry is the type "21" warehouse or type "22" rewarehouse entry
summary that a particular type "22" rewarehouse or type "31," "32," "34," or "38"
warehouse withdrawal is the child of.
Page 72 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Associated Warehouse Entry
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to the associated
warehouse entry for a particular entry summary. Follows the format: "AAA11111112"
Position 1-3: "AAA" indicating the filer responsible for submitting the entry summary
transaction. Position 4-10: "1111111" indicating the unique number assigned to the entry by
the filer. Position 11: "2" indicating the check digit. Note: The associated warehouse entry is
the type "21" warehouse" or type "22" rewarehouse entry summary that a particular type
"22" rewarehouse or type "31," "32," "34," or "38" warehouse withdrawal is the child of.
Associated Warehouse Port of
Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise entered on the
associated warehouse entry for a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605"
indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW
YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district
code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the port code. Note: The associated warehouse entry is the
type "21" warehouse or type "22" rewarehouse entry summary that a particular type "22"
rewarehouse or type "31," "32," "34," or "38" warehouse withdrawal is the child of.
Associated Warehouse Port of
Entry Name
The proper name of the district port code where the merchandise was entered on the
associated warehouse entry for a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and "NEW
YORK/NEWARK AREA." Note: The associated warehouse entry is the type "21" warehouse or
type "22" rewarehouse entry summary that a particular type "22" rewarehouse or type "31,"
"32," "34," or "38" warehouse withdrawal is the child of.
ATPDEA Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles subject to
the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) that fall within the tariff
number: 98211119. Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code "7." Refer to CSMS #
04-002378 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
Australia FTA Export Certificate
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles claiming
benefits of the Australia Free Trade Agreement (AFTA). This is supplied by the Government of
Australia. Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code "8." Refer to CSMS # 05-
000018 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
Batch Received Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the remote file batch was received by CBP for
a particular entry summary.
Batch Received Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) that the remote file batch was received by CBP for
a particular entry summary.
Beef Export Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles of beef
subject to regulation from Argentina (AR), Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ) or Uruguay (UY).
The export certification is supplied by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Food Safety and Inspection Service. Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC type code "5."
Refer to CSMS 04-002376 for more information regarding the format structure of the Beef
Export Certificate Number.
Page 73 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Bond Number
The unique 9 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by CBP to the posted bond after the
bond has been approved by an authorized CBP official, listed on a particular entry summary.
Follows the format: "11ABBBBBB" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the year the bond was filed.
Position 3: "A" indicating the bond type ("C" for continuous bond; "S" for single entry bond).
Position 4-9: "BBBBBB" the 6 digit alphanumeric unique identifier. Note: The previous format
for bonds was "1122AAAAA" with "11" indicating the district code where the bond was filed,
"22" indicating the year the bond was filed, and "AAAAA" indicating the alphanumeric unique
Bond Type
The description indicating the type of bond coverage used to guarantee payment of duties,
taxes, and fees on a particular entry summary. Possible values include: "No Bond required,"
"Continuous Bond," and "Single Entry Bond."
Bond Type Code
The 1 digit code indicating the type of bond coverage used to guarantee payment of duties,
taxes, and fees on a particular entry summary. Possible values include: "0" indicating No
Bond required, "8" indicating Continuous Bond, and "9" indicating Single Entry Bond.
Broker Known Importer (BKIP)
A 1 character code indicating whether the importer identified on an entry summary is known
to the customs broker, and that the customs broker has advised the importer of their
compliance responsibilities pertaining to CBP regulations. Possible values are: "Y" indicating
Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: This indicator only exists for ACE entry summaries filed on or
after January 2015.
Broker Reference Number
An alphanumeric code submitted by a broker/filer used for their own internal filing system.
CAFTA TPL Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles of
Nicaraguan origin that fall within the tariff number: 99156101. This is supplied by the
Government of Nicaragua. Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code "10." Refer to
CSMS # 06-000936 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
Canadian Export Sugar Certificate
The 8 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for sugar products
originating from a Canadian province. Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC type code
"16." Refer to CSMS 99-001083 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
Canadian NAFTA TPL Certificate
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles claiming
benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originating from Canada. This
is supplied by Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT). Note: This
certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code "3." Refer to CSMS # 04-002377 and 04-002553 for
more information regarding certificate requirements.
Canadian SWL Export Permit
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the permit number for articles of softwood
lumber originating from a Canadian province. Note: This permit corresponds to license type
code "11." Refer to CSMS 06-001119 for more information regarding permit requirements.
Canadian SWL Permit Number
The alphanumeric code issued by the Minister of International Trade for a Canadian softwood
lumber permit. Note: This permit corresponds to LPC type code "15."
Cargo Release Certified Request
A 1 character code indicating whether a filer has submitted an entry summary instructing CBP
to use the submitted information for the purposes of cargo release. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Carrier ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the entity
responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular entry summary from the foreign
port of lading to the first U.S. port of unlading.
Page 74 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Carrier Code
The identification of the entity responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular
entry summary from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of unlading. This is either
the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) or the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
code. For vessel, rail, or truck shipments, the SCAC is used; for air shipments the IATA code is
Carrier Name
The proper name of the entity responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular
entry summary from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of unlading.
CBTPA Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for brassiere article
claiming The Caribbean Basin Partnership Act (CBTPA). This is supplied by the Department of
Commerce (DOC). Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC type code "18." Refer to CSMS
02-000387 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
Collection Debit Voucher
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a debit voucher exists on a particular entry
summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Collection Status
The description indicating the current collection status on particular entry summary,
describing whether it has been paid. Possible values include: "Not Paid," "Partially Pd,"
"Paid," "Duty Free," "Col Shell," "Drawback," and "Authorized."
Collection Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current collection status on particular entry summary, describing
whether it has been paid. Possible values include: "0" indicating Not Paid, "1" indicating
Partially Pd, "2" indicating Paid, "3" indicating Duty Free, "4" indicating Col Shell, "5"
indicating Drawback, and "6" indicating Authorized.
Consolidated Summary Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether an entry summary accounts for (consolidates) the
cargo referenced in more than one Cargo Release "entry" transaction. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Control Status
The description indicating the current control status regarding CBP and the trade for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include: "Trade," "CBP," and "Inactive in ACE."
Control Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current control status regarding CBP and the trade for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include: "1" indicating Trade, "2" indicating CBP,
and "3" indicating Inactive in ACE.
Control Team CEE
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team identified on
a particular entry summary falls under. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace," "Electronics," and
Control Team CEE Code
The code assigned to the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team
identified on a particular entry summary falls under. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "CEE-001" indicating Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals, "CEE-003" indicating
Automotive and Aerospace, "CEE-007" indicating Electronics, and "CEE-010" indicating
Control Team Number
The team number corresponding to commodity specialist team (CST) identified as responsible
for the processing of a particular entry summary. This team number relates to the entry
summary header, and is not to be confused with the "Review Team Number" which applies
specifically to entry summary lines.
Conveyance ID
For vessel shipments only, an identifier for the vessel responsible for the conveyance of
merchandise listed on a particular entry summary. Note: while this data element is not
required for non-vessel shipments, a value is still allowed (such as the name of the carrier).
Page 75 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Conveyance Name
The name of the conveyance used to transport merchandise from the foreign location to the
United States. For ocean shipments, this will return the vessel name. For air, truck, and rail
shipments, this will return the carrier name.
Cotton Shirting Fabric License
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the license number for articles of cotton
woven fabrics that fall within the following tariff numbers: 99025208, 99025209, 99025210,
99025211, 99025212, 99025213, 99025214, 99025215, 99025216, 99025217, 99025218,
99025219. This license is supplied by the Department of Commerce (DOC). Note: This license
corresponds to license type code "12." Refer to Administrative Message 04-07-000186 and
07-000224 for more information regarding the format structure of the Cotton Shirting Fabric
License Number
Countervailing Ad-Valorem Rate
The case rate effective at the time of entry, which is used for the purposes of calculating
countervailing duties (CVD) due on a particular entry summary line. Note: Ad-Valorem rates
are reported as a percentage.
Countervailing Bond/Cash
The description indicating the bond requirements for the countervailing (CV) portion of an
entry summary line, when an applicable CV case exists. Possible values include: "N/A," "Bond
or Cash," and "Cash Only."
Countervailing Bond/Cash
Claimed Code
A 1 character code indicating the bond requirements for the countervailing (CV) portion of an
entry summary line, when an applicable CV case exists. Possible values include: "0" indicating
N/A, "B" indicating Bond or Cash, and "C" indicating Cash Only.
Countervailing Case Number
The 10 character/digit case number for a specific company that represents the countervailing
(CV) case that applies to a particular entry summary line. Follows the format: "C111222333"
Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an antidumping (AD) or CV case. Position 2-4: "111"
indicating the country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3 digits.
Position 8 to 10: "333" indicating the specific company case number assigned by DOC to
identify the party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies in
sequential order as they are added to a case. Note: The company number “000” has a special
meaning. It represents “all other companies” in the country that export the commodity in the
principal case.
Countervailing Duty Amount
The amount of countervailing duties (CVD) identified as due on a particular entry summary
Countervailing Goods Value
The value of an entry summary line that is subject to a countervailing (CV) case. This value is
used for calculating the amount of countervailing duties (CVD) for a specific entry summary
line. This value may be the same as the line value, or less. For example, in instances where
only a portion of the merchandise on a line is subject to countervailing duties, it will be less
than the line value.
Countervailing Non-
Reimbursement Declaration ID
The unique 10 digit number which identifies the countervailing (CV) non-reimbursement
blanket statement that covers merchandise imported on a particular entry summary line. The
non-reimbursement blanket statement is a declaration made to U.S. Customs & Border
Protection indicating that the listed importer has not received or entered into any agreement
for payment or reimbursement of any or all antidumping duties by the manufacturer,
producer, seller or exporter. The blanket statement covers all entry summary lines filed by
the specified importer during a particular date range, which are subject to the listed
antidumping case number and declared the listed manufacturer, shipper and/or exporter.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Countervailing Quantity
The total number of primary units on a particular entry summary line, which corresponds to
the unit of measure (UOM) code prescribed by the associated countervailing (CV) case, to be
used exclusively and in lieu of any other article quantity for the specific purpose of calculating
any estimated antidumping duty when a specific rate applies.
Countervailing Specific Rate
The specific rate to be applied in order to determine the countervailing duties (CVD) due on a
particular entry summary line. The rate is specific to the CV case. The rate is expressed as an
amount in U.S. dollars per unit of the goods imported. Note: For the purposes of calculating
this object, the "Countervailing Quantity" can be used in conjunction with this object to
obtain the CVD due.
Countervailing Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular countervailing case record on
an entry summary line was last updated in the system.
Countervailing Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular countervailing case record
on an entry summary line was last updated in the system.
Country of Export Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of export (COE) identified to a particular entry summary line. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "CN" indicating CHINA (MAINLAND), "AR" indicating ARGENTINA, and
"BE" indicating BELGIUM.
Country of Export Name
The full name of the country of export (COE) identified on a particular entry summary line.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CHINA (MAINLAND)," "ARGENTINA," and
Country of Origin Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of origin (COO) identified on a particular entry summary line. The country of origin is
the country of manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "CN" indicating CHINA (MAINLAND), "AR" indicating ARGENTINA, and
"BE" indicating BELGIUM.
Country of Origin Name
The full name of the country of origin (COO) identified on a particular entry summary line.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CHINA (MAINLAND)," "ARGENTINA," and
Current Liquidation Cycle
Indicator (Y/N)
A 1 character code indicating whether an entry is in the current liquidation cycle. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
CV Non-Reimbursement
Statement Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether any of the lines on a particular entry summary has a
non-reimbursement statement for a countervailing case. Possible values are: "Y" indicating
Yes and "N" indicating No.
Deferred Tax Payment
The description indicating if an arrangement has been made with CBP’s National Finance
Center (NFC) to defer payment of Internal Revenue (IR) tax to be assessed on a particular
entry summary to a periodic basis. Possible values include: "No IR tax payment deferral has
been arranged and/or no IR tax applicable," "Conventional IR Tax Deferral Arranged," and
"EFT IR Tax Deferral Arranged."
Deferred Tax Payment Code
A 1 digit code indicating if an arrangement has been made with CBP’s National Finance
Center (NFC) to defer payment of Internal Revenue (IR) tax to be assessed on a particular
entry summary to a periodic basis. Possible values include: "(NULL)" indicating No IR tax
payment deferral has been arranged and/or no IR tax applicable, "1" indicating Conventional
IR Tax Deferral Arranged, and "2" indicating EFT IR Tax Deferral Arranged.
Page 77 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Designated Exam Site Port Code
For a particular remotely filed entry summary, the district/port code where cargo
examination is to take place. The designated exam port must be the port nearest the cargo's
final destination. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the
format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the
port code.
Designated Exam Site Port Name
For a particular remotely filed entry summary, the proper name of the district/port where
cargo examination is to take place. The designated exam port must be the port nearest the
cargo's final destination. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA,"
Designated Notify Party CF4811
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity (individual or firm) to whom refunds, bills,
or notices of extension of suspension of liquidation are to be sent for a particular entry
summary. Note: This is only filled if indicating a party different than the importer of record.
Designated Notify Party CF4811
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the U.S. party or other entity
(individual or firm) to whom refunds, bills, or notices of extension of suspension of liquidation
are to be sent for a particular entry summary. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID
number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number identifies an individual
via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may
also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is
typically assigned to importers located outside of the United States that do not have a
taxpayer ID. Note: This is only filled if indicating a party different than the importer of record.
Destination State Code
The code for the U.S. state, U.S. territory or U.S. possession where the merchandise is
destined for a particular entry summary.
Destination State Name
The proper name of the U.S. state, U.S. territory or U.S. possession where the merchandise is
destined for a particular entry summary.
Diamond Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles subject to
the Kimberley Process regulation and fall within the following tariff numbers: 7102100000,
7102211010, 7102211020, 7102213000, 7102214000, 7102310000. This is supplied by the
Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code
"6." Refer to CSMS # 04-002229 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
DIS Documents Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary contains documents
submitted in the Document Image System (DIS). Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and
"N" indicating No. Note: A value of "N" does not necessarily indicate that the documents
were not submitted, but that there was not an exact match between the entry summary
number, and what was listed on the DIS transaction.
Documents Required
The description indicating the current status for electronic entries submitted via ABI
regarding whether a hard-copy is required to be submitted or not for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include: "Documents required," "Paperless," and "Originally
paperless, then changed to documents required."
Documents Required Code
A 1 character code indicating the current status for electronic entries submitted via ABI
regarding whether a hard-copy is required to be submitted or not for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include: "X" indicating Documents required, "P" indicating
Paperless, and "R" indicating Originally paperless, then changed to documents required.
Page 78 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Dominican Republic Earned
Allowance Program Number
The alphanumeric code issued by the Department of Commerce (DOC) for the Dominican
Republic Earned Import Allowance Program (EIAP) number, allowing uncapped duty-free
benefit for U.S. imports of certain woven cotton bottoms assembled in the Dominican
Republic from third-country fabric. Note: This program corresponds to LPC type code "25."
Drawback Claimed Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a drawback claim was made on a particular
entry summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Electronic Invoice Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether an entry summary conforms to the requirements for
the Electronic Invoice Processing (EIP) program via the Automated Invoice Interface (AII).
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: An electronic invoice(s)
that accounts for all of the articles claimed on the entry summary has either A) been
submitted electronically to CBP, or B) is available for electronic submission when requested
by CBP.
Electronic Invoice Status
The description indicating the current status of an electronic invoice (if applicable) for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include: "Open," "Received," "Disassociated," and
Electronic Invoice Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the current status of an electronic invoice (if applicable) for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include: "O" indicating Open, "R" indicating
Received, "D" indicating Disassociated, and "Q" indicating Requested.
Electronic Signature Indicator
A 1 character code acting as the filer’s electronic signature. Possible values are: "Y" indicating
Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: An ACE Entry Summary is designated as paperless until such
time (if any) that CBP requests that a paper document be submitted.
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United States.
This is normally the date of cargo release, but it can also be the date of entry or entry
summary filing for merchandise subject to immediate delivery requirements or quota
Entry Summary Accepted Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular entry summary was accepted by CBP.
Entry Summary and Line Number
The concatenated values of both the "Entry Summary Number" and the "Entry Summary Line
Entry Summary Cancellation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular entry summary was cancelled by CBP. Note: a value for cancellation date does not
necessarily indicate the current status of the entry summary, but rather the most recent date
that a cancellation had or has occurred on a particular entry summary.
Entry Summary Census Warning
The description indicating the status of any potential census warnings on a particular entry
summary. Possible values include: "No Census Warnings," "Census Warning," and "Census
Warning Overridden." Note: This status applies to the entry summary at the header level.
Entry Summary Census Warning
Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the status of any potential census warnings on a particular entry
summary. Possible values include: "0" indicating No Census Warnings, "1" indicating Census
Warning, and "6" indicating Census Warning Overridden. Note: This status applies to the
entry summary at the header level.
Entry Summary Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary record was
created in the system.
Entry Summary Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary record was
created in the system.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Summary Created By
The full name (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) of the user responsible for the creation of a particular
entry summary record in the system
Entry Summary Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the entry summary is filed with CBP. For timely
filing, this date must be within ten working days after release of the merchandise.
Entry Summary Extension Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular entry summary's liquidation date was extended.
Entry Summary Inactivation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular entry summary was inactivated. Note: a value for inactivation date does not
necessarily indicate the current status of the entry summary, but rather the most recent date
that an inactivation had or has occurred on a particular entry summary.
Entry Summary Line Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry summary line record that identifies an
single line number on an entry summary. The sequential grouping number allows multiple
line numbers to be assigned to a single entry summary.
Entry Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to each entry
transaction. Follows the format: "AAA11111112" Position 1-3: "AAA" indicating the filer
responsible for submitting the entry summary transaction. Position 4-10: "1111111"
indicating the unique number assigned to the entry by the filer. Position 11: "2" indicating the
check digit.
Entry Summary Payment
Received Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which
payment was received for a particular entry summary.
Entry Summary PSC Submission
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest post-summary correction was
submitted on a particular entry summary.
Entry Summary Rejection Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest rejection on a particular entry
summary occurred. Note: a value for rejection date does not necessarily indicate the current
status of the entry summary, but rather the most recent date that a rejection had or has
occurred on a particular entry summary.
Entry Summary Reliquidation
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest reliquidation occurred on a
particular entry summary.
Entry Summary Status
The description indicating the current status of a particular entry summary, as determined by
CBP. Possible values include: "Accepted," "Rejected," and "Cancelled."
Entry Summary Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current status of a particular entry summary, as determined by
CBP. Possible values include: "1" indicating Accepted, "2" indicating Rejected, and "3"
indicating Cancelled.
Entry Summary Suspension Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest suspension of liquidation
occurred on a particular entry summary.
Entry Summary Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary record was
last updated in the system.
Entry Summary Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary record was
last updated in the system.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Summary Version Number
The number that tracks the version of an entry summary over time. ACE does not track
versions of the entry summary until the preliminary daily statement is generated, at which
point the entry summary control status is updated to “CBP.” Authorized CBP users may
modify an entry summary in “CBP” control via the ACE Portal. As changes are made to the
entry summary, ACE tracks the versions. The number to the right of the decimal reflects CBP
changes (e.g., v 1.01, 1.02). Changes made by the trade are reflected in the number to the
left of the decimal (e.g., v. 2.0, 3.0) after the entry is in CBP control, such as when the filer
retransmits an entry summary following a CBP rejection, or when a PSC is filed. Note: Only
ACE entry summaries have a valid version number. ACS entry summaries will reflect a version
number of 0.00.
Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "01" indicating Consumption - Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption -
Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11" indicating Informal.
Entry Type Long Description
The description indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Consumption - Free and Dutiable," "Consumption -
Antidumping(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and "Informal."
Entry Type Short Description
A more succinct version of the "Entry Type Long Description" object that shortens
descriptions which are particularly long in length. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "Consumption: AD/CVD," "Consumption: FTZ," and "Informal."
Estimated Arrival Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular mode of transportation (MOT)
is expected to arrive at the port for a particular entry summary.
Estimated Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the estimated date of entry for a
particular entry summary. Note: This is the date that is transmitted by the filer as an
estimate, and does not reflect the actual entry date, which is found in the "Entry Date"
Expedited Release Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary was filed under an
expedited release program. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Expedited Release Program
The description indicating the expedited release program that a particular entry summary
was filed under. Possible values include: "BRASS," "FAST," and "Rail Line Release."
Expedited Release Program Code
A 1 character code indicating the expedited release program that a particular entry summary
was filed under. Possible values include: "B" indicating BRASS, "F" indicating FAST, and "L"
indicating Rail Line Release.
Exportation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the exporting vessel departed the last port in
the exporting country for the merchandise listed on a particular entry summary line.
Filer ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the legal entity
qualified by CBP to file entries, identified on an entry summary.
Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
entries, identified on an entry summary.
Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries, identified on an entry summary.
Filer Preparer User Data Text
A 20 digit/character free form text field, that is for the remote filing participant's internal use,
on a particular entry summary.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Final Warehouse Withdrawal
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) of the entry date for the corresponding
consumption warehouse withdrawal entry summaries (types: 31, 32, 34, and 38), for a
particular warehouse entry summary (types: 21 and 22). Note: This will object will only
populate data if the corresponding consumption warehouse withdrawal entry summary has a
"Final Warehouse Withdrawal Indicator" set to "Y."
Final Warehouse Withdrawal
A 1 character code indicating whether a particular warehouse withdrawal entry summary is
the final withdrawal for the original warehouse entry summary it is associated to. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: This is not to be confused with the
"Final Warehouse Withdrawal Made Indicator" which is used to designate whether an entry
type "21" or "22" has had a final withdrawal made underneath it.
First Sale Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether the merchandise described on a particular entry
summary line meets the definition of a "first sale." Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and
"N" indicating No.
Foreign Exporter ID
The unique alphanumeric code that identifies the MID (manufacturer identification) number
of the foreign exporter of goods on a particular entry summary line. An MID can be up to 15
characters in length and is comprised of 5 different pieces to make the complete MID string.
Follows the format: "AABBBCCC1111DDD" Position 1-2: "AA" indicating the country in 2
characters. Corresponds to the ISO code for the country. Position 3-5 & 6-8: "BBB" and "CCC"
indicating the Manufacturer Name, up to 3 characters each from the first two words of the
company name. There will be no third piece if the name is one word. Position 9-12: "1111"
indicating the Address Line with Street Name and/or Box Number, up to 4 characters, and is
the largest number on the address line. Position 13-15: "DDD" indicating the City, up to 3
characters. The first 3 letters from the city name.
Foreign Exporter Name
The proper name identifying the foreign exporter of goods on a particular entry summary
Foreign Port of Lading Code
The 5 digit code representing the foreign port in which the cargo described on a particular
entry summary line was laden on board the conveyance destined to the U.S. or where the
export cargo is to be unlade. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "52101"
indicating ADEN, YEMEN, "56506" indicating BATANGAS, PHILIPPINES, "57056" indicating
DONGGUAN, CHINA, "58883" indicating TOYOHASHI, JAPAN, and "60205" indicating BOTANY
Foreign Port of Lading Name
The proper name of the foreign port in which the cargo described on a particular entry
summary line was laden on board the conveyance destined to the U.S. or where the export
Foreign Trade Zone ID
The identification number of the foreign trade zone where merchandise is physically located.
Follows the format: "111AA22" Position 1-3: "111" indicating the 3 digit FTZ number. Position
4-5: "AA" indicating the alphanumeric subzone number or general purpose acreage
designation. Position 6-7 (Optional): "22" indicating the site number.
FTZ Line Item Quantity
The quantity of units removed from the foreign trade zone (FTZ) and entered into the
commerce of the U.S. for a particular entry summary line.
FTZ Merchandise Status
The description indicating the foreign trade zone (FTZ) status of the merchandise described
on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include: "Privileged Foreign," "Non-
Privileged Foreign," "Domestic," and "Zone Restricted."
Page 82 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
FTZ Merchandise Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the foreign trade zone (FTZ) status of the merchandise
described on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include: "P" indicating
Privileged Foreign, "N" indicating Non-Privileged Foreign, "D" indicating Domestic, and "Z"
indicating Zone Restricted.
General Note 15(c) Waiver
Certificate Number
The alphanumeric code which represents the general note 15(c) waiver certificate number.
Note: This license corresponds to LPC type code "27."
Goods Location FIRMS ACE ID
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number of the Facilities
Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code that identifies the known
location of the merchandise at the time of filing.
Goods Location FIRMS Code
The Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code that identifies
the known location of the merchandise at the time of filing.
Goods Location FIRMS Name
The proper name of the Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS)
code that identifies the known location of the merchandise at the time of filing.
Grand Total Ascertained Amount
The total amount of all combined ascertained amounts (Total Ascertained AD Amount, Total
Ascertained CVD Amount, Total Ascertained Duty Amount, Total Ascertained Tax Amount,
Total Ascertained Fee Amount). The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on
the last minor version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry
summary minor version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the
record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry
summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal
to the estimated amount.
Grand Total Estimated Amount
The total amount of all combined estimated amounts (Total Estimated AD Amount, Total
Estimated CVD Amount, Total Estimated Duty Amount, Total Estimated Tax Amount, Total
Estimated Fee Amount). The estimated amount correlates to the amounts found on the last
major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or " 4.00"). An entry summary
major version change only occurs when a member of the trade community makes an update
to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry
summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal
to the estimated amount.
Grand Total Paid Amount
The total amount of all the combined paid amounts (Total Paid AD Amount, Total Paid CVD
Amount, Total Paid Duty Amount, Total Paid Tax Amount, Total Paid Fee Amount). Note: Paid
amounts are received by the collections application and are only reconciled at the entry
summary header level.
Haiti Earned Allowance Program
An alphanumeric code issued by the Department of Commerce (DOC) for the Haiti Earned
Import Allowance Program (EIAP) number allowing duty-free entry for certain apparel
products. Note: This program number corresponds to LPC Type Code "13."
Header Fee (1) Amount
The corresponding amount to the first header fee accounting class code listed on a particular
entry summary. This object can be fully understood when used in conjunction with the
"Header Fee (1) Class Code" object.
Header Fee (1) Class
The description of the accounting class code corresponding to the first header fee collected
on a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Page 83 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Header Fee (1) Class Code
The 3 digit accounting class code corresponding to the first header fee collected on a
particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "001" indicating
CONSUMPTION DUTIES, "012" indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY, "013" indicating
Header Fee (2) Amount
The corresponding amount to the second header fee accounting class code listed on a
particular entry summary. This object can be fully understood when used in conjunction with
the "Header Fee (2) Class Code" object.
Header Fee (2) Class
The description of the accounting class code corresponding to the second header fee
collected on a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Header Fee (2) Class Code
The 3 digit accounting class code corresponding to the second header fee collected on a
particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "001" indicating
CONSUMPTION DUTIES, "012" indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY, "013" indicating
HTS Long Description
The long description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number for a particular entry summary line tariff. The HTS is a comprehensive
listing of sequential numbers that identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the HTS
chapter for a particular entry summary line tariff. Follows the format: "11" Position 1-2: "11"
indicating the appropriate chapter.
HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the HTS
heading for a particular entry summary line tariff. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2:
"11" indicating the appropriate chapter. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the article heading
within a chapter.
HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the HTS
subheading for a particular entry summary line tariff. Follows the format: "112233" Position
1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate chapter. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the article heading
within a chapter. Position 5-6: "33" indicating the article subheading within a heading.
HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the U.S.
HTS subheading for a particular entry summary line tariff. Follows the format: "11223344"
Position 1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate chapter. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the article
heading within a chapter. Position 5-6: "33" indicating the article subheading within a
heading. Position 7-8: "44" indicating the U.S. subheading.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number for a particular entry summary line
tariff. Follows the format: "1122334455" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate
chapter. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the article heading within a chapter. Position 5-6: "33"
indicating the article subheading within a heading. Position 7-8: "44" indicating the U.S.
subheading. Position 9-10: "55" indicating the statistical suffix.
HTS Short Description
The short description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number for a particular entry summary line tariff. The HTS is a comprehensive
listing of sequential numbers that identifies commodities in a standard format.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Importation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the merchandise arrived within the U.S. Port
of Arrival for a particular entry summary. Note: For merchandise arriving by vessel, this
reflects the date the vessel arrived within the limits of the U.S. port of arrival with the intent
to unlade; for other transport modes, this reflects the date the merchandise arrived within
the U.S. port of arrival.
Importer ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the entity
responsible for importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a particular entry summary.
Importer Name
The proper name of the entity responsible for importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a
particular entry summary.
Importer Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the entity responsible for
importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a particular entry summary. Typically this consists
of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number
identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-
NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-",
followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located outside of the United
States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Inbond Immediate
Transportation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the in-bond movement referenced by the in-
bond/in-transit number(s) took place.
Internal Revenue Accounting
The description related to the CBP accounting classification code that represents a specific
internal revenue (IR) tax type on a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are
Internal Revenue Accounting
Class Code
A 3 digit code related to the CBP accounting classification code that represents a specific
internal revenue (IR) tax type on a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "016" indicating EXCISE TAXES ON DISTILLED SPIRITS, "017" indicating EXCISE
Internal Revenue Tax Amount
The internal revenue (IR) tax amount estimated for the article identified on a particular entry
summary line, reported in U.S. dollars and cents.
Late Filing Status
The description indicating whether a particular entry summary was filed late, and if so the
quantity of days late. Possible values include: "Not late," "Over 10 days late," "Over 30 days
late," "Over 60 days late," "Not Late," and "Late."
Late Filing Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating whether a particular entry summary was filed late, and if so the
quantity of days late. Possible values include: "0" indicating Not late, "1" indicating Over 10
days late, "2" indicating Over 30 days late, "3" indicating Over 60 days late, "N" indicating Not
Late, and "Y" indicating Late.
Late Payment Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not the payment for a particular entry summary was
late. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Latest PSC Filed Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest post-summary correction was
submitted on a particular entry summary.
Line Action Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the date of the "line action date source"
used on an entry summary, which is used for validations at the entry summary line level.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Line Action Date Source
The description indicating the source used for the line action date on a particular entry
summary, which is used for validations at the entry summary line level. Possible values
include: "IT Date," "Entry Date," "Release Date," "Estimated Entry Date," "Estimated Date of
Arrival," "Import Date," "Preliminary Statement Print Date," and "EDI Received Date." Note:
Prior to further content validation of an entry summary line, various control dates and fixed
rates shall be determined which shall conditionally be used in applicable validations.
Line Action Date Source Code
A 1 digit code indicating the source used for the line action date on a particular entry
summary, which is used for validations at the entry summary line level. Possible values
include: "1" indicating IT Date, "2" indicating Entry Date, "3" indicating Release Date, "4"
indicating Estimated Entry Date, "5" indicating Estimated Date of Arrival, "6" indicating
Import Date, "7" indicating Preliminary Statement Print Date, and "8" indicating EDI Received
Date. Note: Prior to further content validation of an entry summary line, various control
dates and fixed rates shall be determined which shall conditionally be used in applicable
Line Article Set
The description indicating that a particular entry summary line is part of an article set as
defined by General Rules of Interpretation (GRI 3(b) and 3(c)). Possible values include: "The
line item is NOT part of an article set," "The line item is a component of an article set," and
"The line item is the header of an article set." Note: GRI 3(b) and 3(c) are provisions for the
classification of mixtures, composite goods of different materials or made up of different
components, and goods put up in sets for retail sale.
Line Article Set Code
A 1 character code indicating that a particular entry summary line is part of an article set as
defined by General Rules of Interpretation (GRI 3(b) and 3(c)). Possible values include:
"(NULL)" indicating The line item is NOT part of an article set, "V" indicating The line item is a
component of an article set, and "X" indicating The line item is the header of an article set.
Note: GRI 3(b) and 3(c) are provisions for the classification of mixtures, composite goods of
different materials or made up of different components, and goods put up in sets for retail
Line Census Warning
The description indicating the specific type of census warning that has occurred on a
particular entry summary line. Census warnings result when discrepancies occur between
what the Census Bureau usually observes for a data element or a relationship between two
data elements for a particular tariff and the data filed in an entry summary. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "*CENSUS* IMPROBABLE COUNTRY," "*CENSUS* MAXIMUM
"*CENSUS* MAXIMUM CHARGES EXCEEDED." Note: Census warnings do not always mean an
entry summary is in error, just that the information given is unlikely to be accurate.
Line Census Warning Code
A 3 digit code indicating the specific type of census warning that has occurred on a particular
entry summary line. Census warnings result when discrepancies occur between what the
Census Bureau usually observes for a data element or a relationship between two data
elements for a particular tariff and the data filed in an entry summary. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "27A" indicating *CENSUS* IMPROBABLE COUNTRY, "27P"
indicating *CENSUS* MAXIMUM VALUE EXCEEDED, "27D" indicating *CENSUS* OR-HI
VAL/QTY (1), "27H" indicating *CENSUS* GROSS WEIGHT - AIR, and "27Q" indicating
*CENSUS* MAXIMUM CHARGES EXCEEDED. Note: Census warnings do not always mean an
entry summary is in error, just that the information given is unlikely to be accurate.
Line Census Warning Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a census warning occurred on a particular entry
summary line. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Page 86 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Line Census Warning Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry summary line census warning record
that identifies a single census warning that has occurred on a particular entry summary line.
The sequential grouping number allows multiple census warnings to occur on a single entry
summary line.
Line Census Warning Override
The short description indicating the reason for a particular census warning being overridden.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Exception to Embargo," "Prototype," "One-of-
a-kind," "Special Handling Required," "Correct as Entered," and "CBP Override."
Line Census Warning Override
(Full Description)
The full description indicating the reason for a particular census warning being overridden.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "This commodity is exempt from the embargo
of trade with this country," "References new product being developed that may have a
higher cost reflecting new processes, materials or other costs involved in the production of
the article by the manufacturer," "The imported article is unique or the only one of its kind
available," "Unusually high cost was incurred to provide special handling needed for this
commodity," "All data elements verified correct. This article cannot be placed in any other
override category," and "This is a CBP only code. Note - It is not to be shared nor allowed by
the Trade."
Line Census Warning Override
A 2 digit code indicating the reason for a particular census warning being overridden. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "01" indicating Exception to Embargo, "04" indicating
Prototype, "07" indicating One-of-a-kind, "16" indicating Special Handling Required, "50"
indicating Correct as Entered, and "99" indicating CBP Override.
Line Census Warning Status
The description indicating the status of any potential census warnings on a particular entry
summary line. Possible values include: "No Census Warnings," "Census Warning," and
"Census Warning Overridden." Note: This status applies to the entry summary at the header
Line Census Warning Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the status of any potential census warnings on a particular entry
summary line. Possible values include: "0" indicating No Census Warnings, "1" indicating
Census Warning, and "6" indicating Census Warning Overridden. Note: This status applies to
the entry summary at the header level.
Line Census Warning Update
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most recent update on a particular
entry summary line census warning record occurred in the system.
Line Census Warning Update
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which the most recent update on a particular
entry summary line census warning record occurred in the system.
Line Charges Amount
The aggregate cost (excluding duty) of freight, insurance, and other costs incurred on a
particular entry summary line, reported in whole U.S. dollars.
Line Duty Amount
The total amount of duties identified as being owed on a particular entry summary line.
Line Fee Accounting Class
The description of the accounting class code corresponding to a particular line user fee
record. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CONSUMPTION DUTIES,"
Line Fee Accounting Class Code
The 3 digit accounting class code corresponding to a particular line user fee record. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "001" indicating CONSUMPTION DUTIES, "012"
indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY, "013" indicating COUNTERVAILING DUTIES, "499" indicating
Page 87 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Line Fee Amount
The total amount associated to the class code identified on a particular entry summary line
user fee record.
Line Fee Exemption
The description indicating that the article described on a particular entry summary line is
exempt from a specific fee. Possible values include: "Not required/not reported," "Cotton
(056) fee exempt," and "Other agriculture fee exempt."
Line Fee Exemption Code
A 1 digit code indicating that the article described on a particular entry summary line is
exempt from a specific fee. Possible values include: "(NULL)" indicating Not required/not
reported, "1" indicating Cotton (056) fee exempt, and "2" indicating Other agriculture fee
Line Fee Ordinal Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry summary line user fee record that
identifies a single class code on an entry summary line. The sequential grouping number
allows multiple fees to be assigned to a single entry summary line.
Line Fee Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most recent update on a particular
entry summary line user fee record occurred in the system.
Line Fee Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which the most recent update on a particular
entry summary line user fee record occurred in the system.
Line Goods Value Amount
The total amount of the value of goods on a particular entry summary line.
Line Gross Shipping Weight (KG)
The gross shipping weight of the article described on a particular entry summary line in
kilograms. Note: This weight includes packaging, but excludes carrier equipment such as the
shipping container.
Line MPF Amount
The total amount of merchandise processing fees (MPF) identified as being owed on a
particular entry summary line.
Line Post Summary Correction
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a post-summary correction was submitted and
accepted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No.
Line Product Claim
The description indicating the product claim made on the merchandise described by a
particular entry summary line, which may exempt a visa reporting requirement. Possible
values include: "Not Used," "A folklore products (handloomed fabric, hand made articles
made of handloomed fabric and traditional products of the cottage industry)," "A made to
measure suits of Hong Kong origin. The category numbers associated with suits are 443, 444,
643, 644, 843 and 844," "Certain garments in chapters 61 or 62 of the HTS which may be
eligible for entry under a special access program," and "A textile fashion sample."
Line Product Claim Code
A 1 character code indicating the product claim made on the merchandise described by a
particular entry summary line, which may exempt a visa reporting requirement. Possible
values include: "(NULL)" indicating Not Used, "F" indicating A folklore products (handloomed
fabric, hand made articles made of handloomed fabric and traditional products of the cottage
industry), "G" indicating A made to measure suits of Hong Kong origin. The category
numbers associated with suits are 443, 444, 643, 644, 843 and 844, "H" indicating Certain
garments in chapters 61 or 62 of the HTS which may be eligible for entry under a special
access program, and "M" indicating A textile fashion sample.
Line PSC Reason (1)
The description indicating the first reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction was
submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"SPI," "Classification," "Value," "Duty," and "COO."
Page 88 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Line PSC Reason (1) Code
A 1 character code indicating the first reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction
was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "L02" indicating SPI, "L03" indicating Classification, "L04" indicating Value, "L06" indicating
Duty, and "L07" indicating COO.
Line PSC Reason (2)
The description indicating the second reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction
was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "SPI," "Classification," "Value," "Duty," and "COO."
Line PSC Reason (2) Code
A 1 character code indicating the second reason (if applicable) that a post-summary
correction was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "L02" indicating SPI, "L03" indicating Classification, "L04" indicating Value,
"L06" indicating Duty, and "L07" indicating COO.
Line PSC Reason (3)
The description indicating the third reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction was
submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"SPI," "Classification," "Value," "Duty," and "COO."
Line PSC Reason (3) Code
A 1 character code indicating the third reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction
was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "L02" indicating SPI, "L03" indicating Classification, "L04" indicating Value, "L06" indicating
Duty, and "L07" indicating COO.
Line PSC Reason (4)
The description indicating the fourth reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction
was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "SPI," "Classification," "Value," "Duty," and "COO."
Line PSC Reason (4) Code
A 1 character code indicating the fourth reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction
was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "L02" indicating SPI, "L03" indicating Classification, "L04" indicating Value, "L06" indicating
Duty, and "L07" indicating COO.
Line PSC Reason (5)
The description indicating the fifth reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction was
submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"SPI," "Classification," "Value," "Duty," and "COO."
Line PSC Reason (5) Code
A 1 character code indicating the fifth reason (if applicable) that a post-summary correction
was submitted on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "L02" indicating SPI, "L03" indicating Classification, "L04" indicating Value, "L06" indicating
Duty, and "L07" indicating COO.
Line SPI
The proper name related to a specific special program indicator (SPI) that specifies an
applicable trade agreement or applicable program that may reduce or eliminate duty and/or
merchandise processing fees (MPF). Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)," "South Korean Free Trade Agreement," and "U.S.
Insular Possession."
Line SPI Code
The special program indicator (SPI) code that specifies an applicable trade agreement or
applicable program that may reduce or eliminate duty and/or merchandise processing fees
(MPF). Possible values include, but are not limited to: "A" indicating Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP), "KR" indicating South Korean Free Trade Agreement, and "Y" indicating
U.S. Insular Possession.
Page 89 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Line Tariff Census Warning
The description indicating the specific type of census warning that has occurred on a
particular entry summary line tariff. Census warnings result when discrepancies occur
between what the Census Bureau usually observes for a data element or a relationship
between two data elements for a particular tariff and the data filed in an entry summary.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "*CENSUS* IMPROBABLE COUNTRY,"
warnings do not always mean an entry summary is in error, just that the information given is
unlikely to be accurate.
Line Tariff Census Warning Code
A 3 digit code indicating the specific type of census warning that has occurred on a particular
entry summary line tariff. Census warnings result when discrepancies occur between what
the Census Bureau usually observes for a data element or a relationship between two data
elements for a particular tariff and the data filed in an entry summary. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "27A" indicating *CENSUS* IMPROBABLE COUNTRY, "27P"
indicating *CENSUS* MAXIMUM VALUE EXCEEDED, "27D" indicating *CENSUS* OR-HI
VAL/QTY (1), "27H" indicating *CENSUS* GROSS WEIGHT - AIR, and "27Q" indicating
*CENSUS* MAXIMUM CHARGES EXCEEDED. Note: Census warnings do not always mean an
entry summary is in error, just that the information given is unlikely to be accurate.
Line Tariff Census Warning
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a census warning occurred on a particular entry
summary line tariff. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Line Tariff Census Warning
Ordinal Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry summary line tariff census warning
record that identifies a single census warning that has occurred on a particular entry
summary line tariff. The sequential grouping number allows multiple census warnings to
occur on a single entry summary line tariff.
Line Tariff Census Warning
The short description indicating the reason for a particular census warning being overridden.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Exception to Embargo," "Prototype," "One-of-
a-kind," "Special Handling Required," "Correct as Entered," and "CBP Override."
Line Tariff Census Warning
Override (Full Description)
The full description indicating the reason for a particular census warning being overridden.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "This commodity is exempt from the embargo
of trade with this country," "References new product being developed that may have a
higher cost reflecting new processes, materials or other costs involved in the production of
the article by the manufacturer," "The imported article is unique or the only one of its kind
available," "Unusually high cost was incurred to provide special handling needed for this
commodity," "All data elements verified correct. This article cannot be placed in any other
override category," and "This is a CBP only code. Note - It is not to be shared nor allowed by
the Trade."
Line Tariff Census Warning
Override Code
A 2 digit code indicating the reason for a particular census warning being overridden. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "01" indicating Exception to Embargo, "04" indicating
Prototype, "07" indicating One-of-a-kind, "16" indicating Special Handling Required, "50"
indicating Correct as Entered, and "99" indicating CBP Override.
Line Tariff Census Warning
Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most recent update on a particular
entry summary line tariff census warning record occurred in the system.
Line Tariff Census Warning
Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which the most recent update on a particular
entry summary line tariff census warning record occurred in the system.
Line Tariff Duty Amount
The total duty amount associated with a particular entry summary line tariff record.
Page 90 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Line Tariff Goods Value Amount
The total value of the goods associated with a particular entry summary line tariff record.
Line Tariff Quantity (1)
The first quantity reported for a particular entry summary line tariff. This value is fully
understood when used in conjunction with the "Line Tariff UOM (1) Code" object.
Line Tariff Quantity (2)
The second quantity reported for a particular entry summary line tariff. This value is fully
understood when used in conjunction with the "Line Tariff UOM (2) Code" object.
Line Tariff Quantity (3)
The third quantity reported for a particular entry summary line tariff. This value is fully
understood when used in conjunction with the "Line Tariff UOM (3) Code" object.
Line Tariff UOM (1)
The description indicating the unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the
first quantity on a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Barrel," "DOZEN," "Gallon," "Kilograms," and "Pieces."
Line Tariff UOM (1) Code
The alphanumeric code indicating the unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction
with the first quantity on a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "BBL" indicating Barrel, "DOZ" indicating DOZEN, "GAL" indicating Gallon,
"K" indicating Kilograms, and "PCS" indicating Pieces.
Line Tariff UOM (2)
The description indicating the unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the
second quantity (if applicable) on a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "Barrel," "DOZEN," "Gallon," "Kilograms," and "Pieces."
Line Tariff UOM (2) Code
The alphanumeric code indicating the unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction
with the second quantity (if applicable) on a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "BBL" indicating Barrel, "DOZ" indicating DOZEN, "GAL"
indicating Gallon, "K" indicating Kilograms, and "PCS" indicating Pieces.
Line Tariff UOM (3)
The description indicating the unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the
third quantity (if applicable) on a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "Barrel," "DOZEN," "Gallon," "Kilograms," and "Pieces."
Line Tariff UOM (3) Code
The alphanumeric code indicating the unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction
with the third quantity (if applicable) on a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "BBL" indicating Barrel, "DOZ" indicating DOZEN, "GAL"
indicating Gallon, "K" indicating Kilograms, and "PCS" indicating Pieces.
Line Tariff Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary line tariff
record was last updated in the system.
Line Tariff Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary line tariff
record was last updated in the system.
Line Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary line record
was last updated in the system.
Line Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary line record
was last updated in the system.
Liquidation Status
The description indicating the current liquidation status on an entry summary. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "Not Liquidated," "Pending," "Suspended," "Re-liquidated,"
and "Liquidated."
Liquidation Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the current liquidation status on an entry summary. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "N" indicating Not Liquidated, "P" indicating Pending,
"S" indicating Suspended, "R" indicating Re-liquidated, and "L" indicating Liquidated.
Page 91 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Liquidation/Closure Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which an entry summary liquidated, or is set to
liquidate. Note: In the event that the record is a type "23" temporary importation under bond
(TIB), then this refers to the closure date.
Live Entry Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether both the entry summary and the Cargo Release "entry"
are filed at the time of entry. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Note: This is required for the importation of quota class merchandise.
Manifest Trip Number
The unique number assigned by the carrier to each voyage (if by ocean vessel), flight (if by
air) or trip (if by truck or rail) made to the United States for the merchandise listed on a
particular entry summary.
Manufacturer ID
The unique alphanumeric code that identifies the manufacturer of goods on a particular
entry summary line. If the manufacturer ID (MID) code is not available or found, this field is
left null. An MID can be up to 15 characters in length and is comprised of 5 different pieces to
make the complete MID string. Follows the format: "AABBBCCC1111DDD" Position 1-2: "AA"
indicating the country in 2 characters. Corresponds to the ISO code for the country. Position
3-5 & 6-8: "BBB" and "CCC" indicating the Manufacturer Name, up to 3 characters each from
the first two words of the company name. There will be no third piece if the name is one
word. Position 9-12: "1111" indicating the Address Line with Street Name and/or Box
Number, up to 4 characters, and is the largest number on the address line. Position 13-15:
"DDD" indicating the City, up to 3 characters. The first 3 letters from the city name.
Manufacturer Name
The proper name identifying the manufacturer of goods on a particular entry summary line.
Mexican Cement Import License
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the license number for cement products of
Mexican origin and fall within the following tariff numbers: 25231000, 25232900, 25239000.
This license is supplied by the Department of Commerce (DOC). Note: This license
corresponds to LPC Type Code"9." Refer to CSMS # 06-001079 for more information
regarding certificate requirements.
Mexican NAFTA TPL Certificate
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles claiming
benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originating from Mexico. This
is supplied by Secretaria de Economia. Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code
"4." Refer to CSMS # 04-002377 and 04-002553 for more information regarding certificate
Mexican Sugar Export License
The alphanumeric code which represents the license number for articles imported from
Mexico containing sugar subject to the CVD Suspension Agreement. Note: This license
corresponds to LPC type code "26."
Missing Document (1)
The description indicating the first associated document that is not available at the time of
entry summary filing. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Not used," "Commercial
Invoice," "CBPF 5523 (19 CFR 141.89)," "CBPF 3291," "Form O (Coffee)," and "Other
document (not listed)."
Missing Document (1) Code
A 2 digit code indicating the first associated document that is not available at the time of
entry summary filing. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "(NULL)" indicating Not
used, "01" indicating Commercial Invoice, "10" indicating CBPF 5523 (19 CFR 141.89), "11"
indicating CBPF 3291, "21" indicating Form O (Coffee), and "98" indicating Other document
(not listed).
Page 92 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Missing Document (2)
The description indicating the second associated document (if applicable) that is not available
at the time of entry summary filing. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Not
used," "Commercial Invoice," "CBPF 5523 (19 CFR 141.89)," "CBPF 3291," "Other document
(not listed)," and "More than two documents listed."
Missing Document (2) Code
A 2 digit code indicating the second associated document (if applicable) that is not available
at the time of entry summary filing. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "(NULL)"
indicating Not used, "01" indicating Commercial Invoice, "10" indicating CBPF 5523 (19 CFR
141.89), "11" indicating CBPF 3291, "98" indicating Other document (not listed), and "99"
indicating More than two documents listed.
Mode of Transportation
The description that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise from
the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Vessel Non-Containerized," "Rail
Non-Containerized," "Rail Containerized," "Truck Containerized," and "Air Containerized."
Mode of Transportation Code
The 2 digit code that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise from
the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "10" indicating Vessel Non-
Containerized, "20" indicating Rail Non-Containerized, "21" indicating Rail Containerized, "31"
indicating Truck Containerized, and "41" indicating Air Containerized.
NAFTA Country Entry List
Provided Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
country entry data associated with the claim, will or will not be provided for a particular
NAFTA duty deferral entry summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating
NAFTA Duty Deferral Claim Type
The description indicating the type of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) duty
deferral claim being made on a particular NAFTA duty deferral entry summary. Possible
values include: "Warehouse," "FTZ," and "TIB."
NAFTA Duty Deferral Claim Type
A 1 digit code indicating the type of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) duty
deferral claim being made on a particular NAFTA duty deferral entry summary. Possible
values include: "1" indicating Warehouse, "2" indicating FTZ, and "3" indicating TIB.
NAFTA Duty Deferral Country
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
NAFTA country that duties are being paid to for a particular NAFTA duty deferral entry
summary. Possible values are "CA" indicating Canada and "MX" indicating Mexico.
NAFTA Duty Deferral Goods
Location FIRMS ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the Facilities
Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code that identifies the known
location of the merchandise at the time of filing for a particular NAFTA duty deferral entry
summary. Note: If the "NAFTA Duty Deferral Claim Type" is either "Warehouse" or "FTZ,"
then a valid FIRMS code is required.
NAFTA Duty Deferral Goods
Location FIRMS Code
The Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code that identifies
the known location of the merchandise at the time of filing for a particular NAFTA duty
deferral entry summary. Note: If the "NAFTA Duty Deferral Claim Type" is either
"Warehouse" or "FTZ," then a valid FIRMS code is required.
NAFTA Duty Deferral Goods
Location FIRMS Name
The proper name for the Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS)
code that identifies the known location of the merchandise at the time of filing for a
particular NAFTA duty deferral entry summary. Note: If the "NAFTA Duty Deferral Claim
Type" is either "Warehouse" or "FTZ," then a valid FIRMS code is required.
Page 93 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
NAFTA Net Cost Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether the determination of NAFTA origin material used in the
article on a particular entry summary line conforms to the net cost (average) method.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
NAFTA Reconciliation Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether certain issues (such as value, classification, etc.) are to
be subject to a future "reconciliation" under the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA). Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Non-EIP Ruling Number
The administrative number assigned by CBP to a binding ruling or a ruling under the pre-
importation review program (PIRP), that applies to the merchandise listed on a particular
entry summary line
Non-EIP Ruling Type
The description indicating the type of ruling that applies to a particular "Non-EIP Ruling
Number" listed on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include: "A Pre-
Classification number, specifically citing the Importer and merchandise, is provided in the
Ruling Number/Request Indicator," "A Pre-Approval number, specifically citing the Importer
and merchandise, is provided in the Ruling Number/Request Indicator," and "A Binding Ruling
number is provided in the Ruling Number/Request Indicator."
Non-EIP Ruling Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the type of ruling that applies to a particular "Non-EIP Ruling
Number" listed on a particular entry summary line. Possible values include: "C" indicating A
Pre-Classification number, specifically citing the Importer and merchandise, is provided in the
Ruling Number/Request Indicator, "P" indicating A Pre-Approval number, specifically citing
the Importer and merchandise, is provided in the Ruling Number/Request Indicator, and "R"
indicating A Binding Ruling number is provided in the Ruling Number/Request Indicator.
Non-Reimbursement Statement
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an importer agrees with a non-reimbursement
disclosure statement for a particular entry summary line. Possible values are: "Y" indicating
Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: A value of "Y" indicates that the importer has agreed to the
statement: “I hereby certify that I have not entered into any agreement or understanding for
the payment or for the refunding to me, by the manufacturer, producer, seller, or exporter,
of all or any part of the antidumping duties or countervailing duties assessed upon
merchandise entered under this AD/CVD line of this entry summary. I further certify that U.S.
Customs and Border Protection will be notified if there is any reimbursement of antidumping
or countervailing duties by the manufacturer, producer, seller, or exporter to the importing
company at any time in the future for this AD/CVD line.”
Number of Entry Summary Line
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry summary line
tariff records that exist for a specific object. For example, combining this object with the
"Entry Summary Line Number" object would show how many line tariff records were
associated to each individual entry summary line.
Number of Entry Summary Lines
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry summary line
records that exist for a specific object. For example, combining this object with the "Entry
Summary" object would show how many line records were associated to each individual
entry summary.
Number of Line Tariff Census
Warning Overrides
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of census warning
overrides that have occurred related to a specific object. For example, if this object was
combined with "HTS Number - First 2" object, it would indicate the number of census
warning overrides that have occurred for each specific Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
chapter that exists.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Number of Line Tariff Census
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of census warnings that
have occurred related to a specific object. For example, if this object was combined with "HTS
Number - First 2" object, it would indicate the number of census warnings that have occurred
for each specific Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) chapter that exists.
Organic Product Exemption
Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles eligible
under the Organic Exemption program. This is supplied by the Agriculture Marketing Service
(AMS). Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC type code "22." Refer to CSMS 13-04-002257
and 14-000113 for more information regarding certificate requirements.
Other Non-Standard Visa Number
The 10 digit alphanumeric code which represents a non-standard visa number. This is
supplied by CBP. Note: This corresponds to LPC type code "20."
Payment Type
The description indicating the intended payment method for a particular entry summary.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Statement fields not allowed.," "Individual
payment (NOT on a statement)," "Statement Deleted," "Batched by Importer of Record (no
suffix).," and "Batched by Importer of Record (no suffix).." Note: If "statement" is the chosen
method, the code further specifies the type of statement and the sequence that the entry
summary shall appear.
Payment Type Code
A 1 digit code indicating the intended payment method for a particular entry summary.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "(NULL)" indicating Statement fields not
allowed., "0" indicating Individual payment (NOT on a statement), "4" indicating Statement
Deleted, "5" indicating Batched by Importer of Record (no suffix)., and "8" indicating Batched
by Importer of Record (no suffix).. Note: If "statement" is the chosen method, the code
further specifies the type of statement and the sequence that the entry summary shall
Periodic Statement Month
For entry summaries being paid through the periodic monthly statement mechanism, the
calendar month (MM) that a particular entry summary is to appear on the final periodic
monthly statement
PGA Data Included
The description indicating the type of entry summary being submitted, which is used by the
system to facilitate PGA data reporting requirements. Possible values are: "Expedited release
/ PGA data included in submission" and "Weekly FTZ / PGA data included in submission."
Note: This object will return a (NULL) value if not applicable.
PGA Data Included Code
A 1 character code indicating the type of entry summary being submitted, which is used by
the system to facilitate PGA data reporting requirements. Possible values are: "Y" indicating
Expedited release / PGA data included in submission and "F" indicating Weekly FTZ / PGA
data included in submission. Note: This object will return a (NULL) value if not applicable.
PGA Form Disclaimer (1)
The description indicating the first disclaimer (if applicable) on any associated partner
government agency (PGA) form data for a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include: "FCC Form 740 does not apply," "FDA regulation does not apply," and "DOT HS-7
record does not apply."
PGA Form Disclaimer (1) Code
An alphanumeric code indicating the first disclaimer (if applicable) on any associated partner
government agency (PGA) form data for a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include: "FC0" indicating FCC Form 740 does not apply, "FD0" indicating FDA regulation does
not apply, and "DT0" indicating DOT HS-7 record does not apply.
PGA Form Disclaimer (2)
The description indicating the second disclaimer (if applicable) on any associated partner
government agency (PGA) form data for a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include: "FCC Form 740 does not apply," "FDA regulation does not apply," and "DOT HS-7
record does not apply."
Page 95 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
PGA Form Disclaimer (2) Code
An alphanumeric code indicating the second disclaimer (if applicable) on any associated
partner government agency (PGA) form data for a particular entry summary line tariff.
Possible values include: "FC0" indicating FCC Form 740 does not apply, "FD0" indicating FDA
regulation does not apply, and "DT0" indicating DOT HS-7 record does not apply.
PGA Form Disclaimer (3)
The description indicating the third disclaimer (if applicable) on any associated partner
government agency (PGA) form data for a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include: "FCC Form 740 does not apply," "FDA regulation does not apply," and "DOT HS-7
record does not apply."
PGA Form Disclaimer (3) Code
An alphanumeric code indicating the third disclaimer (if applicable) on any associated partner
government agency (PGA) form data for a particular entry summary line tariff. Possible values
include: "FC0" indicating FCC Form 740 does not apply, "FD0" indicating FDA regulation does
not apply, and "DT0" indicating DOT HS-7 record does not apply.
Port of Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district/port where the merchandise entered for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating
LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the
format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the
port code.
Port of Entry Name
The proper name of the district/port code where the merchandise was entered for a
particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA,"
Port of Unlading Code
A 4 digit code that represents the district and port at which goods on a particular entry
summary are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage. The
district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating
OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601"
indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11"
indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the port code.
Port of Unlading Name
The name of the district and port at which goods on a particular entry summary are unloaded
from the means of transport having been used for their carriage. The district code is the first
two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and "NEW
Post Summary Correction Filer
ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the legal entity
responsible for submitting a post-summary correction (if applicable) on a particular entry
summary. Note: The filer submitting a post-summary correction may not need to be the same
as the one who submitted the original entry summary.
Post Summary Correction Filer
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity responsible for submitting
a post-summary correction (if applicable) on a particular entry summary. Note: The filer
submitting a post-summary correction may not need to be the same as the one who
submitted the original entry summary.
Post Summary Correction Filer
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity responsible for submitting a post-summary correction (if applicable) on a particular
entry summary. Note: The filer submitting a post-summary correction may not need to be the
same as the one who submitted the original entry summary.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Post Summary Correction
A 1 character code indicating whether or not any post-summary corrections (PSCs) have been
submitted on particular entry summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No.
Preliminary Statement Print Date
For entry summaries being paid through the periodic monthly statement mechanism, the
month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that a particular entry summary is to appear on the
preliminary statement.
Prior Disclosure Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a prior disclosure was submitted on a particular
entry summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Privileged FTZ Merchandise Filing
For privileged foreign merchandise on a particular entry summary line, the month, day, and
year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the merchandise entered the foreign trade zone (FTZ). Note:
Privileged foreign merchandise includes merchandise that has not been manipulated or
manufactured so as to effect a change in tariff.
Processing Filer Office Code
The filer's office code for a particular remotely filed entry summary. Note: This code must be
coordinated with CBP and associated with the filer’s automated profile.
Processing Port Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the entry summary will be
processed. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two
characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES,
CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE,
WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-
2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the port code.
Processing Port Name
The district and the port where the entry summary will be processed. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA,"
Protest Status
The description indicating the current status of any protest(s) on a particular entry summary.
Possible values include: "Multiple Protests," "Open," "Approved," "Denied," "Suspended,"
"Denied in Part," "Withdrawn," and "Rejected - Not Protestable." Note: Entry summaries
containing multiple protests will only show the value "Multiple Protests" as opposed to the
individual statuses on each particular protest.
Quota Presentation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the quota presentation date was
determined. The quota presentation date will be calculated by the Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) based on the latest of the following three electronic timestamps: 1)
submission timestamp of the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) transmission or clock stamp
of the paper Non-ABI, 2) arrival timestamp of the vessel for cargo entry, or 3) the payment
timestamp or timestamp when a future payment date is scheduled via statement. For quota
warehouse withdrawals, the arrival timestamp is not used. Note: This is not the future date,
but the date the scheduling itself occurs.
Quota Presentation Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which the quota presentation date was
determined. The quota presentation date will be calculated by the Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) based on the latest of the following three electronic timestamps: 1)
submission timestamp of the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) transmission or clock stamp
of the paper Non-ABI, 2) arrival timestamp of the vessel for cargo entry, or 3) the payment
timestamp or timestamp when a future payment date is scheduled via statement. For quota
warehouse withdrawals, the arrival timestamp is not used. Note: This is not the future date,
but the date the scheduling itself occurs.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Quota Processing Status
The description indicating the current quota processing status for a particular entry summary.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Processed," "Canceled," "Expired,"
"Preliminary Allocated," and "Filled."
Quota Processing Status Code
A 4 character code indicating the current quota processing status for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "PROC" indicating Processed,
"CANC" indicating Canceled, "EXPD" indicating Expired, "PREL" indicating Preliminary
Allocated, and "FILL" indicating Filled.
Reconciliation (FTA) Due Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the free trade agreement (FTA)
reconciliation entry summary is due for a particular entry summary to reconcile any
outstanding issues.
Reconciliation (FTA) Entry
Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to the free trade
agreement (FTA) reconciliation entry summary that reconciles a particular entry summary.
Follows the format: "AAA11111112" Position 1-3: "AAA" indicating the filer responsible for
submitting the entry summary transaction. Position 4-10: "1111111" indicating the unique
number assigned to the entry by the filer. Position 11: "2" indicating the check digit. Note:
For entry summaries that have not been reconciled and are in a "Pending" status, this object
will return a (NULL) value.
Reconciliation (FTA) Status
The description indicating the free trade agreement (FTA) reconciliation filing status on a
particular entry summary. Possible values include: "Pending," "ACS Recon Filed," "Not
Required," "Filed On Time," and "Filed Late."
Reconciliation (FTA) Status Code
A 4 character code indicating the free trade agreement (FTA) reconciliation filing status on a
particular entry summary. Possible values include: "PEND" indicating Pending, "ACSR"
indicating ACS Recon Filed, "NREQ" indicating Not Required, "ONTM" indicating Filed On
Time, and "LATE" indicating Filed Late.
Reconciliation (Other) Due Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the "other" reconciliation entry summary
is due for a particular entry summary to reconcile any outstanding issues.
Reconciliation (Other) Entry
Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to the "other"
reconciliation entry summary that reconciles a particular entry summary. Follows the format:
"AAA11111112" Position 1-3: "AAA" indicating the filer responsible for submitting the entry
summary transaction. Position 4-10: "1111111" indicating the unique number assigned to the
entry by the filer. Position 11: "2" indicating the check digit. Note: For entry summaries that
have not been reconciled and are in a "Pending" status, this object will return a (NULL) value.
Reconciliation (Other) Status
The description indicating the "other" reconciliation filing status on a particular entry
summary. Possible values include: "Pending," "ACS Recon Filed," "Not Required," "Filed On
Time," and "Filed Late."
Reconciliation (Other) Status
A 4 character code indicating the "other" reconciliation filing status on a particular entry
summary. Possible values include: "PEND" indicating Pending, "ACSR" indicating ACS Recon
Filed, "NREQ" indicating Not Required, "ONTM" indicating Filed On Time, and "LATE"
indicating Filed Late.
Reconciliation Issue Type
The description indicating the specific reconciliation issue(s) identified for a particular entry
summary to be reconciled in the future. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Value
reconciliation required," "Classification reconciliation required," "Value & Classification
reconciliation required," and "Value & R98 reconciliation required."
Page 98 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation Issue Type Code
A 1-2 digit code indicating the specific reconciliation issue(s) identified for a particular entry
summary to be reconciled in the future. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "1"
indicating Value reconciliation required, "2" indicating Classification reconciliation required,
"4" indicating Value & Classification reconciliation required, and "5" indicating Value & R98
reconciliation required.
Related Party Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not that the transaction described in a particular
entry summary line is between parties defined in Section 402(g)(1) of the Tariff Act of 1930,
amended. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: A related party,
as defined in Section 402(g) (1) of the Tariff Act of 1930 - as amended - includes transactions
between parties with various types of relationships including "...Any person directly or
indirectly owning, controlling, or holding with power to vote, 6 percent of more of the
outstanding voting stock or shares of any organization..."
Release Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the imported merchandise is released by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection and allowed to enter the commerce of the United States.
Remote Filed Entry Summary
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary was remotely filed.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Remote Preparer Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
entries, responsible for the remote filing of a particular entry summary.
Remote Preparer Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries, responsible for the remote filing of a particular entry
Remote Preparer Office Code
The remote preparer's office code for a particular entry summary. Note: This code must be
coordinated with CBP and associated with the Filer’s automated profile.
Remote Preparer Port Code
The 4 digit code for the U.S. port location of the remote preparer for a particular entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA,
"2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE,
WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-
2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the port code.
Remote Preparer Port Name
The proper name of the district/port code for the U.S. port location of the remote preparer
for a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES,
Review Team CEE
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the review team identified on
a particular entry summary line falls under. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace," "Electronics," and
Review Team CEE Code
The code assigned to the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the review team
identified on a particular entry summary line falls under. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "CEE-001" indicating Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals, "CEE-003" indicating
Automotive and Aerospace, "CEE-007" indicating Electronics, and "CEE-010" indicating
Review Team Number
The number of the team responsible for reviewing a particular entry summary line. Note: This
should not be confused with the "Control Team Number" object, which is assigned at the
entry summary header level.
Revised Filer Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) of the revised entry date, submitted by the filer to
correct an original estimation.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Sender Receiver ID Code
The unique code assigned by CPB to all active entry document preparers and authorized
Service Bureaus and Software Vendors.
Sender Receiver Office Code
A code agreed upon by the user and CBP representing a specific user's office for output only.
Sender Receiver Processing Port
The 4 digit code representing the district/port of the data processing site where the data is
returned for a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating
PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK
AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4:
"22" indicating the port code.
Sender Receiver Processing Port
The proper name of the district/port code of the data processing site where the data is
returned for a particular entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS
Shipment Usage Type
The description indicating whether the articles referenced in an entry summary are for
personal use or are designated as a commercial sample. Possible values include: "Regular
Commercial Shipment," "Personal Shipment," and "Sample Commercial Shipment."
Shipment Usage Type Code
A 1 character code indicating whether the articles referenced in an entry summary are for
personal use or are designated as a commercial sample. Possible values include: "(NULL)"
indicating Regular Commercial Shipment, "P" indicating Personal Shipment, and "X"
indicating Sample Commercial Shipment.
Singapore TPL Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for articles claiming
benefits from the Singapore Free Trade Agreement (SFTA) and fall within the tariff numbers:
9910.6101 9910.6189. This is supplied by the Government of Singapore electronically.
Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC Type Code "2." Refer to CSMS # 04-000071 for more
information regarding certificate requirements.
Single Entry Bond Amount
The bond coverage amount in whole U.S. dollars for any additional single entry bond (SEB)
filed on a particular entry summary.
Single Entry Bond Producer
Account Number
The surety reference number from CBP form 301 as assigned by the surety company for any
additional single entry bond (SEB) filed on a particular entry summary.
Softwood Lumber Declaration
A 1 character code indicating that, to the best of the Importer’s knowledge, the information
provided for a particular entry summary line meets the requirements of the Softwood
Lumber Act of 2008. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Softwood Lumber Export Charges
The tax, charge, or other fee collected on a particular entry summary line by the country from
which softwood lumber or a softwood lumber product, is exported pursuant to an
international agreement entered into by that country and the United States, reported in
whole U.S. dollars,
Softwood Lumber Export Price
The export price for the shipment of softwood lumber as defined in the Softwood Lumber Act
of 2008 for a particular entry summary line, reported in whole U.S. dollars.
Sold to Party ID
The importer of record (IR) number of the party that the merchandise listed on a particular
entry summary line is being sold to. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2
digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social
Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-
assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically
assigned to importers located outside of the U.S. that do not have a taxpayer ID.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Sold to Party Name
The proper name of the party that the merchandise listed on a particular entry summary line
is being sold to
Standard Visa Number
The specific number of a visa related to a group of goods listed on a particular entry summary
line. A visa is an endorsement from a foreign country authorizing the exportation of a
particular commodity (in a specific quantity) to the United States. Follows the format:
"1AA222222". Position 1-1: "1" indicating the year of export (decade excluded). Position 2-3:
"AA" indicating the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country
of origin. Position 4-9: "222222" indicating the identifying/sequence number.
Statement Client Branch ID
A filer assigned code listed on a particular entry summary that allows the grouping of
multiple entry summaries, for communications with Automated Commercial Environment
(ACE) client representatives.
Statement Number
The 10 character alphanumeric value assigned to the daily statement that a particular entry
summary is tied to. Follows the format: "AA11222BBB" Position 1-2: "AA" indicating the
District (the first two digits in a district port code). Position 3-4: "11" indicating the Fiscal
Year. Position 5-7: "222" indicating the Julian Date. Position 8-10: "BBB" indicating an
alphanumeric sequence number for the statement.
Steel Import License Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the license number for articles of steel
subject to safeguard measures. This is supplied by the Department of Commerce (DOC).
Note: This license corresponds to LPC Type Code "1." Refer to CSMS #02-000910 for more
information regarding license requirements.
Summary Filing Action Request
The description indicating the action being requested on a particular entry summary
transaction. Possible values include: "Add or entirely Replace an Entry Summary," "Add or
entirely Replace an Entry Summary," and "Delete/remove an Entry Summary."
Summary Filing Action Request
A 1 character code indicating the action being requested on a particular entry summary
transaction. Possible values include: "A" indicating Add or entirely Replace an Entry
Summary, "R" indicating Add or entirely Replace an Entry Summary, and "D" indicating
Delete/remove an Entry Summary.
Surety ACE ID Number
The unique 10 digit Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ID Number for the entity
identified as the surety on a particular entry summary. The surety is the entity that ensures
the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with international trade transactions are
covered in the event the importer defaults on payment to the government.
Surety Code
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the surety identified on a particular entry summary.
The surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with
international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer defaults on payment
to the government.
Surety Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the surety on a particular entry summary. The
surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with
international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer defaults on payment
to the government.
Tariff Ordinal Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry summary line tariff record that
identifies a single Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number on an entry summary line. The
sequential grouping number allows multiple tariffs to be assigned to a single entry summary
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Textile Category
The description indicating the textile category that applies to a particular entry summary line,
which further categorizes textiles and fabrics as related to a quota or visa, as classified by the
U.S. Textile and Apparel Category System. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Printcloth," "Handkerchiefs," "Dresses," and "Sweaters."
Textile Category Code
The 3 digit code indicating the textile category that applies to a particular entry summary
line, which further categorizes textiles and fabrics as related to a quota or visa, as classified
by the U.S. Textile and Apparel Category System. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "315" indicating Printcloth, "330" indicating Handkerchiefs, "336" indicating Dresses, and
"345" indicating Sweaters.
Textile Exportation Date
For textile goods reported with a visa, the month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the
article was exported from the country of origin for a particular entry summary line.
TIB Declaration Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that the temporary importation under bond (TIB) conforms to
the conditions required for a particular entry summary. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes
and "N" indicating No. Note: A "Y" indicates the filer agrees to the statement: "I certify that
the articles are to be used according to the terms, conditions and provisos of the HTS
subheading as declared herein and applies to the articles entered, that the articles will not be
used for any other use and that the articles are not imported for sale or sale upon approval. I
declare that the articles will be exported or destroyed within the applicable 6-month or 1-
year period from the date of importation, unless extended."
Total Ascertained ADD Amount
The total amount of all antidumping duties (ADD) that has been ascertained on a particular
entry summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last minor
version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor
version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the
event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently
no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Ascertained CVD Amount
The total amount of all countervailing duties (CVD) that has been ascertained on a particular
entry summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last minor
version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor
version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the
event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently
no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Ascertained Duty Amount
The total amount of all consumption duties that has been ascertained on a particular entry
summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last minor version
of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor version
change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the event
that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no
minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Ascertained Fee Amount
The total amount of all user fees that has been ascertained on a particular entry summary.
The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last minor version of an
entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor version
change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the event
that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no
minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Total Ascertained HMF Amount
The total amount of all harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that has been ascertained on a
particular entry summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the
last minor version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry
summary minor version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the
record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry
summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal
to the estimated amount.
Total Ascertained Interest
The total amount of all interest that has been ascertained on a particular entry summary. The
ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last minor version of an entry
summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor version change only
occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no
change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version
change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Ascertained MPF Amount
The total amount of all merchandise processing fees (MPF) that has been ascertained on a
particular entry summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the
last minor version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry
summary minor version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the
record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry
summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal
to the estimated amount.
Total Ascertained Tax Amount
The total amount of all taxes that has been ascertained on a particular entry summary. The
ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last minor version of an entry
summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor version change only
occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no
change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version
change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Bonded ADD Amount
The total amount of antidumping duties (ADD) that was paid using a bond on a particular
entry summary.
Total Bonded CVD Amount
The total amount of countervailing duties (CVD) that was paid using a bond on a particular
entry summary.
Total Cash Deposit ADD Amount
The total amount of antidumping duties (ADD) that was paid using a cash deposit on a
particular entry summary.
Total Cash Deposit CVD Amount
The total amount of countervailing duties (CVD) that was paid using a cash deposit on a
particular entry summary.
Total Estimated ADD Amount
The total amount of all antidumping duties (ADD) that was originally estimated on a
particular entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the
amounts found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or "
4.00"). An entry summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade
community makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made
by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the
ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Page 103 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Total Estimated CVD Amount
The total amount of all countervailing duties (CVD) that was originally estimated on a
particular entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the
amounts found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or "
4.00"). An entry summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade
community makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made
by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the
ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Estimated Duty Amount
The total amount of all consumption duties that was originally estimated on a particular entry
summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the amounts found on
the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or " 4.00"). An entry
summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade community makes
an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to
an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will
be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Estimated Fee Amount
The total amount of all user fees that was originally estimated on a particular entry summary
during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the amounts found on the last
major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or " 4.00"). An entry summary
major version change only occurs when a member of the trade community makes an update
to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry
summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal
to the estimated amount.
Total Estimated HMF Amount
The total amount of all harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that was originally estimated on a
particular entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the
amounts found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or "
4.00"). An entry summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade
community makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made
by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the
ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Estimated Interest Amount
The total amount of all interest that was originally estimated on a particular entry summary
during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the amounts found on the last
major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or " 4.00"). An entry summary
major version change only occurs when a member of the trade community makes an update
to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry
summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal
to the estimated amount.
Total Estimated MPF Amount
The total amount of all merchandise processing fees (MPF) that was originally estimated on a
particular entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the
amounts found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or "
4.00"). An entry summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade
community makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made
by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the
ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Total Estimated Tax Amount
The total amount of all Internal Revenue (IR) taxes that was originally estimated on a
particular entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the
amounts found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or "
4.00"). An entry summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade
community makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made
by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the
ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Exported Duty Amount
The duty amount estimated for the articles used in exporting for a particular entry summary,
reported in U.S. dollars and cents.
Total Goods Value Amount
The total amount of the value of the goods reported on all of the lines underneath a
particular entry summary.
Total NAFTA Duty Paid Amount
A value representing the duties paid to the NAFTA country for a particular entry summary,
reported in U.S. dollars.
Total Paid ADD Amount
The total amount of all antidumping duties (ADD) recorded as paid by the collections
application on a particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the
collections application and are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid CVD Amount
The total amount of all countervailing duties (CVD) recorded as paid by the collections
application on a particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the
collections application and are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid Duty Amount
The total amount of all consumption duties recorded as paid by the collections application on
a particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the collections application
and are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid Fee Amount
The total amount of all user fees recorded as paid by the collections application on a
particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the collections application and
are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid HMF Amount
The total amount of all harbor maintenance fees (HMF) recorded as paid by the collections
application on a particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the
collections application and are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid Interest Amount
The total amount of all interest recorded as paid by the collections application on a particular
entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the collections application and are only
reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid MPF Amount
The total amount of all merchandise processing fees (MPF) recorded as paid by the
collections application on a particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by
the collections application and are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Paid Tax Amount
The total amount of all Internal Revenue (IR) taxes recorded as paid by the collections
application on a particular entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the
collections application and are only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Puerto Rico Duty Amount
The total amount of Puerto Rican duties determined to be due on a particular entry
Trade Line Item ID
An internal sequence number used to uniquely identify a version of a particular entry
summary line as it is created in ACE.
Transmission Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary transaction
was transmitted via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
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Entry Summary Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Transmitter Filer Code
The unique code assigned by CBP to all active entry document preparers corresponding to
the transmitter of a particular entry summary transaction. This code must be the same as the
Entry Filer Code in the block control trailer record (Record Identifier Y). This code represents
the ACE user who is responsible for the data contained
Transmitter Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries corresponding to the transmitter of a particular entry
Transmitter User Data Text
An 11 digit/character free form text field, that is for the transmitter's internal use.
Ultimate Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise on a particular entry summary.
Ultimate Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise on a particular entry summary line. Note: While reporting the
consignee is required at the line level, if all line items have the same consignee, then that
entity reporting is satisfied by the "Ultimate Consignee Name" reported at the header level,
and will be deemed to be associated to all line items.
Ultimate Consignee Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the U.S. party or other entity to
whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise on a particular entry summary.
Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that
the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of
NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six digits,
a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located outside of the
United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Ultimate Consignee Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the U.S. party or other entity to
whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise on a particular entry summary
line. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible
that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the
format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists
of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located
outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID. Note: While reporting the
consignee is required at the line level, if all line items have the same consignee, then that
entity reporting is satisfied by the "Ultimate Consignee Number" reported at the header
level, and will be deemed to be associated to all line items.
The alphanumeric code which represents any other license, permit or certificate not
specifically listed as a possible LPC type code. Note: This license corresponds to LPC type code
USDA Sugar Certificate Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the certificate number for sugar products.
Note: This certificate corresponds to LPC type code "21." Refer to CSMS 13-000023 for more
information regarding certificate requirements.
Wool License Number
The 9 digit alphanumeric code which represents the license number for articles containing
wool. This is supplied by the Department of Commerce (DOC). Note: This license corresponds
to LPC type code "17." Refer to CSMS 00-001349 and 04-002550 for more information
regarding license requirements.
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The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Liquidation data universe. These objects can be used to
modify existing Liquidation reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Accounting Class
For a particular liquidation amount record, the description for the accounting class code that represents
the specific duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DUTY,"
Accounting Class
For a particular liquidation amount record, the 3 digit accounting class code that represents the specific
duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "001" indicating DUTY, "011"
indicating INFRML DUTY, "012" indicating ANTIDUMPING, "499" indicating FORMAL MPF, and "501"
indicating HMF.
Additional Interest
Associated Entry
Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to an associated entry
summary on a particular additional interest record. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7
positions are the number assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit. Note: This
object is only used for entry by entry interest calculations on type 09 reconciliation entry summaries.
Additional Interest
Bill Amount
For a particular additional interest record (which relates to a single interest calculation underneath a
liquidation amount record), the amount of interest assessed due to an underpayment of duties, taxes or
fees, resulting in a bill issued by CBP. Note: Multiple interest calculations can occur on a single liquidation
amount record.
Additional Interest
Case Number
The 10 character case number for a specific company that represents the antidumping (AD) case or
countervailing (CV) case that applies to a particular additional interest record. Follows the format:
"A111222333" Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an AD or CV case. Position 2-4: "111" indicating the
country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3 digits. Position 8 to 10: "333"
indicating the specific company case number assigned by DOC to identify the party the case applies to.
The numbers are assigned to the companies in sequential order as they are added to a case. Note: The
company number "000" has a special meaning. It represents "all other companies" in the country that
export the commodity in the principal case.
Additional Interest
Effective Begin Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating when a particular additional interest record begins to
Additional Interest
Effective End Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating when a particular additional interest record stops
Additional Interest
Ordinal Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular additional interest record that identifies a unique interest
calculation on a liquidation amount record. The sequential grouping number allows multiple interest
calculations to occur on a single liquidation amount record. Note: Multiple interest calculations occur in
instances like entry by entry interest calculation required for type 09 reconciliation entry summaries.
Additional Interest
Principal Amount
For a particular additional interest record (which relates to a single interest calculation underneath a
liquidation amount record), the initial amount or any outstanding balance, to be used as the basis for
interest calculations. Note: Multiple interest calculations can occur on a single liquidation amount record.
Additional Interest
Refund Amount
For a particular additional interest record (which relates to a single interest calculation underneath a
liquidation amount record), the amount of interest assessed due to an overpayment of duties, taxes or
fees, resulting in a refund issued by CBP. Note: Multiple interest calculations can occur on a single
liquidation amount record.
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Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Additional Interest
Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular additional interest record was last
updated in the system.
Additional Interest
Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular additional interest record was last
updated in the system.
Additional Surety
Notice Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which an additional surety received a courtesy notice for a
particular liquidation record.
Ascertained Amount
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code), the amount
that has been ascertained on an entry summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts
found on the last minor version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry
summary minor version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In
the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor
version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Bill Amount
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code), the difference
in the liquidated amount and the original paid amount that resulted in a bill issued to the party(ies)
involved in importing the merchandise. Note: Bills are used to offset the underpayment of duties, taxes,
and fees on an entry summary.
Bill Interest Amount
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code). the total
amount of interest that accrued on an entry summary due to an underpayment of duties, taxes or fees
that is refunded by CBP.
Control Team CEE
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the name of the Center of Excellence
and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team identified on a particular entry summary falls under. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and
Aerospace," "Electronics," and "Machinery."
Control Team
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the team number corresponding to
the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) line item with the highest value on a particular entry summary. This
team number relates to the entry summary header, and is not to be confused with the "Review Team
Number" which applies specifically to entry lines.
Courtesy Notice
Processed Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a courtesy notice of liquidation was processed for a
particular liquidation record. Note: this could represent the date in which a courtesy notice was
processed for a filer, importer, surety, third party, or an additional surety.
Courtesy Notice
Processed Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a courtesy notice of liquidation was processed for a
particular liquidation record. Note: this could represent the date in which a courtesy notice was
processed for a filer, importer, surety, third party, or an additional surety.
Days Until
Liquidation Range
For a particular liquidation record, one of four possible values denoting a range indicating when an entry
summary will liquidate. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "30 DAYS," "60 DAYS," "90 DAYS,"
Document File
Location Identifier
An 18 character alphanumeric code indicating the location of entry summary documents coded and
entered in ACS. The DOC file stores both entry summary (ES) and cargo release (CR) document locations.
Only the latest document file location is stored for each entry summary. Follows the format:
"AA112233BBBB444555" Position 1-2: "AA" indicating the document file type. Position 3-4: "11"
indicating the 2 digit year the document was filed. Position 5-6: "22" indicating the 2 digit month the
document was filed. Position 7-8: "33" indicating the 2 digit day the document was filed. Position 9-12:
"BBBB" indicating the terminal ID of the user who filed the document. Position 13-15: "444" indicating
the document file batch number. Position 16-18: "555" indicating the document file sequence number.
Page 108 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Date
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the month, day, and year
(MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United States. This is normally the date of cargo
release, but it can also be the date of entry or entry summary filing for merchandise subject to immediate
delivery requirements or quota merchandise.
Entry Summary Line
AD Case Number
The 10 character case number for a specific company that represents the antidumping (AD) case that
applies to a particular entry summary line's antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) liquidation
details. Follows the format: "A111222333" Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an AD or CV case.
Position 2-4: "111" indicating the country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3
digits. Position 8 to 10: "333" indicating the specific company case number assigned by DOC to identify
the party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies in sequential order as they are
added to a case. Note: The company number "000" represents "all other companies" in the country of
that principal case.
Entry Summary Line
AD Message Number
The Department of Commerce (DOC) assigned number for an antidumping (AD) case message, containing
liquidation instructions for a particular entry summary line.
Entry Summary Line
AD Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary line's liquidation details
were last updated in the system to associate an antidumping (AD) case message number, if applicable.
Entry Summary Line
CV Case Number
The 10 character case number for a specific company that represents the countervailing (CV) case that
applies to a particular entry summary line's antidumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) liquidation
details. Follows the format: "C111222333" Position 1: "A" or "C" to indicate either an AD or CV case.
Position 2-4: "111" indicating the country in 3 digits. Position 5 to 7: "222" indicating the commodity in 3
digits. Position 8 to 10: "333" indicating the specific company case number assigned by DOC to identify
the party the case applies to. The numbers are assigned to the companies in sequential order as they are
added to a case. Note: The company number "000" represents "all other companies" in the country of
that principal case.
Entry Summary Line
CV Message Number
The Department of Commerce (DOC) assigned number for a countervailing (CV) case message, containing
liquidation instructions for a particular entry summary line.
Entry Summary Line
CV Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary line's liquidation details
were last updated in the system to associate a countervailing (CV) case message number, if applicable.
Entry Summary Line
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry summary line record that identifies an single line
number on an entry summary. The sequential grouping number allows multiple line numbers to be
assigned to a single entry summary.
Entry Summary
For a particular liquidation record, the unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry
filer to the entry summary transaction. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7 positions are the
number assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
Entry Type Code
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, a 2 digit code indicating the type of
entry summary being filed. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "01" indicating Consumption -
Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption - Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11"
indicating Informal.
Entry Type Long
The description indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"Consumption - Free and Dutiable," "Consumption - Antidumping(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and
Entry Type Short
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, a more succinct version of the "Entry
Type Long Description" object that shortens descriptions which are particularly long in length. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "Consumption: AD/CVD," "Consumption: FTZ," and "Informal."
Page 109 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Estimated Deposit
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code), the total
amount that was originally estimated on an entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount
correlates to the amounts found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00,"
or "4.00"). An entry summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade community
makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an
entry summary, and subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the
estimated amount.
Filer Code
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the unique 3 character alphanumeric
identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file entries
Filer Courtesy Notice
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a filer received a courtesy notice for a particular
liquidation record.
Filer Name
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the trade entity name associated
with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file entries.
Final Warehouse
Withdrawal Made
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, a 1 character code indicating
whether or not a final warehouse withdrawal was made. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No.
Importer Courtesy
Notice Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which an importer received a courtesy notice for a particular
liquidation record.
Importer Name
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the name of the entity importing the
goods into the United States.
Importer Number
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the unique importer of record (IR)
number associated with each entry. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix
but it is also possible that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in
the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six
digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located outside of the United
States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Liquidation Amount
Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular liquidation amount record was last
updated in the system.
Liquidation Amount
Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular liquidation amount record was last
updated in the system.
Liquidation Basis
The description that indicates the basis for a particular liquidation record on an entry summary. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "No Change Liq," "Protest," "Deemed Liquidation," "Free Trade
Agreement," and "Change liq- Increase."
Liquidation Basis
An alphanumeric code that indicates the basis for a particular liquidation record on an entry summary.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "545" indicating No Change Liq, "514" indicating Protest,
"504" indicating Deemed Liquidation, "520(D)" indicating Free Trade Agreement, and "322I" indicating
Change liq- Increase.
Liquidation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the last date in which an entry summary was
Liquidation Duty
For a particular liquidation record, the description indicating the change in duty that was determined on
an entry summary. Possible values include: "Change Increase," "Change Decrease," and "No Change."
Liquidation Duty
Determination Code
For a particular liquidation record, a 1 character code indicating the change in duty that was determined
on an entry summary. Possible values include: "I" indicating Change Increase, "D" indicating Change
Decrease, and "N" indicating No Change.
Page 110 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Liquidation Extension
Expiration Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a liquidation extension will expire resulting in the
automatic liquidation of an entry summary.
Liquidation Extension
A numeric count of the number of extensions that have occurred on a particular liquidation record.
Liquidation Reason
The description indicating the reason(s) why an entry summary record was liquidated. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "Valuation," "Antidumping Duties," "Other," "Valuation (PEA)," "Vessel
Repairs," and "Protest Approved." Note: This object will return a row of data for every reason that was
listed on a liquidation record. The "Liquidation Reasons String" object can be used to aggregate all of the
liquidation reasons onto a single row of data.
Liquidation Reason
The 2 digit code indicating the reason(s) why an entry summary record was liquidated. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "01" indicating Valuation, "04" indicating Antidumping Duties, "09"
indicating Other, "11" indicating Valuation (PEA), "61" indicating Vessel Repairs, and "63" indicating
Protest Approved. Note: This object will return a row of data for every reason that was listed on a
liquidation record. The "Liquidation Reasons String" object can be used to aggregate all of the liquidation
reasons onto a single row of data.
Liquidation Reason
Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular liquidation reason record was last updated
in the system.
Liquidation Reason
Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular liquidation reason record was last
updated in the system.
Liquidation Reasons
An aggregated text field that returns all of the underlying reasons that an entry summary was liquidated
and returns the data as a single string. For example, if the liquidation codes 43, 45, 46, and 47 were input
on a liquidation record, this data element would return: "43 - CVD Suspend, 45 - AD/CVD Suspend, 46 -
Court Ordered Suspend, 47 - Actual Use Suspend"
Liquidation Record
For a particular liquidation record, the description indicating the record status of the liquidation in the
system. Possible values include: "Draft," "Pending," "Final," and "Conversion."
Liquidation Record
Status Code
For a particular liquidation record, a 1 character code indicating the record status of the liquidation in the
system. Possible values include: "D" indicating Draft, "P" indicating Pending, "F" indicating Final, and "C"
indicating Conversion.
Liquidation Status
The description indicating the status that a particular liquidation record places an entry summary into.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Not Liquidated," "Pending," "Suspended," "Re-
liquidated," and "Liquidated."
Liquidation Status
A 1 character code indicating the status that a particular liquidation record places an entry summary into.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "N" indicating Not Liquidated, "P" indicating Pending, "S"
indicating Suspended, "R" indicating Re-liquidated, and "L" indicating Liquidated.
Liquidation Update
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular liquidation record was last updated in the
Liquidation Update
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular liquidation record was last updated in
the system.
Liquidation Updated
The full name (First, Last, Middle) of the user responsible for the last update of a particular liquidation
Liquidator Team
For a particular liquidation record, the team number of the user responsible for processing a liquidation
on an entry summary.
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Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Number of Days to
A numerical value based on the current system date/time minus the "Liquidation Extension Expiration
Date" to derive the number of days until a particular liquidation record's extension will expire, resulting in
the automatic liquidation of an entry summary.
Number of Days to
A numerical value based on the current system date/time minus the "Liquidation Date" to derive the
number of days until a particular liquidation record will liquidate.
Paid Amount
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code), the amount
recorded as paid by the collections application on an entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by
the collections application and only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Port of Entry Code
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the 4 digit code that represents the
district and port where the merchandise entered. The district code is the first two characters and the port
code is the last two characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE,
WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11"
indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the port code.
Port of Entry Name
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the district and the port where the
merchandise entered. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA,"
Posted Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular liquidation was placed on the bulletin
notice of liquidation.
Prior Disclosure
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, a 1 character code indicating
whether or not the entry summary was part of a prior disclosure. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes
and "N" indicating No.
Processing Port Code
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the 4 digit code that represents the
district and port where the entry summary will be/was processed. The district code is the first two
characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ,
"3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the format:
"1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating the port code.
Processing Port
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the district and the port where the
entry summary will be/was processed. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA,"
Protest Number
For a particular liquidation record, if the liquidation was the result of a protest, the CBP-assigned number
that uniquely identifies a protest. Follows the format: "1111223455555" Position 1 to 4: "1111" indicating
the Port Code. Position 5 to 6: "22" indicating the Calendar Year. Position 7: "3" indicating the Protest
type. Position 8: "4" indicating input party (1 = CBP input, 2 = Trade input). Position 9 to 13: "55555"
indicating the system assigned sequence number.
Refund Amount
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code), the difference
in the liquidated amount and the original paid amount that resulted in a refund given to the party(s)
involved in importing the merchandise. Note: Refunds are used to offset the overpayment of duties,
taxes, and fees on an entry summary.
Refund Interest
For a particular liquidation amount record (which relates to a single accounting class code), the total
amount of interest that accrued on an entry summary due to an overpayment of duties, taxes or fees that
is refunded by CBP.
Refund To Surety
For a particular liquidation record, a 1 character code indicating whether or not the liquidation resulted in
a refund to the surety. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Page 112 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Surety Code
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP
to the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with international trade
transactions are covered in the event the importer defaults on payment to the government.
Surety Courtesy
Notice Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a surety received a courtesy notice for a particular
liquidation record.
Surety Name
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the proper name of the entity that
ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges associated with international trade transactions are
covered in the event the importer defaults on payment to the government.
Importation Under
Bond Denial Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a temporary importation under bond (TIB) was denied
for a particular liquidation record.
Third Party Courtesy
Notice Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a third party received a courtesy notice for a particular
liquidation record.
Third Party Importer
For a particular liquidation record, the third party unique importer of record (IR) number. Typically this
consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number identifies
an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may
also be a CBP-assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically
assigned to importers located outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID. Note: A third
party importer is a party that was not part of the original entry summary transaction, but has been
authorized to receive information on the liquidation.
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current day. Date objects are
intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Total Ascertained
For a particular liquidation record, the total amount of all duties, taxes, and fees that have been
ascertained on an entry summary. The ascertained amount correlates to the amounts found on the last
minor version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.01," "1.02," or " 2.01"). An entry summary minor
version change only occurs when a CBP officer makes an update to the record. Note: In the event that
there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and subsequently no minor version
change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Bill Amount
For a particular liquidation record, the difference in the total liquidated amount of all duties, taxes, and
fees and the totals that were originally estimated on an entry summary, resulting in a bill issued to the
party(s) involved in importing the merchandise.
Total Estimated
For a particular liquidation record, the total amount of all duties, taxes, and fees that was originally
estimated on an entry summary during its submission. The estimated amount correlates to the amounts
found on the last major version of an entry summary record (I.e. "1.00," "2.00," or "4.00"). An entry
summary major version change only occurs when a member of the trade community makes an update to
the record. Note: In the event that there is no change made by a CBP officer to an entry summary, and
subsequently no minor version change, the ascertained amount will be equal to the estimated amount.
Total Interest
For a particular liquidation record, the total amount of interest that accrued on all duties, taxes, and fees.
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Liquidation Data
Object Name
Object Description
Total Number of
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation records, the total number of extensions that
have occurred throughout the course of its existence. Note: this is different from the "Liquidation
Extension Quantity" object, which applies only to a single liquidation record. This object applies to the
cumulative total on an entry summary.
Total Paid Amount
For a particular liquidation record, the total amount of all duties, taxes, and fees recorded as paid by the
collections application on an entry summary. Note: Paid amounts are received by the collections
application and only reconciled at the entry summary header level.
Total Refund Amount
For a particular liquidation record, the difference in the total liquidated amount of all duties, taxes, and
fees and the totals that were originally estimated on an entry summary, resulting in a refund given to the
party(ies) involved in importing the merchandise.
Voided Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular liquidation was voided in the system.
Workflow Status
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, the description indicating the current
workflow status. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Waiting," "Workable," "Ready for final
Liq," and "Ready for Manual Liq."
Workflow Status
For the entry summary associated to a particular liquidation record, a 4 character code indicating the
current workflow status. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "WAIT" indicating Waiting,
"WORK" indicating Workable, "SUPR" indicating Ready for final Liq, and "MLIQ" indicating Ready for
Manual Liq.
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The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Protest data universe. These objects can be used to
modify existing Protest reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Accelerated Disposition
Certification Statement
A 1 character code indicating if the party filing a particular protest selected the certification box
acknowledging they understood the legal implications of a request for accelerated disposition.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: The certification statement as seen
in the Protest Application reads: "I certify I have sent a request for Accelerated Disposition by Certified
or Registered United State mail, and I understand that by requesting accelerated disposition this
protest will be deemed denied within 30 days of the request if it is not decided by CBP before the end
of the 30 day period, and that any lawsuit filed in the United States Court of International Trade
contesting the deemed denial of this protest is barred unless commenced within 180 days of the date
of the deemed denial."
Accelerated Disposition
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the request for accelerated disposition on a
particular protest was approved or denied.
Accelerated Disposition
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular protest was submitted with a request for
accelerated disposition. If a protest is put into an accelerated disposition status, CBP has 30 days to
reach a decision on the protest, after which the entries deem liquidate. The batch process will
automatically reach a decision of "Denied" for protests that are not acted on in the 30 day time-frame
associated with an accelerated disposition. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating
AFR Disposition
The description indicating the decision made on a particular step of an Application for Further Review
(AFR) process on a protest. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Approved," "Denied,"
"Further Review Denied," "Approved - Send to ORR," and "Rejected."
AFR Disposition Code
A 2-3 character code indicating the decision made on a particular step of an Application for Further
Review (AFR) process on a protest. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "APV" indicating
Approved, "DND" indicating Denied, "RD " indicating Further Review Denied, "APO" indicating
Approved - Send to ORR, and "RJT" indicating Rejected.
AFR Justification Text
The free form text field that accompanies an Application for Further Review (AFR) submitted by the
trade on a particular protest.
AFR Process Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular step of the Application for Further
Review (AFR) process on a protest was created.
AFR Process Created By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for the most recent update to a particular
step of an Application for Further Review (AFR) process on a particular protest.
AFR Process Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular step of the Application for Further Review (AFR)
process on a protest. The sequential grouping number allows multiple AFR processes to occur on a
single protest. Note: AFR process information is found in the AFR tab in the Protest Application.
AFR Process Type
The description indicating the type of process occurring on a particular step of the Application for
Further Review (AFR) process on a protest. Possible values include: "AFR Request," "AFR Request
Disposition," "AFR Disposition," "AFR Denied Review," "AFR Denied Review Disposition," and "AFR
Denied Disposition."
Page 115 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
AFR Process Type Code
A 4 character code indicating the type of process occurring on a particular step of the Application for
Further Review (AFR) process on a protest. Possible values include: "RQST" indicating AFR Request,
"RQDP" indicating AFR Request Disposition, "DSPS" indicating AFR Disposition, "DNRV" indicating AFR
Denied Review, "DNRD" indicating AFR Denied Review Disposition, and "DNDP" indicating AFR Denied
AFR Process Update
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular step of the Application for Further
Review (AFR) process on a protest was most recently updated.
AFR Process Update
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular step of the Application for Further
Review (AFR) process on a protest was most recently updated.
AFR Question A
A code indicating if a prior request has been made for further review of the same claim with respect
to the same or substantially similar merchandise. Note: In the Protest Application, the question reads:
"(A) Have you made prior request of a port director for a further review of the same claim with
respect to the same substantially similar merchandise?"
AFR Question B Indicator
A code indicating if a final adverse decision from the U.S. Court of International Trade on the same
claim with respect to the same category of merchandise or if action involving such a claim is pending
before the U.S. Court of International Trade. Note: In the Protest Application, the question reads: "(B)
Have you received a final adverse decision from the U.S. Court of International Trade on the same
claim with respect to the same category of merchandise or do you have action involving such a claim
pending before the U.S. Court of International Trade?"
AFR Question C Indicator
A code indicating if an adverse administrative decision from the Commissioner of CBP or his designee
or if an application for an administrative decision on the same claim with respect to the same category
of merchandise is pending. Note: In the Protest Application, the question reads: "(C) Have you
previously received an adverse administrative decision from the Commissioner of CBP or his designee
or have you presently pending an application for an administrative decision on the same claim with
respect to the same category of merchandise?"
AFR Requested Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an Application for Further Review (AFR) has been
requested on a particular protest. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
AFR Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which an Application for Further Review (AFR) was most
recently updated on a particular protest.
AFR Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which an Application for Further Review (AFR) was most
recently updated on a particular protest.
AFR Updated By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for the most recent update to an Application
for Further Review (AFR) on a particular protest.
Amendment Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest was amended.
Amendment Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular protest has been amended. Possible values
are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: A protest is considered to have been amended if
any changes have been made to any of the protest details after the initial submission in the ACE
Protest Application.
Attachment Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest attachment record was created
in the system.
Attachment Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular protest attachment record was
created in the system.
Attachment Created By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for creating a particular protest attachment
Attachment DIS Upload
Status Code
A 4 character code indicating the upload status of a protest attachment in the Document Image
System (DIS). Possible values are: "FAIL" indicating Failure and "SUCC" indicating Success.
Page 116 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Attachment File
The extension of a file accompanying a protest attachment record, indicating the type of file.
Attachment File Name
The file name (without extension) of the file accompanying a protest attachment record.
Attachment File Size
The file size, in Bytes (B), of the file accompanying a protest attachment record.
Attachment File Upload
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the file accompanying a protest attachment record
was uploaded to the system.
Attachment File Upload
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which the file accompanying a protest attachment
record was uploaded to the system.
Attachment File
Uploaded By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for uploading the file that accompanies a
protest attachment record.
Attachment Message
Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular message for a protest attachment was
created in the system.
Attachment Message
Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular message for a protest attachment
was created in the system.
Attachment Message
Ordinal Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular message on a protest attachment. The sequential
grouping number allows multiple send/receive messages to occur on a single attachment. Note:
protest attachment messages describe the communication between the Protest Application and the
Document Image System (DIS).
Attachment Message
Received Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular message sent by the Protest
Application for a protest attachment was confirmed to have been received by the Document Image
System (DIS).
Attachment Message
Received Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular message sent by the Protest
Application for a protest attachment was confirmed to have been received by the Document Image
System (DIS).
Attachment Message
Sent Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular message for a protest attachment was
sent by the Protest Application to the Document Image System (DIS).
Attachment Message
Sent Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular message for a protest attachment
was sent by the Protest Application to the Document Image System (DIS).
Attachment Message
The description indicating the current status of a particular message sent by the Protest Application
for a protest attachment to the Document Image System (DIS). Possible values include: "Failure,"
"Success," "Pending," and "Sent."
Attachment Message
Status Code
A 4 character code indicating the current status of a particular message sent by the Protest
Application for a protest attachment to the Document Image System (DIS). Possible values include:
"FAIL" indicating Failure, "SUCC" indicating Success, "PEND" indicating Pending, and "SENT" indicating
Attachment Message
Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular message sent by the Protest
Application to the Document Image System (DIS) for a protest attachment was last updated.
Attachment Message
Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular message sent by the Protest
Application to the Document Image System (DIS) for a protest attachment was last updated.
Attachment Type
The description indicating the type of protest attachment record. Possible values include: "CBP
Document," "Response to CBP Request," "Ruling," "Protest Supporting Documentation," "Accelerated
Disposition Request," "Supplemental Information," and "Additional Argument."
Page 117 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Attachment Type Code
A 2 character alphanumeric code indicating the type of protest attachment record. Possible values
include: "A1" indicating CBP Document, "A2" indicating Response to CBP Request, "A3" indicating
Ruling, "A4" indicating Protest Supporting Documentation, "A5" indicating Accelerated Disposition
Request, "A6" indicating Supplemental Information, and "A7" indicating Additional Argument.
Attachment Update
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest attachment record was last
updated in the system.
Attachment Update
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular protest attachment record was last
updated in the system.
Claimed Tariff
The 8-10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number that the protestant is claiming on a particular
protest. Note: This field is only filled out by the protest filer when "Classification" is chosen for either
the "Primary Issue" or the "Secondary Issue" on a protest."
Denied Claim Number
The denied claim number associated with a particular protest, identifying a previously denied 520(c)
or (d) petition. Note: This is required when protesting denial of a 520(c) or 520(d) petition.
DIS Attachment ID
The Document Image System (DIS) attachment ID, if any, sent by the DIS to the Protest Application.
Documents Sent Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the documents required by the summons are sent
to the court.
Hardcopy Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a hardcopy was sent along with a particular protest.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: Hardcopy materials do not include
the CBPF-19. Rather, hardcopy is limited to those types of substantiating/supporting materials that
cannot be entered electronically in the arguments/ justification portion of the protest such as
blueprints, booklets, charts, diagrams, pamphlets, and photographs.
Internal Advice Number
The internal advice number on a particular protest assigned by CBP Office of Regulations and Rulings
(OR&R) as the result of a request from CBP personnel, the importer or other person of interest, for
advice or guidance on the interpretation or proper application of the CBP and related laws with
respect to the present transaction as provided in CFR 177.11. Note: The internal advice number is
provided on a protest to justify the suspension of that protest, pending issuance of a ruling by OR&R.
Last Resend Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most recent attempt to resend a message for a
protest attachment from the Protest Application to the Document Image System (DIS) was attempted.
Lead Protest Number
The lead protest number associated to a particular protest. The lead protest number is the CBP-
assigned protest number for any undecided protest filed by the protestant with respect to the same
class and category of merchandise already approved for further review. Note: The lead protest
number is provided on a protest to justify the suspension of that protest, pending decision of that
other protest.
Description Text
The merchandise description provided for a particular protest, as required by CFR 174.13 and CFR
Multiple Protests on
Entry Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary has been associated to more
than one protest. Possible values are: "Y" indicating yes and "N" indicating No.
Number of Attachments
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of protest attachments related
to a specific object in the protest universe. For example, combining this object with the "Protest
Number" object will show how many attachments a particular protest has.
Number of Entries
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of entries related to a particular
protest. For example, combining this object with the "Protest Number" object will show how many
entries are related to each individual protest.
Number of Protests
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of protests related to a specific
object in the protest universe. For example, combining this object with the "Protest Port Code" object
will show how many of protests are related to each particular port code.
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Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
OR&R Case Number
The Office of rulings and Regulations (OR&R) Case Number assigned to a particular protest.
Preference Claimed Type
For 520(d) Post Importation Preference Claims, the description indicating the type of preference being
claimed on a particular protest. Possible values include: "Chile FTA," "Colombia TPA," "Korea FTA,"
"Oman FTA," "Panama TPA," "Peru TPA," "CAFTA-DR," and "NAFTA."
Preference Claimed Type
For 520(d) Post Importation Preference Claims, a varying length character code indicating the type of
preference being claimed on a particular protest. Possible values include: "CL" indicating Chile FTA,
"CO" indicating Colombia TPA, "KR" indicating Korea FTA, "OM" indicating Oman FTA, "PA" indicating
Panama TPA, "PE" indicating Peru TPA, "DO" indicating CAFTA-DR, and "NAFTA" indicating NAFTA.
Preference Claimed Type
Requirement Notes
A long text statement indicating the various requirements for selecting any of the available preference
claims on a particular protest. Note: This text appears in the "Create Protest" dialog box after the user
selects an option from the "Preference Claimed" drop-down menu.
Primary Entry on Protest
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary is the primary entry on a
protest. Possible values are: "Y" indicating yes and "N" indicating No. Note: The primary entry is
specified during the creation of a protest in the Protest Application. The "Entry Number" field is the
primary protest, all other entry numbers added using the "Add Additional Entry Numbers" section are
not considered the primary entry.
Protest Activity Create
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest activity was created in the
Protest Application.
Protest Activity Create
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular protest activity was created in the
Protest Application.
Protest Activity Created
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for creating a particular protest activity.
Protest Activity Created
By Qualifier
The description identifying the type of party responsible for the creation of a particular protest
activity. Possible values are: "User Hash ID" and "Trade Portal User ID."
Protest Activity Created
By Qualifier Code
A 2 digit code identifying the type of party responsible for the creation of a particular protest activity.
Possible values are: "01" indicating User Hash ID and "14" indicating Trade Portal User ID.
Protest Activity Detail
Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest activity detail was created in
the Protest Application.
Protest Activity Detail
Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular protest activity detail was created in
the Protest Application.
Protest Activity Detail
Created By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for creating a particular protest activity
Protest Activity Detail
The field that has been modified on a particular Protest Activity Detail record. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "Protest Type," "Protestant Number," "Issue," "Claimed Tariff," and "Refund
Party." Note: This can be fully understood when used in conjunction with the Protest Activity Detail
Original Value and Protest Activity Detail New Value objects.
Protest Activity Detail
New Value
The new value of a particular field that has been changed as the result of an activity taken on a
particular protest. Note: This object can be fully understood when used in conjunction with the
Protest Activity Detail Field and Protest Activity Detail Original Value objects.
Protest Activity Detail
Original Value
The original value of a particular field that has been changed as the result of an activity taken on a
particular protest. Note: This object can be fully understood when used in conjunction with the
Protest Activity Detail Field and Protest Activity Detail New Value objects.
Protest Activity Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular protest activity that identifies an individual activity.
The sequential grouping number allows multiple actions to occur on a single protest. Note: protest
activity information is found in the "History" tab in the Protest Application.
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Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Protest Activity Type
The description identifying the type of action being taken on a particular protest activity. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "New Protest Added," "Protest Amended," "Protest Decided,"
"Supervisor Agreement," and "Protest Approved."
Protest Activity Type
A 3 character code identifying the type of action being taken on a particular protest activity. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "NPA" indicating New Protest Added, "PAM" indicating Protest
Amended, "PRD" indicating Protest Decided, "SAG" indicating Supervisor Agreement, and "APP"
indicating Protest Approved.
Protest Assigned Team
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) of the team that has been assigned a
particular protest. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Pharmaceuticals, Health and
Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace," "Electronics," and "Machinery." Note: The corresponding
team number object can be found in "Protest Assigned Team Number."
Protest Assigned Team
The CBP team number assigned to review a particular protest.
Protest Assigned Team
Number Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the CBP team was assigned to a particular protest.
Protest Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest was created in the Protest
Protest Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular protest was created in the Protest
Protest Created By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for creating a particular protest. Note: For
legacy protests created in the Automated Commercial System (ACS), this field will contain the value
Protest Created By Type
The description indicating the type of portal account user responsible for the creation of a particular
protest record. Possible values include: "Trade," "US Customs Employees," and "Contact Person."
Protest Created By Type
A 4 character code indicating the type of portal account user responsible for the creation of a
particular protest record. Possible values include: "ZTRD" indicating Trade, "ZCUS" indicating US
Customs Employees, and "ZCON" indicating Contact Person.
Protest Entry Added By
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for associating a particular entry summary to
a protest.
Protest Entry Added
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary was associated to a
Protest Entry Added
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary was associated to a
Protest Entry Denied
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary associated to a protest was
denied. Possible values are: "Y" indicating yes and "N" indicating No.
Protest Entry Importer
The proper name for the entity identified as the importer of record on a particular protest.
Protest Entry Importer
The unique ID number for the entity identified as the importer of record on a particular entry
summary associated to a protest.
Protest Entry Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to each entry transaction.
The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7 positions are the number assigned to the entry by the
filer. The last position is a check digit. Note: This object only retrieves entry numbers that have been
associated to protests.
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Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Protest Entry Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular entry number that identifies an individual entry
summary associated to a protest. The sequential grouping number allows multiple entry numbers to
be associated to a single protest. Note: The entry numbers are found in the "Entries" tab in the
Protest Application.
Protest Entry Updated
The full name (Last, First Middle) of the user responsible for the most recent update to a particular
entry summary on a protest.
Protest Entry Updated
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary on a protest was most
recently updated.
Protest Entry Updated
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary on a protest was most
recently updated.
Protest Filer Name
The proper name of the entity responsible for filing a particular protest.
Protest Filer Number
The unique ID number for the entity responsible for filing a particular protest.
Protest Importer Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the importer of record on a particular entry summary
associated to a protest.
Protest Importer
The unique ID number for the entity identified as the importer of record on a particular protest.
Protest Issue Type
The description indicating the primary issue identified on a particular protest. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "AD/CVD," "Classification," "Foreign Trade Zones," "Merchandise Processing
Fees," and "Valuation."
Protest Issue Type Code
A 3 character alphanumeric code indicating the primary issue identified on a particular protest.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "I01" indicating AD/CVD, "I06" indicating Classification,
"I12" indicating Foreign Trade Zones, "I20" indicating Merchandise Processing Fees, and "I29"
indicating Valuation.
Protest Number
The CBP-assigned number that uniquely identifies a particular protest. Follows the format:
"#############" Position 1 to 4: "####" indicating the Port Code. Position 5 to 6: "##" indicating the
Calendar Year. Position 7: "#" indicating the Protest type. Position 8: "#" indicating input party (1 =
CBP input, 2 = Trade input). Position 9 to 13: "#####" indicating the system assigned sequence
Protest Port Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the decision is being protested. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY
MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW
Protest Port Code and
A concatenated field indicating the "Protest Port Code" followed by the "Protest Port of Entry." The
"Protest Port Code" is the 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise
entered. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters. The
"Protest Port Name" is the name of the district and the port where the merchandise entered. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "2704 - LOS ANGELES, CA", "2506 - OTAY MESA", "2605 -
PHOENIX, AZ", "3001 - SEATTLE, WA", and "4601 - NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA."
Protest Port Name
The proper name of the port where the decision is being protested. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and "NEW
Protest Received Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular protest was received.
Protest Received Date -
Year (Fiscal)
The fiscal year (YYYY) in which a particular protest was received.
Protest Received Date -
Year Month (Calendar)
The calendar year and month (YYYY-MM) in which a particular protest was received.
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Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Protest Secondary Issue
The description indicating the secondary issue identified on a particular protest. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "AD/CVD," "Classification," "Foreign Trade Zones," "Merchandise
Processing Fees," and "Valuation." Note: Since a secondary issue is not required to be entered when
creating a protest, if no secondary issue is added this will appear as a null value.
Protest Secondary Issue
Type Code
A 3 character alphanumeric code indicating the secondary issue identified on a particular protest.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "I01" indicating AD/CVD, "I06" indicating Classification,
"I12" indicating Foreign Trade Zones, "I20" indicating Merchandise Processing Fees, and "I29"
indicating Valuation. Note: Since a secondary issue is not required to be entered when creating a
protest, if no secondary issue is added this will appear as a null value.
Protest Status
The description indicating the current status of a particular protest. Possible values include: "Open,"
"Approved," "Denied," "Suspended," "Denied in Part," "Withdrawn," and "Rejected - Not Protestable."
Protest Status Code
A 2 character code indicating the current status of a particular protest. Possible values include: "OP"
indicating Open, "AP" indicating Approved, "DN" indicating Denied, "SP" indicating Suspended, "PD"
indicating Denied in Part, "WD" indicating Withdrawn, and "PN" indicating Rejected - Not Protestable.
Protest Status Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the most recent status was updated on a particular
Protest Substitute Party
The proper name of the entity identified as the importer of record on a particular protest. Note: The
"Protest Substitute Party Name" is the proper name of the party to whom Notice of Approval or
Denial of the protest should be sent.
Protest Substitute Party
The unique ID number for the entity identified as the substitute party on a particular protest. Note:
The "Protest Substitute Party Number" is the identifier of the party to whom Notice of Approval or
Denial of the protest should be sent.
Protest Summons
A 1 character code indicating whether or not an undecided civil action before the U.S. Court of
International Trade exists, the decision of which will be applied to all associated civil actions.
Protest Type
The description indicating the protest type of a particular protest. Possible values are: "514 Protest"
and "520(d) Post Importation Preference Claim."
Protest Type Code
An alphanumeric code indicating the protest type of a particular protest. Possible values are: "514"
indicating 514 Protest and "520D" indicating 520(d) Post Importation Preference Claim.
Protestant Certification
Statement Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not the Protestant selected the certification box
guaranteeing they had authorization to file a particular protest. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes
and "N" indicating No. Note: The certification statement reads "I certify that I am authorized to file
this protest, that such authority has been granted by a duly and properly executed Power of Attorney
where one is required, that all the information, statements and assertions herein are true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that this protest complies with all applicable regulations."
Protestant Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the protestant on a particular protest.
Protestant Number
The unique ID number for the entity identified as the protestant on a particular protest.
Resend Quantity
The number of time a particular protest attachment sent by the Protest Application to the Document
Image System (DIS) failed, and needed to be resent.
Sample Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not the party who filed the protest selected the check box
for "Sample Provided" when submitting a particular protest. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and
"N" indicating No.
Summons Court Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) identifying the actual court date for a particular summons.
Summons Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that a particular summons was received by CBP.
Summons Entry
The number of entry summaries associated to a particular court summons.
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Protest Data Objects
Object Name
Object Description
Summons Number
The number of the summons issued to CBP from the U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) citing this
Summons Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that a particular summons record on a protest was last
Summons Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) that a particular summons record on a protest was last
Summons Updated By
The full name (First, Last Middle) of the user responsible for the most recent update to a particular
summons record on a protest.
Surety Certification
Statement Indicator
For protests in which the protest filer was a surety, a 1 character code indicating whether or not the
surety selected the certification box guaranteeing that a particular protest was not being filed
collusively to extend another entity's time to protest. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No. Note: the certification statement reads: "If another party has not filed a timely protest, I
certify that the surety's protest is not being filed collusively to extend another authorized person's
time to protest."
Test Summons Number
The "Test Summons Number" identifies an undecided civil action before the U.S. Court of
International Trade which - as the result of a pleading from an attorney - has been designated by the
Court as a test case, the decision of which will be applied to all associated civil actions (summonses).
Note: The test summons number is provided on a protest to justify the suspension of that protest,
pending the decision of that test action.
Void Denial Request
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a request to void a particular protest was made.
Void Denial Request
The description indicating the decision to either approve or deny a request submitted to void a
protest. Possible values are: "APV" indicating Approved and "DND" indicating Denied.
Void Denial Request
Decision Code
A 3 character disposition code indicating the decision to either approve or deny a request submitted
to void a protest. Possible values are: "APV" indicating Approved and "DND" indicating Denied.
Void Denial Request
Decision Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the decision to either approve or deny a request to
void a particular protest was made.
Void Denial Request
A 1 character code indicating whether or not the protestant requested that a protest denial be voided
under Section 515 (19 U.S.C. 1515)(d). Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Page 123 of 177 Updated 07-2018
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Reconciliation data universe. These objects can be used
to modify existing Reconciliation reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
9802 Issue Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular reconciliation entry summary deals
with a 9802 issue. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Affected Entry Summary Line
The sequential line number for a particular reconciliation affected entry summary line
record. Note: The affected entry line(s) identifies all of the underlying entry summary lines
for which a reconciled, "rolled up" line is meant to cover. This is described as the "ES Line
Pointer Grouping" in the CATAIR.
Affected Entry Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to a particular
reconciliation affected line record. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7
positions are the number assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
Note: The affected entry line(s) identifies all of the underlying entry summary lines for
which a reconciled, "rolled up" line is meant to cover. This is described as the "ES Line
Pointer Grouping" in the CATAIR.
Aggregate Refund Waiver
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 character code indicating whether or not
the importer has waived any claim to a refund on an aggregate reconciliation. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Associated ES Accounting Class
For a particular associated entry summary class code detail record, the description for the
accounting class code that represents the specific duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "DUTY," "INFRML DUTY," "ANTIDUMPING," "FORMAL
MPF," and "HMF."
Associated ES Accounting Class
For a particular associated entry summary class code detail record, the 3 digit accounting
class code that represents the specific duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "001" indicating DUTY, "011" indicating INFRML DUTY, "012"
indicating ANTIDUMPING, "499" indicating FORMAL MPF, and "501" indicating HMF.
Associated ES Affected Line
A count of the total number of reconciled/affected lines on a particular associated entry
summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has been associated to
a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged but not associated
will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Class Code Original
For a particular associated entry summary class code detail record, the original amount
corresponding to that class code.
Associated ES Class Code
Reconciled Amount
For a particular associated entry summary class code detail record, the reconciled amount
corresponding to that class code.
Associated ES Original Duty
The total amount of all consumption duties that were originally identified on a particular
associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has
been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged
but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Original Fee Amount
The total amount of all user fees that were originally identified on a particular associated
entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has been
associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged but
not associated will display a (NULL) value.
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Object Name
Object Description
Associated ES Original Grand Total
The total amount of all duties, taxes, and fees that were originally identified on a particular
associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has
been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged
but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Original HMF
The total amount of all harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that were originally identified on a
particular associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry
summary has been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have
been flagged but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Original Interest
The total amount of all interest that was originally identified on a particular associated entry
summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has been associated to
a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged but not associated
will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Original MPF
The total amount of all merchandise processing fees (MPF) that were originally identified on
a particular associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry
summary has been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have
been flagged but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Original Tax Amount
The total amount of all Internal Revenue (IR) taxes that were originally identified on a
particular associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry
summary has been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have
been flagged but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Reconciled Duty
The total amount of reconciled consumption duty that was identified on a particular
associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has
been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged
but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Reconciled Fee
The total amount of reconciled fees that were identified on a particular associated entry
summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has been associated to
a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged but not associated
will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Reconciled Grand
Total Amount
The total amount of reconciled duties, taxes, and fees that were identified on a particular
associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has
been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged
but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Reconciled HMF
The total amount of reconciled harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that were identified on a
particular associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry
summary has been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have
been flagged but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Reconciled Interest
The total amount of reconciled interest that was identified on a particular associated entry
summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has been associated to
a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged but not associated
will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Reconciled MPF
The total amount of reconciled merchandise processing fees (MPF) that were identified on a
particular associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry
summary has been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have
been flagged but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
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Object Name
Object Description
Associated ES Reconciled Tax
The total amount of reconciled Internal Revenue (IR) tax that was identified on a particular
associated entry summary. Note: This will only display values after an entry summary has
been associated to a reconciliation entry summary, entry summaries that have been flagged
but not associated will display a (NULL) value.
Associated ES Total Line Quantity
A count of the total number of lines on a particular associated entry summary. Note: This
will only display values after an entry summary has been associated to a reconciliation entry
summary, entry summaries that have been flagged but not associated will display a (NULL)
Classification Issue Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular reconciliation entry summary deals
with a classification issue. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Document Provided Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular document recipient
information record was provided to the recipient.
Document Recipient Address
Region Code
For a party identified as a the recipient on a particular document recipient information
record, either the corresponding US state postal code (if in relation to a US address), or an
ISO sub-entity code if applicable.
Document Recipient City Name
For a party identified as the recipient on a particular document recipient information
record, the corresponding city name.
Document Recipient Country ISO
For a party identified as a the recipient on a particular document recipient information
record, the corresponding International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating
Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Document Recipient Full Address
For a party identified as a the recipient on a particular document recipient information
record, the corresponding full address line text.
Document Recipient ID
The identification (ID) number of the entity identified as the claimant on a particular
document recipient information record. This can be either a Employer Identification
Number (EIN), a Social Security Number (SSN), or a CBP assigned Importer of Record (IR)
Document Recipient Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the claimant on a particular document recipient
information record.
Document Recipient Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular document recipient
information record was last updated in the system.
Document Recipient Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular document recipient
information record was last updated in the system.
Document Recipient Zip Code
For a party identified as a the recipient on a particular document recipient information
record, the corresponding zip code.
Flagged/Associated ES Accepted
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular flagged/associated entry summary was accepted by CBP.
Flagged/Associated ES
Cancellation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular flagged/associated entry summary was cancelled by CBP.
Flagged/Associated ES Carrier
The identification of the entity responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of
unlading. This is either the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) or the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) code. For vessel, rail, or truck shipments, the SCAC is used; for
air shipments the IATA code is used.
Page 126 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Flagged/Associated ES Carrier
The proper name of the entity responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of
Flagged/Associated ES Collection
The description indicating the current collection status on a particular flagged/associated
entry summary, describing whether it has been paid. Possible values include: "Not Paid,"
"Partially Pd," "Paid," "Duty Free," "Col Shell," "Drawback," and "Authorized."
Flagged/Associated ES Collection
Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current collection status on a particular flagged/associated
entry summary, describing whether it has been paid. Possible values include: "0" indicating
Not Paid, "1" indicating Partially Pd, "2" indicating Paid, "3" indicating Duty Free, "4"
indicating Col Shell, "5" indicating Drawback, and "6" indicating Authorized.
Flagged/Associated ES Control
The description indicating the current control status regarding CBP and the trade for a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "Trade," "CBP," and
"Inactive in ACE."
Flagged/Associated ES Control
Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current control status regarding CBP and the trade for a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "1" indicating Trade,
"2" indicating CBP, and "3" indicating Inactive in ACE.
Flagged/Associated ES Control
Team CEE
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team identified
on a particular flagged/associated entry summary falls under. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace,"
"Electronics," and "Machinery."
Flagged/Associated ES Control
Team CEE Code
The code assigned to the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team
identified on a particular flagged/associated entry summary falls under. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "CEE-001" indicating Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals,
"CEE-003" indicating Automotive and Aerospace, "CEE-007" indicating Electronics, and "CEE-
010" indicating Machinery.
Flagged/Associated ES Control
Team Number
The team number corresponding to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) line item with the
highest value on a particular flagged/associated entry summary. This team number relates
to the entry summary header, and is not to be confused with the "Review Team Number"
which applies specifically to entry lines.
Flagged/Associated ES Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular flagged/associated entry
summary record was created in the system.
Flagged/Associated ES Create
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular flagged/associated entry
summary record was created in the system.
Flagged/Associated ES Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United
States for a particular flagged/associated entry summary. This is normally the date of cargo
release, but it can also be the date of entry or entry summary filing for merchandise subject
to immediate delivery requirements or quota merchandise.
Flagged/Associated ES Entry
Summary Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that a particular flagged/associated entry
summary is filed with CBP. For timely filing, this date must be within ten working days after
release of the merchandise.
Flagged/Associated ES Entry
Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to a particular
type 01, 02, or 06 entry summary that has been flagged for reconciliation, or associated to a
type 09 reconciliation entry summary. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7
positions are the number assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
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Object Name
Object Description
Flagged/Associated ES Entry Type
For a particular flagged/associated entry summary, a 2 digit code indicating the type of
entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "01" indicating
Consumption - Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption - Antidumping
(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11" indicating Informal.
Flagged/Associated ES Entry Type
Long Description
For a particular flagged/associated entry summary, the description indicating the type of
entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Consumption - Free and
Dutiable," "Consumption - Antidumping(AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD)," and "Informal."
Flagged/Associated ES Entry Type
Short Description
For a particular flagged/associated entry summary, a more succinct version of the "Entry
Type Long Description" object that shortens descriptions which are particularly long in
length. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Consumption: AD/CVD,"
"Consumption: FTZ," and "Informal."
Flagged/Associated ES Estimated
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the estimated date of entry for a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Note: This is the date that is transmitted by
the filer as an estimate, and does not reflect the actual entry date, which is found in the
"Entry Date" object.
Flagged/Associated ES Extension
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular flagged/associated entry summary's liquidation date was extended.
Flagged/Associated ES Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
entries, identified on a particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Flagged/Associated ES Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries, identified on a particular flagged/associated entry
Flagged/Associated ES Goods
Value Amount
The total amount of the value of the goods reported on all of the lines underneath a
particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Flagged/Associated ES Importation
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the merchandise arrived within the U.S. Port
of Arrival for a particular flagged/associated entry summary. Note: For merchandise arriving
by vessel, this reflects the date the vessel arrived within the limits of the U.S. port of arrival
with the intent to unlade; for other transport modes, this reflects the date the merchandise
arrived within the U.S. port of arrival.
Flagged/Associated ES Importer
The proper name of the entity responsible for importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a
particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Flagged/Associated ES Importer
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the entity responsible for
importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible
that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the
format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists
of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located
outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Flagged/Associated ES Inactivation
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular flagged/associated entry summary was inactivated.
Flagged/Associated ES Late Filing
The description indicating whether a particular flagged/associated entry summary was filed
late, and if so the quantity of days late. Possible values include: "Not late," "Over 10 days
late," "Over 30 days late," "Over 60 days late," "Not Late," and "Late."
Page 128 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Flagged/Associated ES Late Filing
Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating whether a particular flagged/associated entry summary was filed
late, and if so the quantity of days late. Possible values include: "0" indicating Not late, "1"
indicating Over 10 days late, "2" indicating Over 30 days late, "3" indicating Over 60 days
late, "N" indicating Not Late, and "Y" indicating Late.
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
The description that indicates the basis identified on the latest liquidation record for a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"No Change Liq," "Protest," "Deemed Liquidation," "Free Trade Agreement," and "Change
liq- Increase."
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
Basis Code
An alphanumeric code that indicates the basis identified on the latest liquidation record for
a particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "545" indicating No Change Liq, "514" indicating Protest, "504" indicating Deemed
Liquidation, "520(D)" indicating Free Trade Agreement, and "322I" indicating Change liq-
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular flagged/associated entry
summary liquidated, or is set to liquidate.
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
Duty Determination
The description indicating the change in duty that was determined on the latest liquidation
record for a particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "Change
Increase," "Change Decrease," and "No Change."
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
Duty Determination Code
A 1 character code indicating the change in duty that was determined on the latest
liquidation record for a particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values
include: "I" indicating Change Increase, "D" indicating Change Decrease, and "N" indicating
No Change.
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
Extension/Expiration Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the liquidation extension on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary will expire.
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
The description indicating the current liquidation status on a particular flagged/associated
entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Not Liquidated," "Pending,"
"Suspended," "Re-liquidated," and "Liquidated."
Flagged/Associated ES Liquidation
Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the current liquidation status on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "N"
indicating Not Liquidated, "P" indicating Pending, "S" indicating Suspended, "R" indicating
Re-liquidated, and "L" indicating Liquidated.
Flagged/Associated ES Mode of
The description that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise from
the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States for a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Vessel
Non-Containerized," "Rail Non-Containerized," "Rail Containerized," "Truck Containerized,"
and "Air Containerized."
Flagged/Associated ES Mode of
Transportation Code
The 2 digit code that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise
from the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States for a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "10"
indicating Vessel Non-Containerized, "20" indicating Rail Non-Containerized, "21" indicating
Rail Containerized, "31" indicating Truck Containerized, and "41" indicating Air
Flagged/Associated ES Payment
Received Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which
payment was received for a particular flagged/associated entry summary.
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Object Name
Object Description
Flagged/Associated ES Port of
Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district/port where the merchandise entered for a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating
PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK
AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-
4: "22" indicating the port code.
Flagged/Associated ES Port of
Entry Name
The proper name of the district/port code where the merchandise was entered for a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Flagged/Associated ES Port of
Unlading Code
A 4 digit code that represents the district and port at which goods on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary are unloaded from the means of transport having been
used for their carriage. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the
last two characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the
format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating
the port code.
Flagged/Associated ES Port of
Unlading Name
The name of the district and port at which goods on a particular flagged/associated entry
summary are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage.
The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA,"
Flagged/Associated ES PSC
A 1 character code indicating whether or not any post-summary corrections (PSCs) have
been submitted and accepted on a particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Flagged/Associated ES Rejection
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest rejection on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary occurred.
Flagged/Associated ES Release
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the imported merchandise is released by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection and allowed to enter the commerce of the United States,
for a particular flagged/associated entry summary
Flagged/Associated ES
Reliquidation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest reliquidation occurred on a
particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Flagged/Associated ES Status
The description indicating the current status of a particular flagged/associated entry
summary, as determined by CBP. Possible values include: "Accepted," "Rejected," and
Flagged/Associated ES Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current status of a particular flagged/associated entry
summary, as determined by CBP. Possible values include: "1" indicating Accepted, "2"
indicating Rejected, and "3" indicating Cancelled.
Flagged/Associated ES Surety
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the surety identified on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. The surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes,
fees and other charges associated with international trade transactions are covered in the
event the importer defaults on payment to the government.
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Object Name
Object Description
Flagged/Associated ES Surety
The proper name of the entity identified as the surety on a particular flagged/associated
entry summary. The surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other
charges associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the
importer defaults on payment to the government.
Flagged/Associated ES Suspension
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest suspension of liquidation
occurred on a particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Flagged/Associated ES Ultimate
Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise on a particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Flagged/Associated ES Ultimate
Consignee Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the U.S. party or other entity to
whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2
digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social
Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-
assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically
assigned to importers located outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Flagged/Associated ES Update
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular flagged/associated entry
summary record was last updated in the system.
Flagged/Associated ES Update
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular flagged/associated entry
summary record was last updated in the system.
Flagged/Associated ES Version
The number that tracks the version of a particular flagged/associated entry summary over
time. ACE does not track versions of the entry summary until the preliminary daily
statement is generated, at which point the entry summary control status is updated to
“CBP.” Authorized CBP users may modify an entry summary in “CBP” control via the ACE
Portal. As changes are made to the entry summary, ACE tracks the versions. The number to
the right of the decimal reflects CBP changes (e.g., v 1.01, 1.02). Changes made by the trade
are reflected in the number to the left of the decimal (e.g., v. 2.0, 3.0) after the entry is in
CBP control, such as when the filer retransmits an entry summary following a CBP rejection,
or when a PSC is filed. Note: Only ACE entry summaries have a valid version number. ACS
entry summaries will reflect a version number of 0.00.
Flagged/Associated Number of
The total number of entry summary lines submitted on a particular flagged/associated entry
Flagged/Associated Number of
The total number of entry summary line tariff records submitted on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary.
FTA Claim ID
The identification (ID) name or number of the entity making a particular NAFTA 303
claimant declaration.
FTA Claimant City Name
For a party identified as a claimant on a particular NAFTA 303 claimant declaration record,
the corresponding city name.
FTA Claimant Country ISO Code
For a party identified as a claimant on a particular NAFTA 303 claimant declaration record,
the corresponding International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE"
indicating Belgium.
FTA Claimant Declaration Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular FTA declaration claim was
FTA Claimant Full Address
For a party identified as a claimant on a particular NAFTA 303 claimant declaration record,
the corresponding full address line text.
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Object Name
Object Description
FTA Claimant ID
The identification (ID) number of the entity identified as the claimant on a particular NAFTA
303 claimant declaration. This can be either a Employer Identification Number (EIN), a Social
Security Number (SSN), or a CBP assigned Importer of Record (IR) Number.
FTA Claimant Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the claimant on a particular NAFTA 303 claimant
FTA Claimant Sub-Entity State
For a party identified as a claimant on a particular NAFTA 303 claimant declaration record,
either the corresponding US state postal code if in relation to a US address, or an ISO sub-
entity code if applicable.
FTA Claimant Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular NAFTA 303 claimant
declaration record was last updated in the system.
FTA Claimant Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular NAFTA 303 claimant
declaration record was last updated in the system.
FTA Claimant Zip Code
For a party identified as a claimant on a particular NAFTA 303 claimant declaration record,
the corresponding zip code.
FTA Issue Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular reconciliation entry summary deals
with a free trade agreement (FTA) issue. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No.
FTA Reconciliation Due Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the free trade agreement (FTA)
reconciliation entry summary is due for a particular flagged/associated entry summary to
reconcile any outstanding issues.
FTA Reconciliation Entry Summary
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to the free trade
agreement (FTA) reconciliation entry summary that reconciles a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Follows the format: "AAA11111112" Position 1-3: "AAA"
indicating the filer responsible for submitting the entry summary transaction. Position 4-10:
"1111111" indicating the unique number assigned to the entry by the filer. Position 11: "2"
indicating the check digit. Note: For entry summaries that have not been reconciled and are
in a "Pending" status, this object will return a (NULL) value.
FTA Reconciliation Status
The description indicating the free trade agreement (FTA) reconciliation filing status on a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "Pending," "ACS
Recon Filed," "Not Required," "Filed On Time," and "Filed Late."
FTA Reconciliation Status Code
A 4 character code indicating the free trade agreement (FTA) reconciliation filing status on a
particular flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "PEND" indicating
Pending, "ACSR" indicating ACS Recon Filed, "NREQ" indicating Not Required, "ONTM"
indicating Filed On Time, and "LATE" indicating Filed Late.
Identifying Line (Original) HTS
Effective Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number(s) used on a particular reconciliation identifying line became effective. The date of
the effective rate further classifies underlying associated entry summary lines into a specific
identifying line grouping. This ensures they were all originally assessed the same revenue
rates (i.e., for the same HTS ‘effective’ period). Note: The original HTS effective date only
applies to the HTS numbers on the original underlying associated entry summary lines,
however it will be listed alongside both "Original" and "Recon" (reconciled) records within
the same identifying line grouping.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) Accounting
Class Code
For a particular identifying line class code detail record, the 3 digit accounting class code
that represents the specific duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "001" indicating DUTY, "011" indicating INFRML DUTY, "012" indicating
ANTIDUMPING, "499" indicating FORMAL MPF, and "501" indicating HMF.
Page 132 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) COO Code
For a particular reconciliation identifying line record (original or reconciled), the 2 character
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the country of origin
(COO) related to a particular reconciliation identifying line. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "CN" indicating China (Mainland), "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE"
indicating Belgium. Note: The country of origin for both "Original" and "Recon" (reconciled)
records within the same identifying line grouping.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) COO Name
For a particular reconciliation identifying line record (original or reconciled), the full name of
the country of origin (COO) related to a particular reconciliation identifying line. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "CHINA (MAINLAND)," "ARGENTINA," and "BELGIUM."
Note: The country of origin for both "Original" and "Recon" (reconciled) records within the
same identifying line grouping.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) Duty
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total amount of all consumption
duties that were originally identified on the underlying associated entry summary lines for a
particular identifying line grouping. For identifying line records identified as "Recon"
(reconciled), the reconciled consumption duty as it relates to the Reconciled Primary HTS
Number for the ‘rolled up’ reconciled line. Note: The distinction between "original" and
"reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line record can be obtained
using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) Fees
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total amount of all user fees that
were originally identified on the underlying associated entry summary lines for a particular
identifying line grouping. For identifying line records identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the
reconciled user fees as it relates to the Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the "rolled up"
reconciled line. Note: The distinction between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall
underneath the same identifying line record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled
Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) Grand Total
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total amount of all duties, taxes, and
fees that were originally identified on the underlying associated entry summary lines for a
particular identifying line grouping. For identifying line records identified as "Recon"
(reconciled), the total amount of all reconciled duties, taxes, and fees as it relates to the
Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the "rolled up" reconciled line. Note: The distinction
between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line
record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) HMF
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total amount of all harbor
maintenance fees (HMF) that were originally identified on the underlying associated entry
summary lines for a particular identifying line grouping. For identifying line records
identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the reconciled harbor maintenance fees (HMF) as it
relates to the Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the "rolled up" reconciled line. Note: The
distinction between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same
identifying line record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) HTS
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the concatenated list of Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) numbers (8 or 10 digit) reported on the underlying, associated entry
summary lines being reconciled. For identifying line records identified as "Recon"
(reconciled), the concatenated list of HTS numbers (8 or 10 digit) reported for any change in
the facts during reconciliation of the identifying line. Values containing multiple HTS
numbers are comma separated with no spaces. Note: The distinction between "original"
and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line record can be
obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Page 133 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) MPF
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total amount of all merchandise
processing fees (MPF) that were originally identified on the underlying associated entry
summary lines for a particular identifying line grouping. For identifying line records
identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the reconciled merchandise processing fees (MPF) as it
relates to the Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the "rolled up" reconciled line. Note: The
distinction between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same
identifying line record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular reconciliation identifying line grouping that
identifies which underlying, associated entry summary "roll up" lines are being reconciled.
The sequential grouping number allows multiple identifying line groupings to exist on a
single reconciliation entry summary. An identifying line grouping can have one "Original"
identifying line record, and multiple "Recon" (reconciled) identifying line records, which are
broken out by the "Original/Reconciled Line Ordinal Number." Note: The distinction
between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line
record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) SPI
For a particular reconciliation identifying line record (original or reconciled), the special
program indicator (SPI) code that specifies an applicable trade agreement or applicable
program that may reduce or eliminate duty and/or merchandise processing fees (MPF).
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),"
"South Korean Free Trade Agreement," and "U.S. Insular Possession." Note: The distinction
between "Original" and "Recon" (reconciled) records that fall underneath the same
identifying line record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) SPI Code
For a particular reconciliation identifying line record (original or reconciled), the special
program indicator (SPI) code that specifies an applicable trade agreement or applicable
program that may reduce or eliminate duty and/or merchandise processing fees (MPF).
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "A" indicating Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP), "KR" indicating South Korean Free Trade Agreement, and "Y" indicating
U.S. Insular Possession. Note: The distinction between "Original" and "Recon" (reconciled)
records that fall underneath the same identifying line record can be obtained using the
"Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object
Identifying Line
(Original/Reconciled) Taxes
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total amount of all Internal Revenue
(IR) taxes that were originally identified on the underlying associated entry summary lines
for a particular identifying line grouping. For identifying line records identified as "Recon"
(reconciled), the reconciled Internal Revenue (IR) taxes as it relates to the Reconciled
Primary HTS Number for the "rolled up" reconciled line. Note: The distinction between
"original" and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line record can
be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line Accounting Class
Code Original Amount
For a particular identifying line class code detail record, the reconciled amount
corresponding to the fees paid for a particular accounting class code.
Identifying Line Accounting Class
Code Reconciled Amount
For a particular identifying line class code detail record, the original amount corresponding
to the fees paid for a particular accounting class code.
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Object Name
Object Description
Identifying Line Tariff
(Original/Reconciled) Duty
For identifying line tariff records identified as "Original," the total amount of all
consumption duties that were originally identified on all of the underlying associated entry
summary lines for a particular identifying line tariff record. For identifying line tariff records
identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the reconciled consumption duty as it relates to the
Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the "rolled up" reconciled line for a particular
identifying line tariff record. Note: The distinction between "original" and "reconciled"
records that fall underneath the same identifying line record can be obtained using the
"Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line Tariff
(Original/Reconciled) HTS Number
For identifying line tariff records identified as "Original," the Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number (8 or 10 digit) reported on the underlying, associated entry summary lines
being reconciled. For identifying line tariff records identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the
HTS number (8 or 10 digit) reported for any change in the facts during reconciliation of the
identifying line. Note: The distinction between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall
underneath the same identifying line tariff record can be obtained using the
"Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line Tariff
(Original/Reconciled) Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular identifying line tariff record that identifies
the original/reconciled tariff record(s) associated to the underlying, associated entry
summary "roll up" lines that are being reconciled. The sequential grouping number allows
multiple tariff records to exist on a single reconciliation identifying line. Note: The
distinction between "original" and "reconciled" records that fall underneath the same
identifying line tariff record can be obtained using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator"
Identifying Line Tariff
(Original/Reconciled) Value
For identifying line tariff records identified as "Original," the total value of the merchandise
on all of the underlying associated entry summary lines for a particular identifying line tariff
record. For identifying line tariff records identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the reconciled
value as it relates to the Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the ‘rolled up’ reconciled line
for a particular identifying line tariff record. Note: The distinction between "original" and
"reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line record can be obtained
using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
Identifying Line Value
For identifying line records identified as "Original," the total value of the merchandise on all
of the underlying associated entry summary lines for a particular identifying line grouping.
For identifying line records identified as "Recon" (reconciled), the reconciled value as it
relates to the Reconciled Primary HTS Number for the ‘rolled up’ reconciled line reported in
whole U.S. dollars. Note: The distinction between "original" and "reconciled" records that
fall underneath the same identifying line record can be obtained using the
"Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object.
NAFTA Article 303 Claim Indicator
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 character code indicating whether or not
the importer of goods is aware of any claim for refund, waiver, or reduction of duties
relating to the goods within the meaning of NAFTA Article 303. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Number of Associated Entry
A measure object used in summary reporting that counts the number of associated entry
summary records that exist for a specific object. For example, combining this object with the
"Reconciliation Entry Summary Number" object would show how many underlying 01, 02,
and 06 entry summaries are associated to each type 09 reconciliation entry summary.
Original Number of Lines
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, the original number of lines, which is the total
number of lines that were reported on all of the associated entry summaries.
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Object Name
Object Description
Original Number of Tariffs
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, the original number of tariffs, which is the
total number of tariffs that were reported on all of the associated entry summaries.
Original/Reconciled Line Indicator
A varying length character code indicating whether the record in a particular identifying line
grouping represents the original line, or the reconciled line. Possible values are: "Recon" and
Original/Reconciled Line Ordinal
The sequential number assigned to a particular reconciliation identifying line record that
identifies the "Original" and "Recon" (reconciled) line records submitted on a particular
identifying line grouping. The sequential number allows multiple identifying line records to
exist on a single identifying line grouping. An identifying line grouping can have one
"Original" identifying line record, and multiple "Recon" (reconciled) identifying line records,
which are broken out by the "Original/Reconciled Line Ordinal Number." The single original
line ordinal number will always equal "0." Note: The distinction between "original" and
"reconciled" records that fall underneath the same identifying line grouping can be obtained
using the "Original/Reconciled Line Indicator" object
Original/Reconciled Line Tariff
A varying length character code indicating whether the record in a particular identifying line
tariff record represents the original line, or the reconciled line. Possible values are: "Recon"
and "Original."
Other Reconciliation Due Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the "other" reconciliation entry summary
is due for a particular flagged/associated entry summary to reconcile any outstanding
Other Reconciliation Entry
Summary Number
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to the "other"
reconciliation entry summary that reconciles a particular flagged/associated entry summary.
Follows the format: "AAA11111112" Position 1-3: "AAA" indicating the filer responsible for
submitting the entry summary transaction. Position 4-10: "1111111" indicating the unique
number assigned to the entry by the filer. Position 11: "2" indicating the check digit. Note:
For entry summaries that have not been reconciled and are in a "Pending" status, this object
will return a (NULL) value.
Other Reconciliation Status
The description indicating the "other" reconciliation filing status on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "Pending," "ACS Recon Filed,"
"Not Required," "Filed On Time," and "Filed Late."
Other Reconciliation Status Code
A 4 character code indicating the "other" reconciliation filing status on a particular
flagged/associated entry summary. Possible values include: "PEND" indicating Pending,
"ACSR" indicating ACS Recon Filed, "NREQ" indicating Not Required, "ONTM" indicating
Filed On Time, and "LATE" indicating Filed Late.
Pending Action ID
For a particular reconciliation pending action record, the corresponding identifier. Note:
Depending on the pending action type, this is either the administrative ruling number, the
protest number, or the court action number.
Pending Action Ordinal Number
The sequential number assigned to a particular reconciliation pending action record that
identifies any pending action(s) that exist on a reconciliation entry summary. The sequential
grouping number allows multiple pending actions to exist on a single reconciliation entry
Pending Action Type
The description indicating the type of action pending on a particular reconciliation pending
action record. Possible values include: "Administrative Ruling," "Protest," and "Court
Action." Note: This object can be used in conjunction with the "Pending Action ID" object to
provide the full context as to what the ID number is representing.
Page 136 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Pending Action Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the type of action pending on a particular reconciliation
pending action record. Possible values include: "A" indicating Administrative Ruling, "P"
indicating Protest, and "C" indicating Court Action. Note: This object can be used in
conjunction with the "Pending Action ID" object to provide the full context as to what the ID
number is representing.
Pending Action Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a reconciliation pending action record
was last updated in the system.
Pending Action Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a reconciliation pending action record
was last updated in the system.
Protest/Petition Filed Indicator
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 character code indicating whether or not
any person has filed a protest, a petition, or request for re-liquidation relating to the
associated goods. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Qualified Originating Good
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 character code indicating whether or not
the goods associated to a particular reconciliation entry summary qualified as originating
goods at the time of importation. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating
Reconciliation Accounting Method
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, the description indicating the accounting
method being requested. Possible values are: "Entry-by-Entry method" and "Aggregate
method." Note: The "Entry-by-Entry" method is where change to revenue is accounted for
at both the entry summary and the reconciled line level, whereas the "Aggregate" method is
where change to revenue is not reported (for a "no change") or is accounted for at
reconciled line level only.
Reconciliation Accounting Method
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 character code indicating the accounting
method being requested. Possible values are: "E" indicating Entry-by-Entry method and "A"
indicating Aggregate method. Note: The "Entry-by-Entry" method is where change to
revenue is accounted for at both the entry summary and the reconciled line level, whereas
the "Aggregate" method is where change to revenue is not reported (for a "no change") or
is accounted for at reconciled line level only.
Reconciliation Change Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular reconciliation entry summary
contains changed data or the filing is a "no change" closeout. Possible values are: "Y"
indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Reconciliation ES Accepted Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular reconciliation entry summary was accepted by CBP.
Reconciliation ES Accounting Class
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the description for
the accounting class code that represents the specific duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "DUTY," "INFRML DUTY," "ANTIDUMPING," "FORMAL
MPF," and "HMF."
Reconciliation ES Accounting Class
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the 3 digit accounting
class code that represents the specific duty/tax/fee type being paid. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "001" indicating DUTY, "011" indicating INFRML DUTY, "012"
indicating ANTIDUMPING, "499" indicating FORMAL MPF, and "501" indicating HMF.
Reconciliation ES Cancellation
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular reconciliation entry summary was cancelled by CBP.
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Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Carrier Code
The identification of the entity responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular
reconciliation entry summary from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of
unlading. This is either the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) or the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) code. For vessel, rail, or truck shipments, the SCAC is used; for
air shipments the IATA code is used.
Reconciliation ES Carrier Name
The proper name of the entity responsible for transporting the merchandise on a particular
reconciliation entry summary from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
Duty Amount
The difference between the consumption duties that were originally identified on all of the
underlying entry summaries, and the reconciled consumption duty for a particular
reconciliation entry summary. Note: In the event that a manual change was made by a CBP
officer, this may reflect a different value than a simple original less reconciled calculation.
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
Fee Amount
The difference between the total fees that were originally identified on all of the underlying
entry summaries, and the reconciled fee total for a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Note: In the event that a manual change was made by a CBP officer, this may reflect a
different value than a simple original less reconciled calculation.
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
Grand Total Amount
The difference between the total duties, taxes, and fees that were originally identified on all
of the underlying entry summaries, and the reconciled duties, taxes, and fees for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Note: In the event that a manual change was made
by a CBP officer, this may reflect a different value than a simple original less reconciled
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
HMF Amount
The difference between the total harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that were originally
identified on all of the underlying entry summaries, and the reconciled HMF for a particular
reconciliation entry summary. Note: In the event that a manual change was made by a CBP
officer, this may reflect a different value than a simple original less reconciled calculation.
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
Interest Amount
The difference between the interest that was originally identified on all of the underlying
entry summaries, and the reconciled interest for a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Note: In the event that a manual change was made by a CBP officer, this may reflect a
different value than a simple original less reconciled calculation.
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
MPF Amount
The difference between the total merchandise processing fees (MPF) that were originally
identified on all of the underlying entry summaries, and the reconciled MPF for a particular
reconciliation entry summary. Note: In the event that a manual change was made by a CBP
officer, this may reflect a different value than a simple original less reconciled calculation.
Reconciliation ES Change Recon
Tax Amount
The difference between the Internal Revenue (IR) taxes that were originally identified on all
of the underlying entry summaries, and the reconciled IR tax for a particular reconciliation
entry summary. Note: In the event that a manual change was made by a CBP officer, this
may reflect a different value than a simple original less reconciled calculation.
Reconciliation ES Class Code
Calculated Difference Amount
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the difference
between the original amount and the reconciled total amount, corresponding to that class
Reconciliation ES Class Code
Change Recon Amount
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the change recon
amount corresponding to that class code.
Reconciliation ES Class Code
Original Amount
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the original amount
corresponding to that class code.
Reconciliation ES Class Code Paid
Change Recon Amount
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the paid change
recon amount corresponding to that class code.
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Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Class Code
Reconciled Amount
For a particular reconciliation entry summary class code detail record, the reconciled
amount corresponding to that class code.
Reconciliation ES Collection Status
The description indicating the current collection status on a particular reconciliation entry
summary, describing whether it has been paid. Possible values include: "Not Paid," "Partially
Pd," "Paid," "Duty Free," "Col Shell," "Drawback," and "Authorized."
Reconciliation ES Collection Status
A 1 digit code indicating the current collection status on a particular reconciliation entry
summary, describing whether it has been paid. Possible values include: "0" indicating Not
Paid, "1" indicating Partially Pd, "2" indicating Paid, "3" indicating Duty Free, "4" indicating
Col Shell, "5" indicating Drawback, and "6" indicating Authorized.
Reconciliation ES Control Status
The description indicating the current control status regarding CBP and the trade for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include: "Trade," "CBP," and
"Inactive in ACE."
Reconciliation ES Control Status
A 1 digit code indicating the current control status regarding CBP and the trade for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include: "1" indicating Trade, "2"
indicating CBP, and "3" indicating Inactive in ACE.
Reconciliation ES Control Team
The name of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team identified
on a particular reconciliation entry summary falls under. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals," "Automotive and Aerospace,"
"Electronics," and "Machinery."
Reconciliation ES Control Team
CEE Code
The code assigned to the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) that the Control Team
identified on a particular reconciliation entry summary falls under. Possible values include,
but are not limited to: "CEE-001" indicating Pharmaceuticals, Health and Chemicals, "CEE-
003" indicating Automotive and Aerospace, "CEE-007" indicating Electronics, and "CEE-010"
indicating Machinery.
Reconciliation ES Control Team
The team number corresponding to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) line item with the
highest value on a particular reconciliation entry summary. This team number relates to the
entry summary header, and is not to be confused with the "Review Team Number" which
applies specifically to entry lines.
Reconciliation ES Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular reconciliation entry summary
record was created in the system.
Reconciliation ES Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular reconciliation entry
summary record was created in the system.
Reconciliation ES Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United
States for a particular reconciliation entry summary. This is normally the date of cargo
release, but it can also be the date of entry or entry summary filing for merchandise subject
to immediate delivery requirements or quota merchandise.
Reconciliation ES Entry Summary
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that a particular reconciliation entry summary is
filed with CBP. For timely filing, this date must be within ten working days after release of
the merchandise.
Reconciliation ES Entry Summary
The unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to a particular
type 09 reconciliation entry summary record. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next
7 positions are the number assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check
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Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Estimated Entry
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the estimated date of entry for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Note: This is the date that is transmitted by the
filer as an estimate, and does not reflect the actual entry date, which is found in the "Entry
Date" object.
Reconciliation ES Extension Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular reconciliation entry summary's liquidation date was extended.
Reconciliation ES Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity qualified by CBP to file
entries, identified on a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity qualified by CBP to file entries, identified on a particular reconciliation entry
Reconciliation ES Goods Value
The total amount of the value of the goods reported on all of the lines underneath a
particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Importation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the merchandise arrived within the U.S. Port
of Arrival for a particular reconciliation entry summary. Note: For merchandise arriving by
vessel, this reflects the date the vessel arrived within the limits of the U.S. port of arrival
with the intent to unlade; for other transport modes, this reflects the date the merchandise
arrived within the U.S. port of arrival.
Reconciliation ES Importer Name
The proper name of the entity responsible for importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a
particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Importer
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the entity responsible for
importing the merchandise into the U.S. on a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is also possible
that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number (SSN) in the
format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number that consists
of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers located
outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Reconciliation ES Inactivation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which a
particular reconciliation entry summary was inactivated.
Reconciliation ES Late Filing Status
The description indicating whether a particular reconciliation entry summary was filed late,
and if so the quantity of days late. Possible values include: "Not late," "Over 10 days late,"
"Over 30 days late," "Over 60 days late," "Not Late," and "Late."
Reconciliation ES Late Filing Status
A 1 digit code indicating whether a particular reconciliation entry summary was filed late,
and if so the quantity of days late. Possible values include: "0" indicating Not late, "1"
indicating Over 10 days late, "2" indicating Over 30 days late, "3" indicating Over 60 days
late, "N" indicating Not Late, and "Y" indicating Late.
Reconciliation ES Liquidation Basis
The description that indicates the basis identified on the latest liquidation record for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "No
Change Liq," "Protest," "Deemed Liquidation," "Free Trade Agreement," and "Change liq-
Reconciliation ES Liquidation Basis
An alphanumeric code that indicates the basis identified on the latest liquidation record for
a particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"545" indicating No Change Liq, "514" indicating Protest, "504" indicating Deemed
Liquidation, "520(D)" indicating Free Trade Agreement, and "322I" indicating Change liq-
Page 140 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Liquidation Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular reconciliation entry summary
liquidated, or is set to liquidate.
Reconciliation ES Liquidation Duty
The description indicating the change in duty that was determined on the latest liquidation
record for a particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include: "Change
Increase," "Change Decrease," and "No Change."
Reconciliation ES Liquidation Duty
Determination Code
A 1 character code indicating the change in duty that was determined on the latest
liquidation record for a particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include: "I"
indicating Change Increase, "D" indicating Change Decrease, and "N" indicating No Change.
Reconciliation ES Liquidation
Extension/Expiration Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the liquidation extension on a particular
reconciliation entry summary will expire.
Reconciliation ES Liquidation
Record Status
The description indicating the record status of the latest liquidation record for a particular
reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include: "Draft," "Pending," "Final," and
Reconciliation ES Liquidation
Record Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the record status of the latest liquidation record for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include: "D" indicating Draft, "P"
indicating Pending, "F" indicating Final, and "C" indicating Conversion.
Reconciliation ES Liquidation
The description indicating the current liquidation status on a particular reconciliation entry
summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Not Liquidated," "Pending,"
"Suspended," "Re-liquidated," and "Liquidated."
Reconciliation ES Liquidation
Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the current liquidation status on a particular reconciliation
entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "N" indicating Not
Liquidated, "P" indicating Pending, "S" indicating Suspended, "R" indicating Re-liquidated,
and "L" indicating Liquidated.
Reconciliation ES Mode of
The description that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise from
the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States for a particular
reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Vessel Non-
Containerized," "Rail Non-Containerized," "Rail Containerized," "Truck Containerized," and
"Air Containerized."
Reconciliation ES Mode of
Transportation Code
The 2 digit code that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise
from the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States for a particular
reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "10" indicating
Vessel Non-Containerized, "20" indicating Rail Non-Containerized, "21" indicating Rail
Containerized, "31" indicating Truck Containerized, and "41" indicating Air Containerized.
Reconciliation ES Original Duty
The total amount of all consumption duties that were originally identified on all of the
underlying 01, 02, and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular reconciliation
entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Original Fee
The total amount of all user fees that were originally identified on all of the underlying 01,
02, and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular reconciliation entry
Reconciliation ES Original Goods
Value Amount
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, the original value, which is the total value of
the merchandise that was reported on all of the associated entry summaries.
Reconciliation ES Original Grand
Total Amount
The total amount of all duties, taxes, and fees that were originally identified on all of the
underlying 01, 02, and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular reconciliation
entry summary.
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Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Original HMF
The total amount of all harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that were originally identified on all
of the underlying 01, 02, and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular
reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Original Interest
The total amount of all interest that was originally identified on all of the underlying 01, 02,
and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Original MPF
The total amount of all merchandise processing fees (MPF) that were originally identified on
all of the underlying 01, 02, and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular
reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Original Tax
The total amount of all Internal Revenue (IR) taxes that were originally identified on all of
the underlying 01, 02, and 06 entry summaries that are associated to a particular
reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon Duty Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon Duty Amount," the amount indicated as
paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon Fee Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon Fee Amount," the amount indicated as
paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon Grand Total Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon Grand Total Amount," the amount
indicated as paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon HMF Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon HMF Amount," the amount indicated as
paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon Interest Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon Interest Amount," the amount indicated
as paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon MPF Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon MPF Amount," the amount indicated as
paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Paid Change
Recon Tax Amount
For the determined "Reconciliation Change Recon Tax Amount," the amount indicated as
paid by the Collections application.
Reconciliation ES Payment
Received Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) indicating the most recent instance in which
payment was received for a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Port of Entry
The 4 digit code that represents the district/port where the merchandise entered for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating
PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK
AREA. Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-
4: "22" indicating the port code.
Reconciliation ES Port of Entry
The proper name of the district/port code where the merchandise was entered for a
particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS
Reconciliation ES Port of Unlading
A 4 digit code that represents the district and port at which goods on a particular
reconciliation entry summary are unloaded from the means of transport having been used
for their carriage. The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last
two characters. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Follows the
format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the district code. Position 3-4: "22" indicating
the port code.
Page 142 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Port of Unlading
The name of the district and port at which goods on a particular reconciliation entry
summary are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage.
The district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA,"
Reconciliation ES PSC Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not any post-summary corrections (PSCs) have
been submitted and accepted on a particular reconciliation entry summary. Possible values
are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Reconciliation ES Reconciled Duty
The total amount of reconciled consumption duty that was identified on a particular
reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Reconciled Fee
The total amount of reconciled fees that were identified on a particular reconciliation entry
Reconciliation ES Reconciled
Grand Total Amount
The total amount of reconciled duties, taxes, and fees that were identified on a particular
reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Reconciled HMF
The total amount of reconciled harbor maintenance fees (HMF) that were identified on a
particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Reconciled
Interest Amount
The total amount of reconciled interest that was identified on a particular reconciliation
entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Reconciled MPF
The total amount of reconciled merchandise processing fees (MPF) that were identified on a
particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Reconciled Tax
The total amount of reconciled Internal Revenue (IR) tax that was identified on a particular
reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Rejection Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest rejection on a particular
reconciliation entry summary occurred.
Reconciliation ES Release Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the imported merchandise is released by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection and allowed to enter the commerce of the United States,
for a particular reconciliation entry summary
Reconciliation ES Reliquidation
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest reliquidation occurred on a
particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Status
The description indicating the current status of a particular reconciliation entry summary, as
determined by CBP. Possible values include: "Accepted," "Rejected," and "Cancelled."
Reconciliation ES Status Code
A 1 digit code indicating the current status of a particular reconciliation entry summary, as
determined by CBP. Possible values include: "1" indicating Accepted, "2" indicating
Rejected, and "3" indicating Cancelled.
Reconciliation ES Surety Code
The 3 digit identifier assigned by CBP to the surety identified on a particular reconciliation
entry summary. The surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other
charges associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the
importer defaults on payment to the government.
Reconciliation ES Surety Name
The proper name of the entity identified as the surety on a particular reconciliation entry
summary. The surety is the entity that ensures the duties, taxes, fees and other charges
associated with international trade transactions are covered in the event the importer
defaults on payment to the government.
Reconciliation ES Suspension Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which the latest suspension of liquidation
occurred on a particular reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation ES Ultimate
Consignee Name
The proper name of the U.S. party or other entity to whom the overseas shipper sold the
imported merchandise on a particular reconciliation entry summary.
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Object Name
Object Description
Reconciliation ES Ultimate
Consignee Number
The unique importer of record (IR) number associated with the U.S. party or other entity to
whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise on a particular reconciliation
entry summary. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit suffix but it is
also possible that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security Number
(SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned number
that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to importers
located outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Reconciliation ES Version Number
The number that tracks the version of a particular reconciliation entry summary over time.
ACE does not track versions of the entry summary until the preliminary daily statement is
generated, at which point the entry summary control status is updated to “CBP.” Authorized
CBP users may modify an entry summary in “CBP” control via the ACE Portal. As changes are
made to the entry summary, ACE tracks the versions. The number to the right of the
decimal reflects CBP changes (e.g., v 1.01, 1.02). Changes made by the trade are reflected in
the number to the left of the decimal (e.g., v. 2.0, 3.0) after the entry is in CBP control, such
as when the filer retransmits an entry summary following a CBP rejection, or when a PSC is
filed. Note: Only ACE entry summaries have a valid version number. ACS entry summaries
will reflect a version number of 0.00.
Reconciliation Import Entry
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, the description indicating where the
underlying entry summaries associated to it were filed. Possible values include: "United
States," "Puerto Rico," and "Virgin Islands." Note: Import entry summaries filed in Puerto
Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands must be filed on a separate reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation Import Entry
Location Code
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 2 character code indicating where the
underlying entry summaries associated to it were filed. Possible values include: "US"
indicating United States, "PR" indicating Puerto Rico, and "VI" indicating Virgin Islands. Note:
Import entry summaries filed in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands must be filed on a
separate reconciliation entry summary.
Reconciliation Issue Type
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, the description indicating which reconciliation
issue(s) are being addressed. Possible values include: "Value," "Classification," "9802,"
"Value and Classification," "Value and 9802," "Classification and 9802," "Value,
Classification, and 9802," and "Free Trade Agreement (FTA)."
Reconciliation Issue Type Code
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 digit code description indicating which
reconciliation issue(s) are being addressed. Possible values include: "1" indicating Value, "2"
indicating Classification, "3" indicating 9802, "4" indicating Value and Classification, "5"
indicating Value and 9802, "6" indicating Classification and 9802, "7" indicating Value,
Classification, and 9802, and "8" indicating Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
Summary Documentation
Provided Indicator
For a particular reconciliation entry summary, a 1 character code indicating whether or not
the importer of the goods provided a copy of the entry summary or equivalent
documentation to any other person(s). Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No.
Valuation Issue Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular reconciliation entry summary deals
with a valuation issue. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Page 144 of 177 Updated 07-2018
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Statements data universe. These objects can be used to
modify existing Statements reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
Daily Statement Accounting Class
The description for the CBP accounting classification code representing a specific fee type for
a particular daily statement fee record. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Daily Statement Accounting Class
The 3 digit CBP accounting classification code representing a specific fee type for a particular
daily statement fee record. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "001" indicating
CONSUMPTION DUTIES, "012" indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY, "013" indicating
Daily Statement Active Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular daily statement is active in the
system. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Daily Statement Archive Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular daily statement has been archived.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Daily Statement Class Code Fee
The total amount associated to a particular daily statement fee record.
Daily Statement Client Branch ID
A filer assigned code that allows the grouping of multiple entry summaries, as listed on a
particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Collection Status
The description indicating the current collection status on a particular daily statement.
Possible values include: "Not Paid," "Authorized," "Locked," and "Paid."
Daily Statement Collection Status
A 2 character code indicating the current collection status on a particular daily statement.
Possible values include: "NP" indicating Not Paid, "AU" indicating Authorized, "LK" indicating
Locked, and "PD" indicating Paid.
Daily Statement Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular daily statement record was
created in the system.
Daily Statement Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular daily statement record was
created in the system.
Daily Statement Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity that files a particular daily
Daily Statement Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity that files a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Grand Total
The combined totals of all anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties, consumption
duties, taxes, and fees, related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Importer Name
The trade entity name for whom a particular daily statement was prepared.
Daily Statement Importer
The unique importer of record (IR) number representing the importer for whom a particular
daily statement was prepared. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2 digit
suffix but it is also possible that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social Security
Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-assigned
number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically assigned to
importers located outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Page 145 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Daily Statement National
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular daily statement is a national
statement. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Daily Statement Non-Revenue
Entries Quantity
A quantity count of the number of non-revenue producing entries on a particular daily
statement. Note: An entry is considered "non-revenue producing" if the total combined value
of antidumping and countervailing duties (ADCVD), consumption duties, taxes, and fees at
time of the final statement is $0.
Daily Statement Number
The 10 character alphanumeric statement number assigned to a particular daily statement.
Follows the format: "AA11222BBB" Position 1-2: "AA" indicating the District (the first two
digits in a district port code). Position 3-4: "11" indicating the Fiscal Year. Position 5-7: "222"
indicating the Julian Date. Position 8-10: "BBB" indicating an alphanumeric sequence number
for the statement.
Daily Statement Paid Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular daily statement was actually
paid by a broker or importer.
Daily Statement Paid Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular daily statement has been paid.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Daily Statement Paid Year Month
The year and month (YYYY-MM) in which a particular daily statement was actually paid by a
broker or importer.
Daily Statement Payment
Authorized Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a payment on a particular daily statement
was authorized.
Daily Statement Payment Due
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a payment is due on a particular daily
statement. Note: Periodic Daily Statements are consolidated for a monthly payment due on
the 15th working day of the month scheduled by the filer.
Daily Statement Payment Due
Year Month
The year and month (YYYY-MM) in which payment is due on a particular daily statement.
Note: Periodic Daily Statements are consolidated for a monthly payment due on the 15th
working day of the month scheduled by the filer.
Daily Statement Payment Type
The description indicating the method in which a particular daily statement was paid.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Batched by Broker Reference Number (if pre-
arranged) or by Entry Number," "Batched by Importer of Record (no suffix)," and "Statement
Daily Statement Payment Type
A 1 digit code indicating the method in which a particular daily statement was paid. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "6" indicating Batched by Broker Reference Number (if
pre-arranged) or by Entry Number, "8" indicating Batched by Importer of Record (no suffix),
and "4" indicating Statement Deleted.
Daily Statement Periodic Month
The month (MM) in which a particularly periodic daily statement is sent to the client’s bank
for processing. Note: Regardless of the month, for period statements the processing occurs
on the 15th working day of that month.
Daily Statement Print Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular daily statement was actually
Daily Statement Processing Port
The 4 digit port code indicating the U.S. port location responsible for processing a particular
daily statement. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: For entry
summaries that are not filed remotely, this object will contain a null value as this object is not
Daily Statement Processing Port
The proper name of the port responsible for processing a particular daily statement.
Page 146 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Daily Statement Remote Filed
Summary Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular daily statement has been prepared
and filed remotely in accordance with the Broker District permit rules as set forth in CBP
regulation. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Daily Statement Remote Preparer
Filer Code
The identification code of the remote filer/preparer (as assigned by CBP) of a particular daily
statement. Note: For entry summaries that are not filed remotely, this object will contain a
null value as this object is not applicable
Daily Statement Remote Preparer
Port Code
The 4 digit port code indicating the U.S. port location of the remote/preparer of a particular
daily statement. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: For entry
summaries that are not filed remotely, this object will contain a null value as this object is not
Daily Statement Revenue Entries
A quantity count of the number of revenue producing entries on a particular daily statement.
Note: An entry is considered "revenue producing" if the total combined value of antidumping
and countervailing duties (ADCVD), consumption duties, taxes, and fees at time of the final
statement is greater than $0.
Daily Statement Target Print Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular preliminary daily statement
was set to be printed by a trade account.
Daily Statement Target Print Year
The year and month (YYYY-MM) in which a particular preliminary daily statement was set to
be printed by a trade account.
Daily Statement Total ADD
The total amount of antidumping duties (ADD) related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total Amount
The latest grand total amount due on a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total
Consumption Duty Amount
The total amount of consumption duties related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total CVD
The total amount of countervailing duties (CVD) related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total Deferred
Tax Amount
The total amount of deferred tax related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total Fees
The total amount of fees related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total Interest
The total amount of interest related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Total Tax
The total amount of tax related to a particular daily statement.
Daily Statement Type
The description indicating the type of a particular daily statement. Possible values are:
"Preliminary Daily" and "Final Daily."
Daily Statement Type Code
A 2 character code indicating the type of a particular daily statement. Possible values are:
"PD" indicating Preliminary Daily and "FD" indicating Final Daily.
Daily Statement Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular daily statement record was
last updated.
Daily Statement Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular daily statement record was
last updated.
Entry Summary Account Class
Code Fee Amount
The total amount associated to a particular entry summary fee record on a daily statement
Page 147 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Summary Accounting Class
The description for the CBP accounting classification code representing a specific fee type for
a particular entry summary fee record on a daily statement. Possible values include, but are
Entry Summary Accounting Class
The 3 digit CBP accounting classification code representing a specific fee type for a particular
entry summary fee record on a daily statement. Possible values include, but are not limited
to: "001" indicating CONSUMPTION DUTIES, "012" indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY, "013"
Entry Summary ADD Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary record on a daily
statement contained antidumping duties (ADD). Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and
"N" indicating No.
Entry Summary CVD Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary record on a daily
statement contained countervailing duties (CVD). Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and
"N" indicating No.
Entry Summary Deferred Tax
Payment Code
A 1 digit code indicating that an arrangement has been made with CBP’s National Finance
Center (NFC) to defer payment of Internal Revenue (IR) tax to be assessed on a particular
entry summary, to a periodic basis. Possible values are: "1" indicating Conventional IR tax
payment deferral has been arranged and "2" indicating Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) IR tax
payment deferral has been arranged.
Entry Summary Delete Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary record was
deleted off of a daily statement.
Entry Summary Delete Source
The description indicating the source responsible for deleting a particular entry summary
record off of a daily statement. Possible values include: "Deleted via HP applicati," "IMPORT
Entry Summary Delete Source
A 3 character code indicating the source responsible for deleting a particular entry summary
record off of a daily statement. Possible values include: "ABI" indicating Deleted via HP
applicati, "CST" indicating IMPORT SPECIALIST, "ENC" indicating ENTRY CONTROL, and "BKR"
indicating BROKER.
Entry Summary Delete Source
Team Number
The CBP team number responsible for deleting a particular entry summary record off of a
daily statement.
Entry Summary Delete Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary record was
deleted off of a daily statement.
Entry Summary Deleted Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular entry summary record was deleted
off of a daily statement. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Entry Summary Grand Total
The combined totals of all anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties, consumption
duties, taxes, and fees, for a particular entry summary on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Number
A unique 11 character alphanumeric identifier assigned by an entry filer to each entry
transaction. The first 3 positions identify the filer. The next 7 positions are the number
assigned to the entry by the filer. The last position is a check digit.
Entry Summary Total ADD (Cash
Deposit) Amount
The total amount of antidumping duties (ADD) that has been paid with a cash deposit,
related to a particular entry summary on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Total ADD
The total amount of antidumping duties (ADD) related to a particular entry summary on a
daily statement.
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Object Name
Object Description
Entry Summary Total CVD (Cash
Deposit) Amount
The total amount of countervailing duties (CVD) that has been paid with a cash deposit,
related to a particular entry summary on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Total CVD
The total amount of countervailing duties (CVD) related to a particular entry summary on a
daily statement.
Entry Summary Total Duty
The total amount of consumption duties related to a particular entry summary on a daily
Entry Summary Total Fee Amount
The total amount of fees related to a particular entry summary on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Total Interest
The total amount of interest related to a particular entry summary on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Total Tax Amount
The total amount of tax related to a particular entry summary on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular entry summary record was
updated on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Update Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular entry summary record was
updated on a daily statement.
Entry Summary Version Number
The number that tracks the version of an entry summary over time. ACE does not track
versions of the entry summary until the preliminary daily statement is generated, at which
point the entry summary control status is updated to “CBP.” Authorized CBP users may
modify an entry summary in “CBP” control via the ACE Portal. As changes are made to the
entry summary, ACE tracks the versions. The number to the right of the decimal reflects CBP
changes (e.g., v 1.01, 1.02). Changes made by the trade are reflected in the number to the
left of the decimal (e.g., v. 2.0, 3.0) after the entry is in CBP control, such as when the filer
retransmits an entry summary following a CBP rejection, or when a PSC is filed.
Monthly Statement Accounting
The description for the CBP accounting classification code representing a specific fee type for
a particular monthly statement fee record. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
Monthly Statement Accounting
Class Code
The 3 digit CBP accounting classification code representing a specific fee type for a particular
monthly statement fee record. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "001"
indicating CONSUMPTION DUTIES, "012" indicating ANTIDUMPING DUTY, "013" indicating
Monthly Statement Active
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular monthly statement is active in the
system. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Monthly Statement Archive
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular monthly statement has been
archived. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Monthly Statement Class Code
Fee Amount
The total amount associated to a particular monthly statement fee record.
Monthly Statement Client Branch
A filer assigned code that allows the grouping of multiple entry summaries, as listed on a
particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Collection
The description indicating the current collection status on a particular monthly statement.
Possible values include: "Not Paid," "Authorized," "Locked," and "Paid."
Monthly Statement Collection
Status Code
A 2 character code indicating the current collection status of a particular monthly statement.
Possible values include: "NP" indicating Not Paid, "AU" indicating Authorized, "LK" indicating
Locked, and "PD" indicating Paid.
Page 149 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Monthly Statement Create Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular monthly statement record
was created in the system.
Monthly Statement Create Time
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular monthly statement record
was created in the system.
Monthly Statement Filer Code
The unique 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal entity that files a particular
monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Filer Name
The trade entity name associated with the 3 character alphanumeric identifier for the legal
entity that files a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Grand Total
The combined totals of all anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties, consumption
duties, taxes, and fees, related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Importer
The trade entity name for whom a particular monthly statement was prepared.
Monthly Statement Importer
The unique importer of record (IR) number representing the importer for whom a particular
monthly statement was prepared. Typically this consists of the taxpayer ID number and a 2
digit suffix but it is also possible that the IR number identifies an individual via their Social
Security Number (SSN) in the format of NNN-NN-NNNN. The IR number may also be a CBP-
assigned number that consists of six digits, a "-", followed by five digits. This is typically
assigned to importers located outside of the United States that do not have a taxpayer ID.
Monthly Statement National
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular monthly statement is a national
statement. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: Filers are able
to designate whether their Periodic Monthly Statements are to be consolidated to include all
ports (national level) or generated for each port (port level). The port level is the default
selection. The national level statement is for filers only.
Monthly Statement Number
The 10 character alphanumeric statement number assigned to a particular monthly
statement. Follows the format: AA11P22CCC Position 1-2: "AA" indicating the District (the
first two digits in a district port code). Position 3-4: "11" indicating the Calendar Year.
Position 5: "P" indicating 'P' for Periodic. Position 6-7: "22" indicating the month of the PMS.
Position 8-10: "CCC" indicating the alphanumeric sequence number for the statement.
Monthly Statement Paid Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular monthly statement was
actually paid by a broker or importer.
Monthly Statement Paid
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular monthly statement has been paid.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Monthly Statement Paid Year
The year and month (YYYY-MM) in which a particular monthly statement was actually paid by
a broker or importer.
Monthly Statement Payment
Authorized Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a payment on a particular monthly
statement was authorized.
Monthly Statement Payment Due
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a payment is due on a particular monthly
statement. Note: Periodic Daily Statements are consolidated for a monthly payment due on
the 15th working day of the month scheduled by the filer.
Monthly Statement Payment Due
Year Month
The year and month (YYYY-MM) in which payment is due on a particular monthly statement.
Note: Periodic Daily Statements are consolidated for a monthly payment due on the 15th
working day of the month scheduled by the filer.
Monthly Statement Payment
The description indicating the method in which a particular monthly statement was paid.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Batched by Broker Reference Number (if pre-
arranged) or by Entry Number," "Batched by Importer of Record (no suffix)," and "Statement
Page 150 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Monthly Statement Payment
Type Code
A 1 digit code indicating the method in which a particular monthly statement was paid.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "6" indicating Batched by Broker Reference
Number (if pre-arranged) or by Entry Number, "8" indicating Batched by Importer of Record
(no suffix), and "4" indicating Statement Deleted.
Monthly Statement Periodic
Month Number
The month (MM) in which a particularly periodic monthly statement is sent to the client’s
bank for processing. Note: Regardless of the month, for period statements the processing
occurs on the 15th working day of that month.
Monthly Statement Print Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular monthly statement was
actually printed.
Monthly Statement Processing
Port Code
The 4 digit port code indicating the U.S. port location responsible for processing a particular
monthly statement. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: For entry
summaries that are not filed remotely, this object will contain a null value as this object is not
Monthly Statement Processing
Port Name
The proper name of the port responsible for processing a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Remote Filed
Summary Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular monthly statement has been
prepared and filed remotely in accordance with the Broker District permit rules as set forth in
CBP regulation. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Monthly Statement Remote
Preparer Filer Code
The identification code of the remote filer/preparer (as assigned by CBP) of a particular
monthly statement. Note: For entry summaries that are not filed remotely, this object will
contain a null value as this object is not applicable
Monthly Statement Remote
Preparer Port Code
The 4 digit port code indicating the U.S. port location of the remote/preparer of a particular
monthly statement. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS
ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001"
indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: For entry
summaries that are not filed remotely, this object will contain a null value as this object is not
Monthly Statement Target Print
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular preliminary monthly
statement was set to be printed by a trade account.
Monthly Statement Target Print
Year Month
The year and month (YYYY-MM) in which a particular preliminary monthly statement was set
to be printed by a trade account.
Monthly Statement Total ADD
The total amount of antidumping duties (ADD) related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Total Amount
The latest grand total amount due on a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Total
Consumption Duty Amount
The total amount of consumption duties related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Total CVD
The total amount of countervailing duties (CVD) related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Total
Deferred Tax Amount
The total amount of deferred tax related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Total Fees
The total amount of fees related to a particular monthly statement.
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Object Name
Object Description
Monthly Statement Total Interest
The total amount of interest related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Total Tax
The total amount of tax related to a particular monthly statement.
Monthly Statement Type
The description indicating the type of a particular monthly statement. Possible values are:
"Preliminary Monthly" and "Final Monthly."
Monthly Statement Type Code
A 2 character code indicating the type of a particular monthly statement. Possible values are:
"PM" indicating Preliminary Monthly and "FM" indicating Final Monthly.
Monthly Statement Update Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which a particular monthly statement record
was last updated.
Monthly Statement Update Date
The hour, minute, and second (HH:MM:SS) in which a particular monthly statement record
was last updated.
Number of Daily Statements
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of daily statements related to
a particular object. For example, combining this with the "Daily Statement Processing Port
Code" will show how many daily statements were processed by each particular port of entry.
Number of Entry Summaries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry summary records
that have been place on a daily statement, related to a particular object. For example,
combining this with the "Daily Statement Number" object will show how many entry
summaries belong to each particular daily statement.
Number of Monthly Statements
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of monthly statements
related to a particular object. For example, combining this with the "Monthly Statement
Processing Port Code" will show how many monthly statements were processed by each
particular port of entry.
Number of Non-Revenue Entries
(Monthly Statement)
A quantity count of the number of non-revenue producing entries on a particular monthly
statement. Note: An entry is considered "non-revenue producing" if the total combined value
of antidumping and countervailing duties (ADCVD), consumption duties, taxes, and fees at
time of the final statement is $0.
Number of Revenue Entries
(Monthly Statement)
A quantity count of the number of revenue producing entries on a particular monthly
statement. Note: An entry is considered "revenue producing" if the total combined value of
antidumping and countervailing duties (ADCVD), consumption duties, taxes, and fees at time
of the final statement is greater than $0.
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Trade Export
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Trade Export data universe. These objects can be used
to modify existing Trade Exports reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
Carrier SCAC/IATA Code
The carrier ID, which is either the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) or the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) code. For vessel, rail, or truck shipments, the SCAC is used; for air
shipments the IATA code is used. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Commodity Description
A brief commercial description of the commodity reported on a particular commodity line item of
an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing.
Commodity Line Gross
Weight (KG)
The line item weight, in KG, for a particular commodity line item of an Electronic Export Information
(EEI) filing. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Commodity Line Number
The sequential line item number corresponding to a commodity on an Electronic Export Information
(EEI) filing. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Commodity Line Value
The value of an individual line item on a particular shipment.
Conveyance Name
The name of the conveyance used to export the merchandise on a particular Electronic Export
Information (EEI) filing. For ocean shipments, this will return the vessel name. For air, truck, and rail
shipments, this will return the carrier name. Note: When running a report from the perspective of
the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Country of Ultimate
Destination Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code where the goods
are to be consumed, further processed, stored, or manufactured, as known to the USPPI at the time
of export. (See Section 30.6(a)(5)). Possible values include, but are not limited to: "CN" indicating
China (Mainland), "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
DDTC Eligible Party
Certification Indicator
A 1 character code indicating certification by the U.S. exporter that the exporter is an eligible party
to participate in defense trade. This certification is required only when an exemption is claimed.
This is a self-certification by the exporter that they are an eligible party under the International
Traffic in Arms Reduction (ITAR) (22 CFR 120.1(c)). Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
DDTC ITAR Exemption
The specific Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) International Traffic in Arms Reduction
(ITAR) exemption code used, when required in a commodity filing. These specific citations
(exemption numbers/codes) identified in the Code of Federal Register (see 22 CFR 120-130) exempt
a shipment from the requirement for a license or other written authorization from the DDTC. A
complete list of DDTC ITAR Exemption Codes can be found under Appendix O of the AES Trade
Interface Requirements (AESTIR). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 153 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
DDTC Quantity
The quantity reported in conjunction with the unit of measure (UOM) on a particular commodity
line item of an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing. This object only returns a value for
commodity line items associated with Directorate of Defense Trade Control (DDTC) license type
exemption numbers/codes. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this
object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the
limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
DDTC Registration Number
The unique registration ID number assigned by Directorate of Defense Trade Control (DDTC) to a
particular company that allows them to use certain export licenses and license exemptions as
described in part 122 of the International Traffic in Arms Reduction (ITAR) (22 CFR, 120-130) Note:
When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value
for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the
USPPI at the time of filing.
DDTC SME Indicator
An indication that the articles reported on a commodity line item of an Electronic Export
Information (EEI) filing are designated as Significant Military Equipment (SME), meaning special
export controls are warranted because of their capacity for substantial military utility or capability.
For a listing of articles categorized as SME refer to 22 CFR 121.1. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
DDTC Unit of Measure
The unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the quantity on a particular line
item of an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing. Possible values include, but are not limited to:
"DOZ" indicating Dozen, "KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces. This object only
returns a value for commodity line items associated with Directorate of Defense Trade Control
(DDTC) license type exemption numbers/codes. Note: When running a report from the perspective
of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-
filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
DDTC USML Category Code
A 2 character code indicating the United States Munitions List (USML) category code of the article
being exported. USML articles and services designated for defense purposes under the International
Traffic in Arms Reduction (ITAR) are specified in 22 CFR 121. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "07" indicating Tanks and Military Vehicles, "08" indicating Aircraft and Associated
Equipment, "09" indicating Military Training Equipment, "10" indicating Protective Personnel
Equipment, and "11" indicating Military Electronics. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
EEI Filing Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) in which an Electronic Export Information (EEI) was filed.
Equipment Number
The identification for shipping equipment that contains the cargo on a particular Electronic Export
Information (EEI) filing, such as container or igloo (Unit Load Device (ULD)) number, the truck
license number, or the rail car number. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the
USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Export Control
Classification Number
The export control classification number (ECCN) identified on a particular line item of an Electronic
Export Information (EEI) filing. The ECCN is used to identify items on the Commerce Control List
(CCL), which are a list of items found in Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 of the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR).
Export Date
The actual or estimated month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that the exporting vessel departed
the United States for export, as stated on an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing.
Page 154 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Export Information Code
A 2 character code identifying export information on a particular line item of a shipment. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "AE" indicating AE-SHIPMENT INFORMATION FILED THROUGH
DONATED FOR CHARITY, and "DB" indicating DB-DRAWBACK. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Export License Number
License number, permit number or authorization number assigned by the agency issuing the export
license when present on a particular commodity line item of an Electronic Export Information (EEI)
filing. This field may be the license number, CFR citation, authorization symbol, or Kimberley
Process Certificate Number assigned by the licensing agency. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Filer ID Number
The identification number (excluding any special characters such as hyphens "-") of the filer listed
on a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing. The filer is the U.S. Principal Party in
Interest (USPPI) or authorized agent who has been approved to file an EEI directly in the AES system
or the AESDirect Internet application. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the
USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Filer ID Type
The description indicating the identification type of the filer. Possible values include: "DUNS,"
"SSN," "EIN," and "Foreign Entity." Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Filer ID Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the identification type of the filer. Possible values include: "D"
indicating DUNS, "S" indicating SSN, "E" indicating EIN, and "T" indicating Foreign Entity. Note:
When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value
for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the
USPPI at the time of filing.
Filer Name
The company or enterprise name of the filer listed on a particular Electronic Export Information
(EEI) filing. The filer is the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) or authorized agent who has been
approved to file an EEI directly in the AES system or the AESDirect Internet application.
Filer Type
The description indicating whether the a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing was
established (or last maintained) as being filed on behalf of an exporter by a forwarding agent, or if it
was filed directly by the exporter itself. Possible values are: "Exporter Filed Shipment" and
"Forwarder Filed Shipment."
Filer Type Code
A 1 character code indicating whether the a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing was
established (or last maintained) as being filed on behalf of an exporter by a forwarding agent, or if it
was filed directly by the exporter itself. Possible values are: "E" indicating Exporter Filed Shipment
and "F" indicating Forwarder Filed Shipment.
Filing Option Type
The description indicating the type of filing option chosen by the filer for the commodity shipment
transaction. Possible values include: "Non AES," "2-Pre-departure," "3-Advanced Export Information
(Partial)," and "4-Post-departure." Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
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Object Name
Object Description
Filing Option Type Code
A 1 digit code indicating the type of filing option chosen by the filer for the commodity shipment
transaction. Possible values include: "Non AES" indicating Non AES, "Type-2" indicating 2-Pre-
departure, "Type-3" indicating 3-Advanced Export Information (Partial), and "Type-4" indicating 4-
Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank
(null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Foreign Port of Unlading
The port code indicating the foreign port in which export cargo is to be unlade. Note: When running
a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
Foreign Trade Zone ID
The identity of the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) from which the merchandise was withdrawn on a
particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing.
Forwarding Agent Address
Line 1
The first address line of the mailing address of the forwarding agent. The freight
forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the principal
party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign
destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent Address
Line 2
The second address line of the mailing address of the forwarding agent. The freight
forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the principal
party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign
destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent City
The city associated with the mailing address of the freight forwarder. The freight
forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the principal
party in interest to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign
destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent
Company Name
The company or enterprise name of the forwarding agent. The freight forwarder/authorized agent
is the person in the United States who is authorized by the principal party in interest (PPI) to
facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign destination and/or
prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a report from the perspective of
the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent Contact
The first and last name (Last, First) of the individual listed as the point of contact for the forwarding
agent. The freight forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized
by the principal party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United
States to the foreign destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When
running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all
routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at
the time of filing.
Page 156 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Forwarding Agent Contact
The phone number of the individual listed as the point of contact for the forwarding agent. The
freight forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the
principal party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to
the foreign destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a
report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
Forwarding Agent Country
The country associated with the mailing address of the freight forwarder. The freight
forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the principal
party in interest to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign
destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent ID
The identification number (excluding any special characters such as hyphens "-") of the forwarding
agent. The freight forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized
by the principal party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United
States to the foreign destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When
running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all
routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at
the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent ID Type
The description indicating the identification type of the forwarding agent. Possible values include:
"DUNS," "SSN," "EIN," and "Foreign Entity." Note: When running a report from the perspective of
the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent ID Type
A 1 character code indicating the identification type of the forwarding agent. Possible values
include: "D" indicating DUNS, "S" indicating SSN, "E" indicating EIN, and "T" indicating Foreign
Entity. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent State
The 2 character code used to identify the state associated with the mailing address of the
forwarding agent. The freight forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is
authorized by the principal party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the
United States to the foreign destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note:
When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value
for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the
USPPI at the time of filing.
Forwarding Agent Zip Code
The zip code associated with the mailing address of the forwarding agent. The freight
forwarder/authorized agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the principal
party in interest (PPI) to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign
destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 157 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Hazmat Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing
contains hazardous materials. Possible values include: "Y" indicating Yes, "N" indicating No, and "U"
indicating Unknown. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object
will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
HTS/Schedule B
The description associated with the U.S. Census Bureau (Schedule B number) or the U.S.
International Trade Commission (HTS number). Note: When running a report from the perspective
of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-
filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
HTS/Schedule B Number
The identification number of the commodity as classified by the U.S. Census Bureau (Schedule B
number) or the U.S. International Trade Commission (HTS number) for a commodity reported on a
particular commodity line item of an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing.
Import Entry Number
The import entry number for a shipment transported under bond, or the import entry number
when an FTZ NAFTA Deferred Duty claim is made Note: When running a report from the perspective
of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-
filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Inbond Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating whether a particular shipment is being transported under bond. Possible
values include: "36" indicating WAREHOUSE WITHDRAWAL FOR IE, "37" indicating WAREHOUSE
NOT SHIPPED INBOND. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object
will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
Address Line 1
The first address line of the mailing address of the intermediate consignee on a particular shipment.
The intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that acts as an agent for
the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate
consignee. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
Address Line 2
The second address line of the mailing address of the intermediate consignee on a particular
shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that acts as an
agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the
ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
The city associated with the mailing address of the intermediate consignee on a particular
shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that acts as an
agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the
ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 158 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Intermediate Consignee
Company Name
The company or enterprise name of the intermediate consignee on a particular shipment. The
intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that acts as an agent for the
principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate consignee.
Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank
(null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
Contact Name
The first and last name (Last, First) of the individual listed as the point of contact for the
intermediate consignee on a particular shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or
entity in the foreign country that acts as an agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose
of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
Contact Phone
The phone number of the individual listed as the point of contact for the intermediate consignee on
a particular shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that
acts as an agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to
the ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object
will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
The country associated with the mailing address of the intermediate consignee on a particular
shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that acts as an
agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the
ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee ID
The identification number (excluding any special characters such as hyphens "-") of the
intermediate consignee on a particular shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or
entity in the foreign country that acts as an agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose
of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee ID
The description indicating the identification type of the intermediate consignee. Possible values
include: "DUNS," "SSN," "EIN," and "Foreign Entity." Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee ID
Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the identification type of the intermediate consignee. Possible values
include: "D" indicating DUNS, "S" indicating SSN, "E" indicating EIN, and "T" indicating Foreign
Entity. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Intermediate Consignee
The 2 character code used to identify the state associated with the mailing address of the
intermediate consignee on a particular shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or
entity in the foreign country that acts as an agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose
of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 159 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Intermediate Consignee
Zip Code
The zip code associated with the mailing address of the intermediate consignee on a particular
shipment. The intermediate consignee is the person or entity in the foreign country that acts as an
agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the
ultimate consignee. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
The unique internal transaction number (ITN) associated with a particular shipment.
Last AES Action Code
The most recent AES action requested on a particular shipment submitted on an Electronic Export
Information (EEI) filing. Possible values include: "A" indicating Add, "R" indicating Replace, "C"
indicating Change, "X" indicating Cancel, and "U" indicating Unknown. Note: When running a report
from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
Late File Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing
was a late filing. Possible values include: "Y" indicating Yes, "N" indicating No, and "U" indicating
Unknown. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
License Type Code
A 3 character alphanumeric code indicating the type of export license, export permit, license
exemption, license exception or other export authorization being claimed on a particular
commodity line item of an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "S00" indicating LICENSE EXEMPTION CITATION, "S05" indicating DSP-5, "SAG"
indicating AGREEMENTS, and "SCA" indicating STATE CANADIAN ITAR EXEMPTION. Note: When
running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all
routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at
the time of filing.
License Value
The license value reported for a license when present on a particular commodity line item of an
Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing. The license value is the value designated on the export
license that corresponds to the commodity being exported. This is required for all shipments that
contain licensed goods (Section 30.6(b)(15)). Note: When running a report from the perspective of
the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Mode of Transportation
The description indicating the mode of transportation by which the merchandise is exported.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "10-VESSEL, NON-CONTAINERIZED," "11-VESSEL,
CONTAINERIZED." Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Mode of Transportation
A 2 digit code indicating the mode of transportation by which the merchandise is exported. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "10" indicating 10-VESSEL, NON-CONTAINERIZED, "11"
indicating 11-VESSEL, CONTAINERIZED, "20" indicating 20-RAIL, "21" indicating 21-RAIL,
CONTAINERIZED, "30" indicating 30-TRUCK, and "31" indicating 31-TRUCK, CONTAINERIZED. Note:
When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value
for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the
USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 160 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Origin of Goods
The description indicating whether or not merchandise on a particular commodity line item of an
Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing was of domestic or foreign origin. Possible values include:
"Domestic," "Foreign," and "Unknown." Note: When running a report from the perspective of the
USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Origin of Goods D/F
A 1 character code indicating whether or not merchandise on a particular commodity line item of an
Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing was of domestic origin. Possible values include: "D"
indicating Domestic, "F" indicating Foreign, and "U" indicating Unknown.
Original ITN
The ITN associated with a previously filed shipment that is replaced or divided and for which
additional shipment(s) must be filed. The original ITN field can be used in certain scenarios, such as,
but not limited to: shipments sold en route or cargo split by the carrier where the succeeding parts
of the shipment are not exported within the timeframes specified in § 30.28. Note: When running a
report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
Port of Export Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the shipment was exported from. The
district code is the first 2 characters and the port code is the last 2 characters. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating OTAY MESA,
"2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601" indicating NEW
YORK/NEWARK AREA. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object
will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Quantity 1
The quantity reported in conjunction with the unit of measure (UOM) on a particular commodity
line item of a shipment.
Quantity 2
The second quantity reported (if applicable) in conjunction with the unit of measure (UOM) on a
particular commodity line item of a shipment.
Related Company Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that, during the fiscal year, the United States principal party in interest
(USPPI) or foreign ultimate consignee reported on an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing
owned 10% or more of the other's voting securities. Possible values include: "Y" indicating Yes, "N"
indicating No, and "U" indicating Unknown. Note: When running a report from the perspective of
the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Routed Transaction
A 1 character code indicating whether the foreign principal party in interest (FPPI) on a particular
Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing authorized a U.S. forwarding or other agent to facilitate the
export of the merchandise from the U.S. Possible values include: "Y" indicating Yes, "N" indicating
No, and "U" indicating Unknown.
Seal Number
The number corresponding to the Customs and Border Protection seal on a shipping container, if
used on a shipment. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Self-Filer Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular filer is a self-filer. Possible values are "Y"
indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the
USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Shipment Reference
A unique identification number assigned to the shipment by the filer for reference purposes. This
number must remain unique for a period of five years.
Page 161 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Shipment Status
The description indicating the status of a particular export declaration. Possible values include:
"Cancelled," "Detained," "Exported," "Hold," "Pending," "Released," "Seized," and "Transferred."
Shipment Status Code
A 1 character code indicating the status of a particular export declaration. Possible values include:
"C" indicating Cancelled, "D" indicating Detained, "E" indicating Exported, "H" indicating Hold, "P"
indicating Pending, "R" indicating Released, "S" indicating Seized, and "T" indicating Transferred.
Shipment Value
The total value of a particular shipment. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the
USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Shipment Weight (KG)
The total weight in KG of a particular shipment. Note: When running a report from the perspective
of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-
filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Sold En Route Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing
claimed that the consignee was unknown at the time of shipping. Possible values include: "Y"
indicating Yes, "N" indicating No, and "U" indicating Unknown. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Transmitter ID Number
Identifier of the party transmitting the data on a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing.
This may be the same party reported as the Filer ID Number (USPPI, Forwarder, or Data Entry
Center) or it can be a third party service center or port authority. Note: When running a report from
the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions
that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Transportation Reference
A reservation/booking number on a particular Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing, assigned by
the carrier to hold space on the carrier for cargo being shipped. It is the booking number for vessel
shipments, the master air waybill number for air shipments, the bill of lading number for rail
shipments, and the freight or pro bill for truck shipments. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
U.S. State of Origin
The U.S. state, U.S. territory or U.S. possession where the merchandise began its journey to the port
of exportation.
Ultimate Consignee
Address Line 1
The first address line of the mailing address of the ultimate consignee on a particular shipment. The
ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad and actually receives the
export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). Note:
When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value
for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the
USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee
Address Line 2
The second address line of the mailing address of the ultimate consignee on a particular shipment.
The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad and actually receives
the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI).
Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank
(null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 162 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Ultimate Consignee City
The city associated with the mailing address of the ultimate consignee on a particular shipment. The
ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad and actually receives the
export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). Note:
When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value
for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the
USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee
Company Name
The company or enterprise name of the ultimate consignee on a particular shipment. The ultimate
consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad and actually receives the export
shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). Note: When
running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all
routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at
the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee
Contact Name
The first and last name (Last, First) of the individual listed as the point of contact for the ultimate
consignee on a particular shipment. The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is
located abroad and actually receives the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign
Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee
Contact Phone
The phone number of the individual listed as the point of contact for the ultimate consignee on a
particular shipment. The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad
and actually receives the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party
in Interest (FPPI). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee
The country associated with the mailing address of the ultimate consignee on a particular shipment.
The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad and actually receives
the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI).
Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank
(null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee ID
The identification number (excluding any special characters such as hyphens "-") of the ultimate
consignee on a particular shipment. The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is
located abroad and actually receives the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign
Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee ID
The description indicating the identification type of the ultimate consignee. Possible values include:
"DUNS," "SSN," "EIN," and "Foreign Entity." Note: When running a report from the perspective of
the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee ID
Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the identification type of the ultimate consignee. Possible values
include: "D" indicating DUNS, "S" indicating SSN, "E" indicating EIN, and "T" indicating Foreign
Entity. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a
blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Page 163 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Ultimate Consignee State
The 2 character code used to identify the state associated with the mailing address of the ultimate
consignee on a particular shipment. The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is
located abroad and actually receives the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign
Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI,
this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting
the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee Type
The description indicating the party type of the ultimate consignee. Possible values include: "DIRECT
a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee Type
A 1 digit code indicating the party type of the ultimate consignee. Possible values include: "D"
indicating DIRECT CONSUMER, "G" indicating GOVERNMENT ENTITY, "O" indicating
OTHER/UNKNOWN, and "R" indicating RESELLER. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Ultimate Consignee Zip
The zip code associated with the mailing address of the ultimate consignee on a particular
shipment. The ultimate consignee is the person, party or designee that is located abroad and
actually receives the export shipment. This may be the end-user or the Foreign Principal Party in
Interest (FPPI). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Unit of Measure Code
(Quantity 1)
The unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the quantity on a particular line
item of a shipment. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ" indicating Dozen, "KG"
indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Unit of Measure Code
(Quantity 2)
The unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the second quantity (if applicable)
on a particular line item of a shipment. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ"
indicating Dozen, "KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces. Note: When running a
report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
Used Vehicle Indicator
A 1 digit code indicating whether or not a particular commodity line item on an Electronic Export
Information (EEI) filing contains a used vehicle. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N"
indicating No. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will
display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
USPPI Address Line 1
The first address line of the mailing address of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a
particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary
benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction.
USPPI Address Line 2
The second address line of the mailing address of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a
particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary
benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction.
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Object Name
Object Description
The city associated with the mailing address of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a
particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary
benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction.
USPPI Company Name
The company or enterprise name of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a particular
shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary benefit,
monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
USPPI Contact Name
The first and last name (Last, First) of the individual listed as the point of contact for the U.S.
Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the
United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export
transaction. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display
a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
USPPI Contact Phone
The phone number of the individual listed as the point of contact for the U.S. Principal Party in
Interest (USPPI) on a particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that
receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction. Note: When
running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all
routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at
the time of filing.
USPPI Country
The country associated with the mailing address of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a
particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary
benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction. Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
The 9 digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) number (excluding any special characters such as
hyphens "-") for the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a particular shipment. The USPPI is
the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise,
from the export transaction.
The identification number (excluding any special characters such as hyphens "-") of the U.S.
Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the
United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export
The description indicating the identification type of the United States Principal Party in Interest
(USPPI). Possible values include: "DUNS," "SSN," "EIN," and "Foreign Entity." Note: When running a
report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed
transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the
time of filing.
USPPI ID Type Code
A 1 character code indicating the identification type of the United States Principal Party in Interest
(USPPI). Possible values include: "D" indicating DUNS, "S" indicating SSN, "E" indicating EIN, and "T"
indicating Foreign Entity. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this
object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the
limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
The name of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI), as submitted on the Electronic Export
Information (EEI) filing.
Page 165 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
The 2 character code used to identify the state associated with the mailing address of the U.S.
Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the
United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export
USPPI Zip Code
The zip code associated with the mailing address of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) on a
particular shipment. The USPPI is the person or entity in the United States that receives the primary
benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction.
Vehicle ID Type
The description indicating whether the line deals with a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or a
Product ID. Possible values are: "Product ID" and "VIN." Note: When running a report from the
perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that
are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Vehicle ID Type Code
A 1 character code indicating whether the line deals with a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or a
Product ID. Possible values are: "P" indicating Product ID and "V" indicating VIN. Note: When
running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all
routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at
the time of filing.
Vehicle Title Number
For a particular line, this object will return either: the serial number for a vehicle reported with a
Product ID, or the title number for a vehicle reported with a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object will display a blank
(null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited information
supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
Vehicle Title State
The 2 character abbreviation of the state in which the vehicle title was issued. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "MA" indicating Massachusetts, "CA" indicating California, and "NY"
indicating New York. Note: When running a report from the perspective of the USPPI, this object
will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed, reflecting the limited
information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
VIN/Product ID
The identification of the reported used vehicle or product. This can either be the Product ID or the
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Note: When running a report from the perspective of the
USPPI, this object will display a blank (null) value for all routed transactions that are agent-filed,
reflecting the limited information supplied by the USPPI at the time of filing.
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Harmonized Tariff Schedule
The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule data universe. These
objects can be used to modify existing Harmonized Tariff Schedule reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
Census Units Number
The number of reporting units required by the U.S. Census Bureau to be submitted for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Note: In a few instances, units not required by Census may be
required to compute duty. In these cases, the Census reporting units are always first, followed by any
additional units required to compute the duty.
Column 1 Other Duty
The "other" ad-valorem rate found in the "General" section of column 1 for a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Two decimals are implied in the value returned, so as an example, 6.8%
would appear as "0.068." Note: The application of either the "primary," "secondary," or "other" rate is
captured in the "Duty Computation Code" data element.
Column 1 Primary
Duty Rate
The "primary" ad-valorem rate found in the "General" section of column 1 for a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Two decimals are implied in the value returned, so as an example, 6.8%
would appear as "0.068." Note: The application of either the "primary," "secondary," or "other" rate is
captured in the "Duty Computation Code" data element.
Column 1 Secondary
Duty Rate
The "secondary" ad-valorem rate found in the "General" section of column 1 for a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Two decimals are implied in the value returned, so as an example, 6.8%
would appear as "0.068." Note: The application of either the "primary," "secondary," or "other" rate is
captured in the "Duty Computation Code" data element.
Column 2 Other Duty
The "other" ad-valorem rate found in column 2 for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
The column 2 rates are applicable to all products from those countries enumerated in paragraph (b) of
General Note 3 in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Two decimals are implied
in the value returned, so as an example, 6.8% would appear as "0.068." Note: The application of either
the "primary," "secondary," or "other" rate is captured in the "Duty Computation Code" data element.
Column 2 Primary
Duty Rate
The "primary" ad-valorem rate found in column 2 for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number. The column 2 rates are applicable to all products from those countries enumerated in paragraph
(b) of General Note 3 in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Two decimals are
implied in the value returned, so as an example, 6.8% would appear as "0.068." Note: The application of
either the "primary," "secondary," or "other" rate is captured in the "Duty Computation Code" data
Column 2 Secondary
Duty Rate
The "secondary" ad-valorem rate found in column 2 for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number. The column 2 rates are applicable to all products from those countries enumerated in paragraph
(b) of General Note 3 in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Two decimals are
implied in the value returned, so as an example, 6.8% would appear as "0.068." Note: The application of
either the "primary," "secondary," or "other" rate is captured in the "Duty Computation Code" data
Page 167 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Country of Origin
The description representing the ISO country of origin code for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number record. This typically applies to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
(HTSUS) exclusive chapters 98 and 99 - which can specifically pertain to free trade agreements with other
countries. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "General Column 1 Duty Rate," "Column 2 Duty
Rate," "BRAZIL," and "CANADA." Note: This code is either an ISO country of origin code, a code of 01
indicating the country of origin is a country eligible for the general column 1 duty rate, or a code of 02
indicating the country of origin is a country listed in General Note 3(a)(iv)(b) of the HTS and is eligible for
the column 2 duty rate.
Country of Origin
A code representing the ISO country of origin code for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number record. This typically applies to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)
exclusive chapters 98 and 99 - which can specifically pertain to free trade agreements with other
countries. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "01" indicating General Column 1 Duty Rate,
"02" indicating Column 2 Duty Rate, "BR" indicating BRAZIL, and "CA" indicating CANADA. Note: This code
is either an ISO country of origin code, a code of 01 indicating the country of origin is a country eligible for
the general column 1 duty rate, or a code of 02 indicating the country of origin is a country listed in
General Note 3(a)(iv)(b) of the HTS and is eligible for the column 2 duty rate.
Duty Computation
An alphanumeric code indicating the formula to be used for computing duties on a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Note: Valid Duty Computation Codes are listed in Appendix F of CATAIR, or
can be found be referencing the USITC's "Description of Tariff Database and Codes"
Effective Begin Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) representing the beginning date in which a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record became effective. Note: multiple records can exist for
the same tariff number with different effective date ranges to account for changes in rates, descriptions,
etc. A query filter of Active Indicator = "Y" can be used as a mechanism to exclude expired records from
the query results.
Effective End Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) representing the ending date in which a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record became ineffective. Note: multiple records can exist for the same
tariff number with different effective date ranges to account for changes in rates, descriptions, etc. A
query filter of Active Indicator = "Y" can be used as a mechanism to exclude expired records from the
query results.
Entry Date
Restriction 1 Begin
A 1-2 digit value representing the beginning day (DD) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the first entry date restriction,
which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 1." Note: This object is fully understood when used in
conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction Begin Month 1" object, which combined show the
month and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 1 Begin
A 1-2 digit value representing the beginning month (MM) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the first entry date restriction,
which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 1." Note: This object is fully understood when used in
conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction Begin Day 1" object, which combined show the
month and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 1 Code
A 1 digit code indicating the first entry date restriction, if applicable, for a particular Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. Possible values include: "(NULL)" indicating no date restriction exists, "1"
indicating the entry date must be greater than or equal to the beginning date and less than or equal to
the ending date in the same year, and "2" indicating the entry date must be greater than or equal to the
beginning date and be less than or equal to the ending date in two years.
Page 168 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Entry Date
Restriction 1 End Day
A 1-2 digit value representing the ending day (DD) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the first entry date restriction,
which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 1." Note: This object is fully understood when used in
conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction End Month 1" object, which combined show the
month and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 1 End
A 1-2 digit value representing the ending month (MM) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the first entry date restriction,
which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 1." Note: This object is fully understood when used in
conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction End Day 1" object, which combined show the month
and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 2 Begin
A 1-2 digit value representing the beginning day (DD) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the second entry date
restriction, which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 2." Note: This object is fully understood when
used in conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction Begin Month 1" object, which combined
show the month and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 2 Begin
A 1-2 digit value representing the beginning month (MM) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the second entry date
restriction, which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 2." Note: This object is fully understood when
used in conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction Begin Day 1" object, which combined show
the month and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 2 Code
A 1 digit code indicating the second entry date restriction, if applicable, for a particular Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. Possible values include: "(NULL)" indicating no date restriction exists, "1"
indicating the entry date must be greater than or equal to the beginning date and less than or equal to
the ending date in the same year, and "2" indicating the entry date must be greater than or equal to the
beginning date and be less than or equal to the ending date in two years.
Entry Date
Restriction 2 End Day
A 1-2 digit value representing the ending day (DD) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the second entry date
restriction, which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 2." Note: This object is fully understood when
used in conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction End Month 1" object, which combined show
the month and day (MMDD).
Entry Date
Restriction 2 End
A 1-2 digit value representing the ending month (MM) of the entry date restriction used in edits for a
particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number record. Applicable to the second entry date
restriction, which is defined in "Entry Date Restriction Code 2."Note: This object is fully understood when
used in conjunction with the "Entry Date Month Restriction End Day 1" object, which combined show the
month and day (MMDD).
Excluded Country
A 1 character code indicating that certain countries are not eligible for preferential treatment under the
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the HTS chapter.
Follows the format: "11" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate chapter.
HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the HTS heading.
Follows the format: "1122" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate chapter. Position 3-4: "22"
indicating the article heading within a chapter.
Page 169 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the HTS subheading.
Follows the format: "112233" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate chapter. Position 3-4: "22"
indicating the article heading within a chapter. Position 5-6: "33" indicating the article subheading within
a heading.
HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, indicating the U.S. HTS
subheading. Follows the format: "11223344" Position 1-2: "11" indicating the appropriate chapter.
Position 3-4: "22" indicating the article heading within a chapter. Position 5-6: "33" indicating the article
subheading within a heading. Position 7-8: "44" indicating the U.S. subheading.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit sequence of numbers that applies to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
HTS Short
The short description of the merchandise associated with a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number record.
Possible ADD
Required Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number is potentially
subject to antidumping duties (ADD). Possible values are "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note:
AD/CVD cases are not directly correlated 1 to 1 with HTS numbers. The scope of AD/CVD cases may be
broader or narrower than the HTS description. As such, this does not indicate that an antidumping case is
required, it indicates there is a possibility that the case is required.
Possible CVD Duty
Required Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number is potentially
subject to countervailing duties (CVD). Possible values are "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note:
AD/CVD cases are not directly correlated 1 to 1 with HTS numbers. The scope of AD/CVD cases may be
broader or narrower than the HTS description. As such, this does not indicate that a countervailing case is
required, it indicates there is a possibility that the case is required.
Quantity Restriction
The description indicating any quantity restrictions that apply to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number record, if applicable. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "No quantity edit,
Denominator is 1, No quantity," "Second reported quantity is in the numerator, Denominator is the first
reported quantity, Ratio > lower bound value," and "Second reported quantity is in the numerator,
Denominator is the first reported quantity, Ratio < upper bound value."
Quantity Restriction
A 3 digit code indicating any quantity restrictions that apply to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number record, if applicable. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "000" indicating No
quantity edit, Denominator is 1, No quantity, "213" indicating Second reported quantity is in the
numerator, Denominator is the first reported quantity, Ratio > lower bound value, and "216" indicating
Second reported quantity is in the numerator, Denominator is the first reported quantity, Ratio < upper
bound value.
Quantity Restriction
The description associated with the first digit of the "Quantity Restriction Code" for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, which indicates the method of calculation used for the
denominator in the quantity calculation. Possible values include: "Denominator is 1," "Denominator is the
first reported quantity," "Denominator is the second reported quantity," and "Denominator is the third
reported quantity."
Quantity Restriction
Denominator Code
The first digit of the "Quantity Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number, which indicates the method of calculation used for the denominator in the quantity calculation.
Possible values include: "0" indicating Denominator is 1, "1" indicating Denominator is the first reported
quantity, "2" indicating Denominator is the second reported quantity, and "3" indicating Denominator is
the third reported quantity.
Page 170 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Quantity Restriction
The description associated with the second digit of the "Quantity Restriction Code" for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, which indicates the method of calculation used for the
numerator in the quantity calculation. Possible values include: "No quantity edit," "First reported
quantity is in the numerator," "Second reported quantity is in the numerator," and "Third reported
quantity is in the numerator."
Quantity Restriction
Numerator Code
The second digit of the "Quantity Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number, which indicates the method of calculation used for the numerator in the quantity calculation.
Possible values include: "0" indicating No quantity edit, "1" indicating First reported quantity is in the
numerator, "2" indicating Second reported quantity is in the numerator, and "3" indicating Third reported
quantity is in the numerator.
Quantity Restriction
Range (High Bound)
A value representing the maximum (highest) quantity allowable for a particular Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number record. Five decimal places are implied.
Quantity Restriction
Range (Low Bound)
A value representing the minimum (lowest) quantity allowable for a particular Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number record. Five decimal places are implied.
Quantity Restriction
The description associated with the third digit of the "Quantity Restriction Code" for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, which indicates where the derived ratio needs to fall in the
quantity calculation. Possible values include: "No quantity," "Ratio > lower bound and<= upper bound
value," "Ratio >= lower bound and< upper bound value," "Ratio > lower bound value," "Ratio < lower
bound and<= upper bound value," "Ratio <= lower bound value," and "Ratio < upper bound value." Note:
The ratio referenced in this data element is fully understood when used with the "Quantity Restriction
Numerator" and "Quantity Restriction Denominator" objects.
Quantity Restriction
Ratio Code
The third digit of the "Quantity Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number, which indicates where the derived ratio needs to fall in the quantity calculation. Possible values
include: "0" indicating No quantity, "1" indicating Ratio > lower bound and<= upper bound value, "2"
indicating Ratio >= lower bound and< upper bound value, "3" indicating Ratio > lower bound value, "4"
indicating Ratio < lower bound and<= upper bound value, "5" indicating Ratio <= lower bound value, and
"6" indicating Ratio < upper bound value. Note: The ratio referenced in this data element is fully
understood when used with the "Quantity Restriction Numerator Code" and "Quantity Restriction
Denominator Code" objects.
Required LPC
The description indicating the license/permit/certificate (LPC) required to be submitted in conjunction
with a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, if applicable. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "Beef Exp Certificate," "Canadian SWL Export Permit," "USDA Sugar Certificate," and
"General Note 15(c) Waiver Certificate."
Required LPC Code
A two digit number indicating the license/permit/certificate (LPC) code required to be submitted in
conjunction with a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, if applicable. Possible values
include, but are not limited to: "05" indicating Beef Exp Certificate, "11" indicating Canadian SWL Export
Permit, "21" indicating USDA Sugar Certificate, and "27" indicating General Note 15(c) Waiver Certificate.
Special Rate Indicator
A 1 character code indicating whether or not a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number
record contains a special based on a trade preference program for a specific country of origin. Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Tax Fee Indicator
A 1 character code indicating that certain taxes apply to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number. Possible values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No.
Textile Category
The description indicating the textile category that applies to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number, as classified by the U.S. Textile and Apparel Category System. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "Printcloth," "Handkerchiefs," "Dresses," and "Sweaters."
Page 171 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Textile Category
The 3 digit code indicating the textile category that applies to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number, as classified by the U.S. Textile and Apparel Category System. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "315" indicating Printcloth, "330" indicating Handkerchiefs, "336" indicating Dresses,
and "345" indicating Sweaters.
TSUSA Reference
A 1 character code indicating that a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number contains a
reference mapping to the historical Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated (TSUSA). Possible
values are: "Y" indicating Yes and "N" indicating No. Note: The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United
States (HTSUS) was enacted by subtitle B of title I of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act (1988),
and became effective on January 1, 1989.
Unit of Measure
Code 1
The unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the first quantity for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ"
indicating Dozen, "KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces. Note: If the reporting unit is
X, no unit of measure is required except for certain tariff numbers in Chapter 99.
Unit of Measure
Code 2
The unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the second quantity for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ"
indicating Dozen, "KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces. Note: If the reporting unit is
X, no unit of measure is required except for certain tariff numbers in Chapter 99.
Unit of Measure
Code 3
The unit of measure (UOM) that is reported in conjunction with the third quantity for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "DOZ"
indicating Dozen, "KG" indicating 1,000 Grams, and "PCS" indicating Pieces. Note: If the reporting unit is
X, no unit of measure is required except for certain tariff numbers in Chapter 99.
Value Restriction
The description indicating the value restriction(s) associated to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number record, if applicable. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "HTS restriction edit,
First quantity is used in calculating the rate, Rate >= minimum value and < maximum value," "HTS
restriction edit, First quantity is used in calculating the rate, Rate < maximum value," and "HTS restriction
edit, Second quantity is used in calculating the rate, Rate > maximum value."
Value Restriction
A 3 digit code indicating the value restriction(s) associated to a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number record, if applicable. Possible values include, but are not limited to: "112" indicating HTS
restriction edit, First quantity is used in calculating the rate, Rate >= minimum value and < maximum
value, "116" indicating HTS restriction edit, First quantity is used in calculating the rate, Rate < maximum
value, and "125" indicating HTS restriction edit, Second quantity is used in calculating the rate, Rate >
maximum value.
Value Restriction
The description associated with the second digit of the "Value Restriction Code" for a particular
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, which indicates which quantity should be used in the high/low
bound calculation. Possible values include: "No value," "First quantity is used in calculating the rate,"
"Second quantity is used in calculating the rate," and "Third quantity is used in calculating the rate."
Value Restriction
Quantity Code
The second digit of the "Value Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
number, which indicates which quantity should be used in the high/low bound calculation. Possible
values include: "0" indicating No value, "1" indicating First quantity is used in calculating the rate, "2"
indicating Second quantity is used in calculating the rate, and "3" indicating Third quantity is used in
calculating the rate.
Value Restriction
Range (High Bound)
A number representing the maximum (highest) value allowable for a particular Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number record. Five decimal places are implied.
Value Restriction
Range (Low Bound)
A number representing the minimum (lowest) value allowable for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule
(HTS) number record. Five decimal places are implied.
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Object Name
Object Description
Value Restriction
The description associated with the third digit of the "Value Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, which indicates where the derived "Rate" needs to fall in the value
calculation. Possible values include: "No edit value," "Rate > minimum value and <= maximum value,"
"Rate >= minimum value and < maximum value," "Rate >= minimum value," "Rate >= maximum value,"
"Rate > maximum value," and "Rate < maximum value." Note: The "Rate" referenced in this data element
is fully understood when used with the "Value Restriction Type" and "Value Restriction Quantity" objects.
Value Restriction
Relationship Code
The third digit of the "Value Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number,
which indicates where the derived "Rate" needs to fall in the value calculation. Possible values include:
"0" indicating No edit value, "1" indicating Rate > minimum value and <= maximum value, "2" indicating
Rate >= minimum value and < maximum value, "3" indicating Rate >= minimum value, "4" indicating Rate
>= maximum value, "5" indicating Rate > maximum value, and "6" indicating Rate < maximum value.
Note: The "Rate" referenced in this data element is fully understood when used with the "Value
Restriction Type Code" and "Value Restriction Quantity Code" objects.
Value Restriction
The description associated with the first digit of the "Value Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) number, which indicates the type/scope of the restriction. Possible values include:
"No value edit applicable," "HTS restriction edit," and "Census restriction edit."
Value Restriction
Type Code
The first digit of the "Value Restriction Code" for a particular Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number,
which indicates the type/scope of the restriction. Possible values include: "0" indicating No value edit
applicable, "1" indicating HTS restriction edit, and "2" indicating Census restriction edit.
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Date Objects
The date objects can be used in conjunction with the other data universes to apply certain time restrictions on reports
that a user wishes to generate. These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for any query
filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query." It should be noted that this group of data
objects does not comprise a data universe independent from the other universes in this data dictionary.
Object Name
Object Description
Current Month Begin
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current calendar month. This date
object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Month End" when setting a date range for a
given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return
data from the current month's start through the last day of the current month. Date objects are intended
to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time
a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for
any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Current Month End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current calendar month. This date
object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Month Begin" when setting a date range for a
given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return
data from the current month's start through the last day of the current month. Date objects are intended
to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time
a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for
any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Current Quarter
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current quarter. This date object is
designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Quarter End" when setting a date range for a given
query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return data
from the current quarter's start through the last day of the current quarter. Date objects are intended to
be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time a
saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for
any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Current Quarter End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current quarter. This date object is
designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Quarter Begin" when setting a date range for a given
query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return data
from the current quarter's start through the last day of the current quarter. Date objects are intended to
be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time a
saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for
any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Page 174 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Current Week Begin
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the beginning (Monday) of the current
calendar week. This date object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Week End" when
setting a date range for a given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the
query to always return data from the current week's start (Monday) through the last day of the current
week (Sunday). Date objects are intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating
the need to filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by
selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing
"Object from this query."
Current Week End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the end (Sunday) of the current
calendar week. This date object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Week Begin" when
setting a date range for a given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the
query to always return data from the current week's start (Monday) through the last day of the current
week (Sunday). Date objects are intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating
the need to filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by
selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing
"Object from this query."
Current Year Begin
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current calendar year. This date
object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Year End (Calendar)" when setting a date
range for a given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to
always return data from the current calendar year's start through the last day of the current calendar
year. Date objects are intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the
"Define Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this
Current Year Begin
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current fiscal year. This date object
is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Year End (Fiscal)" when setting a date range for a
given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return
data from the current fiscal year's start through the last day of the current fiscal year. Date objects are
intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Current Year End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current calendar year. This date
object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Year Begin (Calendar)" when setting a date
range for a given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to
always return data from the current calendar year's start through the last day of the current calendar
year. Date objects are intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to
filter by specific dates each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the
"Define Filter Type" button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this
Page 175 of 177 Updated 07-2018
Object Name
Object Description
Current Year End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the current fiscal year. This date object
is designed to be used in conjunction with "Current Year Begin (Fiscal)" when setting a date range for a
given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return
data from the current fiscal year's start through the last day of the current fiscal year. Date objects are
intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Previous Month
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the previous calendar month. This date
object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Previous Month End" when setting a date range for a
given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return
data from the previous month's start through the last day of the previous month. Date objects are
intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Previous Month End
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the previous calendar month. This date
object is designed to be used in conjunction with "Previous Month Begin" when setting a date range for a
given query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return
data from the previous month's start through the last day of the previous month. Date objects are
intended to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates
each time a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type"
button for any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
Previous Quarter
A dynamic date object that can be added to a report query filter, derived using the current system date
and time as a reference point to bring in data that corresponds to the previous quarter. This date object
is designed to be used in conjunction with "Previous Quarter End" when setting a date range for a given
query. These two data objects will create a date range that will enable the query to always return data
from the previous quarter's start through the last day of the previous quarter. Date objects are intended
to be used when scheduling recurring reports, by eliminating the need to filter by specific dates each time
a saved report is run. Note: These objects can be utilized by selecting the "Define Filter Type" button for
any query filter that corresponds to a date, and choosing "Object from this query."
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The following table lists all data objects that are available in the Training data universe. These objects can be used to
modify existing Training reports or to create custom ad hoc reports.
Object Name
Object Description
Country of Origin Code
The 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code indicating the
country of origin (COO) related to a specific entry line. The country of origin is the country of
manufacture, production, and/or growth of an article. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "CN" indicating China, "AR" indicating Argentina, and "BE" indicating Belgium.
Country of Origin Name
The full name of the country of origin (COO) on an entry line. Possible values include, but are
not limited to: "China," "Argentina," and "Belgium."
Entry Date
The month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY) that cargo makes legal entry into the United States.
This is normally the date of cargo release, but it can also be the date of entry or entry
summary filing for merchandise subject to immediate delivery requirements or quota
Entry Date - Year Month
The calendar year and month (YYYY - MM) in which a cargo release entry date occurs. A
calendar year begins in January (calendar month 01) and ends in December (calendar month
Entry Type Code
A 2 digit code indicating the type of entry being filed. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "01" indicating Consumption - Free and Dutiable, "03" indicating Consumption -
Antidumping (AD)/Countervailing Duty (CVD), and "11" indicating Informal.
HTS Description
The description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Long Description
The long description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
HTS Number - First 2
The first 2 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 4
The first 4 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 6
The first 6 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - First 8
The first 8 digits of the 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Number - Full
The full 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number.
HTS Short Description
The short description of the merchandise associated with the 6 to 10 digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule (HTS) number. The HTS is a comprehensive listing of sequential numbers that
identifies commodities in a standard format.
Mode of Transportation
The description indicating the mode of transportation by which the merchandise is exported.
Possible values include, but are not limited to: "Vessel (Containerized)," "Rail (Non-
Containerized)," "Rail (Containerized)," "Truck (Non-Containerized)," and "Truck
Mode of Transportation Code
The 2 digit code that represents the mode of transportation used to move merchandise from
the country of export to the port of unlading in the United States. Possible values include, but
are not limited to: "11" indicating Vessel (Containerized), "20" indicating Rail (Non-
Containerized), "31" indicating Truck (Containerized), and "50" indicating Mail.
Number of Entries
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entries related to a specific
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Object Name
Object Description
Number of Entry Lines
A measure used in summary reporting that counts the number of entry lines related to a
specific object.
Port of Entry Code
The 4 digit code that represents the district and port where the merchandise entered. The
district code is the first two characters and the port code is the last two characters. Possible
values include, but are not limited to: "2704" indicating LOS ANGELES, CA, "2506" indicating
OTAY MESA, "2605" indicating PHOENIX, AZ, "3001" indicating SEATTLE, WA, and "4601"
Port of Entry Name
The district and the port where the merchandise entered. Possible values include, but are not
limited to: "LOS ANGELES, CA," "OTAY MESA," "PHOENIX, AZ," "SEATTLE, WA," and "NEW