Open Source
Software in the
Social Sector
Examining Barriers, Successes, and Opportunities
This report was written by Gina Assaf, Independent Consultant and Mala
Kumar, GitHub. Contributions were made by Admas Kanyagia, GitHub and
John Jones, the Case Foundation. Special thanks to Rebecca Jablonsky
and Cate Johnson for their help on the research and draft writing. Thanks
to Alex Kovac from Dev Design, to Benjamin Donahue, to Margaret Furr, and
to Aspiration Tech for lending their expertise and network.
This report was published on April 8, 2020. Corrections were made to the text on pages 2 and 43, as
well as to Figures 3 and 5 on pages 18 and 25 on April 15, 2020
The monetary and functional value of open source
software (OSS) has spurred its exponential growth. In 2019,
GitHub, the global leader in OSS hosting, had 2.5+ million
open source contributors, which is a more than five-fold
increase since 2014. The majority of these open source
contributors came from outside of the United States, with
notable project and contributor growth in Nigeria, Kenya,
Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey, among others.
As digital
technology plays an increasingly central role in major
industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, and civil
services, adoption of OSS and open source concepts are
becoming more common in commercial private sector and
 
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 
 
Outside of the United States
United States
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
 
  
  
  
The Opportunity
Social sector actors who have
decision-making power on
their IT budget
Social sector actors who both
have decision-making power on
their IT budget and know a lot
about open source software
Social sector actors who know a
lot about open source software
 
 
 
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 
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 
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  
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Domestic Global
Global development organizationsTech ConsultantsOther domestic nonprofts
Multinational Organizations
(e.g. United Nations, World Bank)
Philanthropic Foundations / Charities
(e.g. Gates, Ford)
Federated NGOs & nonprofits
(e.g. YMCA, Mercy Corps)
Government & Bilateral Funders
(e.g. USAID
and Fund
 
 
 without
 
 
Developer / Consumer: 114 Funder / Consumer: 21 Funder / Developer / Consumer: 41 Consumer (only): 176
Consumers: 352
All responses: 369
Developers: 225
Funders: 66
 
  
 
 
 
Stronger collaboration between the social sector and
the open source ecosystem could:
What is the mutual benefit of deepening the intersection of
OSS and the social sector?
 
 
 
 
Developers Non-developers
Value Collaboration
Can Build on Existing Work
 
  
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Chayn is a global volunteer network that creates open
source guides to help victims of domestic and other
gender-based violence get the information they need
in more than 12 countries. The organization is made
up of 400+ volunteers, most of whom are themselves
survivors and represent intersectional communities.
 
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Opportunities for Deeper
Social Sector Open Source
 
 
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Open Data Kit is a free, open source suite of tools that
allows data collection using Android mobile devices
and data submission to an online server, without an
Internet connection or mobile carrier service at the
time of data collection.
  
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   
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How is OSS communicated and socialized in the social
sector and what are education efforts that can reduce
common misconceptions?
 
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Developers Non-developers
25% 45%
Worried about data protection
23% 26%
Off-the-shelf tools meet
our needs
11% 30%
Don't know how to use
open source
 
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NoYes Don’t Know
-0.30 0.25 0.13
-0.04 0.07 -0.04
-0.24 0.20 0.11
0.09 -0.08 -0.03
-0.01 0.01 0.01
0.28 -0.25 -0.0 9
Mainly Volunteers
1 Part-time or consultant
2+ Part-time or consultant
1 Full-time
2+ Full-time
Organization Uses Open Source
Number of Staff Dedicated to Technology
 
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Opportunities to Better
Communicate and Socialize
OSS in the Social Sector
   
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CiviCRM is web-based open source customer
relationship management (CRM) software that was
built in 2005.
 
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  
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What are best practices the social sector needs to adopt to
fully realize the benefits of OSS?
 
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 
 
Opportunities for the Social
Sector to engage in Best
 
 
 
      
      
      
What funding and other sustainability support does
the social sector OSS ecosystem need to ensure
 
 
 
Desire to protect our intellectual property
Lack knowledge on open source
Don't have an incentive
 
 
 
Developers Non-developers
60% 59%
Lack of support
25% 44%
Worried about data protection
23% 26%
Off-the-shelf tools meet
our needs
 
 
DHIS2 is the worlds largest Health Management
Information System (HMIS) and has been deployed to
nearly half of the countries in the world.
 
 
Opportunities for Funder
Support and Sustainability
 
 
 
Mojaloop is OSS designed to increase interoperability
of financial services and increase global financial
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Through an extensive research process, this paper aimed
to uncover the mutual benefit, barriers, and opportunities
of greater social sector and open source collaboration.
Though the topic is not new, this paper serves as its most
extensive known resource. As the social sector becomes
more invested in digital technology to support and advance
its programmatic and operational work, the need to
continually and actively consider open source technologies
is arguably more important than ever.
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