Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)
Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
MAY 2020
Deputy Director for Engineering
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering,
Director of Defense Research and Engineering for
Advanced Capabilities
Washington, D.C.
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
DOPSR Case # 20-S-1275.
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
Research and Engineering
3030 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3030
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
DOPSR Case # 20-S-1275.
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1
1 I
NTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Purpose of DoD MOSA Guidance ...................................................................................... 2
1.2 Preceding MOSA Efforts .................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Modular Open Systems Working Group ............................................................................ 3
FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... 4
2.1 MOSA Framework ............................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Technical Reference Architectures ..................................................................................... 7
2.3 Business and Stakeholder Context ...................................................................................... 8
2.4 Modular Architectures: Form Follows Function ............................................................... 9
2.4.1 Modularity, Interfaces, Specifications, and Standards ............................................ 10
2.4.2 Steps for Implementing a Modular Approach ......................................................... 11
REFERENCE FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................ 12
3.1 Application of MOSA in a Framework............................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Technical Architecture ............................................................................................ 13
3.1.2 Business and Stakeholder Considerations ............................................................... 13
3.2 Standardization and Conformance Guidance .................................................................... 14
4 E
XAMPLE MOSA REFERENCE FRAMEWORKS ...................................................................... 16
4.1 U.S. Army Modular Active Protection System ................................................................. 16
4.2 Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) Framework .................................... 18
PPENDIX A: SURVEY OF MOSA IMPLEMENTATIONS ACROSS DOD ......................................... 20
CRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................. 25
EFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 27
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Figure 2-1. General MOSA Framework Concept ........................................................................... 4
Figure 2-2. MOSA Reference Framework Methods, Processes, and Tools ................................... 7
Figure 2-3. Relationships among Architectures in an Enterprise Architecture ............................... 8
Figure 2-4. Relationships among Business Objectives and Technical Design Considerations ...... 9
Figure 3-1. MOSA Reference Framework Considerations ........................................................... 13
Figure 4-1. Modular Active Protection System (MAPS) .............................................................. 16
Figure 4-2. MAPS Framework Artifacts ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 4-3. Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) Framework .............................. 18
Figure 4-4. DI2E Capabilities ....................................................................................................... 19
Figure A-1. Air Force Open Architecture Distributed Common Ground System (OA DCGS) ... 20
Figure A-2. RAS-G Interoperability Profile Quad Chart .............................................................. 22
Figure A-3. Interoperability Profile Conformance........................................................................ 22
Figure A-4. Interoperability Profile Projects ................................................................................ 23
Figure A-5. UH-60V Quad Chart ................................................................................................. 24
Table 2-1. Architecture Definitions ................................................................................................ 5
Table 2-2. Definitions of Modular Terms ..................................................................................... 10
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Executive Summary
In response to the 2018 National Defense Strategy and 2017 legislation (P.L. 114-328 2017), the
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and
Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) is working with the defense community to develop guidance for
implementing modular open systems approaches (MOSA) in defense acquisition programs. This
document, focusing on MOSA reference frameworks, is part of a planned body of work that will
support defense programs as they implement MOSA.
Programs have long incorporated MOSA in varying forms, but the body of work is intended to
promote effective use of MOSA across the enterprise by providing guidance and examples of best
practices. Additional guidance will address integrating new technologies, mitigating component
obsolescence, and improving sustainment of the mission capabilities Warfighters need. The body
of work will promote a holistic approach to address architecture and standards in MOSA
The DoD Modular Open Systems Working Group (MOSWG), under the leadership of the
OUSD(R&E) Deputy Director for Engineering, is responsible for developing the MOSA body of
work. In 2016 the MOSWG conducted a Technical Standards Working Group, which defined a
MOSA framework” as a collection of modular open systems mechanisms (tactics, patterns,
methods) with associated guidance for proper application and consistent implementation of MOSA
on systems or programs in a domain.
In 2018 the MOSWG organized a MOSA Frameworks Tiger Team to further survey MOSA
implementation practices in DoD programs. The team developed the concept of a MOSA
reference framework to apply not just to a single program but to a domain of similar programs
or systems across an enterprise.
Section 1 of this document discusses the precedent and motivation for DoD MOSA efforts.
Section 2 discusses the MOSA Frameworks Tiger Team’s development of the reference
framework concept. Section 3 discusses the essential elements of a MOSA reference framework,
and Section 4 offers descriptions of two exemplary MOSA reference frameworks. Appendix A
includes additional descriptions of reference frameworks the Tiger Team collected during its
This document is intended to guide engineering staff and decision makers in common ways to
recognize and use MOSA elements to support the technical performance and sustainment of
acquisition systems. The authors note the need to balance the business and technical aspects of a
MOSA reference framework.
Contributors to this document include representatives of OUSD(R&E), U.S. Air Force (USAF),
U.S. Army (USA), U.S. Navy (USN), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Defense
Acquisition University (DAU), and the Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC).
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
1 Introduction
The Department of Defense (DoD) has employed modular open systems approaches (MOSA) for
nearly 20 years, but recent legislation (P.L. 114-328 2017) has formally mandated the use of
MOSA to enhance the Department’s ability to modify major weapon systems efficiently.
Modularization simplifies system design by making complexity manageable, enables programs to
conduct parallel development efforts, and accommodates future uncertainty by allowing for
incremental changes to a system (Baldwin 2006).
Successful MOSA implementations have proved that proper application of modular approaches
and flexible, open-system architectures allow for system components to evolve to respond to
changing “technology, threat, or interoperability need” (P.L. 114-328 2017). Accordingly, the
Department is moving from unique architectures and closed systems that are inflexible and cost-
prohibitive to architectures that include the use of open interface standards with modular systems
to facilitate continuous adaption and upgrades (Mattis 2018).
MOSA provides an integrated business and technical strategy for competitive and affordable
acquisition and sustainment of a new or legacy system (or a component within a new or legacy
system) over the system life cycle. The modular approach uses an architecture that separates the
system into major functions and elements, which work together across interfaces in conformance
with widely supported, consensus-based standards (Zimmerman et al. 2018).
1.1 Purpose of DoD MOSA Guidance
The Department intends its MOSA guidance to facilitate the adoption, integration, and refresh of
defense capabilities through the use of consensus-based standards, appropriate business practices,
and articulation of necessary data rights (P.L. 114-328 2017). MOSA should be at the foundation
of an acquisition program’s design strategy and architecture to address modernization, threat
response, mission integration, competition, resource savings, and security.
When implementing MOSA, programs must balance technical methods and business drivers.
Technical enablers such as standard interfaces allow architecture elements to evolve separately
and to interface with minimal impact to other system elements. MOSA couples the technical
design with open business practices such as selection and access to appropriate data, creating
opportunities to improve a system’s warfighting ability. In addition, programs need to balance
MOSA with safety and cybersecurity design characteristics, essential to maintaining a secure,
resilient system. The components can be incrementally added, removed, or replaced to provide
opportunities for cost savings or cost avoidance, resource reduction, technology refresh, capability
change, increased interoperability, increased competition, and easier sustainment of the system.
1.2 Preceding MOSA Efforts
The Department conducted earlier MOSA efforts through the Open Systems Joint Task Force
(OSJTF), which was established to provide focus and initial momentum to open system design and
use in DoD. At the time the Department defined open systems architecture as a characteristic of
1 Introduction
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
a system that uses a technical architecture that adopts open standards supporting a modular,
loosely coupled, and highly cohesive system structure that includes the publishing of key interfaces
within the system and relevant design disclosure (DAU Glossary 2020).
The MOSA principles were integrated into DoD systems engineering guidance, and the OSJTF
was disestablished in 2004. Since that time, there have been varying applications of MOSA in
DoD acquisition programs.
In 2016, at the request of the Defense Standardization Council (DSC), a DoD MOSA Technical
Standards Working Group (TSWG) led by the DoD Systems Engineering office examined the role
of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP) in supporting MOSA and related standards being
employed across the Department.
The TSWG identified the role and criticality of standards in enabling the effective, appropriate
adoption of MOSA in the development and sustainment of weapon systems and national security
systems. The TSWG identified common barriers and enablers to the effective adoption of MOSA,
discovered common standards in use across DoD, and assessed whether new standards should be
developed. The TSWG engaged with industry to discover MOSA that was industry driven or co-
developed with government initiatives related to defense, and to capture issues related to the
development or employment of MOSA from the industry perspective.
The TSWG identified the use of technical frameworks as a helpful reference to Program Managers
as they develop modular and open systems. The TSWG suggested defining a MOSA framework
specifically for standardization as a collection of standards and architectures with
implementation guidance and conformance verification criteria for a specific array of functions
within the standard” (DoD MOSA TSWG 2016).
1.3 Modular Open Systems Working Group
The DoD Modular Open Systems Working Group (MOSWG), under the leadership of the
OUSD(R&E) Deputy Director for Engineering, is currently responsible for leading DoD MOSA
guidance efforts. The MOSWG is developing implementation guidance that supports MOSA
across the participating Services and Agencies.
In 2018, the MOSWG initiated a MOSA Frameworks Tiger Team to survey the use of MOSA in
DoD acquisition programs. The team met from April 4 to October 31, 2018, including
representatives of the Military Services and DoD Agencies, to address a DSC suggestion to
“develop and maintain a list of recommended MOSA frameworks, supported with guidance on the
development and maintenance of additional frameworks” (DoD MOSA TSWG 2016). The team
examined MOSA frameworks and best practices in use, and it developed the core elements of a
MOSA “reference frameworkto facilitate MOSA implementation on programs. The team drew
on known efforts such as the Navy Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE
), Air Force
Open Mission Systems/Universal Command and Control Interface (OMS/UCI), and the Army’s
Vehicle Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability (VICTORY).
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
2 MOSA Framework Development
2.1 MOSA Framework
DoD has used the term “framework” to identify proposed MOSA solutions that satisfy similar
technical requirements and common elements across related applications within a domain
(DiMario, Cloutier and Verma 2008; Fuchs and Golenhofen 2019). The MOSWG currently
considers a framework as applicable to a single program but is developing a concept of “reference
framework” to refer to a framework that applies across multiple applications or programs. This
section discusses existing concepts, sources, and working definitions relating to MOSA
architecture, framework, and reference framework.
A MOSA framework includes (1) architecture, (2) standards, (3) implementation, and
(4) conformance, as well as the use of (5) data models and (6) additional tools (Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1. General MOSA Framework Concept
The MOSWG Tiger Team identified MOSA frameworks currently in use throughout DoD. The
team examined the business and technical enablers defense acquisition programs employed when
implementing a MOSA framework; captured best practices that assist programs in reducing the
cost and time of integrating new and existing capabilities throughout the acquisition life cycle; and
identified relevant terminology, policy, and guidance for architecture and standards (Table 2-1).
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Table 2-1. Architecture Definitions
Definition / Proposed Definition
Coordinated /
(System) fundamental concepts or properties
of a system in its environment embodied in its
elements, relationships, and in the principles
of its design and evolution
The arrangement of elements and subsystems
and the allocation of functions to them to meet
system requirements
Systems and
INCOSE Systems
Engineering (SE)
Handbook 2006
Work product used to express an architecture.
Conventions, principles, and practices for the
description of architectures established within
a specific domain of application and/or
community of stakeholders.
Work product expressing the architecture of a
system from the perspective of specific system
Work product establishing the conventions for
the construction, interpretation, and use of
architecture views to frame specific system
The overarching, comprehensive framework
and conceptual model enabling the
development of architectures to facilitate the
ability of Department of Defense (DoD)
managers at all levels to make key decisions
more effectively through organized
information sharing across the DoD, Joint
Capability Areas (JCAs), Mission,
Component, and program boundaries. The
DoDAF serves as one of the principal pillars
supporting the DoD Chief Information Officer
(CIO) in his responsibilities for development
and maintenance of architectures required
under the Clinger-Cohen Act [1996]. It also
provides extensive guidance on the
development of architectures supporting the
adoption and execution of Net-centric services
within the Department.
University (DAU)
Glossary 2020
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Definition / Proposed Definition
Coordinated /
[Overarching term encompassing technical
and business architecture, models, and
A collection of modular open systems
mechanisms (tactics, patterns, methods) with
associated guidance for proper application and
consistent implementation of MOSA on
systems or programs in a domain.
TSWG 2016
An authoritative source of information about a
specific subject area that guides and constrains
the instantiations of multiple architectures and
DoD Chief
Officer (CIO) 2012
[Overarching framework to]
Identify those things that need to be
Create consistency where needed
Indicate where individual projects can
diverge from the RF where appropriate
Provide a structured approach to managing
standards, policies, patterns in order to
deliver on objectives
Wilkes 2012
An abstract framework or domain-specific
ontology consisting of an interlinked set of
clearly defined concepts produced by an expert
or body of experts in order to encourage clear
Committee 2006
(U.S. Navy)
A framework incorporating (1) architectures,
(2) standardized specifications and protocols,
(3) data models, and (4) tools that enable
programs to:
Provide reusable architecture for a family of
Deliver an integrated set of profiles for the
development of components.
o Technical profiles are a set of
(implementation-agnostic) attribute
profiles that allow components to
operate within the context of systems
and platforms.
Promote a product line of “best of breed”
capabilities to the Warfighter.
Guertin et al.
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
The Navy’s historical concept of MOSA Technical Reference Frameworks (TRFs) used
(1) architectures, (2) standardized specifications and protocols, (3) data models, and (4) tools that
enabled programs to:
Provide reusable architecture for a family of applications
Deliver an integrated set of profiles for the development of components
o Note: The technical profiles are a set of (implementation-agnostic) attribute profiles
that allow components to operate within the context of systems and platforms
Promote a product line of “best of breed” capabilities to the Warfighter
The Navy successfully implemented MOSA using TRFs in defense acquisitions such as the
Program Executive Office (PEO) Submarines (SUB)–Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical
System (SWFTS) Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I)
Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) program and the PEO Integrated
Warfare Systems (IWS) Open Systems Product Line Architectures approach (Guertin 2015).
2.2 Technical Reference Architectures
The Tiger Team observed that the Military Services apply elements of (1) reference frameworks,
(2) reference architectures, and (3) reference models for platforms and systems across specific
domains and organizations.
Wilkes (2012) described the concept of a reference framework as “an authoritative guide for
building of something that expands the structure into something useful. The framework often
contains a model, process, architecture, and organizational governance.” Practitioners may include
aspects of a reference architecture (blueprint) and reference model (domain-specific ontology)
when developing a reference framework. Thus a MOSA reference framework can assist in guiding
the development, management, and deployment of modular and open systems (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2. MOSA Reference Framework Methods, Processes, and Tools
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
As illustrated in Figure 2-2, a MOSA reference framework provides a structured approach to
manage standards, policies, and patterns that achieve business and technical objectives. A
reference model provides concepts, principles, and common terms. A meta model defines the rules
for building the reference model; for example, a meta model would define deliverables or the
subject of a policy (Wilkes 2012). Architectural frameworks provide users with guidance and
rules “for structuring and organizing architectures(DoD CIO 2010). For instance, the DoD
Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.02 provides more than 52 models, a meta model,
and a standard framework for developing architectural views and capturing and presenting
architectural data to support DoD stakeholders (DoD CIO 2010).
2.3 Business and Stakeholder Context
Organizational roles and responsibilities across the domains may not be codified or well
understood; therefore, organizations may neglect the impact of their product or system in relation
to evolving changes in the wider enterprise. The practice of examining and codifying the impacts
of business objectives as well as technical considerations can be captured in enterprise
architectures (Pereira and Sousa 2004) (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3. Relationships among Architectures in an Enterprise Architecture
To successfully implement MOSA, acquisition professionals must be able to understand clearly
the respective acquisition processes, cultural behaviors, and desired outcomes across multiple
domains. The MOSA reference framework begins to consider both business and stakeholder
concerns as well the technical design (Cloutier et al. 2010) (Figure 2-4).
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Figure 2-4. Relationships among Business Objectives and Technical Design Considerations
Acquisition programs using MOSA as a foundational practice have achieved a degree of
modernization (e.g., technology refresh, inclusion of innovative technology); cost savings (e.g.,
cost avoidance, savings realized from increased competition); and interoperability. If programs
are organized to incorporate MOSA, then MOSA reference frameworks can enable DoD
engineering and business communities to structure technology investments, upgrades, and
innovation opportunities for insertion into programs during design and at regular refresh cycles.
To ensure programs include MOSA considerations, adequate incentives must exist for both the
government program offices managing the effort and the contractors involved. For the government
program offices, the requirement and programming must be in place. The applicable standards,
along with appropriate training and compliance documentation and test cases, should be readily
available. For contractors, the government program office must articulate required data rights and
intellectual property information early. The government must clearly document in the contract
which standards or architecture considerations contractors should follow, and the contract should
include appropriate incentives and disincentives (fees, withholding item acceptance, etc.).
2.4 Modular Architectures: Form Follows Function
In the modular approach of “designing a modular architecture,” the architecture (form) is used to
describe modularization (the function of modularity) (Alberto and Tollenaere 2005). The concept
of a modular architecture adheres to the systems engineering principle of form following function,
as the primary function is modularization and the architecture is the form used to represent the
modular design. The modular architecture is the product that depicts (1) functional decomposition
of functions into modules, (2) de-coupled interfaces between modules, and (3) interface
specifications and standards that define the primary interactions across/between modules (Ulrich
1995). The architecture serves as a blueprint for developing and maintaining a product or system,
or a product line or family of systems, across its life cycle.
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Creating a modular architecture requires functional decomposition (Figure 2-3) as a systems
engineering practice across the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to enable the planning of
flexible modularization and control of interfaces. The practice of functional allocation enables
functional modules to serve as building blocks in a system. In addition, minimizing the
dependencies between modules by de-coupling interfaces enables loose coupling. Finally, the
practice of specifying well-defined interfaces that use consensus-based standards results in
standardized interfaces. The functional decomposition process is paramount in implementing a
modular approach to system development. De-coupling helps eliminate unnecessary interfaces,
which then makes it easier to identify the interfaces that are good candidates for standardization.
2.4.1 Modularity, Interfaces, Specifications, and Standards
Modularization provides the opportunity to mix and match components in a product design in
which the standard interfaces between components can be verified as compliant with law and are
specified to allow a range of variation in components to be substituted in a product’s architecture.
Researchers Sako and Murray (1999) described modularity as “a bundle of characteristics that
define, first, interfaces between elements of the whole, second, a function-to-function component
(or task-to-organization unit) mapping that defines what those elements are, and, third, hierarchies
of decomposition of the whole functions, components, and tasks” (Table 2-2).
Table 2-2. Definitions of Modular Terms
Published Definitions
A system architecture in which the system has been partitioned into
architectural components that exhibit good abstraction, have high
internal cohesion, have low coupling to other components and
external systems, and encapsulate their internal implementation
behind visible interfaces.
Firesmith and
A modular system is made of independent units which can be easily
assembled and which behave in a certain way in a whole system.
Baldwin and
Clark 1997
Modularity is a very general set of principles for managing
complexity. By breaking up a complex system into discrete pieces,
which can then communicate with one another only through
standardized interfaces within a standardized architecture, what
would otherwise be an unmanageable spaghetti tangle of systematic
interconnections can be eliminated.
Lanlois 2002
A complex group that allocates a function to the product and which
could be changed and replaced in a loose way and be produced
Wilhelm 1997
The scheme by which the function of the product is allocated to
physical components, i.e., the arrangement of functional elements,
the mapping from functional elements to physical components, and
the specification of the interfaces among interaction physical
Sako and
Murray 1999
2 DoD MOSA Framework Development
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
2.4.2 Steps for Implementing a Modular Approach
Modular building blocks can be structured and arranged in an architecture by adhering to the
following steps:
Step 1: Modularize by decomposing system capabilities into functional modules. Below
are some characteristics of modules to consider:
o Single Abstractionmodule represents the key aspects of a single capability or
o High Cohesion – module contains all parts necessary to implement its abstraction
(sufficiency) and only parts related to its abstraction (necessity).
o Low Coupling – module minimizes (or optimizes) the number, scope, and complexity
of interfaces required.
o Encapsulation – module boundaries hide implementation details behind specified
visible interfaces and these interfaces are the only way to interact with internal
module functions.
o Note: Modules may also be “components.”
Step 2: Specify (or Configure Interfaces) by identifying connections between system
building blocks.
o Interfaces “connect” modular components within the architecture. In addition, there
are multiple ways in which functional modules can be organized. Some configuration
may be optimal, some not, and the modularity of the functional interfaces will impact
the overall modularity.
Step 3: Define Interface Specifications by capturing how functional modules interact.
o Interface specifications define “how” functional modules behave.
o Interface specifications should address both syntactic and semantic considerations for
data flowing through the interface.
Step 4: Standardize Interface Specifications to allow for opportunities of future
o Standardization of interface specifications enables technology developers to access,
manage, and build to well-defined interfaces, thus allowing interoperability across
new solutions (i.e., designs must “conform” to interface specifications).
o Well-defined interface specifications will significantly reduce the effort required for
integration of modules from disparate sources.
o For standardized interfaces, programs should have a method for verifying compliance
with the standard.
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
3 MOSA Reference Framework
A MOSA reference framework identifies, defines, and documents the recommended elements for
facilitating the implementation of MOSA consistently among similar programs. Although using
MOSA successfully includes relying on standards, specifying a particular standard is not sufficient
to ensure a MOSA implementation will be successful. Standards, along with architectures, must
be implemented properly to be effective.
A sample MOSA reference framework providing architecture and standards guidance for Services
and Agencies across the Department will be stored in the newly formed Modular and Open
Systems Standards and Specifications (MOSS) Lead Standardization Area located in ASSIST, the
web-enabled database for standardization documents available to DoD. OUSD(R&E) initiated the
ASSIST MOSS Standardization Area in August 2018 to cover “specifications and standards that
support MOSA in defense systems” (DSP 2019). The MOSS also includes “specifications used to
define system interfaces and system architectures that allow severable components; and standard
formats for data exchanges, physical (electrical, mechanical, etc.) and practices for implementing
MOSA frameworks and architectures, as well as compliance testing for implementations of
standards in support to the MOSA practice” (DSP 2019).
3.1 Application of MOSA in a Framework
Programs should consider MOSA during architecture development; MOSA cannot be only the
result of design or implementation. In addition, programs should gather lessons learned from
design, implementation, and integration to improve the architecture.
DoD is developing further guidance regarding how to implement MOSA in a strategic manner to
ensure business and technical drivers are achievable, which may vary by organization; however,
the following principles are common among organizations:
There must be (1) modularity of functionality, (2) modularity of hardware components
(including computing hardware), and (3) modularity of software components.
Open interfaces are required at the boundaries of each module, including (1) open
software interfaces (including syntactic and semantic data constraints), (2) open hardware
interfaces, and (3) well-defined functions to accompany open interfaces. These shared
boundaries may be
o Between a major system platform and a major system component;
o Between major system components; or
Between major system platforms that are: (1) defined by various physical, logical,
and functional characteristics, such as electrical, mechanical, fluidic, optical, radio
frequency, data, networking, or software elements; and (2) characterized clearly in
terms of form, function, and the content that flows across the interface in order to
enable technological innovation, incremental improvements, integration, and
3 MOSA Reference Framework
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
3.1.1 Technical Architecture
Every program, system, and process has a technical architecture, but it may be documented in
varying ways. To successfully implement MOSA, the technical architecture is a component of the
design that should consider external interface definition, support growing scale and functionality,
and accommodate technology insertion opportunities. The technical approach for implementing
MOSA should capture not only architectures but also the architectural patterns used to implement
MOSA when addressing hardware, software, data, and functional areas of concern.
Architecture and design documents should capture the diverse or dissimilar mix of other systems
(hardware, software, and human) with which the system needs to exchange information.
Implementing MOSA requires (1) the right documentation and (2) the right data. As such, MOSA
supports the creation of modular, layered architectures, and MOSA should be used at major system
interfaces. Describing and documenting the physical, logical, and functional characteristics of
these architectures is imperative. Finally, data management strategies should define data models,
descriptions, and plans for data/asset management.
3.1.2 Business and Stakeholder Considerations
As part of the MOSA reference framework, each program must develop not only the technical
guidance but also MOSA business guidance, including data and asset management, compliance
guidance, and contracting guidance (Figure 3-1).
Figure 3-1. MOSA Reference Framework Considerations
3 MOSA Reference Framework
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Following are examples of information programs should include in the MOSA business guidance:
Guidance for achieving MOSA-related benefits, to include: enhanced competition and
innovation, significant cost savings or avoidance, schedule reduction, opportunities for
technical upgrades, increased interoperability, including system of systems
interoperability and mission integration, and other benefits during the sustainment phase
of a major weapon system
Strategy for acquiring system components and platforms that can be separated, competed,
and independently evolved throughout the life cycle
Technical data rights for (major) system interfaces:
o Outline the strategy for acquiring system components and platforms that can be
separated, competed, and independently evolved throughout the life cycle
o Address technical data rights for (major) system interfaces
o Include data rights strategies that are defined to address specific data rights, for
example: need for components, interfaces, and data rights options
Contracting guidance and evaluation factors:
o May include tying incentive fees or item acceptance to verified MOSA enabling
standard conformance, linking a sustainment logistics support option to delivery of
sufficient technical data rights, etc.
Other areas to consider include:
Reuse strategy and commonality approaches
o Relate to core asset management plan
o Include acquisition strategies and approaches
Policies and regulations
Collaborative international marketplace
Governance of architecture
Organizational approach – charters and roles for various portions of the organization
3.2 Standardization and Conformance Guidance
Appropriate selection and application of standards at modular interfaces can contribute to healthy
competition among suppliers throughout the acquisition life cycle. Many standards are available
for the government programs to choose. Accessing and selecting appropriate standards can be
challenging as most were originally developed to solve a specific problem set. Therefore, Program
Managers should be careful to use the appropriate standards within contracts, tailored as
appropriate for each system.
3 MOSA Reference Framework
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
System designs implementing MOSA, with sufficient standardization at interfaces, allow greater
flexibility and agility to reconfigure components to address evolving threats and emerging
technology. Contract developers of DoD systems require appropriate business knowledge
regarding intended use, stakeholder context, data rights, and intellectual property to select the best
standards. Standards implemented at interfaces may contain options and default settings for which
multiple combinations are possible, but once selected may not interoperate with other
implementations of the same standard. In addition, standards may serve as methods or processes
for meeting a business or technical objective, and some process standards may influence the
architecture process and support business implementation.
Multiple options, as well as inconsistent availability of information to verify standard
implementation, can lead to interoperability problems. Therefore, standards guidance should
provide details on implementation and conformance, including which organizations provide
verification. Programs should provide a test plan, procedures, and verification methods across the
life cycle to ensure compliance.
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
4 Example MOSA Reference Frameworks
The 2018 DoD MOSA Frameworks Tiger Team conducted a study to identify efforts in DoD that
are already implementing a full MOSA framework. The team reviewed many MOSA
implementations and selected two that best illustrated the DoD reference framework proposed in
this paper: (1) U.S. Army Modular Active Protection Systems (MAPS) and (2) Defense
Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) Framework. Both efforts incorporate implementation
and conformance guidance as well as plans and procedures for ensuring compliance. The
Appendix includes additional examples of MOSA efforts the team considered.
4.1 U.S. Army Modular Active Protection System
The U.S. Army MAPS (Figure 4-1) enables safe, secure, layered protection for modifying vehicle
protection needs across ground vehicle platforms with the government-owned MAPS Base Kit.
The program leverages a stable software code base in MAPS Controller for use with many different
sensors and effectors.
Figure 4-1. Modular Active Protection System (MAPS)
4 Example MOSA Reference Framework Implementations
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
MAPS enables reuse and commonality of ruggedized base kit components by multiple ground
vehicle platforms. The MAPS MOSA framework permits ease of understanding new or updated
requirements and interfaces for those compliant to an earlier level of architecture, due to ongoing
architecture and baseline release process. MAPS supports reduced time for new sensor and
effector pairing. It uses a modular design and open system architecture approach that:
Addresses Active Protection System development aspects previously overlooked
Gains more insight than past efforts, which were performance‐focused demonstrations
Defines modular, interoperable, scalable, and reconfigurable standards
Permits configuration and integration to any target platform
Parses functionality into modules that can be replaced to adapt to changing threats
Permits DoD to maintain system design ownership
Avoids proprietary, “blackbox,” unique design solutions
Facilitates a more orderly upgrade process
MAPS’ implementation of MOSA (Figure 4-2) provides:
Comprehensive functional decomposition at core of architecture
o SysML model; logical architecture, interconnect diagrams, interface types and
requirements, sequence and activity diagrams
Ability to derive multiple system design solutions constrained by safety and
cybersecurity needs
Capacity to work with varying performance levels, variable threats, or multiple ground
Framework – Reference Implementation Guide (RIG): describes how to leverage the
architecture to derive a modular APS design, applicable for
o Existing active protection systems and subsystems
o Yet to be developed subsystems
Ability to grow a library of design models for compliant subsystems
Framework – Data Modeling:
o Includes core data model and describes signals that define the interfaces between the
reference architecture’s functions
o Functions are sequenced to describe APS behaviors
Framework – Reference Architecture Interface Control Document, Compliance Guide,
and Technical Standard:
o Identifies compliance requirements for signals and interfaces
4 Example MOSA Reference Framework Implementations
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Figure 4-2. MAPS Framework Artifacts
4.2 Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) Framework
The DI2E framework (Figure 4-3) lays the foundation for embracing and implementing software,
services, and capabilities reuse across DoD and the Intelligence Community to achieve effective
and efficient global intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) pairing.
Figure 4-3. Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) Framework
4 Example MOSA Reference Framework Implementations
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
The DI2E Framework provides a software development environment; however, there are some
internal development efforts including the following:
DevTools (developer environment; enables MOSA)
Reference Implementation (RI) (Some internal development)
Storefront (internally built system; follows MOSA tenets)
Clearinghouse (significant focus on MOSA through evaluation process)
Figure 4-4. DI2E Capabilities
Although the DI2E framework (Figure 4-4) is mostly a developer environment, MOSA tenets and
principles are reflected in the tools and resources provided to the community. In areas in which
DI2E framework develops software/capabilities, MOSA tenets and principles are implemented.
DI2E framework has been successful in enabling MOSA to occur; however, it is difficult to
accurately validate that the community is fully embracing MOSA tenets. The DI2E framework is
designed to increase reuse due to its large user base and widely used developer environment across
the Intelligence Community and DoD.
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Appendix A: Survey of MOSA Implementations across DoD
Air Force Open Architecture Distributed Common Ground System (OA DCGS)
The Air Force OA DCGS (Figure A-1) asserts it has been transformed through MOSA. The
program used MOSA principles to renew internal processes, embracing agile software constructs.
MOSA and agility go together as the best agile teams use open interfaces, operate with service
contracts, and leverage already existing modular code. Through MOSA and agile principles, OA
DCGS seeks to achieve a vision of delivering capability at the “speed of relevance” (Mattis 2018).
Figure A-1. Air Force Open Architecture Distributed Common Ground System (OA DCGS)
OA DCGS seeks to deliver a robust and cyber-secure enterprise, using commercial and
Intelligence Community standards and best practices. The program addressed the following in
implementing OA DCGS:
Accelerate the transition to an open architecture.
Achieve cybersecurity for the DCGS enterprise.
Modernize, sustain, test, and field capabilities
Implement SAFe, agile, and ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
principles, practices and framework to deliver ISR capabilities
The AF DCGS weapon system is implementing OA DCGS to:
Transition from prototype to fielded capability faster
Seamlessly integrate development and operational testing
Appendix A: Survey of MOSA Implementations across the DoD
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Leverage and quickly integrate best-of-breed Intelligence Community and industry
Integrate test and evaluation (T&E) practices, hold a shorter cycle
Implement Intelligence Community, DoD, and commercial standards
Manage data and data sources
Own the Technical Baseline (OTB)
Mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities
Implement rigorous cybersecurity testing
Integrate system designs that are open versus closed
Deliver software releases, patches and enhancements on cadence
The OA DCGS team has been forward leaning; migrating to the cloud, as in C2S or SC2S, will be
straightforward. As code is refactored the program is requiring task orders “12 factor app”
compliant software, which makes the deliverable cloud compliant. OA DCGS is making the OA
DCGS of the future a totally composable system that can be built through automation, thereby
allowing the program to integrate changes in minutes rather than months or years.
RAS-G IOP (Figure A-2) implementations of MOSA use IOP versions designed with industry to
develop standardized interfaces and supporting documentation to perform specific operational
functions. In addition, IOP provides government Program Managers (and others) with a master
library of standardized interfaces, tools, and supporting documentation for use in defining an
“instantiation” for a given unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), class of UGVs, or program.
The vendor builds subsystem design to “instantiations(Figure A-3) to provide an Engineering
Change Proposal if a design is more optimal to meet system requirements. The vendor
system/subsystem’s IOP solution is then validated to conformance to “instantiation,ensuring
Appendix A: Survey of MOSA Implementations across the DoD
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Robotic Autonomous Systems Ground Interoperability Profile (RAS-G IOP)
Figure A-2. RAS-G Interoperability Profile Quad Chart
Figure A-3. Interoperability Profile Conformance
Appendix A: Survey of MOSA Implementations across the DoD
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
For the RAS-G IOP, MOSA provides the following benefits:
Allows for use of a universal robotic controller
Allows for faster, easier, and less expensive replacements or upgrades to a program
Allows for use of a common radio solution
Allows for the capability to exchange payloads between systems
Allows for the ability to place existing chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and
explosive (CBRNE) sensors on RAS-G and control and monitor from the Universal
Control Unit
Allows for common interfaces with the Navy Advanced Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Robotic System (AEODRS)
Allows common autonomy kits to be used with vehicle-specific drive-by-wire kits
Reduces dependence on operators for manned-unmanned teaming
NATO benefits through a Standardization Agreement (STANAG)
TAS-G IOP uses legacy standards to save time and money while improving interoperability by
removing ambiguity in implementation. Vendors are able to interface IOP-compliant subsystems
(Figure A-4) rapidly to provide enhanced capabilities. Vendors can replace obsolete subsystems
with little to no changes to the other subsystems, and subsequently, the universal control unit
allows for more efficient air/ground teaming.
Figure A-4. Interoperability Profile Projects
The IOP facilitates enhanced competition, allowing for more subsystem vendors to have their
products evaluated for replacements or upgrades to a system. Industry and government are able
to work together to provide more capabilities to the Warfighter.
Appendix A: Survey of MOSA Implementations across the DoD
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
The IOP allows reduced fielding time, integration costs, and training burden. The strategy reduces
the number of different subsystem variants and total number that need to be fielded for spares. A
reduced number of subsystems and common interfaces allows for testing efficiencies as system
software becomes more complex. In addition, the program could reduce its dependence on
operators for manned-unmanned teaming. The universal control unit allows for more efficient
air/ground teaming.
Upgrade UH-60L BLACK HAWK Ground Interoperability Profile (UH-60V)
UH-60V (Figure A-5) was motivated to implement MOSA to build a platform upon which
software capability anticipated to be available in the future could be added with minimal impact
to the fielded system. The program sought to ensure the use of non-proprietary interfaces,
standards, and protocols. It also sought to ensure agility in the design, such that modifications to
specific performance requirements would be reasonably isolated only to the components related
to that requirement, and thus improve responsiveness to changing requirements both during
development and after the system was fielded. UH-60V was motivated to ensure delivery of a
Technical Data Package that maximizes the Program Manager’s competitive options throughout
the life of the program, including unlimited data rights where feasible. UH-60V MOSA
implementation enabled future integration efficiencies and enabled future reductions in repeated
integration costs. In addition, the program integrated two COTS applications.
Figure A-5. UH-60V Quad Chart
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Architecture Description
Advanced Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robotic System
Advanced Protection System
Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence
Learning Environment
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive
Chief Information Officer
Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Computer Software/Computer Software System
Defense Acquisition University
Distributed Common Ground System
Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Architecture Framework
Defense Standardization Council
Defense Standardization Program
Engineering Change Proposal
Future Airborne Capability Environment
Interface Control Document
International Council on Systems Engineering
Interoperability Profile
International Organization for Standardization – International
Electrotechnical Commission
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Integrated Warfare System
Joint Tactical Networking Center
Modular Active Protection System Framework
Modular Active Protection System
Modular Open Systems Approach
Modular Open Standards and Specifications
Acronyms and Abbreviations
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
Modeling and Simulation
National Advanced Mobility Consortium
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Defense Strategy
Open Architecture
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
Open Mission Systems
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Open Systems Joint Task Force
Own the Technical Baseline
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Program Executive Office
Program Manager
Reference Architecture
Robotics Autonomous System–Ground
Reference Implementation
Reference Implementation Guidance
Scaled Agile Framework
Strategic Command and Control Software
Standardization Agreement (NATO)
Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical System (U.S. Navy)
Systems Modeling Language (Unified Modeling Language)
U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering
Test and Evaluation
Technical Reference Framework
Universal Command and Control Interface
Unmanned Ground Vehicle
United States Army
United States Air Force
United States Navy
Vehicular Integration for (C4ISR) Command, Control, Communication,
Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance /(EW) Electronic
Warfare (EW) Interoperability (U.S. Army)
MOSA Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition Programs
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Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Reference Frameworks in Defense Acquisition
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