Thesis Formula and the HTS: X. However A, B, C. Therefore, Y
1. Historical Causation (Cause and Effect):
What are the major causes or consequences of “event” and what were the most important?
causes or consequences of “event?
X = least important cause or consequence, with an explanation why
A, B, C = most important causes / consequences, explanations why, broken up thematically
Y = your assertion statement (argument/claim)
2. Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time:
What are the major patterns of continuity and change over the time period(s)?
X = continuity or change, your counter-argument
A, B, C = continuity or change during the specified time period, broken up thematically
Y = your assertion statement (argument/claim)
3. Comparison:
What similarities and differences are there between the two items? Are there more similarities
or differences? What accounts for those similarities and differences?
X = more similar or different, your counter-argument
A, B, C = similarities or differences between two things, broken up thematically
Y = your assertion statement
4. Periodization (Turning Point):
Evaluate whether something was a turning point or a major marking period in history, noting
what things were like before and after that period and the extent or amount of change.
X = counter argument, why something was or was not a turning point
A, B, C = argument, why something was a turning point broken up thematically
Y = your assertion statement
Notes: Thesis statements often benefit from the use of words such as although, however,
despite, even though, etc. since they indicate the complexity of having weighed both sides.
Thesis statements should take a historically defensible position, answer all parts of the
question, provide a road map of the essay and be placed in the introductory paragraph.
ACE the Short Answer Question:
Label each part of an SAQ (A, B, or C). Be direct and precise.
Each part of an SAQ should be answered with a 24 sentence response.
A AnswerDirectly answer the question by identifying your claim.
C CiteProvide a specific piece of evidence to support your answer.
E ExpandConnect the evidence to your answer and provide context.
P olitics and Power
A merican and National Identity
S ociety and Culture
S ettlement and Migration
A merica and the World
G eography and the Environment
E conomy: (Work, Exchange, and Technology)
Document Sourcing in the DBQ - HIPPO
H: Historical Context or I: Intended Audience or P: Purpose or P: Point of View
and O: Organize (use the HIPP to propel your argument). Complete for 4 or more docs.
Types of Contextualization:
Local Context (Historical Context when analyzing a DBQ document) How does the
document connect to other events in the time period? Be specific. The “H” from HIPPO.
Broad Context (Contextualization point in the DBQ rubric) How does the argument or
an event fit within the bigger picture of American history? Connect to events immediately
preceding the time period or to a larger theme that connects time periods. Should be several
sentences or a separate paragraph.
Other Context (Synthesis) How does the topic or evidence in the essay connect with
something from a different time period, geographical area, analytical category or theme?
Should be several sentences with a specific linkage not just a passing reference. Go beyond!
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