Associate Professor
Program Director- Rehabilitation Counseling
Ball State University
Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology and Counseling
Office: (765) 285-8040
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, 2002
Major: Rehabilitation Psychology
Minor: Educational Psychology
M.A. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1996
Major: Rehabilitation Counseling
B.A. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1993
Major: Psychology
Minor: Sociology
Licensure & Certification
Licensed Psychologist, Indiana (#20042883A).
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (#00015267).
Professional Experience
Associate Professor,
Director-Rehabilitation Counseling Masters Program
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, August 2012 – present
Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology and Counseling
Provide instruction and clinical supervision in our CORE, CACREP, and APA accredited
training programs. Conduct rehabilitation related research, supervise student research
projects. Coordinate Masters Rehabilitation Counseling Program through program
development and fulfillment of CORE accreditation standards, recruitment, and
mentoring. University and professional service responsibilities.
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director/Online Program Coordinator- Rehabilitation
University of Massachusetts-Boston, January 2009 – August 2012
Department of Counseling and School Psychology
Provide instruction in masters level counseling courses and direct both the on-campus
and on-line graduate Rehabilitation Counseling programs. Department, college, and
university service responsibilities. Conduct rehabilitation related research, supervise
student research projects. Coordinate Masters Rehabilitation Counseling Program
through program development and fulfillment of CORE accreditation standards. Recruit,
advise, and supervise rehabilitation counseling students.
Associate Professor
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, August 2008 – January 2009
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
Provide instruction and clinical supervision in our CORE, CACREP, and APA accredited
training programs. Conduct rehabilitation related research, supervise student research
projects. Coordinate Masters Rehabilitation Counseling Program through program
development and fulfillment of CORE accreditation standards, recruitment, and
mentoring. University and professional service responsibilities.
Assistant Professor
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, August 2002 – July 2008
Director, Rehabilitation Counseling Masters Program
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, August 2005 – January 2009
Coordinate Masters Rehabilitation Counseling Program through program development
and fulfillment of Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE) accreditation standards.
Recruit, advise, and supervise rehabilitation counseling track students.
Post-doctoral Clinical Work
Interventional Pain Care, LLC, Muncie, Indiana, January 2008- December 2008
Provided psychological services in a private practice setting for physician-referred
patients with chronic pain issues and co-occurring mental health needs.
American Health Network, Muncie, Indiana, September 2006 - January 2007
Provided counseling and psychological assessment in a private practice setting for
physician-referred medical patients with co-occurring mental health needs.
Ball State University Counseling Center, Muncie, Indiana, August 2003 – February 2006.
Provided counseling and psychological assessment for Ball State University student body
to assist students in reaching their personal and educational goals.
Pre-doctoral Psychology Intern
Mendota Mental Health Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, September 2001- August 2002.
Mendota Mental Health Institute is an APA-approved internship site.
Licensed psychologists supervised all clinical work on the following unit
Treatment Rehabilitation Assessment Care Unit (TRAC 3): Provided mental
health treatment in a minimum-security forensic unit for adult males working
toward community placement. Responsible for development and co-facilitation of
Schizophrenia Relapse Prevention Group. Co-facilitated Group Psychotherapy.
Provided individual therapy and conducted psychological assessments.
Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit (TRU): Provided individual and group therapy
on a medium security forensic adult unit for individuals with identified
characterological issues.
Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT): Provided individual
counseling, assessment, and support services through this outpatient community
mental health program.
Psychology Advanced Clinical Practicum Student
Mendota Mental Health Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, August 2000-August 2001.
Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU): Under the supervision of a licensed psychologist
administered psychological assessment instruments to adult males on a medium
security forensic unit. Scored and interpreted assessment data. Composed
comprehensive psychological reports interpreting assessment results and
communicating treatment recommendations. Provided individual counseling to
assist with treatment issues.
Mendota Mental Health Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, May 2000-January 2001.
Children’s Assessment and Treatment Unit (CATU): Under the supervision of a
licensed psychologist administered psychological assessment instruments to
children on the inpatient civil unit. Scored and interpreted assessment data.
Composed comprehensive psychological reports interpreting assessment results
and communicating treatment recommendations to families and community
providers. Provided individual counseling to assist with treatment issues.
University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin, September -December 1999.
Department of Neuropsychology: Under the supervision of a licensed
psychologist participated in intake interviews and observed neuropsychological
assessment batteries with children, adolescents, and adults seen in the
neuropsychology outpatient clinic.
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center (MJTC), Madison, Wisconsin, June -August 1999.
Under the supervision of a licensed psychologist provided individual and group
counseling for male adolescents with sexual and other criminal offense histories
on a medium security unit. Provided assessment of recidivism and
empathy/remorse of juvenile offenders.
Community Support Program Case Manager
Bell Therapy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 1997- August 1998.
Provided individual and group counseling for adults with psychiatric disabilities
in an effort to maximize independent functioning in the community.
Served program participants through psychosocial rehabilitation and case
management services including individual counseling, symptom monitoring,
outreach services, crisis intervention, treatment planning, and collateral contact.
Rehabilitation Counselor
Milwaukee Center for Independence, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February - June 1997.
Served as case manager and primary advocate for fifty adults with developmental
disabilities and psychiatric disabilities. Provided individual and group vocational
counseling. Coordinated internal and external support systems.
Book Chapters
Tschopp, M. K., & Frain, M. F. (2016). Cultural issues in counseling today’s
military veterans. In M. Jackson, M. Casas, L. Suzuki, & C. Alexander (Eds.).
Handbook of multicultural counseling (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Frain, M., Bishop, M., Frain, J., Tansey, T., & Tschopp, M. (2014). The family role in
progressive illness. In M. Millington (Ed.). Families in rehabilitation
counseling: A community-based approach. New York, NY: Springer.
Frain, M., Lee, J., Roland, M., & Tschopp, M. K. (2012). A rehabilitation counselor
integration into the successful rehabilitation of veterans with disabilities. In P. J.
Toriello, M. L. Bishop, & P. D. Rumill. (Eds.) New directions in rehabilitation
counseling: Creative responses to professional, clinical, and educational
challenges, (pp. 255-281). Linn Creek, MO: Aspen.
Tschopp, M. K., & Frain, M. (2009). Psychiatric rehabilitation. In F. Chan, E. Cardosa,
& J. Chronister (Eds.). Understanding psychosocial adjustment to chronic
illness and disability: A handbook for evidence-based practitioners in
rehabilitation (pp. 371-398). New York: Springer
Szymanski, E. M., Willmering, P., Tschopp, M., Tansey, T., & Mizelle, N. (2004).
Career counseling with people with disabilities. In F. Chan, K. Thomas, & N.
Berven (Eds.), Counseling theories and techniques for rehabilitation health
professionals (pp. 282-299). New York: Springer.
Gordon, P. A., & Tschopp, M. K. (2004). Dating considerations for adolescents with
disabilities. In C. A. Bowman & P. T. Jaeger (Eds.), A guide to high school
success for students with disabilities (pp. 70-82). Westport, CT: Greenwood
Refereed Journal Articles
Tschopp, M. K., Berven, N. L., & Chan, F. (2011). Consumer perspectives of
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) interventions.
Community Mental Health
Journal, 47,
Tschopp, M. K., Perkins, D., Wood, H., Lecyski, A., & Oyer, L. (2011)
Employment considerations for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and
criminal histories: Consumer perspectives. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
35, 129-141.
Frain, M.P., Bishop, M., Tschopp, M., Tansey, T., & Agonis, J. (2011). Training needs of
rehabilitation counselors concerning veterans with disabilities.
Evaluation and Work Adjustment Journal, 38
(1), 34-44.
Perrone, K., Tschopp, M. K., Synder, E., Boo J., & Hyatt, C. (2010). A longitudinal
study of career expectations and outcomes of academically talented students ten
and twenty years post high school graduation. Journal of Career Development,
36(4), 291-309.
Tschopp, M. K., Frain, M. P., & Bishop, M. (2009). Empowerment variables for
rehabilitation clients on perceived beliefs concerning work quality of life
domains. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 33(1),
Frain, M. P., Bishop, M., Tschopp, M. K., Ferrin, M. J., & Frain, J. (2009). Adherence to
medical regimens: Understanding the effects of cognitive appraisal, quality of life,
and perceived family resiliency. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52(4), 237-
Tansey, T. N., Ferrin, J. M., Tschopp, M. K., Frain, M., & Chou, C. C. (2009).
Assessment of ego development in institutional settings: Implications for
inpatient treatment and release planning. Vocational Evaluation and Career
Assessment Professionals Journal.
Frain, M. P., Bishop, M., & Tschopp, M. K. (2009). Empowerment variables as
predictors of outcomes in rehabilitation. The Journal of Rehabilitation, 75(1),
Perkins, D., Rains, J., Tschopp, M. K., & Warner, T. (2009). Gainful employment
reduces stigma towards people with schizophrenia. Community Mental Health
Journal. 45(3), 158-162.
Tschopp, M. K., & Chronister, J. A. (2008). Clinical and applied experience in
rehabilitation counselor education. Rehabilitation Education, 22(3 & 4), 295-306.
Lee, G. E., Tansey, T. N., Ferrin, J. M., Parashar, D., Frain, M. P., Tschopp, M. K.,
& Adams, N. (2008). Assessment of functional capacity: An investigation on the
benefits of combining ability-predicted and work-simulated work samples.
Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, 14(1), 26- 35.
Bishop, M., Frain, M., & Tschopp, M. K. (2008). Self-management and perceived
control in Multiple Sclerosis: An exploratory study. Rehabilitation Counseling
Bulletin, 52, 45-56.
Frain, M., Berven, N. L., Chan, F., & Tschopp, M. K. (2008). Family resiliency,
uncertainty, optimism, and the quality of life of individuals with HIV/AIDS.
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52, 16-27.
Tschopp, M. K., Perkins, D. V., Hart-Katuin, C., Born, D. L., & Holt, S. L. (2007).
Employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric disabilities
and criminal histories. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 26(3), 175-187.
Frain, M. P., Berven, N. L., Tschopp, M. K., Lee, G. K., Tansey, T., & Chronister, J.
(2007). Use of the resiliency model of family stress, adjustment and adaptation
by rehabilitation counselors. Journal of Rehabilitation, 73, 18-25.
Perrone, K., Gordon, P., & Tschopp, M. K. (2006). Caregiver marital satisfaction when a
spouse has Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling,
37(2), 26-32.
Tansey, T. N., Mizelle, N., Ferrin, J. M., Tschopp, M. K., & Frain, M. (2004). Work-
related stress and the demand-control-support framework: Implications for the P
X E fit model. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70(3), 34-41.
Tansey, T. N., Tschopp, M. K., Lee, G. K., Ferrin, J. M., & Mizelle, N. (2004). Cognitive
assessment issues with older persons. Vocational Evaluation and Career
Assessment Professionals Journal, 1, 5-24.
Gordon, P., Tschopp, M. K., & Feldman, D. (2004). Addressing issues of sexuality with
adolescents with disabilities. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21, 513-
Tschopp, M. K., Bishop, M., & Mulvihill, M. (2001). Career development of individuals
with psychiatric disabilities: An ecological perspective of barriers and
interventions. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 32(2), 25-30.
Bishop, M., Tschopp, M. K., & Mulvihill, M. (2000). Multiple sclerosis and epilepsy:
Vocational aspects and best rehabilitation practices. Journal of Rehabilitation,
66(2), 50-55.
Szymanski, E. M., Mizelle, N. D., Tansey, T. N., Tschopp, M. K., & Willmering, P. P.
(2000). The paradox of undergraduate rehabilitation education. Rehabilitation
Education, 14, 27-31.
Tschopp, M. K. (2002). Development and field testing of the Perceptions of Mental
Health Services Questionnaire. Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-
Conference Presentations
Tschopp, M. K. (2016, May). Multicultural and social justice considerations in
psychiatric rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2016 Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Association Recovery Workforce Summit, Boston, MA.
Tschopp, M. K. (2016, May). Military culture and campus climate: Considerations for
student veterans with psychiatric conditions. Poster presented at the 2016
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Recovery Workforce Summit, Boston,
Sánchez, J., Sung, C., Phillips, B. N., Tschopp, M. K., Muller, V, & Chan, F. (2015,
October). Predictors of social functioning in individuals with severe mental
illness. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on
Rehabilitation Education (NCRE), Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA),
Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR),
Arlington, VA.
Tschopp, M. K. (2015, June). Enhancing academic community integration for student
veterans with psychological wounds. Poster presented at the 2015 Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Association Recovery Workforce Summit, Philadelphia, PA.
Tschopp, M. K. (2014, July). Student veterans with disabilities: Enhancing access and
inclusion. Presentation at the 2014 National Association of Multicultural
Rehabilitation Concerns Annual Training Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Tschopp, M. K. (2012, August). Student veterans with disabilities: Enhancing academic
success and career development. Presentation at the 2012 National Rehabilitation
Association Annual Training Conference, Chicago, IL.
Tschopp, M. K., Frain, M., & Bishop, M. (2008, October). Employment considerations
for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and criminal history. Presentation at
the 2008 National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference, St.
Louis, MO.
Frain, M., Bishop, M., & Tschopp, M. K., (2008, October). Rehabilitation counseling
needs of veterans with disabilities. Presentation at the 2008 National
Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Bishop, M., Frain, M., & Tschopp, M. K. (2008, August). Adherence to disease-
modifying therapy in persons with multiple sclerosis. Poster presented at the
American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Frain, M., Bishop, M., & Tschopp, M. K. (2008, August). Rehabilitation’s role with Gulf
Theatre veterans with disabilities. Poster presented at the American
Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Tschopp, M. K., Perkins, D., Wood, H. A., Leczycki, A., & Oyer, L. (2008, April)
Employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric disabilities
and criminal histories: Consumer perspectives. Poster presented at the Boston
University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation 2008 “From Innovation to
Practice: The Promise and Challenge of Achieving Recovery for All”
International Conference, Boston, MA.
Frain, M., Bishop, M., & Tschopp, M. K (2007, October). Adherence to medical
treatment advice among persons with chronic illness and disability: The critical
role and place of the rehabilitation counselor. Presentation at the 2007 Annual
NRCA Professional Development Symposium, Louisville, KY.
Bishop, M., Frain, M., & Tschopp, M. K. (2007, August). Psychosocial adaptation and
self-management in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal investigation. Poster
presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San
Francisco, CA.
Tschopp, M. K., Perkins, D. V., Hart-Katuin, C., Born, D. L., & Holt, S. L.
(2007, March). Employment barriers and strategies for individuals with
psychiatric disabilities and criminal histories. Poster presented for the
American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Programming at the
American Counseling Association Annual Conference Detroit, MI.
Frain, M., Tschopp, M. K., & Bishop, M. (2007, February). Quality of life outcomes for
persons with chronic illness. Roundtable presentation 7
Annual National
Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference, San Diego, CA.
Perrone, K., Gordon, P., & Tschopp, M. K. (2006, August). Caregiver marital
satisfaction when a spouse has Multiple Sclerosis. Poster presented at the
American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Tschopp, M. K. (2005, December). Educating advocates: Privilege and responsibility.
Poster presented at the Indiana Rehabilitation Association Annual Training
Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Tschopp, M. K. (2005, October). Rehabilitation counselor: Advocate and promoter of
self-advocacy and empowerment. Symposium conducted at the National
Rehabilitation Counseling Association Annual Professional Development
Symposium, Memphis, TN.
Frain, M., Tschopp, M. K., & Bishop, M. (2005, October). Empowerment variables and
rehabilitation outcomes for persons with chronic illness: The interactive effects of
self-efficacy, self-advocacy, adherence, and stigma. Symposium conducted at the
National Rehabilitation Counseling Association Annual Professional
Development Symposium, Memphis, TN.
Tschopp, M. K. & Holt, S. L. (2005, April). Advocacy in practice: Combating dual
discrimination. Poster presented at the Great Lakes Conference, Indiana
University, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Bloomington,
Tschopp, M. K., Holt, S. L., & Slaven, M. A. (2005, April) Utilizing coping theory and
assessment with individuals with chronic illness: Implications for counselors.
Poster presented at the Great Lakes Conference, Indiana University, Department
of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Bloomington, IN.
Tschopp, M. K. (2005, February). University/State VR partnership: A collaborative
practicum experience. Symposium conducted at the National Council on
Rehabilitation Education Educators Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Tschopp, M. K., Holt, S. L., Gesler, T. L., & Slaven, M. A. (2004, December).
Coping with chronic illness. Symposium conducted at the Indiana Rehabilitation
Association Annual Training Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Tschopp, M. K. & Holt, S. L. (2004, March). The power of one: Counselor advocacy in
the rehabilitation process. Poster presented for American Rehabilitation
Counseling Association Programming at the American Counseling Association
Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Tschopp, M. K. (2003, December). Addressing issues of sexuality with individuals with
disabilities. Symposium conducted at the Indiana Rehabilitation Association
Annual Training Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Tschopp, M. K. (2003, October). Addressing sexuality issues with adolescents with
disabilities. Presentation at the National Rehabilitation Association Annual
Conference, Nashville, TN.
Tschopp, M. K. & Holt, S. L. (2003, October). Promoting advocacy and empowerment
to combat discrimination. Symposium at the National Rehabilitation Association
Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Tschopp, M. K. (2002, October) Perceived coercion in outpatient mental health services.
Symposium at the Innovations in Recovery and Rehabilitation: The Decade of the
Person International Conference, Boston, MA
Tschopp, M. K. (2000, March) Vocational implications and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
Tips and tools for successful job placement. Symposium presented at the Family
Empowerment Network: 7th Annual National Conference Madison, WI.
Tschopp, M. K. (1999, November) Understanding the client with Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome: Implications for vocational rehabilitation. Symposium presented at
the National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference and
Exhibits, Minneapolis, MN.
Invited Presentations
Tschopp, M. K. (2007, July). Consumer and provider perspectives of employment issues
for individuals with mental illness and criminal offense history. Assertive
Community Treatment Research Center Staff Research Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Tschopp, M. K. (2006, September). Employment barriers and strategies for individuals
with psychiatric disabilities and criminal histories. Supported Employment,
Consultation, and Training Center (SECT) Data Collection Meeting.
Tschopp, M. K. (2005, December). Employment barriers and strategies for individuals
with psychiatric disabilities and criminal histories. Supported Employment,
Consultation, and Training Center (SECT) Board of Directors Meeting.
Tschopp, M. K. (2003, May) Disability Awareness. Presentation for the Indiana
Department of Vocational Services, Indianapolis IN.
Grants and Research Awards
Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant awarded by the
Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, five-year grant,
$508,000 (Became Principal Investigator on existing Ball State University grant October,
Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant awarded by the
Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, five-year grant,
$750,000 (Writer and Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. William Kiernan-UMass-
Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion)
American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award (2010)- Second Place,
presented at the American Counseling Association Convention in Charlotte, N.C. for:
Frain, M. P., Bishop, M., Tschopp, M. K., Ferrin, M. J., & Frain, J. (2009). Adherence to
medical regimens: Understanding the effects of cognitive appraisal, quality of life, and
perceived family resiliency. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52(4), 237-250.
American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award (2009)- Third Place,
presented at the American Counseling Association Convention in Charlotte, N.C. for:
Bishop, M., Frain, M. P., & Tschopp, M. K. (2008). Self-management, perceived control,
and subjective quality of life in Multiple Sclerosis: An exploratory study. Rehabilitation
Counseling Bulletin, 52(1), 45-56.
Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs General Faculty Internal Grant
(2007). Ball State University: Summer Salary and Supplies, Expenses, Equipment and
Travel (S.E.E.T.) funds for qualitative research on consumer perspectives on employment
issues for individuals with mental illness and criminal backgrounds. Project titled
Employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and
criminal histories: Consumer perspectives. Awarded $11,799.
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Research Grant (2006):
Proposal submitted for qualitative research on consumer perspectives on employment
issues for individuals with mental illness and criminal backgrounds. Project titled
Employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and
criminal histories: Consumer perspectives. Awarded $1,943.
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Disability, Aging and
Rehabilitative Services (2004): Joint proposal with SECT Center of the Center for Mental
Health, Anderson, IN submitted for qualitative research on service provider perspectives
on employment issues for individuals with mental illness and criminal backgrounds.
Project titled Employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric
disabilities and criminal histories. Awarded $9,408 for my portion of the project.
National Institute of Mental Health, Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid
Transition (B/START; 2004): Proposal submitted for quantitative research on consumer
perceptions of coercion on the part of mental health service providers in assertive
community treatment programs. Project titled Perceived coercion in assertive community
treatment. Requested $62,000. Not awarded.
Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs New Faculty Internal Grant
(2003). Ball State University. Proposal submitted for quantitative research on counselor
and counselor-in-training attitudes toward working with individuals with serious mental
illness. Project titled Attitudes about working with persons with mental illness. Awarded
$1300 S.E.E.T. funds.
School of Education Dean’s Club Graduate Student Research Award (2001). University
of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education. Awarded $1000 in support of my
dissertation research.
Current Editorial Activities
Editorial Board for the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling- the journal of the
National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
Ad hoc reviewer for the interdisciplinary, international journal WORK: A Journal of
Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation
Ball State University
Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology and Counseling
CPSY 636 Psychopathology
Fall 2016; Spring 2016; Fall 2015; Spring 2015; Fall 2014
CPSY 644/646 Practicum- BSU Practicum Clinic Setting
Spring 2016; Spring 2014; Fall 2013; Spring 2013; Fall 2012
CPSY 635 Medical Aspects of Disability
Spring 2015, 2013
CPSY 603 Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling
Fall 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 online; Fall 2012
CPSY 689 Case Management in Rehabilitation
Spring 2016, 2014 online
CPSY 610 Career Theories and Realities
Spring 2013
University of Massachusetts- Boston
Department of Counseling and School Psychology
COU 602 Medical, Psychosocial, and Educational Aspects of Disability
Spring 2010; Spring 2011 campus, web-enhanced;
Summer 2012 online
COU 603 Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling
Fall 2009 online; Fall 2011 campus, web-enhanced
COU 610 Case Management and Planning in Rehabilitation
Spring 2010 online
COU 698 Rehabilitation Counseling Internship
Fall 2009; Spring 2009; Spring 2010; Spring 2011; Fall 2011
Ball State University
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
Doctoral Degree Program
CPSY 720 Advanced Theories of Counseling
Summer 2004
Masters Degree Program
CPSY 695 Internship
Fall 2008, 2007; Spring 2008, 2007
CPSY 689 Case Management in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
Spring 2006, 2004, 2003
CPSY 644/646 Practicum- Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services Setting
Spring 2005, 2004
CPSY 644/646 Practicum- BSU Practicum Clinic Setting
Spring 2003
CPSY 635 Medical Aspects of Disability
Spring 2007
CPSY 621 Theories and Techniques of Counseling
Summer 2006, 2005, 2003; Fall 2002
CPSY 610 Career Theories and Realities
Spring 2007; Summer 2006, 2005
CPSY 608 Psychosocial Aspects of Disability
Spring 2008
CPSY 606 Pre-Practicum Interviewing Skills
Spring 2005, 2003
CPSY 603 Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
Fall 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002
Undergraduate Minor
CPSY 360 Inter-relational Aspects of Sexuality
Summer 2004
CPSY 400 Foundations of Counseling
Summer 2003
Teaching Supervision
Ball State University
Fall 2002 – Fall 2008 Teaching Supervision of Doctoral student instructors for all
sections of the undergraduate course “Inter-relational
Aspects of Sexuality”.
Teaching Assistantships
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education
Masters Degree Program
RP&SE 500 Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology: Foundations
Fall 2000
RP&SE 700 Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology Research
Fall 1999
RP&SE 725 Career Counseling and Job Placement for Persons with Disabilities
Spring 2001
RP&SE 810 Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology: Counseling Techniques
Summer 2000; Fall 1999; Fall 1998
RP&SE 880 Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology- Supervised Practicum
Spring 1999
Undergraduate Degree Program
RP&SE 500 Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology: Foundations
Fall, 2000
RP&SE 630 Internship in Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education
Summer 2000; Fall 1999; Fall 1998
Clinical Supervision
Ball State University
Fall 2012- present Individual and group clinical supervision of master’s and
doctoral students in the Department of Counseling
Psychology Practicum Clinic
University of Massachusetts- Boston
Spring 2009 Group clinical supervision of master’s rehabilitation
Fall 2009-Spring 2010 counseling interns serving clients in a variety of
Spring 2011 rehabilitation settings throughout the Commonwealth
Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Ball State University
Fall 2008 Individual clinical supervision of doctoral student
practicum at Interventional Pain Care, LLC
Fall 2002- Fall 2008 Individual and group clinical supervision of master’s and
doctoral students in the Department of Counseling
Psychology Practicum Clinic
Individual and group clinical supervision of master’s
rehabilitation counseling practicum students in the
rehabilitation specific practicum located at the Indiana
Vocational Rehabilitation Services office
Individual clinical supervision of master’s rehabilitation
counseling interns serving clients in a variety of
rehabilitation settings throughout local communities
University of Wisconsin- Madison
Fall 1998- Summer 2000 Individual supervision of master’s practicum students.
Individual and group supervision of undergraduate interns
Service Award
Beacon Leadership Award (2008, December) - Indiana Rehabilitation Association
Professional Organization Service & Membership
American Counseling Association
National Council on Rehabilitation Education
National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
American Psychological Association- Division 22- Rehabilitation Psychology
Northeast Region Rehabilitation Association- Board of Directors 2011-12
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Association- Board of Directors 2011-12
Indiana Rehabilitation Association- President 2008
Indiana Rehabilitation Association- Board of Directors 2003-2008
Indiana Rehabilitation Association- Legislative Committee Chair 2003-2008
Indiana Rehabilitation Association- Student Chapter Sponsor 2003-2008
CORE- Accreditation Experience
Ball State University
Director of Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE)-accredited Masters
Rehabilitation Counseling program (2012-present)
CORE accreditation report development and submission (Fall 2012), site visit execution
(Spring 2013)
Program Awarded Full Accreditation Status 2013-2021
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Director of CORE-accredited Masters Rehabilitation Counseling program (2009-2012)
Ball State University
Director of CORE-accredited Masters Rehabilitation Counseling program (2005-2008)
University Service
Ball State University
Department Service
Director, Rehabilitation Counseling Program 2012-present
Graduate Faculty Status 2012-present
Master’s Program Admission Committee 2012-present
Graduate Studies Committee 2012-present
Practicum Clinic Advisory and Training Committee 2012-14, 2015-2016
Personnel Committee 2012-2016
Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee 2015-2016
Promotion and Tenure Committee 2014-2015
Individual Clinical Supervision for 1-3 Ph.D. practicum students per year 2012-present
College and University Service
College of Health Interprofessional Education Team, Spring 2015-present
College of Health Simulation Suite Operations Committee, Spring 2015-present
Teachers College Curriculum Committee 2014-2016
Teachers College Sustainability Committee 2013-2014
University of Massachusetts- Boston
Department Service
Graduate Program Director, Rehabilitation Counseling, Spring 2009-2012
Program Coordinator, Online Rehabilitation Counseling, Spring 2009-2012
Doctoral Program Task Force 2009-2012
Resource Allocation Committee, Spring 2011-2012
Community Engagement- Partnership Building between UMB Rehabilitation Counseling
Program and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Spring 2009-2011
Personnel Committee 2009-2012
Chair Ad Hoc Tenure and Promotion Committee 2011-2012
Ad Hoc Fourth Year Tenure and Promotion Review 2009-2010
Family Therapy Program Faculty Search Committee 2009-2010
College and University Service
College Senate- College of Education and Human Development 2011-2012
Graduate College of Education Field Placement Assessment Committee 2009-2010
Graduate College of Education Community Engagement Committee, Spring 2009-2010
Search Committee- Department of Leadership in Education: Leadership in Urban Schools
Doctoral Program, Spring 2009
Liberated Learning Consortium through the Ross Center for Disability Services, Spring
Healey Research Grant Review University Committee, Spring 2010
University Graduate Studies Committee 2011-2012
University General Academic Building Classroom/IT Workgroup, Spring 2011-Fall 2011
School for Global Inclusion and Social Development Academic and Course Development
Committee 2011-2012
Ball State University
Department Service
Director, Rehabilitation Counseling Program 2005-2008
Graduate Faculty Status 2002-2008
Master’s Program Admission Committee 2002-2008
Graduate Studies Committee 2005-2008
Chair, Personnel Committee 2007-2008
Personnel Committee 2003-2007
Multicultural Programming Committee 2002-2004
Promotion and Tenure Committee 2002-2004
Clinic Advisory Committee Spring 2004-2005
Contract Faculty Application Review and Interviewing 2007
Teaching Supervision CPSY 360, three Ph.D. student CPSY 360 instructors per semester
Individual Clinical Supervision for 1-3 Ph.D. practicum students per year 2002-2008
Individual C.R.C. Supervision for 1-5 masters rehabilitation interns per year 2004-2007
College and University Service
Teachers College Committee- Enhancing Student Learning Initiative 2006-2008
University Professional Affairs Council 2004-2005
University Research Committee-Subcommittee on Creative Arts (University committee
to review grant proposals) 2004-2005
University Research Committee-Subcommittee on Education, Business, & Social Service
(University committee to review grant proposals) 2004-2005
Recent Professional Development Activities
Training- STAR Behavioral Health Provider Tier One. Military Family Research Institute
at Purdue University/Center for Deployment Psychology training for civilian behavioral
health providers in military specific culture and treatments for the military population,
Muncie, IN (November 10, 2015)
Training-The Longest Loss: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, 22nd Annual National
Hospice Foundation of America’s Living with Grief Program, Fisher Institute for
Wellness and Gerontology/CCVA/BSU, Muncie, IN (April 22, 2015)
Training- Improving Care for Veterans Facing Illness and Death, 20th Annual National
Hospice Foundation of America’s Living with Grief Program, Fisher Institute for
Wellness and Gerontology/CCVA/BSU, Muncie, IN (April 17, 2013)
Conference Attendance, Maine Counseling Association Conference, Maine Counseling
Association, Rockport, ME (April 2-3, 2012).
Conference Attendance, Massachusetts Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference,
Worcester, MA (November 18, 2011)
Conference Attendance, National Council on Rehabilitation Education/Rehabilitation
Services Administration Conference, Arlington, VA (October 30, 2011 – November 1,
Training- 2011 URAC Ethics Framework Class for Case Managers and Rehab
Counselors (August 24, 2011).
Training- Methods and Models of Empowerment for the Disabled (August 20, 2011)
Conference Attendance, Maine Career Development Association Conference, Maine
Career Counseling Association, Bar Harbor, ME (June 24, 2011).
Conference Attendance, Northeast Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference,
Mystic, CT (May 16, 2011).
Conference Attendance, Maine Counseling Association Conference, Maine Counseling
Association, Rockport, ME (April 10-12, 2011).