Chapter One
Centering Accessibility
in Data Visualizaon
A Framing of Why
Accessibility is Important
Chapter Two
The Right Tools for the Job: Learning and
Building for Data Visualizaon and Accessibility
Chapter Three
Designing Data for Cognive Load
Alternave (alt) Text and
Screen Readers
Chapter Four
Wring Alt Text to Communicate the
Meaning in Data Visualizaons
Chapter Five
Coding Accessible Data Visualisaons
Chapter Six
Creang Beer Screen Reader Experiences
Accessibility Tesng and Remediaon
Chapter Seven
Praccal Accessibility Tesng for Data Visualizaons
Chapter Eight
Infographic Equity in PDF Documents:
Designing with Accessibility in Mind
Accessibility in Teams
and Organizaons
Chapter Nine
Building Accessibility Best Pracces Into Your
Organizaon’s Data Visualizaon Style Guidelines
Chapter Ten
Nontechnical Barriers to Data Visualizaon
Accessibility in Government
Every day we are inundated with tables, graphs,
charts, and maps explaining everything, including
the unemployment rate, COVID-19 vaccinaon
rates, baseball home run launch velocies, and
our investment porolios. When made well,
data visualizaons can help readers and users
nd insights and make discoveries. When made
poorly, they obfuscate, mislead, or make it
dicult for people to use them eecvely.
At the signing of the Americans with Disabilies Act 32 years
ago, President George H. W. Bush remarked that the law would
enable “every man, woman, and child with a disability [to] now
pass through once-closed doors into a bright new era of equality,
independence, and freedom.That promise remains unrealized.
Disabled people sll ght for full inclusion and equality when it
comes to employment, health care, access to transportaon, and
more. And in today’s digized era, people with disabilies do not
have full access to many documents, reports, newspapers, data,
and data visualizaons. This report is a guide to help close those
gaps and work toward a more inclusive and equitable world for the
more than the esmated 61 million people
with disabilies in the
United States today.
For years, the data visualizaon eld has been largely inaccessible
to people who cannot process visual content the same way as
others. And when researchers and praconers have focused their
eorts on creang accessible content, they have almost exclusively
addressed issues around color. Color vision deciencies—or “color
blindness” in the common parlance—have been the primary focus
(and oen the only focus) when data visualizaon developers and
communicators consider the needs of people who have visual
impairments. Creators focused their aenon on avoiding red-
green color palees because an esmated 4 percent of people
cannot disnguish similar shades of those colors. Less aenon—
perhaps even no aenon—is paid to people with other forms of
vision impairments, including blurriness, contrast sensivity,
and blindness.
But disabilies extend far beyond sight impairments. Some people
cannot use a keyboard or mouse; some have aenon management
dicules; some have disabilies aecng balance or moon; and
some have learning disabilies such as sensory processing disorder
in Data
or dyslexia. And combinaons of these disabilies can
aect dierent systems simultaneously. Moreover,
probably all of us have at some point had a temporary
disability such as a broken arm, a migraine headache,
or a concussion.
The creaon and display of digital informaon usually
do not include accessibility pracces for people with
a wide variety of disabilies. As content creators, we
need to be mindful of new tools and guidance for
making our work available equitably. By doing so, we
can ensure that everyone has equal access to accurate
informaon and data. And when more people can
access and process our informaon, the more likely it
is that our ideas, our data, and our analysis will actually
be used.
This third volume in the Do No Harm Guide series
from the Urban Instute seeks to provide in-depth
lessons on how to create visualizaon products that
are more accessible to disabled people. As with the
other volumes in this series, one of the central themes
in creang beer, more equitable, and more inclusive
content is to center the work around empathy. By
thinking carefully about the needs of all people
and communies—especially those who have been
historically underrepresented and marginalized—we
can create beer and more accessible content.
As in the second volume, Do No Harm Guide: Addional
Perspecves on Data Equity, we solicited the input of
experts to help build a praccal, aconable guide.
We idened several authors who have experience
creang accessible content, many of whom also
have lived experience with disabilies. We solicited
proposals from a select group of scholars and
praconers, then narrowed those proposals down
to nine essays that would provide a comprehensive
(though by no means complete) guide to creang
accessible data and data visualizaon products. We
also had an advisory board, consisng of four experts
in data, data visualizaon, and accessibility, who
reviewed the essays to ensure we did not omit any
major issues or challenges.
As we reviewed and edited the various essays, ve
clear themes emerged:
Design with accessibility in mind from the beginning.
From creang stac reports and graphs
(Castro, Chapter 8), to building tools and
plaorms (Elavsky, Chapter 2), to procuring and
implemenng those tools (Mazanec, Chapter
10), data praconers will create beer products
by starng the process with accessibility in
mind rather than adding accessibility in as a
remediaon step retroed at the end. Taking an
accessibility perspecve from the outset requires
teams and individuals to crically consider what
the expected user experience will be; who will use
the tool or data; and how visual elements like text,
colors, and online navigaon will be consumed by
the broadest audience possible.
Accessibility should not be a specialty. Anyone
working with data or creang digital content
should understand and strive to produce
accessible products. Although some of the
aspects of creang accessible online content
clearly require technical experience, the work
should not be le to a single person or some
subset of the team. Mazanec (Chapter 10)
discusses how people at dierent levels in a
management hierarchy have their own roles to
play, and Cesal (Chapter 9) lays out strategies for
creang data visualizaon styles and style guides
that incorporate accessibility. Elavsky (Chapter 2)
calls for more resources to address the knowledge
gaps many web developers have.
There is no established denion for what
makes a data visualizaon accessible. Although
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines lay out
requirements for making accessible websites, no
standards have yet been agreed upon for how to
make data visualizaons accessible. Our authors
oer several ideas and approaches, including
linking to the underlying dataset and adding
screen reader interacon to web-based
charts. Le Gassick (Chapter 7) walks through
the specic issues to look for when conducng
accessibility tests.
People with disabilies should be involved in
the design of data visualizaon products and
usability tesng. Many of our authors urge data
praconers to involve people with disabilies in
the design and development of data visualizaons
and data-driven products to ensure their needs
are met. Charts, graphs, and other content should
also be tested by users with disabilies to idenfy
any usability or accessibility issues.
There is not a single right answer for wring
alternave (alt) text. The phrase alt text shows up
a lot in this volume. Three chapters are devoted
exclusively to helping you write beer alt text in
your graphs and documents. But there is no single
right answer or right strategy for wring eecve
alt text. The nal visual product, the plaorm on
which that product is being published, the target
audience, and the technology being used all
inuence the best approach. The guiding principle
is to write alt text that gives disabled readers
as close to the same experience as nondisabled
readers as possible.
As comprehensive as we believe this volume is, we are
sll missing key elements of creang truly accessible
data and data visualizaon products and an accessible
web more broadly. First, this report omits how people
with certain physical disabilies use online content.
How do and should data visualizaon tools, plaorms,
and websites enable people who cannot use a mouse
or keyboard? Are there new technologies, plaorms,
and best pracces that can help these users beer use
and experience the web?
Second, we do not invesgate the (slowly) growing
use of sonicaon to communicate data. Some
praconers and media outlets are now using sound
to communicate data, such as piano notes aligned
with changes in polical polling results in Germany
or enre scores of sounds based on data values.
Interesng joint work between the Sonicaon Lab
at Georgia Tech and the Highcharts data visualizaon
company to create a free, open-source tool to combine
data and sound is also very promising.
This area of
data sonicaon is sll in its early stages, but it holds
potenal for enabling people to interact with data in
new ways.
Third, we don’t provide “an answer.” Perhaps we
started this work with the hope of nding a concrete
answer on how to write alt text or how to approach
dierent technical challenges. But the actual
experience, as usual, is more complex than imagined.
When creang this volume, we tried to follow a
core principle of the Disability Jusce movement—
“nothing about us without us.” We worked with and
relied upon the involvement of people with disabilies
throughout the project, including contributors,
advisors, and reviewers.
Our editorial team is also unique. Jonathan
Schwabish is a researcher who focuses his data
visualizaon work on stac graphs or relavely
straighorward dashboards. Alice Feng is a data
visualizaon developer who creates unique and
bespoke visualizaons using JavaScript and other
object-oriented programming languages. Sue Popkin
is codirector of Urban’s new Disability Equity Policy
Iniave and the founder and coleader of Urban’s
Disability Anity Group, which seeks to make Urban a
more equitable and inclusive workplace for sta with
disabilies. Between the three of us, we bring together
technical experse and the experience of living
with disabilies. Popkin helped ensure the language
and concepts in this volume reect the needs and
perspecves of people with disabilies and ensured
our work avoids ableist language and assumpons.
As with much of the language that seeks to promote
equity, language about disability is constantly evolving
and changing, but we have done our best to follow
Urban’s comprehensive guidance.
We also strive to make this volume as accessible as
possible for a nontechnical audience. Much of the
technical language is unavoidable—aer all, creang
online content requires tools or programming
languages that not everyone knows or understands—
but our review process helped ensure these essays
include clear examples, clear language, and accessible
data visualizaons and images.
The essays in this volume do not need to be read
sequenally, though we have organized them with
that approach in mind. We have divided the volume
into four main parts. The two essays in Part 1—from
Frank Elvasky and Doug Schepers—provide a big-
picture view of creang accessible content. Elavsky
uses his work on the Chartability tool—a framework
for creang accessible data visualizaons—to make
the case for data tools that enable people to
build accessible content. Schepers explains the
foundaon of how our eyes and brains work to
process visual content (“cognive load”) and how
those processes work dierently for people with
dierent kinds of disabilies.
Part 2 of the volume focuses on creang alt text and
screen readers. Liz Hare provides some basics on
how to think about and write alt text. She explores
two dierent models to write eecve alt text and
shows how users might incorporate those approaches
into their work. Sarah Fossheim and Léonie Watson
explore best pracces around screen readers—tools
that are used by blind people, people with low vision,
and people with learning disabilies who consume
text in audio formats. Fossheim provides an in-depth
exploraon of how screen readers work and how
to write alt text and add it to data visualizaons.
Watson provides technical guidance on how data
visualizaon developers can use Accessible Rich
Internet Applicaons to create beer screen reader
experiences in their online work.
In Part 3 of the volume, we turn to tesng and
remediaon. Larene Le Gassick plays the role of
accessibility tester and demonstrates how to evaluate
a website or data visualizaon for accessibility. Dax
Castro dives into more detail, showing how to make
PDF reports and standalone graphics more accessible
by incorporang tags, alt text, and layers into your
Finally, Part 4 takes an organizaonal view of
incorporang accessibility into the data and data
visualizaon workow. Amy Cesal provides praccal
advice on how to create a data visualizaon style
guide with accessibility at the forefront. And Melanie
Mazanec describes how exisng rules and regulaons
in the US federal government are a good start for
creang accessible content, although those regulaons
have a long way to go before they’re ideal.
Together, we hope these nine essays provide a solid
foundaon for beginning to think about how to create
accessible content. You will nd specic, detailed
informaon on how to make single graphs, reports,
and websites more accessible by considering the
accessibility of colors, fonts, moon, and text. You will
also nd higher-level consideraons around teams and
organizaons, models for accessibility standards, and
ways to build more inclusive products.
This third volume of the Do No Harm Guide series
does not cover everything—there are more avenues
to explore, plaorms to evaluate, and soluons to
uncover. As with other reports in this series, the
lessons described here are not xed rules, but we hope
they provide a starng point at which you can begin
your journey to create beer and more inclusive work.
By doing so, you not only make it possible to hear
more voices, you also ensure your work is accessible
to everyone.
Chapter One Notes
A Framing of Why
Accessibility is Important
The Right Tools
for the Job:
Learning and
Building for Data
Visualizaon and
Since 2010, the number of websites in
existence has grown from less than a quarter
billion to nearly 2 billion,
and data visualizaon’s
explosive growth has followed across every
domain: personal, corporate, government,
policy, and research.
We collect far more data than in the past, and as a result, we have
started building faster and beer tools to make that data useful.
Now, we encounter charts and graphs for everything, such as sports,
local infecon rates, stock prices, and elecons.
But these empowering advancements have not been made
available to people with disabilies. Those who are not able to
access these data visualizaons are le with clunky, broken, and
ineecve systems.
Who do I mean by “people with disabilies?”
Well-meaning folks oen assume that accessibility in
visualizaon focuses on visual disabilies, such as color
vision deciency, blindness, and low vision. But interacve
data visualizaons in complex tools and in applicaons
can also produce barriers for people with cognive,
vesbular, and motor and dexterity disabilies. In fact,
this problem isn’t unique to visualizaon. One study found
that academic accessibility research disproporonately
focuses on visual disabilies.
When I write “people with
disabilies,” I refer to a broad spectrum of people. Not
everyone with disabilies will encounter barriers with data
visualizaons, but I want to encourage you to consider that
most people with disabilies might.
Although for decades we have had the tools and standards to build
an accessible internet, 97 percent of the top million website home
pages sll fail basic, automated accessibility tests, according to the
latest WebAIM Million report.
Further, automated tests leave
out anywhere between 57 to 80 percent of other accessibility
meaning the state of content on the web for people
with disabilies is likely worse than measured.
Even with this terribly small share of accessible home pages,
the state of data visualizaons is even worse—virtually all are
inaccessible in some way or another. In 2021, I created Chartability,
a set of heuriscs pulled together from designers,
developers, researchers, and praconers to evaluate
data visualizaons for visual, motor, vesbular,
neurological, and cognive accessibility.
In all of my
professional audits using Chartability—over 80,000
tests performed to date—not a single data visualizaon
scored 100 percent for accessibility, and most
consistently scored worse than every equivalent test
performed by the WebAIM Million report.
As the data visualizaon eld connues to expand and
grow, accessibility consideraons need to be central
to content creators’ analyses and communicaons.
If creators connue to use the same methods and
tools without interrogaon, the current state of
inaccessibility will only worsen. To make the future
more accessible, creators rst need to recognize what
tools and soluons aren’t a good t, become more
knowledgeable about accessibility, explore how we
can improve the tools we have, and build new tools
Not Every Technical Soluon Is a Good
Fit for Accessibility
How can we intervene on human-built problems of
accessibility in data visualizaons and the usability of
the web more generally? Business-minded approaches
seek to reduce up-front cost by leaning on quick-
x soluons like web accessibility overlays, which
consist of third-party code, programs, or tools that are
layered on top of exisng websites to make them more
Researcher-minded approaches strongly
incenvize “solving” inaccessibility by using arcial
intelligence or machine learning methods on things
that have already been built.
Both approaches try to x accessibility problems
using the same tools and systems that created
those problems. Although this goal is noble, the
results are not good. Overlays and machine-learning
soluons suer from many of the same fundamental
issues. They force people with disabilies to rely
on machine-generated accessibility, provide a poor
overall experience compared with human-authored
funconality, and fail to contextualize and provide
appropriate interpretaons of informaon.
Data visualizaon praconers connue to rely
on machine learning models that magnify exisng
inequalies. As an example, praconers have
tried build machine learning models that aempt to
automacally interpret chart descripons and insights
without any guidance from the author.
Wring alternave (alt) text to describe visual content
on the web takes some serious consideraon (see
Chapters 4, 5, and 6). In a 2020 blog post, disability
and accessibility expert Sheri Byrne-Haber argued that
no single answer exists to the queson of “what is
the right alt-text for an image?”
“Context is the most
crical aspect of alt text everyone seems to miss,
she writes. As an example, she shows eight dierent
possible descripons of an image of a Jack Russell
Terrier wearing sunglasses. All of the descripons
could be valid depending on the author’s intent and
the context that surrounds the image. Here I provide
my own version of this test. Do you think a machine
learning algorithm could know which of the following
descripons of this line chart is the right t?
1. “Line chart. If this image appeared in the
chart-picker interface of a tool like Excel or
Tableau, the chart type is the only piece of
informaon that maers.
2. A line chart with ve lines, tled Product
Performance in 2021.If the image appeared
instead in a mockup made by a designer whose
work is in progress, only the chart type and tle
would maer, because the data are made up and
the design is likely to change.
3. “Line chart. Product Performance in 2021.
Product A is outperforming all other products.
In a presentaon to a decisionmaker who wants
to know which product is doing the best, both the
data and design maer.
4. “Line chart. Product Performance in 2021.
All products trended down sharply from
January unl June and slowly stabilized back into
posive territory by November. In a report to
analysts who want to know about larger
trends, the takeaways from the data are
what maer most.
5. A minimalist, greyscale line chart with ve
lines tled Product Performance in 2021 using a
full-width, bold-weight, sans serif typeface.
Product A’s line is emphasized with a near-black
charcoal color, thickened stroke, and direct label
at its end. All other lines in the chart are shown
with reduced importance and are thinner,
unlabeled, and colored with a soened grey.
There are no data labels, grid lines, or y-axis on
the chart, but an x-axis shows abbreviated
months of the year from January to December in
a small, light, sans serif typeface.In a design
porolio or arcle that explains minimalist chart
designs, the design details are what maers.
6. “(The alt text is set to NULL, and the image
is marked as decorave/presentaon-only).
The graph is simply decorave and not intended
to convey content. It might be a background
image or meaningless ller. (It’s worth nong
that in pracce, you can’t just leave an alt text
box empty. The image must be purposely set as
decorave or “NULL”; see Chapter 5 for
more details.)
Just like Byrne-Haber’s example, any of these (or
none of these) descripons could be appropriate
depending on the context. Will a machine learning
algorithm know what other text, subtext, funconality,
and content surrounds the chart or what the chart is
intended to be used for? Only a human author really
understands why they’ve made something and what
they believe their audience should know. But as Louise
Hickman and Alexa Hagerty argue in a 2021 blog post,
soluons that t people’s needs are oen in tension
with soluons that scale, such as machine learning or
arcial intelligence.
Algorithmic soluons tend to
avoid nuance and focus on a one-size-ts-all design,
which can create problems for people with disabilies.
This nuance is why it’s imperave that the people
who create charts and graphs (with the assumpon
that they have some understanding and intent for that
visualizaon’s use) also understand how to make their
work accessible for people with disabilies.
Gaining Praccal Knowledge about Accessibility
Is the Prerequisite to Using Tools Eecvely
“The classroom remains the most radical space of
possibility in the academy,wrote author and acvist
bell hooks.
She argues that teaching people how to
think about the problems in our world can culvate
the most radical opportunies to enact change.
If we educate designers, developers, researchers,
and authors about the importance of accessibility
and how to implement accessibility into their work,
perhaps they will be the ones to make their work
more accessible and imagine new futures. Before we
imagine what the right tools are for the job, we need
to have the collecve knowledge of what accessible
experiences should be. Many tools are capable of
being accessible, but praconers need to think about
accessibility and their design goals before they can use
those tools eecvely.
Providing a oor of praccal knowledge was my
goal for Chartability. In my collaboraon with
Dominik Moritz and Cynthia Bennet, we explained
that Chartability would take exisng accessibility
knowledge and synthesize it for the dicult domain
of data visualizaon.
I operated on the assumpon
that we need a level of self-suciency and capability
to recognize quality or challenges as we do our
work. Chartability exists as a design resource for
praconers to evaluate their own visualizaons. As
a eld, we need more resources like it. People need
paerns, guides, and reusable materials.
But a tool like Chartability doesn’t set a ceiling or push
the boundaries of what we already know. It serves as a
record of the bare minimum of what we should be
doing. Working alongside people with disabilies is the
single most important thing we can do to go beyond
the minimum and work toward accessibility. People
with disabilies are the actual experts who can tell us
what is or is not accessible to them. We need them as
coworkers, codesigners, leaders, and experts who help
build things with us. But this guidance must always
include a caveat: be wary of asking for free labor as
you embark on a path toward learning. Do everything
you can to nd what has already been documented in
standards, blogs, research, and arcles, and
compensate experts for their experse when you
work together.
Improving praccal knowledge also entails teaching
accessibility as a foundaonal skill. Although people
new to accessibility work oen nd it dicult, this
barrier largely arises from missing skills. Self-teaching
accessibility frequently leads to a mismatch of skills:
praconers are highly advanced in one area of
design or development by the me they recognize the
signicant gaps in their understanding. I’ve seen this
gap me and me again with web engineers who don’t
know how to properly use programming languages like
HTML and CSS. Unfortunately, these engineers get
so deep into bad pracces that the basic skills
necessary for accessibility become signicantly
expensive to relearn.
Knowledge alone can’t x everything. We need to be
able to use what we know. If our tools and materials
aren’t designed to make accessibility work easy, we will
connue to take the path of least resistance.
Builders Need Improved Tools
I’m a maker for makers: I build tools that others use
to create. And I rmly believe that improving the
tools we have or simply selecng the best tools
out there are two of the easiest ways we can stop
building inaccessible data visualizaons. Think of this
process as slowing down or ghtening the ow on a
rehose. Right now, the overlays and machine learning
algorithms that eternally try to clean up the mess
we create are like Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s haunng art
installaon of a robot forever mopping its own uid.
We are making messes with our tools faster than we
can clean things up.
In my previous work for Visa Chart Components—a
design system toolkit for Visa,—we wanted to
empower creators at Visa to easily make accessible
charts and graphs.
We wanted to be opinionated
about our design, which is the mission of any good
design system (Chapter 8).
This work revealed to me that there are four high-level
variables worth comparing when selecng visualizaon
tools for the job:
1. Ease of making a visualizaon from data
2. Expressiveness of the visuals
3. Out-of-the-box (ready-to-go) accessibility
4. Robust/exible potenal of the accessibility
Signicant me is spent considering the rst two
when selecng the right tools for the job. But have
we paid the same aenon to accessibility? To assess
that queson, I provide my opinions on various
visualizaon tools’ accessibility abilies based on my
experience auding and working with these tools.
(Keep in mind this assessment is not in any way legal
or compliance advice.)
Currently, most of our visualizaon tools aren’t
accessible out of the box, and nearly half don’t have
strong potenal, either. Most accessibility design and
development relies on the visual’s creator to know
about and nd a way to implement it. For example,
someone has to know that alt text is important and
gure out how to add it to a chart or graph. But some
tools help designers and developers do the right
thing while using the tool. In the same way that Excel
automacally sets defaults for spacing and color
schemes, some tools have defaults and out-of-the box
funconality for accessibility. Visa Chart Components,
for example, provides a warning and instrucons
to developers when they’ve forgoen to provide
expected inputs.
Installaon view: Tales of Our Time, November 4, 2016-March 10, 2017, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Photograph
by David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundaon, New York.
Long description
There are four groupings in this chart.
1. Pushing the ceiling of accessibility:
Visa Chart Components, Highcharts, SAS.
These tools are in the middle of the upper-right quadrant of the chart, indicating high “Built-in Accessibility” and “Robust
Accessibility Potential.” Highcharts and SAS have more potential than Visa Chart Components, but Visa Chart Components
offers a little bit more out of the box.
2. Some great stuff but not comprehensive:
Datawrapper, PowerBI.
These tools are both a little below the x axis, straddling the y axis. Datawrapper is a bit more toward “Little Accessibility
Potential,” and PowerBI is closer to “Robust Accessibility Potential.”
3. A mix of good and not good but needs a lot of work
Tableau, Excel, Microstrategy, Chart.js, Plot, Altair/Vega-Lite.
All of these charts are most of the way down the x axis, with low built-in accessibility. Tableau and Microstrategy both have
lower accessibility potential; Excel, Chart.js, Plot, and Altair/Vega-Lite have a growing magnitude of potential.
4. Good luck
Figma/Sketch/Illustrator, Google Charts, ggplot2, ParaView, MATLAB, Matplotlib, P5.js, visx, D3.js, and Vanilla JS.
The majority of these have no built-in accessibility at all. Google Charts, P5.js, visx, D3.js and Vanilla JS all have an increasing
magnitude of accessibility potential; all others have little.
Tableau, Excel, Microstrategy, Chart.js, Plot, Altair/Vega-Lite.
All of these charts are most of the way down the x axis, with low built-in accessibility. Tableau and Microstrategy both have
lower accessibility potential; Excel, Chart.js, Plot, and Altair/Vega-Lite have a growing magnitude of potential.
4. Good luck
Figma/Sketch/Illustrator, Google Charts, ggplot2, ParaView, MATLAB, Matplotlib, P5.js, visx, D3.js, and Vanilla JS.
The majority of these have no built-in accessibility at all. Google Charts, P5.js, visx, D3.js and Vanilla JS all have an increasing
magnitude of accessibility potential; all others have little.
At a high level, the accessibility capabilies of a tool
can be improved by ensuring the following:
The important details within the visualizaon can
be accessed by screen readers, keyboards, and
other assisve technologies. Most stac images,
like JPG or PNG les, can only be described by
alt text, meaning more complex features are
oen lost.
Users can download the data underlying the
chart to their own computer in an accessible
format (such as a CSV le).
The data in the chart can be represented with
sonicaon (as tones that can be heard) and in a
tacle format (that can be touched and felt).
Creators can annotate the visualizaon and guide
readers through it.
Tools can also oer the following funconality
out of the box:
Automac contrast adjustment
Redundant encodings
Text spacing
Interacve highlighng and dimming
Semanc structure
Safe color palees
Accessible examples in core documentaon
Easy-to-follow core documentaon of accessible
pracce is vital as a rst step. Highcharts, a JavaScript
visualizaon library, provides a stellar example of
how tools can provide such documentaon.
when it comes to tools that make charts and graphs
using code, praconers learn how to use the tools
from their documentaon. And the more that these
core documentaons can integrate accessibility
consideraons into every step of the tool’s use,
the more that community members will follow suit
and do the right thing. Datawrapper, another data
visualizaon tool, has guidance built in and
includes consideraons for alt text and color vision
The tools themselves are the rst
place where correct, accessible best pracces
should be communicated.
However, when core documentaon is absent,
praconers oen learn how to use a tool from
community-contributed examples. Very few, if any,
community examples on blogs or websites include
consideraons for accessibility. This absence leads us
to a larger problem: when someone makes something
with an envious funconality, other praconers
copy it directly or otherwise emulate it. If the rst
product is inaccessible, that inaccessibility ends up
being reproduced every me it is copied. The Tableau
community is especially bad at this: expert users oen
“hack” Tableau to build extraordinary applicaon-
like interacvity or produce advanced visualizaon
types, but these examples almost always generate
nightmarish tangles of inaccessibility. Similarly, it is
dicult to intervene when inaccessible visualizaon
recipes are shared by creators on Observable,
company websites, or social media. If we don’t have
a community that can recognize inaccessibility
and catch these bad examples, we will connue to
reinforce bad pracces.
Another way to counter the lack of documentaon,
beyond catching bad pracces and building good
examples, is to highlight builders and makers doing
the best with the tools they have. The data team
for the City of San Francisco is a good example. Not
only did they carefully document how to make public
dashboards of COVID-19 case data accessible to
the public using PowerBI, they also created a set of
guidelines for others embarking on similar
Chris DeMarni has documented his
accessibility journey with Tableau, including how he
went to great lengths to add keyboard interacvity
within charts, which is currently not something that
Tableau oers.
DeMarni used the hackability
of Tableau for accessibility rather than just for
extraordinary visual eects. These members of their
respecve communies are showing what their tools
are capable of, pushing limits, and inspiring others. It
is important that we look for and encourage this work
when we encounter it.
But tools shouldn’t rely on hacks to make accessible
data visualizaons, they should create accessible
products by default. Praconers can pressure
toolmakers to make changes to their tools. Pressure
works. Advocates in every major visualizaon
community already do this work: the teams developing
data visualizaon tools and plaorms like PowerBI,
Datawrapper, the Jupyter Project, Vega-Lite, Tableau,
and Observable’s Plot have all made strides for
accessibility following their inial releases because of
internal and volunteer eorts. PowerBI and Jupyter, in
parcular, have invested signicant eort in the past
few years. PowerBI has worked to ensure that tool
itself, not just the output from the tool, is accessible.
The community of praconers around Project Jupyter
have organized an accessibility working group to
improve their tools, including Jupyter Notebook, which
is one of the most common collaborave data science
notebooks used today.
They’ve built a coalion of funded and volunteer work
to shape the future of accessible data science but sll
have a long road in front of them.
Many of our tools are salvageable as long as we get
involved. If more praconers demand beer, more
accessible tools, companies might begin making
accessibility a priority.
It Isn’t Too Late for Visualizaon
Data visualizaon is in a hopeful place as a eld: we’ve
experienced explosive growth in tooling and pracce
in the past two decades, and nothing is so entrenched
that it cannot change. Two hundred years ago, we
had tacle maps and graphs made for people who are
blind or have low vision. Nothing is stopping us today
from also making informaon experiences broadly
accessible in old and new ways.
Our mission as a community is to surface insights out
of data. Our eld can grow beyond centering visuals
and remain true to this pracce. In the Nighngale
data visualizaon blog, Doug Schepers writes that
“accessibility is at the heart of data visualizaon.
Making complex informaon understandable doesn’t
have to be limited to just visual representaons. I want
to inspire everyone reading this essay to imagine more
expansive data experiences, interacve stories told in
wrien form that can involve sound and touch as well.
Disabilies can have many dimensions that aect
every part of data representaon in design. In my talks,
I use the gure above to demonstrate how considering
the distribuons of disability among people living in
the US could aect every area of our pracce.
Everything on the right side of the gure we already
do. Considering people with disabilies encourages us
to become beer at each of these things.
Data visualizaon is at a watershed moment. We
have an opportunity to grow and mature in ways that
could inspire many other elds. We have a beauful
community of researchers, designers, engineers,
sciensts, analysts, reporters, and storytellers.
Accessibility is an opportunity for all of us to hone our
cra and become excellent at what we do.
We can’t rely on overlays and machine learning models
to solve access problems for us. We are the ones
designing and building data visualizaons, so the onus
falls to us. Although I wish my takeaway could be as
simple as telling you to begin learning accessibility
and working to improve your tools (which of course
you must do), I also want to stress that we have
structural and cultural priories to change as well.
Our employers need to make accessible workplaces
for our coworkers with disabilies. Our budgets need
to include accessibility as a top priority—and we
need to compensate disabled people for their advice
and experse in making our products beer. Our
immediate roadmaps need to include accessibility
as part of our core products. Our educaonal
programs need to teach about access and disability as
foundaonal topics. Every data visualizaon contest
or celebraon needs to include accessibility as a
measurement of excellence.
Unl we see changes like these, however, individuals
must do what we can, and it won’t be easy. So get
learning and building, and remember: pressure works.
Let’s take our relaonship with our tools to the next
level and never compromise on accessibility.
Considering Disability In Design Aects Every Area of Visualizaon
Chapter Two Notes
“Total Number of Websites,” InternetLiveStats, accessed October 14, 2022, hps://
Kelly Mack, Emma McDonnell, Dhruv Jain, Lucy Lu Wang, Jon E. Froelich, and Leah Findlater, “What Do We Mean by ‘Accessibility
Research’?” In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Compung Systems, paper 371 (New York: Associaon for
Compung Machinery, 2021), hps://
“The WebAIM Million,” WebAIM, last updated March 31, 2022, hps://
“The Automated Accessibility Coverage Report,” Deque, accessed October 14, 2022, hps://
Frank Elavsky, Cynthia Benne, and Dominik Moritz, “How Accessible Is My Visualizaon? Evaluang Visualizaon Accessibility with
Chartability,” Computer Graphics Forum 41, no. 3 (2022): 57–70.
See Overlay Fact Sheet at hps://
Sheri Byrne-Haber, “Context Is the Most Crical Aspect of Alt-Text Everyone Seems to Miss,” UX Collecve (Medium blog), October 10,
2020, hps://cal-aspect-of-alt-text-everyone-seems-to-miss-e18803a79212.
Louise Hickman and Alexa Hagerty, “Standardised Access: The Tension between Scale and Fit,Ada Lovelace Instute blog, May 24, 2021,
bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress Educaon as the Pracce of Freedom (London: Routledge, 2021).
Frank Elavsky, Cynthia Benne, and Dominik Moritz, “How Accessible Is My Visualizaon? Evaluang Visualizaon Accessibility with
Chartability,” Computer Graphics Forum 41, no. 3 (2022): 57–70.
See Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s 2016 art installaon, “Can’t Help Myself,” at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, hps://www.
“Visa Chart Components,” Visa Developer Center, accessed October 19, 2022, hps://
“Highcharts for Accessibility,” Highcharts, accessed October 19, 2022, hps://
See Datawrapper’s website at hps://
Lauren Jong, Emily Vontsolos, and Blake Valenta, “A Template for Accessible Data Visualizaons.” Medium, San Francisco Digital Services,
13 May 2022, hps://ons-ca2ed52f945b.
Chris DeMarni, “A Tableau Accessibility Journey - Part IV - Keyboard Accessibility.” DataBlick blog, August 13, 2021, hps://www.
Jupyter Team, “Jupyter Accessibility,Jupyter Accessibility Working Group, accessed October 19, 2022, hps://jupyter-accessibility.
Doug Schepers, “Why Accessibility Is at the Heart of Data Visualizaon.” Nighngale Journal of the Data Visualizaon Society, May 21,
2020, hps://ngale/accessibility-is-at-the-heart-of-data-visualizaon-64a38d6c505b.
Data for
Cognive Load
Today, we are inundated with so much
informaon—good and bad, true and false,
and everything in between—through the web,
social media, television, radio, and print. Data
visualizaons, such as charts, diagrams, and
infographics, can oer an oasis of simplicity,
dislling informaon to shapes, colors,
paerns, and words. That is data visualizaon
at its best.
But at its worst, data visualizaon confuses, decontextualizes,
obfuscates, deceives, or overwhelms. Worse yet, it oen blocks
access to the informaon enrely, such as a chart lacking
equivalent accessibility for readers with disabilies, including
blindness, low vision, or cognive disabilies.
We owe it to ourselves and to our readers to present informaon
in the clearest way possible. As with the plain language
movement, there are human rights and social jusce aspects of
clear, accessible data representaons. Decreasing the cognive
processing that it takes to understand a data visualizaon can not
only make our work beer but also lead to more inclusive, ethical
data visualizaon for people with disabilies.
Improving charts for people with disabilies normally improves
their usability for everyone. Cognive Load Theory (or CLT) is
one tool that helps us consider mental processing when creang
material. In this chapter, we’ll apply CLT to charts by looking at its
dierent aspects through the lens of specic disabilies; we’ll also
look at CLT in chart animaon.
Cognive Load Theory
CLT is a teaching methodology that originated in the 1980s to
examine how students learn. Researchers approached learning
from a neurological perspecve, considering how the brain’s
constraints could reduce eecve learning. In general, CLT does
not focus on data visualizaon or people with disabilies, but we
can apply many of its concepts.
CLT is based on the Atkinson–Shirin model of memory,
describes three types of memory: sensory registers, working
memory, and long-term memory. Whereas sensory registers are
the external inputs we observe, and long-term memory is the
fragments of those experiences we hold on to, working memory
is the pathway and the boleneck between the two.
Tasks like learning new material or interpreng a
chart use up the limited capacity of working
memory. CLT seeks to understand our memory’s
capacity by categorizing a task into its intrinsic and
extraneous load.
Intrinsic load is the inherent nature of the informaon,
rened to its bare minimum.
Extraneous load is how the informaon is
structured and presented.
Both carry related elements that our working memory
must process and our long-term memory seeks to
store away. As content creators, our goal is to opmize
intrinsic load and reduce extraneous load so the
product ts the capacity of our working memory. This
process aligns with Edward Tue’s popular (though
oen cricized) contemporary advice in the data
visualizaon world to increase the data-to-ink rao
and reduce chart junk.
Informaon ows both ways between short-term
memory and long-term memory. Concepts familiar to
the reader (that is, already present in their long-term
memory) can decrease this load, as new informaon is
bundled into exisng mental models in a process called
chunking and automang.
Picture a bar chart, like this one showing the share of
American adults with a funconal disability. At some
point in your life, you didn’t know how to read a bar
chart, or even know that its dierent parts had
meaning. Later, you learned about the dierent axes,
how values were represented as the height of the bars,
and how to compare the bars to understand the
relaonships in the data. Each of these elements
occupied space in your working memory. As you
became more familiar with the bar chart, you no longer
needed to expend eort to read it. You had chunked
the dierent parts of the chart into their individual
roles, and now you automacally read and apply new
bar-chart data to this schema. The concept of the bar
chart no longer occupies your working memory, and
you can concentrate just on the novel data.
Now that we understand CLT, we can begin to
explore its many principles and applicaons. I
nd the following are parcularly relevant to
data visualizaons:
Mulmedia principle: Use words and pictures
because both are more eecve than words
alone. A reader is more likely to remember and
recognize data if they are presented as a bar chart
rather than as a dense table.
Conguity principle: Present words and pictures
simultaneously rather than successively. We
describe this strategy below in our discussion of
direct labeling.
Coherence principle: Exclude extraneous
words, sounds, or pictures. Adding elements to
a chart, including unnecessary labels or visual
distractors, reduces the speed with which
a reader comprehends and retains the core
informaon presented.
How intrinsic and extraneous loads t the capacity of our
working memory.
A bar chart. Because most of us are so familiar with this data
structure, the informaon it conveys is very apparent to us.
Interacvity principle: Allow learners to control
the presentaon rate. This principle is especially
relevant in the discussion of animaon, which
we turn to later.
Signaling principle: Emphasize key steps in the
representaon. We describe this concept below in
our discussion on highlighng and annotaon.
Simplifying Is Too Simplied
It’s natural to conclude that opmizing intrinsic load
and reducing extraneous load is just a fancy way of
saying we should simplify our charts, diagrams, and
maps. That’s good advice, but it doesn’t always work
out that way. We need to consider our context, our
audience, and their aenon and engagement.
Simplifying works well for a reader who is unfamiliar
with the topic of a chart or who is under stress (such
as someone taking a med test). You can reduce
the amount of informaon or break it down into
manageable steps with addional context (extraneous
load). You can also use common chart types your
audience is familiar with.
But for a reader who has already developed a mental
model of our topic with me for exploraon, we
should make our chart dense with salient informaon.
A more informaon-dense chart might use familiar
symbols as shorthand, include more data, or use novel
chart types that highlight relaonships an expert user
can spot.
Both novices or experts have an upper limit to
eecve informaon density. Yoghourdjian and
colleagues explored brain acvity among 22 study
parcipants as they viewed complex node-edge graphs
(i.e., network diagrams) and found that cognive load
is readily apparent in their subjects when they’re
asked to complete basic comprehension tasks.
more complex the chart, the more mental eort was
recorded, up to a threshold where the mental strain
reduced because the reader gave up and disengaged
from the task. Yoghourdjian’s study demonstrates that
when creang our charts, we need to keep in mind the
audience’s capacity to engage with the material.
CLT and Disabilies
Cognive load aects everyone, but the challenge
can be amplied for people with disabilies. A small
distracon can derail a person with Aenon Decit
Hyperacvity Disorder (ADHD) or a disability aecng
memory. Too much unstructured textual detail can
bewilder a reader who is blind or has low vision.
Separang related visual elements, like a line and its
label, can disorient a person with low vision. Dense
informaon or large blocks of text can be dicult
to comprehend and absorb because of fague, a
complicaon of many neurological condions such as
traumac brain injuries and Mulple Sclerosis.
Understanding how CLT can aect people with
dierent disabilies allows us to make more accessible,
inclusive, and generally usable data visualizaons.
Although concepts can apply dierently depending on
a user’s specic disability, our goal is to provide a brief
tour of some of the more readily apparent instances.
As we examine dierent principles of CLT through the
lens of specic disabilies, we need to be mindful that
each principle may have broader relevance to other
condions. A person may have mulple impairments,
and disabilies are oen interseconal with other
social factors, such as low income or educaonal
disparies, which can increase overall cognive load.
Merely addressing one type of disability may not
produce an equivalent and equitable experience
for all users.
Low Vision
People with low vision can experience loss of central
vision, decreased peripheral vision, reduced contrast
sensivity, or decreased ability to see small details,
all of which can make reading text or nding paerns
in numeric tables much harder than recognizing
paerns in shapes, lines, or blocks of color. Compare
the amount of informaon available in a blurry
spreadsheet with a blurry line chart in the two images
on the next page. Ascertaining the basics of the
paerns is much easier for the line chart than for
the table, which requires detailed examinaon of the
numbers in the cells.
For people with low vision, charts oen convey
informaon with less eort than tables or text, which
decreases cognive load. Reducing these elements
from several individual numbers in a column to a single
line enables a person who uses a screen magnier to
track value changes while zoomed in or to see the
whole trend while zoomed out. This data presentaon
signicantly benets readers with low vision. Tacle
graphics can benet blind readers and readers with
low vision because visually impaired people can
process many types of graphics much beer by
touching a texture than by listening to a series
of numbers.
Another technique that aids users with low vision
is directly labeling each line in a chart rather than
using a separate legend. With a legend, readers have
to locate it, zoom in, memorize the symbols and
labels, zoom out to nd those symbols, then idenfy
and recall them. With direct labels, they can zoom in
directly on the line of interest and pan to the end to
nd its label (or zoom in on the label and pan back
along the line). Direct labeling also enables magnier
users to know the nal relave values of each line
while reading the labels, which helps them construct
a mental model of the data. (For an example of direct
labeling, see the secon below on divided-aenon
Tacle Graphics
Tacle graphics use touch to convey
informaon. You may have experienced
these as 3D exhibits in a museum or as a
touch-screen device that vibrates when
you move a nger over a parcular spot.
They’re commonly used in educaon and
science for people with visual disabilies and
have proven very eecve.
A variety of
techniques are available for making tacle
graphics. Stac physical graphics can be
created as shapes with a 3D printer or as
raised symbols on paper with a specialized
embossing printer or special capsule paper
that swells when heated. Digital tacle
images can be created to use the vibraon
motors in mobile devices, or content can
be designed to work with assisve
technology like refreshable pin displays
or braille displays.
Low Contrast Vision
A common low-vision characterisc is decreased
contrast sensivity. Colors may appear muted, and the
borders between dierent blocks of color may appear
ambiguous. An easy way to help people dierenate
between items while reducing cognive load is to
use separaon. We can do this by breaking tasks into
bite-sized chunks conceptually and visually with a thin
border between the slices in a stacked bar chart (see
pair of charts on the next page). This approach works
best for discrete data rather than connuous data, but
with a lile creavity, the principle can be applied to
Because these images are blurred, we can much more easily
see the overall trends and relaonships in the line chart than in
the table.
When visually impaired readers hear a data table
through a screen reader, each number in the row or
column is read to them sequenally. The reader not
only has to remember the previous number, they must
also use their working memory to perform calculaons
on the magnitude and direcon of change, repeang
the process for each new number.
A chart can also expose raw numbers in a structured
way (e.g., with ARIA markup to make it accessible to a
screen reader; see Chapter 5 on ARIA labels), but this
has the same problem as a data table: it’s a ood of
numbers. To address this problem, you should provide
meaningful alternave (alt) text that describes the
most salient informaon, preferably with a detailed
summary as the extended descripon. The raw
numbers are sll important, because a blind reader
may want to delve into details and examine specic
values, but you should let people decide whether they
want to spend the me walking through the data aer
rst hearing the summary. Respect your reader’s me
and aenon.
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
People with dyslexia and dyscalculia can oen
understand data visualizaons more easily than
numeric data, such as tables or lists of numbers. But
with both condions, text labels may not be as useful
as for most people, and problems with direconality
and orientaon may arise.
Dyslexia is a reading disorder that oen includes
dicules with visually processing symbols and
somemes with reading or interpreng charts or
diagrams. For people with dyslexia, ow charts are
oen ideal for explaining procedures, and icons or
pictograms can help more than words alone.
Dyscalculia is a disability relang to numbers and
mathemacs. It may include diculty with symbols,
quanes, mathemacal reasoning, memory tasks, or
somemes visual-spaal interpretaon. For people
with dyscalculia who don’t have problems with visual-
spaal interpretaon, charts can be very helpful in
processing mathemacal or numeric concepts and
content, whereas data tables might prove more
challenging. Many people with dyscalculia can struggle
with graphical melines, so me-series data may be
more challenging than other types of data.
In general, if your chart is explanatory rather than
exploratory, you should consider wring a summary
that reinforces its conclusion, with explicit projecons
or recommended courses of acon based on the
data. Symbols in line charts, scaerplots, and maps
should be unique and not rely on orientaon alone
to disnguish between them. Where possible, avoid
close-packed graphical elements—space them out to
make them disnct and reduce visual confusion. Grid
lines and guiding lines are helpful, especially if they are
interacve, but don’t let them visually overwhelm the
core data representaon.
The chart on the right is much easier to process visually because of the thin breaks in the bars. Our brains need to work a bit harder
to nd the breaks in the le chart.
Aenon Management Disabilies
ADHD, or Aenon Decit Hyperacvity Disorder,
is misleadingly named. Someone with ADHD does
not have a decrease in aenon itself (because they
commonly exhibit hyperfocus); rather, they have a
decreased ability to direct their aenon to the
most important task at hand.
People with ADHD are not the only readers aected
by aenon management disabilies—typical aging
introduces several decits in memory management as
People with aenon management disabilies
constute a large demographic audience.
As you work with data and charts, consider your
reader’s capacity for selecve and sustained aenon,
and decrease tasks that require divided aenon.
These changes might include reducing the amount of
detailed informaon in a chart or diagram, reducing
the number of annotaons and labels, and lowering
the complexity of the visualizaon itself. To beer
understand how we can tailor our visualizaons for
readers aected by aenon management disabilies,
we need to understand the dierent types of aenon
that visualizaons require.
Divided Aenon
Divided-aenon tasks require the reader to process
more than one source of informaon or to perform
more than one task at the same me. Noce the
dierence in the two graphs at the top of this page—
one has a legend, separated from the content; the
other has labels directly on the chart next to the ends
of the lines. Spling the reader’s aenon between
the data representaon and the legend means extra
mental processing. They need to commit each symbol
and color to their working memory, then shi their
view over to the line to interpret the data while also
applying the memorized legend. This eort may seem
trivial, but it imposes an unnecessary memory tax
that has been demonstrated to decrease the speed
and accuracy of comprehension and retenon of
The direct labeling is also signicantly easier for
readers with low vision to process, and it benets
people with color vision deciency (CVD, or “color
blindness”), who can use label proximity rather than
color to idenfy and disnguish the lines.
Selecve Aenon
Selecve aenon is the reader’s ability to focus on
smuli that are relevant to the task at hand while
disregarding irrelevant smuli. You can improve
selecve aenon with a few simple techniques, all
of which are demonstrated in the pair of images on
the next page:
1. Decrease, remove, or deemphasize unneeded
visual elements using lower contrast, muted
colors, or thinner line width.
On the le, a line chart with labels in a legend/key. On the right, a line chart with direct labeling near the lines.
2. Make relevant data marks of dierent
categories more easily disnguishable.
3. Move labels from a dedicated legend to direct
labels on data points or clusters of points.
As with direct labeling, using data symbols with
dierent shapes and dierent colors benets people
with CVD as well.
In addion to reducing extraneous load, you can
opmize intrinsic load by direcng the reader’s
aenon to the most salient parts of the data,
especially to reect the intent of an explanatory chart.
You can do this with text descripons (like alt text) or
with highlighng and annotaon, which is also
parcularly useful for people with low vision. This
selecve emphasis draws on the signaling principle
of CLT.
Sustained Aenon
Sustained aenon is the reader’s ability to focus
their concentraon on a task over an extended period.
Charts that require the reader to perform mulple
steps oen necessitate sustained aenon.
If you’re making such a chart, consider what tasks
you expect the reader to perform and whether they
require all the data to be in a single chart or if the chart
could be split into mulple charts, each focusing on
a specic task. If the set of tasks cannot be broken
up eciently, you may also consider adding a layer
of interacvity to help the reader concentrate on
a subset of the tasks or oer staged states with
feedback on progress.
Meaningful animaon may also help the reader sustain
aenon during prolonged or tedious tasks, such
as monitoring a chart for status changes. Animaon
is especially eecve when it draws aenon to
signicant changes, dramac shis, or triggered
How Animaon Can Decrease
(or Increase) Cognive Load
Meaningful animaon—through the use of videos,
animated GIFs, or other means—can be a powerful aid
to cognive accessibility. Animaon is one of the most
literal representaons of change over me and can
help engage readers.
Neurologically, our brains process and interpret
movement dierently, priorizing it over other visual
smuli. Because movement captures the reader’s eye
so eecvely, animaon can be overused, which is
On the le, a scaerplot with bold black grid lines and several symbols of the same shape with only color dierences. On the right,
an improved scaerplot with thin gray gridlines and several symbols of dierent shapes and colors.
why it should be considered carefully and thoughully.
The brain has two pathways for processing visual
informaon: the “what” and the “where” pathways.
The “what” pathway leads to idencaon and
recognion, and the “where” pathway processes the
object’s spaal locaon. The “where” pathway is faster
and more immediate, which animaon triggers by
grabbing and keeping the reader’s aenon. We need
to make sure the content we’re animang is worthy of
this special consideraon by the reader.
Eecve animaon aids focus rather than disrupng it.
Chart animaons should be funconal and brief.
Animaon can also engage the reader’s emoons,
either by creang fun or by imparng causality or
agency to the animated objects.
The advantages of
animaon come with a caveat, however: it can take
longer to interpret, which can cause the reader to
make mistakes in analysis of the data.
Good use cases for animaon in data visualizaons can
be grouped into three broad categories.
Demonstrang progression. In more literal diagrams,
where gures represent real objects like the water
cycle, animaon can show the changing relave
locaons of those objects over me. In more abstract
line charts, it can reveal the progression of a trend,
which can also create emoonal engagement. In some
cases, it can even illustrate the actual pace of change,
either in real me or scaled.
State changes. In interacve charts, visual elements
oen transion from one state to another, such as
when the data on a chart are changed, zoomed, or
ltered. Showing this transion as literal movement
helps the reader stay oriented and track trends.
Without animaon, the data changes can be hard to
An example of how animaon can be used to show real
changes in locaon.
How informaon proceeds from the occipital lobe to the dorsal visual stream or ventral visual stream.
Feedback. Somemes a reader needs to know
immediately that their acons have had an eect in
interacve charts. If the compung task takes longer
than a few milliseconds, such as with an asynchronous
data fetch or a processor-intensive operaon, the user
may try to trigger the acon again or think it’s not
working. Providing an animaon can assure the reader
their acon has registered.
Best Pracces for Using Animaon
in Visualizaons
Animaon is safest when the user has control over
it. Data praconers should respect the user’s
preferences for when to play animaons, the speed
of animaons, and the ability to manually trigger
animaons. I’ve highlighted four best pracces for
making animaons useful (and safe) for all users,
especially those who may have a condion that limits
their ability to use or perceive visual informaon.
1. Deacvate Animaons by User Preference
For readers with some cognive disabilies, animaon
can distract or even be dangerous to them, such as by
triggering seizures.
On the internet, you can detect and honor the reader’s
animaon preferences. Programming languages for
the web like CSS and JavaScript have the concept
of a “media query,which allows a website to detect
features of the user’s browser, such as whether the
user is using a touchscreen rather than a mouse, the
wrien language the user has congured, and sengs
related to accessibility. One of these sengs is the
“prefers-reduced-moon” media query. If the user
has indicated they prefer reduced moon, you can
eliminate the animaon or signicantly reduce the
speed or range of moon. For users who have not set
their browser’s animaon preferences, you can also
provide a website-specic opon for users to turn o
the animaon.
2. Give Control of Animaon and Processing Speed
Readers with memory or aenon disabilies may
not process informaon at the same pace as your
The same goes for people who are
distracted. Consider giving the reader control over the
playback speed or the ability to restart the animaon.
Allowing readers to interact directly with the animated
element can also be eecve.
An example of providing feedback to a user.
Three versions of a scaerplot, where some of the data points move from the start in the rst scaerplot to the end in the third
scaerplot, with a transion between the two states in the second scaerplot. The movement path of each point is represented
by an arrow.
3. Reduce the Number of Animated Elements
Having more than a couple of animated elements
can overload working memory, leaving the reader no
capacity to process and remember the changes before
the animaon ends.
As a result, you should either
ensure the animang objects move in a similar paern
to one another or reduce the number of animated
4. Announce or Describe Animaons
for Blind Readers
If you do use animaons in a meaningful way, be
sure to provide a descripon or a live sequenal text
update for blind readers, such as with the “aria-live
aribute (see Chapter 5 on ARIA labels). This addion
is especially important for users receiving feedback
aer interacng with a visualizaon.
As data professionals, we oen rely on quantave
measures of chart eecveness, through A-B tesng,
task assessment, or another means of using data;
we do this because we want to solve problems with
certainty. But the world has never been a hospitable
place for certainty. Embracing the ambiguity of how
people approach our data visualizaons will oen lead
us to create more expansive, accessible products.
A guiding rule is to be mindful of the dierent
audiences, expectaons, tasks, and provenance
for your chart, which can aect how you approach
Consider if your chart is for explanaon
or exploraon; if it’s stac, dynamic, or interacve; and
if there are alternave ways to oer
equivalent representaons.
Applying some of these guidelines will help many
people access and process data visualizaons more
eecvely, although it will help some people more
than others. As a data visualizaon praconer, you
can’t reach perfect accessibility, but you can and
should experiment with making your visualizaons as
useful as possible for as many people as possible. You’ll
be doing good, and doing good is oen good enough.
Chapter Three Notes
W3C Cognive Accessibility Task Force, World Wide Web Consorum, dra from September 21, 2021, hps://
Ashley M. St. John, Melissa Kibbe, and Amanda R. Tarullo, “A Systemac Assessment of Socioeconomic Status and Execuve Funconing in
Early Childhood,” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 178 (2019): 352–368. hps://
For readability, I’ll use the term “chart” generically to refer to data visualizaons, and I’ll explicitly call out advice diagrams, maps,
infographics, and so on.
Richard C. Atkinson and Richard M. Shirin, “Human Memory: A Proposed System and Its Control Processes,” in Psychology of Learning
and Movaon volume 2, ed. Kenneth Spence and Janet Taylor Spence (New York: Academic Press, 1968), 89–195.
John Sweller, “Cognive Load during Problem Solving: Eects on Learning,” Cognive Science 12, no. 2 (1988): 257–285; and John Sweller,
Jeroen J. G. Van Merrienboer, and Fred G. W. C. Paas, “Cognive Architecture and Instruconal Design,” Educaonal Psychology Review 10,
no. 3 (1998): 251–96.
John Sweller, “Cognive Load Theory, Learning Diculty, and Instruconal Design,” Learning and Instrucon 4, no. 4 (1994): 295–312.
Richard E Mayer, “Cognive Theory and the Design of Mulmedia Instrucon: An Example of the Two-Way Street between Cognion and
Instrucon,” New Direcons for Teaching and Learning 2002, no. 89 (2002): 55–71.
See also Joseph R. Jenkins, Daniel C. Neale, and Stanley L. Reno, “Dierenal Memory for Picture and Word Smuli,Journal of Educaonal
Psychology 58, no. 5 (1967): 303–07.
Vahan Yoghourdjian, Yalong Yang, Tim Dwyer, Lee Lawrence, Michael Wybrow, and Kim Marrio. “Scalability of Network Visualisaon from
a Cognive Load Perspecve,” IEEE Transacons on Visualizaon and Computer Graphics 27, no. 2 (2020): 1677–87.
Jordan C. Koone, Chad M. Dashnaw, Emily A. Alonzo, Miguel A. Iglesias, Kelly-Shaye Patero, Juan J. Lopez, Ao Yun Zhang, et al., “Data for
all: Tacle Graphics That Light Up with Picture-Perfect Resoluon,” Science Advances 8, no. 33 (2022).
see Fizz Studio’s open-source SparkBraille as an example: hps://
Elizabeth L. Glisky, “Changes in Cognive Funcon in Human Aging,” in Brain Aging: Models, Methods, and Mechanisms, ed. David R.
Riddle (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2007): 3–20.
K.N. Purnell, R.T. Sollman, and John Sweller, “The Eects of Technical Illustraons on Cognive Load,” Instruconal Science 20, no. 5–6
(1991): 443–62.
Brian J. Scholl and Patrice D. Tremoulet, “Perceptual Causality and Animacy,Trends in Cognive Sciences 4, no. 8 (2000): 299–309.
George Robertson, Roland Fernandez, Danyel Fisher, Bongshin Lee, and John Stasko. “Eecveness of Animaon in Trend Visualizaon,
IEEE Transacons on Visualizaon and Computer Graphics 14, no. 6 (2008): 1325–32.
Kevin S McGrew, “CHC Theory and the Human Cognive Abilies Project: Standing on the Shoulders of the Giants of Psychometric
Intelligence Research,” Intelligence 37, no. 1 (2009): 1–10.
Steven L. Franconeri, Lace M. Padilla, Pri Shah, Jerey M. Zacks, and Jessica Hullman, “The Science of Visual Data Communicaon: What
Works.” Psychological Science in the Public Interest 22, no. 3 (2021): 110–61.
See, for example, Jonathan Schwabish, “Beer Data Visualizaons: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks” (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2021).
Alternave (alt) Text
and Screen Readers
Wring Alt Text to
Communicate the
Meaning in Data
Innovave data visualizaon methods are
increasingly found in many kinds of media,
including news websites, government informaon
portals, nancial statements, and scienc
communicaon, frequently with no descripon
for users of screen reading technology.
And even when alternave texts (alt text)—text descripons
that convey the content and meaning to blind and low-vision
readers—are available, they oen fail to convey the main
takeaways of the data.
For data visualizaons that are produced as graphic les (e.g., JPGs,
PDFs, and PNGs), alt text needs to be added. These les cannot
be navigated with screen reading soware, and although some
methods of creang data visualizaons can produce readable
elements for screen readers (for example, Visa Chart Components,
SAS Graphics Accelerator, and others reviewed by Elavsky and
most stascal soware does not produce accessible
charts and graphs. That responsibility falls to the author. Elavsky
and colleagues summarize the situaon well: “Accessibility is sll an
aerthought in data visualizaon.
Graphs and charts follow convenons to orient the reader to the
displayed data, including coordinate axes, axis labels, number
labels, legends, and tles. These introduce the variables and their
characteriscs, allowing the reader to comprehend the data points,
trends, and dierences within the graph.
Several models have been proposed for thinking about geng the
informaon in graphs and charts into alt text. This arcle explains
two of those models: Canelón and Hare’s “four-ingredients model”
for wring complete alt texts and the MIT Visualizaon Group’s
“four-level model” for classifying types of informaon from
I describe both models in the following secon and
demonstrate how they are related to one another across a pair of
examples—a simple line chart and a less familiar tree map.
The Four-Ingredients Model
In 2021, Silvia Canelón and I coauthored a study in which we
examined the frequency of alt text inclusion and the completeness
of alt texts for data visualizaons in an online learning community.
We idened four ingredient quesons necessary for
comprehension of a graph. We based this “ingredients model”
on the verbal descripons of scienc graphs from
sighted colleagues and our personal experience
reading alt texts online. As a result of this work, we
developed four quesons for any data praconer to
ask when thinking about wring alt text.
1. What Kind of Graph or Chart Is It?
Beginning alt text with a descripon of the type of
chart or plot helps the reader ancipate the presented
informaon. Authors use common types of data
visualizaons such as bar charts, scaerplots, line
plots, and pie charts to show trends like the shape of
data, changes over me, a stascal distribuon, or a
comparison of two or more groups. Recent innovaons
in data visualizaon have led to more types of charts,
and these deviaons from more tradional types need
to be described in detail if they contribute to the
meaning of the graph.
A tree map, for example, is a
square or rectangular graph divided into groups to
illustrate hierarchical part-to-whole relaonships.
tree map below shows the share of people who are
unemployed, divided by two gender and six age
groups. Men are shown in the blue rectangles and
women in the yellow. New and specialized charts and
graphs like tree maps should be described more
extensively than simpler ones, and guidelines for the
descripon of each type should be developed.
In the overall descripon, alt text should also menon
whether the gure is just one plot or a set of mulple
graphs (also known as trellis plots, faceed plots, or
small mulples). Well-organized alt text for a graph
with small mulples would describe the common
aspects of all the graphs rst, then describe each
facet or subplot (with its variable name). When small
mulples are arranged in a grid, start at the upper
le and work across rows as you would when reading
regular text.
2. What Variables Are on the Axes?
When describing the variables in alt text, data analysts
need to keep a couple things in mind. It’s always best
pracce to use the actual variable names that are
present in the chart. Relying on descripons of colors
or textures for idencaon can lead to confusion
or distract from the meaning. Research shows some
people report that keeping track of colors from one
part of alt text to another leads to a dicult cognive
load (see Chapter 3 in this volume).
Others, however,
would like to form a mental image of the graph as
it appears and appreciate knowing the colors.
maer the preferences of the user, including the
actual variable name and units will lead to beer, more
coherent alt text.
3. What Are the Ranges of the Variables?
As with any chart, the variables present exist over a
limited range. Describing these ranges will provide
an overview of the measurements displayed and
context for understanding the relaonships between
variables. Including the ranges in the alt text also
gives an indicaon of the order of magnitude of the
observaons (e.g., whether they are numbers or
4. What Does the Appearance Tell You About the
Relaonships Between the Variables?
To answer ingredient four, data analysts usually
need to answer two important quesons: “Why
am I including this visualizaon in the media I am
and “What are these data saying?”
These answers can lead to a descripon of what the
graph shows about the data, which will vary by chart
type. In a line graph, for example, the descripon
would include whether the line is straight, curved, or
jagged; where maximum and minimum values occur
with respect to the x-axis; and the slope. To describe a
scaerplot, we would indicate whether the distribuon
of points seems even over the whole plot, if there are
clusters, or if the density of points diers in specic
areas of the plot. Plots of stascal distribuons can
oen be described with reference to the normal curve,
though that will depend on the ancipated knowledge
of the target reader. For graphs that represent
distribuons, we would include the relave size of the
tails, how steep the sides of the curve are, and the
symmetry of the distribuon.
In current pracce, many data visualizaons on the
internet, in social media, or in the scienc literature
do not contain all four ingredients and do not
adequately describe what the graph is showing. We
found that 3 percent of pracce data visualizaons
contained alt text and, of these, only 34 percent
included the answer to this fourth ingredient.
Four-Levels Model
The MIT Visualizaon Group, a team of researchers
working to beer understand how “computaon can
help amplify our cognion and creavity,” recently
analyzed feedback on alt text from blind users. Based
on reader responses, they categorized meaningful
alt text into four levels. These levels are useful for
considering what to include and what to leave out and
oer guidance on alt text automaon and ethics.
Level 1
The rst and lowest level contains sentences that
describe components “foundaonal to visualizaon
construcon—comprising the elemental properes of
the ‘language’ of graphics.These components include
the tle, legend, axis names and scales, and chart type
(e.g., scaerplot, line graph, bar chart). At this lowest
level, there is no “synthesizing or interpretaon.
The rst three items in the ingredient model described
above are all parts of Level 1.
Level 2
The second level includes stascal facts that are
available from the dataset (e.g., mean, median, range,
maximum, minimum) as well as quantave relaons
(greater than, less than, or equal), and individual data
points. Some of this informaon is available in the
graph, but the rest is obtained from the underlying
The informaon at Level 2 that is available
in the graph is a subset of the fourth ingredient from
the ingredient model.
Level 3
The third level contains “perceptual and cognive
phenomena.These components of graphs are
idened by inspecng the data and idenfying the
trends, outliers, or paerns. This level of informaon
relies on the cognion of the reader and may be more
complex than informaon at Levels 1 and 2. These
elements may not be readily observed by reading
raw data points, summary tables, stascs, or other
nonvisual data summaries. The essenal meaning of
the data visualizaon is found at this cognive and
perceptual level of descripon. Level 3, like Level 2, is
part of the fourth ingredient of the ingredient model.
Level 4
The fourth and highest level contains informaon
(or opinions) based on contextual or domain-specic
knowledge. The examples given rely on knowledge
from outside the graph and make assumpons about
Level 4 content is not considered part
of the ingredient model, which priorizes objecve
reporng of the chart over subjecve interpretaons
of applicaon. This subjecve informaon from
outside the graph should not be included in alt text.
Blind readers want the informaon and trends but not
extra opinion or interpretaon.
For example, if you
think you know the reason for the change in slope of a
graph, don’t include it in the alt text. It should only be
included if it is a printed annotaon on the graph.
Comparing the Two Models
The two models I’ve described do not perfectly align,
but both oer useful ways to think about wring alt
text and graph descripons. On the next page, I’ve
mapped the four items (ingredients) from the Canelón
and Hare model onto the Lundgard and Satyanarayan
(levels) model. The rst three ingredients from Canelón
and Hare map to the rst level in the Lundgard and
Satyanarayan model, while the fourth ingredient maps
to the second and third levels.
To show how the two models can dier, let’s dive into
two examples. First, we have a fairly basic line chart of
the monthly unemployment rate in the US from
January 1950 to June 2022. Most readers should
recognize a line chart, so we can use less alt text to
describe it. The table on the next page shows how
dierent versions of the alt text correlate to the
various pieces of the two models (in this report, the
graph itself uses all four cells as the alt text).
The second example also uses unemployment rate
data but uses the less familiar tree map format. Here,
we focus on the share of people who were
unemployed in June 2022 grouped into two gender
and six age groups. In this case, the rst stage of each
model includes a more detailed explanaon of the tree
map and how it is organized.
Length and Completeness of Alt Texts
Ideally, alt text should be just long enough to describe
what the graph is illustrang visually. Although many
guidelines priorize brevity,
most alt texts are
incomplete and leave users with quesons.
These brief alt texts provide inadequate insight into
what the data are communicang. Many guidelines
suggest using one or two sentences, but doing this
can lead to alt texts for data visualizaon containing
only one item from Level 1 (e.g., a tle or capon)
with no Level 2 or Level 3 informaon. Alt texts
should be long enough to include essenal Level 2
and Level 3 informaon.
To keep alt text succinct and comprehensible, avoid
including decoraons or “chartjunk”
such as
unnecessary gridlines, repeve display of data, visual
eects like shadows on bar graphs, or shimmering
elements. These details do not add to the meaning of
the data being displayed.
Four Levels
model Example alt text
Line Chart
1 1 This graph contains a blue line showing monthly unemployment rates in the
US and gray vercal bars showing recessions. The source of the data is the
Bureau of Labor Stascs and the Naonal Bureau of Economic Research.
2 and 3 1 The x-axis shows the month and year from January 1950 to June 2022.
The y-axis shows the unemployment rate with a range of 0 to 16 percent.
The bars extend along the enre vercal area and correspond to the 11
recessions since 1950. The unemployment rose from 4.4 percent in March
2020 to 14.7 percent in April 2020, a 10.3 percentage point change.
The second-highest change was a 1.3 percentage-point change between
September and October 1949.
4 2 and 3 The unemployment rate line typically slopes upward during recessions,
though not always, and it starts to move upward before recessions begin.
The longest gap between recessions was from July 2009 to January 2020, a
total of 120 months.
4 The largest month-over-month increase in the unemployment rate during
this period occurred during the most recent recession in spring 2020,
resulng from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tree Map
1 1 A tree map, which is a series of squares and rectangles arranged inside a
larger rectangle, describing the share of people unemployed by gender
and age group in June 2022. Men are shown in a set of six blue boxes and
women in six yellow boxes.
2 and 3 2 There are 12 boxes for each combinaon of gender and age, where gender
is male or female and age is 16 to 19, 20 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54,
and 55 and older. The percentages range from 6 percent for 16- to 19-year-
old men to 11.5 percent for 25- to 34-year-old men.
4 3 Men account for a larger share of unemployed people than women, but
the dierence is barely percepble. In June 2022, men accounted for 53
percent of all unemployed workers, though women account for a slightly
larger share of the enre populaon.
4 Although men between the ages of 25 and 34 have the highest
unemployment rate at 11.5 percent, women ages 35 to 44 have the
second-highest unemployment rate at 10 percent, possibly reecng
dierenal changes in the labor market as it recovers from the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The context of the graphic will also inuence the
length of the alt text. A busy graph tracking a lot of
variables will need more alt text than a simple line
graph of two variables, and a graph in a scienc
journal may need a more detailed descripon than
one meant for a general audience. Authors should
be aware of “the curse of knowledge,” which is the
tendency for experts to priorize elements of graphs
they nd important compared with nonexperts’
In many contexts, such as educaon
and science publicaons, a reader needs to have
complete informaon in order to independently
priorize the displayed informaon.
Automac Alt Text
With the rise of machine learning and arcial
intelligence methods, automac tools to produce alt
text have also proliferated, but these methods always
produce inadequate alt text. Whether these alt texts
are generated by mining stascal code, by scanning a
graphics le, or through arcial intelligence methods,
informaon at Level 3 and the fourth ingredient will
not be included. Without this informaon, the reader
has to invest me building a mental framework for
understanding the graph, possibly with elements
from a tle or variable names, but the alt text doesn’t
provide the graph’s takeaway message. When the
reader starts to hear the tle and variable names, they
don’t realize the automac alt text won’t tell them
the point of the graphic. If automacally generated alt
text is used, it must be edited to include the Level 3
informaon about what the graph shows, otherwise it
will be ineecve and frustrang to the reader.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan examined whether
machine learning or arcial intelligence
methods can produce the four levels of graphic
Although the Level 1 elements
such as chart type, tle, and axis labels are oen
readily extracted, only the visible poron of Level
2 informaon emerges from a machine learning
approach. Informaon about Level 3, which provides
the “‘overall gist’ of complex trends and paerns,” and
Level 4—which requires human percepon, cognion,
and interpretaon—cannot be provided automacally.
Because current automac methods cannot produce
alt text describing Level 3 informaon, they cannot
produce alt text that provides meaningful access to
blind readers.
For the foreseeable future, automac alt texts will be
incomplete. They can be used as a starng point if they
provide useful Level 1 and 2 informaon, but these
paral alt texts should be avoided altogether or edited
to add Level 2 and 3 informaon. Alt texts that provide
only the scaolding without informaon about the
building are frustrang and unhelpful. These paral alt
text snippets are not “beer than nothing” because the
reader has invested me to build a mental model to
understand the graph but never receives the
crical informaon.
In addion to wring clear, informave alt text,
authors can improve accessibility in many ways,
including providing supplementary materials, such
as the data behind a visualizaon, separate from the
actual report or website. A new package for the R
programming language,
ggdatasaver, facilitates
saving the dataset associated with data visualizaons
created with the ggplot package.
Providing the raw
data and tabulated summaries allows screen reader
users to explore the data in a more accessible (though
possibly less useful) format (see Chapter 5). When
data are presented as maps, content producers
should consider including a table as well (one useful
example would be data on COVID-19 incidence by
zip code). Including the table will provide access to
the variables shown on the map but will not provide
informaon on the spaal relaonships between the
geographical units.
In other contexts, supplementary materials are crical
as the digital infrastructure to provide alt text is sll
missing. One study found that in an analysis of 300
open-science journals, there was nothing about alt
text in their guidelines for authors.
Most academic
publishing systems have no infrastructure to include
alt text along with images. One workaround opon is
to provide full informaon on the displayed variables,
trends, and paerns in the results and discussion
secons of papers; another is to provide alt text as
supplemental informaon that can be downloaded
from the journal website.
Many social media plaorms have infrastructure
for alt text. On some plaorms, alt text has a low
character limit. In these situaons, consider placing
alt text in comments or replies and including a
statement like “image descripon in comments” in
the main body of posts.
Recognizing that all observers have some inevitable
bias, alt text descripons of data visualizaons should
present data as objecvely as possible. Jung and
colleagues report that blind users prefer that alt texts
not use judgements of how large dierences are.
Readers do not want “subjecve interpretaons” or
contextual informaon, and they do not want the
author’s opinion.
If a graph shows uncertainty,
describe it. If numbers need to be esmated, state
that. Do not conate correlaon of two variables with
causaon. General consideraons around alt text,
including punctuaon and mathemacal symbols, are
explored in the box on the next page (and see Chapter
8 of this volume).
In their work on arcial intelligence for object
recognion for blind people, Benne and Keyes point
out that these descripons are likely to replicate the
biases of human observers and programmers.
informaon from computers is oen put on a
pedestal and assumed to be correct. Whether the
describer is human or arcial, a power dierenal
between the describer and reader exists, which
authors should consider.
Ulmately, wring eecve, complete alt text is
an important skill for authors to master in order to
communicate the meaning of their data. With current
limitaons inherent with screen readers, machine
learning, and arcial intelligence, this skill will
remain necessary for the near future. Good alt texts
should create a mental framework for the variables
and quanes shown, include informaon about the
paerns found in the data, and tell a user why you
chose to include the data visualizaon. Although many
guidelines emphasize brevity, completeness is crical
for equal access to informaon. If media infrastructure
does not support alt text, data praconers must nd
a way to provide it.
Strategies for Wring Good Alt Text
Alt text should provide meaningful
informaon to the user. Of course, what
is meaningful to one user may not be
meaningful to another user, so there is not a
single right answer to wring good alt text.
You may even noce that the alt text in this
report varies from chapter to chapter and
author to author.
Generally speaking, alt text should be wrien
with the same punctuaon and capitalizaon
as regular text, but again, that also will
depend on the user and how the user has set
up their screen reader.
Punctuaon marks like periods, commas,
and dashes inform the way the screen
reader uses intonaon and pauses to
simulate natural speech, which can improve
comprehension but can be problemac in
certain cases. Unlike with regular text, it’s not
possible to navigate by word or by character
to clarify what’s being said, so it’s important
to make sure the alt text can be read clearly.
There are some key aspects of alt text to
consider, especially when it applies to
data visualizaon:
Describe the meaningful aspects of the
graph, chart, or diagram. Tell the user the
most important feature of the image and
what they should take away from it. Provide
enough context about the type of graph,
variables, and quanes for the reader to
understand the takeaways.
Contain some measure of quantave data
if the gure does as well. If there is a specic
data point or two you want to highlight,
include it in the alt text.
Remain brief and to the point. If you need
to describe every data point, then provide
an alternave format, such as a table or long
descripon, in the appendix or elsewhere.
Limit the amount of symbols, such as
vercal bars (or “pipes”), slashes, colons, and
semicolons, as well as em dashes and en
dashes. These symbols are voiced by screen
readers and add to the audio noise during the
voicing of the alt text. Commas are usually
voiced as short pauses and periods as long
pauses, and many screen readers will vocalize
dashes, colons, and semicolons. Wring “x
divided by y” will be clearer than wring “x/y”
because the slash also has a nonmathemacal
Limit the use of URLs because they are not
acvatable in alt text. If you must use them,
spelling out “dot com” will help denote
the URL.
Capitalizing acronyms will usually force text
to be read leer by leer (unless they are
commonly known ones that are pronounced
as words), but wring them in lowercase will
usually lead to them being pronounced as
words. If the alt text includes “ui” instead of
“UI,” most screen readers will try to pronounce
the two vowels as a word, which will certainly
sound weird.
Avoid repeang chart tles. If the tle is
available somewhere else in the text that a
screen reader will read aloud, it shouldn’t be
repeated in the alt text. (This advice diers
for an image on social media, where the tle
is part of the image.) More generally, you
can just tell the reader what the chart tle
is. The alt text for a line chart showing the
unemployment rate might say, “A bar chart
that shows the unemployment rate over me
with the tle, Unemployment Rate in the
United States from 1950 to 2020.” In this
case, the phrase “with the tle” and the
exisng punctuaon makes the tle clear. If
you wanted to omit the words “with the tle”
to save characters, quotaon marks around
the actual chart tle might be useful. In this
way, the reader could check to see if the
phrase was the actual tle or a descripon
of the chart.
Ulmately, write alt text like you would write
normal text. Screen readers are opmized for
exisng text paerns and expect alt text to
be wrien in those forms. Users can control
how much punctuaon marks are spoken,
but the specics of that funconality will
vary by tool and plaorm. Other guidelines
for wring data visualizaon alt-texts are
the DIAGRAM Center Image Descripon
Guidelines and WGBH’s Guidelines for
Describing STEM Images.
Chapter Four Notes
Crescena Jung, Shubham Mehta, Atharva Kulkarni, Yuhang Zhao, and Yea-Seul Kim, “Communicang Visualizaons without Visuals:
Invesgaon of Visualizaon Alternave Text for People with Visual Impairments,” IEEE Transacons on Visualizaon and Computer Graphics
28, no. 1 (2021): 1095–105; and Jay Wickard, “Is Accessibility Part of “Open” Science?,” Praccal Data Management for Bug Counters
(WordPress blog), July 13, 2021, hps://prac
Jung et al., “Communicang Visualizaons without Visuals”; Silvia Canelón and Liz Hare, “Revealing Room for Improvement in Accessibility
within a Social Media Data Visualizaon Learning Community,” presentaon given at csv,conf,v6 (virtual conference), May 4, 2021 hps://
Frank Elavsky, Cynthia Benne, and Dominik Moritz, “How Accessible Is My Visualizaon? Evaluang Visualizaon Accessibility
with Chartability,” EuroGraphics Conference on Visualizaon (EuroVis) 41, no. 3 (2022), hps://
Elavsky, Benne, and Moritz, “How Accessible Is My Visualizaon?”
Canelón and Hare, “Revealing Room for Improvement in Accessibility within a Social Media Data Visualizaon Learning Community”;
and Alan Lundgard and Arvind Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc
Content,” IEEE Transacons on Visualizaon and Computer Graphics 28, no. 1 (2021): 1073–83.
Canelón and Hare, “Revealing Room for Improvement in Accessibility within a Social Media Data Visualizaon Learning Community”
Jonathan Schwabish, Beer Data Visualizaons: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks (New York: Columbia University Press,
Ben Shneiderman, “Tree Visualizaon with Tree-Maps: 2-d Space-Filling Approach,ACM Transacons on Graphics (TOG) 11, no. 1 (1992):
See also Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc
Jung et al., “Communicang Visualizaons without Visuals.
Amy Cesal, “Wring Alt-Text for Data Visualizaon,” Nighngale Journal of the Data Visualizaon Society, July 23, 2020, hps://medium.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content”; and
Jung et al., “Communicang Visualizaons without Visuals.
See “General Guidelines,” Diagram Center, accessed October 21, 2022; “Guidelines for Describing STEM Images,” (Boston
radio), accessed October 21, 2022, hps://on/ncam/guidelines/guidelines-for-describing-stem-images; and Cesal,
“Wring Alt-Text for Data Visualizaon,
Edward R. Tue, The Visual Display of Quantave Informaon (Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 2001).
Cindy Xiong, Lisanne Van Veelden, and Steven Franconeri, “The Curse of Knowledge in Visual Data Communicaon,” IEEE Transacons on
Visualizaons and Computer Graphics 26, no. 10 (2019): 2051–3062.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content.
See hps://
Elio Campitelli (eliocamp), “ggdatasaver: Automacally Save Data Associated with a ‘ggplot2’ Plot,” Github repository, last updated October
6, 2022, hps://; see also Hadley Wickham, “ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, Second Edion”
(Berlin: Springer Nature, 2016).
Wickard, “Is Accessibility Part of “Open” Science?”
Jung et al., “Communicang Visualizaons without Visuals.
Lundgard and Satyanarayan, “Accessible Visualizaon via Natural Language Descripons: A Four-Level Model of Semanc Content.
Cynthia L. Benne, and Os Keyes, “What Is the Point of Fairness? Disability, AI, and the Complexity of Jusce,” SIGAccess newsleer 125,
October 2019, hp://er/2019-10/bennet.html
See hp:// and “Guidelines for Describing STEM Images,” (Boston radio), accessed October 21, 2022,
Accessible Data
We visualize data because it is oen easier
to understand in the form of charts and graphs,
but what happens when someone who cannot
see encounters a data visualizaon? The secret
to making data visualizaons accessible
for blind people and people who use screen
readers is creang an alternave representaon
of the data.
We can do so by making a few addions to the code used
to create web pages, content, and web applicaons. This
supplementary code is known as Accessible Rich Internet
Applicaons, or ARIA—a set of roles and aributes that dene
ways to make the code more accessible to people who use
screen readers.
Unlike most chapters in this Do No Harm Guide, this chapter
will consist of several code snippets that demonstrate how
ARIA code can be added to exisng web page code to make it
more accessible. My goal is to demonstrate that like any coding
language or library, using ARIA requires understanding syntax and
implementaon and how to modify exisng code as well as wring
new code. Creang a more inclusive and accessible web should
not be a tremendous burden, especially for readers already familiar
with wring code.
Why Code Is Important
Imagine a door with a sign that says “kitchen.” The door is closed,
and it has a metal plate running down one side. You may not
realize it, but you already know a lot of informaon about this
door. You recognize it’s a door because you’ve seen one before,
you know its purpose is to let you move from one room into
another, and you recognize that despite the door being closed, you
can open it by pushing against it and end up in the kitchen, not
some other room. In other words, the visual characteriscs of the
door tell you what it is, what it’s for, if it’s the door you want, and
how to use it.
Let’s transfer this process to the web. This me, imagine a buon
with the word “Search” as its label. You recognize it is a buon
because you’ve seen buons before, you know it will execute a
search when you acvate it, and you know you can click on it with
your mouse, tap it with a nger, or use the Space or Enter keys to
make it work.
But what happens if you can’t see the buon? In
that case, you need something else to give you the
informaon you need. This is where the code behind
a data visualizaon is important for data accessibility.
For the buon, you’ll need the browser and your
screen reader (see also Chapters 4 and 6) to interact
and present all that informaon in the code you use to
build a web page and its content.
HyperText Markup Language, or HTML, is the
programming language web developers use to
structure web pages and their content, and that
language has a lot of accessibility informaon built
in. We use the words “role,” “name,” and “state” to
describe these built-in features and to assign them
to elements on the web. Most HTML elements have
“roles” that describe their purpose: an <img> element—
which is used to embed an image on an HTML page—
has the role of “graphic.” Many HTML elements can
be given a “name” (somemes called an “accessible
name”). A buon on a webpage, for example, can be
dened by text inside the <buon> element. Some
HTML elements also have “aributes” that describe
their state, like the checked aribute that can be used
to indicate when a radio buon has been selected. If
the checked aribute is present, the radio buon will
be selected, and if it is not present, the radio buon
remains unselected.
When a document created with HTML is loaded
in the browser, the browser puts all the accessibility
informaon into a structure known as an “accessibility
tree.” When someone using a screen reader goes to
the HTML document in their browser, their screen
reader asks the browser for the available accessibility
informaon about what’s on screen and uses that
informaon to let the user know what they’re
dealing with.
Unfortunately, this does not work so well with what
are called scalable vector graphics, or SVGs. When it
comes to the web, SVG images are useful because the
images will maintain their resoluon no maer the size
of the screen, from a phone to a tablet to a
huge monitor.
Understanding SVG Images
Images on the computer can come in various
le formats, like PNG and JPEG. Those two
types are examples of raster les, which
are based on pixels or small squares. When
increasing the size of a picture saved as a
JPEG le, for example, the squares get bigger
and bigger. At some point, the image may
become grainy and blurry because there
aren’t enough squares in the picture to give
our eyes the illusion of smoothness. On the
other hand, SVG images are vector les,
which store images based on mathemacal
formulas and use points and lines on a
grid. As you make an SVG image larger, the
formula updates and the clarity of the image
is preserved.
Although SVG elements have built-in accessibility
informaon that is recognized by browsers,
screen readers generally do not ulize it. But data
visualizaons commonly use SVGs, so we have to take
maers into our own hands if we want our data to be
accessible to people who cannot see them.
To make SVG images accessible, we use ARIA to add
accessibility informaon ourselves. ARIA, which is
a web standard created by the World Wide Web
Consorum, can dene roles and other accessibility
properes to HTML or SVG elements on a web page.
Let’s see how ARIA works for SVG images. We start by
wring some SVG code to draw a buon. This code
creates a rectangle that will have the word “Play” as
the tle. This rectangle will be 75 pixels wide and 50
pixels tall, and it will have a purple ll and a green
border the width of one pixel.
<svg version=“1.1”>
<rect width=“75” height=“50” rx=“20”
ry=“20” fill=“#AC4FC6” stroke=“#228b22”
We can use the ARIA role aribute to explicitly give
this rectangle the role of a buon. The only change in
this code snippet from the original is the addion of
<svg version=“1.1”>
<rect role=“button” width=“75”
height=“50” rx=“20” ry=“20”
fill=“#AC4FC6” stroke=“#228b22”
Since a buon is supposed to be interacve—clicked
with a mouse or tapped with a nger—we need to
make sure that keyboard users (including screen
reader users) who may not be able to use a mouse can
focus on it with the Tab key. To do this, we use the
<tabindex> aribute (<tabindex=”0”>), which allows
users to select the buon by pressing the Tab key.
<svg version=“1.1”>
<rect role=“button” tabindex=“0”
width=“75” height=“50” rx=“20” ry=“20”
fill=“#AC4FC6” stroke=“#228b22” stroke-
If the purpose of the buon is to turn something on
or o or to start or stop something, we could also use
the <aria-pressed> aribute to show its state. To show
the user that the “Play” buon has been pressed, we
can add the <aria-pressed=”true”> code to the exisng
snippet. At rst the aribute would have a value of
“false” to indicate the buon is not pressed, then it
would update to “true” to indicate that the buon has
been pressed:
<svg version=“1.1”>
<rect role=“button” tabindex=“0” aria-
pressed=“true” width=“75” height=“50”
rx=“20” ry=“20” fill=“#AC4FC6”
stroke=“#228b22” stroke-fill=“1”>
The changes we’ve made so far only apply to making
the visual aspect of the buon accessible to screen
readers. To make this SVG buon fully interacve, we
have to use JavaScript to provide support for mouse
and keyboard interacon so the buon can funcon as
Dening the Data Structure
Now let’s discuss how ARIA can be applied to data
visualizaons. When it comes to data structures, ARIA
is not equipped for anything more sophiscated than
bar charts, line graphs, or owcharts. In other
words, data that can be represented as simple
tables or list structures.
Consider this simple line graph showing the average
number of cups of tea had by people at dierent mes
of the day. The x-axis shows the dierent mes of day,
the y-axis shows a range of cups from 0 to 10 in
increments of 5, and there are two lines that show
how much tea Alice and Bob drank.
Visually, you might scan along the x-axis to nd a me
of day, then look up to nd out how many cups of
tea Alice drank. To put it another way, you might look
along a row of data (i.e., the me of day), then up a
column (i.e., the person) to get the data you want.
Yes, you guessed it, a line graph can be represented
as a table.
For the data in the line graph to make sense as a
table—and readable for the screen reader as a result—
we have to rearrange it so the rows represent Alice
and Bob, the columns represent the dierent mes of
day, and the table cells contain the number of cups of
tea that each person drank. Visually, the table will look
like this:
Alice 5 10
Bob 2 0
First, we use a <g> element in the HTML code to
represent the enre table.
Then we need to nest three more <g> elements inside
it to represent the rows, one for the column headers,
one for Alice, and one for Bob:
We need to explicitly dene the cells inside the table,
which we can do by adding more <g> elements. In this
case, we will end up with three rows and three
columns—thus, three cells in each row.
We can then use the ARIA role aribute with
dierent values to let browsers and screen readers
know the purpose of the dierent <g> elements.
Noce here that the ARIA role aributes dene the
overall table structure.
<g role=“table”>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“columnheader”></g>
<g role=“columnheader”></g>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
Visually, you might scan along the x-axis to nd a me
of day, then look up to nd out how many cups of
tea Alice drank. To put it another way, you might look
along a row of data (i.e., the me of day), then up a
column (i.e., the person) to get the data you want.
Yes, you guessed it, a line graph can be represented
as a table.
For the data in the line graph to make sense as a
table—and readable for the screen reader as a result—
we have to rearrange it so the rows represent Alice
and Bob, the columns represent the dierent mes of
day, and the table cells contain the number of cups of
tea that each person drank. Visually, the table will look
like this:
Morning Aernoon
Alice 5 10
Bob 2 0
First, we use a <g> element in the HTML code to
represent the enre table.
Then we need to nest three more <g> elements inside
it to represent the rows, one for the column headers,
one for Alice, and one for Bob:
We need to explicitly dene the cells inside the table,
which we can do by adding more <g> elements. In
this case, we will end up with three rows and three
columns—thus, three cells in each row.
We can then use the ARIA role aribute with
dierent values to let browsers and screen readers
know the purpose of the dierent <g> elements.
Noce here that the ARIA role aributes dene the
overall table structure.
<g role=“table”>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“columnheader”></g>
<g role=“columnheader”></g>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
Visually, you might scan along the x-axis to nd a me
of day, then look up to nd out how many cups of
tea Alice drank. To put it another way, you might look
along a row of data (i.e., the me of day), then up a
column (i.e., the person) to get the data you want.
Yes, you guessed it, a line graph can be represented
as a table.
For the data in the line graph to make sense as a
table—and readable for the screen reader as a result—
we have to rearrange it so the rows represent Alice
and Bob, the columns represent the dierent mes of
day, and the table cells contain the number of cups of
tea that each person drank. Visually, the table will look
like this:
Morning Aernoon
Alice 5 10
Bob 2 0
First, we use a <g> element in the HTML code to
represent the enre table.
Then we need to nest three more <g> elements inside
it to represent the rows, one for the column headers,
one for Alice, and one for Bob:
We need to explicitly dene the cells inside the table,
which we can do by adding more <g> elements. In
this case, we will end up with three rows and three
columns—thus, three cells in each row.
We can then use the ARIA role aribute with
dierent values to let browsers and screen readers
know the purpose of the dierent <g> elements.
Noce here that the ARIA role aributes dene the
overall table structure.
<g role=“table”>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“columnheader”></g>
<g role=“columnheader”></g>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
Idenfying Parts of the Visualisaon
With the basic data structure in place with the
appropriate roles, we can turn our aenon to the
next piece of accessibility informaon—an element’s
name or accessible name. Here, we begin adding the
data to the structure.
We’ll start with the informaon on the x-axis, the
dierent mes of day. We want this informaon to
appear visually on the graph and to be accessible to
screen reader users, so the <text> element is a good
choice. We’ll add this to the rst row of the table.
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“columnheader”>
<g role=“columnheader”>
Think back to the door you imagined at the start of
this chapter. Perhaps you pictured it as a wooden door
with green paint and a sign in a bold font, or maybe
you saw a neutral-colored door with a discrete sign.
Whatever colour or sign type, it was sll a door and
that informaon let you make reasonable deducons
about what it was for and how to use it. It’s the same
with our line graph. To a blind person, it doesn’t
maer how the data look; it only maers that they can
idenfy what the data are and what the data’s purpose
is so they can make some reasonable deducons
about what to do with the data.
In other words, we’re pung in place an invisible
structure that will be meaningful to someone who
cannot see the line graph, then layering the visual
representaon of the data over the top.
The most likely SVG element for adding the lines to
the graph is the <path> element. For the purposes
of making our line graph accessible to screen reader
users, the <path> elements are going to do double
duty. They’re going to represent the visible lines on
the graph that everyone will see, and they’re going to
be the content of the le-most cell in each row of our
table structure for screen reader users.
Let’s start by adding a <path> element to the rst cell
in the next row of our table data structure:
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”><path></path></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
Next, we need to give the <path> element an
accessible name so screen reader users know what the
line represents. We can do so with the <tle> element.
(The highlighted text shows the new code we’ve added
to the inial code block.)
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
Now, we need to make the screen reader think that
the <path> element is actually an image, so we add
<path role=”img”> to this bit of code.
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”>
<path role=“img”>
<g role=“cell”></g>
<g role=“cell”></g>
Within our code, we want to plot some points along
each line so that screen reader users can know the
specic data points. By doing so, we create the
content for the cells in our table structure. Given that
in our chart, the data is just ploed as a line, and as
such, each point has the same visual appearance, we
need a common paern to dene the plot marker
only once. Then, we can duplicate it using the <use>
element. We use the same techniques as before
to give each <use> element the “img” role and an
accessible name using the <tle> element, so the
ploed points are accessible to screen reader users.
Again, we are just adding a few short lines of code
here, highlighted in yellow.
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”>
<path role=“img”>
<g role=“cell”>
<use role=“img”>
<title>5 cups</title>
<g role=“cell”>
<use role=“img”>
<title>10 cups</title>
These code examples are intenonally simplied for
readability, but the <path> and <use> elements can
be made to give the lines on the graph the visual
representaon you want. By adding the role and name
informaon, we’ve created a table structure that a
screen reader user can navigate by moving up and
down through columns or le and right through rows,
allowing them to obtain the same data as someone
who is able to see the lines on the graph.
Hiding Unwanted Content
The invisible table structure we’ve put in place
has all the informaon a screen reader user needs
to make sense of the data, but there are other
elements we need for the line graph to make sense
visually. Although the y-axis isn’t needed in the table
representaon of the data, we do need it visually.
To avoid screen reader users hearing the same
informaon twice, we can use a lile bit more ARIA.
Suppose the y-axis will be represented using another
<g> element. To hide it and all its content from screen
reader users, we can use the <aria-hidden> aribute,
like this:
<g aria-hidden=true”></g>
This same technique can be used to hide any other
visual aspects of the line graph that would otherwise
hinder screen reader users. Be careful with this
technique, though. When you use <aria-hidden>,
everything inside that element will be hidden from
screen readers, so make sure you apply it thoughully
to your code. You should never use <aria-hidden> to
hide an element that is intended to be interacve.
If we put all the addions to our SVG code together,
the basic code for our ARIA enhanced line graph looks
like this:
<g role=“table”>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“columnheader”>
<g role=“columnheader”>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”>
<path role=“img”>
<g role=“cell”>
<use role=“img”>
<title>5 cups</title>
<g role=“cell”>
<use role=“img”>
<title>10 cups</title>
<g role=“row”>
<g role=“rowheader”>
<path role=“img”>
<g role=“cell”>
<use role=“img”>
<title>2 cups</title>
<g role=“cell”>
<use role=“img”>
<title>0 cups</title>
Animang Informaon
You may want to make your line graph more
interesng by adding a bit of animaon. The graph
could inially appear to be empty, then at the press of
a buon, animated lines could plot themselves along
the x- and y-axes.
Visually this would most likely be done using
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which are used to
describe a webpage’s visual characteriscs, such as
colors, layouts, and fonts. To add animaon through
CSS and to make it accessible to screen reader users,
we just need a lile more ARIA. But rst, we need to
make sure the trigger for the animaon is accessible to
everyone. For that, we can reuse the SVG buon
from earlier.
<rect role=“button” tabindex=“0” aria
pressed=“false” width=“75” height=“50” rx=“20”
ry=“20” fill=“#AC4FC6” stroke=“#228b22”
<title>Animate graph</title>
When the buon has not yet been pressed, the <aria-
pressed> aribute should have its value set to “false.
For the animaon itself, we need to create something
known as a “live region”:
<g aria-live=“assertive”></g>
A live region is a bit like a push nocaon for screen
readers. As the content inside the live region is
updated, screen readers will automacally announce it
to the user. In this case, we want the announcement
to happen right away, so we set the aria-live aribute
to “asserve.
When the buon is acvated and the animaon
starts, the <aria-pressed> aribute is set to “true” to
show that the buon has been pressed and a short
descripon of the animaon is read into the live
region. The descripon could be something like
the following:
<g aria-live=“assertive”>
Alice drinks five cups of tea in the morning,
and 10 cups in the afternoon. Bob drinks...
As the animaon plays out on the screen, the screen
reader automacally explains what the animaon is
doing. Noce that the <aria-pressed> aribute is set
to “false” in the code above. Once the animaon has
stopped, the buon shows that the animaon can be
triggered again by pressing the buon.
We could also use data sonicaon, or represenng
the data as sound, instead of a live region. That entails
creang an audio representaon that matches the
visual representaon of the lines on the graph and
triggering it to play at the same me as the visual
animaon. For simple paerns where the values
ploed on a graph rise and fall, sonicaon can be
a good technique. For example, the line on a graph
may rise from a low value to a high value, which can
be represented by a sound that increases in pitch or
volume from low to high. For anything much more
complicated though, sonicaon can become dicult
to interpret without learning the paerns rst.
Wrapping Up
We’ve begun to explore the importance of role, name,
and state—collecvely known as semancs—for
making data visualizaons accessible to people who
cannot see them. By creang an underlying structure
that makes the data meaningful to screen reader users
and by using SVG images (possibly with a lile CSS
animaon) to layer the visualizaon on top of it, we
created a simple line graph that is accessible to screen
reader users.
You can apply these same techniques to make other
data visualizaons accessible, but sadly there is a
caveat: the technologies we have at our disposal,
namely SVGs and ARIA, and the technologies used by
consumers, namely browsers and screen readers, are
limited in their capabilies. As menoned, ARIA does
not have the roles to support data structures more
complex than tables or nested lists, and browser and
screen reader support for SVGs (even accessibility-
enhanced SVGs) is remarkably inconsistent. For these
reasons, you should remember two important things:
First, accept the creave challenge and experiment
with dierent ways to make your data visualizaons
accessible to screen reader users. And second, test
what you produce with as many dierent browser and
screen reader combinaons as you can.
Creang Beer
Screen Reader
Data praconers have many tools to make
data accessible, and data visualizaons are one
parcularly powerful tool. Visualizaons can
summarize data into understandable points,
highlight outliers, or shed light on trends.
Interacve visualizaons enable people to
explore data dierently than with a table and
can be a great way of giving people access
to both the high-level trends and the
nuanced details.
As their name indicates, data visualizaons typically use a lot of
visual elements and properes to convey informaon. The color,
opacity, width, height, coordinates, and shape of an element can
all express meaning. And annotaons, labels, and other chart
elements can highlight certain properes of the data.
Take this bar chart for example. It shows two years of daily new
COVID-19 cases: each bar represents a date, sorted
chronologically; the bar height represents how many new cases
were registered that day; the horizontal axis label tells us the date;
and the vercal axis labels tell us the number of daily cases.
Visually, we can spot the following relavely quickly:
When we experienced spikes or outbreaks and
approximately how long they lasted, which
is shown by viewing where consecuve bars
suddenly gain height.
How the outbreaks throughout the pandemic
compared with each other, which is shown by
comparing the approximate average height of
each of the spikes.
How COVID-19 spread is progressing currently,
which is shown by comparing the height of the
bars on the right edge of the graph (the latest few
days) with the bars before.
The exact number of cases for any given date,
which is shown by reading a toolp that appears
when hovering over any given bar.
With so much informaon primarily communicated
through visual elements, how can we make this chart
accessible to blind people? Many blind people use
screen readers, a type of assisve technology that
reads the page back to them (we’ll discuss them more
in the next secon; see also Chapters 4 and 5), so we
have to take a few extra steps when creang data
visualizaons to make sure the same informaon that’s
displayed visually can be read by screen readers.
In this essay, I provide guidance on what goes into
creang data visualizaons that are accessible
to screen readers. I will do so by starng with an
overview of what screen readers are and how they
work. Aerward, I will demonstrate three dierent
ways data visualizaons can be made accessible
for people using screen readers. Next, I argue why
it is important to keep the end user in mind during
the creaon process. I then reect upon how data
structures inuence which soluons we can use
to make our charts accessible and how the chart
structure plays into that.
How Screen Readers Work
First, let’s take a closer look at screen readers and
how they work. Screen readers are most commonly
used by blind people and people with low vision, but
consuming text in audio format can also benet people
with cognive impairments, neurological condions, or
learning disabilies.
On the web, screen readers use the content in a web
page’s framework (known as the Document Object
Model) or page structure to read the elements on the
screen back to the user. Praccally, only elements
containing text or specic properes are read
to the user.
Users can move the screen reader’s focus around
the page through keyboard shortcuts on a desktop
computer or touch gestures on mobile devices or
computers with touchscreens. When the screen reader
focuses on an element, its content gets announced.
It is possible to jump between all elements on the
page in the order they appear or to navigate between
headings, secons, and interacve elements. The
majority of screen reader users navigate web pages by
headings rst.
For this secon I will focus on VoiceOver, Mac’s
built-in screen reader, as an example (I provide a list
of others at the end of this chapter). Once VoiceOver
is open, users can use the Ctrl + Opon + U key
combinaon to open the rotor menu (shown on the
next page),
where we can nd a list with all extracted
heading elements. Other screen readers have similar
menus, which can be accessed through their own
This rotor menu lets users browse the contents of
the screen in a dierent way: it lists all the headings,
landmarks, links and form elements on the page. For
example, the following image shows VoiceOver’s
Headings menu. The number in front of the heading
tles is the heading level and is used to give further
context on the page structure.
By reading this list, people using screen readers can
get a beer understanding of the structure on the
page, similar to how a table of contents in a book or
paper might summarize a structure. It’s possible to
navigate this list using the arrow keys and select an
item to navigate to. All of this informaon is based
on the elements and properes the developers used
when building the web page.
Web pages can be built with both semanc and
nonsemanc elements. Nonsemanc elements are
those that don’t tell the user anything about the
content on the web page—these are the code pieces
that dene a secon of the page or dene groups of
items on the page. Semanc elements, by contrast,
dene the content on the page—they are code pieces
that dene elements like tables, checkboxes, or submit
buons. When using semanc elements or equivalent
aria roles,
the screen reader can communicate extra
informaon to the users. In the following example, the
screen reader tells the user they are focused on a
buon, that the buon is not pressed, what will
happen if they press it, and which shortcut can be
used to do so.
When the user navigates to the pause buon on a music player,
VoiceOver will say, “Pause Music, selected, toggle buon.
When the user navigates to the toggle buon on a web
When the user navigates to the toggle buon on a web page,
VoiceOver will say “You are currently on a toggle buon, inside
web content. To select or deselect this ck box, press Control-
Opon-Space. To exit this web area, press Control-Opon-Shi.
The screen reader has access to all of the informaon
that the developer includes in their code, turning those
snippets into audible descripons. To ensure webpages
are accessible for people who use screen readers,
developers can include more specic informaon in
their code.
List of Screen Readers
We used the VoiceOver screen reader tool as an
example in this chapter. On computers running the
Windows operang system, the default screen reader
is called Narrator. It’s also possible to use third-party
soware, such as NVDA or JAWS. According to
WebAim’s 2021 Screen Reader Survey,
the most
commonly used screen readers are JAWS (70 percent
of respondents commonly use it, 53.7 percent use it
as their primary screen reader); NVDA (58.8 percent
of respondents commonly use it, 30.7 percent as their
primary screen reader); VoiceOver (41.3 percent of
respondents commonly use it, 6.5 percent as their
primary screen reader); and Narrator (36.8 percent
of respondents commonly use it, 0.5 percent as their
primary screen reader).
How Data Can Become Accessible
to Screen Readers
Data visualizaons contain a lot of graphical
informaon that is more dicult than simple text for
a screen reader to assess. Somemes even the visual
properes of text elements (e.g., their posioning) in
data visualizaons carry meaning, further complicang
maers. We can use a few common techniques to
communicate the insights visualized in charts to
screen readers. Each of those are navigated and read
dierently, so they have dierent implicaons for the
user experience.
Text Alternaves
When images or icons are used in applicaons or on
the web, developers commonly add something called
alternave text to them by using the “alt” aribute
(or as visible text next to the image, if adding an “alt”
aribute isn’t possible).
If a graph isn’t posted as a
stac image (e.g., a JPG or PNG le), it can be turned
into one programmacally by using the “img” role.
The screen reader will read out this alternave text
when focused on the image.
When wring alternave text, experts recommend you
include in the descriponthe chart type,
the type of data visualized,
the main conclusion or reason for showing the
graph, and
a link to the data source.
Chapter 4 goes more in depth on how to cra
alternave text. In some situaons, we can hand-cra
the alternave text, write it once, and publish it with
the image. This approach does not work as well with
dynamic or frequently updated data because we would
have to automate the construcon of the alternave
text as well.
Further, not every graph can be fully summarized or
replaced with a few sentences of text. Let’s take this
scaerplot visualizing an ice cream shop’s average
order price (in Euros, visualized on the vercal axis)
compared with the outside temperature (in degrees
Celsius, on the horizontal axis).
Though we may be able to write or generate a high-
level summary of this graph’s insights, such alt text sll
may not be enough to provide the same insights to
both people who are using screen readers and sighted
people, who can see the individual points on the chart
and interact with them to reveal more data. (Noce
the alt text I’ve provided below the image describes
the basic plot, the ranges on both axes, and the
overarching point. Noce also that I have not assigned
alt text to the actual image in this document because
the alt text is included in the image capon. If both
existed, a person reading this report with a screen
reader would hear the descripon twice.)
As a result, sighted users can use all the informaon
available to draw their own conclusions about what
the data mean. If we want to give people using screen
readers the opportunity to dive into the data in a
similar way, we need to give them a way of navigang
the dataset beyond images and text alternatives.
Table Alternatives
Although text descripons are useful for summarizing
data, table alternaves shine when it comes to giving
access to detailed informaon. Tables can have innite
rows and columns, which can be structured through
headings, subheadings, and paginaon. Addionally,
we can add sorng, ltering, or search funconality to
let users explore the data in their own way.
When tables are built using the appropriate elements
(e.g., using HTML elements such as <table> on the
web), screen reader users get access to more context
around the table and special keyboard commands to
navigate it. Tables can be navigated horizontally and
vercally, and the connected column and row headings
are read out to the user.
Because nave tables come
with those established interacon paerns, users
don’t have to relearn how to navigate tables across
dierent products.
The familiarity of tables, along with their ability to
contain a lot of detailed informaon in a structured
way, oers a reliable and safe way of ensuring the data
are always available. With data visualizaons, I advise
always having a table alternave, even when using
other strategies such as alternave text. Where
possible, table alternaves should be displayed
alongside or close to the graph. In this next example,
the data visualizaon has a table and chart view
available, which the user can toggle between using
tab navigaon.
Despite those strengths, tables are not a perfect
soluon. They are not great for summarizing data or
for communicang trends and paerns. Imagine more
than two years of daily COVID-19 case numbers in
tabular format. All the informaon about the peaks
and duraon of the outbreaks exists, just like in the bar
chart at the start of this chapter, but the user has to
interact much more to discover them.
Interacve Scalable Vector Graphics
As demonstrated in Chapter 5, when developing
graphs using Scalable Vector Graphics, we can add
more informaon for screen readers through
ARIA labels.
Adding screen reader interacon to SVGs leaves us
with a lot of control and choice over what informaon
we expose and how we expose it. In Chapter 5, Léonie
Watson shows us how a line chart can be turned into
a table structure. Similar methods can be used to
make screen readers announce elements such as lists,
buons, images, or other nave components. We can
also group elements and custom navigaon to provide
mulple levels of detail.
Recent research from Jonathan Zong and coauthors at
the MIT Visualizaon Group demonstrates how a user
can explore a scaerplot across three dierent design
Structural navigaon, where the user navigates
based on the accessibility structure and jumps
between nested elements.
Spaal navigaon, where the user navigates
based on the chart’s visual coordinate system,
using the down arrow key to jump to the element
that is visually below their current locaon,
for example.
Targeted navigaon, where the user navigates
based on landmarks and regions. The user could
open the rotor menu, which provides the full
structure of the page, and jump directly to the
relevant secon.
Understanding User Needs
Now that we have a beer understanding of how
screen readers work and what common accessibility
strategies are, we should take a step back before we
go further and reect on why we want to create data
A tness tracking app, for example, may use a bar
chart to show how many steps someone took today
compared with this month’s average. Users might like
this chart because they can see if they’re on track to
meet their tness goals. By comparison, a bar chart
in a scienc report that shows daily new cases of
COVID-19 over the span of the pandemic may require
more funconality so users can look up values or
trends for specic dates and periods.
In the rst graph, the main point—how many steps
the user has taken today and whether they have taken
more or less than their average—can be summarized
in one sentence. The second graph, on the other
hand, provides a lot of data to an audience that wants
to explore the details. For this second graph, giving
people who use a screen reader just a one-sentence
summary would provide a less robust view of the data
and an insucient experience compared with the
experience given to sighted users.
Who Are We Building For?
If we want to create data visualizaons with a good
user experience, we need to understand who our users
are and include them in our processes. In other words,
we need to understand who we are building our
visualizaons for rather than creang the graph and
hoping it will match our users’ needs and expectaons.
We should ask ourselves the following:
Who are our users?
What are their accessibility needs?
What are their technology and data
literacy skills?
Under which circumstances are they
vising the graph?
How do they expect to interact with the graph?
What informaon are they aer?
What acons will they need to take based
on the data?
To nd some of this informaon, we can conduct
user interviews or user tesng. Other tools, such
as accessibility personas,
can help us get a beer
overview of dierent user needs.
Accessible Data Structures
All graphs, regardless of how they work or who their
users are, have one thing in common: they visualize
data. Because screen readers don’t have access to
the visual properes of a chart, it is useful to reect
on what type of data we’re working with before
building the structure. Being strategic with these
consideraons will improve the nal product and make
your workow beer and more ecient.
Is the Dataset Stac or Dynamic?
Whether a visualizaon is stac or dynamic—that is,
whether the data will update within the visualizaon—
and how frequently it updates, can limit or change our
soluons. If the visualizaon is stac or only updates
occasionally and with manual intervenon, we have
more opportunity for hand-craed capons or custom
interacons. But the less control we have over the
data, the more generic our soluon may have to be or
the more edge cases we will have to consider.
If the chart updates “live,” meaning without user
interacon, screen reader users will need to be
noed. On the web, we can add the `aria-live`
aribute on the region that will be updated to prompt
the screen reader to announce the updates, either by
interrupng the user (for me-sensive acons) or by
waing unl they are idle (in most cases).
How Large Is the Dataset?
A bar chart showing the number of visitors a website
had each day over the past week only has seven
data points, whereas a bar chart showing the daily
visitors over the enre lifespan of the website may
contain thousands. When a chart has only a handful
of data points, it is easier to remember specic data
or spot trends. But the larger the dataset, the harder
interpreng the data becomes. When exploring a table
or interacve chart with many data points, the user
will need to tab through a lot of informaon, which
means we may need to provide them with addional
labels or controls (e.g., paginaon or sort and lter
What Type of Data Are Visualized?
The type of data we are visualizing oen inuences
how we display it. Let’s take the following chart
visualizing the share of ice cream orders that also
included a drink. For accessibility, it makes more sense
to focus on the underlying data, the percentages,
rather than the visuals of the chart. We don’t really
want screen reader users to have to tab through the
values of a hundred cells. In this case, the author
chose to add the percentages in text format next to
the graph.
For the example visualizing COVID-19 cases over me
from earlier in the chapter, the data were shown in a
bar chart. Each bar represented a date, and the bars
were sorted chronologically, from the oldest date on
the le to the newest on the right. We read from le
to right visually, so the screen reader should have
access to the data in a similar way to give screen
reader users a good experience.
There are, of course, an unlimited number of graph
types, and graphs do not necessarily map to data types
one-to-one. In other words, one type of graph may be
used to show several kinds of data.
Are Any Trends or Paerns Idenable?
Graphs can be powerful at highlighng trends,
paerns, and outliers. Think of the graph with the daily
new COVID-19 cases we explored earlier. It didn’t just
give us access to all the numbers like a table would, it
also showed us how many large spikes we experienced
and when there were prolonged surges.
A user should be able to draw the same conclusions
when browsing the chart with a screen reader. We can
solve this problem in dierent ways, including
the following:
Describing the general trends
Grouping data points and oering
custom navigaon
Creang a dierent graph focusing only
on the trends
Adding sorng and ltering funconality
to table alternaves
Mapping dierent values to dierent sounds (a
process called sonicaon)
The best strategy will depend on the goals for the
visualizaon, the user’s needs, and the exisng
data properes.
Accessible Chart Structures
Besides data points, data visualizaons contain a lot
of perceivable informaon, including headings,
legends, axis labels, and annotaons. We should
thoughully design these other supporng chart
elements to provide contextual informaon for screen
readers as well.
Headings and Capons
Proper use of heading elements can make content
easier to nd, as demonstrated in Chapter 7. This
organizaon can also help users understand the page
structure, which provides a way of grouping the data.
Titles should set a clear expectaon about the purpose
of the graph. Addional descripons can explain how
to read the chart, interact with it, or interpret the data.
We can also summarize the visualizaon in text as
part of the heading or descripon of a graph, which
everyone can read and understand.
Explanatory Chart Elements
Addional explanatory chart elements can be
instrumental for understanding the data. The cks
on the vercal axis of a line chart, for example, give
us an idea of the minimum and maximum values in
the dataset. The legend of a graph tells us which
categories of data are represented.
Without extra context, those elements might not make
much sense. We can choose to hide elements that only
serve a visual purpose, as demonstrated in Chapter
5, or we can extend their labeling and funconality to
provide more context to screen reader users. The label
of either axis can be extended to include informaon
about the range of numbers visualized on it, which
we can see demonstrated in the mockup below. The
scaerplot comparing the outside temperature to ice
cream sales has a summarizing label added to each axis
but visually hidden; this gets read instead of the cks.
Order of Elements
The coordinates and styling determine how data
points are sorted visually, while screen readers base
themselves on the order of the elements in the
accessibility tree.
For this chart, the screen reader experience diers
greatly from a visual experience depending on the
underlying organizaon.
Following this structure, a user can tab through all of
the elements in an order that matches how we expect
to browse the chart visually:
1. Title
2. Descripon
3. All the bars
¡ Sorted by date
¡ First the date is announced,
then the value
A screen reader would read this chart like this:
Transcript of graph 1: “List, seven items. Monday:
100 visitors, 1 of 7. Tuesday: 174 visitors, 2 of 7.
Wednesday: 92 visitors, 3 of 7. Thursday: 193 visitors,
4 of 7. Friday: 103 visitors, 5 of 7. Saturday: 104
visitors, 6 of 7. Sunday: 294 visitors, 7 of 7.
End of list.
Now let’s take a dierent chart that visually looks the
same but has the following structure (next page):
Transcript of graph 2: “List, 7 items. Friday: 103
visitors, 1 of 7. Monday: 100 visitors, 2 of 7.
Wednesday: 92 visitors, 3 of 7. Tuesday: 174 visitors,
4 of 7. Sunday: 294 visitors, 5 of 7. Thursday: 193
visitors, 6 of 7. Saturday: 104 visitors, 7 of 7. End of
In this second chart, the dates are not read in
chronological order. Here, the screen reader
announces Friday rst, then Monday, then Wednesday,
and so on. The reason this happens is because while
the styling determines the order elements are placed
visually, it’s the Scalable Vector Graphics structure that
generally determines the order for screen readers.
Therefore, you must be mindful of sorng your
datasets correctly before rendering them. Data should
be sorted in a way that makes sense and follows the
visual representaon. Similar to how the order of
the data points maers, think of how the other chart
elements t into this structure. For example, it might
make more sense to make the screen reader announce
the tle and range of each axis as a summary before
going through the actual data.
If a data visualizaon has pointer acon available,
the same acons should be accessible for users who
only use a keyboard. A toolp that exposes more
informaon when hovered over should expose that
same informaon when it is focused on through
keyboard interacon.
Screen reader users should also clearly be shown
which elements are interacve and what state they
are in. As demonstrated in Chapter 5, we can use the
buon role, combined with the “aria-expanded” or
“aria-pressed” element, to do this.
Accessibility-Driven Visualizaons
How we design the screen reader experience
depends on what data are visualized, who the
visualizaons are for, which context they exist in, and
under which circumstances they are used. Designing
this experience ts right into other usability or
informaon architecture processes we may already be
following, because assistance technology bases itself
on the structure of the visualizaon and the elements
it contains.
Simplied code:
<h3>Daily visitors</h3>
<p>Average amount of visitors per day of the week
<text x=“0”>Monday: 100</text>
<text x=“20”>Tuesday: 174</text>
<text x=“40”>Wednesday: 92</text>
<text x=“60”>Thursday: 193</text>
<text x=“80”>Friday: 103</text>
<text x=“100”>Saturday: 104</text>
<text x=“120”>Sunday: 294</text>
Although a common workow may be to design a
visualizaon rst and later think of how or if that
visualizaon can be made accessible to screen
readers, we should instead start thinking about
accessibility as early as possible so we can make the
right decisions from the start. Integrang accessibility
into exisng processes or creang new ones that
account for accessibility can help us priorize
accessibility in data visualizaon. This includes the
tesng and quality control of our charts. User tests
with blind people are important to ensure we’re
providing a good and meaningful experience, and
audits or internal reviews can help us discover and
migate issues before they reach the user.
Although making data visualizaons accessible
to screen readers may seem like extra work,
data praconers can actually create a good and
meaningful experience for all audiences if they have
the foresight to consider accessibility from
the beginning.
Simplied code:
<h3>Daily visitors</h3>
<p>Average amount of visitors per day of the week
<text x=“80”>Friday: 103</text>
<text x=“0”>Monday: 100</text>
<text x=“40”>Wednesday: 92</text>
<text x=“20”>Tuesday: 174</text>
<text x=“120”>Sunday: 294</text>
<text x=“60”>Thursday: 193</text>
<text x=“100”>Saturday: 104</text>
Chapter Six Notes
“Screen Reader User Survey #9 Results,” WebAIM, last updated June 30, 2021, hps://
ARIA - Accessibility,” MDN Web Docs, last modied October 2, 2022, hps://
“Semancs,” MDN Web Docs, last modied September 20, 2022, hps://cs; “WAI-ARI
Roles,” MDN Web Docs, last modied September 16, 2022, hps://
See the Screen Readers Commonly Used secon of “Screen Reader User Survey #9 Results,” WebAIM, last updated June 30, 2021, hps://
Alternave Text,” WebAIM, last updated October 19, 2021, hps://ext/; hps://
“<img>, the Image Embed Element,” MDN Web Docs, last modied October 10, 2022, hps://
Amy Cesal, “Wring Alt Text for Data Visualizaon,” Nighngale, the Journal of the Data Visualizaon Society, July 23, 2020, hps://ngale/wring-alt-text-for-data-visualizaon-2a218ef43f81.
“Creang Accessible Tables,” WebAIM, last updated September 18, 2017, hps://
Léonie Watson “How Screen Readers Navigate Data Tables,, September 28, 2020, hps://
Jonathan Zong, Crystal Lee, Alan Lundgard, JiWoong Jang, Daniel Hajas, and Arvind Satyanarayan, “Rich Screen Reader Experiences for
Accessible Data Visualizaon,” Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis) 41 (2022): hp://
Accessibility Personas,” AlphaGov, accessed November 28, 2022, hps://
ARIA Live Regions,” Mozilla Developer Network, last modied October 26, 2022, hps://
See, for example, Jonathan Schwabish, “Beer Data Visualizaons: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks” (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2021).
Accessibility Tree,” MDN Web Docs, last modied September 20, 2022, hps://
Sarah Fossheim, “Daily Visitors, Example #1,” CodePen, accessed October 19, 2022, hps://
“Sarah Fossheim, “Daily Visitors, Example #2,” CodePen, accessed October 19, 2022, hps://
Aria-expanded,” MDN Web Docs, last modied September 13, 2022, hps://
Aributes/aria-expanded; “Aria-pressed,” MDN Web Docs, last modied September 25, 2022, hps://
Accessibility Tesng
and Remediaon
Tesng for Data
My father has renis pigmentosa, a genec
disorder that gradually cost him his sight as I
was growing up. As a result, I was introduced
to soware screen magniers, high-contrast
themes, and screen readers at an early age. He
listened to audiobooks with a DAISY player—a
special hardware audio player invented for
people with low vision or blindness—and used a
white cane to navigate in public.
If my father didn’t have his disabilies, I would have not known very
much about assisve technologies. Many people who do not work
in spaces directly related to disability and accessibility have never
heard of a screen reader, a braille display, or a switch control, all of
which are known as “assisve devices” or “assisve technologies.
Unfortunately, most of the web is built with sighted
or mouse-rst users in mind. But assisve technologies can help
people navigate their computer and smart device.
A screen reader uses a synthec voice to describe what is
happening on the screen. A refreshing braille display uses a
live-updang braille tacle display instead of a synthec voice.
Screen-magnifying soware enlarges the screen from 150 percent
to over 500 percent of the original display size to aid those with
low vision. Text readers read aloud content while visually
highlighng each word for those with cognive disabilies such
as dyslexia, and alternave input devices, such as voice control
soware, head pointers, eye trackers, and switch controls allow
people with some physical disabilies to navigate a website using
only their keyboard. Most screen reader users are also keyboard-
only users. Operang systems also come with personalizaon
opons, which allow a user to adjust text size, reduce animaon,
and turn on a high-contrast theme.
In this essay, I describe an easy-to-follow tesng process so people
who have never tested their data visualizaons for accessibility
can ensure their products work just as well for people who use any
of the above assisve technologies. Many exisng arcles about
accessibility tesng simply provide a checklist of tests and a list
of tools, but they do not go into details about the process. I have
also created a list of addional tools you can use in your own work,
available later in this volume.
Digital Accessibility Standards
Creators of digital apps, content, and services should
be aware of how people with disabilies use these
technologies in their daily life. How would you build a
wheelchair ramp if you didn’t know how a wheelchair
worked or that wheelchairs even existed? More
importantly, what if you didn’t know who uses a
wheelchair and why?
With so many dierent types of assisve technology,
web browsers, and device operang systems, how
can we support all users? Luckily, there is some
Just like the physical construcon industry has
building standards and guidelines for accessibility,
such as the angle and width for a wheelchair ramp,
the web also has standards and guidelines for digital
accessibility. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG) working group,
which is part of the Web
Accessibility Iniave, an internaonal iniave to
develop standards to create a more accessible internet,
publishes guidelines and “success criteria” that can be
applied to a range of websites and applicaons and
serve as a foundaon for many countries’ compliance
and andiscriminaon laws. Unfortunately, the
technical nature of the guidelines has made them quite
inaccessible to someone new to web accessibility.
A deep understanding of WCAG is not needed to
create accessible content or conduct accessibility
tesng and the WCAG 2.1 At a Glance web page
succinctly summarizes the most important aspects
and requirements to creang more accessible online
In 2021, Frank Elavsky created a set of guidelines
called the Chartability project to allow anyone in
the data eld to conduct accessibility tesng of data
experiences in any context, not just the web.
Elavsky worked closely with experts in the
cross-over of accessibility, disability, and data
visualizaon communies, and he has tested the
usability of the Chartability workbook with many
data visualizaon praconers.
The Tesng Process
We use accessibility tesng to idenfy and remediate
inaccessible web pracces.
Two types of accessibility tesng exist: personal
tesng, which all data praconers should learn to
ensure people with disabilies aren’t excluded from
their work, and professional “accessibility auding,
which is conducted by someone trained to report a
list of issues for the client to x—a process known
as “remediaon.” In this essay, I will cover how data
praconers can begin to do personal accessibility
tesng, but companies should schedule regular
accessibility audits for their publicaons, websites,
or applicaons. Audits, at a bare minimum, test for
WCAG compliance, and in the best cases, will check
for usability issues and recommend soluons based on
inclusive design principles, user research, and tesng
with assisve technology users and people with
The tesng process I discuss here is my personal
process, but every accessibility tester’s techniques
and tools are tailored to their needs. Some methods
are shared and new and improved tools are released
regularly, but I have found these basic tasks and tests
to be sucient for general purposes.
I break up my tesng procedure into the following
four categories:
For purposes of this essay, I assume that the
publicaon, website, or applicaon surrounding the
data visualizaon—whether a chart, graph, diagram, or
other piece of content—is accessible enough for the
chart to be reached by the reader or user.
Before we begin tesng, we need to have the right
tools at our disposal. Here I list common accessibility
issues and the tools or sengs that I currently use to
test charts and data visualizaons, but a longer list
with addional resources and reference materials is
available at the end of this volume. If you are new to
accessibility tesng, start with these tools, but don’t be
afraid to try others based on your personal preference
and workow. For tesng with screen readers in
parcular, I recommend you watch the introductory
videos linked in endnote 1.
Color Contrast
For low-vision users, a data visualizaon must have
sucient contrast between text and background.
Contrast measures the dierence in luminance
between two colors. The contrast rao between black
(hex code #000000) and white (#FFFFFF) is 21:1. The
WCAG 2.1 AA standard denes an acceptable contrast
rao as at least 3:1 for large or bold text and icons and
4.5:1 for general reading text.
Dozens of contrast checking tools are available.
I use the TPGi Colour Contrast Analyser,
is a downloadable tool that enables you to test
the contrast of your color palee against
WCAG guidelines.
A user’s operang system might also include sengs,
such as high-contrast mode, that can test the color
contrast of a data visualizaon. In the Windows 10
operang system, you can acvate high-contrast mode
in Sengs > High Contrast > Turn On High Contrast.
The most commonly used high-contrast theme is white
text on a black background with bright yellow accents.
In the supplemental list of accessibility tools at the end
of this volume, I include a guide to changing color
contrast in Windows 11.
Mac operang systems don’t have a “high-contrast
mode” like Windows, but the Dark Background and
Light Text Firefox add-on for the Firefox browser oers
a comparable simulator.
Color Vision Deciency
The data visualizaon eld oen focuses on color
vision deciency (CVD), commonly known as “color
blindness.” But people with vision impairments can
struggle with dierent kinds of color issues, not just
disnguishing between, say, red and green (a condion
known as deuteranopia).
Many tools can test for dierent kinds of CVD, but
Color Oracle is my favorite.
Color Oracle is a free
simulator for Windows, Mac, and Linux that takes
the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by
showing you in real me what people with common
CVDs see.
Reduced Moon
People with vesbular disorders or who are easily
nauseated by animaon and movement oen turn
on their systems “reduced moon” or “animaon o”
seng. Web developers can use “@media screen”
and “(prefers-reduced-moon: reduce)” in their CSS
animaons to provide a nonanimated alternave for
users who are aected by strong animaon. More
generally, when creang animaon or movement, it is
good pracce to turn o autoplay and give the user
control to start or stop an animaon.
For tesng, you can adjust these sengs on Windows
and Mac operang systems:
Windows: Sengs > Ease of Access > Display
> Simplify and Personalize Windows. Set Show
animaon in Windows to o.
Macs: System Preferences > Accessibility >
Display and check the box for Reduce Moon.
Screen Reader
Using screen readers to test your content will allow
you to catch many crical accessibility issues in your
data visualizaons and your content more generally.
The most common screen readers are VoiceOver for
Mac and NVDA, JAWS, or Narrator for Windows. I
use VoiceOver and NVDA because they are free and
most familiar to me. I work on Windows and Mac
computers, but you only need to test with one. I
recommend watching the introductory videos linked
in the list below and having on hand a quick reference
guide of screen reader keyboard commands (I usually
have mine printed out). I don’t use a screen reader
every day, so I oen forget the keyboard commands
between each tesng session.
Windows: NVDA is one of the most popular
screen readers for Windows users. It works with
all modern web browsers, email programs, music
players, and Microso Oce programs. NVDA
does not oer any introductory tutorial, so I
recommend you watch the following video:
¡ Screen Reader Basics: NVDA tutorial (9
¡ Reference for NVDA Keyboard Shortcuts on
Mac: VoiceOver comes installed with MacOS.
When you rst open VoiceOver, you will be given
the opon to complete an interacve learning
tutorial, which I recommend you take the me to
complete; you should also watch the following
introductory video:
¡ Screen Reader Basics: VoiceOver tutorial
(12 minutes)
¡ Reference for VoiceOver Keyboard
Shortcuts on a Mac
Part 1: Tesng an Image of a Chart
A great starng point to learn accessibility tesng is
with a chart in an image format like JPG or PNG (rather
than one that is navely interacve on a website). If a
chart is an image, it is usually complementary to the
surrounding text and has a single clear takeaway.
To demonstrate, let’s begin with this default chart
image exported from Google Sheets. It’s a column
chart tled “Interstate Arrivals and Interstate
Departures,” with two data series, interstate arrivals
and interstate departures, denoted by blue and red
columns, respecvely. The x-axis is the categorical
Australian State (for readers who doesn’t know
Australia’s geography, the country has six states and
two territories), and the y-axis is the number of people
(not labeled).
Despite this chart being a default chart for one of the
most popular charng tools in the world, it has many
accessibility and usability issues.
As I menoned, accessibility tests are split into four
categories: content, visual, nonvisual, and
Content Tesng
By making the content in the graph accessible, readers
are beer posioned to understand the graph and
your argument. So the checklist below applies to all
good data visualizaons, not just those for people
with disabilies.
Content Tesng Checklist
Chart contains a descripve tle.
Chart contains a suitable summary either in the
chart or in the surrounding text.
Chart uses plain language.
Chart axes are labeled clearly.
Chart series are labeled clearly.
The numerical data is formaed clearly.
If the chart can be used for analysis or to
form one’s own insights and is not adequately
described by the chart summary, then a raw
data table or a CSV download of the raw data is
provided as an alternave.
Content Tesng Process
We start with the content review process because it
could necessitate quite drasc changes in the design
of the visualizaon. Accessible content is essenal for
people with cognive or intellectual disabilies, people
who have low data literacy, or in this case, people
who might not be familiar with Australian geography.
In this example, the tle was not descripve, and
the summary and y-axis label were missing. Also, the
number formang did not contain a comma, making
it hard for people to read. A good rule of thumb for
accessible text is to aim for a ninth-grade reading level;
I recommend the Hemingway Editor for assessing the
reading level of your wring.
Let’s look at what works and what doesn’t:
¡ Chart uses plain language. The chart
doesn’t use a lot of jargon or
technical verbiage.
¡ Chart contains a descripve tle. The tle
does not menon important details such as
the country and year.
¡ Chart contains a suitable summary, in the
chart, or in surrounding text. No summary
is present.
¡ Chart axes are labeled clearly. The y-axis is
not labeled.
¡ Chart series are labeled clearly. The
series labels contain too much text, and a
descripve tle makes them redundant.
Extra consideraon
¡ If the chart can be used for analysis
and is not adequately described by a
chart summary, a raw data table or a
CSV download of the raw data should
be provided as an alternave. This
consideraon would depend on the larger
context in which the chart is used.
No real science exists on how to x these issues, so it
takes pracce and tesng with users. If you’re not sure
what to write, consider these leading quesons:
What is the main takeaway for this chart?
Describe what you want people to take away
from this chart in a concise, acve sentence.
This descripon becomes the chart tle.
How would I describe this chart for a person who
cannot see it? Think about what is interesng
about this chart and what about this chart informs
the context in which a reader will see it. That
explanaon becomes the chart summary.
For this chart, I’d also provide the raw data, either as
an HTML table or as a downloadable CSV le (Note
that CSV is the most accessible format for table data—
not everyone has Microso Excel).
Content Tesng Results
By working through this checklist, we have made
several changes to the original chart. The chart tle
now reads “Interstate Migraon in Australia, Year
Ending June 2020” and we have a chart summary just
below: “Queensland had the highest net gain from
interstate migraon of 25,300 people.We’ve also
added a y-axis label— “Persons (thousands)”—and
simplied the legend to “Arrivals” and “Departures.
But we’ve also introduced a new accessibility issue: the
chart summary uses the default text color of light gray,
which will fail the contrast tests in the next step.
Visual Tesng
Visual tesng focuses on making the experience
inclusive for users with low vision or CVD. These tests
can also ensure that text is more readable for someone
with dyslexia and that animaons do not cause nausea
or epilepc seizures.
Visual Tesng Checklist
All text is at least 12 pixels (or 9 point) in size,
ideally 16 pixels (or 12 point).
Small text and its background colors meets a
minimum contrast rao of 4.5:1. “Small text” is
dened as text smaller than 24 pixels (or 18 point)
or as bold text smaller than 18.5 pixels (or 14
The contrast rao of shapes, icons, and large
text relave to their background color meets a
minimum rao of 3:1.
Color alone does not denote meaning—that
is, contrast, markers, or paerns are used to
dierenate data and are labeled appropriately
(i.e., with a legend or nearby text).
Text font is sans serif (that is, the leerforms
in the font do not have decorave marks or
ourishes. Examples of sans-serif fonts include
Arial, Courier, and Helveca).
The chart can be zoomed or magnied.
If the chart has a transparent background, it
meets the above contrast requirements in high-
contrast (forced styles) mode.
If the chart is animated, it must not contain
ashing that could cause seizures.
If the chart is animated, it must be able to be
paused or stopped, and the animaon should not
automacally play.
Visual Tesng Process
The visual tesng process requires using a color
contrast checker and CVD simulator tools. I use the
two tools I demonstrate here in my own workow, but
there are many other tools that you might nd beer
t your style, operang system, and workow (see the
list at the end of this volume for more tools).
Let’s begin with tesng color contrast. First, open the
TPGi Colour Contrast Analyser and select the eye-
dropper tool in the “Foreground colour” secon of the
window, then sample the darkest color of the chart
tle text. If you know the hexadecimal color code or
have a tool you can use to obtain it, you can also enter
that code directly. Then, select the eye-dropper tool in
the “Background colour” secon of the window, and
sample the background behind the tle text.
Before content tesng Aer content tesng
Once you have set the foreground and background
colours, the “Sample preview” secon will show you
how those colours look together on text and on an
icon. And the “WCAG 2.1 results” secon displays the
contrast rao in a box in the top-right corner. For our
example, the contrast rao is 4.6:1, which means
people with low vision can likely see this text color on
a white background. For general accessibility tesng,
you can ignore any failures in the middle row (1.4.6
Contrast Enhanced AAA)—most audits only check for
AA compliance. Repeat this process for all text
in the chart.
Next, we’ll test for issues that may aect those with
Open the Color Oracle app (the icons will appear in
your computer’s taskbar). Click on the Color Oracle
icon (or right-click in Windows) and choose to
simulate Deuteranopia (commonly known as “red-
green colorblindness”) followed by Grayscale. For our
example chart, there is very lile dierence in the
shades of gray. This is a contrast issue: readers with
CVD may not be able to tell the dierence between
dierent data series on the chart (including the
We can also cross-check this contrast issue using
Colour Contrast Analyser. The results conrm a
contrast rao of 1.1:1, which explains the result from
the grayscale simulaon.
So where do we stand with our visual tesng?
¡ Font is sans-serif.
¡ All text is at least 12 pixels or 9 point in
size, ideally 16 pixels or 12 points.
¡ The contrast rao of shapes, icons, and
large text relave to their background
meets a minimum 3:1.
¡ Small text meets a minimum contrast rao
of 4.5:1. “Small text” is text smaller than 24
pixels or 18 point, or bold text smaller than
18.5 pixels or 14 point. The chart summary
does not meet minimum contrast.
¡ Color alone is not used to denote meaning.
The chart uses color to dierenate
between Arrivals and Departures.
Extra consideraon
¡ The chart is able to be zoomed or
magnied. Check that the parent
webpage hasn’t disabled zoom.
¡ If the chart has a transparent background,
it meets the above contrast requirements
in high contrast (forced styles) mode.
Not applicable.
¡ If the chart is animated, it must not
contain ashing that could cause seizures.
Not applicable.
¡ If the chart is animated, it must be able to
be paused or stopped and the animaon
should not auto-play. Not applicable.
Visual Tesng Fixes
To resolve these issues, we can darken and enlarge
the tle and summary text slightly, and we can choose
new colors for the arrivals and departures data series
that have at least 3:1 contrast between each other, as
well as both having 3:1 contrast against the
white background.
Using Color
It is very dicult to nd a color set where
all colors have a contrast rao of 3:1, even
for a chart with only two categories or
series of data.
My recommendaon is to choose a
monochrome set with as much contrast
between colours as possible. Perhaps you
can nd a color set that accounts for CVD
and grayscale prinng (you could also
consider 3D prinng of tacle charts). This
contrast might be as low as 1.3:1. You might
use spacing, posion, labels, or interacve
styles and toolps as other ways to know
what data belongs to which category.
Although paerns are widely recommended
as a way to provide visual contrast, paerns
should be used with care because they can
actually make the chart less accessible, since
paerns can be visually confusing for some
readers. For more informaon, see “Paerns
and Contrast,” HighCharts, accessed October
24, 2022, hps://
Nonvisual Tesng
For a stac image chart, a text descripon must be
provided (also known as alternave text or alt text).
For web developers, your <img> tag must include the
short descripon on an “alt” aribute. If the short
descripon does not adequately explain the chart, a
longer text descripon should be present in the arcle
content, ideally directly before or aer the chart.
You can learn more about alt text and strategies in
Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of this volume.
Nonvisual Tesng Checklist
There is an appropriate text descripon
of the chart.
Nonvisual Tesng Process
Usually, we can check a nonvisual descripon of an
image by tesng it with a screen reader. If you are a
screen reader user, you already know how to test for
alt text. Again, I recommend that everyone learn how
to use a screen reader to help test your own work
for accessibility.
But there is another way to test online images for alt
text without using a screen reader, using the built-in
debugging tools in the browser. Simply right-click on
the graph and select the Inspect opon at the boom
of the menu (I’m using Chrome here; your opons may
vary slightly). If you are reading the document version
of this arcle, you can try this yourself by vising this
chapter’s companion website. This companion website
provides the text of this chapter in HTML and includes
accessible, interacve charts.
For our chart, you will nd the following line of HTML
in the Elements tab of the Developer Tools panel:
<img src=“/images/chart-1-after-visual-fix.
This line of code conveys to a screen reader user that
an image is on the page, but it does not explain what
the image is, what it is showing, or what it represents.
Without the presence of an alt aribute, most screen
readers will read out the lename of the image (in
this case, “chart-1-aer-visual-x.png”), which is a
frustrang experience.
The correct HTML would include an alt aribute in the
<img> element, like so:
<img src=“/images/chart-1-after-visual-
fix.png” alt=“A column chart on interstate
migration in Australia, year ending June 2020,
where Queensland had the highest net gain from
interstate migration of 25,300 people. The
chart shows arrivals and departures for the
eight states and territories of Australia.”>
The screen reader will read this bit of text to the user
so they know what the graph is and what it represents.
The hardest part of this process is learning how to
write a good image description for a graph—Chapters 4
and 5 in this volume go into more detail on how to
write better alt text.
Nonvisual Tesng Results
Where do we stand on our nonvisual tesng results?
¡ There is an appropriate text descripon of
the chart. Because this essay was built with
accessibility in mind, all chart images have
been given text descripons, except for the
test image above.
Interacon Tesng
Although we’ve been using a stac example chart so
far, what if we made it interacve by adding toolps
to each bar? To test the interacve version, we
would need to do some addional tests for the three
categories we’ve already covered. This takes us into
the second part of our accessibility tesng: What to do
if the chart is interacve.
Part 2: Tesng an Interacve Chart
If you are reading the document version of this arcle,
please visit this chapter’s companion website to
conduct the tests described in this secon.
Interacve charts are generally used for larger sets of
data and allow the user to explore and form insights
about the data. The charts also necessitate some
added complexity when creang equitable experiences
between sighted users and blind users or between
mouse users and keyboard-only users.
Based on the image-only chart from part one, I’ve
created an interacve chart using the popular chart
and data visualizaon framework Highcharts.
Thanks to the fantasc work of Ted Gies, Øystein
Moseng, and their team, Highcharts priorizes
accessibility in their charts.
Let’s connue our accessibility tesng. First, we’ll
test accessibility access with a keyboard, then
conduct addional tests for content, visual, and
nonvisual elements.
Interacon Tesng (Interacve Charts)
If you are a sighted mouse user, you will be able to
hover over the columns in the example chart and an
informaonal toolp will appear. Most interacve
charts on the web will have this feature, though they
tend to only show toolps when a user uses a mouse
to hover over the bar. The needs of keyboard-only and
touch users are generally neglected.
Interacon tesng ensures that anything that can be
accessed by mouse hover is also available to those
using a keyboard or touch device.
Interacon Tesng (Interacve Charts)
Keyboard tab to the chart focuses on the rst
interacve element.
The Tab key should navigate to dierent secons
of the chart—such as the data series, legend,
and menu—rather than between every single
interacve element.
¡ Arrow keys should navigate between data
points or toggle between data series,
legend items, and menu opons.
¡ Space/Enter should acvate buons
or toggles.
Before visual tesng Aer visual tesng
Mouse hover, pressing Space or Enter, or touch
on a mobile device shows or hides annotaons
such as toolps.
The chart does not have “keyboard traps,
something that occurs when a user can get into,
but not out of, a component or element of a web
page when using a keyboard.
The chart does not rely on custom
keyboard shortcuts.
This checklist does not cover accessibility tesng of
dropdown menus, select boxes, or other components
that the chart may contain, but they absolutely need to
also be tested with keyboards and screen readers.
Interacon Tesng Process
Using only the keyboard, use Tab key and arrow
keys to check whether you can reach all parts of the
chart. Make sure Tab isn’t used to navigate between
individual data points, because that creates a tedious
experience for keyboard-only users, parcularly when
the dataset is large.
Ensure that buons or toggles can be acvated by
pressing Space or Enter. All toolps that appear on
mouse hover should also appear on keyboard focus.
Check chart interacvity on a touchscreen device
to ensure that using tap input also toggles
toolps correctly.
If you get stuck in any part of the chart and cannot
use the Tab, Shi-Tab, or Esc keys to exit, you’re
in a keyboard trap. Such traps lead to frustrang
experiences for keyboard-only users, because the
users will not be able to reach the interacve items on
the rest of the page.
Lastly, if there are any custom keyboard shortcuts
that are essenal to the operaon of the chart, screen
readers probably cannot use them because the screen
reader takes precedence when it comes to keyboard
shortcuts (of which there are many), meaning many
keystrokes will not make it to the browser.
Content Tesng (Interacve Charts)
In addion to the content tests from Content Tesng
for image charts, interacve charts must also ensure
the following:
Toolps contain clear informaon
This process is similar to tesng a stac image chart;
x the content rst, because returning to the content
later could lead to drasc changes in the way the chart
is presented.
Our interacve chart only adds toolps. In the
toolp, we should include the data series label, the
x-value, and the y-value, because people who use
magnicaon may not be able to see the toolp and
the chart axes at the same me. Having all of the
informaon can also benet screen reader users as
they explore the chart.
Highcharts’ default toolp includes the x-value “Vic.
(for Victoria), the data series label “Arrivals,” and the
y-value “77,197.
Visual Tesng (Interacve Charts)
In addion to the visual tests for image charts, we
must also consider the following:
Acve elements have clear focus styles that meet
a contrast minimum of 3:1.
The chart can be understood in high-contrast
(forced styles) mode.
If the chart uses animaon, the chart respects
the user’s system animaon seng. For longer
animaons, the graph must contain a stop/start
buon and must not automacally play.
While tesng interacon with the keyboard, you can
check that focus outlines (or other suitable focus
styles) appear on the interacve element. In the
example below, the dark blue outline around the rst
light blue bar indicates the current locaon of
keyboard focus. The user should also be able to use
the Tab and arrow keys to navigate the chart.
To test the chart with forced styles, either turn on
High-Contrast Mode in Windows, or open Firefox (on
either Windows or Mac computers) and use the Dark
Background and Light Text add-on.
With High-Contrast Mode enabled, your system
overrides applicaon and website colors with a set of
chosen “high-contrast” colors, which helps people with
low vision who cannot easily dierenate between
colors. In our example, all chart colors have been
overridden with a bright yellow on a black background,
which can cause problems because we can no longer
dierenate between the arrivals and departure
columns (except to hope that the legend lists them in
the corresponding order). Luckily, the reader can sll
use toolps or toggle on/o of each data series in
order to know which data points are arrivals and which
are departures.
To test animaon, we need to acvate the Reduced
Moon seng and return to the chart to visually
check whether any animaon occurs. On page
refresh, the columns grow vercally from the x-axis
line in our example chart, and toggling the data on
and o prompts some animaon. Unfortunately, this
interacve chart fails to respect a user’s reduced
moon preferences.
Nonvisual Tesng (Interacve Charts)
Screen reader interacon with an interacve chart is a
complex test because the way a screen reader user will
navigate the chart depends on how it has been coded.
As menoned in Chapters 5 and 6, most complex or
dynamic charts are coded in an SVG format, but that is
not a universal rule.
If built with screen reader users in mind, the individual
elements of the chart will be accessible by a screen
reader through appropriate ARIA roles and labels.
In this specic example, each column in the interacve
chart (we’re using the HighCharts JavaScript library)
has role=“img”, and an ARIA label with the datapoint
informaon. Screen readers will list each column as a
labelled image, allowing users to inspect each one.
HighCharts is one of the few chart libraries that
have this level of screen reader support—most
of the popular chart tools do not even include
keyboard navigaon. Apart from a lack of awareness
of accessibility in the soware industry, very few
resources exist on recommended techniques for
screen reader experience of charts (except for arcles
like those found in Chapters 4, 5, and 6).
Nonvisual Tesng Checklist
A chart heading is provided so screen reader users
can quickly skip to the chart.
The anatomy of the chart is provided, including
how many data points it contains.
If necessary, interacon instrucons are provided
(for example, toggling data series on or o).
Interacve elements on the chart have the
appropriate ARIA roles and labels.
Visual changes to the chart are announced
by an <aria-live> element or <role=“status”>,
for example whether a data series is toggled
on or o.
Nonvisual Tesng Process
Inspecng the Document Object Model
The Document Object Model denes the logical
structure of a document—for example, a web page—
and enables programmers to add, modify, or delete
elements and contents from the page. We can explore
the Document Object Model directly on a web page by
right-clicking and selecng the Inspect opon, which
will enable us to see whether the chart element is
using <svg> or <canvas>.
If you are familiar with the accessibility tree—a list of
the accessibility properties on a web page—you can
also see the semantic structure of the chart by
inspecting the accessibility properties of each element
in the chart or by enabling the full-page accessibility
tree in the Google Chrome browser.
I’ve provided
an example above.
Tesng with a screen reader
Next, open up your screen reader and navigate
For VoiceOver: Use Control + Opon + Right Arrow
and Control + Opon + Le Arrow to navigate the
chart by. You can jump to the chart heading rst, by
pressing Control + Opon + Command + H unl you
reach it, before using Control + Opon + Arrow Keys
to navigate between items.
For NVDA: Press Tab to navigate to the next
interacve element. Press H to jump to headings on
the page, and use the Down Arrow to navigate to the
next item. Press G (for “graphic”) to navigate to the
next image.
Our example chart is quite screen reader accessible
and passes all of our nonvisual tesng criteria.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you, and well
done! Especially if you are new to accessibility and
assisve technologies. My goal here is to make it
easy for data praconers to test their charts and
visualizaons. That being said, especially for someone
new to accessibility, conducng these tests could
take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours,
depending on the visualizaon. In the end, this
process will save you me and help you and your
team design visualizaons that are accessible for a
broader audience.
I cannot stress enough the importance of usability
tesng for accessibility, which should include a diverse
range of parcipants. Even the most experienced
auditors cannot predict the way assisve technology
users and users with various disabilies will interact
with a visualizaon. Two people with similar disabilies
and assisve devices can have dierent ways of using
their technology. You cannot make assumpons when
designing data visualizaons. Working with people
who have dierent kinds of disabilies will enable you
to determine how they are using your website, what
needs they have, and how you can ulmately create a
beer experience for everyone.
Happy tesng!
The source dataset used for interstate arrivals
and departures comes from “Migraon, Australia,
2019–20 Financial Year” Australian Bureau of
Stascs, accessed October 24, 2022, hps://www.scs/people/populaon/migraon-
State Interstate arrivals Interstate departures
NSW 89,873 110,760
Vic. 77,197 74,954
Qld 101,789 76,441
SA 23,726 25,886
WA 29,211 31,621
Tas. 12,962 11,749
NT 13,517 16,214
ACT 20,394 21,044
Checklists: Praccal Accessibility Tesng for
Data Visualizaons
Content Tesng Checklist
Chart contains a descripve tle.
Chart contains a suitable summary in the chart or in
the surrounding text.
Chart uses plain language.
Chart axes are labeled clearly.
Chart series are labeled clearly.
The numerical data is formaed clearly.
If the chart can be used for analysis or forming
one’s own insights and is not adequately described
by the chart summary, then a raw data table or a
CSV download of the raw data is provided as
an alternave.
If chart is interacve,
If present, toolps contain clear informaon.
Visual Tesng Checklist
All text is at least 12px (or 9pt) in size, ideally 16px
(or 12pt).
Small text and its background colors meets a
minimum contrast rao of 4.5:1 (see explanaon of
contrast raos in Color Contrast Checkers secon,
above). “Small text” is dened as text smaller than
24px (or 18pt) or as bold text smaller than 18.5px
(or 14pt).
The contrast rao of shapes, icons, and large text
relave to their background color meets a minimum
of 3:1.
Color alone is not used to denote meaning – that
is, contrast, markers, or paerns are also used to
dierenate data and are labeled appropriately (i.e.,
with a legend, or nearby text).
Text font is sans-serif (that is, the leerforms in the
font do not have decorave marks or ourishes.
Examples of sans-serif fonts include Arial, Courier,
and Helveca).
The chart is able to be zoomed or magnied.
If the chart has a transparent background, it meets
the above contrast requirements in high-contrast
(forced styles) mode.
If the chart is animated, it must not contain ashing
that could cause seizures.
If the chart is animated, it must be able to be
paused/stopped, the animaon should not
automacally play.
If chart is interacve,
Acve elements have clear focus styles that meet a
contrast minimum of 3:1.
The chart is able to be understood in high-contrast
(forced styles) mode.
If there is animaon, the chart respects the
user’s system animaon seng, and for longer
animaons, it must contain a stop/start buon and
not automacally play.
Nonvisual Tesng Checklist
There is an appropriate text descripon
of the chart.
If the chart is interacve,
A chart heading is provided so that screen reader
users can quickly skip to the chart using the
heading shortcut.
The anatomy of the chart is provided, including
how many data points it contains.
If necessary, interacon instrucons are provided
(for example, toggling data series on or o).
Interacve elements on the chart should have the
appropriate ARIA roles and labels.
Visual changes to the chart are announced through
an <aria-live> element or <role=“status”>, for
example whether a data series is toggled on or o.
Interacon Tesng Checklist
If the chart is interacve,
Keyboard tab to the chart focuses on the rst
interacve element.
Tab key should navigate to dierent secons of
the chart, such as the data series, legend, and
menu, rather than between every single interacve
¡ Arrow keys should navigate between data
points or toggle between data series,
legend items, or menu opons.
¡ Space/Enter should acvate buons or
Mouse hover, pressing Space or Enter, or touch on
a mobile device shows or hides annotaons such as
toolps, if present.
The chart does not have keyboard traps.
The chart does not rely on custom
keyboard shortcuts.
Chapter Seven Notes
If you’re new to assisve technologies, please take a few minutes to watch these videos on browsing with assisve technology videos for
an introducon to how they are used to navigate the web. See Henny Swan, “Browsing with Assisve Technology Videos,” TetraLogical blog,
December 24, 2021, hps://ve-technology-videos/.
See Chapter 4 (secon 405 in parcular) of “2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design,, accessed October 21, 2022, hps://
See the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines secon at “W3C Accessibility Standards Overview,”, last updated June 29, 2022,
“WCAG 2.1 at a Glance,”, last updated June 5, 2018, hps://
See Chapter 2 of this volume as well as Frank Elavsky, Cynthia Benne, and Dominik Moritz, “How Accessible Is My Visualizaon?
Evaluang Visualizaon Accessibility with Chartability,” Computer Graphics Forum 41, no. 3 (2022): 57–70.
See “The Chartability Workbook,”, accessed October 21, 2022, hps://
As a disclaimer, I am not a professional accessibility auditor. I’ve learned accessibility tesng as a soware engineer and designer while
collaborang and learning with the accessibility community. The soware I’ve built using this tesng process has produced relavely few
issues in professional accessibility audits. Using this tesng process will not guarantee WCAG compliance, but it will produce more inclusive
data experiences.
See “Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA),” TPGi, accessed October 21, 2022, hps://
See “Change Color Contrast in Windows,” Microso Support, accessed October 21, 2022, hps://support.microso.com/en-us/windows/
Mikhail Khvoinitsky, “Dark Background and Light Text,” FireFox Browser Add-Ons, last updated February 7, 2021, hps://addons.mozilla.
See hps://
Google Chrome Developers, “Screen Reader Basics: NVDA – A11ycasts #09,” Youtube, December 2, 2016, hps://
“NVDA Keyboard Shortcuts,” Deque University, accessed October 24, 2021, hps://
Google Chrome Developers, “Screen Reader Basics: Voiceover – A11ycasts #07,” Youtube, October 14, 2016, hps://
“VoiceOver Keyboard Shortcuts on a Mac,” Deque University, accessed October 24, 2021, hps://
Choosing the correct chart format is important for helping your reader understand your message. A column chart is probably not the
best choice for the data we’re using, but it is an easy format to test. Good accessibility begins with design, and I highly recommend reading
the following two resources: Cole Nussbaumer Knaic, Storytelling with Data (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2015), hps://www., and Jonathan Schwabish, Beer Data Visualizaons (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021), hps:// .
See hps://
See also Schwabish, Beer Data Visualizaons.
See hps://
See Léonie Watson, “Time to Revisit Accesskey?”, April 29, 2015, hps://me-to-revisit-accesskey/.
There is also a popular graphic display element in HTML called <canvas>. The HTML canvas allows a programmer to build visuals using
geometric elements such as circles and rectangles along with x and y coordinates. It allows developers to build charts using programmable
graphic elements and interacons (<canvas> is oen used for web 3D graphics or web games). But the elements within a <canvas> are not
reachable by the screen reader, and it takes quite a lot of JavaScript knowledge to make it an equivalent experience. When I see a chart built
in <canvas>, I assume it is not accessible to screen reader users or keyboard-only users.
Accessibility Tree,” Mozilla Developer Network, last modied September 20, 2022, hps://
Navigang the chart by screen reader is not the same as navigang the chart using the keyboard. You will not see the focus outline
nor the toolps when navigang between data points. Screen readers use the “virtual cursor” to navigate the page. When screen reader
shortcuts are pressed, like the Down Arrow in NVDA, keyboard events are not sent to the browser (i.e., the browser doesn’t know you’ve
pressed the Down Arrow). This is a common misunderstanding for people who are new to using screen readers; see this comment by
Oysteinmoseng on “A11y: Highlight Problem When Using NVDA,” Highcharts Github repository, issue #15303, March 11, 2021, hps://
Equity in PDF
Designing with
in Mind
Current data visualizaon trends rely heavily
on infographics to convey meaning, but
this method frequently creates unintended
accessibility barriers. In my work as a PDF
remediator (meaning I make PDF documents
accessible), I have seen countless infographics
that are unapproachable or that contain
meaningless descripons for people
who rely on assisve technology or keyboard-
only interacon.
In my experience, content creators usually take an “accessibility
at the end” approach to design. They design rst and then try to
gure out how to make that design accessible. This essay explores
dierent ideas for creang richer experiences for people who use
assisve technology such screen readers, text-to-speech soware,
or text-to-braille devices to interpret data visualizaons.
Not everyone perceives all inputs equally. We must take addional
steps to increase what I call infographic equity. Simply put,
infographic equity is the aempt to provide an equal experience
for all readers regardless of the methods they use to read or
interact with a visualizaon. Let’s start with a simple example.
Consider the alternave (alt) text in the sunburst diagram on the
following page.
We have an image of a complex sunburst diagram showing ve
dierent property types. Each one has a numeric value aached to
it. Technically, alt text version one (“Investment Property Sunburst
Diagram”) would pass any accessibility checker, but it contains
almost no meaningful data. Version two has a single value and
explains the main takeaway the author intended by including the
chart. Again, this is technically compliant, but is it an equitable
experience given the other four missing data values?
The third version of alt text contains the full meaning of the chart
with all values and associaons, including the author’s intent. But
what should you do when you have a bar chart with 50 data points
or a graphic with a complex story? There are several ways we can
create more accessible experiences.
This essay focuses on four main methods for presenng richer,
more meaningful visual content in PDF documents. In parcular, I
focus on infographics, a broad term that describes how we present
data in a visual way to make complex informaon easier to
understand. Unlike singular data visualizaons, such as
standalone charts and graphs, infographics incorporate
text and images together to convey a complex idea in a
creave, easy-to-understand way.
Infographics may
take the form of printed, standalone, leave-behind
documents; downloadable PDFs; or large image les.
Some infographics tell stories, others present data in a
series of steps, and others simply present data for
users to explore and understand. Before we can learn
how to create more meaningful experiences, we must
understand that the point at which we consider
accessibility during the development phase is crical.
When You Start Maers Most
It is important to incorporate accessibility
consideraons at the earliest stage possible. The stage
at which we consider accessibility directly impacts
how long it will take to make the product accessible,
what approach we use to do so, and ulmately how
usable and informave the content is. If we start late,
our goal of a single, equitable, accessible experience
for everyone oen fails because “there’s not enough
me” or “this has already been approved and we can’t
change it.
When teams start designing with accessibility in mind
from the beginning, there are more opons to present
a single, meaningful user experience. Depending on
what stage you begin incorporang accessibility, you
can increase or limit your ability to employ accessible
design by aecng your meline or your aachment to
current designs.
Starng at the Concept Stage
In addion to obvious consideraons like choosing
an accessible color palee (see Chapter 9), designing
an interacve experience for accessibility starts
with the most important queson of all: “What do I
want the user experience to be?” The answer to this
queson aects every aspect of your design and
implementaon. Without answering this queson,
most developers nd themselves at the end of the
project with several accessibility barriers they had not
considered. And listening to an image descripon is
an interacve experience that should be considered.
Mapping out the user experience will help idenfy
how the informaon is presented and possible
opons for the user to interact with it while absorbing
meaningful content.
Other consideraons should include the following:
1. Am I using color alone as a way to
understand content or interacons?
2. Am I providing keyboard-based navigaon that
oers important informaon and context?
3. Does my presentaon method meet
minimum contrast requirements?
4. Am I providing text alternaves for
image-based data visualizaons?
Considering accessibility in the concept stage allows
the most freedom for change and has the least impact
on schedule and development.
Starng at the Dra Stage
If you are starng to consider accessibility once a
dra has already been developed, you sll have me
to make more accessible design and implementaon
choices. Color palees can be reviewed. Text
alternaves and presentaon methods can be
evaluated with assisve technology for barriers and
meaningful informaon. But any changes may be
harder to implement at this stage. Those who approve
the content may have already formed aachments to
the dra colors and methods. The best way to shi
senment at this stage is to provide soluons when
encountering barriers. In my career, I have experienced
overwhelmingly negave pushback when my
evaluaons only surfaced accessibility failures without
also providing soluons.
Starng at the Final Stage
Even if you are starng at the end, there is sll
hope for creang an accessible product. With many
visualizaons, you can slightly darken colors to meet
contrast thresholds, adjust alternate descripons
to be more meaningful, and modify tags or tag-only
content to present a beer user experience for those
using assisve technology. But taking these steps is
not always easy. Starng accessibility work aer the
project is fully developed is like baking an apple spice
cake for someone who doesn’t like apples and asking,
can’t you just take them out?”
Now that we’ve established that the earlier we
consider accessibility in our designs, the beer
they’ll be, let’s walk through some approaches,
both basic and complex, for creang accessible
visualizaons and PDFs.
The Basics
Several essays in this volume have discussed strategies
and tools to write sucient alt text for graphs
and images. The Web Accessibility Iniave—an
internaonal public-interest nonprot organizaon
working to develop standards for the web—has
established a basic approach for providing text that
describes nontext content such as images, charts, and
Although the Web Accessibility Iniave
technique suggests supplying short, meaningful
alternave descripons, that approach can leave a
substanal informaon gap between what a visual
reader can perceive and what is provided to people
who rely on alternave descripons or formats. Even
though the Web Accessibility Iniave does not
suggest a minimum or maximum length for alt text, the
most common approach is two to three meaningful
sentences about the key features or important data.
But how can we present a richer user experience?
How can we relay more than overviews and summaries
while providing an equitable user experience?
Again we must ask ourselves the driving queson
menoned earlier: What is the expected user
experience? This queson drives every decision we
make. Do we want to enable users to explore every
data point in a chart or graph? Do we want to explain
relaonships or tell stories?
The environment of the presentaon also maers.
In an HTML web page, we can use a variety of tools
to enable readers to interact with the visualizaon.
Image maps, JavaScript code, ARIA-described tags (see
Chapter 5), and long-descripon (“longdesc”) tags can
all be placed along an image on a webpage. In a PDF
document, we do not have access to the same HTML
tags, so we need to take dierent approaches.
Accessibility Tools & Terms
Some of the benets of presenng complex
nontext content in a PDF document
include the ability to use layers, content key
metadata, alt text, actual text, and gure
tags. Another unique benet is the ability to
maintain visual presentaon while providing
an alternave experience through assisve
technology. Tesng your approach with a
screen reader or other assisve technology
is key when applying any of these methods
to verify the technique provides a good user
experience (see Chapters 6 and 7).
Figure tag: A structural marker given to a
nontext object that idenes it and holds
addional programmac informaon about
locaon, content type, and other properes.
Content key: A property of the gure tag that
holds descripve text in accordance with PDF/
UA (Portable Document Format/Universal
Accessibility) requirements. However, this value
is not currently being voiced by JAWS (Job
Access with Speech) or NVDA (NonVisual
Desktop Access), two of the major screen
reader tools currently available.
Alt text: Alternave descripon that describes
the meaningful elements of a photo or graphic.
This text cannot be paused when being read. It
should be two to three meaningful sentences
and avoid excessive punctuaon.
Actual text: A one-to-one replacement for
images of text (e.g., “Sale.” for a photo of a
banner that says ‘SALE’).
Expansion text: Descripon metadata for
dening acronyms or abbreviaons. (e.g.,
“IAAP: Internaonal Associaon of
Accessibility Professionals”).
JAWS: A commercial screen reader used mainly
in professional environments.
NVDA: A free screen reader used worldwide.
The Four Basic Approaches to
Richer Infographics
In addion to alt text, the following four
approaches push the envelope for richer infographic
presentaons. I won’t show all of the steps to add or
edit these features, but these techniques can be a great
starng point for you and your team to consider when
building more accessible content into your PDFs.
1. Repurposing text labels for charts and graphs:
Accessible bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs should
include clear labels and data points for each meaningful
element in the series. If we keep these objects as
selectable text, we can target these elements as
headings inside the tags tree (indicated with blue arrows
in the next image) and apply “actual text” to include the
repeang axis informaon along with the actual data
value as shown in the “actual text” eld. This approach
allows the user to step through each data point at their
own pace. Giving the user control over how they review
the data is far beer than presenng them with a
generalized alternave text descripon that cannot be
paused for data-point review.
Alternavely, you can tag each bar as a gure and add
alt text that includes the data point, axis labels, and any
trends or meaningful correlaons visually present. You
can use the Content Panel in the PDF document to nd
each element and create a gure tag from each group.
Any axis labels can be repurposed as headings. The
main dierence of this approach would be that a person
using a screen reader would hear “graphic” for each
gure element before the alt text is read. Again, your
approach is dictated by the queson “What do I want
the user experience to be?”
2. Breaking up the pieces: If you are a graphic
designer, you should be familiar with the idea of
slicing. This is an older method of presenng large
graphics in web pages by cung the image into
several pieces that load more quickly on the site. In
a PDF document, you can use alt text to employ a
similar approach by presenng a series of images that
tell a sequenal story. The basic approach is to start
the series by introducing the series of graphs to the
reader. In the image below, the rst piece of alt text
might say, “The following nine graphics illustrate the
lifecycle of water. First, water evaporates from the
ocean heated by the sun’s rays.The number of slices
is dictated by the depicon of the graphic. Then we
apply appropriate alt text to each slice of the image to
describe the process or data values as needed.
As the content creator, you will need to gure out how
many separate thoughts are presented and ensure
that you have sliced your images into enough pieces
to tell the story. It is not crical that the visually
represented slices are perfectly limited to the elements
in the descripon. For screen reader users, the story
being presented needs to represent the correct
number of descripons to tell the visual story. But
there is a balance to consider for those using assisve
technology who also have sight. You should slice your
images in a way that considers the user might try to
draw correlaons between the slice and the associated
text. Be as close to logical as possible given the
complexity of your graphic.
3. Accessing Taggable or Live Content: This approach
is similar to how we selected the bars in the rst
approach. If we keep our graphic vector based (e.g., in
Adobe Illustrator or Encapsulated PostScript le
formats) and taggable, we can tell stories through
these elements using a combinaon of imagery,
symbols, and text rather than using a single raster-
based graphic (e.g., JPEG and PNG). Keeping elements
separate and taggable allows us to create accessible
experiences in the source document when using
programs like Adobe InDesign or by tagging them
individually in the PDF. How you tell the story is
important so the user can step through the elements
in a logical and meaningful way. This order will also
determine the tag order.
4. Using layers: One of the easiest ways to present a
text-based alternave experience is by using Adobe
Acrobat’s ability to layer content. This feature is
especially useful when we need to show things like
organizaonal charts, process trees, or other text-
heavy infographics.
The process of placing images on top of background
text allows the visual reader to have the experience
that they are used to and allows assisve technology
users to access structured, meaningful, accessible
descripons. This layered approach is especially
useful for organizaonal charts that can be presented
with nested lists and headings to mimic the visual
presentaon. With ow charts, for example, the text
equivalent can follow the same format.
If we evaluate the world map graphic on the following
page, we can see there are pin points all over the map,
making it essenally one big list. We could use the
accessible tagging approach (approach number three)
to tag the live content if the graphic were placed in
an Adobe Illustrator le. But if the graphic was a PNG
or JPG image le, then using layers might be our best
approach. We place a text-based list under (behind)
the map that is accessible to people using assisve
technology. This method is most easily implemented
when we have access to les where we can control
the ow of text. It is also possible to add this list using
Acrobat, but that process is much longer and requires
individually creang a series of List Item (<LI>) tags
and placing the text in each one.
Again, designing with accessibility in mind saves me
and presents a more informave user experience.
No maer which of the four soluons or combinaons
we use, the rst queson we must always ask of our
graphic is “What is the expected user experience?”
The answer will provide more clarity for the path
that is most appropriate for your situaon and your
content. The development of accessible infographics
hinges on the premise of designing with accessibility
in mind. The accessibility skill level of the remediator
must also be considered. Each approach has me and
skill consideraons that can aect your project. The
sooner you consider accessibility soluons, the beer
prepared you will be to implement your approach and
test the outcome against your desired experience.
Accessibility at the end”—where accessibility features
are tacked on at the end of the project rather than
throughout the enre workow—limits our creavity
and our ability to reach more readers and users.
Meeng the basic guidelines of the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines creates compliance, but
considering the user interacon pushes us closer to a
more equitable user experience for all. Our expected
outcome dictates our approach. Understanding what
we expect the user experience to be molds every
decision we make from that point forward. I am a
rm believer that infographic equity can be achieved.
Accessibility does not have to be ugly, and we can
create a good user experience with a lile planning.
First, we just need the answer to the ulmate
queson, “What do I want the user experience to be?”
Chapter Eight Notes
Mahew Pritchard, “Data Visualizaon vs. Infographics,” Infographics, Killer Visual Strategies News & Updates, Visual Communicaon
(blog), December 1, 2016, hps://on-versus-infographics.html.
“Tips and Tricks,” World Wide Web Consorum Web Accessibility Iniave, last updated April 12, 2017, hps://
Accessibility in Teams
and Organizaons
Best Pracces
Into Your
Data Visualizaon
Style Guidelines
Data visualizaon style guides oer the
potenal to build accessibility best pracces
into organizaonal workows and culture.
Organizaons, their designers, and their
content teams oen rely on style guides to
maintain brand consistency in terms of color, font,
feel, and visual style, but style guides are more
than just guidelines. They can set organizaonal
standards and funcon as tools for organizaonal
process change.
Although design style guides have typically focused on the
tradional aspects of a brand’s visual style, I and others have
argued that these guides should be extended to include rules
for data visualizaon as well, with a parcular focus on
accessible visualizaons.
Because style guides can establish standards for the content an
organizaon produces, they provide a powerful opportunity to
incorporate accessibility standards from the ground up. Including
a topic within a style guide signals importance and organizaonal
commitment. Because data visualizaon style guides detail standards
and pracces for every aspect of a visualizaon, such as colors,
fonts, visual encodings, and branding, these standards can ensure
producon visuals meet the highest standards of accessibility.
In previous work,
I dened data visualizaon style guides
as “standards for formang and designing representaons of
informaon, like charts, graphs, tables, and diagrams. They include
what (e.g., types of charts) and why (e.g., reasons for using specic
colors).Although style guides are disnct from templates, it is oen
common (and helpful) for organizaons to produce templates for the
tools they use to accompany the style guide (such as Excel, R, D3.js,
or Tableau). These templates can show how to create charts that
meet the standards set out in the guide and make it easy for people
to apply the standards.
Data visualizaon style guides should be designed to t within an
organizaon’s larger design system. Style guides maintain uniformity
across the dierent tools and soware that produce charts. An
organizaon’s charts should be consistent across tools and look
visually similar to the publicaons they are part of. Having a style
guide with principles and components that work across mulple
tools—rather than just one template for one tool—
helps achieve this consistency. Consistency builds
trust and ensures minimum quality standards are met.
From an accessibility standpoint, creang a data
visualizaon style guide allows an organizaon to
codify best pracces into their data visualizaon
design and producon workow. Accessible design
consideraons should be built into every aspect of
the style guide, including color selecon, typography,
line thickness, and the use of white space. It is also
appropriate for style guides to have a secon devoted
to addional accessibility measures beyond just visual
aspects. This secon can educate team members
about the importance of accessible design and the
ubiquity of users who benet from accessible design,
and it can provide tools such as alternave (alt) text
and Accessible Rich Internet Applicaon (ARIA) labels
to make designs work beer with screen readers and
other assisve devices.
Accessible Design Best Pracces
Data visualizaon style guides commonly include
secons devoted to dierent aesthecs, like color or
typography. In each of these, accessibility should be
considered and enumerated for team members as they
build and style their graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Oen when we talk about accessibility and color, we
talk about color blindness, parcularly deuteranopia,
also known as red-green color blindness, a condion
experienced by about 8 percent of men and
about 5 percent of women of northern European
The focus on color blindness to the
exclusion of other color accessibility consideraons
mirrors our collecve tendency to pay the most
aenon to problems that aect (usually white) men.
Although designing to accommodate color blind users
is certainly important, we can do more.
About 6 percent of the US populaon has some sort of
vision impairment. Thus, we should also consider the
needs of users with low vision, and we can do so
by ensuring there is enough contrast between
foreground and highlight colors and the chart
background color. Colors within a palee should also
be visually disnguishable from each other; this is a
parcular challenge when an organizaon has a large
color palee.
The contrast rao between foreground chart colors
and the chart background should be measured
according to the Graphical Objects and User Interface
Components standard from the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines and can be tested using a tool
such as WebAIM’s Contrast Checker tool. This tool
includes values for compliance based on guidelines
dened by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,
an internaonal group responsible for seng
guidelines for the web (see also the appendix to this
volume for a list of similar tools). Color blindness
checkers like the Coblis Color Blindness Simulator can
be used to test whether colors within a palee are too
similar for someone with color blindness. Larene Le
Gassick discusses a variety of other tools in Chapter 7,
and others are listed in the appendix at the end of
this volume.
Some colors have strongly associated social
meanings developed over repeated use. In US
polics, blue is strongly associated with Democrats,
and red with Republicans. Green means “go,
yellow means “cauon,” and red means “stop” or
“warning.” Style guide color selecon should be
conscious of, and work with rather than against,
these associaons. Using colors in a manner
inconsistent with exisng associaons increases the
cognive load on the viewer.
Praconers should either not use color pairings
or palees that have parcularly strong preexisng
associaons or should use these colors in alignment
with users’ expectaons. At the same me, some
exisng color associaons (e.g., blue for boys and pink
for girls) may be problemac because they reinforce
exisng stereotypes, so praconers should be
cauous about their usage.
On the next page is a brand-consistent color palee
I created for the Sunlight Foundaon that includes
consistent categorical colors for data we frequently
visualized (e.g., spending and polical party), which
played into exisng associaons.
When choosing brand-consistent palees for a
style guide, designers aempt to opmize for brand
recognion, visual disncveness, color vision
deciency friendliness, number of colors, contrast, and
any potenal implied or associated meanings of colors.
But one set of colors may not be capable of balancing
all those consideraons and achieving all those aims.
Instead, a set of palees within a style guide should
represent compromises across these consideraons
to meet the organizaon’s needs and the needs
of their users. Some palees might be beer than
others for achieving certain aims, and organizaons
can have several approved opons for designers to
choose from depending on the applicaon. A detailed
guide to colors in data visualizaon style guides by
Lisa Charloe Muth goes into further examples from
For some users, color will always pose a problem
even when we do our best to nd accessible palees.
Given the constraints that color presents, we should
consider how much we really want to ask colors to do
in our charts. Oen it can be helpful to “dual encode”
our data—that is, combine color and another shape
or texture to communicate the data. In a scaerplot,
points can be colored by a categorical variable and
have their shapes determined by that variable. Dual
encoding this way always increases accessibility and
makes a chart more readable to a wider audience. The
image on the following page, again from the Sunlight
Foundaon, provides an example of dual encoding in a
In line charts, instead of dual encoding, we use
direct labeling. Whenever possible, directly label a
chart’s lines, points of interest, or bars. This feature
tends to be more accessible and requires less work
from a reader than a chart legend, which requires the
user to look back and forth between the legend and
the chart area.
Similarly, a chart with mulple abung colors,
such as a stacked bar chart, can be dicult for a
vision-impaired user to process (see top of page 90).
Separang each of these color secons with a white
stroke is an easy way to provide visual disncveness
between secons, increasing contrast and accessibility.
Labeling and Typography
When wring the text for a chart, we need to consider
what we say and how we say it. The style guide
species how headings, subheadings, axis labels,
and legends should look and be wrien. Using plain
language goes a long way toward ensuring that the
broadest possible audience can understand a chart—
the Plain Wring Act of 2010 denes plain language
as “wring that is clear, concise, well-organized, and
follows other best pracces appropriate to the subject
or eld and intended audience.
Source: Sunlight Foundation, “Data Visualization Style Guidelines,” accessed October 13, 2022,
CMYK: 12, 24, 100, 0
RGB: 227, 186, 34
Hex: #E3BA22
CMYK: 27, 84, 96, 22
RGB: 154, 62, 37
Hex: #9A3E25
CMYK: 6, 9, 78, 0
RGB: 242, 218, 87
Hex: #F2DA57
RGB: 189, 143, 34
Hex: #BD8F22
CMYK: 25, 60, 69, 8
RGB: 179, 112, 85
Hex: #B37055
CMYK: 7, 57, 97, 1
RGB: 230, 132, 42
Hex: #E6842A
CMYK: 89, 52, 27, 6
RGB: 21, 107, 144
Hex: #E6842A
CMYK: 86, 35, 46, 10
RGB: 19, 123, 128
Hex: #137B80
CMYK: 58, 34, 73, 13
RGB: 112, 130, 89
Hex: #708259
CMYK: 48, 61, 28, 4
RGB: 142, 109, 138
Hex: #8E6C8A
CMYK: 18, 95, 98, 8
RGB: 189, 45, 40
Hex: #BD2D28
CMYK: 42, 38, 49, 4
RGB: 151, 143, 128
Hex: #978F80
CMYK: 84, 24, 60, 5
RGB: 15, 140, 121
Hex: #0F8C79
CMYK: 67, 30, 100, 13
RGB: 92, 129, 0
Hex: #5C8100
CMYK: 2, 31, 76, 0
RGB: 246, 182, 86
Hex: #F6B656
RGB: 186, 95, 6
Hex: #BA5F06
CMYK: 64, 38, 20, 1
RGB: 104, 139, 171
Hex: #688BAB
CMYK: 70, 17, 28, 0
RGB: 66, 165, 179
Hex: #42A5B3
RGB: 0, 93, 110
Hex: #005D6E
CMYK: 44, 27, 57, 2
RGB: 149, 161, 126
Hex: #95A17E
CMYK: 31, 42, 18, 0
RGB: 179, 150, 173
Hex: #B396AD
RGB: 104, 70, 100
Hex: #684664
CMYK: 6, 79, 80, 1
RGB: 226, 90, 66
Hex: #E25A42
CMYK: 25, 22, 32, 0
RGB: 193, 186, 169
Hex: #C1BAA9
RGB: 124, 113, 94
Hex: #7C715E
CMYK: 58, 5, 45, 0
RGB: 107, 187, 161
Hex: #6BBBA1
CMYK: 43, 12, 100, 0
RGB: 160, 183, 0
Hex: #A0B700
Main Colors
Specialty Colors
a thing
a subset of the thing
a subset of the thing
a subset of Republican
a different thing
another different thing
another different thing
neutral thing
Pro Money
a subset of the different thing
a subset of the different thing
a subset of Democrat
a subset of the other different thing
a subset of the other different thing
a subset of independent
a subset of the other different thing
a subset of the other different thing
a subset of Con
a subset of the neutral thing
a subset of the neutral thing
a subset of Pro a subset of Money
Data Colors
CMYK: 9, 8, 8, 0
RGB: 229, 226, 224
Hex: #E5E2E0
No Data
Source: Sunlight Foundation, “Data Visualization Style Guidelines,” accessed October 13, 2022,
Title of the chart
For explanatory text that’s not very long.
Y Axis Title
Label 1 Label 2 Label 3
X Axis Title
When to use a Scatter Plot
» Shows the relationship between two continuous
variables for your set of observations
» Each point in the plot represents an object.
» You can change color or symbol to show groups.
» Sometimes it is nice to show a trend line
Your data should look like:
variable 1 variable 2
7.560309668 48.87193277
8.569477057 57.70873996
5.178854559 35.50990599
5.044602676 31.94896911
7.629095533 49.76954493
6.631379 46.66529366
7.035723733 45.68632108
8.152163624 57.46279438
FirstName LastName
Scatter Plot (multi variable)
Possible Key:
Fill: Background dark
Accent (#E5E2E0)
Line: Line Grey
Change both color
and shape if possible
(helps with sight
A data visualizaon style guide should provide
guidance on how to use labels, tles, and legends
eecvely, and it should detail the most readable
fonts, sizes, and spacings. For maximum accessibility,
charts should include “takeaway tles”
succinctly communicate the main takeaway of the
visualizaon. By telling viewers what you want them
to get out of a chart, you prepare them to view the
chart with that in mind, decreasing the cognive load
required to understand the data presented. Titles
should be pitched to the level of the chart’s intended
audience, communicang ndings in terms familiar to
them. Subtles or footers can be used to provide more
technical details if necessary for accuracy.
In terms of visual design, typography needs to be
large enough and have high enough contrast relave
to the background to serve low-vision populaons.
For maximum legibility, the number of dierent fonts
used should be kept to a minimum—the chart should
be the focus rather than the fonts. Across charts, be
consistent with fonts as well as the sizing of tles,
labels, and legends; this will maintain brand identy
and ensure all charts produced by an organizaon
are readable.
Historically, sans-serif fonts (meaning leerforms
that do not have extending features at the ends) have
been considered easier to read on computer screens
because of low screen resoluons. Now that high-
quality screens are more common, that thinking is less
true. Current evidence on font readability is mixed
and suggests there is not a universally accessible font.
Rather, font readability depends on the individual
and the kind of disability they have. In this context,
I suggest choosing relavely simple and common
fonts and to use few font families in the same chart.
Condensed fonts are oen useful in data visualizaon
applicaons where space is limited, but their compact
nature can hinder vision-impaired users.
In general, the most important consideraons for
text on charts are maximally informave content and
appropriate spacing, size, and contrast. Rather than
leaving these selecons to ad-hoc decisions made for
each individual chart design process, data visualizaon
style guides set up rules for funconal and accessible
chart text.
Layout and Style
A style guide should include layout instrucons that
specify the spacing between chart area, legends,
tles, axis labels, footer, the organizaon’s logo,
and any other visual features that go on a typical
chart. Overcrowding can be a serious impediment to
readability because charts that are cluered are more
dicult for users with visual or cognive impairments.
Unnecessary cluer increases cognive load, and
insucient spacing between items may cause them
to bleed together when viewed by those with vision
impairments. By prespecifying the spacing of elements
in a chart, every chart will be more consistent,
readable, and accessible.
Accessibility Secon
Although accessibility should be built into the design
choices throughout the style guide, an accessibility-
specic secon should also be included. Here, you
can provide specic instrucons on how to write alt
text for data visualizaons and how to include alt
text in whatever publicaon formats will be used for
distribuon (see Chapters 4 and 8 of this volume
for strategies).
This secon should also discuss the reasons that
accessibility is an important consideraon. When
charts are made with accessibility in mind, they are
beer and useful for everyone, not only for people
with disabilies.
Accessibility-Specic Addions
Thoughul visual design with accessibility in mind
is a good start, but it is not enough on its own.
Addions need to be made to improve accessibility
for screen readers. These addions also improve
general computer readability (including search engine
opmizaon, making your content more easily found
through web searches).
Alt Text
Alt text provides a descripon of stac-image charts
in digital mediums and is added as a tag on the image.
Organizaons should dene how to add this tag for
their content and what should be included in it to help
people understand the content of the chart.
WebAIM, a group housed at Utah State University,
explains that alt text allows the content and funcon
of the image to be accessible to those with visual or
certain cognive disabilies. They also add that alt
text provides a semanc meaning and descripon to
images that can be read by search engines or be used
to later determine the content of the image from the
page context alone.
As I have wrien for the Nighngale blog,
If an image contains meaningful informaon,
adding alt text is beer than not doing
anything at all.
If you can add HTML properes to the image,
add a long descripon
to more fully convey the
image’s meaning.
Supplement your image with a link to the raw
data so curious readers can access the data in
their preferred program.
Keep alt text short. Alt text is read linearly by
screen readers, which means that people can’t go
back a word if they miss something. For search
engine opmizaon purposes, Google cuts o its
crawl aer a certain number of characters.
Alt text for data visualizaon can follow the
following format:
ARIA Labels
ARIA labels can be applied to interacve visualizaons
to help users understand the data elements being
WebAIM says, “WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet
Applicaons or ARIA) is a W3C [World Wide Web
Consorum] specicaon for enhancing accessibility
in ways that plain HTML cannot. When used properly,
ARIA can
enhance accessibility of interacve controls, such
as tree menus, sliders, pop-ups, etc.,
dene helpful landmarks for page structure,
dene dynamically-updated ‘live regions,
improve keyboard accessibility and interacvity,
and much more.
For more informaon on how to properly use ARIA
labels and apply them to data visualizaon, see
Chapter 5 of this volume.
So far, I have menoned and linked to several useful
tesng tools, specically for colorblindness and
contrast tesng. When designing a style guide, all
palees and templates should be pretested using
these tools so people don’t need to redo that work
every me they make a chart. But another type of
tesng, user tesng, is the best step an organizaon
can take to make more eecve and accessible charts.
The more inclusive that user tesng is, the beer: user
tesng with people with disabilies is a best pracce
for building accessible charts. However, ensure a basic
level of accessibility is in place before engaging in user
tesng—don’t present a product that is completely
nonfunconal on screen readers to your screen-
reader testers and expect them to provide meaningful
By geng the charts in front of the intended users
before publicaon, you can see which aesthecs and
mappings are confusing, which labels are ineecve,
and which interacons are lost. More tesng is beer,
but incorporang people with disabilies into the
building and tesng process is best. Watching a user
with a screen reader try (and probably fail) to paginate
across elements in your online, interacve chart will
tell you a lot about what you need to be doing beer.
Working with designers who are colorblind, are vision
impaired, or use assisve technology will help ensure
that you build the most accessible products you can.
Many organizaons and consultancies, such as Fable
or Knowability,
are equipped to help with this work.
Unfortunately, not all projects have the scope and
budget to hire experts or pay user testers. But you
shouldn’t give up on user tesng. Doing some tesng
is beer than doing no tesng, and the former can
be as easy as asking a coworker or friend to give
your product a try. This process, having a handful of
users test something for a limited amount of me, is
somemes called “guerilla tesng.
A style guide is not useful if no one at the organizaon
uses it. People have to know about it and nd benet
from using it. If the style guide is seen as a burden and
its value isn’t clear, it will be ignored and forgoen.
Involving people from several parts of the organizaon
in the creaon of a style guide can increase its
adopon. If people are involved in building it, they
will feel some ownership over it and champion it to
their departments. You will also get a larger variety
of perspecves and users, which will make the guide
more robust and inclusive. I recommend beginning
the data visualizaon style guide process with a series
of informaonal interviews with chart creators and
consumers throughout the organizaon to idenfy the
organizaonal needs the style guide will serve and to
engage people across the organizaon in craing a
product that makes their jobs easier.
If the style guide is followed by much of the
organizaon, the charts and graphs created using it
should be more accessible. Templates based on the
best pracces from the guide and available for several
dierent applicaons the organizaon uses can help
improve eciency and adopon.
Training can also increase style guide adopon, and it
involves a two-pronged approach that reaches both
new and exisng employees. When new employees
join the organizaon, they should be trained on
using the style guide and templates. If they learn to
use these resources when they start, they are much
more likely do so consistently. From the beginning, an
organizaon should emphasize accessibility and why it
is important.
However, onboarding is oen overwhelming, and
the company and style guide will evolve over me.
Oering ongoing advanced or refresher training on
best pracces allows people to stay current on the
style guide or catch informaon at mes when they
actually need it. Ongoing trainings also allow current
employees to stay in the know and to ask quesons
about how to apply the guide to specic use cases.
The guide needs to work for them and provide a
conversaon rather than a mandate.
Persuade and Adapt
Some people will proacvely seek out ways to use a
data visualizaon style guide. These people should be
rewarded and highlighted as good examples.
It is also helpful to look at where charts are not
working or why creators are not using the templates
and style guide. Maybe they don’t know about them or
how to use them. Or maybe the guide doesn’t work for
them, which would suggest a need to tailor or adapt
its recommendaons to t their needs. Such cases
present an opportunity to expand the guide and dene
a new use case to increase adopon.
Culture of Data Viz and Accessibility
Creang a culture of talking about data visualizaon
and accessibility (together and separately) will increase
awareness and knowledge in the organizaon.
Creang conversaons about current accessibility
pracces will increase awareness and bring it to mind
as a relevant topic for content creators. Sharing good
examples from inside and outside the organizaon can
further these conversaons.
Both the accessibility and data visualizaon
communies are extremely acve, with speakers
on this topic at events and conferences. The Data
Visualizaon Society has an annual conference,
Outlier, which includes talks on accessibility. The
society also has a calendar of events that includes
discussions of accessibility. Deque, a soware
accessibility company, hosts an annual conference,
Axe-Con, which includes talks about data visualizaon.
Creang a culture where data visualizaon and
accessibility are topics discussed promotes connuous
learning and encourages people to keep up with
current standards.
Style guides are a crical rst step toward
maintaining this culture of connuous learning. As
data visualizaon professionals, it is imperave that
our work be accessible for all people, and having
consistent standards that include accessibility best
pracces can help us achieve those goals. Accessible
charts tend to be beer charts. They are easier to
read for everyone—they have colors that stand out,
communicate their meaning, and don’t confuse
readers. They are not too cluered, the text is easily
understood, and they don’t place undue cognive
burden on the readers. They can be read in mulple
ways, such as on a screen or with a screen reader.
When we design accessibly, we design for broad
impact, so as many people as possible can engage with
our work. An eecve style guide helps us front-load
the design work and lets us set standards for how we
want to manage the trade-os necessary to build the
best, most accessible visualizaons we can.
Chapter Nine Notes
Amy Cesal, “What Are Data Visualizaon Style Guidelines?” Nighngale Journal of the Data Visualizaon Society (Medium blog), July 10,
2019, hps://ngale/style-guidelines-92ebe166addc.
Bang Wong, “Color Blindness,” Nature Methods 8, no. 6 (2011): 441. hps://cles/nmeth.1618.pdf.
“Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1,”, accessed October 13, 2022, hps:// See also
“Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.11: Non-Text Contrast,”, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://
“Contrast Checker,” WebAIM, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://
“Coblis —Color Blindness Simulator,” Colblindor, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://
Lisa Charloe Muth, “An Alternave to Pink & Blue: Colors for Gender Data,” Datawrapper Blog, July 10, 2018, hps://blog.datawrapper.
Lisa Charloe Muth, “A Detailed Guide to Colors in Data Vis Style Guides,” Datawrapper Blog, March 30, 2022, hps://blog.datawrapper.
Plain Wring Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111 – 274, 124 Stat. 2861–63 (2010). hps://
Cole Nussbaumer Knaic, “So What?” Storytelling with Data blog, March 23, 2017, hps://
Alternave Text,” WebAIM, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://ext/.
Amy Cesal, “Wring Alt Text for Data Visualizaons” Nighngale Journal of the Data Visualizaon Society (Medium blog), July 23, 2020,
“Complex Images — Long Descripons,, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://
“Introducon to ARIAAccessible Rich Internet Applicaons,” WebAIM, last updated June 30, 2020, hps://
Accessibility Testers,” Fable, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://makei; “Usability Tesng with People with
Disabilies,” Knowability, accessed October 13, 2022, hps://ng.
Guy Ligertwood, “Guerilla Tesng: Hallway Usability Tests for UX,” Adobe XD Ideas, April 15, 2020, hps://
Ben Charto, “Urban Instute’s Data Visualizaon Style Guide: A Living Document,” Data@Urban (Urban Instute Medium blog), March
19, 2018, hps://urban-instutes-data-visualizaon-style-guide-a-living-document-b90710702a9f.
Barriers to Data
Accessibility in
As a new soware developer in city government,
I was tasked with making the city’s public-facing
dashboards accessible. Up to that point, all
the technical documentaon I had needed as
an engineer had been easily discoverable in a
web search. So I was ummoxed to nd almost
nothing about data visualizaon accessibility.
Aer weeks of reading blog posts, the “talk” secons of wikis, and
comments on coding forums, I hesitantly implemented automated
text labels and keyboard navigaon paerns. I was never able to
secure funding to conduct usability research, nor was I successful
in any eorts to partner with local disability advocacy groups to
formalize a government technology advisory council.
Although my work was experimental and incomplete, it helped
me connect with expert praconers from whom I have learned a
great deal. Knowing how hard it had been for me to nd resources,
I proacvely shared new accessible data visualizaon guidance
that I learned about and volunteered implementaon support
to colleagues in government technology. I assumed that people
drawn together by mission-driven work would be excited to make
democracy more inclusive and that the only thing holding them back
was a lack of informaon.
Unfortunately, I was wrong. Fellow tech workers consistently told me
that accessibility was an edge case that only aected a few people,
that it didn’t maer because dashboards weren’t public facing, that
the client hadn’t asked us to work on accessible data visualizaon,
or that we would address accessibility problems “aer we are done
building the product.” Even though I had the informaon readily
available, that wasn’t enough to make people value, understand, or
apply it.
In retrospect, I should have known beer. Despite the many web
accessibility resources and trainings available, most websites sll
have easily remedied problems.
And although large employers like
governments, banks, and universies have accessibility mandates,
computer science programs and coding bootcamps consistently
fail to teach accessibility. It’s no wonder that a developer fresh out
of college rolled their eyes when I pointed out basic accessibility
problems in a code review.
Making informaon available about data visualizaon
accessibility is a crucial rst step. Connecng a
community of praconers to build on one another’s
ideas is the next. To get government agencies to adopt
new pracces, we need to also recognize and address
the nontechnical barriers that public servants and
vendors face in implementaon.
Why Work on Data Accessibility in Government?
Public infrastructure shapes our lives for beer or for
worse. The placement of an urban highway can cut o
a neighborhood from economic opportunity. A road
widened to facilitate the ow of trac may preclude
kids from walking safely to school. Conversely, a
reliable bus system allows people to drive less, leading
to less congeson and demand for parking. And a wide
enough sidewalk with adequate room for both people
and trees can alleviate urban heat while sll making
room for strollers and wheelchairs.
Public infrastructure is not an inevitable natural
landscape, but the result of design choices made by
people. Human beliefs and biases inuence whose
needs are priorized and what kind of infrastructure
receives funding or support. People in power design
processes determining who can provide input or
make decisions. Public meengs held during the
day may exclude people with day jobs from showing
support for city iniaves. Input processes that
happen only in person could exclude people who are
immunocompromised. And state laws that require
cies nofy homeowners, but not renters, of public
meengs for proposed large-scale developments might
amplify the voices of wealthier people.
Modern public infrastructure includes more than
roads and buildings. Soware has become an integral
part of the built environment and makes our lifestyles
possible. And just as urban designers shape wealth
inequality, public safety, climate change, and mobility,
soware designers can create access or inequality
in the digital world. Biases and power dynamics
inuence every aspect of technology, such as who
may be encouraged to pursue an engineering career,
which pitches receive funding, or which projects are
priorized within a company.
Design decisions that prevent people with disabilies
from having equal access are ubiquitous in technology.
The 2022 WebAIM Million report evaluated the
top million websites using an automated test for
compliance with the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines, or WCAG. Errors were detected on 96.8
percent of pages, with an average of 50.8 errors per
[2] -
And, as demonstrated in 2017 by the Gov.UK
web team,
automated tests can only ag the types
of issues that are easiest for engineers to nd and
remedy, so there were likely many more errors present
than those found. The prevalence of automacally
detectable WCAG compliance errors indicates a much
deeper problem with the usability of the web.
The visual representaon of informaon in charts,
graphs, and diagrams is one area where undetectable
issues oen arise: the use of red and green to
disnguish categories in a stacked bar chart; a toolp
that is shown on mouse hover but is not operable by
keyboard; design soware that requires hardware
keyboard commands to operate but is incompable
with on-screen keyboards; or maps that use images
and textures to convey informaon not otherwise
available to people who are visually impaired or blind.
All of these issues can create inequitable experiences.
Although government is mandated to serve all people
equitably, “the state is embedded in and enmeshed
with civil society, not apart from or above it.
soware industry’s proliferaon of visual tools with
accessibility problems cannot be separated from its
impact on government. As bureaucracy is digized,
data are generated by each process and transacon.
Governments use tools built by private companies to
collect, analyze, and visualize data. In turn, government
data analysts help monitor service performance,
inform policy changes, and share informaon with the
public. Programmers and analysts generate reports and
build dashboards for elected ocials, agency leaders,
city managers, and the general public. People whose
access needs are not considered in data analysis and
communicaon are excluded from these bureaucrac
and democrac processes.
Public administraon scholars coined the term
“administrave discreon” to describe the way
public workers unocially shape policy through
implementaon decisions, which can even be
weaponized to advance polical agendas.
elected ocials and public workers, others who
wield power in government include nonprots that
deliver public services or receive grant funding, and
private companies contracted to work on behalf of
government. It is necessary, then, to ensure these
means of exercising polical power beyond elected
representaon are accessible too. Work toward
accessible data visualizaons in government should
not be limited to public-facing dashboards and reports;
rather, it should include all tools used in governments
and organizaons that work with governments.
For government to represent all the people it serves,
it must make the informaon and systems that
facilitate parcipaon in governance available to
everyone. And for a government to generate inclusive
public infrastructure, it must also use accessible
digital infrastructure to support its operaons and
decisionmaking processes.
Implementaon Barriers
Although ocial guidance is lacking, many
informaonal resources created by data visualizaon
accessibility praconers have begun to form a body
of knowledge that can support anyone looking for
technical advice. However, building for accessibility
necessitates resources in the form of not just
informaon but also support from colleagues, public
leaders, and private-sector partners.
Ambiguity and a Lack of Standards for Accessibility
The current version of WCAG covers some data
visualizaon topics, including color, keyboard
interacvity, animaon, and text alternaves to
images. But the applicaon of WCAG guidance is
ambiguous when it comes to even simple interacve
charts, let alone complex collaborave design
interfaces. In cases where the visual is a stac image
secondary to the rest of the content, a text alternave
might be enough to oer a comparable experience (see
Chapters 4 and 8 in this volume for some guidance).
However, the proliferaon of interacve dashboards,
maps, and other tools with visual interfaces make it
both necessary and possible to nd novel ways to
build inclusively.
Thanks to a robust community of thoughul
praconers, nding examples and advice is now
easier than ever. Individuals and organizaons are
publishing code snippets, essays, and documentaon
to help others build accessible data visualizaon. The
Data Visualizaon Society incorporated accessibility
as a category on which a visualizaon can be judged in
their design contests. But the lack of formal standards
sll holds back progress on data visualizaon
accessibility in government.
First, the ambiguity of WCAG’s applicability to data
visualizaon leaves room for interpretaon in an
environment where experimentaon is frowned
upon. At the federal level, where Secon 508 (see
the Secon 508 box on the next page) incorporates
WCAG by reference, should only keyboard-navigable
dashboard tools be used, or are text alternaves
acceptable? How should a topographical map, a
Sankey diagram, or a scaerplot be described in text?
In local government, where WCAG is not mandated
but the less-specic Americans with Disabilies Act
sll applies, to what standards should vendors be
held? In the context of government, where the quality
of technology is measured more by its track record
of stability than by its future potenal, workers and
vendors are likely to err on the conservave side and
follow precedent. For data visualizaon, this recence
may mean providing a text alternave rather than
trying to follow new, informal data visualizaon advice.
Secon 508
Secon 508 of the Rehabilitaon Act of
1973 (later amended by addional laws) is
one of several federal disability laws. Secon
508 requires federal agencies to “develop,
procure, maintain, and use informaon
and communicaons technology (ICT) that
is accessible to people with disabilies—
regardless of whether or not they work for
the federal government.
This requirement
extends to websites, user guides for soware
and tools, online training, webinars and
teleconferencing, PDF documents, and more.
The requirements of Secon 508 have
been updated several mes to beer align
with modern technology and internaonal
standards. Today, Secon 508 incorporates
WCAG 2.0 by reference. Although these
guidelines do not apply to private-sector
businesses, the federal government must
ensure that it procures only 508-compliant
soware from the private sector.
Second, it takes more resources to start from scratch
than it does to start with standards. Even when
starng from blog posts, research papers, and YouTube
videos about a topic, an individual visualizaon creator
must put in hours of eort just to learn enough to
discern which advice to follow. In the absence of clear
consensus, they may end up reinvenng the wheel and
creang their own accessibility paerns, even though
established paerns have already begun to emerge
across dierent visualizaon tools. Although following
rules is never a replacement for usability research,
building on the experience of others can allow
developers to focus government’s exceedingly scarce
resources where they can make a larger impact.
Lastly, standards allow governments to convey
accessibility expectaons to vendors. WCAG
compliance is a convenient shorthand to include in
agreements with soware companies. It is easy to
look for on a website, ask about by email, or write into
a contract. In the absence of standards to reference,
a government might ask for accessibility in such a
vague way that any agreement is unenforceable. Or
requesng accessibility without referencing standards
may require so much prior knowledge of technical
implementaon that doing so is not feasible for
nontechnical government workers.
Referencing WCAG standards in Secon 508 for the
federal government did not magically change culture,
funding, or entrenched legacy soware overnight. The
(gargantuan, unnished) project of improving federal
web accessibility has taken this mandate, as well as
a corps of digital services professionals movated
by a shared dream of high-quality public services,
and a generaon of disability rights acvists holding
government accountable. Neither can we expect data
visualizaon standards to accomplish any miracles.
But working a clearer mandate into exisng digital
accessibility guidelines, especially for simpler cases,
would give public employees a place to start.
Limited Resources Are Subject to Power
Dynamics and Diusion of Responsibility
Even if clear standards for data visualizaon existed
and were mandated by law, enforcing them would
sll be a separate maer. Whose responsibility is it
to ensure that government data visualizaons are
accessible, and what support might they have?
An individual government worker who wants to
make their data visualizaon work accessible might
face limitaons. Analysts may not have the training
or funding to learn how to create accessible data
visualizaons. Most government soware users,
including creators of documents, presentaons, PDFs,
web content editors, and data visualizaons, are not
trained in accessibility.
Even those who are experts in data visualizaon
accessibility may sll be stymied by the limitaons
of the tools they are using. Most stascal soware
limits control over data presentaon to minor choices
like graph type, color, and axis labels (see, e.g., Chapter
5). If an analyst has the freedom to choose dierent
soware, they may not have the me or capability
to evaluate the comparave accessibility of dierent
tools. And many analysts, especially in government,
are restricted in their choice of tools to whatever their
predecessors chose (or whatever the organizaon
procured) long ago.
Analysts are also limited in their choice of tools by
what is available from the private sector. Custom
soware is so me consuming and expensive that it is
usually only jusable for a highly specialized product
that will serve many users, a product that will need
to be changed frequently, or small projects. For most
products that are commercially available, including
soware for word processing, email, spreadsheets,
and stascs, a government or agency could never
hire enough engineers to come close to Google or
Microso’s economy of scale. Instead, governments
use the soware products that technology companies
choose to make. If private-sector companies do not
make their products accessible, government workers
who use these tools in turn are restricted in their
accessibility eorts.
Although most data visualizaons in government
are generated by stascal soware procured from
the private sector, some are custom made by front-
end soware engineers. Because engineers have a
greater degree of control over the appearance and
funconality of their visualizaons, they can more
easily implement accessibility recommendaons.
But having a greater degree of freedom in technical
choices does not always mean having more control
over one’s work environment.
Engineers whose tasks are set by a project manager
may have very lile say in priorizaon. An engineer
with autonomy in choosing day-to-day tasks may sll
be stuck in a “work order” paradigm within a siloed
IT department, where they receive full project plans
and deadlines from another department with no
opportunity to collaboravely plan for what kind of
work a project requires. Finding support to learn
about accessibility, write paerns, and conduct
usability research can be hard if the people in power
have lile understanding or paence for the behind-
the-scenes work necessary to maintain high-quality
technical products. These limitaons exist in and
outside of government.
Many soware companies employ user researchers
and designers to understand what end users need,
communicate these needs to engineers, and conduct
usability tesng. Design and research are crucial
for building soware that is not just compliant with
accessibility and business requirements but also
usable. Unfortunately, design and research roles are
sll uncommon on government teams. Instead, many
government systems are “designed” by an engineer
who interprets business requirements from an agency
director. The system may be evaluated by domain
experts in government but never tested with the
people who will have to use the system. An engineer
in such an environment might not have the skills
or permission to engage members of the public in
usability research on their own. The result is systems
that make sense only to the people who build them.
Individual public workers may not have the authority
to priorize data visualizaon accessibility or have
access to the tools or resources needed to create
more accessible work. In these cases, people who hold
posions of power may clear the path.
Because most soware is purchased and not built
in-house, the single most eecve way to work
on data visualizaon in government is to procure
accessible products. For o-the-shelf products that
are not specic to government, accessibility may be
a last priority, because private companies are not
held to any specic standard for digital accessibility.
For specialized needs where a company might only
serve government clients (e.g., a maker of perming
soware), governments can only choose from few
alternaves. The same can be said of domains
where a few large companies dominate, like cloud
infrastructure or spreadsheets. Finding an accessible
product can be challenging or impossible.
One might assume that custom soware would be
beer because it is tailored to meet the client’s needs.
But building custom soware comes with the huge
risk of sinking large amounts of money, which cannot
be recovered, into projects that are either never
delivered or poorly delivered. And regardless of how
many opons exist or how bad a custom system is,
the cost and me commitment required to switch
soware systems is prohibively high. A government
may be stuck with a newly procured product riddled
with accessibility problems for years unl they can
aord to replace it. Vendors of o-the-shelf and
custom soware hold a lot of power because of
these transacon costs associated with soware
Vendors also hold power in relaonships with
governments because of informaon asymmetry.
Many public managers do not have the knowledge or
experse to demand or enforce digital accessibility.
The silos and red tape of bureaucracy may keep
them from collaborang with engineers and
analysts to develop specic, aconable
requirements for contracts.
Governments can exercise the power they do have.
A well-intenoned vendor may worry that data
visualizaon accessibility or usability research for
accessibility are beyond the scope of a contract,
especially because data visualizaon accessibility
requirements are not spelled out in WCAG, Secon
508, or the Americans with Disabilies Act. To address
some of these barriers, governments can specify data
visualizaon accessibility requirements in requests
for proposals and contracts in addion to WCAG
compliance, allocate me and funding in custom
soware projects for accessibility usability research,
and ask vendors about how they work on accessibility
and whether internal tools and data visualizaon
are included.
Bias about Who Works, Holds Power,
and Makes Decisions
In spring 2022, I interviewed for a front-end
development job with the cofounder of a
cybersecurity startup. He told me that they had
many federal agencies as clients. Because I had
previously worked on dashboards for a cybersecurity
startup, I understood that most of the data
visualizaon work would be internally facing, to
be used primarily by IT workers in government and
managers to monitor and respond to cybersecurity
incidents. I was sll excited: using accessible internal
tools in government can make it easier to hire people
with disabilies into posions of power and thereby
build a representave bureaucracy.
When it came me for me to ask quesons, I asked
how they approach building accessible dashboards.
He said, “We don’t really worry about accessibility.
Secon 508 doesn’t apply to cybersecurity.” He
seemed shocked when I told him I would not connue
the interview process because I was disappointed
that they knowingly exclude people with disabilies
from federal employment. I was shocked that he was
shocked. What made him assume that no person with
a disability would ever hold a job in government and
need to use his product?
This cofounder is not alone in his beliefs that
accessibility is only relevant for public-facing
projects and does not extend to internal tools.
Most government technology companies do not
evaluate internal tools for accessibility, even if they
have a social impact mission and push for inclusivity
in the products they build for others. These companies
assume people with disabilies might be the recipients
of services, but not colleagues or decisionmakers
who will need to fully parcipate in design processes,
incident response, or project planning.
These beliefs indicate unexamined ableist assumpons
about who can or should hold power. When people
are separated into those “doing” and those “receiving,
exisng disparies in representaon in government
create a feedback loop of exclusion. Workers in
environments with accessibility barriers believe
they have no colleagues with disabilies and choose
internal tools with accessibility problems. Internal tools
become crucial parts of jobs and public processes.
People with disabilies are prevented from working
or parcipang in government and advocang for
themselves from the inside.
Cultural and instuonal factors can make it hard to
implement accessible data visualizaon pracces in
government. But an individual can sll strive, within
the context of their role and skill set, to inuence their
organizaon for the beer.
It is no accident that tech industry tools and ways of
working are being imported into government. In the
past decade, several organizaons and fellowships
(e.g., US Digital Service, US Digital Response, Oce
18F in the General Services Administraon, the
Presidenal Innovaon Fellowship, Tech Congress,
Code for America, and the Tech Talent Project) have
sprung up to recruit tech workers from Silicon Valley to
bring their experience to bear on our most challenging
public problems. Amazon, Microso, Google, GitHub,
and other tech companies have eagerly onboarded
customers and launched iniaves to digize and
modernize public services. Universies are scrambling
to rework their master of public administraon
programs to include more digital governance skills.
Many of these eorts have created more reliable
digital services, cleaner interfaces, and smoother
interacons with governments. But technological
change, if not led by the public service values of
equity, democracy, parcipaon, representaon, and
transparency, can create a tangled knot of inaccessible
infrastructure that cannot be unbuilt. Unchecked
proliferaon of inaccessible external and internal visual
tools in government decisionmaking processes will
perpetuate a cycle of exclusion.
Public leaders, workers, and communies can
migate this potenally negave impact. For large
procurements, explicitly naming accessibility as
a requirement for not only public-facing projects
but also internal tools can go a long way. Vendors
building custom soware should also be required to
meet a standard of accessibility that goes beyond
mere compliance, toward usability and inclusion. To
handle smaller-value soware acquisions under the
procurement threshold where an individual public
servant might exercise discreon, governments should
evaluate and recommend accessible products in
advance for common needs.
But procuring accessible soware will not be
enough. Even tools built to be accessible can create
documents, dashboards, and other work products
with accessibility problems. Governments also need to
create accessibility policies and provide internal, job-
specic training. Accessibility is the responsibility of
everyone in an organizaon who uses digital tools.
The disability rights movement has been clear from the
start that people with disabilies should lead the way:
“nothing about us without us” has been a common
mantra since the 1990s. Building inclusive public
instuons that serve everyone equitably requires that
our technical tools support people with disabilies
not just as end users, but as polical leaders,
decisionmakers, parcipants in public discourse, and
public workers in a representave bureaucracy.
Chapter Nine Notes
“The WebAIM Million Report,” WebAIM, last updated March 31, 2022, hps://
“The WebAIM Million Report,” WebAIM, last updated March 31, 2022, hps://
Mehmet Duran, “What We Found When We Tested Tools on the World’s Least-Accessible Webpage,Accessibility in Government blog,
Gov.UK, February 24, 2017, hps://
Kelly Campbell Rawlings and Thomas Catlaw, “Democracy As a Way of Life,” in Government Is Us 2.0, ed. Cheryl Simrell King (New York:
Routledge, 2011), 31.
Pamela Herd and Donald P. Moynihan, Administrave Burden: Policymaking by Other Means (New York: Russell Sage Foundaon, 2019).
“What Is Secon 508?”, last updated January 18, 2022, hps://on-508.
Appendix: Accessibility Tools and Resources
This technical appendix provides curated lists of screen readers, color tools, accessibility remediaon rms
and plaorms, and other resources for accessibility guidelines. These lists are not comprehensive, and they are
likely to change as more tools are developed and published. The lists do not constute an endorsement of any
parcular tool or service. We hope these lists can help readers explore the tools available that will enable them
to create beer, accessible data and data visualizaon products.
Accessibility Guidelines
Chartability. Developed by Frank Elavsky (see Chapter 2), Chartability is a set of testable quesons that seek
to ensure data visualizaons, systems, and interfaces are accessible. Chartability is organized into principles
with testable criteria and focused on creang an inclusive data experience for people with disabilies. hps://
Sec Commonly referred to as simply “508 compliance,” Secon 508 of the Rehabilitaon Act of
1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794d), and amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220), requires federal
agencies to develop, procure, maintain, and use informaon and communicaons technology that is accessible
to people with disabilies. The US General Services Administraon is the federal agency responsible for
providing technical assistance to other agencies to ensure Secon 508 compliance requirements are correctly
put in place. hps://www.sec
US Environmental Protecon Agency. The EPA provides a succinct introducon to the guidelines and
requirements set forth under Secon 508. hps://on-508
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The Web Accessibility Iniave hosts the WCAG guidelines,
which explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilies. hps://
Screen Readers
JAWS. The Job Access With Speech (JAWS) screen reader provides speech and Braille output for many major
computer programs including Microso Oce, Google Docs, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and more. JAWS only
works on Windows computers. A single license for an individual user is currently $95 a year. hps://support.
Narrator. Narrator is a screen reader tool built into the Windows 11 operang system. It has some limitaons
with some browser tools and web applicaons. hps://support.microso.com/en-us/windows/complete-guide-
NVDA. NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is a free and open-source screen reader that supports major soware
programs and is oen compared with JAWS. As with JAWS, NVDA works only on computers running the
Windows operang system. hps://
VoiceOver on iOS. This screen reader is built into the iOS operang system on iPhones and iPads. hps://ce-voiceover-iph3e2e415f/ios
VoiceOver on macOS. This screen reader is built into the Mac operang system. It has a steeper learning curve
than some of the other tools on this list, but it also has more than 30 languages available. hps://
TalkBack. The internal accessibility tool for Android users, the TalkBack screen reader speaks text and
image content on the screen. hps://
Emacspeak The Complete Audio Desktop. This is a free screen reader tool that works in the emacs editor on
Linux and OS X operang systems. Support is provided for interacng for many types of Internet media and is
used by programmers and researchers. hps://
Color Checkers
Accessibility Scanner. Accessibility Scanner is an Android app that suggests improvements such as enlarging
small touch targets, increasing contrast, and providing content descripons. hps://
Adobe Color Contrast Checker. Associated with Adobe’s Color tool (hps://,
this contrast checker lets users input and adjust foreground and background colors and see contrast rao scores
per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. hps://
Color Contrast Analyzer. A downloadable tool (available for Windows PCs and Macs) that uses the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines and a color vision deciency simulator to check color contrast.
Color Contrast App. A mobile accessibility checker designed for the iPad (iOS) that lets you test colors of
apps, websites, or screenshots using an eyedropper tool. hps://
Color Contrast Checker. Color Contrast Checker is a free tool that can be used to test the contrast on your
foreground and background colors. The user can type in hexadecimal color codes and the tool will generate a
color contrast “score.hps://
Color Oracle. Color Oracle is a free color blindness simulator for Windows, Macs, and Linux operang systems.
It is a lightweight applicaon that can show the user, in real me, what people with common color vision
impairments will see. hp://
Contraste. A downloadable program for Mac computers only that enables the user to know if a combinaon of
colors, for a text and a background, passes accessibility thresholds dened by the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines. hps://
Leonardo. A relavely new project from Adobe for creang, managing, and sharing accessible color systems for
user interface design and data visualizaon. Leonardo also has an open applicaon programming interface that
enables users to use colors in their development environment. hps:// This tool lets users create, share, and apply color palees, as well as measure the accessibility level of
any color combinaon. hps://
Monsido Contrast Checker. A basic contrast checking tool with mulple possible input methods and no
download necessary. hps://
Sim Daltonism. Available through the iTunes store for Mac computers, this tool lets you visualize colors as
they are perceived with various types of color blindness. hps://
Tanaguru Contrast Finder. RGB and hexadecimal color input models with opons to adjust the contrast rao.
The tool doesn’t have a full interacve color wheel like some others, but it gives suggesons on how to create a
consistent palee. hps://contrast-
Vischeck. Vischeck simulates colorblind vision and shows the user what things look like to someone with color
vision deciency. hp://
WebAIM. A simple color contrast checker that requires the user to input hexadecimal colors for foreground and
background objects, then returns a pass/fail score based on WCAG guidelines. hps://
Accessibility Tesng Tools and Companies
Chax Training & Consulng: hps://
Deque: hps://
Fable: hps://makei
Intopia: hps://
Knowability: hps://
Tetralogical: hps://
Dax Castro is an Adobe-cered PDF accessibility trainer. He is also an
Accessible Document Specialist with more than 25 years of experience
creang presentaons for corporate communicaons. Castro was a
contribung author for the Accessible Document Specialist cercaon
through the Internaonal Associaon of Accessibility Professionals, he
cohosts an accessibility podcast, and runs a document accessibility
support group.
Amy Cesal is a data visualizaon designer and instructor and the senior
design director of data visualizaon at Morning Consult. She specializes
in working with subject maer experts to design accessible and legible
visualizaons of complex data across domains. She is also a leader in the
use of data visualizaon style guidelines, wring and speaking on the
topic. Cesal cofounded the Data Visualizaon Society, where she serves
as an advisory commiee member. Cesal’s innovave and unusual data
visualizaon work has garnered her three Informaon is Beauful awards.
She holds an MS in informaon visualizaon from the Maryland Instute
College of Art, where she is the subject maer expert for the Data Analycs
and Visualizaon program. Find her at hps://
Frank Elavsky is a design engineer turned researcher who is currently
pursuing a PhD studying the intersecon of data interacon and
accessibility at Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interacon
Instute. He is also the author of Chartability, a set of heuriscs for
evaluang the accessibility of data experiences. Before pursuing his PhD,
Elavsky was a lead contributor to Visa Chart Components, a design system
component library of charts and graphs built with a focus on accessibility.
Alice Feng is a data visualizaon developer based in the Washington, DC,
area. She is passionate about using design to make data and informaon
more accessible to broader audiences and recently has explored ways to
bring more diversity, equity, and inclusion into how we visualize data. Her
work has appeared in the Parametric Press and the Pudding. Previously, Alice
worked as a data visualizaon developer at the Urban Instute, where she
built interacve and stac data-based features and tools to communicate
public policy research. Alice is currently embarking on a new adventure at
Natera. She is on Twier at @eecealeece.
Sarah Fossheim is a muldisciplinary developer, designer, and accessibility
specialist. They have a strong focus on data visualizaon accessibility and
usability, having worked as a product developer and designer on data-
heavy products in the cancer research and educaonal sector. Currently,
Sarah is an independent consultant, educator, and advisor who helps
companies create more accessible and inclusive soluons.
Liz Hare is a quantave genecist researching working on dog behavior
and health. She works with breeding programs to implement data-driven
selecve breeding that can improve canine welfare, health, and work-
related behavior. As a blind member of the R stascal programming
community, she advocates for broadly inclusive conferences and training
as well as for accessible soware, documentaon, and reporng that
includes meaningful alt text for data visualizaon. She holds a PhD in
genecs from the George Washington University.
Larene Le Gassick is the head of technology at Intopia, a Microso MVP
in Developer Technologies focusing on accessibility, and community
manager of Tech Leading Ladies Australia. She specializes in building full-
stack applicaons with accessibility and inclusion at front of mind. She is
also an internaonal conference speaker and guest university lecturer on
digital accessibility and soware architecture. Le Gassick is one of the core
members of the DatavizA11y group, where she and other accessibility
advocates and experts come together to raise awareness of and provide
guidelines and soluons for a lack of resources in making data visualizaon
inclusive of people with various disabilies. When she’s not building
soware or talking about accessibility and inclusion, Le Gassick spends her
me cycling or scrolling through Twier.
Melanie Mazanec is a public interest technologist located in Philadelphia.
Most recently, she worked on knowledge management and best pracces
for Code for America as the associate director of Human-Centered
Government. Mazanec has also volunteered in the Code for America
network and worked as a soware engineer for public-interest tech
consultancy Bloom Works Digital; the City of Asheville, North Carolina;
and a cybersecurity startup. Mazanec is most proud of her work for many
projects to help make data and data visualizaons transparent and open
source. Mazanec worked in music and educaon before geng into tech.
When she’s not busy emailing government soware vendors to inquire
about their accessibility roadmaps, she takes thousand-mile bicycle
adventures and plays the trumpet.
Susan J. Popkin is an instute fellow in the Metropolitan Housing and
Communies Policy Center at the Urban Instute and program director for
Urban’s Disability Equity Policy Iniave. A naonally recognized expert
on public and assisted housing programs and policy, Popkin also leads
Urban’s Future of Public Housing work and is currently the co–principal
invesgator for the evaluaon of the US Department of Housing and Urban
Development’s Rental Assistance Demonstraon. Popkin has led many
mixed-methods studies of the impact of housing programs on resident
outcomes, including Chicago’s Plan for Transformaon; HOPE VI; and
Urban’s Housing Opportunies and Services Together demonstraon,
which uses community engagement and community-based parcipatory
approaches to explore new strategies for improving outcomes for families
in public and assisted housing. Popkin is the author or coauthor of mulple
books, including No Simple Soluons: Transforming Public Housing in Chicago,
Moving to Opportunity: The Story of an American Experiment to Fight Gheo
Poverty, and The Hidden War: Crime and the Tragedy of Public Housing in
Chicago. Popkin holds a PhD in human development and social policy from
Northwestern University.
Doug Schepers is the founder and director of Fizz Studio, a startup focusing
on making data visualizaons accessible to people with disabilies. While
he was working as a project manager for the World Wide Web Consorum,
organizing and authoring web standards for over a decade, Schepers
recognized a need for accessible data visualizaon, so he dedicated his
me to consulng, soware development, and research to make access to
data universal and equitable. Schepers is widely acknowledged as a leader
in data visualizaon accessibility and is a popular speaker at conferences,
workshops, and seminars. He uses his adult-diagnosed ADHD as a tool
to help synthesize ideas from across dierent domains and as an intuive
gauge for cognive load.
Jonathan Schwabish is a senior fellow in Income and Benets Policy
Center at the Urban Instute, where he studies disability insurance,
rerement security, and nutrion policy; he is also a member of Urban’s
communicaons team, where he specializes in data visualizaon and
presentaon design. Schwabish is a leading voice for clarity and accessibility
in research and has wrien on how to best visualize data, including
on technical aspects of creaon, best pracces in design, and how to
communicate social science research in more accessible ways. Through his
work, Schwabish helps nonprots, research instuons, and governments
at all levels improve how they communicate their research and ndings
to partners, constuents, and cizens. He teaches data visualizaon and
presentaon skills at Georgetown University and at American University,
and he founded PolicyViz, a consulng rm that helps clients improve how
they communicate data and analysis.
Léonie Watson is the director of TetraLogical, a member of the World
Wide Web Consorum Advisory Board, co-chair of the World Wide Web
Consorum Web Applicaons Working Group, and a member of the BIMA
Inclusive Design Council. Watson also is co-organizer of the Inclusive
Design 24 conference, coauthor of the Inclusive Design Principles, and a
mentor to young people interested in the elds of accessibility and inclusive
design. Watson is oen found at conferences talking about web standards
or accessibility mechanics and pushing the boundaries of inclusive design.
She has also been published in Smashing magazine,, and Net
magazine, as well as on her own site,  In her spare me, Watson likes
reading, cooking, drinking tequila, and dancing (although not necessarily in
that order)!
Amanda Bocello is the assistant director of the Center for Spinal Cord
Injury Research and the Center for Outcomes and Assessment Research at
the Kessler Foundaon in West Orange, New Jersey. Bocello has a faculty
appointment in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitaon
at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, where she is research associate
professor and vice chair of research educaon. She conducts research on
the social determinants of health and disability, focusing on environmental
factors and addressing barriers to community reintegraon for adults
with spinal cord injury, children with special health care needs, and other
populaons with chronic health condions. Bocello trained in social
epidemiology at the Fielding School of Public Health at the University of
California, Los Angeles, where she received her MPH and PhD. She holds a
BA in psychology from Amherst College.
Trevor Dyson-Hudson is the director of the Center for Spinal Cord Injury
Research and the Center for Outcomes and Assessment Research at the
Kessler Foundaon in West Orange, New Jersey. Dyson-Hudson is also
a research associate professor in the Department of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitaon at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. His research
interests include the prevenon and treatment of common secondary
medical complicaons aecng people with spinal cord injuries. Dyson-
Hudson has beneted from his lived experiences with spinal cord injury
since 1992. He received his BA in physiology and cell biology from the
University of California, Santa Barbara, and his MD from the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine. Dyson-Hudson also completed a research fellowship
in rehabilitaon research and complementary and alternave medicine at
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.
Dominik Moritz is on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University and a
researcher at Apple. At Carnegie Mellon, he coleads the Data Interacon
Group at the Human-Computer Interacon Instute. His group develops
interacve systems that empower everyone to eecvely analyze and
communicate data. Moritz’s systems (Vega-Lite, Falcon, Draco, Voyager, and
others) have won awards and are widely used in industry and by the Python
and JavaScript data science communies. Moritz received his PhD from the
Paul G. Allen School at the University of Washington, where he was advised
by Je Heer and Bill Howe.
Susan Robinson masterfully blends over 25 years of mulsector leadership
with her experiences being legally blind to shi thinking, elevate potenal,
and inspire action regarding accessibility. In her TED Talk, “How I Fail
at Being Disabled, she flips generally accepted ideas upside down to
uncover, challenge, and redene preconceived obstacles. In her role as
an advisor and consultant, Robinson hosts leadership workshops as well
as business strategy and transformaon planning. She received her MPA
in health policy and management from New York University’s Robert F.
Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and her BS in health policy
and administraon from Pennsylvania State University. In her free me,
Robinson is a tango dancer, yoga praconer, tandem cyclist, and
world traveler.