Sample Questions for Course Evaluations
The following are sample questions to provide some ideas and examples of what can be added
into the system. The sample questions were taken from the Student Assessment of Their
Learning Gains website ( The site provides free course evaluation tools for
college-level instructors. Registering for the site is free.
Understanding of Class Content
Because of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in your
UNDERSTANDING of each of the following?
1) The main concepts explored in this class
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
2) The relationships between the main concepts
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
because of this class.
Short answer box
Increase in Knowledge, Skills, or Abilities
Because of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in the following SKILLS?
1) Note to faculty: List knowledge, skills, or abilities relevant to your course. Then, use the
following (or something similar) as possible responses:
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
2) Please comment on what SKILLS (and/or knowledge and/or abilities) you have gained
because of this class.
Short-answer box
Class Impact on Attitudes
Because of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in the following?
1) Enthusiasm for the subject
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
2) Interest in taking or planning to take additional classes in this subject
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
3) Confidence that you understand the material
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
4) Please comment on how has this class CHANGED YOUR ATTITUDES toward this subject.
Short-answer box
Integration of Learning
Because of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in INTEGRATING the
1) Connecting key class ideas with other knowledge
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
2) Applying what I learned in this class in other situations
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
3) Using a critical thinking/analytical reasoning approach to analyzing data and arguments
No gains
A slight gain
Moderate gain
A significant gain
Great gains
4) Please comment on how has this class CHANGED YOUR ATTITUDES toward this subject.
Short-answer box
The Class Overall
HOW MUCH did the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?
1) The instructional approach taken in this class
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
2) How the class topics, activities, reading and assignments fit together
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
3) Please comment on how the INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH to this class helped your
Short-answer box
Short-answer box
Class Activities
HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?
1) Attending lectures
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
2) Participating in discussions during class
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
3) Participating in group work during class
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
4) Specific activities in class
Activity # 1
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
5) Please comment on how the CLASS ACTIVITIES helped your learning.
Short-answer box
Assignments, Graded Activities, and Examinations
HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?
1) Graded assignments (overall) in this class
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
2) Some specific graded assignment (e.g., quiz)
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
3) Writing assignments (overall)
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
4) Writing assignments
Assignment # 1
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
5) Other assignments
Other assignment # 1
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
6) The number and spacing of tests
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
7) The fit between class content and tests
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
8) The way the grading system helped me understand what I needed to work on
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
9) The feedback on my work received after tests or assignments
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
10) Please comment on how the GRADED ACTIVITIES AND TESTS helped your learning.
Short-answer box
Class Resources
HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?
1) The textbook
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
2) Other reading materials
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
3) Moodle
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
4) Please comment on how the RESOURCES in this class helped your learning.
Short-answer box
Information Provided
HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?
1) Explanation of how the class activities, reading and assignments related to each other
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
2) Explanation given by professor of how to learn or study the materials
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
3) Explanation of why the class focused on the topics presented
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
4) Please comment on HOW the INFORMATION YOU RECEIVED about the class helped your
Short-answer box
Individual Learning Support
HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?
Interacting with the instructor during class
1) Interacting with the professor during office hours
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
2) Working with teaching assistants during class
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
3) Working with teaching assistants outside of class
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
4) Working with peers during class
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
5) Working with peers outside of class
No help
A slight amount of help
A moderate amount of help
A significant amount of help
Great amount of help
6) Please comment on how the SUPPORT YOU RECEIVED FROM OTHERS helped your
learning in this class.
Short-answer box