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Quality Manual
Policy Title
Quality Manual
Course type
Approved by
Quality and Standards Committee
Head of Quality
Date Approved
March 2018
Date of Review
August 2023
Date of next review:
August 2024
Staff Access
Student Access
Public Access via Point Blank website
Informed by the Quality Code: Part A, Part B and Part C
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Document Revision History
Version Log
Committee / Approval
Page Reference & Summary
Related Documentation
Reference No.
(Policy version /
Supporting doc.
Document Type
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Document Title
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................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Quality Manual ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Foreword ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Quality Assurance at Point Blank Music School .............................................................................. 6
2.1. External Reference Points ....................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Quality Mission Statement ..................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Principles ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4. The Quality Cycle Aim & Purpose ........................................................................................... 6
2.5. The Point Blank Quality Standards .......................................................................................... 7
3. The Governance Structure .............................................................................................................. 8
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Corporate Governance vs Academic Governance .................................................................. 8
3.3. Academic Governance ............................................................................................................ 8
3.4. The Governance Structure ...................................................................................................... 9
4. Schedule of Delegation ................................................................................................................. 10
4.1. Section A ............................................................................................................................... 10
Limits to the Powers of Delegation of the Board of Directors ...................................................... 10
4.2. Section B ............................................................................................................................... 10
Composition, Direct and Delegated Powers of the Board of Directors and its Committees ........ 10
5. Appointments and Process to appoint to Board of Directors and its Committees ...................... 12
5.1. Executive Committee ........................................................................................................ 13
5.2. Audit and Value Committee .............................................................................................. 13
5.3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee ..................................................................... 14
5.4. Academic Matters delegated to the Academic Board ...................................................... 15
6. Procedure Overviews .................................................................................................................... 15
6.1. Recruitment, Selection and Admissions (Quality Code B2) .................................................. 15
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6.2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Quality Code B3 & B6) ............................................... 16
6.3. Assessment (Quality Code B6) .............................................................................................. 16
6.4. External Examining (Quality Code B7) .................................................................................. 16
6.5. External Examiner Appointment ........................................................................................... 16
6.6. External Examiner Reports .................................................................................................... 17
6.7. Annual Monitoring and Review (Quality Code B8) ............................................................... 17
6.8. Complaints and Appeals (Quality Code B9) .......................................................................... 17
6.9. Complaints Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 18
6.10. Accuracy of Public Information (Quality Code Part C) ...................................................... 18
6.11. Student Engagement ......................................................................................................... 18
7. Committee Terms of Reference .................................................................................................... 19
7.1. Board of Directors ............................................................................................................. 19
7.2. Audit and Value Committee .............................................................................................. 21
7.3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee ..................................................................... 23
7.4. Executive Committee ........................................................................................................ 25
7.5. Academic Board ................................................................................................................ 28
7.6. Quality and Standards Committee .................................................................................... 30
7.7. Programme Voice Group................................................................................................... 32
7.8. Programme Development Committees ............................................................................ 33
7.9. Admissions, Progression, Retention and Attainment Committee .................................... 34
7.10. 1st Tier Assessment & Progression Board .................................................................... 36
7.11. 2nd Tier Assessment Board ........................................................................................... 37
7.12. New Programmes Working Group ................................................................................ 38
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1. Foreword
This Quality Manual outlines how Point Blank Music School (Point Blank hereafter) assures and
enhances the academic quality and standards across all the Higher Education (HE) provision it offers.
This Quality Manual has been produced in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Code for
Higher Education. This Manual is updated and reviewed on an annual basis, in August at the end of
each standard academic year. All components of the Quality Cycle are also periodically and
systematically reviewed in line with both internal and external Quality Audit procedures and cycles
at the end of each academic year.
Following the review and approval at the Quality and Standards Committee, the newly reviewed
Quality Manual is distributed amongst all staff members. The Quality Manual should be an
informative resource for staff, students and external visitors, and signposting to relevant policies and
procedures has been integrated throughout.
The Quality and Standards Committee is responsible for the control of all matters relating to the
implementation of this Quality Manual. Any questions may be directed to the Head of Quality
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2. Quality Assurance at Point Blank Music School
2.1. External Reference Points
Throughout this Quality Manual, where referenced throughout as the Quality Code this is a
reference to the components and expectations set out in the QAA Quality Code for Higher Education
that are currently in place for the UK Higher Education Sector.
2.2. Quality Mission Statement
Point Blank is committed to the continuous improvement of the Point Blank Student Experience. As
such, we engage in self-reflective, evaluative processes openly, looking to engage with all
stakeholders so a rounded view can be gained. We evaluate our actions regularly in an open,
supportive, data driven environment where frank and honest views can be freely expressed.
2.3. Principles
The structure of Point Blank’s Quality Cycle is defined in this Manual. Specifically, Point Blank is
committed to:
Developing and seeking to continually improve the effectiveness of Point Blank.
Ensuring that reviews take place within each key Committee at the end of each
Academic Year to review operation against (and effectiveness of) the terms of reference.
Reviewing the Quality Assurance Manual regularly against the Quality Code to ensure it
remains in accordance with sector expectations.
Embedding the requirements of the Quality Cycle throughout Point Blank by ensuring
that all personnel are aware of and operate in line with contents of this Manual.
Ensuring that this Manual is made available to all members of staff and students and
that the minutes of key Committees, or extracts thereof, are made available to all
Complying with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
Ensuring students contribute to the Quality and Enhancement of their experience and
are informed of resulting actions planned to improve Quality.
2.4. The Quality Cycle Aim & Purpose
The aim of the Quality Cycle is to enhance the quality of the student experience for all Point Blank
students by identifying Point Blank’s development needs and measuring our progress to correct
them against set goals and key performance indicators. To this end, the Quality Cycle:
Works to assure the maintenance of Academic Standards on behalf of Middlesex
University (our Awarding Body).
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Uses reliable, valid and up-to-date evidence to evaluate (and where identified) improve
the quality of students’ learning opportunities.
Assures that information published about Point Blank student learning opportunities is
reliable and accurate.
Works with our Students and uses their feedback to plan and implement initiatives to
enhance their learning opportunities and experience at Point Blank.
2.5. The Point Blank Quality Standards
This Manual establishes Point Blank’s quality and standards, which in turn have been developed
through adherence to the Quality Code. Point Blank ensures that it meets the 19 ‘Expectations’ of
the Quality Code by regularly reviewing its activities against the Quality Code.
Point Blank has established an academic governance structure that ensures that adherence to the
Quality Code is effectively achieved throughout the organisation through the implementation of this
Manual. This structure is detailed in Section 2 and comprises a series of committees and panels,
each of which with clear ‘terms of reference’ (ToR) to guide its operation and its responsibilities.
These ToRs are periodically reviewed on an annual basis.
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3. The Governance Structure
3.1. Introduction
Point Blank seeks to incorporate clear lines of responsibility and accountability within the Quality
Cycle, by means of the following Governance Structure. This Manual details the responsibilities for
implementation and the monitoring processes of the various elements of the Quality Cycle.
3.2. Corporate Governance vs Academic Governance
The development, approval and implementation of Point Blank’s framework for managing standards
and quality is achieved through a blend of corporate and academic governance responsibilities.
Fundamentally, the academic governance responsibilities for the quality assurance of the student
experience rest with the Committees and Panels that make up the Academic Governance Structure.
Whereas corporate governance responsibilities rest with the Board of Directors and the Executive
This ensures that academic decision-making is separated from corporate decision-making and allows
each framework to act as a balance and check on the other.
3.3. Academic Governance
At the centre of the academic governance structure sits the Academic Board. This Board holds
overall accountability for the development, management, oversight, monitoring and quality of all HE
programmes at Point Blank. The Academic Board is the academic authority of Point Blank and
guardian of the academic standards. The Academic Board produces the Annual Monitoring Report
for Middlesex approval. The complete Academic Governance framework can be described thus:
Each committee has its own clearly stated Terms of Reference (ToR) and regularly reviews a range of
Key Performance Indicators on aspects of the Point Blank Student experience. This enables the
monitoring of academic activities via the use of data and information.
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3.4. The Governance Structure
Audit, Finance and Value
Nomination and
Executive Committee
(Student Representation)
(Student Representation)
Programme Voice Group
(Student Representation)
Admissions, Progression,
Retention and Attainment
(Student Representation)
Quality and Standards Committee
(Student Representation)
Access and Participation Working
New Programme Development
Working Group
Assessment Boards
Programme Development
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The Governance Structure
The Academic Governance Structure is embedded in a wider structure of Governance Committees
designed to strike a balance between corporate and academic decision making. This structure
undertakes an annual cycle of activity that maps against the Middlesex processes.
Feedback and accountability are shown in the structure diagram above via the arrows, which display
the reporting and amendment/approval process, with the Board of Directors at the senior level. The
Audit, Finance and Value committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee provide
additional checks and balances.
4. Schedule of Delegation
4.1. Section A
Limits to the Powers of Delegation of the Board of Directors
This Schedule of Delegation enforces that the Board of Directors may not delegate the following
responsibilities or powers:
i. To create, appeal or amend ordinances and regulations in relation or direct regard of the
ii. To appoint a Chairperson, or to make by-laws for the regulations of the Board of Directors.
iii. To approve the annual accounts of the School and decisions as required resulting from the
responsibilities of the Board of Directors and its Committees.
iv. The appointment of the auditors of the School.
4.2. Section B
Composition, Direct and Delegated Powers of the Board of
Directors and its Committees
Composition and Representation
The Board shall appoint, include and co-opt members who are:
Fit and proper persons of good character, integrity and honour, who will be responsible for
ensuring the ethical governance of the School and value for money for students and staff.
Professional, competent persons with strong experience in their area of expertise.
Loyal, dependable, and motivated towards the achievement of Point Blank’s Mission and
Vision and safeguarding the good reputation of the School.
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The Board must always have a majority of independent members and meet after each relevant term
to consider reports from its Committees and the Academic Board.
The Term of Service of Non-Executive Directors will normally be 4 years subject to suitable
performance at annual reviews, with an opportunity for renewal of service for a further term if
appropriate. However, the length and terms of service may be subject to change at the discretion
and approval of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
The student voice and student interests will be represented and conveyed at the Board via reports
and the attendance of the Academic Board Chair at meetings.
4.3. Terms of Delegation
The Board of Directors have the right to review, amend and rescind delegated powers in line with
the evolving needs of the School, with exception of the stated powers in Section A.
Should the Board of Directors amend and/or rescind any delegated powers, this must be updated in
the Schedule of Delegation. All changes will be logged in the table of changes.
Any delegated powers shall be made with the following terms:
i. The delegate shall comply with the terms of delegation, and act responsibly and in
keeping with the values of the School.
ii. The delegate shall not act beyond the powers bestowed by the Board of Directors.
iii. The Board of Directors may, with reasonable notice, revoke the delegation or amend
any of its terms with justification.
iv. The Board of Directors may specify the forms of presentation in which the delegate
should report the progress of his or her delegated authority to the Board of Directors.
4.4. Direct Powers
The Board of Directors shall hold the power to approve and responsibility for the following matters.
Where stated, certain powers have been explicitly delegated to specialist Committees of the Board.
a) Strategy
i. School Vision and Strategic Plan.
ii. Values Statement.
iii. Performance Indicators.
iv. Approving overarching Key Strategies including those on Finance, Estates, People
(including pay and conditions of work), Marketing, Fundraising, Research and Learning,
Teaching & Learning, International.
v. Risk Management Framework.
b) Organisation
i. Changes to Section B and C of the Schedule of Delegation and Statutes.
ii. Approval of Committee budgets.
iii. Policies requiring Boards of Directors approval.
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c) Merger, incorporation and major institutional alliances.
d) Creation and closure of Faculties, Academic Departments and Disciplines.
e) Establishing, terminating, selling any company or joint venture company.
f) Appointment of a School Secretary to the Governing Body.
g) Establishing and dissolving committees and operational boards to aid the Board of Directors
in their responsibilities. Operational and financial committees shall report directly to the
Board of Directors.
4.5. Authority Delegated by the Board of Directors to The Chairperson
The following powers are delegated to the Chair of Board of Directors:
a) Compliance with all financial regulations and policies of the School.
b) Coordination of the nomination and appointment of the Chancellor and Non-Executive
Directors, Provost and School Secretary, in liaison with the Chair of the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee.
c) Approval of the process for the appointment and remuneration of other Senior Staff.
d) Approving donations from one source above £10,000 and abiding by the Gift Acceptance
e) Approval of new policies requiring Board of Directors approval or changes to such Policies
where their approval is urgent.
f) Extraordinary approval of any returns urgently required where Board of Directors must
approve them via Chair’s action, provided Board of Directors members have been consulted
exceptionally on the return.
g) Any other matters delegated to the Chair by Board of Directors.
h) The Chair of Board of Directors may not delegate these delegated powers of decision.
5. Appointments and Process to appoint to Board of
Directors and its Committees
The Board must create and maintain a Nomination Committee. Furthermore, requirements for the
appointment, review and termination of membership must comply with the Company’s Articles of
Association and any policies and processes developed by the Nomination and Remuneration
Appointments via the Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
i. Chair of the Board of Directors
ii. Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors and Board Members
The Board must always have a majority of independent members and meet after each relevant term
to consider reports from its Committees and the Academic Board.
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The Term of Service of Non-Executive Directors shall normally be 4 years subject to suitable
performance at annual reviews. Renewal of service for a further term may be actioned if
appropriate. However, the length and terms of service may be subject to change at the discretion
and approval of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
The student voice and student interests will be represented and conveyed at the Board via reports
and the attendance of the Academic Board Chair at meetings.
Appointments via the Board of Directors:
iii. Chairs of Board of Directors committees.
iv. Members of Board of Directors Committees (excluding: Academic Board, where the
Chair shall normally be the Provost).
5.1. Executive Committee
The following powers have been delegated to the Executive Committee:
i. Coordination of non-academic management and academic services.
ii. Oversight of management and operational activities between departments.
iii. Approve sub-strategies, or strategies delegated by the Board of Directors, and agree
the procedure of approval and consultation with other Committees.
iv. Recommend for approval to the Board of Directors the annual School Budget, and
thereafter adjust budgets up to 15% with the presence of the General Manager. In
the absence of the General Manager, the Vice-Chancellor may be co-opted for
v. Approve the closure of individual student or business debt above £9,000
outstanding over 12 months.
vi. Approve non-academic policies and agree the procedure for approval.
vii. Approve non-academic structural and staffing changes.
viii. Renaming of Departments or buildings.
ix. Amendment or creation of the School motto, logo or the crest.
x. Act within delegated authority on behalf of Academic Board Committees.
5.2. Audit and Value Committee
The following powers have been delegated to the Audit and Value Committee.
i. Appointment of External Auditors.
ii. Appointment of Internal Auditors.
iii. Review of the School Annual Budget and Committee and Departmental budgets.
iv. Recommend changes to the overall budgeted surplus/deficit for the year up to 5%.
v. Financial Plans & Forecasts.
vi. Financial Statements.
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vii. Capital Expenditure > £150k.
viii. Property purchases or lease by the School and sale of any individual asset or group
of assets.
ix. All borrowing, management of debt and loans.
x. To investigate any activity falling within the terms of reference of the Board of
Directors. It is authorised to seek any information it requires from any employee in
relation to ensuring the financial integrity of the School, and all employees must co-
operate with any request made by the Committee.
xi. The Committee may obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice
and to secure the attendance of non-members with relevant experience and
expertise, in consultation with Chairman of the Board of Directors.
xii. To review the School’s annual risk assessment and strategy; to consider major
findings of internal investigations and management's response;
xiii. To promote coordination between the Board of Directors and External Auditors and
review the effectiveness of the risk management, the School’s Value for Money
Strategy and control and governance arrangements, and effectiveness of actions
resulting from external audit reports.
The following powers have been retained by the Board of Directors in relation to finance.
xiv. Approval to change the overall budgeted surplus/deficit for the year over 5%.
xv. Appointment of investment managers.
xvi. Investment Strategy.
xvii. VFM Strategy.
xviii. Appointment and termination of banks and credit card companies.
5.3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The following powers have been delegated to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Appointment process and the approval of appointment of Directors: Directors, Non-Executive
o Appraisal of Directors as defined above has been delegated to the Chair of the Board of
o Appraisal of the Chair of the Board of Directors has been delegated to the Chancellor.
Appointment process and the approval of appointment of Senior Staff: Heads of Department
and School Secretary.
o Appraisal of Senior Staff has been delegated to the General Manager.
Total reward and service contracts of the post-holders above.
The development of all nomination and remuneration policies.
Approve pension schemes and any material changes to schemes.
Recognition and de-recognition of Trade Unions.
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Changes to redundancy or appeal against dismissal processes in relation to the Board of
Directors or any of its Committees or members.
5.4. Academic Matters delegated to the Academic Board
i. Approval and management of governance, changes to existing courses, new courses of
study, academic awards, examinations, prizes, scholarships & grants.
ii. The approval of terms of reference and composition of Academic Committees and
appointment of members of the Academic Board.
iii. Make arrangements for the delegation of responsibilities as necessary to Standing
Committees of the Academic Board.
iv. Responsibility for actioning any matter the Chairman of Board of Directors, the Chancellor or
School Secretary delegates that would have a material or adverse impact on the School’s
financial position, liabilities, future strategy or reputation.
v. Approval of the Student Representative Charter.
vi. Approve strategies/sub-strategies relevant to academic matters, where this responsibility
has been delegated from the Board of Directors.
vii. To receive reports on other issues which fall within its remit of academic matters and to
approve recommendations as appropriate.
viii. To receive reports on quality assurance and quality assessment measures employed by the
School from relevant Standing Committees, and to approve recommendations as
appropriate, and to review outcomes.
ix. To establish regulations and procedures for compliance with the Statutes and Ordinances as
approved by the Board of Directors.
x. Approval of academic structural and staffing changes.
xi. Responsibilities of the Academic Board should be detailed in its terms of reference. This
should include a report to the Board of Directors inclusive of academic quality and standards
and the student experience.
6. Procedure Overviews
6.1. Recruitment, Selection and Admissions (Quality Code B2)
Programme Specifications set out indicative requirements for Admissions. However, Point Blank
welcomes students from non-traditional backgrounds. As such, Point Blank’s Admissions Team are
best placed to advise on an applicant's suitability for a qualification. This includes the acceptability of
overseas qualifications, drawing on its own expertise and the advice of recognised authorities such
as NARIC if necessary. Minimum standards for English language competence are set in line with UKVI
Point Blank intends that its recruitment and selection procedures are fair and transparent.
Recruitment to undergraduate courses is managed by the Admissions Team in accordance with the
School’s Admissions Policy.
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Point Blank produces intake profiles, analysing cohort characteristics (such as Equality and Diversity
information) with a view to determining the effectiveness of recruitment and widening participation
6.2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Quality Code B3 & B6)
Point Blank places considerable focus on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment activities.
The Teaching and Learning Strategy is developed by the Academic Board as an ongoing plan
encompassing how to improve the quality of TLA activity based upon the analysis of data. The
implementation of the Teaching and Learning Strategy is monitored through all Point Blank
committees. Aspects of the strategy are updated year on year to take account of developments in
Industry, the HE Sector, and analysis of data collected and used by Point Blank.
6.3. Assessment (Quality Code B6)
Under the validation agreement with Middlesex University (MDX), Point Blank is contractually bound
to use the MDX Assessment Policy and Regulations. While working within these regulations, Point
Blank ensures a range of assessment methods are used, and the assessments are appropriate to the
FHEQ level of the course and module.
The design and implementation of assessment strategies is monitored institutionally by the
Programme Development Committee (PDC). The PDC makes use of student and staff feedback, as
well as student performance data to gauge the effectiveness of assessments used and will make
planned adjustments to practice where required. Where a change requires approval via the MDX
quality procedures, these are undertaken in accordance with those procedures before the change is
Point Blank uses the MDX regulations and procedures regarding the investigation and penalisation of
Academic Misconduct when identified. Point Blank also uses the MDX Regulations and procedures in
relation to claims for extenuating circumstances/deferral of assessment from students.
6.4. External Examining (Quality Code B7)
External Examiners are appointed by MDX. Their chief responsibility is to ensure that academic
standards are maintained and that individual students are assessed fairly.
6.5. External Examiner Appointment
While MDX carries the chief responsibility for training the external examiner, Point Blank staff work
closely with the examiner to ensure they have a sound understanding of the course they examine.
Point Blank also treat each examiner as a critical friend, seeing the feedback they provide as vital in
the process of developing and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment practice at Point Blank.
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6.6. External Examiner Reports
Each external examiner is required to submit an annual report to MDX commenting on the standard
of marking and the quality of candidates’ work, in relation to the level of the award, with reference
to standards at other institutions. In addition to Examiner feedback, External Examiners’ reports are
a key component in Point Blank’s standards and quality assurance procedures. All External Examiner
reports, once received, are used in conjunction with datasets to triangulate areas for development
or to identify areas of good practice.
6.7. Annual Monitoring and Review (Quality Code B8)
Point Blank is subject to the MDX Annual Monitoring and Enhancement process. The purpose of the
Annual Monitoring and Enhancement (AME) process is:
To support staff in maintaining academic standards;
To evaluate the student experience and student outcomes;
To assess the quality of educational support and to enhance it;
To inform the University of generic quality assurance issues;
To identify good practice in learning, teaching and assessment and to share it widely to
facilitate quality enhancement.
The Annual Monitoring Review is conducted by the Academic Board and takes account of Board of
Study outcomes and minutes, student and instructor feedback, module and course performance
data and the wider context of the previous academic year of operation.
Any recommended changes to course structures are based upon the Annual Monitoring Review and
taken through the relevant MDX procedures, including revalidation procedures where required.
6.8. Complaints and Appeals (Quality Code B9)
Point Blank is contractually bound to adhere to MDX regulations and procedures in terms of
academic complaints and appeals. Complaints about local issues (such as facilities and resources) are
dealt with under the Point Blank Student Complaints Policy and Procedure.
If in doubt about where a case falls, please contact a member of the Education Team for
Point Blank is committed to listening to the views of our students and continuously learning.
Therefore, we are committed to supporting our students in any complaint or appeal they wish to
make, and subscribe to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) as an oversight body, should
the case fail to be resolved through the procedures in place at Point Blank, or MDX.
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6.9. Complaints Monitoring
Point Blank sees the value in learning from reported complaints. As such, periodic reports detailing
the nature, outcomes of and investigating officer’s recommendations, arising from complaints made
against Point Blank will be delivered by the Head of Registry to the Quality Standards Committees.
All such reports will be appropriately redacted to protect the confidentiality of all parties involved.
6.10. Accuracy of Public Information (Quality Code Part C)
The Point Blank Terms & Conditions govern the process for authoring, approving and publishing
content to each of Point Blank’s designated public information outlets (including, but not limited to,
the Website, VLE, Prospectus, Social Media outlets and Programme Handbooks). In addition to this,
all Programme Handbooks must adhere to the MDX public information requirements and are
monitored annually by MDX for compliance.
6.11. Student Engagement
Point Blank is committed to continually improving the experiences of our students through ongoing
student engagement. Feedback from students is encouraged through ongoing, constructive
dialogue, using both formal and informal mechanisms. We employ several tools to enable our
students to get involved in quality assurance and enhancement activity. These tools are as follows:
Student Representatives
Student membership on committees
Student consultation panel
New starter survey
Point Blank Annual Survey
National Student Survey (NSS)
Module Evaluation Surveys
Student Voice Leaders
Programme Voice Groups (Programme Committees)
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7. Committee Terms of Reference
7.1. Board of Directors
Frequency: Week 10, every term
Appointed members
Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
Non - Executive Director (Industry)
Non - Executive Director (Finance)
Non - Executive Director (Higher Education)
Up to 2 co-opted members
The student voice and student interests will be represented at the Board via reports and the
attendance of the Academic Board Chair at meetings.
In attendance
External Auditor - Representative
General Manager (Operations and Finance, Executive Committee Chair)
Head of Education and Development (Education, Academic Board Chair)
School Secretary (Clerk)
Quorum: 60% Appointed Membership
Terms of Reference
Appointment and Governance
(i) To appoint a Chairman and Deputy-Chairman.
(ii) To appoint members of the Board of Directors as instructed in section xx
of the Charter and Schedule of Delegation
(iii) To co-opt members to the Board of Directors
(iv) To nominate persons for appointment as Chancellor and Vice-
As needed
(v) To appoint the Vice-Chancellor, General Manager and Provost
As required
(vi) To make and ensure non-academic regulation and by-laws are fit for
(vii) To agree and approve budgets, delegated powers and limitations for
As required
(viii) To suspend, dismiss or remove any post outside of those created by the
Schedule of Delegation, on the recommendation of the Academic Board (for
academic posts) or Executive Committee (operations)
As required
(ix) To appoint all Academic Staff, and agree the remuneration and working
conditions after consultation with the Academic Board
As required
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(x) After consultation with the Academic Board, or on their
recommendation, establish or remove departments or posts of teaching or
academic administration, or revise their purpose and functions.
As required
(xi) To appoint all professional services or operational staff, and to agree the
remuneration and working conditions after consultation with the Executive
As required
(xii) After consultation with the Executive Committee, or on their
recommendation, establish or remove departments or posts of professional
services or operations, or revise their purpose and functions
As required
Resourcing and Operations
(i) To govern, manage and regulate the finances, property, business and all
other responsibilities required of the School and for these purposes to
consult internal staff, specialists, consultants and any other agents decided
by the Board of Directors as beneficial to appoint.
(ii) To review the work and operations of the School and
take actions as agreed for the purpose of advancing its progress or ensuring
sustainability and value for money for its students and staff
(iii) To develop and maintain associations or partnerships with commercial,
research and/or public organisations.
(iv) To agree, modify, continue and cancel contracts on behalf of the School
(v) To provide for schemes of insurance, pensions or retirement benefits for
members of staff, and other remuneration as the Board considers fit and
proper for other employees of the School
As required
(vi) Approve resources and provide for the personal development and well-
being of students and staff of the School
As required
(vii) Recommend by the creation of regulation the conditions under which
Students shall be permitted to pursue their studies, and the suspension of
registration of those students who do not comply with the conditions.
As required
(viii) Agree and approve the fees, methods of payment and deposits of
courses or other educational services
As required
(ix) Agree and provide for the delivery of courses for Students and facilities
for academic inquiry or other educational services
(x) Receive and consider reports, proposals and recommendations from the
Academic Board and Executive Committee
(xi) Exercise all powers as stated or bestowed on the Board of Directors by
the Charter, the Schedule of Delegation and all other the powers vested in
the Board of Directors, including the power to make Regulations
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7.2. Audit and Value Committee
Frequency: Termly, inclusive of an annual meeting of the Audit Committee with the External Auditor
representatives to review the School Financial Statements
Appointed members
Non - Executive Director (Finance) (Chair)
Up to 2 independent members of the Board of Directors
In attendance
External Auditors (Representatives)
Independent and external consultants as required
General Manager (Operations and Finance, Executive Committee Chair)
Head of Education and Development (Education, Academic Board Chair)
School Secretary (Clerk)
Quorum: At least 3 Appointed Members, to include at least one independent member.
Terms of Reference
Audit and Value
(i) To safeguard and obtain assurance on the effectiveness and integrity of
financial control and limitation systems
(ii) To safeguard and obtain assurance on the effectiveness and integrity of the
School’s corporate and academic governance systems
(iii) To safeguard and obtain assurance on the effectiveness and integrity of the
School’s policies, procedures and operations in relation to finance,
whistleblowing, public interest and audit
(iv) To consider evidence and advise on external and internal audit reports of
the School, and take emergency action on behalf of the Board of Directors to
ensure the integrity and financial sustainability of the School
Termly / as
(v) To review the accuracy and financial sustainability of the annual financial
statements and reports, and coordinate and obtain the formal opinion and
approval of the School’s appointed external and internal auditors
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(vi) To safeguard and ensure the full implementation of the financial elements
of School’s Student Protection Plan, should the Plan be activated
As required
(vii) To review and advise on the School’s Committee budgets
(viii) To safeguard and obtain assurance on the effectiveness and integrity of
the School’s regulatory returns, management and quality of evidence to
external regulatory bodies, inclusive of HESA, the SLC and the OfS
Annually /
As required
(ix) To scrutinise the effectiveness and efficiency of the School’s Value for
Money Strategy and ensure student interests are considered
As required
(x) Produce a report to the Board of Directors, inclusive of the Committee’s
formal opinion on risk, financial control and sustainability, governance and
quality assurance of regulatory returns, and value for money
(xi) To co-opt members, and request, receive and review reports from Chairs of
committees as necessary in the interest of ensuring financial integrity,
sustainability or value for money
(xii) Update and review the Terms of Reference, review the effectiveness of
this Committee and advise the Board of Directors of any changes
(xii) To nominate and recommend for appointment external auditors, their
replacement, or dismissal
As required
(i) To maintain oversight and awareness of the risks to the School
(ii) To request and receive reports from the Executive Committee on the
management of risks and assess the effectiveness on behalf of the Council,
with recognition of the Council’s delegated power and overarching
(iii) To review the School’s risk management systems and report any
recommendations to the Board of Directors
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7.3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Frequency: Annual
Note: Staff under review must be absent for the applicable review.
Appointed members
Non-Executive Director (Finance, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee) (Chair)
Non-Executive members of the Board of Directors
In attendance
General Manager (Operations and Finance)
School Secretary (Clerk)
Quorum: 50% Appointed Membership
Non-Executive Members shall comprise a majority of the Committee at all times.
Terms of Reference
Nomination and Remuneration
(i) To advise and recommend on lay membership issues and any concerns on
the appointment of co-opted members of Board of Directors
As required
(ii) To advise on the roles of Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, non-executive
directorships and key financial roles within the School
As required
(iii) To receive and consider nominations for the roles of Chancellor, Vice-
Chancellor, non-executive directorships and key financial roles
As required
(iv) To recommend appointments to the Board of Directors
As required
(v) To review and scrutinise director and executive staff performance, ensuring
fair and thorough assessment
(vi) To review and approve recruitment and nomination procedure, criteria and
the scale of remuneration to be used in the annual review of the remuneration
of directors and senior staff
(vii) To record and note increases in remuneration for non-executive directors
and senior staff
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(viii) To maintain scrutiny and oversight of the remuneration of senior staff,
non-executive directors and sector fluctuation, ensuring that the values of the
School are maintained.
(ix) Scrutiny and oversight of median staff salaries, multiples and the assurance
of equality within professional levels
(x) Update and review the Terms of Reference, review the effectiveness of this
Committee and advise the Board of Directors of any changes
(xi) To co-opt members as necessary
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7.4. Executive Committee
Frequency: Week 7, every term
Appointed members
General Manager (Chair)
Creative Director
Head of Registry
Head of Education & Curriculum
Head of Marketing and Communications
Head of Digital and Web Development
Head of Music School and Facilities
Student Representatives
In attendance
Senior Quality Officer (Clerk)
Quorum: 50% Appointed Membership
Terms of Reference
Operations and Strategic Planning
(i) To recommend Executive Committee and Academic Board Committee
budgets to the Board of Directors, and set departmental budgets
(ii) To maintain oversight of business and operations between Departments,
lead and steer strategic planning and forecasts. Amend current strategies in
consultation with the Chair of the Board of Directors
(iii) To review and approve the financial, physical and human resources
required to achieve agreed strategic plans.
(iv) To monitor progress, take action accordingly to maintain course, and hold
responsibility for the outcomes of KPIs and key strategic plans, inclusive of the
School Strategy, Access and Participation Plan, Value for Money Strategy
(v) To maintain an awareness of strategic issues and risks, review and prioritise
departmental actions to resolve or mitigate risks accordingly
(vi) To maintain an awareness of key opportunities and challenges within the
sector, and recommend courses of action to the Board of Directors
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(vii) To ensure that key regulatory returns are met and within the boundaries
of delegated powers, approved
Termly / As
(viii) To approve non-academic policies and make key operational decisions in
the interest of enhancing the student experience or ensuring value for money
Termly / As
(ix) To review key priorities for operational development and produce an
annual report to the Board of Directors
(x) Update and review the Terms of Reference, review the effectiveness of the
Committee and advise the Board of Directors of any changes
Safeguarding and Complaints
To consider and review incidents reported through the Point Blank Anonymous
Reporting system
To consider all formal reports of harassment and sexual misconduct
Operations and Strategic Planning
(i) To recommend Executive Committee and Academic Board Committee
budgets to the Board of Directors, and set departmental budgets
(ii) To maintain oversight of business and operations between Departments,
lead and steer strategic planning and forecasts. Amend current strategies in
consultation with the Chair of the Board of Directors
(iii) To review and approve the financial, physical and human resources
required to achieve agreed strategic plans.
(iv) To monitor progress, take action accordingly to maintain course, and hold
responsibility for the outcomes of KPIs and key strategic plans, inclusive of the
School Strategy, Access and Participation Plan, Value for Money Strategy
(v) To maintain an awareness of strategic issues and risks, review and prioritise
departmental actions to resolve or mitigate risks accordingly
(vi) To maintain an awareness of key opportunities and challenges within the
sector, and recommend courses of action to the Board of Directors
(vii) To ensure that key regulatory returns are met and within the boundaries
of delegated powers, approved
Termly / As
(viii) To approve non-academic policies and make key operational decisions in
the interest of enhancing the student experience or ensuring value for money
Termly / As
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(ix) To review key priorities for operational development and produce an
annual report to the Board of Directors
(x) Update and review the Terms of Reference, review the effectiveness of the
Committee and advise the Board of Directors of any changes
Safeguarding and Complaints
To consider and review incidents reported through the Point Blank Anonymous
Reporting system
To consider all formal reports of harassment and sexual misconduct
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7.5. Academic Board
Frequency: Week 8, every term
Ex-Officio members
Appointed members
Head of Education & Curriculum (Chair)
Programme Leaders
Head of Registry
Head of Music School and Facilities
Student Representatives, always to include the Education Officer
In attendance
Senior Quality Officer (Clerk)
Quorum: 50% Appointed Membership
Terms of Reference
Academic Matters
(i) To uphold and maintain academic processes, and ensure all
courses, teaching and the admission of students are regulated in
line with requirements
Head of
(ii) Monitor and assess School performance and ensure quality
expectations are met in the provision of education
Head of Quality
(iii) To appoint Programme Leaders, Module leaders, Internal
Examiners and senior academic staff, and review their
Head of EduDev/Head
of Music School and
(iv) To recommend the creation of new senior academic posts, or
the removal of senior academic posts to the Board of Directors
Head of EduDev/Head
of Music School and
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(v) To approve the nomination of External Examiners
Head of Quality
(vi) To monitor, regulate the processes of assessment and
student performance and safeguard the integrity and value of
Head of Quality
(vii) Monitor student requirements and hold responsibility for
the administration and maintenance of academic support
services, inclusive of library and academic services, student
welfare and wellbeing, and facilities
Head of Registry
(viii) Regulate academic discipline, approve related courses of
action, and revoke awards or certifications with formal
Head of Quality/Head
of EduDev
Termly / As
(ix) Terminate the enrolment of a student, in line with School
Head of Registry/Head
of EduDev
As required
(x) To report to the Board of Directors, recommend actions and
provide advice on academic matters when requested
(xi) Regulate student organisation, and matters of student
Head of Registry /
Head of Quality
(xii) Approve changes to existing courses or new courses for
proposal/finalisation for validation
Head of EduDev/Head
of Quality
As required
(xiii) Take responsibility for all delegated powers by the Board of
Directors and take action as necessary to accomplish those
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7.6. Quality and Standards Committee
Frequency: Week 6, every term 
Head of Quality (Chair) 
Head of Music School and Facilities
Music School Manager
Senior Data and Planning Officer
Student Representative
Student Services Manager
Programme Leaders
In attendance:
Senior Quality Officer (Clerk)
Head of Registry
Quality and Academic Support Officer
Head of Education & Curriculum
Terms of Reference
Owner (Report
Quality Assurance
To monitor and be responsible for all guidance and
requirements issued by the Office for Students, Quality
Assurance Agency for Higher Education, or other external
bodies, initiating and co-ordinating actions or responses as
Head of Quality
To map and coordinate the implementation of recommendations
and requirements of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education
Head of Quality
Maintain ownership and review the effectiveness and progress
of the annual Quality Enhancement Plan
Head of Quality
Consider EE reports and ULT responses in order to plan changes
and updates for the forthcoming academic year
Head of Quality
Approve Module and Programme Change Requests
Head of Quality
Approve and review the annual Quality Report for the Board of
Head of Quality
Manage and review proposals for new programmes for approval
at the Academic Board and teaching-out plans as appropriate.
Head of Quality
As required
Manage and review periodic re-validation of current
programmes and teaching-out plans as appropriate.
Head of Quality
As required
Coordinate and report on preparations for School-wide internal
or external quality reviews
Head of Quality
As required
Student experience and outcomes: Attainment, continuation, academic performance and
employability, diversity and inclusivity.
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Discuss data on the student experience, diversity and outcomes.
Ensure appropriate action is taken in response to identified
quality issues or risks.
Data Manager
Annual, Term 4
Review student development and achievement strategies for
the following term, risks, and adjust educational priorities in this
Oversee and ensure appropriate action is taken in response to
identified quality matters.
Promote good practice and innovation to enhance the student
experience and good outcomes.
Review and develop procedures for the maintenance of
academic integrity
Policy and Guidance
Review and approve changes to the School’s systems, policies
and guidance in the area of higher education,
To develop policies and guidance with the aim of assuring and
enhancing the quality of students’ learning experience and
maintaining academic standards.
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7.7. Programme Voice Group
Frequency: Week 9, every term
Head of Registry (Chair)
Head of Quality
Head of Education & Curriculum
Head of Music School and Facilities
Student Services Manager
Head of Marketing and Communications
Programme Leaders
Student Representatives / SVLs
University Link Tutor
Institution Link Tutor
Student Services Officer (Clerk)
Terms of Reference:
Quality Assurance and Enhancement
To consider, discuss and respond to feedback from various sources
collated in the Master feedback table
To consider, discuss and respond to feedback from SVLs via the
Student Representative Education Officer
To consider and discuss student survey results, formal responses of
the School and associated action plans
To ensure effective liaison with other programmes and students
All (N/A)
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
To share, discuss and disseminate good teaching practice
Committee Servicing and Administration
To produce, evaluate and monitor a table of actions
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7.8. Programme Development Committees
Frequency: Week 7, every term
Programme Leader (Chair - as relevant for each programme (MPDJ/MPSE; MIM; FdY)
Course Content Developer
Curriculum Manager
Head of Education & Curriculum
Head of Music School and Facilities
Module Leaders
Institutional Link Tutor
In attendance:
Programme Administrator (Clerk)
Quality & Academic Support Officer (Clerk)
Student Services Manager
Head of Registry
Terms of Reference
Owner (Report
Programme Review
Evaluate whether any module or programme changes,
communicable to Middlesex, are required for the forthcoming
academic year
Annual, Term 4
Plan module updates and course development plan
Consult on any tutorial videos which need to be created or
Consider and respond to module leader reports
Module Leaders
Communicate updates that have taken place for last term’s
Update the action plan for the next module content updates
Revisit assessment tasks and evaluate effectiveness of each
Assess effectiveness of rubrics and assessment criteria
Teaching and Learning
Ensure Lesson Plans and Student Exercises are still relevant
and effective
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7.9. Admissions, Progression, Retention and Attainment
Frequency: Week 7, every term
Appointed members
Head of Registry (Chair)
Admissions Manager (Clerk)
General Manager
Head of Education & Curriculum
Admissions Officer (Wellbeing)
Admissions Officer (International)
Student Services Manager
Head of Marketing
Data Officer
In attendance
Programme Leader for Foundation
Programme Leader for MPSE / MPDJ
Programme Leader for MiM
Terms of Reference
Admissions matters
(i) To report on and analyse admissions data for previous term,
plus year on year comparisons (where applicable and
Data officer /
Admissions Manager
Termly /
(ii) To report on and analyse specific issues relating to
recruitment of students and student profiles
Admissions Manager /
(iii) To suggest improvements to the admissions process
keeping in mind APP and recruitment targets
(iv) Monitor entry qualifications in relation to student
Data officer /
Admissions Manager
Progression, retention and attainment matters
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(v) To report on and analyse progression, retention and
attainment data
Data officer / Student
Services Manager
(vi) To report on and analyse specific issues relating to
progression, retention and attainment
Student Services
Manager / All
(vii) To suggest improvements to the student services
processes keeping in mind APP and retention targets
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7.10. 1st Tier Assessment & Progression Board
Frequency: Termly
Head of Education & Curriculum
Senior Assessments Officer
Programme and Assessments Manager
Programme leaders
Terms of Reference
Progression and classification
To collate module grades for recommendations for progression or
classification at the 2
tier Assessment Board
To identify students who need to re-sit modules to progress or
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7.11. 2nd Tier Assessment Board
Frequency: Termly
Head of Education & Curriculum and Institutional Link Tutor (Chair)
Head of Quality
University Link Tutor
Programme Leaders
External Examiners
In Attendance
Programme and Assessments Manager (Clerk)
Senior Assessments Officer
Terms of Reference
Awards and progression
To award, in light of recommendations from the 1
tier Assessment
Board, qualifications in respect of the programmes under discussion
To approve progression from one level to the next for the
programmes under discussion
To approved module re-sits for students unable to progress to the
next level
Policy and Compliance
To consider the implementation of University assessment policy and
related matters of principle and to make any recommendations to the
Academic Board
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7.12. New Programmes Working Group
Frequency: Monthly / As required
Head of Education & Curriculum (Chair)
Managing Director
Head of Quality
In attendance
Senior Quality Officer (Clerk)
Terms of Reference
Proposals and Programme Design
To consider and develop new programme proposals
To encourage promote and disseminate good practice in the design of
Programme Resourcing
To consider the resources needed to support proposed programmes
and advise the Executive Committee of any additional resource
Policy and Compliance
To ensure all proposal developments engage with the QAA Quality
Code for Higher Education
To ensure that all proposals are developed in accordance with
Middlesex University regulations