A Cost Analysis of Healthcare Sector Data Breaches
Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)
Date: 4/12/2019
Executive Summary
Data breaches can have a significant impact on both the healthcare organization attacked and
the individual victims. Healthcare and Public Health Sector (HPH) sector entities face the cost of
recovery, lawsuits and the public relations ramifications including loss of customers/patients.
Individuals can suffer financial penalties of various sorts as well as the embarrassment of having
personal information leaked. As a result, the Federal government has passed several pieces of
legislation in order to help protect against and curb data breaches, including regulations and
penalties for healthcare organizations that are non-compliant. Costs are either direct or
indirect, and mitigation efforts can be viewed in terms of prevention (the preferred method)
and post-breach cost reduction. HPH Sector entities are encouraged to factor the cost of
breaches into their overall approach towards risk management for both legal and operational
efficiency reasons. According to a Ponemon Institute study, the average cost of a breach for a
healthcare organization is approximately $8 million, and trending upwards, while another study
concluded that a total breach cost can exceed $400 per patient record exposed, elevating the
importance of establishing strong risk management practices.
Understanding Data Breaches
The healthcare industry is unique in the information that it contains, the sensitivities associated
with that information and the potential impacts that can occur, financially and otherwise, if
such information is obtained by those not authorized to have it. Protected information in the
healthcare industry is defined by U.S. law, can exist both digitally and in hard copy and has
legal, ethical, and business impacts when it falls outside those protections.
Protected Health Information (PHI) is defined by the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 as information that uniquely identifies the individual to whom which
it is related. It also has to be generated or received by a healthcare provider and is related to a
patient’s medical or financial information. The key to this definition is identification of the
individual. Individuals who have
their data leaked face
repercussions including identity
theft, fraud, theft of money, and
the embarrassment of having
information on sensitive medical
procedures leaked to the public.
PHI can also be used to violate
non-medical aspects of a victim’s
HIPAA defines PHI as: “Individually identifiable health information is
information that is a subset of health information, including
demographic information collected from an individual, and: (1) Is
created or received by a health care provider, health plan, employer, or
health care clearinghouse; and (2) Relates to the past, present, or future
physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of
health care to an individual; or the past, present, or future payment for
the provision of health care to an individual; and (i) That identifies the
individual; or (ii) With respect to which there is a reasonable basis to
believe the information can be used to identify the individual.”
privacy such as being to pinpoint their location, acquire information on other aspects of their
life such as their employment, educational, criminal or financial records. Based on several major
pieces of legislation such as HIPAA and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015
(CISA), the federal government has rules and regulations in place in order to keep PHI from
being leaked or disclosed to unauthorized individuals. There are 18 PHI identifiers defined by
HIPPA PHI Identifiers
Patient name
Dates (birth, treatment, death)
Physical addresses
Fax numbers
Social security numbers
certificate/license numbers
phone numbers
full face photos/other pictures
URLs/web addresses
E-mail addresses
health plan beneficiary information
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
medical record #s
device identifiers and serial #s
biometric (finger, voice, etc.) info
account numbers
vehicle identification information
Other uniquely identifying info
PHI can be exceptionally valuable when stolen and sold on a black market, as it often is.
once acquired by an unauthorized individual, can be exploited via extortion, fraud, identity
theft and data laundering.
At least one study has identified the value of a PHI record at $1000
Electronic PHI (ePHI) is PII that is produced, stored, transferred or received in electronic form.
Due to the fact that it exists in cyberspace and in many cases, is either directly or indirectly
connected to the public Internet, ePHI can theoretically be stolen by anyone around the world
with access to the internet.
A record in the healthcare industry is information that identifies an individual and includes
protected health information either in hard copy or electronic form (PHI or ePHI). Authorized
access to a record is limited to the individual patient whom it is related to as well as authorized
healthcare professionals in service to the individual patient. Access to a health record by
anyone other than authorized individuals can often be categorized as a breach.
A breach is an event in
which one or more
records are put at risk of
being exposed or have
been known to be
accessed to someone
not authorized to have
access to them, in either
hard copy or electronic
format. It’s the potential
or actual access and/or
use of personal
information by
individuals. It often
refers to the deliberate
theft of such information for the purposes of monetizing it by selling it on a black market, often
on the dark web. Even if information is only exposed to an unauthorized individual and never
actually exploited, it is still considered a breach. Generally, breaches occur for three reasons:
cyberattack, human error or system error. A cyberattack is a deliberate attempt of a malicious
individual to access data which they are not authorized to have access to. A human error is an
inadvertent mistake by any internal employee of an organization, such as an accidental release
of information or a misconfiguration of an information system by an IT administrator. A system
error is a malfunction or some other unintended means by which an information system fails to
function properly. According to a recent study, the healthcare industry was one of the top four
sectors affected by breaches, according to the average cost of a breach.
Cost of Breaches
The costs of breaches can generally be broken down into two categories: Direct costs and
indirect costs. According to one research institution, “Direct expenses include engaging forensic
experts, outsourcing hotline support, and providing free credit monitoring subscriptions and
discounts for future products and services. Indirect costs include in-house investigations and
communication, as well as the extrapolated value of customer loss resulting from turnover or
diminished customer acquisition rates.Direct and indirect costs incurred by an organization
are added up to calculate the cost of a data breach. One study released in 2018 determined
that the average total cost of a data breach across industries in the United States was $7.91
million, which is also the country with the highest per capita costs at $233.
Furthermore, both
of these costs increased in the United States from 2017 to 2018 due to factors such as
prioritizing speed of victim notifications over having a thorough and comprehensive
HIPAA § 164.402 Definition of a breach: The acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of
protected health information in a manner not permitted under subpart E of this part
which compromises the security or privacy of the protected health information. A
breach excludes:
(i) Any unintentional acquisition, access, or use of protected health information by a
workforce member or person acting under the authority of a covered entity or a
business associate, if such acquisition, access, or use was made in good faith and
within the scope of authority and does not result in further use or disclosure in a
manner not permitted under subpart E of this part.
(ii) Any inadvertent disclosure by a person who is authorized to access protected
health information at a covered entity or business associate to another person
authorized to access protected health information at the same covered entity or
business associate, or organized health care arrangement in which the covered entity
participates, and the information received as a result of such disclosure is not further
used or disclosed in a manner not permitted under subpart E of this part.
(iii) A disclosure of protected health information where a covered entity or business
associate has a good faith belief that an unauthorized person to whom the disclosure
was made would not reasonably have been able to retain such information.
understanding of the scope and impact of a data breach, compliance failures, the need for
consultants and potential lawsuits which all contribute to these costs.
U.S. healthcare breach costs
The healthcare industry has been called a high priority for hackers for a number of reasons
including the value of the data they retain, the lack of security investment in the industry and
the degree of connectivity between systems. US healthcare breach costs have increased in
recent years. One study determined that the cost of a single stolen healthcare record increased
from $363 to $380 from 2015 to 2017.
Other research identified the cost of a data breach in
the US healthcare industry in 2018 to be $408 per record, which made healthcare breaches the
most expensive by industry, roughly double the second most expensive industry (finance,
$206/record) and almost three times the average for all other US industries (see Figure 1 for
further data).
That year, costs per record breached were as low as $75 for the public sector
and ran an average of $160 per record across all seventeen industries studied.
This was up
from an average of $141 per record in 2017
according to the same organization.
examination of the largest healthcare data
breaches in history revealed that the number of
records exposed ranged from approximately 3.5
million to almost 80 million per breach.
One study determined that the average total cost of a
data breach across industries in the United States was
$7.91 million, which is also the country with the
highest per capita costs at $233. Furthermore, both of
these costs increased in the United States from 2017
to 2018.
Figure 1: Per capita cost by industry sector
Breach cost breakdown
There are a number of costs associated with data breaches and two of the biggest are the time
to detect, and the time to contain the breach. A Ponemon Institute study from 2018 noted that
for the U.S. healthcare industry, the mean time to identify (MTTI) a breach was 255 days and
the mean time to contain (MTTC) a breach was another 103 days, leaving a full year between
the initial breach time and full remediation.
Victim notification costs contain a number of
subcategories of costs that together account for another significant factor in data breach costs.
As the same report noted,
Notification costs are the highest in the United States. These costs include the creation
of contact databases, determination of all regulatory requirements, engagement of
outside experts, postal expenditures, email bounce-backs and inbound communication
setups. Notification costs for organizations in the United States were the highest at
These increased costs for
notification are due to the fact
that the U.S. healthcare system
involves the greatest amount of
financial transactions as
compared to any other country.
In fact, while the world spends a
total of approximately $6.5
trillion dollars on healthcare
annually, the United States alone
accounts for more than $3 trillion
of this roughly equal to the
value of all other countries
healthcare expenditures
This data assists in
identifying what accounts for the focus of hackers around the world as it relates to the
American healthcare sector. Therefore, the increased effort and cost to protect such
organizations, including but not limited to notification costs are prevalent within the industry.
This study also noted that companies that identified a breach in less than 100 days saved more
than $1 million. This compared to companies that took more than 100 days. Furthermore, the
study noted that companies that contained a breach in under 30 days, saved over $1 million as
compared to those that took more than 30 days. The study also determined that the United
States, along with the Middle East, spend the most on post data breach response. This includes
incident handling, investigative and helpdesk capabilities, legal costs, identity protection
services and other communications. Which was reported to be an average of $1.76 million in
the U.S. in 2018. Another cost associated with data breaches are the unexpected loss of
customers following a data breach.
As one study notes, “The loss of customer trust has
serious financial consequences. Organizations that lost less than one percent of their customers
due to a data breach resulted in an average total cost of $2.8 million. If four percent or more
was lost, the average total cost was $6 million, a difference of $3.2 million.
Other factors
associated with data breach costs are effective management of detection, escalation costs, and
effective management of post data breach costs.
As previously mentioned, breaches generally occur for three reasons: cyberattack, human error
or system error. Cyberattacks are the most common of them. Per Poneman in 2018, Forty-
eight percent of all breaches in this year’s study were caused by malicious or criminal attacks.
The average cost per record to resolve such an attack was $157. In contrast, system glitches
cost $131 per record and human error or negligence is $128 per record. Companies in the
United States and Canada spent the most to resolve a malicious or criminal attack
1 month 100 days Beyond 100
$ in Thousand
Breach Detection Time
Figure 2: Cost of Breach increases by average of $1 million after 100 days of
not being detected
($258 and $213 per record, respectively).Factors such as the size of the organization, the size
and scope of the mission, the sensitivity of the data leaked, the amount of time the data is
exposed before its properly mitigated, and the number of records are all factors in specifically
determining the specific cost of a breach.
There are two general approaches to mitigating data breaches: prevention and cost reduction
via mitigation. Optimally, a breach will be prevented before it happens. This requires standard
information security practices hardening defenses and reducing the enterprise information
attack surface. However, once a breach occurs, minimization, containment and recovery with
minimal costs is the next best option for any organization as well as its patients/customers.
These two approaches are detailed below:
Preventing Breaches
There are several methods of prevention when it comes to data breaches. First, IT security
policies can help to prevent unauthorized access to systems, networks and most importantly,
data. These include policies such as data loss prevention (DLP), password policies and an
incident response plan. DLP applications identify, categorize and prioritize critical organizational
data as well as protect data in motion, data at rest, and data at endpoints. This directly
supports the overall purpose of a DLP plan which is to prevent end users from either
deliberately or inadvertently disclosing sensitive data. Implementation includes; determining
the critical components of an enterprise network, identifying single points of system and
network failure, detailing roles and responsibilities for the team members, developing and
maintaining a business continuity plan, detailing the tools, technologies, and physical resources
to be utilized, maintaining a data recovery process, an internal and external communications
plan, a staff training plan, and detailing both internal and external communications. Password
policies are critical to ensure passwords have a minimal level of complexity, are periodically
changed, and have limitations on their reuse, thus decreasing the possibility that a person or
automated tool could predict them. Finally, an incident response plan provides guidance and
instructions to detect, respond to, and recover from malicious activity on an enterprise
information infrastructure. The detection component is critical to preventing or minimizing the
effects of data breaches. Developing, maintaining, and enforcing IT security policies are one of
the most important steps to preventing a data breach.
Beyond policy, there are a number of other efforts that serve to prevent data breaches. Data
encryption is especially important in this regard. Encryption digitally restructures a file in such a
way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot, which
can prevent data from being accessed even if it’s stolen. Employee training is also critical to
protecting information. This should include threat awareness education and guidance for
maintaining good habits when it comes to handling information. Monitoring of unintentional
mistakes via technology and
processes is also recommended.
Finally, monitoring should not be
limited to employees and their
actions. A full incident monitoring
and response capability can go a
long way in stopping threats at
the perimeter of an enterprise
information infrastructure or
even after they have penetrated
the network. This capability,
when fully implemented, includes
analysts and incident responders
working on a 24x7x365 basis who
support the full incident handling
lifecycle (preparation,
eradication, recovery, Follow up).
Endpoint security the protection of every system on an
enterprise network with security software intended to identify, quarantine, and eradicate
malicious software- is a significant component of any data breach prevention strategy.
Reducing costs
When attempting to minimize costs of potential data breaches, appropriate financial resources
must be invested in information security programs. An incident response capability is an
example of an investment that not only prevent a breach from occurring at all, but it also can
save significant costs in the long run by minimizing the impact of a breach after it has
happened. An incident response team can identify a breach as it is occurring and intervene to
remove a threat actor’s access to sensitive data. Which may improve the chances that any
individual victims of a data breach can take immediate action to ensure their data isn’t
exploited. Encryption is a second step that can be taken which can prevent a breach from
occurring, and also minimize the impact of a breach after it has happened. Data which is
encrypted becomes obfuscated from any attacker who is seeking a target based on its value
and it also becomes much more challenging for an attacker to sell or otherwise exploit after it’s
acquired. As the Ponemon Institute has noted,
Incident response teams and the extensive use of encryption reduce costs. In this
year’s research, an incident response (IR) team reduced the cost by as much as $14 per
compromised record. Hence, companies with a strong IR capability could anticipate an
adjusted cost of $134, down from $148 per record. Similarly, the extensive use of
1. Preparation
5. Recovery
6. Follow Up
Figure 3: Incident Handling Lifecycle
encryption reduced cost by $13 per capita, for an adjusted average cost of $135, down
from $148 per record.
As the non-profit organization
Cyber Threat Alliance has
asserted, “Threat intelligence
gathered from multiple sources,
and then processed and
correlated, is the most
effective, valuable, and
Participating in a
threat sharing program has also
been shown to reduce the cost
of a breach.
The Department
of Homeland Security’s
Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency
offers cyber intelligence products at https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas. The Healthcare Information
Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC) is another resource that can provide organizations in the
healthcare industry with valuable cyber threat intelligence to prevent and minimize breaches.
H-ISAC membership information can be found at: https://h-isac.org/membership-account/join-
Cyber insurance is also an option for reducing the costs of a breach over time. Premiums will
add to operational costs, therefore it is critical that cyber insurance be fully integrated into an
enterprise risk mitigation plan. Cyber insurance policies can be custom tailored to fit the needs
of a specific healthcare organization, and can cover software and hardware damages as well as
loss of business, costs associated with restoration of data, notification costs, and liability
Finally, employee training is a core component to any cybersecurity program but is especially
applicable to preventing and reducing costs for healthcare breaches.
Employees play a critical
role in mitigating against the effects of data breaches, and this has been noted as the top
source of security incidents.
Employees who accessed personal patient files cost the
Healthcare sector $6 million according to one study.
Employees should not just be reminded
of the need to take organizational IT policy seriously, but an explanation as to why it’s in place
and what the potential consequences are if it’s not followed are thoroughly important.
Employees should have clearly defined responsibilities and understand the importance of
protecting passwords, patching and updating all systems they use, and how to spot suspicious
e-mails and other alerts.
$0 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000
Discovery, response and
Lost employee productivity
Opportunity costs
Breach Mitigation Component Costs
Figure 4: Breach mitigation costs based on Websense white paper and Forrester
data, assuming organization suffering loss of 100,000 customer records
Data breaches can be costly events for a healthcare organizations, due to response and
recovery activities as well as business opportunity costs and the potential loss of patients. The
average breached healthcare organization faces $8 million dollars in costs, or $400 per patient
record. These costs are important to consider in the context of an organization’s
comprehensive risk management plan. In order to avoid operational and reputational impacts
from breaches, organizations should consider implementing strong risk management practices
to help prevent data breaches and minimize any disruptions or loss if a breach occurs. Options
exist for both prevention and mitigation, and should be tailored to meet the mission of the
specific organization. Adequate prevention and preparation for data breaches will protect
patients, minimize direct and indirect costs, and allow for more efficient operations for a
healthcare organization.
End Notes
Snell, Elizabeth, Ensuring Security, Access to Protected Health Information (PHI), Health IT Security,
Schaeffer, Juliann, PHI: Valuable and Vulnerable, For The Record, Vol. 28 No. 3 P. 18,
Yao, Mariya, Your Electronic Medical Records Could Be Worth $1000 To Hackers, Forbes, Apr 14, 2017,
2018 Cyber Claims Study, NetDiligence, https://netdiligence.com/portfolio/cyber-claims-study/
2018 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
2015 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
and 2017 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global
Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM, https://www.ponemon.org/library/2017-cost-of-data-breach-study-united-
2018 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
2017 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
Lord, Nate, Top 10 Biggest Healthcare Data Breaches of All Time, Digital Guardian, June 25, 2018,
2018 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
Value in Healthcare, World Economic Forum, https://www.weforum.org/projects/value-in-healthcare and
Munro, Dan Munro, U.S. Healthcare Hits $3 Trillion, Forbes, Jan 19, 2012,
2018 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
(p. 25 has a relevant discussion on customer churn caused by a
healthcare organization date breach)
2018 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
There are several similar incident handling lifecycle models used across industries, and the one recommended in
this paper is based on the SANS Institute and is often utilized in the healthcare industry in particular
), however a similar
but alternative plan can be found here: https://www.cso.com.au/article/600455/six-stages-incident-response/
2019 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
2018 Cost of a Data Breach Stud: Global Overview, Ponemon Institute and IBM,
The Global State of Information Security Survey 2018, Price Waterhouse Coopers,
2018 Cyber Claims Study, NetDiligence, https://netdiligence.com/portfolio/cyber-claims-study/