President Reagan and the Cold War | Summary
cold war
The Cold War (1945 – 1991) was “fought” between the two major super-
powers in the world remaining after World War II – The United States and
the Soviet Union. The term “Cold War, when weapons are built up but
not used, means something dierent from a “Hot War”, when people ght
against each other in armed combat or use missiles or bombs. While the
Cold War never led to a direct armed conict between the United States
and the Soviet Union, each superpower supported the armed struggles of
pro-communist or pro-democratic groups in other parts of the world such
as Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East. The Cold War led the United States
military into combat in Korea, Vietnam, and Grenada.
As each side built up more and more nuclear weapons, the United States
developed the idea of nuclear deterrence – the concept that neither side
would use nuclear weapons against each other because each knew this
would lead to the destruction of both the United States and the Soviet Union.
On the other hand, Soviet leaders, for most of the countrys existence,
believed they could win a nuclear war.
By the time President Reagan was elected, two anti-nuclear treaties had
been signed between the United States and the Soviet Union.
These treaties were known as SALT I and SALT II (later re-named START
by President George H.W. Bush). These agreements put ceilings on certain
types of nuclear weapons but did not limit the overall nuclear weapons
build up, did not involve dismantling existing nuclear weapons, and did
not involve oversight of the treaties.
In 1981, while both the Soviet Union and the United States had the
nuclear capacity to destroy the world, the Soviet Union had built up
considerably more nuclear arms than the United States.
What was the Cold War? How did it affect people’s lives?
Do you or anyone you know remember it?
Questions students will seek to answer within the course of
this unit:
Why was the Cold War called a “Cold War?
Was it always cold?
What does “winning the Cold War” mean?
How could a country win a cold war?
How did President Reagan hope to win the Cold War?
Was President Reagan successful in winning the Cold War?
and the
cold war
and the
cold war
President Reagan and the Cold War
cold war