Beyond Infection: Device Utilization Ratio as a Performance
Measure for Urinary Catheter Harm
Mohamad G. Fakih, MD, MPH
, Carolyn V. Gould, MD, MSCR
, Barbara W. Trautner, MD,
, Jennifer Meddings, MD, MSc
, Russell N. Olmsted, MPH, CIC
, Sarah L. Krein, RN,
, and Sanjay Saint, MD, MPH
St. John Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan;
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan;
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
Houston VA Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt), Michael E.
DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, Texas;
Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine and Department of Surgery, Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, Texas;
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of General Medicine, University of Michigan Medical
School, Ann Arbor, Michigan;
Infection Prevention and Control, Unified Clinical Organization, Trinity Health, Livonia, Michigan;
VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Ann Arbor, Michigan;
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is considered a reasonably preventable event
in the hospital setting, and it has been included in the US Department of Health and Human
Services National Action Plan to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections. While multiple
definitions for measuring CAUTI exist, each has important limitations, and understanding these
limitations is important to both clinical practice and policy decisions. The National Healthcare
Safety Network (NHSN) surveillance definition, the most frequently used outcome measure for
CAUTI prevention efforts, has limited clinical correlation and does not necessarily reflect
noninfectious harms related to the catheter. We advocate use of the device utilization ratio (DUR)
as an additional performance measure for potential urinary catheter harm. The DUR is patient-
centered and objective and is currently captured as part of NHSN reporting. Furthermore, these
data are readily obtainable from electronic medical records. The DUR also provides a more direct
reflection of improvement efforts focused on reducing inappropriate urinary catheter use.
Address correspondence to Mohamad G. Fakih, MD, MPH, Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control, St. John Hospital and
Medical Center, 19251 Mack Ave, Suite 190, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 ([email protected]g).
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 May 06.
Published in final edited form as:
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
. 2016 March ; 37(3): 327–333. doi:10.1017/ice.2015.287.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a national safety priority
and has been adopted as a metric by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to
optimize outcomes.
The risk of developing a CAUTI starts upon insertion and increases
daily until catheter removal; this risk is also affected by patient characteristics.
In addition
to urinary tract infection (UTI), the presence of the urinary catheter may lead to unnecessary
urine cultures, associated inappropriate use of antimicrobials,
colonization and outbreaks of
multidrug-resistant Gram-negative organisms,
Clostridium difficile
Noninfectious complications such as urethral and bladder trauma
and impaired mobility
are also salient patient harms related to the catheter. Our objectives are to discuss the current
outcome measures used to evaluate CAUTI events and to address their strengths and
limitations in the context of both clinical practice and healthcare policy. We conclude by
emphasizing the benefits of using the device utilization ratio (DUR) as an additional
performance measure that reflects the risk of both infectious and noninfectious harm
associated with the catheter.
Outcomes Currently Used to Evaluate CAUTI
Several different definitions of CAUTI are currently in use for epidemiological surveillance,
clinical diagnosis, and billing (Table 1).
Surveillance-based criteria for CAUTI.—The most frequently used surveillance
definition of CAUTI comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).
The NHSN CAUTI definition applies to
patients with an indwelling urinary catheter in place for >2 calendar days on the day of the
event and who have the catheter in place on the day of or the day before the event. The
catheter-associated symptomatic UTI (SUTI) definition requires the application of different
algorithms to identify CAUTI events that draw on a combination of clinical symptoms or
signs, the result of the urine culture, and the temporal use of an indwelling urinary catheter.
The algorithms rely on the presence of no more than 2 species of microorganisms in the
urine, in addition to other elements such as fever (regardless of the cause) or localized
findings. Starting in January 2015, the SUTI definition excluded urine analysis findings,
nonbacterial organisms, and any quantitated urine cultures with < 100,000 colony-forming
units (CFUs) per milliliter.
CAUTI as defined by clinical practice guidelines.—The clinical definition of CAUTI
published by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) is based on clinical and
laboratory findings, with the exclusion of other sources of infection.
The IDSA clinical
definition incorporates patients with a urinary catheter (including indwelling and
nonindwelling catheters) or those who have had a catheter discontinued within 48 hours
prior to signs or symptoms. The clinical definition has 3 components: (1) significant amount
of bacteriuria defined as ≥10
CFU/mL; (2) signs or symptoms of a urinary tract infection
(as defined below); and (3) no other identified source of infection.
Signs and symptoms
that may be compatible with CAUTI include new fever, chills, altered mentation, or malaise
with no other recognized cause. In addition, flank pain, costovertebral angle tenderness,
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acute hematuria, and pelvic discomfort are considered local findings compatible with the
diagnosis. Urinary frequency, dysuria, and urgency are included if the catheter has been
removed within 48 hours. Many of these signs and symptoms are non-specific and make the
clinical CAUTI definition a diagnosis by exclusion.
Furthermore, the IDSA guidelines
exclude both the urinalysis results and the type of organism from the diagnosis of CAUTI.
Claims-based diagnosis of CAUTI.—CAUTI events are also defined using
administrative discharge data, which are submitted as claims to request payment. These data
are used to identify UTIs as hospital-acquired and catheter-associated and thus not eligible
as payable comorbidities.
Administrative data-derived hospital-acquired CAUTI rates
are much lower than expected (0.14% of hospitalizations) according to medical record
reviews and epidemiologic surveillance for CAUTIs.
A recent systematic review on the accuracy of administrative code data reported low
sensitivity but high specificity for diagnosing CAUTI.
Although UTIs are commonly listed
as diagnoses in discharge data, very few are identified in administrative data as CAUTIs
because the documentation generated by clinicians that hospital coders must rely upon for
generating diagnosis codes rarely includes explicit descriptions of UTIs as being catheter-
Clinician-based diagnosis of CAUTI.—In clinical practice, clinicians often obtain
urine cultures based on findings that are not consistent with evidence or guidelines, such as
urine color, cloudiness, and odor.
These findings are non-specific for the presence or
absence of organisms in the urine. Furthermore, clinicians often do not distinguish between
asymptomatic bacteriuria and symptomatic CAUTI in their catheterized patients.
in particular often drives inappropriate antimicrobial use and misdiagnosis of asymptomatic
bacteriuria as CAUTI.
Many clinicians treat patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria,
even in patient groups with high risk for developing
Clostridium difficile infection
Results from the Medicare Patient Safety Monitoring System, which captures adverse events
in a sample of patients admitted to US hospitals, were recently reported regarding clinician-
diagnosed CAUTI for patients with specific diagnoses or surgeries over the period 2005–
Clinician-diagnosed CAUTI was defined as an event in a patient who either had an
indwelling catheter or underwent intermittent catheterization during their inpatient stay,
where the physician made the diagnosis of UTI and ordered antimicrobials.
diagnosed CAUTI in ~5% of patients exposed to urinary catheterization for different
primary diagnoses, whereas the NHSN CAUTI rate in the medical–surgical units in acute
care hospitals averaged <1.5 events per 1,000 catheter days during a similar time period.
With a national inpatient average length of stay of 4–5 days, CAUTI events are much more
prevalent based on a clinician-diagnosis compared to the NHSN-based definition.
Limitations of the Outcomes Currently Used to Measure CAUTI
The optimal definition for CAUTI used in quality improvement efforts is one that only
captures true instances of disease for which treatment is recommended, thus serving both
clinical and surveillance needs. At present, all of the available definitions suffer from
substantial limitations. For example, the IDSA definition is based on excluding other sources
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of potential infection and relies on subjective criteria.
Clinician practice often does not
follow these guidelines and may be driven instead by perceived risks, such as patient
characteristics (older age), types of organisms (Gram-negative organisms on urine culture),
and the presence of pyuria.
Clinicians often treat asymptomatic bacteriuria as a UTI,
as a positive urine culture is a strong trigger for antimicrobial use even without evidence of
Claims-based CAUTI is associated with very poor sensitivity, underestimating
the number of events. Only the NHSN definition, a national measure used for quality
improvement initiatives, is based on objective criteria, which makes it attractive for public
reporting and comparison over time.
Limitations of the NHSN CAUTI definition, criteria, and summary measure in
evaluating outcomes.—Although the NHSN CAUTI measure is the measure most
widely used to evaluate CAUTI nationally, it also has several limitations. First, case finding,
using the previous NHSN CAUTI definition, is restricted by low positive predictive value
when compared with clinical CAUTI diagnoses.
In one study, only 35% and 62% of cases
fitting the NHSN definition were considered CAUTIs when evaluated by infectious diseases
specialists and treating physicians, respectively.
Moreover, some NHSN-defined CAUTIs
may not merit clinical treatment, particularly those diagnosed on the basis of fever alone, as
the fever might actually be caused by a nonurinary etiology. Refinements in the NHSN
criteria enacted January 2015, excluding funguria and lower urine-culture colony counts,
may improve the positive predictive value of the definition for detecting clinically relevant
events. A more clinically relevant NHSN definition will be more accepted and thus support
efforts to reduce CAUTI.
A second limitation of the surveillance definition is the potential for underreporting of
CAUTI events. Validation of reported CAUTI outcomes by CMS is also in progress, a
process that has its own constraints,
but may result in improved compliance by hospitals
reporting these to NHSN. The Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
(HICPAC) acknowledges the limitations of surveillance definitions when evaluating clinical
disease and recommends that reported data be systematically validated.
electronic means to capture NHSN CAUTI would reduce reporter subjectivity and also
eliminate the inherent bias of self-reporting.
An electronically accessible definition could
be based upon urinary catheter presence, associated bacteriuria, and fever; such a definition
would capture more than 90% of the currently identified NHSN CAUTI cases.
Third, NHSN-defined CAUTI events may be influenced by the prevalence of fever and the
frequency of urine culture collection in a given location, both of which are critical elements
for case identification.
For example, the NHSN reported that the pooled mean CAUTI rate
for neurosurgical intensive care units (ICUs) (high fever prevalence) is 5.3 per 1,000 catheter
days, 3 times greater than the mean CAUTI rate of medical–surgical ICUs with >15 beds.
Furthermore, seasonal influenza, often associated with admissions to ICUs for febrile
patients with severe infection, may lead to an increase in NHSN-defined CAUTI rates. In
addition to patient-specific risk factors (eg, fever prevalence or duration of catheter use),
provider- or facility-specific practices (eg, reflex urine culturing triggered by fever or
abnormal urinalysis) may result in higher NHSN-defined CAUTI rates.
The presence of
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fever leads clinicians to obtain urine cultures,
resulting in an increase in detection of
patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria who may not have clinical CAUTI.
Fourth, the NHSN reliance on catheter days as the denominator for CAUTI rates makes it
challenging in some situations to measure the impact of specific quality improvement efforts
focusing on reducing device use. Interventions mainly focusing on device avoidance, such as
an intervention in the emergency department to prevent inappropriate placement,
may lead
to selecting a smaller population with higher risk for infection, resulting in a paradoxical
increase or no change in NHSN CAUTI rates.
A population-based CAUTI rate
(calculated as the number of CAUTI events divided by the total number of patient days
multiplied by 10,000) factors in the effect of catheter avoidance on the entire population and
may better reflect the success of such efforts, especially for the same unit or facility over
time, as it accounts for both the change in device use and the change in device infection risk.
Despite the limitations of the NHSN measure, this measure is especially useful for
evaluating CAUTI over time, particularly for units with stable device utilization and urine
culturing practices. This measure is enhanced by using the standardized infection ratio,
which adjusts for patient mix by type and size of patient care location, and hospital
affiliation with a medical school. However, following trends nationally over time has been
challenged by successive definition modifications, refinements, and clarifications as well as
uptake in reporting as a result of state and national reporting mandates. Further refinements
to the NHSN CAUTI measure to improve standardization of reporting, along with
implementation of electronic surveillance, will facilitate monitoring of infectious
complications associated with the urinary catheter. In addition to monitoring CAUTI,
monitoring a device-use performance measure might serve as a useful way to capture the
broader potential for catheter harm.
What is the Ideal Performance Measure to Assess Potential Catheter Harm?
To date, the majority of interventions leading to a successful reduction in CAUTI (with
different definitions used) have focused on reducing urinary catheter use, either by
shortening duration or avoiding placement.
The main outcome focus has been CAUTI
reduction, rather than avoiding catheter-associated harm. Other infection-related events (eg,
inappropriate antimicrobial use, antimicrobial resistance, and
Clostridium difficile
and noninfectious complications,
such as urethral damage, pain, or inadvertent catheter
removal, have received limited attention. Importantly, the catheter may act as “a 1-point
restraint,” limiting the patient’s mobility.
While the urinary catheter use measure has traditionally been regarded as a process measure
when evaluating CAUTI risk, it serves as a performance measure (both process and outcome
measure) for potential “catheter harm” (Table 2). The urinary catheter device utilization
ratio, calculated by dividing the number of indwelling catheter-days by patient days on the
same unit, may be adjusted for variables currently reported to NHSN, including hospital
demographics, such as size and teaching status, as well as unit type. The CDC is evaluating
methods for risk adjustment of the device utilization ratio in an effort to develop a quality
metric that may be amenable to interfacility comparisons. These efforts may also facilitate
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development of target device utilization ratios for different patient care locations. The device
utilization ratio provides additional benefits in evaluating the population at risk for device-
related infection.
The current NHSN defined CAUTI rate uses catheter days for a
denominator and does not distinguish between a hospital with a low or a high device
utilization ratio for the same rate. A unit with a high device utilization ratio may have the
same CAUTI rate as one with a lower ratio, despite having more CAUTI events. Finally, the
device utilization ratio is easily obtainable from electronic medical records
and is less
susceptible to reporting bias. The device utilization ratio is the most patient-centered
measure (in contrast to being event centered) because it has the potential to evaluate the
overall risks to the patient associated with the catheter.
While device utilization provides a global measure of potential catheter harm, it does have
limitations. The device utilization ratio does not distinguish between the number of catheter
insertions and the duration of catheterization. The risk of urinary tract infection is likely not
evenly spread throughout the life cycle of the catheter,
with a greater risk the longer the
catheter is in place. The incidence of bacteriuria is related to duration of catheter use
; for
example, the risk of bacteriuria in a patient with an indwelling catheter for 10 days may not
be the same as the risk to 5 patients with catheter use of 2 days each. A potential
complementary measure, also easily captured using data entered into electronic medical
records, is to assess the rate of catheter insertions per patient admission. Furthermore, the
device utilization ratio does not predict the proportion of appropriately used catheters,
although a reduction over time is likely correlated with improvement.
Prior to
implementation, evaluation of a proposed risk-adjusted device utilization metric with regard
to usability as a quality metric and association with appropriateness is needed.
With all of the changes in the national approach to patient safety, it is important to consider a
measure that reflects the multiple risks and harms associated with urinary catheters,
including CAUTI. Expanding beyond traditional surveillance that is event-specific to
additional performance measures may enable the evaluation of multiple risks to patient harm
and is consistent with the statement by Fridkin and Olmsted: “Surveillance systems must be
able to evolve in response to ever changing needs of the communities and society they
A standardized measure of device utilization can serve as a performance metric
that is objective, amenable to electronic reporting, and correlates with risk of both infectious
and non-infectious harms associated with the urinary catheter.
Financial support
. This project was supported by a contract from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
(grant no. HHSA290201000025I/HHSA29032001T).
Potential conflicts of interest
. M.G.FS., S.S., S.K., and J.M. report receiving support for involvement in the “On the
CUSP: Stop CAUTI” initiative. M.G.F. reports receiving support from the Ascension Health Hospital Engagement
Network effort to prevent healthcare-associated infections; and support from Michigan Health and Hospital
Association Hospital Engagement Network to reduce CAUTI. C.V.G. reports no conflicts of interest. B.W.T. reports
support from the Department of Veterans Affairs (grant no. VA RRP 12–433) and the National Institutes of Health
(grant no. NIH DK092293), and the Agency for Healthcare Research in Quality (AHRQ Safety Program for Long-
Term Care: Preventing CAUTI and Other HAIs). J.M.’s research is funded by grants from the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (grant nos. 1K08HS019767 and 1R010HS018344. R.N.O. receives honor-aria
from Health Research & Educational Trust as extended faculty and as a member of Ethicon, Inc., Speakers’ Bureau.
He also is a consultant to Joint Commission Resources and Premier, Inc. S.K. reports support from the Department
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of Veterans Affairs (grant no. 1 I01 HX001101–01). Additionally, S.S. reports that he is on the medical advisory
boards of Doximity and Jvion.
DISCLAIMER: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent
the official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, or the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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table 1.
The National Health Safety Network and Infectious Diseases Society of America Claims-Based Definitions for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
Infections (CAUTI) and Clinician Diagnosis
Source Criteria Catheter Types Use Advantages Limitations
National Healthcare
Safety Network
(NHSN) 2015
Bacteriuria (≥10
algorithm-based including the
presence of 1 of 3 clinical findings:
fever, suprapubic tenderness,
costovertebral angle pain or
tenderness; if catheter is removed,
urgency, frequency, dysuria are also
Indwelling CAUTI surveillance for
public reporting and
performance metrics
Objective criteria, reproducible,
universally used for quality
improvement initiatives
Does not correlate with clinical CAUTI
or clinician practice; heavily dependent
on fever even if alternate source present;
limited in evaluating improvements in
reducing CAUTI events when efforts
focus on avoiding device placement
Clinical Practice
Guideline: Infectious
Diseases Society of
America (IDSA)
Bacteriuria (≥10
CFU/mL); signs
or symptoms of a urinary tract
infection, and no other identified
source of infection
Indwelling, suprapubic,
external (condom), and
Clinical diagnosis; to
distinguish CAUTI from
asymptomatic bacteriuria
Clinical; independent of
urinalysis results; the diagnosis
by exclusion minimizes
overdiagnosing CAUTI in
patients with asymptomatic
Not easy for a clinician to follow or
apply to a specific patient; runs counter
to ingrained diagnostic biases (pyuria
not used)
Claims-based Administrative claims data for the
purposes of identifying UTIs as
hospital-acquired and catheter-
Indwelling Billing; to identify
hospital-acquired CAUTIs
as a diagnosis that is
ineligible for generating
additional hospital
payment as a comorbidity
Identified by diagnosis codes
submitted by hospital coders
routinely in the process of
generating and submitting
administrative data to request
hospital payment
Low sensitivity to capture clinical
CAUTIs (ie, many CAUTIs that occur
are identified simply as UTIs but not
CAUTIs in claims data)
Clinician diagnosis Informal but common criteria based
on presence of bacteriuria, pyuria,
and many subjective findings
Unclear; physicians
often are not aware of
the presence of the
urinary catheter or the
Deciding whether to treat
with antimicrobial agents;
to explain clinical
Based on clinician evaluation;
influenced by the type of
organism; directly affects
patient care
Subjective findings used for diagnosis,
including urine color, smell and
consistency; pyuria often equated to
infection; high potential for
inappropriate antimicrobial use
NOTE. CFU/mL, colony-forming units per milliliter.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 May 06.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Fakih et al. Page 11
table 2.
Infectious and Noninfectious Harms Associated with Urinary Catheters
Immediate Complications Downstream Consequences
Infectious Complications
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (lower urinary tract involvement) Complicated infection (upper urinary tract involvement, bacteremia)
Asymptomatic bacteriuria associated with inappropriate antimicrobial use Multidrug-resistant organisms (infection, reservoir, and transmission)
Clostridium difficile
Antimicrobial side effects
Non-infectious Complications
Trauma Urethral trauma with insertion or manipulation
Bladder injury including perforation
Pressure ulcers, device related
Immobility (1-point restraint) Pressure ulcers related to immobility
Deconditioning, frailty
Venous thromboembolism
Patient suffering Discomfort, pain
Loss of dignity
Societal loss Increased length of stay
Unnecessary resource use
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 May 06.