Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health
dhs.wisconsin.gov/climate | dhsclimate@wi.gov
State of Wisconsin | Department of Health Services | Division of Public Health | P-01037 (Rev. 05/2019)
A planning guide for public health and
emergency response professionals
Tornado Categories
Recognizing Tornadoes
Planning for Severe Storms
Staying Safe in a Tornado
Staying Safe in a Thunderstorm
Lightning Safety
Aer a Severe Storm or Tornado
Straight-Line Winds Safety
Talking Points
Message Maps
Appendix A: References
Appendix B: Addional Resources
The Wisconsin Severe Thunderstorms and Tornadoes Toolkit was made possible through funding from cooperave
agreement 5UE1/EH001043-02 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevenon (CDC) and the commitment of
many individuals at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Bureau of Environmental and Occupaonal
Health (BEOH), who contributed their valuable me and knowledge to its development.
Special thanks to:
Jerey Phillips, RS, Director of the Bureau of Environmental and Occupaonal Health, DHS
Megan Christenson, MS,MPH, Epidemiologist, DHS
Stephanie Krueger, Public Health Associate, CDC/ DHS
Margaret Thelen, BRACE LTE
Angelina Hansen, BRACE LTE
For more information, please contact:
Colleen Moran, MS, MPH
Climate and Health Program Manager
Bureau of Environmental and Occupaonal Health
1 W. Wilson St., Room 150
Madison, WI 53703
The purpose of the Wisconsin Severe Thunderstorms and Tornadoes Toolkit is to provide informaon to local
governments, health departments, and cizens in Wisconsin about preparing for and responding to severe storm
events, including tornadoes. The toolkit provides background informaon, praccal guidance, strategies, media
releases, talking points, denions, and useful reference materials on this topic. The guides in this toolkit may be copied
onto agency leerhead for distribuon to residents aected by tornadoes and other severe storms. Further resources
can be found in Appendix B: Addional Resources.
While not in an especially tornado-heavy part of the United States, Wisconsin sll experiences, on average, 23
tornadoes per year.
The high winds and severe storms that can accompany tornadoes pose serious health hazards to
the people of Wisconsin. In the summer of 2014, southwestern Wisconsin experienced severe damage from tornadoes,
high winds, and hail, resulng in injuries and destrucon of mulple
The Naonal Weather Service issues, on average, one to two
tornado warnings and ve to 10 severe thunderstorm warnings per county
per year in Wisconsins southern counes, and fewer in the northern
Climate Trends
Long-term trend analysis of Wisconsins climate indicates that the state is
becoming warmer and weer.
Aer analyzing historical climate data from
1950-2006 and developing downscaled local climate models, University of
Wisconsin climate sciensts created potenal climate projecons based on historical trends and sciencally validated
models. Several of the potenal outcomes indicate that an increase in average annual precipitaon and warmer annual
average temperature may occur in the state. Severe storms and tornadoes need warm moist air to form, among many
other factors. Climate surveillance has shown that within the past 60 years tornadoes are not occurring more frequently
but rather are occurring on days that already had a documented tornado. This means that there is an increase in
tornado density.
Health Impacts
These trends suggest an increase in negave health impacts in Wisconsin as a result of greater intensity of severe
thunderstorms, accompanying strong winds, and tornado occurrences. Potenal health concerns include lightning
fatalies and survivors with long-term mental and physical health eects.
Between 2004 and 2013, there were 329
lightning deaths in the United States, ve of which were in Wisconsin.
Severe storms and tornadoes can cause
signicant damage to housing infrastructure and can injure or kill people in the areas aected by the storm. Intense
storm events and tornadoes may also have negave eects on mental health as families and communies deal with
storm damage and destrucon.
Wisconsin averages
23 tornadoes per
Funnel Cloud
A visible, rotang, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm toward but not quite reaching the ground.
Heat Lightning
Lightning from a thunderstorm too far away to be heard.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning
Severe thunderstorms are occurring in the area.
Severe Thunderstorm Watch
Weather condions suggest that severe thunderstorms are possible in the area.
Straight-Line Winds
Any wind generated by a thunderstorm that is not associated with rotaon and can be considered severe if the winds
exceed 58 mph. Damage from straight-line winds occurs in the same general direcon due to lack of rotaonal wind.
Tornado Warning
An alert issued when a funnel cloud is sighted or indicated by weather radar. Shelter should be taken immediately.
Tornado Watch
An alert issued when weather condions favor the
formaon of tornadoes—oen during thunderstorms.
A violently rotang column of air that extends from a
thunderstorm to the ground and is oen—although not
alwaysvisible as a funnel cloud. Lighng and hail are
common in thunderstorms that produce tornadoes.
Wall Cloud
An isolated, oen abrupt, lowering of a cloud that
develops beneath the base of a thunderstorm. It is
always rain-free and usually exists for 10-20 minutes
before a tornado appears. A wall cloud may also
persistently rotate.
Tornado denions
| Storm denions
Tornadoes are characterized through the Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale). The scale is a set of wind esmates in three-
second gusts, and is based on 28 dierent damage indicators. For more informaon on the EF-Scale, see spc.noaa.gov/
Weak Tornadoes
88% of all tornadoes
Less than 5% of tornado deaths
Lifeme 1-10+ minutes
Winds less than 110 mph
Produce EF0 or EF1 damage
Strong Tornadoes
11% of all tornadoes
Nearly 30% of all tornado deaths
May last 20 minutes or longer
Winds 111-165 mph
Produce EF2 or EF3 damage
Violent Tornadoes
Less than 1% of all tornadoes
70% of all tornado deaths
May last over one hour
Winds greater than 166 mph
Produce EF4 or EF5 damage
Tornado Categories
Wisconsins tornado season usually runs from May through July. During these months, it is benecial to have a plan in
place should a tornado be sighted in your area. The following informaon includes how to recognize tornado condions,
create a tornado emergency plan, and assemble a disaster emergency kit. For more detailed informaon, see the
Naonal Weather Services Tornado Preparedness Guide: nws.noaa.gov/om/severeweather/resources/l6-10.pdf.
Tornado Conditions
When there are thunderstorms in the area, pay aenon to the radio or television for emergency informaon about the
possibility of a tornado watch or warning. Research your community’s warning system, and be prepared when the
warning sounds.
Be alert for visible or audible signs of a tornado:
Greenish or unusually colored clouds
Low-hanging and rotang wall cloud
Funnel clouds
Hail in the absence of rain
Loud, train-like roaring sound
Swirling cloud of debris
Funnel Cloud Wall Cloud
Rotang Wall Dark Clouds
Recognizing tornado signs
Create a Tornado Emergency Plan
Sketch a oor plan of where you live, or walk through each room and discuss where and
how to seek shelter.
Show a second way to exit from each room or area. If you need special equipment, such
as a rope ladder, mark where it is located.
Make sure everyone understands the siren warning system, if there's such a system in
your area.
Mark where your rst aid kit andre exnguishers are located.
Mark where the ulity switches or valves are located so they can be turned oif me
permitsin an emergency.
Teach your family how to administer basic
rst aid, how to use are exnguisher,
and how and when to turn o water, gas,
and electricity in your home.
See FEMA for more informaon on
idenfying a proper pre-designated area
to take shelter: ready.gov/tornadoes.
Assemble a Disaster Emergency Kit
3-day supply of water (1 gallon of water per person, per day)
3-day supply of non-perishable food (and can opener)
Baery-operated radio and extra baeries
Cell phone and charger
Flashlight and baeries
First aid kit (bandages, gauze, tweezers, disinfectant, gloves, pain relievers, thermometer, etc.)
Whistle to signal for help
Dust mask
Survival blanket (also known as a space blanket)
Extra cash (about $50)
Pocket knife
Wrench to turn o ulies
Medicaons, hand sanizer, moist towelees, plasc es, and garbage bags
Local maps for evacuaon
Change of clothes (including rain jacket, gloves, hat, etc.)
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Division of Public Health
Climate and Health Program
P-01037a (Rev. 05/2019)
If you are Then...
A sturdy building with
no open windows to
the outside
Take shelter in a sturdy building. Avoid isolated sheds or other small
structures in open areas.
Avoid contact with corded phones and devices including those
plugged into electrical outlets for recharging. Cordless and wireless
phones not connected to wall outlets are OK to use.
Avoid contact with electrical equipment or cords. Unplug appliances
and other electrical items such as computers, and turn o air
condioners. Power surges from lightning can cause serious
Avoid contact with plumbing. Do not wash your hands, do not take
a shower, do not wash dishes, and do not do laundry. Plumbing and
bathroomxtures can conduct electricity.
Stay away from windows and doors, and stay o porches.
Do not lie on concrete oors and do not lean against concrete walls.
Avoid contact with anything metaltractors, farm equipment,
motorcycles, golf carts, golf clubs, and bicycles.
In a Forest
Seek shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees.
In an Open Area
Go to a low place such as a ravine or valley. Be alert for ashoods.
Avoid hilltops, open elds, or the beach.
Avoid natural lightning rods such as a tall, isolated tree in an open
In Open Water
Get to land andnd shelter immediately.
In a Car
Try to safely exit the roadway and park.
Stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency ashers unl the
heavy rain ends.
Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that conduct electricity in
and outside the vehicle.
When there is a severe storm in your area, it is important tond shelter as soon as you can.
The best opon is a house or building with the windows and doors closed, and no open areas
to the outside.
If a tornado warning is implemented, seek shelter immediately. Protect yourself by nding an area in the interior of a
building. Below is informaon on how to proceed in dierent scenarios when a tornado is spoed.
If you are in Then...
A Structure
(e.g., residence,
small building,
school, nursing
home, hospital,
factory, shopping
center, high-rise
Go to a pre-designated area such as a safe room, basement, storm
cellar, or the lowest building level. If there is no basement, go to the
center of a small interior room on the lowest level (closet, interior
hallway) away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as
many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a
sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck.
In a high-rise building, go to a small interior room or hallway on
the lowestoor possible.
Put on sturdy shoes.
Do not open windows.
A Manufactured
Home or Office
Get out immediately and go to a pre-idened locaon such as the
lowest oor of a sturdy, nearby building or a storm shelter. Mobile
homes, even if ed down, oer lile protecon from tornadoes.
The Outdoors
with No Shelter
If you are not in a sturdy building, there is no single research-based
recommendaon for what last-resort acon to take because many
factors can aect your decision. Possible acons include the following:
Immediately get into a vehicle, buckle your seat belt and try to
drive to the closest sturdy shelter. If your vehicle is hit byying
debris while you are driving, pull over and park.
Take cover in a staonary vehicle. Put a seat belt on and cover
your head with your arms and a blanket, coat, or cushion if
Lie in an area noceably lower than the level of the roadway and
cover your head with your arms and a blanket, coat, or other
cushion if possible.
Do not get under an overpass or bridge. You are safer in a low,
at locaon.
In urban or congested areas, never try to outrun a tornado in a
vehicle. Instead, leave the vehicle immediately for safe shelter.
Watch out for ying debris. Flying debris causes most fatalies
and injuries from tornadoes.
Straight-line winds can cause damage similar to tornadoes and usually emerge from thunderstorms. The damage
caused by straight-line winds is pushed in the direcon the wind was moving.
If you are Then...
Inside a Building
Move to the lowest oor and stay away from windows.
Taking shelter in a basement is strongly encouraged, especially if you
are surrounded by trees that could fall onto the building or house.
If you are in a mobile home, move to a stronger building or storm
cellar if winds reach speeds of 70 mph.
Keep both hands on the wheel and slow down.
Pull over to the shoulder and stop, making sure you are away from
trees or other tall objects that could fall on your vehicle. DO NOT stop
in the middle of a lane under an overpass. This could lead to an
Take extra care in a high-prole vehicle such as a truck, van, SUV, or
when towing a trailer.
These are more prone to being pushed or even ipped by
straight-line winds.
If possible, orient your vehicle so it points into the wind.
Stay in the car and turn on the hazard lights unl the wind subsides.
Take cover in a well-built building, or use this building to block the
wind if you cannot get inside.
If no building is nearby, nd the lowest spot and crouch low to the
Stay away from trees or power lines since these are easily felled by
straight-line winds.
If you are in the middle of a forest, move to the lowest/smallest stand
of trees.
Stay clear of roadways or train tracks, as the winds may blow you into
the path of an oncoming vehicle.
Watch for ying debris. Tree limbs, street signs, and other objects may
break and become ying projecles in the wind.
As of November 2014, there were 26 lightning fatalies in the United States in 2014. Six were in Florida, three in
Wisconsin, and two each in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, and Massachuses.
Knowing the facts about
lightning can help you stay safe.
Lightning Fiction and Fact
Ficon: If it is not raining, then there is no danger from lightning.
Fact: Lightning oen strikes in the absence of heavy rain and may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall.
This is especially true in the western United States, where thunderstorms somemes produce very lile rain.
Ficon: The rubber soles of shoes or res on a car will protect you from being struck by lightning.
Fact: Rubber-soled shoes and rubber res provide NO protecon from lightning. The steel frame of a hard-topped
vehicle provides increased protecon if you are not touching metal. Although you may be injured if lightning strikes
your car, you are much safer inside a vehicle than outside.
Ficon: People struck by lightning should not be touched because they carry an electrical charge.
Fact: Lightning-strike vicms carry no electrical charge and should be helped immediately. Anyone who has been hit
by lightning requires immediate professional medical care. Call 9-1-1 and begin CPR immediately if the person has
stopped breathing. Use an automac external debrillator if one is available. Contact your local American Red Cross
chapter for informaon on CPR andrst aid classes.
Ficon: Heat lightning” occurs aer very hot summer days and poses no threat.
Fact: “Heat lightning” is a term used to describe
lightning from a thunderstorm too far away for the
thunder to be heard.
What You Can Do Before Lightning Strikes
Plan Ahead
Develop a plan for you and your family at home, work, school, and when outdoors. Tips are available from the
American Red Cross (redcross.org) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency at ready.gov.
Check the weather forecast. If thunderstorms are predicted, consider postponing outdoor acvies.
Have a Public Alert ™ cered NOAA Weather Radio or use a weather applicaon for your cell phone to alert
you if threatening weather arises.
Seek Safe Shelter
Small outdoor buildings, including sports dugouts, rain shelters, garages, etc., are NOT SAFE. Substanal
buildings with wiring and plumbing are the safest places. Oce buildings, schools, and homes oer good
Once inside, stay away from windows, doors, and anything that conducts electricity.
A hard-topped metal vehicle with the windows closed also provides good protecon. Avoid contact with metal
in the vehicle and try to keep away from windows.
If You Cannot Get to a Safe Shelter
Avoid openelds, the top of a hill, or a ridge top.
Stay away from tall, isolated trees or other tall objects.
Stay away from water, wet items, and metal objects. Water and metal are excellent conductors of electricity.
The current from a lightning ash will easily travel for long distances.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Division of Public Health
Climate and Health Program
P-01037b (Rev. 05/2019)
Injury can result directly from the tornado or severe storm, and can also occur aer the
tornado when people are walking among damaged or destroyed buildings. Tornadoes oen
damage power lines, gas lines, or electrical systems. Because of this, there is an increased risk
of re, electrocuon, or explosion.
Connue to monitor your baery-powered radio or television for emergency
Only enter severely damaged buildings aer they have been inspected for structural
Be careful when entering any structure that has been damaged.
Wear sturdy shoes or boots, long sleeves, and gloves when handling or walking on or
near debris.
Safely work in teams if possible during cleanup eorts.
Be aware of hazards from exposed nails and broken glass.
Do not touch downed power lines or objects in contact with downed lines. Report
electrical hazards to the police and the ulity company.
Use baery-powered lanterns, if possible, rather than candles to light homes without
electrical power. If you use candles, make sure they are in safe holders away from
curtains, paper, wood, or other ammable items. Never leave a candle burning when
you are out of the room.
Never use generators, pressure washers, grills, camp stoves, or other gasoline, propane,
natural gas, or charcoal-burning devices inside your home, garage, or camperor even
outside near an open window, door, or vent as these generate carbon monoxide (CO).
CO is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause sudden illness and death if you breathe in
high concentraons of it. CO from these sources can build up in your home, garage, or
camper and poison the people and animals inside. Seek prompt medical aenon if you
suspect CO poisoning and are feeling dizzy, light-headed, or nauseated.
Hang up displaced telephone receivers that may have been knocked oby a tornado,
but stay o the telephone, except to report an emergency.
Cooperate fully with public safety ocials.
Respond to requests for volunteer assistance by police, reghters, emergency
management, and relief organizaons, and do not go into damaged areas. Your
presence could hamper relief eorts, and you could endanger yourself.
Be aware of damaged areas that may have controlled access.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Division of Public Health
Climate and Health Program
P-01037c (Rev. 05/2019)
If you are approached by the media regarding a reported severe storm health risk in your
jurisdicon, the following talking points may be used. Start with message A1 or A2, then
follow the instrucons within that box.
Out of respect for the
family, we are unable to
share any details.
Go to message C.
On [insert date], a [gender]
[“____ years old” or
“between the ages of ___
and ___”] died during the
Go to message C.
We were noed by the
medical examiner/coroner
about a fatality possibly
due to extreme weather
condions. Our
condolences go out to the
Go to message B1 or B2.
The aer-eects of a severe storm can result in many adverse health eects. Please
remain safe by:
a. Listening to safety messages of response teams that are assessing the
b. Checking on family, friends, and neighbors who do not have air condioning,
who spend much of their me alone, or who are more likely to be aected by
severe storms.
c. For more informaon visit [insert relevant website].
We have not been noed
of any recent fatalies
linked to severe storm
Go to message C.
Talking Points for Severe Storms
Talking points and message maps for local health professionals
Message mapping is one of the most important risk communicaon tools that public health agencies can employ.
The goal of a message map is to convey important informaon in a concise and easy to understand fashion.
General Guidelines for Completing a Message Map
Sck to three key messages or one key message with three parts for each underlying concern or specic
Keep key messages brief. The reader should ideally spend less than 10 seconds per line.
Develop messages that are easily understood by the target audience. (For communicaons with the general
public, use a 6th to 8th grade readability level.)
Place messages within a message set. The most important messages should occupy the rst and last posi-
Develop key messages that cite credible third pares.
Use graphics and other visual aids to enhance key messages.
Keep a posive tone. Messages should be soluon oriented and construcve. Try to balance negave mes-
sages with posive ones.
Avoid unnecessary use of “absolute” words, such as no, not, never, nothing, and none.
Noun Project
Gregor Cresnar
Herbert Spencer
The following is a message map that could be used when addressing the general public regarding severe storm safety.
Noun Project
Gregor Cresnar
Herbert Spencer
Key Messages
Three key messages
Supporting Information
Three pieces of supporng informaon for each key message
Message 1
Severe weather can happen at any
Supporng Info 1
Severe storms can come with lile warning. Follow your local radio staons and
news channels for up-to-date informaon on incoming storms.
Supporng Info 2
Heed storm watches in our area, and take appropriate shelter when storm
watches turn into storm warnings.
Supporng Info 3
Acng quickly and being informed on weather paerns in your area are important
steps in being prepared.
Message 2
Develop a home emergency plan
for your family before a severe
storm hits.
Supporng Info 1
Find an area in your home where your family can take shelter during severe
storms. These rooms should have no windows to the outside.
Supporng Info 2
Idenfy two dierent ways to exit the house, should the need occur. Be sure to
pracce with your family.
Supporng Info 3
Develop an emergency communicaon plan, with important phone numbers and
informaon. These include: medical and emergency contacts, work and school
informaon, and insurance informaon.
Message 3
Check on your neighbors and those
most vulnerable to injury from
extreme weather.
Supporng Info 1
People with limited mobility, those who live alone, the elderly, and children may
be more vulnerable to injury during severe weather.
Supporng Info 2
Mental health can be aected during and aer severe weather. Stay calm and
follow your familys emergency plan.
Supporng Info 3
Call 911 or seek medical aenon if you or someone you know has been injured.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Division of Public Health
Climate and Health Program
P-01037d (Rev. 05/2019)
1. Naonal Weather Service Weather Forecast Oce. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from hp://
2. Get Ready for Tornadoes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2015, from hp://www.readywisconsin.wi.gov/tornado
3. Wisconsins Changing Climate: Impacts and Adaptaon. 2011. Wisconsin Iniave on Climate Change Impacts.
Nelson Instute for Environmental Studies. UW-Madison and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,
Madison, WI. Available at: hp://www.wicci.wisc.edu/report/2011_WICCI-Report.pdf
4. Elsner, J. B., Elsner, S. C., and Jagger, T. H. (2014). The increasing eciency of tornado days in the United States.
Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2277-3.
5. Tornadoes. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from hp://www.ready.gov/tornadoes
6. Tornadoes. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from hp://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/tornadoes/
7. Thunderstorms & Lightning. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from hp://www.ready.gov/thunderstorms-
8. NWS Forecast Oce Milwaukee/Sullivan. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from hp://www.weather.gov/mkx/
9. Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning: A Preparedness Guide. (n.d). Retrieved April 21, 2015, from hp://
10. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from hp://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/fatalies/fatalies14.shtml
11. Icons from The Noun Project
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FEMA Spanish Language Portal
List of Wisconsin Local Health Departments
List of Wisconsin Tribal Health Directors
Ready Wisconsin
National Oceanic Atmostpheric Assocation (NOAA): Weather Safety