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SONYMA has developed its own proprietary, web‐based automated system (“SONYMA
Express®) to help lenders review and make decisions on the IRS compliance and credit
underwriting components of SONYMA loans. The SONYMA Express® credit guidelines
mirror the SONYMA manual guidelines which are addressed beginning on page 5 of this
SONYMA Express® has a built‐in interface that will permit lenders to upload a file from
their upfront LOS system, or loan applications can be entered manually through the
SONYMA Express® web portal. The system provides instantaneous IRS compliance and
credit underwriting decisions. When a loan has been fully processed and all of the
necessary documentation has been collected, the lender electronically submits the loan
application to the pool insurance underwriter. Based on the SONYMA program chosen,
the file will automatically be submitted to the correct mortgage insurer (Genworth
Mortgage Insurance Corporation or the SONYMA Mortgage Insurance Fund). For more
information regarding SONYMA Express®, please go to:
Currently, some participating lenders are using SONYMA Express®. For participating
lenders who have not yet transitioned to SONYMA Express®, SONYMA will continue to
accept decisions made by either Fannie Mae’s Desktop Underwriter (“DU”) or Freddie
Mac’s Loan Prospector (“LP”). See Page 5 regarding Maximum Loan‐ To‐ Value Ratios for
property types and loan amounts.
LTV is based on the appraised value of the property when determining if PMI is required.
For Remodel NY loans, LTV is based on the as‐rehabbed appraised value of the property.
The maximum loan amount is based on the lower of the purchase price or appraised value
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and the minimum required borrower funds in the transaction are based on the purchase
price of the subject property.
Upon review of the underwriting submission, SONYMA reserves the right not to accept a
recommendation from DU or LP if the mortgage insurance underwriter determines there
are risk factors associated with the application which are not acceptable even though a
favorable recommendation has been rendered by the AUS. SONYMA anticipates this will
be a rare but potential occurrence.
In no event should a loan application be denied solely on the basis of a decision rendered
by the automated underwriting system utilized, including SONYMA Express®. If the
automated underwriting system rates a loan application as Ineligible, Refer, Refer with
Caution, Caution or Out of Scope (depending on which system is used) and the applicant
wishes to continue with the mortgage process, the lender must perform a fully
documented, manual underwriting of the loan application, per the manual underwriting
guidelines covered in this document.
Except as otherwise stated in these notes or in Section 3.110 (a) of the SONYMA Seller’s
Guide, lenders using the automated underwriting systems must comply with all the
requirements of SONYMA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac for the use of such systems as
set forth in their licensing or user agreements, manuals, bulletins and seller’s guides.
In order for SONYMA to accept underwriting decisions made by the Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac Automated Underwriting Systems, the following conditions must be met in
addition to the conditions stated on the Findings Report/Feedback certificate.
Maximum Underwriting Ratios. The monthly housing‐to income expense ratio
may not exceed 40%, and the monthly total debt‐to‐income expense ratio, may
not exceed 45%.
Minimum Equity Requirement. Mortgagors must contribute a minimum of 1%
(for 1 2 Family homes, condominiums, PUDs, double‐wide manufactured homes)
or 3% (for 3 4 Family Homes and Cooperatives) of the purchase price from their
own funds into the transaction. (Unless the borrower has received a gift which
results in a LTV of 80% or less). Please refer to Down Payment and Asset section
in the manual underwriting guidelines beginning on page 5.
Credit Scores and Minimum Lines of Credit. If an applicant does not have at least
3 lines of credit established for a period of 12 months (not paid or inactive for
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more than 24 months) prior to the mortgage loan application date, the application
must be manually underwritten. Alternative or non‐traditional lines of credit
which require regular periodic payments (rent, utilities, etc.) may be verified and
included in the manual underwriting submission. Please be reminded that the
payment‐to‐income and debt‐to‐income ratios for manually underwritten loans
are 40% and 45%, respectively.
For applicants who cannot document at least 3 traditional or non‐traditional credit
lines for 12 months or more, please refer to the section which addresses “Use of
a Guarantor” on page 15.
Submission of Recent Pay Stubs: In all cases, a recent pay stub must be obtained
for each mortgagor.
Project Requirements: If a mortgagor is purchasing a unit in a Condominium,
Planned Unit Development, HOA, or Cooperative project, lender must verify the
project meets SONYMA’s requirements as described in Section 3.108 and 3.109 in
the SONYMA Seller’s Guide.
Other Requirements: All open judgments must be satisfied prior to closing. All
open collection accounts or charge-offs exceeding $250 or an aggregate of $1,000
(if there are multiple accounts) must be satisfied prior to closing. Income, Asset
documents should not be more than 90 days old, and the Credit Report not be
more than 90 days old at time of underwriting submission.
Alimony/Child Support obligations should be deducted from monthly
qualifying income rather than added to other debts.
Deposits not exceeding 50% of the borrower’s monthly qualifying income are
not required to be documented.
A copy of the documents listed below must be forwarded to Enact (for the Low Interest
Rate and Achieving the Dream Programs including Homes for Veterans and Remodel NY
loans) or the SONYMA Mortgage Insurance Fund (“MIF”) (for all other programs) for pool
insurance consideration:
Application for Mortgage Insurance.
Most recent version of the Findings Report/Feed Back Certificate generated from
the automated underwriting system, including all reports and pages generated by
the automated underwriting system (including the credit report). NOTE: This does
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NOT apply to loans originated through SONYMA Express®; findings and credit
report information are automatically saved in the system for review.
All supporting documentation required by the Findings Report/Feedback
Uniform residential loan application.
Residential appraisal report with a full interior inspection and legible color copies
of photographs of the subject property and comparable sales.
Sales contract/offer to purchase with Property Condition Disclosure Form, if
Recent pay stubs for each borrower.
Evidence the mortgagor has contributed 1% or 3% (as applicable for certain
property types) of the purchase price from their own fund (unless the borrower
has received a gift which results in an LTV of 80% or less).
If Mortgagor is subject to home buyer education, a completion certificate from a
PMI approved homebuyer education course.
Subsidy award letter, if applicable (with repayment terms).
SONYMA will not permit the following types of transactions to be underwritten using the
DU/LP automated underwriting systems. These transactions must be fully documented
and manually underwritten. The ineligible transactions are:
Applications for mortgagors with a history of bankruptcy (where the bankruptcy
was discharged less than 3 years from the loan application date) or
foreclosure/short sale (less than 4 years from loan application date).
Applications requiring a guarantor.
Transactions to purchase a home located in a community land trust.
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Maximum Loan‐To‐Value Ratios for Property Types and Loan Amounts
The minimum 1% or 3% of the purchase price (determined by property type)
which must be from the borrower’s own funds, must be verified as of the loan
application date, and maintained and invested into the loan transaction. If the
verification of those funds indicates any large deposits, the source of funds for
those deposits must be documented.
Property Type
Loan Limit
Maximum LTV
Minimum Borrower Contribution
1 Family Units
& Condos
1% of Purchase Price
2 Family Units
1% of Purchase Price
$726,201 - $800,000
9 95%
1% of Purchase Price
$800,001 - $1,136,079
3% of Purchase Price
3% of Purchase Price
$726,201 - $806,590
3% of Purchase Price
3‐4 Family Units
3% of Purchase Price
$800,001 - $1,706,580
5% of Purchase Price
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SONYMA will waive the requirement for borrowers to make a minimum cash
contribution in the following cases where:
1. A cash gift of equity or a gift of land, results in an 80% (or lower) LTV.
2. A borrower inherits a portion of a home and wishes to buy out the remaining
inheritors of the property, and the borrower’s share is 20% (or greater) of the
appraised value.
SONYMA calculates the loan-to-value ratio, LTV, based on the appraised value to
determine if pmi is required (except for cooperative units, the LTV based on the
sales price to determine if pmi is required. If the LTV based on the sales price is
greater than 80%, the level of pmi coverage is determined based on the lower of the
sales price or appraised value). If the LTV is greater than 80% based on the appraised
value, the lower of the sales price or appraised value is used to determine the level
of pmi required. SONYMA requires sufficient primary mortgage insurance to reduce
the exposure of the loan down to 72%. The maximum loan amount is based on the
lower of the purchase price or appraised value. If there are any subsidies being
applied to the downpayment, which survive foreclosure, the LTV will be calculated
based on the lower of the net sales price or the appraised value.
Any additional down payment or closing costs paid above minimum borrower’s
contribution may be paid by a lender credit, gift, or subsidy. Eligible gift donors are:
Relative by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal guardianship; or fiancé, fiancée, or
domestic partner.
Subsidy Programs must meet the following criteria:
1. The subsidy or secondary financing program must be sponsored by a Federal,
State or Local Government agency, or another source (non‐profit housing
entities, and employers) that is acceptable to SONYMA and its pool insurer.
2. If the subsidy mortgage and/or note instruments require payments during the
Loan term, such payments will be considered a monthly debt obligation of the
borrower and shall be included in the monthly housing expense‐to‐income
3. Borrowers must meet SONYMA’s minimum equity requirement.
4. In the case where SONYMA’s requirements are more restrictive than the
requirements of the subsidy program, SONYMA’s requirements must prevail.
5. A copy of the award letter from the grantor to the borrower must be provided.
It must indicate the total amount of assistance the borrower is receiving and
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how much is going to be applied to down payment, closing costs, and if any
funds will be used for post‐closing rehabilitation. (If the appraisal is subject
to the completion of these repairs a detailed work scope from the grantor
with the cost for each repair item is required. Structural repairs must be
completed prior to closing. If the cost of the repairs exceeds the rehabilitation
amount of the subsidy, the borrower must document sufficient funds to
complete the work in addition to funds required for closing).
6. If the originating lender is providing a credit to the borrower towards funds
required for closing, the lender must disclose the amount of the credit and if
it will be applied towards down payment or closing costs (either a letter from
the lender or a comment on the 1008 can be supplied). The credit should
comply with the same limitations as allowable for seller concessions (6% of the
purchase price for LTV’s up to 90%, 3% for LTV’s exceeding 90%).
7. If the repayment terms of the subsidy are not disclosed in the award letter, a
blank copy of the note and mortgage the borrower will execute at closing must
be provided.
8. If part of the funds for closing is a gift, a fully executed gift letter from an
eligible donor must be provided. It must disclose the amount of the gift, the
donor’s name and address, relationship to the borrower, and the subject
property address. If the documentation provided does not evidence that the
gift funds have been deposited into the Borrower’s account prior to
submission to the mortgage insurer, evidence of the donor’s ability to give the
gift, and the transfer of the funds into the Borrower’s account must be
provided prior to closing.
When a subsidy is being utilized for the acquisition of property, all or a portion of
the subsidy may be used as borrower’s equity and may eliminate the need for PMI
coverage. A subsidy may be used as equity only to the extent where the loan to
value does not exceed 100% of the true market value of the property. When
determining 1% of borrower’s own funds, this amount will be calculated based on
the discounted sale price (gross sale price less the amount of the subsidy
supported by the true market value of the property). However, SONYMA may
finance up to 100% of the discounted sale price provided the mortgagor meets
SONYMA’s minimum equity requirement.
If any or all of the subsidy is being utilized for closing costs, such amounts will not
be considered as equity. However, in such cases the combined loan to value ratio
may exceed 100%. If the combined loan to value ratio exceeds 100%, Homebuyer
Counseling is required. (Examples are attached ‐ Page 24).
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Maximum seller concessions toward closing costs are 3% of purchase price for
LTV’s above 90% and 6% for LTV’s 90% and less. This includes the $500 seller credit
paid in‐lieu of completing the New York State Property Disclosure statement.
Borrower’s own funds are funds that can be verified from a source which can be:
1. Monies from borrower’s checking or savings account as of the loan application
date. (VOD’s and bank statements should be no older than 90 days at the time
of Pool/PMI approval).
2. The market value of lot owned by the borrower, exclusive of any liens, or the
purchase price of the lot if it was purchased in the past year, whichever is less.
Earnest money deposits and fees paid to the lender must be documented with a
copy of the canceled check and account statement evidencing the funds clearing
the account.
Joint accounts will be considered as borrower’s own funds. (A letter from the non-
obligated account holder is not required).
Deposits into a borrower’s bank account which do not exceed 50% of their
monthly qualifying income are not required to be documented. Once the
borrower’s minimum required own funds have been established, up to $1,000 of
undocumented deposits can be considered as cash on hand.
Non‐Traditional savings arrangements (frequently referred to as “Sou Sou” or
“Gemacht” funds) are permitted with letter outlining details of arrangement from
the treasurer.
Borrowers purchasing a 2-4 unit property (for all programs), must verify 2
months reserves in addition to funds required for closing.
Sale of an asset is permissible when the Mortgagor can prove prior ownership of
such asset, can document the market value of the asset, and can provide
verification that the funds were received from an arms‐length source.
SONYMA will allow the use of an unsecured installment loan made by the Seller
(Lender) to the Mortgagor if the following conditions are met:
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1. The installment loan product must be made available to all prospective
2. Mortgagor must contribute 1% of their own funds (3% for cooperative share
loans and Three‐ and Four‐Family Dwellings) into the transaction.
3. The repayment of the installment loan will be considered an ongoing monthly
obligation of the Mortgagor.
4. Mortgagor may not receive any cash back from the transaction.
5. The terms of the unsecured loan my not exceed 15 years.
6. All Mortgagors utilizing the unsecured loan must complete a homebuyer
education course.
7. The interest rate of the unsecured loan may not exceed the rate of the first
mortgage by more than 1%.
40%/45% up to 97% LTV.
Installment debt can be paid down to 10 payments or less.
Revolving Debt can be paid off and account closed.
If the subject property currently has a real estate tax rebate, documentation of the
remaining term must be provided. The rebate must continue for at least the next
three years or the borrower must be qualified at the full amount of the real estate
taxes. If the rebate has not yet been approved the borrower must also be qualified
utilizing the full amount of the real estate taxes.
If the subject property is new construction where the current tax bill is based on
the vacant land rate, the appraiser must use a reasonable estimate of the real
estate taxes based on the value of the land and completed improvements.
For Open 30‐Day Charge Accounts that do not reflect a monthly payment on the
credit report, or 30 day accounts that reflect a monthly payment that is identical
to the account balance, lenders must verify borrower funds to cover the account
balance (in addition to funds required for closing).
Automobile lease payments regardless of the remaining lease term must be
Alimony/Child Support obligations are deducted from gross monthly income.
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Monthly payments for 401K and Pension Loans do not have to be included in the
total debt‐to‐income ratio.
For deferred student loans, the lender must use the greater of the following to determine
the monthly payment to be used as the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligation:
.50 % of the outstanding balance; or
The actual documented payment (documented obtained from the student loan
If payment currently being made cannot be documented or verified, .50 % of the
outstanding balance must be used.
Exception: If the actual documented payment is less than .50 % of the outstanding
balance and it will fully amortize the loan with no payment adjustments, the
lender may use the lower, fully‐amortizing monthly payment to qualify the
Student loans in repayment including those utilizing Income based Repayment
(IBR) type plans, may utilize the documented student loan payment from the
student loan provider for qualification purposes.
If a borrower is receiving assistance or a forgiveness grant toward the repayment
of student loans, documentation of the assistance must be provided and it will be
added to the borrower’s income, provided it will continue for at least 3 years from
the loan application date. The student loan payment must be included in the
borrower’s liabilities as described above.
If a property is sold without kitchen appliances, the borrower must have sufficient
reserves verified after closing to purchase them, or the lender can add $40/month
to the borrower’s non‐housing expenses (the borrower’s total DTI ratio should not
exceed 45% including the $40/month). The borrower may also provide paid
receipts for the appliances.
Previous 2 year’s history must be verified. Exceptions will be made for recent
college graduates or honorably discharged military with less than 2 years and
evidenced by a discharge certificate/diploma/degree. (Paystubs and VOE’s must
be no older than 90 days at the time of Pool/PMI approval).
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Over‐time, bonus, commissions and second job income must be received for past
2 years and must be steady to be considered (averaged from W2's & 1040's).
Exceptions will be considered if received for 12 24 months.
Tip Income must be average for the most recent 2 year period. A VOE, recent
paystub, and most recent 2 years W2s or 1040’s are required.
Self‐employed borrowers must submit signed 1040's and business tax returns (if
applicable) for past 2 years, a year to date P&L statement, and the most recent 3
months bank statements the business transactions (receipts and expenses) flow
Automobile allowance may be included as income (provided the borrower has a
2 year history or receipt).
Income for mortgagors employed in a family owned business can be determined
from a verification of employment (VOE) or acceptable alternate documents. Past
two years 1040’s are required for third party verification purposes. If a large
discrepancy is apparent when comparing the 1040’s, an acceptable explanation
will be required.
Rental Income will be calculated by adding 75% of verifiable rents to gross monthly
income for 2 ‐ 4 family unit properties.
Rental Income from a legal accessory unit in a 1 family property only, will be
calculated by adding 75% of the market rent determined by the appraiser using
similar units and utilizing a rental comparable schedule form.
Income from a non-occupant co-borrower can be used for qualifying for a 1 family
property only. The occupying borrower must qualify with a total debt-to-income
ratio of 50% on their own income. The ratios when using income from both the
occupying and non-occupying borrower should not exceed 40/45. The co-
borrower must be on the 1003, and their income and debts must be included in
the debt-to-income ratios.
Boarder Income can be used for qualifying for a 1 family property only, subject to
the following:
Documentation of the boarder’s shared residency with the borrower for the past
12 months
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Documentation of the boarder’s rental payments to the borrower for the past 12
months. If unable to document, no more than 50% of the boarder’s income (which
must be documented by w2s and recent paystubs) can be used for qualifying.
Boarder income cannot exceed 30% of the total monthly qualifying income, unless
regular monthly contributions to the borrower’s household can be documented,
in which case the boarder income can equal up to 35% of the total qualifying
Income from a legal accessory unit, a non-occupant co-borrower, and boarder
income, cannot be combined. Only 1 of these types of income can be used for
Borrowers using alimony/child support income to qualify will be required to
submit 6 months’ documentation of receipt, and it must continue for three years
from the application date. A Court Order/Divorce Decree or written Child Support
Agreement is required in addition to the receipt documentation.
SONYMA will permit a loan closing for a borrower on Short Term Disability or Parental
Leave under the following conditions:
The borrower must provide a letter certifying:
1. Intent to return to work.
2. The projected return to work date.
3. Intent to resume the previous work schedule or a modified schedule (if so,
the modified new schedule must be provided). The employer must certify in
1. That the borrower is expected to return to work and the projected work
2. The projected return to work date.
3. The wage/salary of the borrower upon return to work.
4. The terms of any disability benefits (including maximum time permitted).
The qualifying ratios will be calculated based on the income certifications provided
by the borrower and the employer. The standard required income documentation
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must be provided, up to the date the borrower began the temporary disability
If the return to work date is after the first payment due date of the mortgage loan,
the borrower must have sufficient reserves verified in addition to funds required
for closing to cover the monthly housing payment(s) plus any other debts included
in the underwriting analysis.
SONYMA will accept as borrower income, payments received from HUD‐administered
Section 8 Homeownership Vouchers. As an alternative and pursuant to HUD Guidelines,
the Section 8 Homeownership Voucher may also be applied as a one‐time payment for
down payment and/or closing cost assistance. In either case, all borrowers receiving such
assistance must complete a homebuyer education course managed by a HUD‐approved
organization to provide Section 8 Homeownership Counseling. In addition, lenders will
be required to submit evidence to SONYMA that the applicant has completed the
counseling program and that the voucher known as the Housing Assistance Payment
(‘HAP’), applies to home ownership. SONYMA will permit such assistance to be applied
using one of the following options:
Deduct the HAP from Monthly Housing Expense (PITI). Under this option, the
borrower’s HAP is applied directly to the PITI and payment and debt ratios are
calculated based on the net amount. In order to use this option, the company
servicing the mortgage loans (the “servicer”) must set up a dedicated account and
the HAP must be deposited directly into the account by the non‐profit entity
administering the Section 8 Program on behalf of HUD (the “HAP administrator”).
The HAP administrator must specify in their letter which discloses the monthly
home ownership assistance that the assistance will go directly to the loan servicer
in order for this option to be utilized. Further, the servicer must be able to accept
payments on the same account from both the borrower and the HAP
Administrator. For lenders not servicing for SONYMA, our master servicer, M&T
Bank, is prepared to accept these loans.
Add HAP to Borrower Income. With this option, the HAP may be added directly to
the borrower’s income. Since the HAP is non‐taxable income, SONYMA will allow
it to be grossed up by 25%.
Subordinate Second Mortgage. In some cases, the HAP Administrator may
provide a second mortgage and the HAP is used to make the payments on the
second mortgage. The second mortgage must be subordinate to SONYMA’s first
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mortgage and must meet all other requirements for secondary financing as stated
above in the down payment section.
Please note that the voucher program is administered by a local Public Housing Agency
(PHA). The PHA will determine the type of assistance to be used and which of the above
options will be used.
If Mortgagor income is verified to be non‐taxable income, SONYMA will allow the income
to be grossed up by 25%.
SONYMA will accept an electronically merged credit report obtained from the
three credit repositories. (Credit reports must be no older than 90 days at the
time of Pool/PMI approval).
A mortgagor must have at least 3 lines of credit, traditional or non‐traditional,
established for a period of 12 months (not paid or inactive for more than 24
months), prior to the mortgage loan application date. (If there is more than 1
borrower on the 1003, only 1 needs to satisfy this requirement, and that borrower
must be employed and contributing income toward qualifying).
Late payments should be explained in writing and documented if necessary
(satisfactions of judgment, collections).
All open judgments must be satisfied prior to closing.
Collection accounts and chargeoffs which have been opened 3 or more years
prior to the loan application date, or less than $250 are not required to be
satisfied, the aggregate of open collection accounts or chargeoffs cannot exceed
$1,000. Open collection accounts and chargeoffs which have been in repayment,
and paid as agreed for the past 12 months, are not required to be satisfied
(verification from creditor is required).
SONYMA utilizes credit scores. However, no minimum score has been established
to consider a mortgage application.
If a borrower (s) lack a credit history, Non‐Traditional credit may be utilized.
SONYMA will consider credit that requires the mortgagor to make periodic
payments on a regular basis (for example, rental housing payments, payments for
utilities, medical and auto insurance payments, etc.).
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SONYMA will consider borrowers who have completed consumer credit
counseling provided the borrower has 3 re‐established lines of credit for 12
months with no late payments.
Mortgagors with a previous history of bankruptcy will be evaluated on case‐by-
case basis. At minimum, mortgagors must meet all of the following criteria to be
considered for a Mortgage Loan:
1. The bankruptcy must have been discharged at least three years prior to the
Residential Loan Application date.
2. Mortgagor must have re‐established good credit evidenced by: proving a
minimum of four credit references including at least one traditional credit
reference and one housing related reference. Three of the four credit
references must have been active in the 24 month period immediately
preceding the Residential Loan Application Date.
3. Mortgagor must have stable employment
4. Mortgagor must also submit a letter explaining the circumstances surrounding
the bankruptcy (the circumstances must have been beyond the Mortgagor’s
control) along with copies of bankruptcy petition, list of creditors and
discharge documentation.
SONYMA will take into consideration Mortgagor’s performance on any credit
accounts that were not included in the bankruptcy.
If Mortgagor had a previous history of mortgage foreclosure or deed in lieu of mortgage
foreclosure, or a short sale, SONYMA will consider such applications on a case‐by‐case
basis. At minimum, Mortgagor must comply with the following:
1. The foreclosure sale (or transfer of title in a deed in lieu of foreclosure), or
short sale must have occurred at least four years prior to the Residential
Application Date.
2. The factors causing the foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure must be
attributable to events beyond the Mortgagor’s control and a written
explanation must be provided explaining these events in detail.
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3. Mortgagor must have re‐established good credit as described in Bankruptcy
Section above.
Mortgagors with a history of a bankruptcy or foreclosure/short sale must demonstrate
that housing rental payments were made in a timely manner. Acceptable documentation
in this regard are as follows:
Copies of the front and back of canceled checks for prior 12 months;
Copies of 12 months bank statements showing clearing of rental payments;
Verification of Rent form (VOR) with payment amount and history (if the rental
payments are paid to a management company);
Where landlord is an interested third party (i.e., property seller family member),
verification of rent form with payment amount and history and copies of the front
and back of canceled checks for the prior 12 months.
A Guarantor may be used to provide additional security in cases when Mortgagor lacks a
INCOME RATIOS, or be included in any calculation. Guarantor must meet acceptable
credit standards, may not be a spouse and must be a blood relative. Other program
requirements that apply to the Mortgagor will not apply to Guarantor. Seller must submit
a full credit package (1003, pay stubs, W2’s, credit report and bank statements) on the
Guarantor. Guarantor will be required to sign the Note at closing
Non‐permanent resident mortgagors must be legal residents of the United States, and at
a minimum must have:
Two year job tenure in the United States.
Two year asset base documentation from a United States‐based financial
Two years established credit history in the United States. (Non‐traditional credit as
described in “Credit” above will be considered for non‐US citizens.)
Lawful permanent residents of the United States are eligible under the same terms
available to US citizens.
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DACA borrowers are eligible for SONYMA financing under the same terms as
NON-CITIZEN MORTGAGORS if the following documentation can be provided:
A current, valid visa or current (unexpired) Employment Authorization Document
(EAD) issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
The documentation must substantiate the borrower is eligible to work in the U.S.
All borrowers must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax
Identification Number (ITIN)
At least one borrower on the loans must have a valid SSN
Transaction must involve disinterested third parties. Non arms‐length transactions are
unacceptable. Examples of unacceptable transactions include:
Employee buying from employer.
Family member buying from a family business.
Realtors buying from their own listings.
Partner buying from own partnership.
SONYMA will finance a property in which the Mortgagor has inherited a share of the
ownership interest in the Eligible Property and wishes to buy out the remaining
inheritors. To determine the maximum financing allowable, deduct the Mortgagor’s
proportionate share of ownership interest from the lower of the sales price or the
appraised value of the property. Example: Purchase price and appraised value are
$100,000 and Mortgagor’s share is one quarter or $25,000. $100,000 less $25,000 is
$75,000. The loan‐to Value of the Property ratio on this transaction will be 75%.
Documentation evidencing all members of the estate is required.
Other members of the estate are not eligible as gift donors.
Note: Provided the Mortgagors have at least 20 percent total equity in the
transaction, PMI insurance will not be necessary.
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Homebuyer education is required for at least one borrower contributing qualifying
income in any of the following instances:
Less than 5% of Borrower’s own cash is contributed to the transaction;
The LTV is greater than 95%;
The CLTV is greater than 100% where subsidies are being utilized;
For all loan programs reserved under the Achieving the Dream, Remodel New York,
or Habitat for Humanity Programs (regardless of the LTV or cash contribution); and
For borrowers (main borrower earning qualifying income) who select the SONYMA
Down Payment Assistance Loan (DPAL) option.
Landlord counseling is required for any borrower purchasing a 1 Family Property with
a legal accessory unit, or 2‐4 Family Property. This counseling should be completed
with a Hud‐Approved Counseling Agency.
SONYMA will not permit the mortgagor to act as the general contractor unless
construction is the mortgagor’s full time occupation regarding new construction and
Remodel NY Loans. See Remodel NY Loans Exhibit.
SONYMA has not designated any particular area of the state as a declining market. Any
such determination will be treated on a case‐by‐case basis based upon the property
appraisal report submitted with the loan file. If the appraisal does show that the subject
property is located in a declining market, SONYMA MIF or its pool insurance
administrator, Genworth, reserves the right to reduce the requested loan amount to an
acceptable level.
A property flip occurs when a recently purchased property is quickly resold for a profit by
the seller. The short time frame between the acquisition and resale (within 6 months)
coupled with an increase in the property value are signs that a flip may have occurred. In
these cases the following guidelines apply:
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Property seller must be the “owner of record” according to publicly available
information and is supported by loan file documentation.
No back‐to‐back, simultaneous closings, or double closings, assignment of
contract of sale.
If an individual or investor acquires the subject property at a below market value
(i.e. at auction) and property is being re-sold at a profit with no subsequent
renovations to the property, the appraisal must indicate the property value is
supported. Otherwise, increase in the value must be explained and renovations
must be supported with detailed information reflected by the appraiser.
Sellers must supply an appraisal report and legible color copies of photographs of
the Eligible Property and the comparable sales.
The appraisal report must be dated within four (4) months of the date a file is
submitted for review. If the appraisal is greater than 4 months old at the time of
submission, the mortgage insurance underwriter will determine whether an
appraisal update or a new appraisal is required. If an appraisal update is submitted
and the appraiser states the value of the property has declined since the date of
the original appraisal, a new appraisal will be required.
If a loan is approved and the mortgage insurance commitment(s) expire, a new
appraisal is required to extend the commitment(s)
If the appraiser, or the seller on the property condition disclosure form, notes
asbestos is present in the subject property, an inspection by a qualified asbestos
removal professional must be completed. The inspector must determine if the
asbestos should be encapsulated or removed. A cost to cure and a disclosure
specifying who will cover cost of the corrective action must also be supplied. (If
the property seller is going to cover the cost an addendum to the contract of sale
stating such must be provided. If the borrower is covering the cost to cure,
evidence that he/she has the funds must be documented. Evidence the work has
been completed must also be provided (final inspection by appraiser). Any other
items the seller notes regarding the condition of the property (roof leaks, water in
basement, mold, etc.) should be addressed and remediation maybe required.
At minimum, the subject property must be in average condition to be eligible for
SONYMA financing.
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The appraiser must indicate if the utilities are on and working at the time of
inspection. If they are not they must be turned on prior to closing and the
appraiser must re‐inspect to confirm.
The property must be suitable for year‐round occupancy and residential in nature.
The property must be readily accessible by public roads or serviced by a private
road with a publicly recorded maintenance agreement that meet local standards.
Appraisers may use comparable sales that are farther away than is typically
permitted for non‐rural properties.
Appraisers may use comparable sales more than 12 months old, if more recent
sales which are better indicators of value are not available.
Double‐Width Manufactured Housing Units are acceptable (Single Width Units are
not Acceptable).
The unit must be permanently affixed to real property. All foundations must have
footings below the frost line.
Units built prior to 1996 are not eligible.
Units must be in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction
and Safety standards established June 15, 1976, evidenced by a certification label
affixed to the home.
The appraiser must complete the appraisal on the appropriate Fannie
Mae/Freddie Mac Form and should use comparable sales which are
Manufactured Homes.
Trade equity from a borrower’s existing manufactured home may be used as the
borrower’s equity in the new home. The retail value of the traded home from the
N.A.D.A. Manufactured Housing Appraisal Guide will be applied. Proof of
ownership (title) for the traded home is also required.
Lenders must follow the Title Guidelines published by Fannie Mae for New York
Minimum 10 units in a project.
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Presale requirements: 40% if LTV is 90% or less, 51% above 90% (units in contract
count toward presale); however, MIF reserves the right to establish a different
percentage for any project.
Maximum of 50% investor concentration (based on number on total number of
units in the project or legal phase with an independent budget , when the HOA has
not yet been turned over to the unit owners). For existing projects (HOA has been
turned over to the unit owners), there is no investor concentration limit.
All projects must have a reserve fund for capital repairs.
Minimum square footage is 500. (Exceptions below 500 square feet may be made
if the unit is supported by comparable sales of similar size.)
New conversion eviction plans are not eligible.
The project must be managed by a professional management company
experienced in managing condominiums and/or planned unit development.
SONYMA will allow a condominium or PUD project to be self‐managed if the unit
owners have been managing the project for a minimum of ten years and at least
75% of the units are sold. The investor concentration cannot exceed 30% (based
on the number of units sold).
A SONYMA condominium questionnaire is required. The questionnaire should
disclose all information regarding phasing in the project, common areas and
facilities, the control of the Homeowner’s Association (HOA), Unit Information
(total number of units, owner occupancy and investor information), HOA dues
delinquency information (no more than 15%, can be more than 30 days
delinquent). If the project or sponsor is involved in any litigation, the terms of the
contact with the managing agent, and, has all rehabilitation been completed (if
the project is a condo conversion).
If there is commercial space in the project, the square footage of that space cannot
exceed 20% of the total square footage of the project.
Minimum 10 units in a project.
Presale requirements: 40% in a conversion project, 51% in an existing project (unit
owners are in control of the HOA).
Maximum 30% investor concentration (based on total number of units in the
project, or legal phase with an independent budget, when the HOA has not been
transferred to the share owners).
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Minimum square footage is 500. (Exceptions below 500 square feet may be made
if the unit is supported by comparable sales of similar size.)
New Conversion Eviction Plans are not eligible.
Underlying mortgage must have at least 3 years remaining on term.
The proprietary lease or occupancy agreement must have a remaining term must
at minimum be equal to the term of the SONYMA loan.
If there is a ground lease the term must not expire for at least 35 years from loan
SONYMA will allow up to a 5% transfer tax (flip tax) without making any
adjustments to the loan amount. If the flip tax exceeds 5% of the appraised value,
the amount IN EXCESS of 5% must be deducted from the appraised value and the
LTV are based on the adjusted appraised value.
All projects must have a reserve fund for capital repairs.
The project must be managed by a professional managing agent experienced in
managing cooperative projects. SONYMA will allow a cooperative project to be
self‐managed if the shareholders have been managing the project for a minimum
of ten years and at least 75% of the units are sold. The investor concentration
cannot exceed 30% (based on the number of units sold).
If there is commercial space in the project, the square footage of that space cannot
exceed 20% of the total square footage of the project.
A SONYMA cooperative questionnaire is required. o All information regarding
building statistics (total number of units, total number sold, total number sold and
owner occupied, total number sold and sublet, total number of shares, number of
shares for the subject unit). o If there a flip tax, describe the terms.
Delinquency information regarding owner’s maintenance payments. (no more
than 15%, can be more than 30 days delinquent).
Tax abatement information if applicable (if applicable, expiration date is
Terms of the underlying mortgage. o All pertinent information regarding the
sponsor/holder of unsold shares (total number of units held, monthly
maintenance, monthly rental income, has the sponsor pledged any shares as
collateral for any other loans. If yes, what are the terms, is the sponsor current
on its obligations to the coop, etc).
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Is the sponsor or cooperative involved in any litigation? If yes, provide the
dollar amount and the declaration page of the project insurance policy.
“HDFC” cooperatives will be considered on a case‐by‐case basis (financial
statements for the past 2 years are required). SONYMA will not consider loans to
purchase “insider units” to existing tenants.
Pro Rata Share of underlying mortgage cannot exceed 35% of lower of sale price
or appraised value based on the following calculation:
Pro Rata Share of Underlying Mtg.
< Sale Price/Appraised Value + Pro Rata Share of Underlying Mtg.
Contact ENACT MI at: 1‐800‐548‐0884 (Ext. 4151), for status of a project prior to
underwriting an application to find out project status.
SONYMA will finance 10 spot loans or 50 percent of the total units in the project,
whichever is less, in an existing project; 3 spot loans in a newly converted or
constructed project.
The following documentation must be submitted:
SONYMA Project Set‐Aside Application
Offering plan with all amendments
Engineer’s Report (for conversion projects only) including Asbestos Report
Current Financial Statements and Operating Budget
Appraisals (1 for each unit type)
Marketing material
Community Land Trusts (CLT’s) are not‐for‐profit organizations or public entities (such as
a local government) that acquire homes or vacant land for the benefit of the community,
helping provide access to affordable housing for local low‐and moderate‐income
residents. Purchasers of homes in a land trust must execute a long‐term lease that
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includes restrictions preserving the home’s affordability in perpetuity. By owning the land
and restricting who can purchase the homes, land trusts ensure permanent affordability
for the homes.
SONYMA will purchase mortgages secured by a lease on a property owned by a CLT under
the following conditions:
Applicants may apply for any SONYMA program available at the time of
One and two‐family residences and eligible condominium projects are eligible.
Three and four‐family homes, are not eligible.
Eligible CLT’s: o Must have at least two years’ experience administering and
managing affordable housing;
Must use a form of ground lease that is based on the model developed
by the Institute for Community Economics; and
Must incorporate the Community Land Trust Ground Lease Rider (Fannie
Mae Form 2100) into the ground lease.
1) A borrower is purchasing a property with a gross selling price of $110,000 and is
receiving a subsidy of $25,000. Of this subsidy, $20,000 will be used for down
payment assistance and the remaining $5,000 for closing cost assistance. The
property has been appraised with a true market value of $100,000.
Since the discounted sales price will be $90,000 ($110,000 minus $20,000), the
maximum financing will be $90,000 and the borrower’s minimum cash
contribution will be $900 SONYMA would consider borrower equity, based on the
property’s true market value, to be $10,000 ($100,000 minus $90,000) and the
final LTV is 90%.
In this example. PMI would be necessary.
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2) Same facts as above except all the subsidy is for down payment assistance.
The discounted sales price will be $85,000 ($110,000 minus $25,000), the
maximum financing will be $85,000 and the borrower’s minimum cash
contribution will be $850 SONYMA would consider borrower equity, based on the
property’s true, market value, to be $15,000 ($100,000 minus $85,000) and the
final LTV is 85.
In this example, PMI would be necessary.
3) Same facts as sample 2 except the true market value is $110,000.
The discounted sale price will be $85,000 ($110,000 minus $25,000), the
maximum financing will be $85,000 and the borrower’s minimum cash
contribution will be $850 SONYMA would consider borrower equity, based on the
property’s true market value, to be $25,000 ($110,000 minus $85,000) and the
final LTV is 77%.
In this example, MI would not be necessary.
In selecting an appraiser to provide an opinion of value for a leasehold held by a
community land trust, the lender must make sure that the appraiser is knowledgeable
and experienced in the appraisal techniques‐direct capitalization and market derivation
of capitalization rates‐that are necessary to appraise this type of property.
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When a leasehold interest is held by a community land trust, the appraiser must analyze
the property subject to the ground lease. Since the community land trust typically
subsidizes the sales price to the borrower, that price may be significantly less than the
market value of the leasehold interests in the property. The resale restrictions (as well as
other restrictions) that may be included in the ground lease also can affect the value of
the property. The land records for the subject property must include adoption of the
terms and conditions that are incorporated in this ground lease rider. In view of these
concerns, it is important that the appraised value of the leasehold interest in the property
be well supported and correctly developed.
The appraiser must use a three‐step process to develop his or her opinion of value (1)
determine the fee simple value of the property by using the sales comparison analysis
approach to value,
(2) determine the applicable capitalization rate (and convert the income from the ground
lease into a leased fee value by using the market‐derived capitalization rate), and (3)
determine the leasehold value by reducing the fee simple value by the leased fee value.
When this appraisal technique is used, there is no need to document the actual land value
of the security property.
Mortgage Insurance Commitments/Certificates
Mortgage Insurance commitments, for both pool and primary insurance, are valid for
180 days from the date they are issued. Credit reports, income documentation, asset
documentation, or the appraisal report are not required to be updated unless the
mortgage insurance commitment(s) expire, prior to the loan closing. If an extension
is required all documentation must be updated with a new appraisal or an appraisal
update with recent comparable sales, and submitted to the mortgage insurance
underwriter for review for an extension.
If documentation is updated by the lender prior to closing as part of a quality control
procedure, and there are any changes which would have an impact on the loan approval
(ex. job change, new debt, increased property taxes and insurance, reduced assets
resulting in insufficient funds for closing or elimination of a subsidy/grant), the
documentation must be submitted to the mortgage insurance underwriter. SONYMA
permits a 2% variance in the ratios from when the loan is approved, unless the new ratios
exceed 40/45, in which case the loan must be reviewed and reapproved by the mortgage
insurance underwriter. Changes like an increase in assets do not need to be submitted for
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SONYMA Express to be updated. The mortgage insurance cannot make changes which do
not adversely impact the initial approval.