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Easy Access Rules for Medical Requirements
EASA eRules: aviation rules for the 21st century
Rules and regulations are the core of the European Union civil aviation system. The aim of the EASA
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Published June 2020
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© European Union, 1998-2020
Except where otherwise stated, reuse of the EUR-Lex data for commercial or non-commercial purposes is authorised
provided the source is acknowledged ('© European Union, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/, 1998-2020')
The published date represents the date when the consolidated version of the document was generated.
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This version is issued by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in order to provide its
stakeholders with an updated, consolidated, and easy-to-read publication. It has been prepared by
putting together the officially published regulations with the related acceptable means of compliance
and guidance material (including the amendments) adopted so far. However, this is not an official
publication and EASA accepts no liability for damage of any kind resulting from the risks inherent in
the use of this document.
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Reason for revision
May 2019
First Easy Access Rules document powered by eRules.
June 2020
To incorporate the amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
2019/1747 as regards requirements for certain flight crew licences and
certificates, rules on training organisations and competent authorities,
the applicable content from amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
2020/359 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures
related to civil aviation aircrew,
as well as the ED Decision 2019/017/R and the ED Decision 2020/005/R.
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The content of this document is arranged as follows: the cover regulation (recitals and articles) with
the implementing rule (IR) or delegated act (DA) points, as regulation, appear first, followed by the
related acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) paragraph(s).
All elements (i.e. cover regulation, regulation, AMC, and GM) are colour-coded and can be identified
according to the illustration below. The Commission regulation or EASA Executive Director (ED)
decision through which the point or paragraph was introduced or last amended is indicated below the
point or paragraph title(s) in italics.
Cover regulation article
Commission regulation
Commission regulation
Acceptable means of compliance
ED decision
Guidance material
ED decision
This document will be updated regularly to incorporate further amendments.
The format of this document has been adjusted to make it user-friendly and for reference purposes.
Any comments should be sent to erul[email protected].eu.
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Incorporated Commission Regulation
Affected Part
Applicability date
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Annex IV (Part-MED)
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Regulation (EU) No 70/2014
Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Regulation (EU) 2015/445
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Regulation (EU) 2016/539
Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Regulation (EU) 2018/1065
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Regulation (EU) 2018/1119
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Regulation (EU) 2018/1974
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
Annex IV (Part-MED)
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Regulation (EU) 2019/430
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
Annex IV (Part-MED)
Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Regulation (EU) 2020/723
* Refer to article 12 of the cover regulation
This is the date of application (i.e. the date from which an act or a provision in an act produces its full legal effects) as defined in the
relevant cover regulation article. Some provisions of the regulations though may be applicable at a later date (deferred applicability).
Besides, there may be some opt-outs (derogations from certain provisions) notified by the Member States.
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Incorporated ED Decision
AMC/GM Issue No, Amendment No
Applicability date
ED Decision 2011/015/R
Initial issue to Annex IV (Part-MED)
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Initial issue to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
ED Decision 2012/007/R
Initial issue to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2013/006/R
Amendment 1 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
ED Decision 2013/008/R
Amendment 1 to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2013/016/R
Amendment 1 to Annex IV (Part-MED)
ED Decision 2014/020/R
Amendment 2 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
ED Decision 2014/021/R
Amendment 2 to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2015/011/R
Amendment 3 to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2016/008/R
Amendment 3 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
ED Decision 2017/022/R
Amendment 4 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Amendment 4 to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2018/001/R
Amendment 5 to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2018/009/R
Amendment 5 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
ED Decision 2018/011/R
Amendment 6 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Amendment 7 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Amendment 2 to Annex IV (Part-MED)
ED Decision 2019/005/R
Amendment 6 to Annex VI (Part-ORA)
ED Decision 2020/005/R
Amendment 9 to Annex VI (Part-ARA)
Amendment 7 to Annex VII (Part-ORA)
Note: To access the official versions, please click on the hyperlinks provided above.
Derogation of the applicability date in some amended points.
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Disclaimer ........................................................................................... 3
List of revisions ................................................................................... 4
Note from the editor ........................................................................... 5
Incorporated amendments ................................................................. 6
Table of contents ................................................................................ 8
Cover Regulation.......................................................................... 17
Article 1 - Subject matter ................................................................................................. 18
Article 2 - Definitions ........................................................................................................ 19
GM1 Article 2 Definitions ........................................................................................ 21
Article 3 - Pilot licensing and medical certification .......................................................... 22
Article 4 - Existing national pilots’ licences ...................................................................... 23
Article 4a - Performance-based navigation instrument rating privileges ........................ 24
Article 4b - Upset prevention and recovery training ........................................................ 25
Article 4c - Transitional measures for holders of an en route instrument rating ............ 26
Article 5 ............................................................................................................................ 26
Article 6 - Conversion of flight test qualifications ............................................................ 26
Article 7 - Existing national flight engineers’ licences ...................................................... 26
Article 8 ............................................................................................................................ 27
Article 9 - Credit for training commenced prior to the application of this Regulation .... 27
Article 9a - Type rating training and operational suitability data .................................... 27
Article 10 - Credit for pilot licences obtained during military service .............................. 27
Article 10a - Pilot training organisations .......................................................................... 28
Article 10b - Flight simulation training devices ................................................................ 28
Article 10c - Aero-medical centres ................................................................................... 28
Article 11 - Cabin crew medical fitness ............................................................................ 29
Article 11a - Cabin crew qualifications and related attestations ..................................... 29
Article 11b - Oversight capabilities ................................................................................... 29
Article 11c - Transitional measures .................................................................................. 30
Article 12 - Entry into force and application (of the Commission Regulation 1178/2011)
.......................................................................................................................................... 30
Commission Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 of 30 March 2012 ........................................... 31
Commission Regulation (EU) No 70/2014 of 27 January 2014 ........................................... 32
Commission Regulation (EU) No 245/2014 of 13 March 2014 ........................................... 32
Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/445 of 17 March 2015 ................................................. 32
Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/539 of 6 April 2016 ..................................................... 32
Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1065 of 27 July 2018 ................................................... 32
Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1119 of 31 July 2018 ................................................... 32
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1974 of 14 December 2018 ................. 33
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/27 of 19 December 2018 ..................... 33
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/430 of 18 March 2019 ......................... 33
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1747 of 15 October 2019 .................... 33
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Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/359 of 4 March 2020 ........................... 33
ANNEX IV (Part-MED) ................................................................... 35
SUBPART A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 35
SECTION 1 General ..................................................................................... 35
MED.A.001 Competent authority .......................................................................... 35
MED.A.005 Scope ................................................................................................... 35
MED.A.010 Definitions ........................................................................................... 35
MED.A.015 Medical confidentiality ....................................................................... 36
AMC1 MED.A.015 Medical confidentiality .............................................................. 37
MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness................................................................. 37
GM1 MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness ......................................................... 38
MED.A.025 Obligations of the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP ............................... 41
AMC1 MED.A.025 Obligations of the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP ...................... 42
GM1 MED.A.025 Obligations of the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP ........................ 42
SECTION 2 - Requirements for medical certificates ........................................ 44
MED.A.030 Medical certificates ............................................................................. 44
AMC1 MED.A.030 Medical certificates .................................................................... 44
MED.A.035 Application for a medical certificate ................................................... 45
AMC1 MED.A.035 Application for a medical certificate .......................................... 45
MED.A.040 Issuance, revalidation and renewal of medical certificates ................ 45
MED.A.045 Validity, revalidation and renewal of medical certificates ................. 46
MED.A.046 Suspension or revocation of medical certificates ............................... 47
MED.A.050 Referral ................................................................................................ 47
SECTION 1 General ..................................................................................... 48
MED.B.001 Limitations to medical certificates ...................................................... 48
AMC1 MED.B.001 Limitations to medical certificates ............................................. 50
AMC2 MED.B.001 Limitations to medical certificates ............................................. 51
MED.B.005 General medical requirements ........................................................... 54
SECTION 2 Medical requirements for class 1 and class 2 medical certificates 55
MED.B.010 Cardiovascular System ........................................................................ 55
AMC1 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ............................................................... 58
AMC2 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ............................................................... 65
GM1 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ................................................................. 72
GM2 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ................................................................. 72
GM3 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ................................................................. 73
GM4 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ................................................................. 73
GM5 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system ................................................................. 73
MED.B.015 Respiratory System ............................................................................. 73
AMC1 MED.B.015 Respiratory system..................................................................... 74
AMC2 MED.B.015 Respiratory system..................................................................... 75
MED.B.020 Digestive System ................................................................................. 76
AMC1 MED.B.020 Digestive system ........................................................................ 77
AMC2 MED.B.020 Digestive system ........................................................................ 78
MED.B.025 Metabolic and Endocrine Systems ...................................................... 78
AMC1 MED.B.025 Metabolic and endocrine systems ............................................. 79
AMC2 MED.B.025 Metabolic and endocrine systems ............................................. 80
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MED.B.030 Haematology ....................................................................................... 80
AMC1 MED.B.030 Haematology .............................................................................. 81
AMC2 MED.B.030 Haematology .............................................................................. 82
MED.B.035 Genitourinary System.......................................................................... 83
AMC1 MED.B.035 Genitourinary system ................................................................. 84
AMC2 MED.B.035 Genitourinary system ................................................................. 85
MED.B.040 Infectious Disease ............................................................................... 85
AMC1 MED.B.040 Infectious disease ....................................................................... 86
AMC2 MED.B.040 Infectious disease ....................................................................... 86
MED.B.045 Obstetrics and Gynaecology ............................................................... 87
AMC1 MED.B.045 Obstetrics and gynaecology ....................................................... 87
AMC2 MED.B.045 Obstetrics and gynaecology ....................................................... 87
MED.B.050 Musculoskeletal System ...................................................................... 88
AMC1 MED.B.050 Musculoskeletal system ............................................................. 88
AMC2 MED.B.050 Musculoskeletal system ............................................................. 88
MED.B.055 Mental Health ..................................................................................... 89
AMC1 MED.B.055 Mental health ............................................................................. 89
AMC2 MED.B.055 Mental health ............................................................................. 92
GM1 MED.B.055 Mental health .............................................................................. 94
GM2 MED.B.055 Mental health .............................................................................. 95
GM3 MED.B.055 Mental health .............................................................................. 95
GM4 MED.B.055 Mental health .............................................................................. 96
MED.B.065 Neurology ............................................................................................ 96
AMC1 MED.B.065 Neurology ................................................................................... 97
AMC2 MED.B.065 Neurology ................................................................................... 98
MED.B.070 Visual System ...................................................................................... 99
AMC1 MED.B.070 Visual system ........................................................................... 101
AMC2 MED.B.070 Visual system ........................................................................... 104
GM1 MED.B.070 Visual system ............................................................................. 105
GM2 MED.B.070 Visual system ............................................................................. 106
MED.B.075 Colour vision ...................................................................................... 106
AMC1 MED.B.075 Colour vision ............................................................................ 107
AMC2 MED.B.075 Colour vision ............................................................................ 107
MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) ............................................................... 107
AMC1 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) ...................................................... 108
AMC2 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) ...................................................... 110
GM1 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) ........................................................ 111
GM2 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) ........................................................ 111
MED.B.085 Dermatology ...................................................................................... 111
AMC1 MED.B.085 Dermatology ............................................................................ 111
AMC2 MED.B.085 Dermatology ............................................................................ 112
MED.B.090 Oncology ........................................................................................... 112
AMC1 MED.B.090 Oncology .................................................................................. 112
AMC2 MED.B.090 Oncology .................................................................................. 112
SECTION 3 Specific requirements for LAPL medical certificates .................. 114
MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL medical
certificates ............................................................................................................ 114
AMC1 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 114
AMC2 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 114
AMC3 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 117
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AMC4 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 117
AMC5 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 118
AMC6 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 120
AMC7 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 120
AMC8 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 121
AMC9 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 121
AMC10 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 121
AMC11 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 121
AMC12 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 122
AMC13 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 123
AMC14 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 124
AMC15 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 125
AMC16 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 125
AMC17 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 126
GM1 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 126
GM2 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 126
GM3 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for LAPL
medical certificates ................................................................................................ 127
........................................................................................................... 128
SECTION 1 General requirements ............................................................. 128
MED.C.001 General .............................................................................................. 128
MED.C.005 Aero-medical assessments ................................................................ 128
AMC1 MED.C.005 Aero-medical assessments ....................................................... 128
SECTION 2 Requirements for aero-medical assessment of cabin crew ....... 130
MED.C.020 General .............................................................................................. 130
MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments .............................................. 130
AMC1 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 130
AMC2 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 131
AMC3 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 133
AMC4 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 133
AMC5 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 134
AMC6 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 134
AMC7 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 135
AMC8 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 135
AMC9 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ..................................... 135
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AMC10 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 136
AMC11 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 136
AMC12 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 137
AMC13 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 137
AMC14 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 138
AMC15 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 138
AMC16 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 139
AMC17 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ................................... 139
GM1 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ....................................... 139
GM2 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ....................................... 141
GM3 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ....................................... 141
GM4 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments ....................................... 141
SECTION 3 Additional requirements for applicants for, or holders of, a cabin
crew attestation ......................................................................................... 142
MED.C.030 Cabin crew medical report ................................................................ 142
AMC1 MED.C.030 Cabin crew medical report ....................................................... 142
GM1 MED.C.030(b) Cabin crew medical report .................................................... 143
MED.C.035 Limitations ......................................................................................... 146
AMC1 MED.C.035 Limitations ................................................................................ 146
PRACTITIONERS (OHMP) .................................................................... 147
SECTION 1 Aero-Medical Examiners .......................................................... 147
MED.D.001 Privileges ........................................................................................... 147
MED.D.005 Application ........................................................................................ 147
MED.D.010 Requirements for the issue of an AME certificate ............................ 148
MED.D.011 Privileges of an AME certificate holder ............................................. 148
MED.D.015 Requirements for the extension of privileges .................................. 148
MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine .............................................. 149
AMC1 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine ..................................... 149
AMC2 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine ..................................... 150
GM1 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine ....................................... 151
GM2 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine ....................................... 157
GM3 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine ....................................... 160
MED.D.025 Changes to the AME certificate ........................................................ 161
MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates ............................................................... 161
AMC1 MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates...................................................... 162
GM1 MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates ....................................................... 163
GM2 MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates ....................................................... 164
SECTION 2 General Medical Practitioners.................................................. 165
MED.D.035 Requirements for general medical practitioners .............................. 165
SECTION 3 Occupational Health Medical Practitioners .............................. 166
MED.D.040 Requirements for occupational health medical practitioners .......... 166
ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) .................................................................. 167
List of acronyms used throughout this Annex ....................................................... 167
SUBPART GEN GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 170
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SECTION I General .................................................................................... 170
ARA.GEN.115 Oversight documentation ............................................................. 170
ARA.GEN.120 Means of compliance .................................................................... 170
AMC1 ARA.GEN.120(d)(3) Means of compliance .................................................. 171
GM1 ARA.GEN.120 Means of compliance ............................................................. 171
ARA.GEN.125 Information to the Agency ............................................................ 171
ARA.GEN.135 Immediate reaction to a safety problem ...................................... 171
SECTION II Management ........................................................................... 172
ARA.GEN.200 Management system ..................................................................... 172
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(a) Management system ....................................................... 172
GM1 ARA.GEN.200(a) Management system ......................................................... 173
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system ................................................... 174
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system ................................................... 175
AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system ................................................... 175
GM1 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system ..................................................... 177
GM2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system ..................................................... 179
GM3 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system ..................................................... 180
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(d) Management system ....................................................... 180
ARA.GEN.205 Allocation of tasks to qualified entities ......................................... 181
GM1 ARA.GEN.205 Allocation of tasks to qualified entities .................................. 181
ARA.GEN.210 Changes in the management system ............................................ 182
ARA.GEN.220 Record-keeping ............................................................................. 182
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a) Record-keeping ................................................................ 183
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(1);(2);(3) Record-keeping ................................................. 183
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(4) Record-keeping............................................................ 184
GM1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(4) Record-keeping ............................................................. 184
GM2 ARA.GEN.220(a)(4) Record-keeping ............................................................. 184
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(5) Record-keeping............................................................ 184
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(7) Record-keeping............................................................ 185
GM1 ARA.GEN.220 Record-keeping ...................................................................... 186
SECTION III Oversight, certification and enforcement ................................ 187
ARA.GEN.300 Oversight ....................................................................................... 187
AMC1 ARA.GEN.300(a);(b);(c) Oversight ............................................................... 187
GM1 ARA.GEN.300(a);(b);(c) Oversight ................................................................. 188
GM1 ARA.GEN.300(d) Oversight ........................................................................... 189
ARA.GEN.305 Oversight programme ................................................................... 189
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(b) Oversight programme ...................................................... 190
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(b)(1) Oversight programme ................................................. 191
AMC2 ARA.GEN.305(b)(1) Oversight programme ................................................. 191
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(b);(c) Oversight programme ................................................ 191
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(c) Oversight programme ...................................................... 192
AMC2 ARA.GEN.305(c) Oversight programme ...................................................... 192
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(d) Oversight programme ...................................................... 193
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(f) Oversight programme....................................................... 193
AMC2 ARA.GEN.305(f) Oversight programme....................................................... 193
ARA.GEN.310 Initial certification procedure organisations .............................. 194
AMC1 ARA.GEN.310(a) Initial certification procedure − organisations ................. 194
ARA.GEN.315 Procedure for issue, revalidation, renewal or change of licences,
ratings, certificates or attestations persons ..................................................... 195
AMC1 ARA.GEN.315(a) Procedure for issue, revalidation, renewal or change of
licences, ratings or certificates − persons .............................................................. 195
ARA.GEN.330 Changes organisations ................................................................ 196
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AMC1 ARA.GEN.330 Changes organisations ....................................................... 196
GM1 ARA.GEN.330 Changes − organisations ........................................................ 197
ARA.GEN.350 Findings and corrective actions organisations ........................... 197
GM1 ARA.GEN.350 Findings and corrective actions − organisations .................... 199
GM1 ARA.GEN.350(e) Findings and corrective actions − organisations ................ 199
ARA.GEN.355 Findings and enforcement measures persons ........................... 199
GM1 ARA.GEN.355(b)(1) Limitation, suspension or revocation of licences, ratings,
certificates or attestations ..................................................................................... 200
GM1 ARA.GEN.355(e) Findings and enforcement measures persons ................ 200
ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority .................................................... 200
AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a) Change of competent authority ....................................... 201
AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a)(1) Change of competent authority .................................. 202
AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a)(2) Change of competent authority .................................. 203
GM1 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority ............................................. 204
GM2 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority ............................................. 205
GM3 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority ............................................. 206
MEDICAL CENTRES (AeMCs) ............................................................... 207
SECTION I General .................................................................................... 207
ARA.AeMC.110 Initial certification procedure ..................................................... 207
ARA.AeMC.150 Findings and corrective actions AeMC .................................... 207
CERTIFICATION ................................................................................... 208
SECTION I General .................................................................................... 208
ARA.MED.120 Medical assessors ......................................................................... 208
AMC1 ARA.MED.120 Medical assessors ................................................................ 208
AMC2 ARA.MED.120 Medical assessors ................................................................ 208
ARA.MED.125 Referral to the licensing authority ................................................ 209
AMC1 ARA.MED.125 Referral to the licensing authority ....................................... 209
ARA.MED.130 Medical certificate format ............................................................ 209
AMC1 ARA.MED.130 Medical certificate format ................................................... 210
ARA.MED.135 Aero-medical forms ...................................................................... 212
AMC1 ARA.MED.135(a) Aero-medical forms ......................................................... 213
AMC1 ARA.MED.135(b);(c) Aero-medical forms ................................................... 216
GM1 ARA.MED.135(b);(c) Aero-medical forms ..................................................... 222
ARA.MED.145 GMP notification to the competent authority ............................. 227
ARA.MED.150 Record-keeping ............................................................................. 227
AMC1 ARA.MED.150 Record-keeping ................................................................... 227
ARA.MED.160 Exchange of information on medical certificates through a central
repository ............................................................................................................. 228
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(b) Exchange of information on medical certificates ........... 229
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(c) Exchange of information on medical certificates ............ 230
AMC2 ARA.MED.160(c) Exchange of information on medical certificates ............ 230
AMC3 ARA.MED.160(c) Exchange of information on medical certificates ............ 230
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(d) Exchange of information on medical certificates ........... 231
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(d) Exchange of information on medical certificates ........... 231
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(h) Exchange of information on medical certificates ........... 231
SECTION II Aero-medical examiners (AMEs) .............................................. 233
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ARA.MED.200 Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal or change of an AME
certificate ............................................................................................................. 233
AMC1 ARA.MED.200 Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal or change of an
AME certificate ...................................................................................................... 233
AMC2 ARA.MED.200 Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal or change of an
AME certificate ...................................................................................................... 233
ARA.MED.240 General medical practitioners (GMPs) acting as AMEs ................ 233
ARA.MED.245 Continuing oversight of AMEs and GMPs ..................................... 233
ARA.MED.250 Limitation, suspension or revocation of an AME certificate ........ 234
ARA.MED.255 Enforcement measures ................................................................ 234
SECTION III Medical certification............................................................... 235
ARA.MED.315 Review of examination reports .................................................... 235
AMC1 ARA.MED.315(a) Review of examination reports ....................................... 235
ARA.MED.325 Secondary review procedure ........................................................ 235
ARA.MED.330 Special medical circumstances ..................................................... 235
AMC1 ARA.MED.330 Special medical circumstances ............................................ 236
AMC1 ARA.MED.330(b)(c) Special medical circumstances.................................... 237
GM1 ARA.MED.330 Special medical circumstances .............................................. 237
Appendices to Annex VI ..................................................................... 238
Appendix V to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) Certificate for Aeromedical Centres (AeMCs)
.............................................................................................................................. 238
Appendix VII to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) Certificate for Aeromedical Examiners
(AMEs) .................................................................................................................. 239
ANNEX VII (Part-ORA) ................................................................ 241
SUBPART GEN GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 241
SECTION I General .................................................................................... 241
ORA.GEN.105 Competent authority .................................................................... 241
ORA.GEN.115 Application for an organisation certificate ................................... 241
ORA.GEN.120 Means of compliance .................................................................... 242
AMC1 ORA.GEN.120(a) Means of compliance ...................................................... 242
ORA.GEN.125 Terms of approval and privileges of an organisation .................... 242
AMC1 ORA.GEN.125 Terms of approval and privileges of an organisation ........... 242
ORA.GEN.130 Changes to organisations .............................................................. 242
AMC1 ORA.GEN.130 Changes to organisations ..................................................... 243
GM1 ORA.GEN.130(a) Changes to organisations .................................................. 243
GM2 ORA.GEN.130(a) Changes to organisations .................................................. 244
GM1 ORA.GEN.130(c) Changes to organisations ................................................... 244
ORA.GEN.135 Continued validity ......................................................................... 244
ORA.GEN.140 Access ............................................................................................ 245
ORA.GEN.150 Findings ......................................................................................... 245
AMC1 ORA.GEN.150(b) Findings ........................................................................... 245
GM1 ORA.GEN.150 Findings .................................................................................. 245
ORA.GEN.155 Immediate reaction to a safety problem ...................................... 245
ORA.GEN.160 Occurrence reporting .................................................................... 246
AMC1 ORA.GEN.160 Occurrence reporting ........................................................... 246
SECTION II Management ........................................................................... 247
ORA.GEN.200 Management system .................................................................... 247
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AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1);(2);(3);(5) Management system .................................. 247
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system................................................... 248
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system .................................................... 249
GM2 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system .................................................... 249
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system................................................... 249
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system .................................................... 250
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system................................................... 250
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system .................................................... 252
GM3 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system .................................................... 252
GM4 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system .................................................... 260
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(4) Management system................................................... 261
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(4) Management system .................................................... 261
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(5) Management system................................................... 261
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(5) Management system .................................................... 262
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(5) Management system................................................... 262
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system................................................... 263
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system .................................................... 265
GM2 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system .................................................... 265
GM3 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system .................................................... 266
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(b) Management system ....................................................... 266
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(c) Management system ....................................................... 267
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(c) Management system ......................................................... 268
GM2 ORA.GEN.200(c) Management system ......................................................... 268
ORA.GEN.205 Contracted activities ..................................................................... 271
AMC1 ORA.GEN.205 Contracted activities ............................................................ 271
GM1 ORA.GEN.205 Contracted activities .............................................................. 271
ORA.GEN.210 Personnel requirements ............................................................... 272
ORA.GEN.215 Facility requirements .................................................................... 272
AMC1 ORA.GEN.215 Facility requirements ........................................................... 272
AMC2 ORA.GEN.215 Facility requirements ........................................................... 273
ORA.GEN.220 Record-keeping ............................................................................. 273
AMC1 ORA.GEN.220(b) Record-keeping ............................................................... 274
GM1 ORA.GEN.220(b) Record-keeping ................................................................. 274
SUBPART AeMC AERO-MEDICAL CENTRES ....................................... 275
SECTION I General .................................................................................... 275
ORA.AeMC.105 Scope .......................................................................................... 275
ORA.AeMC.115 Application ................................................................................. 275
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.115 Application ........................................................................ 275
ORA.AeMC.135 Continued validity ...................................................................... 275
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.135 Continued validity ............................................................. 276
SECTION II Management ........................................................................... 277
ORA.AeMC.200 Management system .................................................................. 277
GM1 ORA.AeMC.200 Management system .......................................................... 277
ORA.AeMC.210 Personnel requirements ............................................................. 277
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.210 Personnel requirements.................................................... 277
ORA.AeMC.215 Facility requirements.................................................................. 277
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.215 Facility requirements ........................................................ 278
ORA.AeMC.220 Record-keeping .......................................................................... 279
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of 3 November 2011
laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant
to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20
February 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation
Safety Agency, and repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and
Directive 2004/36/EC
, and in particular Articles 7(6), 8(5) and 10(5) thereof,
(1) Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 aims at establishing and maintaining a high uniform level of civil
aviation safety in Europe. That Regulation provides for the means of achieving that objective
and other objectives in the field of civil aviation safety.
(2) Pilots involved in the operation of certain aircraft, as well as flight simulation training devices,
persons and organisations involved in training, testing or checking of those pilots, have to
comply with the relevant essential requirements set out in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No
216/2008. According to that Regulation pilots as well as persons and organisations involved in
their training should be certified once they have been found to comply with essential
(3) Similarly, pilots should be issued with a medical certificate and aero-medical examiners,
responsible for assessing the medical fitness of pilots, should be certified once they have been
found to comply with the relevant essential requirements. However, Regulation (EC) No
216/2008 envisages the possibility of general medical practitioners to act as aero-medical
examiners under certain conditions and if permitted under national law.
(4) Cabin crew involved in the operation of certain aircraft have to comply with the relevant
essential requirements set out in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008. According to that
Regulation, cabin crew should be periodically assessed for medical fitness to safely exercise
their assigned safety duties. Compliance must be shown by an appropriate assessment based
on aero-medical best practice.
(5) Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 requires the Commission to adopt the necessary implementing
rules for establishing the conditions for certifying pilots as well as persons involved in their
training, testing or checking, for the attestation of cabin crew members and for the assessment
of their medical fitness.
(6) The requirements and procedures for the conversion of national pilot licences and national
flight engineer licences into pilot licences should be laid down, to ensure that they are allowed
OJ L 79, 19.3.2008, p. 1.
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to perform their activities under harmonised conditions; flight test qualifications should also be
converted in accordance with this Regulation.
(7) It should be possible for Member States to accept licences issued by third countries where a
level of safety equivalent to that specified by Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 can be guaranteed;
Conditions for the acceptance of licences issued by third countries should be laid down.
(8) In order to ensure that training commenced before the application of this Regulation may be
taken into account for the purposes of obtaining pilots’ licences, the conditions for recognising
training already completed should be laid down; the conditions for recognising military licences
should also be laid down.
(9) It is necessary to provide sufficient time for the aeronautical industry and Member State
administrations to adapt to the new regulatory framework, to allow Member States the time to
issue specific types of pilot licences and medical certificates not covered by the ‘JAR’, and to
recognise under certain conditions the validity of licences and certificates issued, as well as
aero-medical assessment performed, before this Regulation applies.
(10) Council Directive 91/670/EEC of 16 December 1991 on mutual acceptance of personnel licences
for the exercise of functions in civil aviation
is repealed in accordance with Article 69(2) of
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008. The measures adopted by this Regulation are to be regarded as
the corresponding measures.
(11) In order to ensure a smooth transition and a high uniform level of civil aviation safety in the
Union, implementing measures should reflect the state of the art, including best practices, and
scientific and technical progress in the field of pilot training and aircrew aero- medical fitness.
Accordingly, technical requirements and administrative procedures agreed by the International
Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the Joint Aviation Authorities until 30 June 2009 as well
as existing legislation pertaining to a specific national environment, should be considered.
(12) The Agency prepared draft implementing rules and submitted them as an opinion to the
Commission in accordance with Article 19(1) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008.
(13) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the
Committee established by Article 65 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008,
Article 1 - Subject matter
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
1. This Regulation lays down detailed rules for:
(a) different ratings for pilot licences, the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending,
limiting, suspending or revoking pilot licences, the privileges and responsibilities of the
holders of pilot licences, as well as the conditions for the conversion of existing national
pilot licences and of national flight engineer licences into pilot licences;
(b) the certification of persons who are responsible for providing flight training or flight
simulation training and for assessing pilots’ skills;
(c) different medical certificates for pilots, the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending,
limiting, suspending or revoking medical certificates, the privileges and responsibilities of
OJ L 373, 31.12.1991, p. 21.
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the holders of medical certificates as well as the conditions for the conversion of national
medical certificates into mutually recognised medical certificates;
(d) the certification of aero-medical examiners, as well as the conditions under which general
medical practitioners may act as aero-medical examiners;
(e) the periodical aero-medical assessment of cabin crew members, as well as the
qualification of persons responsible for this assessment;
(f) the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking cabin
crew attestations, as well as the privileges and responsibilities of the holders of cabin
crew attestations;
(g) the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking
certificates of pilot training organisations and of aero-medical centres involved in the
qualification and aero-medical assessment of civil aviation aircrew;
(h) the requirements for the certification of flight simulation training devices and for
organisations that operate and use those devices;
(i) the requirements for the administration and management system to be fulfilled by the
Member States, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (‘EASA’) and organisations
in relation to the rules referred to in points (a) to (h).
2. Articles 11b and 11c of this Regulation as well as Annex IV (Part-MED), Annex VI (Part-ARA),
Annex VII (Part-ORA) and Annex VIII (Part-DTO) to this Regulation shall apply to pilot licences
for balloons and sailplanes.
Article 2 - Definitions
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) ‘Part-FCL licence’ means a flight crew licence which complies with the requirements of Annex I;
(2) ‘JAR’ means joint aviation requirements adopted by the Joint Aviation Authorities as applicable
on 30 June 2009;
(3) ‘Light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL)’ means the leisure pilot licence referred to in Article 7 of
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008;
(5) ‘Non-JAR-compliant licence’ means the pilot licence issued or recognised by a Member State in
accordance with national legislation and not having been recommended for mutual recognition
in relation to the relevant JAR;
(6) ‘Credit’ means the recognition of prior experience or qualifications;
(7) ‘Credit report’ means a report on the basis of which prior experience or qualifications may be
(8) ‘Conversion report’ means a report on the basis of which a licence may be converted into a Part-
FCL licence;
(11) ‘Cabin crew member’ means an appropriately qualified crew member, other than a flight crew
or technical crew member, who is assigned by an operator to perform duties related to the
safety of passengers and flight during operations;
(12) ‘Aircrew’ means flight crew and cabin crew;
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(14) “acceptable means of compliance (AMC)” means non-binding standards adopted by the Agency
to illustrate means to establish compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
implementing rules;
(15) “alternative means of compliance (AltMoC)means those means that propose an alternative to
an existing AMC or those that propose new means to establish compliance with Regulation (EC)
No 216/2008 and its implementing rules for which no associated AMC have been adopted by
the Agency;
(16) “approved training organisation (ATO)” means an organisation which is entitled to provide
training to pilots on the basis of an approval issued in accordance with the first subparagraph
of Article 10a(1);
(17) “basic instrument training device (BITD)” means a ground-based training device for the training
of pilots representing the student pilot's station of a class of aeroplanes, which may use screen-
based instrument panels and spring-loaded flight controls, and providing a training platform for
at least the procedural aspects of instrument flight;
(18) “certification specifications (CS)” mean technical standards adopted by the Agency indicating
means to be used by an organisation for the purpose of certification;
(19) “flight instructor (FI)” means an instructor with the privileges to provide training in an aircraft
in accordance with Subpart J of Annex I (Part-FCL) to this Regulation, Subpart FI of Annex III
(Part-BFCL) to Regulation (EU) 2018/395
, or Subpart FI of Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2018/1976
(20) “flight simulation training device (FSTD)” means a device for the training of pilots which is:
(a) in the case of aeroplanes, a full flight simulator (FFS), a flight training device (FTD), a flight
and navigation procedures trainer (FNPT) or a basic instrument training device (BITD);
(b) in the case of helicopters, a full flight simulator (FFS), a flight training device (FTD) or a
flight and navigation procedures trainer (FNPT);
(21) “FSTD qualification” means the level of technical ability of an FSTD as specified in the
certification specifications relating to the FSTD in question;
(22) “principal place of business” of an organisation means the head office or registered office of the
organisation within which the principal financial functions and operational control of the
activities referred to in this Regulation are exercised;
(22a) “ARO.RAMP” means the Subpart RAMP of Annex II to the Regulation on Air Operations;
(22b) Automatically validated” means the acceptance, without formalities, by an ICAO contracting
State listed in the ICAO attachment of a flight crew licence issued by a State in accordance with
Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention;
(22c) “ICAO attachment” means an attachment to an automatically validated flight crew licence
issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention, which is mentioned under item
XIII of the flight crew licence;
Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 of 13 March 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of balloons pursuant to Regulation
(EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 71, 14.3.2018, p. 10).
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 of 14 December 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of sailplanes
pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 326, 20.12.2018, p. 64).
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(23) “qualification test guide (QTG)” means a document established to demonstrate that the
performance and handling qualities of an FSTD represent those of the aircraft, class of
aeroplane or type of helicopter, simulated within prescribed limits and that all applicable
requirements have been met. The QTG includes both the data of the aircraft, class of aeroplane
or type of helicopter and FSTD data used to support the validation;
(24) “declared training organisation (DTO)” means an organisation which is entitled to provide
training to pilots on the basis of a declaration made in accordance with the second
subparagraph of Article 10a(1);
(25) “DTO training programmemeans a document established by a DTO, describing in detail the
training course provided by that DTO.
GM1 Article 2 Definitions
ED Decision 2018/009/R
Following is a list of acronyms that are used throughout the AMC/GM to Regulation (EU)
No 1178/2011:
(A) aeroplane
(H) helicopter
A/C aircraft
ACAS airborne collision avoidance system
AeMC aero-medical centre
ALARP as low as reasonably practicable
AMC acceptable means of compliance
AME aero-medical examiner
APU auxiliary power unit
ARA authority requirements for aircrew
ATO approved training organisation
ATPL airline transport pilot licence
BITD basic instrument training device
bpm beats per minute
CAT category
CC cabin crew
cm centimetre
CPL commercial pilot licence
CS certification specification
CS-FSTD(A) Certification Specifications for Aeroplane Flight Simulation Training Devices
CS-FSTD(H) Certification Specifications for Helicopter Flight Simulation Training Devices
dB decibel
DH decision height
DPATO defined point after take-off
DPBL decision point before landing
EC European Community
ECG electrocardiogram
ENT ear, nose and throat
EOG electro-oculography
ETOPS extended range operations with twin-engined aeroplanes
EU European Union
FANS future air navigation system
FD flight director
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FFS full flight simulator
FMECA failure mode, effects and criticality analysis
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FMGC flight management and guidance computer
FMS flight management systemFNPT flight navigation and procedures trainer
FSTD flight simulation training device
FTD flight training device
FTE full-time equivalent
ft foot; feet
FVC forced vital capacity
GM guidance material
GPS global positioning system
HF human factors
Hg mercury
HUD/HUGS head-up display/head-up guidance system
Hz Herz
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IGE in ground effect
ILS instrument landing system
IOS instructor operating station
IR implementing rule
IR instrument rating
kg kilogram
LDP landing decision point
LVTO low-visibility take-off
m metre
mm millimetre
OGE out of ground effect
ORA organisation requirements for aircrew
ORO organisation requirements for air operations
OSD operational suitability data
QTG qualification test guide
POM proof of match
ROD rate of descent
RVR runway visual range
TDP take-off decision point
VDR validation data roadmap
Article 3 - Pilot licensing and medical certification
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
1. Without prejudice to Article 8 of this Regulation, pilots of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(b)
and (c) and Article 4(5) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 shall comply with the technical
requirements and administrative procedures laid down in Annex I and Annex IV to this
2. Notwithstanding the privileges of the holders of licences as defined in Annex I to this Regulation,
holders of pilot licences issued in accordance with Subpart B or C of Annex I to this Regulation
may carry out flights referred to in Article 6(4a) of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012. This is without
prejudice to compliance with any additional requirements for the carriage of passengers or the
development of commercial operations defined in Subparts B or C of Annex I to this Regulation.
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Article 4 - Existing national pilots’ licences
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
1. [Deleted]
2. Non-JAR-compliant licences including any associated ratings, certificates, authorisations and/or
qualifications issued or recognised by a Member State before the applicability of this Regulation
shall be converted into Part-FCL licences by the Member State that issued the licence.
3. Non-JAR-compliant licences shall be converted into Part- FCL licences and associated ratings or
certificates in accordance with:
(a) the provisions of Annex II; or
(b) the elements laid down in a conversion report.
4. The conversion report shall:
(a) be established by the Member State that issued the pilot licence in consultation with the
European Aviation Safety Agency (the Agency);
(b) describe the national requirements on the basis of which the pilot licences were issued;
(c) describe the scope of the privileges that were given to the pilots;
(d) indicate for which requirements in Annex I credit is to be given;
(e) indicate any limitations that need to be included on the Part-FCL licences and any
requirements the pilot has to comply with in order to remove those limitations.
5. The conversion report shall include copies of all documents necessary to demonstrate the
elements set out in points (a) to (e) of paragraph 4, including copies of the relevant national
requirements and procedures. When developing the conversion report, Member States shall
aim at allowing pilots to, as far as possible, maintain their current scope of activities.
6. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, holders of a class rating instructor certificate or an examiner
certificate who have privileges for single-pilot high performance complex aircraft shall have
those privileges converted into a type rating instructor certificate or an examiner certificate for
single-pilot aeroplanes.
7. A Member State may authorise student pilots who follow a LAPL training course to exercise
limited privileges without supervision before they meet all the requirements necessary for the
issuance of a LAPL, subject to the following conditions:
(a) the scope of the privileges shall be based on a safety risk assessment carried out by the
Member State, taking into account the extent of training necessary for the intended level
of pilot competence to be achieved;
(b) the privileges shall be limited to the following:
(i) the whole or part of the national territory of the authorising Member State;
(ii) aircraft registered in the authorising Member State;
(iii) aeroplanes and helicopters, both as single-engine piston aircraft with a maximum
take-off mass not exceeding 2000 kg, sailplanes and balloons;
(c) for training conducted under the authorisation, the holder of such an authorisation who
applies for the issuance of a LAPL shall receive credits that are determined by the Member
State on the basis of a recommendation from an ATO or a DTO;
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(d) the Member State shall submit periodical reports and safety risk assessments to the
Commission and to the Agency every 3 years;
(e) the Member States shall monitor the use of authorisations issued under this paragraph
to ensure an acceptable level of aviation safety and take appropriate action in case of
identifying an increased safety risk or any other safety concerns.
8. Until 8 September 2021, a Member State may issue an authorisation to a pilot to exercise
specified limited privileges to fly aeroplanes under instrument flight rules before the pilot
complies with all of the requirements necessary for the issue of an instrument rating in
accordance with this Regulation, subject to the following conditions:
(a) the Member State shall only issue these authorisations when justified by a specific local
need which cannot be met by the ratings established under this Regulation;
(b) the scope of the privileges granted by the authorisation shall be based on a safety risk
assessment carried out by the Member State, taking into account the extent of training
necessary for the intended level of pilot competence to be achieved;
(c) the privileges of the authorisation shall be limited to the airspace of the Member State’s
national territory or parts of it;
(d) the authorisation shall be issued to applicants having completed appropriate training
with qualified instructors and demonstrated the required competencies to a qualified
examiner, as determined by the Member State;
(e) the Member State shall inform the Commission, EASA and the other Member States of
the specificities of this authorisation, including its justification and safety risk assessment.
(f) the Member State shall monitor the activities associated with the authorisation to ensure
an acceptable level of safety and take appropriate action in case of identifying an
increased risk or any safety concerns;
(g) the Member State shall carry out a review of the safety aspects of the implementation of
the authorisation and submit a report to the Commission by 8 April 2017 at the latest.
9. For licences issued before 19 August 2018, Member States shall comply with the requirements
laid down in the second paragraph of point (a) of ARA.FCL.200 as amended by Commission
Regulation (EU) 2018/1065
by 31 December 2022 at the latest.
Article 4a - Performance-based navigation instrument rating
Regulation (EU) 2016/539
1. Pilots may only fly in accordance with performance-based navigation (“PBN”) procedures after
they have been granted PBN privileges as an endorsement to their instrument rating (“IR”).
2. A pilot shall be granted PBN privileges where he or she fulfils all of the following requirements:
(a) the pilot has successfully completed a course of theoretical knowledge including PBN, in
accordance with FCL.615 of Annex I (Part-FCL);
(b) the pilot has successfully completed flying training including PBN, in accordance with
FCL.615 of Annex I (Part-FCL);
Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1065 of 27 July 2018 amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as regards the automatic validation of
Union flight crew licences and take-off and landing training (OJ L 192, 30.7.2018, p. 31).
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(c) the pilot has successfully completed either a skill test in accordance with Appendix 7 to
Annex I (Part-FCL) or a skill test or a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 of
Annex I (Part-FCL).
3. The requirements of paragraph 2(a) and (b) shall be deemed to have been fulfilled where the
competent authority considers that the competence acquired, either through training or from
familiarity with PBN operations, is equivalent to the competence acquired through the courses
referred to in paragraph 2(a) and (b) and the pilot demonstrates such competence to the
satisfaction of the examiner at the proficiency check or skill test referred to in paragraph 2(c).
4. A record of the successful demonstration of competency in PBN shall, upon completion of the
skill test or the proficiency check referred to in paragraph 2(c), be entered in the pilot's logbook
or equivalent record and signed by the examiner who conducted the test or check.
5. IR pilots without PBN privileges may only fly on routes and approaches that do not require PBN
privileges and no PBN items shall be required for the renewal of their IR, until 25 August 2020;
after that date, PBN privileges shall be required for every IR.
Article 4b - Upset prevention and recovery training
Regulation (EU) 2018/1974
1. Upset prevention and recovery training shall become a mandatory part of a training course for
a multi-crew pilot licence (MPL), an integrated training course for airline transport pilots for
aeroplanes (ATP(A)), a training course for a commercial pilot licence for aeroplanes (CPL(A)) and
training courses for a class or type rating for:
(a) single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot operations;
(b) single-pilot non-high-performance complex aeroplanes;
(c) single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes; or
(d) multi-pilot aeroplanes;
in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL).
2. For training courses referred to in paragraph 1 that commence before 20 December 2019 at an
approved training organisation (ATO), upset prevention and recovery training shall not be
mandatory provided that:
(a) CPL(A), ATP(A) or MPL training course is otherwise completed in accordance with Annex I
(Part-FCL) and the skill test is completed in compliance with points FCL.320 (CPL), FCL.620
(IR) or FCL.415.A (MPL) of Annex I (Part-FCL) by 20 December 2021 at the latest; or
(b) class or type rating training course for the aeroplanes is otherwise completed in
accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) and the skill test is completed in compliance with the
second subparagraph of paragraph (c) of point FCL.725 of Annex I (Part-FCL) to this
Regulation by 20 December 2021 at the latest.
For the purpose of paragraph 1, the competent authority may on its own assessment and
pursuant to a recommendation from an ATO give credit for any upset prevention and recovery
training completed before 20 December 2019 under national training requirements.
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Article 4c - Transitional measures for holders of an en route
instrument rating
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
1. Up to and including 8 September 2022, holders of an en route instrument rating (‘EIR’) set out
in point FCL.825 of Annex I (Part-FCL) shall:
(a) be entitled to continue to exercise the privileges of their EIR;
(b) receive revalidation or renewal of their EIR, in accordance with point FCL.825(g) of
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
(c) be entitled to receive full credit towards the training requirements in point
FCL.835(c)(2)(i) and (ii) of Annex I (Part-FCL), when applying for the issue of a basic
instrument rating (BIR) in accordance with point FCL.835 of Annex I (Part-FCL); and
(d) receive full credit as established for EIR holders in Annex I (Part-FCL).
2. As from 8 September 2021, training courses for an EIR referred to in paragraph 1, that have
commenced prior to that date, can be continued and shall be regarded as training courses for a
BIR. Based on an assessment of the applicant, the approved training organisation responsible
for the BIR training course shall determine the amount of EIR training to be credited towards
the issue of the BIR.
3. Applicants for a BIR who hold an EIR or have passed the theoretical knowledge examination for
an EIR in accordance with point FCL.825(d) prior to 8 September 2021 shall receive full credit
towards the requirements for the theoretical knowledge instruction and examination for the
Article 5
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
Article 6 - Conversion of flight test qualifications
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1. Pilots who before this Regulation applies conducted category 1 and 2 flight tests as defined in
the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003
, or who provided instruction to flight
test pilots, shall have their flight test qualifications converted into flight test ratings in
accordance with Annex I to this Regulation and, where applicable, flight test instructor
certificates by the Member State that issued the flight test qualifications.
2. This conversion shall be carried out in accordance with the elements established in a conversion
report that complies with the requirements set out in Article 4(4) and (5).
Article 7 - Existing national flight engineers’ licences
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1. In order to convert flight engineer licences, issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago
Convention, into Part-FCL licences, holders shall apply to the Member State that issued the
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) of 4 March 2020 (not yet published in the Official Journal).
OJ L 243, 27.9.2003, p. 6.
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2. Flight engineer licences shall be converted into Part-FCL licences in accordance with a
conversion report that complies with the requirements set out in Article 4(4) and (5).
3. When applying for the airline transport pilot licence (ATPL) for aeroplanes, the provisions on
credit in FCL.510.A(c)(2) of Annex I shall be complied with.
Article 8
Regulation (EU) 2020/723
[Deleted by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723]
Article 9 - Credit for training commenced prior to the application of
this Regulation
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
1. In respect of issuing Part-FCL licences in accordance with Annex I, training commenced prior to
the application of this Regulation in accordance with the JARs and procedures, under the
regulatory oversight of a Member State recommended for mutual recognition within the Joint
Aviation Authorities’ system in relation to the relevant JARs, shall be given full credit provided
that the training and testing were completed by 8 April 2016 at the latest and a Part-FCL licence
is issued by 1 April 2020 at the latest.
2. Training commenced prior to the application of this Regulation in accordance with Annex 1 to
the Chicago Convention shall be given credit for the purposes of issuing Part-FCL licences on the
basis of a credit report established by the Member State in consultation with the Agency.
3. The credit report shall describe the scope of the training, indicate for which requirements of
Part-FCL licences credit is given and, if applicable, which requirements applicants need to
comply with in order to be issued with Part-FCL licences. It shall include copies of all documents
necessary to demonstrate the scope of the training and of the national regulations and
procedures in accordance with which the training was commenced.
Article 9a - Type rating training and operational suitability data
Regulation (EU) No 70/2014
1. Where the Annexes to this Regulation make reference to the operational suitability data
established in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, and that data is not available for
the relevant type aircraft, the applicant for a type rating training course shall comply with the
provisions of the Annexes of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 only.
2. Type rating training courses approved before the approval of the minimum syllabus of pilot type
rating training in the operational suitability data for the relevant type of aircraft in accordance
with Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 shall include the mandatory training elements not later than
18 December 2017 or within two years after the operational suitability data was approved,
whichever is the latest.
Article 10 - Credit for pilot licences obtained during military service
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1. In order for holders of military flight crew licences to obtain Part-FCL licences, they shall apply
to the Member State where they served.
2. The knowledge, experience and skill gained in military service shall be given credit for the
purposes of the relevant requirements of Annex I in accordance with the elements of a credit
report established by the Member State in consultation with the Agency.
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3. The credit report shall:
(a) describe the national requirements on the basis of which the military licences, ratings,
certificates, authorisations and/or qualifications were issued;
(b) describe the scope of the privileges that were given to the pilots;
(c) indicate for which requirements of Annex I credit is to be given;
(d) indicate any limitations that need to be included on the Part-FCL licences and indicate
any requirements pilots have to comply with to remove those limitations;
(e) include copies of all documents necessary to demonstrate the elements above,
accompanied by copies of the relevant national requirements and procedures.
Article 10a - Pilot training organisations
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
1. Organisations shall, in accordance with Article 24(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, be entitled
to provide training to pilots involved in the operation of aircraft referred to in points (b)(i) and
(ii) of Article (2)(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 only where those organisations have been
issued by the competent authority with an approval confirming that they comply with the
essential requirements set out in Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and with the
requirements of Annex VII to this Regulation.
However, having regard to Article 24(6) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, organisations having
their principal place of business in a Member State shall be entitled to provide the training
referred to in point DTO.GEN.110 of Annex VIII to this Regulation without such approval inside
the territory for which Member States are responsible under the Chicago Convention where
they have made a declaration to the competent authority in accordance with the requirements
laid down in point DTO.GEN.115 of that Annex and, where so required pursuant to point
DTO.GEN.230(c) of that Annex, the competent authority has approved the training programme.
2. [deleted]
3. [deleted]
4. [deleted]
5. Pilot training organisations shall ensure that the IR training course they offer include training
for PBN privileges compliant with the requirements of Annex I (Part-FCL) by 25 August 2020 at
the latest.
Article 10b - Flight simulation training devices
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
1. Flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) used for pilot training, testing and checking, with the
exception of developmental training devices used for flight test training, shall comply with the
technical requirements and administrative procedures laid down in Annexes VI and VII and shall
be qualified.
Article 10c - Aero-medical centres
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
1. Aero-medical centres shall comply with the technical requirements and administrative
procedures laid down in Annexes VI and VII and shall be certified.
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Article 11 - Cabin crew medical fitness
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
1. Cabin crew members involved in the operation of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(b) and (c)
of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 shall comply with the technical requirements and
administrative procedures laid down in Annex IV.
Article 11a - Cabin crew qualifications and related attestations
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
1. Cabin crew members involved in commercial operation of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(b)
and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 shall be qualified and hold the related attestation in
accordance with the technical requirements and administrative procedures laid down in
Annexes V and VI.
2. [deleted]
3 [deleted]
4. Cabin crew members involved in commercial operations of helicopters on the date of
application of this Regulation:
(a) shall be deemed to be compliant with the initial training requirements of Annex V if they
comply with the applicable training, checking and recency provisions of the JARs for
commercial air transportation by helicopters; or
(b) if they do not comply with the applicable training, checking and recency requirements of
the JARs for commercial air transportation by helicopters, they shall complete all relevant
training and checking required to operate on helicopter(s), except the initial training,
before being deemed to be compliant with this Regulation; or
(c) if they have not operated in commercial operations by helicopters for more than 5 years,
they shall complete the initial training course and shall pass the related examination as
required in Annex V before being deemed to be compliant with this Regulation.
5. Without prejudice to Article 2, cabin crew attestations complying with the format laid down in
Annex VI shall be issued to all cabin crew members involved in commercial operations by
helicopters by 8 April 2013 at the latest.
Article 11b - Oversight capabilities
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
1. Member States shall designate one or more entities as the competent authority within that
Member State with the necessary powers and allocated responsibilities for the certification and
oversight of persons and organisations subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
implementing rules.
2. If a Member State designates more than one entity as competent authority:
(a) the areas of competence of each competent authority shall be clearly defined in terms of
responsibilities and geographic limitation;
(b) coordination shall be established between those entities to ensure effective oversight of
all organisations and persons subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
implementing rules within their respective remits.
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3. Member States shall ensure that the competent authority(ies) has/have the necessary
capability to ensure the oversight of all persons and organisations covered by their oversight
programme, including sufficient resources to fulfil the requirements of this Regulation.
4. Member States shall ensure that competent authority personnel do not perform oversight
activities when there is evidence that this could result directly or indirectly in a conflict of
interest, in particular when relating to family or financial interest.
5. Personnel authorised by the competent authority to carry out certification and/or oversight
tasks shall be empowered to perform at least the following tasks:
(a) examine the records, data, procedures and any other material relevant to the execution
of the certification and/or oversight task;
(b) take copies of or extracts from such records, data, procedures and other material;
(c) ask for an oral explanation on site;
(d) enter relevant premises, operating sites or means of transport;
(e) perform audits, investigations, assessments and inspections, including ramp inspections
and unannounced inspections; and
(f) take or initiate enforcement measures as appropriate.
6. The tasks under paragraph 5 shall be carried out in compliance with the legal provisions of the
relevant Member State.
Article 11c - Transitional measures
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
Member States shall:
(a) by 8 April 2021 at the latest, transfer to EASA all records related to the oversight of organisations
that provide training for pilot licences in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 and for which EASA is the competent authority in
accordance with Article 78 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the
(b) in coordination with EASA, conclude, certification processes initiated before 8 April 2020 and
issue the certificate following which EASA assumes all its responsibilities as a competent
authority for those certified organisations.
Article 12 - Entry into force and application (of the Commission
Regulation 1178/2011)
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
1. This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official
Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 8 April 2012.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation
and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU)
No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and
repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation
(EEC) No 3922/91 (OJ L 212, 22.8.2018, p. 1).
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2. [deleted]
3. [deleted]
4. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States may decide not to apply the provisions
of this Regulation until 20 June 2021, to pilots holding a licence and associated medical
certificate issued by a third country involved in the non-commercial operation of aircraft as
specified in Article 2(1)(b), points (i) or (ii), of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. Member States shall
make those decisions publicly available.
5. [deleted]
6. [deleted]
7. When a Member State makes use of the requirements of paragraphs 2a and 4, it shall notify the
Commission and the Agency. This notification shall describe the reasons for such derogation as
well as the programme for implementation containing actions envisaged and related timing.
8. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, point FCL.315.A, the second sentence of paragraph (a)
of point FCL.410.A and paragraph (c) of point FCL.725.A of Annex I (Part-FCL) shall apply from
20 December 2019.
Regulation (EU) 2015/445
1. This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official
Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 8 April 2012.
2. By way of derogation from the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, Member States may decide
not to apply the following provisions:
(a) Annexes V to VII until 8 April 2013;
(b) point ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) of Annex VII to FSTD qualification certificate holders not being
an approved training organisation and not holding an air operator certificate until 8 April
(c) Annexes VI and VII to non-JAR-compliant approved training organisations and aero-
medical centres until 8 April 2014;
(d) point CC.GEN.030 of Annex V until 8 April 2015;
(e) Annex V to cabin crew members involved in commercial operations by helicopters until
8 April 2015;
(f) Annexes VI and VII to training organisations providing training for flight test ratings in
accordance with point FCL.820 of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 until 8 April
3. When a Member State makes use of the provisions of paragraph 2, it shall notify the
Commission and the Agency. This notification shall describe the duration and the reasons for
such derogation as well as the programme for implementation containing actions envisaged
and related timing.
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Regulation (EU) No 70/2014
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union.
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union.
Regulation (EU) 2015/445
1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 8 April 2015.
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the amendments to the provisions in FCL315.A,
FCL.410.A, FCL.725.A of Annex I shall apply from 8 April 2018.
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States may decide not to apply the provisions
of Annexes VI and VII to a training organisation providing training only for a national licence that
is eligible in accordance with Article 4(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, for conversion into
a Part-FCL light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL), sailplane pilot licence (SPL) or balloon pilot licence
(BPL) until 8 April 2018.
Regulation (EU) 2016/539
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European
It shall apply from 8 April 2016.
However, points 1, 2 and 4 of Article 1 shall apply from 25 August 2018, with the exception of point
1(g) of the Annex, which shall apply from 8 April 2016.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1065
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1119
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.
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Regulation (EU) 2018/1974
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.
(a) Article 1(1) shall apply from 20 December 2019.
(b) Article 1(4) shall apply from 20 December 2019.
(c) Notwithstanding point (b) above, points (2), (4), (5) and (12) of the Annex to this Regulation
shall apply from 31 January 2022.
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union.
Regulation (EU) 2019/430
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union.
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union.
However points (57), (58), (59) and (66) of the Annex to this Regulation shall apply from 21 December
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
1. This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.
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2. This Regulation shall apply from 8 April 2020.
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the following provisions shall apply from
8 September 2021:
(a) points (1)(e), (4)(b), (5) to (7), (32), (34), (36)(d), (40)(a), (41); (42), (44), (46) to (48),
(52)(f), (53)(a) to (53)(c) (53) (e), (53)(f), (54), (55), (56)(a) to (56)(c) and (57) of Annex I;
(b) point (b) of Annex II;
(c) point (10)(d)(ii) of Annex III.
4. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, Article 1 point (7) and points (49), (53)(d), (58)(b),
(58)(d) and (58)(e) of Annex I shall apply from the day of entry into force of this Regulation.
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 3 November 2011.
For the Commission
The President
José Manuel BARROSO
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MED.A.001 Competent authority
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
For the purpose of this Annex (Part-MED), the competent authority shall be:
(a) for aero-medical centres (AeMCs):
(1) the authority designated by the Member State, where the AeMC has its principal place of
(2) the Agency, if the AeMC is located in a third country;
(b) for aero-medical examiners (AMEs):
(1) the authority designated by the Member State where the AME has its principal place of
(2) if the principal place of practice of an AME is located in a third country, the authority
designated by the Member State to which the AME applies for the issue of the AME
(c) for general medical practitioners (GMPs), the authority designated by the Member State to
which the GMP notify their activity;
(d) for occupational health medical practitioners (OHMPs) assessing the medical fitness of cabin
crew, the authority designated by the Member State to which the OHMP notify their activity.
MED.A.005 Scope
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
This Annex (Part-MED) establishes the requirements for:
(a) the issuance, validity, revalidation and renewal of the medical certificate required for exercising
the privileges of a pilot licence or of a student pilot;
(b) the medical fitness of cabin crew;
(c) the certification of AMEs;
(d) the qualification of GMPs and OHMPs.
MED.A.010 Definitions
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
For the purpose of this Annex (Part-MED), the following definitions shall apply:
‘limitation’ means a condition placed on the medical certificate or cabin crew medical report
that shall be complied with whilst exercising the privileges of the licence or cabin crew
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‘aero-medical examination’ means an inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation or any
other means of investigation for determining the medical fitness to exercise the privileges of
the licence, or to carry out cabin crew safety duties;
‘aero-medical assessment’ means the conclusion on the medical fitness of an applicant based
on the evaluation of the applicant as required in this Annex (Part-MED) and further
examinations and medical tests as clinically indicated;
‘significant’ means a degree of a medical condition, the effect of which would prevent the safe
exercise of the privileges of the licence or of the cabin crew safety duties;
‘applicant’ means a person applying for, or being the holder of, a medical certificate who
undergoes an aero-medical assessment of fitness to exercise the privileges of the licence, or to
carry out cabin crew safety duties;
‘medical history’ means a narrative or record of past diseases, injuries, treatments or other
medical facts, including unfit assessment(s) or limitation of a medical certificate, that are or may
be relevant to an applicant’s current state of health and aero-medical fitness;
‘licensing authority’ means the competent authority of the Member State that issued the
licence, or to which a person applies for the issuance of a licence, or, when a person has not yet
applied for a licence, the competent authority as determined in accordance with FCL.001 of
Annex I (Part-FCL);
‘colour safe’ means the ability of an applicant to readily distinguish the colours used in air
navigation and to correctly identify aviation coloured lights;
‘investigation’ means the assessment of a suspected pathological condition of an applicant by
means of examinations and tests in order to verify the presence or absence of a medical
‘accredited medical conclusion’ means the conclusion reached by one or more medical experts
acceptable to the licensing authority, on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory criteria,
for the purposes of the case concerned, in consultation with flight operations or other experts
as necessary, for which an operational risk assessment may be appropriate;
‘misuse of substances’ means the use of one or more psychoactive substances by aircrew in a
way that, alternatively or jointly:
(a) constitutes a direct hazard to the user or endangers the lives, health or welfare of others;
(b) causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or disorder;
‘psychoactive substances’ means alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics,
cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, with the exception of
caffeine and tobacco;;
‘refractive error’ means the deviation from emmetropia measured in dioptres in the most
ametropic meridian, measured by standard methods.
MED.A.015 Medical confidentiality
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
All persons involved in aero-medical examinations, assessments and certification shall ensure that
medical confidentiality is respected at all times.
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AMC1 MED.A.015 Medical confidentiality
ED Decision 2019/002/R
To ensure medical confidentiality, all medical reports and records should be securely held with
accessibility restricted to personnel authorised by the medical assessor or, where applicable, by the
head of the aero-medical centre (AEMC), the aero-medical examiner (AME), general medical
practitioner (GMP) or occupational health medical practitioner (OHMP).
MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Licence holders shall not exercise the privileges of their licence and related ratings or
certificates, and student pilots shall not fly solo, at any time when they:
(1) are aware of any decrease in their medical fitness which might render them unable to
safely exercise those privileges;
(2) take or use any prescribed or non-prescribed medication which is likely to interfere with
the safe exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence;
(3) receive any medical, surgical or other treatment that is likely to interfere with the safe
exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence.
(b) In addition, holders of a medical certificate shall, without undue delay and before exercising the
privileges of their licence, seek aero-medical advice from the AeMC, AME or GMP, as applicable,
when they:
(1) have undergone a surgical operation or invasive procedure;
(2) have commenced the regular use of any medication;
(3) have suffered any significant personal injury involving incapacity to function as a member
of the flight crew;
(4) have been suffering from any significant illness involving incapacity to function as a
member of the flight crew;
(5) are pregnant;
(6) have been admitted to hospital or medical clinic;
(7) first require correcting lenses.
(c) In the cases referred to in point (b):
(1) holders of class 1 and class 2 medical certificates shall seek the aero-medical advice of an
AeMC or AME. In that case, the AeMC or AME shall assess their medical fitness and decide
whether they are fit to resume the exercise of their privileges;
(2) holders of light aircraft pilot licence medical certificates shall seek the aero-medical
advice of an AeMC, an AME or the GMP who signed the medical certificate. In that case,
the AeMC, AME or GMP shall assess their medical fitness and decide whether they are fit
to resume the exercise of their privileges.
(d) Cabin crew members shall not perform duties on an aircraft and, where applicable, shall not
exercise the privileges of their cabin crew attestation when they are aware of any decrease in
their medical fitness, to the extent that this medical condition might render them unable to
discharge their safety duties and responsibilities.
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(e) In addition, if any of the medical conditions specified in points (1) to (5) of point (b) apply, cabin
crew members shall, without undue delay, seek the advice of an AME, AeMC or OHMP, as
applicable. In that case, the AME, AeMC or OHMP shall assess the medical fitness of the cabin
crew members and decide whether they are fit to resume their safety duties.
GM1 MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Any medication can cause side effects, some of which may impair the safe performance of flying
duties. Equally, symptoms of colds, sore throats, diarrhoea and other abdominal upsets may
cause little or no problem whilst on the ground but may distract the pilot or cabin crew member
and degrade their performance whilst on duty. The in-flight environment may also increase the
severity of symptoms which may only be minor whilst on the ground. Therefore, one issue with
medication and flying is the underlying condition and, in addition, the symptoms may be
compounded by the side effects of the medication prescribed or bought over the counter for
treatment. This guidance material provides some help to pilots and cabin crew in deciding
whether expert aero-medical advice by an AME, AeMC, GMP, OHMP or medical assessor is
(b) Before taking any medication and acting as a pilot or cabin crew member, the following three
basic questions should be satisfactorily answered:
(1) Do I feel fit to fly?
(2) Do I really need to take medication at all?
(3) Have I given this particular medication a personal trial on the ground to ensure that it will
not have any adverse effects on my ability to fly?
(c) Confirming the absence of adverse effects may well need expert aero-medical advice.
(d) The following are some widely used medicines with a description of their compatibility with
flying duties:
(1) Antibiotics. Antibiotics may have short-term or delayed side effects which can affect pilot
or cabin crew performance. More significantly, however, their use usually indicates that
an infection is present and, thus, the effects of this infection may mean that a pilot or
cabin crew member is not fit to fly and should obtain expert aero-medical advice.
(2) Anti-malaria drugs. The decision on the need for anti-malaria drugs depends on the
geographical areas to be visited, and the risk that the pilot or cabin crew member has of
being exposed to mosquitoes and of developing malaria. An expert medical opinion
should be obtained to establish whether anti-malaria drugs are needed and what kind of
drugs should be used. Most of the anti-malaria drugs (atovaquone plus proguanil,
chloroquine, doxycycline) are compatible with flying duties. However, adverse effects
associated with mefloquine include insomnia, strange dreams, mood changes, nausea,
diarrhoea and headaches. In addition, mefloquine may cause spatial disorientation and
lack of fine coordination and is, therefore, not compatible with flying duties.
(3) Antihistamines. Antihistamines can cause drowsiness. They are widely used in ‘cold cures’
and in treatment of hay fever, asthma and allergic rashes. They may be in tablet form or
a constituent of nose drops or sprays. In many cases, the condition itself may preclude
flying, so that, if treatment is necessary, expert aero-medical advice should be sought so
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that so-called non-sedative antihistamines, which do not degrade human performance,
can be prescribed.
(4) Cough medicines. Antitussives often contain codeine, dextromethorfan or pseudo-
ephedrine which are not compatible with flying duties. However, mucolytic agents (e.g.
carbocysteine) are well-tolerated and are compatible with flying duties.
(5) Decongestants. Nasal decongestants with no effect on alertness may be compatible with
flying duties. However, as the underlying condition requiring the use of decongestants
may be incompatible with flying duties, expert aero-medical advice should be sought. For
example, oedema of the mucosal membranes causes difficulties in equalising the
pressure in the ears or sinuses.
(6) Nasal corticosteroids are commonly used to treat hay fever, and they are compatible with
flying duties.
(7) (i) Common pain killers and antifebrile drugs. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
(NSAIDs) and paracetamol, commonly used to treat pain, fever or headaches, may
be compatible with flying duties. However, the pilot or cabin crew member should
give affirmative answers to the three basic questions listed in (b) before using the
medication and carrying out flying duties.
(ii) Strong analgesics. The more potent analgesics including codeine are opiate
derivatives, and may produce a significant decrement in human performance and,
therefore, are not compatible with flying duties.
(8) Anti-ulcer medicines. Gastric secretion inhibitors such as H2 antagonists (e.g. ranitidine,
cimetidine) or proton pump inhibitors (e.g. omeprazole) may be acceptable after
diagnosis of the pathological condition. It is important to seek for the medical diagnosis
and not to only treat the dyspeptic symptoms.
(9) Anti-diarrhoeal drugs. Loperamide is one of the more common anti-diarrhoeal drugs and
is usually safe to take whilst flying. However, the diarrhoea itself often makes the pilot
and cabin crew member unfit for flying duties.
(10) Hormonal contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy usually have no adverse
effects and are compatible with flying duties.
(11) Erectile dysfunction medication. This medication may cause disturbances in colour vision
and dizziness. There should be at least 6 hours between taking sildenafil and flying duty;
and 36 hours between taking vardenafil or tadalafil and flying duty.
(12) Smoking cessation. Nicotine replacement therapy may be acceptable. However, other
medication affecting the central nervous system (buproprion, varenicline) is not
acceptable for pilots.
(13) High blood pressure medication. Most anti-hypertensive drugs are compatible with flying
duties However, if the level of blood pressure is such that drug therapy is required, the
pilot or cabin crew member should be monitored for any side effects before carrying out
flying duties. Therefore, consultation with the AME, AeMC, GMP, OHMP or medical
assessor as applicable, is needed.
(14) Asthma medication. Asthma has to be clinically stable before a pilot or cabin crew
member can return to flying duties. The use of respiratory aerosols or powders, such as
corticosteroids, beta-2-agonists or chromoglycic acid may be compatible with flying
duties. However, the use of oral steroids or theophylline derivatives is incompatible with
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flying duty. Pilots or cabin crew members using medication for asthma should consult the
AME, AeMC, GMP, OHMP or medical assessor, as applicable.
(15) Tranquillisers and sedatives. The inability to react, due to the use of this group of
medicines, has been a contributory cause to fatal aircraft accidents. In addition, the
underlying condition for which these medications have been prescribed will almost
certainly mean that the mental state of a pilot or cabin crew member is not compatible
with flying duties.
(16) Sleeping tablets. Sleeping tablets dull the senses, may cause confusion and slow reaction
times. The duration of effect may vary from individual to individual and may be unduly
prolonged. Expert aero-medical advice should be obtained before using sleeping tablets.
(17) Melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is involved with the regulation of the circadian
rhythm. In some countries it is a prescription medicine, whereas in most other countries
it is regarded as a ‘dietary supplement’ and can be bought without any prescription. The
results from the efficiency of melatonin in treatment of jet lag or sleep disorders have
been contradictory. Expert aero-medical advice should be obtained.
(18) Coffee and other caffeinated drinks may be acceptable, but excessive coffee drinking may
have harmful effects, including disturbance of the heart’s rhythm. Other stimulants
including caffeine pills, amphetamines, etc. (often known as ‘pep’ pills) used to maintain
wakefulness or suppress appetite can be habit forming. Susceptibility to different
stimulants varies from one individual to another, and all may cause dangerous
overconfidence. Overdosage causes headaches, dizziness and mental disturbance. These
other stimulants should not be used.
(19) Anaesthetics. Following local, general, dental and other anaesthetics, a period of time
should elapse before returning to flying. The period will vary considerably from individual
to individual, but a pilot or cabin crew member should not fly for at least 12 hours after
a local anaesthetic, and for at least 48 hours after a general, spinal or epidural anaesthetic
(see MED.A.020).
(e) Many preparations on the market nowadays contain a combination of medicines. It is,
therefore, essential that if there is any new medication or dosage, however slight, the effect
should be observed by the pilot or the cabin crew member on the ground prior to flying. It
should be noted that medication which would not normally affect pilot or cabin crew
performance may do so in individuals who are ‘oversensitive’ to a particular preparation.
Individuals are, therefore, advised not to take any medicines before or during flight unless they
are completely familiar with their effects on their own bodies. In cases of doubt, pilots and cabin
crew members should consult an AME, AeMC, GMP, OHMP or medical assessor, as applicable.
(f) Other treatments
Alternative or complementary medicine, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnotherapy and
several other disciplines, is developing and gaining greater credibility. Such treatments are more
acceptable in some States than others. There is a need to ensure that ‘other treatments’, as
well as the underlying condition, are declared and considered by the AME, AeMC, GMP, OHMP
or medical assessor, as applicable, for assessing fitness.
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MED.A.025 Obligations of the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) When conducting aero-medical examinations and aero-medical assessments as required in this
Annex (Part-MED), the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP shall:
(1) ensure that communication with the applicant can be established without language
(2) make the applicant aware of the consequences of providing incomplete, inaccurate or
false statements on their medical history;
(3) notify the licensing authority, or, in the case of cabin crew attestation holders, notify the
competent authority, if the applicant provides incomplete, inaccurate or false statements
on their medical history;
(4) notify the licensing authority if an applicant withdraws the application for a medical
certificate at any stage of the process.
(b) After completion of the aero-medical examinations and assessments, the AeMC, AME, GMP and
OHMP shall:
(1) inform the applicant whether he or she is fit, unfit or referred to the medical assessor of
the licensing authority, AeMC or AME, as applicable;
(2) inform the applicant of any limitation that may restrict flight training or the privileges of
his or her licence or cabin crew attestation, as applicable;
(3) if the applicant has been assessed as unfit, inform him or her of his or her right to have
the decision reviewed in accordance with the procedures of the competent authority;
(4) in the case of applicants for a medical certificate, submit without delay to the medical
assessor of the licensing authority a signed, or electronically authenticated, report
containing the detailed results of the aero-medical examinations and assessments as
required for the class of medical certificate and a copy of the application form, the
examination form, and the medical certificate;
(5) inform the applicant of his or her responsibilities in the case of decrease in medical
fitness, as specified in point MED.A.020.
(c) Where consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority is required in
accordance with this Annex (Part-MED), the AeMC and AME shall follow the procedure
established by the competent authority.
(d) AeMCs, AMEs, GMPs and OHMPs shall maintain records with details of aero-medical
examinations and assessments performed in accordance with this Annex (Part-MED) and their
results for a minimum of 10 years, or for a longer period if so determined by national legislation.
(e) AeMCs, AMEs, GMPs and OHMPs shall submit to the medical assessor of the competent
authority, upon request, all aero-medical records and reports, and any other relevant
information, when required for:
(1) medical certification;
(2) oversight functions.
(f) AeMCs and AMEs shall enter or update the data included in the European Aero-Medical
Repository in accordance with point (c) of point ARA.MED.160.
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AMC1 MED.A.025 Obligations of the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) If the medical examination is carried out by two or more AMEs or GMPs, only one of them
should be responsible for coordinating the results of the examination, evaluating the findings
with regard to medical fitness, and signing the report.
(b) The applicant should be made aware that the associated medical certificate or cabin crew report
may be suspended or revoked if the applicant provides incomplete, inaccurate or false
statements on their medical history to the AeMC, AME, GMP or OHMP.
(c) In cases where the AeMC or AME is required to assess the fitness of an applicant for a class 2
medical certificate in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority, they
should document the consultation in accordance with the procedure established by the
competent authority.
(d) The AeMC, AME, GMP or OHMP should give advice to the applicant on treatment and
preventive measures if, during the course of the examination, medical conditions or risk factors
are identified which may endanger the medical fitness of the applicant in the future.
(e) When data is not being properly recorded in the European aero-medical data repository (EAMR
due to unserviceability of the system, the AeMCs and AMEs should enter, or correct the existing
data, in the EAMR without undue delay when the system recovers.
(f) In case of denial or referral to the licensing authority, the AeMC, AME, GMP or OHMP should
inform the applicant in writing regarding the result of the assessment in a form and manner
established by the competent authority.
GM1 MED.A.025 Obligations of the AeMC, AME, GMP and OHMP
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Before performing the medical examination, the AeMC, AME or GMP should:
(1) verify the applicant’s identity by checking their identity card, passport, driving licence or
other official document containing a photograph of the applicant;
(2) obtain details of the applicant’s flight crew licence from the applicant’s licensing authority
if they do not have their licence with them;
(3) except for initial applicants, obtain details of the applicant’s most recent medical
certificate from the medical assessor of the applicant’s licensing authority if they do not
have their certificate with them;
(4) in the case of a specific medical examination(s) (SIC) limitation on the existing medical
certificate, obtain details of the specific medical condition and any associated instructions
from the medical assessor of the applicant’s licensing authority. This could include, for
example, a requirement to undergo a specific examination or test;
(5) except for initial applicants, ascertain, from the previous medical certificate, which
routine medical test(s) should be conducted, for example electrocardiography (ECG);
(6) provide the applicant with the application form for a medical certificate and the
instructions for completion and ask the applicant to complete the form but not to sign it
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(7) go through the form with the applicant and give information to help the applicant
understand the significance of the entries and ask any questions which might help the
applicant to recall important historical medical data;
(8) verify that the form is complete and legible, ask the applicant to sign and date the form
and then sign it as well. If the applicant declines to complete the application form fully,
inform the applicant that it may not be possible to issue a medical certificate regardless
of the outcome of the clinical examination and assessment.
(b) Once all the items in (a) have been addressed, the AeMC, AME or GMP should:
(1) perform the medical examination of the applicant in accordance with the applicable
(2) arrange for additional specialist medical examinations, such as otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
or ophthalmology, to be conducted as applicable and obtain the associated report forms
or reports;
(3) complete the medical examination report form in accordance with the associated
instructions for completion;
(4) ensure that all of the report forms are complete, accurate and legible.
(c) Once all the actions in (b) have been carried out, the AeMC, AME or GMP should review the
report forms and:
(1) if satisfied that the applicant meets the applicable medical requirements as set out in
Part-MED, issue a medical certificate for the appropriate class, with limitations if
necessary. The applicant should sign the certificate once signed by the AeMC, AME or
GMP; or
(2) if the applicant does not meet the applicable medical requirements, or if the fitness of
the applicant for the class of medical certificate applied for is in doubt:
(i) refer the decision on medical fitness to, or consult the decision on medical fitness
with, the medical assessor of the licensing authority or AME in compliance with
MED.B.001; or
(ii) deny issuance of a medical certificate, explain the reason(s) for denial to the
applicant and inform them of their right of a review according to the procedures
of the competent authority.
(d) The AeMC, AME or GMP should send the documents as required by MED.A.025(b) to the
medical assessor of the applicant’s licensing authority within 5 days from the date of the
medical examination. If a medical certificate has been denied or the decision has been referred,
the documents should be sent to the medical assessor of the licensing authority on the same
day that the denial or referral decision is reached.
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MED.A.030 Medical certificates
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
(a) A student pilot shall not fly solo unless that student pilot holds a medical certificate, as required
for the relevant licence.
(b) An applicant for a licence, in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL), shall hold a medical certificate
issued in accordance with this Annex (Part-MED) and appropriate to the licence privileges
applied for.
(c) When exercising the privileges of a:
(1) light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL), a balloon pilot licence (BPL) issued in accordance with
Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395, or a sailplane pilot licence
(SPL) issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, the pilot shall hold at least a valid LAPL medical certificate;
(2) private pilot licence (PPL), the pilot shall hold at least a valid class 2 medical certificate;
(3) BPL for the purpose of:
(i) commercial passenger ballooning, the pilot shall hold at least a valid class 2 medical
(ii) commercial operation other than commercial passenger ballooning, with more
than 4 persons on board the aircraft, the pilot shall hold at least a valid class 2
medical certificate;
(4) SPL for the purpose of commercial sailplane operations other than those specified in
Article 3(2) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, the pilot shall hold
at least a valid class 2 medical certificate;
(5) a commercial pilot licence (CPL), a multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) or an airline transport
pilot licence (ATPL), the pilot shall hold a valid class 1 medical certificate.
(d) If a night rating is added to a PPL or LAPL, the licence holder shall be colour safe.
(e) If an instrument rating or en route instrument rating is added to a PPL, the licence holder shall
undertake pure tone audiometry examinations in accordance with the periodicity and the
standard required for class 1 medical certificate holders.
(f) A licence holder shall not at any time hold more than one medical certificate issued in
accordance with this Annex (Part-MED).
AMC1 MED.A.030 Medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) A class 1 medical certificate includes the privileges and validities of class 2 and LAPL medical
(b) A class 2 medical certificate includes the privileges and validities of a LAPL medical certificate.
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MED.A.035 Application for a medical certificate
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applications for a medical certificate shall be made in a form and manner established by the
competent authority.
(b) Applicants for a medical certificate shall provide the AeMC, AME or GMP, as applicable, with:
(1) proof of their identity;
(2) a signed declaration:
(i) of medical facts concerning their medical history;
(ii) as to whether they have previously applied for a medical certificate or have
undergone an aero-medical examination for a medical certificate and, if so, by
whom and with what result;
(iii) as to whether they have ever been assessed as unfit or had a medical certificate
suspended or revoked.
(c) When applying for a revalidation or renewal of the medical certificate, applicants shall present
the most recent medical certificate to the AeMC, AME or GMP, as applicable, prior to the
relevant aero-medical examinations.
AMC1 MED.A.035 Application for a medical certificate
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Except for initial applicants, the AeMC, AME or GMP should not start the aero-medical examination
for the issue of the medical certificate where applicants do not present the most recent medical
certificate, unless relevant information is received from the medical assessor of the licensing
MED.A.040 Issuance, revalidation and renewal of medical
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) A medical certificate shall only be issued, revalidated or renewed once the required aero-
medical examinations and assessments, as applicable, have been completed and the applicant
has been assessed as fit.
(b) Initial issuance
(1) Class 1 medical certificates shall be issued by an AeMC.
(2) Class 2 medical certificates shall be issued by an AeMC or an AME.
(3) LAPL medical certificates shall be issued by an AeMC or an AME. They may also be issued
by a GMP if so permitted under the national law of the Member State of the licensing
authority to which the application for the medical certificate has been made.
(c) Revalidation and renewal
(1) Class 1 and class 2 medical certificates shall be revalidated and renewed by an AeMC or
an AME.
(2) LAPL medical certificates shall be revalidated and renewed by an AeMC or an AME. They
may also be revalidated or renewed by a GMP if so permitted under the national law of
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the Member State of the licensing authority to which the application for the medical
certificate has been made.
(d) The AeMC, AME or GMP shall only issue, revalidate or renew a medical certificate if both of the
following conditions have been met:
(1) the applicant has provided them with a complete medical history and, if required by the
AeMC, AME or GMP, with results of medical examinations and tests conducted by the
applicant’s physician or any medical specialists;
(2) the AeMC, AME or GMP has conducted the aero-medical assessment based on the
medical examinations and tests as required for the relevant medical certificate to verify
that the applicant complies with all the relevant requirements of this Annex (Part-MED).
(e) The AME, AeMC or, in the case of referral, the medical assessor of the licensing authority may
require the applicant to undergo additional medical examinations and investigations when
there is a clinical or epidemiological indication before the medical certificate is issued,
revalidated or renewed.
(f) The medical assessor of the licensing authority may issue or reissue a medical certificate.
MED.A.045 Validity, revalidation and renewal of medical
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Validity
(1) Class 1 medical certificates shall be valid for a period of 12 months.
(2) By derogation from point (1), the period of validity of class 1 medical certificates shall be
6 months for licence holders who:
(i) are engaged in single-pilot commercial air transport operations carrying
passengers and have reached the age of 40;
(ii) have reached the age of 60.
(3) Class 2 medical certificates shall be valid for a period of:
(i) 60 months, until the licence holder reaches the age of 40. A medical certificate
issued prior to the licence holder reaching the age of 40 shall cease to be valid after
the licence holder reaches the age of 42;
(ii) 24 months, for licence holders aged between 40 and 50. A medical certificate
issued prior to the licence holder reaching the age of 50 shall cease to be valid after
the licence holder reaches the age of 51;
(iii) 12 months, for licence holders aged above 50.
(4) LAPL medical certificates shall be valid for a period of:
(i) 60 months, until the licence holder reaches the age of 40. A medical certificate
issued prior to the licence holder reaching the age of 40 shall cease to be valid after
the licence holder reaches the age of 42;
(ii) 24 months, for licence holders aged above 40.
(5) The validity period of a medical certificate, including any associated examination or
special investigation, shall be calculated from the date of the aero-medical examination
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in the case of initial issue and renewal, and from the expiry date of the previous medical
certificate in the case of revalidation.
(b) Revalidation
Aero-medical examinations and assessments, as applicable, for the revalidation of a
medical certificate may be undertaken up to 45 days prior to the expiry date of the
medical certificate.
(c) Renewal
(1) If the holder of a medical certificate does not comply with point (b), a renewal
examination and assessment, as applicable, shall be required.
(2) In the case of class 1 and class 2 medical certificates:
(i) if the medical certificate has expired for less than 2 years, a routine revalidation
aero-medical examination shall be performed;
(ii) if the medical certificate has expired for more than 2 years but less than 5 years,
the AeMC or AME shall only conduct the renewal aero-medical examination after
assessment of the aero-medical records of the applicant;
(iii) if the medical certificate has expired for more than 5 years, the aero-medical
examination requirements for initial issue shall apply and the assessment shall be
based on the revalidation requirements.
(3) In the case of LAPL medical certificates, the AeMC, AME or GMP shall assess the medical
history of the applicant and perform the aero-medical examinations and assessments, as
applicable, in accordance with points MED.B.005 and MED.B.095.
MED.A.046 Suspension or revocation of medical certificates
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) A medical certificate may be suspended or revoked by the licensing authority.
(b) Upon suspension of the medical certificate, the holder shall return the medical certificate to the
licensing authority on request of that authority.
(c) Upon revocation of the medical certificate, the holder shall immediately return the medical
certificate to the licensing authority.
MED.A.050 Referral
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) If an applicant for a class 1 or class 2 medical certificate is referred to the medical assessor of
the licensing authority in accordance with point MED.B.001, the AeMC or AME shall transfer the
relevant medical documentation to the licensing authority.
(b) If an applicant for a LAPL medical certificate is referred to an AME or AeMC in accordance with
point MED.B.001, the GMP shall transfer the relevant medical documentation to the AeMC or
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MED.B.001 Limitations to medical certificates
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Limitations to class 1 and class 2 medical certificates
(1) If the applicant does not fully comply with the requirements for the relevant class of
medical certificate but is considered to be not likely to jeopardise the safe exercise of the
privileges of the applicable licence, the AeMC or AME shall:
(i) in the case of applicants for a class 1 medical certificate, refer the decision on
fitness of the applicant to the medical assessor of the licensing authority as
indicated in this Subpart;
(ii) in cases where a referral to the medical assessor of the licensing authority is not
indicated in this Subpart, evaluate whether the applicant is able to perform his/her
duties safely when complying with one or more limitations endorsed on the
medical certificate and issue the medical certificate with limitation(s) as necessary;
(iii) in the case of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate, evaluate, in consultation
with the medical assessor of the licensing authority as indicated in this Subpart,
whether the applicant is able to perform his/her duties safely when complying with
one or more limitations endorsed on the medical certificate and issue the medical
certificate, with limitation(s) as necessary.
(2) The AeMC or AME may revalidate or renew a medical certificate with the same
limitation(s) without referring to or consulting with the medical assessor of the licensing
(b) Limitations to LAPL medical certificates
(1) If a GMP, after due consideration of the applicant’s medical history, concludes that the
applicant for a LAPL medical certificate does not fully meet the requirements for medical
fitness, the GMP shall refer the applicant to an AeMC or AME, unless the applicant
requires only limitation(s) related to the use of corrective lenses or to the period of
validity of the medical certificate.
(2) If an applicant for a LAPL medical certificate has been referred in accordance with point
(1), the AeMC or AME shall give due consideration to points MED.B.005 and MED.B.095,
evaluate whether the applicant is able to perform his or her duties safely when complying
with one or more limitations endorsed on the medical certificate and issue the medical
certificate with limitation(s) as necessary. The AeMC or AME shall always consider the
need to restrict the applicant from carrying passengers (operational passenger limitation,
(3) The GMP may revalidate or renew a LAPL medical certificate with the same limitation
without referring the applicant to an AeMC or AME.
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(c) When assessing whether a limitation is necessary, particular consideration shall be given to:
(1) whether accredited medical conclusion indicates that in special circumstances the
applicant’s failure to meet any requirement, whether numerical or otherwise, is such that
the exercise of the privileges of the licence applied for is not likely to jeopardise flight
(2) the applicant’s ability, skill and experience relevant to the operation to be performed.
(d) Operational limitation codes
(1) Operational multi-pilot limitation (OML class 1 only)
(i) When the holder of a CPL, ATPL or MPL does not fully meet the requirements for a
class 1 medical certificate and has been referred to a medical assessor of the
licensing authority, that medical assessor shall assess whether the medical
certificate may be issued with an OML ‘valid only as or with qualified co-pilot’.
(ii) The holder of a medical certificate with an OML shall only operate an aircraft in
multi-pilot operations when the other pilot is fully qualified on the relevant class
and type of aircraft, is not subject to an OML and has not attained the age of 60
(iii) The OML for class 1 medical certificates shall be initially imposed and only removed
by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) Operational safety pilot limitation (OSL class 2 and LAPL privileges)
(i) The holder of a medical certificate with an OSL shall only operate an aircraft if
another pilot fully qualified to act as pilot-in-command on the relevant class and
type of aircraft is carried on board, the aircraft is fitted with dual controls and the
other pilot occupies a seat at the controls.
(ii) The OSL for class 2 medical certificates may be imposed and removed either by the
medical assessor of the licensing authority, or by an AeMC or an AME in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(iii) The OSL for LAPL medical certificates may be imposed and removed by the medical
assessor of the licensing authority, an AeMC or an AME.
(3) Operational passenger limitation (OPL class 2 and LAPL privileges)
(i) The holder of a medical certificate with an OPL shall only operate an aircraft
without passengers on board.
(ii) The OPL for class 2 medical certificates may be imposed and removed either by the
medical assessor of the licensing authority, or by an AeMC or an AME in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(iii) The OPL for LAPL medical certificates may be imposed and removed by the medical
assessor of the licensing authority, an AeMC or an AME.
(4) Operational pilot restriction limitation (ORL class 2 and LAPL privileges)
(i) The holder of a medical certificate with an ORL shall only operate an aircraft if one
of the two following conditions have been met:
(A) another pilot fully qualified to act as pilot-in-command on the relevant class
and type of aircraft is on board the aircraft, the aircraft is fitted with dual
controls and the other pilot occupies a seat at the controls;
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(B) there are no passengers on board the aircraft.
(ii) The ORL for class 2 medical certificates may be imposed and removed either by the
medical assessor of the licensing authority, or by an AeMC or AME in consultation
with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(iii) The ORL for LAPL medical certificates may be imposed and removed by the medical
assessor of the licensing authority, an AeMC or an AME.
(5) Special restriction as specified (SSL)
The SSL on a medical certificate shall be followed by a description of the limitation.
(e) Any other limitation may be imposed on the holder of a medical certificate by the medical
assessor of the licensing authority, AeMC, AME or GMP, as applicable, if required to ensure
flight safety.
(f) Any limitation imposed on the holder of a medical certificate shall be specified therein.
AMC1 MED.B.001 Limitations to medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) An AeMC or AME may refer the decision on fitness of an applicant to the medical assessor of
the licensing authority in borderline cases or where fitness is in doubt.
(b) In cases where a fit assessment may only be considered with a limitation, the AeMC, AME, GMP
or the medical assessor of the licensing authority should evaluate the medical condition of the
applicant in consultation with flight operations and other experts, if necessary.
(c) Initial application of limitations
(1) The limitations TML, VDL, VML, VNL and VCL, as listed in AMC2 MED.B.001(a), may be
imposed by an AME or an AeMC for class 1, class 2, and LAPL medical certificates, or a
GMP for LAPL medical certificates.
(2) All other limitations listed in AMC2 MED.B.001(a) should only be imposed:
(i) for class 1 medical certificates, by the medical assessor of the licensing authority
where a referral is required according to MED.B.001;
(ii) for class 2 medical certificates, by the AME or AeMC in consultation with the
medical assessor of the licensing authority where consultation is required
according to MED.B.001;
(iii) for LAPL medical certificates, by an AME or AeMC.
(d) Removal of limitations
(1) For class 1 medical certificates, all limitations should only be removed by the medical
assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) For class 2 medical certificates, limitations may be removed by the medical assessor of
the licensing authority or by an AeMC or AME in consultation with the medical assessor
of the licensing authority.
(3) For LAPL medical certificates, limitations may be removed by an AeMC or AME.
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AMC2 MED.B.001 Limitations to medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) The following abbreviations for limitations codes should be used on the medical certificates as
Limited period of validity of the medical certificate
Valid only with correction for defective distant vision
Valid only with correction for defective distant, intermediate and near vision
Valid only with correction for defective near vision
Correction by means of contact lenses
Valid by day only
Specialist ophthalmological examination(s)
Specific medical examination(s)
Valid only when hearing aids are worn
Valid only with approved prosthesis
Valid only with approved hand controls
Valid only as, or with, a qualified co-pilot
Valid only as a qualified co-pilot
Valid only with a safety pilot and in aircraft with dual controls
Valid only without passengers
Valid only with a safety pilot if passengers are carried
Restricted to demonstrated aircraft type
Special restriction(s) as specified
(b) The abbreviations for the limitation codes should be explained to the holder of a medical
certificate as follows:
(1) TML Time limitation
The period of validity of the medical certificate is limited to the duration as shown on the
medical certificate. This period of validity commences on the date of the medical
examination. Any period of validity remaining on the previous medical certificate is no
longer valid. The holder of the medical certificate should present themselves for re-
examination when advised and should follow any medical recommendations.
(2) VDL Wear corrective lenses and carry a spare set of spectacles
Correction for defective distant vision: whilst exercising the privileges of the licence, the
holder of the medical certificate should wear spectacles or contact lenses that correct for
defective distant vision as examined and approved by the AeMC, AME or GMP. Contact
lenses may not be worn until cleared to do so by the AeMC, AME or GMP. A spare set of
spectacles, approved by the AeMC, AME or GMP, should be readily available.
(3) VML Wear multifocal spectacles and carry a spare set of spectacles
Correction for defective distant, intermediate and near vision: whilst exercising the
privileges of the licence, the holder of the medical certificate should wear spectacles that
correct for defective distant, intermediate and near vision as examined and approved by
the AeMC, AME or GMP. Contact lenses or full frame spectacles, when either correct for
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near vision only, may not be worn. A spare set of spectacles, approved by the AeMC, AME
or GMP, should be readily available.
(4) VNL Have available corrective spectacles and carry a spare set of spectacles
Correction for defective near vision: whilst exercising the privileges of the licence, the
holder of the medical certificate should have readily available spectacles that correct for
defective near vision as examined and approved by the AeMC, AME or GMP. Contact
lenses or full frame spectacles, when either correct for near vision only, may not be worn.
A spare set of spectacles, approved by the AeMC, AME or GMP, should be readily
(5) CCL Wear contact lenses that correct for defective distant vision
Correction for defective distant vision: whilst exercising the privileges of the licence, the
holder of a medical certificate should wear contact lenses that correct for defective
distant vision, as examined and approved by the AeMC, AME or GMP. A spare set of
similarly correcting spectacles, approved by the AeMC, AME or GMP, should be readily
available for immediate use whilst exercising the privileges of the licence.
(6) VCL Valid by day only
This limitation allows holders of a class 2 or LAPL medical certificate with varying degrees
of colour deficiency, to exercise the privileges of their licence by daytime only.
(7) RXO Specialist ophthalmological examination(s)
Specialist ophthalmological examination(s), other than the examinations stipulated in
Part-MED, are required for a significant reason.
(8) SIC Specific regular medical examination(s) contact the medical assessor of the licensing
This limitation requires the AeMC, or AME to contact the medical assessor of the licensing
authority before embarking upon a revalidation or renewal aero-medical assessment.
The limitation is likely to concern a medical history or additional examination(s) which
the AeMC or AME should be aware of prior to undertaking the assessment.
(9) HAL Wear hearing aid(s)
Whilst exercising the privileges of the licence, the holder of the medical certificate should
use hearing aid(s) that compensate for defective hearing as examined and approved by
the AeMC or AME. A spare set of batteries should be readily available.
(10) APL Valid only with approved prosthesis
This limitation applies to the holder of a medical certificate with a musculoskeletal
condition when a medical flight test or a flight simulator test has shown that the use of a
prosthesis is required to safely exercise the privileges of the licence. The prosthesis to be
used should be approved.
(11) AHL Valid only with approved hand controls
This limitation applies to the holder of a medical certificate who has a limb deficiency or
other anatomical problem which had been shown by a medical flight test or flight
simulator testing to be acceptable but to require the aircraft to be equipped with suitable,
approved hand controls.
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(12) OML Valid only as or with a qualified co-pilot
This limitation applies to holders of a class 1 medical certificate who do not fully meet the
aero-medical requirements for single-pilot operations, but are fit for multi-pilot
operations. Refer to MED.B.001(d)(1).
(13) OCL Valid only as a qualified co-pilot
This limitation is an extension of the OML and are restricted to the role of co-pilot.
(14) OSL Valid only with a safety pilot and in aircraft with dual controls
This limitation applies to holders of a class 2 or a LAPL medical certificate only. The safety
pilot should be made aware of the type(s) of possible incapacity that the pilot whose
medical certificate has been issued with this limitation may suffer and should be prepared
to take over the aircraft controls during flight. Refer to MED.B.001(d)(2).
(15) OPL Valid only without passengers
This limitation applies to holders of a class 2 or LAPL medical certificate with a medical
condition that may lead to an increased level of risk to flight safety when exercising the
privileges of the licence. This limitation is to be applied when this risk is not acceptable
for the carriage of passengers. Refer to MED.B.001(d)(3).
(16) ORL Valid only with a safety pilot if passengers are carried and in aircraft with dual
This limitation applies to holders of a class 2 or LAPL medical certificate with a medical
condition that may lead to an increased level of risk to flight safety when exercising the
privileges of the licence. The safety pilot, if carried, should be made aware of the type(s)
of possible incapacity that the pilot whose medical certificate has been issued with this
limitation may suffer and should be prepared to take over the aircraft controls during
flight. Refer to MED.B.001(d)(4).
(17) OAL Restricted to demonstrated aircraft type
This limitation applies to a the holder of a medical certificate who has a limb deficiency
or other medical problem which had been shown by a medical flight test or flight
simulator testing to be acceptable but to require a restriction to a specific class and type
of aircraft.
(18) SSL Special restriction(s) as specified
This limitation may be considered when an individually specified limitation, not defined
in this AMC, is appropriate to mitigate an increased level of risk to flight safety. The
description of the SSL should be entered on the medical certificate or in a separate
document to be carried with the medical certificate.
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MED.B.005 General medical requirements
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
Applicants for a medical certificate shall be assessed in accordance with the detailed medical
requirements set out in Sections 2 and 3.
They shall, in addition, be assessed as unfit where they have any of the following medical conditions
which entails a degree of functional incapacity which is likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the
privileges of the licence applied for or could render the applicant likely to become suddenly unable to
exercise those privileges:
(a) abnormality, either congenital or acquired;
(b) active, latent, acute or chronic disease or disability;
(c) wound, injury or sequelae from operation;
(d) effect or side effect of any prescribed or non-prescribed therapeutic, diagnostic or preventive
medication taken.
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MED.B.010 Cardiovascular System
Regulation (EU) No 2019/27
(a) Examination
(1) A standard 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG) and report shall be completed when
clinically indicated and at the following moments:
(i) for a class 1 medical certificate, at the initial examination, then every 5 years until
age 30, every 2 years until age 40, annually until age 50, and at all revalidation or
renewal examinations thereafter;
(ii) for a class 2 medical certificate, at the initial examination, at the first examination
after age 40 and then at the first examination after age 50, and every 2 years
(2) An extended cardiovascular assessment shall be required when clinically indicated.
(3) For a class 1 medical certificate, an extended cardiovascular assessment shall be
completed at the first revalidation or renewal examination after age 65 and every 4 years
(4) For a class 1 medical certificate, estimation of serum lipids, including cholesterol, shall be
required at the initial examination, and at the first examination after having reached the
age of 40.
(b) Cardiovascular System General
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the following medical conditions
shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta, before surgery;
(ii) significant functional or symptomatic abnormality of any of the heart valves;
(iii) heart or heart/lung transplantation.;
(iv) symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
(2) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 1 medical
certificate with a documented medical history or diagnosis of any of the following medical
conditions shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority:
(i) peripheral arterial disease before or after surgery;
(ii) aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta after surgery;
(iii) aneurysm of the infra-renal abdominal aorta before or after surgery;
(iv) functionally insignificant cardiac valvular abnormalities;
(v) after cardiac valve surgery;
(vi) abnormality of the pericardium, myocardium or endocardium;
(vii) congenital abnormality of the heart, before or after corrective surgery;
(viii) vasovagal syncope of uncertain cause;
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(ix) arterial or venous thrombosis;
(x) pulmonary embolism;
(xi) cardiovascular condition requiring systemic anticoagulant therapy.
(3) Applicants for a class 2 medical certificate with an established diagnosis of one of the
conditions specified in points (1) and (2) shall be evaluated by a cardiologist before they
may be assessed as fit, in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing
(4) Applicants with cardiac disorders other than those specified in points (1) and (2) may be
assessed as fit subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(c) Blood Pressure
(1) Applicants’ blood pressure shall be recorded at each examination.
(2) Applicants whose’s blood pressure is not within normal limits shall be further assessed
with regard to their cardiovascular condition and medication with a view to determining
whether they are to be assessed as unfit in accordance with points (3) and (4).
(3) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the following medical conditions
shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) symptomatic hypotension;
(ii) blood pressure at examination consistently exceeding 160 mmHg systolic or 95
mmHg diastolic, with or without treatment.
(4) Applicants who have commenced the use of medication for the control of blood pressure
shall be assessed as unfit until the absence of significant side effects has been established.
(d) Coronary Artery Disease
(1) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 1 medical
certificate with any of the following medical conditions shall be referred to the medical
assessor of the licensing authority and undergo cardiological evaluation to exclude
myocardial ischaemia:
(i) suspected myocardial ischaemia;
(ii) asymptomatic minor coronary artery disease requiring no anti-anginal treatment.
(2) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 2 medical
certificate with any of the medical conditions set out in point (1) shall undergo
satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(3) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) myocardial ischaemia;
(ii) symptomatic coronary artery disease;
(iii) symptoms of coronary artery disease controlled by medication.
(4) Applicants for the initial issue of a class 1 medical certificate with a medical history or
diagnosis of any of the following medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) myocardial ischaemia;
(ii) myocardial infarction;
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(iii) revascularisation or stenting for coronary artery disease.
(5) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 2 medical
certificate who are asymptomatic following myocardial infarction or surgery for coronary
artery disease shall undergo satisfactory cardiological evaluation, in consultation with the
medical assessor of the licensing authority. Such applicants for the revalidation of a class
1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(e) Rhythm/Conduction Disturbances
(1) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) symptomatic sinoatrial disease;
(ii) complete atrioventricular block;
(iii) symptomatic QT prolongation;
(iv) an automatic implantable defibrillating system;
(v) a ventricular anti-tachycardia pacemaker.
(2) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 1 medical
certificate havingany significant disturbance of cardiac conduction or rhythm, including
any of the following, shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority:
(i) disturbance of supraventricular rhythm, including intermittent or established
sinoatrial dysfunction, atrial fibrillation and/or flutter and asymptomatic sinus
(ii) complete left bundle branch block;
(iii) Mobitz type 2 atrioventricular block;
(iv) broad and/or narrow complex tachycardia;
(v) ventricular pre-excitation;
(vi) asymptomatic QT prolongation;
(vii) Brugada pattern on electrocardiography.
(3) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 2 medical
certificate with any of the medical conditions specified in point (2) shall undergo
satisfactory cardiological evaluation, in consultation with the medical assessor of the
licensing authority.
(4) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory cardiological evaluation and in the absence of any other abnormality:
(i) incomplete bundle branch block;
(ii) complete right bundle branch block;
(iii) stable left axis deviation;
(iv) asymptomatic sinus bradycardia;
(v) asymptomatic sinus tachycardia;
(vi) asymptomatic isolated uniform supra-ventricular or ventricular ectopic complexes;
(vii) first degree atrioventricular block;
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(viii) Mobitz type 1 atrioventricular block.
(5) Applicants with a medical history of any of the following medical conditions shall undergo
satisfactory cardiovascular evaluation before they may be assessed as fit:
(i) ablation therapy;
(ii) pacemaker implantation.
Such applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical
assessor of the licensing authority. Such applicants for a class 2 medical certificate
shall be assessed in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing
AMC1 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
Exercise electrocardiography
An exercise ECG when required as part of a cardiovascular assessment should be symptom
limited and completed to a minimum of Bruce Stage IV or equivalent.
(b) General
(1) Cardiovascular risk factor assessment
(i) Serum lipid estimation is case finding and significant abnormalities should be
reviewed, investigated and supervised by the AeMC or AME in consultation with
the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(ii) Applicants with an accumulation of risk factors (smoking, family history, lipid
abnormalities, hypertension, etc.) should undergo a cardiovascular evaluation by
the AeMC or AME, if necessary in consultation with the medical assessor of the
licensing authority.
(2) Cardiovascular assessment
(i) Reporting of resting and exercise electrocardiograms should be by the AME or an
accredited specialist.
(ii) The extended cardiovascular assessment should be undertaken at an AeMC or may
be delegated to a cardiologist.
(c) Peripheral arterial disease
If there is no significant functional impairment, a fit assessment may be considered provided:
(1) applicants without symptoms of coronary artery disease have reduced any vascular risk
factors to an appropriate level;
(2) applicants should be on appropriate secondary prevention treatment;
(3) exercise electrocardiography is satisfactory. Further tests may be required which should
show no evidence of myocardial ischaemia or significant coronary artery stenosis.
(d) Aortic aneurysm
(1) Applicants with an aneurysm of the infra-renal abdominal aorta of less than 5 cm in
diameter may be assessed as fit before surgery, with an OML subject to satisfactory
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evaluation by a cardiologist. Follow-up by ultra-sound scans or other imaging techniques,
as necessary, should be determined by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) Applicants may be assessed as fit with an OML after surgery for an aneurysm of the
thoracic or abdominal aorta if the blood pressure and cardiovascular evaluation is
satisfactory. Regular evaluations by a cardiologist should be carried out.
(e) Cardiac valvular abnormalities
(1) Applicants with previously unrecognised cardiac murmurs should undergo evaluation by
a cardiologist and assessment by the medical assessor of the licensing authority. If
considered significant, further investigation should include at least 2D Doppler
echocardiography or equivalent imaging.
(2) Applicants with minor cardiac valvular abnormalities may be assessed as fit. Applicants
with significant abnormality of any of the heart valves should be assessed as unfit.
(3) Aortic valve disease
(i) Applicants with a bicuspid aortic valve may be assessed as fit if no other cardiac or
aortic abnormality is demonstrated. Follow-up with echocardiography, as
necessary, should be determined by the medical assessor of the licensing
(ii) Applicants with aortic stenosis may be assessed as fit provided the left ventricular
function is intact and the mean pressure gradient is less than 20 mmHg. Applicants
with an aortic valve orifice with indexation on the body surface of more than
0.6 cm
and a mean pressure gradient above 20 mmHg, but not greater than
50 mmHg, may be assessed as fit with an OML. Follow-up with 2D Doppler
echocardiography, as necessary, should be determined by the medical assessor of
the licensing authority in all cases. Alternative measurement techniques with
equivalent ranges may be used. Regular evaluation by a cardiologist should be
considered. Applicants with a history of systemic embolism or significant dilatation
of the thoracic aorta should be assessed as unfit.
(iii) Applicants with trivial aortic regurgitation may be assessed as fit. A greater degree
of aortic regurgitation should require an OML. There should be no demonstrable
abnormality of the ascending aorta on 2D Doppler echocardiography. Follow-up,
as necessary, should be determined by the medical assessor of the licensing
(4) Mitral valve disease
(i) Asymptomatic applicants with an isolated mid-systolic click due to mitral leaflet
prolapse may be assessed as fit.
(ii) Applicants with rheumatic mitral stenosis should normally be assessed as unfit.
(iii) Applicants with minor regurgitation may be assessed as fit. Periodic cardiological
review should be determined by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(iv) Applicants with moderate mitral regurgitation may be considered as fit with an
OML if the 2D Doppler echocardiogram demonstrates satisfactory left ventricular
dimensions and satisfactory myocardial function is confirmed by exercise
electrocardiography. Periodic cardiological review should be required, as
determined by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
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(v) Applicants with evidence of volume overloading of the left ventricle demonstrated
by increased left ventricular end-diastolic diameter or evidence of systolic
impairment should be assessed as unfit.
(f) Valvular surgery
Applicants who have undergone cardiac valve replacement or repair should be assessed as unfit.
A fit assessment may be considered in the following cases:
(1) Mitral leaflet repair for prolapse is compatible with a fit assessment, provided post-
operative investigations reveal satisfactory left ventricular function without systolic or
diastolic dilation and no more than minor mitral regurgitation.
(2) Asymptomatic applicants with a tissue valve or with a mechanical valve who, at least 6
months following surgery, are taking no cardioactive medication may be considered for
a fit assessment with an OML. Investigations which demonstrate normal valvular and
ventricular configuration and function should have been completed as demonstrated by:
(i) a satisfactory symptom limited exercise ECG. Myocardial perfusion imaging/stress
echocardiography should be required if the exercise ECG is abnormal or any
coronary artery disease is suspected;
(ii) a 2D Doppler echocardiogram showing no significant selective chamber
enlargement, a tissue valve with minimal structural alteration and a normal
Doppler blood flow, and no structural or functional abnormality of the other heart
valves. Left ventricular fractional shortening should be normal.
Follow-up with exercise ECG and 2D echocardiography, as necessary, should be
determined by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(3) Where anticoagulation is needed after valvular surgery, a fit assessment with an OML
may be considered if the haemorrhagic risk is acceptable and the anticoagulation is
stable. Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least
5 international normalised ratio (INR) values are documented, of which at least 4 are
within the INR target range. The INR target range should be determined by the type of
surgery performed.
(g) Thromboembolic disorders
Applicants with arterial or venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism should be assessed as
unfit. A fit assessment with an OML may be considered after a period of stable anticoagulation
as prophylaxis, after review by the medical assessor of the licensing authority. Anticoagulation
should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least 5 INR values are documented,
of which at least 4 are within the INR target range and the haemorrhagic risk is acceptable. In
cases of anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, a fit assessment with an OML
may be considered after review by the medical assessor of the licensing authority after a
stabilisation period of 3 months. Applicants with pulmonary embolism should also be evaluated
by a cardiologist. Following cessation of anticoagulant therapy, for any indication, applicants
should undergo a re-assessment by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(h) Other cardiac disorders
(1) Applicants with a primary or secondary abnormality of the pericardium, myocardium or
endocardium should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered following
complete resolution and satisfactory cardiological evaluation which may include 2D
Doppler echocardiography, exercise ECG and/or myocardial perfusion imaging/stress
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echocardiography and 24-hour ambulatory ECG. Coronary angiography may be indicated.
Frequent review and an OML may be required after fit assessment.
(2) Applicants with a congenital abnormality of the heart should be assessed as unfit.
Applicants following surgical correction or with minor abnormalities that are functionally
unimportant may be assessed as fit following cardiological evaluation. No cardioactive
medication is acceptable. Investigations may include 2D Doppler echocardiography,
exercise ECG and 24-hour ambulatory ECG. The potential hazard of any medication
should be considered as part of the assessment. Particular attention should be paid to
the potential for the medication to mask the effects of the congenital abnormality before
or after surgery. Regular cardiological evaluations should be carried out.
(i) Syncope
(1) In the case of a single episode of vasovagal syncope which can be explained and is
compatible with flight safety, a fit assessment may be considered.
(2) Applicants with a history of recurrent vasovagal syncope should be assessed as unfit. A
fit assessment may be considered after a 6-month period without recurrence, provided
cardiological evaluation is satisfactory. Such evaluation should include:
(i) a satisfactory symptom limited 12 lead exercise ECG to Bruce Stage IV, or
equivalent. If the exercise ECG is abnormal, myocardial perfusion imaging/stress
echocardiography or equivalent test should be carried out;
(ii) a 2D Doppler echocardiogram showing neither significant selective chamber
enlargement nor structural or functional abnormality of the heart, valves or
(iii) a 24-hour ambulatory ECG recording showing no conduction disturbance, complex
or sustained rhythm disturbance or evidence of myocardial ischaemia.
(3) A tilt test, or equivalent, carried out to a standard protocol showing no evidence of
vasomotor instability may be required.
(4) Neurological review should be required.
(5) An OML should be required until a period of 5 years has elapsed without recurrence. The
medical assessor of the licensing authority may determine a shorter or longer period of
OML according to the individual circumstances of the case.
(6) Applicants who experienced loss of consciousness without significant warning should be
assessed as unfit.
(j) Blood pressure
(1) The diagnosis of hypertension should require cardiovascular evaluation to include
potential vascular risk factors.
(2) Anti-hypertensive treatment should be agreed by the medical assessor of the licensing
authority. Acceptable medication may include:
(i) non-loop diuretic agents;
(ii) ACE inhibitors;
(iii) angiotensin II receptor blocking agents (sartans);
(iv) channel calcium blocking agents;
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(v) certain (generally hydrophilic) beta-blocking agents.
(3) Following initiation of medication for the control of blood pressure, applicants should be
re-assessed to verify that satisfactory control has been achieved and the treatment is
compatible with the safe exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(k) Coronary artery disease
(1) Chest pain of uncertain cause should require full investigation. Applicants with angina
pectoris should be assessed as unfit, whether or not it is alleviated by medication.
(2) In suspected asymptomatic coronary artery disease, exercise electrocardiography should
be required. Further tests may be required, which should show no evidence of myocardial
ischaemia or significant coronary artery stenosis.
(3) Applicants with evidence of exercise-induced myocardial ischaemia should be assessed
as unfit.
(4) After an ischaemic cardiac event or revascularisation procedure, applicants should have
reduced cardiovascular risk factors to an appropriate level. Medication, when used to
control cardiac symptoms, is not acceptable. All applicants should be on appropriate
secondary prevention treatment.
(i) A coronary angiogram obtained around the time of, or during, the ischaemic
myocardial event or revasculisation procedure and a complete, detailed clinical
report of the ischaemic event and of any operative procedures should be made
available to the medical assessor of the licensing authority:
(A) there should be no stenosis more than 50 % in any major untreated vessel,
in any vein or artery graft or at the site of an angioplasty/stent, except in a
vessel subtending a myocardial infarction;
(B) the whole coronary vascular tree should be assessed as satisfactory by a
cardiologist, and particular attention should be paid to multiple stenoses
and/or multiple revascularisations;
(C) Applicants with an untreated stenosis greater than 30 % in the left main or
proximal left anterior descending coronary artery should be assessed as
(ii) At least 6 months from the ischaemic myocardial event or revascularisation
procedure, the following investigations should be completed (equivalent tests may
be substituted):
(A) an exercise ECG showing neither evidence of myocardial ischaemia nor
rhythm or conduction disturbance;
(B) an echocardiogram showing satisfactory left ventricular function with no
important abnormality of wall motion (such as dyskinesia or akinesia) and a
left ventricular ejection fraction of 50 % or more;
(C) in cases of angioplasty/stenting, a myocardial perfusion scan or stress
echocardiogram, or equivalent test, which should show no evidence of
reversible myocardial ischaemia. If there is any doubt about myocardial
perfusion in other cases (infarction or bypass grafting) a perfusion scan, or
equivalent test, should also be carried out;
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(D) further investigations, such as a 24-hour ECG, may be necessary to assess
the risk of any significant rhythm disturbance.
(iii) Follow-up should be annual (or more frequently, if necessary) to ensure that there
is no deterioration of the cardiovascular status. It should include a review by a
cardiologist, exercise ECG and cardiovascular risk assessment. Additional
investigations may be required by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(A) After coronary artery bypass grafting, a myocardial perfusion scan, or
equivalent test, should be performed if there is any indication, and in all
cases within 5 years from the procedure.
(B) In all cases, coronary angiography should be considered at any time if
symptoms, signs or non-invasive tests indicate myocardial ischaemia.
(iv) Successful completion of the 6-month or subsequent review will allow a fit
assessment with an OML.
(l) Rhythm and conduction disturbances
(1) Applicants with significant rhythm or conduction disturbance should undergo evaluation
by a cardiologist before a fit assessment with an OML, as necessary, may be considered.
Appropriate follow-up should be carried out at regular intervals. Such evaluation should
(i) exercise ECG to the Bruce protocol or equivalent. Bruce stage 4 should be achieved
and no significant abnormality of rhythm or conduction, or evidence of myocardial
ischaemia should be demonstrated. Withdrawal of cardioactive medication prior
to the test should normally be required;
(ii) 24-hour ambulatory ECG which should demonstrate no significant rhythm or
conduction disturbance;
(iii) 2D Doppler echocardiogram which should show no significant selective chamber
enlargement or significant structural or functional abnormality, and a left
ventricular ejection fraction of at least 50 %.
Further evaluation may include (equivalent tests may be substituted):
(iv) 24-hour ECG recording repeated as necessary;
(v) electrophysiological study;
(vi) myocardial perfusion imaging;
(vii) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
(viii) coronary angiogram.
(2) Applicants with frequent or complex forms of supra ventricular or ventricular ectopic
complexes require full cardiological evaluation.
(3) Where anticoagulation is needed for a rhythm disturbance, a fit assessment with an OML
may be considered if the haemorrhagic risk is acceptable and the anticoagulation is
stable. Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least
5 INR values are documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR target range. In cases
of anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, a fit assessment with an OML
may be considered after review by the medical assessor of the licensing authority after a
stabilisation period of 3 months.
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(4) Ablation
Applicants who have undergone ablation therapy should be assessed as unfit. A fit
assessment may be considered following successful catheter ablation and should require
an OML for at least one year, unless an electrophysiological study, undertaken at a
minimum of 2 months after the ablation, demonstrates satisfactory results. For those
whose long-term outcome cannot be assured by invasive or non-invasive testing, an
additional period with an OML and/or observation may be necessary.
(5) Supraventricular arrhythmias
Applicants with significant disturbance of supraventricular rhythm, including sinoatrial
dysfunction, whether intermittent or established, should be assessed as unfit. A fit
assessment may be considered if cardiological evaluation is satisfactory.
(i) Atrial fibrillation/flutter
(A) For initial applicants, a fit assessment should be limited to those with a single
episode of arrhythmia which is considered by the medical assessor of the
licensing authority to be unlikely to recur.
(B) For revalidation, applicants may be assessed as fit if cardiological evaluation
is satisfactory and the stroke risk is sufficiently low. A fit assessment with an
OML may be considered after a period of stable anticoagulation as
prophylaxis, after review by the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at
least 5 INR values are documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR
target range. In cases of anticoagulation medication not requiring INR
monitoring, a fit assessment with an OML may be considered after review
by the medical assessor of the licensing authority after a stabilisation period
of 3 months.
(ii) Applicants with asymptomatic sinus pauses up to 2.5 seconds on resting
electrocardiography may be assessed as fit if exercise electrocardiography,
echocardiography and 24-hour ambulatory ECG are satisfactory.
(iii) Applicants with symptomatic sino-atrial disease should be assessed as unfit.
(6) Mobitz type 2 atrio-ventricular block
Applicants with Mobitz type 2 AV block should require full cardiological evaluation and
may be assessed as fit in the absence of distal conducting tissue disease.
(7) Complete right bundle branch block
(i) Applicants with complete right bundle branch block should undergo a cardiological
evaluation on first presentation. A fit assessment may be considered if there is no
underlying pathology.
(ii) Applicants with bifascicular block may be assessed as fit with an OML after a
satisfactory cardiological evaluation. The OML may be considered for removal if an
electrophysiological study demonstrates no infra-Hissian block, or a 3-year period
of satisfactory surveillance has been completed.
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(8) Complete left bundle branch block
(i) A fit assessment may be considered subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation
and a 3-year period with an OML, and without an OML after 3 years of surveillance
and satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(ii) Investigation of the coronary arteries is necessary for applicants over age 40.
(9) Ventricular pre-excitation
(i) Asymptomatic initial applicants with pre-excitation may be assessed as fit if an
electrophysiological study, including adequate drug-induced autonomic
stimulation reveals no inducible re-entry tachycardia and the existence of multiple
pathways is excluded.
(ii) Asymptomatic applicants with pre-excitation may be assessed as fit at revalidation
with limitation(s) as appropriate. Limitations may not be necessary if an
electrophysiological study, including adequate drug-induced autonomic
stimulation, reveals no inducible re-entry tachycardia and the existence of multiple
accessory pathways is excluded.
(10) Pacemaker
Applicants with a subendocardial pacemaker should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment
with an OML may be considered at revalidation no sooner than 3 months after insertion
(i) there is no other disqualifying condition;
(ii) a bipolar lead system, programmed in bipolar mode without automatic mode
change has been used;
(iii) the applicant is not pacemaker dependent; and
(iv) the applicant has a follow-up at least every 12 months, including a pacemaker
(11) QT prolongation
Applicants with asymptomatic QT prolongation may be assessed as fit with an OML
subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(12) Brugada pattern on electrocardiography
Applicants with a Brugada pattern Type 1 should be assessed as unfit. Applicants with
Type 2 or Type 3 may be assessed as fit, with limitations as appropriate, subject to
satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
AMC2 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
Exercise electrocardiography
An exercise ECG when required as part of a cardiovascular assessment should be symptom-
limited and completed to a minimum of Bruce Stage IV or equivalent.
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(b) General
(1) Cardiovascular risk factor assessment
Applicants with an accumulation of risk factors (smoking, family history, lipid
abnormalities, hypertension, etc.) should undergo a cardiovascular evaluation by the
AeMC or AME.
(2) Cardiovascular assessment
Reporting of resting and exercise electrocardiograms should be by the AME or an
accredited specialist.
(c) Peripheral arterial disease
A fit assessment may be considered for an applicant with peripheral arterial disease, or after
surgery for peripheral arterial disease, provided there is no significant functional impairment,
any vascular risk factors have been reduced to an appropriate level, the applicant is receiving
acceptable secondary prevention treatment, and there is no evidence of myocardial ischaemia.
(d) Aortic aneurysm
(1) Applicants with an aneurysm of the infra-renal abdominal aorta of less than 5 cm in
diameter may be assessed as fit, subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation. Regular
cardiological evaluations should be carried out.
(2) Applicants with an aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta of less than
5 cm in diameter may be assessed as fit with an ORL or OSL, subject to satisfactory
cardiological evaluation. Regular follow-up should be carried out.
(3) Applicants may be assessed as fit after surgery for an infra-renal abdominal aortic
aneurysm, subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation. Regular cardiological
evaluations should be carried out.
(4) Applicants may be assessed as fit with an ORL or OSL after surgery for a thoracic or supra-
renal abdominal aortic aneurysm, subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation. Regular
cardiological evaluations should be carried out.
(e) Cardiac valvular abnormalities
(1) Applicants with previously unrecognised cardiac murmurs should undergo further
cardiological evaluation.
(2) Applicants with minor cardiac valvular abnormalities may be assessed as fit.
(3) Aortic valve disease
(i) Applicants with a bicuspid aortic valve may be assessed as fit if no other cardiac or
aortic abnormality is demonstrated. Follow-up with echocardiography, as
necessary, should be determined in consultation with the medical assessor of the
licensing authority.
(ii) Applicants with aortic stenosis may be assessed as fit provided the left ventricular
function is intact and the mean pressure gradient is less than 20 mmHg. Applicants
with an aortic valve orifice of more than 1 cm
and a mean pressure gradient above
20 mmHg, but not greater than 50 mmHg, may be assessed as fit with an ORL or
OSL. Follow-up with 2D Doppler echocardiography, as necessary, should be
determined in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority in
all cases. Alternative measurement techniques with equivalent ranges may be
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used. Regular cardiological evaluation should be considered. Applicants with a
history of systemic embolism or significant dilatation of the thoracic aorta should
be assessed as unfit.
(iii) Applicants with trivial aortic regurgitation may be assessed as fit. Applicants with
a greater degree of aortic regurgitation may be assessed as fit with an OSL. There
should be no demonstrable abnormality of the ascending aorta on 2D Doppler
echocardiography. Follow-up, as necessary, should be determined in consultation
with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(4) Mitral valve disease
(i) Asymptomatic applicants with an isolated mid-systolic click due to mitral leaflet
prolapse may be assessed as fit.
(ii) Applicants with rheumatic mitral stenosis should be assessed as unfit.
(iii) Applicants with minor regurgitation may be assessed as fit. Periodic cardiological
review should be determined in consultation with the medical assessor of the
licensing authority.
(iv) Applicants with moderate mitral regurgitation may be considered as fit with an ORL
or OSL if the 2D Doppler echocardiogram demonstrates satisfactory left ventricular
dimensions and satisfactory myocardial function is confirmed by exercise
electrocardiography. Periodic cardiological review should be determined in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(v) Applicants with evidence of volume overloading of the left ventricle demonstrated
by increased left ventricular end-diastolic diameter or evidence of systolic
impairment should be assessed as unfit.
(f) Valvular surgery
(1) Applicants who have undergone cardiac valve replacement or repair may be assessed as
fit without limitations subject to satisfactory post-operative cardiological evaluation and
if no anticoagulants are needed.
(2) Where anticoagulation is needed after valvular surgery, a fit assessment with an ORL or
OSL may be considered after cardiological evaluation if the haemorrhagic risk is
acceptable. The review should show that the anticoagulation is stable. Anticoagulation
should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least 5 INR values are
documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR target range. The INR target range
should be determined by the type of surgery performed. Applicants who measure their
INR on a ‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior to flight and only exercise the
privileges of their licence(s) if the INR is within the target range, may be assessed as fit
without the above-mentioned limitation. The INR results should be recorded and the
results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment. Applicants taking
anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be assessed as fit without
the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing
authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months.
(g) Thromboembolic disorders
Applicants with arterial or venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism should be assessed as
unfit. A fit assessment with an ORL or OSL may be considered after a period of stable
anticoagulation as prophylaxis in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing
authority. Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least 5
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INR values are documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR target range and the
haemorrhagic risk is acceptable. Applicants who measure their INR on a ‘near patient’ testing
system within 12 hours prior to flight and only exercise the privileges of their licence(s) if the
INR is within the target range may be assessed as fit without the above-mentioned limitation.
The INR results should be recorded and the results should be reviewed at each aero-medical
assessment. Applicants taking anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be
assessed as fit without the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical
assessor of the licensing authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months. Applicants with
pulmonary embolism should also undergo a cardiological evaluation. Following cessation of
anticoagulant therapy for any indication, applicants should undergo a re-assessment in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(h) Other cardiac disorders
(1) Applicants with a primary or secondary abnormality of the pericardium, myocardium or
endocardium may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(2) Applicants with a congenital abnormality of the heart, including those who have
undergone surgical correction, may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory cardiological
evaluation. Cardiological follow-up may be necessary and should be determined in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(i) Syncope
(1) In the case of a single episode of vasovagal syncope which can be explained and is
compatible with flight safety, a fit assessment may be considered.
(2) Applicants with a history of recurrent vasovagal syncope should be assessed as unfit. A
fit assessment may be considered after a 6-month period without recurrence, providing
cardiological evaluation is satisfactory. Neurological review may be indicated.
(j) Blood pressure
(1) When the blood pressure at examination consistently exceeds 160 mmHg systolic and/or
95 mmHg diastolic, with or without treatment, the applicant should be assessed as unfit.
(2) The diagnosis of hypertension requires review of other potential vascular risk factors.
(3) Applicants with symptomatic hypotension should be assessed as unfit.
(4) Anti-hypertensive treatment should be compatible with flight safety.
(5) Following initiation of medication for the control of blood pressure, applicants should be
re-assessed to verify that satisfactory control has been achieved and that the treatment
is compatible with the safe exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(k) Coronary artery disease
(1) Chest pain of uncertain cause requires full investigation.
(2) Applicants with suspected asymptomatic coronary artery disease should undergo
cardiological evaluation which should show no evidence of myocardial ischaemia or
significant coronary artery stenosis.
(3) Applicants with evidence of exercise-induced myocardial ischaemia should be assessed
as unfit.
(4) After an ischaemic cardiac event, or revascularisation, applicants without symptoms
should have reduced cardiovascular risk factors to an appropriate level. Medication,
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when used to control angina pectoris, is not acceptable. All applicants should be on
appropriate secondary prevention treatment.
(i) A coronary angiogram obtained around the time of, or during, the ischaemic
myocardial event and a complete, detailed clinical report of the ischaemic event
and of any operative procedures should be available to the AME.
(A) There should be no stenosis more than 50 % in any major untreated vessel,
in any vein or artery graft or at the site of an angioplasty/stent, except in a
vessel subtending a myocardial infarction.
(B) The whole coronary vascular tree should be assessed as satisfactory by a
cardiologist and particular attention should be paid to multiple stenoses
and/or multiple revascularisations.
(C) Applicants with an untreated stenosis greater than 30 % in the left main or
proximal left anterior descending coronary artery should be assessed as
(ii) At least 6 months from the ischaemic myocardial event, including
revascularisation, the following investigations should be completed (equivalent
tests may be substituted):
(A) an exercise ECG showing neither evidence of myocardial ischaemia nor
rhythm disturbance;
(B) an echocardiogram showing satisfactory left ventricular function with no
important abnormality of wall motion and a satisfactory left ventricular
ejection fraction of 50 % or more;
(C) in cases of angioplasty/stenting, a myocardial perfusion scan or stress
echocardiogram, or equivalent test, which should show no evidence of
reversible myocardial ischaemia. If there is doubt about revascularisation in
myocardial infarction or bypass grafting, a perfusion scan, or equivalent test,
should also be carried out;
(D) further investigations, such as a 24-hour ECG, may be necessary to assess
the risk of any significant rhythm disturbance.
(iii) Periodic follow-up should include a cardiological evaluation.
(A) After coronary artery bypass grafting, a myocardial perfusion scan (or
equivalent test) should be performed if there is any indication, and in all
cases within five years from the procedure for a fit assessment without an
(B) In all cases, coronary angiography should be considered at any time if
symptoms, signs or non-invasive tests indicate myocardial ischaemia.
(iv) Successful completion of the six-month or subsequent review will allow a fit
assessment. Applicants may be assessed as fit with an ORL or OSL having
successfully completed only an exercise ECG.
(5) Applicants with angina pectoris should be assessed as unfit, whether or not it is alleviated
by medication.
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(l) Rhythm and conduction disturbances
(1) Applicants with significant rhythm or conduction disturbance should undergo
cardiological evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered with an ORL or OSL,
as appropriate. Such evaluation should include:
(i) exercise ECG to the Bruce protocol or equivalent. Bruce stage 4 should be achieved
and no significant abnormality of rhythm or conduction, or evidence of myocardial
ischaemia should be demonstrated. Withdrawal of cardioactive medication prior
to the test should normally be required;
(ii) 24-hour ambulatory ECG which should demonstrate no significant rhythm or
conduction disturbance;
(iii) 2D Doppler echocardiogram which should show no significant selective chamber
enlargement or significant structural or functional abnormality, and a left
ventricular ejection fraction of at least 50 %.
Further evaluation may include (equivalent tests may be substituted):
(iv) 24-hour ECG recording repeated as necessary;
(v) electrophysiological study;
(vi) myocardial perfusion imaging;
(vii) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
(viii) coronary angiogram.
(2) Where anticoagulation is needed for a rhythm disturbance, a fit assessment with an ORL
or OSL may be considered, if the haemorrhagic risk is acceptable and the anticoagulation
is stable. Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least
5 INR values are documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR target range.
Applicants who measure their INR on a ‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior
to flight and only exercise the privileges of their licence(s) if the INR is within the target
range may be assessed as fit without the above-mentioned limitation. The INR results
should be recorded and the results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment.
Applicants taking anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be
assessed as fit without the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical
assessor of the licensing authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months.
(3) Ablation
A fit assessment may be considered following successful catheter ablation subject to
satisfactory cardiological review undertaken at a minimum of 2 months after the ablation.
(4) Supraventricular arrhythmias
(i) Applicants with significant disturbance of supraventricular rhythm, including
sinoatrial dysfunction, whether intermittent or established, may be assessed as fit
if cardiological evaluation is satisfactory.
(ii) Applicants with atrial fibrillation/flutter may be assessed as fit if cardiological
evaluation is satisfactory and the stroke risk is sufficiently low. Where
anticoagulation is needed, a fit assessment with an ORL or OSL may be considered
after a period of stable anticoagulation as prophylaxis, in consultation with the
medical assessor of the licensing authority. Anticoagulation should be considered
stable if, within the last 6 months, at least 5 INR values are documented, of which
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at least 4 are within the INR target range. Applicants who measure their INR on a
‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior to flight and only exercise the
privileges of their licence(s) if the INR is within the target range may be assessed
as fit without the above-mentioned limitation. The INR results should be recorded
and the results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment. Applicants
taking anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be assessed
as fit without the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical
assessor of the licensing authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months.
(iii) Applicants with asymptomatic sinus pauses up to 2.5 seconds on resting
electrocardiography may be assessed as fit if cardiological evaluation is
(5) Heart block
(i) Applicants with first degree and Mobitz type 1 AV block may be assessed as fit.
(ii) Applicants with Mobitz type 2 AV block may be assessed as fit in the absence of
distal conducting tissue disease.
(6) Complete right bundle branch block
Applicants with complete right bundle branch block may be assessed as fit with
appropriate limitations, such as an ORL, and subject to satisfactory cardiological
(7) Complete left bundle branch block
Applicants with complete left bundle branch block may be assessed as fit with
appropriate limitations, such as an ORL, and subject to satisfactory cardiological
(8) Ventricular pre-excitation
Asymptomatic applicants with ventricular pre-excitation may be assessed as fit with
limitation(s) as appropriate, subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation. Limitations
may not be necessary if an electrophysiological study is conducted and the results are
(9) Pacemaker
Applicants with a subendocardial pacemaker should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment
may be considered no sooner than 3 months after insertion, providing:
(i) there is no other disqualifying condition;
(ii) a bipolar lead system, programmed in bipolar mode without automatic mode
change, has been used;
(iii) the applicant is not pacemaker dependent; and
(iv) the applicant has a follow-up at least every 12 months, including a pacemaker
(10) QT prolongation
Applicants with asymptomatic QT prolongation may be assessed as fit with an ORL or OSL
subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
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(11) Brugada pattern on electrocardiography
Applicants with a Brugada pattern Type 1 should be assessed as unfit. Applicants with
Type 2 or Type 3 may be assessed as fit, with limitation(s) as appropriate, subject to
satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(m) Heart or heart/lung transplantation
(1) Applicants who have undergone heart or heart/lung transplantation may be assessed as
fit, with appropriate limitation(s) such as an ORL , no sooner than 12 months after
transplantation, provided that cardiological evaluation is satisfactory with:
(i) no rejection in the first year following transplantation;
(ii) no significant arrhythmias;
(iii) a left ventricular ejection fraction 50%;
(iv) a symptom limited exercise ECG; and
(v) a coronary angiogram if indicated;
(2) Regular cardiological evaluations should be carried out.
GM1 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Minor regurgitation should have evidence of no thickened leaflets or flail chordae and left atrial
internal diameter of less than or equal to 4.0 cm.
(b) The following may indicate severe regurgitation:
(1) LV internal diameter (diastole) > 6.0 cm; or
(2) LV internal diameter (systole) > 4.1 cm; or
(3) Left atrial internal diameter > 4.5 cm.
(c) Doppler indices, such as width of jet, backwards extension and whether there is flow reversal
in the pulmonary veins may be helpful in assessing severity of regurgitation.
GM2 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Asymptomatic applicants with pre-excitation may be assessed as fit if they meet the following criteria,
which may also indicate a satisfactory electrophysiological evaluation:
(a) refractory period > 300 ms;
(b) no induced atrial fibrillation.
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GM3 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Applicants taking anticoagulant medication which requires monitoring with INR testing, should
measure their INR on a ‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior to flight and the privileges
of the applicable licence(s) should only be exercised if the INR is within the target range. The INR result
should be recorded and the results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment.
GM4 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Minor regurgitation should have evidence of no thickened leaflets or flail chordae and left atrial
internal diameter of less than or equal to 4.0 cm.
(b) The following may indicate severe regurgitation:
(1) LV internal diameter (diastole) > 6.0 cm; or
(2) LV internal diameter (systole) > 4.1 cm; or
(3) Left atrial internal diameter > 4.5 cm.
(c) Doppler indices, such as width of jet, backwards extension and whether there is flow reversal
in the pulmonary veins may be helpful in assessing severity of regurgitation.
GM5 MED.B.010 Cardiovascular system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Asymptomatic applicants with pre-excitation may be assessed as fit if they meet the following criteria:
(a) no inducible re-entry tachycardia;
(b) refractory period > 300 ms;
(c) no induced atrial fibrillation;
(d) no evidence of multiple accessory pathways.
MED.B.015 Respiratory System
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants with significant impairment of pulmonary function shall be assessed as unfit.
However, they may be assessed as fit once pulmonary function has recovered and is
(b) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall undertake pulmonary morphological and
functional tests at the initial examination and when clinically indicated.
(c) Applicants for a class 2 medical certificate shall undertake pulmonary morphological and
functional tests when clinically indicated.
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(d) Applicants with a medical history or diagnosis of any of the following medical conditions shall
undertake respiratory evaluation with a satisfactory result before they may be assessed as fit:
(1) asthma requiring medication;
(2) active inflammatory disease of the respiratory system;
(3) active sarcoidosis;
(4) pneumothorax;
(5) sleep apnoea syndrome;
(6) major thoracic surgery;
(7) pneumonectomy;
(8) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants with an established
diagnosis of any of the medical conditions specified in points (3) and (5) shall undergo
satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(e) Aero-medical assessment
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the medical conditions specified in
point (d) shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) Applicants for a class 2 medical certificate with any of the medical conditions specified in
point (d) shall be assessed in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing
(f) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate who have undergone a pneumonectomy shall be
assessed as unfit.
AMC1 MED.B.015 Respiratory system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
(1) Spirometry
A spirometric examination is required for initial examination and on clinical indication.
Applicants with an FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 70 % should be evaluated by a specialist in
respiratory disease.
(2) Chest radiography
Posterior/anterior chest radiography may be required at initial, revalidation or renewal
examinations if clinically or epidemiologically indicated
(b) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Applicants with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should be assessed as unfit. Applicants
with only minor impairment of pulmonary function may be assessed as fit.
(c) Asthma
Applicants with asthma requiring medication or experiencing recurrent attacks of asthma may
be assessed as fit if the asthma is considered stable with satisfactory pulmonary function tests
and medication is compatible with flight safety. Applicants requiring systemic steroids should
be assessed as unfit.
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(d) Inflammatory disease
For applicants with active inflammatory disease of the respiratory system a fit assessment may
be considered when the condition has resolved without sequelae and no medication is required.
(e) Sarcoidosis
(1) Applicants with active sarcoidosis should be assessed as unfit. Investigation should be
undertaken with respect to the possibility of systemic, particularly cardiac, involvement.
A fit assessment may be considered if no medication is required, and the disease is
investigated and shown to be limited to hilar lymphadenopathy and inactive.
(2) Applicants with cardiac or neurological sarcoid should be assessed as unfit.
(f) Pneumothorax
(1) Applicants with a spontaneous pneumothorax should be assessed as unfit. A fit
assessment may be considered if respiratory evaluation is satisfactory:
(i) 1 year following full recovery from a single spontaneous pneumothorax;
(ii) at revalidation, 6 weeks following full recovery from a single spontaneous
pneumothorax, with an OML for at least a year after full recovery;
(iii) following surgical intervention in the case of a recurrent pneumothorax provided
there is satisfactory recovery.
(2) Applicants with a recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax that has not been surgically
should be assessed as unfit.
(3) A fit assessment following full recovery from a traumatic pneumothorax as a result of an
accident or injury may be acceptable once full absorption of the pneumothorax is
(g) Thoracic surgery
(1) Applicants requiring major thoracic surgery should be assessed as unfit until recovery is
complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the risk of secondary complication is
(2) A fit assessment following lesser chest surgery may be considered after satisfactory
recovery and full respiratory evaluation.
(h) Sleep apnoea syndrome/sleep disorder
Applicants with unsatisfactorily treated sleep apnoea syndrome should be assessed as unfit.
AMC2 MED.B.015 Respiratory system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
(1) A spirometric examination should be performed on clinical indication. Applicants with a
forced expiratory volume in the first one second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity(FVC)ratio of
less than 70 % should be evaluated by a specialist in respiratory disease.
(2) Posterior/anterior chest radiography may be required if clinically or epidemiologically
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(b) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Applicants with only minor impairment of pulmonary function may be assessed as fit.
(c) Asthma
Applicants with asthma may be assessed as fit if the asthma is considered stable with
satisfactory pulmonary function tests and medication is compatible with flight safety.
Applicants requiring systemic steroids should be assessed as unfit.
(d) Inflammatory disease
Applicants with active inflammatory disease of the respiratory system should be assessed as
unfit pending resolution of the condition.
(e) Sarcoidosis
(1) Applicants with active sarcoidosis should be assessed as unfit. Investigation should be
undertaken with respect to the possibility of systemic involvement. A fit assessment may
be considered once the disease is inactive.
(2) Applicants with cardiac sarcoid should be assessed as unfit.
(f) Pneumothorax
(1) Applicants with spontaneous pneumothorax should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment
may be considered if respiratory evaluation is satisfactory:
(i) six weeks following full recovery from a single spontaneous pneumothorax;
(ii) following surgical intervention in the case of a recurrent pneumothorax, provided
there is satisfactory recovery.
(2) A fit assessment following full recovery from a traumatic pneumothorax as a result of an
accident or injury may be acceptable once full absorption of the pneumothorax is
(g) Thoracic surgery
Applicants requiring major thoracic surgery should be assessed as unfit until recovery is
complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the risk of secondary complication is minimal.
(h) Sleep apnoea syndrome
Applicants with unsatisfactorily treated sleep apnoea syndrome should be assessed as unfit.
MED.B.020 Digestive System
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical intervention in any part of the digestive tract
or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation in flight, in particular any obstruction due to stricture
or compression, shall be assessed as unfit.
(b) Applicants who have herniae that might give rise to incapacitating symptoms shall be assessed
as unfit.
(c) Applicants with any of the following disorders of the gastrointestinal system may be assessed
as fit subject to satisfactory gastrointestinal evaluation after successful treatment or full
recovery after surgery:
(1) recurrent dyspeptic disorder requiring medication;
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(2) pancreatitis;
(3) symptomatic gallstones;
(4) a clinical diagnosis or documented medical history of chronic inflammatory bowel
(5) after surgical operation on the digestive tract or its adnexa, including surgery involving
total or partial excision or a diversion of any of these organs.
(d) Aero-medical assessment
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with the diagnosis of any of the medical
conditions specified in points (2), (4) and (5) of point (c) shall be referred to the medical
assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate with the diagnosis of the medical
condition specified in point (2) of point (c) shall be assessed in consultation with the
medical assessor of the licensing authority.
AMC1 MED.B.020 Digestive system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Oesophageal varices
Applicants with oesophageal varices should be assessed as unfit.
(b) Pancreatitis
Applicants with pancreatitis should be assessed as unfit pending assessment. A fit assessment
may be considered if the cause is removed.
(c) Gallstones
(1) Applicants with a single asymptomatic large gallstone discovered incidentally may be
assessed as fit if not likely to cause incapacitation in flight.
(2) Applicants with asymptomatic multiple gallstones may be assessed as fit with an OML.
(d) Inflammatory bowel disease
Applicants with an established diagnosis or history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease
should be assessed as fit if the inflammatory bowel disease is in established remission and stable
and if systemic steroids are not required for its control.
(e) Peptic ulceration
Applicants with peptic ulceration should be assessed as unfit pending full recovery and
demonstrated healing.
(f) Digestive tract and abdominal surgery
Applicants who have undergone a surgical operation for medical conditions of the digestive
tract or its adnexa, including a total or partial excision or a diversion of any of these organs or
herniae should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if recovery is complete,
the applicant is asymptomatic, and there is only a minimal risk of secondary complication or
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(g) Liver disease
Applicants with morphological or functional liver disease, or after surgery, including liver
transplantation, may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory gastroenterological evaluation.
AMC2 MED.B.020 Digestive system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Oesophageal varices
Applicants with oesophageal varices should be assessed as unfit.
(b) Pancreatitis
Applicants with pancreatitis should be assessed as unfit pending satisfactory recovery.
(c) Gallstones
(1) Applicants with a single asymptomatic large gallstone or asymptomatic multiple
gallstones may be assessed as fit.
(2) Applicants with symptomatic single or multiple gallstones should be assessed as unfit. A
fit assessment may be considered following gallstone removal.
(d) Inflammatory bowel disease
Applicants with an established diagnosis or history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease may
be assessed as fit provided that the disease is stable and not likely to interfere with the safe
exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(e) Peptic ulceration
Applicants with peptic ulceration should be assessed as unfit pending full recovery.
(f) Digestive tract and abdominal surgery
Applicants who have undergone a surgical operation:
(1) for herniae; or
(2) on the digestive tract or its adnexa, including a total or partial excision or diversion of any
of these organs
should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if recovery is complete, the
applicant is asymptomatic, and there is only a minimal risk of secondary complication or
(g) Liver disease
Applicants with morphological or functional liver disease, or after surgery, including liver
transplantation, may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory gastroenterological evaluation.
MED.B.025 Metabolic and Endocrine Systems
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants with metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction may be assessed as fit subject
to demonstrated stability of the medical condition and satisfactory aero-medical evaluation.
(b) Diabetes mellitus
(1) Applicants with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin shall be assessed as unfit.
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(2) Applicants with diabetes mellitus not requiring insulin shall be assessed as unfit unless it
can be demonstrated that blood sugar control has been achieved and is stable.
(c) Aero-medical assessment
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate requiring medication other than insulin for
blood sugar control shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate requiring medication other than
insulin for blood sugar control shall be assessed in consultation with the medical assessor
of the licensing authority.
AMC1 MED.B.025 Metabolic and endocrine systems
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction
Applicants with metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction may be assessed as fit if the
condition is asymptomatic, clinically compensated and stable with or without replacement
therapy, and regularly reviewed by an appropriate specialist.
(b) Obesity
Applicants with a Body Mass Index 35 may be assessed as fit only if the excess weight is not
likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicable licence(s) and the results of a risk
assessment, including evaluation of the cardiovascular system and evaluation of the possibility
of sleep apnoea, are satisfactory.
(c) Addison’s disease
Applicants with Addison’s disease should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment with an OML
may be considered, provided that cortisone is carried and available for use whilst exercising the
privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(d) Gout
Applicants with acute gout should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered
once asymptomatic, after cessation of treatment or the condition is stabilised on anti-
hyperuricaemic therapy.
(e) Thyroid dysfunction
Applicants with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism should be assessed as unfit. A fit
assessment may be considered when a stable euthyroid state is attained.
(f) Abnormal glucose metabolism
Glycosuria and abnormal blood glucose levels require investigation. A fit assessment may be
considered if normal glucose tolerance is demonstrated (low renal threshold) or impaired
glucose tolerance without diabetic pathology is fully controlled by diet and regularly reviewed.
(g) Diabetes mellitus
Subject to good control of blood sugar with no hypoglycaemic episodes:
(1) applicants with diabetes mellitus not requiring medication may be assessed as fit;
(2) the use of antidiabetic medications that are not likely to cause hypoglycaemia may be
acceptable for a fit assessment with an OML.
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AMC2 MED.B.025 Metabolic and endocrine systems
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction
Applicants with metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction should be assessed as unfit. A
fit assessment may be considered if the condition is asymptomatic, clinically compensated and
(b) Obesity
Applicants with a Body Mass Index 35 may be assessed as fit only if the excess weight is not
likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicable licence(s) and the results of a risk
assessment, including evaluation of the cardiovascular system and evaluation of the possibility
of sleep apnoea, are satisfactory.
(c) Addison’s disease
Applicants with Addison’s disease may be assessed as fit provided that cortisone is carried and
available for use whilst exercising the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(d) Gout
Applicants with acute gout should be assessed as unfit until asymptomatic.
(e) Thyroid dysfunction
Applicants with thyroid disease may be assessed as fit once a stable euthyroid state is attained.
(f) Abnormal glucose metabolism
Glycosuria and abnormal blood glucose levels require investigation. A fit assessment may be
considered if normal glucose tolerance is demonstrated (low renal threshold) or impaired
glucose tolerance is fully controlled by diet and regularly reviewed.
(g) Diabetes mellitus
Applicants with diabetes mellitus may be assessed as fit. The use of antidiabetic medications
that are not likely to cause hypoglycaemia may be acceptable.
MED.B.030 Haematology
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be subjected to an haemoglobin test at each
aero-medical examination.
(b) Applicants with a haematological condition may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory aero-
medical evaluation.
(c) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the following haematological conditions
shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority:
(1) abnormal haemoglobin, including, but not limited to anaemia, erythrocytosis or
(2) significant lymphatic enlargement;
(3) enlargement of the spleen;
(4) coagulation, haemorrhagic or thrombotic disorder;
(5) leukaemia.
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(d) The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate with any of the haematological
conditions specified in points (4) and (5) of point (c) shall be assessed in consultation with the
medical assessor of the licensing authority.
AMC1 MED.B.030 Haematology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Abnormal haemoglobin
Applicants with abnormal haemoglobin should be investigated.
(b) Anaemia
(1) Applicants with anaemia demonstrated by a reduced haemoglobin level require
investigation. Applicants with an haematocrit of less than 32 % should be assessed as
unfit. A fit assessment may be considered in cases where the primary cause, such as iron
or B12 deficiency, has been treated and the haemoglobin or haematocrit has stabilised
at a satisfactory level.
(2) Applicants with anaemia which is unamenable to treatment should be assessed as unfit.
(c) Erythrocytosis
Applicants with erythrocytosis should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment with an OML may
be considered if investigation establishes that the condition is stable and no associated
pathology is demonstrated.
(d) Haemoglobinopathy
(1) Applicants with a haemoglobinopathy should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may
be considered where minor thalassaemia or other haemoglobinopathy is diagnosed
without a history of crises and where full functional capability is demonstrated. The
haemoglobin level should be satisfactory.
(2) Applicants with sickle cell disease (homozygote) should be assessed as unfit.
(e) Coagulation disorders
(1) Applicants with a coagulation disorder should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may
be considered if there is no history of significant bleeding episodes.
(2) Applicants with thrombocytopenia with a platelet count less than 75x10
/L should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered once the platelet count is above
/L and stable.
(f) Haemorrhagic disorders
Applicants with a haemorrhagic disorder require investigation. A fit assessment with an OML
may be considered if there is no history of significant bleeding.
(g) Thromboembolic disorders
(1) Applicants with a thrombotic disorder require investigation. A fit assessment may be
considered when the applicant is asymptomatic and there is only minimal risk of
secondary complication or recurrence.
(2) If anticoagulation is used as treatment, refer to AMC1 MED.B.010(g).
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(3) Applicants with arterial embolus should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered once recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and there is only
minimal risk of secondary complication or recurrence.
(h) Disorders of the lymphatic system
Applicants with significant localised and generalised enlargement of the lymphatic glands or
haematological disease should be assessed as unfit and require investigation. A fit assessment
may be considered in cases of an acute infectious process which is fully recovered or Hodgkin’s
lymphoma or other lymphoid malignancy which has been treated and is in full remission.
(i) Leukaemia
(1) Applicants with acute leukaemia should be assessed as unfit. Once in established
remission, applicants may be assessed as fit.
(2) Applicants with chronic leukaemia should be assessed as unfit. After a period of
demonstrated stability a fit assessment may be considered.
(3) Applicants with a history of leukaemia should have no history of central nervous system
involvement and no continuing side-effects from treatment of flight safety importance.
Haemoglobin and platelet levels should be satisfactory. Regular follow-up is required.
(j) Splenomegaly
Applicants with splenomegaly should be assessed as unfit and require investigation. A fit
assessment may be considered when the enlargement is minimal, stable and no associated
pathology is demonstrated, or if the enlargement is minimal and associated with another
acceptable condition.
AMC2 MED.B.030 Haematology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Abnormal haemoglobin
Haemoglobin should be tested when clinically indicated.
(b) Anaemia
Applicants with anaemia demonstrated by a reduced haemoglobin level or low haematocrit
may be assessed as fit once the primary cause has been treated and the haemoglobin or
haematocrit has stabilised at a satisfactory level.
(c) Erythrocytosis
Applicants with erythrocytosis may be assessed as fit if the condition is stable and no associated
pathology is demonstrated.
(d) Haemoglobinopathy
Applicants with a haemoglobinopathy may be assessed as fit if minor thalassaemia or other
haemoglobinopathy is diagnosed without a history of crises and where full functional capability
is demonstrated.
(e) Coagulation and haemorrhagic disorders
Applicants with a coagulation or haemorrhagic disorder may be assessed as fit if there is no
likelihood of significant bleeding.
(f) Thromboembolic disorders
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Applicants with a thrombotic disorder may be assessed as fit if there is minimal likelihood
of significant clotting episodes. If anticoagulation is used as treatment, refer to
AMC2 MED.B.010(g).
(g) Disorders of the lymphatic system
Applicants with significant enlargement of the lymphatic glands or haematological disease may
be assessed as fit if the condition is unlikely to interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges
of the applicable licence(s). Applicants may be assessed as fit in cases of acute infectious process
which is fully recovered or Hodgkin's lymphoma or other lymphoid malignancy which has been
treated and is in full remission.
(h) Leukaemia
(1) Applicants with acute leukaemia may be assessed as fit once in established remission.
(2) Applicants with chronic leukaemia may be assessed as fit after a period of demonstrated
(3) In cases (h)(1) and (h)(2), there should be no history of central nervous system
involvement and no continuing side effects from treatment of flight safety importance.
Haemoglobin and platelet levels should be satisfactory. Regular follow-up is required.
(i) Splenomegaly
Applicants with splenomegaly may be assessed as fit if the enlargement is minimal, stable and
no associated pathology is demonstrated, or if the enlargement is minimal and associated with
another acceptable condition.
MED.B.035 Genitourinary System
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Urinalysis shall form part of each aero-medical examination. Applicants shall be assessed as
unfit where their urine contains abnormal elements considered to be of pathological
significance that could entail a degree of functional incapacity which is likely to jeopardise the
safe exercise of the privileges of the license or could render the applicant likely to become
suddenly unable to exercise those privileges.
(b) Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical procedures on the genitourinary system or
its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or
compression, shall be assessed as unfit.
(c) Applicants with a diagnosis or medical history of the following may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory genitourinary evaluation, as applicable:
(1) renal disease;
(2) one or more urinary calculi, or a medical history of renal colic.
(d) Applicants who have undergone a major surgical operation in the genitourinary system or its
adnexa involving a total or partial excision or a diversion of their organs shall be assessed as
unfit. However, after full recovery, they may be assessed as fit.
(e) The applicants for a class 1 medical certificate referred to in points (c) and (d) shall be referred
to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
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AMC1 MED.B.035 Genitourinary system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Abnormal urinalysis
Investigation is required if there is any abnormal finding on urinalysis.
(b) Renal disease
(1) Applicants presenting with any signs of renal disease should be assessed as unfit. A fit
assessment may be considered if blood pressure is satisfactory and renal function is
(2) Applicants requiring dialysis should be assessed as unfit.
(c) Urinary calculi
(1) Applicants with an asymptomatic calculus or a history of renal colic require investigation.
(2) Applicants presenting with one or more urinary calculi should be assessed as unfit and
require investigation.
(3) Whilst awaiting assessment or treatment, a fit assessment with an OML may be
(4) After successful treatment for a calculus a fit assessment without an OML may be
(5) Applicants with parenchymal residual calculi may be considered for a fit assessment with
an OML.
(d) Renal and urological surgery
(1) Applicants who have undergone a major surgical operation on the genitourinary system
or its adnexa involving a total or partial excision or a diversion of any of its organs, should
be assessed as unfit until recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the
risk of secondary complication is minimal.
(2) After other urological surgery, a fit assessment may be considered when the applicant is
completely asymptomatic and there is only minimal risk of secondary complication or
(3) Applicants with compensated nephrectomy without hypertension or uraemia may be
considered for a fit assessment.
(4) Applicants who have undergone renal transplantation may be considered for a fit
assessment with an OML if it is fully compensated and tolerated with only minimal
immuno-suppressive therapy after at least 12 months.
(5) Applicants who have undergone total cystectomy may be considered for a fit assessment
with an OML if there is satisfactory urinary function, no infection and no recurrence of
primary pathology.
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AMC2 MED.B.035 Genitourinary system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Renal disease
Applicants presenting with renal disease may be assessed as fit if blood pressure is satisfactory
and renal function is acceptable. Applicants requiring dialysis should be assessed as unfit.
(b) Urinary calculi
(1) Applicants presenting with one or more urinary calculi should be assessed as unfit.
(2) Applicants with an asymptomatic calculus or a history of renal colic require investigation.
(3) While awaiting assessment or treatment, a fit assessment with an OSL may be
(4) After successful treatment the applicant may be assessed as fit.
(5) Applicants with parenchymal residual calculi may be assessed as fit.
(c) Renal and urological surgery
(1) Applicants who have undergone a major surgical operation on the genitourinary system
or its adnexa involving a total or partial excision or a diversion of any of its organs, should
be assessed as unfit until recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the
risk of secondary complication is minimal.
(2) After other urological surgery, a fit assessment may be considered when the applicant is
completely asymptomatic and there is only minimal risk of secondary complication or
(3) Applicants with compensated nephrectomy without hypertension or uraemia may be
assessed as fit.
(4) Applicants who have undergone renal transplantation may be considered for a fit
assessment if it is fully compensated and with only minimal immuno-suppressive therapy.
(5) Applicants who have undergone total cystectomy may be considered for a fit assessment
if there is satisfactory urinary function, no infection and no recurrence of primary
MED.B.040 Infectious Disease
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants shall be assessed as unfit where they have a clinical diagnosis or medical history of
any infectious disease which is likely to jeopardise the safe exercise of the privileges of the
(b) Applicants who are HIV positive may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory aero-medical
evaluation. Such applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical
assessor of the licensing authority.
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AMC1 MED.B.040 Infectious disease
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Infectious disease General
In cases of infectious disease, consideration should be given to a history of, or clinical signs
indicating, underlying impairment of the immune system.
(b) Tuberculosis
(1) Applicants with active tuberculosis should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered following completion of therapy.
(2) Applicants with quiescent or healed lesions may be assessed as fit. Specialist evaluation
should consider the extent of the disease, the treatment required and possible side
effects of medication.
(c) Syphilis
Applicants with acute syphilis should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered
in the case of those fully treated and recovered from the primary and secondary stages.
(d) HIV positivity
(1) Applicants who are HIV positive may be assessed as fit with an OML if a full investigation
provides no evidence of HIV associated diseases that might give rise to incapacitating
symptoms. Frequent review of the immunological status and neurological evaluation by
an appropriate specialist should be carried out. A cardiological evaluation may also be
required, depending on the medication.
(2) Applicants with signs or symptoms of an AIDS-defining condition should be assessed as
(e) Infectious hepatitis
Applicants with infectious hepatitis should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered once the applicant has become asymptomatic. Regular review of the liver function
should be carried out.
AMC2 MED.B.040 Infectious disease
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Tuberculosis
(1) Applicants with active tuberculosis should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered following completion of therapy.
(2) Applicants with quiescent or healed lesions may be assessed as fit. Specialist evaluation
should consider the extent of the disease, the treatment required and possible side
effects of medication.
(b) HIV positivity
(1) Applicants who are HIV positive may be assessed as fit if a full investigation provides no
evidence of HIV associated diseases that might give rise to incapacitating symptoms.
Frequent review of the immunological status and neurological evaluation by an
appropriate specialist should be carried out. A cardiological evaluation may be required,
depending on the medication.
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(2) Applicants with signs or symptoms of an AIDS-defining condition should be assessed as
MED.B.045 Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants who have undergone a major gynaecological operation shall be assessed as unfit.
However, they may be assessed as fit after full recovery.
(b) Pregnancy
(1) In the event of pregnancy, an applicant may continue to exercise her privileges until the
end of the 26
week of gestation only if the AeMC or AME considers that she is fit to do
(2) For holders of a class 1 medical certificate who are pregnant, an OML shall apply.
Notwithstanding point MED.B.001, in that case, the OML may be imposed and removed
by the AeMC or AME.
(3) An applicant may resume exercising her privileges after recovery following the end of the
AMC1 MED.B.045 Obstetrics and gynaecology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Gynaecological surgery
Applicants who have undergone a major gynaecological operation should be assessed as unfit.
A fit assessment may be considered if recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and
the risk of
(b) Pregnancy
(1) A pregnant licence holder may be assessed as fit with an OML during the first 26 weeks
of gestation following review of the obstetric evaluation by the AeMC or AME who should
inform the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) The AeMC or AME should provide written advice to the applicant and the supervising
physician regarding potentially significant complications of pregnancy.
AMC2 MED.B.045 Obstetrics and gynaecology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Gynaecological surgery
Applicants who have undergone a major gynaecological operation should be assessed as unfit
until recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the risk of secondary
complication or recurrence is minimal.
(b) Pregnancy
(1) A pregnant licence holder may be assessed as fit during the first 26 weeks of gestation
following satisfactory obstetric evaluation.
(2) Licence privileges may be resumed upon satisfactory confirmation of full recovery
following confinement or termination of pregnancy.
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MED.B.050 Musculoskeletal System
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants who do not have sufficient sitting height, arm and leg length and muscular strength
for the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence shall be assessed as unfit. However, where
their sitting height, arm and leg length and muscular strength is sufficient for the safe exercise
of the privileges in respect of a certain aircraft type, which can be demonstrated where
necessary through a medical flight or a simulator flight test, the applicant may be assessed as
fit and their privileges shall be limited accordingly.
(b) Applicants who do not have satisfactory functional use of the musculoskeletal system to enable
them to safely exercise the privileges of the licence shall be assessed as unfit. However, where
their functional use of the musculoskeletal system is satisfactory for the safe exercise the
privileges in respect of a certain aircraft type, which may be demonstrated where necessary
through a medical flight or a simulator flight test, the applicant may be assessed as fit and their
privileges shall be limited accordingly.
(c ) In case of doubt arising in the context of the assessments referred to in points (a) and (b),
applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical assessor of the
licensing authority and applicants for a class 2 medical certificate shall be assessed in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
AMC1 MED.B.050 Musculoskeletal system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants with any significant sequelae from disease, injury or congenital abnormality affecting
the bones, joints, muscles or tendons with or without surgery require full evaluation prior to a
fit assessment.
(b) Applicants with inflammatory, infiltrative, traumatic or degenerative disease of the
musculoskeletal system may be assessed as fit, provided the condition is in remission or is stable
and the applicant is taking no disqualifying medication and has satisfactorily completed a
medical flight or simulator flight test. Appropriate limitation(s) apply.
(c) Applicants with abnormal musculoskeletal system, including obesity, undertaking medical fight
or flight simulator testing should satisfactorily perform all tasks required for the type of flight
intended, including the emergency and evacuation procedures.
AMC2 MED.B.050 Musculoskeletal system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants with any significant sequelae from disease, injury or congenital abnormality affecting
the bones, joints, muscles or tendons with or without surgery should require full evaluation
prior to a fit assessment.
(b) Applicants with inflammatory, infiltrative, traumatic or degenerative disease of the
musculoskeletal system may be assessed as fit provided the condition is in remission or is stable
and the applicant is taking no disqualifying medication and has satisfactorily completed a
medical flight test. Appropriate limitation(s) may apply.
(c) Applicants with abnormal musculoskeletal system, including obesity, undertaking a medical
flight test should satisfactorily perform all tasks required for the type of flight intended,
including the emergency and evacuation procedures.
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MED.B.055 Mental Health
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Comprehensive mental health assessment shall form part of the initial class 1 aero-medical
(b) Drugs and alcohol screening shall form part of the initial class 1 aero-medical examination.
(c) Applicants with a mental or behavioural disorder due to use or misuse of alcohol or other
psychoactive substances shall be assessed as unfit pending recovery and freedom from
psychoactive substance use or misuse and subject to satisfactory psychiatric evaluation after
successful treatment.
(d) Applicants with a clinical diagnosis or documented medical history of any of the following
psychiatric conditions shall undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation before they may be
assessed as fit:
(1) mood disorder;
(2) neurotic disorder;
(3) personality disorder;
(4) mental or behavioural disorder;
(5) misuse of a psychoactive substance.
(e) Applicants with a documented medical history of a single or repeated acts of deliberate self-
harm or suicide attempt shall be assessed as unfit. However, they may be assessed as fit after
satisfactory psychiatric evaluation.
(f) Aero-medical assessment
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the conditions specified in point
(c), (d) or (e) shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(2) The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate with any of the conditions
specified in point (c), (d) or (e) shall be assessed in consultation with the medical assessor
of the licensing authority.
(g) Applicants with a documented medical history or clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizotypal
or delusional disorder shall be assessed as unfit.
AMC1 MED.B.055 Mental health
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Mental health assessment as part of the initial class 1 aero-medical examination
(1) A comprehensive mental health assessment should be conducted and recorded taking
into account social, environmental and cultural contexts.
(2) The applicant's history and symptoms of disorders that might pose a threat to flight safety
should be identified and recorded.
(3) The mental health assessment should include assessment and documentation of:
(i) general attitudes to mental health, including understanding possible indications of
reduced mental health in themselves and others;
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(ii) coping strategies under periods of psychological stress or pressure in the past,
including seeking advice from others;
(iii) childhood behavioural problems;
(iv) interpersonal and relationship issues;
(v) current work and life stressors; and
(vi) overt personality disorders.
(4) Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a psychiatric
or psychological disorder, the applicant should be referred for specialist opinion and
(b) Mental health assessment as part of revalidation or renewal class 1 medical examination
(1) The assessment should include review and documentation of:
(i) current work and life stressors;
(ii) coping strategies under periods of psychological stress or pressure in the past,
including seeking advice from others;
(iii) any difficulties with operational crew resource management (CRM);
(iv) any difficulties with employer and/or other colleagues and managers; and
(v) interpersonal and relationship issues, including difficulties with relatives, friends,
and work colleagues.
(2) Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a psychiatric
or psychological disorder, the applicant should be referred for specialist opinion and
(3) Established evidence should be verifiable information from an identifiable source related
to the mental fitness or personality of a particular individual. Sources for this information
can be accidents or incidents, problems in training or proficiency checks, behaviour or
knowledge relevant to the safe exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(c) Assessment of holders of a class 1 medical certificate referenced in MED.B.055(d)
Assessment of holders of a class 1 medical certificate referenced in MED.B.055(d) may require
psychiatric and psychological evaluation as determined by the medical assessor of the licensing
authority. A SIC limitation should be imposed in case of a fit assessment. Follow-up and removal
of SIC limitation, as necessary, should be determined by the medical assessor of the licensing
(d) Psychoactive substance testing
(1) Drug tests should screen for opioids, cannabinoids, amphetamines, cocaine,
hallucinogens and sedative hypnotics. Following a risk assessment performed by the
competent authority on the target population, screening tests may include additional
(2) For renewal/revalidation, random psychoactive substance screening test may be
performed based on the risk assessment by the competent authority on the target
population. If random psychoactive substance screening test is considered, it should be
performed and reported in accordance with the procedures developed by the competent
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(3) In the case of a positive psychoactive substance screening result, confirmation should be
required in accordance with national standards and procedures for psychoactive
substance testing.
(4) In case of a positive confirmation test, a psychiatric evaluation should be undertaken
before a fit assessment may be considered by the medical assessor of the licensing
(e) Assessment and referral decisions
(1) Psychotic disorder
Applicants with a history, or the occurrence, of a functional psychotic disorder should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if a cause can be unequivocally
identified as one which is transient, has ceased and the risk of recurrence is minimal.
(2) Organic mental disorder
Applicants with an organic mental disorder should be assessed as unfit. Once the cause
has been treated, an applicant may be assessed as fit following satisfactory psychiatric
(3) Psychoactive medication
Applicants who use psychoactive medication likely to affect flight safety should be
assessed as unfit. If stability on maintenance psychoactive medication is confirmed, a fit
assessment with an OML may be considered. If the dosage or type of medication is
changed, a further period of unfit assessment should be required until stability is
(4) Schizophrenia, schizotypal or delusional disorder
Applicants with an established history or clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizotypal
or delusional disorder may only be considered for a fit assessment if the medical assessor
of the licensing authority concludes that the original diagnosis was inappropriate or
inaccurate as confirmed by psychiatric evaluation, or, in the case of a single episode of
delirium of which the cause was clear, provided that the applicant has suffered no
permanent mental impairment.
(5) Mood disorder
Applicants with an established mood disorder should be assessed as unfit. After full
recovery and after full consideration of the individual case, a fit assessment may be
considered, depending on the characteristics and severity of the mood disorder.
(6) Neurotic, stress-related or somatoform disorder
Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a neurotic,
stress-related or somatoform disorder, the applicant should be referred for psychiatric or
psychological opinion and advice.
(7) Personality or behavioural disorders
Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a personality
or behavioural disorder, the applicant should be referred for psychiatric or psychological
opinion and advice.
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(8) Disorders due to alcohol or other psychoactive substance(s) use or misuse
(i) Applicants with mental or behavioural disorders due to alcohol or other
psychoactive substance(s) use or misuse, with or without dependency,
should be assessed as unfit.
(ii) A fit assessment may be considered after a period of two years of documented
sobriety or freedom from psychoactive substance use or misuse. At revalidation or
renewal, a fit assessment may be considered earlier with an OML. Depending on
the individual case, treatment and evaluation may include in-patient treatment of
some weeks and inclusion into a support programme followed by ongoing checks,
including drug and alcohol testing and reports resulting from the support
programme, which may be required indefinitely.
(9) Deliberate self-harm and suicide attempt
Applicants who have carried out a single self-destructive action or repeated acts of
deliberate self-harm or suicide attempt should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may
be considered after full consideration of an individual case and may require psychiatric
or psychological evaluation. Neuropsychological evaluation may also be required.
(10) Assessment
The assessment should take into consideration if the indication for the treatment, side
effects and addiction risks of such treatment and the characteristics of the psychiatric
disorder are compatible with flight safety.
(f) Specialist opinion and advice
(1) In case a specialist evaluation is needed, following the evaluation, the specialist should
submit a written report to the AME, AeMC or medical assessor of the licensing authority
as appropriate, detailing their opinion and recommendation.
(2) Psychiatric evaluations should be conducted by a qualified psychiatrist having adequate
knowledge and experience in aviation medicine.
(3) The psychological opinion and advice should be based on a clinical psychological
assessment conducted by a suitably qualified and accredited clinical psychologist with
expertise and experience in aviation psychology.
(4) The psychological evaluation may include a collection of biographical data, the
administration of aptitude as well as personality tests and clinical interview.
AMC2 MED.B.055 Mental health
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Mental health assessment as part of class 2 aero-medical examination
(1) A mental health assessment should be conducted and recorded taking into account
social, environmental and cultural contexts.
(2) The applicant's history and symptoms of disorders that might pose a threat to flight safety
should be identified and recorded.
(3) Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a psychiatric
or psychological disorder, the applicant should be referred for specialist opinion and
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(4) Established evidence should be verifiable information from an identifiable source related
to the mental fitness or personality of a particular individual. Sources for this information
can be accidents or incidents, problems in training or proficiency checks, behaviour or
knowledge relevant to the safe exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(b) Assessment of holders of a class 2medical certificate referenced in MED.B.055(d)
Assessment of holders of a class 2 medical certificate referenced in MED.B.055(d) may require
psychiatric and psychological evaluation as determined by the AME, AeMC or medical assessor
of the licensing authority. Follow-up, as necessary, should be determined in consultation with
the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(c) Assessment and referral decisions
(1) Psychotic disorder
Applicants with a history, or the occurrence, of a functional psychotic disorder should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if a cause can be unequivocally
identified as one which is transient, has ceased and the risk of recurrence is minimal.
(2) Organic mental disorder
Applicants with an organic mental disorder should be assessed as unfit. Once the cause
has been treated, an applicant may be assessed as fit following satisfactory psychiatric
(3) Schizophrenia, schizotypal or delusional disorder
Applicants with an established history or clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizotypal
or delusional disorder may only be considered for a fit assessment in consultation with
the medical assessor of the licensing authority if the original diagnosis was inappropriate
or inaccurate as confirmed by psychiatric evaluation, or, in the case of a single episode of
delirium of which the cause was clear, provided that the applicant has suffered no
permanent mental impairment.
(4) Mood disorder
Applicants with an established mood disorder should be assessed as unfit. After full
recovery and after full consideration of the individual case, a fit assessment may be
considered, depending on the characteristics and severity of the mood disorder.
(5) Neurotic, stress-related or somatoform disorder
Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a neurotic,
stress-related or somatoform disorder, the applicant should be referred for psychiatric
opinion and advice.
(6) Personality or behavioural disorders
Where there are signs or is established evidence that an applicant may have a personality
or behavioural disorder, the applicant should be referred for psychiatric opinion and
(7) Psychoactive medication
Applicants who use psychoactive medication likely to affect flight safety should be
assessed as unfit. If stability on maintenance psychoactive medication is confirmed, a fit
assessment with an OSL or OPL may be considered. If the dosage or type of medication is
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changed, a further period of unfit assessment should be required until stability is
(8) Disorders due to alcohol or other psychoactive substance(s) use or misuse
(i) Applicants with mental or behavioural disorders due to alcohol or other
psychoactive substance(s) use or misuse, with or without dependency, should be
assessed as unfit.
(ii) Drug and alcohol tests
(A) In the case of a positive drug or alcohol result, confirmation should be
required in accordance with national procedures for drugs and alcohol
(B) In case of a positive confirmation test, a psychiatric evaluation should be
undertaken before a fit assessment may be considered.
(iii) A fit assessment may be considered after a period of two years of documented
sobriety or freedom from psychoactive substance use or misuse. At revalidation or
renewal, a fit assessment may be considered earlier with an OSL or OPL. Depending
on the individual case, treatment and evaluation may include in-patient treatment
of some weeks and inclusion into a support programme followed by ongoing
checks, including drug and alcohol testing and reports resulting from the support
programme, which may be required indefinitely.
(9) Deliberate self-harm
Applicants who have carried out a single self-destructive action or repeated acts of
deliberate self-harm or suicide attempt should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may
be considered after full consideration of an individual case and may require psychiatric
or psychological evaluation. Neuropsychological evaluation may also be required.
(e) Specialist opinion and advice
(1) In case a specialist evaluation is needed, following the evaluation, the specialist should
submit a written report to the AME, AeMC or medical assessor of the licensing authority
as appropriate, detailing their opinion and recommendation.
(2) Psychiatric evaluations should be conducted by a qualified psychiatrist having adequate
knowledge and experience in aviation medicine.
(3) The psychological opinion and advice should be based on a clinical psychological
assessment conducted by a suitably qualified and accredited clinical psychologist with
expertise and experience in aviation psychology.
(4) The psychological evaluation may include a collection of biographical data, the
administration of aptitude as well as personality tests and clinical interview.
GM1 MED.B.055 Mental health
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Symptoms of concern may include but are not limited to:
(1) use of alcohol or other psychoactive substances;
(2) loss of interest/energy;
(3) eating and weight changes;
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(4) sleeping problems;
(5) low mood and, if present, any suicidal thoughts;
(6) family history of psychiatric disorders, particularly suicide;
(7) anger, agitation or high mood; and
(8) depersonalisation or loss of control.
(b) The following aspects should be taken into consideration when conducting the mental health
(1) Appearance;
(2) Attitude;
(3) Behaviour;
(4) Mood;
(5) Speech;
(6) Thoughts process and content;
(7) Perception;
(8) Cognition;
(9) Insight; and
(10) Judgement.
GM2 MED.B.055 Mental health
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Drugs and alcohol screening tests used should:
(1) provide information regarding medium-term consumption;
(2) be accepted on national level by the competent authority based on the availability and
suitability for the scope mentioned in point(a)(1) above.
(b) Statistical data of the screening campaign mentioned in AMC1 MED.B.055(d)(1) should be made
available to the Agency on a yearly basis.
GM3 MED.B.055 Mental health
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) The mental health assessment for class 2 applicants should include assessment and
documentation of:
(1) general attitudes to mental health, including understanding possible indications of
reduced mental health in themselves and others;
(2) coping strategies under periods of psychological stress or pressure in the past, including
seeking advice from others;
(3) childhood behavioural problems;
(4) interpersonal and relationship issues, including difficulties with relatives, friends, and
work colleagues;
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(5) current work and life stressors, including difficulties with aviation operational
environment; and
(6) overt personality disorders.
(b) In regard to symptoms of concern and aspects to be taken into consideration when conducting
mental health examination for class 2 applicants, guidance presented in GM1 MED.B.055 should
be used.
GM4 MED.B.055 Mental health
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Drugs and alcohol screening tests used should:
(a) provide information regarding medium-term consumption;
(b) be accepted on national level by the competent authority based on the availability and
suitability with the scope mentioned in GM2 MED.B.055(a) above.
MED.B.065 Neurology
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants with clinical diagnosis or a documented medical history of any of the following
medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(1) epilepsy, except in the cases referred to in points (1) and (2) of point (b);
(2) recurring episodes of disturbance of consciousness of uncertain cause.
(b) Applicants with clinical diagnosis or a documented medical history of any of the following
medical conditions shall undergo further evaluation before they may be assessed as fit:
(1) epilepsy without recurrence after age 5;
(2) epilepsy without recurrence and off all treatment for more than 10 years;
(3) epileptiform EEG abnormalities and focal slow waves;
(4) progressive or non-progressive disease of the nervous system;
(5) inflammatory disease of the central or peripheral nervous system;
(6) migraine;
(7) a single episode of disturbance of consciousness of uncertain cause;
(8) loss of consciousness after head injury;
(9) penetrating brain injury;
(10) spinal or peripheral nerve injury;
(11) disorders of the nervous system due to vascular deficiencies including haemorrhagic and
ischaemic events.
Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical assessor of the
licensing authority. The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate shall be assessed in
consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
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AMC1 MED.B.065 Neurology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Epilepsy
(1) Applicants with a diagnosis of epilepsy should be assessed as unfit unless there is
unequivocal evidence of a syndrome of benign childhood epilepsy associated with a very
low risk of recurrence, and unless the applicant has been free of recurrence and off
treatment for more than 10 years. One or more convulsive episode after the age of 5
should lead to unfitness. In the case of an acute symptomatic seizure, which is considered
to have a very low risk of recurrence, a fit assessment may be considered after
neurological evaluation.
(2) Applicants may be assessed as fit with an OML if:
(i) there is a history of a single afebrile epileptiform seizure;
(ii) there has been no recurrence after at least 10 years off treatment;
(iii) there is no evidence of continuing predisposition to epilepsy.
(b) EEG
(1) Electroencephalography is required when indicated by the applicant’s history or on
clinical grounds.
(2) Applicants with epileptiform paroxysmal EEG abnormalities and focal slow waves should
be assessed as unfit.
(c) Neurological disease
Applicants with any disease of the nervous system which is likely to cause a hazard to flight
safety should be assessed as unfit. However, in certain cases, including cases of minor functional
losses associated withstable disease, a fit assessment may be considered after full evaluation
which should include a medical flight test which may be conducted in a flight simulation training
(d) Migraine
Applicants with an established diagnosis of migraine or other severe periodic headaches likely
to cause a hazard to flight safety should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered after full evaluation. The evaluation should take into account at least the following:
auras, visual field loss, frequency, severity, therapy. Appropriate limitation(s) may apply.
(e) Episode of disturbance of consciousness
In the case of a single episode of disturbance of consciousness, which can be satisfactorily
explained, a fit assessment may be considered, but applicants experiencing a recurrence should
be assessed as unfit.
(f) Head injury
Applicants with a head injury which was severe enough to cause loss of consciousness or is
associated with penetrating brain injury should be evaluated by a neurologist. A fit assessment
may be considered if there has been a full recovery and the risk of epilepsy is sufficiently low.
(g) Spinal or peripheral nerve injury
Applicants with a history or diagnosis of spinal or peripheral nerve injury or a disorder of the
nervous system due to a traumatic injury should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
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considered if neurological evaluation is satisfactory and the conditions of AMC1 MED.B.050 are
(h) Vascular deficiencies
Applicants with a disorder of the nervous system due to vascular deficiencies including
haemorrhagic and ischaemic events should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered if neurological evaluation is satisfactory and the conditions of AMC1 MED.B.050 are
satisfied. A cardiological evaluation and medical flight test should be undertaken for applicants
with residual deficiencies.
AMC2 MED.B.065 Neurology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Epilepsy
Applicants may be assessed as fit if:
(1) there is a history of a single afebrile epileptiform seizure, considered to have a very low
risk of recurrence;
(2) there has been no recurrence after at least 10 years off treatment; and
(3) there is no evidence of continuing predisposition to epilepsy.
(b) Neurological disease
Applicants with any disease of the nervous system which is likely to cause a hazard to flight
safety should be assessed as unfit. However, in certain cases, including cases of functional loss
associated with stable disease, a fit assessment may be considered after full evaluation which
should include a medical flight test which may be conducted in a flight simulation training
(c) Migraine
Applicants with an established diagnosis of migraine or other severe periodic headaches likely
to cause a hazard to flight safety should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered after full evaluation. The evaluation should take into account at least the following:
auras, visual field loss, frequency, severity, and therapy. Appropriate limitation(s) may apply.
(d) Head injury
Applicants with a head injury which was severe enough to cause loss of consciousness or is
associated with penetrating brain injury may be assessed as fit if there has been a full recovery
and the risk of epilepsy is sufficiently low. An evaluation by a neurologist may be required
depending on the staging of the original injury.
(e) Spinal or peripheral nerve injury
Applicants with a history or diagnosis of spinal or peripheral nerve injury or a disorder of the
nervous system due to a traumatic injury should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered if neurological evaluation is satisfactory and the conditions of AMC2 MED.B.050 are
(f) Vascular deficiencies
Applicants with a disorder of the nervous system due to vascular deficiencies including
haemorrhagic and ischaemic events should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered if neurological evaluation is satisfactory and the provisions of AMC2 MED.B.050 are
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met. A cardiological evaluation and medical flight test should be undertaken for applicants with
residual deficiencies.
MED.B.070 Visual System
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Examination
(1) For a class 1 medical certificate:
(i) a comprehensive eye examination shall form part of the initial examination and
shall be undertaken when clinically indicated and periodically, depending on the
refraction and the functional performance of the eye.
(ii) a routine eye examination shall form part of all revalidation and renewal
(2) For a class 2 medical certificate:
(i) a routine eye examination shall form part of the initial and all revalidation and
renewal examinations.
(ii) a comprehensive eye examination shall be undertaken when clinically indicated.
(b) Visual acuity
(1) For a class 1 medical certificate:
(i) Distant visual acuity, with or without correction, shall be 6/9 (0,7) or better in each
eye separately and visual acuity with both eyes shall be 6/6 (1,0) or better.
(ii) At the initial examination, applicants with substandard vision in one eye shall be
assessed as unfit.
(iii) At revalidation and renewal examinations, notwithstanding point (b)(1)(i),
applicants with acquired substandard vision in one eye or acquired monocularity
shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority and may be
assessed as fit subject to a satisfactory ophthalmological evaluation.
(2) For a class 2 medical certificate:
(i) Distant visual acuity, with or without correction, shall be 6/12 (0,5) or better in
each eye separately and visual acuity with both eyes shall be 6/9 (0,7) or better.
(ii) Notwithstanding point (b)(2)(i), applicants with substandard vision in one eye or
monocularity may be assessed as fit, in consultation with the medical assessor of
the licensing authority and subject to a satisfactory ophthalmological evaluation.
(3) Applicants shall be able to read an N5 chart or equivalent at 30-50 cm and an N14 chart
or equivalent at 100 cm, if necessary with correction.
(c) Refractive error and anisometropia
(1) Applicants with refractive errors or anisometropia may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory ophthalmic evaluation.
(2) Notwithstanding point (c)(1), applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the
following medical conditions shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing
authority and may be assessed as fit subject to a satisfactory ophthalmological
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(i) myopia exceeding 6.0 dioptres;
(ii) astigmatism exceeding 2.0 dioptres;
(iii) anisometropia exceeding 2.0 dioptres.
(3) Notwithstanding point (c)(1), applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with
hypermetropia exceeding +5.0 dioptres shall be referred to the medical assessor of the
licensing authority and may be assessed as fit subject to a satisfactory ophthalmological
evaluation, provided that there are adequate fusional reserves, normal intraocular
pressures and anterior angles and no significant pathology has been demonstrated.
Notwithstanding point (b)(1)(i), corrected visual acuity in each eye shall be 6/6 or better.
(4) Applicants with a clinical diagnosis of keratoconus may be assessed as fit subject to a
satisfactory examination by an ophthalmologist. Such applicants for a class 1 medical
certificate shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(d) Binocular function
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be assessed as unfit, where they do not
have normal binocular function and that medical condition is likely to jeopardise the safe
exercise of the privileges of the license, taking account of any appropriate corrective
measures where relevant.
(2) Applicants with diplopia shall be assessed as unfit.
(e) Visual fields
Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate shall be assessed as unfit, where they do not have
normal fields of vision and that medical condition is likely to jeopardise the safe exercise of the
privileges of the license, taking account of any appropriate corrective measures where relevant.
(f) Eye surgery
Applicants who have undergone eye surgery shall be assessed as unfit. However, they may be
assessed as fit after full recovery of their visual function and subject to satisfactory
ophthalmological evaluation.
(g) Spectacles and contact lenses
(1) If satisfactory visual function is achieved only with the use of correction, the spectacles
or contact lenses shall provide optimal visual function, be well-tolerated and suitable for
aviation purposes.
(2) No more than one pair of spectacles shall be used to meet the visual requirements when
exercising the privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(3) For distant vision, spectacles or contact lenses shall be worn when exercising the
privileges of the applicable licence(s).
(4) For near vision, a pair of spectacles shall be kept available when exercising the privileges
of the applicable licence(s).
(5) A spare set of similarly correcting spectacles, for distant or near vision as applicable, shall
be readily available for immediate use when exercising the privileges of the applicable
(6) If contact lenses are worn when exercising the privileges of the applicable licence(s), they
shall be for distant vision, monofocal, and non-tinted and well-tolerated.
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(7) Applicants with a large refractive error shall use contact lenses or high-index spectacle
(8) Orthokeratological lenses shall not be used.
AMC1 MED.B.070 Visual system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Eye examination
(1) At each aero-medical examination, an assessment of the visual fitness should be
undertaken and the eyes should be examined with regard to possible pathology.
(2) All abnormal and doubtful cases should be referred to an ophthalmologist. Conditions
which indicate ophthalmological examination include but are not limited to a substantial
decrease in the uncorrected visual acuity, any decrease in best corrected visual acuity
and/or the occurrence of eye disease, eye injury, or eye surgery.
(3) Where specialist ophthalmological examinations are required for any significant reason,
this should be imposed as a limitation on the medical certificate.
(4) The possible cumulative effect of more than one eye condition should be evaluated by
an ophthalmologist.
(b) Comprehensive eye examination
A comprehensive eye examination by an eye specialist is required at the initial examination. All
abnormal and doubtful cases should be referred to an ophthalmologist. The examination should
(1) history;
(2) visual acuities near, intermediate and distant vision (uncorrected and with best optical
correction if needed);
(3) examination of the external eye, anatomy, media (slit lamp) and fundoscopy;
(4) ocular motility;
(5) binocular vision;
(6) visual fields;
(7) tonometry on clinical indication;
(8) objective refraction: hyperopic initial applicants with a hyperopia of more than +2
dioptres and under the age of 25 should undergo objective refraction in cycloplegia;
(9) assessment of mesopic contrast sensitivity; and
(10) colour vision.
(c) Routine eye examination
A routine eye examination may be performed by an AME and should include:
(1) history;
(2) visual acuities - near, intermediate and distant vision (uncorrected and with best optical
correction if needed);
(3) examination of the external eye, anatomy, media and fundoscopy; and
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(4) further examination on clinical indication.
(d) Refractive error and anisometropia
(1) Applicants with the following conditions may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory
ophthalmic evaluation and provided that optimal correction has been considered and no
significant pathology is demonstrated:
(i) hypermetropia not exceeding +5.0 dioptres;
(ii) myopia not exceeding 6.0 dioptres;
(iii) astigmatism not exceeding 2.0 dioptres;
(iv) anisometropia not exceeding 2.0 dioptres.
(2) Applicants should wear contact lenses if:
(i) hypermetropia exceeds +5.0 dioptres;
(ii) anisometropia exceeds 3.0 dioptres.
(3) An evaluation by an eye specialist should be undertaken 5-yearly if:
(i) the refractive error is between 3.0 and 6.0 dioptres or +3 and +5 dioptres;
(ii) astigmatism or anisometropia is between 2.0 and 3.0 dioptres.
(4) An evaluation by an eye specialist should be undertaken 2-yearly if:
(i) the refractive error is greater than 6.0 dioptres or +5.0 dioptres;
(ii) astigmatism or anisometropia exceeds 3.0 dioptres.
(e) Uncorrected visual acuity
No limits apply to uncorrected visual acuity.
(f) Visual acuity
(1) Reduced vision in one eye or monocularity: Applicants for revalidation or renewal with
reduced central vision or acquired loss of vision in one eye may be assessed as fit with an
OML if:
(i) the binocular visual field or, in the case of monocularity, the monocular visual field
is acceptable;
(ii) in the case of monocularity, a period of adaptation time has passed from the
known point of visual loss, during which the applicant should be assessed as unfit;
(iii) the unaffected eye achieves distant visual acuity of 6/6 (1,0) corrected or
(iv) the unaffected eye achieves intermediate visual acuity of N14 and N5 for near;
(v) the underlying pathology is acceptable according to ophthalmological assessment
and there is no significant ocular pathology in the unaffected eye; and
(vi) a medical flight test is satisfactory.
(2) Visual fields
Applicants with a visual field defect, who do not have reduced central vision or acquired loss of
vision in one eye, may be assessed as fit if the binocular visual field is normal.
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(g) Keratoconus
Applicants with keratoconus may be assessed as fit if the visual requirements are met with the
use of corrective lenses and periodic evaluation is undertaken by an ophthalmologist.
(h) Binocular function
Applicants with heterophoria (imbalance of the ocular muscles) exceeding:
(1) at 6 metres:
2.0 prism dioptres in hyperphoria,
10.0 prism dioptres in esophoria,
8.0 prism dioptres in exophoria
(2) at 33 centimetres:
1.0 prism dioptre in hyperphoria,
8.0 prism dioptres in esophoria,
12.0 prism dioptres in exophoria
should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if an orthoptic evaluation
demonstrates that the fusional reserves are sufficient to prevent asthenopia and
(i) Eye surgery
The assessment after eye surgery should include an ophthalmological examination.
(1) After refractive surgery, a fit assessment may be considered, provided that:
(i) stability of refraction of less than 0.75 dioptres variation diurnally has been
(ii) examination of the eye shows no post-operative complications;
(iii) glare sensitivity is within normal standards;
(iv) mesopic contrast sensitivity is not impaired;
(v) an evaluation is undertaken by an eye specialist.
(2) Following intraocular lens surgery, including cataract surgery, a fit assessment may be
considered once recovery is complete and the visual requirements are met with or
without correction. Intraocular lenses should be monofocal and should not impair colour
vision and night vision.
(3) Retinal surgery entails unfitness. A fit assessment may be considered 6 months after
surgery, or earlier if recovery is complete. A fit assessment may also be considered earlier
after retinal laser therapy. Regular follow-up by an ophthalmologist should be carried
(4) Glaucoma surgery entails unfitness. A fit assessment may be considered 6 months after
surgery or earlier if recovery is complete. Regular follow-up by an ophthalmologist should
be carried out.
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(j) Visual correction
Correcting lenses should permit the licence holder to meet the visual requirements at all
AMC2 MED.B.070 Visual system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Eye examination
(1) At each aero-medical revalidation examination an assessment of the visual fitness of the
applicant should be undertaken and the eyes should be examined with regard to possible
pathology. Conditions which indicate further ophthalmological examination include but
are not limited to a substantial decrease in the uncorrected visual acuity, any decrease in
best corrected visual acuity and/or the occurrence of eye disease, eye injury, or eye
(2) At the initial assessment, the examination should include:
(i) history;
(ii) visual acuities near, intermediate and distant vision (uncorrected and with best
optical correction if needed);
(iii) examination of the external eye, anatomy, media and fundoscopy;
(iv) ocular motility;
(v) binocular vision;
(vi) visual fields;
(vii) colour vision;
(viii) further examination on clinical indication.
(3) At the initial assessment the applicant should submit a copy of the recent spectacle
prescription if visual correction is required to meet the visual requirements.
(b) Routine eye examination
A routine eye examination should include:
(1) history;
(2) visual acuities - near, intermediate and distant vision (uncorrected and with best optical
correction if needed);
(3) examination of the external eye, anatomy, media and fundoscopy;
(4) further examination on clinical indication.
(c) Visual acuity
Reduced vision in one eye or monocularity: Applicants with reduced vision or loss of vision in
one eye may be assessed as fit if:
(1) the binocular visual field or, in the case of monocularity, the monocular visual field is
(2) in the case of monocularity, a period of adaptation time has passed from the known point
of visual loss, during which the applicant should be assessed as unfit;
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(3) the unaffected eye achieves distant visual acuity of 6/6 (1,0), corrected or uncorrected;
(4) the unaffected eye achieves intermediate visual acuity of N14 or equivalent and N5 or
equivalent for near (Refer to GM1 MED.B.070);
(5) there is no significant ocular pathology in the unaffected eye; and
(6) a medical flight test is satisfactory.
(d) Binocular function
Reduced stereopsis, abnormal convergence not interfering with near vision and ocular
misalignment where the fusional reserves are sufficient to prevent asthenopia and diplopia may
be acceptable.
(e) Eye surgery
(1) The assessment after eye surgery should include an ophthalmological examination.
(2) After refractive surgery a fit assessment may be considered provided that there is
satisfactory stability of refraction, there are no post-operative complications and no
increase in glare sensitivity.
(3) After cataract, retinal or glaucoma surgery a fit assessment may be considered once
recovery is complete and the visual requirements are met with or without correction.
(f) Visual correction
Correcting lenses should permit the licence holder to meet the visual requirements at all
GM1 MED.B.070 Visual system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Test distance: 40 cm
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(b) Test distance: 80 cm
GM2 MED.B.070 Visual system
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The term ‘eye specialist’ refers to an ophthalmologist or a vision care specialist qualified in optometry
and trained to recognise pathological conditions.
MED.B.075 Colour vision
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Applicants shall be assessed as unfit, where they cannot demonstrate their ability to readily
perceive the colours that are necessary for the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence.
(b) Examination and assessment
(1) Applicants shall be subjected to the Ishihara test for the initial issue of a medical
certificate. Applicants who pass that test may be assessed as fit.
(2) For a class 1 medical certificate:
(i) Applicants who do not pass the Ishihara test shall be referred to the medical
assessor of the licensing authority and shall undergo further colour perception
testing to establish whether they are colour safe.
(ii) Applicants shall be normal trichromats or shall be colour safe.
(iii) Applicants who fail further colour perception testing shall be assessed as unfit.
(3) For a class 2 medical certificate:
(i) Applicants who do not pass the Ishihara test shall undergo further colour
perception testing to establish whether they are colour safe.
(ii) Applicants who do not have satisfactory perception of colours shall be limited to
exercising the privileges of the applicable licence in daytime only.
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AMC1 MED.B.075 Colour vision
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) At revalidation and renewal examinations, colour vision should be tested on clinical indication.
(b) The Ishihara test (24 plate version) is considered passed if the first 15 plates, presented in a
random order, are identified without error.
(c) Those failing the Ishihara test should be examined either by:
(1) anomaloscopy (Nagel or equivalent). This test is considered passed if the colour match is
trichromatic and the matching range is 4 scale units or less, or if the anomalous quotient
is acceptable; or by
(2) lantern testing with a Spectrolux, Beynes or Holmes-Wright lantern. This test is
considered passed if the applicant passes without error a test with accepted lanterns.
(3) Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test. This test is considered passed if the
threshold is less than 6 standard normal (SN) units for deutan deficiency, or less than 12
SN units for protan deficiency. A threshold greater than 2 SN units for tritan deficiency
indicates an acquired cause which should be investigated.
AMC2 MED.B.075 Colour vision
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Colour vision should be tested on clinical indication at revalidation and renewal examinations.
(b) The Ishihara test (24 plate version) is considered passed if the first 15 plates, presented in a
random order, are identified without error.
(c) Those failing the Ishihara test should be examined either by:
(1) anomaloscopy (Nagel or equivalent). This test is considered passed if the colour match is
trichromatic and the matching range is 4 scale units or less, or if the anomalous quotient
is acceptable; or by
(2) lantern testing with a Spectrolux, Beynes or Holmes-Wright lantern. This test is
considered passed if the applicant passes without error a test with accepted lanterns.
(3) Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test. This test is considered passed if the
threshold is less than 6 standard normal (SN) units for deutan deficiency, or less than 12
SN units for protan deficiency. A threshold greater than 2 SN units for tritan deficiency
indicates an acquired cause which should be investigated.
MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Examination
(1) Applicants’ hearing shall be tested at all examinations.
(i) For a class 1 medical certificate, and for a class 2 medical certificate when an
instrument rating or en route instrument rating is to be added to the licence,
hearing shall be tested with pure-tone audiometry at the initial examination, then
every 5 years until the licence holder reaches the age of 40 and then every 2 years
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(ii) When tested on a pure-tone audiometer, initial applicants shall not have a hearing
loss of more than 35 dB at any of the frequencies 500, 1 000 or 2 000 Hz, or more
than 50 dB at 3 000 Hz, in either ear separately. Applicants for revalidation or
renewal with greater hearing loss shall demonstrate satisfactory functional hearing
(2) A comprehensive ear, nose and throat examination shall be undertaken for the initial
issue of a class 1 medical certificate and periodically thereafter when clinically indicated.
(b) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions shall undergo further examination to
establish that the medical condition does not interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges
of the applicable licence(s):
(1) hypoacusis;
(2) an active pathological process of the internal or middle ear;
(3) unhealed perforation or dysfunction of the tympanic membrane(s);
(4) dysfunction of the Eustachian tube(s);
(5) disturbance of vestibular function;
(6) significant restriction of the nasal passages;
(7) sinus dysfunction;
(8) significant malformation or significant infection of the oral cavity or upper respiratory
(9) significant disorder of speech or voice;
(10) any sequelae of surgery of the internal or middle ear.
(c) Aero-medical assessment
(1) Applicants for a class 1 medical certificate with any of the medical conditions specified in
points (1), (4) and (5) of point (b) shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing
(2) The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate with any of the medical
conditions specified in point (4) and (5) of point (b) shall be assessed in consultation with
the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(3) The fitness of applicants for a class 2 medical certificate for an instrument rating or en
route instrument rating to be added to the licence with the medical condition specified
in point (1) of point (b) shall be assessed in consultation with the medical assessor of the
licensing authority.
AMC1 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Hearing
(1) Applicants should understand correctly conversational speech when tested with each ear
at a distance of 2 metres from and with the applicant’s back turned towards the AME.
(2) Applicants with hypoacusis may be assessed as fit if a speech discrimination test or
functional flight deck hearing test demonstrates satisfactory hearing ability. A vestibular
function test may be appropriate.
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(3) If the hearing requirements can only be met with the use of hearing aids, the hearing aids
should provide optimal hearing function, be well tolerated and suitable for aviation
(b) Comprehensive ENT examination
A comprehensive ENT examination should include:
(1) history;
(2) clinical examination including otoscopy, rhinoscopy, and examination of the mouth and
(3) tympanometry or equivalent;
(4) clinical examination of the vestibular system.
(c) Ear conditions
(1) Applicants with an active pathological process of the internal or middle ear should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered once the condition has stabilised
or there has been a full recovery.
(2) Applicants with an unhealed perforation or dysfunction of the tympanic membranes
should be assessed as unfit. An applicant with a single dry perforation of non-infectious
origin and which does not interfere with the normal function of the ear may be
considered for a fit assessment.
(d) Vestibular disturbance
Applicants with disturbance of vestibular function should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment
may be considered after full recovery. The presence of spontaneous or positional nystagmus
requires complete vestibular evaluation by specialist. Applicants with significant abnormal
caloric or rotational vestibular responses should be assessed as unfit. Abnormal vestibular
responses should be assessed in their clinical context.
(e) Sinus dysfunction
Applicants with any dysfunction of the sinuses should be assessed as unfit until there has been
full recovery.
(f) Oral/upper respiratory tract infections
Applicants with a significant infection of the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered after full recovery.
(g) Speech disorder
Applicants with a significant disorder of speech or voice should be assessed as unfit.
(h) Air passage restrictions
Applicants with significant restriction of the nasal air passage on either side, or significant
malformation of the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract may be assessed as fit if ENT
evaluation is satisfactory.
(i) Eustachian tube(s)
Applicants with permanent dysfunction of the Eustachian tube(s) may be assessed as fit if ENT
evaluation is satisfactory.
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(j) Sequelae of surgery of the internal or middle ear
Applicants with sequelae of surgery of the internal or middle ear should be assessed as unfit
until recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the risk of secondary
complication is minimal.
AMC2 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Hearing
(1) Applicants should understand correctly conversational speech when tested with each ear
at a distance of 2 metres from and with the applicant’s back turned towards the AME.
(2) Applicants with hypoacusis may be assessed as fit if a speech discrimination test or
functional cockpit hearing test demonstrates satisfactory hearing ability.
(3) If the hearing requirements can be met only with the use of hearing aids, the hearing aids
should provide optimal hearing function, be well tolerated and suitable for aviation
(4) Applicants with profound deafness or major disorder of speech, or both, may be assessed
as fit with an SSL, such as ‘limited to areas and operations where the use of radio is not
mandatory’. The aircraft should be equipped with appropriate alternative warning
devices in lieu of sound warnings.
(b) Examination
An ENT examination should form part of all initial, revalidation and renewal examinations.
(c) Ear conditions
(1) Applicants with an active pathological process of the internal or middle ear should be
assessed as unfit until the condition has stabilised or there has been a full recovery.
(2) Applicants with an unhealed perforation or dysfunction of the tympanic membranes
should be assessed as unfit. An applicant with a single dry perforation of non-infectious
origin which does not interfere with the normal function of the ear may be considered
for a fit assessment.
(d) Vestibular disturbance
Applicants with disturbance of vestibular function should be assessed as unfit pending full
(e) Sinus dysfunction
Applicants with any dysfunction of the sinuses should be assessed as unfit pending full recovery.
(f) Oral/upper respiratory tract infections
Applicants with a significant infection of the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered after full recovery.
(g) Speech disorder
Applicants with a significant disorder of speech or voice should be assessed as unfit.
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(h) Air passage restrictions
Applicants with significant restriction of the nasal air passage on either side, or significant
malformation of the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract may be assessed as fit if ENT
evaluation is satisfactory.
(i) Eustachian tube dysfunction
Applicants with permanent dysfunction of the Eustachian tube(s) may be assessed as fit if ENT
evaluation is satisfactory.
(j) Sequelae of surgery of the internal or middle ear
Applicants with sequelae of surgery of the internal or middle ear should be assessed as unfit
until recovery is complete, the applicant is asymptomatic, and the risk of secondary
complication is minimal.
GM1 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The pure tone audiogram may also cover the 4 000 Hz frequency for early detection of decrease in
GM2 MED.B.080 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The pure tone audiogram may also cover the 4 000 Hz frequency for early detection of decrease in
MED.B.085 Dermatology
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
Applicants shall be assessed as unfit, where they have an established dermatological condition which
is likely to jeopardise the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence.
AMC1 MED.B.085 Dermatology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) If doubt exists about the fitness of applicants with eczema (exogenous and endogenous), severe
psoriasis, bacterial infections, drug induced or bullous eruptions or urticaria, the AME should
refer the case to the medical assessor of the licensing authority.
(b) Systemic effects of radiant or pharmacological treatment for a dermatological condition should
be reviewed before a fit assessment may be considered.
(c) In cases where a dermatological condition is associated with a systemic illness, full
consideration should be given to the underlying illness before a fit assessment may be
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AMC2 MED.B.085 Dermatology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
In cases where a dermatological condition is associated with a systemic illness, full consideration
should be given to the underlying illness before a fit assessment may be considered.
MED.B.090 Oncology
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants with primary or secondary
malignant disease shall undergo satisfactory oncological evaluation. Such applicants for a class
1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical assessor of the licensing authority. Such
applicants for a class 2 medical certificate shall be assessed in consultation with the medical
assessor of the licensing authority.
(b) Applicants with a documented medical history or clinical diagnosis of an intracerebral malignant
tumour shall be assessed as unfit.
AMC1 MED.B.090 Oncology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants who have been diagnosed with a malignant disease may be assessed as fit provided
(1) after primary treatment, there is no evidence of residual malignant disease likely to
jeopardise flight safety;
(2) time appropriate to the type of tumour and primary treatment has elapsed;
(3) the risk of inflight incapacitation from a recurrence or metastasis is sufficiently low;
(4) there is no evidence of short or long-term sequelae from treatment. Special attention
should be paid to applicants who have received anthracycline chemotherapy;
(5) satisfactory oncology follow-up reports are provided to the medical assessor of the
licensing authority.
(b) An OML should be applied as appropriate.
(c) Applicants receiving ongoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment should be assessed as unfit.
(d) Applicants with pre-malignant conditions of the skin may be assessed as fit if treated or excised
as necessary and there is regular follow-up.
AMC2 MED.B.090 Oncology
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants who have been diagnosed with a malignant disease may be considered for a fit
assessment provided that:
(1) after primary treatment, there is no evidence of residual malignant disease likely to
jeopardise flight safety;
(2) time appropriate to the type of tumour and primary treatment has elapsed;
(3) the risk of in-flight incapacitation from a recurrence or metastasis is sufficiently low;
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(4) there is no evidence of short or long-term sequelae from treatment that may jeopardise
flight safety;
(5) arrangements for an oncological follow-up have been made for an appropriate period of
(b) Applicants receiving ongoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment should be assessed as unfit.
(c) Applicants with pre-malignant conditions of the skin may be assessed as fit if treated or excised
as necessary and there is a regular follow-up.
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MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants for
LAPL medical certificates
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) An applicant for a LAPL medical certificate shall be assessed based on aero-medical best
(b) Special attention shall be given to the applicant’s complete medical history.
(c) The initial assessment, all subsequent re-assessments after the licence holder reaches the age
of 50 and any assessments in cases where the medical history of the applicant is not available
to the examiner shall include at least all of the following:
(1) clinical examination;
(2) blood pressure;
(3) urine test;
(4) vision;
(5) hearing ability.
(d) After the initial assessment, subsequent re-assessments until the licence holder reaches the age
of 50 shall include at least both of the following:
(1) an assessment of the LAPL holder's medical history;
(2) the items specified in point(c) as deemed necessary by the AeMC, AME or GMP in
accordance with aero-medical best practice.
AMC1 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
When a specialist evaluation is required under this section, the aero-medical assessment of the
applicant should be performed by an AeMC, an AME or, in the case of AMC5 MED.B.095(d), by the
medical assessor of the licensing authority.
AMC2 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
Pulse and blood pressure should be recorded at each examination.
(b) General
(1) Cardiovascular risk factor assessment
An accumulation of risk factors (smoking, family history, lipid abnormalities,
hypertension, etc.) requires cardiovascular evaluation.
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(2) Aortic aneurysm
Applicants with an aortic aneurysm may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory
cardiological evaluation and a regular follow-up.
(3) Cardiac valvular abnormalities
(i) Applicants with a cardiac murmur may be assessed as fit if the murmur is assessed
as being of no pathological significance.
(ii) Applicants with a cardiac valvular abnormality may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(4) Valvular surgery
After cardiac valve replacement or repair, a fit assessment may be considered, with an
ORL if anticoagulation is needed, subject to satisfactory post-operative cardiological
evaluation. Anticoagulation should be stable and the haemorrhagic risk should be
acceptable. Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at
least 5 INR values are documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR target range.
The INR target range should be determined by the type of surgery performed. Applicants
who measure their INR on a ‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior to flight
and only exercise the privileges of their licence if the INR is within the target range, may
be assessed as fit without the above-mentioned limitation. The INR results should be
recorded and the results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment.
Applicants taking anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be
assessed as fit without the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical
assessor of the licensing authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months.
(5) Other cardiac disorders
(i) Applicants with other cardiac disorders may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory cardiological evaluation. A fit assessment may be considered, with an
ORL if anticoagulation is needed. Anticoagulation should be stable and the
haemorrhagic risk should be acceptable. Anticoagulation should be considered
stable if, within the last 6 months, at least 5 INR values are documented, of which
at least 4 are within the INR target range. The INR target range should be
determined by the type of surgery performed. Applicants who measure their INR
on a ‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior to flight and only exercise
the privileges of their licence if the INR is within the target range, may be assessed
as fit without the above-mentioned limitation. The INR results should be recorded
and the results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment. Applicants
taking anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be assessed
as fit without the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical
assessor of the licensing authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months.
(ii) Applicants with symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should be assessed as
(c) Blood pressure
(1) When the blood pressure consistently exceeds 160 mmHg systolic and/or 95 mmHg
diastolic, with or without treatment, the applicant should be assessed as unfit.
(2) Applicants initiating medication for the control of blood pressure should be assessed as
unfit until the absence of significant side effects has been established.
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(d) Coronary artery disease
(1) Applicants with suspected myocardial ischaemia should undergo a cardiological
evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.
(2) Applicants with angina pectoris requiring medication for cardiac symptoms should be
assessed as unfit.
(3) After an ischaemic cardiac event, including myocardial infarction or revascularisation,
applicants without symptoms should have reduced cardiovascular risk factors to an
appropriate level. Medication, when used to control cardiac symptoms, is not acceptable.
All applicants should be on appropriate secondary prevention treatment.
(4) In cases (d)(1), (d)(2) and (d)(3), applicants who have had a satisfactory cardiological
evaluation to include an exercise test or equivalent that is negative for ischaemia may be
assessed as fit.
(e) Rhythm and conduction disturbances
(1) Applicants with a significant disturbance of cardiac rhythm or conduction should be
assessed as unfit unless a cardiological evaluation concludes that the disturbance is not
likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence. A fit assessment
may be considered, with an ORL if anticoagulation is needed. Anticoagulation should be
stable and the haemorrhagic risk should be acceptable. Anticoagulation should be
considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least 5 INR values are documented, of
which at least 4 are within the INR target range. The INR target range should be
determined by the type of surgery performed. Applicants who measure their INR on a
‘near patient’ testing system within 12 hours prior to flight and only exercise the
privileges of their licence if the INR is within the target range, may be assessed as fit
without the above-mentioned limitation. The INR results should be recorded and the
results should be reviewed at each aero-medical assessment. Applicants taking
anticoagulation medication not requiring INR monitoring, may be assessed as fit without
the above-mentioned limitation in consultation with the medical assessor of the licensing
authority after a stabilisation period of 3 months.
(2) Pre-excitation
Applicants with ventricular pre-excitation may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory
cardiological evaluation. Applicants with ventricular pre-excitation associated with a
significant arrhythmia should be assessed as unfit.
(3) Automatic implantable defibrillating system
Applicants with an automatic implantable defibrillating system should be assessed as
(4) Pacemaker
A fit assessment may be considered subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
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AMC3 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants should undergo pulmonary morphological or functional tests when clinically
(b) Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Applicants with asthma or impairment of pulmonary function may be assessed as fit provided
that the condition is considered stable with satisfactory pulmonary function and medication is
compatible with flight safety. Systemic steroids may be acceptable provided that the dosage
required is acceptable and there are no adverse side effects.
(c) Sarcoidosis
(1) Applicants with active sarcoidosis should be assessed as unfit. Investigation should be
undertaken with respect to the possibility of systemic involvement. A fit assessment may
be considered once the disease is inactive.
(2) Applicants with cardiac sarcoidosis should be assessed as unfit.
(d) Pneumothorax
(1) Applicants with spontaneous pneumothorax may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory
respiratory evaluation following recovery from a single spontaneous pneumothorax or
following recovery from surgical intervention for a recurrent pneumothorax.
(2) Applicants with traumatic pneumothorax may be assessed as fit following recovery.
(e) Thoracic surgery
Applicants who have undergone thoracic surgery may be assessed as fit following recovery.
(f) Sleep apnoea syndrome/sleep disorder
Applicants with unsatisfactorily treated sleep apnoea syndrome should be assessed as unfit.
AMC4 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Gallstones
Applicants with symptomatic gallstones should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered following gallstone removal.
(b) Inflammatory bowel disease
Applicants with an established diagnosis or history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease may
be assessed as fit provided that the disease is stable and not likely to interfere with the safe
exercise of the privileges of the licence.
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(c) Peptic ulceration
Applicants with peptic ulceration may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory
gastroenterological evaluation.
(d) Digestive tract and abdominal surgery
Applicants who have undergone a surgical operation:
(1) for herniae; or
(2) on the digestive tract or its adnexa, including a total or partial excision or diversion of any
of these organs,
should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if recovery is complete, the
applicant is asymptomatic, and there is only a minimal risk of secondary complication or
(e) Pancreatitis
Applicants with pancreatitis may be assessed as fit after satisfactory recovery.
(f) Liver disease
Applicants with morphological or functional liver disease or after surgery, including liver
transplantation, may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory gastroenterological evaluation.
AMC5 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction
Applicants with metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction may be assessed as fit subject
to demonstrated stability of the condition and satisfactory aero-medical evaluation.
(b) Obesity
Obese applicants may be assessed as fit if the excess weight is not likely to interfere with the
safe exercise of the licence.
(c) Thyroid dysfunction
Applicants with thyroid disease may be assessed as fit once a stable euthyroid state is attained.
(d) Diabetes mellitus
(1) Applicants using antidiabetic medications that are not likely to cause hypoglycaemia may
be assessed as fit.
(2) Applicants with diabetes mellitus Type 1 should be assessed as unfit.
(3) Applicants with diabetes mellitus Type 2 treated with insulin may be assessed as fit with
limitations for revalidation if blood sugar control has been achieved and the process
under (e) and (f) is followed. An ORL is required. A TML for 12 months may be needed to
ensure compliance with the follow-up requirements below. Licence privileges should not
include rotary aircraft flying.
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(e) Aero-medical assessment by, or under the guidance of, the medical assessor of the licensing
(1) A diabetology review at yearly intervals, including:
(i) symptom review;
(ii) review of data logging of blood sugar;
(iii) cardiovascular status. Exercise ECG at age 40, at 5-yearly intervals thereafter and
on clinical indication, including an accumulation of risk factors;
(iv) nephropathy status.
(2) Ophthalmological review at yearly intervals, including:
(i) visual fields Humphrey-perimeter;
(ii) retinae full dilatation slit lamp examination;
(iii) cataract clinical screening.
The development of retinopathy requires a full ophthalmological review.
(3) Blood testing at 6-monthly intervals:
(i) HbA1c;
(ii) renal profile;
(iii) liver profile;
(iv) lipid profile.
(4) Applicants should be assessed as temporarily unfit after:
(i) changes of medication/insulin leading to a change to the testing regime until stable
blood sugar control can be demonstrated;
(ii) a single unexplained episode of severe hypoglycaemia until stable blood sugar
control can be demonstrated.
(5) Applicants should be assessed as unfit in the following cases:
(i) loss of hypoglycaemic awareness;
(ii) development of retinopathy with any visual field loss;
(iii) significant nephropathy;
(iv) any other complication of the disease where flight safety may be jeopardised.
(f) Pilot responsibility
Blood sugar testing is carried out during non-operational and operational periods. A whole
blood glucose measuring device with memory should be carried and used. Equipment for
continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS) should not be used. Pilots should prove to the AME or
AeMC or medical assessor of the licensing authority that testing has been performed as
indicated below and with which results.
(1) Testing during non-operational periods: normally 34 times/day or as recommended by
the treating physician, and on any awareness of hypoglycaemia.
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(2) Testing frequency during operational periods:
(i) 120 minutes before departure;
(ii) <30 minutes before departure;
(iii) 60 minutes during flight;
(iv) 30 minutes before landing.
(3) Actions following glucose testing:
(i) 120 minutes before departure: if the test result is >15 mmol/l, piloting should not
be commenced.
(ii) 1015g of carbohydrate should be ingested and a re-test performed within
30 minutes if:
(A) any test result is <4,5 mmol/l;
(B) the pre-landing test measurement is missed or a subsequent go-
around/diversion is performed.
AMC6 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Applicants with a haematological condition, such as:
(a) abnormal haemoglobin including, but not limited to, anaemia, erythrocytosis or
(b) coagulation, haemorrhagic or thrombotic disorder;
(c) significant lymphatic enlargement;
(d) acute or chronic leukaemia;
(e) splenomegaly;
may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory aero-medical evaluation. If anticoagulation is being used
as treatment, refer to AMC2 MED.B.095(b)(4).
AMC7 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants with a genitourinary disorder, such as:
(1) renal disease; or
(2) one or more urinary calculi, or a history of renal colic
may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory renal and urological evaluation, as applicable.
(b) Applicants who have undergone a major surgical operation on the genitourinary system or its
adnexa may be assessed as fit following recovery.
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(c) Applicants who have undergone renal transplantation may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory renal evaluation.
AMC8 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants who are HIV positive may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory aero-medical
(b) Applicants with other chronic infections may be assessed as fit provided the infections are not
likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence.
AMC9 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Pregnancy
Holders of a LAPL medical certificate should only exercise the privileges of their licences until
the end of the 26th week of gestation under routine antenatal care.
(b) Applicants who have undergone a major gynaecological operation may be assessed as fit after
AMC10 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Applicants should have satisfactory functional use of the musculoskeletal system to enable the safe
exercise of the privileges of the licence.
AMC11 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants with a mental or behavioural disorder due to use or misuse of alcohol or other
psychoactive substances, with or without dependency, should be assessed as unfit. A fit
assessment may be considered after a period of two years of documented sobriety or freedom
from psychoactive substance use or misuse, subject to satisfactory psychiatric evaluation after
successful treatment. At revalidation or renewal, a fit assessment may be considered earlier.
Depending on the individual case, treatment and evaluation may include in-patient treatment
of some weeks followed by ongoing checks, including blood testing and peer reports, which may
be required indefinitely.
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(b) Applicants with a history of, or the occurrence of, a functional psychotic disorder should be
assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if a cause can be unequivocally identified
as one which is transient, has ceased, and the risk of recurrence is minimal.
(c) Applicants with an established history or clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizotypal or
delusional disorder should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may only be considered if the
original diagnosis was inappropriate or inaccurate as confirmed by psychiatric evaluation or, in
the case of a single episode of delirium, provided that the applicant has suffered no permanent
(d) Psychoactive substances
Applicants who use or misuse psychoactive substances or psychoactive medication likely to
affect flight safety should be assessed as unfit. If stability on maintenance psychoactive
medication is confirmed, a fit assessment with appropriate limitation(s) may be considered. If
the dosage or type of medication is changed, a further period of unfit assessment should be
required until stability is confirmed.
(e) Applicants with a psychiatric condition, such as:
(1) mood disorder;
(2) neurotic disorder;
(3) personality disorder;
(4) mental or behavioural disorder
should undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.
(f) Applicants with a history of significant or repeated acts of deliberate self-harm should undergo
satisfactory psychiatric or psychological evaluation or both before a fit assessment may be
(g) Psychiatric evaluations and reviews may include reports from the applicant’s flight instructor.
(h) Applicants with a psychological disorder may need to be referred for psychological opinion and
(i) In case a specialist evaluation is needed, following the evaluation, the specialist should submit
a written report to the AME, AeMC, GMP or medical assessor of the licensing authority as
appropriate, detailing their opinion and recommendation.
AMC12 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Epilepsy and seizures
(1) Applicants with an established diagnosis of and under treatment for epilepsy should be
assessed as unfit. A re-assessment after all treatment has been stopped for at least 5
years should include a review of neurological reports.
(2) Applicants may be assessed as fit if:
(i) there is a history of a single afebrile epileptiform seizure considered to have a very
low risk of recurrence;
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(ii) there has been no recurrence after at least 5 years off treatment;
(iii) a cause has been identified and treated and there is no evidence of continuing
predisposition to epilepsy.
(b) Neurological disease
Applicants with any disease of the nervous system which is likely to cause a hazard to flight
safety should be assessed as unfit. However, in certain cases, including cases of functional loss
associated with stable disease, a fit assessment may be considered after full evaluation
including, if necessary, a medical flight test.
(c) Migraine
Applicants with an established diagnosis of migraine or other severe periodic headaches likely
to cause a hazard to flight safety should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered after full evaluation. The evaluation should take into account at least the following:
auras, visual field loss, frequency, severity, therapy. Appropriate limitation(s) may apply.
(d) Head injury
Applicants with a head injury which was severe enough to cause loss of consciousness or is
associated with penetrating brain injury may be assessed as fit if there has been a full recovery
and the risk of epilepsy is sufficiently low. An evaluation by a neurologist may be required
depending on the staging of the original injury.
(e) Spinal or peripheral nerve injury
Applicants with a history or diagnosis of spinal or peripheral nerve injury or a disorder of the
nervous system due to a traumatic injury may be assessed as fit if neurological evaluation is
satisfactory and the conditions of AMC10 MED.B.095 are satisfied.
(f) Vascular deficiencies
Applicants with a disorder of the nervous system due to vascular deficiencies including
haemorrhagic and ischaemic events should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be
considered if neurological evaluation is satisfactory and the conditions of AMC10 MED.B.095
are satisfied. A cardiological evaluation and medical flight test should be undertaken for
applicants with residual deficiencies.
AMC13 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Applicants should not possess any abnormality of the function of the eyes or their adnexa or
any active pathological condition, congenital or acquired, acute or chronic, or any sequelae of
eye surgery or trauma, which is likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges of the
applicable licence.
(b) Eye examination
The examination should include visual acuities (near, intermediate and distant vision) and visual
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(c) Visual acuity
(1) Visual acuity with or without corrective lenses should be 6/9 (0,7) binocularly and 6/12
(0,5) in each eye.
(2) Applicants who do not meet the required visual acuity should be assessed by an AME or
AeMC, taking into account the privileges of the licence held and the risk involved.
(3) Applicants should be able to read, binocularly, an N5 chart (or equivalent) at 30-50 cm
and an N14 chart (or equivalent) at 100 cm, with correction if prescribed (Refer to
GM1 MED.B.070).
(d) Visual acuity
Applicants with substandard vision in one eye may be assessed as fit if the better eye:
(1) achieves distant visual acuity of 6/6 (1,0), corrected or uncorrected;
(2) achieves distant visual acuity less than 6/6 (1,0) but not less than 6/9 (0,7), after
ophthalmological evaluation.
(e) Visual field defects
Applicants with a visual field defect may be assessed as fit if the binocular visual field or, in the
case of monocularity, the monocular visual field is acceptable.
(f) Eye surgery
(1) After refractive surgery, a fit assessment may be considered, provided that there is
satisfactory stability of refraction, there are no post-operative complications and no
significant increase in glare sensitivity.
(2) After cataract, retinal or glaucoma surgery a fit assessment may be considered once
recovery is complete.
(g) Visual correction
Correcting lenses should permit the licence holder to meet the visual requirements at all
AMC14 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Applicants for a night rating should correctly identify 9 of the first 15 plates of the 24-plate edition of
Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates or should be colour safe.
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AMC15 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Hearing
(1) Applicants should understand correctly conversational speech when tested with or
without hearing aids at a distance of 2 metres from and with the applicant’s back turned
towards the examiner.
(2) If the hearing requirements can only be met with the use of hearing aid(s), the hearing
aid(s) should provide optimal hearing function, be well-tolerated, and be suitable for
aviation purposes.
(3) Applicants with hypoacusis should demonstrate satisfactory functional hearing ability.
(4) Applicants with profound deafness or major disorder of speech, or both, may be assessed
as fit with an SSL such as ‘limited to areas and operations where the use of radio is not
mandatory’. The aircraft should be equipped with appropriate alternative warning
devices in lieu of sound warnings.
(b) Ear conditions
Applicants with:
(1) an active pathological process of the internal or middle ear;
(2) unhealed perforation or dysfunction of the tympanic membrane(s);
(3) disturbance of vestibular function;
(4) significant restriction of the nasal passages;
(5) sinus dysfunction;
(6) significant malformation or significant infection of the oral cavity or upper respiratory
tract; or
(7) significant disorder of speech or voice
should undergo further examination to establish that the condition does not interfere with the
safe exercise of the privileges of the licence.
AMC16 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
In cases where a dermatological condition is associated with a systemic illness, full consideration
should be given to the underlying illness before a fit assessment may be considered.
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AMC17 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of
applicants for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) In the case of malignant disease, applicants may be considered for a fit assessment if:
(1) there is no evidence of residual malignant disease likely to jeopardise flight safety;
(2) time appropriate to the type of tumour has elapsed since the end of primary treatment;
(3) the risk of in-flight incapacitation from a recurrence or metastasis is sufficiently low;
(4) there is no evidence of short or long-term sequelae from treatment that may jeopardise
flight safety.
(b) Arrangements for an oncological follow-up should be made for an appropriate period of time.
(c) Applicants with an established history or clinical diagnosis of intracerebral malignant tumour
should be assessed as unfit.
GM1 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants
for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Pilots and their treating physician should be aware that if the HbA1c target level was set to
normal (non-diabetic) levels, this will significantly increase the chance of hypoglycaemia. For
safety reasons the target level of HbA1c is therefore set to 7,58,5 % even though there is
evidence that lower HbA1c levels are correlated with fewer diabetic complications.
(b) The safety pilot should be briefed pre-flight on the potential condition of the pilot. The results
of blood sugar testing before and during flight should be shared with the safety pilot for the
acceptability of the values obtained.
GM2 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants
for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
HbA1c in %
HbA1c in mmol/mol
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HbA1c in %
HbA1c in mmol/mol
GM3 MED.B.095 Medical examination and assessment of applicants
for LAPL medical certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
After full recovery from a mood disorder and after full consideration of the individual case, a fit
assessment may be considered, depending on the characteristics and gravity of the mood disorder. If
stability on maintenance psychoactive medication is confirmed, a fit assessment may be considered.
If the dosage or type of medication is changed, a further evaluation may be required until stability is
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MED.C.001 General
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Cabin crew members shall only perform the duties and responsibilities required by aviation safety
rules on an aircraft if they comply with the applicable requirements of this Part.
MED.C.005 Aero-medical assessments
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) Cabin crew members shall undergo aero-medical assessments to verify that they are free from
any physical or mental illness which might lead to incapacitation or an inability to perform their
assigned safety duties and responsibilities.
(b) Each cabin crew member shall undergo an aero-medical assessment before being first assigned
to duties on an aircraft, and after that at intervals of maximum 60 months.
(c) Aero-medical assessments shall be conducted by an AME, AeMC, or by an OHMP if the
requirements of MED.D.040 are complied with.
AMC1 MED.C.005 Aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) When conducting aero-medical examinations and assessments of cabin crew members, as
applicable, their medical fitness should be assessed with particular regard to their physical and
mental ability to:
(1) undergo the training required for cabin crew to acquire and maintain competence, e.g.
actual fire-fighting, slide descending, using Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) in a
simulated smoke-filled environment, providing first aid;
(2) manipulate the aircraft systems and emergency equipment to be used by cabin crew, e.g.
cabin management systems, doors/exits, escape devices, fire extinguishers, taking also
into account the class and type of aircraft operated, e.g. narrow-bodied or wide-bodied,
single/multi-deck, single/multi-cabin crew operation;
(3) continuously tolerate the aircraft environment whilst performing duties, e.g. altitude,
pressure, re-circulated air, noise; and the type of operations such as
short/medium/long/ultra long haul; and
(4) perform the required duties and responsibilities efficiently during normal and abnormal
operations, and in emergency situations and psychologically demanding circumstances,
e.g. assistance to crew members and passengers in case of decompression; stress
management, decision-making, crowd control and effective crew coordination,
management of disruptive passengers and of security threats. When relevant, operating
as single cabin crew should also be taken into account when assessing the medical fitness
of cabin crew.
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(b) Intervals
(1) The interval between aero-medical assessments should be determined by the competent
authority. The intervals established by the competent authority apply to cabin crew
members who:
(i) undergo aero-medical assessments by an AME, AeMC or OHMP under the
oversight of that competent authority; or
(ii) are employed by an operator under the oversight of that competent authority.
(2) The interval between aero-medical assessments may be reduced by the AME, AeMC or
OHMP for medical reasons and in accordance with MED.C.035.
(3) Aero-medical assessments for the revalidation of a cabin crew medical report may be
undertaken up to 45 days prior to the expiry date of the previous medical report. The
validity period of the aero-medical assessment should be calculated from the expiry date
of the previous aero-medical assessment.
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MED.C.020 General
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Cabin crew members shall be free from any:
(a) abnormality, congenital or acquired;
(b) active, latent, acute or chronic disease or disability;
(c) wound, injury or sequelae from operation; and
(d) effect or side effect of any prescribed or non-prescribed therapeutic, diagnostic or preventive
medication taken that would entail a degree of functional incapacity which might lead to
incapacitation or an inability to discharge their safety duties and responsibilities.
MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) An initial aero-medical assessment shall include at least:
(1) an assessment of the applicant cabin crew member’s medical history; and
(2) a clinical examination of the following:
(i) cardiovascular system;
(ii) respiratory system;
(iii) musculoskeletal system;
(iv) otorhino-laryngology;
(v) visual system; and
(vi) colour vision.
(b) Each subsequent aero-medical re-assessment shall include:
(1) an assessment of the cabin crew member’s medical history; and
(2) a clinical examination if deemed necessary in accordance with aero-medical best practice.
(c) For the purpose of (a) and (b), in case of any doubt or if clinically indicated, a cabin crew
member’s aero-medical assessment shall also include any additional medical examination, test
or investigation that are considered necessary by the AME, AeMC or OHMP.
AMC1 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Aero-medical examinations and assessments of cabin crew members should be conducted in
accordance with AMC2 to AMC18 MED.C.025.
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AMC2 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
(1) A standard 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG) and report should be completed on
clinical indication, at the first examination after the age of 40 and then at least every five
years after the age of 50. If cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, abnormal
cholesterol levels or obesity are present, the intervals of resting ECGs should be reduced
to two years.
(2) Extended cardiovascular assessment should be required when clinically indicated.
(b) Cardiovascular system - general
(1) Cabin crew members with any of the following conditions:
(i) aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta, before surgery;
(ii) significant functional abnormality of any of the heart valves; or
(iii) heart or heart/lung transplantation
should be assessed as unfit.
(2) Cabin crew members with an established diagnosis of one of the following conditions:
(i) peripheral arterial disease before or after surgery;
(ii) aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, before or after surgery;
(iii) minor cardiac valvular abnormalities;
(iv) after cardiac valve surgery;
(v) abnormality of the pericardium, myocardium or endocardium;
(vi) congenital abnormality of the heart, before or after corrective surgery;
(vii) a cardiovascular condition requiring systemic anticoagulation;
(viii) vasovagal syncope of uncertain cause;
(ix) arterial or venous thrombosis; or
(x) pulmonary embolism
should be evaluated by a cardiologist before a fit assessment may be considered.
(c) Thromboembolic disorders
Whilst anticoagulation therapy is initiated, cabin crew members should be assessed as unfit.
After a period of stable anticoagulation, a fit assessment may be considered with limitation(s),
as appropriate. Anticoagulation should be considered stable if, within the last 6 months, at least
5 INR values are documented, of which at least 4 are within the INR target range and the
haemorrhagic risk is acceptable. In cases of anticoagulation medication not requiring INR
monitoring, a fit assessment may be considered after a stabilisation period of 3 months. Cabin
crew members with pulmonary embolism should also be evaluated by a cardiologist. Following
cessation of anticoagulant therapy, for any indication, cabin crew members should undergo a
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(d) Syncope
(1) In the case of a single episode of vasovagal syncope which can be satisfactorily explained,
a fit assessment may be considered.
(2) Cabin crew members with a history of recurrent vasovagal syncope should be assessed
as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered after a 6-month period without recurrence,
provided cardiological evaluation is satisfactory. Neurological review may be indicated.
(e) Blood pressure
Blood pressure should be recorded at each examination.
(1) The blood pressure should be within normal limits and should not consistently exceed
160 mmHg systolic and/or 95 mmHg diastolic, with or without treatment, taking into
account other risk factors.
(2) Cabin crew members initiating medication for the control of blood pressure should be
assessed as unfit until the absence of any significant side effects has been established
and verification that the treatment is compatible with the safe exercise of cabin crew
duties has been achieved.
(f) Coronary artery disease
(1) Cabin crew members with:
(i) cardiac ischaemia;
(ii) symptomatic coronary artery disease; or
(iii) symptoms of coronary artery disease controlled by medication
should be assessed as unfit.
(2) Cabin crew members who are asymptomatic after myocardial infarction or surgery for
coronary artery disease should have fully recovered before a fit assessment may be
considered. The affected cabin crew members should be on appropriate secondary
prevention treatment.
(g) Rhythm/conduction disturbances
(1) Cabin crew members with any significant disturbance of cardiac conduction or rhythm
should undergo cardiological evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.
(2) Cabin crew members with a history of:
(i) ablation therapy; or
(ii) pacemaker implantation
should undergo satisfactory cardiovascular evaluation before a fit assessment may be
(3) Cabin crew members with:
(i) symptomatic sinoatrial disease;
(ii) symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
(iii) complete atrioventricular block;
(iv) symptomatic QT prolongation;
(v) an automatic implantable defibrillating system; or
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(vi) a ventricular anti-tachycardia pacemaker
should be assessed as unfit.
AMC3 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members with significant impairment of pulmonary function should be assessed as
unfit. A fit assessment may be considered once pulmonary function has recovered and is
(b) Cabin crew members should undergo pulmonary morphological or functional tests on when
clinically indicated.
(c) Cabin crew members with a history or established diagnosis of:
(1) asthma;
(2) active inflammatory disease of the respiratory system;
(3) active sarcoidosis;
(4) pneumothorax;
(5) sleep apnoea syndrome/sleep disorder; or
(6) major thoracic surgery
should undergo respiratory evaluation with a satisfactory result before a fit assessment may be
(d) Cabin crew members who have undergone a pneumonectomy should be assessed as unfit.
AMC4 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members with any disease or sequelae of surgical intervention in any part of the
digestive tract or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation in flight, in particular any obstruction
due to stricture or compression, should be assessed as unfit.
(b) Cabin crew members should be free from herniae that might give rise to incapacitating
(c) Cabin crew members with disorders of the gastro-intestinal system, including:
(1) recurrent severe dyspeptic disorder requiring medication;
(2) peptic ulceration;
(3) pancreatitis;
(4) symptomatic gallstones;
(5) an established diagnosis or history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease;
(6) after surgical operation on the digestive tract or its adnexa, including surgery involving
total or partial excision or a diversion of any of these organs;
(7) morphological or functional liver disease; or
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(8) after surgery, including liver transplantation
may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory gastroenterological evaluation.
AMC5 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members should not possess any functional or structural metabolic, nutritional or
endocrine disorder which is likely to interfere with the safe exercise of their duties and
(b) Cabin crew members with metabolic, nutritional or endocrine dysfunction may be assessed as
fit, subject to demonstrated stability of the condition and satisfactory aero-medical evaluation.
(c) Diabetes mellitus
(1) Cabin crew members with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin may be assessed as fit:
(i) if it can be demonstrated that adequate blood sugar control has been achieved and
hypoglycaemia awareness is established and maintained; and
(ii) in the absence, within the preceding 12 months, of any;
(A) hospitalisation related to diabetes; or
(B) hypoglycaemia that resulted in a seizure, loss of consciousness, impaired
cognitive function or that required the intervention by another party; or
(C) episode of hypoglycaemia unawareness.
(2) Limitations should be imposed as appropriate. A limitation to undergo specific medical
examinations (SIC) and a restriction to operate only in multi-cabin crew operations (MCL)
should be placed as a minimum.
(3) Cabin crew members with diabetes mellitus not requiring insulin may be assessed as fit
if it can be demonstrated that adequate blood sugar control has been achieved and
hypoglycaemia awareness, if applicable considering the medication, is achieved.
AMC6 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Cabin crew members with a haematological condition, such as:
(a) abnormal haemoglobin including, but not limited to, anaemia, erythrocytosis or
(b) coagulation, haemorrhagic or thrombotic disorder;
(c) significant lymphatic enlargement;
(d) acute or chronic leukaemia; or
(e) splenomegaly
may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory aero-medical evaluation. If anticoagulation is being used
as treatment, refer to AMC2 MED.C.025(c).
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AMC7 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Urine analysis should form part of every aero-medical examination and assessment. The urine
should not contain any abnormal element(s) considered to be of pathological significance.
(b) Cabin crew members with any disease or sequelae of surgical procedures on the kidneys or the
urinary tract, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression likely to cause
incapacitation should be assessed as unfit.
(c) Cabin crew members with a genitourinary disorder, such as:
(1) renal disease; or
(2) a history of renal colic due to one or more urinary calculi
may be assessed as fit subject to satisfactory renal/urological evaluation.
(d) Cabin crew members who have undergone a major surgical operation in the genitourinary
apparatus involving a total or partial excision or a diversion of its organs should be assessed as
unfit and be re-assessed after recovery before a fit assessment may be made.
(e) Cabin crew members who have undergone renal transplantation may be considered for a fit
assessment if it is fully compensated and tolerated with only minimal immuno-suppressive
therapy after at least 12 months. A requirement to undergo specific medical examinations (SIC)
and a restriction to operate only in multi-cabin crew operations (MCL) should be considered.
(f) Cabin crew members requiring dialysis should be assessed as unfit.
AMC8 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Cabin crew members who are HIV positive may be assessed as fit if investigation provides no evidence
of clinical disease and subject to satisfactory aero-medical evaluation.
AMC9 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members who have undergone a major gynaecological operation should be
assessed as unfit until after recovery.
(b) Pregnancy
(1) A pregnant cabin crew member may be assessed as fit only during the first 16 weeks of
gestation following review of the obstetric evaluation by the AME or OHMP.
(2) A limitation not to perform duties as single cabin crew member should be considered.
(3) The AME or OHMP should provide written advice to the cabin crew member and
supervising physician regarding potentially significant complications of pregnancy
resulting from flying duties.
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AMC10 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members should have sufficient standing height, arm and leg length and muscular
strength for the safe exercise of their duties and responsibilities.
(b) Cabin crew members should have satisfactory functional use of the musculoskeletal system.
Particular attention should be paid to emergency procedures and evacuation, and related
(c) Cabin crew members with any significant sequelae from disease, injury or congenital
abnormality affecting the bones, joints, muscles or tendons with or without surgery require full
evaluation prior to a fit assessment.
(d) Cabin crew members with inflammatory, infiltrative, traumatic or degenerative disease of the
musculoskeletal system may be assessed as fit provided the condition is in remission or is stable
and the affected cabin crew member is not taking any medication that may lead to unfitness.
AMC11 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members with a mental or behavioural disorder due to use or misuse of alcohol or
other psychoactive substances should be assessed as unfit pending recovery and freedom from
psychoactive substance use or misuse and subject to satisfactory psychiatric evaluation after
successful treatment.
(b) Cabin crew members with an established history or clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia,
schizotypal or delusional disorder should be assessed as unfit.
(c) Cabin crew members with a psychiatric condition such as:
(1) mood disorder;
(2) neurotic disorder;
(3) personality disorder; or
(4) mental or behavioural disorder
should undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.
(d) Cabin crew members with a history of a single or repeated acts of deliberate self-harm should
be assessed as unfit. Cabin crew members should undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation
before a fit assessment may be considered.
(e) Where there is established evidence that a cabin crew member has a psychological disorder,
he/she should be referred for psychological opinion and advice.
(f) The psychological evaluation may include a collection of biographical data, the review of
aptitudes, and personality tests and psychological interview.
(g) The psychologist should submit a report to the AME or OHMP, detailing the results and
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AMC12 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Cabin crew members with an established history or clinical diagnosis of:
(1) epilepsy; or
(2) recurring episodes of disturbance of consciousness of uncertain cause
should be assessed as unfit.
(b) Cabin crew members with an established history or clinical diagnosis of:
(1) epilepsy without recurrence after 5 years of age and without treatment for more than 10
(2) epileptiform EEG abnormalities and focal slow waves;
(3) progressive or non-progressive disease of the nervous system;
(4) inflammatory disease of the central or peripheral nervous system;
(5) migraine;
(6) a single episode of disturbance of consciousness of uncertain cause;
(7) loss of consciousness after head injury;
(8) penetrating brain injury; or
(9) spinal or peripheral nerve injury
should undergo further evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.
(c) Cabin crew members with a disorder of the nervous system due to vascular deficiencies
including haemorrhagic and ischaemic events should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may
be considered if neurological review and musculoskeletal assessments are satisfactory.
AMC13 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Examination
(1) a routine eye examination should form part of the initial and all further examinations and
assessments; and
(2) an extended eye examination should be undertaken by an eye specialist when clinically
indicated.(Refer to GM2 MED.B.070)
(b) Distant visual acuity, with or without correction, should be with both eyes 6/9 (0,7) or better.
(c) Cabin crew members should be able to read an N5 chart (or equivalent) at 3050 cm, with
correction if prescribed (Refer to GM1 MED.B.070).
(d) The binocular visual field or, in the case of monocularity, the monocular visual field should be
(e) Cabin crew members who have undergone refractive surgery may be assessed as fit subject to
satisfactory ophthalmic evaluation.
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(f) Cabin crew members with diplopia should be assessed as unfit.
(g) Spectacles and contact lenses:
If satisfactory visual function is achieved only with the use of correction:
(1) in the case of myopia or hyperopia or both, spectacles or contact lenses should be worn
whilst on duty;
(2) in the case of presbyopia, spectacles should be readily available for immediate use;
(3) the correction should provide optimal visual function and be well-tolerated;
(4) a spare set of similarly correcting spectacles should be readily available for immediate
use whilst on duty;
(5) orthokeratologic lenses should not be used.
AMC14 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Cabin crew members should be able to correctly identify 9 of the first 15 plates of the 24-plate edition
of Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates. Alternatively, cabin crew members should demonstrate the
ability to readily perceive those colours of which the perception is required for the safe performance
of their duties.
AMC15 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Hearing should be satisfactory for the safe exercise of cabin crew duties and responsibilities.
Cabin crew with hypoacusis should demonstrate satisfactory functional hearing abilities.
(b) Examination
(1) An ear, nose and throat (ENT) examination should form part of all examinations and
assessments. A tympanometry or equivalent should be performed at the initial
examination and when clinically indicated.
(2) Hearing should be tested at all examinations and assessments:
(i) the cabin crew member should understand correctly conversational speech when
tested with each ear at a distance of 2 metres from and with the cabin crew
member’s back turned towards the examiner;
(ii) notwithstanding (b)(2)(i), hearing should be tested with pure tone audiometry at
the initial examination and when clinically indicated;
(iii) at initial examination the cabin crew member should not have a hearing loss of
more than 35 dB at any of the frequencies 500 Hz, 1 000 Hz or 2 000 Hz, or more
than 50 dB at 3 000 Hz, in either ear separately.
(3) If the hearing requirements can be met only with the use of hearing aid(s), the hearing
aid(s) should provide optimal hearing function, be well-tolerated, and suitable for
aviation purposes.
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(c) Cabin crew members with:
(1) an active pathological process of the internal or middle ear;
(2) unhealed perforation or dysfunction of the tympanic membrane(s);
(3) disturbance of vestibular function;
(4) significant restriction of the nasal passages;
(5) sinus dysfunction;
(6) significant malformation or significant infection of the oral cavity or upper respiratory
(7) significant disorder of speech or voice
should undergo further examination to establish that the condition does not interfere with the
safe exercise of their duties and responsibilities.
AMC16 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
In cases where a dermatological condition is associated with a systemic illness, full consideration
should be given to the underlying illness before a fit assessment may be made.
AMC17 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) After treatment for malignant disease, cabin crew members should undergo satisfactory
oncological and aero-medical evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.
(b) Cabin crew members with an established history or clinical diagnosis of intracerebral malignant
tumour should be assessed as unfit. Considering the histology of the tumour, a fit assessment
may be considered after successful treatment and recovery.
GM1 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) When conducting aero-medical examinations and assessments, typical cabin crew duties as
listed in (b) and (c), particularly those to be performed during abnormal operations and
emergency situations, and cabin crew responsibilities to the travelling public should be
considered in order to identify:
(1) any physical and/or mental conditions that could be detrimental to the performance of
the duties required from cabin crew; and
(2) which examination(s), test(s) or investigation(s) should be undergone to complete an
appropriate aero-medical assessment.
(b) Main cabin crew duties and responsibilities during day-to-day normal operations
(1) During pre/post-flight ground operations with/without passengers on board:
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(i) monitoring of situation inside the aircraft cabin and awareness of conditions
outside the aircraft including observation of visible aircraft surfaces and
information to flight crew of any surface contamination such as ice or snow;
(ii) assistance to special categories of passengers (SCPs) such as infants and children
(accompanied or unaccompanied), persons with disabilities or reduced mobility,
medical cases with or without medical escort, and inadmissible persons, deportees
and passengers in custody;
(iii) observation of passengers (any suspicious behaviour, passengers under the
influence of alcohol and/or drugs, mentally disturbed), observation of potential
able-bodied persons, crowd control during boarding and disembarkation;
(iv) safe stowage of cabin luggage, safety demonstrations and cabin secured checks,
management of passengers and ground services during re-fuelling, observation of
use of portable electronic devices;
(v) preparedness to carry out safety and emergency duties at any time, and security
(2) During flight:
(i) operation and monitoring of aircraft systems, surveillance of the cabin, lavatories,
galleys, crew areas and flight crew compartment;
(ii) coordination with flight crew on situation in the cabin and turbulence
(iii) management and observation of passengers (consumption of alcohol, behaviour,
potential medical issues), observation of use of portable electronic devices;
(iv) safety and security awareness and preparedness to carry out safety and emergency
duties at any time, and cabin secured checks prior to landing.
(c) Main cabin crew duties and responsibilities during abnormal and emergency operations
(1) In case of planned or unplanned emergency evacuation: briefing and/or commands to
passengers including SCPs and selection and briefing to able-bodied persons; crowd
control monitoring and evacuation conduct including in the absence of command from
the flight crew; post-evacuation duties including assistance, first aid and management of
survivors and survival in particular environments; activation of applicable communication
means towards search and rescue services.
(2) In case of decompression: checking of crew members, passengers, cabin, lavatories,
galleys, crew rest areas and flight crew compartment, and administering oxygen to crew
members and passengers as necessary.
(3) In case of pilot incapacitation: secure pilot in his/her seat or remove from flight crew
compartment; administer first aid and assist operating pilot as required.
(4) In case of fire or smoke: identify source/cause/type of fire/smoke to perform the
necessary required actions; coordinate with other cabin crew members and flight crew;
select appropriate extinguisher/agent and fight the fire using portable breathing
equipment (PBE), gloves, and protective clothing as required; management of necessary
passengers’ movement if possible; instructions to passengers to prevent smoke
inhalation/suffocation; give first aid as necessary; monitor the affected area until landing;
preparation for possible emergency landing.
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(5) In case of first aid and medical emergencies: assistance to crew members and/or
passengers; correct assessment and correct use of therapeutic oxygen, defibrillator, first-
aid kits/emergency medical kit contents as required; management of events, of
incapacitated person(s) and of other passengers; coordination and effective
communication with other crew members, in particular when medical advice is
transmitted by frequency to flight crew or by a telecommunication connection.
(6) In case of disruptive passenger behaviour: passenger management as appropriate
including use of restraint technique as considered required.
(7) In case of security threats (bomb threat on ground or in-flight and/or hijack): control of
cabin areas and passengers’ management as required by the type of threat, management
of suspicious device, protection of flight crew compartment door.
(8) In case of handling of dangerous goods: observing safety procedures when handling the
affected device, in particular when handling chemical substances that are leaking;
protection and management of self and passengers and effective coordination and
communication with other crew members.
GM2 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
When considering a fit assessment for cabin crew with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin, account
should be taken of the IATA Guidelines on Insulin-Treated Diabetes (Cabin Crew), as last amended.
GM3 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Examples of colours of which the perception is required for the safe performance of cabin crew
members’ duties are: cabin crew indication panels, pressure gauges of emergency equipment (e.g. fire
extinguishers) and cabin door status.
GM4 MED.C.025 Content of aero-medical assessments
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The pure tone audiogram may also cover the 4 000 Hz frequency for early detection of decrease in
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MED.C.030 Cabin crew medical report
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) After completion of each aero-medical assessment, applicants for, and holders of, a cabin crew
(1) shall be provided with a cabin crew medical report by the AME,AeMC or OHMP; and
(2) shall provide the related information, or a copy of their cabin crew medical report to the
operator(s) employing their services.
(b) Cabin crew medical report
A cabin crew medical report shall indicate the date of the aero-medical assessment, whether
the cabin crew member has been assessed fit or unfit, the date of the next required aero-
medical assessment and, if applicable, any limitation(s). Any other elements shall be subject to
medical confidentiality in accordance with MED.A.015.
AMC1 MED.C.030 Cabin crew medical report
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The cabin crew medical report to be provided in writing to the applicants for, and holders of, a cabin
crew attestation:
(a) should be issued in the national language(s) and/or in English; and
(b) should include the following elements:
(1) The State where the aero-medical assessment of the Cabin Crew Attestation (CCA)
applicant/holder was conducted (I);
(2) Last and first name of the CCA applicant/holder (IV);
(3) Date of birth of the CCA applicant/holder (dd/mm/yyyy) (XIV);
(4) Nationality of the CCA applicant/holder (VI);
(5) Signature of the CCA applicant/holder (VII);
(6) Aero-medical assessment result (fit or unfit) (II);
(7) Expiry date of the previous cabin crew medical report (dd/mm/yyyy);
(8) Date of issue (dd/mm/yyyy) and signature of the AeMC, AME, or OHMP (X);
(9) Date of the aero-medical assessment (dd/mm/yyyy);
(10) Seal or stamp of the AeMC, AME or OHMP (XI);
(11) Limitation(s), if applicable (XII);
(12) Expiry date of medical report (dd/mm/yyyy) (IX).
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GM1 MED.C.030(b) Cabin crew medical report
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The format of the cabin crew medical report may be as shown in the example below, with the size of
each sheet being 1/8 of A4.
State of issue
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I The State where the aero-medical assessment
is conducted:
III Cabin crew attestation reference number:
IV Last and first name:
XIV Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
VI Nationality:
VII Signature of CCA applicant/holder:
II Aero-medical assessment result (fit/unfit):
Expiry date of the previous cabin crew
medical report (dd/mm/yyyy):
Date of aero-medical assessment
X Date of issue* (dd/mm/yyyy):
X Signature of the AeMC, AME or OHMP:
XI Seal or stamp of the AeMC, AME or OHMP:
* Date of issue is the date the Cabin Crew Medical Report is issued and signed.
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XII Limitation(s), if applicable:
IX Expiry date of this medical report
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MED.C.035 Limitations
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) If holders of a cabin crew attestation do not fully comply with the medical requirements
specified in Section 2, the AME,AeMC or OHMP shall consider whether they may be able to
perform cabin crew duties safely if complying with one or more limitations.
(b) Any limitation(s) to the exercise of the privileges granted by the cabin crew attestation shall be
specified on the cabin crew medical report and shall only be removed by an AME,AeMC or by
an OHMP in consultation with an AME.
AMC1 MED.C.035 Limitations
ED Decision 2019/002/R
When assessing whether the holder of a cabin crew attestation may be able to perform cabin crew
duties safely if complying with one or more limitations, the following possible limitations should be
(a) a restriction to operate only in multi-cabin crew operations (MCL);
(b) a restriction to specified aircraft type(s) (OAL) or to a specified type of operation (OOL);
(c) a requirement to undergo the next aero-medical examination and assessment at an earlier date
than required by MED.C.005(b) (TML);
(d) a requirement to undergo specific medical examination(s) (SIC);
(e) a requirement for visual correction (CVL), or by means of contact lenses that correct for
defective vision (CCL);
(f) a requirement to use hearing aids (HAL); and
(g) special restriction as specified (SSL).
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MED.D.001 Privileges
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) The privileges of holders of an aero-medical examiner (AME) certificate are to issue, revalidate
and renew class 2 medical certificates and LAPL medical certificates and to conduct the relevant
medical examinations and assessments.
(b) Holders of an AME certificate may apply for an extension of their privileges to include medical
examinations for the revalidation and renewal of class 1 medical certificates, if they comply with
the requirements set out in point MED.D.015.
(c) The privileges of a holder of an AME certificate referred to in points (a) and (b) shall include the
privileges to conduct cabin crew members’ aero-medical examinations and assessments and to
provide the related cabin crew members’ medical reports, as applicable, in accordance with this
Annex (Part-MED).
(d) The scope of the privileges of the holder of an AME certificate, and any condition thereof, shall
be specified in that certificate.
(e) A holder of an AME certificate shall not at any time hold more than one AME certificate issued
in accordance with this Regulation.
(f) Holders of an AME certificate shall not undertake aero-medical examinations and assessments
in a Member State other than the Member State that issued their AME certificate, unless they
have completed all the following steps:
(1) they have been granted access by the other Member State concerned to exercise their
professional activities as a specialised doctor;
(2) they have informed the competent authority of that other Member State of their
intention to conduct aero-medical examinations and assessments and to issue medical
certificates within the scope of their privileges as AME;
(3) they have received a briefing from the competent authority of that other Member State.
MED.D.005 Application
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) An application for an AME certificate or for an extension of the privileges of an AME certificate
shall be made in a form and manner specified by the competent authority.
(b) Applicants for an AME certificate shall provide the competent authority with:
(1) their personal details and professional address;
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(2) documentation demonstrating that they comply with the requirements of point
MED.D.010, including evidence of successful completion of the training course in aviation
medicine appropriate to the privileges they apply for;
(3) a written declaration that, once the AME certificate has been issued, the AME will issue
medical certificates on the basis of the requirements of this Regulation.
(c) When AMEs undertake aero-medical examinations in more than one location, they shall provide
the competent authority with relevant information regarding all practice locations and practice
MED.D.010 Requirements for the issue of an AME certificate
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
Applicants shall be issued an AME certificate, where they meet all of the following conditions:
(a) they are fully qualified and licensed for the practice of medicine and have evidence of
completion of specialist medical training;
(b) they have successfully completed a basic training course in aviation medicine, including
practical training in the examination methods and aero-medical assessments;
(c) they have demonstrated to the competent authority that they:
(1) have adequate facilities, procedures, documentation and functioning equipment suitable
for aero-medical examinations;
(2) have in place the necessary procedures and conditions to ensure medical confidentiality.
MED.D.011 Privileges of an AME certificate holder
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
Through the issuance of an AME certificate, the holder shall be granted the privileges to initially issue,
revalidate and renew all of the following:
(c) class 2 medical certificates;
(d) LAPL medical certificates;
(e) cabin crew members’ medical reports.
MED.D.015 Requirements for the extension of privileges
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
Applicants shall be issued an AME certificate extending their privileges to the revalidation and renewal
of class 1 medical certificates where they meet all of the following conditions:
(a) they hold a valid AME certificate;
(b) they conducted at least 30 examinations for the issue, revalidation or renewal of class 2 medical
certificates or equivalent over a period of no more than 3 years preceding the application;
(c) they successfully completed an advanced training course in aviation medicine, including
practical training in the examination methods and aero-medical assessments;
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(d) they have successfully completed practical training of a duration of at least 2 days, either at an
AeMC or under the supervision of the competent authority.
MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Training courses in aviation medicine refered to in MED.D.010(b) and MED.D.015(c) shall only
be provided after the prior approval of the course by the competent authority of the Member
State where the training organisation has its principal place of business. In order to obtain such
approval, the training organisation shall demonstrate that the course syllabus contains the
learning objectives to acquire the necessary competencies and that the persons in charge of
providing the training have adequate knowledge and experience.
(b) Except in the case of refresher training, the courses shall be concluded by a written examination
on the subjects included in the course content.
(c) The training organisation shall issue a certificate of successful completion to participants when
they have obtained a pass in the examination.
AMC1 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Basic training course for AMEs
The basic training course for AMEs should consist of 60 hours of theoretical and practical
training, including specific examination techniques.
(b) The learning objectives to acquire the necessary competencies should include theoretical
knowledge, risk management, and decision-making principles in the following subjects.
Demonstrations and practical skills should also be included, where appropriate.
(1) Introduction to aviation medicine;
(2) Basic aeronautical knowledge;
(3) Aviation physiology;
(4) Cardiovascular system;
(5) Respiratory system;
(6) Digestive system;
(7) Metabolic and endocrine systems;
(8) Haematology;
(9) Genitourinary system;
(10) Obstetrics and gynaecology;
(11) Musculoskeletal system;
(12) Psychiatry;
(13) Psychology;
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(14) Neurology;
(15) Visual system and colour vision;
(16) Otorhinolaryngology;
(17) Oncology;
(18) Incidents and accidents escape and survival;
(19) Medication and flying;
(20) Legislation, rules and regulations;
(21) Cabin crew working environment;
(22) In-flight environment; and
(23) Space medicine.
AMC2 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Advanced training course for AMEs
The advanced training course for AMEs should consist of 66 hours of theoretical and practical
training, including specific examination techniques.
(b) The learning objectives to acquire the necessary competencies should include theoretical
knowledge, risk management, and decision-making principles in the following subjects.
Demonstrations and practical skills should also be included, where appropriate.
(1) Pilot working environment;
(2) Aerospace physiology;
(3) Clinical medicine;
(4) Cardiovascular system;
(5) Neurology;
(6) Psychiatry/psychology;
(7) Visual system and colour vision;
(8) Otorhinolaryngology;
(9) Dentistry;
(10) Human factors in aviation;
(11) Incidents and accidents, escape and survival; and
(12) Tropical medicine.
(c) Practical training in an AeMC should be under the guidance and supervision of the head of the
(d) After the successful completion of the practical training, a report of demonstrated competency
should be issued.
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GM1 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Basic training course in aviation medicine 60 hours
(1) Introduction to aviation medicine 2 hours
(i) History of aviation medicine
(ii) Specific aspects of civil aviation medicine
(iii) Different types of recreational flying
(iv) AME and pilots relationship
(v) Responsibility of the AME in aviation safety
(vi) Communication and interview techniques
(2) Basic aeronautical knowledge 2 hours
(i) Flight mechanisms
(ii) Man-machine interface, informational processing
(iii) Propulsion
(iv) Conventional instruments, ‘glass cockpit’
(v) Recreational flying
(vi) Simulator/aircraft experience
(3) Aviation physiology 9 hours
(i) Atmosphere
(A) Functional limits for humans in flight
(B) Divisions of the atmosphere
(C) Gas laws physiological significance
(D) Physiological effects of decompression
(ii) Respiration
(A) Blood gas exchange
(B) Oxygen saturation
(iii) Hypoxia signs and symptoms
(A) Average time of useful consciousness (TUC)
(B) Hyperventilation signs and symptoms
(C) Barotrauma
(D) Decompression sickness
(iv) Acceleration
(A) G-Vector orientation
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(B) Effects and limits of G-load
(C) Methods to increase Gz-tolerance
(D) Positive/negative acceleration
(E) Acceleration and the vestibular system
(v) Visual disorientation
(A) Sloping cloud deck
(B) Ground lights and stars confusion
(C) Visual autokinesis
(vi) Vestibular disorientation
(A) Anatomy of the inner ear
(B) Function of the semicircular canals
(C) Function of the otolith organs
(D) The oculogyral and coriolis illusion
(E) ‘Leans’
(F) Forward acceleration illusion of ‘nose up
(G) Deceleration illusion of ‘nose down’
(H) Motion sickness causes and management
(vii) Noise and vibration
(A) Preventive measures
(4) Cardiovascular system 3 hours
(i) Relation to aviation; risk of incapacitation
(ii) Examination procedures: ECG, laboratory testing and other special examinations
(iii) Cardiovascular diseases:
(A) Hypertension, treatment and assessment
(B) Ischaemic heart disease
(C) ECG findings
(D) Assessment of satisfactory recovery from myocardial infarction,
interventional procedures and surgery
(E) Cardiomyopathies; pericarditis; rheumatic heart disease; valvular diseases
(F) Rhythm and conduction disturbances, treatment and assessment
(G) Congenital heart disease: surgical treatment, assessment
(H) Cardiovascular syncope: single and repeated episodes
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Topics (5) to (11) inclusive, and (17) 10 hours
(5) Respiratory system
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Examination procedures: spirometry, peak flow, x-ray, other examinations
(iii) Pulmonary diseases: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
(iv) Infections, tuberculosis
(v) Bullae, pneumothorax
(vi) Obstructive sleep apnoea
(vii) Treatment and assessment
(6) Digestive system
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Examination of the system
(iii) Gastro-intestinal disorders: gastritis, ulcer disease
(iv) Biliary tract disorders
(v) Hepatitis and pancreatitis
(vi) Inflammatory bowel disease, irritable colon/irritable bowel disease
(vii) Herniae
(viii) Treatment and assessment including post-abdominal surgery
(7) Metabolic and endocrine systems
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Endocrine disorders
(iii) Diabetes mellitus Type 1 & 2
(A) Diagnostic tests and criteria
(B) Anti-diabetic therapy
(C) Operational aspects in aviation
(D) Satisfactory control criteria for aviation
(iv) Hyper/hypothyroidism
(v) Pituitary and adrenal glands disorders
(vi) Treatment and assessment
(8) Haematology
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Blood donation aspects
(iii) Erythrocytosis; anaemia; leukaemia; lymphoma
(iv) Sickle cell disorders
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(v) Platelet disorders
(vi) Haemoglobinopathies; geographical distribution; classification
(vii) Treatment and assessment
(9) Genitourinary system
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Action to be taken after discovery of abnormalities in routine dipstick urinalysis,
e.g. haematuria; albuminuria
(iii) Urinary system disorders:
(A) Nephritis; pyelonephritis; obstructive uropathies
(B) Tuberculosis
(C) Lithiasis: single episode; recurrence
(D) Nephrectomy, transplantation, other treatment and assessment
(10) Obstetrics and gynaecology
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Pregnancy and aviation
(iii) Disorders, treatment and assessment
(11) Musculoskeletal system
(i) Vertebral column diseases
(ii) Arthropathies and arthroprosthesis
(iii) Pilots with a physical impairment
(iv) Treatment of musculoskeletal system, assessment for flying
(12) Psychiatry 2 hours
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Psychiatric examination
(iii) Psychiatric disorders: neurosis; personality disorders; psychosis; organic mental
(iv) Alcohol and other psychoactive substance(s) use
(v) Treatment, rehabilitation and assessment
(13) Psychology 2 hours
(i) Introduction to psychology in aviation as a supplement to psychiatric assessment
(ii) Methods of psychological examination
(iii) Behaviour and personality
(iv) Workload management and situational awareness
(v) Flight motivation and suitability
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(vi) Group social factors
(vii) Psychological stress, stress coping, fatigue
(viii) Psychomotor functions and age
(ix) Mental fitness and training
(14) Neurology 3 hours
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation
(ii) Examination procedures
(iii) Neurological disorders
(A) Seizures assessment of single episode
(B) Epilepsy
(C) Multiple sclerosis
(D) Head trauma
(E) Post-traumatic states
(F) Vascular diseases
(G) Tumours
(H) Disturbance of consciousness assessment of single and repeated episodes
(iv) Degenerative diseases
(v) Sleep disorders
(vi) Treatment and assessment
(15) Visual system and colour vision 4 hours
(i) Anatomy of the eye
(ii) Relation to aviation duties
(iii) Examination techniques
(A) Visual acuity assessment
(B) Visual aids
(C) Visual fields acceptable limits for certification
(D) Ocular muscle balance
(E) Assessment of pathological eye conditions
(F) Glaucoma
(iv) Monocularity and medical flight tests
(v) Colour vision
(vi) Methods of testing: pseudoisochromatic plates, lantern tests, anomaloscopy
(vii) Importance of standardisation of tests and of test protocols
(viii) Assessment after eye surgery
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(16) Otorhinolaryngology 3 hours
(i) Anatomy of the systems
(ii) Clinical examination in ORL
(iii) Functional hearing tests
(iv) Vestibular system; vertigo, examination techniques
(v) Assessment after ENT surgery
(vi) Barotrauma ears and sinuses
(vii) Aeronautical ENT pathology
(viii) ENT requirements
(17) Oncology
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of metastasis and incapacitation
(ii) Risk management
(iii) Different methods of treatment and assessment
(18) Incidents and accidents, escape and survival 1 hour
(i) Accident statistics
(ii) Injuries
(iii) Aviation pathology, post-mortem examination, identification
(iv) Aircraft evacuation
(A) Fire
(B) Ditching
(C) By parachute
(19) Medication and flying 2 hours
(i) Hazards of medications
(ii) Common side effects; prescription medications; over-the-counter medications;
herbal medications; ‘alternative’ therapies
(iii) Medication for sleep disturbance
(20) Legislation, rules and regulations 4 hours
(i) ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, European provisions (e.g.
Implementing Rules, AMC and GM)
(ii) Incapacitation: acceptable aero-medical risk of incapacitation; types of
incapacitation; operational aspects
(iii) Basic principles in assessment of fitness for aviation
(iv) Operational and environmental conditions
(v) Use of medical literature in assessing medical fitness; differences between
scientific study populations and licensed populations
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(vi) Flexibility
(vii) Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention, paragraph
(viii) Accredited Medical Conclusion; consideration of knowledge, skill and experience
(ix) Trained versus untrained crews; incapacitation training
(x) Medical flight tests
(21) Cabin crew working environment 1 hour
(i) Cabin environment, workload, duty and rest time, fatigue risk management
(ii) Cabin crew safety duties and associated training
(iii) Types of aircraft and types of operations
(iv) Single-cabin crew and multi-cabin crew operations
(22) In-flight environment 1 hour
(i) Hygiene aboard aircraft: water supply, oxygen supply, disposal of waste, cleaning,
disinfection and disinsection
(ii) Catering
(iii) Crew nutrition
(iv) Aircraft and transmission of diseases
(23) Space medicine 1 hour
(i) Microgravity and metabolism, life sciences
(24) Practical demonstrations of basic aeronautical knowledge 8 hours
(25) Concluding items 2 hours
(i) Final examination
(ii) De-briefing and critique
GM2 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Advanced training course in aviation medicine 66 hours
(1) Pilot working environment 6 hours
(i) Commercial aircraft flight crew compartment
(ii) Business jets, commuter flights, cargo flights
(iii) Professional airline operations
(iv) Fixed wing and helicopter, specialised operations including aerial work
(v) Air traffic control
(vi) Single-pilot/multi-pilot
(vii) Exposure to radiation and other harmful agents
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(2) Aerospace physiology 4 hours
(i) Brief review of basics in physiology (hypoxia, rapid/slow decompression,
hyperventilation, acceleration, ejection, spatial disorientation)
(ii) Simulator sickness
(3) Clinical medicine 5 hours
(i) Complete physical examination
(ii) Review of basics with relationship to commercial flight operations
(iii) Class 1 requirements
(iv) Clinical cases
(v) Communication and interview techniques
(4) Cardiovascular system 4 hours
(i) Cardiovascular examination and review of basics
(ii) Class 1 requirements
(iii) Diagnostic steps in cardiovascular system
(iv) Clinical cases
(5) Neurology 3 hours
(i) Brief review of basics (neurological and psychiatric examination)
(ii) Alcohol and other psychoactive substance(s) use
(iii) Class 1 requirements
(iv) Clinical cases
(6) Psychiatry/psychology 5 hours
(i) Brief review of basics (psychiatric/psychological evaluation techniques)
(ii) Alcohol and other psychoactive substance(s) use
(iii) Class 1 requirements
(iv) Clinical cases
(7) Visual system and colour vision 5 hours
(i) Brief review of basics (visual acuity, refraction, colour vision, visual fields, night
vision, stereopsis, monocularity)
(ii) Class 1 visual requirements
(iii) Implications of refractive and other eye surgery
(iv) Clinical cases
(8) Otorhinolaryngology 4 hours
(i) Brief review of basics (barotrauma ears and sinuses, functional hearing tests)
(ii) Noise and its prevention
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(iii) Vibration, kinetosis
(iv) Class 1 hearing requirements
(v) Clinical cases
(9) Dentistry 2 hours
(i) Oral examination including dental formula
(ii) Oral cavity, dental disorders and treatment, including implants, fillings, prosthesis,
(iii) Barodontalgia
(iv) Clinical cases
(10) Human factors in aviation, including 8 hours demonstration and practical experience
22 hours
(i) Long-haul flight operations
(A) Flight time limitations
(B) Sleep disturbance
(C) Extended/expanded crew
(D) Jet lag/time zones
(ii) Human information processing and system design
(A) Flight Management System (FMS), Primary Flight Display (PFD), datalink, fly
by wire
(B) Adaptation to the glass cockpit
(C) Crew Coordination Concept (CCC), Crew Resource Management (CRM), Line
Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) etc.
(D) Practical simulator training
(E) Ergonomics
(iii) Crew commonality
(A) Flying under the same type rating, e.g. A-318, A-319, A-320, A-321
(iv) Human factors in aircraft incidents and accidents
(v) Flight safety strategies in commercial aviation
(vi) Fear and refusal of flying
(vii) Psychological selection criteria
(viii) Operational requirements (flight time limitation, fatigue risk management, etc.)
(11) Incidents and accidents, escape and survival 2 hours
(i) Accident statistics
(ii) Types of injuries
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(iii) Aviation pathology, post-mortem examination related to aircraft accidents,
(iv) Rescue and emergency evacuation
(12) Tropical medicine 2 hours
(i) Endemicity of tropical disease
(ii) Infectious diseases (communicable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV
(iii) Vaccination of flight crew and passengers
(iv) Diseases transmitted by vectors
(v) Food and water-borne diseases
(vi) Parasitic diseases
(vii) International health regulations
(viii) Personal hygiene of aviation personnel
(13) Concluding items 2 hours
(i) Final examination
(ii) De-briefing and critique
GM3 MED.D.020 Training courses in aviation medicine
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) Principles of training:
To acquire knowledge and skills for the aero-medical examination and assessment, the training
should be:
(1) based on regulations;
(2) based on general clinical skills and knowledge necessary to conduct relevant
examinations for the different medical certificates;
(3) based on knowledge of the different risk assessments required for various types of
medical certification;
(4) based on an understanding of the limits of the decision-making competences of an AME
in assessing safety-critical medical conditions for when to defer and when to deny;
(5) based on knowledge of the aviation environment; and
(6) exemplified by clinical cases and practical demonstrations.
(b) Training outcomes:
The trainee should demonstrate a thorough understanding of:
(1) the aero-medical examination and assessment process:
(i) principles, requirements and methods;
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(ii) ability to investigate all clinical aspects that present aero-medical risks, the
reasonable use of additional investigations;
(iii) the role in the assessment of the ability of the pilot or cabin crew member to safely
perform their duties in special cases, such as the medical flight test;
(iv) aero-medical decision-making based on risk management;
(v) medical confidentiality; and
(vi) correct use of appropriate forms, and the reporting and storing of information;
(2) the conditions under which the pilots and cabin crew carry out their duties; and
(3) principles of preventive medicine, including aero-medical advice in order to help prevent
future limitations.
(c) The principles and training outcomes stated at (a) and (b) should also be taken into
consideration for refresher training programmes
MED.D.025 Changes to the AME certificate
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) Holders of an AME certificate shall, without undue delay, notify the competent authority of the
following circumstances which could affect their AME certificate:
(1) the AME is subject to disciplinary proceedings or investigation by a medical regulatory
(2) there are changes to the conditions under which the certificate was granted, including
the content of the statements provided with the application;
(3) the requirements for the issuance of the AME certificate are no longer met;
(4) there is a change to the aero-medical examiner’s practice location(s) or correspondence
(b) Failure to notify the competent authority in accordance with point (a) shall result in the
suspension or revocation of the AME certificate in accordance with point ARA.MED.250 of
Annex II (Part-ARA).
MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
An AME certificate shall be valid for a period of 3 years, unless the competent authority decides to
reduce that period for duly justified reasons related to the individual case.
Upon application by the holder, the certificate shall be:
(a) revalidated, provided that the holder:
(1) continues to fulfil the general conditions required for medical practice and maintains his
or her licence for the practice of medicine;
(2) has undertaken refresher training in aviation medicine within the last 3 years;
(3) has performed at least 10 aero-medical examinations or equivalent every year;
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(4) remains in compliance with the terms of the certificate;
(5) exercises the privileges in accordance with the requirements of this Annex (Part-MED);
(6) has demonstrated that he or she maintains his or her aero-medical competency in
accordance with the procedure established by the competent authority.
(b) renewed, provided that the holder complies with either the requirements for revalidation set
out in point (a) or with all of the following requirements:
(1) continues to fulfil the general conditions required for medical practice and maintains his
or her licence for the practice of medicine;
(2) has undertaken refresher training in aviation medicine within the previous year;
(3) has successfully completed practical training within the previous year, either at an AeMC
or under the supervision of the competent authority;
(4) remains in compliance with the requirements of point MED.D.010;
(5) has demonstrated that he or she maintains his or her aero-medical competency in
accordance with the procedure established by the competent authority.
AMC1 MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) It is the responsibility of the AME to continuously maintain and improve their competencies.
(b) During the period of validity of the AME certificate, an AME should attend a minimum of
20 hours of refresher training.
(c) An AME exercising class 1 privileges should attend at least 10 hours of refresher training per
(d) A proportionate number of refresher training hours should be provided by, or conducted under
the direct supervision of, the competent authority or the medical assessor.
(e) The curricula of refresher training hours referred to in (c) should be decided by the competent
authority following a risk-based assessment.
(f) Attendance at scientific meetings and congresses, and flight deck experience may be credited
by the competent authority for a specified number of hours against the training obligations of
the AME, provided the competent authority has assessed it in advance as being relevant for
crediting purposes.
(g) In case of renewal of an AME certificate, the practical training should include at least 10 aero-
medical assessments, in accordance with the type of the requested AME certificate.
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GM1 MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) The curricula for the refresher training hours that should be provided by, or conducted under
the direct supervision of, the competent authority or the medical assessor may include but are
not limited to subjects such as:
(1) Psychiatry
(i) Relation to aviation, risk of incapacitation;
(ii) Psychiatric examination;
(iii) Psychiatric disorders: neurosis, personality disorders, psychosis, organic mental
(iv) Alcohol and other psychoactive substance(s) use; and
(v) Treatment, rehabilitation and assessment.
(2) Psychology
(i) Introduction to psychology in aviation as a supplement to psychiatric assessment;
(ii) Methods of psychological examination;
(iii) Behaviour and personality;
(iv) Workload management and situational awareness;
(v) Flight motivation and suitability;
(vi) Group social factors;
(vii) Psychological stress, stress coping, fatigue;
(viii) Psychomotor functions and age; and
(ix) Mental fitness and training.
(3) Communication and interview techniques
(b) Scientific meetings, congresses or flight deck experience that may be credited by the competent
International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine Annual Congresses
10 hours credit
European Conference of Aerospace Medicine (ECAM)
10 hours credit
Aerospace Medical Association Annual Scientific Meetings (AsMA)
10 hours credit
Other scientific meetings (A minimum of 6 hours to be under the direct
supervision of the medical assessor of the competent authority)
10 hours credit
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Flight crew compartment experience (a maximum of 5 hours credit per 3 years):
(i) Jump seat 5 sectors 1 hour credit
(ii) Simulator 4 hours 1 hour credit
(iii) Aircraft piloting 4 hours 1 hour credit
(c) An AME exercising class 1 revalidation/renewal privileges should attend international aviation
medicine scientific meetings or congresses at regular intervals.
(d) Aero-medical examinations of military pilots may be considered as equivalent in accordance
with MED.D.030(a)(3), subject to approval by the medical assessor of the competent authority.
GM2 MED.D.030 Validity of AME certificates
ED Decision 2019/002/R
(a) The competent authority should promote better performance of AMEs by supporting the
establishment of AME peer support groups that could provide both professional support and
educational enhancement.
(b) Attendance to AME peer support group meetings may be credited by the competent authority
as refresher training. The competent authority should determine a maximum of hours that can
be credited as refresher training during the period of authorisation.
(c) AME peer support groups may be established as part of, or complementary to, national
associations of aerospace medicine.
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MED.D.035 Requirements for general medical practitioners
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
General medical practitioners (GMPs) may act as AMEs for issuing LAPL medical certificates, where
they meet all of the following conditions:
(a) they exercise their activity in a Member State where GMPs have access to the full medical
records of applicants;
(b) they exercise their activity in accordance with any additional requirements established in the
national law of the Member State of their competent authority;
(c) they are fully qualified and licensed for the practice of medicine in accordance with national law
of the Member State of their competent authority;
(d) they have notified the competent authority before starting such activity.
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MED.D.040 Requirements for occupational health medical
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
In Member States where the competent authority is satisfied that the requirements of the national
health system applicable to occupational health medical practitioners (OHMPs) are such as to ensure
compliance with the requirements of this Annex (Part-MED) applicable to OHMPs, OHMPs may
conduct aero-medical assessments of cabin crew, provided that:
(a) they are fully qualified and licensed in the practice of medicine and qualified in occupational
(b) the in-flight working environment and safety duties of the cabin crew were included in their
occupational medicine qualification syllabus or other training or operational experience;
(c) they have notified the competent authority before starting such activity.
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List of acronyms used throughout this Annex
ED Decision 2018/009/R
The following provides a list of acronyms used throughout this Annex:
(A) aeroplane
(H) helicopter
A/C aircraft
ACAS airborne collision avoidance system
AD airworthiness directive
AIS aeronautical information services
AM accountable manager
AeMC aero-medical centre
AMC acceptable means of compliance
AME aero-medical examiner
APP approach
APU auxiliary power unit
ARA authority requirements for aircrew
ATC air traffic control
ATO approved training organisation
ATPL airline transport pilot licence
BITD basic instrument training device
BPL balloon pilot licence
bpm beats per minute
CAT category
CBT computer-based training
CC cabin crew
CFI chief flying instructor
cm centimetres
CM compliance monitoring
CMP compliance-monitoring programme
CMS compliance-monitoring system
COP code of practice
CPL commercial pilot licence
CRM crew resource management
CS certification specifications
CS-FSTD(A) Certification Specifications for aeroplane flight simulation training devices
CS-FSTD(H) Certification Specifications for helicopter flight simulation training devices
CTKI chief theoretical-knowledge instructor
dB decibel
DG dangerous goods
DH decision height
DPATO defined point after take-off
DPBL decision point before landing
EC European Community
ECG electrocardiogram
ENT ear, nose and throat
EOG electro-oculography
ERP emergency response plan
ETOPS extended-range operations with twin-engined aeroplanes
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FANS future air navigation system
FATO final approach and take-off area
FD flight director
forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FFS full flight simulator
FMGC flight management and guidance computer
FMS flight management system
FNPT flight navigation and procedures trainer
FSTD flight simulation training device
ft feet
FTD flight training device
FTI flight test instructor
FVC forced vital capacity
GM guidance material
GMP general medical practitioner
GPS global positioning system
HEMS helicopter emergency medical service
HF human factors
Hg mercury
HHO helicopter hoist operation
HT head of training
Hz Hertz
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR instrument flight rules
IGE in-ground effect
ILS instrument landing system
IMC instrument meteorological conditions
IOS instructor operating station
IR instrument rating
kg kilogram
LAPL light aircraft pilot licence
LDP landing decision point
LIFUS line flying under supervision
LVO low-visibility operation
LVTO low visibility take-off
MCC multi-crew cooperation
MMEL master minimum equipment list
MPA multi-pilot aeroplane
MPL multi-crew pilot licence
NVIS night vision imaging system
m metre
mm millimetre
OGE out-of-ground effect
OPC operator proficiency check
ORA organisation requirements for aircrew
ORO organisation requirements for air operations
OSD operational suitability data
OTD other training device
PBN performance-based navigation
PF pilot flying
PIC pilot-in-command
PM pilot monitoring
POM proof of match
PPL private pilot licence
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QTG qualification test guide
ROD rate of descent
RVR runway visual range
RWY runway
SMM safety management manual
SOP standard operating procedure
SPL sailplane pilot licence
TAWS terrain avoidance and warning system
TDP take-off decision point
TRE type rating examiner
TRI type rating instructor
TWY taxiway
VDR validation data road map
VFR visual flight rules
ZFTT zero-flight-time training
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ARA.GEN.115 Oversight documentation
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The competent authority shall provide all legislative acts, standards, rules, technical publications and
related documents to relevant personnel in order to allow them to perform their tasks and to
discharge their responsibilities.
ARA.GEN.120 Means of compliance
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
(a) The Agency shall develop Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) that may be used to establish
compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. When the AMC are
complied with, the related requirements of the Implementing Rules are met.
(b) Alternative means of compliance may be used to establish compliance with the Implementing
(c) The competent authority shall establish a system to consistently evaluate that all alternative
means of compliance used by itself or by organisations and persons under its oversight allow
the establishment of compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
(d) The competent authority shall evaluate all alternative means of compliance proposed by an
organisation in accordance with ORA.GEN.120 by analysing the documentation provided and, if
considered necessary, conducting an inspection of the organisation.
When the competent authority finds that the alternative means of compliance are in
accordance with the Implementing Rules, it shall without undue delay:
(1) notify the applicant that the alternative means of compliance may be implemented and,
if applicable, amend the approval or certificate of the applicant accordingly; and
(2) notify the Agency of their content, including copies of all relevant documentation;
(3) inform other MS about alternative means of compliance that were accepted.
(e) When the competent authority itself uses alternative means of compliance to achieve
compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules it shall:
(1) make them available to all organisations and persons under its oversight; and
(2) without undue delay notify the Agency.
The competent authority shall provide the Agency with a full description of the alternative means of
compliance, including any revisions to procedures that may be relevant, as well as an assessment
demonstrating that the Implementing Rules are met.
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AMC1 ARA.GEN.120(d)(3) Means of compliance
ED Decision 2012/006/R
The information to be provided to other Member States following approval of an alternative means
of compliance should contain a reference to the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) to which
such means of compliance provides an alternative, as well as a reference to the corresponding
Implementing Rule, indicating as applicable the subparagraph(s) covered by the alternative means of
GM1 ARA.GEN.120 Means of compliance
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Alternative means of compliance used by a competent authority or by organisations under its
oversight may be used by other competent authorities or organisations only if processed again in
accordance with ARA.GEN.120(d) and (e).
ARA.GEN.125 Information to the Agency
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The competent authority shall without undue delay notify the Agency in case of any significant
problems with the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
(b) The competent authority shall provide the Agency with safety-significant information stemming
from the occurrence reports it has received.
ARA.GEN.135 Immediate reaction to a safety problem
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) Without prejudice to Directive 2003/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
competent authority shall implement a system to appropriately collect, analyse and
disseminate safety information.
(b) The Agency shall implement a system to appropriately analyse any relevant safety information
received and without undue delay provide to Member States and the Commission any
information, including recommendations or corrective actions to be taken, necessary for them
to react in a timely manner to a safety problem involving products, parts, appliances, persons
or organisations subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
(c) Upon receiving the information referred to in (a) and (b), the competent authority shall take
adequate measures to address the safety problem.
(d) Measures taken under (c) shall immediately be notified to all persons or organisations which
need to comply with them under Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. The
competent authority shall also notify those measures to the Agency and, when combined action
is required, the other Member States concerned.
OJ L 167, 4.7.2003, p. 23.
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ARA.GEN.200 Management system
Regulation (EU) 2018/1119
(a) The competent authority shall establish and maintain a management system, including as a
(1) documented policies and procedures to describe its organisation, means and methods to
achieve compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. The
procedures shall be kept up-to-date and serve as the basic working documents within
that competent authority for all related tasks;
(2) a sufficient number of personnel to perform its tasks and discharge its responsibilities.
Such personnel shall be qualified to perform their allocated tasks and have the necessary
knowledge, experience, initial and recurrent training to ensure continuing competence.
A system shall be in place to plan the availability of personnel, in order to ensure the
proper completion of all tasks;
(3) adequate facilities and office accommodation to perform the allocated tasks;
(4) a function to monitor compliance of the management system with the relevant
requirements and adequacy of the procedures including the establishment of an internal
audit process and a safety risk management process. Compliance monitoring shall include
a feedback system of audit findings to the senior management of the competent
authority to ensure implementation of corrective actions as necessary; and
(5) a person or group of persons, ultimately responsible to the senior management of the
competent authority for the compliance monitoring function.
(b) The competent authority shall, for each field of activity including management system, appoint
one or more persons with the overall responsibility for the management of the relevant task(s).
(c) The competent authority shall establish procedures for participation in a mutual exchange of
all necessary information and assistance with other competent authorities concerned, including
information on all findings raised, corrective follow-up actions taken pursuant to such findings
and enforcement measures taken as a result of oversight of persons and organisations
exercising activities in the territory of a Member State but certified by or having made
declarations to the competent authority of another Member State or the Agency.
(d) A copy of the procedures related to the management system and their amendments shall be
made available to the Agency for the purpose of standardisation.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(a) Management system
ED Decision 2018/009/R
(a) All of the following should be considered when deciding upon the required organisational
(1) the number of certificates, attestations, authorisations and approvals to be issued;
(2) the number of declared training organisations;
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(3) the number of certified persons and organisations exercising an activity within that
Member State, including persons or organisations certified by, or having made a
declaration to, other competent authorities;
(4) the possible use of qualified entities and of resources of other competent authorities to
fulfil the continuing oversight obligations;
(5) the level of civil aviation activity in terms of:
(i) number and complexity of aircraft operated;
(ii) size and complexity of the Member State’s aviation industry;
(6) the potential growth of activities in the field of civil aviation.
(b) The set-up of the organisational structure should ensure that the various tasks and obligations
of the competent authority do not rely solely on individuals. A continuous and undisturbed
fulfilment of these tasks and obligations of the competent authority should also be guaranteed
in case of illness, accident or leave of individual employees.
GM1 ARA.GEN.200(a) Management system
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The competent authority designated by each Member State should be organised in such a way
(1) there is specific and effective management authority in the conduct of all relevant
(2) the functions and processes described in the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC)
No 216/2008
and its Implementing Rules and AMCs, Certification Specifications (CSs)
and Guidance Material (GM) may be properly implemented;
(3) the competent authority’s organisation and operating procedures for the
implementation of the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
Implementing Rules are properly documented and applied;
(4) all competent authority personnel involved in the related activities are provided with
training where necessary;
(5) specific and effective provision is made for the communication and interface as necessary
with the Agency and the competent authorities of other Member States; and
(6) all functions related to implementing the applicable requirements are adequately
(b) A general policy in respect of activities related to the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC)
No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules should be developed, promoted and implemented by
the manager at the highest appropriate level; for example the manager at the top of the
functional area of the competent authority that is responsible for such activities.
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 on common rules in the field of civil
aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002
and Directive 2004/36/EC. OJ L 79, 19.3.2008, p. 1.
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(c) Appropriate steps should be taken to ensure that the policy is known and understood by all
personnel involved, and all necessary steps should be taken to implement and maintain the
(d) The general policy, whilst also satisfying additional national regulatory responsibilities, should
in particular take into account:
(1) the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008;
(2) the provisions of the applicable Implementing Rules and their AMCs, CSs and GM;
(3) the needs of industry; and
(4) the needs of the Agency and of the competent authority.
(e) The policy should define specific objectives for key elements of the organisation and processes
for implementing related activities, including the corresponding control procedures and the
measurement of the achieved standard.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The various elements of the organisation involved with the activities related to Regulation (EC)
No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules should be documented in order to establish a
reference source for the establishment and maintenance of this organisation.
(b) The documented procedures should be established in a way that facilitates their use. They
should be clearly identified, kept up-to-date and made readily available to all personnel involved
in the related activities.
(c) The documented procedures should cover, as a minimum, all of the following aspects:
(1) policy and objectives;
(2) organisational structure;
(3) responsibilities and associated authority;
(4) procedures and processes;
(5) internal and external interfaces;
(6) internal control procedures;
(7) training of personnel;
(8) cross-references to associated documents;
(9) assistance from other competent authorities or the Agency (where required).
(d) It is likely that the information is held in more than one document or series of documents, and
suitable cross-referencing should be provided. For example, organisational structure and job
descriptions are not usually in the same documentation as the detailed working procedures. In
such cases it is recommended that the documented procedures include an index of cross-
references to all such other related information, and the related documentation should be
readily available when required.
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AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The competent authority should ensure appropriate and adequate training of its personnel to
meet the standard that is considered necessary to perform the work. To ensure personnel
remain qualified, arrangements should be made for initial and recurrent training as required.
(b) The basic capability of the competent authority’s personnel is a matter of recruitment and
normal management functions in selection of personnel for particular duties. Moreover, the
competent authority should provide training in the basic skills as required for those duties.
However, to avoid differences in understanding and interpretation, all personnel should be
provided with further training specifically related to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, its
Implementing Rules and related AMCs, CSs and GM, as well as related to the assessment of
alternative means of compliance.
(c) The competent authority may provide training through its own training organisation with
qualified trainers or through another qualified training source.
(d) When training is not provided through an internal training organisation, adequately
experienced and qualified persons may act as trainers, provided their training skills have been
assessed. If required, an individual training plan should be established covering specific training
skills. Records should be kept of such training and of the assessment, as appropriate.
AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2017/022/R
(a) Qualification
(1) All inspectors should receive, as appropriate to their role, training in the following areas:
(i) auditing techniques, as relevant to the particular duties and responsibilities of the
(ii) safety management systems (SMSs);
(iii) compliance monitoring system (CMSs);
(iv) the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 related to their duties, in
particular of Annex VII (Part-ORA) and Annex VI (Part ARA) thereto; and
(v) ICAO Annexes and guidance material relevant to their duties.
(2) Additional qualification criteria:
(i) inspectors conducting sampling of training flights in aircraft or FSTD sessions
should hold or have held a pilot licence and relevant ratings and certificates
appropriate to the level of the training conducted;
(ii) inspectors conducting sampling of training flights in aircraft as a member of the
flight crew should hold a pilot licence and relevant ratings and certificates
appropriate to the level of the training conducted;
(iii) inspectors conducting sampling of theoretical-knowledge instruction should have
a practical background in aviation in the areas relevant to the training provided as
well as practical experience in instructional techniques;
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(iv) inspectors approving training programmes should have relevant experience in the
same area; and
(v) inspectors not involved in activities referred to in (i)-(iv) above should have a
relevant background in aviation related to their duties.
(b) Initial training programme
The initial training programme for inspectors should include, as appropriate to their role,
current knowledge of, as well as experience and skills in, at least the following:
(1) air law organisation and structure;
(2) Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, as well as its implementing regulations and related
(3) the Chicago Convention, as well as relevant ICAO Annexes and guidance;
(4) relevant national aviation and administrative legislation;
(5) the applicable requirements and procedures (including the correct formulation of
(6) management systems, including assessment of SMSs and CMSs, as well as auditing, risk
assessment, and reporting techniques;
(7) competency-based training, including approval of training organisations;
(8) criteria for the qualification of FSTDs;
(9) evidence-based training;
(10) HF training (including ‘just culture’ in aviation and conflict management);
(11) performance-based oversight;
(12) rights and obligations of the competent authority’s inspecting personnel;
(13) ‘on-the-job training’;
(14) the relevant Annexes to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012; and
(15) suitable technical training appropriate to the role and tasks of the inspector, in particular
for those areas requiring approvals.
(c) Recurrent training programme
The recurrent training programme should reflect, at least, changes in aviation legislation and
industry. It should also cover the specific needs of the inspectors and of the competent
authority, and include at least the following:
(1) an inspection on behalf of the competent authority, supervised by another inspector;
(2) licence proficiency check(LPC)/OPC on an appropriate aircraft type/class (if applicable);
(3) instructor refresher seminar (if applicable);
(4) audit techniques course for regulators (refresher course); and
(5) SMS refresher course.
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GM1 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2018/009/R
(a) This GM on the determination of the required personnel is limited to the performance of
certification and oversight tasks, excluding personnel required to perform tasks subject to any
national regulatory requirements.
(b) The elements to be considered when determining required personnel and planning their
availability may be divided into quantitative and qualitative elements:
(1) Quantitative elements:
(i) the estimated number of initial certificates to be issued and declarations to be
(ii) the number of:
(A) organisations certified by the competent authority; and
(B) organisations having declared their activity to the competent authority;
(iii) the number of persons to whom the competent authority has issued a licence,
certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation;
(iv) the estimated number of persons and organisations exercising their activity within
the territory of the Member State and established or residing in another Member
(2) Qualitative elements:
(i) the size, nature and complexity of activities of certified and declared organisations
as well as FSTD qualification certificate holders (cf. AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(b)), taking
into account:
(A) privileges of the organisation;
(B) type and scope of approval or declared activities, multiple certification or
(C) possible certification or declaration to industry standards;
(D) types of aircraft / flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) operated;
(E) number of personnel; and
(F) organisational structure, existence of subsidiaries;
(ii) the safety priorities identified;
(iii) the results of past oversight activities, including audits, inspections and reviews, in
terms of risks and regulatory compliance, taking into account:
(A) number and level of findings;
(B) timeframe for implementation of corrective actions; and
(C) maturity of management systems implemented by organisations and their
ability to effectively manage safety risks, taking into account also
information provided by other competent authorities related to activities in
the territory of the Member States concerned; and
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(iv) the size and complexity of the Member State’s aviation industry and the potential
growth of activities in the field of civil aviation, which may be an indication of the
number of new applications and declarations as well as changes to existing
certificates and declarations to be expected.
(c) Based on existing data from previous oversight planning cycles and taking into account the
situation within the Member State’s aviation industry, the competent authority may estimate:
(1) the standard working time required for processing:
(i) applications for new certificates (for persons, organisations and FSTD
(ii) new declarations;
(2) for each planning period, the number of:
(i) new certificates to be issued;
(ii) declarations to be received; and
(iii) changes to existing certificates and declarations to be processed;
(3) the number of changes to existing certificates to be processed for each planning period.
(d) In line with the competent authority’s oversight policy, the following planning data should be
determined specifically for each type of organisation certified by the competent authority ining
the AMC & GM to the implementing rules of Commission Regulation (EU) (approved training
organisations (ATOs) and aero-medical centres (AeMCs)) and for FSTD qualification certificate
holders as well as for declared training organisations:
(1) standard number of audits to be performed per oversight planning cycle;
(2) standard duration of each audit;
(3) standard working time for audit preparation, on-site audit, reporting and follow-up, per
(4) standard number of ramp and unannounced inspections to be performed;
(5) standard duration of inspections, including preparation, reporting and follow-up, per
(6) minimum number and required qualification of inspectors for each audit/inspection.
(e) Standard working time could be expressed either in working hours per inspector or in working
days per inspector. All planning calculations should then be based on the same unit (hours or
working days).
(f) It is recommended to use a spreadsheet application to process data defined under (c) and (d),
to assist in determining the total number of working hours / days per oversight planning cycle
required for certification, oversight and enforcement activities. This application could also serve
as a basis for implementing a system for planning the availability of personnel.
(g) For each type of organisation certified by the competent authority, FSTD qualification certificate
holders and declared training organisations, the number of working hours/days per planning
period for each qualified inspector that may be allocated for certification, oversight and
enforcement activities should be determined, taking into account:
(1) purely administrative tasks not directly related to oversight and certification;
(2) training;
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(3) participation in other projects;
(4) planned absence; and
(5) the need to include a reserve for unplanned tasks or unforeseeable events.
(h) The determination of working time available for certification, oversight and enforcement
activities should also consider:
(1) the possible use of qualified entities; and
(2) possible cooperation with other competent authorities for approvals and declarations
involving more than one Member State.
(i) Based on the elements listed above, the competent authority should be able to:
(1) monitor dates when audits and inspections are due and when they have been carried
(2) implement a system to plan the availability of personnel; and
(3) identify possible gaps between the number and qualification of personnel and the
required volume of certification and oversight.
Care should be taken to keep planning data up-to-date in line with changes in the underlying planning
assumptions, with particular focus on risk-based oversight principles.
GM2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2017/022/R
(a) The content of the initial training programme for inspectors referred to in
AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) may be selected from the following documents, as relevant to the
particular duties and responsibilities of the inspector:
(1) ICAO Annex 1 ‘Personnel Licensing’;
(2) ICAO Annex 19 ‘Safety Management’;
(3) ICAO Doc 9841 ‘Manual on the Approval of Flight Crew Training Organisations’;
(4) ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Training’;
(5) ICAO Doc 9859 ‘Safety Management Manual’;
(6) ICAO Doc 9379 ‘Manual of Procedures for Establishment and Management of a States
Personnel Licensing System’;
(7) ICAO Doc 9625 ‘Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training
(8) ICAO Doc 9995 ‘Manual of Evidence-based Training’;
(9) ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training’;
(10) ‘Airplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Aid’ (AUPRTA), Revision 3.
(b) A minimum of activities should be performed according to the initial training programme:
(1) observations; and
(2) inspections as a team member.
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GM3 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2017/022/R
The meaning of ‘relevant ratings and certificates appropriate to the level of the training conducted’,
as used in AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2), is explained below:
the range of activities in an ATO may vary from instructions for the simple single-engined
aircraft to type training for CS-25-certified multi-pilot aircraft;
in the context of the general approval of the ATO, experience in similar types or classes of
aircraft is acceptable;
the inspector has the instructional experience in the same or similar types or the same class of
aircraft intended to be flown within the ATO (e.g. a type rating to assess the type training
programmes); and
the experience in CS-25-certified multi-pilot aircraft will not, for example, equip the inspector
to assess the training programme in an ATO operating only single-engine piston (SEP) (land)
aircraft; similarly, experience as a PPL instructor will not necessarily equip the inspector to
assess a type training course for a CS-25 aircraft; in both cases, additional appropriate training
in the applicable environment is necessary.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.200(d) Management system
ED Decision 2018/009/R
(a) Copies of the procedures related to the competent authority’s management system and their
amendments to be made available to the Agency for the purpose of standardisation should
provide at least the following information:
(1) Regarding continuing oversight functions undertaken by the competent authority, the
competent authority’s organisational structure with description of the main processes.
This information should demonstrate the allocation of responsibilities within the
competent authority, and that the competent authority is capable of carrying out the full
range of tasks regarding the size and complexity of the Member State’s aviation industry.
It should also consider overall proficiency and authorisation scope of competent
authority personnel.
(2) For personnel involved in oversight activities, the minimum professional qualification
requirements and experience and principles guiding appointment (e.g. assessment).
(3) How the following are carried out: assessing applications and evaluating compliance of
applications and declarations, issue of certificates, performance of continuing oversight,
follow-up of findings, enforcement measures and resolution of safety concerns.
(4) Principles of managing exemptions and derogations.
(5) Processes in place to disseminate applicable safety information for timely reaction to a
safety problem.
(6) Criteria for planning continuing oversight (oversight programme), including adequate
management of interfaces when conducting continuing oversight (air operations, flight
crew licensing, continuing airworthiness management for example).
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(7) Outline of the initial training of newly recruited oversight personnel (taking future
activities into account), and the basic framework for continuation training of oversight
(b) As part of the continuous monitoring of a competent authority, the Agency may request details
of the working methods used, in addition to the copy of the procedures of the competent
authority’s management system (and amendments). These additional details are the
procedures and related guidance material describing working methods for competent authority
personnel conducting oversight.
(c) Information related to the competent authority’s management system may be submitted in
electronic format.
ARA.GEN.205 Allocation of tasks to qualified entities
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
(a) Tasks related to the initial certification or continuing oversight of persons or organisations
subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules shall be allocated by
Member States only to qualified entities. When allocating tasks, the competent authority shall
ensure that it has:
(1) a system in place to initially and continuously assess that the qualified entity complies
with Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008.
This system and the results of the assessments shall be documented;
(2) established a documented agreement witha the qualified entity, approved by both
parties at the appropriate management level, which clearly defines:
(i) the tasks to be performed;)
(ii) the declarations, reports and records to be provided;
(iii) the technical conditions to be met in performing such tasks;
(iv) the related liability coverage; and
(v) the protection given to information acquired in carrying out such tasks.
(b) The competent authority shall ensure that the internal audit process and a safety risk
management process required by ARA.GEN.200(a)(4) cover all certification or continuing
oversight tasks performed on its behalf.
GM1 ARA.GEN.205 Allocation of tasks to qualified entities
ED Decision 2012/006/R
The tasks that may be performed by a qualified entity on behalf of the competent authority include
those related to the initial certification and continuing oversight of persons and organisations as
defined in this Regulation, with the exclusion of the issuance of certificates, licences, ratings or
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ARA.GEN.210 Changes in the management system
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The competent authority shall have a system in place to identify changes that affect its
capability to perform its tasks and discharge its responsibilities as defined in Regulation (EC) No
216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. This system shall enable it totake action as appropriate
to ensure that its management system remains adequate and effective.
(b) The competent authority shall update its management system to reflect any change to
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules in a timely manner,so as to ensure
effective implementation.
(c) The competent authority shall notify the Agency of changes affecting its capability to perform
its tasks and discharge its responsibilities as defined in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
Implementing Rules.
ARA.GEN.220 Record-keeping
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
(a) The competent authority shall establish a system of record-keeping providing for adequate
storage, accessibility and reliable traceability of:
(1) the management system’s documented policies and procedures;
(2) training, qualification and authorisation of its personnel;
(3) the allocation of tasks, covering the elements required by ARA.GEN.205 as well as the
details of tasks allocated;
(4) certification and declaration processes as well as oversight of certified and declared
(5) processes for issuing personnel licences, ratings, certificates and attestations and for the
continuing oversight of the holders of those licences, ratings, certificates and
(6) processes for issuing FSTD qualification certificates and for the continuing oversight of
the FSTD and of the organisation operating it;
(7) oversight of persons and organisations exercising activities within the territory of the
Member State, but overseen or certified by the competent authority of another Member
State or the Agency, as agreed between these authorities;
(8) the evaluation and notification to the Agency of alternative means of compliance
proposed by organisations and the assessment of alternative means of compliance used
by the competent authority itself;
(9) findings, corrective actions and date of action closure;
(10) enforcement measures taken;
(11) safety information and follow-up measures;
(12) the use of flexibility provisions in accordance with Article 71 of Regulation (EU)
2018/1139; and
(13) the evaluation and authorisation process of aircraft laid down in points ORA.ATO.135 (a)
and DTO.GEN.240 (a).
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(b) The competent authority shall establish and keep up to date a list of all organisation certificates,
FSTD qualification certificates and personnel licences, certificates and attestations it issued,
DTO declarations it received, and the DTO training programmes it verified or approved for
compliance with Annex I (Part-FCL), Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Commission Regulation (EU)
2018/395, or Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976.
(c) All records shall be kept for the minimum period specified in this Regulation. In the absence of
such indication, records shall be kept for a minimum period of 5 years subject to applicable data
protection law.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The record-keeping system should ensure that all records are accessible whenever needed
within a reasonable time. These records should be organised in a way that ensures traceability
and retrievability throughout the required retention period.
(b) Records should be kept in paper form or in electronic format or a combination of both media.
Records stored on microfilm or optical disc form are also acceptable. The records should remain
legible and accessible throughout the required retention period. The retention period starts
when the record has been created.
(c) Paper systems should use robust material, which can withstand normal handling and filing.
Computer systems should have at least one backup system, which should be updated within 24
hours of any new entry. Computer systems should include safeguards against unauthorised
alteration of data.
(d) All computer hardware used to ensure data backup should be stored in a different location from
that containing the working data and in an environment that ensures they remain in good
condition. When hardware- or software-changes take place, special care should be taken that
all necessary data continue to be accessible at least through the full period specified in the
relevant Subpart or by default in ARA.GEN.220(c).
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(1);(2);(3) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Records related to the competent authority’s management system should include, as a minimum and
as applicable:
(a) the documented policies and procedures;
(b) the personnel files of competent authority personnel, with supporting documents related to
training and qualifications;
(c) the results of the competent authority’s internal audit and safety risk management processes,
including audit findings and corrective actions; and
(d) the contract(s) established with qualified entities performing certification or oversight tasks on
behalf of the competent authority.
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AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(4) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2018/009/R
Records related to an organisation certified by, or having declared its activity to, the competent
authority should include, as appropriate to the type of organisation:
(a) the application for an organisation approval or the declaration received;
(b) the documentation based on which the approval has been granted and any amendments to that
documentation or, in the case of declared training organisations, the documentation required
to be submitted with the declaration and any amendments thereto;
(c) the organisation approval certificate or any approval, including any changes;
(d) a copy of the continuing oversight programme listing the dates when audits or inspections are
due and when such audits or inspections were carried out;
(e) continuing oversight records including all audit and inspection records;
(f) copies of all relevant correspondence;
(g) details of any exemption and enforcement actions;
(h) any report from other competent authorities relating to the oversight of the organisation; and
(i) a copy of any other document approved by the competent authority.
GM1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(4) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2018/009/R
Documentation to be kept as records in support of the approval include the management system
documentation, including any technical manuals, such as the operations manual, and training manual,
that have been submitted with the initial application, and any amendments to these documents.
GM2 ARA.GEN.220(a)(4) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2018/009/R
Documents to be kept as records in support of the declaration process include the declaration form
and all required attachments to it (training programmes) as well as any amendments to these
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(5) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2018/011/R
Records related to personnel licences, certificates, ratings, authorisations or attestations issued by the
competent authority should include, as a minimum:
(a) the application for a licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation or change to a
licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation;
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(b) documentation in support of the application for a licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or
attestation or change to a licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation, covering as
(1) the course Area 100 KSA assessment;
(2) theoretical examination(s);
(3) skill test(s);
(4) proficiency check(s); and
(5) certificates attesting required experience;
(c) a copy of the licence or certificate including any changes;
(d) all relevant correspondence or copies thereof;
(e) details of any exemption;
(f) details of any enforcement action(s); and
(g) any report from other competent authorities relating to personnel licences, certificates, ratings,
authorisations or attestations issued by the competent authority.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.220(a)(7) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2018/009/R
(a) Records related to the oversight of activities performed in the territory of a Member State by
persons or organisations established or residing in another Member State should include, as a
(1) oversight records including all audit and inspection records and related correspondence;
(2) copies of all relevant correspondence to exchange information with other competent
authorities relating to the oversight of such persons/organisations;
(3) details of any enforcement measures and penalties; and
(4) any report from other competent authorities relating to the oversight of these
persons/organisations, including any notification of evidence showing non-compliance
with the applicable requirements.
(b) Records should be kept by the competent authority having performed the audit or inspection
and should be made available to other competent authorities at least in the following cases:
(1) serious incidents or accidents;
(2) findings through the oversight programme where organisations certified by, or having
declared its activities to, another competent authority are involved to determine the root
(3) an organisation being certified by, having approvals issued by, or having declared its
activities to, competent authorities in several Member States.
(c) When records are requested by another competent authority, the reason for the request should
be clearly stated.
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(d) The records can be made available by sending a copy or by allowing access to them for
GM1 ARA.GEN.220 Record-keeping
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Records are required to document results achieved or to provide evidence of activities performed.
Records become factual when recorded. Therefore, they are not subject to version control. Even when
a new record is produced covering the same issue, the previous record remains valid.
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ARA.GEN.300 Oversight
Regulation (EU) 2018/1119
(a) The competent authority shall verify:
(1) compliance with the requirements applicable to organisations or persons prior to the
issue of an organisation certificate, approval, FSTD qualification certificate or personnel
licence, certificate, rating, or attestation, as applicable;
(2) continued compliance with the requirements applicable to the persons holding licences,
ratings and certificates, the organisations it has certified, the holders of a FSTD
qualification and the organisations from which it received a declaration;
(3) implementation of appropriate safety measures mandated by the competent authority
as defined in ARA.GEN.135(c) and (d).
(b) This verification shall:
(1) be supported by documentation specifically intended to provide personnel responsible
for safety oversight with guidance to perform their functions;
(2) provide the persons and organisations concerned with the results of safety oversight
(3) be based on audits and inspections, including ramp and unannounced inspections; and
(4) provide the competent authority with the evidence needed in case further action is
required, including the measures foreseen by ARA.GEN.350 and ARA.GEN.355.
(c) The scope of oversight defined in (a) and (b) shalltake into account the results of past oversight
activities and the safety priorities.
(d) Without prejudice to the competences of the Member States and to their obligations as set out
in ARO.RAMP, the scope of the oversight of activities performed in the territory of a Member
State by persons or organisations established or residing in another Member State shall be
determinedon the basis of the safety priorities, as well as of past oversight activities.
(e) Where the activity of a person or organisation involves more than one Member State or the
Agency, the competent authority responsible for the oversight under (a) may agree to have
oversight tasks performed by the competent authority(ies) of the Member State(s) where the
activity takes place or by the Agency. Any person or organisation subject to such agreement
shall be informed of its existence and of its scope.
(f) The competent authority shall collect and process any information deemed useful for oversight,
including for ramp and unannounced inspections.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.300(a);(b);(c) Oversight
ED Decision 2013/006/R
As part of the initial certification or the continuing oversight of an ATO, the competent authority
should normally evaluate its safety risk assessment processes related to hazards identified by the ATO
as having an interface with its operations. These safety risk assessments should be identifiable
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processes of the ATO’s management system. As part of its continuing oversight, the competent
authority should also remain satisfied as to the effectiveness of these safety risk assessments.
(a) General methodology for operational hazards
The competent authority should establish a methodology for evaluating the safety risk
assessment processes of the ATO’s management system.
When related to operational hazards, the competent authority’s evaluation under its normal
oversight process should be considered satisfactory if the ATO demonstrates its competence
and capability to:
(1) understand the hazards identified and their consequences on its operations;
(2) be clear on where these hazards may exceed acceptable safety risk limits;
(3) identify and implement mitigations including suspension of operations where mitigation
cannot reduce the risk to within safety risk limits;
(4) develop and execute effectively, robust procedures for the preparation and the safe
operation of the flights subject to the hazards identified;
(5) assess the competence and currency of its staff in relation to the duties for the intended
operations and implement any necessary training; and
(6) ensure sufficient numbers of qualified and competent staff for such duties.
The competent authority should take into account:
(1) the ATO’s recorded mitigations for each unacceptable risk identified are in place;
(2) the operational procedures specified by the ATO with the most significance to safety
appear to be robust; and
(3) that the staff on which the ATO depends in respect of those duties necessary for the
intended operations are trained and assessed as competent in the relevant procedures.
In addition to the general methodology for operational hazards, the competent authority’s
evaluation under its normal oversight process should also assess the ATO’s competence and
capability to:
(1) choose the correct information sources to use to interpret the information related to
volcanic ash contamination forecast and to resolve correctly any conflicts among such
sources; and
(2) take account of all information from its type certificate holders (TCHs) concerning
volcanic ash-related airworthiness aspects of the aircraft it operates, and the related pre-
flight, in-flight and post flight precautions to be observed;
GM1 ARA.GEN.300(a);(b);(c) Oversight
ED Decision 2013/006/R
Further guidance on the assessment of an ATO volcanic ash safety risk assessment is given in ICAO
Doc. 9974 (Flight safety and volcanic ash Risk management of flight operations with known or
forecast volcanic ash contamination).
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GM1 ARA.GEN.300(d) Oversight
ED Decision 2018/009/R
(a) Activities performed in the territory of the Member State by persons or organisations
established or residing in another Member State include:
(1) activities of organisations certified by the competent authority of any other Member
State or the Agency as well as activities of organisations having declared their activities
to the competent authority of any other Member State;
(2) activities of persons holding a licence, certificate, rating, or attestation issued by the
competent authority of any other Member State; and
(3) activities of persons making declarations to the competent authority of any other
Member State.
(b) Audits and inspections of such activities, including ramp and unannounced inspections, should
be prioritised towards those areas of greater safety concern, as identified through the analysis
of data on safety hazards and their consequences in operations.
ARA.GEN.305 Oversight programme
Regulation (EU) 2018/1119
(a) The competent authority shall establish and maintain an oversight programme covering the
oversight activities required by ARA.GEN.300 and by ARO.RAMP.
(b) For organisations certified by the competent authority and FSTD qualification certificate
holders, the oversight programme shall be developedtaking into account the specific nature of
the organisation, the complexity of its activities, the results of past certification and/or oversight
activities and shall be based on the assessment of associated risks. It shall include within each
oversight planning cycle:
(1) audits and inspections, including ramp and unannounced inspections as appropriate; and
(2) meetings convened between the accountable manager and the competent authority to
ensure both remain informed of significant issues.
(c) For organisations certified by the competent authority and FSTD qualification certificate holders
an oversight planning cycle not exceeding 24 months shall be applied.
The oversight planning cycle may be reduced if there is evidence that the safety performance
of the organisation or the FTSD qualification certificate holder has decreased.
The oversight planning cycle may be extended to a maximum of 36 months if the competent
authority has established that, during the previous 24 months:
(1) the organisation has demonstrated an effective identification of aviation safety hazards
and management of associated risks;
(2) the organisation has continuously demonstrated under ORA.GEN.130 that it has full
control over all changes;
(3) no level 1 findings have been issued; and
(4) all corrective actions have been implemented within the time period accepted or
extended by the competent authority as defined in ARA.GEN.350(d)(2).
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The oversight planning cycle may be further extended to a maximum of 48 months if, in
addition to the above, the organisation has established, and the competent authority has
approved, an effective continuous reporting system to the competent authority on the
safety performance and regulatory compliance of the organisation itself.
(ca) Notwithstanding (c), for organisations only providing training towards the LAPL, PPL, SPL or BPL
and associated ratings and certificates, an oversight planning cycle not exceeding 48 months
shall be applied. The oversight planning cycle shall be reduced if there is evidence that the safety
performance of the organisation holder has decreased.
The oversight planning cycle may be extended to a maximum of 72 months, if the competent
authority has established that, during the previous 48 months:
(1) the organisation has demonstrated an effective identification of aviation safety hazards
and management of associated risks, as demonstrated by the results of the annual review
in accordance with ORA.GEN.200(c);
(2) the organisation has continuously maintained control over all changes in accordance with
ORA.GEN.130 as demonstrated by the results of the annual review in accordance with
(3) no level 1 findings have been issued; and
(4) all corrective actions have been implemented within the time period accepted or
extended by the competent authority as defined in ARA.GEN.350(d)(2).
(d) For persons holding a licence, certificate, rating, or attestation issued by the competent
authority the oversight programme shall include inspections, including unannounced
inspections, as appropriate.
(e) The oversight programme shall include records of the dates when audits, inspections and
meetings are due and when such audits, inspections and meetings have been carried out.
(f) Notwithstanding points (b), (c), and (ca), the oversight programme of DTOs shall be developed
taking into account the specific nature of the organisation, the complexity of its activities and
the results of past oversight activities and shall be based on the assessment of risks associated
with the type of training provided. The oversight activities shall include inspections, including
unannounced inspections, and may, as deemed necessary by the competent authority, include
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(b) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) When determining the oversight programme for an organisation the competent authority
should consider in particular the following elements, as applicable:
(1) the implementation by the organisation of industry standards, directly relevant to the
organisation’s activity subject to this Regulation;
(2) the procedure applied for and scope of changes not requiring prior approval;
(3) specific approvals held by the organisation;
(4) specific procedures implemented by the organisation related to any alternative means of
compliance used.
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(b) For the purpose of assessing the complexity of an organisation’s management system, AMC1
ORA.GEN.200(b) should be used.
(c) Regarding results of past oversight, the competent authority should also take into account
relevant results of ramp inspections of organisations it has certified that were performed in
other Member States in accordance with ARO.RAMP.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(b)(1) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The oversight programme should indicate which aspects of the approval will be covered with
each audit.
(b) Part of an audit should concentrate on the organisation’s compliance monitoring reports
produced by the compliance monitoring personnel to determine if the organisation is
identifying and correcting its problems.
(c) At the conclusion of the audit, an audit report should be completed by the auditing inspector,
including all findings raised.
AMC2 ARA.GEN.305(b)(1) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
When conducting a ramp inspection of aircraft used by organisations under its regulatory oversight
the competent authority should, in as far as possible, comply with the requirements defined in
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(b);(c) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) For organisations having demonstrated compliance with industry standards, the competent
authority may adapt its oversight programme, in order to avoid duplication of specific audit
(b) Demonstrated compliance with industry standards should not be considered in isolation from
the other elements to be considered for the competent authority’s risk-based oversight.
(c) In order to be able to credit any audits performed as part of certification in accordance with
industry standards, the following should be considered:
(1) the demonstration of compliance is based on certification auditing schemes providing for
independent and systematic verification;
(2) the existence of an accreditation scheme and accreditation body for certification in
accordance with the industry standards has been verified;
(3) certification audits are relevant to the requirements defined in Annex VII (Part-ORA) and
other Annexes to this Regulation as applicable;
(4) the scope of such certification audits can easily be mapped against the scope of oversight
in accordance with Part-ORA;
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(5) audit results are accessible to the competent authority and open to exchange of
information in accordance with Article 15(1) of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008; and
(6) the audit planning intervals of certification audits i.a.w. industry standards are
compatible with the oversight planning cycle.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(c) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) When determining the oversight planning cycle and defining the oversight programme, the
competent authority should assess the risks related to the activity of each organisation and
adapt the oversight to the level of risk identified and to the organisation’s ability to effectively
manage safety risks.
(b) The competent authority should establish a schedule of audits and inspections appropriate to
each organisation. The planning of audits and inspections should take into account the results
of the hazard identification and risk assessment conducted and maintained by the organisation
as part of the organisation’s management system. Inspectors should work in accordance with
the schedule provided to them.
(c) When the competent authority, having regard to an organisation's safety performance, varies
the frequency of an audit or inspection it should ensure that all aspects of the organisation’s
activity are audited and inspected within the applicable oversight planning cycle.
(d) The section(s) of the oversight programme dealing with ramp inspections should be developed
based on geographical locations, taking into account aerodrome activity, and focusing on key
issues that can be inspected in the time available without unnecessarily delaying the operations.
AMC2 ARA.GEN.305(c) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) For each organisation certified by the competent authority and each FSTD qualification
certificate holder all processes should be completely audited at periods not exceeding the
applicable oversight planning cycle. The beginning of the first oversight planning cycle is
normally determined by the date of issue of the first certificate. If the competent authority
wishes to align the oversight planning cycle with the calendar year, it should shorten the first
oversight planning cycle accordingly.
(b) The interval between two audits for a particular process should not exceed the interval of the
applicable oversight planning cycle.
(c) Audits should include at least one on-site audit within each oversight planning cycle. For
organisations exercising their regular activity at more than one site, the determination of the
sites to be audited should consider the results of past oversight, the volume of activity at each
site, as well as main risk areas identified.
(d) For organisations holding more than one certificate, the competent authority may define an
integrated oversight schedule to include all applicable audit items. In order to avoid duplication
of audits, credit may be granted for specific audit items already completed during the current
oversight planning cycle, subject to four conditions:
(1) the specific audit item should be the same for all certificates under consideration;
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(2) there should be satisfactory evidence on record that such specific audit items were
carried out and that all corrective actions have been implemented to the satisfaction of
the competent authority;
(3) the competent authority should be satisfied that there is no reason to believe standards
have deteriorated in respect of those specific audit items being granted a credit;
(4) the interval between two audits for the specific item being granted a credit should not
exceed the applicable oversight planning cycle.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(d) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2012/006/R
The oversight of persons holding a licence, certificate, rating or attestation should normally be ensured
as part of the oversight of organisations. Additionally, the competent authority should verify
compliance with applicable requirements when endorsing or renewing ratings.
To properly discharge its oversight responsibilities, the competent authority should perform a certain
number of unannounced verifications.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.305(f) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2018/009/R
(a) When determining the oversight programme for organisations that have declared their
activities, the competent authority should make a selection of the DTOs to be inspected based
on the elements specified in point ARA.GEN.305(f).
(b) For each selected DTO, an inspection is a sample inspection of the predefined inspection criteria
on the basis of key risk elements and the applicable requirements.
(c) The results of past oversight activities should include information from the DTO’s annual
internal review and the DTO’s annual activity reports as well as information from the verification
of the DTO’s training programme for Part-FCL compliance and occurrence reports linked to the
activity of the DTO, if applicable.
(d) The oversight programme should follow a risk-based approach and should be developed on a
yearly basis. At least one inspection should be performed for each DTO not later than 72 months
starting from the date on which the declaration was received or, subsequently, the last
inspection, as applicable.
(e) Additional inspections or unannounced inspections to specific DTOs may be included in the
oversight programme on the basis of the elements specified in point ARA.GEN.305(f).
AMC2 ARA.GEN.305(f) Oversight programme
ED Decision 2018/009/R
An inspection of a DTO should at least focus on:
(a) the existence of a safety policy statement and its adequacy regarding the DTO activities;
(b) the existence of appropriate measures aiming to achieve the objectives of the safety policy
including risk mitigation measures, results of annual reviews and respective corrective actions,
if applicable;
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(c) flight training in accordance with the DTO training programme, its conduct and standards as
well as training records;
(d) training aircraft in use, including their registration, associated documents and maintenance
(e) use of FSTDs;
(f) operating sites and associated facilities as appropriate; and
(g) information on flight instructors and on the validity of their licences, certificates, ratings and
ARA.GEN.310 Initial certification procedure organisations
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) Upon receiving an application for the initial issue of a certificate for an organisation, the
competent authority shall verify the organisation’s compliance with the applicable
(b) When satisfied that the organisationis in compliance with the applicable requirements, the
competent authority shall issue the certificate(s), as established in Appendixes III and V to this
Part. The certificate(s) shall be issued for an unlimited duration. The privileges and scope of the
activities that the organisation is approved to conduct shall be specified in the terms of approval
attached to the certificate(s).
(c) To enable an organisation to implement changes without prior competent authority approval
in accordance with ORA.GEN.130, the competent authority shall approve the procedure
submitted by the organisation defining the scope of such changes and describing how such
changes will be managed and notified.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.310(a) Initial certification procedure −
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) In order to verify the organisation’s compliance with the applicable requirements, the
competent authority should conduct an audit of the organisation, including interviews of
personnel and inspections carried out at the organisation’s facilities.
(b) The competent authority should only conduct such audit after being satisfied that the
application shows compliance with the applicable requirements.
(c) The audit should focus on the following areas:
(1) detailed management structure, including names and qualifications of personnel
required by ORA.GEN.210 and adequacy of the organisation and management structure;
(2) personnel:
(i) adequacy of number and qualifications with regard to the intended terms of
approval and associated privileges;
(ii) validity of licences, ratings, certificates or attestations as applicable;
(3) processes for safety risk management and compliance monitoring;
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(4) facilities adequacy with regard to the organisation’s scope of work;
(5) documentation based on which the certificate should be granted (organisation
documentation as required by Part-ORA, including technical manuals, such as operations
manual or training manual).
(d) In case of non-compliance, the applicant should be informed in writing of the corrections that
are required.
(e) In cases where an application for an organisation certificate is refused, the applicant should be
informed of the right of appeal as exists under national law.
ARA.GEN.315 Procedure for issue, revalidation, renewal or change
of licences, ratings, certificates or attestations persons
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) Upon receiving an application for the issue, revalidation, renewal or change of a personal
licence, rating, certificate or attestation and any supporting documentation, the competent
authority shall verify whether the applicant meets the applicable requirements.
(b) When satisfied that the applicant meets the applicable requirements, the competent authority
shall issue, revalidate, renew or change the licence, certificate, rating, or attestation.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.315(a) Procedure for issue, revalidation, renewal
or change of licences, ratings or certificates − persons
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) In order to verify that the applicant meets the requirements, the competent authority should
review the application and any supporting documents submitted, for completeness and
compliance with applicable requirements.
(b) As part of the verification that the applicant meets the requirements, the competent authority
should check that he/she:
(1) was not holding any personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation
with the same scope and in the same category issued in another Member State;
(2) has not applied for any personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation
with the same scope and in the same category in another Member State; and
(3) has never held any personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation with
the same scope and in the same category issued in another Member State which was
revoked or suspended in any other Member State.
(c) The competent authority should request the applicant to make a declaration covering items
(b)(1) to (b)(3). Such declaration should include a statement that any incorrect information
could disqualify the applicant from being granted a personnel licence, certificate, rating,
authorisation or attestation. In case of doubts, the competent authority should contact the
competent authority of the Member State where the applicant may have previously held any
personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation.
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ARA.GEN.330 Changes organisations
Regulation (EU) 2018/1119
(a) Upon receiving an application for a change that requires prior approval, the competent
authority shall verify the organisation’s compliance with the applicable requirements before
issuing the approval.
The competent authority shall prescribe the conditions under which the organisation may
operate during the change, unless the competent authority determines that the organisation’s
certificate needs to be suspended.
When satisfied that the organisation is in compliance with the applicable requirements, the
competent authority shall approve the change.
(b) Without prejudice to any additional enforcement measures, when the organisation implements
changes requiring prior approval without having received competent authority approval as
defined in (a), the competent authority shall suspend, limit or revoke the organisation’s
(c) For changes not requiring prior approval, the competent authority shall assess the information
provided in the notification sent by the organisation in accordance with ORA.GEN.130 to verify
compliance with the applicable requirements. In case of any non-compliance, the competent
authority shall:
(1) notify the organisation about the non-compliance and request further changes; and
(2) in case of level 1 or level 2 findings, act in accordance with ARA.GEN.350.
(d) Notwithstanding points (a), (b) and (c), in the case of changes to the information contained in
the declarations received from a DTO or to the training programme used by the DTO, notified
to it in accordance with point DTO.GEN.116 of Annex VIII (Part-DTO), the competent authority
shall act in accordance with the requirements of points ARA.DTO.105 and ARA.DTO.110, as
AMC1 ARA.GEN.330 Changes organisations
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) Changes in nominated persons:
The competent authority should be informed of any changes to personnel specified in Part-ORA
that may affect the certificate or terms of approval/approval schedule attached to it. When an
organisation submits the name of a new nominee for any of the persons nominated as per
ORA.GEN.210(b), the competent authority should require the organisation to produce a written
résumé of the proposed person's qualifications. The competent authority should reserve the
right to interview the nominee or call for additional evidence of his/her suitability before
deciding upon his/her acceptability.
(b) A simple management system documentation status sheet should be maintained, which
contains information on when an amendment was received by the competent authority and
when it was approved.
(c) The organisation should provide each management system documentation amendment to the
competent authority, including for the amendments that do not require prior approval by the
competent authority. Where the amendment requires competent authority approval, the
competent authority, when satisfied, should indicate its approval in writing. Where the
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amendment does not require prior approval, the competent authority should acknowledge
receipt in writing within 10 working days.
(d) For changes requiring prior approval, in order to verify the organisation's compliance with the
applicable requirements, the competent authority should conduct an audit of the organisation,
limited to the extent of the changes. If required for verification, the audit should include
interviews and inspections carried out at the organisation’s facilities.
GM1 ARA.GEN.330 Changes − organisations
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) On receipt of the application and the relevant parts of the organisation’s documentation as
required by Part-ORA, the competent authority should re-issue the certificate.
(b) A name change alone does not require the competent authority to audit the organisation,
unless there is evidence that other aspects of the organisation have changed.
ARA.GEN.350 Findings and corrective actions organisations
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
(a) The competent authority for oversight in accordance with ARA.GEN.300(a) shall have a system
to analyse findings for their safety significance.
(b) A level 1 finding shall be issued by the competent authority when any significant non-
compliance is detected with the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and
its Implementing Rules, with the organisation’s procedures and manuals or with the terms of
an approval or certificate which lowers safety or seriously hazards flight safety.
The level 1 findings shall include:
(1) failure to give the competent authority access to the organisation’s facilities as defined
in ORA.GEN.140 during normal operating hours and after two written requests;
(2) obtaining or maintaining the validity of the organisation certificate by falsification of
submitted documentary evidence;
(3) evidence of malpractice or fraudulent use of the organisation certificate; and
(4) the lack of an accountable manager.
(c) A level 2 finding shall be issued by the competent authority when any non-compliance is
detected with the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
Implementing Rules, with the organisation’s procedures and manuals or with the terms of an
approval or certificate which could lower safety or hazard flight safety.
(d) When a finding is detected during oversight or by any other means, the competent authority
shall, without prejudice to any additional action required by Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and
its Implementing Rules, communicate the finding to the organisation in writing and request
corrective action to address the non-compliance(s) identified. Where relevant, the competent
authority shall inform the State in which the aircraft is registered.
(1) In the case of level 1 findings the competent authority shall take immediate and
appropriate action to prohibit or limit activities and, if appropriate, it shall take action to
revoke the certificate or specific approval or to limit or suspend it in whole or in part,
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depending upon the extent of the level 1 finding, until successful corrective action has
been taken by the organisation.
(2) In the case of level 2 findings, the competent authority shall:
(i) grant the organisation a corrective action implementation period appropriate to
the nature of the finding that in any case initially shall not be more than 3 months.
At the end of this period, and subject to the nature of the finding, the competent
authority may extend the 3-month period subject to a satisfactory corrective action
plan agreed by the competent authority; and)
(ii) assess the corrective action and implementation plan proposed by the organisation
and, if the assessment concludes that they aresufficient to address the non-
compliance(s), accept these.
(3) Where an organisation fails to submit an acceptable corrective action plan, or to perform
the corrective action within the time period accepted or extended by the competent
authority, the finding shall be raised to a level 1 finding and action taken as laid down in
(4) The competent authority shall record all findings it has raised or that have been
communicated to it and, where applicable, the enforcement measures it has applied, as
well as all corrective actions and date of action closure for findings.
(da) By way of derogation from paragraphs (a) to (d), in the case of DTOs, if during oversight or by
any other means the competent authority finds evidence that indicates DTO non-compliance
with the essential requirements set out in Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, with the
requirements of Annex I (Part-FCL) and Annex VIII (Part-DTO) to this Regulation, or with the
requirements of Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and of Annex III
(Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, the competent authority
(1) raise a finding, record it, communicate it in writing to the representative of the DTO and
determine a reasonable period of time within which the DTO is to take the steps specified
in point DTO.GEN.150 of Annex VIII (Part-DTO);
(2) take immediate and appropriate action to limit or prohibit the training activities affected
by the non-compliance until the DTO has taken the corrective action referred to in point
(1), where any of the following situations occurs:
(i) a safety problem has been identified;
(ii) the DTO fails to take corrective action in accordance with point DTO.GEN.150;
(3) in respect of the training programmes referred to in point DTO.GEN.230(c) of Annex VIII
(Part-DTO), limit, suspend or revoke the approval of the training programme;
(4) take any further enforcement measures necessary in order to ensure the termination of
the non-compliance and, where relevant, remedy the consequences thereof.
(e) Without prejudice to any additional enforcement measures, if the authority of a Member State
that acts in accordance with point ARA.GEN.300(d) identifies any non-compliance with the
essential requirements set out in Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, with the requirements
of Annex I (Part-FCL), Annex VII (Part-ORA) and Annex VIII (Part-DTO) to this Regulation, or with
the requirements of Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and of
Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 by an
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organisation certified by, or having made a declaration to, the competent authority of another
Member State or the Agency, it shall inform that competent authority of that non- compliance.
GM1 ARA.GEN.350 Findings and corrective actions − organisations
ED Decision 2012/006/R
For a level 1 finding it may be necessary for the competent authority to ensure that further training
by the organisation is carried out and audited by the competent authority before the activity is
resumed, dependent upon the nature of the finding.
GM1 ARA.GEN.350(e) Findings and corrective actions −
ED Decision 2018/009/R
Part-ARA requirements do not require competent authorities to categorise findings issued to a DTO.
As a consequence, point ARA.GEN.350(e) does not require competent authorities to provide other
competent authorities with an indication of the level of the findings issued to a DTO. However, point
ARA.GEN.350(e) must not be understood as a prohibition for competent authorities to inform other
competent authorities about the level of a finding in such a case, if such finding levels are used by that
competent authority on a voluntary basis.
ARA.GEN.355 Findings and enforcement measures persons
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
(a) If, during oversight or by any other means, evidence is found by the competent authority
responsible for oversight in accordance with ARA.GEN.300(a) that shows a non-compliance with
the applicable requirements by a person holding a licence, certificate, rating or attestation
issued in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, the
competent authority shall raise a finding, record it and communicate it in writing to the licence,
certificate, rating or attestation holder.
(b) When such finding is raised, the competent authority shall carry out an investigation. If the
finding is confirmed, it shall:
(1) limit, suspend or revoke the licence, certificate, rating or attestation as applicable, when
a safety issue has been identified; and
(2) take any further enforcement measures necessary to prevent the continuation of the
(c) Where applicable, the competent authority shall inform the person or organisation that issued
the medical certificate or attestation.
(d) Without prejudice to any additional enforcement measures, when the authority of a Member
State acting under the provisions of ARA.GEN.300(d) finds evidence showing a non-compliance
with the applicable requirements by a person holding a licence, certificate, rating or attestation
issued by the competent authority of any other Member State, it shall inform that competent
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(e) If, during oversight or by any other means, evidence is found showing a non-compliance with
the applicable requirements by a person subject to the requirements laid down in Regulation
(EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules and not holding a licence, certificate, rating or
attestation issued in accordance with that Regulation and its Implementing Rules, the
competent authority that identified the non-compliance shall take any enforcement measures
necessary to prevent the continuation of that non-compliance.
GM1 ARA.GEN.355(b)(1) Limitation, suspension or revocation of
licences, ratings, certificates or attestations
ED Decision 2018/009/R
If the holder of a licence, rating, certificate or attestation does not or no longer comply with the
applicable requirements, the competent authority, when acting in accordance with point
ARA.GEN.355(b), should take enforcement measures which should be commensurate with the nature
of the non-compliance. For example, if the training required for the issuing of the pilot licence was not
fully completed as required, the competent authority may decide, subject to the amount and nature
of the missing training elements, to suspend the licence in accordance with point ARA.FCL.250 until
the missing training elements and a new skill test have been completed rather than revoking the
GM1 ARA.GEN.355(e) Findings and enforcement measures
ED Decision 2018/009/R
This provision is necessary to ensure that enforcement measures will be taken also in cases where the
competent authority may not act on the licence, certificate or attestation. The type of enforcement
measure will depend on the applicable national law and may include for example the payment of a
fine or the prohibition from exercising.
It covers two cases:
(a) persons subject to the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
Implementing Rules who are not required to hold a licence, certificate or attestation - for
example general medical practitioners (GMPs); and
(b) persons who are required to hold a licence, rating, certificate or attestation, but who do not
hold the appropriate licence, rating, certificate or attestation as required for the activity they
ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority
Regulation (EU) 2020/359
(a) Upon receiving a licence holder’s request for a change of competent authority as specified in
point FCL.015(e) of Annex I (Part-FCL), point BFCL.015(f) of Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Commission
Regulation (EU) 2018/395 or point SFCL.015(f) of Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, the receiving competent authority shall, without
undue delay, request the competent authority of the licence holder to transfer, without undue
delay, all of the following:
(1) a verification of the licence;
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(2) copies of the licence holder’s medical records kept by that competent authority in
accordance with points ARA.GEN.220 and ARA.MED.150. The medical records shall be
transferred in accordance with point MED.A.015 of Annex IV (Part-MED) and shall include
a summary of the relevant medical history of the applicant, verified and signed by the
medical assessor.
(b) The transferring competent authority shall keep the licence holder’s original licensing and
medical records in accordance with points ARA.GEN.220, ARA.FCL.120 and ARA.MED.150.
(c) The receiving competent authority shall, without undue delay, reissue the licence and medical
certificate provided that it has received and processed all documents specified in point (a). Upon
the reissuance of the licence and medical certificate, the receiving competent authority shall
immediately request the licence holder to surrender to it the licence issued by the transferring
competent authority and the associated medical certificate.
(d) The receiving competent authority shall immediately notify the transferring competent
authority once it has reissued the licence and medical certificate to the licence holder and the
licence holder has surrendered the licence and medical certificate pursuant to point (c). Until
such a notification is received, the transferring competent authority remains responsible for the
licence and the medical certificate originally issued to that licence holder.
AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a) Change of competent authority
ED Decision 2020/005/R
When transferring the summary of the applicant’s relevant medical history and copies of medical
records to the receiving competent authority in accordance with point ARA.GEN.360(a), the
transferring competent authority should include at least all of the following:
(a) copies of:
(1) the most recent aeromedical report containing the detailed results of the aeromedical
examinations and assessments that are required for the class of medical certificate;
(2) the application form, examination form, and medical certificate issued;
(3) the most recent electrocardiogram (ECG), ophthalmological and ear-nose-throat (ENT),
including audiometry, examination reports, as applicable for the class of medical
(4) the initial medical examination or the supporting documents for the last medical-file
transfer between licensing authorities; where this is not available, a copy of the medical
report from the last three aeromedical examinations should be transferred as an
(5) the mental health assessment, as applicable for the class of medical certificate; and
(6) any other relevant medical documentation; and
(b) the ‘Summary of medical history’ form of AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a)(2), filled in and signed by the
medical assessor.
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AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a)(1) Change of competent authority
ED Decision 2020/005/R
In this form, ‘issuing competent authority of the license’ means the ‘transferring competent authority’
of ARA.GEN.360.
It is required that this form is filled in and signed by the issuing competent authority of the licence being transferred.
State of licence(s) issue
Title of licences/certificates (including
restriction(s)) and corresponding
licences/certificates numbers
e.g. PPL(A) UN country code.FCL.xxx no valid ratings
or SPL UN country code.FCL.xxx
Licence issue date and expiry date (if
Issue PPL(A): xx/xx/xxxx
Issue SPL: xx/xx/xxxx
Full name
(Last and first names)
First name 1, First name 2, etc.
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
(as on the licence)
Contact details:
email and
phone number.
+(country code) xxxxxxxxxx
Issuing authority (conditions under which
the licence was issued, where necessary)
Country and authority
Valid and non-expired ratings/privileges
and certificates held
(Type/class/instrument/additional ratings
and instructor/examiner certificates)
Note: indicate all applicable restrictions
and extensions.
Ratings and certificates
Valid until
e.g. TMG (Sailplane)
e.g. FI (Sailplane)
with extensions for TMG and FI
Expired ratings and certificates held
(Type/class/instrument/additional ratings
and instructor/examiner certificates)
Note: indicate all applicable restrictions
and extensions.
Ratings and certificates
Valid until
e.g. TMG (Aeroplane)
Remarks, i.e. special endorsements
relating to limitations, restrictions, or
endorsements for privileges
(e.g. language proficiency level and
validity (English, others))
Special endorsements
Validity (dd/mm/yyyy)
Details on completion of theoretical-
knowledge or flight instruction,
theoretical-knowledge examination or
skill test in other Member States, if
applicable (e.g validity of the ATPL
theoretical knowledge)
e.g. IR theory valid until xx/xx/xxxx
Indicate all licences and certificates held. Indicate the certificate(s) if you do not hold a valid licence anymore.
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Past or pending enforcement action
Yes No
(If yes, please give details on a separate page.)
I, ____________________________________________ certify that the details entered on this information
form are true, complete, and correct.
For any comments, please use the space provided below or on the next page, and tick here:
Contact details:_______________________________ Position:____________________________________
Signature:____________________________ Stamp/seal:__________________ Date:__________________
AMC1 ARA.GEN.360(a)(2) Change of competent authority
ED Decision 2020/005/R
State of licence(s) issue
Title of licence(s)/certificate(s) and corresponding
serial number of licence(s) held (or national medical
reference number)
e. g. PPL(A) UN country code.FCL.xxx
or SPL UN country code.FCL.xxx
Full name
(Last and first names)
First name 1, First name 2, etc.
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Contact details:
email; and
phone number.
(a) example@example.eu
(b) +(country code) xxxxxxxxxx
Issuing authority
Country and authority
Initial medical certificate:
Date of issue
Date of examination
Type of certificate
(Joint Aviation
Authorities (JAR),
Part-Med or national)
Dates of last three revalidation/renewal
examinations (if any)
Limitations (if any)
Item 14: specify if there is a current investigation into the medical certificate and licence, or suspension or revocation thereof.
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Comments on any relevant aspect of the applicant’s
medical history or examination (if applicable, please
enclose reports)
Please enclose at least the latest examination report
and electrocardiogram (ECG). In addition, where
applicable for the class of medical certification,
please enclose the latest ophthalmological, ear-nose-
throat (ENT), and mental health assessment reports.
Past or pending enforcement action
Yes No
(If yes, please give details on a separate
If there is insufficient space on this form for any information, please use additional pages.
I, Dr ____________________________, as medical assessor of the (NAA name)
________________________________________________________, certify that the details given above and
on any additional pages included are true, complete, and correct.
Licensing authority and stamp/seal
GM1 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority
ED Decision 2020/005/R
In this form, ‘current competent authority’ means the ‘transferring competent authority’ of
ARA.GEN.360, and ‘future competent authority’ means the ‘receiving competent authority’ of
Applicant details:
Full name
(Last and first names)
First name 1, First name 2, etc.
Title of licence(s)/certificate(s) (including
restriction(s)) and corresponding
licence(s)/certificate(s) number(s)
e.g. PPL(A) UN country code.FCL.xxx
e.g. SPL UN country code.FCL.xxx
Current competent authority
Country and authority
Future competent authority
Country and authority
Item 13: specify if there is a current investigation into the medical certificate and licence, or suspension or revocation thereof.
Indicate all licences and certificates currently held. Indicate only the related certificate(s) if you do not hold a valid licence anymore (e.g.
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I, ________________________ (last name, first name) hereby apply for a change of competent authority
from my current competent authority to the future competent authority. To that end, I consent to a transfer
of medical records, including the transfer of medical records and associated exchange of information
between the current and future competent authorities. I apply for transfer of all my licences issued in
accordance with Regulations (EU) No 1178/2011, (EU) 2018/395, and (EU) 2018/1976 within the different
I will immediately surrender my current licences/certificates and medical certificate to the future competent
authority upon receiving the ‘new’ licences/certificates and medical certificate.
I understand that the current competent authority remains my competent authority until I have received
the new licences/certificates and medical certificate, as applicable, issued by the future competent
I hereby declare that I have not submitted any other request to another competent authority than the
future competent authority as indicated above.
I have fully reviewed the [please insert reference to the current competent authority’s relevant information
material] and have submitted all the necessary paperwork for my application to be considered.
I declare that the information provided on this application form is true, complete, and correct.
Any incorrect information on this form or non-compliance with the essential requirements of Annex IV to
the Basic Regulation or with the requirements of Regulations (EU) No 1178/2011, (EU) 2018/395, and (EU)
2018/1976 could disqualify the applicant from having his records transferred from the current to the future
competent authority.
GM2 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority
ED Decision 2020/005/R
The licence verification includes the verification of all associated privileges, ratings, certificates, and
endorsements that were obtained in accordance with the technical requirements of Regulations (EU)
No 1178/2011, (EU) 2018/395, and (EU) 2018/1976. This means that for example, senior examiner
privileges are not included.
Available medical records are all medical records of the licence holder that are related to the history
of the medical certificate.
Original licensing and medical records are the original records of the licence holder or electronic
records kept by the competent authority.
When reissuing the licence(s) and medical certificate(s), the receiving competent authority should
ensure that the validity periods and limitations (if any) are in accordance with the ones of the licence(s)
and medical certificate(s) transferred.
Processing all documents means that the receiving competent authority checks the completeness, and
correctness of all the information provided by the transferring competent authority and asks the
transferring competent authority for clarification, if needed. If by any means, the receiving competent
authority becomes aware of non-compliance with the essential requirements of Annex IV to the Basic
Regulation or with the requirements of Regulations (EU) No 1178/2011, (EU) 2018/395, and (EU)
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2018/1976 during the processing of the documents, it should reject the application for change of
competent authority and inform the transferring competent authority in accordance with its national
administration rules.
GM3 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority
ED Decision 2020/005/R
The competent authority can establish and implement its administrative procedures as it considers
appropriate. The following practical guidance is considered best practice that may facilitate the work
of, and coordination between, competent authorities.
In case of suspension of a licence or medical certificate, the competent authority responsible for the
suspension is the only one entitled to remove the suspension. Therefore, a licence holder with a
suspended licence or medical certificate cannot apply for change of competent authority until the
suspension is revoked.
In case of revocation of a licence, the licence holder can apply for change of competent authority. The
licence holder does not immediately receive a new licence after the change of competent authority,
but is able to apply for a new licence to the new authority after all necessary requirements of Annex I
(Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and/or Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Regulation (EU) 2018/395
and/or Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 are met. However, the licence holder may
immediately receive a medical certificate from the receiving competent authority, if applicable.
In case of revocation of a medical certificate, the certificate holder can apply for change of competent
authority. The certificate holder does not immediately receive a new licence after the change of
competent authority, but is able to apply for a new certificate and licence to the new authority after
all necessary requirements of Annexes I (Part-FCL) and IV (Part-MED) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
and/or Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and/or Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Regulation
(EU) 2018/1976 are met.
In case of an ongoing investigation that is based on evidence of non-compliance, the licence holder
cannot immediately apply for change of competent authority. Sufficient time to investigate the case
should be provided to reach a conclusion whether or not the licence or medical certificate must be
suspended or revoked before the licence holder can apply for change of competent authority.
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ARA.AeMC.110 Initial certification procedure
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The certification procedure for an AeMC shall follow the provisions laid down in ARA.GEN.310.
ARA.AeMC.150 Findings and corrective actions AeMC
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Without prejudice to ARA.GEN.350, level 1 findings include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) failure to nominate a head of the AeMC;
(b) failure to ensure medical confidentiality of aero-medical records; and
(c) failure to provide the competent authority with the medical and statistical data for oversight
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ARA.MED.120 Medical assessors
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The competent authority shall appoint one or more medical assessor(s) to undertake the tasks
described in this Section. The medical assessor shall be licensed and qualified in medicine and have:
(a) postgraduate work experience in medicine of at least 5 years;
(b) specific knowledge and experience in aviation medicine; and
(c) specific training in medical certification.
AMC1 ARA.MED.120 Medical assessors
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Medical assessors should:
(a) have considerable experience of aero-medical practice and have undertaken a minimum of 200
class 1 medical examinations or equivalent; and
(b) maintain their medical professional competence in aviation medicine. The following should
count towards maintaining medical professional competence:
(1) undertaking regular refresher training;
(2) participating in international aviation medicine conferences;
(3) undertaking research activities, including publication of results of the research.
AMC2 ARA.MED.120 Medical assessors
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Medical assessors should:
(a) provide lectures in basic, advanced and refresher training courses for aero-medical examiners
(AMEs) and aero-medical centres (AeMCs);
(b) carry out supervision and audits of AeMCs, AMEs and AME training facilities; and
(c) perform the aero-medical assessment of applicants for, or holders of, medical certificates after
referral to the licensing authority.
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ARA.MED.125 Referral to the licensing authority
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
When an AeMC, or aero-medical examiner (AME) has referred the decision on the fitness of an
applicant to the licensing authority:
(a) the medical assessor or medical staff designated by the competent authority shall evaluate the
relevant medical documentation and request further medical documentation, examinations
and tests where necessary; and
(b) the medical assessor shall determine the applicant’s fitness for the issue of a medical certificate
with one or more limitation(s) as necessary.
AMC1 ARA.MED.125 Referral to the licensing authority
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The licensing authority should supply the AeMC or AME with all necessary information that led
to the decision on aero-medical fitness.
(b) The licensing authority should ensure that unusual or borderline cases are evaluated on a
common basis.
ARA.MED.130 Medical certificate format
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
The medical certificate shall conform to the following specifications:
(a) Content
(1) State where the pilot licence has been issued or applied for (I),
(2) Class of medical certificate (II),
(3) Certificate number commencing with the UN country code of the State where the pilot
licence has been issued or applied for and followed by a code of numbers and/or letters
in Arabic numerals andlatin script (III),
(4) Name of holder (IV),
(5) Nationality of holder (VI),
(6) Date of birth of holder: (dd/mm/yyyy) (XIV),
(7) Signature of holder (VII),
(8) Limitation(s) (XIII),
(9) Expiry date of the medical certificate (IX) for:
(i) Class 1 single pilot commercial operations carrying passengers,
(ii) Class 1 other commercial operations,
(iii) Class 2,
(iv) LAPL
(10) Date of medical examination
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(11) Date of last electrocardiogram
(12) Date of last audiogram
(13) Date of issue and signature of the AME or medical assessor that issued the certificate.
GMP may be added to this field if they have the competence to issue medical certificates
under the national law of the Member State where the licence is issued.
(14) Seal or stamp (XI)
(b) Material: Except for the case of LAPL issued by a GMP the paper or other material used shall
prevent or readily show any alterations or erasures. Any entries or deletions to the form shall
be clearly authorised by the licensing authority.
(c) Language: Certificates shall be written in the national language(s) and in English and such other
languages as the licensing authority deems appropriate.
(d) All dates on the medical certificate shall be written in a dd/mm/yyyy format.
AMC1 ARA.MED.130 Medical certificate format
ED Decision 2014/020/R
The format of the medical certificate should be as shown below.
Competent authority name and logo
(English and any language(s) determined by the
competent authority)
(English only)
Class 1/2/LAPL
pertaining to a Part-FCL licence
(English and any language(s) determined by the
competent authority)
Issued in accordance with Part-MED
This medical certificate complies with ICAO
standards, except for the LAPL medical certificate
(English and any language(s) determined by the
competent authority)
"European Union” to be deleted for non-EU
Member States
Size of each page shall be one eighth A4
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I National language(s)/
Authority that issued or is to issue the pilot licence
III National language(s):/Certificate number
IV National language(s):/
Last and first name of holder:
XIV National language(s):/Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
VI National language(s)/Nationality:
VII National language(s)/
Signature of holder:
XIII National language(s)/Limitations:
Description :
X National language(s)/* Date of issue:
Signature of issuing AME/medical assessor /(GMP):
XI National language(s)/Stamp:
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IX Nat. lang(s)/
Expiry date of this
Class 1 single pilot commercial
operations carrying passengers
Class 1 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Class 2 (dd/mm/yyyy)
LAPL (dd/mm/yyyy)
Nat. lang(s)./Examination
date: (dd/mm/yyyy)
MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness
(a) Licence holders shall not exercise the privileges of their licence and
related ratings or certificates at any time when they:
(1) are aware of any decrease in their medical fitness that might render
them unable to safely exercise those privileges;
(2) take or use any prescribed or non-prescribed medication that is likely
to interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges of the applicable
licence; or
(3) receive any medical, surgical or other treatment that is likely to
interfere with flight safety.
(b) In addition, licence holders shall, without undue delay, seek aero-
medical advice when they:
(1) have undergone a surgical operation or invasive procedure;
(2) have commenced the regular use of any medication;
(3) have suffered any significant personal injury involving incapacity to
function as a member of the flight crew;
(4) have been suffering from any significant illness involving incapacity to
function as a member of the flight crew;
(5) are pregnant;
(6) have been admitted to hospital or medical clinic; or
(7) first require correcting lenses.
* Date of issue is the date the certificate is issued and signed
ARA.MED.135 Aero-medical forms
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
The competent authority shall use forms for:
(a) the application form for a medical certificate;
(b) the examination report form for class 1 and class 2 applicants; and
(c) the examination report form for light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL) applicants.
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AMC1 ARA.MED.135(a) Aero-medical forms
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The form referred to in ARA.MED.135(a) should reflect the information indicated in the following form
and corresponding instructions for completion.
Complete this page fully and in block capitals - Refer to instructions pages for details.
(1) State of licence issue:
(2) Medical certificate applied for: class 1 class 2 LAPL
(3) Surname:
(4) Previous surname(s):
(12) Application Initial
(5) Forenames:
(6) Date of birth
(7) Sex
(13) Reference number:
(8) Place and country of birth:
(9) Nationality:
(14) Type of licence applied for:
(10) Permanent address:
Telephone No.:
Mobile No.:
(11) Postal address (if different)
Telephone No.:
(15) Occupation (principal)
(16) Employer
(17) Last medical examination
(18) Aviation licence(s) held (type):
Licence number:
State of issue:
(19) Any Limitations on Licence/ Medical Certificate
No Yes
(20) Have you ever had an aviation medical
certificate denied, suspended or revoked by any
licensing authority?
No Yes Date: Country:
(21) Flight time hours
(22) Flight time hours
since last medical:
(23) Aircraft class /type(s) presently flown:
(24) Any aviation accident or reported incident
since last medical examination?
No Yes Date: Place:
(25) Type of flying intended:
(26) Present flying activity:
Single pilot Multi pilot
(27) Do you drink alcohol?
No Yes, amount
(28) Do you currently use any medication?
No Yes State drug, dose, date started and why:
(29) Do you smoke tobacco? No, never No,
date stopped:
Yes, state type and amount:
General and medical history: Do you have, or have you ever had, any of the following? (Please tick). If yes, give details in remarks section
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Family history of:
101 Eye trouble/eye
112 Nose, throat or
speech disorder
123 Malaria or other
tropical disease
170 Heart disease
102 Spectacles and/or
contact lenses ever
113 Head injury or
124 A positive HIV test
171 High blood
114 Frequent or severe
125 Sexually
transmitted disease
172 High cholesterol
103 Spectacle/contact
lens prescriptions
change since last
medical exam.
115 Dizziness or fainting
126 Sleep disorder/
apnoea syndrome
173 Epilepsy
116 Unconsciousness
for any reason
127 Musculoskeletal
174 Mental illness or
104 Hay fever, other
117 Neurological
disorders; stroke,
epilepsy, seizure,
paralysis, etc
128 Any other illness
or injury
175 Diabetes
105 Asthma, lung
129 Admission to
176 Tuberculosis
106 Heart or vascular
118 Psychological/
psychiatric trouble of
any sort
130 Visit to medical
practitioner since last
medical examination
177 Allergy/
107 High or low blood
178 Inherited
108 Kidney stone or
blood in urine
119 Alcohol/drug/
substance abuse
131 Refusal of life
179 Glaucoma
109 Diabetes, hormone
120 Attempted suicide
or self-harm
132 Refusal of flying
Females only:
110 Stomach, liver or
intestinal trouble
121 Motion sickness
requiring medication
133 Medical rejection
from or for military
150 Gynaecological,
menstrual problems
111 Deafness, ear
122 Anaemia / Sickle
cell trait/other blood
134 Award of pension
or compensation for
injury or illness
151 Are you
(30) Remarks: If previously reported and no change since, so state.
(31) Declaration: I hereby declare that I have carefully considered the statements made above and to the best of my belief they are
complete and correct and that I have not withheld any relevant information or made any misleading statements. I understand that, if I
have made any false or misleading statements in connection with this application, or fail to release the supporting medical information,
the licensing authority may refuse to grant me a medical certificate or may withdraw any medical certificate granted, without prejudice
to any other action applicable under national law.
CONSENT TO RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION: I hereby authorise the release of all information contained in this report and any or
all attachments to the AME and, where necessary, to the medical assessor of the my licensing authority , to the medical assessor of the
competent authority of my AME and to relevant medical professionals for the purpose of completion of an aero-medical assessment or a
secondary review, recognising that these documents or electronically stored data are to be used for completion of a medical assessment
and will become and remain the property of the licensing authority, providing that I or my physician may have access to them according
to national law. Medical confidentiality will be respected at all times.
NOTIFICATION OF DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA: I hereby declare that I have been informed and I understand that the data contained
in my medical certificate according to ARA.MED.130 may be electronically stored and made available to my AME in order to provide
historical data required in MED.A.035(b)(2)(ii)/(iii) and to the medical assessors of the competent authorities of the Member States in
order to facilitate the enforcement of ARA.MED.150(c)(4).
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date Signature of applicant Signature of AME/(GMP)/ (medical assessor)
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This application form and all attached report forms will be transmitted to the licensing authority. Medical
confidentiality shall be respected at all times.
The applicant should personally complete, in full, all questions (sections) on the application form. Writing should
be legible and in block capitals, using a ball-point pen. Completion of this form by typing/printing is also
acceptable. If more space is required to answer any questions, a plain sheet of paper should be used, bearing
the applicant’s name and signature, and the date of signing. The following numbered instructions apply to the
numbered headings on the application form for a medical certificate.
Failure to complete the application form in full, or to write legibly, may result in non-acceptance of the
application form. The making of false or misleading statements or the withholding of relevant information in
respect of this application may result in criminal prosecution, denial of this application and/or withdrawal of any
medical certificate(s) granted.
State name of country this application is to be
forwarded to.
State date (day, month, year) and place (town, country)
Initial applicants state ‘NONE’.
Tick appropriate box.
State type of licence(s) held.
Class 1: Professional Pilot
Enter licence number and State of issue.
Class 2: Private Pilot
If no licences are held, state ‘NONE’.
State surname/family name.
Tick appropriate box and give details of any limitations on your
licence(s)/medical certificate, e.g. vision, colour vision, safety pilot, etc.
If your surname or family name has changed for
any reason, state previous name(s).
Tick ‘YES’ box if you have ever had a medical certificate denied,
suspended or revoked, even if only temporary.
If ‘YES’, state date (dd/mm/yyyy) and country where it occurred.
State first and middle names (maximum three).
State total number of hours flown.
Specify in order dd/mm/yyyy.
State number of hours flown since your last medical examination.
7. SEX:
Tick appropriate box.
State name of principal aircraft flown, e.g. Boeing 737, Cessna 150, etc.
State town and country of birth.
If ‘YES’ box ticked, state date (dd/mm/yyyy) and country of
State name of country of citizenship.
State whether airline, charter, single-pilot, commercial air transport,
carrying passengers, agriculture, pleasure, etc.
State permanent postal address and country. Enter
telephone area code as well as telephone number.
Tick appropriate box to indicate whether you fly as the SOLE pilot or
If different from permanent address, state full
current postal address including telephone number
and area code. If the same, enter ‘SAME’.
Tick applicable box. If yes, state weekly alcohol consumption e.g. 2
litres beer.
Tick appropriate box.
If ‘YES’, give full details - name, how much you take and when, etc.
Include any non-prescription medication.
State reference number allocated to you by the
licensing authority
Initial applicants enter ‘NONE’.
Tick applicable box. Current smokers state type (cigarettes, cigars, pipe)
and amount (e.g. 2 cigars daily; pipe 1 oz. weekly)
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All items under this heading from number 101 to 179 inclusive should have
the answer ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ ticked. You should tick ‘YES’ if you have ever had
the condition in your life and describe the condition and approximate date
in the (30) remarks section. All questions asked are medically important
even though this may not be readily apparent.
Items numbered 170 to 179 relate to immediate family history, whereas
items numbered 150 to 151 should be answered by female applicants only.
If information has been reported on a previous application form for a
medical certificate and there has been no change in your condition, you
may state ‘Previously reported; no change since’. However, you should still
tick ‘YES’ to the condition.
Do not report occasional common illnesses such as colds.
State type of licence applied for from the following
Aeroplane Transport Pilot Licence
Multi-Pilot Licence
Commercial Pilot Licence/Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot Licence
Private Pilot Licence/Instrument Rating
Private Pilot Licence
Sailplane Pilot Licence
Balloon Pilot Licence
Light Aircraft Pilot Licence
And whether Fixed Wing / Rotary Wing / Both
Other Please specify
Indicate your principal employment.
If principal occupation is pilot, then state
employer’s name or if self-employed, state ‘self’.
Do not sign or date these declarations until indicated to do so by the
AME/GMP who will act as witness and sign accordingly.
AMC1 ARA.MED.135(b);(c) Aero-medical forms
ED Decision 2012/006/R
The forms referred to in ARA.MED.135(b) and (c) should reflect the information indicated in the
following forms and corresponding instructions for completion.
(201) Examination category
Revalidation Renewal
Colour eye
Colour hair
(206) Blood
(207) Pulse - resting
Special referral
Clinical exam: Check each item NormalAbnormal NormalAbnormal
(208) Head, face, neck, scalp
(218) Abdomen, hernia, liver, spleen
(209) Mouth, throat, teeth
(219) Anus, rectum
(210) Nose, sinuses
(220) Genito-urinary system
(211) Ears, drums, eardrum motility
(221) Endocrine system
(212) Eyes - orbit & adnexa; visual fields
(222) Upper & lower limbs, joints
(213) Eyes - pupils and optic fundi
(223) Spine, other musculoskeletal
(214) Eyes - ocular motility; nystagmus
(224) Neurologic - reflexes, etc.
(215) Lungs, chest, breasts
(225) Psychiatric
(216) Heart
(226) Skin, identifying marks and lymphatics
(217) Vascular system
(227) General systemic
(228) Notes: Describe every abnormal finding. Enter applicable item number before each comment.
Visual acuity
(229) Distant vision at 5m/6m(236) Pulmonary function (237) Haemoglobin
/FVC __________ %
____________ ______ (unit)
Right eye
Corr. to
Left eye
Corr. to
Normal Abnormal
Normal Abnormal
Both eyes
Corr. to
(235) Urinalysis Normal Abnormal
(230) Intermediate vision
N14 at 100 cm
Right eye
Accompanying reports
Left eye
Both eyes
(238) ECG
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(231) Near vision
(239) Audiogram
N5 at 30-50 cm
(240) Ophthalmology
Right eye
(241) ORL (ENT)
Left eye
(242) Blood lipids
Both eyes
(243) Pulmonary function
(244) Other (what?)
(232) Spectacles
(233) Contact lenses
Yes No
Yes No
(247) AME recommendation:
Name of applicant: Date of birth: Reference number:
Right eye
Left eye
---------------------------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
(313) Colour perception
Normal Abnormal
Fit for class: --------------------
Pseudo-isochromatic plates
Type: Ishihara (24 plates)
Medical certificate issued by undersigned (copy attached) for
class: ------------------
No of plates:
No of errors:
(234) Hearing
(when 239/241 not performed)
Right ear
Left ear
Unfit for class: --------------------
Deferred for further evaluation. If yes, why and to whom?
Conversational voice test (2m)
with back turned to examiner
(248) Comments, limitations
(249) AME declaration:
I hereby certify that I/my AME group have personally examined the applicant named on this medical examination report and that this
report with any attachment embodies my findings completely and correctly.
AME name and address:
AME certificate No.:
Telephone No.:
Telefax No.:
Shaded areas do not require completion
(201) Examination category
Revalidation Renewal
Colour eye
Colour hair
(206) Blood
(207) Pulse - resting
Special referral
Clinical exam: Check each item NormalAbnormal NormalAbnormal
(208) Head, face, neck, scalp
(218) Abdomen, hernia, liver, spleen
(209) Mouth, throat, teeth
(219) Anus, rectum
(210) Nose, sinuses
(220) Genito-urinary system
(211) Ears, drums, eardrum motility
(221) Endocrine system
(212) Eyes - orbit & adnexa; visual fields
(222) Upper & lower limbs, joints
(213) Eyes - pupils and optic fundi
(223) Spine, other musculoskeletal
(214) Eyes - ocular motility; nystagmus
(224) Neurologic - reflexes, etc.
(215) Lungs, chest, breasts
(225) Psychiatric
(216) Heart
(226) Skin, identifying marks and lymphatics
(217) Vascular system
(227) General systemic
(228) Notes: Describe every abnormal finding. Enter applicable item number before each comment.
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Visual acuity
(229) Distant vision at 5m/6m(236) Pulmonary function (237) Haemoglobin
/FVC __________ %
____________ ______ (unit)
Right eye
Corr. to
Left eye
Corr. to
Normal Abnormal
Normal Abnormal
Both eyes
Corr. to
(235) Urinalysis Normal Abnormal
(230) Intermediate vision
N14 at 100 cm
Right eye
Accompanying reports
Left eye
Both eyes
(238) ECG
(231) Near vision
(239) Audiogram
N5 at 30-50 cm
(240) Ophthalmology
Right eye
(241) ORL (ENT)
Left eye
(242) Blood lipids
Both eyes
(243) Pulmonary function
(244) Other (what?)
(232) Spectacles
(233) Contact lenses
Yes No
Yes No
(247) AME/GMP recommendation:
Name of applicant: Date of birth: Reference number:
Right eye
Left eye
---------------------------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
(313) Colour perception
Normal Abnormal
Fit for medical certificate for LAPL
Pseudo-isochromatic plates
Type: Ishihara (24 plates)
Medical certificate issued by undersigned (copy attached) for
No of plates:
No of errors:
(234) Hearing
(when 239/241 not performed)
Right ear
Left ear
Unfit for class: --------------------
Deferred for further evaluation. If yes, why and to whom?
Conversational voice test (2m)
with back turned to examiner
(248) Comments, limitations
(249) AME/GMP declaration:
I hereby certify that I have personally examined the applicant named on this medical examination report and that this report with any
attachment embodies my findings completely and correctly.
AME name and address:
AME certificate No./GMP
identification No.:
Telephone No.:
Telefax No.:
The AME performing the examination should verify the identity of the applicant.
All questions (sections) on the medical examination report form should be completed in full. If an
otorhinolaryngology examination report form is attached, then questions 209, 210, 211, and 234 may be
omitted. If an ophthalmology examination report form is attached, then questions 212, 213, 214, 229, 230, 231,
232, and 233 may be omitted.
Writing should be legible and in block capitals using a ball-point pen. Completion of this form by typing/printing
is also acceptable. If more space is required to answer any question, a plain sheet of paper should be used,
bearing the applicant’s name, the AME’s name and signature, and the date of signing. The following numbered
instructions apply to the numbered headings on the medical examination report form.
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Failure to complete the medical examination report form in full, as required, or to write legibly, may result in
non-acceptance of the application in total and may lead to withdrawal of any medical certificate issued. The
making of false or misleading statements or the withholding of relevant information by an AME may result in
criminal prosecution, denial of an application or withdrawal of any medical certificate(s) granted.
Shaded areas do not require completion for the medical examination report form for the LAPL.
201 EXAMINATION CATEGORY Tick appropriate box.
Initial Initial examination for either LAPL, class 1 or 2; also initial examination for upgrading from LAPL
to class 2, or class 2 to 1 (notate ‘upgrading’ in box 248).
Renewal/Revalidation Subsequent ROUTINE examinations.
Extended Renewal/Revalidation Subsequent ROUTINE examinations, which include comprehensive
ophthalmological and otorhinolaryngology examinations.
202 HEIGHT Measure height, without shoes, in centimetres to nearest cm.
203 WEIGHT Measure weight, in indoor clothes, in kilograms to nearest kg.
204 COLOUR EYE State colour of applicant’s eyes from the following list: brown, blue, green, hazel, grey,
205 COLOUR HAIR State colour of applicant’s hair from the following list: brown, black, red, fair, bald.
206 BLOOD PRESSURE Blood pressure readings should be recorded as Phase 1 for Systolic pressure and
Phase 5 for Diastolic pressure. The applicant should be seated and rested. Recordings in mm Hg.
207 PULSE (RESTING) The pulse rate should be recorded in beats per minute and the rhythm should be
recorded as regular or irregular. Further comments if necessary may be written in section 228, 248 or
208 to 227 inclusive constitute the general clinical examination, and each of the boxes should be marked (with
a tick) as normal or abnormal.
208 HEAD, FACE, NECK, SCALP To include appearance, range of neck and facial movements, symmetry, etc.
209 MOUTH, THROAT, TEETH To include appearance of buccal cavity, palate motility, tonsillar area, pharynx
and also gums, teeth and tongue.
210 NOSE, SINUSES To include appearance and any evidence of nasal obstruction or sinus tenderness on
211 EARS, DRUMS, EARDRUM MOTILITY To include otoscopy of external ear, canal, tympanic membrane.
Eardrum motility by valsalva manoeuvre or by pneumatic otoscopy.
212 EYES ORBIT AND ADNEXA; VISUAL FIELDS To include appearance, position and movement of eyes and
their surrounding structures in general, including eyelids and conjunctiva. Visual fields check by
campimetry, perimetry or confrontation.
213 EYES PUPILS AND OPTIC FUNDI To include appearance, size, reflexes, red reflex and fundoscopy.
Special note of corneal scars.
214 EYES OCULAR MOTILITY, NYSTAGMUS To include range of movement of eyes in all directions;
symmetry of movement of both eyes; ocular muscle balance; convergence; accommodation; signs of
215 LUNGS, CHEST, BREASTS To include inspection of chest for deformities, operation scars, abnormality of
respiratory movement, auscultation of breath sounds. Physical examination of female applicant’s breasts
should only be performed with informed consent.
216 HEART To include apical heartbeat, position, auscultation for murmurs, carotid bruits, palpation for
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217 VASCULAR SYSTEM To include examination for varicose veins, character and feel of pulse, peripheral
pulses, evidence of peripheral circulatory disease.
218 ABDOMEN, HERNIA, LIVER, SPLEEN To include inspection of abdomen; palpation of internal organs;
check for inquinal hernias in particular.
219 ANUS, RECTUM Examination only with informed consent.
220 GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM To include renal palpation; inspection palpation male/female reproductive
organs only with informed consent.
221 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM To include inspection, palpation for evidence of hormonal
abnormalities/imbalance; thyroid gland.
222 UPPER AND LOWER LIMBS, JOINTS To include full range of movements of joints and limbs, any
deformities, weakness or loss. Evidence of arthritis.
223 SPINE, OTHER MUSCULOSKELETAL To include range of movements, abnormalities of joints.
224 NEUROLOGIC REFLEXES ETC. To include reflexes, sensation, power, vestibular system balance,
romberg test, etc.
225 PSYCHIATRIC To include appearance, appropriate mood/thought, unusual behaviour.
226 SKIN, IDENTIFYING MARKS AND LYMPHATICS To include inspection of skin; inspection, palpation for
lymphadenopathy, etc. Briefly describe scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc. which could be used for
identification purposes.
227 GENERAL SYSTEMIC All other areas, systems and nutritional status.
228 NOTES Any notes, comments or abnormalities to be described extra notes if required on separate
sheet of paper, signed and dated.
229 DISTANT VISION AT 5/6 METRES Each eye to be examined separately and then both together. First
without correction, then with spectacles (if used) and lastly with contact lenses, if used. Record visual
acuity in appropriate boxes. Visual acuity to be tested at either 5 or 6 metres with the appropriate chart
for the distance.
230 INTERMEDIATE VISION AT 100 CM Each eye to be examined separately and then both together. First
without correction, then with spectacles if used and lastly with contact lenses if used. Record visual acuity
in appropriate boxes as ability to read N14 at 100 cm (Yes/No).
231 NEAR VISION AT 30-50 CM. Each eye to be examined separately and then both together. First without
correction, then with spectacles if used and lastly with contact lenses, if used. Record visual acuity in
appropriate boxes as ability to read N5 at 30-50 cm (Yes/No).
Note: Bifocal contact lenses and contact lenses correcting for near vision only are not acceptable.
232 SPECTACLES Tick appropriate box signifying if spectacles are or are not worn by applicant. If used, state
whether unifocal, bifocal, varifocal or look-over.
233 CONTACT LENSES Tick appropriate box signifying if contact lenses are or are not worn. If worn, state
type from the following list; hard, soft, gas-permeable or disposable.
313 COLOUR PERCEPTION Tick appropriate box signifying if colour perception is normal or not. If abnormal;
state number of plates of the first 15 of the pseudo-isochromatic plates (Ishihara 24 plates) have not
been read correctly.
234 HEARING Tick appropriate box to indicate hearing level ability as tested separately in each ear at 2 m.
235 URINALYSIS State whether result of urinalysis is normal or not by ticking appropriate box. If no abnormal
constituents, state NIL in each appropriate box.
236 PULMONARY FUNCTION When required or on indication, state actual FEV1/FVC value obtained in %
and state if normal or not with reference to height, age, sex and race.
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237 HAEMOGLOBIN Enter actual haemoglobin test result and state units used. Then state whether normal
value or not, by ticking appropriate box.
238 to 244 inclusive: ACCOMPANYING REPORTS One box opposite each of these sections must be ticked. If the
test is not required and has not been performed, then tick the NOT PERFORMED box. If the test has been
performed (whether required or on indication) complete the normal or abnormal box as appropriate. In
the case of question 244, the number of other accompanying reports must be stated.
247 AME RECOMMENDATION The applicant’s name, date of birth and reference number, should be entered
here in block capitals. The applicable class of medical certificate should be indicated by a tick in the
appropriate box. If a fit assessment is recommended and a medical certificate has been issued, this should
be indicated in the appropriate box. An applicant may be recommended as fit for a lower class of medical
certificate (e.g. class 2), but also be deferred or recommended as unfit for a higher class of medical
certificate (e.g. class 1). If an unfit recommendation is made, applicable Part-MED paragraph references
should be entered. If an applicant is deferred for further evaluation, the reason and the doctor or licensing
authority to whom the applicant is referred should be indicated.
248 COMMENTS, LIMITATIONS, ETC. The AME’s findings and assessment of any abnormality in the history
or examination, should be entered here. The AME should also state any limitation required.
249 AME DETAILS The AME should sign the declaration, complete his/her name and address in block
capitals, contact details and lastly stamp the relevant section with his/her designated AME stamp
incorporating his/her AME number. The GMP identification no. is the number provided by the national
medical system.
250 PLACE AND DATE The place (town or city) and the date of examination should be entered here. The
date of examination is the date of the general examination and not the date of finalisation of the form. If
the medical examination report is finalised on a different date, the date of finalisation should be entered
in section 248 as ‘Report finalised on .......’.
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GM1 ARA.MED.135(b);(c) Aero-medical forms
ED Decision 2012/006/R
The ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology examination report forms may be used as indicated in
the following forms and corresponding instructions for completion.
Complete this page fully and in block capitals Refer to instructions for completion.
Applicant’s details
(1) State applied to:
(2) Medical certificate applied for: class 1 class 2
(3) Surname:
(4) Previous surname(s):
(12) Application: Initial
(5) Forename(s):
(6) Date of birth:
(7) Sex:
(13) Reference number:
(301) Consent to release of medical information: I hereby authorise the release of all information contained in this report and any or all
attachments to the AME and, where necessary, to the medical assessor of the licensing authority, recognising that these documents or
electronically stored data, are to be used for completion of a medical assessment and will become and remain the property of the
licensing authority, providing that I or my physician may have access to them according to national law. Medical confidentiality will be
respected at all times.
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Date Signature of applicant Signature of AME
(302) Examination category:
(303) Ophthalmological history:
Special referral
Clinical examination Visual acuity
Check each item
(314) Distant vision at 5m/6m
(304) Eyes, external & eyelids
Right eye
Corrected to
(305) Eyes, Exterior
Left eye
Corrected to
(slit lamp, ophth.)
Both eyes
Corrected to
(306) Eye position and movements
(315) Intermediate vision at 1m
(307) Visual fields (confrontation)
Right eye
Corrected to
(308) Pupillary reflexes
Left eye
Corrected to
(309) Fundi (Ophthalmoscopy)
Both eyes
Corrected to
(310) Convergence
(316) Near vision at 30-50cm
(311) Accommodation
Right eye
Corrected to
Left eye
Corrected to
(312) Ocular muscle balance (in prisme dioptres)
Both eyes
Corrected to
Distant at 5m/6m
Near at 30-50 cm
(317) Refraction
Near (add)
Right eye
Left eye
Actual refraction examined Spectacles prescription based
Tropia Yes No PhoriaYes No
(318) Spectacles
(319) Contact lenses
Fusional reserve testing Not performed Normal Abnormal
Yes No
Yes No
(313) Colour perception
Pseudo-Isochromatic plates
Type: Ishihara (24 plates)
No of plates:
No of errors:
(320) Intra-ocular pressure
Advanced colour perception testing indicated YesNo
Right (mmHg)
Left (mmHg)
Colour SAFE Colour UNSAFE
Normal Abnormal
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(321) Ophthalmological remarks and recommendation:
(322) Examiner’s declaration:
I hereby certify that I/my AME group have personally examined the applicant named on this medical examination report and that this
report with any attachment embodies my findings completely and correctly.
(323) Place and date:
Ophth examiner’s name and address: (block capitals)
AME or specialist stamp with No.:
AME signature:
Telephone No.:
Telefax No.:
Writing should be legible and in block capitals using a ball-point pen. Completion of this form by typing or
printing is also acceptable. If more space is required to answer any question, a plain sheet of paper should be
used, bearing the applicant’s name, the name and signature of the AME or ophthalmology specialist performing
the examination and the date of signing. The following numbered instructions apply to the numbered headings
on the ophthalmology examination report form.
Failure to complete the medical examination report form in full, as required, or to write legibly may result in
non-acceptance of the application in total and may lead to withdrawal of any medical certificate issued. The
making of false or misleading statements or the withholding of relevant information by an examiner may result
in criminal prosecution, denial of an application or withdrawal of any medical certificate granted.
The AME or ophthalmology specialist performing the examination should verify the identity of the applicant.
The applicant should then be requested to complete the sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 and 13 on the form and
then sign and date the consent to release of medical information (section 301) with the examiner countersigning
as witness.
302 EXAMINATION CATEGORY Tick appropriate box.
Initial Initial examination for either class 1 or 2; also initial examination for upgrading from class 2 to 1
(notate ‘upgrading’ in section 303).
Renewal/Revalidation Subsequent comprehensive ophthalmological examinations (due to refractive
Special referral NON-ROUTINE examination for assessment of an ophthalmological symptom or finding.
303 OPHTHALMOLOGICAL HISTORY Detail here any history of note or reasons for special referral.
304 to 309 inclusive: CLINICAL EXAMINATION These sections together cover the general clinical examination
and each of the sections should be marked (with a tick) as normal or abnormal. Any abnormal findings or
comments on findings should be entered in section 321.
310 CONVERGENCE Enter near point of convergence in cm, as measured using RAF near point rule or
equivalent. Tick whether normal or abnormal. Any abnormal findings or comments on findings should be
entered in section 321.
311 ACCOMMODATION Enter measurement recorded in dioptres using RAF near point rule or equivalent.
Tick whether normal or abnormal. Any abnormal findings or comments on findings should be entered in
section 321.
312 OCULAR MUSCLE BALANCE Ocular muscle balance is tested at distant 5 or 6 m and near at 30-50 cm
and results recorded. Presence of tropia or phoria must be entered accordingly and also whether fusional
reserve testing was NOT performed and if performed whether normal or not.
313 COLOUR PERCEPTION Enter type of pseudo-isochromatic plates (ishihara) as well as number of plates
presented with number of errors made by examinee. State whether advanced colour perception testing
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is indicated and what methods used (which colour lantern or anomaloscopy) and finally whether judged
to be colour safe or unsafe. Advanced colour perception testing is usually only required for initial
assessment, unless indicated by change in applicant’s colour perception.
314316 VISUAL ACUITY TESTING AT 5 m/6 m, 1 m and 30-50 cm Record actual visual acuity obtained in
appropriate boxes. If correction not worn nor required, put line through corrected vision boxes. Distant
visual acuity to be tested at either 5 m or 6 m with the appropriate chart for that distance.
317 REFRACTION Record results of refraction. Indicate also whether for class 2 applicants, refraction details
are based upon spectacle prescription.
318 SPECTACLES Tick appropriate box signifying if spectacles are or are not worn by applicant. If used, state
whether unifocal, bifocal, varifocal or look-over.
319 CONTACT LENSES Tick appropriate box signifying if contact lenses are or are not worn. If worn, state
type from the following list; hard, soft, gas-permeable, disposable.
320 INTRA-OCULAR PRESSURE Enter intra-ocular pressure recorded for right and left eyes and indicate
whether normal or not. Also indicate method used applanation, air etc.
321 OPHTHALMOLOGICAL REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATION Enter here all remarks, abnormal findings
and assessment results. Also enter any limitations recommended. If there is any doubt about findings or
recommendations, the examiner may contact the AMS for advice before finalising the report form.
322 OPHTHALMOLOGY EXAMINER’S DETAILS – The ophthalmology examiner must sign the declaration,
complete his/her name and address in block capitals, contact details and lastly stamp the report with
his/her designated stamp incorporating his/her AME or specialist number.
323 PLACE AND DATE Enter the place (town or city) and the date of examination. The date of examination
is the date of the clinical examination and not the date of finalisation of form. If the ophthalmology
examination report is finalised on a different date, enter date of finalisation on section 321 as ‘Report
finalised on ............’.
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Complete this page fully and in block capitals Refer to instructions for completion.
Applicant’s details
(1) State applied to:
(2) Medical certificate applied for: class 1 class 2
(3) Surname:
(4) Previous surname(s):
(12) Application: Initial
(5) Forename(s):
(6) Date of birth:
(7) Sex:
(13) Reference number:
(401) Consent to release of medical information: I hereby authorise the release of all information contained in this report and any or
all attachments to the AME and, where necessary, to the medical assessor of the licensing authority, recognising that these documents,
or any electronically stored data, are to be used for completion of a medical assessment and will become and remain the property of
the licensing authority, providing that I or my physician may have access to them according to national law. Medical confidentiality will
be respected at all times.
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
Date Signature of applicant Signature of AME
(402) Examination category:
(403) Otorhinolaryngological history:
Special referral
Clinical examination
Check each item
(419) Pure tone audiometry
(404) Head, face, neck, scalp
dB HL (hearing level)
(405) Buccal cavity, teeth
Right ear
Left ear
(406) Pharynx
(407) Nasal passages and naso-pharynnx
(incl. anterior rhinoscopy)
(408) Vestibular system incl. Romberg test
(409) Speech
(410) Sinuses
(411) Ext acoustic meati, tympanic membranes
(412) Pneumatic otoscopy
(413) Impedance tympanometry including
Valsalva menoeuvre (initial only)
(420) Audiogram
o = Right = Air
x = Left.......... = Bone
Additional testing (if indicated)
(414) Speech audiometry
(415) Posterior rhinoscopy
(416) EOG; spontaneous and
positional nystagnus
(417) Differential caloric test or
vestibular autorotation test
(418) Mirror or fibre laryngoscopy
(421) Otorhinolaryngology remarks and recommendation:
Hz 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000
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(422) Examiner’s declaration:
I hereby certify that I/my AME group have personally examined the applicant named on this medical examination report and that this
report with any attachment embodies my findings completely and correctly.
(423) Place and date:
ORL examiner’s name and address: (block
AME or specialist stamp with No:
AME signature:
Telephone No.:
Telefax No.:
Writing should be legible and in block capitals using a ball-point pen. Completion of this form by typing or
printing is also acceptable. If more space is required to answer any question, a plain sheet of paper should be
used, bearing the applicant’s name, the name and signature of the AME or otorhinolaryngology specialist
performing the examination and the date of signing. The following numbered instructions apply to the
numbered headings on the otorhinolaryngology examination report form.
Failure to complete the medical examination report form in full, as required, or to write legibly may result in
non-acceptance of the application in total and may lead to withdrawal of any medical certificate issued. The
making of false or misleading statements or the withholding of relevant information by an examiner may result
in criminal prosecution, denial of an application or withdrawal of any medical certificate granted.
The AME or otorhinolaryngology specialist performing the examination should verify the identity of the
applicant. The applicant should then be requested to complete the sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 and 13 on the
form and then sign and date the consent to release of medical information (section 401) with the examiner
countersigning as witness.
402 EXAMINATION CATEGORY Tick appropriate box.
Initial Initial examination for class 1; also initial examination for upgrading from class 2 to 1 (notate
upgrading’ in section 403)
Special Referral NON-ROUTINE examination for assessment of an ORL symptom or finding
403 OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICAL HISTORY Detail here any history of note or reasons for special referral.
404-413 inclusive: CLINICAL EXAMINATION These sections together cover the general clinical examination and
each of the sections should be marked (with a tick) as normal or abnormal. Any abnormal findings or
comments on findings should be entered in section 421.
414-418 inclusive: ADDITIONAL TESTING These tests are only required to be performed if indicated by history
or clinical findings and are not routinely required. For each test one of the boxes must be completed if
the test is not performed then tick that box if the test has been performed then tick the appropriate
box for a normal or abnormal result. All remarks and abnormal findings should be entered in section 421.
419 PURE TONE AUDIOMETRY Complete figures for dB HL (hearing level) in each ear at all listed frequencies.
420 AUDIOGRAM Complete audiogram from figures as listed in section 419.
findings and assessment results. Also enter any limitations recommended. If there is any doubt about
findings or recommendations the examiner may contact the AMS for advice before finalising the report
422 OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY EXAMINER’S DETAILS The otorhinolaryngology examiner must sign the
declaration, complete his/her name and address in block capitals, contact details and lastly stamp the
report with his/her designated stamp incorporating his/her AME or specialist number.
423 PLACE AND DATE Enter the place (town or city) and the date of examination. The date of examination
is the date of the clinical examination and not the date of finalisation of form. If the ORL examination
report is finalised on a different date, enter date of finalisation in section 421 as ‘Report finalised on
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ARA.MED.145 GMP notification to the competent authority
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
The competent authority, when applicable, shall establish a notification process for general medical
practitioners (GMPs) to ensure that the GMP is aware of the medical requirements laid down in
ARA.MED.150 Record-keeping
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) In addition to the records required in ARA.GEN.220, the competent authority shall include in its
system of record-keeping details of aero-medical examinations and assessments submitted by
AMEs,AeMCs or GMPs.
(b) All aero-medical records of licence holders shall be kept for a minimum period of 10 years after
the expiry of their last medical certificate.
(c) For the purpose of aero-medical assessments and standardisation, aero-medical records shall
be made available after written consent of the applicant/licence holder to:
(1) anAeMC, AME or GMP for the purpose of completion of an aero-medical assessment;
(2) a medical review board that may be established by the competent authority for
secondary review of borderline cases;
(3) relevant medical specialists for the purpose of completion of an aero-medical
(4) the medical assessor of the competent authority of another Member State for the
purpose of cooperative oversight;
(5) the applicant/licence holder concerned upon their written request; and
(6) after disidentification of the applicant/licence holder to the Agency for standardisation
(d) The competent authority may make aero-medical records available for other purposes than
those mentioned in (c) in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC as implemented under national
(e) The competent authority shall maintain lists:
(1) of all AMEs that hold a valid certificate issued by that authority; and
(2) where applicable, of all GMPs acting as AMEs on their territory.
These lists shall be disclosed to other Member States and the Agency upon request.
AMC1 ARA.MED.150 Record-keeping
ED Decision 2012/006/R
In accordance with Directive 95/46/EC as implemented under national law, aero-medical records may
also be released:
(a) upon written request of the applicant, to management of the competent authority, for review
in response to a complaint;
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(b) to research institutes for the purpose of scientific research, with assurance of de-identification
prior to publication;
(c) to any investigation body (accident, security, police), when required under national law; and
(d) for any other circumstances, as required under national law.
ARA.MED.160 Exchange of information on medical certificates
through a central repository
Regulation (EU) 2019/27
(a) The Agency shall establish and manage a central repository, the European Aero-Medical
Repository (EAMR).
(b) For the purposes of medical certification and oversight of applicants for and holders of class 1
medical certificates and for the oversight of AMEs and AeMCs, the persons referred to in point
(c) shall exchange the following information through EAMR:
(1) basic data of the applicant for or holder of a class 1 medical certificate: licensing
authority; surname and forename; date of birth; nationality; email address and the
number of one or more identification documents (national identity card or passport) as
provided by the applicant;
(2) class 1 medical certificate data: date of the medical examination or, in case the medical
examination is not finalised, the date of initiation of the medical examination; dates of
issuing and of expiration of the class 1 medical certificate; place of the examination;
status of limitations; status of that certificate (new, released, suspended or revoked);
unique reference number of the medical assessor of the licensing authority; AME or
AeMC issuing that certificate and of its competent authority.
(c) For the purposes of point (b), the following persons shall have access to EAMR and the
information contained therein:
(1) medical assessors of the licensing authority of the applicant for or holder of a class 1
medical certificate, as well as any other duly authorised personnel of that authority in
charge of creating or managing the record of that applicant or holder as required by this
(2) AMEs and any duly authorised personnel of AeMCs to whom that applicant or holder has
provided a declaration in accordance with point MED.A.035(b)(2);
(3) any duly authorised personnel of the competent authority responsible for the oversight
of AMEs or AeMCs conducting aero-medical assessments of those applicants or holders.
In addition, the Agency and national competent authorities may grant access to EAMR and the
information contained therein to other persons, where necessary for the purposes of ensuring
the proper functioning of EAMR, in particular its technical maintenance. In that case, the Agency
or the national competent authority concerned shall ensure that those persons are duly
authorised and qualified, that their access remains limited to what is necessary for the purposes
for which they have been granted access and that they have received prior training on the
applicable personal data protection legislation and related safeguards. Whenever a competent
authority grants a person such access, it shall inform the Agency beforehand.
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(d) The licensing authorities, AMEs and AeMCs referred to in point (c) shall, each time immediately
upon having examined an applicant for or a holder of a class 1 medical certificate, enter the
data referred to in point (b) into EAMR or update that data where necessary.
(e) Where the data constitutes personal data as defined in point a of Article 2 of Regulation (EC)
No 45/2001
, they shall, each time when entering or updating that data, inform, ex ante, the
applicant for or holder of the class 1 certificate thereof.
(f) The Agency shall ensure the integrity and security of EAMR and the information contained
therein by appropriate information technology infrastructure. It shall establish and apply, in
consultation with the national competent authorities, the protocols and technological
measures necessary to ensure that any access to EAMR and the information contained therein
is lawful and secure.
(g) The Agency shall ensure that any information contained in EAMR is deleted after a period of 10
years. That period shall be calculated from the date of expiration of the last class 1 certificate
issued in respect of the applicant or holder concerned, or from the date of the last entry or
update of data in respect of that applicant or holder, whichever date is later.
(h) The Agency shall ensure that applicants for or holders of class 1 medical certificates can access
any information relating to them contained in EAMR and that they are informed that they can
request that information to be rectified or deleted. The licensing authorities shall assess such
requests and, where they consider that the information concerned is incorrect or not necessary
for the purposes specified in point (b), ensure that the information is rectified or deleted.’
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(b) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
For the purpose of the EAMR, the information processed is divided into two categories as follows:
Category 1: Basic applicant data as described in ARA.MED.160(b)(1)
Category 2: Medical certificate data as described in ARA.MED.160(b)(2)
Typically, the following information should not be recorded:
Reasons for which a medical certificate has not been issued
Only the fact that no certificate has been issued should be indicated. Any need for further
clarification on whether the certificate has not been issued because of medical reasons,
administrative matters or interruption of the medical assessment process before reaching the
conclusion should be addressed, outside the scope of the EAMR, by the medical assessor of the
licensing authority associated with the applicant’s class 1 medical certificate.
Details of the limitations associated with a given medical certificate
Only a ‘Yes/No’ status on the existence of such a limitation should be recorded. Any need for
further clarification on the limitation(s) should be addressed, outside the scope of the EAMR,
Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with
regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 8,
12.1.2001, p. 1).
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by the medical assessor of the licensing authority associated with the applicant’s class 1 medical
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(c) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Each competent authority should:
(a) designate its EAMR administrator;
(b) ensure control and oversight of all personnel managing or using the EAMR.
AMC2 ARA.MED.160(c) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Each competent authority should restrict access to personal data in the EAMR on need-to-know basis
as follows:
Category as determined
by AMC2 ARA.MED.160(a)
Restricted access
Category 1
(a) to relevant authorised administrative personnel of the licensing
authority, to the extent needed to create and manage the applicant’s
record for licensing purposes, as required by Commission Regulation (EU)
No 1178/2011.
Category 1 & 2
(b) to the AeMC(s) or the AME(s) to whom the applicant submits a
declaration in accordance with MED.A.035(b)(2) for a class 1 medical
certificate, to the extent needed to verify their previous medical
certificate history, as required by Commission Regulation (EU)
No 1178/2011;
(c) to the medical assessor(s) of the licensing authority and the competent
authority(ies) exercising oversight on the AeMC(s) or the AME(s) to
whom the application for a class 1 medical certificate is submitted, to the
extent needed to ensure proper implementation of Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
AMC3 ARA.MED.160(c) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The competent authority should ensure that:
(a) all personnel accessing the EAMR are trained and proficient in using the system and having the
necessary knowledge for implementing the applicable data protection legislation;
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(b) the oversight of persons and organisations, subject to Regulation (EU) No 2018/1139 and its
implementing rules, includes the assessment of compliance with the provisions applicable to
the use and functioning of the EAMR.
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(d) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
Each competent authority should ensure that:
(a) for each applicant for a class 1 medical certificate, a unique personal record is created in the
EAMR, containing the category 1 personal data listed in ARA.MED.160(b)(1). This record is
referred to as the ‘applicant’s record’;
(b) the applicant’s record is managed in accordance with the applicable regulation (typically for
inserting, updating, viewing, validating data, etc.).
(c) an applicant is granted the right to obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate
personal data concerning them and, taking into account the purposes of the EAMR, the
applicant is granted the right to have incomplete personal data completed. Such corrections
should also be mirrored in the associated records kept in accordance with ARA.MED.150.
(d) the data recorded in the EAMR is complete as relevant for the purpose of the EAMR as described
in AMC1 ARA.MED.160(b).
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(d) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The competent authority should ensure that class 1 medical certificates issued or amended without
being properly recorded in the EAMR, due to unserviceability of the system, are entered in the EAMR
without undue delay when the system recovers.
AMC1 ARA.MED.160(h) Exchange of information on medical
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The competent authority should ensure at least the following:
(a) At the time of the creation of the applicant’s record at the latest, the applicants should be
(1) that their personal data as listed in ARA.MED.160(b)(1) will be lawfully processed in a
European central repository, in accordance with Article 72 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139
and ARA.GEN.200(c) and ARA.MED.160 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
(2) that the purpose of the processing is to verify that the information, as regards their
previous medical certificates, provided in their declaration submitted in accordance with
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MED.A.035(b)(2), is consistent with the records available to all competent authorities in
accordance with ARA.MED.150;
(3) of the contact details of the data protection officer as applicable;
(4) that the period for which the personal data will be stored is determined in accordance
with ARA.MED.160(g);
(5) of the existence of their right to request access to, and rectification of personal data;
(6) of the contact details of the data controller;
(7) of their right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority in
accordance with the applicable data protection legislation;
(8) that it is ensured that access to personal data contained in the EAMR is restricted to
authorised personnel in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
(b) When applying for a class 1 medical certificate, the applicants should be informed that the
category 2 data of their medical certificate, as listed in ARA.MED.160(b)(2), will be processed to
verify that the information provided in their declaration, as regards their previous medical
certificates, is consistent with the information available in the EAMR.
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ARA.MED.200 Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal or
change of an AME certificate
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
(a) The certification procedure for an AME shall follow the provisions laid down in ARA.GEN.315.
Before issuing the certificate, the competent authority shall have evidence that the AME
practice is fully equipped to perform aero-medical examinations within the scope of the AME
certificate applied for.
(b) When satisfied that the AME is in compliance with the applicable requirements, the competent
authority shall issue, revalidate, renew or change the AME certificate for a period not exceeding
3 years, using the form established in appendix VII to this Part.
AMC1 ARA.MED.200 Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal
or change of an AME certificate
ED Decision 2012/006/R
Before issuing the AME certificate, the competent authority should conduct an inspection of the AME
practice to verify compliance with ARA.MED.200(a).
AMC2 ARA.MED.200 Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal
or change of an AME certificate
ED Decision 2019/002/R
The competent authority should implement a procedure to ensure, before revalidation, renewal or
extension of privileges of an AME certificate, that applicants retain their level of aero-medical
ARA.MED.240 General medical practitioners (GMPs) acting as AMEs
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
The competent authority of a Member State shall notify the Agency and competent authorities of
other Member States if aero-medical examinations for the LAPL can be carried out on its territory by
ARA.MED.245 Continuing oversight of AMEs and GMPs
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
When developing the continuing oversight programme referred to in ARA.GEN.305, the competent
authority shall take into account the number of AMEs and GMPs exercising their privileges within the
territory where the competent authority exercises oversight.
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ARA.MED.250 Limitation, suspension or revocation of an AME
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The competent authority shall limit, suspend or revoke an AME certificate in cases where:
(1) the AME no longer complies with applicable requirements;
(2) failure to meet the criteria for certification or continuing certification;
(3) deficiency of aero-medical record-keeping or submission of incorrect data or information;
(4) falsification of medical records, certificates or documentation;
(5) concealment of facts appertaining to an application for, or holder of, a medical certificate
or false or fraudulent statements or representations to the competent authority;
(6) failure to correct findings from audit of the AME practice; and
(7) at the request of the certified AME.
(b) The certificate of an AME shall be automatically revoked in either of the following
(1) revocation of medical licence to practice; or
(2) removal from the Medical Register.
ARA.MED.255 Enforcement measures
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
If, during oversight or by any other means, evidence is found showing a non-compliance of an AeMC,
an AME or a GMP, the licensing authority shall have a process to review the medical certificates issued
by that AeMC, AME or GMP and may render them invalid where required to ensure flight safety.
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ARA.MED.315 Review of examination reports
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The licensing authority shall have a process in place to:
(a) review examination and assessment reports received from theAeMCs, AMEs and GMPs and
inform them of any inconsistencies, mistakes or errors made in the assessment process; and
(b) assist AMEs andAeMCs on their request regarding their decision on aero-medical fitness in
contentious cases.
AMC1 ARA.MED.315(a) Review of examination reports
ED Decision 2012/006/R
(a) The process to review examination and assessment reports received from AeMCs, AMEs and
GMPs should aim to check all reports received.
(b) The licensing authority should take account of the proportion of inconsistencies or errors found
in the assessment process and adapt the sample size accordingly and to review all reports if
ARA.MED.325 Secondary review procedure
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The competent authority shall establish a procedure for the review of borderline and contentious
cases with independent medical advisors, experienced in the practice of aviation medicine, to consider
and advise on an applicant’s fitness for medical certification.
ARA.MED.330 Special medical circumstances
Regulation (EU) 2015/445
(a) When new medical technology, medication or procedures are identified that may justify a fit
assessment of applicants otherwise not in compliance with the requirements, research may be
carried out to gather evidence on the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence.
(b) In order to undertake research, a competent authority, in cooperation with at least one other
competent authority, may develop and evaluate a medical assessment protocol based on which
these competent authorities may issue a defined number of pilot medical certificates with
appropriate limitations.
(c) AeMCs and AMEs may only issue medical certificates on the basis of a research protocol if
instructed to do so by the competent authority.
(d) The protocol shall be agreed between the competent authorities concerned and shall include
as a minimum:
(1) a risk assessment;
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(2) a literature review and evaluation to provide evidence that issuing a medical certificate
based on the research protocol would not jeopardise the safe exercise of the privileges
of the licence;
(3) detailed selection criteria for pilots to be admitted to the protocol;
(4) the limitations that will be endorsed on the medical certificate;
(5) the monitoring procedures to be implemented by the competent authorities concerned;
(6) the determination of end points for terminating the protocol.
(e) The protocol shall be compliant with relevant ethical principles.
(f) The exercise of licence privileges by licence holders with a medical certificate issued on the basis
of the protocol shall be restricted to flights in aircraft registered in the Member States involved
in the research protocol. This restriction shall be indicated on the medical certificate.
(g) The participating competent authorities shall:
(1) provide the Agency with:
(i) the research protocol before implementation;
(ii) the details and qualifications of the nominated focal point of each participating
competent authority;
(iii) documented reports of regular evaluations of its effectiveness;
(2) provide the AeMCs and AMEs within their jurisdiction with details of the protocol before
implementation for their information.
AMC1 ARA.MED.330 Special medical circumstances
ED Decision 2016/008/R
The protocol should:
(a) assess the incapacitation risk;
(b) assess the risk of subtle impairment of performance;
(c) undertake a risk-benefit analysis;
(d) include a review of the regulations in use in other major aviation States and ICAO;
(e) determine which class of medical certificate is included in the scope;
(f) estimate the number of pilots likely to be included;
(g) list all anticipated risks to the protocol and provide a risk management strategy including
appropriate limitations for every anticipated risk; where the risk of subtle impairment of
performance is identified, the protocol should include requirements for minimum simulator
testing or minimum line-flying under supervision or both;
(h) nominate medical research experts, if necessary, to provide advice on research methods.
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AMC1 ARA.MED.330(b)(c) Special medical circumstances
ED Decision 2016/008/R
Initial medical certificates issued on the basis of a protocol should only be issued by the competent
authority. Thereafter, the competent authority should decide whether the AeMC or AME may issue
the medical certificate.
GM1 ARA.MED.330 Special medical circumstances
ED Decision 2016/008/R
(a) When the terms ‘medical assessment protocol’, ‘research protocol’ and ‘protocol’ (as
mentioned in ARA.MED.330 and its associated AMC) are used, they all refer to a ‘medical
assessment protocol’.
(b) The protocol is to enable experience to be gained in special medical circumstances in a
controlled manner. This is to facilitate a better understanding of the treatment or condition, so
that an evidence-based decision concerning its implementation may be considered.
(c) The protocol and its implementation should comply with the principles described in the
following publication of the World Medical Association (WMA): “WMA Declaration of Helsinki -
Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”, as last amended.
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Appendix V to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) Certificate for Aeromedical
Centres (AeMCs)
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
European Union
Competent Authority
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and subject to the conditions specified below, the
[competent authority] hereby certifies
As Part-ORA certifies Aero-medical centre with the privileges and the scope of activities as listed in the
attached terms of approval.
1. This certificate is limited to that specified in the scope of approval section of the approved organisation
2. This certificate requires compliance with the procedures specified in the organisation documentation as
required by Part-ORA.
3. This certificate shall remain valid subject to compliance with the requirements of Part-ORA unless it has
been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.
Date of issue: …………………………………………………………………. Signature: ……………………………………………………………
EASA Form 146 Issue 1
'European Union' to be deleted for non-EU Member States
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Appendix VII to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) Certificate for Aeromedical
Examiners (AMEs)
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
European Union
Competent Authority
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and subject to the conditions specified below, the
[competent authority] hereby certifies
as aero-medical examiner
1. This certificate is limited to the privileges specified in the attachment to this AME certificate;
2. This certificate requires compliance with the implementing rules and procedures specified in Part-MED.
3. This certificate shall remain valid for a period of 3 years until [xx/yy/zzzz
] subject to compliance with the
requirements of Part-MED unless it has been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.
Date of issue: xx/yy/zzzz Signature: [Competent Authority]
EASA Form 148 Issue 1
'European Union' to be deleted for non-EU Member States
Expiry date: day/month/year
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Attachment to AME certificate number:
[Name and academic title of the aero-medical examiner] has obtained the privilege(s) to undertake aero-medical
examinations and assessments for the issuance of medical certificates as stated in the table below and to issue
these medical certificates for:
Class 2
Class 1 revalidation /renewal
Date of issue: xx/yy/zzzz Signature: [Competent Authority]
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ORA.GEN.105 Competent authority
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) For the purpose of this Part, the competent authority exercising oversight over:
(1) organisations subject to a certification obligation shall be:
(i) for organisations having their principal place of business in a Member State, the
authority designated by that Member State;
(ii) for organisations having their principal place of business located in a third country,
the Agency;
(2) FSTDs shall be:
(i) the Agency, for FSTDs:
located outside the territory of the Member States, or,
located within the territory of the Member States and operated by
organisations having their principal place of business located in a third
(ii) for FSTDs located within the territory of the Member States and operated by
organisations having their principal place of business in a Member State, the
authority designated by the Member State where the organisation operating it has
its principle place of business, or the Agency, ifso requested by the Member State
(b) When the FSTD located outside the territory of the Member States is operated by an
organisation certified by a Member State, the Agency shall qualify this FSTD in coordination with
the Member State that has certified the organisation that operates such FSTD.
ORA.GEN.115 Application for an organisation certificate
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The application for an organisation certificate or an amendment to an existing certificate shall
be made in a form and manner established by the competent authority,taking into account the
applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
(b) Applicants for an initial certificate shall provide the competent authority with documentation
demonstrating how they will comply with the requirements established in Regulation (EC) No
216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. Such documentation shall include a procedure describing
how changes not requiring prior approval will be managed and notified to the competent
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ORA.GEN.120 Means of compliance
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
(a) Alternative means of compliance to the AMC adopted by the Agency may be used by an
organisation to establish compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing
(b) When an organisation wishes to use an alternative means of compliance, it shall, prior to
implementing it, provide the competent authority with a full description of the alternative
means of compliance. The description shall include any revisions to manuals or procedures that
may be relevant, as well as an assessment demonstrating that Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and
its Implementing Rules are met.
The organisation may implement these alternative means of compliance subject to prior
approval by the competent authority and upon receipt of the notification as prescribed in
AMC1 ORA.GEN.120(a) Means of compliance
ED Decision 2012/007/R
In order to demonstrate that the Implementing Rules are met, a risk assessment should be completed
and documented. The result of this risk assessment should demonstrate that an equivalent level of
safety to that established by the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) adopted by the Agency is
ORA.GEN.125 Terms of approval and privileges of an organisation
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
A certified organisation shall comply with the scope and privileges defined in the terms of approval
attached to the organisation’s certificate.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.125 Terms of approval and privileges of an
ED Decision 2012/007/R
The management system documentation should contain the privileges and detailed scope of activities
for which the organisation is certified, as relevant to the applicable requirements. The scope of
activities defined in the management system documentation should be consistent with the terms of
ORA.GEN.130 Changes to organisations
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) Any change affecting:
(1) the scope of the certificate or the terms of approval of an organisation; or
(2) any of the elements of the organisation’s management system as required in
ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) and (a)(2),
shall require prior approval by the competent authority.
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(b) For any changes requiring prior approval in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and
its Implementing Rules, the organisation shall apply for and obtain an approval issued by the
competent authority. The application shall be submitted before any such change takes place, in
order to enable the competent authority to determine continued compliance with Regulation
(EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules and to amend, if necessary, the organisation
certificate and related terms of approval attached to it.
The organisation shall provide the competent authority with any relevant documentation.
The change shall only be implemented upon receipt of formal approval by the competent
authority in accordance with ARA.GEN.330.
The organisation shall operate under the conditions prescribed by the competent authority
during such changes, as applicable.
(c) All changes not requiring prior approval shall be managed and notified to the competent
authority as defined in the procedure approved by the competent authority in accordance with
AMC1 ORA.GEN.130 Changes to organisations
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The application for the amendment of an organisation certificate should be submitted at least
30 days before the date of the intended changes.
(b) In the case of a planned change of a nominated person, the organisation should inform the
competent authority at least 10 days before the date of the proposed change.
(c) Unforeseen changes should be notified at the earliest opportunity, in order to enable the
competent authority to determine continued compliance with the applicable requirements and
to amend, if necessary, the organisation certificate and related terms of approval.
GM1 ORA.GEN.130(a) Changes to organisations
ED Decision 2017/022/R
(a) Typical examples of changes requiring prior approval which may affect the certificate or the
terms of approval are listed below:
(1) the name of the organisation;
(2) the organisation’s principal place of business;
(3) the organisation’s scope of activities;
(4) additional locations of the organisation;
(5) the accountable manager;
(6) any of the persons referred to in ORA.GEN.210(a) and (b);
(7) the organisation’s documentation as required by this Part, safety policy and procedures;
(8) the facilities.
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(b) Prior approval by the competent authority is required for any changes to the organisation’s
procedure describing how changes not requiring prior approval will be managed and notified to
the competent authority.
(c) Changes requiring prior approval may only be implemented upon receipt of formal approval by
the competent authority.
GM2 ORA.GEN.130(a) Changes to organisations
ED Decision 2012/007/R
A change of name requires the organisation to submit a new application as a matter of urgency.
Where this is the only change to report, the new application can be accompanied by a copy of the
documentation previously submitted to the competent authority under the previous name, as a
means of demonstrating how the organisation complies with the applicable requirements.
GM1 ORA.GEN.130(c) Changes to organisations
ED Decision 2017/022/R
Typical examples of changes not requiring prior approval are to the following items:
(a) medical equipment (e.g. electrocardiograph (ECG), ophthalmoscope);
(b) flight simulation training device (FSTD) operator’s technical personnel;
(c) change in schedule of preventive maintenance; and
(d) list of instructors.
It is recommended that all information on changes not requiring prior approval be included as annexes
to the approved training organisation (ATO)’s, FSTD operator’s, as well as aeromedical centre’s
ORA.GEN.135 Continued validity
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The organisation’s certificate shall remain valid subject to:
(1) the organisation remaining in compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation
(EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules,taking into account the provisions related
to the handling of findings as specified under ORA.GEN.150;
(2) the competent authority being granted access to the organisation as defined in
ORA.GEN.140 to determine continued compliance with the relevant requirements of
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules; and
(3) the certificate not being surrendered or revoked.
(b) Upon revocation or surrender the certificate shall be returned to the competent authority
without delay.
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ORA.GEN.140 Access
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
For the purpose of determining compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No
216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, the organisation shall grant access to any facility, aircraft,
document, records, data, procedures or any other material relevant to its activity subject to
certification, whether it is contracted or not, to any person authorised by:
(a) the competent authority defined in ORA.GEN.105; or
(b) the authority acting under the provisions of ARA.GEN.300(d), ARA.GEN.300(e) or ARO.RAMP.
ORA.GEN.150 Findings
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
After receipt of notification of findings, the organisation shall:
(a) identify the root cause of the non-compliance;
(b) define a corrective action plan; and
(c) demonstrate corrective action implementation to the satisfaction of the competent authority
within a period agreed with that authority as defined in ARA.GEN.350(d).
AMC1 ORA.GEN.150(b) Findings
ED Decision 2012/007/R
The corrective action plan defined by the organisation should address the effects of the non-
conformity, as well as its root-cause.
GM1 ORA.GEN.150 Findings
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Corrective action is the action to eliminate or mitigate the root cause(s) and prevent recurrence
of an existing detected non-compliance or other undesirable condition or situation.
(b) Proper determination of the root cause is crucial for defining effective corrective actions.
ORA.GEN.155 Immediate reaction to a safety problem
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The organisation shall implement:
(a) any safety measures mandated by the competent authority in accordance with ARA.GEN.135(c);
(b) any relevant mandatory safety information issued by the Agency, including airworthiness
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ORA.GEN.160 Occurrence reporting
Regulation (EU) No 70/2014
(a) The organisation shall report to the competent authority, and to any other organisation
required by the State of the operator to be informed, any accident, serious incident and
occurrence as defined in Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the
and Directive 2003/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
(b) Without prejudice to paragraph (a) the organisation shall report to the competent authority
and to the organisation responsible for the design of the aircraft any incident, malfunction,
technical defect, exceeding of technical limitations and any occurrence that would highlight
inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous information contained in the operational suitability data
established in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 [
] or other irregular
circumstance that has or may have endangered the safe operation of the aircraft and that has
not resulted in an accident or serious incident.
(c) Without prejudice to Regulation (EU) No 996/2010, Directive 2003/42/EC, Commission
Regulation (EC) No 1321/2007
and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1330/2007
, the reports
referred in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be made in a form and manner established by the
competent authority and contain all pertinent information about the condition known to the
(d) Reports shall be made as soon as practicable, but in any case within 72 hours of the organisation
identifying the condition to which the report relates, unless exceptional circumstances prevent
(e) Where relevant, the organisation shall produce a follow-up report to provide details of actions
it intends to take to prevent similar occurrences in the future, as soon as these actions have
been identified. This report shall be produced in a form and manner established by the
competent authority.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.160 Occurrence reporting
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The organisation should report all occurrences defined in AMC 20-8, and as required by the
applicable national rules implementing Directive 2003/43/EC
on occurrence reporting in civil
(b) In addition to the reports required by AMC 20-8 and Directive 2003/43/EC, the organisation
should report volcanic ash clouds encountered during flight.
OJ L 295, 12.11.2010, p. 35.
OJ L 167, 4.7.2003, p. 23.
OJ L 224, 21.8.2012, p. 1.
OJ L 294, 13.11.2007, p. 3.
OJ L 295, 14.11.2007, p. 7.
Directive 2003/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2003 on occurrence reporting in civil aviation OJ L 167,
4.7.2003, p. 23-36.
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ORA.GEN.200 Management system
Regulation (EU) 2015/445
(a) The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a management system that includes:
(1) clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the organisation,
including a direct safety accountability of the accountable manager;
(2) a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the organisationwith regard to
safety, referred to as the safety policy;
(3) the identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the organisation,
their evaluation and the management of associated risks, including taking actions to
mitigate the risk and verify their effectiveness;
(4) maintaining personnel trained and competent to perform their tasks;
(5) documentation of all management system key processes, including a process for making
personnel aware of their responsibilities and the procedure for amending this
(6) a function to monitor compliance of the organisation with the relevant requirements.
Compliance monitoring shall include a feedback system of findings to the accountable
manager to ensure effective implementation of corrective actions as necessary; and
(7) any additional requirements that are prescribed in the relevant subparts of this Part or
other applicable Parts.
(b) The management system shall correspond to the size of the organisation and the nature and
complexity of its activities,taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these
(c) Notwithstanding point (a), in an organisation providing training only for the LAPL, PPL, SPL or
BPL and the associated ratings or certificates, safety risk management and compliance
monitoring defined in points (a)(3) and (a)(6) may be accomplished by an organisational review,
to be performed at least once every calendar year. The competent authority shall be notified
about the results of this review by the organisation without undue delay.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1);(2);(3);(5) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Safety risk management may be performed using hazard checklists or similar risk management
tools or processes, which are integrated into the activities of the organisation.
(b) The organisation should manage safety risks related to a change. The management of change
should be a documented process to identify external and internal change that may have an
adverse effect on safety. It should make use of the organisation’s existing hazard identification,
risk assessment and mitigation processes.
(c) The organisation should identify a person who fulfils the role of safety manager and who is
responsible for coordinating the safety management system. This person may be the
accountable manager or a person with an operational role in the organisation.
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(d) Within the organisation, responsibilities should be identified for hazard identification, risk
assessment and mitigation.
(e) The safety policy should include a commitment to improve towards the highest safety
standards, comply with all applicable legal requirements, meet all applicable standards,
consider best practices and provide appropriate resources.
(f) The organisation should, in cooperation with other stakeholders, develop, coordinate and
maintain an emergency response plan (ERP) that ensures orderly and safe transition from
normal to emergency operations and return to normal operations. The ERP should provide the
actions to be taken by the organisation or specified individuals in an emergency and reflect the
size, nature and complexity of the activities performed by the organisation.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
The management system of an organisation should encompass safety by including a safety manager
and a safety review board in the organisational structure.
(a) Safety manager
(1) The safety manager should act as the focal point and be responsible for the development,
administration and maintenance of an effective safety management system.
(2) The functions of the safety manager should be to:
(i) facilitate hazard identification, risk analysis and management;
(ii) monitor the implementation of actions taken to mitigate risks, as listed in the
safety action plan;
(iii) provide periodic reports on safety performance;
(iv) ensure maintenance of safety management documentation;
(v) ensure that there is safety management training available and that it meets
acceptable standards;
(vi) provide advice on safety matters; and
(vii) ensure initiation and follow-up of internal occurrence / accident investigations.
(b) Safety review board
(1) The Safety review board should be a high level committee that considers matters of
strategic safety in support of the accountable manager’s safety accountability.
(2) The board should be chaired by the accountable manager and be composed of heads of
functional areas.
(3) The safety review board should monitor:
(i) safety performance against the safety policy and objectives;
(ii) that any safety action is taken in a timely manner; and
(iii) the effectiveness of the organisation’s safety management processes.
(c) The safety review board should ensure that appropriate resources are allocated to achieve the
established safety performance.
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(d) The safety manager or any other relevant person may attend, as appropriate, safety review
board meetings. He/she may communicate to the accountable manager all information, as
necessary, to allow decision making based on safety data.
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Depending on the size of the organisation and the nature and complexity of its activities, the
safety manager may be assisted by additional safety personnel for the performance of all safety
management related tasks.
(b) Regardless of the organisational set-up it is important that the safety manager remains the
unique focal point as regards the development, administration and maintenance of the
organisation’s safety management system.
GM2 ORA.GEN.200(a)(1) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) A safety action group may be established as a standing group or as an ad-hoc group to assist or
act on behalf of the safety review board.
(b) More than one safety action group may be established depending on the scope of the task and
specific expertise required.
(c) The safety action group should report to and take strategic direction from the safety review
board and should be comprised of managers, supervisors and personnel from operational areas.
(d) The safety action group should:
(1) monitor operational safety;
(2) resolve identified risks;
(3) assess the impact on safety of operational changes; and
(4) ensure that safety actions are implemented within agreed timescales.
(e) The safety action group should review the effectiveness of previous safety recommendations
and safety promotion.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The safety policy should:
(1) be endorsed by the accountable manager;
(2) reflect organisational commitments regarding safety and its proactive and systematic
(3) be communicated, with visible endorsement, throughout the organisation; and
(4) include safety reporting principles.
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(b) The safety policy should include a commitment:
(1) to improve towards the highest safety standards;
(2) to comply with all applicable legislation, meet all applicable standards and consider best
(3) to provide appropriate resources;
(4) to enforce safety as one primary responsibility of all managers; and
(5) not to blame someone for reporting something which would not have been otherwise
(c) Senior management should:
(1) continually promote the safety policy to all personnel and demonstrate their
commitment to it;
(2) provide necessary human and financial resources for its implementation; and
(3) establish safety objectives and performance standards.
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
The safety policy is the means whereby the organisation states its intention to maintain and, where
practicable, improve safety levels in all its activities and to minimise its contribution to the risk of an
aircraft accident as far as is reasonably practicable.
The safety policy should state that the purpose of safety reporting and internal investigations is to
improve safety, not to apportion blame to individuals.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Hazard identification processes
(1) Reactive and proactive schemes for hazard identification should be the formal means of
collecting, recording, analysing, acting on and generating feedback about hazards and the
associated risks that affect the safety of the operational activities of the organisation.
(2) All reporting systems, including confidential reporting schemes, should include an
effective feedback process.
(b) Risk assessment and mitigation processes
(1) A formal risk management process should be developed and maintained that ensures
analysis (in terms of likelihood and severity of occurrence), assessment (in terms of
tolerability) and control (in terms of mitigation) of risks to an acceptable level.
(2) The levels of management who have the authority to make decisions regarding the
tolerability of safety risks, in accordance with (b)(1), should be specified.
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(c) Internal safety investigation
(1) The scope of internal safety investigations should extend beyond the scope of
occurrences required to be reported to the competent authority.
(d) Safety performance monitoring and measurement
(1) Safety performance monitoring and measurement should be the process by which the
safety performance of the organisation is verified in comparison to the safety policy and
(2) This process should include:
(i) safety reporting;
(ii) safety studies, that is, rather large analyses encompassing broad safety concerns;
(iii) safety reviews including trends reviews, which would be conducted during
introduction and deployment of new technologies, change or implementation of
procedures, or in situations of structural change in operations;
(iv) safety audits focussing on the integrity of the organisation’s management system,
and periodically assessing the status of safety risk controls; and
(v) safety surveys, examining particular elements or procedures of a specific
operation, such as problem areas or bottlenecks in daily operations, perceptions
and opinions of operational personnel and areas of dissent or confusion.
(e) The management of change
The organisation should manage safety risks related to a change. The management of change
should be a documented process to identify external and internal change that may have an
adverse effect on safety. It should make use of the organisation’s existing hazard identification,
risk assessment and mitigation processes.
(f) Continuous improvement
The organisation should continuously seek to improve its safety performance. Continuous
improvement should be achieved through:
(1) proactive and reactive evaluations of facilities, equipment, documentation and
procedures through safety audits and surveys;
(2) proactive evaluation of individuals’ performance to verify the fulfilment of their safety
responsibilities; and
(3) reactive evaluations in order to verify the effectiveness of the system for control and
mitigation of risk.
(g) The emergency response plan (ERP)
(1) An ERP should be established that provides the actions to be taken by the organisation
or specified individuals in an emergency. The ERP should reflect the size, nature and
complexity of the activities performed by the organisation.
(2) The ERP should ensure:
(i) an orderly and safe transition from normal to emergency operations;
(ii) safe continuation of operations or return to normal operations as soon as
practicable; and
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(iii) coordination with the emergency response plans of other organisations, where
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The overall purpose of the scheme is to use reported information to improve the level of safety
performance of the organisation and not to attribute blame.
(b) The objectives of the scheme are to:
(1) enable an assessment to be made of the safety implications of each relevant incident and
accident, including previous similar occurrences, so that any necessary action can be
initiated; and
(2) ensure that knowledge of relevant incidents and accidents is disseminated, so that other
persons and organisations may learn from them.
(c) The scheme is an essential part of the overall monitoring function and it is complementary to
the normal day-to-day procedures and ‘control’ systems and is not intended to duplicate or
supersede any of them. The scheme is a tool to identify those instances where routine
procedures have failed.
(d) All occurrence reports judged reportable by the person submitting the report should be
retained as the significance of such reports may only become obvious at a later date.
GM3 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system
ED Decision 2013/008/R
(a) Responsibilities
The ATO is responsible for the safety of its operations, including within an area with known or
forecast volcanic ash contamination.
The ATO should complete this assessment of safety risks related to known or forecast volcanic
ash contamination as part of its management system before initiating operations into airspace
forecast to be or aerodromes/operating sites known to be contaminated with volcanic ash.
This process is intended to ensure the ATO takes into account the likely accuracy and quality of
the information sources it uses in its management system and to demonstrate its own
competence and capability to interpret data from different sources in order to achieve the
necessary level of data integrity reliably and correctly resolve any conflicts among data sources
that may arise.
In order to decide whether or not to operate into airspace forecast to be or
aerodromes/operating sites known to be contaminated with volcanic ash, the ATO should make
use of the safety risk assessment within its management system as required by ORA.GEN.200.
The ATO’s safety risk assessment should take into account all relevant data including data from
the type certificate holders (TCHs) regarding the susceptibility of the aircraft they operate to
volcanic cloud-related airworthiness effects, the nature and severity of these effects and the
related pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight precautions to be observed by the ATO.
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The ATO should ensure that personnel required to be familiar with the details of the safety risk
assessments receives all relevant information (both pre-flight and in-flight) in order to be in a
position to apply appropriate mitigation measures as specified by the safety risk assessments.
(b) Procedures
The ATO should have documented procedures for the management of operations into airspace
forecast to be or aerodromes/operating sites known to be contaminated with volcanic ash.
These procedures should ensure that, at all times, flight operations remain within the accepted
safety boundaries as established through the management system allowing for any variations
in information sources, equipment, operational experience or organisation. Procedures should
include those for flight crew and any other relevant personnel such that they are in a position
to evaluate correctly the risk of flights into airspace forecast to be contaminated by volcanic ash
and to plan accordingly.
Continuing airworthiness personnel should be provided with procedures allowing them to
correctly assess the need for and to execute relevant maintenance or continuing airworthiness
The ATO should retain sufficient qualified and competent staff to generate well supported
operational risk management decisions and ensure that its staff are appropriately trained and
current. It is recommended that the ATO make the necessary arrangements for its relevant staff
to take up opportunities to be involved in volcanic ash exercises conducted in their areas of
(c) Volcanic activity information and the ATO’s potential response
Before and during operations, information valuable to the ATO is generated by various volcano
agencies worldwide. The ATO’s risk assessment and mitigating actions need to take account of
and respond appropriately to the information likely to be available during each phase of the
eruptive sequence from pre-eruption through to end of eruptive activity. It is nevertheless
noted that eruptions rarely follow a deterministic pattern of behaviour. A typical ATO’s
response may consist of the following:
(1) Pre-eruption
The ATO should have in place a robust mechanism for ensuring that it is constantly
vigilant for any alerts of pre-eruption volcanic activity relevant to its operations. The staff
involved need to understand the threat to safe operations that such alerts represent.
An ATO whose areas of activity include large, active volcanic areas for which immediate
International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) alerts may not be available, should define
its strategy for capturing information about increased volcanic activity before pre-
eruption alerts are generated. For example, an ATO may combine elevated activity
information with information concerning the profile and history of the volcano to
determine an operating policy, which could include re-routing or restrictions at night. This
would be useful when dealing with the 60% of volcanoes which are unmonitored.
Such an ATO should also ensure that its crews are aware that they may be the first to
observe an eruption and so need to be vigilant and ready to ensure that this information
is made available for wider dissemination as quickly as possible.
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(2) Start of an eruption
Given the likely uncertainty regarding the status of the eruption during the early stages
of an event and regarding the associated volcanic cloud, the ATO’s procedures should
include a requirement for crews to initiate re-routes to avoid the affected airspace.
The ATO should ensure that flights are planned to remain clear of the affected areas and
that consideration is given to available aerodromes/operating sites and fuel
It is expected that the following initial actions will be taken by the ATO:
(i) determine if any aircraft in flight could be affected, alert the crew and provide
advice on re-routing as required;
(ii) alert management;
(iii) for flight departures, brief flight crew and revise flight and fuel planning in
accordance with the safety risk assessment;
(iv) alert flight crew to the need for increased monitoring of information (e.g. special
air report (AIREP), volcanic activity report (VAR), significant weather information
(SIGMET), NOTAMs and company messages);
(v) initiate the gathering of all data relevant to determining the risk; and
(vi) apply mitigations identified in the safety risk assessment.
(3) On-going eruption
As the eruptive event develops, the ATO can expect the responsible Volcanic Ash Advisory
Centre (VAAC) to provide volcanic ash advisory messages (VAA/VAGs) defining, as
accurately as possible, the vertical and horizontal extent of areas and layers of volcanic
clouds. As a minimum, the ATO should monitor, and take account of, this VAAC
information as well as of relevant SIGMETs and NOTAMs.
Other sources of information are likely to be available such as VAR/AIREPs, satellite
imagery and a range of other information from State and commercial organisations. The
ATO should plan its operations in accordance with its safety risk assessment taking into
account the information that it considers accurate and relevant from these additional
The ATO should carefully consider and resolve differences or conflicts among the
information sources, notably between published information and observations (pilot
reports, airborne measurements, etc.).
Given the dynamic nature of the volcanic hazards, the ATO should ensure that the
situation is monitored closely and operations adjusted to suit changing conditions.
The ATO should be aware that, depending on the State concerned the affected or danger
areas may be established and presented in a different way than the one currently used
in Europe as described in EUR Doc 019-NAT Doc 006.
The ATO should require reports from its crews concerning any encounters with volcanic
emissions. These reports should be passed immediately to the appropriate air traffic
services (ATS) unit and to the ATO’s competent authority.
For the purpose of flight planning, the ATO should treat the horizontal and vertical limits
of the temporary danger area (TDA) or airspace forecast to be contaminated by volcanic
ash as applicable, to be over-flown as it would mountainous terrain, modified in
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accordance with its safety risk assessment. The ATO should take account of the risk of
cabin depressurisation or engine failure resulting in the inability to maintain level flight
above a volcanic cloud. Additional minimum Equipment List (MEL) provisions, if
applicable, should be considered in consultation with the TCHs.
Flying below a volcanic ash contaminated airspace should be considered on a case by case
basis. It should only be planned to reach or leave an aerodrome/operating site close to
the boundary of this airspace or where the ash contamination is very high and stable. The
establishment of Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) and the availability of
aerodromes/operating sites should be considered.
(d) Safety risk assessment
When directed specifically at the issue of intended flight into airspace forecast to be or
aerodromes/operating sites known to be contaminated with volcanic ash, the process should
involve the following:
(1) Identifying the hazards
The generic hazard, in the context of this document, is airspace forecast to beor
aerodromes/operating sites known to be contaminated with volcanic ash, and whose
characteristics are harmful to the airworthiness and operation of the aircraft.
This GM is referring to volcanic ash contamination since it is the most significant hazard
for flight operations in the context of a volcanic eruption. Nevertheless, it might not be
the only hazard and therefore the operator should consider additional hazards which
could have an adverse effect on aircraft structure or passengers safety such as gases.
Within this generic hazard, the ATO should develop its own list of specific hazards taking
into account its specific aircraft, experience, knowledge and type of operation, and any
other relevant data stemming from previous eruptions.
(2) Considering the severity and consequences of the hazard occurring (i.e. the nature and
actual level of damage expected to be inflicted on the particular aircraft from exposure
to that volcanic ash cloud).
(3) Evaluating the likelihood of encountering volcanic ash clouds with characteristics harmful
to the safe operation of the aircraft.
For each specific hazard within the generic hazard, the likelihood of adverse
consequences should be assessed, either qualitatively or quantitatively.
(4) Determining whether the consequent risk is acceptable and within the ATO’s risk
performance criteria.
At this stage of the process, the safety risks should be classified as acceptable or
unacceptable. The assessment of tolerability will be subjective, based on qualitative data
and expert judgement, until specific quantitative data are available in respect of a range
of parameters.
(5) Taking action to reduce the safety risk to a level that is acceptable to the ATO’s
Appropriate mitigation for each unacceptable risk identified should then be considered
in order to reduce the risk to a level acceptable to the ATO’s management.
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(e) Procedures to be considered when identifying possible mitigations actions
When conducting a volcanic ash safety risk assessment, the ATO should consider the following
non-exhaustive list of procedures and processes as mitigation:
(1) Type certificate holders
Obtaining advice from the TCHs and other engineering sources concerning operations in
potentially contaminated airspace and/or aerodromes/operating sites contaminated by
volcanic ash.
This advice should set out:
(i) the features of the aircraft that are susceptible to airworthiness effects related to
volcanic ash;
(ii) the nature and severity of these effects;
(iii) the effect of volcanic ash on operations to/from contaminated aerodromes/
operating sites, including the effect on take-off and landing aircraft performance;
(iv) the related pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight precautions to be observed by the
ATO including any necessary amendments to aircraft operating manuals, aircraft
maintenance manuals, master minimum equipment list/dispatch deviation or
equivalents required to support the ATO; and
(v) the recommended inspections associated with inadvertent operations in volcanic
ash contaminated airspace and operations to/from volcanic ash contaminated
aerodromes/operating sites; this may take the form of instructions for continuing
airworthiness or other advice.
(2) ATO/contracted organisations’ personnel
Definition of procedures for flight planning and operations ensuring that:
(i) flight crews are in a position to evaluate correctly the risk of encountering
volcanic ash contaminated airspace, or aerodromes/operating sites, and can plan
(ii) flight planning and operational procedures enable crews to avoid areas and
aerodromes/operating sites with unacceptable volcanic ash contamination;
(iii) flight crew are aware of the possible signs of entry into a volcanic ash cloud and
execute the associated procedures;
(iv) continuing airworthiness personnel are able to assess the need for, and to execute,
any necessary maintenance or other required interventions; and
(v) crews are provided with appropriate aircraft performance data when operating
to/from aerodromes/operating sites contaminated with volcanic ash.
(3) Provision of enhanced flight watch
This should ensure:
(i) close and continuous monitoring of VAA, VAR/AIREP, SIGMET, NOTAM and
ASHTAM and other relevant information, and information from crews, concerning
the volcanic ash cloud hazard;
(ii) access to plots of the affected areas from SIGMETs, NOTAMs and other relevant
information for crews; and
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(iii) communication of the latest information to crews in a timely fashion.
(4) Flight planning
Flexibility of the process to allow re-planning at short notice should conditions change.
(5) Departure, destination and alternate aerodromes
For the airspace to be traversed, or the aerodromes/operating sites in use, parameters
to evaluate and take account of:
(i) the probability of contamination;
(ii) any additional aircraft performance requirements;
(iii) required maintenance considerations;
(iv) fuel requirements for re-routeing and extended holding.
(6) Routing policy
Parameters to evaluate and take account of:
(i) the shortest period in and over the forecast contaminated area;
(ii) the hazards associated with flying over the contaminated area;
(iii) drift down and emergency descent considerations;
(iv) the policy for flying below the contaminated airspace and the associated hazards.
(7) Diversion policy
Parameters to evaluate and take account of:
(i) maximum allowed distance from a suitable aerodrome/operating site;
(ii) availability of aerodromes/operating sites outside the forecast contaminated area;
(iii) diversion policy after an volcanic ash encounter.
(8) Minimum equipment list
Additional provisions in the MEL, if applicable, for dispatching aircraft with
unserviceabilities that might affect the following non-exhaustive list of systems:
(i) air conditioning packs;
(ii) engine bleeds;
(iii) pressurisation system;
(iv) electrical power distribution system;
(v) air data system;
(vi) standby instruments;
(vii) navigation systems;
(viii) de-icing systems;
(ix) engine driven generators;
(x) auxiliary power unit (APU);
(xi) airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS);
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(xii) terrain awareness warning system (TAWS);
(xiii) autoland systems;
(xiv) provision of crew oxygen;
(xv) supplemental oxygen for passengers.
(9) Standard operating procedures
Crew training to ensure they are familiar with normal and abnormal operating procedures
and particularly any changes regarding but not limited to:
(i) pre-flight planning;
(ii) in-flight monitoring of volcanic ash cloud affected areas and avoidance procedures;
(iii) diversion;
(iv) communications with ATC;
(v) in-flight monitoring of engine and systems potentially affected by volcanic ash
cloud contamination;
(vi) recognition and detection of volcanic ash clouds and reporting procedures;
(vii) in-flight indications of a volcanic ash cloud encounter;
(viii) procedures to be followed if a volcanic ash cloud is encountered;
(ix) unreliable or erroneous airspeed;
(x) non-normal procedures for engines and systems potentially affected by volcanic
ash cloud contamination;
(xi) engine-out and engine relight;
(xii) escape routes; and
(xiii) operations to/from aerodromes/operating sites contaminated with volcanic ash.
(10) Provision for aircraft technical log
This should ensure:
(i) Systematic entry in the aircraft continuing airworthiness records or aircraft log if
available related to any actual or suspected volcanic ash encounter whether in-
flight or at an aerodrome/operating site; and
(ii) Checking, prior to flight, of the completion of maintenance actions related to an
entry in the continuing airworthiness records or aircraft log if available for a
volcanic ash cloud encounter on a previous flight.
(11) Incident reporting
Crew requirements for:
(i) reporting an airborne volcanic ash cloud encounter (VAR);
(ii) post-flight volcanic ash cloud reporting (VAR);
(iii) reporting non encounters in airspace forecast to be contaminated; and
(iv) filing a mandatory occurrence report in accordance with ORA.GEN.160.
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(12) Continuing airworthiness procedures
Procedures when operating in or near areas of volcanic ash cloud contamination:
(i) enhancement of vigilance during inspections and regular maintenance and
appropriate adjustments to maintenance practices;
(ii) definition of a follow-up procedure when a volcanic ash cloud encounter has been
reported or suspected;
(iii) thorough investigation for any sign of unusual or accelerated abrasions or
corrosion or of volcanic ash accumulation;
(iv) reporting to TCHs and the relevant authorities observations and experiences from
operations in areas of volcanic ash cloud contamination;
(v) completion of any additional maintenance recommended by the TCH or by the
competent authority.
(f) Reporting
The ATO should ensure that reports are immediately submitted to the nearest ATS unit using
the VAR/AIREP procedures followed up by a more detailed VAR on landing together with, as
applicable, a report as defined in Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 and Directive 2003/42/EC, and
an aircraft technical log entry for:
(1) any incident related to volcanic clouds;
(2) any observation of volcanic ash activity and
(3) anytime that volcanic ash is not encountered in an area where it was forecast to be.
(g) Additional guidance
Further guidance on volcanic ash safety risk assessment is given in ICAO Doc. 9974 (Flight safety
and volcanic ash Risk management of flight operations with known or forecast volcanic ash
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GM4 ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) Management system
ED Decision 2013/008/R
The results of the assessment of the potential adverse consequences or outcome of each hazard may be recorded by the ATO in a risk register, an example
of which is provided below.
and Review
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AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(4) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Training
(1) All personnel should receive safety training as appropriate for their safety responsibilities.
(2) Adequate records of all safety training provided should be kept.
(b) Communication
(1) The organisation should establish communication about safety matters that:
(i) ensures that all personnel are aware of the safety management activities as
appropriate for their safety responsibilities;
(ii) conveys safety critical information, especially relating to assessed risks and
analysed hazards;
(iii) explains why particular actions are taken; and
(iv) explains why safety procedures are introduced or changed.
(2) Regular meetings with personnel where information, actions and procedures are
discussed may be used to communicate safety matters.
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(4) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
The safety training programme may consist of self-instruction via a media (newsletters, flight safety
magazines), class-room training, e-learning or similar training provided by training service providers.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(5) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The organisation’s management system documentation should at least include the following
(1) a statement signed by the accountable manager to confirm that the organisation will
continuously work in accordance with the applicable requirements and the organisation’s
documentation as required by this Part;
(2) the organisation's scope of activities;
(3) the titles and names of persons referred to in ORA.GEN.210(a) and (b);
(4) an organisation chart showing the lines of responsibility between the persons referred to
in ORA.GEN.210;
(5) a general description and location of the facilities referred to in ORA.GEN.215;
(6) procedures specifying how the organisation ensures compliance with the applicable
(7) the amendment procedure for the organisation’s management system documentation.
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(b) The organisation’s management system documentation may be included in a separate manual
or in (one of) the manual(s) as required by the applicable Subpart(s). A cross reference should
be included.
GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(5) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) It is not required to duplicate information in several manuals. The information may be contained
in any of the organisation manuals (e.g. operations manual, training manual), which may also
be combined.
(b) The organisation may also choose to document some of the information required to be
documented in separate documents (e.g. procedures). In this case, it should ensure that
manuals contain adequate references to any document kept separately. Any such documents
are then to be considered an integral part of the organisation’s management system
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(5) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The safety management manual (SMM) should be the key instrument for communicating the
approach to safety for the whole of the organisation. The SMM should document all aspects of
safety management, including the safety policy, objectives, procedures and individual safety
(b) The contents of the safety management manual should include all of the following:
(1) scope of the safety management system;
(2) safety policy and objectives;
(3) safety accountability of the accountable manager;
(4) safety responsibilities of key safety personnel;
(5) documentation control procedures;
(6) hazard identification and risk management schemes;
(7) safety action planning;
(8) safety performance monitoring;
(9) incident investigation and reporting;
(10) emergency response planning;
(11) management of change (including organisational changes with regard to safety
(12) safety promotion.
(c) The SMM may be contained in (one of) the manual(s) of the organisation.
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AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(1) Compliance monitoring
The implementation and use of a compliance monitoring function should enable the
organisation to monitor compliance with the relevant requirements of this Part and other
applicable Parts.
(1) The organisation should specify the basic structure of the compliance monitoring
function applicable to the activities conducted.
(2) The compliance monitoring function should be structured according to the size of the
organisation and the complexity of the activities to be monitored.
(2) Organisations should monitor compliance with the procedures they have designed to ensure
safe activities. In doing so, they should as a minimum, and where appropriate, monitor:
(1) privileges of the organisation;
(2) manuals, logs, and records;
(3) training standards;
(4) management system procedures and manuals.
(3) Organisational set up
(1) To ensure that the organisation continues to meet the requirements of this Part and
other applicable Parts, the accountable manager should designate a compliance
monitoring manager. The role of the compliance monitoring manager is to ensure that
the activities of the organisation are monitored for compliance with the applicable
regulatory requirements , and any additional requirements as established by the
organisation, and that these activities are being carried out properly under the
supervision of the relevant head of functional area.
(2) The compliance monitoring manager should be responsible for ensuring that the
compliance monitoring programme is properly implemented, maintained and continually
reviewed and improved.
(3) The compliance monitoring manager should:
(i) have direct access to the accountable manager;
(ii) not be one of the other persons referred to in ORA.GEN.210(b);
(iii) be able to demonstrate relevant knowledge, background and appropriate
experience related to the activities of the organisation; including knowledge and
experience in compliance monitoring; and
(iv) have access to all parts of the organisation, and as necessary, any contracted
(4) In the case of a non-complex organisation, this task may be exercised by the accountable
manager provided he/she has demonstrated having the related competence as defined
in (c)(3)(iii).
(5) In the case the same person acts as compliance monitoring manager and as safety
manager, the accountable manager, with regards to his/her direct accountability for
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safety, should ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to both functions, taking into
account the size of the organisation and the nature and complexity of its activities.
(6) The independence of the compliance monitoring function should be established by
ensuring that audits and inspections are carried out by personnel not responsible for the
function, procedure or products being audited.
(4) Compliance monitoring documentation
(1) Relevant documentation should include the relevant part(s) of the organisation’s
management system documentation.
(2) In addition, relevant documentation should also include the following:
(i) terminology;
(ii) specified activity standards;
(iii) a description of the organisation;
(iv) the allocation of duties and responsibilities;
(v) procedures to ensure regulatory compliance;
(vi) the compliance monitoring programme, reflecting:
(A) schedule of the monitoring programme;
(B) audit procedures;
(C) reporting procedures;
(D) follow-up and corrective action procedures; and
(E) recording system.
(vii) the training syllabus referred to in (e)(2);
(viii) document control.
(5) Training
(1) Correct and thorough training is essential to optimise compliance in every organisation.
In order to achieve significant outcomes of such training, the organisation should ensure
that all personnel understand the objectives as laid down in the organisation’s
management system documentation.
(2) Those responsible for managing the compliance monitoring function should receive
training on this task. Such training should cover the requirements of compliance
monitoring, manuals and procedures related to the task, audit techniques, reporting and
(3) Time should be provided to train all personnel involved in compliance management and
for briefing the remainder of the personnel.
(4) The allocation of time and resources should be governed by the volume and complexity
of the activities concerned.
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GM1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The organisational set-up of the compliance monitoring function should reflect the size of the
organisation and the nature and complexity of its activities. The compliance monitoring
manager may perform all audits and inspections himself/herself or appoint one or more
auditors by choosing personnel having the related competence as defined in
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) point (c)(3)(iii), either from within or outside the organisation.
(b) Regardless of the option chosen it must be ensured that the independence of the audit function
is not affected, in particular in cases where those performing the audit or inspection are also
responsible for other functions within the organisation.
(c) In case external personnel are used to perform compliance audits or inspections:
(1) any such audits or inspections are performed under the responsibility of the compliance
monitoring manager; and
(2) the organisation remains responsible to ensure that the external personnel has relevant
knowledge, background and experience as appropriate to the activities being audited or
inspected; including knowledge and experience in compliance monitoring.
(d) The organisation retains the ultimate responsibility for the effectiveness of the compliance
monitoring function in particular for the effective implementation and follow-up of all
corrective actions.
GM2 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Typical subject areas for compliance monitoring audits and inspections for approved training
organisations (ATOs) should be the following:
(1) facilities;
(2) actual flight and ground training;
(3) technical standards.
(b) ATOs should monitor compliance with the training and operations manuals they have designed
to ensure safe and efficient training. In doing so, they should, where appropriate, additionally
monitor the following:
(1) training procedures;
(2) flight safety;
(3) flight and duty time limitations, rest requirements and scheduling;
(4) aircraft maintenance/operations interface.
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GM3 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) ‘Audit’ means a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which requirements are complied with.
(b) ‘Inspection’ means an independent documented conformity evaluation by observation and
judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging, in order to verify
compliance with applicable requirements.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(b) Management system
ED Decision 2020/005/R
(a) An organisation should be considered as complex when it has a workforce of more than 20 full
time equivalents (FTEs) involved in the activity subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
and its
Implementing Rules.
(b) Organisations with up to 20 full time equivalents (FTEs) involved in the activity subject to
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, may also be considered complex
based on an assessment of the following factors:
(1) in terms of complexity, the extent and scope of contracted activities subject to the
(2) in terms of risk criteria, whether any of the following are present:
(i) operations requiring the following specific approvals: performance based
navigation (PBN), low visibility operation (LVO), extended range operations with
two-engined aeroplanes (ETOPS), helicopter hoist operation (HHO), helicopter
emergency medical service (HEMS), night vision imaging system (NVIS) and
dangerous goods (DG);
(ii) different types of aircraft used;
(iii) the environment (offshore, mountainous area etc.);
(c) Regardless of the criteria mentioned in (a) and (b), the following organisations should always
be considered as non-complex:
(1) Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) only providing training for the light aircraft pilot
licence (LAPL), private pilot licence (PPL), sailplane pilot licence (SPL) or balloon pilot
licence (BPL) and the associated ratings and certificates;
(2) Aero-Medical Centres (AeMCs).
(d) Regardless of the criteria mentioned in (a) and (b), the organisations that provide training in the
following areas should always be considered as complex:
(1) full flight simulators (FFSs); or
(2) multi-pilot (MP) type rating; or
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 on common rules in the field of civil
aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002
and Directive 2004/36/EC. OJ L 79, 19.3.2008, p. 1.
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(3) zero-flight-time training (ZFTT); or
(4) complex aircraft; or
(5) different categories of aircraft; or
(6) instructor certificates for point (2) and (4) aircraft; or
(7) two or more aerodromes/operating sites.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(c) Management system
ED Decision 2015/011/R
(a) The primary objective of the organisational review is to enable the organisation to ensure that
its management system remains effective by verifying that it:
(1) has continually identified its aviation safety hazards;
(2) has effectively mitigated the associated risks; and
(3) monitors compliance with the applicable requirements.
(b) Safety risk management should:
(1) be performed using internal safety or occurrence reports, hazard checklists, risk registers
or similar risk management tools or processes, integrated into the activities of the
(2) in particular address safety risks related to a change; making use of the existing hazard
identification, risk assessment and mitigation tools or processes; and
(3) include provisions for emergency response or a formal Emergency Response Plan (ERP).
(c) As part of the management system documentation required by ORA.GEN.200(a)(5), the
organisation should describe the organisational review programme and related responsibilities.
Persons responsible for the organisational review should have a thorough knowledge of the
applicable requirements and of the organisation’s procedures.
(d) The status of all corrective and risk mitigation actions should be monitored by the person
responsible for the organisational review programme and implemented within a specified time
frame. Action closure should be recorded by the person responsible for the organisational
review programme, along with a summary of the action taken.
(e) The results of the organisational review, including all non-compliance findings and new risks
identified during the review, should be presented to the accountable manager and the person
or group of persons nominated in accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) prior to notification to the
competent authority. All level 1 findings in the sense of ARA.GEN.350 should be immediately
notified to the competent authority and all necessary actions immediately taken.
(f) Based on the results of the organisational review, the accountable manager should determine
the need for and initiate, as appropriate, further actions to address deficiencies in or further
improve the organisation’s management system.
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GM1 ORA.GEN.200(c) Management system
ED Decision 2015/011/R
(a) The organisational review programme may consist of:
(1) checklist(s) covering all items necessary to be addressed in order to ensure that the
organisation identified its aviation safety hazards, effectively mitigates the associated
risks and ensures effective compliance with the applicable requirements. These should
address all procedures described in the management system documentation and training
manual; and
(2) a schedule for the accomplishment of the different checklist items, with each item being
checked at least once within any 12-month period. The organisation may choose to
conduct one full review annually or to conduct several partial reviews.
(b) Performance of organisational reviews:
Each review item may be addressed using an appropriate combination of:
(1) review of training records, training documentation;
(2) review of internal safety reports (e.g. notified difficulties in using current procedures and
training material, etc.);
(3) review of the risk register and hazard checklists, as applicable;
(4) sample check of training courses;
(5) witnessing of examinations, as appropriate;
(6) interview of the personnel involved; and
(7) review of the feedback provided by students and customers.
(c) It is recommended that internal safety reports and occurrence reports be reviewed on a
continual basis with the aim of identifying possible corrective and risk mitigation actions.
GM2 ORA.GEN.200(c) Management system
ED Decision 2015/011/R
The following provides a list of typical items for an organisational review checklist, to be adapted as
necessary to cover all relevant procedures described in the management system documentation and
training manual:
(a) Terms of approval
Check that:
(1) no training has been performed outside the terms of approval;
(2) changes not requiring prior approval have been properly managed.
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(b) Training syllabi and course material
Check that:
(1) training syllabi and course materials are in compliance with the applicable requirements,
as last amended;
(2) training practices are in compliance with the documentation; and
(3) instructor training practices are standardised.
(c) Training equipment and tools
Check that all equipment and tools other than aircraft and FSTDs are present and meet the
criteria defined in the training manual.
(d) Facilities
Check that the facilities meet the criteria defined in the training manual.
(e) Training aircraft and FSTDs
Check that the training aircraft and FSTDs meet the criteria defined in the training manual.
(f) Personnel
Check that:
(1) the current accountable manager and other nominated persons are correctly identified;
(2) the organisation chart accurately indicates lines of responsibility and accountability
throughout the organisation;
(3) the organisation remains in compliance with the applicable requirements, in case the
number of personnel has decreased or if the activity has increased;
(4) the qualification of all new personnel (or personnel with new functions) has been
appropriately assessed;
(5) staff involved in any safety management-related processes and tasks has been properly
trained; and
(6) staff has been trained, as necessary, to cover changes in regulations, in competent
authority publications, in the organisation, its management system documentation and
in associated procedures, etc.
(g) Contracted activities (In case the organisation has contracted activities):
(1) Check that new providers have been assessed prior to the establishment of any contract;
(2) For existing providers approved for such activities: check the authorisation and approval
status of the contracted organisation; and
(3) For existing providers not approved for such activities: check that the service provided
conforms to the applicable requirements of this Part.
(h) Training and communication on safety
Check that:
(1) all personnel are aware of safety management policies, processes and tasks;
(2) safety-related documentations and publications are available; and
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(3) safety-critical information derived from internal safety or occurrence reporting and
hazard identification have been timely communicated to all staff concerned.
(i) Management system documentation
Check that:
(1) the documentation is adequate and updated;
(2) staff are aware of the safety policy; and
(3) staff can easily access such documentation when needed.
(j) Record-keeping
Check that:
(1) the records cover all the training activities and management system processes; and
(2) minimum record-keeping periods (random checks) are complied with.
(k) Emergency response provisions or ERP
Check that:
(1) emergency response information is up to date and readily available; and
(2) all staff are aware of emergency response information or the ERP, as applicable (random
(l) Internal safety or occurrence reporting procedures
(1) Check the number of reports received since the last review;
(2) Check that:
(i) internal reporting and external occurrence reporting are performed in accordance
with reporting procedures;
(ii) the safety or occurrence reports are analysed; and
(iii) feedback is provided to reporters.
(m) Other risk management tools or processes implemented
(1) As applicable, check that:
(i) records of hazards and risks are assessed; in particular following analysis of safety
or occurrence reports and when significant changes occur (regulations, personnel,
training aircraft, training courses, etc.);
(ii) the risks are assessed and the risk mitigation actions followed up and recorded;
(iii) any risk that has been found acceptable is duly justified; and
(iv) the assumptions made for the risk assessment remain valid;
(2) Verify the effectiveness of all risk mitigation actions initiated since the last organisational
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ORA.GEN.205 Contracted activities
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
(a) Contracted activities include all activities within the organisation’s scope of approval that are
performed by another organisation either itself certified to carry out such activity or if not
certified, working under the contracting organisation’s approval. The organisation shall ensure
that when contracting or purchasing any part of its activity, the contracted or purchased service
or product conforms to the applicable requirements.
(b) When the certified organisation contracts any part of its activity to an organisation that is not
itself certified in accordance with this Part to carry out such activity, the contracted organisation
shall work under the approval of the contracting organisation. The contracting organisation
shall ensure that the competent authority is given access to the contracted organisation, to
determine continued compliance with the applicable requirements.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.205 Contracted activities
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The organisation may decide to contract certain activities to external organisations.
(b) A written agreement should exist between the organisation and the contracted organisation
clearly defining the contracted activities and the applicable requirements.
(c) The contracted safety related activities relevant to the agreement should be included in the
organisation's safety management and compliance monitoring programmes.
(d) The organisation should ensure that the contracted organisation has the necessary
authorisation or approval when required, and commands the resources and competence to
undertake the task.
GM1 ORA.GEN.205 Contracted activities
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) Regardless of the approval status of the contracted organisation, the contracting organisation
is responsible to ensure that all contracted activities are subject to hazard identification and risk
management as required by ORA.GEN.200(a)(3) and to compliance monitoring as required by
(b) When the contracted organisation is itself certified to carry out the contracted activities, the
organisation’s compliance monitoring should at least check that the approval effectively covers
the contracted activities and that it is still valid.
(c) If the organisation requires the contracted organisation to conduct an activity which exceeds
the contracted organisation’s terms of approval, this will be considered as the contracted
organisation working under the approval of the contracting organisation.
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ORA.GEN.210 Personnel requirements
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012
(a) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager, who has the authority for ensuring that
all activities can be financed and carried out in accordance with the applicable requirements.
The accountable manager shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective
management system.
(b) A person or group of persons shall be nominated by the organisation, with the responsibility of
ensuring that the organisation remains in compliance with the applicable requirements. Such
person(s) shall be ultimately responsible to the accountable manager.
(c) The organisation shall havesufficient qualified personnel for the planned tasks and activities to
be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements.
(d) The organisation shall maintain appropriate experience, qualification and training records to
show compliance with paragraph (c).
(e) The organisation shall ensure that all personnel are aware of the rules and procedures relevant
to the exercise of their duties.
ORA.GEN.215 Facility requirements
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The organisation shall have facilities allowing the performance and management of all planned tasks
and activities in accordance with the applicable requirements.
AMC1 ORA.GEN.215 Facility requirements
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) For ATOs providing flight training, the following flight operations accommodation should be
(1) an operations room with facilities to control flying operations;
(2) a flight planning room with the following facilities:
(i) appropriate current maps and charts;
(ii) current aeronautical information service (AIS) information;
(iii) current meteorological information;
(iv) communications to air traffic control (ATC) and the operations room;
(v) any other flight safety related material.
(3) adequate briefing rooms/cubicles of sufficient size and number;
(4) suitable offices for the supervisory personnel and room(s) to allow flight instructors to
write reports on students, complete records and other related documentation;
(5) furnished crew-room(s) for instructors and students.
(b) For ATOs providing theoretical knowledge training, the following facilities for theoretical
knowledge instruction should be available:
(1) adequate classroom accommodation for the current student population;
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(2) suitable demonstration equipment to support the theoretical knowledge instruction;
(3) a radiotelephony training and testing facility;
(4) a reference library containing publications giving coverage of the syllabus;
(5) offices for the instructional personnel.
AMC2 ORA.GEN.215 Facility requirements
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The following flight operations accommodation should be available:
(1) a flight planning room with the following facilities:
(i) appropriate current aviation maps and charts;
(ii) current AIS information;
(iii) current meteorological information;
(iv) communications to ATC (if applicable);
(v) any other flight safety related material.
(2) adequate briefing room(s)/cubicles of sufficient size and number;
(3) suitable office(s) to allow flight instructors to write reports on students, complete records
and other related documentation;
(4) suitable rest areas for instructors and students, where appropriate to the training task;
(5) in the case of ATOs providing training for the BPL or LAPL(B) only, the flight operations
accommodation listed in (a)(1) to (a)(4) may be replaced by other suitable facilities when
operating outside aerodromes.
(b) The following facilities for theoretical knowledge instruction should be available:
(1) adequate classroom accommodation for the current student population;
(2) suitable demonstration equipment to support the theoretical knowledge instruction;
(3) suitable office(s) for the instructional personnel.
(c) A single room may be sufficient to provide the functions listed in (a) and (b).
ORA.GEN.220 Record-keeping
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The organisation shall establish a system of recordkeeping that allows adequate storage and
reliable traceability of all activities developed, coveringin particular all the elements indicated
in ORA.GEN.200.
(b) The format of the records shall be specified in the organisation’s procedures.
(c) Records shall be stored in a manner that ensures protection from damage, alteration and theft.
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AMC1 ORA.GEN.220(b) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The record-keeping system should ensure that all records are accessible whenever needed
within a reasonable time. These records should be organised in a way that ensures traceability
and retrievability throughout the required retention period.
(b) Records should be kept in paper form or in electronic format or a combination of both. Records
stored on microfilm or optical disc format are also acceptable. The records should remain legible
throughout the required retention period. The retention period starts when the record has been
created or last amended.
(c) Paper systems should use robust material which can withstand normal handling and filing.
Computer systems should have at least one backup system which should be updated within 24
hours of any new entry. Computer systems should include safeguards against the ability of
unauthorised personnel to alter the data.
(d) All computer hardware used to ensure data backup should be stored in a different location from
that containing the working data and in an environment that ensures they remain in good
condition. When hardware or software changes take place, special care should be taken that all
necessary data continues to be accessible at least through the full period specified in the
relevant Subpart. In the absence of such indication, all records should be kept for a minimum
period of 5 years.
GM1 ORA.GEN.220(b) Record-keeping
ED Decision 2012/007/R
Microfilming or optical storage of records may be carried out at any time. The records should be as
legible as the original record and remain so for the required retention period.
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ORA.AeMC.105 Scope
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
This Subpart establishes the additional requirements to be met by an organisation to qualify for the
issue or continuation of an approval as an aero-medical centre (AeMC) to issue medical certificates,
including initial class 1 medical certificates.
ORA.AeMC.115 Application
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Applicants for an AeMC certificate shall:
(a) comply with MED.D.005; and
(b) in addition to the documentation for the approval of an organisation required in ORA.GEN.115,
provide details of clinical attachments to or liaison with designated hospitals or medical
institutes for the purpose of specialist medical examinations.
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.115 Application
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The documentation for the approval of an AeMC should include the names and qualifications
of all medical staff, a list of medical and technical facilities for initial class 1 aero-medical
examinations and of supporting specialist consultants.
(b) The AeMC should provide details of clinical attachments to hospitals, medical institutions
and/or specialists.
ORA.AeMC.135 Continued validity
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The AeMC certificate shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to the
holder and the aero-medical examiners of the organisation:
(a) complying with MED.D.030;and
(b) ensuring their continued experience by performing an adequate number of class 1 medical
examinations every year.
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AMC1 ORA.AeMC.135 Continued validity
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) At least 200 class 1 aero-medical examinations and assessments should be performed at the
AeMC every year.
(b) In Member States where the number of aero-medical examinations and assessments
mentioned in (a) cannot be reached due a low number of professional pilots, a proportionate
number of class 1 aero-medical examinations and assessments should be performed.
(c) In these cases, the continuing experience of the head of the AeMC and aero-medical examiners
on staff should also be ensured by them performing aero-medical examinations and
assessments for:
(1) class 2 medical certificates as established in Part-MED; and/or
(2) third country class 1 medical certificates.
(d) Aero-medical research including publication in peer reviewed journals may also be accepted as
contributing to the continued experience of the head of, and aero-medical examiners at, an
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ORA.AeMC.200 Management system
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The AeMC shall establish and maintain a management system that includes the items addressed in
ORA.GEN.200 and, in addition, processes:
(a) for medical certification in compliance with Part-MED; and
(b) to ensure medical confidentialityat all times.
GM1 ORA.AeMC.200 Management system
ED Decision 2012/007/R
If aero-medical research is conducted at an AeMC, its management system should include processes
to conduct that research and publish the results.
ORA.AeMC.210 Personnel requirements
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(a) The AeMC shall:
(1) have an aero-medical examiner (AME) nominated as head of the AeMC, with privileges
to issue class 1 medical certificates andsufficient experience in aviation medicine to
exercise his/her duties; and
(2) have on staff an adequate number of fully qualified AMEs and other technical staff and
(b) The head of the AeMC shall be responsible for coordinating the assessment of examination
results and signing reports, certificates, and initial class 1 medical certificates.
AMC1 ORA.AeMC.210 Personnel requirements
ED Decision 2012/007/R
(a) The aero-medical examiner (AME) should have held class 1 privileges for at least 5 years and
have performed at least 200 aero-medical examinations for a class 1 medical certificate before
being nominated as head of an AeMC.
(b) The AeMC may provide practical AME training for persons fully qualified and licensed in
ORA.AeMC.215 Facility requirements
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
The AeMC shall be equipped with medico-technical facilities adequate to perform aero-medical
examinations necessary for the exercise of the privileges included in the scope of the approval.
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AMC1 ORA.AeMC.215 Facility requirements
ED Decision 2012/007/R
The medical-technical facilities of an AeMC should consist of the equipment of a general medical
practice and, in addition, of:
(a) Cardiology
Facilities to perform:
(1) 12-lead resting ECG;
(2) stress ECG;
(3) 24-hour blood pressure monitoring; and
(4) 24-hour heart rhythm monitoring.
(b) Ophthalmology
Facilities for the examination of:
(1) near, intermediate and distant vision;
(2) external eye, anatomy, media and fundoscopy;
(3) ocular motility;
(4) binocular vision;
(5) colour vision (anomaloscopy or equivalent);
(6) visual fields;
(7) refraction; and
(8) heterophoria.
(c) Hearing
(1) pure-tone audiometer
(d) Otorhinolaryngology
Facilities for the clinical examination of mouth and throat and:
(1) otoscopy;
(2) rhinoscopy;
(3) tympanometry or equivalent; and
(4) clinical assessment of vestibular system.
(e) Examination of pulmonary function
(1) spirometry
(f) The following facilities should be available at the AeMC or arranged with a service provider:
(1) clinical laboratory facilities; and
(2) ultrasound of the abdomen.
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ORA.AeMC.220 Record-keeping
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
In addition to the records required in ORA.GEN.220, the AeMC shall:
(a) maintain records with details of medical examinations and assessments performed for the
issue, revalidation or renewal of medical certificates and their results, for a minimum period of
10 years after the last examination date; and
(b) keep all medical records in a way that ensures that medical confidentiality is respected at all