International Journal of Economics and Business Administrationt
Volume XI, Issue 1, 2023
pp. 66-76
Role of Digitalization in Business Process to Reduce
Manpower: A Case of Human Resource Management Process
Submitted 12/02/23, 1st revision 25/02/23, 2nd revision 20/03/23, accepted 30/03/23
Pradeep Dwivedi
, Rajeev Dwivedi
, Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni
, Bo Xie
B. Koteswar Rao Naik
Purpose: The research aims to understand the layoffs currently going on in the technology
industry across the world. The study aims to understand the impact due to digitalization on
the HRM process and the requirement of manpower (human).
Design/methodology/approach: The study used secondary data about layoffs and then tried
to get insight and reasons from 63 industry experts. The regression modeling using Minitab
is developing to understand the layoff reasons.
Findings: it has been identified that digitizing the HR processes helped in improving HR task
execution. However, most have agreed that the Human element is needed within the HR
department. This study is only based on convenience sampling from the author's network.
Findings also suggest that manpower is needed in HRM but it will be reduced over a while in
the future.
Practical implementation: Organizations are using and adopting newer technologies for
transforming business processes. World-class organizations are continuously pouring
investments in newer technologies for improving their supply chain management (SCM),
customer relationship management (CRM), human resource management (HRM), etc. It
helps organizations to achieve effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity and reduce
dependency on manpower. Human resource function is going through lots of changes using
technology and the old way of managing HR function is no longer an option for any
organization regardless of the size of the organization.
Originality value: The research refers to digitalization as another reason for layoff where
most of the experts think the economic slowdown is the reason. Therefore, digitalization
should also be counted towards layoff reasons.
Keywords: Digitalization, Human Resource Management, layoffs, automation.
JEL codes:
Paper type: Research article.
Independent Researcher, Software Industry Professional, Based in Indore, Mp-India, 45009.
Visiting Associate Professor, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA, USA.
Professor, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Associate Professor, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Chinakote.
National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai -India.
Pradeep Dwivedi, Rajeev Dwivedi, Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni, Bo Xie,
B. Koteswar Rao Naik
1. Introduction
The current business environment is not very conducive for businesses to excel and
keep growing. COVID-19 is still killing global economic activities. The global
supply chain largely depends on China. However, China is not fully operational for
manufacturing and other production activities because of strict rules and COVID
That is causing a domino effect on the global economy. Second is the Russia-
Ukraine war that is causing chaos in Europe and resulted in an energy crisis, and a
food crisis. The third is the recession knocking on the door of the United States of
America (USA) and resulting from lay layoffs across industries in the USA. Many
argue that layoffs are due to an economic slowdown and economic recession.
However, researchers are ignoring digitalization as an important reason for layoffs.
Big companies across the globe are using highly sophisticated technologies to get
the work done instead of using manpower. As per the job layoff reporting website
( around 155,000 jobs were cut in 2022. In the first 1 week of
February 2023, already 97000 jobs are eliminated (
Figure 1 shows how the layoff journey started in Jan 2022 and will continue in 2023
and 2024. The main reason is the economic slowdown that forces businesses to cut
costs and reduce manpower. The second reason is the use of technology and
digitalization requires less workforce.
The list in Figure 1 shows the % of layoffs in big technology companies is not
sudden and it started in Jan 2022. There are three reasons; the domino effects of
COVID-19 and companies learning to work without humans during a lockdown or
work-from-home period. The third reason is that companies are cutting their cost to
invest in ambitious projects.
For example, google Alphabet is investing in ambitious projects like high-flying wi-
fi balloons, smart contact lenses, and delivery drones. Facebook is investing in
Metaverse to make the digital realm and that will be a big future.
Therefore, big companies are saving money from manpower by using technologies
in their processes and operations. Also, investing money in future technologies and
future projects can help them to remain competitive and provide new opportunities
and experiences to the business.
For example, nowadays most customer-related inquiries are handled by intelligent
agents, and automatic chat, and rarely does the inquiry goes to a human to resolve
when it is beyond the process. Similarly, supply chain and marketing processes are
highly streamlined and have the minimum requirement of human interface.
Role of Digitalization in Business Process to Reduce Manpower:
A Case of Human Resource Management Process
Figure 1. Layoffs in Tech Industry from Jan 2022 to Feb 2023
Since COVID-19, more digitalization is taking place in HR processes and all
organizations are trying to align with the requirements of the situation post-COVID
situations (Dwivedi et al., 2022). All organizations are trying to take benefit of
technology to improve their processes, execution, and delivery. This includes all
departments and processes and human resources is not an exception. The usage of
new technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, etc.) has increased
within the HR department and most of the processes are now digitalized and
This has resulted in less human intervention and involvement and heavy reliance on
systems and technology. Many have agreed that the use of technology had a great
positive impact on HR management as it has improved efficiency and lowered costs
in many areas and reduced manpower to increase cost saving for organizations.
The research paper focused to assess how technological advancements impacted the
change in HRM processes. The following research questions are addressed in the
How has technology helped to improve the HRM processes and task
Can technology fully replace humans in HRM processes?
Therefore, The paper is focused on the Human Resource Management (HRM)
process that how technology will unhumanize the HR process.
Pradeep Dwivedi, Rajeev Dwivedi, Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni, Bo Xie,
B. Koteswar Rao Naik
2. Literature Review
The world is shifting and the use of technology has become a necessity to compete
and sustain in a dynamic business environment. However, conservative thinkers are
always convinced that technology is a double edge weapon and will always harm the
workforce. Silva and Lima have stated that there is a significant relationship between
Information technology and Human Resources Management process and it can not
be segregated (Silva and Lima, 2018).
Using the technology, all needed information is available in real-time and can be
accessed anywhere which facilitates the HRM processes to make them faster and
more effective (Goel et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; Silva and Lima, 2018).
Traditionally, only work administration data were tracked like attendance, salaries,
training etc., (Silva and Lima, 2018). However, now it has gone beyond that to
include budgeting, appraisals, manpower planning, skills monitoring etc., (Silva and
Lima, 2018). Also, it is no longer an automated record of the employees (Silva and
Lima, 2018).
It is a big system with a huge database behind it that can provide data with complex
analysis which helps in decision-making (Chopra et al., 2013; Chopra et al., 2015;
Silva and Lima, 2018). The availability of these systems has shifted the job within
the organization to focus more on business strategy and play a major role in
management rather than running individual HR processes (Silva and Lima, 2018).
The same point has been agreed on in the research done by Sharon and Aggarwal
(2017). As noted by them, all the aspects of HR should be focused on the
organization’s excellence to be a strategic partner and ensure that employees’ goal is
aligned with the organization's goals (Aggarwal and Sharon, 2017). It has also been
pointed out that, current generations are digital natives as they are always connected
to the internet and social media plays a huge part in their lives (Aggarwal and
Sharon, 2017).
For that reason, organizations have to change and align the strategies in all functions
including HR to integrate digital employees (Aggarwal and Sharon, 2017). This can
only happen by using technology and having a digital HRM (Chauhan et al., 2012a;
2012b; Aggarwal and Sharon, 2017).
Galgali has also highlighted that Digital HR helped to get rid of geographical
limitations in terms of employees’ training (Galgali, 2017). Now with the available
platforms, employees are exposed to different experiences and knowledge from
around the world (Galgali, 2017). This will help to boost the employees’ knowledge,
increase their efficiency and bring new ideas to the workforce (Galgali, 2017). Also,
with the electronic payroll systems, there is no longer paperwork required and zero
human errors (Galgali, 2017).
Role of Digitalization in Business Process to Reduce Manpower:
A Case of Human Resource Management Process
Using these systems has helped to reduce the effort required to complete HR jobs
and tasks and made data available whenever any analysis is required (Galgali, 2017).
Apart from HR internal processes, daily task management has helped employees to
manage their work easily from any part of the world and keep track of what they
have accomplished (Galgali, 2017).
Research conducted by Dr. A. Narasima Venkatesh has focused on a specific angle
of new technology which is the “Internet of Things” (IoT) (Venkatesh, 2017). IoT is
all about connected and smart devices (Venkatesh, 2017). The research has
highlighted, how this technology can enable the organization in general and the HR
in particular to manage the human capital (Venkatesh, 2017).
This technology has helped to decide how to design the organization in a way that
will boost the employees' performance and productivity (Venkatesh, 2017). It has
also allowed the HR to keep monitoring the employees' experiences based on their
gestures, movements, and emotions which are captured as data that are used in
decision-making and formulating the policies (Venkatesh, 2017). It can also go
beyond that to track employees’ health and GPS location which is required for
certain jobs (Venkatesh, 2017).
Artificial Intelligence performs tasks based on habits and preferences. Artificial
Intelligence is changing the experience of customers with new products. It is a very
useful technology that Facebook reads customers’ mindsets. The role of AI in
human resource management is highly significant. For example, the required process
in high-tech companies is AI-driven.
For example, the google recruitment process is technology-enabled and conducted
through technology. For streamlining, the requirement is very crucial for the
organization to build a strong and talented team. It must be efficient and effective.
Candidates have been selected through Linkedin/different websites by AI-based
applications, shortlisted, and called for an interview. The interview is also conducted
without humans through agent-led video interview systems. From candidate
sourcing to hiring and predicting new hire performance done through technology.
Therefore, the Recruitment process at a lower level in the organization does not
require any manpower or require minimum manpower. Similarly, most of the HR
processes in top organizations are done through technology.
Blockchain will bring radical changes in HRM processes (Dwivedi et al., 2021). It
will transform the HR function from benefits and payroll to sensitive employee data
and the way HR transaction is carried out. Payroll can be streamlined by blockchain
technologies and will be more secure. The majority of HR systems will be equipped
with blockchain technology. The requirement process can keep candidates’ privacy
protected and personal information secure. Employee personal files and personal
Pradeep Dwivedi, Rajeev Dwivedi, Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni, Bo Xie,
B. Koteswar Rao Naik
data can be secured. Blockchain will also be enabled to have better contract
management systems. There are unlimited uses of blockchain in the HRM processes.
3. Regression Model
To better understand the role of technology in human task reduction and manpower
reduction, we carried out a survey with industry experts using the convenience
sampling method. We asked simple 5 Questions from the experts on a 1 to 7-point
Likert scale. Where 1 was least important and 7 was most important. We followed
the research method described by Yoshikuni and Dwivedi (Almadia et al., 2022;
Yoshikuni and Dwivedi, 2022; Yoshikuni et al., 2023). The five quandstions are
listed below:
1. Will Digitalization and automation reduce overall manpower in HR and
2. Will digitalization and automation improve effectiveness in HR and
3. Will digitalization and automation improve efficiency in HR and
4. Will digitalization and automation bring flexibility to HR and the
5. Will digitalization and automation reduce costs in HR and Organizations?
Question 1 is the dependent variable that question 2, 3, 4, 5 are the independent
variable. Manpower reduction is dependent on digitalization effectiveness,
digitalization efficiency, digitalization flexibility, and digitalization cost reduction.
Figure 2 can demonstrate the relationship. Based on the sample of 63 respondents,
we run a partial least square regression model to understand the expert’s opinions
about future manpower reduction in organizations.
Figure 2. The relation between digitalization elements: The research model
Source: Own study.
Role of Digitalization in Business Process to Reduce Manpower:
A Case of Human Resource Management Process
SE Mean
Manpower Reduction
HRM Processes Effectiveness
HRM Processes Efficiency
HRM Processes Flexibility
HRM Processes Cost Saving
Regression Equation:
0.120 + 0.362 HRM Processes Effectiveness
+ 0.570 HRM Processes Efficiency
+ 0.483 HRM Processes Flexibility
- 0.463 HRM Processes Cost Saving
Model Summary:
Model Usefulness and validity:
SE Coef
HRM Processes Effectiveness
HRM Processes Efficiency
HRM Processes Flexibility
HRM Processes Cost Saving
Model Analysis:
Null Hypothesis: all constants zero (Useless).
Alternative Hypothesis: At least one constant is not zero
Pradeep Dwivedi, Rajeev Dwivedi, Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni, Bo Xie,
B. Koteswar Rao Naik
Based on the 63 respondents, the regression model is significant. This model shows
that 90.3% of manpower reduction is based on effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility,
and cost reduction. The only coefficient in the model is useless but rest four
independent variables are useful in the model as their probability is less than 5%.
Therefore, it is going to less and fewer manpower requirements in business
processing and work will be automated based on the industry experts having more
than 10 years of experience in the high-tech industry,
4. Concluding Remarks
Technological innovations are man-made. Therefore, the human brain can not be
replaced by a man. Human emotions, human thinking, and human empathy can not
be replaced by machines or technologies. Mostly routine work and tasks will be
automated but innovative work require manpower.
As per Mackenzie global institute analysis report, by 2030 about 400 Million
workers could be displaced by automation. If automation happens at a fast pace this
could 800 million workforce. It is also predicted that about half of the activities
carried out by workers could be automated. it means that whatever activities workers
are doing 50% will be reduced and half of the workload will be carried out by the
worker. So, the next 10 years are very challenging and you will continuously see
manpower reduction and layoffs in the organizations.
The research is based on the opinion of 63 experts on 5 questions and based
on convenience sampling.
Adequate theoretical grounding is required.
A more robust research instrument is required
The paper is made for conference submission only.
Future Work:
Grounding the theoretical work
Collecting solid use cases
Developing instrument
Planning to get responses from different industries
Sampling will be random instead of convenience
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Role of Digitalization in Business Process to Reduce Manpower:
A Case of Human Resource Management Process
List of Top Companies and layoffs (Source:
Industries and layoffs (Source: