WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-4000
June 28, 2024
SUBJECT: Directive-Type Memorandum 24-003 – “Military Health System Manpower
Requirements Determination, Resourcing, and Assignment”
References: See Attachment 1
Purpose. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02 and the
December 6, 2023 Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, this directive-type memorandum
Incorporates and cancels Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum,
“Managing Military Personnel Resources in the Defense Health Program and
the Special Operations Command,” June 22, 2006.
Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for:
o Planning and programming the uniformed medical and dental
workforce within military medical treatment facilities (MTFs) and dental
treatment facilities (DTFs).
o Documenting military medical authorizations allocated to the
Defense Health Agency (DHA).
o Assigning uniformed medical and dental personnel on orders to
DHA MTF/DTFs and other DHA organizational units.
o Providing availability of uniformed medical and dental personnel
to the Military Departments and Military Services when such personnel
are assigned on orders to DHA MTF/DTFs and other DHA organizational
o Providing accountability for the Secretaries of the Military
Departments to provide military manpower to DHA MTF/DTFs and other
DHA organizational units.
DTM-24-003, June 28, 2024
o Providing accountability for the Director, DHA to report on
civilian employee hiring to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel
and Readiness (USD(P&R)) and the Secretaries of the Military
Departments through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
(ASD(HA)) at least quarterly, and effectively and efficiently use its
workforce (i.e., military, civilian, and contractor personnel) to carry out its
assigned missions.
o Establishing that a single military officer will be dual-hatted and
serve as the MTF/DTF Director, under the authority, direction, and control
of the Director, DHA, and the Service commander, under the command
and control of the Military Department concerned.
Is effective June 28, 2024; it must be incorporated into other appropriate DoD
issuances. This DTM will expire effective June 28, 2025.
Applicability. This DTM applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office
of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD.
Definitions. See Glossary.
DHA MTF/DTFs are the keystone component of the Military Health System
Service members, civilian employees, and contract personnel at DHA
MTF/DTFs support the wellness, health, and medical readiness of the total force.
DHA MTF/DTFs educate, train, maintain, deploy, and retain ready medical
forces, in addition to delivering timely and effective care for legally defined
DoD estimates and reports provided through the MHS governance process,
medical operations deputies group, or other governance body as directed, will
include and address specific DHA MTF/DTF capacity in crisis or conflict to treat
wounded, ill, and injured Service members. Maximizing the patient care within
DHA MTFs/DTFs improves the effectiveness of the MHS in meeting Military
Department and joint medical requirements.
DTM-24-003, June 28, 2024
The transfer of responsibility for all MTFs/DTFs from the Military
Departments to the DHA, pursuant to Section 1073c of Title 10, United States
Code, requires realignment of processes, roles, and responsibilities to assure a
uniformed medical workforce is available at DHA MTF/DTFs.
Responsibilities. See Attachment 2.
Procedures. See Attachment 3.
Releasability. Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Ashish S. Vazirani
Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness
As stated
DTM-24-003, June 28, 2024
4 Attachment 1
Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Stabilizing and Improving the Military Health
System,” December 6, 2023
DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 11A, “DoD Financial Management Regulation: Reimbursable
Operations Policy,” current version
DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
DoD Instruction 1100.22, “Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix,” April 12,
2010, as amended
DoD Instruction 1120.11, “Programming and Accounting for Active Component (AC) Military
Manpower,” March 17, 2015
DoD Instruction 4000.19. “Support Agreements,” December 16, 2020
DoD Instruction 7000.14, “Department of Defense Financial Management Policy,” August 10,
DoD Instruction 7730.64, “Automated Extracts of Manpower and Unit Organizational Element
Files,” December 11, 2004
United States Code, Title 10
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5 Attachment 2
1. USD(P&R). The USD(P&R):
a. Analyzes the total force structure as related to quantitative and qualitative military and
civilian employee personnel requirements, use, readiness, and support.
b. Administers and implements controls over military and civilian employee personnel
strengths and compositions for all DoD Components.
c. Establishes and issues guidance to be used by all DoD Components regarding
manpower management, including manpower mix criteria.
2. ASD(HA). Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), the ASD(HA):
a. Manages military authorizations allocated to the Defense Health Program (DHP).
b. Authorizes adjustments to military authorizations aligned to the DHP.
c. Coordinates all adjustments to military authorizations aligned to the DHP with the
Military Departments during the programming and budgeting processes.
d. Develops and maintains business rules to execute the procedures outlined in this
issuance in coordination with the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Director, DHA.
e. Reviews and approves the Director, DHA’s Human Capital Distribution Plan.
3. DIRECTOR, DHA. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), exercised
through the ASD(HA), the Director, DHA:
a. Acts as the privileging or scope of practice authority for health care personnel in an
b. Coordinates with each Secretary of a Military Department on a Military Service
manpower document that identifies military medical personnel authorized at DHA MTFs/DTFs
and other DHA organizational units by location, grade, and skill set to align with DHA’s unit
manning document (UMD).
c. Identifies the capacity of each DHA MTF/DTF to sustain clinical readiness and force
development of military health care personnel.
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6 Attachment 2
d. Determines the clinical product lines and their respective scope at each DHA
MTF/DTF to support both operational readiness and quality, access, and continuity in the
delivery of health care services to Service members and other eligible beneficiaries.
e. In coordination with the Secretaries of the Military Departments, plans for and
accommodates the absence of military medical personnel from the DHA MTF/DTF and other
DHA organizational units, to meet validated operational and training requirements.
f. Is responsible for overseeing civilian employee manning and contractor personnel in
the DHA MTFs/DTFs, and other DHA organizational units and effectively and efficiently using
the workforce (i.e., uniformed, civilian employees, and contractor personnel) assigned to, or
otherwise working in, the DHA to carry out DHA’s assigned missions. The Director, DHA, will
report on DHA civilian employee hiring to the ASD(HA) and the Secretaries of the Military
Departments at least quarterly.
g. Is responsible for the absence or lack of availability of the civilian workforce in DHA
MTFs/DTFs and other DHA organizational units.
h. Through the DHA MTF/DTF Director, exercises authority, direction, and control of
DHA MTF/DTF operations and of all personnel assigned, allocated, or detailed, to perform
duties and functions associated with DHA MTF/DTF operations, including the delivery of health
care services and business operations.
i. Selects, after considering nominations from the Secretaries of the Military
Departments, DHA MTF/DTF directors.
j. Creates the Human Capital Distribution Plan. This includes:
(1) Revalidating DHA MTF/DTF staffing for projected Military Service
vacancies of authorized billets, as outlined in the program objective memorandum (POM)
manpower requirements process, and determines prioritization by military occupational specialty
and location.
(2) Submitting staffing requests to the Military Services, according to the
Secretary of the Military Department’s manning guidance and distribution processes, to ensure
sufficient time for planning and response to such requests.
a. Exercise administrative control of uniformed medical and dental personnel assigned to
DHA MTFs/DTFs and other DHA organizational units, including as such control pertains to
personnel assignments and the issuance of military assignment orders.
b. Nominate the highest quality candidates to serve as a DHA MTF/DTF director to the
Director, DHA in accordance with Military Department policies and procedures.
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7 Attachment 2
c. After consultation with the Director, DHA, may remove a Service commander, who is
also dual-hatted as an MTF/DTF director, or relieve them of the authority to act as a Service
commander, in accordance with Military Department policies and procedures.
d. Primarily assign uniformed medical and dental personnel on orders to DHA
MTFs/DTFs absent:
(1) Specific, validated operational and training requirements identified by the
Secretaries of the Military Departments; or
(2) Exigent circumstances.
e. Have access to their uniformed medical and dental personnel for all validated Military
Service duties, including both planned and unplanned deployments, military operations, training,
and exercises.
f. Are responsible for the absence or lack of availability of the programmed uniformed
medical and dental workforce in DHA MTF/DTFs and other DHA organizational units because
of Military Service duties.
g. Will identify and notify the Director, DHA of operational and training requirements to
be accomplished by military personnel assigned on orders to a DHA MTF/DTF.
h. In support of the Director, DHA’s Human Capital Distribution Plan, will review
vacant authorized Military Service billets to inform assignments for uniformed medical and
dental personnel for the upcoming fiscal year in a mutually beneficial timeline that aligns with,
and facilitates, Military Department assignment cycles. In support of this process, the Secretaries
of the Military Departments will:
(1) Determine availability of staffing to meet DHA requirements based on their
respective distribution processes.
(2) Provide their feedback and ability to fill the DHA MTF/DTF staffing
requirements to the Director, DHA.
(3) Provide documentation outlining their projected ability to fill the Director,
DHA’s authorized military vacancies.
i. Through their respective Service commander:
(1) Exercise administrative control of uniformed medical and dental personnel on
assignment orders to DHA MTFs/DTFs.
(2) Ensure that uniformed medical and dental personnel assigned to a DHA
MTF/DTF obtain and maintain clinical currency and readiness at, or above, established
thresholds, and provide venues and opportunities for uniformed medical and dental personnel to
meet non-clinical readiness standards and career-enhancing Military Service training, as
prescribed by the Military Department.
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8 Attachment 2
(3) Communicate to the Director, DHA, Military Department contingency and
operational requirements, including both planned and unplanned deployments, and Military
Service operations and exercises, thereby enabling the Director, DHA to plan for, and
accommodate, the absence of uniformed medical and dental personnel from duty at the DHA
(4) Establish clinical and non-clinical training requirements applicable to Military
Service medical and dental personnel and provide as much advanced notice to Director, DHA as
practicable of any requirement for Service medical or dental personnel assigned to a position on
a Military Service manpower document but allocated against a manpower requirement on a DHA
MTF/DTF UMD to participate in such training.
(5) Exercise command and control over Military Department medical and dental
personnel executing Military Service duties.
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9 Attachment 3
1. PLANNING AND OVERSIGHT. The USD(P&R) will conduct an annual review of all
validated and funded military medical and dental requirements, in coordination with the Director,
DHA, and the Secretaries of the Military Departments.
a. The review will be conducted in the first quarter of each fiscal year.
b. The results of the review, which informs risk as to how forces are arrayed, will be
presented to the MHS Executive Review for review and validation. The USD(P&R) may request
this information be briefed at a subsequent Deputy’s Management Action Group or Deputy’s
Workforce Council.
a. The Director, DHA, will:
(1) In coordination with the Secretaries of the Military Departments, forecast and
identify the capacity of each DHA MTF/DTF to sustain clinical readiness of uniformed medical
and dental personnel consistent with requirements established by the ASD(HA) and the
Secretaries of the Military Departments.
(a) The requirements referenced in Paragraph 2.a.(1) will be established
across the Future Years Defense Plan (FYDP) and take into consideration Military Service
mission changes occurring in future years, and program the resources necessary to meet mission
changes, as part of the annual DoD Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution process.
(b) Determine and regularly validate total manpower requirements in
accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1120.11, specifically the number of medical and dental
staff by occupational specialty, at each DHA MTF/DTF, considering Military Service mission
changes in future years.
(2) Forecast and recommend uniformed manpower resourcing requirements to
the Secretaries of the Military Departments across the FYDP as part of the annual DoD Planning,
Programming, Budget, and Execution process, in accordance with DoDI 1120.11.
b. The Secretaries of the Military Departments will determine workforce mix for military
requirements in accordance with DoDI 1100.22 and in coordination with the Director, DHA.
c. Personnel and staffing disagreements (e.g., manpower issues within the year of
execution or requested budget year) will be adjudicated through the MHS governance process.
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10 Attachment 3
d. Programming issues and resourcing gaps will be adjudicated through the DoD
Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution process annually, in accordance with
DoDI 7000.14. The Director, DHA will submit civilian employee manning issues, and the
Secretaries of the Military Departments will submit uniformed medical and dental personnel
manning issues.
e. The manpower requirements established by this review will be recorded on a DHA
requirements document for every DHA MTF/DTF and will be documented in the Fourth Estate
Manpower Tracking System.
a. Developing Medical POMs.
(1) The Secretaries of the Military Departments will update and inform the
Director, DHA of potential mission or force structure changes across the FYDP that will drive
changes to DHA MTF/DTF resourcing and staffing requirements.
(2) The ASD(HA) will publish DHP POM guidance no later than the first week
of January each year. This guidance will include a schedule of milestones to meet timelines
established by published DoD program and budget review guidance.
(a) The Director, DHA will validate manpower requirements, informed by
previous POM and fill rates, regardless of type (e.g., uniformed, civilian employee, contractor
personnel) for each DHA MTF/DTF by Military Department occupational specialty.
(b) The Secretaries of the Military Departments will review DHA
manpower requirements identified in the DHA POM baseline and provide the Director, DHA
with their programmed level of support.
(c) The Director, DHA will program the balance of its human resource
requirements using civilian employees or contractor personnel against validated staffing model
requirements at each DHA MTF/DTF. The Director, DHA must program the associated
operations and maintenance funding for civilian or contractor pay as part of the DHP POM
(3) After the President’s Budget release, each Military Department, Military
Service, and DHA will conduct synchronization of their respective manning or manpower
documents no later than 45 days post release.
b. Manpower Documentation. There will be at least two manpower documents with a
memorandum entry at each DHA MTF/DTF: The DHA MTF/DTF UMD (i.e., the statement of
DHA MTF/DTF total manpower requirements) and the Military Service manpower document.
Military Service authorizations that are aligned to authorizations on the DHA UMD in the Fourth
Estate Manpower Tracking System will remain on the Military Service manpower documents.
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11 Attachment 3
(1) The Director, DHA will generate the DHA MTF/DTF UMD. The DHA
MTF/DTF UMD is the authoritative document for establishing and documenting all DHA
MTF/DTF human resource requirements and authorizations, including uniformed medical and
dental personnel and civilian employees. The UMD includes the personnel and capabilities
required to deliver clinical and health care services and DHA MTF/DTF business operations at
the capacity determined by the Director, DHA.
(2) The Secretaries of the Military Departments will generate their respective
Military Service manpower document (e.g., table of distribution and allowances, activity
manpower document, UMD). The Military Service manpower document is authoritative for
establishing and documenting all Military Service human resources requirements and
authorizations. This document includes both uniformed medical and dental personnel and
civilian employees in the numbers and capabilities required and is associated with the Military
Department’s execution of operational and installation-specific medical functions outside of
DHA MTFs/DTFs. Military Service manpower documents will include personnel not aligned to
the DHA UMD.
(3) The DHA MTF/DTF UMD and Military Service manpower document will be
reconciled a minimum of every 6 months of the calendar year, to include at least one
reconciliation after the President’s Budget is released, to assess DHA MTF/DTF mission and
capacity requirements against Military Department operational medical force readiness
requirements, respectively.
c. DHP Uniformed Medical and Dental Personnel Authorization Management.
(1) The ASD(HA), in coordination with the Secretaries of the Military
Departments, will manage military authorizations allocated to the DHP in accordance with the
December 6, 2023 Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum.
(2) The ASD(HA), in coordination with the Secretaries of the Military
(a) May adjust military authorizations aligned to the DHP during the
programming and budgeting processes. The annual DoD composite rate will be utilized as the
standard transfer price for adjustments to military authorizations. The ASD(HA) and the
Secretaries of the Military Departments have the authority to negotiate a transfer price that
differs from the annual DoD composite rate.
(b) May alter the mix and specialty of officer and enlisted personnel by
transferring officer and enlisted authorizations to or from the Military Departments in return for
total obligation authority (TOA) at the applicable transfer prices.
(c) Will coordinate DHP adjustments with affected DoD and OSD
Components that do not result in an increase or reduction in military authorizations or a change
in the mix of officer and enlisted personnel.
1. DHP adjustments that result in a shift of military authorizations
on the same Military Department service support program element (PE) must be documented in a
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12 Attachment 3
memorandum of agreement (MOA), in accordance with DoDI 4000.19. No corresponding
adjustments in TOA will be required.
2. DHP adjustments that result in a shift of military authorizations
from one Military Department service support program element (PE) to a different service
support PE must be documented in a MOA, in accordance with DoDI 4000.19. No
corresponding adjustments in TOA will be required.
3. DHP adjustments that do not result in a shift of military
authorizations on a Military Department service support PE to another service support PE in the
same Military Department do not have to be documented in a MOA.
(3) Military Department-initiated reorganizations, transformation initiatives, and
military-to-civilian conversions that adjust military authorizations aligned to the DHP will be
tied to a corresponding adjustment in TOA at the applicable transfer price. All Military
Department-initiated adjustments to DHP military authorizations must be approved by the
ASD(HA) and documented in a MOA, in accordance with DoDI 4000.19.
(a) Secretary of Defense-directed mission transfers between DHP and the
Military Departments necessitating an adjustment in DHP military authorizations will require
only a transfer of military authorizations. Unless specifically directed by the Secretary of
Defense, no corresponding adjustment in TOA will be required.
(b) The annual DoD composite rate will be used as the standard transfer
price for adjustments in military authorizations. The ASD(HA) and the Military Departments
have the authority to negotiate a transfer price that differs from the annual DoD composite rate,
provided that all military authorization adjustments aligned to the DHP are documented in
(c) The Secretaries of the Military Departments will record agreements in
a signed MOA, in accordance with DoDI 4000.19. The MOAs will be submitted in time to be
reflected in the Military Department’s POM and budget estimate submissions and in accordance
with published DoD program and budget review guidance.
1. All manpower issues will be resolved according to established
MHS governance policies and procedures.
2. If consensus cannot be reached on a proposed change and a
MOA cannot be executed, the ASD(HA) or Secretary of the concerned Military Department may
submit an issue proposal following the President’s Budget request procedures and timelines.
(4) The Secretaries of the Military Departments are responsible for reporting their
prior-year actual DHA-allocated authorizations in the Next Generation Resource Management
System as part of the annual end-of-Fiscal-Year reporting according to issued Program/Budget
Review Guidance timelines.
(5) The Secretaries of the Military Departments will update the Director of Cost
Assessment and Program Evaluation and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief
DTM-24-003, June 28, 2024
13 Attachment 3
Financial Officer, Department of Defense on current-year DHA-allocated authorization
execution detailing actual allocations through mid-year and projected allocations through the end
of the fiscal year as part of the Fiscal Year Mid-Year Execution Review according to provided
a. Categorization of Military Billets and Assignment to DHA MTF/DTFs.
(1) DHA MTF/DTF Assigned Uniformed Medical and Dental Personnel. This
category includes all uniformed medical and dental personnel assigned on orders to a DHA
MTF/DTF, to include a subset who are also aligned with an operational billet. Generally,
personnel will be assigned to the MTF/DTF on orders to the MTF/DTF for 36 months.
(a) Evaluations: The Director, DHA and the Secretaries of the Military
Departments will develop a performance evaluation process within 180 days of the date of this
DTM and maintain such performance evaluation process for assigned personnel.
(b) Orders: Uniformed medical and dental personnel will be assigned to
the DHA MTF/DTF on orders to the DHA MTF/DTF pursuant to the respective Military
Departmentspermanent change of station orders process.
(c) Accessibility:
1. The Director, DHA and the Secretaries of the Military
Departments will develop notification timelines to provide standardized awareness of availability
of uniformed medical and dental personnel assigned on order to a DHA MTF/DTF and enable
the DHA and Military Departments to best ensure stability of staffing at the DHA MTFs/DTFs to
render patient care.
2. The dual-hatted DHA MTF/DTF director or Service
commander will have discretion and delegated authority to balance health care delivery and
career-enhancing opportunities when approving temporary additional duty and temporary duty.
(2) Military Service-assigned Uniformed Medical and Dental Personnel. This
category includes uniformed medical and dental personnel in billets with specific validated and
funded operational and training requirements identified by the Secretaries of the Military
Departments. Personnel assigned to these authorizations fall under the command and control of
their unit or command and are referenced as borrowed military manpower or operational medical
forces as noted in subsequent business rules.
(a) The Military Department chain of command and the Service
commander exercise administrative control of uniformed medical and dental personnel who
perform duties at DHA MTF/DTF facilities.
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14 Attachment 3
(b) Evaluations: The Military Services will utilize existing performance
evaluation schemes for assigned personnel, updated as appropriate to reflect the requirements of
this issuance.
(c) Orders: Uniformed medical and dental personnel will be assigned to
Military Service operational units, pursuant to the respective Military Departmentspermanent
change of station orders process. These assignments constitute validated Military Service
(d) Accessibility:
1. Military Service commanders will have discretion and authority
to balance the Military Service missions with ability to support DHA MTF/DTF operations.
Availability of such uniformed medical and dental personnel to the DHA MTF/DTF will be
determined by the operational mission. The amount of expected use within the DHA MTF/DTF
for these personnel will be developed by the Director, DHA and the Secretaries of the Military
Departments to provide maximum predictability for both the uniformed medical and dental
personnel and the DHA MTF/DTF.
2. These uniformed medical and dental personnel may not be able
to meet all DHA MTF/DTF policy requirements due to their operational responsibilities. Such
requirements include, but are not limited to, opening schedules for booking several months in
advance and the number of enrolled patients to a provider.
3. Uniformed medical and dental personnel working in the DHA
MTF/DTF will follow all DHA clinical quality management policies. Uniformed medical and
dental personnel will adhere to applicable DHA clinical and administrative guidelines to ensure a
consistent standard of care. The Director, DHA exercises operational control over such personnel
when they provide health care services in DHA MTFs/DTFs.
b. Accountability. The desired outcome of this directive-type memorandum is to provide
a holistic view of the entire DHA MTF/DTF workforce (i.e., uniformed, civilian employees, and
contractor personnel), assess risk, and identify future actions to mitigate risk and optimize the
direct care system.
(1) The Director, DHA, in coordination with the Secretaries of the Military
Departments, will conduct a periodic assessment and report the number of Military Service
manpower hours executed in a DHA MTF/DTF compared to planned manpower and the
resources required, to mitigate any Military Service manpower shortfall and measure and report
Military Service performance to the ASD(HA). The metrics included in the report will be
identified in business rules established by the ASD(HA).
(2) The Director, DHA is accountable for periodic reporting on DHA civilian
employee hiring to the USD(P&R) and the Secretaries of the Military Departments through the
ASD(HA) at least quarterly. The Director, DHA is accountable for the effective and efficient use
of their total workforce (i.e., uniformed, civilian employee, and contractor personnel) to carry out
the DHA’s assigned missions.
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15 Attachment 3
(3) The Secretaries of the Military Departments will review each report and, in
coordination with the Director, DHA, provide mitigation strategies for identified gaps to include
adjustments to personnel and budgetary resources.
DTM-24-003, June 28, 2024
16 Glossary
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
Defense Health Agency
Defense Health Program
DoD instruction
dental treatment facility
directive-type memorandum
Future Years Defense Plan
Military Heath System
memorandum of agreement
military medical treatment facility
program element
program objective memorandum
total obligation authority
unit manning document
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other
organizations in respect to administration and support. Applies to
uniformed medical and dental assigned on official military
assignment orders to a DHA MTF/DTF. Administrative control
constitutes the delivery of routine Military Department administration
and support functions (e.g., leave, promotion, family care plans) and
exercising authority over such uniformed medical and dental
personnel for purposes of applying Chapter 47 of Title 10, United
States Code (also known as the “Uniform Code of Military Justice”)
and other disciplinary and adverse administrative actions.
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17 Glossary
A funded authorization.
annual DoD
composite rate
Provides the timeliest, grade specific estimate of the economic cost of
a military billet. It includes the basic pay, retirement pay accruals,
basic allowance for housing, basic allowance for subsistence,
incentive and special pays, permanent change of station pay,
miscellaneous pay, and the Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care
normal cost contribution. The annual DoD composite rate is
established by the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief
Financial Officer, in accordance with provisions of Volume 11A,
Chapter 6, Appendix G of DoD 7000.14-R.
The steps taken to ensure the requirements and authorizations on the
DHA manning document are in-line with the positions on the
Military Service manpower document. Military Service manpower
positions aligned to DHA manning document positions are not
duplicative and a single Service member will fill both positions.
Placement of personnel on orders to DHA MTFs/DTFs where such
placement is relatively permanent for the length of the assignment
and where serving at the DHA MTF/DTF is their primary duty. The
Director, DHA exercises operational control over such personnel for
the primary duties for which they are assigned.
Total strength authorized by law for internal Military Service
applications only. This includes the sum of personnel in the force
structure and individuals accounts. Synonymous with “manpower
billet or position
Defined in DoDI 7730.64.
clinical readiness
Clinical practice that is relevant to a provider or provider team’s
ability to perform their assigned deployed role. This would include
MTF-based practice as well as clinical experience gained through
partnerships. Also included are relevant medical education,
licensure, and privileging for providers and team members.
An emergency requiring swift action to prevent imminent danger to
life or operational mission failure that cannot wait to undergo the
normal Secretary of a Military Departments’ defined validation
process to identify and notify the Director, DHA of operational and
training requirements.
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18 Glossary
Defined in DoDI 7730.64.
The process of staffing requirements with trained personnel, which
can include military, civilian employee, or contractor resources.
Defined in DoDI 1120.11.
Military Service
Those duties performed by uniformed medical and dental personnel
assigned on-orders to a DHA MTF/DTF that do not fall under the
authority, direction, and control of the Director, DHA that prevents
the uniformed medical or dental personnel from providing the
programmed level of support to DHA.
MHS governance
A governance process composed of three councils, one board, one
joint body, various focus councils, and working groups as
established. The Military Health System Executive Review, chaired
by the USD(P&R), is the highest-level body of MHS governance.
Any fixed facility of the DoD that is outside of a deployed
environment and used primarily for health care, including dental
care; and any other location used for purposes of providing health
care services as designated by the Secretary of Defense.
MTF/DTF director
and Service
As a general rule, at each MTF there will be a single Military Service
officer who will be dual-hatted as the MTF/DTF director and the
Service commander. For ease of reference, this dual-hatted officer
will be referred to as the “MTF director” except when acting solely in
their capacity as Service commander, in which case, the officer will
so state and will execute documents and issue direction with the title
of “Service commander.”
on orders
The technical process by which the Secretary of a Military
Department places military personnel on official military assignment
orders to a Service manpower document position, which is both a
required and authorized position, and is aligned to a requirement and
authorization on the DHA’s UMD, with a memorandum entry
denoting the alignment. The primary mission of military personnel on
orders is to work in the DHA MTF/DTF under the authority,
direction, and control of the Director, DHA, while receiving
administrative control from the Secretary of the Military Department
Defined in DoDI 7730.64.
DTM-24-003, June 28, 2024
19 Glossary
transfer price
The standard rate for military authorizations adjustments that are
based on the annual DoD Composite Rate.
The DHA’s manpower document that identifies the positions, and
enumerates the requirements, that have been validated by the
Director, DHA for the DHA MTF/DTF for a specific fiscal year
(authorization year), and authorized through coordination with the
Secretaries of the Military Departments for planning and
programming purposes for the 4 subsequent fiscal years (program
years), with a memorandum entry aligning the requirement and
authorization to an aligned position on the Military Service
manpower document.
validated operational
and training
An operational or training requirement established pursuant to a
Secretary of a Military Department’s defined validation process.