Standard Insurance Company
Not for use in California
Business Overhead Protector
Sample Disability Business Overhead Expense Insurance Policy
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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Standard Insurance Company
We, Standard Insurance Company, a stock life insurance company, agree with the Owner of this
policy to pay the benefits of this policy according to its provisions.
This is a Business Overhead Expense Insurance Policy. We issued this policy to the Owner in
consideration of the payment of the Premium and the statements made in the application. The
application is part of the policy.
RATES. As long as the Premium is paid by the end of each Grace Period, We cannot change
the policy, including its Premium, until the Policy Anniversary on or next following Your 65th
birthday. This is the Termination Date shown on the data page. The policy will terminate on that
anniversary date, except as provided by the Renewal Option After Age 65, below.
on the Policy Anniversary on or next following Your 65th birthday, the Renewal Option may be
requested continuing this policy with a limited benefit period.
RIGHT TO RETURN POLICY. If not satisfied with this policy, the Owner may return it for
cancellation within ten days after receipt by the Owner. The policy must be returned to the agent
who sold it, to any Standard agency office, or to Our home office. The policy will be void from
the beginning, and any Premium paid for it will be refunded.
Signed at our Home Office
1100 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204
(800) 247-6888
J. Greg Ness
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Holley Y. Franklin
Corporate Secretary
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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Index to Sample Policy
Assignment ...................................................................... 14
Total Disability ........................................................... 7
Presumptive Total Disability ...................................... 7
Written Notice of Claim ............................................. 9
Claim Forms .............................................................. 9
Written Proof of Loss .............................................. 10
Payment of Claims .................................................. 11
Time of Payment ..................................................... 11
Continuous Disability ......................................................... 4
Definitions .......................................................................... 4
Exclusions/Limitations ....................................................... 8
Exclusions From Coverage ....................................... 8
Pre-existing Conditions ............................................ 8
Time Limit on Certain Defenses ............................... 9
General Provisions ........................................................... 14
Grace Period .................................................................... 11
Owner .............................................................................. 14
Premiums ......................................................................... 11
Reinstatement .................................................................. 12
Renewal Option ............................................................... 13
Waiver of Premium ............................................................ 8
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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AGE 65 - The Policy Anniversary on or next following Your 65th birthday.
BASE AMOUNT - The Base Amount is shown on the data page.
COMMENCEMENT DATE - This date is shown on the data page.
CONTINUOUS DISABILITY - Recurrent periods of Disability from the same cause or causes
are one period of Continuous Disability if separated by Your recovery of less than six months.
Recovery means You are no longer Disabled from the same cause or causes.
CONCURRENT DISABILITY - If a Disability is caused by more than one Injury or Sickness, or
from a combination, it is a Concurrent Disability. We will pay benefits for a Concurrent Disability
as if there was only one Injury or Sickness. In no event will You be considered to have more
than one Disability at the same time. Once a continuous period of Disability starts, it will be one
period of Continuous Disability no matter what Injuries or Sicknesses, or how many, cause the
Disability or cause it to continue.
COVERED EXPENSES - Your share of business expenses incurred or allocable in Your regular
occupation on or after the Commencement Date that are ordinary and necessary in the operation
of Your business or profession. We will use either the cash or accrual accounting method to
determine Covered Expenses. The accounting method used will be the method You are using
in Your business or profession on the date You become Disabled. The expenses We cover are:
1. Salary, fees, and wages paid to or on behalf of employees, excluding those paid to:
a. A Family Member who has not been continuously employed by You or Your business
during the 60 day period immediately prior to the date You become Disabled; or
b. Any person sharing expenses of Your business or profession; or
c. Any person hired to perform Your duties; and
2. Employer-paid portions of FICA, other employment taxes, and benefits paid to or on
behalf of employees for which salary, fees and wages are covered; and
3. Rent and lease payments for furniture, equipment, and premises to the extent used or
occupied by Your business; and
4. Utility costs, including telephone, electricity, heat, and water; and
5. Laundry, janitorial, and maintenance service costs; and
6. Legal, accounting, auditing, billing, collection, and license fees; and
7. Property, liability, malpractice, and business insurance premiums which have not been
waived due to Your Disability; and
8. Professional, trade, and association dues; and
9. Interest due on business debt existing on the date You become Disabled; and
10. Depreciation or scheduled installment payments of principal on business loans as they
come due (one or the other but not both on the same property), on business property
owned on the date You become Disabled, whichever is greater; and
11. Business property taxes; and
12. Business supplies, postage, and association and trade subscriptions existing on the date
You become Disabled, excluding any product purchased for resale.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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Covered Expenses do not include:
1. Bonus, incentive compensation, profit sharing, and commission payments to anyone;
2. Cost of sales and inventory; and
3. Travel and entertainment expenses, regardless of who incurs them; and
4. You or Your business’s federal, state, and local income and excise taxes, including any
interest and penalties; and
5. Expenses incurred or allocable to any period before the Commencement Date; and
6. Expenses covered by any other insurance contract; and
7. Expenses to the extent they are an obligation of any other person besides You; and
8. Expenses for the purchase of any pharmaceutical products; and
9. Expenses for the purchase of any equipment, motor vehicles, furniture, fixtures, and
other capital items not owned by You on the date You become Disabled.
DISABILITY/DISABLED - Total Disability and Partial Disability, as defined below.
EFFECTIVE DATE - The date on which this policy becomes effective. It is shown on the
data page.
ELIGIBLE EXPENSES - During a period of Total Disability, Eligible Expenses are the Covered
Expenses for that period. During a period of Partial Disability, Eligible Expenses are 50% of the
Covered Expenses for that period.
FAMILY MEMBER - Your spouse, parent, son, daughter, brother or sister.
INJURY - Accidental bodily injury sustained by You:
1. After the Effective Date; and
2. While this policy is in force.
INSURED - The Insured under this policy is shown on the data page.
ISSUE AGE - The Issue Age is shown on the data page.
ISSUE AND PARTICIPATION LIMITS - The maximum amount of insurance coverage We will
issue in relation to Your income, Covered Expenses, and all other coverage with any company.
LOSS - This means the same as Disability, defined above.
MAXIMUM BENEFIT - The Maximum Benefit is shown on the data page.
OUR - Standard Insurance Company
OWNER - The Owner of this policy is shown on the data page.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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PARTIAL DISABILITY/PARTIALLY DISABLED - This means You are not Totally Disabled, but
because of Your Injury or Sickness:
1. You are under the regular care of a Physician appropriate for Your Injury or Sickness; and
2. You are able:
a. To do some, but not all, of the substantial and material duties of Your regular
occupation; or
b. To do all of the substantial and material duties of Your regular occupation, but for no
more than 50% of the time that You normally spent on these duties immediately prior
to Your Injury or Sickness.
PHYSICIAN - Any licensed practitioner of the healing arts. The Physician must be:
1. Practicing within the scope of his or her license; and
2. A person other than You, the Owner, or a Family Member.
POLICY ANNIVERSARY - The anniversary of the policy’s Effective Date occurring each year
the policy remains in force.
POLICY MONTH - A month measured from the same date in a month as the policy’s Effective Date.
POLICY NUMBER - The policy number is shown on the data page.
PRESUMPTIVE TOTAL DISABILITY - Your total and permanent loss, because of Your Injury or
Sickness, of one of the following:
1. Speech;
2. Hearing in both ears;
3. Sight in both eyes;
4. Use of both hands;
5. Use of both feet; or
6. Use of one hand and one foot.
RISK CLASS - The Risk Class is shown on the data page and includes the “Occ” Class and
Sex shown on the data page.
SICKNESS - Your Sickness or disease which first manifests itself:
1. After the Effective Date; and
2. While this policy is in force.
TOTAL DISABILITY/TOTALLY DISABLED - This means because of Your Injury or Sickness:
1. You are unable to perform the substantial and material duties of Your regular
occupation; and
2. You are under the regular care of a Physician appropriate for Your Injury or Sickness.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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WE/US - Standard Insurance Company.
YOU/YOUR - The Insured under this policy.
BENEFIT FOR TOTAL DISABILITY - The Benefit For Total Disability payable each month
during Your Continuous Total Disability will equal the sum of all Eligible Expenses since the
Commencement Date, less the sum of all benefits We have paid for the same period of
Your Disability under this policy, subject to the Benefit Limit, Maximum Benefit Period, and
Allocation Of Covered Expenses sections below. The Benefit For Total Disability will begin on
the Commencement Date or the date You become Totally Disabled, if later.
BENEFIT FOR PARTIAL DISABILITY - The Benefit For Partial Disability payable each month
during Your Continuous Partial Disability will equal the sum of all Eligible Expenses since the
Commencement Date, less the sum of all benefits We have paid for the same period of Your
Disability under this policy, subject to the Benefit Limit, Maximum Benefit Period, and Allocation
Of Covered Expenses sections below. The Benefit For Partial Disability will begin on the
Commencement Date or the date You become Partially Disabled, if later. This benefit will be paid
for up to six months while You remain Partially Disabled.
BENEFIT LIMIT - The total amount that We have paid for any period of Continuous Disability at
any time cannot be more than the lesser of:
1. The Base Amount times the number of months since the Commencement Date; and
2. The Maximum Benefit.
MAXIMUM BENEFIT PERIOD - If the Commencement Date falls on or before the Policy
Anniversary following Your 63rd birthday, We will not pay benefits beyond Your Age 65. If the
Commencement Date falls after the Policy Anniversary following Your 63rd birthday, but is on
or before the Policy Anniversary following Your 75th birthday, benefits will be paid for no more
than 24 months. If the Commencement Date falls after the Policy Anniversary following Your
75th birthday, benefits will be paid for no more than 12 months.
ALLOCATION OF COVERED EXPENSES - If at the time of any Loss under this policy, there
is other insurance in force that would provide reimbursement for Covered Expenses, We will
count as Covered Expenses that part of those Expenses based on the ratio of this policy’s Base
Amount to the total monthly benefit (Base Amount) in force under this and all business overhead
expense type policies insuring You. The Base Amount and the Maximum Benefit will not change.
BENEFIT FOR PRESUMPTIVE TOTAL DISABILITY - We will pay the Benefit For Total Disability
during Your Presumptive Total Disability. The Commencement Date for any Presumptive Total
Disability will be the first day of that Presumptive Total Disability.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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You as Totally Disabled due to Sickness if, more than six months after the Effective Date, You
become Totally Disabled from surgery to:
1. Improve Your appearance; or
2. Prevent Your disfigurement; or
3. Transplant part of Your body to someone else.
WAIVER OF PREMIUM BENEFIT - We will waive any Premium due after the Commencement
Date if Disability benefits are payable on that Premium’s due date. Once benefits are payable,
We will refund to the Owner any Premium due and paid prior to the Commencement Date and
during Your Continuous Disability.
SURVIVOR BENEFIT - If You die while Total Disability benefits are being paid under this policy,
We will pay a benefit to the Owner or the Owner’s estate. We will pay the lesser of:
1. Three times the Base Amount; and
2. The Maximum Benefit less the sum of all benefits We have paid for the same period of
Your Disability under this policy.
EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE - We will not pay benefits for:
1. Disability due to war. War means any:
a. War, declared or undeclared, whether civil or international; and
b. Act of war; and
c. Act incident to war; and
d. Insurrection; and
e. Substantial armed conflict with organized forces of a military nature.
2. The first 90 days of Your Disability due to pregnancy or childbirth.
PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS - We will pay benefits for a Pre-existing Condition only if:
1. The Pre-existing Condition is not specifically excluded; and
2. The Pre-existing Condition is fully disclosed on this policy’s application.
A Pre-existing Condition is any mental or physical condition for which:
1. You have consulted a Physician; or
2. You have received medical treatment or services; or
3. You have taken prescribed drugs or medications; or
4. An ordinarily prudent person would have sought medical advice, care or treatment;
during the 365 day period ending the day before this policy’s Effective Date.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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TIME LIMIT ON CERTAIN DEFENSES - After two years from the later of:
1. This policy’s Effective Date; and
2. Its most recent Reinstatement date;
no misstatements, except fraudulent misstatements, made by You or the Owner, in the
application for the policy or for Reinstatement, shall be used to:
1. Rescind the policy; or
2. Deny a claim for Disability starting after the end of such two year period.
Calculation of the two year period excludes any time You are Disabled.
For Disability starting after two years from the later of:
1. The policy’s Effective Date; and
2. Its most recent Reinstatement date;
no claim will be reduced or denied because a disease or physical condition existed before such
date, unless it is specifically excluded or there was a fraudulent misstatement in the application
for the policy or for Reinstatement.
TIME OF LOSS - We will pay benefits under this policy only for a Loss which occurs while this
policy is in force. Termination Of The Policy will not affect any claim for Disability, provided Your
Disability begins within 30 days after the date of Injury or Sickness causing Your Disability, and
provided that Your Injury or Sickness occurs while this policy is in force.
WRITTEN NOTICE OF CLAIM - We must be given Written Notice Of Claim by You or the Owner:
1. Within 30 days after a Loss starts; or
2. As soon as is reasonably possible.
Written Notice must be given:
1. To Us at Our home office at Box 711, Portland, Oregon 97207; or
2. To any of Our authorized agents.
Written Notice must include Your name and the Policy Number as shown on the data page.
CLAIM FORMS - We will send the Owner Written Proof Of Loss forms within 15 days after We
receive Written Notice Of Claim. If We do not, the requirements of the Written Proof Of Loss
section, below, will be satisfied if We receive a written statement including this policy number,
signed by You, explaining the nature and extent of the Loss within the time shown below.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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WRITTEN PROOF OF LOSS - We must receive Written Proof Of Loss within 90 days after the
end of any period for which benefits are being claimed. If that is not reasonably possible, the
claim will not be affected, provided Written Proof is furnished as soon as is reasonably possible.
However, unless You lack legal capacity, We must be given Written Proof within one year after
the 90th day referred to above for that claim to be valid.
Proof of each of the following elements of Written Proof Of Loss must be provided to Us at Your
expense. We will not pay any Disability benefits until We receive satisfactory Written Proof that:
1. You became Disabled while insured under this policy and while it was in force; and
2. Your Disability was a Continuous Disability through the Commencement Date; and
3. You are under the regular care of a Physician appropriate for Your Injury or Sickness; and
4. We receive such additional information as We may reasonably require in connection with
Your claim.
You must also submit all of the following documents at Your expense:
1. A completed claim statement signed by You; and
2. A completed claim statement signed by Your Physician; and
3. A written authorization, signed by You and on a form satisfactory to Us, for Us to obtain
records and information needed to determine Your eligibility for Disability benefits; and
4. Such other documents as We may reasonably require.
Once Your claim is approved, no Disability benefits will be continued beyond the end of the
period for which You have provided Us with satisfactory Written Proof Of Loss.
We will require You to submit additional documentation of Your claim at Your expense at
reasonable intervals while You are receiving benefits.
PROOF OF YOUR COVERED EXPENSES - We require reasonable Proof Of Your Covered
Expenses for any month for which Disability is claimed. We may require that You send Us
copies of Your income tax returns, income and expense statements, books and records, or any
other proof satisfactory to Us. At Our expense, We may have an audit of Your business records
performed as often as is reasonably required while Your claim is pending or is being paid.
INVESTIGATION OF YOUR CLAIM - We may conduct an Investigation Of Your Claim at any
time. We will not pay benefits until We have had a reasonable time to conduct any Investigation
Of Your Claim and We have determined that benefits are payable.
PHYSICAL EXAM - We can have Physicians or vocational specialists examine You, at Our
expense, as often as reasonably necessary while You claim to be Disabled. Any such examination
will be conducted by one or more Physicians or vocational specialists whom We choose.
We may defer or suspend payment of benefits if You fail to attend an examination or fail to
cooperate with the person conducting the examination. Benefits may be resumed, provided that
the required examination occurs within a reasonable time and benefits are otherwise payable.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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TIME OF PAYMENT - After We receive satisfactory Written Proof Of Loss:
1. We will pay any benefits then due that are not payable periodically; and
2. We will pay any benefits due that are payable periodically at the end of each month of
Disability. Each month of Disability will be measured from the Commencement Date.
Payment will be subject to Our receipt of continuing Written Proof Of Loss.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS - We will pay all benefits to the Owner or the Owner’s estate, unless the
Owner tells Us otherwise in writing. If:
1. Any benefit is payable to the Owner’s estate; or
2. The Owner or any payee lacks legal capacity to give a valid release;
We can pay total benefits of up to $1,000 to any relative of the Owner We believe is entitled to
them. We will not be liable to anyone to the extent We make payment in good faith.
PREMIUMS - The Premium, shown on the data page, is the amount We charge at regular
intervals to keep this policy in force. Premiums are payable at Our home office. The first Premium
is due on the policy’s Effective Date. If the first Premium is not paid, the policy is never in force.
Premiums may be paid on an annual, semi-annual or quarterly basis. Also, the Owner may
request a special monthly premium mode, subject to Our rules and Our approval. We may
terminate this special mode at any time by writing to the Owner.
The Owner may request a change of premium mode by writing to Us. The change is subject to
Our rules and Our approval. No change of premium mode will be allowed while You are Disabled.
GRACE PERIOD - A 31-day Grace Period to pay Premiums follows the due date of all Premiums
except the first. The policy will continue in force during the Grace Period. If You become Disabled
during the Grace Period, We will deduct any due and unpaid Premiums from any benefits paid.
TERMINATION OF THE POLICY - If a Premium is not paid by the end of its Grace Period, the
policy will terminate. The date the policy will terminate is the due date of the Premium not paid.
Unless continued as provided in the Renewal Option section, this policy will also terminate on
the earliest of:
1. 12:01 a.m. on the Termination Date shown on the data page; and
2. The date We approve the Owner’s request for Conversion of the policy under the
Conversion Option section; and
3. The date of Your death.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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REINSTATEMENT - If this policy terminates because a Premium is not paid by the end of the
Grace Period, the Owner may request that it be reinstated. If Our requirements for Reinstatement
are met, the policy will be reinstated as follows:
1. If We receive the required Premium and if We do not require a reinstatement application,
Reinstatement will be effective on the later of the date the Premium and the Owner’s
request are received at Our home office.
2. If We receive the required Premium and the Owner’s request, but We require a
reinstatement application, Reinstatement will be subject to Our approval and will
be effective on the date We approve the application. However, if We disapprove the
application, We must mail notice of Our disapproval to the Owner within 45 days after
the later of the date We receive the Premium at Our home office or the date We receive
the reinstatement application. If We do not mail notice of Our disapproval, the policy will
be reinstated as of the 45th day.
The reinstated policy will not cover any Disability except Disability due to:
1. Injury sustained after the date of Reinstatement; or
2. Sickness that began more than ten days after the date of Reinstatement.
A new period for contesting the policy or a claim will apply to the reinstated policy if We require
and approve an application for Reinstatement. See Time Limit On Certain Defenses under
EXCLUSIONS/LIMITATIONS. We may add or change provisions or limitations when We reinstate
the policy. Except for the provisions that may be added or changed, the Owner’s rights and Our
rights will be the same as before the policy terminated.
PREMIUM REFUND AT DEATH - After We receive notice of Your death, We will refund to
the Owner or the Owner’s estate that part of any Premium paid beyond the Policy Month of
Your death.
CONVERSION - At any time before Your 60th birthday, the Owner may ask to convert this
policy to one of Our then currently issued disability income policies (the “new” policy) if all of
the following conditions are met:
a. We receive a written request to convert signed by the Owner; and
b. We receive the initial premium at Our home office; and
c. This policy is in force at the time We receive the request; and
d. This policy has been in force for at least two years on the day We receive the request;
e. You have not been Disabled at any time during the six months just prior to Our receipt of
the request; and
f. We receive all information We require so that We can determine the appropriate benefit
under Our Issue And Participation Limits for disability income.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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Subject to the limits below, the Owner may elect the monthly benefit under the new policy. The
monthly benefit of the new policy cannot exceed the Base Amount of this policy. The benefit
period under the new policy will be two years. The Commencement Date of the new policy can
be no earlier than the Commencement Date of this policy.
In no event can the monthly benefit under the new policy exceed Our limits. By “Our limits,” We
mean the maximum disability income coverage We offer to new applicants in Your Risk Class
on the date We receive the request, based on Our Issue And Participation Limits in effect on the
day We receive the Conversion request.
The effective date of the new policy will be a day determined by Us after We approve the
Owner’s written Conversion request.
The premium for the new policy will be the rate We charge for Your age, on Your nearest birthday,
and Risk Class on the effective date of the new policy.
The new policy will cover only a Disability incurred after its effective date and while it is in force.
It will exclude only conditions excluded by this policy.
This policy and all riders and benefits made part of this policy will terminate on the effective date
of the new policy.
RENEWAL OPTION - The Owner may request in writing that Total Disability coverage under
this policy continue beyond Your Age 65. At the time of the request and after Your Age 65, to
continue this policy We will require proof satisfactory to Us that:
1. You remain actively and regularly employed for at least 30 hours per week; and
2. You are legally responsible for some or all of the expense of maintaining an office or
business; and
3. You are not Disabled on the date We receive the Owner’s request at Our home office.
OPTION REQUEST - We must receive the Owner’s written request at Our home office at least
90 days prior to the Termination Date. The policy must be in force with all due Premiums paid
on the date We receive the request.
RENEWAL BENEFIT - We will continue only the Benefit For Total Disability beyond Your Age 65
under the Renewal Option. All other benefits terminate at Your Age 65. Except as shown below,
the same provisions, exceptions and limitations in this policy continue to apply if the Renewal
Option is elected. For Total Disabilities with Commencement Dates after the Policy Anniversary
following Your 75th birthday, benefits will be paid for no more than 12 months.
All riders and added benefits made part of this policy terminate at Your Age 65, regardless of
whether the policy is continued under the Renewal Option.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
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INITIAL PREMIUM - The Initial Premium to continue the policy under the Renewal Option will
be based on the rate in effect for Your rating group at Your Age 65. We can change this Initial
Premium at any time, but only if We change the Initial Premium for everyone in the state in which
You live:
1. Who has this policy form; and
2. Who is in Your rating group.
We will refund to the Owner any Premium paid after Your Age 65, unless the policy is in force
under the Renewal Option. Payment or receipt of any Premium after Termination Of The Policy
will not continue it in force, unless the policy is being continued under the Renewal Option.
THE CONTRACT - This insurance is provided in consideration of Our receipt of the completed
application and payment of all required Premiums. This policy and all attachments, including
any benefits, riders, endorsements and copies of the application and application supplements,
make up the whole contract. No one, including Our agent, has the right to change or waive any
part of this policy unless the change is approved in writing by Our President and Secretary.
CONFORMITY WITH STATE STATUTES - Any provision in this policy which, on the Effective
Date, conflicts with the laws of the state in which You reside on that date, is amended to meet
the minimum requirements of such laws.
LEGAL ACTION - Legal action cannot be brought against Us until at least 60 days following the
date Written Proof is received by Us under Written Proof Of Loss. Also, legal action may not be
brought against Us after three years from the date Written Proof is required under Written Proof
Of Loss.
MISSTATEMENTS - If Your Issue Age or Sex have been misstated, any benefits will equal those
that the Premiums paid would have purchased at Your correct Issue Age and Sex.
NOTICE - Changes, assignments and requests will not affect Us until We have received them
from the Owner in writing at Our home office and, where required, We have approved them.
ASSIGNMENT - We will not be bound by an assignment of this policy or of any benefit unless
We receive and approve a written assignment, signed by the Owner, at Our home office. Any
payments made or actions taken by Us prior to Our approval of any assignment are binding and
conclusive. We will not be responsible for the validity or legal sufficiency of any assignment.
OWNER - The Owner of this policy is the Insured unless stated otherwise in the application or
later changed by the Owner. The Owner may name a successor owner who will become the new
owner if the Owner dies before You. If no named successor owner is living when the Owner dies,
and if You are not the Owner, the Owner’s estate will become the new owner.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
RE1(6/91) Page 15
Paragraph 1. of Covered Expenses in the Definitions of the policy is changed to read:
1. Salary, fees, and wages paid to or on behalf of employees, including any person hired to
perform Your duties, excluding those paid to:
a. A Family Member who has not been continuously employed by You or Your business
during the 60 day period immediately prior to the date You become Disabled; or
b. Any person sharing expenses of Your business or profession.
RIDER PREMIUM - The annual premium for this rider is shown on the data page.
RIDER EFFECTIVE DATE - The Rider Effective Date is the same as this policy’s Effective Date,
unless a different Rider Effective Date has been given to this rider.
TIME LIMIT ON CERTAIN DEFENSES - The policy’s Time Limit On Certain Defenses provision
will apply to this rider as of the Rider Effective Date.
TERMINATION - This rider will terminate on the earliest of:
1. Your Age 65; and
2. The date the policy terminates for any reason; and
3. The date We approve the Owner’s written request to terminate this rider.
PART OF POLICY - This rider is part of the policy to which it is attached. All terms and
conditions, including definitions, of the policy which have not been changed by or which do not
conflict with this rider will apply to this rider.
J. Greg Ness
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Holley Y. Franklin
Corporate Secretary
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector
policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
Page 16 RE2(6/91)
EXPIRATION DATE - The date shown on the data page that this rider ends.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF UNITS - The Maximum Number Of Units is shown on the data page.
OPTION DATE - Each Policy Anniversary occurring every two years after the policy Effective
Date on or before this rider’s Expiration Date and while this rider is in force.
UNIT OF PURCHASE - The base amount which can be purchased on an Option Date. The
amount of each Unit and the Maximum Number Of Units are shown on the data page.
FUTURE PURCHASE BENEFIT - The Owner may apply for the purchase of up to one Unit
Of Purchase, or for any part of a Unit, on any Option Date. If all or any part of a Unit is not
purchased on an Option Date, the Owner may carry the Unit or any unused part over to the next
Option Date, but not beyond, the next Option Date.
To apply for the purchase of all or part of a Unit that has been carried over, all of the current Unit
must first be purchased. In no event may a total of more than two Units be exercised on any
one Option Date. The total number of Units purchased under this rider, may never be more than
the Maximum Number Of Units shown on the data page.
On the first Option Date, the Owner may also apply for the purchase of up to one additional
Unit Of Purchase if You are not Disabled on that Option Date. All of the current Unit must first
be purchased. No unused part of this additional Unit may be carried over.
We will issue a separate business overhead expense policy for the benefit amount properly
applied for, if You qualify as shown below. The policy will be whatever form We are issuing when
the Owner applies to purchase the particular Unit.
TO QUALIFY TO PURCHASE A UNIT - A unit can be purchased if, at the time the Owner
applies, the Base Amount under the new policy, when added to all business overhead coverage
on You with Us, any other insurer, and any government agency, does not exceed Our limits.
By “Our limits,” We mean the maximum business overhead expense coverage We offer to new
applicants in Your risk class at the time of the request. We will apply Our Issue And Participation
Limits and Our other underwriting rules in effect at the time We receive the Owner’s written
request to purchase a Unit.
APPLYING FOR THE PURCHASE - To apply to purchase a Unit, the Owner must give Us a
written application, satisfactory to Us, within the 60 day period prior to the Option Date. We will
need information regarding all of Your business overhead expense and disability type coverages,
both existing and applied for. Evidence of Your health will not be required.
Only one Unit Of Purchase may be applied for during any Continuous Disability.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
RE2(6/91) Page 17
WHEN PURCHASED BENEFIT IS PAYABLE - Each new policy purchased under this rider will
be effective on its Option Date. However, if You are Disabled on the applicable Option Date, any
benefit payable under the new policy will begin on the 91st day of Your Continuous Disability
after that Option Date. Once payable, We will continue to pay the benefit payable under the new
policy while Your Disability continues.
PREMIUM FOR EACH NEW POLICY - The Premium For Each New Policy is based on the
rate for Your age, on Your nearest birthday, as of the applicable Option Date. The rate will be
calculated by using the risk class below which is more favorable to You:
1. Your class of risk in effect when We issued the policy; or
2. Your class of risk on the applicable Option Date.
If the premium for the policy is being waived on the Option Date because You are Disabled,
the Premium For Each New Policy will also be waived until the base policy premium becomes
payable again.
Unless waived under the previous paragraph, the first Premium For Each New Policy must be
paid at the time the new policy is applied for. Payment may be made at Our home office or to
an authorized agent.
RIDER PREMIUM - The annual premium for this rider is shown on the data page.
RIDER EFFECTIVE DATE - The Rider Effective Date is the same as this policy’s Effective Date,
unless a different Rider Effective Date has been given to this rider.
TIME LIMIT ON CERTAIN DEFENSES - The policy’s Time Limit On Certain Defenses provision
will apply to this rider as of the Rider Effective Date.
TERMINATION - This rider will end on the earliest of:
1. The Expiration Date for this rider shown on the data page; and
2. The date the total of all benefit increases exercised under this rider equals the value of
the Maximum Number Of Units for this rider shown on the data page; and
3. Your Age 65; and
4. The date this policy terminates for any reason; and
5. The date We approve the Owner’s written request to terminate this rider.
PART OF POLICY - This rider is part of the policy to which it is attached. All terms and
conditions, including definitions, of the policy which have not been changed and which do not
conflict with this rider will apply to this rider.
J. Greg Ness
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Holley Y. Franklin
Corporate Secretary
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
Page 18 RE3(6/91)
DISABILITY - As used in this rider, means:
1. Total Disability; and
2. Partial Disability; and
3. Residual Disability.
1. A period of Residual Disability; or
2. A period during which Recovery Benefits are payable, Eligible Expenses are:
a. Covered Expenses for that period, times
b. The Loss Of Total Income for that period divided by the Prior Total Income for that period.
If Loss Of Total Income is 75% or more of Your Prior Total Income, Eligible Expenses for that
period will be equal to Covered Expenses for that period.
For the first six months of Residual Disability following the Commencement Date of Your
Disability, Eligible Expenses will not be less than 50% of the Base Amount.
LOSS OF TOTAL INCOME - Your Prior Total Income less Your Total Income. Loss Of Total
Income is determined each month for which:
1. A Residual Disability; or
2. A Recovery Benefit is claimed.
PRIOR TOTAL INCOME - The greater of:
1. Your average monthly Total Income for the six full calendar months immediately before
Your Disability; and
2. Your highest average monthly Total Income for any 24 consecutive month period falling
entirely within the five year period immediately before Your Disability began.
RESIDUAL DISABILITY/RESIDUALLY DISABLED - Residual Disability means You are not
Totally Disabled, but because of Your Injury or Sickness:
1. Your Total Income is reduced by 20% or more of Your Prior Total Income; and
2. You are under the regular care of a Physician appropriate for the Injury or Sickness; and
3. You are able:
a. To do some, but not all, of the substantial and material duties of Your regular occupation; or
b. To do all of the substantial and material duties of Your regular occupation, but not for
as long a time or as effectively as You did immediately prior to Your Injury or Sickness.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
RE3(6/91) Page 19
TOTAL INCOME - Your share of the gross income earned from Your business or professional
activities, excluding investment and unearned income, less the cost of goods sold, if applicable.
We will use either the cash or accrual accounting method to determine Total Income. The
accounting method used will be the method You are using in Your business or profession on the
date You become Disabled.
If You are legally liable for only a share of Covered Expenses, We will use the same share when
determining Your share of Total Income.
BENEFIT FOR RESIDUAL DISABILITY - The benefit for Residual Disability payable each
month during Your Continuous Residual Disability will equal the sum of all Eligible Expenses
since the Commencement Date, less the sum of all benefits We have paid for the same period
of Your Disability under this policy, subject to the Benefit Limit, Maximum Benefit Period, and
Allocation Of Covered Expenses sections of the policy.
The Benefit For Residual Disability will begin on the later of:
1. The Commencement Date; or
2. The date You become Residually Disabled.
If a greater benefit is payable under the Benefit For Partial Disability section of the policy, that
benefit will be paid. In no event will a Residual Disability benefit and a Partial Disability benefit
be paid for the same period.
RECOVERY BENEFIT - You will be eligible for a Recovery Benefit for a maximum of 12
consecutive months if:
1. You are not eligible for a Total, Partial, or Residual Disability benefit; and
2. You are engaged at least 30 hours per week in Your regular occupation immediately
following a Disability for which benefits under this policy were payable.
No Recovery Benefits will be paid after the earliest of the following:
1. The date an amount equal to 12 monthly Recovery Benefit payments has been made; and
2. Your Age 65; and
3. The date of Your death.
The Recovery Benefit payable is equal to the sum of all Eligible Expenses since the
Commencement Date, less the sum of all benefits We have paid for the period of Your Disability
under this policy, subject to the Benefit Limit, Maximum Benefit Period, and Allocation Of
Covered Expenses sections of the policy.
The Recovery Benefit will begin on the day after Your Total, Partial, or Residual Disability ends. It
will continue for as long as You remain eligible, and only until the benefit terminates, as described
above. We will waive any premium due while benefits are payable under the Recovery Benefit.
This is a sample of a Business Overhead Protector policy. It is not an actual contract. Some provisions may vary in some states.
Page 20 RE3(6/91)
RIDER PREMIUM - The annual premium for this rider is shown on the data page.
RIDER EFFECTIVE DATE - The Rider Effective Date is the same as this policy’s Effective Date,
unless a different Rider Effective Date has been given to this rider.
TIME LIMIT ON CERTAIN DEFENSES - The policy’s Time Limit On Certain Defenses provision
will apply to this rider as of the Rider Effective Date.
TERMINATION - This rider will end on the earliest of:
1. The expiration date of this rider; and
2. Your Age 65; and
3. The date the policy terminates for any reason; and
4. The date We approve the Owner’s written request to terminate this rider.
PART OF POLICY - This rider is part of the policy to which it is attached. All terms and
conditions, including definitions, of the policy which have not been changed by or which do not
conflict with this rider will apply to this rider.
J. Greg Ness
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Holley Y. Franklin
Corporate Secretary
This is a sample of the Business Overhead Protector
policy. It is not an
actual contract. Optional riders are subject to underwriting and reinsurance
availability, and are available at extra cost. Some riders may not be
available in all states. A medical exam may be required when you apply for
a policy. This policy has exclusions and limitations, and terms under which
the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and
complete details of coverage contact your insurance representative or The
Standard at 800.247.6888.
Business Overhead Expense Insurance
SI 1010 (11/20)
Standard Insurance Company
1100 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland OR 97204