Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2017
29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
Angular and the Trending Frameworks of Mobile
and Web-based Platform Technologies: A
Comparative Analysis
Mohamed Sultan
Opencast Software
Abstract—Recently, numerous new mobile and web-based
application frameworks have been released and adopted in both
communities of software development industry and research.
For example, there are currently the KnockoutJS, BackboneJS
and ReactJS frameworks competing together with the different
(entirely different) versions of ‘Angular’ frameworks. While some
of these new frameworks are more popular than others, some are
specialised in certain types of applications, and others have spe-
cific advanced features or outstanding capabilities that set them
above others. Moreover, with the increase usage and demand
of mobile applications, the need for cross-platform frameworks
has significantly increased as well. In this paper, we discuss the
different criteria which identifies the strengths and weaknesses of
using each framework in developing mobile and web-applications.
We highlight and discuss 12 different features of latest application
frameworks as ‘points of comparison’. Then we compare 5 of
the trending frameworks (KnockoutJS, BackboneJS, AngularJS,
React and Angular2) in a thorough analysis based on our
earlier defined points of comparisons i.e. features. Finally, we
focus more deeply on the newly released Angular2 framework
showing the eminent capabilities and values added over different
trending frameworks and over its own earlier versions. Overall,
our comparative analysis results in a few interesting findings
regarding different current frameworks, leaving us to believe that
a new generation might soon emerge from the exponential path
of MVC, MV*/MVW and MVVM.
KeywordsAngular; mobile and web-based applications; front-
end; JavaScript frameworks
Both mobile and web-based application platforms evolve
over time to better serve the needs and requirements of the
growing business markets and their demands. Mobile and web-
based applications consist of two main components: 1) client-
side, also known as front-end, which includes the browser and
the mobile web app client; and 2) server-side that includes all
back-end functionalities (database, validations, authorizations
and authentications). In this paper, we focus on the front-
end that includes various dependencies affecting the service
performance as well as the user satisfaction with the final
software solution. Therefore, there is also a growing area of
development in terms of new frameworks, platforms and IDE
tools, availing different combinations of the basic and essential
software development functionalities such as bundling, log-
ging, compiling, packing, debugging and testing.
The challenge is choosing the best framework technology
to that fits the desired solution and easily integrates with
other systems resulting in the best user experience. Currently,
there are several cross-platform client-side frameworks. Most
of which include an array of libraries and responsive user
interactions, often referred to as ‘single-page applications’ [1].
For instance, if we consider the simplicity and accessibility
of jQuery as a web-development platform, it would be difficult
to build and manage a medium to a large-sized solution.
Although jQuery is manageable and straightforward to use, it
is too low-level as far as application development is concerned.
It even gets more complicated and inefficient as scale and
complexity of the project increases.
In this paper, we compare five of the latest trending tech-
nologies of emerging frameworks for developing mobile and
web applications from different aspects. These recent efficient
frameworks: Knockout, Backbone, AngularJS, React and An-
gular (Angular2). Such a comparative study will contribute and
assist in directing future development of the wide spreading
platforms we are to witness in the near future. Our points of
comparison include Data Binding, Templating, Extensibility,
Variable Observation, Routing, Testing and other advanced
features such as Dependency Injection, Form Validation and
Browser Support. We then discuss each framework from these
different aspects to analyse its usage, strengths and limitations
from different angles versus other similar frameworks.
In this section, we will give a review of the current
emerging frameworks (Knockout, Backbone, AngularJS, React
and Angular2) for web and mobile development to shed light
on each of them. Then we pave the way to a thorough com-
parison between the Angular framework and other frameworks
showing the strengths and weaknesses of each. Afterwards, we
discuss the key features of Angular2 over AngularJS.
A. Knockout
Knockout (also known as KnockoutJS) was developed by
Steve Sanderson and was initially released in July 2010. It
is relatively an easy and a quick framework for beginners.
However, it is rather difficult to link the system dynamic and
personalised output with system data (i.e. data binding) when
the model gets more complex. Yet, Knockout has enabled
automating about 70% of the manual programming that pre-
viously had to be done by developers. Knockout provides a
simple and easy to use model bindings between the HTML
and the ‘model’. But it does not provide guidance nor rules
to follow, therefore mainly depending on the developers to
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
structure their code from their point of view. This often leads
non-experienced developers to write unstructured, unreadable
and non-reusable code because they do not have to consider
good application structure when using Knockout. Still, it pro-
vides the functionality of listening to events, binding callbacks
and DOM changing elements (add, remove or update) based
on users input values. Knockout supports most of the major
browsers (Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome, Opera
and Safari). It is an MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) library
for creating dynamic UIs [2].
B. Backbone
Backbone (also known as BackboneJS) was developed by
Jeremy Ashkenas and initially released in October 2010 for
implementing single-page web applications. Backbone serves
as an effective ORM (Object Relational Mapping) for RESTful
APIs. It is based on the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) appli-
cation design paradigm and is a light-weight framework that
depends only on the JavaScript Library [3]. BitTorrent.com,
Airbnb, Hulu, LinkedIn Mobile, Pinterest and Reddit are
built using Backbone. The downside of Backbone is that it
requires writing an extensive amount of code that is mostly
for integrating components, that are ready-made in Knockout
and Angular with a few attributes. This can be considered as
a limitation from the development point of view. However,
it can be considered as an advantage where there will be no
hidden configurations behind the scenes, therefore being more
understandable and explicitly coded. Moreover, Backbone is
easier in debugging and fixing several performance issues.
In general, Backbone is recommended for DOM (Document
Object Model i.e. HTML objects) manipulations.
C. AngularJS
As part of a commercial product, AngularJS was first
launched in 2009 under the name of ‘GetAngluar’ which was
later sponsored by Google due to its great perceived benefits.
For instance, a web application using GetAngular that consists
of around 1,000 lines and 3 weeks of development, would
take -without GetAngular- up to 17,000 lines and around
6 months of development. Later, Google re-introduced it as
the currently known open-source AngularJS [4]. Similar to
Knockout, AngularJS leaves HTML readable by supporting
data binding into the DOM. In addition, AngularJS supported
integrated data validation and introduced an array of controllers
(and services) for building single-page applications. AngularJS
combined the ideas of Backbone and Knockout and brought
custom components via custom directives which made Angular
much popular. It also brought common pattern from OOP
which is the ‘Dependency Injection’ container. Moreover,
AngularJS introduced the concept of MV* or MVW (Model
View Whatever) [5] due to the fact that AngularJS combined
the ‘Controller’ and the ‘View’ into one single container that
handles both functionalities.
However, over time and due to many refactoring and
API improvements, its now closer to MVVM (Model View
ViewModel) paradigm [6] where the $scope object could be
considered as the ViewModel that is being decorated by a
function known as a ‘Controller’. Angular’s modular structure,
strict development guidelines and ability to simply bind di-
rectly to plain objects, all enhance the efficiency of the coding
by preventing many issues, and providing a strong architectural
foundation for the application. Therefore, we believe that these
reasons have enforced the position of AngularJS as one of
the most recent readable and maintainable web developing
frameworks. Moreover, AngularJS provides an unpreceded
strong community support to respond to users’ enquiries, bug
detection and problem-solving which offers vast opportunities
for bug fixes within next releases.
D. React
React was released by Facebook in March 2013 as a light-
weight application platform. However, React should not be
considered as a framework [1] but should be rather considered
as a library. One of its key features is that it is quite efficient
in rendering UI (User Interface). React is often paired with
AngularJS to deliver applications of high-speed performance
and richer presented content. Plus, React code supports cross-
platform with mobile applications, through using extra li-
braries. Another feature is React’s documentation which is
useful and rich of information, facilitating coding.
Most of React projects were written in ES2015 which is
ahead of browsers supporting it. ES2015 is a pseudonym for
the latest version of the JavaScript programming language to
be approved by ECMA International, the standards group for
vetting and approving different versions of the language. The
term ES2015 was given because the latest version of JavaScript
is identified as the 2015 version of ECMAScript (an alternative
term for JavaScript). Up until recently, ES2015 was previously
referred to as ES6.
In comparison with AngularJS, React needs more lines to
do what AngularJS can handle in much fewer lines. React
has a key feature which is the ‘virtual DOM’. The virtual
DOM is a light approach for updating DOM with new changes
without affecting the performance. This is done by working
with a light-weight copy of the original DOM then comparing
with the re-rendered what should be changed optimally (using
‘dirty checking’ or ‘observable’). Also, React does not need a
browser to test as it does not interact with the real DOM [7].
React uses JSX [8] as the programming language which is
an extension to JavaScript that has XML-like syntax. Accord-
ingly, it helps to implement the business logic and functions of
a component all in the same file where the HTML template is.
This approach makes React components completely isolated
and reusable [9]. Since React is a library, it is essential to
use a number of more libraries with it to fill the gaps and
build a complete application with all necessary operations
(such as routing, enforcing unidirectional flows, web API calls,
dependency management and testing). For example, Redux
[10] can be used to provide a single-state container that all
such components in the application can access and manipulate
E. Angular
Released in September 2016, Angular2’ or ‘Angular 2+’ is
commonly referred to as Angular. Angular is a revolutionary
version and a complete rewrite of AngularJS 1.x frameworks.
Being much less complicated than Angular1, Angular uses
ES2015 and ES2016 in addition to ‘Typescript’ as a com-
piler, which supports classes and module loaders. When first
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
launched, Angular was perceived as too revolutionary for its
time, where ES6 was close to standardisation and two-way data
binding was needed for data over forms applications. Although
Angular requires significant effort for setting up the required
development project than React, it is worth as it provides a
clear understanding of how components interact with each
Before we are able to systematically compare between
different trending frameworks we need to define and clarify
the points of comparison for our analysis. We have identified
12 different features that qualify and distinguish different
frameworks from one another, allowing us to perform correct
and efficient selection to the framework that is suitable for
developing a certain application. Below we state and simplify
each of these features:
Data Binding: This is the process of connecting the
business logic data with the application front-end User
Interface (UI). It is important to assure that the proper
data is presented to assure the correct service delivery.
Also, it should be dynamically updatable to reflect
user interaction behaviour outcome. When a UI field
variable is updated the content gets updated by the
underlying model variable and vice versa.
Templating: This is used to divide the View into small
chunks then display them when needed. Templating
supports the code maintainability and readability as
well. For example: change the entire ‘page’ based on
user state such as user selected to view details for an
item. Or displaying ‘items’ and ‘objects’ as a complex
HTML structure i.e. widgets.
Extensibility: This is the ability to extend the current
HTML capabilities by embedding tags that represent
further functionalities. It is known as directives or
custom bindings. It is known as ‘directives’ or ‘custom
Variable Observation: This is used to monitor the
changes in any variable properties. Hence, notify the
registered action to take the necessary actions.
Routing: This is a feature to allow storing the applica-
tion states. States are bounds to views which can easily
be configured to allow further features depending on
the user’s state defined in the business logic.
Testing: Embedded testing capabilities became a
mandatory feature in web and mobile applications.
Testing evaluates the system to assure that it satisfies
its specified requirement at early stages. Herein, we
refer to the evolved and mature sense of embedded
testing feature (that can be independently functioning)
in different frameworks. In this sense, testing creates
scenarios with expected results then compares it with
the resultant output from the software.
Advanced Features: These include Modular Forms,
Dependency Injection, Filters, Form Validations,
Browser Support and Community Support. Develop-
ing an application in a ‘Modular Form’ facilitates
code review, code reuse and code expectation versus
best practices. Sometimes, it is asked in interviews
for the best practices in solving a certain situation.
‘Dependency Injection’ (also known as Inversion of
Control) is one of the most used design patterns that
demonstrates how to create ‘loosely coupled’ classes
[12] where each class is stand-alone exporting only
its methods without the need of any other classes to
complete its functionality. This is very useful when
changing the implementation of a class, where there
will be no need to update all other classes that depend
on the new one. Moreover, it facilitates testing and
liberates the tidiness of classes together. Therefore,
we can reuse the independent classes easily in many
other functionalities/projects. ‘Filters’ (also known as
pipelines) are used to enable passing the output of
an expression as an input to a second function. Ac-
cordingly, filtering is a useful development feature in
a framework that enables it and is mostly used in
formatting. ‘Form Validation’ used in case of user
invalid input, form and controls provide the needed
validations to notify the user for his invalid input
(e.g. password and email validations). The framework
can collect all input control validation into a single
object validator to be checked for the validation of
the whole form. It can be used to enable a submit
button as an example. ‘Browser Support’ is the ability
to integrate with different browsers, give edges to easy
Front-End framework over others as it gives the user
the flexibility to use the most comfortable browser
according to the user needs. ‘Community Support’ is
relatively a newly adopted feature. Frameworks are
developed by large-sized organisations like Facebook
or Google relying on a huge number of developer base
and continues to grow. Therefore, it is very useful and
advantageous for developers to use a framework that
supports this feature.
In this section, we will use our defined key features of
different web development frameworks mentioned earlier in
the previous section. Our main points of comparison are
Data Binding, Templating, Extensibility, Variable Observation,
Routing, Testing and other Advanced Features such as Depen-
dency Injection, Form Validation and Browser Support. We
compare different frameworks with respect to each of these
different features to analyse their strengths, weaknesses and
best usage in developing different types of web and mobile
A. Data Binding
If we have data to be displayed in knockout (as shown
in Fig. 1) we need to replace the model properties with
ko.observable in order to perform the two-way binding (as
shown in Fig. 2).
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
Fig. 1. Basic model represented in JSON [13] format.
Fig. 2. Example of data binding in Knockout.
The results for HTML with data binding using KnockoutJS
is shown in Fig. 3. However, specifying all data properties as
observables needs additional effort. In addition, Knockout can
only apply bindings once and will through error(s) in case of
an attempt to re-apply bindings.
Fig. 3. Example of data binding in Knockout - view implementation.
Backbone can provide data binding functionality using
‘Backbone.ModelBinder’ plugin. To achieve this, we need to
create a model and a view. Then, create the model binder
by passing the view and the model into the constructor of
the class. If there is a need to define multiple bindings in
one action, then ‘modelBinder.watch(bindings)’ can be used,
as shown in Fig. 4. As an example, to achieve the HTML
binding, Fig. 5 presents the code to be used, but appears to be
somewhat complicated and hard to understand. Likewise, other
bindings (text, value, area, select, checked, etc.) can be used
in the same approach. Moreover, more options for different
types of bindings. To achieve that, it is extensively long and
Fig. 4. Example of data binding in Backbone - controller side.
Fig. 5. Example of data binding in Backbone - HTML side.
Alternatively, AngularJS provides a simple and an easy
two-way binding even for non-developers, where binding ex-
pressions are surrounded by double curly braces, as shown
in Fig. 6. React also supports Data Binding but different
than Angular. Angular puts JS in HTML whereas React puts
HTML into JavaScript [14] as shown in Fig. 7. Apparently,
it is totally acceptable and valid to implement both cases
and indeed depends on personal preference of the developing
Fig. 6. Example of data binding in AngularJS.
Fig. 7. Example of data binding in React.
B. Variable Observation
In fact, nothing happens literally instantaneously. For ex-
ample, for fetching data from the backend, we need to in-
terrogate an endpoint, wait for a reply, parse it, then render
the view with the new data received. For a better UX (User
Experience) we may add a loading GIF image while disabling
other buttons to show the user that the application is intending
to perform an action and that it is not recommended to apply
any changes. To accomplish this process we need to monitor
variable changes either in the view HTML or in the Controller.
Knockout uses the observable pattern to notify the user if
and when they are changed. However, the variable needs to be
subscribed first as shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Example of observe in Knockout.
Alternatively, Backbone has the functionality to bind with
events (such as: showing a spinning GIF when calling external
APIs). This is done by following a number of configuration
steps to bind the model to the event and then bind the event
with the action function. In order to monitor view changes,
Backbone needs to bind with the view on the event ‘change’
for instance. Then, it is required to add the action (function) to
be fired (triggered) on this change. It is quite straightforward
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
and does not need extra third party libraries to take care of
this functionality [15].
Since the $scope object presents the translator between
the view and AngularJS. The $scope represents the view. All
the variables within the scope object can be accessed by the
‘View’ as well as the ‘Controller’. The $scope has its inner
function $watch that easily binds to the variables that need
to be observed and hence call the appropriate functions. The
$watch provides three strategies:
1) Watching by reference: where it detects the changes
on the object as a whole. If a value is changed within
an array object, it is not detected.
2) Watching collection contents: detects changes that
occur inside an array or an object. But, it does not
include nested collections. Watching collection con-
tents is more expensive than watching by reference
because copies of the collection contents need to be
3) Watching by value: detects any change in an arbi-
trarily nested data structure. It is the most powerful
change detection strategy, but also the most expensive
[16] as shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Different level of watching an object in AngularJS.
C. Templating
Knockout supports templating which helps to break
code/HTML into small pieces. However, Knockout does not
support template to be stored into external HTML. On the
other hand, Backbone does have the templating functionality.
Nevertheless, with the use of JQuery functions, custom tem-
plates can be built and used internally within the code [15] as
seen in Fig. 10. Backbone can easily integrate with many third-
party template engines. The famous one is Underscore template
[17] which is one of Backbone dependencies. Accordingly, it
can be easily used in the project pages. It helps in adding
the templating functionality without the need to add new
dependencies. However, Backbone does not support creating
templates in a separate file but as a ‘work around’ we can
create a new JavaScript file that includes the template (as a
variable) to be referenced within other components (which is
not the ideal case) as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Example of templating in Backbone.
In AngularJS, templates are written in an HTML format
and can include AngularJS elements. AngularJS combines all
information provided from controllers, directives, filters then
renders them into a dynamic view of the user, as shown in
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Example of data binding and templating in AngularJS.
D. Extensibility
Knockout uses the same keyword as of ‘data binding’
to extend the HTML DOM elements (data-bind) with extra
functionality, which often creates some confusion for code
maintainability and readability, as shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Example of extendability in Knockout.
On the other hand, AngularJS uses the concept of ‘Direc-
tives’ to refer to HTML vocabulary. A specific behaviour can
be added to the DOM elements to transform it. The major
difference between AngularJS and Knockout is the binding
method. Knockout binds to the provided model while Angu-
larJS binds with $scope object which is a special AngularJS
object that handles the binding between the controller and the
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
E. Routing
While Knockout does not support routing, Backbone pro-
vides an easy configuration to provide the routing functionality.
This is done by defining the routing map in JSON format trig-
gering a function named action. Moreover, Backbone supports
parameterized parameter within the URL.
Alternatively, the routing service within AngularJS allows
the organisation of service routing based on URL. Based on
the configuration map between map and template, the service
will behave based on state.
F. Testing
Knockout can be integrated with many testing frameworks
e.g. Protractor. However, testing in Knockout is not as straight
forward as in AngularJS [18]. Some coding is required to
enable ‘testing’. Knockout has a very low barrier of entry
recommending it when a quick start for a project is required.
However, if a more complicated project is needed, it is better
to use AngularJS [3].
Due to its flexibility to integrate with testing frameworks,
Protractor - which is a Google product as well - is a pop-
ular end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications.
Protractor runs tests with an actual browser interacting with
it as a normal user which facilitates code reviews and code
The same people who built AngularJS built Angular. They
brought the knowledge and best practices from AngularJS to
Angular. Also, they are active in the Angular community fixing
bugs and providing support for such issues.
Angular is simpler than AngularJS but is not less powerful.
Angular combined all in a component getting rid of $scope,
ViewModels and the controllers. Just create a class accompa-
nied with @component decorator
Angular added new features and capabilities that can not
be found combined in React or any other framework.
1) Typescript: Typescript is a new feature embedded and
integrated with Angular. We can say that Typescript provides
the best IntelliSense developer experience available in the
JavaScript world today. Typescript is the ES6 version of
JavaScript plus a few other Typescript only features which
Angular needs in order to work. Angular is flexible enough to
be written in either Typescript, ECMAScript 6 (ES6) or even
ES5 [19]. Therefore, we can conclude that ES5 is a subset of
ES6 which is a subset of Typescript. As per Fig. 13 which
represents a typical example of ES6 creating a class. Now
classes are defined and are almost as readable as Java code[20].
Fig. 13. Example of class structure in Angular.
Typescript is an extension of ECMAScript, in fact: Type-
script = ES6 + Types + Annotations. However, Angular itself
is written in Typescript, it is not mandatory to develop using
Angular with Typescript. Although most online examples are
written in Typescript as well. Also, Typescript provides more
functionalities related to Object Oriented like Generics and
Lambdas expressions.
2) Data Binding: Angular uses different ways of data
binding either to select one-way binding from the compo-
nent(controller) to the view, vice versa or two-way binding.
This means that if it is needed to change the value in the
DOM, in an input field or in a text area, both the view and
the model will be updated. This has a negative drawback, if
we have a lot of data bindings within the view, will create -
indirectly lot of observers which needs more watchers which
may affect the project performance more with more increase
of data bindings. This data binding approach makes it possible
to create a stand-alone library accompanied with the functions
and controls.
3) Templating: Beside AngularJS capabilities, ES6 added
the ability to write long in line strings without having to use
concatenation or other odd tricks. All is needed to do is to
use backticks at the start and end of the string. Also, string
interpolation using ${expression} placeholders can be used as
well inside templating. Fig. 14 shows the usage of backticks
and string interpolation.
Fig. 14. Example of templating in Angular.
Also, while defining a component simply we can refer
to a template HTML external file presentation by adding the
template Url field as shown in Fig. 15
Fig. 15. Example of referencing to HTML file used as template in Angular.
4) Extensibility: For untrained eyes, Angular templates
might look like when using AngularJS (e.g. using [], (), [()],
# and *), but, in fact, the entire template system is redesigned
bottom-top to support web components and native elements.
Moreover, this enables rendering a cross-platform native UI
for iOS and Android.
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5) Variable Observation: Angular uses ReactiveX [21]
that provides an implementation of Observables. RxJS is the
JavaScript implementation of the ReactiveX API. The API has
multiple implementations in different languages, such as Java,
.NET, and Pythons. Microsoft, GitHub, NETFLEX, airbnb and
others are using ReactiveX. By running a single line, a variable
becomes watchable and a defined function can be called once
changed as per Fig. 16.
Fig. 16. Variable subscription in Angular using RxJS.
6) Routing: With the use of router-outlet directive, com-
ponents can be defined, how to reach, redirect is some cases.
All via ‘router-outlet’ HTML tag as shown in Fig. 17.
Fig. 17. Example of Routing map in Angular.
7) Testing: As mentioned before, Angular is written with
testability in mind which facilitates integrating with Protractor
in order to deliver a bug-free stable application. Also, easily, it
can be integrated with Jasmine [22]. Jasmine is a behaviour-
driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript
code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks.
8) Modularity: Developing an application in a modular
form facilitates code review, code reuse and code expecta-
tion as opposed to the ‘best practices’. The module can be
considered as a container for server Angular components like
services, filters and controllers. It is considered a packaging
of components in order to be referenced in other modules or
other projects as well.
9) Dependency Injection: The Dependency Injection has
been improved from Angular1. The Component communica-
tion can and should be implemented in a loosely coupled
manner. Each component can declare its input and output
properties. To inject a child into a parent component, the
parent binds its values into the child input properties and child
passes its value to the parent component via Events. The child
does not need to know who provided the data nor how it is
implemented [23]
Angular takes care of referencing other modules or compo-
nents with their dependencies dynamically. This supports elim-
inating components coupling together in a way that requires
updating many places if we want to make a minor modification
in one of the components. On the other hand, React does not
explicitly use the concept of dependency injection. However,
the parent object can pass its data (state or function) to the
child object as properties as sometimes, It is needed to share
or modify some values or states between components.
10) Filters: Also, known as a ‘pipeline’, a filter allows
passing the output of an expression as an input to a sec-
ond functionality. Therefore, such filters are mostly used in
formatting the ‘View’. In Angular, filters format the value
resultant of an expression. They can be used in many places
like DOM (templates), controllers and services. Angular also
has the feature of creating a custom pipe (filter) to be used
entirely in the system.
Using RxJs operator’s filter, which data to be processed
can be determined. For example, only valid form values will
be submitted. This enhances the project performance and
enhances the customer experience as well.
11) Form Validation: Angular provided an advanced ver-
sion of form validation. Like data binding, form controls can
be defined then linked with the DOM. Hence, many types of
validations can be performed plus the form as a container can
be validated as well which is needed in form submission as
a bulk. Each controller has its own validation which makes it
possible to build a personal library. The same is for validating
errors. It is very useful in providing feedback to users with the
corresponding descriptive message.
12)Community Support: Not only Angular has the largest
community, it is also backed by Google. The core team is
growing resulting in innovative tools and support that improves
the developer productivity. Protractor, Batarang, ngmin and
Zone.js are just a few of many. In addition, the team collaborate
with the community in the design decisions. For example,
all the design documents are shared in the community and
everyone can make suggestions.
The numbers of Angular users are growing dramatically
especially after the launch of Angular 2. By the time this
paper was written the total number of stars and watchers as
per GitHub [24] are 23K and 2.4K, respectively. The same
for React, Facebook is big corporations and also have a big
community. Core team are supporting developers all the time
releasing bug fixes and other tools as well. Total numbers
of followers are higher than which of Angular, due to its
popularity for the past few years as it was the first choice for
developers. By the time this paper was written the total number
of stars and watchers as per GitHub [24] are 64K and 4.3K,
respectively. The numbers are growing up dramatically due to
its flexibility and it is becoming to be the latest technology.
We cannot consider the number of followers low as the project
is just released.
A. Time Compiling
Currently, Just in Time compiling (JiT) concept is used
which is we ship out the compiler and the code to the browser
then compile, parse and render the generated code to the
browser. The compiler occupies about 50% of the payload.
Angular supports Ahead of Time compiling (AoT) which is
taking out the compilation process, hence sending the pre-
compiled code to the browser for rendering. By this way, we
can make the application 2.5 times faster and 3 times smaller
in size [23], [11], [25]. In addition, Angular provides the Tree
Shaking feature which is removing the unused piece of codes
or libraries in the project which saves memory and increases
the project performance as well [11], [23].
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
B. Mobile Capability
Angular is not limited to only working in the browser, it
is the first framework that works on mobile devices as well. It
has first-class support for touch events and gestures that work
across all devices
C. Supporting Tools
React community recently released create-react-app which
is a useful tool that automatically creates all needed configura-
tion for a new project. This facilitates new project development
without the need to spend time in applying configurations
that are obvious can be automatically implemented. On the
other hand, Angular released in March 2017 the first stable
release of Angular CLI. Angular command line interface (CLI)
is one of the most Angular important tools. It facilitates the
process of generating Angular components, services, enum,
pipes and classes. Hence make it easier and faster to build
Angular applications. Via Angular CLI, it is easier to create
a project from scratch and it will add all needed components
and libraries needed for the projects including the project best
practice structure (source code, environment variables, main
and index.html, E2E testing locations). Plus, it can build and
deploy the project either for development or production aim.
The combination of Angular with Typescript provides a big
opportunity in object oriented programming in the front-end.
The declarative nature makes it much clearer [20].
D. Angular Expressions
Angular Expression is a powerful feature in AngularJS. It is
used extensively in the View Layer. It lets the developer write
complicated logic or even performs the assignment in the view
templates. But, it has a drawback which it is impossible to test
and makes the HTML more complicated. For example in the
below code as shown in Fig. 18.
Fig. 18. Example of writing expressions in HTML when using Angular.
In case the compiler faces code problems, errors or even
syntax error, simply, the browser ignores them without giving
any notification which makes it rather difficult to find and to
regenerate for fixing [3].
E. Angular4
In March 2017, Angular4 was released. Due to internal
versioning conflicts, Angular3 is skipped. Angular4 is not
a complete re-write of Angular2 as what happened with
AngularJS, it is just an update of Angular2 adding few more
functionalities and deprecating other features. For example,
Angular4 added more flexibilities in writing the if statement in
the HTML, else can be added plus the usage of local references
as well as shown in Fig. 19. It uses Typescript 2.2. Also,
Renderer is deprecated and Renderer2 is added instead. Also,
Email validator is added instead of writing the whole pattern
to validate email fields, simple mention that the input field is
an email.
Fig. 19. Example of writing if else condition in HTML with local reference
in Angular4.
F. Comparison
We ran a quick survey on Google trends to measure the
difference between using these terms online in the computer
science field over the last ve years. As shown in Fig. 20 ,
the search on the term Angular2 and React started by the first
release of each of them, which is by end of 2014 and end of
2016, respectively maintaining the same trend of the AngularJS
and Angular as a generic search. On the other hand, the search
on the term Backbone is almost negligible with respect to other
Fig. 20. The graph shows Interest over time starting from Jan-2014 till
Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest
point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of
100 is the peak popularity of the term. A value of 50 means
that the term is half as popular. Likewise, a score of 0 means
the term was less than 1% as popular as the peak.
In this paper, we have surveyed the latest technologies
of web and mobile frameworks from Knockout, Backbone,
and AngularJS to the recent releases of React and Angular.
Through analysing each of these frameworks based on the
different key features of application platforms we were able
to compare them thoroughly. We identified the main points
of comparison as the ability of each application platform
to support Data Binding, Templating, Extensibility, Variable
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29-30 November 2017| Vancouver, Canada
Observation, Routing, Testing and other Advanced Features
including Dependency Injection, Form Validation and Browser
In conclusion, our survey resulted in a number of in-
teresting findings. Although Backbone is a small-sized and
lightweight framework, it is much basic in terms of capabilities
than Angular that is therefore much more complicated.
Both Knockout and Angular include a massive number of
libraries and declarative bindings. The key difference is that
Angular deals with the project as a whole providing guideline
how the project should be structured. On the other hand,
KnockoutJS enables the design of the project on personal
preference. This paradigm, might not be the best practice as
it affects the code review, reuse, manipulations and cross-
platform support. Unlike Knockout, Angular mitigates these
risks and moreover supports cross-platform capabilities.
Angular and React both require a considerable amount of
time to configure Webpack or Gulp for the deployment readi-
ness of a project. However, Plunker [26], a supporting web
application, can be used to workaround this matter as it handles
the web server configuration and other configurations, if we
are talking about a small project using Angular or React. In
general, we recommend using Knockout or Backbone in small-
sized applications that do not expect extendability, scalability
or advanced features. In the matter of speed and performance,
we say that React has the upper hand. Nevertheless, Angular
has various features considering being a framework such as
advanced project structure configurations and best practices
that compensate for being less in speed than React.
Finally, there is no absolute winner or ‘the best framework’.
Each framework has its strengths and weaknesses, we have to
learn different frameworks to see which is more suitable to
the situation we are in and what functionality we seek. If the
goal is creating a fast UI, structured project or a lightweight
application needed for a quick prototype, then, the best option
will be React, Angular and Knockout/Backbone, respectively.
Needs to update with real data.
Still, we believe that Angular stands above other frame-
works due to its efficiency, convenience, different features
and cross-platform support. Although Angular can require
significant time for learning (over other similar frameworks),
it can be the best practice and the trending future of web and
mobile applications to come.
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