International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
Abstract: In traditional web applications, the communication
with the server is initiated by the client by sending a page request.
The request is processed by the server and the resulting webpage is
sent to the client. For subsequent interactions within the page like
a link is navigated or a form is submitted with data, a new request
is generated and sent to the server. The server repeats the sequence
of action for processing the request and the response is generated
by sending a new page to the client. When using Single Page
Applications (SPAs), the initial request is processed and the entire
page is sent to the client/browser, and further interaction takes
place through Aax requests. This means the entire page is not
reloaded only the portion of the page that has changed is updated
by the browser. This approach increases the response time of the
application. Emerging technologies like ASP.NET Web API,
JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and new styling features
provided by HTML5 & CSS3 make it really easy to design and
build SPAs. Our result shows 10 times improvement in initial
loading time and the server response time is reduced to half.
Keywords: ASP.NET Web API, HTML5 And CSS3.
For many years traditional web services have been built
upon complex backend systems that serve static HTML files
to the users. When the Web 2.0 era came around, techniques
of dynamic content loading such as Asynchronous JavaScript
and XML (AJAX) became popular. These techniques allow
the application to fetch data from the server without reloading
the entire page. However, most of the page is still initially
rendered on the server side. What we are seeing today is a
change, now the backend acts as a simple Application
Programming Interface (API) and instead puts a lot more
responsibility on the client. The client is often built in
JavaScript to allow a flexible and interactive user interface.
This kind of web application, known as Single-Page
Application (SPA) or Single-Page Interface (SPI), radically
changes the entire architecture. When the number of
components in the client grows the complexity is also
increased. This plays a crucial role in system design of a good
structure or framework, since JavaScript allows many faults
as it is an interpreted and loosely coupled language. Almost
all popular sites like Gmail, Twitter and Foursquare are built
with SPAs.
In Single page Application all the components required for
the website are retrieved in a single page load. This provides
the user to get an experience that he works on native
application rather than a website. An SPA loads the full page
in the initial page load and later upon request the new
fragments of the page are loaded from the server. The feature
updates are gradually downloaded by the server either as
Revised Version Manuscript Received on January 25, 2019.
G.Niranjana, Department of CSE, SRM University, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu, India
V. Aumugam, Department of CSE, SRM University, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu, India
small fragments of the page or complete screen modules in
order to avoid downloading unused features. Hence, “states”
in a SPA are similar to “pages” in a traditional website.
Because "state navigation" in the same page is analogous to
page navigation, in theory, any page-based web site could be
converted to single-page replacing in the same page only the
changed parts result of comparing consecutive pages in a
non-SPA. Single-page applications written in JavaScript are
becoming more and more popular, but when the size of the
applications grows the complexity is also increased. A good
architecture or a suitable framework is therefore needed [4].
The aim of this paper is to improve the response of Single
Page Application. In order to improve Single Page
Application we propose an architecture using Web API and
Angular JS frameworks and to design it in responsive mode.
The paper starts with analyzing the number of design
patterns suitable for applications containing a graphical user
interface. An architecture that targets single-page applications
was designed based on the composition of design patters. The
architecture was designed to make applications easy to
develop, test and maintain. Important features that were
considered are initial loading time, data synchronization and
search engine optimization. A framework based on the
architecture was implemented, tested and compared against
other frameworks available on the market.
The framework that was executed was planned to be
modular, supports routing and templates as well as a number
of different drivers for communicating with a server-side
database. The modules were designed with a variant of the
pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC), where a presentation
model was introduced between the controller and the view.
This allows unit tests to bypass the user interface and instead
communicate directly with the core of the application. After
minification and compression, the size of the framework is
less than 20 kB including all its dependencies. This results in a
low initial loading time.
Finally, a solution that allows a JavaScript application to be
fast, scalable and easy to maintain is obtained.
With the traditional approach HTML files are rendered
with the current content of the database. When data is
changed the page must be reloaded to force the HTML files to
be re-generated from scratch. Even for sites using AJAX to
dynamically change parts of the page this interaction is the
most common case. On the other hand, an SPA allows a more
flexible and elegant way of dealing with data. Once the user
has loaded an initial slim version of the site all the data can be
fetched asynchronously.
Improvement of Single Page Application in
responsive design using Web API and Angular JS
G.Niranjana, V. Aumugam
Improvement of Single Page Application in responsive design using Web API and AngularJS
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
This has several advantages. First of all, an initial page is
now rendered faster since a smaller amount of data is
transferred to the user. This is the case since every request
does not have to include the presentation of the data. It also
allows data to only be fetched one single time since the client
now can act as a small cache memory of the database. All of
this flexibility leads to a more responsive interface and in the
end to a better user experience. Unfortunately this flexibility
also comes with a price, the frontend is now a lot more
complex than before. When the frontend grows, testability
becomes a critical issue. In order to build a high quality
application, the developers must be able to test the
components of the system. An architecture that allows a high
degree of testability is needed.
Since data is represented both at the client and at the
backend side an interface is needed for the communication in
between. This interface needs to be implemented, for purpose
of fetching, inserting, updating and deleting data. Problems
regarding synchronization between user sessions may also
arise since the client now acts as a cache memory to the
database. When a user modifies data this may affect other
users that are online, i.e. concurrency problems can appear.
The responsibility of synchronization between users is now
put on the developer. All of this leads to a more complex
design of the frontend.
When the frontend becomes bigger and more complex it
also requires more memory to run. Since a user often only
works with a particular part of a system at a time, it would be
a waste of memory to have the entire application instantiated.
A structure that allows the developer to decide what parts of
the system to run would solve this problem. If the design of
these parts of the system could also be re-used in other
applications, then the efficiency of the development would be
greatly increased. Another important aspect of software
development is maintenance of the code. In bigger
applications several developers are often working
collaboratively to build the frontend of a system. Code that is
easy to read and understand becomes a key to achieve high
efficiency and good quality. The use of design patterns
becomes an important part of the system design.
Unfortunately, it is a complex choice to make since there are
many aspects to consider.
Some criticism has been raised against the performance of
SPAs in terms of initial loading time. Due to limitations of the
HTTP architecture the initial loading time might be higher
when using a JavaScript frontend compared to the traditional
approach. This is the case since the client first downloads the
initial page and then executes its JavaScript. When this is
done the user can be routed to the corresponding page and its
content can be loaded. This leads to a higher initial loading
time compared to just downloading the plain page from the
server. However, once the initial page has been loaded and
rendered the JavaScript frontend will be able to perform a lot
better. Since the initial loading time is a key factor when a
user is deciding to visit a site or not, it has become a crucial
aspect of JavaScript-based frontends.
Another problem that is introduced when building a
frontend in JavaScript is that if users visit the site and have
disabled or cannot run JavaScript, then they will not be able to
see the content of the site. Even though only 2% of today’s
users have
JavaScript disabled this still represents a problem.
Crawlers from search engines represent for example a small
amount of the total number of users but they are still very
important to consider. If a crawler cannot see the content of
the page it is impossible for it to analyse what the site is all
about. This would lead to a poor page rank at the search
engine. For many of today’s websites this is extremely
The goal of the paper is to come up with a system design of
a framework for more lightweight single-page applications.
The architecture shall be based on design patterns well suited
for web frontends. To give a good view of how design
patterns can be used in practice the project clarifies how they
can be typically used in a web application. Based on the
analysis at the system design stage the framework
isimplemented, allowing applications to get a high degree of
testability as well as encouraging code re-usage between
projects. The initial loading time of the page is considered as
an important aspect of the framework and my work aspires to
provide a shorter loading time compared to existing
frameworks. The paper also proposes a solution to the
problem of search engine optimization for single-page
By looking at design patterns suitable for graphical
interfaces an abstract idea of how to form the system
architecture was developed. This idea was then further refined
to fit a structure that was more suitable for the web. Today
there already exists a number of JavaScript frameworks, these
were analysed so that different ways of approaching the
problems could be found. The majority of the existing
frameworks are using techniques that are well known, well
tested and have a wide browser support. However, the
upcoming HTML5 draft [6] contains new exciting techniques
introducing new ways of approaching the problems. These
techniques were taken into account when designing the
architecture of the framework. During the design phase
suitable design patterns were selected for the upcoming
implementation of the framework. To be able to design the
framework with a high degree of testability a test framework
for JavaScript was used. It was important to understand how
testing typically is carried out and what testing utilities that
are commonly used. Once the system design was ready the
framework was implemented.
To verify that the project fulfilled its requirements a simple
test application was developed. This application was built
upon the framework in JavaScript. The purpose was to
demonstrate how a developer could use the framework and
how the most common problems are solved. Finally the initial
loading time and testability were verified by performing a
number of tests. The results were then be compared against
other competitors.
As previously described SPAs introduce new demands
regarding architecture and structure on the client side. To
understand how these problems can be approached it is
important to understand the basics behind how a single-page
application works [5,6].
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
As briefly mentioned in the introduction the initial loading
time is a crucial metric to consider. The initial loading time is
measured from the time the user has entered the URL in the
browser until the page is rendered. Studies show that 25% of
the users close a page if it takes more than 4 seconds to load,
slow pages are simply less popular. In order to minimize the
initial loading time the process can be divided into a number
of phases. For SPAs the phases are as follows:
1. A user enters the URL in the browser
2. The page is downloaded
3. The JavaScript is downloaded
4. The JavaScript is parsed
5. The application is initialized
6. A module is loaded
7. If data from the database is needed, it is fetched
8. The page is rendered
The flow for SPAs can be compared to the flow for
traditional sites that only got phase 1, 2, and 8. Hence
traditional websites will perform better. It is essential that
each and every phase in this flow is executed as fast as
possible to minimize the total loading time. The developers
can take action as soon as the application is loaded and for
example present a loading screen. Once the data is fetched the
loading screen can be replaced with the real page that the user
requested. To keep the file size down it is essential to
minimize the time it takes to download and parse the
JavaScript. Features that are not used by all applications
should not be bundled together with the framework, it would
simply make the framework bigger than needed. By using a
flexible dependency-handling the framework can be
configured so that no unnecessary libraries are included
Single-page applications written in JavaScript are
becoming more and more popular, but when the size of the
applications grows the complexity is also increased. A good
architecture or a suitable framework is therefore needed.
The objective of this paper is to come up with a system
design of a framework for more lightweight single-page
applications. The architecture shall be based on design
patterns well suited for web frontends. To give a good view of
how design patterns can be used in practice this paper clarifies
how they can be typically used in a web application. Based on
the analysis at the system design stage the framework is
implemented, allowing applications to get a high degree of
testability as well as encouraging code re-usage between 10
projects. The initial loading time of the page is considered as
an important aspect of the framework and my work aspires to
provide a shorter loading time compared to existing
frameworks. This paper also proposes a solution to the
problem of search engine optimization for single-page
Existing System uses the native JavaScript, AJAX and
WCF service. WCF service is hosted on a server and the
application will retrieve data from the service using the AJAX
call and will be updated in DOM.
Drawbacks of the existing system
Does not have a JavaScript framework to reduce
Size of the application is big
Difficulty of testing JavaScript applications
Synchronization of data between different user
High initial loading time
Inability of search engines to index JavaScript applications
The paper was limited to only review design patterns that
have a clear connection to frontend development, other design
patterns were not considered. Since the paper focused on
system design of JavaScript frontends, aspects regarding the
backend were not included within the scope. The system
design of the frontend was not limited to a certain type of
backend, any language or design used in the backend shall be
able to cope with the frontend as long as they have a common
interface for communication. When developing the
framework, support for older browsers on the market were not
taken into account. The framework can rather be used as a
showcase of what is possible to do within a near future.
Proposed system focuses on reducing the complexity,
improving speed and Responsiveness of the application. In
proposed system, we are using,
1. Angular JS, A JavaScript framework, to reduce the
complexity of the code and improve data binding.
2. Web API, ASP.NET Web API is a framework, that
makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range
of clients, including browsers and mobile devices.
The entire system can be divided into three separate
components: a backend API, an API driver and the JavaScript
application itself. The backend API provides the JavaScript
application with data, and the driver takes care of the
abstraction in between. By utilizing a driver it becomes
possible to replace the backend or frontend independently
from each other. The user interacts with the JavaScript
application by either providing a URL to the system, or in
terms of user input such as clicking and pressing buttons [2].
The application can at any time change the DOM (Document
Object Model) to give the user feedback of the provided input
actions. The DOM is the browser’s representation of the
elements on the page and is used when rendering it. An
abstract view of the architecture seen from a system-level
point of view can be seen in the fig. 1 Black arrows drawn
with a solid line represent a hard dependency where
communication is done through traditional function calls.
Black arrows drawn with a dashed line is used when the
communication is done through the observer pattern. At last,
blue arrows represent design patterns that are used in the
component that the arrow points at. Many other frameworks
do not have the API driver as a bridge between the backend
API and the JavaScript application, making them tightly
coupled together. For example, to change the backend from
using AJAX requests to HTML5 web sockets would in most
cases require a redesign of the entire JavaScript application.
Improvement of Single Page Application in responsive design using Web API and AngularJS
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
By letting the driver have a well-defined interface the
components can be replaced independently of each other. It
also allows drivers to be re-used between projects since the
interface is the same independently from the application [10].
Fig. 1 System Architecture
ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to
build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients,
including browsers and mobile devices. With Web API
content negotiation, we can return data based on the client
requests. What we mean is, if the client is requesting the data
to be returned as JSON or XML, the Web API framework
deals with the request type and returns the data appropriately
based on the media type [12]. By default Web API provides
JSON and XML based responses [3].
Web API is an ideal platform for building pure HTTP
based services where the request and response happens with
HTTP protocol. The client can make a GET, PUT, POST, and
DELETE request and get the Web API response
appropriately [1].
In summary, the Web API is,
An HTTP Service
Designed for broad reach
Uses HTTP as an Application protocol, not a transport
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. An extensible web
applications can be built using this. This is completely built
on HTML, JavaScript and CSS and will not having any other
dependency to make it work [14].
Angular is very close to MVC and MVVM but Angular has
been declared as MVW pattern where "W" stand for
"Whatever" (whatever works for you). AngularJS is an
open-source web application framework, maintained by
Google and an AngularJS community of developers [13].
Angular JS built on pure HTML, Javascript and CSS and
it does not depend on any server-side technologies.
This is a very light weight application.
This works on the SPA (Single Page Application)
AS in Angular components are separated, so the
application can be highly testable. This support TDD
Less development effort, in any project HTML
developers are different and they develop HTML pages and
provide to the development team, developer then converts all
the HTML files to cshtml or ASPX or any other technologies
and continues working. In this case, double effort is required
for development and testing.
In AngularJS, development team can continue from
the HTML page itself.
A collaboration diagram of client server communication
describes interactions among objects in terms of sequenced
messages. Collaboration diagrams represent a combination of
information taken from class, sequence, and use case
diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic
behaviour of a system.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
Fig. 2 Client server communication using AngularJS
As previously described SPAs introduce new demands
regarding architecture and structure on the client side. To
understand how these problems can be approached it is
important to understand the basics behind how a single-page
application works.
There is yet no formal definition that describes what an
SPA is. Many developers have their own view of what it
exactly means, but Ali Mesbah and Arie van Deursen have
stated a quite clear definition in their paper about SPAs:
"The single-page web interface is composed of individual
components which can be updated/replaced independently, so
that the entire page does not need to be reloaded on each user
The definition includes a number of key attributes that help
to define an SPA:
Web interface - Used on the web, focuses on user
Individual components - It is divided into smaller
components that cope with each other.
Updates and replaces - A component can at any time
be changed or replaced with another component.
Reloading - The entire page is never reloaded even
though new content may be loaded into some sections.
User actions - The SPA is responsible for handling
user actions such as input from mouse and keyboard.
When running a JavaScript SPA the browser first makes a
request to the web server. The web server will then respond
with the JavaScript client including the resources needed to
run it. Once the client is transferred it will be initialized and it
will be ready to be run. When the user interacts with the client,
such as clicking on graphical elements, this may require new
data to be fetched from the server. Instead of reloading the
entire page the client will instead make a small request to the
API on the web server. The API is simply an interface that
allows the clients to communicate with the server in a data
format that is easy to understand for both the client and server.
A typical flow of communication for an SPA can be seen in
figure 2.1.
Fig 3 The flow of communication between a browser and the web server
Improvement of Single Page Application in responsive design using Web API and AngularJS
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
In order for the client to dynamically fetch data from the
server an API is needed in between. The API describes how
data is being transferred, what data format is being used and
what methods are available.
One of the most common ways of letting the client
asynchronously communicate with the server is via AJAX
(Asynchronous Javascript and XML). AJAX allows the client
to asynchronously fetch and post data to the server after the
page has been loaded. However, AJAX has no native support
for letting the server push data to the client. The client must
always initialize a new connection and then poll the server for
new data. To enable the server to push data to the client other
techniques can instead be used, e.g. the websocket API in the
HTML5 draft which supports bi-directional communication.
This will ease the load of the server and allows a faster and
more responsive system.
When using a HTTP-based data transportation some kind
of architectural structure is needed. The architecture describes
how messages are formed so that both parties understand each
other, e.g. what methods are available and how data is
transferred. It also often includes additional information
about how authentication is handled, as well as the flow of
communication. Common architectural structures are REST
and SOAP. The data format of a message describes the
syntactical form of the objects that are transferred. Since
HTTP messages are based on ASCII-characters [24]
it is also commonly used when describing data objects.
Common data formats used today are JSON, XML and plain
In order to separate the presentation layer from the business
logic, templates are often used. A template engine compiles
HTML from a description written in a template language
together with a set of data, it is commonly used for rendering
the views in a JavaScript application. When the data is
changed the view can simply be re-rendered so that the user
sees the correct version of it. A template engine is however a
quite complex system. To generate HTML from a description
an interpretation of the template language is required. Since
these interpretations are done during runtime the performance
is a crucial aspect to consider. Some frameworks have their
own template engines while others use generic libraries in
order to support template rendering.
Data bindings are used to bind a set of data to a
corresponding view. One-way data bindings allow a view to
be automatically re-rendered when its data is changed. Some
frameworks, like Angular JS, support a two-way data
bindings that also allow the data to be updated corresponding
to changes in the view. This is quite a powerful technique
since all logic behind a view is now managed by the
framework which makes it easier for the developer to get
things working. Important to note is that no logic or
complexity is removed, it is just moved to the framework.
However, a framework must support a wide range of HTML
elements even though all of these are not being used by the
application. This often affects the performance of the
application and two-way data bindings can sometimes
become overkill, especially for smaller applications.
Testing comes in many forms and shapes during a project.
During the development phase unit tests are commonly used
to drive the development. It is used as a tool by the developers
to ensure that all the functionality is kept intact. The use of a
test-driven approach to develop software is becoming more
and more popular. However, developing JavaScript
applications with a test-driven approach can be tricky. The
functionality behind a JavaScript application tends to be
tightly coupled with the user interface. This is simply the case
since one of the most essential purposes of a JavaScript
application is to interact with the user, which of course is done
via the user interface. To write unit tests that interacts with the
user interface is not trivial. It requires the unit test to trigger
events on DOM elements and then traverse the DOM and
validate its content. If a view is even slightly changed this can
break the test even if an acceptance test would still pass. Some
architectures allow developers to write unit tests for what is
underneath the graphical interface, making the tests easier to
write and the result easier to validate. In the end unit testing
will only ensure that the code is doing the right thing, not that
the system is working as expected. High-level testing, such as
acceptance testing, will always be needed to validate the
functionality from a user perspective.
Below graphs shows the initial page loading time and script
and style file rendering in the browser between the existing
and proposed.
Existing vs. Proposed (Load time in milliseconds)
Fig.4. Page initial load time
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: ES2077017519/19©BEIESP
Fig 5. File size comparison
Below table shows the comparison between Existing and
Proposed in terms of Initial page load time, Web service call
time, Script and Style loading and file sizes.
Table 1 comparison between Existing and Proposed
As explained above SPAs are great for all websites that
involve a high degree of user interactivity, like websites that
are more like applications rather than traditional web pages.
This can be also be used to target mobile devices in place of
websites. Thus SPAs serves an alternative to native mobile
applications. In case a mobile application is written as a web
application there will one version to be maintained. In case if
a native application is developed then there could be one
version for each operating system thereby resulting in higher
development and maintenance costs. Also, the user
experience will be a lot better in a native application since it
always will be able to perform better than a web application.
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