Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Introduction to Combat Support
Combat Support Principles
Combat Support Construct
Command Relationships
Combat Support Components to the
Processes and Capabilities
Sourcing and Reachback
Lines of Communication
Posture Responsive Forces
Base Forces
Airbase Opening Forces
Airbase Opening Planning
Airbase Opening Transition and
Establishing Forward Operating Sites
Deploying Personnel and Equipment
Receiving and Bedding Down Forces
Sustaining Forward Operating Sites
Recovering Forward Operating Sites
Closing Forward Operating Sites
Protect Forces
Generate the Mission
Generate the Mission Needs
Generate the Mission Sub-Capabilities
Support the Mission, Forces, and
Maintain Support for Mission and
Assist Mission, Forces, and
Maintain Forces
Distribution Support
Supply Mission, Forces, and
Sustain the Mission, Forces, and
Sustainment Command and Control
Establishing a Sustainment Infrastructure
Repair and Maintain Materiel and
Sustainment Resupply Distribution and
Total Asset Visibility
Sustainment of the Total Workforce
Appendix: Functional Communities
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Combat support (CS) doctrine is constantly evolving. It should guide us to effectively
organize and employ through the complexities of counterinsurgency and steady-state
operations, and help us re-learn the lessons of large-scale peer and near-peer conflict
in contested environments. As we continuously improve our airpower capabilities and
capacities in air, space, and cyberspace, our ability to revolutionize CS operations and
incorporate new concepts and technologies will identify the new best practices that
shape future CS doctrine. Joint military operations across the competition continuum is
always a consideration when determining the best practices for our Air Force;
consideration of peer and near-peer competition is a continuing necessity for doctrine
as the Air Force supports the joint fight. Every Airman is an innovator and is integral to
this continuous development process we must all connect, share, and learn together
to succeed.
The Air Force defines CS as the foundational and crosscutting capability to field,
base, protect, support, and sustain Air Force forces during military operations
across the competition continuum. This definition meets the Service’s needs for an
overarching doctrinal perspective on CS. The nation’s ability to project and sustain
airpower depends on effective CS. CS enables airpower through the integration of its
functional communities to provide the core effects, core processes, and core capabilities
required to execute the Air Force mission. The integration of these functional
communities ensures Air Force forces are ready, postured, equipped, employed, and
sustained at the right place and time to support the joint force.
Future CS operations in a contested environment against a peer or near-peer adversary
will require the air component to be more adaptive, resilient, and agile in its deployment
and employment plans and leadership philosophies. The Air Force should be ready to
provide resilient and redundant combat support capabilities in an environment of peer
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The foundation of combat support (CS) is a ready force, properly sized, organized,
trained, and integrated. The structure comes from diverse functional communities that
train and are equipped to provide a wide variety of capabilities. CS derives its
capabilities from three overarching principles:
CS enables military operations across the competition continuum with effects
supporting US national interests at any time or place. CS includes the essential
capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks necessary to employ all Air Force
elements of air, space, and cyberspace forces at home station or while deployed.
The increasing frequency of operational missions conducted from outside an
operational area (e.g., remotely piloted aircraft, cyberspace operations) renders the
term expeditionary combat support obsolete. When organized as, or as part of, an
air expeditionary task force, CS remains under the operational control of an air
component commander, to accomplish assigned missions and tasks. All CS
personnel should be proficient at performing required wartime missions in expected
threat environments, including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN)
and extreme temperature environments.
CS provides essential support according to the needs of the mission by
leveraging the right mix of deployed and distributed footprint and reliable
thus increasing effectiveness and responsiveness. This essential
support ensures the Air Force can quickly respond to a mission with a right-sized
force, and with maximum effectiveness worldwide.
CS provides the ability to transition swiftly from home station to a deployed
environment and between operational requirements. CS planners should
carefully examine requirements at deployed locations while operations continue at
home station.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Core effects, the end result of combat support (CS), are produced from the core
processes. Core capabilities are used within the core processes to produce the effects
necessary to achieve mission objectives. The core capabilities are formed by the
employment of functional communities in a synergistic manner. The functional
communities are those areas where Airmen who perform CS duties operate. This
construct represents an Air Force-wide enterprise; some elements can be deployed
forward in direct support of a contingency, while other elements can provide additional
support to forward forces through reachback. An overview of CS is depicted in the
figure, Overview of CS Construct.
Overview of CS Construct
CS core effects are the products provided to an air component commander, as
outcomes of the CS core processes. The six CS core effects are:
Readied Forces. Mission ready forces able to perform all needed wartime missions
in expected threat environments, including chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear (CBRN) and extreme temperature.
Prepared Operational Environment. An environment conducive to mission
Positioned Forces. The right types and amounts of forces and materiel at the right
places and times to meet mission objectives.
Employed Forces. Forces, infrastructure, and materiel meeting mission
Sustained Forces. Forces and materiel conducting persistent operations.
Reconstituted Forces. A recovered force readied for operations.
The CS core processes are the standardized, overarching set of macro procedures that
use core capabilities to produce CS effects. These macro procedures are the primary
means of arranging CS practices due to their cyclical nature. The six CS core processes
Readying the Force. Organizing, training, and equipping a fit force to provide
mission capability in all required threat environments, including CBRN and extreme
Preparing the Operational Environment. Analyzing, planning, and posturing
forces, infrastructure (built and natural), and materiel for rapid employment.
Positioning the Force. Deploying, receiving, and integrating forces and materiel at
the point of employment.
Employing the Force. Generating the mission, providing right-sized support, and
ensuring timely regeneration of forces and materiel.
Sustaining and Recovering the Force. Maintaining effective levels of forces,
materiel support, including the physical plant, and infrastructure capability for
ongoing operations. Recovering forces, materiel support, and infrastructure
damaged from attack, accident, or other incident.
Reconstituting the Force. Reset or redeployment of forces and materiel, ensuring
airpower can be reapplied to meet operational needs.
The CS core capabilities result from the proper employment and integration of the
functional communities. These capabilities form the structure of the remainder of this
document. The CS core capabilities enable the Air Force to:
Field Forces. Providing fully prepared CS forces to enable an air component
commander to meet the joint force commander’s requirements. It includes
organizing, acquiring, and tailoring forces to produce a responsive, sustainable, and
survivable force.
Posture Responsive Forces. Assessing, structuring, scheduling, and processing
force capabilities to support mission requirements. It also includes executing a
dynamic positioning strategy to maximize CS responsiveness and speed of
Base Forces. Establishing, sustaining, recovering, and closing airbases and forward
operating sites (FOSs). Providing enduring and contingency bases, installations, and
FOSs with the assets, programs, and services necessary to support and project
airpower. For more information, see Joint Publication 4-04, Contingency Basing and
the discussion on Execution in AFDP 3-34, Engineer Operations.
Protect Forces. Providing an integrated all-hazards approach for force protection to
detect threats and hazards to the Air Force and its mission. Applying measures to
deter, pre-empt, negate, or mitigate the identified threats and hazards based on an
acceptable level of risk. Actions required to protect forces specifically against hostile
action include detecting, identifying, and defeating penetrative or standoff threats to
personnel and resources; assessing operating locations for threats and available
support from host civil and military agencies; disseminating information and warning
personnel; and protecting infrastructure. For more information, see AFDP 3-10,
Force Protection.
Generate the Mission. Preparing, configuring, launching, recovering, and
regenerating weapon systems and payloads. It also includes conducting security
cooperation engagements with partner nations as required in support of the
combatant commander’s theater campaign plan.
Support the Mission, Forces, and Infrastructure. Supplying, distributing, and
maintaining goods, services, and infrastructure throughout the operational area.
Sustain the Mission, Forces, and Infrastructure. Ensuring CS is maintained for
the duration of operations, optimizing the use of reachback, to include the industrial
base, when needed.
CS functional communities are fundamental to effective airpower. Each makes unique
contributions to the overall mission. A detailed discussion of these functional
communities appears in Appendix, Functional Communities.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
A combatant commander (CCDR) exercises combatant command authority (COCOM)
and directive authority for logistics (DAFL). The CCDR exercises these authorities over
assigned and, if provided by the Secretary of Defense, attached Air Force forces
(AFFOR) through the air component commander. Air Force command and control (C2)
structures for combat support (CS) are designed to enable an air component
commander to execute the Service’s Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) responsibility
for logistical support while also supporting the CCDR’s exercise of DAFL.
When an Air Force major command (MAJCOM) is also the Service component to a
CCDR (component MAJCOM, or C-MAJCOM), the C-MAJCOM organizes and employs
forces to accomplish assigned missions. C-MAJCOMs provide the first echelon of
reachback support to forces in the CCDR’s area of responsibility. A numbered Air Force
(NAF), if designated as a component NAF (C-NAF), provides the senior Air Force
warfighting echelon and the organizational combat support planning expertise. The
C-NAF staff plans the C2 architecture for operations. Regardless of the source of
support or the support C2 structure, the Service component is responsible for ensuring
essential support for all assigned and attached Air Force personnel within a joint force.
Air Force commanders should be prepared to accept single-Service responsibility for
joint common use items.
The C2 of CS operations produces a fully integrated CS capability extending from the
lowest levels of capability (i.e., base and below) to the highest levels of resource
allocation (headquarters Air Force) and operational planning (Service component, joint
force, and above). Commanders and decision-makers have an immediate need for
capabilities that capture, transmit, and share data about the status of current operations,
courses of action, future plans, and predictive analyses. At each level, there should also
be a common set of dynamic and tailorable reporting and tracking tools.
Major CS responsibilities for the air component commander and AFFOR staff include:
Develop supporting plans to meet CCDR mission requirements.
Coordinate planning activities and requirements with force providers.
Coordinate with commanders’ staffs at all appropriate levels to identify employment
Plan and coordinate communications and information support.
Plan and coordinate force protection support.
Plan, coordinate, and provide materiel distribution.
Plan and coordinate maintenance and munitions support.
Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency services. For a more detailed discussion
on emergency services see AFDP 3-34, Engineer Operations.
Establish and identify manpower and equipment requirements.
Identify host-nation support requirements.
Ensure legality of all aspects of operations.
Develop site plans for approved employment locations.
Manage allocated war reserve materiel.
Ensure efficient use of physical plant to ensure available facilities and infrastructure
to support in-garrison operations.
Identify initial material capability gaps and provide input to acquire or modify new or
existing weapon systems.
Plan and execute operations security in support of military operations, activities,
plans, training, exercises, and capabilities.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The air component commander under Title 10 authority as commander, Air Force forces
(COMAFFOR) has responsibility for the command and control (C2) of combat support
(CS) operations for assigned and attached Air Force forces (AFFOR). The majority of
CS forces operate within air expeditionary wings (AEWs). The air component
commander has a direct command relationship with subordinate Air Force
commanders. Those subordinate commanders then usually have direct command
relationship with the CS units and personnel in the AEWs. The CS personnel, in the
AEWs, are aligned in the wing staff, the air expeditionary maintenance group (AEMXG),
and the air expeditionary mission support group (AEMSG). The air component
commander may also choose to retain some theater level CS assets above the wing
level. In this case, a portion of the CS personnel are aligned in squadrons or groups that
report directly to the air component commander or to an air expeditionary task force-X
(AETF-X) commander (CC) if one is designated
(see the figure, COMAFFOR’s CS
Forces for one notional command relationship). For a more extensive C2 discussion,
see AFDP 3-30, Command and Control.
While the preponderance of CS forces operate within AEWs primarily working at the
tactical level, the air component commander provides overall C2 and specific direction
at the operational level through the AFFOR staff (the Air Staff and special staff). Within
the Air Force component headquarters, CS staff functions are aligned in several
sections of the AFFOR staff as shown in the figure,CS Components in the AFFOR
Staff.CS components of the AFFOR Staff should interface continuously with the air
operations center (AOC) for planning, support, and sustainment of operations.
The AFFOR staff coordinates with associated joint task force headquarters staffs to
plan, coordinate, and execute required support functions. The AFFOR staff interfaces
with joint staffs to:
Coordinate in decision-making and planning.
Integrate CS into theater operations.
Develop detailed CS plans.
Establish a joint logistics and support architecture.
Ensure unity of CS effort.
Integrate national and theater CS.
Perform sustainability analyses.
Based on the breadth and complexity of CS, especially in a contested environment, all
C2 nodes, from the air component commander to fielded forces, should communicate
necessary information, both vertically and horizontally, to integrate all combat support
efforts. The AFFOR and AOC staffs should consider the effects to operations of their
overall CS decisions. Information should be produced and consumed continuously
throughout mission operations. Information sharing is essential to successfully
executing the mission. Mission success depends upon getting the right information to
the right place at the right time.
To facilitate attainment of mission objectives, the air component commander should
clearly disseminate the commander’s intent to subordinate commanders and staffs. The
air component commander should establish the battle rhythm and information
CS functional communities should be linked with CS core processes across the staff to
facilitate horizontal communications. CS systems architecture should provide a robust
and secure capability and be integrated across all CS functional areas.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
To perform command and control (C2) of combat support (CS), staffs rely on underlying
CS business processes to facilitate monitoring, assessing, planning, and execution of
steady-state/peacetime CS activities supporting military operations. The Air Force C2 of
CS processes and capabilities are derived from Joint Publication (JP) 4-0, Joint
Logistics, and are expanded to meet the Service requirements for the more
comprehensive C2 of CS, rather than just logistics. The following descriptions of C2 of
CS processes and capabilities bring into focus the continuum of action required to link
operational and CS capabilities to achieve desired effects. These continual processes
also allow for a rapid and smooth transition from steady-state to contingency operations
and nest with the joint planning process as outlined in JP 5-0, Joint Planning.
Effective monitoring involves continually collecting, storing, maintaining, and tracking
data. Monitoring enables CS planners to anticipate where CS capabilities may be
needed. Priorities should be determined in advance based on the nature of the
operation. A comprehensive mission analysis by the air component commander's staff
should produce a list of a commander’s critical information requirements to focus staff
monitoring efforts on mission-essential data. The air component commander’s staff
should constantly monitor information from all sources while maintaining focus on the
commander’s intent.
JP 3-0, Joint Operations, defines assessment as “a continuous process that measures
the overall effectiveness of employing joint force capabilities during military operations.”
For Air Force CS the focus is on continual measures of CS capabilities to determine the
impact of conditions and events on force capabilities and commander’s intent. It
involves the processes of analysis and evaluation to obtain situational awareness and
alternative solutions. Analyzing data provides the foundation for potential courses of
action (COAs) during the planning phase. Proper analysis ensures that the limitations of
the environment are well defined. For more detail on assessment, see JP 3-0 and AFDP
3-0, Operations and Planning.
Thorough planning should address all levels of CS. Planning involves development and
evaluation of COAs for support operations. The flexible nature of CS forces gives the
operational level planner the freedom to scale and sequence forces into a theater to
enhance mission effectiveness. Planners should take advantage of reliable reachback
capabilities, pre-positioned and distributed stocks, and the support of allies and partners
to ensure the deploying force is tailored to meet the operational needs in theater.
Execution is the overall dissemination and implementation of a plan to ensure
successful mission accomplishment. The need for resilient C2 is critical in the
coordinated execution of the joint force commander’s campaign.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Planning is required at each echelon of command and across the spectrum of combat
support core processes. Regardless of the type of planning being done (campaign
support, contingency or crisis), the planning process is the same. The air component
plans using the joint planning process for air as described in AFDP 3-0, Operations and
Planning, and Joint Publication 3-30, Joint Air Operations. Anticipating requirements,
coordinating with all the relevant participants, improving responsiveness posture, and
rehearsing the execution plan are all important elements of planning. Combat support
(CS) planners in the air component commander's staff should be involved in planning,
from readying the force to reconstituting the force, to ensure feasibility of planned
operations. Planners should gather, analyze, and disseminate information about the
operational environment’s support capabilities and constraints, and present it in an
appropriate annex or appendix of an operation plan (OPLAN), operation order
(OPORD), or campaign support plan.
In planning for CS requirements, the minimum possible footprint consistent with
effective operations is desired and should be a planning consideration, especially while
preparing the operational environment. Limiting the footprint frees resources for other
requirements and reduces vulnerability to adversary attacks. Wherever possible,
establishing processes and infrastructure with maximum reachback capability improves
agility and efficiency.
Combatant commanders (CCDRs) develop campaign plans for a broad range of
activities based on requirements in the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF),
Joint Strategic Campaign Plan (JSCP), or other planning directives. The CCDR
campaign plan is the primary vehicle for organizing, integrating, and executing security
cooperation activities. The air component commander’s staff will conduct campaign
support planning to describe the Service support to the CCDR campaign plan. CS
forces deployed to conduct these types of engagements should be fully integrated into
the planning process.
Contingency planning prepares for potential military operations without a crisis at hand
and contingency plans are best understood as branches to the overarching campaign
plan. Contingency plans are based on strategic guidance provided in the Unified
Command Plan, GEF, and the JSCP, as well as combatant commander guidance.
Contingency plans are developed from the best available information, using forces and
capabilities per the Global Force Management Implementation Guidance, quarterly
Global Force Management apportionment tables, existing contracts, and task orders.
Contingency planning addresses the most likely support scenarios for military
operations in advance of possible future operations. In a crisis or time sensitive
situation, contingency plans are reviewed for suitability and may be refined or adapted
for OPORD development. Whether the specific preplanned OPLAN, some variation of
the plan, or some entirely unanticipated operation is required, contingency planning is
required in preparation for deploying and employing forces. CS forces should be
integrated fully into the planning process.
Crisis planning uses the same process as all other contingency planning, but is usually
accomplished in a time-constrained environment addressing emerging situations and
emergencies using assigned and attached forces. Crisis planners follow procedures that
parallel contingency planning, but are more flexible and responsive to changing events.
Approved contingency plans with like scenarios are analyzed to determine if an existing
plan applies. If an existing plan is appropriate, it can be executed through an OPORD. If
a current contingency plan is not applicable, then Air Force planners use the joint
planning process for air to develop appropriate orders. When developing potential
courses of action (COAs), close coordination between CS and operations planners is
essential to assure feasibility of those COAs. As a subset of this activity, logisticians
should consider alternative logistics COAs to support and sustain operations. Because
significant assets are committed in various steady-state contingencies, any new crisis
planning considerations should include the impact of already committed assets in other
theaters, and the potential necessity for using some of those assets to support higher
priority commitments.
Every functional area has responsibility for operations security (OPSEC) since it is
fundamental in the success of all military operations. OPSEC is a process of identifying,
analyzing, and controlling critical information indicating friendly actions associated with
military operations to reduce vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary exploitation.
For more information on OPSEC, see Joint Publication 3-13.3, Operations Security
Common access card required
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Combat support (CS) forces with their capabilities are principally organized and
resourced in unit type codes (UTCs) that are incorporated into air expeditionary task
forces (AETFs). For more information and definitions of force modules, see Air Force
Instruction 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution. UTCs are used to
describe the personnel and materiel presented to the air component commander, as
part of the AETF. The scalable nature of UTCs allows CS to tailor support requirements
with force modules. A force module is a grouping of operational and combat support
forces with their accompanying equipment and supplies that are modular and scalable
for an operation. This capability enhances the flexibility and usefulness of Air Force
forces during any form of operation.
The current AETF presentation is in the form of six different force modules:
Open the Airbase.
Command and Control.
Establish the Airbase.
Generate the Mission.
Operate the Airbase.
Robust the Airbase.
The force modules are composed of multiple UTCs, which are tailored for deployment
based on needed capabilities. This allows CS to deploy with the right size footprint to
support the mission. Reachback to the continental United States and rear overseas
locations is used for those capabilities not brought forward and can include major
command (MAJCOM), depot, field operating agency, or commercial support.
CS capabilities can be presented individually or in combination, depending on the
specific requirement. For example, CS capabilities can also be used to support security
cooperation engagements and the individual country plans of partner nations. These
capabilities are presented to the air component commander in UTCs especially
designed to support security cooperation engagements. In addition, CS capabilities
supporting security cooperation engagements should be deployed with the smallest
required footprint to support the mission and should rely on reachback for additional
support as required.
There are many locations for CS reachback. They include component MAJCOM,
component numbered Air Force, and Air Staff agencies as well as the various functional
communities field operating agencies, and centers.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Air, ground, and sea lines of communication (LOCs) are transportation bridges to
deploy, sustain, and redeploy forces to and from the continental US and within a
theater. Establishing protected and resilient intertheater and intratheater LOCs is vital to
the success of combat support (CS). The Air Force establishes LOCs among selected
aerial ports of embarkation, en route locations, forward support locations, and aerial
ports of debarkation (APODs). CS forces are integral to establishing and operating the
air LOCs
and the supporting nodes.
Bases used for APODs, either en route or at the final destination, are frequently non-US
controlled and require extensive support provided by the host nation. Such host nation
support reduces the need to lift Air Force support to the new location. Planners should
consider the following when developing LOCs:
Overflight, landing, port, ground transportation rights, and diplomatic clearances
provided by the host and en route nations.
Existence or feasibility of establishing agreements, including status of forces
agreements, with host and en route nations.
Availability of support (e.g., security, fuels availability, and materiel handling).
Pre-sited munitions handling areas, especially at ports of debarkation for afloat
prepositioning forces and standard munitions packages hot cargo areas.
Ability to protect the LOC and transit corridors.
Distances to prepositioned war reserve materiel and between APODs.
Ability to establish secure command and control for air operations center-to-unit
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Posture responsive forces, one of the combat support (CS) core capabilities, entails
analyzing, structuring, scheduling, and processing force capabilities to support
operational mission requirements. It also includes executing a positioning strategy to
maximize CS responsiveness and speed of employment.
An air component commander employs CS functional communities to generate the CS
core capability of posture responsive forces. The air component commander then uses
the posture responsive forces capability in the CS core processes to create CS core
effects. For example, posturing unit type codes (UTCs) during Readying the Force,
tailoring for potential operational areas during Preparing the Operational Environment,
and prioritizing manpower and equipment for Positioning the Force are all aspects of
posturing responsive CS forces in order to generate CS effects.
The posture responsive forces core capability bridges the gaps between the planning
and execution portions of any plan. Posturing involves a continuous global effort ranging
from maintaining worldwide readiness of personnel, equipment, and units through
training, exercising, and continuously assessing worldwide prepositioning equipment
Prioritizing and right-sizing forces and their equipment in UTCs are critical to ensuring
adequate capability with the appropriate forward footprint. UTCs are developed to
provide a variety of capabilities. The goal is to deploy right-sized UTCs to minimize
tailoring. Right-sized UTCs provide a generic building block capability, greater flexibility
to planners, and optimal support to the warfighter. At execution, tailoring should be
accomplished based on mission and deployment location. UTCs are not self-
sustainable and are made up of manpower, equipment, or both manpower and
equipment. UTCs should be modular, scalable, deployable worldwide, to a single
organization, and developed to fulfill a specific capability. Refer to AFI 10-401, Air Force
Operations Planning and Execution, for further details on the construct of UTCs.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The base forces combat support core capability involves establishing, sustaining,
recovering, and closing airbases and forward operating sites (FOSs). Providing
enduring and contingency bases, installations, and FOSs with the assets, programs,
and services necessary to support and project airpower is crucial to joint force success.
For more information, see Joint Publication 4-04, Contingency Basing.
For the Air Force, opening and establishing an FOS normally entails opening and
establishing an airbase. Establishing FOSs encompasses assessing, planning,
reconfiguring, modifying, building, and inspecting infrastructure and utilities to support
the mission, personnel, and equipment at specific FOSs. The minimal infrastructure
required to operate an airbase includes: runways, taxiways, ramps, roads, building
sites, utility grids, communications grids, aviation fuels grids, munitions storage and
assembly areas, facilities, entry control points, barriers, and defensive positions.
Airbase opening facilitates strategic and operational reach, paves the way for
deployment and sustainment operations, and eases the transition between operational-
level objectives and subsequent tactical-level operations. Airbase opening initiates and
achieves initial operating capability of an airbase to execute its assigned operational
mission by providing functional capabilities for command and control (C2), force
protection (FP), cargo and passenger handling, logistics, airfield operations, force
accountability, finance and contracting, and reception and beddown of follow-on forces.
Open the Airbase forces normally arrive first and assess the airbase for establishment
of minimum airfield operating parameters, C2, and supporting host-nation support
capabilities. It may support any Service or nation and provides capabilities to transition
responsibilities to the follow-on forces. Open the Airbase forces are presented in
standard force modules, which are tailored to the specific situation based on Air Force
forces planning.
Senior Airfield Authority
A senior airfield authority (SAA) is an important position during airbase opening and the
transition following airbase opening. The SAA is responsible for the control, operation,
and maintenance of the airfield to include the runways, associated taxiways, and
parking ramps as well as land and facilities affecting airfield operations. The SAA is also
responsible for coordination of all component or joint task force aircraft and airfield
facilities to avoid splitting responsibilities among the Services. The SAA controls
flightline access and is responsible for the safe movement of aircraft. The joint force
commander should designate the Service component responsible for airbase
operations. That designated Service component should appoint an SAA for airfield
operations. The SAA should have aviation experience. If the designated SAA is not
available at the start of operations, an on-site field grade air mobility liaison officer or the
initial airbase opening forces commander (e.g., contingency response force
commander, or the mission support group commander trained and certified in SAA
duties and responsibilities including air traffic control and airfield/airspace management)
may serve as acting SAA.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The Air Force has numerous capabilities and forces used to open air bases. The
specific mix of forces for opening an airbase or a group of airbases is dependent upon
the context of the particular situation.
Contingency Response Forces (CRF) are the Air Force’s standing initial airbase
opening response force. These units are designed as organic, rapid response, initial
airbase opening units. CRFs may provide support after initial airbase opening in
support of partner nation engagement, among other activities.
Joint Task Force-Port Opening (JTF-PO) facilitates joint reception, staging,
onward movement, and integration and theater distribution by providing an effective
interface at the aerial port of debarkation and distribution node. The JTF-PO is a
special force for airfield opening designed to combine specific Air Force and Army
capabilities to provide the commander of US Transportation Command with a ready-
to-deploy, jointly trained force for opening ports and establishing the initial
distribution network.
Combat Communication Units provide scalable "extend the net" communications
support for military operations across the competition continuum, and provide
communication capability for command and control reachback at and above the
tactical level for a variety of Air Force and joint missions. Units can support
anywhere from one to 3,000 users and deploy within 72 hours of notification.
Services may include unclassified or classified networks (confidential/secret/
allied/coalition), non-secure or secure voice networks, expeditionary mass
notification systems, ground-to-air radio support, and engineering and site survey
Air Force Special Operations Command Special Tactics Teams are comprised
of combat control, special operations weather teams, pararescue, and tactical air
control party personnel. These teams may augment Army, Marine, and special
operations forces during airfield seizures and provide airfield survey and
assessment, air traffic control, navigational aids, tactical airfield lighting, weather
observation and forecasting, battlefield trauma care, and marshaling services.
820th Base Defense Group provides a fully integrated force protection (FP)
assessment team to support expeditionary airfield opening. The unit is capable of
airborne, air mobile, and airland insertion operations for 14-30 days and has the
organic capability to provide airfield security and initial FP assessment of the airfield.
The unit can link with initial entry or base seizure forces and provide a smooth
transition to airfield opening forces.
Prime Base Emergency Engineer Forces (BEEF) Teams. Prime BEEF teams
provide the full range of engineering expertise and emergency services needed to
establish, sustain, recover, and close bases for employing Air Force weapons
systems or supporting joint, interagency, or multinational operations. Capabilities
include light horizontal and vertical construction; managing and operating power,
environmental control, water, and waste systems; rehabilitating critical infrastructure;
the erection of specialized structures; pest management; environmental
management; bare base master planning, design, and contract support; hazardous
materials response; structural and aircraft firefighting; rendering safe and removal of
unexploded ordnance; defeat of improvised explosive devices, weapons of mass
destruction, and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats; and base
recovery after attack to include airfield damage repair and repairs to facilities or
infrastructure systems.
Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers
(RED HORSE) Units. RED HORSE units are Air Force units wartime-structured to
provide a heavy engineer capability that are mobile, rapidly deployable, and largely
self-sufficient for limited periods. They provide engineer and force support
capabilities that may be tasked to facilitate airbase opening immediately following
seizure operations.
Capabilities include dedicated flexible airfield and base heavy
construction and repair capability, along with special engineering capabilities to
include water well drilling, base denial, batch plant and quarry operations, automated
building machine and ultimate building machine facility construction, and insertion
engineer operations.
Civil Engineer Maintenance Inspection and Repair Teams provide depot-level
maintenance of major electrical power generation and distribution systems as well
as mobile and fixed aircraft arresting systems at contingency locations (for more
information, see Joint Publication 4-04, Contingency Basing), en route bases, or
critical stateside bases. Team capabilities include routine calibration, emergency
maintenance and repair, and major overhaul and repair of both real property and
non-real property installed equipment. This team also provides technical assistance
in conducting electrical system infrared surveys, troubleshooting electrical and
mechanical system faults, and diagnosing problems and determining solutions.
Airfield Assessment Teams perform site surveys to determine airfield suitability,
clear debris, make expedient airfield damage repairs, and provide material
requirements and initial assessment of required follow-on forces. Direct team
support includes explosive ordnance reconnaissance, minimum airfield operating
surface selection, airfield lighting and marking, arresting system installation, and
utility system repairs required to sustain or recover airfield operation capabilities.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Teams may augment other airbase opening forces
such as special tactics teams, CRF, and airfield assessment teams, when
intelligence or threat analysis expects unexploded explosive ordnance contamination
or if improvised explosive devices are suspected. Direct support includes the
destruction of stockpiled and abandoned enemy ordnance, route clearance, post-
attack investigation, and counter-improvised explosive device operations.
Open the Airbase forces complete site assessments and set up minimum cantonment
functions such as FP, communications, sleeping, feeding, sanitation, and internal
medical capability such as public health and advanced life support. These forces
provide site plans and airfield survey information for development of the airfield
suitability and restrictions report.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Airbase opening is a critical task for military operations and requires significant attention
during planning.
Requirements for airbase opening should be included in contingency planning. Long
range planners and current operations planners can assist in the exploitation of both
classified and unclassified venues and maintain contact with the Air Force component
headquarters. If possible, planners should include personnel from the applicable airbase
opening force, representatives from the seizure force, and liaison elements to minimize
operational seams.
Airfield assessment in support of theater capabilities planning is a process to
accomplish airfield surveys and determine relevant support requirements. Before
deployment, numerous capabilities exist to create an accurate picture of the airfield in
question and associated infrastructure. If an accurate picture of the airfield is
unavailable and forces will arrive shortly, a contingency response force would be
employed to survey the airfield to develop the necessary site plans and airfield
suitability and restrictions report.
The joint force commander may establish a joint airfield planning and coordination team
to address number, type, and location of all bases in the operational area. The team’s
efforts provide an opportunity for airbase opening forces to obtain evolving information
regarding theater requirements.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
There are specific times during airbase opening when transitions between events
may drive actions that combat support (CS) forces should be prepared for. The
figure, Air Expeditionary Task Force (AETF) Force Modules and Process Seams,
illustrates those times when process seams may generate subsequent actions to
ensure the airbase opening process is as smooth as possible. For more detailed
information on force modules as used in airbase opening, see AFI 10-401, Air Force
Operations Planning and Execution.
Airbase Opening Transfer of Responsibility
The transfer of responsibilities from airbase opening to the initial Establish the Base
force module occurs in two stages.
Senior airfield authority (SAA) responsibilities will normally transfer from the initial
airbase opening force commander to the air expeditionary wing or group
Functional airbase opening capabilities and responsibilities will normally transfer
from the initial airbase opening forces (Open the Base force module forces or
contingency response force) to the initial Establish the Base force module forces
when like forces are in place.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
When establishing a forward operating site (FOS), forces are presented in standard
force modules that are tailored based on the planning process performed by the air
component commander's staff. These forces’ capabilities are designed to support most
missions or weapon systems. Personnel performing operations for establishing FOSs
facilitate the integration of those capabilities within the Open the Airbase and command
and control (C2) force modules to provide the airfield’s earliest capability to execute its
assigned mission.
The base operating support-integrator (BOS-I) is a combatant commander (CCDR)-
designated representative who acts as the joint BOS provider. The Service component
with the preponderance of forces should normally provide the BOS-I. A CCDR may
designate an individual within a Service component or joint task force (JTF) as the
BOS-I at each FOS. The BOS-I coordinates the efficient use of mission support
resources. Where shortfalls or opportunities for efficiencies exist, the CCDR may task
components of JTFs to provide or coordinate specific capabilities (e.g., infrastructure,
security, and communications). The BOS-I provides master planning for facilities and
real estate. BOS-I responsibilities may include coordination of war reserve materiel
assets, collecting and prioritizing construction requirements, seeking funding support,
environmental management, emergency management, force protection, and hazardous
waste disposal.
BOS-I and Senior Airfield Authority Interaction
BOS-I and senior airfield authority (SAA) have an important interaction with a significant
seam. In many cases the CCDR will designate a BOS-I and SAA from different Services
at the same location (a common practice is to designate BOS-I responsibilities to the
Army component while designating SAA responsibilities to the Air Force component).
The BOS-I is the joint BOS provider for the operating location or base and the SAA is
responsible for the control, operation, and maintenance of the airfield to include the
runways, associated taxiways, and parking ramps, as well as land and facilities affecting
airfield operations. As such, the SAA will perform many BOS functions on the facilities
immediately surrounding the airfield. The BOS-I and SAA should closely coordinate
along this seam during planning and execution of operations. A common solution is to
form an agreed-upon line around the airfield and give the SAA responsibility for the area
inside the line and the BOS-I responsibility for the area outside the line. In some cases,
the SAA should have control of funding and contracting for airfield operations and
maintenance services.
Planners should consider theater priorities and the limited resources available to
construct and operate the infrastructure at FOSs. Planners should consider operational
requirements, combat support infrastructure needs, and the minimal resources needed
to enable mission establishment and operation of the base, including the following:
Requirements to establish utility grids: Water distribution; electrical; fuels;
communications; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear detection and
monitoring; and wastewater collection systems.
Requirements to establish facilities: C2, aircraft operating surfaces, operational
facilities, airfield management, air traffic control, weather services, navigational aids,
fire crash rescue, munitions, medical, security, administration, maintenance, lodging,
dining, etc.
Joint support agreements, status of forces agreements, or other country-to-country
agreements help specify tenant and host responsibilities throughout a deployment.
When facilities to shelter personnel are limited, a key consideration is whether to erect
facilities and establish airfield operations using base expeditionary airfield resources or
other contracted assets.
The Air Force component should conduct site surveys and collect data from as many
sources as possible during contingency planning. This process of early engagement
facilitates the planning and execution process as well as enhances relationships with
country teams in those locations not routinely visited by Air Force personnel.
There are several methods for obtaining the infrastructure necessary to establish an
FOS: deploying Air Force assets, contracting, host nation support agreements,
acquisition and cross-servicing agreements, inter-Service support agreements, etc. In
many cases, the planned FOS may already have infrastructure in place that can be
made available for Air Force forces. Commanders should consider leveraging functional
communities’ capabilities during efforts to establish FOSs. The more that can be
acquired locally without unacceptable risk to health or security, the less that must be
stored, maintained, and forward deployed. Commanders should establish relations with
local authorities (host-nation military or civilian airfield authorities) to ensure all potential
sources of resources required to establish FOSs are evaluated. Commanders should be
careful not to enter into any oral or written agreement with host nation authorities,
unless specifically delegated the authority to do so. Authority to negotiate and conclude
such agreements is closely held and tightly controlled. Commanders should consult with
their staff judge advocate early in the planning process to assess current international
agreements affecting establishment of the FOS and identify any required potential
international agreements. See AFDP 3-84, Legal Support, for more information.
Environmental planning should be included early in the planning stages. An
environmental survey should be completed at any new location to establish a baseline
of environmental conditions before a site is put to use. When planning for a new FOS,
the environmental objectives are to minimize risk to human health and the environment
while establishing readiness to accomplish the mission. Commanders have four critical
environmental goals:
Compliance with applicable US laws, regulations, international agreements, and
DOD, Air Force and combatant command environmental policy regarding
environmental standards (consult with legal counsel to determine applicable
environmental standards, including final governing standards).
Conservation to minimize environmental impacts and manage resources.
Pollution prevention where practical through recycling and reuse, materiel
substitution, or process change; compliance with all applicable standards.
Remedial action to address environmental contamination caused by Air Force
activities at the FOS.
Refer to Air Force Handbook 10-222, Volume 4, Environmental Considerations for
Overseas Contingency Operations, for more specific information about environmental
goals and applicable compliance requirements.
Planning for Security in the Physical Environment
Airbase security is a critical component in the complex contested environment the Air
Force may face in the future conflict with peer or near-peer adversaries. Commanders
should consider integrated defense when determining the location of airbases. To
ensure commanders can maintain a secure airbase for operations, they should
establish infrastructure that provides adequate integrated defense to mitigate potential
threats to the base.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The deployment of personnel and equipment via the Positioning the Force combat
support core processes involves the actual movement, reception, and beddown of
tailored and prioritized forces, accomplished through the use of lines of communication.
Actions include, but are not limited to:
Establishing an initial operational cadre.
Accounting for US, host nation, and coalition prepositioned assets and support.
Deploying en route support force and employment elements.
Deploying, receiving, and accounting for forces.
Reviewing baseline surveys and situational awareness to protect forces.
Preparing for operations.
Initiating reachback operations.
Deploying personnel and equipment fulfills the requirements levied by the commander
to meet operational priorities. Deployment should expedite personnel, aircraft, and
equipment movement to meet operational priorities.
Prioritization should be based on the supported commander’s needs. Phasing provides
an orderly schedule to move forces and assists commanders in refining requirements in
terms of having the right capabilities in place, in the right order, to maximize the
efficiencies of beddown and minimize force protection risks. Proper phasing of
deploying forces is essential to ensure the coordinated buildup of support, command
and control (C2), sustainment, and combat power throughout the theater and at each
operating location.
Political or physical restrictions on personnel, aircraft, and equipment in a forward
environment may restrict the ability to deploy. These restrictions mandate an en route
infrastructure capable of staging, storing, caring for, and managing assets and their flow
between the time they leave the origination point to the time they arrive at the final
destination. An efficient en route infrastructure that can be quickly activated and tailored
should assist in overcoming these restrictions. For more information, see AFDP 3-36,
Air Mobility Operations.
In-transit visibility (ITV) information on cargo, passengers, medical patients, and
personal property provides commanders the ability to track the location and progress of
movement of critical resources essential to force readiness in the theater.
Modern C2 systems use ITV to reduce the element of uncertainty inherent in deployed
operations. Combat support ITV systems should be integrated in a network accessible
to theater commanders to provide status of assets at en route locations, reception
points, staging points, and final destinations.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Receiving forces involves offloading at staging locations, accounting for all assets, and
moving to operating locations. Bedding down forces occurs at a variety of locations
ranging from main operating bases to austere bare bases. Forces should immediately
be able to support operations upon arriving at their final destination.
Reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (RSOI) consists of the
processes required to transform arriving personnel and materiel into forces capable of
meeting operational requirements throughout a theater. Air Force units operating at an
aerial port of debarkation (APOD) should also be prepared to facilitate joint RSOI
activities for other Service components. Separate staging areas should be established
for units that will bed down at the APOD and other forces that will be marshaled for
onward movement. Sustainment and force protection (FP) for transiting forces are
required until onward movement occurs. Factors to consider during RSOI include force
accountability, force protection, and intratheater movement.
Force accountability allows commanders to determine when they have force closure,
the point in time when they have the forces needed to accomplish their mission. Proper
force accounting allows commanders to plan for additional combat support needs such
as beddown space and feeding capability. Should an emergency occur at home station
or the deployed location, commanders should also be able to locate their people
quickly. Coordination with the contingency contracting office should also account for all
contractor personnel supporting operations at the deployed location.
Every functional area has responsibility for FP. FP is a fundamental principle of all
military operations as a way to ensure the survivability of a commander’s forces. The Air
Force takes an integrated approach to FP in order to conserve the force’s fighting
potential. For more information, see, Force Protection Fundamentals in AFDP 3-10.
Intratheater movement is critical to supporting and sustaining Air Force operations; it
should be planned and coordinated in advance of deployment, and be ready to
implement as soon as practical. A key component of intratheater movement is airlift.
Flexible, responsive intratheater airlift is enabled by a theater airlift route system, which
is a series of hub and spoke routes developed to move people, mail, parts, and other
types of resupply items. The joint force commander’s staff is responsible for defining the
requirements through the joint deployment distribution operations center (JDDOC). The
JDDOC directs, coordinates, and synchronizes deployment and redeployment,
execution, and distribution operations for the joint movement center. The air component
commander, through the air operations center and its air mobility division, is responsible
for designing the routes and managing deployed airlift assets to satisfy requirements for
all Services.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Forces should be able to assure sustained operational capability through
maintenance, repair, and preservation of facilities, real property-installed equipment,
runways, taxiways, ramps, roads, utilities, fuel systems and other built (real property)
and natural infrastructure used in support of the mission. For additional information,
see AFDP 3-34, Engineer Operations.
The following are the major functions the air component commander, and Air Force
Forces (AFFOR) staff should ensure are prepared to sustain forward operating sites.
The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in the following areas:
Infrastructure Planning: Includes those actions taken to forecast existing capacity
against authorized allowances, taking into consideration future mission or
operational requirements leveraging principles of asset management to factor in total
asset accountability when making resource based decisions.
Infrastructure Programming: Those actions taken to validate requirements,
determine quantities, forecast costs to construct and determine methods of
accomplishing acquisition either in-house or by contracting methods.
Infrastructure Design: Includes applying standards to ensure maximum end user
performance, energy efficiency, and ability to meet applicable laws and codes
related to life, safety, health, and welfare.
Infrastructure Construction: Performed by military forces or through contract
Infrastructure Maintenance and Protection: Includes operation, hardening, and
sustainment of facilities, infrastructure, and installations.
Environmental Compliance: Ensures compliance with applicable US laws and
regulations; international agreements; Department of Defense (DOD), Air Force, and
combatant command environmental policy; country-specific environmental
compliance standards; foreign final governing standards; and DOD Manual 4715.05,
Volume 1, Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document: Conservation.
Light or Heavy Construction/Repair: Performed by RED HORSE, Prime BEEF, or
through contract augmentation.
Infrastructure Demolishing/Divesting: The actual removal by demolition, disposal
or reuse of an item from the Air Force real property inventory.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Following an enemy attack, incident, or natural disaster that damages the forward
operating site (FOS), recovery teams perform actions to restore the FOS to full
operational capability as soon as possible. These actions may include, but are not
limited to: assessment and prioritization of unexploded ordnance; hazards and damage;
rendering safe and removing unexploded ordnance; structural and aircraft firefighting;
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) contamination avoidance and
recovery; airfield damage recovery and repair; and facility and infrastructure recovery
and repair. For additional information see AFDP 3-34, Engineer Operations.
The following are the major functions the air component commander and Air Force
forces (AFFOR) staff should ensure are prepared to recover FOSs:
Explosive Ordnance Disposal: Provides the capability to mitigate and defeat
explosive hazards presented by the enemy or friendly employment of explosive
ordnance. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Incident Management Planning and Response: Captures the emergency
manager/responder role organic to civil engineer units. The AFFOR A4 usually
conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Infrastructure Recovery and Repair: Includes repair of facilities, infrastructure, and
installations; structural and aircraft firefighting; CBRN contamination control and
recovery; airfield damage repair; and utility repairs. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
A commander with the appropriate authority, such as the combatant commander, a joint
force commander (JFC), or the air component commander, may direct closure of a
deployed location when that location is no longer required, or needs to relocate as part
of a dispersed basing strategy in a contested peer or near-peer conflict. It is important
the following actions be performed (although not necessarily in the following order):
Document environmental conditions and collect historical resource information. For
more information, see Air Force Instruction 84-101, Aerospace Historian
Responsibilities and Management, and Air Force Handbook 10-222, Volume 4,
Environmental Considerations for Overseas Contingency Operations.
Perform required cleaning and decontamination including mitigation and remediation
of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards.
Arrange for hazardous waste disposal and spill remediation to address any imminent
threat to human health or safety.
Close out all accountable records to prevent inadvertent movement of assets to the
inactivated location.
Transfer equipment to host nation activities or pack equipment and mark items for
refurbishment or disposal.
Review support infrastructure (including contracted support) and reduce
requirements to maintain the smallest footprint possible as forces depart a forward
operating site.
Ensure a coordinated withdrawal while maintaining unit integrity.
Destroy all unnecessary classified information and official documents.
Conduct inventory of all real property items. Coordinate with host nation and other
services as required.
Obtain accountability for personnel assigned, gained, and supported for movement
(include contractors, coalition, etc.).
Contingency Planning: Airbase closing is a critical task for military operations and
should be addressed as part of the Air Force forces’ (AFFOR) contingency planning.
Theater Capabilities Planning: Airbase closure operations should determine
relevant support requirements necessary to continue supporting operations during
redeployment of forces and capabilities and transition an airbase back to the host
nation or other entity.
Joint Integration Planning: The JFC may establish a joint airfield planning and
coordination team that should include personnel from applicable ground component
forces and the AFFOR to plan airbase closure in the context of theater requirements
and the operational environment.
Airbase Closure Transition Events: There are specific times during airbase
closure when transitions between events may drive actions that combat support
(CS) forces should be prepared for to ensure the airbase closure process is as
smooth as possible.
Functional airbase operating capabilities and responsibilities will normally transfer and
consolidate from the Operate the Base force module forces as end of mission and
location transfer or closure occurs. Planners and CS forces should be prepared to
transfer the following: command and control, aircraft operating surfaces, operational
facilities, airfield management, air traffic control, navigational aids, fire crash rescue,
munitions, medical, security, administration, maintenance, lodging, dining, etc.
Transfer of senior airfield authority responsibilities will normally occur in parallel with
decreasing aviation operations.
Reconstitution is the restoration of capability following operations and includes both
equipment and personnel. Reconstitution maintains control over resources and
maximizes asset recovery. The objective is to prepare the reconstituted force for future
operations in minimal time. For more information, see Joint Publication 3-35,
Deployment and Redeployment Operations.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The Protect Forces core capability provides an integrated all-hazards approach for force
protection (FP) to detect threats and hazards to the Air Force and its mission, providing
integrated offensive and defensive actions to deter, detect, preempt, mitigate, or negate
threats and hazards against Air Force operations and assets, based on an acceptable
level of risk. FP is a commander’s responsibility at all levels. The functional expertise for
force protection activities crosses several areas of the Air Force forces (AFFOR) staff.
To integrate all FP activities the air component commander, usually designates a
member of the AFFOR staff as the FP officer and places the FP officer and associated
staff in the special staff of the AFFOR.
FP is a fundamental principle of all military operations as a way to ensure the
survivability of a commander’s forces. The Air Force takes an integrated all hazards/all
threats approach to FP to conserve the force’s fighting potential that encompasses
many functional areas of expertise. Specific actions required to protect forces against
hostile actions include detecting, identifying, and defeating penetrative or standoff
threats to personnel and resources; assessing forward operating sites for threats and
available support from host civil and military agencies; disseminating information and
warning personnel; and protecting infrastructure and critical information. For a thorough
discussion on force protection in the Air Force, see AFDP 3-10, Force Protection.
Commanders at all levels are responsible for recognizing threats and hazards to the Air
Force operations across the competition continuum and therefore consider the
intentional objectives of threat actors or unintentional effects of hazards. There are a
variety of threats and hazards facing the Air Force that may arise from peer or near-
peer military forces, terrorists, insurgents, insiders, criminal entities, foreign intelligence
and security services, activist organizations, natural or manmade disasters, major
accidents, or medical incidents. Airmen should continually plan to counter potential
future threats and hazards, both conventional and chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear related, that have not yet been planned for or seen, as those threats and
hazards are constantly evolving. Tactics, techniques, and procedures introduced in one
theater could be seen again in other regions and may result in increased force
protection measures due to the threat of attack or risk of hazards that could affect
ongoing operations.
Risk Management
Commanders determine how best to manage risks. The Air Force views risk
management (RM) as the process of identifying critical assets; understanding the threat;
understanding Air Force vulnerabilities to the threat; determining risk to personnel,
assets, and information; and assuming risk or applying countermeasures to correct or
mitigate the risk. In all cases, the assessments include hazards as well as threats. This
RM process consists of the following elements:
Prioritizing assets and resources by a criticality assessment.
Identifying potential threats through a threat assessment.
Analyzing resource and asset vulnerabilities through a vulnerability assessment.
Determining the risks acceptable to them for a given operation by conducting a risk
Supervising and reviewing the effort to eliminate or mitigate the risks that are not
A safety and RM focus ensures maximum protection of people and physical resources.
Integrated Defense
Integrated defense is conducted worldwide, from mature theaters to austere regions. Air
Force leadership should adapt to a variety of operational requirements. Some Air Force
resources may be geographically separated from the main base. Regardless of location,
forces conducting integrated defense employ the basic tactics, techniques, and
procedures as those employed at home station during day-to-day operations. As
specific threats to base personnel and resources increase, integrated defense forces
adjust tactics to counter the threat. Adjustments to operating procedures should be
based on the specific threat to operations, the dynamics of operating in an international
environment or the way integrated defense efforts collaborate with joint, combined,
civilian, and host nation forces. Integrated defense forces should be prepared to operate
at a variety of locations and may deploy to sites without existing Air Force or host nation
Base Boundary and Base Security Zone
Because threats and hazards to operations can come from a wide range of sources, the
Airman’s perspective requires integrated defense planning in broader terms than other
surface-oriented organizations. For example, the threats to an active airfield may extend
far beyond the surface area designated as a base boundary. To address these threats,
the Air Force uses the planning construct of the base security zone to ensure those
ground threats that could impact operations are considered and planned for.
The base boundary is a line that delineates the surface area of a base for the purpose
of facilitating coordination and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units,
formations, or areas.
The base boundary, which is not necessarily the base perimeter,
is negotiated on a case-by-case basis between the base commander and the area
commander or host-nation authority. The base commander should only negotiate base
boundaries with the host-nation authorities after proper coordination and approval from
higher headquarters. The multi-dimensional space around the base from which the
enemy might impact operations by launching an attack against approaching or
departing aircraft, mission critical equipment, facilities, personnel or resources located
on the base is critical to air base defense planning.
Force Protection Intelligence
Force protection intelligence (FPI) is analyzed, all-source intelligence information that
when integrated, or fused with other FP information, provides an assessment of the
threats to Department of Defense missions, people or resources. FPI provides the best
available picture of the intents and capabilities of terrorists or extremists, criminal
entities and enterprises, foreign intelligence and security services, opposing military
forces, and in certain instances, environmental or medical hazards, infrastructure
vulnerabilities, and insider threats. FPI is proactive and drives FP decisions in support of
commander’s intent.
FPI is usually produced for the air component commander by the
AFFOR A-2 and the air component commander’s Air Force Office of Special
Investigations representative. A common practice is to include an intelligence officer on
the FP officer’s staff to help integrate the intelligence information into the overall force
protection program.
Force Health Protection
Force health protection is defined in Joint Publication 4-02, Joint Health Services, as
measures to promote, improve, or conserve the behavioral and physical well-being of
Service members to enable a healthy and fit force, prevent injury and illness, and
protect the force from health hazards.” The Air Force expands that definition to clarify
the concept as a comprehensive threat-based program directed at preventing and
managing health-related actions against Air Force uncommitted combat power.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The Generate the Mission core capability includes preparing, configuring, launching,
recovering, and regenerating weapon systems and payloads. It also includes
conducting security cooperation engagements with partner nations as required in
support of the combatant commander’s theater campaign plan.
Generate the mission core capability provides for the availability of safe, serviceable,
and properly configured and prepared Air Force forces to operate and conduct missions
across the competition continuum. Considerations for systems support vary with
different missions, and become increasingly difficult in a highly contested peer or near-
peer conflict. Central to the ability of the air component commander staff to support the
assigned mission is to have accurate and timely information in a common relevant
operating picture for combat support. Combat support planners should be tightly linked
with air operations center planners to ensure the optimal support of operational
requirements. All planners should keep in mind the balance between mission production
and regeneration. Requirements for ongoing operations in combat should be continually
assessed for new demands on aircraft, space operations systems, cyberspace
operations systems, personnel, and equipment to anticipate increases in mission
requirements (use rate, sortie duration, etc.).
Combat support functional communities contain personnel, materiel, equipment,
infrastructure, and information resources. These make up the essential elements
required to generate missions and to support and sustain mission systems,
components, equipment, and personnel in both peacetime and wartime environments.
Generate the mission core capability supports the Employ the Force core process and
creates the core effect of an employed force.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Generation of airpower missions requires preparation of the tasked aircraft and installed
payloads (munitions, pods, etc.). Generation is characterized by the following
operational considerations:
Type of Base: Capabilities at various bases may differ based on location and type.
For example, main operating bases (MOBs) may differ from capabilities at forward
operating sites (FOSs), particularly if the FOS is austere. MOB resources generally
provide capabilities for surge and sustained operations, whereas FOS resources
may provide only short-duration surge capability, which may be followed by
reconstitution at a MOB.
Type of Aircraft: Capabilities for generating missions depend on the logistics
support necessary for various types of aircraft. For example, large-frame aircraft
generate high demand for petroleum, oil, and lubricants, which may require
additional base defense measures, and combat aircraft may generate a high
demand for munitions items.
Threat and Operating Tempo: The presence of various threats may require
flexibility and adaptation of mission generation activities to meet the commander’s
intent. Missions may have to be generated from cover or concealment, on non-
standard timelines, or from alternate facilities to overcome adversaries’ attacks and
attempts at degradation.
Surge Operations: Operational requirements may drive mission generation
capabilities to surge for extended periods. Air operations center and Air Force forces
staff planners should identify limiting factors of surge operations and their impact on
future air tasking orders, and should provide estimates of post-surge recovery time
required to restore the health of the aircraft fleet. If the capability to perform major
maintenance is not resident in-theater, surge operations may result in a requirement
to accelerate the rotation of aircraft back to home station.
Communications: Communications infrastructure is critical to supporting mission
generation activities. Delivery of electronic mission folders, authentication data,
crypto keys, and a multitude of other data to the weapon system are essential to
operations. Recovered weapon system video, sensor data, maintenance records,
etc., can be used to support future operations.
Facilities: Suitable parking ramps, hangars and shelters, engine trim pads, live-
ordnance loading areas, fuels maintenance, firefighting capability, aircraft arresting
systems, and other infrastructure requirements should also be provided to support
mission generation.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The combat support Generate the Mission core capability is broken down into six main
sub-capabilities dealing with mission elements. A mission element can range from
manned and unmanned aircraft, nuclear weapons systems, deployable space and
cyberspace systems, and satellite launch vehicles, to applicable support and test
equipment, and vehicles required for mission generation. Combat support global
transportation management includes generation and regeneration of applicable mission
elements to initiate or launch missions across the competition continuum to achieve the
desired effects of the combatant commander.
These are the actions necessary to assess, repair, maintain, inspect, and ready the
mission element to commence operations. This includes:
Assessing the status of the mission element: Actions necessary to appraise
overall mission element condition resulting from mission debrief, flight status record,
and quality and safety inspections.
Maintaining and modifying the mission element: Routine maintenance and
modification actions required to prepare the mission element for the assigned
mission. It includes, but is not limited to, corrosion control and replacement of
consumable materiel and components.
Repairing the mission element: Actions necessary to restore the damaged
mission element.
This involves configuring and delivering personnel, equipment, or materiel for specific
mission needs. This includes:
Delivery for assembly: The delivery of mission-specific payload components for
Assembling the payload: Combines the mission-specific components into the
payload (completed units, kits, or assemblies) that are transported.
Distributing the payload for loading: Transport and distribution of the mission-
specific payload in the total quantity required by the date required.
This is a broad capability that includes assembling, loading, fueling, and arming the
mission element for a specific mission. It includes delivery of required mission
preparation information to the platform. This includes:
Preparing the mission element layout and configuration: The capability to
physically configure the mission element to receive the type of payload required.
Fueling mission element: Actions needed to fuel the mission element.
Uploading the payload: Actions required to load the primary payload to accomplish
the mission.
Configuring systems: Actions required to ensure integration of mission element
and payload, navigation elements, and parameters.
Verifying mission readiness: The performance of mission systems checks and
Positioning for initiate and launch: Actions required to place the mission element
for immediate employment.
This is the capability to perform final actions and hand off the system to the element
operator to execute the mission. This can include initiating mission systems with the use
of satellites. This includes:
Performing pre-mission checks: Preparations for mission execution by mission
operators or mission support crews. These actions verify readiness and mission-
specific requirements, including verifying loading of the payload on the mission
element and taking takeoff weather conditions into consideration.
Initiating mission systems: Sets into motion the mission execution in accordance
with mission-specific requirements.
Performing final checks: Final inspection and validation of the mission element
prior to mission launch or execution.
This provides the capability to receive and assess status of the mission element. It also
includes actions to extract personnel and damaged or disabled equipment under
friendly control for return of personnel to duty and equipment to repair. Recovery of
information (e.g., imagery and other mission data) collected by the platform during the
mission also applies to this sub-capability. This includes:
Routine recovery: Retrieval and restoration of mission elements during non-crisis
situations or missions.
Crash recovery: Retrieval and restoration of mission elements during a crash
Offloading mission support element payload: Actions required to download the
primary mission payload when that payload was not designed to be expended or
was simply not expended or when the next launch requires a change in
This provides the capability to inspect and analyze the mission element to determine if it
can be repaired and estimate initial needs (parts, components, equipment, and
personnel) to execute the repair. This includes:
Repairing launch and recovery apparatus: Returns the recovery apparatus to its
original or usable and functioning condition resulting from normal wear and tear or
mission damage.
Restoring launch and recovery apparatus: Returns the recovery apparatus to its
original or usable and functioning condition to bring the launch and recovery
apparatus back to mission status beyond normal maintenance.
Configuring launch and recovery apparatus: Arranges, sets up, or shapes the
recovery apparatus with a view to mission-specific recovery application or use.
Transporting and positioning launch and recovery apparatus: Moves the launch
and recovery apparatus to the location and prepares for use.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The Support the Mission, Forces, and Infrastructure core capability encompasses
supplying, distributing, and maintaining goods and services, and infrastructure at
operating locations. These actions are accomplished in order to maintain support for,
assist, distribute support for, and supply the mission, forces, and infrastructure.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Key functions are needed to assure continued operating capability by providing right-
sized support during the Employing the Force core process. The following sub-
capabilities summarize the major functions the air component commander and Air
Force forces (AFFOR) staff should ensure are prepared to support continued
operations. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in the following areas (except as noted):
Infrastructure Planning: Includes those actions taken to forecast existing capacity
against authorized allowances, taking into consideration future mission or
operational requirements leveraging principles of asset management to factor in total
asset accountability when making resource-based decisions.
Infrastructure Programming: Those actions taken to validate requirements,
determine quantities, forecast costs to construct and determine methods of
accomplishing acquisition either in-house or by contracting methods.
Infrastructure Design: Includes applying standards to ensure maximum end user
performance, energy efficiency, and ability to meet applicable laws and codes
related to life, safety, health, and welfare.
Infrastructure Construction: Performed by military forces or through contract
Infrastructure Maintenance, Protection, and Recovery: Includes operation,
hardening, repair, and sustainment of facilities, infrastructure, and installations;
structural and aircraft firefighting; chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
contamination control and recovery; airfield damage repair; and utility repairs.
Environmental Compliance: Ensures compliance with applicable US laws and
regulations; international agreements; Department of Defense, Air Force and
combatant command environmental policy; country-specific environmental
compliance standards; foreign final governing standards; and the overseas
environmental baseline guidance document. For more information, see DOD Manual
4715.05, Volume 1, Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document:
Light or Heavy Construction/Repair: Performed by RED HORSE or through
contract augmentation.
Infrastructure Demolishing/Divesting: The actual removal by demolition, disposal
or reuse of an item from the Air Force real property inventory.
Vehicle Management: Repairs vehicle and support systems and their components.
Air, Space, and Munitions Maintenance: Sustains the air, space, and munitions
force. The degree of maintenance depends on mission requirements, parts
availability, transportation limitations, component reliability, workload agreements,
facility requirements, frequency of tasks, and special training required.
Communications Infrastructure: Receives, stores, protects, processes, transports,
and disseminates information. Communications activation involves building the
infrastructure (including a satellite link to the global information grid, a network
control center, and power). The AFFOR A6 usually conducts operational planning for
the air component commander in this area.
Armed Security Escort: Provides armed overwatch and escort for missions going
into non-secured areas within the base security zone, depending on the threat. The
AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander
in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Assist mission, forces, and infrastructure sub-capabilities assist in mission generation,
management, and day-to-day operations including:
Control airfield and airspace traffic: Provides air traffic control and airfield
management personnel to sustain operations support and monitoring of the flying
environment. The Air Force forces (AFFOR) staff A3 usually conducts operational
planning for the air component commander in this area with support from the
AFFOR A6 and A4 for the required equipment and infrastructure.
Provide airfield weather services, mission execution forecasts, and staff
weather operations: Provides airfield weather services to include assessment of
current and future environmental conditions in support of flying operations and
resource protection, collection, and dissemination of near-real time weather
observations, tailored mission execution forecasts, and situational awareness to
decision makers at all levels within the command and control structure. The AFFOR
A3 usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this
Provide spectrum management: Controls the electromagnetic spectrum to serve
the needs of US, allied, and coalition forces. The AFFOR A6 and the air operations
center Non-Kinetic Team usually work together to conduct operational planning for
the air component commander in this area.
Operate information and communications networks and equipment: Provides
operation of information and communications networks and equipment for
information superiority at the right place, time, and security level. The AFFOR A3,
with support from the AFFOR A6, usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Provide postal and official mail service: Provides another avenue of
communication to military and DOD personnel. The AFFOR A1 usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Finance Air Force operations: Provides in-garrison, forward deployed, and
reachback decision support and financial services, meeting regulatory and statutory
requirements for appropriated, nonappropriated, and working capital fund resources.
The AFFOR comptroller on the special staff usually conducts operational planning
for the air component commander in this area.
Capture history: Allows the Air Force to write objective, classified and unclassified
periodic histories of a unit’s mission accomplishment by collecting, organizing,
analyzing, and interpreting primary source documents, supplemented by interviews
and audiovisual materials when appropriate. The AFFOR historian on the special
staff usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this
Maintain law and order: Provides security and protects combat-ready weapon
systems from sabotage, espionage, subversion, and attack both in-garrison and at
deployed locations. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Shape the public information environment: Provides communication advice and
counsel to commanders on the impact of operations and activities within the public
information realm. Shapes the global information environment by communicating
truthful and useful information about Air Force operations to internal, domestic, and
international audiences. The AFFOR public affairs officer on the special staff usually
conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Provide visual documentation: Acquires, collects, preserves, and accesses visual
information products to meet operational, informational, training, research, legal,
historical, and administrative needs. The AFFOR public affairs staff usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Provide mishap prevention: Provides a safe environment for all personnel and
equipment to ensure mission accomplishment. The AFFOR safety officer on the
special staff usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area.
Capture lessons learned: Observations of both individual and organization
behaviors, attitudes, and processes that, when validated and resolved, result in an
improvement in military operations or activities at the strategic, operational, or
tactical level. Over the long-term, internalizing individual or organizational changes
based on these observations can enhance readiness and improve operational
efficiency and effectiveness. The AFFOR A9 usually conducts operational planning
for the air component commander in this area.
Provide specialized analytical support: Includes performing studies, analyses,
and assessments needed by senior-level decision-makers for strategic planning;
operational and developmental planning; requirements assessments, modernization
and recapitalization of systems and programs; and the planning, programming,
budgeting, and execution decision processes. The AFFOR A9 usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Maintain operating location organization: Includes actions needed to determine,
research, request, and process authorization and organization changes. The AFFOR
A1 usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this
Execute and maintain agreements: Provides capability to the warfighter to gain
and control access to bases and overflight rights, stage bases, use host nation
assets, and acquire or provide support to allies. The AFFOR staff judge advocate on
the special staff and the A4 usually conduct operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Build partner capacity: Enables combat support forces to engage partner nations
and build their aviation, industrial, public works, or municipal enterprise. The air
component commander should designate a lead agent to conduct this planning and
oversight as required.
Provide legal services: Includes advice to commanders and personnel at all levels,
and in all locations, on matters ranging from disciplinary issues to operational
The AFFOR staff judge advocate on the special staff usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Create, maintain, and dispose of official records: Includes all actions necessary
to plan, create, maintain, store, retrieve, transmit, and destroy official government
records (electronic and physical) to provide proper documentation, enhance security,
and support all aspects of the mission. The AFFOR A6 usually conducts operational
planning for the air component commander in this area.
Secure classified and unclassified controlled information: Includes the Air
Force information security program, ensuring unit personnel know and understand
their role in protecting classified and controlled unclassified information against
unauthorized disclosure. The AFFOR information protection directorate usually
conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Provide investigative and inspection services: Allows the Air Force to assess the
readiness, discipline, efficiency, and economy of the Service. The inspector general
assigned to support the air component commander usually conducts operational
planning for the air component commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Maintain Forces is achieved through the use of key functional communities described
Feeding operations (food service): Procures, receives, inspects, stores, sanitizes,
prepares, serves, and disposes of food items. The Air Force forces (AFFOR) A1
usually conducts the operational planning for the air component commander in this
area with support from the AFFOR staff A4 for the required infrastructure.
Lodgment of forces (lodging and laundry operations): Provides temporary
lodging for Airmen and authorized personnel at in-garrison or deployed locations.
The AFFOR A1 usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area with support from the AFFOR A4 for the required
Keeping Airmen fit to fight (fitness): Provides programs, facilities, and equipment
necessary to support fitness activities and maintain force fitness. The AFFOR A1
usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this area
with support from the AFFOR A4 for the required infrastructure.
Support and track personnel: Helps track and account for Air Force personnel and
personnel from other Services as required. The AFFOR A1 usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Airmen regeneration (recreation): Procures entertainment and creates alternative
diversions from work stress and family separation anxiety thereby enhancing the
resiliency of Airmen. The AFFOR A1 usually conducts operational planning for the
air component commander in this area.
Developing and connecting Airmen to the outside world (learning resource
centers): Provides for intellectual pursuits for both continued professional
development and mental diversions from the daily realities Airmen face. The AFFOR
A1 usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this
Host official functions (protocol): Plans, schedules, coordinates, and conducts
distinguished visitor visits and special events. The AFFOR A1 usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Respond to sexual assault: Managed by the sexual assault response coordinator;
develops an installation-wide sexual assault prevention and response program,
which includes victim advocacy, prevention, training, outreach, and means of risk
reduction. The AFFOR A1 usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Respond to equal opportunity (EO) issues: Managed by the EO officer at the
installation; develops an installation-wide equal opportunity program for both military
and civilians on the installation for EO prevention, training, outreach, and means for
risk reduction. The AFFOR A1 usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Airman and family reunification: Provides the process through which Airmen
return from deployment to their home, social, and work environment. The AFFOR A1
usually conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Ensure free exercise of religion: Delivered by the Air Force Chaplain Corps.
Provides spiritual care and the opportunity for Airmen, their families, and other
authorized personnel to freely exercise their religious expression. The AFFOR staff
chaplain on the special staff conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area.
Provide medical/health services: Provides direct health services support for Air
Force forces, en route casualty support for joint forces, and health care for eligible
beneficiaries through the Air Force Medical Service. The AFFOR surgeon general on
the special staff usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area.
Provide Legal Support: Enables personnel to remain mission-focused by providing
legal support on a variety of personal civil legal matters; supports commanders by
administering the military justice process to foster good order and discipline of the
force. The AFFOR staff judge advocate on the special staff usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Mortuary affairs: Entails all operations to collect, recover, store, prepare, ship, and
inter, under extreme conditions, remains of fallen personnel. The AFFOR A1 usually
conducts operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Distribution support provides all actions needed to transport and deliver personnel,
equipment, and commodities, as well as blood and medical supplies to users in mission
support operations within the confines of an operating location.
Package and containerize: Involves visibility of packages and the time it takes to
achieve operational readiness from capabilities contained within those packages.
The Air Force forces (AFFOR) staff A4 usually conducts operational planning for the
air component commander in this area.
Plan and manifest: Revolves around determining the appropriate shipment method
based on the time-phased force deployment document and the required delivery
date. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area.
Load, control, offload, and deliver: Involves tracking systems that are linked to a
support operation center to provide real-time information concerning materiel
awaiting shipment, in-transit tracking, and materiel arrival at the final destination.
The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Supply the mission, forces, and infrastructure includes actions needed to order, receive,
store, and issue all materiel needed for servicing and maintaining resources and
capabilities both in garrison and when deployed.
Plan for requirements: Analyzes past demand, forecasts materiel needed to
support future programs, and anticipates materiel and parts failures to validate and
plan for requirements. The Air Force forces (AFFOR) staff A4 usually conducts
operational planning for the air component commander in this area.
Receive parts; process demand; order, store, and issue materiel: Includes all
actions required to effectively manage an inventory so that the right capability is
delivered at the right time and in the most cost effective and expedient manner to the
end-user. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air
component commander in this area.
Reutilization and disposal: Entails final removal or reuse of an Air Force inventory
item. The AFFOR A4 usually conducts operational planning for the air component
commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The sustain the mission, forces, and infrastructure core capability ensures combat
support (CS) is maintained for the duration of operations, optimizing the use of
reachback, to include the industrial base, when needed. As with the support the
mission, forces, and infrastructure core capability, the expanded and extensive lists of
functions in the Sustainment Resupply Distribution and Delivery and Total Asset
Visibility discussions provide an overview of the diverse aspects of CS that support the
Service during the Sustaining and Recovering the Force core process.
All of the CS
components within the Air Force forces staff conduct the sustainment planning and
tracking for the air component commander.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
The Air Force sustainment construct takes advantage of robust reachback, real-time
visibility, centralized control, and the flexibility of airpower to right-size the forward
logistics footprint and dedicate maximum assets to moving combat power. As a result,
rapid resupply and retrograde operations are necessary to sustain forces and maintain
a ready flow of repairables to sources of repair. Reachback for sustainment of
equipment, information, materiel, and personnel requires robust, long-haul
communication links to identify, coordinate, and monitor requirements. There are many
locations for combat support reachback. They include component major commands,
component numbered Air Forces, and Air Staff agencies as well as the various
functional communities, field operating agencies, and centers.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Sustainment should anticipate combat support (CS) challenges before they affect
operations. Critical forces and capabilities are identified and evaluated against risks.
Findings highlight CS deficiencies with associated risks and are included in the joint
force commander’s (JFC’s) readiness assessment reports. The deficiencies are then
considered as candidate issues for further analysis in capability assessments.
The logistics sustainability assessment (LSA) is a product of sustainment planning. It
provides an assessment and action plan to improve key CS capabilities required to
execute a JFC’s planned operation. The LSA should be accomplished for operations
plans (OPLANS), contingency plans, and any planned operation the JFC deems
necessary. The assessment spans the plan duration and addresses the joint capability
areas defined in the logistics supplement to the joint strategic capabilities plan.
The A4
or the A5 on the Air Force forces staff usually accomplishes the LSA for the air
component commander.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Repair and maintain materiel and equipment addresses the assessment, repair,
maintenance, and modification of materiel and equipment. The focus is primarily on the
intermediate and depot levels of maintenance. By acquiring and using the necessary
technology and equipment, combat support (CS) reduces buildup time, increases rapid
response capability, and reduces footprints. It is a continuing process performed by
functional communities, such as science and technology, acquisitions, and materiel
management. CS forces should aggressively seek and apply innovation and creativity.
They should also seek proven methods, materiel, and equipment from the commercial
market to satisfy their requirements. The A4 on the Air Force forces staff conducts
operational planning and oversight for the air component commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Sustainment and resupply provide the capability to determine, forecast, catalog,
standardize, and validate requirements as well as identify actions to receive and fulfill
requisitions with the focus on reachback requirements. The A4 on the Air Force forces
staff conducts operational planning and oversight for the air component commander, in
this area. The following sub-capabilities support this:
Forecast requirements: Those actions taken to identify demand based on past
demands, future programs, anticipated failures, and actual inventory.
Receive requisitions: Actions performed to take delivery of the request for items of
supply or commodity.
Control: Those actions taken to evaluate stock levels, track and account for
inventory, and source to meet needs for an item and priority of the requestor before
filling a requisition.
Fulfill requisitions: Includes sequencing, identifying a source, and assuring the
proper condition of an asset through inspection.
Stock and storage: The capability to store items and to receive new materiel.
Determine resupply requirements: Those actions taken to validate requirements,
determine quantities, determine disposal actions, and laterally fill resupply
Physical disposal: Process the actual removal or reuse of an item from the Air
Force inventory.
Analyze transport requirements: Analyze the capability to determine and predict
requirements for transport.
Plan delivery: Sequence, coordinate, and prioritize requirements for support and
the available transportation capability.
Sustainment, distribution, and delivery provide the robust transportation capability that
facilitates the movement and deployment of forces as well as their reception,
sustainment, redeployment, or recovery to an in-garrison location.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Total asset visibility focuses on capturing information on assets being repaired, moved,
or stored (purchasing and supply chain management), as well as passenger and patient
movement status. The A4 on the Air Force forces (AFFOR) staff conducts operational
planning and oversight for the air component commander in this area. Its sub-
capabilities include:
Track personnel and equipment: Provides real-time visibility of personnel,
equipment, and materiel (excludes assets in-transit).
Provide in-transit visibility: Those actions taken to track individual cargo,
personnel, and medical patients while in transit.
Total asset visibility also focuses on capturing information on facility and infrastructure
assets being repaired and sustained. The A4 on the AFFOR staff conducts operational
planning and oversight for the air component commander in this area. Sub-capabilities
Prioritize asset investment based on mission-critical worst-first approach: The
capability to provide real-time visibility of facilities and infrastructure and invest in
those priorities that address mission critical and worst-first requirements. The focus
is on making more efficient use of existing assets before building additional facilities.
This process focuses sustainment efforts on important assets in good shape while
investing restoration and modernization funds on either mission-critical assets that
require modernization to extend facility use beyond expected life span or on assets
that do not meet functional mission requirements.
Forecast predictive operations and maintenance requirements: Those actions
taken to track facility and infrastructure operations, with emphasis given to
maintaining assets to ensure they reach expected life-cycle targets. Reduce the risk
to infrastructure investments and maximize installation support and infrastructure.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Sustaining the total workforce ensures the Air Force’s workforce (military, civilian, and
contractor) is fully prepared to meet all day-to-day workload requirements and that
executable plans are in place to support surge needs as contingency situations arise.
The A1 on the Air Force forces staff conducts operational planning and oversight for the
air component commander in this area.
Last Updated: 5 January 2020
Plans for, develops, and procures everything from initial spare
parts to complete weapons and support systems, including
combat support, based on user requirements. Provides the right
resources at the right time during the readiness phase and
focuses on re
ducing cycle times to render acquisition more
responsive to a rapidly changing security environment.
Participates in initial beddown planning.
Airfield Operations
Airfield operations are comprised of two functional
: air traffic control and airfield management
operations. Air traffic control is a functional capability required t
conduct military operations across the competition continuum
and is a necessary capability both at fixed bases and tactical
airfields. Airf
ield management enables both the projection and
sustainment of aviation capability. Airfield management is
responsible for the overall management of an airfield to provide a
safe, efficient, and effective airfield environment for aircraft
Air Force Office of
Conducts criminal investigations and counterintelligence
activities to enhance force protection by identifying and
mitigating the threat “outside the wire” from terrorists, foreign
intelligence services, and other cri
minal and insurgent elements.
Gathers information regarding existing or emerging threats
through the use of human sources and a vast network of police
and security service contacts around the globe. The Air Force
single point of contact with federal, state
, local, and foreign
national law enforcement, counterintelligence, and security
Chaplain Corps
Provides for all components of religious and spiritual care during
military operations. This is accomplished through religious
observances, providing
pastoral care, and advising leadership on
spiritual, ethical, moral, morale, and religious accommodation
Civil Engineer
Provides engineering, housing, energy, real property,
construction, drilling, comprehensive planning, environmental
management, and air insertion engineering required to establish,
operate, and maintain installations, facilities, and utilities that
enable persistent and effective combat operations. Responsible
for the installation emergency management program using an
ll-hazards approach to prepare for, respond to, recover from,
and mitigate the effects of hazards and threats. Delivers a broad
range of emergency services capabilities including explosive
ordnance disposal (including criminal and terrorist improvised
osive devices and high-yield explosives); fire protection; fire
emergency services, emergency response; major accident
response and recovery; and mitigation and recovery from the
effects of weapons of mass destruction (including chemical,
biological, radio
logical, and nuclear weapons), non-combat
emergencies, hazardous materials response, and terrorist
and Information
Responsible for the enterprise management, situational
awareness, network defense, and command and control of all Air
Force terrestrial, space, and airborne networks in support of air,
space, and cyberspace
operations across the competition
. Provides combat-ready forces and communications
and information infrastructure and expertise enabling sustained
combat operations through cyberspace and the integration of
those operations with air and space operations worldwide.
Provides contingency contracting support to operations and
support activities by establishing contracts and agreements to
acquire mission
-essential supplies and services throughout the
initial deployment, buildup, sustainment, termination, and
redeployment phases.
Distribution personnel arrange for end-to-end transportation of
passengers, equipment and materiel in support of deployment,
redeployment, sustainment and retrograde. Distribution
personnel provide a wide range of transportation services,
luding packing and intermodal containerization of materiel,
movement planning, preparation for and movement of personnel
and cargo (including required customs processes),
receipt/delivery of inbound personnel and cargo, and in
Management (FM)
and Comptroller
Provides effective stewardship of the public purse and robust
decision support to commanders at all levels. At the onset of any
operation, FM provides disbursing and other financial services.
The FM/contracting tea
m is the commander's link to the local
economy for procurement and other cash operations. FM forces
are tailored to meet the commander's needs throughout the
lifecycle of the operation. They may mobilize with unit funds or
manage funds provided through an
Air Force component
command, combatant command,
other Service,
or other agency.
FM may budget and account for funds specifically appropriated
for the operation, or document expenditures for possible
reimbursement. FM provides financial analysis, cost, deci
support, financial services and disbursing through forces in
theater, financial systems, and reachback.
Force Support
Ensures warfighting capability by providing manpower and
ersonnel programs, life-sustaining and essential services, and
-of-life programs to support Air Force forces. Provides
total force accountability and personnel management to integrate
the regular, Guard, Reserve, and civilians to meet personnel
resource requirements. Provides casualty reporting capability to
ensure timely
and humane notification to next of kin. Provides
food service, mortuary affairs, lodging, fitness, protocol, retail
sales and services, laundry services, and recreational
opportunities. Responsible for manpower management,
organization designations, perfo
rmance management. Provides
mail services around the world in partnership with US
Transportation Command and the United States Postal Service.
Provides administrative support to commanders at all levels.
Provides education and training, alternative dispute
complaint processing, unit climate assessments and affirmative
employment programs; pre
-commissioning programs,
professional military education, professional continuing
education, higher education, and transition and career
assistance. Ensures
the Air Force's commitment to eliminate
sexual assaults through awareness and prevention training,
education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and
accountability. Provides military and family support capability
through programs for deployed members a
nd families that
support Airman resiliency and reintegration.
Health Services
Provides force health protection (FHP), which is a "total life
cycle" health support system that addresses all health
threats affecting the combat force. The three primary focal points
of FHP are a healthy fit force, casualty prevention, and casualty
care and management.
Provides Air Force leadership at all levels with accurate and well-
analyzed historical information and documentation of key
activities in
cluding collection, preservation, evaluation, and
interpretation of current operational data. These data are used to
enhance the combat capability of the Air Force.
Judge Advocate
Provides legal advice to commanders and other personnel on all
areas of com
bat support, including command relations; military
justice; personnel issues; fiscal law; contracting actions; ethics;
environmental law; claims; status of forces agreements; the law
of war; international agreements; rule of law; and specialized
legal supp
ort in multinational, civil-military, and combat
operations. Provides legal services, including legal assistance,
that maximize the legal readiness of the force on both
organizational and personal levels.
Logistics Planning
Provides site planning, management of war reserve materiel,
and implementation of efficient combat support
across the
competition continuum. Provides the planning
component for deploying to, reception of forces in, sustaining,
and redeploying fr
om an operational area.
Maintains, repairs, and supports multiple weapon systems and
associated equipment, and support equipment. Provides
organizational, intermediate, and depot
-level maintenance both
on the flightline and in repair facilitie
s. Also includes battle
damage repair and crash and recovery operations when
Provides assistance to commanders and equipment custodians
in the proper transfer and accounting of assigned equipment
assets. Procures, receives, s
tores, issues, and accounts for
assigned readiness spares assets. Monitors, controls, and
reports status of reparable assets. Acts as the primary liaison
between the unit and supporting logistics support centers. It is an
enabling capability that supports
sustainment of Airmen,
weapons systems, and facilities to provide responsive,
consistent, and reliable support to the warfighter during
peacetime and war.
Procures, requisitions, manages, allocates, and maintains
munitions to include storage, maintenance,
assembly/disassembly, staging, delivery, protection, and
reconstitution efforts.
Public Affairs
Provides communication advice and support to commanders at
all levels. Plans, conducts, synchronizes, integrates, and
evaluates communication planning, command information, media
operations, community engagement, visual information,
counterpropaganda, Air Force band, and security and policy
review activities to g
ain and maintain local, national, and
international support for military operations and communicates
resolve in a manner that provides global influence and
Promotes a safe environment for air, space, and cyberspace
forces to live and
work, resulting in the preservation of vital
resources. Assists with implementation and integration of risk
management into all operations and missions. Focuses on
mishap prevention and proactive safety in all mission sets to
preserve combat capability.
Science and
Includes basic research, applied research, and advanced
technology development. Basic research includes all scientific
study and experimentation directed toward increasing
fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of th
physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to
-term national security needs. Applied research translates
promising basic research into solutions for broadly defined
military needs and includes studies, investigations, and non
tem specific technology efforts. Advanced technology
development includes development of subsystems and
components and efforts to integrate subsystems and
components into system prototypes for field experiments and
tests in a simulated environment. For the
purpose of combat
support, science and technology are focused on fielding,
protecting, supporting, and sustaining Air Force forces
across the competition continuum.
Security Forces
Contributes to the overall effort by protecting and securing
operationally critical installations, personnel, facilities, and
systems. Security Force capabilities include: Area security
operations, base security operations, law and order, combat
arms, military working dogs, and nuclear security operations.
Studies, Analyses
and Assessments
Provides specialized analytic support for strategic planning,
operational and developmental planning, requirements
assessments, modernization and recapitalization of systems and
programs, and the planning, programming, bud
geting, and
execution decision processes.
Test and Evaluation
Ensures weapons systems are operationally effective and
suitable; incorporates lessons learned during T&E of a new
system to increase its agility; takes a rapid response process
developed in response to a critical wartime need, and
makes sure it will work as designed; and readies an immature
weapons system for immediate wartime deployment, making
critical decisions as to the system’s ability to perform its mission
sufficiently wel
l to warrant deployment without jeopardizing
irreplaceable resources or delaying the system’s initial operating
Weather Services
Provides timely and accurate environmental data and
information, including climatological assessments and space and
atmospheric weather, integral to the decision process and timing
for employing forces and planning and conducting air, ground,
and space launch operations.