Review: Marantz PMD-300CP Cassette Tape Recorder
Mike Rivers
© 2019
After having this cassette deck around for a few weeks, I moved all my notes,
test data, screen shots, and photos from the workshop to the writing office and
sat down to a blank screen thinking about how I could start this review. I came up
with three ideas: I could give you a description, tell you what it sounds like and
how it works, and verify its specs. I could dive right into my “Trust But Verify”
mode and explain the various lab tests I performed on it, leading into a detailed
discussion of how the test results agreed or not with the published specs and
how they help to explain how it sounds. But I decided that the best place to start
is to address the problem for which this cassette deck is a potential solution.
The Problem
Unless you’re part of the culture (or more likely, the cult) that has a special
fondness for the sound of cassettes, you might wonder why anyone would be
interested in buying a new cassette deck in 2019. You probably haven’t listened
to a cassette in years, or maybe you’re young enough never to have been
exposed to the medium at all except in on-line discussions about how horrid they
sound, which often dovetails with a discussion about how horrid MP3 files sound.
Musicians and music lovers who came of age between the mid 1960s and up into
the ‘90s are the ones with the problem. You know that box of cassettes in a
closet that you haven’t listened to in more than 20 years, but you never had the
heart to throw them away? Nostalgia catches up with you and you wonder if
there’s any good music there – after all, you must have enjoyed it at one time.
Perhaps there are recordings of your high school or college bands, “car tapes,”
or pre-recorded cassettes of hit albums that you loved and never got around to
getting on CD. There might be recordings of concerts you attended or favorite
radio programs, or some family history like grandpa telling stories or playing the
accordion. You have the cassettes, but your last cassette deck, working or not,
went to Goodwill or the dump years ago. Or you rescue that forgotten player from
the basement, only to discover that it no longer works. Long periods of idle time
take a toll on the mechanical tape transports.
In June of 2018 I attended a three-day workshop on audio and video archiving,
restoration, and preservation. While much of the focus was on the technology of
playing obsolete media like cylinders and lacquer disks with the surface flaking
off, there was plenty of attention paid to analog tape. The focus there was both
on preservation of historically important recordings and re-releasing near-
contemporary major label material as means to make new money from old
projects. Those are expensive projects that are usually funded by grants or the
record labels that own the masters. But a few of us got to talking after hours
about “the rest of us” with personal collections of recordings, too long dormant,
that may have some personal or even historical value. These analog tapes, reel-
to-reel or cassette, rarely have sufficient tangible value to warrant paying a
professional to transfer them to digital media, but wouldn’t it be fun to enjoy them
again, and perhaps share them with others, let your kids or grandkids hear the
music you played when you were their age, or maybe even put a few of your
original tunes up for grabs on your Facebook page.
So, to get started on your archive digging, you need a cassette player. Ten years
or so ago, it was easy to find a working one in a thrift store for twenty bucks or
less. While it might be a bit worn and not up to its original performance specs, it
would work well enough for you to assess your collection. Those days are pretty
much gone, though. While you can still find used cassette decks for sale on eBay
or, on a recent browse of the sales, mostly what I saw were high
grade models selling for near-new prices of $500 to $2,000. I own a working
broadcast-quality workhorse TASCAM 122 Mk2 which, despite its nearly 30
years of age, I’ve managed to keep in decent working condition with love, care,
and a shop full of tools and test equipment. To keep it company, there are three
non-working, fairly high-grade cassette decks on my shelf of things too good to
throw away that maybe I’ll fix some day. Yeah, right!
A couple of months ago, a friend came to me for advice about digitizing a couple
of hundred cassettes. She’s a blues collector, documenter, and performing artist,
and wants to start a new project in which she wants to use material from these
recordings. Much of this collection is oral history – interviews and stories from
friends and family members, along with music casually recorded in living rooms -
not up to “release quality,” but valuable for its content. She no longer has a
functional cassette deck and wanted to get one suitable for her digitizing project.
She’s not a techie so I thought it would be best to buy something new rather than
take a chance on a used machine.
Cassettes aren’t a branch of recording technology that I keep up with, so I went
in search of something to recommend and I was shocked to find how few new
cassette decks are on the market today. I was able to find only two new models
that seemed worth considering, the Marantz PMD-300CP ($150) that I’ll be
reviewing here, and the TASCAM 202mkVII ($500). Given the price differential, I
decided to take a look at the less expensive Marantz first to see if it would be a
good recommendation for budget-minded friends and clients.
The Marantz name and trademark has a long history of top quality products in
the hi-fi field, but it’s been bounced around from company to company in recent
years and Marantz Professional is now under the InMusic brand umbrella. It’s in
pretty good company, with other brands you’re likely familiar with – Akai
Professional, Alesis, Denon Professional, M-Audio, Rane, and, among others,
the ION brand of low cost consumer grade home audio equipment. Here I
discovered another budget priced cassette deck, the ION TAPE 2 PC, which, for
about $30 less, appears, from the web site photo and specs, to be identical to the
Marantz Professional PMD-300CP. It’s been around since 2015 and appears to
be out of stock everywhere, so perhaps ION simply decided to revive it under a
new brand and name.
What It Is, and Isn’t
OK, so let’s get started with the review. The Marantz Professional PMD-300CP
(“Marantz” or “300CP” for shot) is a two-deck cassette player/recorder that
follows the form and function of many others that have come and gone. Deck A
on the left is playback-only, while Deck B on the right offers both playback and
recording. There’s a convenient cassette-to-cassette dubbing feature should you
desire to preserve and enhance the low-fidelity qualities of the cassette medium.
For extra-lo-fi and saving time, it will copy a tape at double speed. I did check out
the recording capability, though if your project is to digitize tapes, think of the
second deck as a backup for when the first deck wears out and you still have a
batch to go.
A key feature of the 300CP is plug-and-play cassette digitizing with no additional
hardware except a computer. A USB-A cable is included, along with a download
link to a very simple recording program, making this a very attractive package for
those with a closet full of cassettes and little or no knowledge of computer audio
interfacing. Whichever deck is used for playing the tape will be fed to the USB
output. I found no significant difference between Decks A and B, not surprising
since both transports appear to be identical except for an erase head on Deck B.
The rack ears are included, but are packed separately, along with screws to
attach them, should you want to rack mount the recorder.
The rear panel is pretty sparse - RCA jacks for input and output, a USB-B socket,
and a record level control to adjust the signal level between tape playback and
the A-to-D converter. Since tape levels tend to be all over the place, it’s an
important control for optimizing the level of the digital recording.
Overall dimensions are
16½”W x 8½”D x 5¼”H.
It’s quite a lightweight
according to my kitchen
scale - 7 pounds, 4
ounces without the rack
ears. When it comes to
electromechanical devices, I find that weight is often a fair indication of quality.
Given that my TASCAM 122mk2 weighs in at 16 pounds, 10 ounces, I was on
my guard when checking out the Marantz.
The LED meters have six segments, four green and two red. They display the
playback level when playing a tape in either deck, and the record level when
recording on Deck B. The first segment
turns on with the power switch and
remains on, serving as the pilot light and not really a level indicator.
The Noise Reduction switch engages a decoder for playback. All but the oldest
and crudest cassette decks offer Dolby B noise reduction, and when Dolby C
came along, it was included as a choice on better grade cassette decks. Since
the 300CP has no Dolby B/C switch, I asked Tech Support about it. Dolby no
longer makes the encoder/decoder chips that were standard (and the only way to
use the Dolby name and trademark) during the long run of cassette deck
production, so Marantz had to come up with a substitute. I didn’t test this
extensively, but it appears to be reasonably accurate with the couple of Dolby B
tapes I tried. Without going too far astray here, I’ll tell you that it’s all too common
to find Dolby-encoded tapes in a collection that aren’t annotated as such. If you
flip the Noise Reduction switch in order to decide whether an unmarked tape is
Dolby or not, intuition will usually lead you to leave noise reduction off in
playback because it sounds brighter that way - and you could be wrong. This is a
problem high on the tape archivist’s list.
The first thing I did after unpacking the deck was put it on the bench, fire it up,
load up a nicely recorded cassette that I knew pretty well, and started to plug in a
set of headphones to give it a listen. Surprise! There’s no headphone jack!
There’s no end to what cost-cutting a manufacturer will do in order to meet a
price point, and a half-dollar’s worth of parts can increase the end price by ten to
fifteen times that. Of course the analog outputs can be connected to an outboard
amplifier or powered speakers for monitoring or listening. Still, this might be a bit
of an inconvenience as there’s no on-board playback volume control.
A related quirk is that when recording on Deck B, whether the source is from
Deck A or the analog inputs, the analog outputs are muted. If you want to monitor
what you’re recording (and you should), you’ll need to monitor the USB output via
your computer’s audio outputs.
The Marantz accommodates two different tape types, ferric oxide (standard) and
chromium dioxide (CrO
, sometimes called “chrome”). These refer to the
compounds used to make the tape’s oxide coating (the recording surface). The
two oxide formulations require different bias and equalization settings in order to
obtain optimum performance. There’s a third tape type, metal particle, which this
deck doesn’t accommodate. There are individual tape type buttons, labeled
CRO2, for playback (on either deck) and Deck B recording – in for chrome tape,
out for standard. Most original tape labels include the oxide type so you
determine the proper switch setting, crossing your fingers that the tape was
recorded with the proper setting, and if you’re recording a cassette, set the tape
type in accordance with the label. Cassette shells have notches in the top edge
to indicate the oxide type and some decks have a sensor that detects the oxide
type to set EQ and bias automatically, but on the Marantz, you need to set it
These are “soft” switches that default to “off” (standard) on power-up. The
appropriate author-thing to say here is “Don’t ask me how I know this” so I’ll tell
you. I was making some measurements with a chrome tape and was puzzled by
unrepeatable results until I noticed that the CRO2 indicator LED was off after
coming back to the bench after powering down for lunch.
There’s a tape position indicator. It’s a counter rather than a time display, and it
only functions for Deck B. It doesn’t provide sufficient resolution to cue up a song
in the middle of the cassette, but will get you in the ballpark. For no particular
reason, I gravitated toward using Deck A for most playback, and it would have
been useful to have the counter active. A dime’s worth of parts could
automatically switch the counter to the deck in use, with a default to one or the
other when copying a tape.
A few words about the digital USB output: The converter (actually classified as a
codec) is a single IC, a Burr Brown (TI) PCM2900C, combining a 16-bit converter
with an internal USB2.0 interface. It’s clocked from the USB stream, and
operates at either 44.1 or 48 kHz sample rate as set by the recording program.
It’s a class-compliant audio device and it requires no special driver for Mac or
Windows operating systems. I tried using the almost-universal Windows ASIO
driver ASIO4ALL, which didn’t recognize the device. The chief benefit of using an
ASIO driver is lower (and adjustable) latency, which is unimportant for playback.
Marantz’ goal was to make digitizing tapes simple for the non-tech user, and
that’s what you get.
Although the PCM2900C is bi-directional (it’s a D/A converter as well as an A/D
converter), you can’t use the Marantz as an audio interface. The analog inputs go
only to Deck B, with no signal path from the analog inputs to the USB output.
On the practical side, the noise and distortion in the digital signal path is better
than a cassette will ever be, so there’s nothing lost with the “CD quality”
digitizing. I would prefer 24-bit resolution, though, so I could be more
conservative when setting the digital record level. Furthermore, if cleaning up the
digital transfer is in your plans, some software processing tools work better with a
higher resolution file, and at 2x sample rates. Bottom line - the USB digital output
is for convenience. If you plan to do some serious rescue work on your
recordings, I’d suggest using the Marantz’ analog to feed an outboard computer
audio interface for flexibility in setting sample rate and resolution. But remember
that the best interface money can buy won’t get you a better digital copy than
what comes out of the tape deck.
Under The Hood
There isn’t a whole lot of there, there – the two tape transports, a power
transformer, a fairly sparsely populated main circuit board, the front panel board
with its switches and meter display, and a small digital board for the analog-to-
digital-to- USB conversion.
Decent quality Chinese-made components populate the cleanly laid out main
circuit board. Circuitry is largely discrete (note the plethora of transistors) with a
couple of dual op-amps and FET switching ICs.
Tape recording and playback electronics isn’t terribly complicated, and today’s
low-noise analog ICs make it relatively easy to achieve a good signal-to-noise
ratio. What’s important is how the circuit and mechanical design are integrated
into the final product. Sometimes, here, cost cutting takes its toll.
The most important part of analog tape deck design (and maintenance, as well)
is to assure that the tape makes perfect contact with the heads and moves
across them in a very precise manner. The PMD-300CP’s transports are pretty
light-duty, built from stamped metal and plastic parts that don’t give a lot of
confidence in this area. It uses a single brushless DC motor with belts, plastic
pulleys, and clutches to drive the capstan and reel spindles.
Note the
erase head
to the left on
Deck B, and
the lack of
guides in the
head area (of
The rather
skinny drive
belts are
evident in the
rear view.
buttons are
and feel
rather stiff to
operate, but
they do what
supposed to
Overall build
quality is
good, fit and
finish are pretty good – things that I’ve come to expect from Chinese factory-
made electronics today. Had Marantz chosen a more robust transport, I expect
that overall performance would have been noticeably better, but I understand
how that would affect the price. In the field of consumer and even some pro
audio products, there are always decisions about component choice, and some
are made with cost in mine. The engineering department might be able to sell the
marketing department on spending an extra dime for a low-noise version of an
IC, but not an extra $25 for a tape transport with a robust cast frame and
machined guides.
In Use
To be honest, I haven’t listened to a cassette in probably 10 years other than in
the car or when making a digital copy for a friend or client, so I started out by
conditioning my ears. I picked out a cassette copy of a recording that I made of
one of The Newgrass Revival’s last shows in 1989 before disbanding. This copy
was made on my (now defunct) Sony TCM-5M, a high quality portable cassette
recorder, as a secondary backup to a DAT. I loaded it into my TASCAM 122 Mk2
deck, hit Play, and sat back to listen. I was actually rather impressed - it sounded
better than I thought a cassette could sound. Good cassettes can sometimes
sound pretty good when recorded with good equipment.
Then I loaded the tape into the Marantz, started it playing, matched the level to
the TASCAM playback as best I could using an SPL meter, and thought “gee,
this sounds like a cassette” – overall not as good as when played in the
TASCAM. The Marantz wasn’t missing any highs or lows, it wasn’t clipping, nor
suffering from audible wow and flutter, and didn’t have the brittle sound of high
order harmonic distortion, but it was missing some clarity. Not horrid, but not
impressive like the TASCAM. I thought that what I was hearing could be
intermodulation (IM) distortion, a form of distortion that I can’t immediately
recognize by ear.
Turning to what I expect to be its likely application - digitizing a cassette
collection - I connected the USB port to a computer (Windows) and, just as
advertised, it was promptly recognized as an audio playback device. With the
idea in mind that I might want to recommend this cassette deck to someone who
had a digitizing job ahead but didn’t have any experience with computer
recording, I fired up a copy of Audacity, a free and very capable recording
program that I’d recommend to a novice on a tight budget.
I copied about half an hour of the Newgrass Revival tape to the computer, then
rewound the tape and started both the Marantz and Audacity playing in close-as-
I-could-get-it sync. Switching the monitors back and forth between the analog
playback from the Marantz and the output from my shop computer’s interface, a
Mackie Satellite, they sounded very much alike. I attributed the occasional
difference to the fact that cassette playback is never exactly the same twice due
to its mechanical nature, while the digital playback is completely repeatable. I
have no quibbles with the Marantz’ digital output, except on general principle that
it’s only 16-bit at standard sample rates.
The rear panel playback level control is a very worthwhile addition. Since it’s in
the audio path ahead of the A/D converter, by watching the recording program’s
meters, the digital record level can be set properly to avoid clipping while keeping
a healthy program level. I really wish they had put it on the front panel, however. I
fear many users will ignore it, ending up with either clipped or wimpy digital dubs.
It could be ganged to the front panel Record Level control, with the same knob
used to adjust both the digital (USB) and analog (Deck B) record level, whichever
you’re using. This would be a good update if there were a Mark 2 version.
Knowing that there will be some users looking for a no-brainer solution to digitize
their tapes, I downloaded and fired up the EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter application
that’s offered for the PMD-300CP. It’s the same program that ION provides with
other audio products such as their USB turntables. The Windows version saves
recordings as WAV files only, while the Mac version gives you a choice of
several compressed formats (MP3, AAC, etc.) as well as WAV. Instructions are
included for using iTunes to convert WAV files to other formats.
This program is really simple and straightforward, with the only one option –
recording a tape from beginning to end in a single file, or splitting the recording
into individual files when the program detects a period of silence. This could be
useful when transferring a tape of a record album, though it may be more of a
nuisance if the material is a live show or spoken word. With automatic track
splitting turned off, you can split tracks manually while recoding by clicking a
button in the program. The program does what it claims and it’ll work fine for the
user who just wants to make a digital transfer and doesn’t plan to get any more
involved with computer audio production.
Recording from the analog inputs to Deck B is straightforward. The front panel
REC LEVEL control allows you to adjust the record level using the meters as a
guide. This control and the meters work whether the recording source is Deck A
or the analog inputs. The DUBBING button internally patches the output of Deck
A through the record level control to Deck B. The HI SPEED DUB button doubles
the speed of both transports for double-speed copying. I only tried this to verify
that it worked and didn’t make a critical comparison between the original and the
Recording Levels
A ¼” half-track analog tape
deck running at 15 ips is
typically calibrated for 1 to
3 percent THD at the
reference fluxivity indicated
by 0 VU on its meter.
Reference fluxivity,
expressed in Nanowebers
per meter (nW/m), is a
measure of the strength of
the magnetic field of the
record head when fed with
a standard signal level.
The original Ampex
standard is 185 nW/M,
though with the
improvement in magnetic
tape, higher flux levels,
which improve signal
noise ratio, can be used. In
the latter years, a reference
level of as great as 6 dB
higher than the Ampex
level was common.
A narrow track cassette
running at 1-
7/8 ips distorts
very badly at elevated flux
levels, though for the sake
of providing a good signal-
to-noise specification, the
Standard IEC/DIN
reference fluxivity for
cassettes was established
as 250 nW/m.
When playing a reference
tape at standard level, the
Marantz meters just tickle
[-3 dB] segment, where the
analog output level is
-10 dBV, the common
“consumer” operating level.
THD measures around 8%
on playback, which is why:
(a) When recording to tape,
you should keep the
below –3 dB, and (b) Why
a “hot” tape played on this
deck will probably sound
One gripe I had with operation, and this is clearly a personal bias, is that I just
couldn’t get my brain to accept a PLAY button at the left end of the transport
controls. I’ve spent too
many years using tape
recorders with the PLAY
button near the middle of the controls and the REC
button safely out of reach of a careless finger. I’d
probably get used to it after copying 100 cassettes or
so, though force of habit had me hitting STOP instead
of PLAY, usually ejecting the tape. Another minor gripe
with the transport controls is that the buttons require
quite a bit of force to operate. I had to put a hand on
the case when pressing the PLAY button in order to
keep the deck from sliding across the top of the bench
I was unable to take a good photo of the meters in
action, but here’s a close-up of the Marantz stock
picture. The leftmost
segment serves only as a
power indicator and is always on, leaving five steps of
metering. When recording to tape, the last green
segment, [-3 dB] is as high as you ever want to go.
When the level reaches the first red segment, [0 dB],
THD (total harmonic distortion) is greater than 10%.
This isn’t the “warm analog tape sound,” rather, it’s the
“crappy cassette sound.” Use the REC LEVEL control
and pay attention to the level when recording on to a
cassette! See the sidebar for the geeky explanation of why recording levels are
The bar at the upper right corner of the display illuminates red when Deck B is
recording. The four bars at the bottom of the display panel illuminate when the
CRO2 switches are engaged, and when the normal or High Speed DUBBING
mode is engaged.
The Gory Technical Details
When I write a review, rather than paraphrase the manufacturer’s sell sheet that
you can read on their web site, I fire up the test equipment and compare my
measurements with both the published performance parameters and what’s
reasonable for the device I’m testing. One of the basic tools for measuring an
analog tape decks’ performance and adjusting it for best performance is a
reference, or calibration tape. My cassette reference tape is 30 years old, so any
measurements that I make with it need to be granted some wiggle room to
compensate for the tape’s wear and degradation. When a measurement seemed
questionable, I duplicated the measurement on my TASCAM 122mk2 using the
same calibration tape to validate (or not) the results.
Frequency response as measured with the calibration tape was ±2.5 dB from
30 Hz to 15 kHz with a 2.5 dB rise at 30 Hz and a 2 dB drop at 15 kHz. The two
channels tracked within 0.5 dB. This is quite good considering that a new
calibration tape would probably play closer to flat at the high frequency end of the
range. It’s not unusual to find a low frequency hump when using a calibration
tape due to the magnetic field fringing effect. It occurs when recording, too, and,
while there’s sometimes a low frequency equalization adjustment, it’s rarely
perfect. This rise around 50 Hz adds some extra oomph to the low end, often
desirable when recording certain kinds of music – “analog warmth,” you know.
Frequency response tones on the calibration tape are recorded 20 dB below the
250 nW/m reference fluxivity level so as to avoid making measurements with
“tape compression,” a different anomaly that’s loved by many engineers.
Recording tones on Deck B and measuring the frequency response of the
playback yielded results quite similar to the calibration tape playback with
exception of the low frequency behavior. Here, there was about a 2.5 dB dip at
around 60 Hz where the calibration tape showed a boost around 50 Hz. To be
consistent with the playback frequency response measurements, I recorded my
test tones at the same level as the calibration tape. With the same head used for
recording and playback, the low frequency fringing effect should be minimal, so I
suspect that the dip around 60 Hz might be due to AC line frequency hum being
recorded and then partially cancelled by residual AC hum in the playback
electronics. There’s a fair amount of line frequency hum that I’ll address further
When it comes to noise, a bulk-erased tape plays back at about –50 dB
referenced to the maximum output level. The output is muted when a tape isn’t
running, so quiescent noise when stopped is essentially zero.
Distortion measurement was tricky. I have two hardware distortion analyzers, an
old Hewlett-Packard 334A and a relatively modern NTI Minilyzer ML1. For
record/playback at the –20 dB record level, the H-P measured around 0.05%
THD, which seems unrealistically low. The Minilyzer measured 6.5%, which
seemed unrealistically high. THD (not including noise) calculated from the
amplitude of the 2
and 3
harmonics read off the spectrum plot of the 315 Hz
test tone at 250 nW/M comes to around 1.5%, which is a bit above the
manufacturer’s stated THD of “<1% @ 1 kHz” but believable and not
Since the frequency response and THD seemed acceptable, I started looking for
what made the Marantz not sound as good, when playing music, as my reference
TASCAM. I looked at the Marantz’ output with a spectrum analyzer and that’s
where things got interesting. Here’s a spectrum plot of the 315 Hz tone on the
calibration tape, using Sound Forge along with the spectrum analyzer plug-in
SPAN from Voxengo Software:
Great Googly Moogly! Look at all that garbage!
In a perfect world, the big spike at 315 Hz sould be the only pronounced peak
present in the spectrum, but nothing’s perfect. The 60 Hz AC power line
frequency is visible here, along with several of its harmonics. I’ve annotated the
and 3
harmonics, but they’re visible above the noise floor up to around the
harmonic. Given that this 315 Hz tone is recorded near maximum level, some
harmonics are to be expected, however, there are also spikes at frequencies not
related to either the AC line or test tone frequencies. Most of this spurious noise
is 40 dB or less below the level of the test tone, but it all contributes to the
THD+N figure.
For comparison, here’s a shot of the
same tape played on my TASCAM
122mk2 deck, which measures
substantially lower THD+N than the
Marantz. This plot is zoomed in to
show more detail where it matters. The
overall noise of floor of the TASCAM is
10 dB lower than the Marantz, and
only the 3
and 5
harmonics of the
test frequency are of significant amplitude. Cleaner spectrum equals cleaner
So where are all those spurious frequencies in the Marantz coming from? And
how much do they matter? The relatively clean TASCAM spectrum demonstrates
that they aren’t coming off the tape, so to eliminate the tape from the Marantz
measurements, I used a tool called a “flux loop.” It simulates the varying
magnetic field as a
recorded portion of
tape crosses the
playback head gap.
This allows testing of a
tape deck’s signal path,
independent of the
heads and tape path.
Other than one that
Ampex sold which
mates perfectly with
the AG-440 head
assembly, this isn’t a
commercially available
tool. The one I use is
home-made, from
about 30 turns of #24
enamel wire wound
around a scrap of
perforated circuit
breadboard material. It’s driven by an oscillator with a resistor in series to
maintain constant current through the coil at all test frequencies. It’s important to
keep the coil in a fixed position while making measurements, hence the spring
clamp you see in this photo. If you one a tape deck, I encourage you to make
and experiment with a flux loop. You can learn a lot from it.
In order to use the flux loop, the tape deck needs to think that there’s actually a
tape being played. In the PMD-300CP, the output is muted until a cassette is
loaded and the Play button is pressed, so with a piece of tape, I fooled the
mechanical sensor that tells the electronics that a cassette is ready to play.
There are a couple of other switches on the rear of the transport chassis that
operate when the Play button is pressed – one un-mutes the output, the other
starts the motor. With everything in place, the coil of wire couples the signal
generator’s output to the playback head and it appears at the deck’s audio
Using the flux loop, I ran a frequency response check in both the standard oxide
and CRO
modes. Because the signal isn’t actually coming off tape, what you
see with a constant amplitude frequency sweep is the reciprocal of the
equalization curve. By using a table of frequency versus amplitude values for the
standard equalization curves, I confirmed that the equalizer section of the
playback electronics is doing its job properly. To avoid distortion in the
electronics, I set the generator level so that at the peak of the EQ curve, the
output level was –20 dBu.
By raising the amplitude of the signal feeding the flux loop and looking at the
output waveform with an oscilloscope, I was able to correlate the recorder’s VU
meter reading with the point where distortion begins. Here’s what a 30 Hz sine
wave from the flux loop at 0 dB on the VU meter looks like at the output of the
Marantz, and
The Marantz
has a lot of
distortion at
the lowest
It’s not nearly as horrid looking above about 100 Hz. To put a positive spin on
what looks like substantial distortion, for recordings heavy on the bass (did they
have EDM 30 years ago?) you might actually like the punch that the harmonic
distortion gives it. But it’s still distortion.
With the flux loop setup, I was able to put the Marantz into Play mode without
actually playing a tape, and by jiggering the motor switch, I could look at the
noise spectrum with and without the motor running. With the motor running,
there’s a spike at around 107 Hz, with its harmonics up to around 3 kHz visible
above the noise floor. I’ve annotated the fundamental and its first three
harmonics here. Then I opened the motor switch and all of those spikes went
away, leaving only the power line frequency and a few of its harmonics.
Well, we have an “AHA!” moment here. All of those mysterious noise spikes
going well up the spectrum is coming from the motor. It’s at a low enough level
so that its inaudible on its own, but it contributes to the THD+N measurement,
and provides plenty of frequencies to contribute intermodulation distortion to the
tape playback.
Interestingly, the fundamental frequency of the motor noise follows the speed of
the motor, which is why I said the frequency was “about” 107 Hz. Putting a finger
on a pulley or the pinch roller to put more drag on the motor causes the motor
noise frequency to drop.
Still, the frequency response, noise, and harmonic distortion measurements don’t
suggest why a tape played on the Marnatz PMD-300CP doesn’t sound as good
as when it’s played on my TASCAM 122mk2. When playing the test tape, the
spectrum shows some close-in sidebands around the test frequencies that aren’t
present with when introducing those same frequencies with the flux loop. This
suggests that the sidebands are a product of frequency modulation of the
playback – “flutter,” in common lingo. A certain amount of flutter is present in all
tape decks; in fact some think that this is part of the analog sound that they love,
though in professional tape decks, it can be extremely low.
I’ve been using common and mostly free software tools (Room EQ Wizard, the
Voxengo SPAN spectrum analysis plug-in - Audacity, and Sound Forge) in
conjunction with bench test equipment - but I don’t have a tool for measuring
flutter other than to make a rough estimate from the spread and amplitude of the
spectrum of a single tone.
A web search for a software application that quantitatively measures flutter
turned up only source, the Virtins Technology Multi-Instrument program.
Unfortunately the only version that includes wow and flutter measurement costs
$500, more that I can justify for the little work I do on analog tape decks these
days. However, there’s a fully functional trial version that did the trick, presuming
that you have a speed/flutter test tape (I do – a 3 kHz tone). The program
performs a spectrum analysis of the tone when playing the tape, crunches
numbers, and comes out with a number for both weighted and unweighted flutter.
Here are the Virtins spectrum plots for the Marantz and my reference TASCAM
decks side by side for comparison.
Notice the difference in the width of the spectrum spike and the height of the
widened portion, which represent sidebands surrounding the test frequency
created by speed fluctuations as the tape moves through the guides and across
the heads.
The common flutter specification that you’ll find published for a tape deck (or
turntable, for that matter) is a bandwidth-limited measurement that measures the
amount of frequency deviation, but measures the frequency modulation only up
to 250 Hz. This is the kind of flutter that causes a steady tone like a piano note to
warble. It’s typically caused by bad bearings, a dirty or out-of-round drive wheel,
tape dragging on a reel flange or cassette shell, motor speed variations, or
irregular tape tension.
Unweighted flutter is calculated on the full bandwidth of the detected modulation
frequency, usually up to 5 kHz. It’s typically the result of inadequately supported
tape in the head path, tape scraping on guides, or not making perfect contact
with the head, all of which results in high-speed vibration of the tape in its travels.
This has a special name – “scrape flutter.” It’s the mechanical equivalent of
digital jitter, and has similar audible effects.
The Marantz weighted flutter clocked in at 0.25%, close enough to its specified
“<0.2%,” allowing for the stability of my test tape and the program’s method of
calculation. In comparison, under the same test conditions, the TASCAM’s
weighted flutter measured 0.08%. Unweighted (full bandwidth) flutter, however, is
a different story. Here, the Marantz measured 0.9% while the TASCAM
measured 0.15%.
Having observed and commented previously on the rather lightweight tape
transport design and build, I believe that excessive scrape flutter is what gives
the Marantz playback a tendency toward murky sound.
The Wrap
So here’s the deal. This is an inexpensive cassette deck. Build quality appears to
be decent with the exception of the light-duty tape transports. Unfortunately,
when it comes to tape, the transport is the make-or-break part of the playback
system. This one is OK, far from exceptional, decent living room quality, but
nothing “professional.” I think it’s a good buy for the price as long as you
understand and accept what it is. I expect that most people interested in buying
one will be using it for a DIY cassette-digitizing project. The scope of such a
project can vary widely, mostly with the size of the collection and what you intend
to do with the digital copies. If you’re willing to accept that the playback (and
hence your digital copy) of your cassette won’t be as good as it could possibly
be, you might be satisfied with a Marantz PMD-300CP. But if you have some
high quality cassette recordings, they’re probably worth playing on a better
machine than this.
What it will certainly be fine for, if you have a large collection of tapes that you
haven’t heard in years, is to catalog them. You can listen, at least with one ear
open, while copying them to digital format, take note of any exceptional ones,
and also weed out the ones that you can’t figure out why you ever saved. You’ll
get listenable digital copies, and if you discover a small number of gems that
deserve to be preserved with the best fideleit, you can take those to a
I can’t guess how the current generation of cassette fans will accept the Marantz
as far as making new cassette recordings. It’s not hi-fi, that’s for sure - it’s
cassette-fi, but it may be sufficiently low-fi to appeal to those in the movement.
That’s not intended to be judgmental, just the best reason I can think of why
anyone would want to record a cassette today. But if that’s what you want, the
Marantz will do it.
I knew pretty much what to expect when I undertook this review, and while the
PMD-300CP didn’t completely disappoint me, I wasn’t enthusiastic enough about
it to keep it for my own shop. Working with it for several weeks was a good reality
check for me. Since most of my analog tape experience has been with
professional-grade tape decks, both cassette and reel-to-reel, working with this
one was a bit of a revelation, and it provided opportunity to dig into the causes for
distortion that’s clearly audible but that you won’t find within published
performance specifications. It’s easy to find reasons for never wanting to deal
with tape again, but you have that closet full of cassettes, and the Marantz
PMD-300CP could be a cost-effective way to preserve them in digital form as
long as if you’re satisfied with the sound of the playback.
What I’d like to see for the purpose is a cassette deck with a well built and robust
tape transport (which the Marantz lacks), and solid electronics to support it
(which, mostly, the Marantz has). It could playback-only, with the cost saved by
eliminating an erase head and record electronics put into more precise
mechanical design and implementation. I think that incorporating the USB
interface is a good feature, as it simplifies the digitizing process for the non-
technical user. I’ve seen sweat break out when I tell someone “Just buy a cable
and connect the output of your cassette deck to the line input on your computer.”
However, I’d like to see higher resolution available for the analog-to-digital
conversion. I suspect that Marantz assumed that users would be making CDs
from their cassettes, so “CD quality” was sufficient, but I there will be a fair
number of users will want to experiment with digital processing to do some
cleanup work, and starting out with a higher resolution file often gets the best
If Marantz or TEAC gets hold of this article, perhaps they’ll consider building a
less compromised and dedicated cassette transfer machine, if it’s not already too
late. If I hear about it, I’ll give it a good workout.
Finally, here are some useful related links:
An article all about flutter, from the too-soon-late Dale Manquen, one of the most
knowledgeable folks when it comes to what makes a good tape deck good.
SPAN from Voxengo Software, my go-to spectrum analyzer. This is a free DAW
plug-in available in formats to work with just about any audio recording program
more advanced than the simple “voice recorder” or “CD maker,” including
Audacity (below)
Audacity – a fine and free open source and multi-platform (it even runs on Linux
systems) audio recording and editing program for when you want to tweak your
digitized copies of your cassettes. It comes with a slew of tools, many of which
are useful for cleaning up hum and other noises.
Using A Flux Loop – The original Ampex training document that includes
information about the different equalization curves that have become standards
(and some not-so standard). Make a flux loop and check out your tape deck.
Virtins Multi-Instrument – This is the software I used for flutter measurements,
and it’s capable of measuring just about anything about an audio signal. The full
version is quite expensive, though you can have fun with the free trial version
that works for a month. You’ll need test tapes in order to establish playback
baselines accurately, but there’s a lot you can learn even if you have to make
your own test tape by recording and then measuring the playback characteristics.
Standard test tapes – These are expensive but I’m including a good resource for
those not faint of heart or budget. You’ll also find cassette test tapes of varying
quality for sale on eBay.