Use digital language lab setup in a
language classroom or other location.
Typically the language lab has features
to broadcast the master CD and the
proctor centrally controls recording of
student responses.
AP Exam Digital Audio
Recording Options
How many students will be taking each exam?
Do you have sucient IT and facility sta available for the required setup and support?
How will you accommodate your largest exam? For AP
world language and culture
Will proctors be familiar and comfortable with the recording devices and equipment?
exams, will your students record together or in smaller groups? Remember, for AP Music
Exam administration must adhere to the requirements and policies published in the
Theory, the sight-singing part must be administered to one student at a time.
2016-17 AP Coordinator’s Manual.
Description Use a computer lab with desktop
computers (Mac or PC) running MP3
recording software.
Master CD is played in the room,
students press start/pause/stop to
record responses on their computer
when instructed.
Set up laptops (Mac or PC) running
MP3 recording software in a temporary
testing room (e.g., classroom, gym).
Master CD is played in the room,
students press start/pause/stop to
record responses on their laptop
when instructed.
Use handheld digital recorders
in a temporary testing room
(e.g. classroom, gym).
Master CD is played in the room,
students press start/pause/stop to
record responses on their handheld
digital recorder when instructed.
Specications Computers used for AP testing
must be school owned and controlled,
must remain in the school at all times,
and may not be assigned to individual
Responses must be recorded as
a single le (one per student) in
MP3 format.
Laptops used for AP testing must
be school owned and controlled, must
remain in the school at all times, and may
not be assigned to individual students.
Responses must be recorded as
a single le (one per student) in
MP3 format.
Recorders used for AP testing must
be school owned and controlled, must
remain in the school at all times, and may
not be assigned to individual students.
Responses must be recorded as a single
le (one per student) in the MP3 format.
The recorder must have a means
to copy/move the recorded le to a
computer (via USB cable, removable
storage media, or Wi-Fi connection).
Stations, devices, or computers
used by students must be school
owned and controlled.
The digital language lab must
support AP testing: responses
recorded as a single le (one per
student) in MP3 format.
and Software
Windows PC—Various
(HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Asus, others)
Recording Software
Audacity (Windows/Mac) and
GarageBand (Mac only) are
commonly used.
Windows PC—Various
(HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Asus, others)
Recording Software
Audacity (Windows/Mac) and
GarageBand (Mac only) are
commonly used.
Sony (ICD-PX333, ICD-PX440
and ICD-UX533)
Olympus (WS-852, WS-853
and WS-821)
Various (For example, Stevens
Learning Systems, Robotel, Sanako,
SANS, ASC/ReLANpro, and others)
Recording Software
Typically supplied by the digital
language lab vendor.
*Note: The AP Program does not endorse any particular software, brand, or device. The brands and models listed are examples only; other brands and models may also be suitable. Review the specications of any models before purchasing to ensure they will be
acceptable for testing. All equipment, devices, and systems used for testing must comply with AP Program security requirements. See the 2016-17 AP Coordinator’s Manual.
**All sections of AP Exams must be administered following the AP Program’s seating polices. For the speaking part of world language and culture exams, it is preferable to have students spaced at least 8 feet (2.4 m) apart. For Music Theory exams, the sight-singing
part must be administered to one student at a time where the student can both practice and perform in isolation from other students. See page 54 of the 2016-17 AP Coordinator’s Manual for details.
Advantages Typically no new equipment
(computer/headset) or software
purchase required for AP testing.
Computers might already be set up
in a manner that could be used to
administer the free-response
Typically no new equipment
(computer/headset) or software
purchase required for AP testing.
Can be used in typical classroom
that meets AP spacing/seating
Can administer all sections of the
exam (multiple choice, written free
response, spoken free response) in
one location.
Can be used in typical classroom that
meets AP spacing/seating requirements.
Can administer all sections of the exam
(multiple choice, written free response,
spoken free response) in one location.**
Lightweight and easy-to-transport
recorders are ideal when o-site testing
is necessary
Minimal IT involvement and pre-exam
setup required.
Easily used by AP teachers for
instruction during the school year.
Dedicated equipment eliminates
scheduling conicts of shared
No software/hardware updates required.
No equipment or software
purchase required for AP testing.
Lab stations already set up in a manner
that could be used to administer the
free-response section.**
Typically, the proctor controls
recording process.
Often used by AP teachers for
instruction during the school year.
Limitations Conguration of the lab might not
meet AP seating requirements.**
May need to install recording software.
Depending on the software used,
some students might nd the recording
interface confusing.
Need to conrm lab availability for
exam day/reserve the lab ahead of time.
Signicant IT and facility setup may
be required (computers, tables, power,
networking, etc.).
May need to install recording software.
Depending on the software used, some
students might nd the recording
interface confusing.
May need to purchase new recorders
(average $50/unit) in a quantity large
enough for your largest exam or largest
single recording group.
Proctors must be familiar with
and trained on the use of the lab
recording equipment.
Need to conrm lab availability for
exam day/reserve the lab ahead of time.
Key Questions Can you overcome any conguration
limitations? (Perhaps using every-other
computer and computers that face the
same direction, etc.?)**
Do the computer models meet the
necessary specications for recording?
Can you reserve the lab for AP testing?
Does your school plan to maintain the
computer lab for the next several years?
Does the laptop model meet the
necessary specications for recording?
Do you have sucient IT and facility
sta resources available for the required
setup (for each exam)?
Do you have sucient laptops at your
school/district to administer your largest
exam and can they be committed for use
for AP testing?
Do you have a budget to purchase a
sucient quantity of devices?
Do you have school sta who can be
available after the exam administration
to provide support for le transfer and
Do you have a language lab at your
school or district that can be used for
AP testing?
Does the room and station conguration
limit the number of students capable of
testing at one time?
**All sections of AP Exams must be administered following the AP Program’s seating polices. For the speaking part of world language and culture exams, it is
preferable to have students spaced at least 8 feet (2.4 m) apart. For Music Theory exams, the sight-singing part must be administered to one student at a time
where the student can both practice and perform in isolation from other students. See page 54 of the 2016-17 AP Coordinator’s Manual for details.
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