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The Hotelling Rule in Non-Renewable Resource
Economics: A Reassessment
Roberto P. Ferreira da Cunha, Antoine Missemer
To cite this version:
Roberto P. Ferreira da Cunha, Antoine Missemer. The Hotelling Rule in Non-Renewable Re-
source Economics: A Reassessment. Canadian Journal of Economics, 2020, 53 (2), pp.800-820.
�10.1111/caje.12444�. �hal-03216483�
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- published in the Canadian Journal of Economics (2020), 53(2), 800-820 -
Full reference:
FERREIRA DA CUNHA, Roberto P. and MISSEMER, Antoine. 2020. “The Hotelling Rule in Non-
Renewable Resource Economics: A Reassessment”. Canadian Journal of Economics, 53(2), 800-
The pagination of the published version is indicated in the margin.
Harold Hotelling’s 1931 contribution is known for providing a basic principlethe Hotelling ruleto the
economics of non-renewable resources. Nearly 90 years later, empirical tests conclude the rule lacks
empirical validity, requiring strong amendments to describe the long-term, aggregate behaviour of its
target object. On the basis of Hotelling’s unpublished archival material, this paper revisits the place given
to the Hotelling rule in non-renewable resource economics. Our reconstruction shows that Hotelling’s
1931 paper has been misinterpreted: from the outset, the Hotelling rule was not valid for mineral
resources. In contrast, the consideration of two inherent geological constraints, alongside exhaustibility,
offered the opportunity for an alternative basic framework, capable to generate bell-shaped and U-shaped
equilibrium trajectories for supplies and prices, respectively. Inspired by this unknown aspect of
Hotelling’s work brought to light by our archival investigation, we sketch this alternative basic model,
enabling non-renewable resource economics to circumvent the empirical shortfalls of the Hotelling rule.
[In 2020] Berkeley Research Group, LLC. Rua da Quitanda 86, 2° andar Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
E-mail: rcunha@thinkbrg.com
[In 2020] CNRS, CIRED Paris Centre international de recherche sur l’environnement et le développement
(UMR 8568 CNRS/ENPC/EHESS/AgroParisTech-University-of-Paris-Saclay/CIRAD), 45 bis av. de la Belle
Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex, France. E-mail: missemer@centre-cired.fr
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1. Introduction
“The Economics of Exhaustible Resources,”
published in April 1931, is considered a seminal
contribution for non-renewable resource
economics. Harold Hotelling proposed an
extensive analysis of the intertemporal
optimization of extraction paths under various
competitive conditions. He laid the foundations
for many research questions, including the role
of taxation and public regulation in extractive
sectors. Even if the Hotelling model is no longer
taught to students in the original form, the
lessons drawn from the 1931 article are still at
the ground of contemporary research and
teaching, in which the equation p
= p
• e
the role of basic principle.
In 1974, Robert M. Solow paid tribute to
Hotelling, labelling this equation as “the
Hotelling rule, the fundamental principle of
natural-resource economics” (Solow 1974,
p. 12). As far as we know, that was the first
occurrence of the expression “Hotelling rule,”
and Solow’s impulse, within the favourable
context of the oil price shock, reignited research
on the subject of non-renewable resources
(e.g., Levhari and Liviatan 1977, Dasgupta and
Heal 1979, Devarajan and Fisher 1981, Farzin
1984, 1992). Since then, the literature retains
finiteness, in the form of Hotelling’s hard
q dt a, as the central defining
factor of the class of non-renewable natural
Tests on the empirical validity of the
Hotelling rule, by itself, have concluded it is
unable to stick to reality, both in terms of
assumptions and capacity to predict real market
prices. Gaudet (2007), analyzing the price
evolution of 10 mineral resources throughout the
20th century, concluded the rate of change in
prices is approximately centred at zero, and not
at the interest rate. Livernois (2009) reviewed
34 empirical studies on the Hotelling rule,
concluding data does not provide overwhelming
support for it. Slade and Thille (2009), reviewing
roughly the same studies, concluded for the
rejection of the basic model by data. Further
empirical tests, of specific aspects of Hotelling’s
model, or of elementary extensions of the basic
model, reached the same conclusion (e.g., Hart
and Spiro 2011, Gaugler 2015, Atewamba and
Nkuiya 2017, Karp 2017).
The rejection of the basic model by data has
been remediated by the consideration of
additional real-world factors. The main ones
capable of bringing the basic model closer to
reality are technological progress (Slade 1982),
degradation costs (Pindyck 1978), durability
(Levhari and Pindyck 1981), market structure
(Salant 1976) and uncertainty (Kemp 1976).
Each extension inaugurated a modern branch in
non-renewable resource economics, expanding
and detailing the level of sophistication of each
factor within the original basic framework.
Nonetheless, the implementation of different
additional factors leads to questions about the
robustness and readability of the basic theory: by
varying the choice of factors to implement on the
model, one can attain diverging results. By
requiring strong amendments to represent its
target object, its value as a theoretical starting-
point comes into question.
This paper inquires whether a deeper
understanding of Hotelling’s 1931 contribution
can help us circumvent the empirical invalidity
of the Hotelling rule. We hypothesize the
prevailing understanding stems from a
problematic interpretation of the original
contribution, inaugurated through Solow’s 1974
labelling of Hotelling’s basic result as a rule. To
test this hypothesis, we investigated Hotelling’s
project on non-renewable resources through the
history of economic thought methodology,
allowing us to leverage unpublished materials
towards demonstrating potential theoretical gaps
left behind along the evolution of thought,
possibly changing the way we understand and
use theory going forward.
We based our investigation on an
unprecedented exploration of Hotelling’s
archives, stored at Columbia University
(hereafter HHP).
These materials seem to have
Many other extensions of Hotelling’s model have been
proposed in the literature over the past decades. For the
most recent years, we can notably cite Holland (2008),
Venables (2014), Okullo et al. (2015) and Anderson et al.
(2018). This list is not exhaustive.
Previous works in the field of history of economic thought
referring to non-renewable resources include Robinson
(1980, 1989), Kula (1998) and Missemer (2017, 2018).
HHP: Harold Hotelling Papers, Rare Book and Manuscript
Library, Columbia University, USA. Catalogue available at
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been consulted only by a few other scholars for
previous research (e.g., Crabbé 1986; Darnell
1988, 1990; Hands and Mirowski 1998), but
none of these works offer a comprehensive view
on Hotelling’s project regarding the economics
of non-renewable resources. The documents
stored at Columbia University consist of several
thousand sheets, filed in 58 boxes. Items related
to exhaustible resources are scattered in different
boxes. Thanks to a systematic review, we found
about 20 to 30 significant unpublished drafts,
preparatory documents and letters from 1924 to
1925 onwards worthy of interest for our inquiry.
Our paper is organized as follows. In
section 2, we investigate what sort of research
Hotelling was conducting in the 1920s, showing
his hesitation between a theoretical abstract
ambition and empirical concerns for what he
named at the time exhaustible resources.
section allows a clearer picture on the area of
validity, from the outset, for his basic result
which is different than what has been retained
from his article. In section 3, we closely review
Hotelling’s work on geological constraints for
his 1931 article. We reveal a neglected
fundamental role for them in his analysis.
Hotelling considered cumulative production x(t)
and the change in production q’(t) as
fundamental variables, and not additional
factors, constituting a potential alternative basic
model capable of attaining U-shaped trajectory
for pricesthe now empirically accepted
stylized fact for non-renewable resources. In
section 4 we provide our concluding remarks,
reassessing the Hotelling rule as the starting
point of mineral resource analysis.
This paper is part of the research project “Bifurcations in
Natural Resource Economics” (BNRE), sponsored by the
European Society for the History of Economic Thought
(ESHET). The objective has been to explore the genesis of
modern natural resource economics, notably through the
creation of a digital database of Hotelling’s economic
archives (7000+ images taken of 3000+ documents). The
project team mobilized researchers in natural resource
economics and history of economic thought over 2.5 years,
producing to date several coordinated articles and working
papers on complementary aspects related to Hotelling’s
research (e.g., Franco et al. 2019, Gaspard and Missemer
2019, Missemer et al. 2020, Missemer and Nadaud 2020).
What Hotelling reffered to as “exhaustible resources” are
now called “non-renewable resources.” In the following, we
use the modern term, except when it comes to evoking and
analyzing Hotelling’s project in its historical context.
2. Hotelling’s research on exhaustible
resources in the 1920s
2.1. From (natural) resources to assets, and
vice versa
Until the submission of his paper to the
Journal of Political Economy, most likely in the
fall of 1930,
Hotelling’s archives reveal,
regarding exhaustible resources, that he actually
worked along two approximately parallel lines of
research: a generic project on the valuation of
exhaustible assets, in the line of his theory of
depreciation, and a specific project on
exhaustible natural resources (minerals, fossil
fuels), more empirically grounded. In his final
article, Hotelling uses several terms to describe
his research: “exhaustible (natural) resources,
“exhaustible assets,” “irreplaceable (natural)
resources,” “irreplaceable assets,” “mineral
content,” “resources of the earth,” etc. By
definition, the set of “natural resources” here
contains both fossil energy sources (coal, oil,
gas) and minerals. The set of “assets” is broader,
containing “natural resources” as a subset. A
mineral stock is an asset. A financial bond is also
an asset, but obviously not a natural resource.
Focusing on “natural resources” suggests that the
precise subject of research is related to concrete
forms of natural items. On the opposite side,
focusing on “assets” opens the reflection to other
case studies, beyond natural items.
Hotelling’s drafts, correspondence and notes
throughout the 1920s confirm the co-existence of
two levels of analysis: a generic level, illustrated
by the term “exhaustible assets,” and a more
Two letters from Hotelling to R. A. Fisher and
Chamberlin (dated July 23, 1930, and Aug. 8, 1930,
respectively) indicate that Hotelling was working on the
final version of the paper in the summer of 1930 (RAFP,
digitized version online; Guicherd 2017, p. 179). A letter
from Mills (dated Jan. 17, 1931) shows that the final
version of the paper was already circulating at the very end
of 1930 (HHP, Box 1, Mills, Frederick C.). Arrow (1974,
p. 1103; 1980; 1987, p. 670) reports that Hotelling (who
was his PhD supervisor) submitted his paper to the
Economic Journal before submission to the Journal of
Political Economy. As shown in Gaspard and Missemer
(2019), there is, however, no clear evidence that he did so.
This statement is not retrospective. In the early 20th
century, Irving Fisher (1906) had already discussed the
generic nature of the words “assets” and (not necessarily
natural) “resources.”
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specific level, with the term “exhaustible natural
resources.” We found Hotelling hesitated
between which of the two to use in his final
paper. Until only a few weeks before
submission, the title of the paper was “The
Economics of Exhaustible Assets,” as indicated
in a letter to the statistician Ronald A. Fisher:
The book [on statistics] is gradually
progressing, though I am leaving it alone for a
few weeks at present to finish a paper on “The
Economics of Exhaustible assets” which I have
been at for five years and for which various
people have been calling.
Only in January 1931, four months before
publication, had the final title been chosen, as
another letter from Fredrick C. Mills (NBER)
testifies to:
Schultz was kind enough to let me read a copy
of your paper “The Economics of Exhaustible
resources.” I returned this to him. It seemed to
me to be an extremely suggestive attack upon a
problem which economists have largely
Hotelling therefore finally chose an intermediary
title, aiming at covering both his generic,
theoretical ambition and his specific, more
concrete concerns. The archives further reveal
that from 1924/1925 to the final version,
Hotelling constantly changed the title of his
research. A first draft from 1924 was entitled
“Exhaustible Assets under Competition.”
Another draft from 1925 was labelled “The
Exploitation of Irreplaceable Resources.”
December 1929, a full abstract was named “The
Economics of Exhaustible Assets.
The contents of these drafts are not exactly
the same. When assets are considered, the
analysis makes a few mentions of mineral
resources or concrete questions, instead focusing
Letter from Hotelling to Fisher, July 23, 1930. Online
digitized version. RAFP: Ronald A. Fisher Papers, Special
Collections Library, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Catalogue available at digital.library.adelaide.edu.au/
Letter from Mills to Hotelling, Jan. 17, 1931. HHP, Box 1,
Mills, Frederick C.
HHP, Box 10, AMS Reports and Correspondence (3).
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
on the use of advanced mathematics to deal with
abstract principles.
When natural resources, or
minerals, are scrutinized, references to real-
world situations are more present, as shown by
the 1925 draft entitled “The Exploitation of
Irreplaceable Resources”:
The complete monopoly and the perfectly fluid
competition of traditional economics are
extremes between which lie all the cases which
actually occur in the world.
The generic subject (exhaustible assets)
offered opportunities to draw theoretical
principles, such as the equation p
= p
• e
(i.e., the Hotelling rule). The specific subject
(exhaustible natural resources), a particular case
of exhaustible assets, required more attention to
the real world.
The chronology of the archives helps us to
reconstruct Hotelling’s early treatment of
exhaustible resources. The first draft on the
subject dates back to 1924; it was written for a
meeting of the American Mathematical Society
in Chicago. These notes outline the close
connection between Hotelling’s research on
depreciation and on exhaustible assets, as
already mentioned.
The work on asset
valuation was published in 1925 under the title
“A General Mathematical Theory of
Depreciation.” As noted by Crabbé (1986),
assuming Hotelling’s asset valuation function
from Hotelling (1925) is a negative exponential
with a constant parameterthe rate of interest
yields the Hotelling rule published in 1931.
We found that it was in the winter of 1925
that Hotelling considered for the first time
engaging with dedicated research on exhaustible
assets. It is also when he decided to explore in
more detail the calculus of variations to
“simplify” the issue:
For instance, in the draft “Exhaustible Assets under
Competition from 1924, Hotelling states his problem as
“applying Euler’s equation.” HHP, Box 10, AMS Reports
and Correspondence (3).
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
HHP, Box 10, AMS Reports and Correspondence. For a
full inquiry into the intertwining of Hotelling’s projects on
depreciation and exhaustible assets, see Missemer et al.
Monthly Report from Hotelling to the Directors of the
FRI. Mar. 2, 1925. HHP, Box 41, Agriculture III.
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The recent work on the economic of
irreplaceable assets had during the past month
been undergoing revision and extension. The
revision is made necessary by a simplification
of the Calculus of variations method which is
found to be applicable to the problem, and also
by the publication of a paper by G. C. Evans
(Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Jan. 1925, pp. 90-95)
touching upon the subject.
It appears that Hotelling clearly regarded his
generic projecti.e., the theory of exhaustible
assetsas an extension of his theory of
depreciation. Interestingly, another draft from
the same time, March 1925, indicates that he had
meanwhile started to investigate the more
concrete and real-world side of the problem of
exhaustible resources, with special attention to
minerals, oil and natural gas in the case of an
oligopoly. This confirms not only the
entanglement of the two research lines but also
their synchrony:
The problem is inderteminate because after one
mine is exhausted the other has a monopoly;
and since we have assumed the demand
inelastic the profits of the monopoly are
In summary, Hotelling’s economics of
exhaustible resources in the 1920s was
composed of two levels of analysis. Because the
1931 article mixed the two levels, it became
difficult for readers to identify the purposes and
limits of the different arguments, including the
area of validity of the Hotelling rule. The
archival material helps provide a clearer
understanding: the apparent discrepancy between
Hotelling’s concrete subject (non-renewable
resource depletion) and abstract proposals
(e.g., the Hotelling rule) is due to the existence
of two initially distinct lines of work developed
in parallel, and later merged in the same
contribution. For the treatment of real-world
resources, Hotelling needed more information on
the actual dynamics and issues pertaining to
extractive sectors. Archival materials helped us
identify where he found this information.
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
2.2. Conservation (or not) and energy policy
Gaudet (2007) states Hotelling wrote his
1931 paper in reaction “to the demand for
regulation of the exploitation of exhaustible
resources by the conservation movement, which
had been particularly strong in the U.S. during
the period 1890 to 1920” (p. 1034). Livernois
(2009) asserts, “Hotelling’s seminal article was a
response to the conservation movement’s claims
that unregulated private markets would lead to
the overexploitation of non-renewable resource
stocks” (p. 23). Their conclusion is likely based
on the opening paragraph of “The Economics of
Exhaustible Resources,” where Hotelling
textually frames his research scope in relation to
the “conservation movement” (p. 137). How-
ever, he mentions the movement only one more
time (p. 143), in section 3.
The reference to conservation is intriguing
because, in the 1920s, among economists, the
movement was not as popular as in the 1900s
and 1910s, when Lewis C. Gray (1913, 1914)
and Richard T. Ely (1918) wrote on the subject.
Of course it was still an important trend in the
reflections about natural resources (e.g., Ise
1925). However, the importance given by
Hotelling to the conservation movement as a
counterpoint to his analysis and as a source of
information about on-going issues in extractive
sectors is not clear at all and deserves to be
examined in detail.
The archives reveal that early drafts make no
mention of the conservation movement, even
along the specific, more empirical research line.
In a preliminary introduction of the paper, in
December 1929, and which was very close to the
final version, the catchphrase is already written
(apart from the last addition on taxation), but the
part on conservation is missing. Instead,
Hotelling insists on competitive settings and on
exhaustible assets as a specific case of a wider
issue, in line with his previous drafts starting in
On the economic thought of the first conservation
movement, see for instance Smith (1982), Ramos Gorostiza
(2003), Kula (1998) and Missemer (2017). Gray worked on
conservation when he was at the University of
Saskatchewan (Canada), initiating a long tradition of
Canadian research in resource and environmental
economics (see Copeland and Taylor 2017). On Gray’s
contributions, see Crabbé (1983).
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Contemplation of the world’s disappearing
supplies of minerals, forests, and other
exhaustible assets has led to demands for
regulation of their exploitation, by taxation or
otherwise. On the other hand the existence of
monopolies and quasi-monopolies has raised
the same problems of excessively curtailed
production here as in other industries, but in a
more complex form. The economics of the
exploitation, that is, the study of the rates of
exploitation which on the one hand tend to take
place under commercial conditions, and of
those which on the other hand ought in the
public interest to take place, has however
received no serious attention [our emphasis].
This provisional introduction reveals that
conservation was not so directly decisive in
Hotelling’s undertaking.
If not in the conservation literature
(especially the economic literature), where did
Hotelling find information about the concrete
dynamics of extractive sectors (minerals, oil and
gas)? Several allusions disseminated in the 1931
article find justification in issues of the 1920s
not directly related to conservation:
The prohibitions against oil and mineral
development and cutting timber on certain
government lands have this justification, as
have also closed seasons for fish and game and
statutes forbidding certain highly efficient
means of catching fish (p. 137).
On the other hand, certain technical conditions
most pronounced in the oil industry lead to
great wastes of material and to expensive
competitive drilling, losses which may be
reduced by systems of control which involve
delay in production (p. 138).
The government of the United States under the
present administration has withdrawn oil lands
from entry in order to conserve this asset, and
has also taken steps toward prosecuting a group
of California oil companies for conspiring to
maintain unduly high prices, thus restricting
production (p. 138).
Daniel Yergin’s 1991 work on oil history
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
illuminates the events Hotelling refers to. The
1920s in the United States were marked by fast
growing oil demand brought by gasoline-fuelled
cars (Yergin 1991, p. 208). Meanwhile, very few
new oil discoveries had been registered on the
19171920 period, leading oil prices to triple in
the period. Within this context took place in the
early 1920s the “Teapot Dome Scandal.” This
episode of corruption was about the exploitation
of several oil fields in Wyoming initially
preserved by the US government as naval oil
reserves under the Taft and Wilson
administrations (Yergin 1991, p. 211). In 1924,
when Hotelling started to work on exhaustible
resources, the presidential election was marked
by the scandal. The mention of government
ownership over lands and resources in the 1931
paper (above quotes) matches this episode.
Hotelling’s allusion to technical conditions
leading to waste can also be related to legal
debates in the 1920s. The so-called “Rule of
Captureattributed ownership over oil resources
to the owners of the land immediately above it.
When several properties spanned a single
reservoir, operators would rush to produce as
rapidly as possible in order to avoid letting the
neighbours drain the volumes under their
properties through their wells. This ultimately
led to an excessive number of wells and lowered
the ultimate recovery of oil from the reservoir.
Debates took place mostly under the Coolidge
administration (19231929), leading to the
establishment of the Federal Oil Conservation
Board, in 1924 (Yergin 1991, pp. 22023).
Therefore, the remarks on minerals, oil and
gas disseminated by Hotelling in his final article,
not fully related to the academic debates on
conservation, actually correspond to various
affairs linked to the US federal policy. His
allusions to practical cases were not thought
experiments, or pretexts to explore fictive
situations; they were based on real political and
economic experiences that marked American
public life in the 1920s.
In this context, the Hotelling rule, although
essential for the generic project on exhaustible
assets, and which supposed perfect competition
and no State intervention for achieving the social
optimum, was clearly established as inadequate
for the analysis of concrete, specific natural
resources (minerals, oil and gas), as
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demonstrated by the closing of section 2:
...[T]here are in extractive industries
discrepancies from our assumed conditions
leading to particularly wasteful forms of
exploitation which might well be regulated in
the public interest (pp. 14344; our emphasis).
The word “discrepancies” is significant as a
strong indicator of the inoperability of the basic
model for describing concrete situations. As
soon as these situations are involved, the “real
economic world” (Hotelling 1931, p. 171)
matters, up to assigning a role to regulators in
the extractive sector, in contrast to what is
usually retained from Hotelling’s analysis in
terms of State intervention.
speaking, empirical realities require further
developments beyond the basic result.
An insight emerges from the realization that
Hotelling did not see what Solow (1974) labelled
“the Hotelling rule” as a rule for non-renewable
resource economics because it could not describe
what took place in reality in extractive sectors, as
Hotelling found in concrete experiences from the
1920s. The area of validity of the rule was
limited to finitely available assets, in the absence
of some realities he proceeded to analyze.
Among these realities, apart from alternate
market structures and taxation issues, we
discovered Hotelling paid close attention to
geological constraints, which we will show he
concluded to be necessary conditions to depict
natural resources.
3. Hotelling and geological contraints
3.1. Geological constraints in the 1931
“The Economics of Exhaustible Resources” is
known for its basic model, which is described in
sections 2 and 3 of the 1931 article. The final
paper, nonetheless, contains 15 sections. Archive
research revealed the basic result dates back to
the first drafts, circa 1924/1925. Subsequent
drafts deal with more substantial models, which
one can find in the less-known sections of the
Regarding Hotelling’s conception of State intervention,
some insight can be found in Franco et al. (2019).
1931 article. Slade and Thille (2009)
acknowledge that “Hotelling derived several
variants of his model” (p. 241; our emphasis).
These “variantsactually represented the core of
Hotelling’s work, at least as reflected in the
From sections 8 to the end of his analysis,
Hotelling deals with his specific research line on
concrete mineral resources, directing his
attention to the realities of mining extraction.
There he leaves aside the basic equation and
turns to the issue of “cumulative production
affecting price” (p. 152). The “net price”
function becomes p(x(t),q(t),t): cumulative
production x(t) =
q(t) dt is now a variable,
affecting the formation of net prices. Hotelling
justifies the need for this variable on the cost
side. It turns out resources are located under the
ground, in varying depths. A first geological
constraint (GC1) other than finiteness thus
appears: “the cost of extraction increases as the
mine goes deeper” (p. 152).
In section 12, “The Need for Steadiness in
Production” (p. 162), Hotelling further expands
his net price function to portray the rate of
change in production q’(t) as an additional
variable. The cost of increasing production,
Hotelling argues, depends on the magnitude of
the increase. In developing a mine, producers
have to make capital investments, which makes
sudden increases in production more expensive
than gradual ones. This is due to the uneven
distribution of concentrations of resources under
the grounda second geological constraint
(GC2) other than finiteness, which imposes a
cost for drawing the labour force to or from the
site of the mine, making large variations in
output significantly costlier than small
variations. Hotelling closes the section by
The cases considered in the earlier part of this
paper all led to solutions in which the rate of
production of a mine always decreases. By
considering the influence of fixed investments
The word “mine(s)” is also employed a few times in the
sections dedicated to the basic model, but to designate
stylized mines, for which finiteness is the only
characteristic considered. Hotelling makes clear from
section 8 onwards that concrete mines do not fall under the
same analysis.
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and the cost of accelerating production at the
beginning, we may be led to production curves
which rise continuously from zero to a
maximum, and then fall more slowly as
exhaustion approaches. Certain production
curves of this type have been found statistically
to exist for whole industries of the extractive
type, such as petroleum production (p. 164; our
In section 15, the closing section of the paper,
Hotelling comes back to the discussion between
perfect competition and monopoly, presenting
the case of duopoly, in which a few competing
sellers can share the market’s demand. In this
model, Hotelling avoids the complex
formulation of section 12, excluding for
simplicity the influence of the rate of change in
production as a determinant of the price.
However, at this point, Hotelling makes
reference to a third geological constraint (GC3),
other than finiteness, namely the uncertainty on
the actual size of reserves in the beginning and
the need to acquire geological information
through drillings:
The problems in exhaustible resources involve
the time in another way besides bringing on
exhaustion and higher prices, namely, as
bringing increased information, both as to the
physical extent and condition of the resource
and as to the economic phenomena attending
its extraction and sale (p. 174).
Therefore, aside from market structure and
taxation, Hotelling’s 1931 displays another,
often overlooked, clear axis of progression from
his basic result, towards the incorporation of
GC1, GC2 and GC3, notably through x(t) and
q’(t), as fundamental variables. While the
number of firms that operate on a given market
or its tax regime can in principle be affected by
In all mineral activities, the underground location of
mines is initially unknown, and each mine or well drilled
brings increased geological knowledge that facilitates the
discovery of the next underground occurrence. Costs are not
known with certainty from the start, which carries
substantial investment risks. Only upon drilling wells and
evaluating their output or how they respond after another
well is drilled into the same oil reservoir, it it possible to
infer engineering properties such as reservoir pressure and
porosity and, as a result, determine the total number of
wells needed to optimally exploit the resource.
policy, geological constraints are something no
one can do anything about. Therefore, they
should not be considered as “variants” or
“possibilities,” as mentioned by Slade and Thille
(2009), nor as additional factors, but as
fundamental inalterable characteristics with the
same status as finiteness, affecting all mineral
resources. In addition to the already mentioned
closing of section 2, in the opening of section 8,
Hotelling states the influence of x(t) on the
exploitation of resources (which results from
GC1) is a certainty, not a mere possibility: “[t]he
net price...depends...on past production,”, i.e., it
depends on it, not may depend on it (p. 152; our
Therefore, sections 8 to 15 of Hotelling’s
article discuss concrete real-world factors that
define the category of mineral resources within
the class of non-renewable resources, itself a
subset of non-renewable (exhaustible) assets.
Once more, in contrast to modern interpretations
that keep the basic rule as a central principle to
be sophisticated, it clearly emerges that this
theoretical principle does not apply here. The
rule governs only generic finite assets in the
absence of geological constraints other than
finiteness (GC1, GC2 and GC3). It therefore
does not govern mineral resources (minerals, oil
and gas), as presently overstated.
3.2. Hotelling’s preparatory work in geology
and engineering
By contrasting the archival materials with the
final paper, we discovered the relative degree of
effort Hotelling devoted to the topic of
geological constraints. Two drafts from
November 1928 are dedicated entirely to the
issue of “strong variations,” in which Hotelling
includes for the first time cumulative production
x(t) as a fundamental variable, and devote
significant effort to understanding the
implications to the overall equilibrium.
Furthermore, in the draft abstract written in
1929, Hotelling does not present the basic model
at all, starting with the model with x(t), using
In other parts of the article (e.g., section 12), Hotelling
uses less clear-cut vocabulary for the occurrence of
geological factors, but he always argues they have to be of
the utmost importance.
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
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empirical examples to justify his formulation:
If the price obtainable varies with the amount
which has been extracted, as with gold and
diamonds, or if the cost of production increases
as the shaft sinks deeper, the problem is to
t) p(x,q,t) qdt.
By 1930, Hotelling continued to focus on
how geological constraints other than finiteness
could affect the net price function. A noticeable
preparatory work is his correspondence with
Stanley C. Herold, professor of petroleum
engineering at Stanford UniversityHotelling
was still at Stanford in 1930.
Herold wrote to
Hotelling on July 7, 1930, in a friendly tone,
providing empirical data on how, in the case of
petroleum, costs increase as shafts sink deeper
(GC1); see table 1.
Table 1 shows a non-linear (quadratic)
relationship between cost and depth; costs
increase more than proportionately with well
depth (figure 1).
GC2 and GC3 are also addressed in the letter,
HHP, Box 42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
Hotelling becase professor of economics at Columbia
University in 1931 after being approached by Wesley
Mitchell (letter from Mitchell to Hotelling, Jan. 21, 1931.
HHP, Box 50, Columbia Employment).
and some remarks can be traced to Hotelling’s
statements in his final article. For production
speed at the beginning of the extraction, Herold
The cost mounts more rapidly than the footage
on account of the fact that deeper holes require
heavier rigs and equipment, also more time is
consumed in running in and out the holes.
Indeed, because different oil and gas
reservoirs vary in depth and many other
geological conditions, their unit production costs
vary. Producers seek to developthe lowest cost
ones first (Herfindahl 1967), although sometimes
they are unable at first to discover the best
reservoirs when only limited geological
information is available (Uhler 1976). This leads
to Hotelling’s remark on GC2, when he
mentions “the cost of accelerating production in
the beginning” (1931, p. 164).
Still in the same letter, Herold describes the
spatial element affecting costs, thus insisting on
the heterogeneity of wells:
...[H]oles at Kettleman Hills are costing a little
more than shown here on account of
transportation of equipment and general
operating expenses, longer delays on
replacement of equipment, etc.
This explains Hotelling’s remarks in section 12
about costs related to the relocation of
production factors, in particular the labour force:
Under the term “capital might possibly be
included the costs, both to employers and to
laborers, in drawing laborers to the mine from
other places and occupations (Hotelling 1931,
p. 163).
The example of Kettleman Hills is significant
because it also highlights the variability of costs
resulting from new discoveries: when promising
wells are discoveredthe Kettleman Hills oil
fields, in particular around the North Dome,
were a major discovery in California in the late
1920sthey attract capital and labour, with
Letter from Herold to Hotelling, July 7, 1930. HHP, Box
42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
Letter from Herold to Hotelling, July 7, 1930. HHP, Box
42, Exploitation of Irreplaceable Assets.
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potentially abrupt variations in both production
and costs.
Therefore, Hotelling’s work between 1928
and 1930, as reflected in the archives, dealt
almost exclusively with the impact of geological
constraints on his basic model from 1925. The
importance given to the incorporation of x(t) as a
variable is unrivalled, comparable only to the
distinction between monopoly and perfect
competition. In addition to Herold’s 1930 letter
to Hotelling, the 1928/1929 drafts, and how
these documents were reflected in the final
paper, demonstrate that geological constraints
are a necessary factor to describe real-world
minerals and fossil fuels. All such resources are
subject to geological constraints.
3.3. Towards an alternative basic Hotelling
The constraints GC1 and GC2 are at the
foundation of the technical understanding of
what we see today as bell-shaped supply
trajectories insofar as they explain the specific
dynamics of extraction in relation to reserve
degradation and to uncertainty about reserve
size. We know that Hotelling was aware of
C. E. Van Orstrand’s 1925 article “On the
Empirical Representation of Certain Production
Curves” because Hotelling refers to it in his own
1931 article (p. 164). In his contribution, Van
Orstrand pays particular attention to extractive
sectors and depicts their dynamics by drawing
three bell-shaped graphs (1925, pp. 26 and 32),
including two with a long tale, depending on
estimations. Hence, Hotelling knew of the
existence of bell-shaped representations of the
exploitation of exhaustible resources. Hotelling’s
description of extractive industries in his 1931
article corresponds to this kind of production
trajectory, as shown in the earlier quotation:
By considering the influence of fixed
investments and the cost of accelerating
production at the beginning, we may be led to
production curves which rise continuously
from zero to a maximum, and then fall more
slowly as exhaustion approaches. Certain
production curves of this type have been found
statistically to exist for whole industries of the
extractive type, such as petroleum production
(p. 164).
More intriguing is precisely what Hotelling
retained from his reading of Van Orstrand. In the
archival material, we found a short memo,
entitled “Mine Economics,” that contained a full
reference to Van Orstrand’s paper as well as a
handwritten graph, quickly drawn, representing a
bell-shaped curve with a long tale (figure 2).
Unlike Van Orstrand, who specified on the axes
of his graphs the dates and volumes of
production from real data on West Virginia,
Ohio and Pennsylvania oil fields and so on,
Hotelling sketches only the general slope,
without the original figures, merely noting
“production of petroleum” next to the vertical
axis and “t” (for time) next to the horizontal axis.
This is not anecdotal and suggests that his
vision of the bell-shaped curve was generic and
not contingent on this or that field. This type of
approachto transform specific quantified cases
into generic stylized factsreminds us of
Cournot, who was the first in the history of
economics (1838) to draw stylized curves from
specific cases, in particular for demand
functions. We know that Cournot played an
important role in Hotelling’s mathematical
economics training (Hotelling 1929, p. 51;
Darnell 1990, pp. 12 and 14), and we found
references to Cournot in drafts and notes from
the 1920s.
Hotelling’s ambition with the bell-
shaped curve therefore can be related to the
description of a stylized fact for mineral
resources, in Cournot’s tradition.
The fact that “fixed investments and the cost
of accelerating production at the beginning...
“Talk on ‘Mathematical Economics’ before Math. Club,
May 1928. HHP, Box 26, Mathematical Economics. We
thank Marion Gaspard for drawing our attention to the
connection between Cournot and Hotelling.
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may...le[a]d [us] to trajectories like the one
sketched in Hotelling’s hand-drawn graph
suggests he knew that the incorporation of q’ on
the net price function would change the model
towards a bell-shaped equilibrium. We were able
to reproduce it ourselves through a simulation
exercise, adjusting the linear net price function
in section 8 to p = a-bq-cq’-dq’’, where q is the
cumulative production at time t, assuming
Hotelling’s original parameters and d = 10.000
(see box 1 and figure 3).
Results indicate a
bell-shaped equilibrium for production q’ and an
U-shaped equilibrium for market prices
p = a-cq.
In 1931, Hotelling did not have at his
disposal mathematical tools such as optimal
control theory (developed in the 1950s),
allowing him to propose an alternative model to
fit with this kind of observations. The hand-
We make g = 0 in order to avoid masking the U-shaped
price path in equilibrium by an increasing demand as a
function of time.
drawn graph, however, confirms his awareness
of bell-shaped supply trajectories for the case of
extractive industries, such as petroleum. His
stylized-fact drawing, supplemented by his
quotation, confirms that his basic model leading
to the Hotelling rule was not relevant for
concrete mineral resources. To the best of our
knowledge, the suggested model in section 12, as
described in box 1, has not been depicted in the
literature to date. While its complete
characterization might be insightful, it is beyond
the scope of the present paper.
4. Conclusion
Based on unprecedented archival inquiry, this
paper has reconstructed Hotelling’s project on
non-renewable resources in the 1920s leading to
the publication of “The Economics of
Exhaustible Resources” in 1931. We showed that
Hotelling actually worked along two lines of
research: a generic one on asset valuation, in the
line of his theory of depreciation, and a specific
one on concrete mineral natural resources,
requiring more empirical insights from the real
world. In contrast to what is often argued, his
source of information for implementing concrete
situations in his framework was not the
conservation movement but rather specific
experiences in US policy throughout the 1920s.
We found Hotelling carried out substantial
preparatory work to circumscribe the geological
conditions of mineral resource extraction. This is
hardly noticeable to the naked eye in the 1931
article. However, after consulting the archives,
we presented a new reading of the article where
the importance of geological constraints for the
treatment of minerals and fossil fuels is
significantly increased. After considering the
implication of their presence, Hotelling became
aware of, notably, bell-shaped trajectories linked
to U-shaped price trajectories.
In addition to presenting these novel findings
in the history of economic thought, our
investigation allowed us to derive theoretical
implications. After nearly 90 years of
developments since Hotelling’s 1931 article, we
still attribute the title “Hotelling rule” to his
basic result p
= p
and consider it to be the
starting-point principle of non-renewable
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resource economics. This seems problematic
given the rule lacks empirical validity and
requires strong amendments in order to describe
the long-term, aggregate behaviour of its target
object. Our reconstruction of Hotelling’s
research project sheds light on this theoretical
In particular, we established that Hotelling
never saw his basic result p
= p
as a rule
for non-renewable resource economics. Instead,
he stated his basic result referred to a
hypothetical stylized asset marked exclusively
by finiteness, which is not the case of mineral
resources. For this category, elaborating on his
preparatory work in geology and engineering,
Hotelling concluded it was necessary to consider
as fundamental factors at least the influences of
cumulative production x(t), because costs
increase as mines go deeper (GC1), and the rate
of change in production q’(t), because strong
variations in output are costlier than small ones
By sketching the implied model, we were
able to confirm it is possible to obtain bell-
shaped trajectories for supplies and U-shaped
ones for prices, as described by Hotelling, at
least for given values of the parameters. Future
research should investigate the formal
mathematical demonstration of this result. If
confirmed, two inherent geological constraints
(GC1 and GC2), in addition to exhaustibility,
would be sufficient to reflect the long-term
equilibrium of mineral resources. Hotelling’s
1931 contribution would thus remain the starting
point of non-renewable resource economics,
albeit in a form different from that advocated to
This paper benefited from the support of the
European Society for the History of Economic
Thought (ESHET), through the project
Bifurcations in Natural Resource Economics
(1920s-1930s). We thank Marion Gaspard,
Marco P. Vianna Franco, Thomas M. Mueller
and Franck Nadaud for stimulating discussions
in the working-group. Thanks also to the
participants in the Facts in Environmental and
Energy Economics, Models and Practices, Past
and Present workshop (Paris, October 2018) for
feedback. We are grateful to the staff of the Rare
Book and Manuscript Library of Columbia
University for their help during our visit to
Hotelling papers archival collection, to the
Hotelling familiy for encouraging our work and
to three anonymous referees and the editor of the
journal, who substantially helped us to improve
the paper. The views, thoughts and opinions
expressed in the text belong solely to the authors
and not necessarily to their employers,
organizations, committees or other groups to
which they are affiliated. Any errors or
omissions are ours alone.
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