YMCA of Greater Brandywine
Before and After School Enrichment
Family Handbook
YMCA Mission
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that
build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
The YMCA of Greater Brandywine Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) is held in
the safe, secure and familiar setting of your child's school or YMCA.
We are committed to each child’s development by cultivating relationships with
families, children, the school professional, and the community we serve.
Updated and reviewed 2/2024
Dear YMCA BASE Family,
Thank you for enrolling your child in our YMCA Before & After School Enrichment (BASE) program for the
2023-2024 school year! We are pleased to offer a wide variety of exciting and enriching programs for you
and your family. BASE programs are designed to engage children before and after school in safe, fun,
despised learning opportunities! Through carefully constructed planning, the BASE team will help your child:
Develop self-confidence and gain independence
Communicate using core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility
Create lasting friendships and lifelong memories
Engage in enriching activities to enhance academic learning and success
Expand learning and exploration in a supportive environment
Increase resiliency through fun and healthy activities each day
Positive relationships among children, teachers, and parents/guardians are critical for each child's healthy
development and social growth. The YMCA teachers are trained to engage each child in activities and
interactions every day. The YMCA quality BASE programing includes expectations for teacher to
enthusiastically converse with children using warmth, patience, understanding, and fairness. In addition
teachers are:
Responsive to children’s feelings, needs, cultures, abilities, and home languages
Encourage leadership skills by offering ideas to expand or enrich an activity and suggest and initiate
new activities
Allow children - as a key part of learning - to make and learn from their own mistakes
We know the children look to Y teachers as role models, watching and learning as they cooperate,
communicate and solve problems with each other. We are excited about your interest in joining us for the
2023-2024 school year as a part of our Y-Care programs. If we can answer any questions for you, please
do not hesitate to call your local YMCA. We look forward to having you as part of our Y family! To reach the
director for your programing, or to learn more about our locations served, hours of operation and more,
please visit our website at Before & After School Enrichment | YMCA of Greater Brandywine (ymcagbw.org)
Claudia Aust,
Sr. Association Director of Before and After School Enrichment
(610) 643-9622 ext. 2157
Guillermina Rios
Association Director of Childcare/Camp Administration
(610) 643-9622 ext. 2104
Childcare Admin Team
(610) 643-9622 Ext. 2190
At the Y we strive to provide you with timely and relevant information about our programs, engaging you
as a partner in your child’s success. This includes bi-annual satisfaction surveys, twice yearly conferences,
monthly newsletters and daily informal communication. To best support you and your family at our Y, we
ask that you share with us information educational or personal about your child that can enhance their YMCA
experience and daily success. We also thank you for providing suggestions and feedback about the BASE
programs at any time. The YMCA BASE Team invites parents/guardians to be engaged in our programs by
attending special events and family nights throughout the year and in suggesting content/curriculum ideas
for programing. Finally, should you as a family wish to share special traditions about your family’s heritage,
our team would be grateful to work with you in preparing a special event with you!
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
The YMCA of Greater Brandywine is committed to a value-based character development curriculum.
Teaching of the following core values is incorporated into all youth activities:
Caring: Interest and concern - including compassion, friendliness, generosity, kindness, love, mercy.
Honesty: Fairness of conduct and adherence to facts - including sincerity, truthfulness, honor, tact,
forgiveness, moderation, orderliness.
Respect: Special regard for others - including assertiveness, consideration, courtesy, gentleness, unity,
tolerance, humility.
Responsibility: Moral, legal, and mental accountability - including courage, determination, helpfulness,
justice, reliability, loyalty, self-discipline, obedience, cleanliness.
The YMCA has purchased the Second Step Curriculum designed for BASE programs which will support
discussions, lessons, activities and games to help each child enhance their character development. The
Second Step Curriculum was chosen as it was designed specifically for out of school time programs like the
YMCA BASE and aligns with YMCA core values. This social emotional curriculum focuses on:
*Understanding and managing emptions
*Setting and achieving positive goals
*Understanding, feeling and showing empathy for self and others
*Establishing and maintaining positive relationships
*Making responsible decisions
The curriculum works respectively for grades K-6 and has some cross over, the most appropriate curriculum
grade will be used for mixed age school sites, and students may work in small groups for lessons which
most closely match their grade and developmental stage.
Children in our program will have opportunities to:
Develop self-confidence and independence.
Receive academic support/enrichment, including homework help, language arts, math and science
Create lasting friendships and lifelong memories.
Interact with caring, supportive teachers.
Learn, explore and try new things in a supportive environment.
Experience activities that promote good health.
Promote a community environment where parents/guardians and teachers work together to support
the whole child and strengthen the family unit.
All people are welcome at the YMCA regardless of race, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or
abilities. Children and parents/guardians who have a limited English language ability can be assisted with
the translation of written information or with an interpreter or use of translation platforms. Contact the
Program Director or Childcare Administration team to make necessary arrangements. In our efforts to
promote an awareness understanding and appreciation of the world around us, lessons about customs and
celebrations of other cultures are introduced in our curriculums and we welcome family input and suggestion!
YMCA BASE will reflect and respect the diversity in our community. Religious education is not included in
the YMCA curriculum content. The YMCA of Greater Brandywine is committed to providing developmentally
and culturally appropriate programming; which respects, reflects, and supports children and families. We
work together with the community to cultivate and incorporate an anti-bias approach within our programs,
curriculum, and daily planning.
The YMCA of the Greater Brandywine works with all children and families to support a quality and
successful experience for all children regardless of differences; behavioral, physical, developmental or
cognitive. We collaborate with the parents/guardians, school district teams a child’s current intervention
team and/or the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) and our YMCA Behavioral Health Team to
provide support as needed. Our goal is to help each student find success. With parents/guardians we can
develop a plan to suit each child’s individual needs and utilize strategies that can be shared between
school and home. When intervention services are in place for a child, we actively solicit partnership so that
our approach with your child is consistent. Please also review our accommodations policy.
Children enrolled in our program may have an educational (IEP/IFSP) or behavioral (504) plan or
specialized needs care plan provided by an outside agency, and we welcome and encourage partnership
with families and agencies to provide a consistent approach to each child’s individual needs. We will
request to share information with parent permission with all agencies and teams a child works with to best
support the needs of the child and the family. It is of the utmost importance that a parent/guardian share
care plans, IEP, IFSP or 504 plans with the YMCA so that the best possible care and success can be
At times, we may recommend further screening or interventions for children so that they are best served
in our program and so that all children have every advantage for future success. In collaboration with
families, teachers, the YMCA’s Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and the Behavior Specialists team
and experts in our community, resources can be identified. For parents/guardians who may want to
explore these resources independently, please visit the following websites, where help and information is
available on a variety of topics: Early Learning Resource Center 19 https://www.elrc19chesco.org/family-
zone Family Resources of Chester County https://www.familyservice.us/ Chester County Resources
A sign in/out area will be available when you arrive at the site. (Information about this location is
provided prior to the start of school from each director)
Please escort your child to and/or from their YMCA program area using designated sidewalks and
crosswalks as needed.
Please sign your child out with signature and time of pick up each day.
Your child will only be released to the parent/guardian or other authorized adult listed on the Parental
Consent/Emergency Information sheet.
Please provide a copy of your custody agreement if applicable.
Identification may be checked daily. Anyone who you have listed as an authorized pick-up person
will be asked to show picture identification at time of child pick-up. While we know it can be
inconvenient to show your ID every day, we appreciate your support of our teachers in helping to
keep your children safe. Please upload photos of parents/guardians and authorized pick up persons
in ePact.
For the safety of your child, we will not release your child to anyone who appears to be under the
influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Pick up your child on time each day. If an emergency arises and you are unable to arrive before
closing, call the teachers to inform them of your progress.
Please be advised that if an adult who is not on the pick-up list comes for your child, we will not be able to
release your child to that person, even if the child recognizes that person. All persons signing out children
must be at least 18 years of age and your child may not sign themselves in or out of our program.
In an emergency a child may be released to an individual upon the oral designation of the parent/guardian,
if the identity of the individual can be verified (PA Code 3270.117).
The site teachers must call the parent back via one of the telephone numbers listed on the child’s contact
information form to verify the parent in fact called and provided an alternate pick up person
If the parent answers and confirms that they made the request, our teachers will log the following
1. The name of the parent making the request.
2. The date and time of the request.
3. The name of the individual to whom the child is to be released.
4. The name of the teachers person taking the call.
5. The name of the teachers person releasing the child.
Please remind the person picking up your child that they will be required to show identification before we
can release the child. Unfortunately, we cannot release a child to anyone without proper identification. There
are no exceptions.
For the safety of the children we serve, we will not release a child to anyone who appears to be under the
influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Should there be any suspicion or concern, teachers will ask for the child
to be transported by another approved adult. If the parent/caregiver refuses to contact someone else,
teachers will call the police immediately and not release the child until the police arrive.
We ask parents/guardians to inform the YMCA teachers in writing any time your child has an extra-curricular
activity during program hours. Please be sure to advise your Site Director, in writing, if your child will be
joining Before or After School Care later than usual due to participation in any school-based activities such
as Girl Scouts, chess club, etc. We will ask the class teachers to bring your child to our program and sign
them in. If your child is going to be absent from the Before or After School program, please notify the YMCA
via email or phone call. Teachers are required to confirm attendance with the school office should your child
not arrive as expected. This takes time away from scheduled activities planned during the program hours.
Our YMCA BASE program locations are licensed annually by the Department of Human Services (DHS). We
follow all state requirements to provide safe, quality care. This includes asking for updated information from
parents/guardian’s as part of a child’s file.
A teacher to child ratio following state regulations is always maintained. Teacher child ratios cannot be
adjusted based on individual needs. Please contact the director with any questions, concerns or needs you
feel your child might require to be successful in the program provided. YMCA BASE programs operate
most often in large open spaces provided by the schools such as cafeteria’s or gymnasiums. Ratio
requirements for these spaces are maintained as required.
Our on site leaders have a degree/or at least 30 credit hours in the education or human services field of
study and a minimum of one year of experience working with children. Our teachers complete annual in-
service training, fire safety training, water safety training, and maintain current certification in pediatric first
aid, CPR and child abuse prevention. Teachers attend regularly scheduled training events on classroom
management, curriculum and state standards for education, behavior management, effective
communication, and much more each year.
Prior to hire and every 5 years thereafter, all teachers must update the following clearances:
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance,
Pennsylvania State Criminal History Clearance,
FBI Check,
National Sex Offender Registry Check
and Out of State clearances for teachers that have lived out of state in the last 5 years.
To make sure your child remains safe outside of the YMCA's supervision and to protect our teachers members
and volunteers, we request that you do not ask YMCA employees or volunteers to baby-sit, host
sleepovers, or spend one-on-one time with your child outside of YMCA programs. Please do not
ask teachers to come in early or stay late as this constitutes babysitting and is against YMCA program policy
and school district contracts.
All registrations are due by August 12th for the start of the school year and must be completed online
through our website. Any registration presented after August 12th will be added to a waitlist until a spot
opens in the program you have requested.
Forms to be completed are to be completed using the ePact platform:
Child Care Agreement form
Draft Authorization form
Getting to Know You form
Handbook Acknowledgement and DHS Waiver Signature form
Student Identification Form
Additionally, required personal information will be collected through ePact, an electronic, secure online
system. All information must be submitted before your child’s first day. Look for an email inviting you to
complete the required online information from info@ymcagbw.org. This occurs within 24 hours after
registration and payments are set up and completed.
A current physical form, including immunization records, must be signed by the physician, and
uploaded to ePACT. (form available on ePact)
An allergy action plan must also be signed by the physician and submitted for children with known
allergies. (form available on ePact)
We also require an up to date photo of your child be uploaded to the site.
IEP/IFSP/504 or other specialized care plans may also be uploaded to the EPACT system and
information regarding your child is requested in an effort to ensure the best outcomes for your child
and the YMCA program. We ask that you kindly help us to provide the highest quality by sharing as
much information as possible with our team prior to your child’s first day.
All information included in the registration materials must be updated immediately as changes occur, and
every 6 months as required by state licensing DHS. This includes information collected through EPACT.
Childcare services must be temporarily suspended if forms and EPACT information are not on file and up
to date.
If you have questions or need assistance with ePACT contact them directly at
help@epactnetwork.com or call 1-855-773-7228 ext. 1.
Payment for child care services is due each Sunday, 2weeks prior the week services are delivered.
Tuition fees are weekly and are based on your child's enrollment in the program and not on
attendance. The parent or guardian is responsible for paying every week via auto-draft to secure placement
for your child in the program. Payments not received by the due date will incur a 10% late fee per week
per child. Any account delinquent for 5 days or more may result in the suspension of your child's participation
privileges. Participation privileges may be restored upon settlement of your account.
Parents/guardians needing assistance resolving their account should contact the Childcare Admin Team at
childcareadmin@ymcagbw.org. Tuition reductions are not given for vacations, absences or days when the
district is closed. If your child should become ill and not be able to attend the program for an extended
period of time; please contact your director; your child’s place will be held until the end of the second month
of the absence. At the beginning of the third month, we are financially obligated to fill the vacancy. Tuition
is created and divided equally throughout the school year. Days or weeks when the district is closed and the
YMCA is not providing regular before or after school programing are factored into the tuition costs and are
not removed from regular scheduled payments.
Families are eligible for one discount. The YMCA will help ensure the account reflects the largest of eligible
discounts, siblings, teachers or financial assistance. There is a sibling discount for families with 2 or more
children in YMCA BASE or Early Learning Centers at the same time. The sibling discount is 10% off the
lowest program fee.
At times the YMCA may run promotional offers to reduce tuition costs should a family join the YMCA as a
Family Member Unit. To receive these discounts the parent must first join the YMCA as a family unit and
then contact the Childcare Administration Team to have their tuition rate(s) updated. Should a family cancel
the family membership they should alert the Administration team. Audits are completed to confirm
consistent membership standing.
A fee to cover incurred charges will be assessed by the Association office for all returned checks. You will
be notified by the member services desk and must bring in a cash payment of the full amount plus the
returned check charge. Your child will be temporarily suspended until this balance is cleared. Payments not
received by the due date will incur a 10% late fee per week.
Financial assistance is available to those families who demonstrate sufficient need and provide the
required documentation. Interested families must first contact the Early Learning Resource Center at
(866) 262-8565 to see if you qualify for subsidized child care. If you do not qualify with Early Learning
Resource/Childcare Works (CCW) or are wait listed, then you may apply for YMCA financial assistance.
You may pick up a Financial Assistance application at the YMCA, or contact your Branch Membership Director.
To receive Financial assistance through the YMCA you must be a YMCA Member. Eligibility for financial
assistance will be determined upon availability of space and funds, review of the information given and letter
of intent. Please allow one or two weeks for the application to be processed. The YMCA of Greater Brandywine
reserves the right to deny assistance to any applicant who provides false information or withholds pertinent
information relating to need. The level of need is determined by our financial assistance scale, which is
available for yearly family incomes less than $80,000 per year, and written documentation submitted by the
applicant. Determinants of ineligibility/termination for financial assistance funds:
Failure to return completed application and required documentation by due date
Failure to comply with the terms of the written agreement
Failure to submit required government documentation by due date
Carrying a past due balance
Failure to report any change in financial status
Presentation of more than one check returned for insufficient funds
Falsification of any information on financial assistance application
Failure to provide required paperwork to governmental subsidy programs
Abuse of services
The Child Care Works subsidized Child Care Program helps low-income families pay their child care fees.
The state and federal governments fund this program, which is managed by the Early Learning Resource
Center (ELRC) office located in your county.
If you meet the guidelines:
· The ELRC will pay a part of your child care cost. This is called a subsidy payment.
· You will pay a part of the cost. This is called the family co-pay.
· The subsidy payment and the family copay go directly to the child care program.
NOTE: If your child care subsidy does not pay the full amount that your child care program charges, the
provider may ask you to pay the difference between the subsidy payment and their private charges.
You must apply to the ELRC office, located at 455 Boot Rd. Downingtown, PA 19335 to see if you meet the
guidelines for the subsidized child care program.
The following are the basic guidelines:
· You must live in Pennsylvania
· Have a child or children who need child care while you work or attend an education program
· Meet income guidelines for your family size
· Work 20 or more hours a week - or-
· Work 10 hours and go to school or train for 10 hours a week
· Have a promise of a job that will start within 30 days of your application for subsidized child care
· Teen parents/guardians must attend an education program
· The child who needs care must be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for
permanent residency
· Have proof of identification for each parent or caretaker in the home.
A fifteen (15) day written notice to the Before & After School Enrichment Director and the Childcare Admin
Team, in addition the completion of the Youth Program Change form is required to withdraw your child.
Without written notice, a financial charge of one month's tuition will be assessed. Re-enrollment is not
guaranteed and is based on ratio limitations as required by the Department of Human Serivces.
Child care is available until 6:00 pm. If you are going to be late picking up your child, please arrange to
have an emergency pick-up person arrive by 6:00 pm and call the School Age Program Site to inform the
teachers of your emergency.
A late fee of $5.00 for pickup one to five minutes past program end time, and $1.00 per minute thereafter
will be charged for pick-up after 6:00 pm.
The Center teachers will attempt to contact the parent(s) of any child who has not been picked up by closing
time. If parents/guardians are unreachable, teachers will begin contacting the person(s) authorized to pick
up the child. If teachers is unable to reach anyone for a period exceeding thirty minutes, we will contact
local authorities, including the PA State Police Department Police Department and the Department of
Children, Youth & Families.
We request a minimum of two weeks’ notice, for all program changes. This includes adding or dropping the
number of days you are enrolled in the program or adding or dropping an option, such as Y-Days, Before
Care or After Care. Please contact your director with questions about this policy.
The YMCA may provide a light afternoon snack each day for the children. You are encouraged to send
additional snacks and water, no peanuts or tree nuts during BASE please. If your child has any dietary
restrictions please record them on the Emergency form and inform all YMCA teachers not familiar with your
child's special needs. Please also request an Allergy Action Plan if your child has allergies, to complete and
return. (See Allergies section below)
We recognize food allergies can cause serious, life-threatening conditions for some children in our childcare
Our nut free policy dictates that no food will be permitted during our program operational hours, if it contains
tree nuts, peanuts or peanut butter in the ingredients or indicates they were manufactured in a plant using
To further reduce the risk of exposure, children will be required to wash their hands upon arrival and any
time after eating. All childcare teachers will follow the same rules as the children in regard to food ingredients
and hand-washing.
The Y believes the health and safety of our children is a collaborative partnership with our families involving
prevention, education, communication and the development of food allergy action plans for all children with
allergies. We thank you for helping to keep all children safe at the YMCA.
Homework/Quiet Time is a component of the program. Children will be asked to work independently or
engage in a quiet activity during that time. Teachers will assist students with homework as able; however
one-on-one tutoring/read aloud is not a component of the program structure. Due to students’ independent
initiative, ability and volume of homework, full completion of homework cannot be guaranteed and
parents/guardians should review all work at home with their child.
We ask that you keep your child at home if they are sick. Many communicable diseases start with cold-like
symptoms. The YMCA asks to be informed of the nature of any illness, especially when it is communicable
to others. If, at any time, the teachers feels that your child is too sick to remain in the program, you will be
called. You, or someone you designate who is authorized in your child’s registration information for pick up,
must pick up the child within one hour of receiving the phone call. This policy is for the safety of all of the
children and the teachers.
Your child should not be sent to childcare, and will be sent home, if any of the following conditions are
A temperature of 100.3 degrees or more within 24 hours
Vomiting or diarrhea
Rash (if cause is unknown)
Suspected communicable disease
Severe cold with fever, coughing, unclear mucus
Bronchitis or other throat infections such as strep
Nits or lice in hair
Conjunctivites or Pink Eye prior to 2 doses of medication.
Test positive for COVID-19
Parents/guardians, please notify us within 24 hours if your child has a communicable disease, such as
chicken pox, pink eye, strep throat or lice so that we can inform other parents/guardians and teachers and
to maintain state compliance for licensed programs. Your child is welcome back to the program after 24
hours of required absence, with a note from the dorctor or reasonable evidence of recovery.
A full list of inclusions/exclusions standards, due to illness, may be found at Caring for our Children,
National Health and Safety Performance Standards for Early Care and Education Programs.
A copy of a doctor’s order (prescription) and a completed medication form must be submitted prior to the
administration of all medications. All prescription medication must be in its original container with the
pharmacy label intact, with your child’s name, dosage, doctor's name and phone number, date the
prescription was filled, expiration date and specific instructions for administering and storing the medication.
You may want to ask your pharmacist to divide the medication into two bottles; one to be kept at home and
one to be kept at school.
Allergy medicines must be provided and must follow the same guidelines as listed for prescription
medication. allergy medications should be kept on site and travel with students as they go outside or leave
the regular program area.
Over the counter medication will only be accepted if it’s in its original container.
Parents/guardians must provide detailed information on dosage from a physician.
When filling out the emergency contact/parental consent form, please be sure to specify if your child has
any food or materials (i.e. latex) allergies. An Allergy Action Plan must be completed by the pediatrician and
the parent prior to the YMCA providing care to your child. The form is available on ePact. All necessary
medications must be provided along with the allergy action plan (i.e. Epipen or Benadryl). It is our policy
that if your child is prescribed an Epipen and it is used in response to an emergency situation, paramedics
and parents/guardians will be notified immediately.
In case of an accident, the following emergency procedures will be followed:
1. A teacher will administer immediate, basic first aid. 911 will be called if needed. 911 is called for all
serious neck/head injuries. A teacher will accompany the child to the hospital and stay until a parent or
guardian arrives.
2. A teacher will contact the parent if immediate medical care is necessary.
Please note that YMCA teachers do not always have access to the school nurses but have been trained in
first aid and emergency procedures and are prepared to handle issues should they arise.
Information regarding the accident will be recorded. Any necessary forms will be completed by YMCA
teachers and forwarded to you for your signature.
All YMCA teachers are trained on the individual emergency plan created for each school site. This plan
accounts for weather emergencies as well as emergencies that can arise based incidents. Teachers and
students will practice a non fire emergency at least one time each year and fire drills are practiced each
Parents may review the emergency plan that is posted at the school site as required by DHS
The YMCA of the Greater Brandywine strives to provide programs that include children with abilities. Our
goal is to provide high quality programs and highly qualified teachers to enable your child to have a fun,
successful, and enjoyable learning and social experience. We welcome the opportunity to discuss a care
plan for your child. For School Age Programing, where children are in a school setting, toileting must be
independant practice for all children attending Before and After Schoo Care. The YMCA does not have access
to additional resources for toilieting help or individual bathrooms.
A request must be made in writing prior to the YMCA releasing any records. In order to fully protect your
child’s privacy we will not accept faxes. Requests for the release of records will only be granted to
persons/caregivers registering the child for services. Any release of information will be made according to
the YMCA of Greater Brandywine operating procedures with regards to business records.
As a DHS licensing requirement and quality initiative, any child in YMCA care for 15 hours or more will be
given a child service report/developmental assessment every 6 months, assessing student progress.
Conferences are offered to parents/guardians at least twice (2) times per school year. Parents/guardians
are welcome to request a conference at any time and are encouraged to communicate with site teachers
and Y directors at any time.
We believe that communication and cooperation between parents/guardians and BASE teachers is invaluable
to provide and maintain the highest quality childcare program for your family. All email/text notifications
will be sent out through EPACT so it is very important that the contact information on this site
be kept up to date. Please make every effort to read any materials that we either send home from our
program or have posted at the site, especially information regarding early dismissals and schedule changes.
Each site has a program and schedule information on their Sign In/Out tables. Parents/guardians are also
welcome to communicate with the teachers directly, call the site phone to speak to the Site Director, or call
the BASE Director at the YMCA, with any questions or concerns. We ask that parents/guardians notify their
child’s school site directly if they will not be attending on a normally scheduled day. If you prefer to send a
note through the school, please send two copies, one labeled for BASE, the second for the office.
The Child Protective Services Law of Pennsylvania requires all licensed care givers or any persons in contact
with children to report any suspected child abuse to CHILDLINE immediately. Every teacher and employee
at the YMCA will comply with this law to protect the health and safety of all the children. Child Line reports
are also required if a child reports that they may harm themselves, or others, even if the child is not able
to articulate a plan to harm self or others. This is both in compliance with Pennsylvania state law and child
care regulations through the department of human services (DHS). Indicating harm to self or others is a
warning that a child is in of help and requires immediate action from YMCA employees.
If a parent or guardian is perceived to be under the influence or impaired at time of pick up, teachers will
ask for the child to be transported by another approved adult and will contact proper authorities
We ask that BASE students refrain from bringing toys, hand-held games, (Gameboys, Nintendo DS),
music devices (IPods, MP3 players) and communication devices (IPads, cell phones, etc) to Y-Care.
We also ask that if your child has a cell phone, that they do not use it during BASE. Please assist us with
this by calling the BASE site phone directly and talking to the BASE teachers instead of calling your child’s
phone. Texting or use of a camera phone is strictly prohibited, and may result in your child’s phone being
The YMCA is a drug, alcohol, smoke and weapons free organization. Possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or a
weapon of any kind may result in immediate termination of services and notification to legal authorities. If
a parent/pick-up person arrives to pick up a child and it is evident that the person is under the influence we
will suggest that they call someone else to pick up. If they are not willing to call someone else, or leave with
the child, the police will be notified.
Parents/guardians are also asked if an issue arises with other children or parents/guardians in the BASE
program to inform the teachers or director, who will address the situation. Parents/Guardians are required
to follow the Core Values of the YMCA and are expected to model appropriate conduct while at the YMCA
facilities and school sites.
The YMCA of Greater Brandywine youth development programs provide a safe environment for children to develop a
healthy spirit, mind, and body. Developing and displaying positive character values is the foundation of the YMCA
mission. We are dedicated to each child thriving and having a successful experience by exposing them to positive role
models, implementing reward systems, and promoting respect for self and others.
We understand each and every child is different and responds differently in certain situations. With clear behavior
guidelines, we strive to prevent incidents, using redirection, having clear developmentally appropriate rules and
expectations, and providing positive reinforcement. If incidents arise requiring a discipline procedure to be utilized, the
YMCA will use a progressive discipline model. Progressive discipline refers to increased consequences if a child
repeatedly violates rules or becomes harmful to themselves or others.
Behavior standards are broken into three categories, Minor (Level I), Major (Level II) and Critical (Level III). Each category
carries its own series of consequences. Below you will find the definition of the categories.
Disrespect (towards
Inappropriate Language
Disruptive Behaviors
Excessive Horseplay
Property Destruction
Harassment, Intimidation, or
Repeatedly not following
directions/program rules
Leaving assigned program area
(without permission)
Severe aggression, causing harm
to teachers/peers
Physical Aggression (EX:
pushing, tripping, hitting,
kicking, etc.) that is
repeated/targeted towards
peers or teachers
Behavior that conflicts with essential YMCA core values (Respect, Responsibility, Caring, & Honesty) will be
addressed in a nature appropriate to the disruptive behavior, and is at the discretion of the trained YMCA
teachers and directors. Children who are suspended from the school district for in or out of school
suspension may not attend before or after care on those days.
Listed below are the steps utilized by our teachers when behavior expectations are not met
a. Verbal warning given: reminder of rule/expectation.
a. Child is provided time to refocus. A child may also complete a refocus form that can be shared with
parents/guardians identifying the behavior, the feelings a child had while participating in the behavior
and outlining how they can meet the expectation in the future. Parents/Guardians will be notified of
the incident and can review the forms.
b. If repeated behavior occurs, a parent conference with teachers, parents/guardians , and if appropriate
the child should be held. Followed by a written summary of the meeting. At that time it may be
requested that parents/guardians complete a release of information request. This information release
will allow the school district teachers and other providers to offer input to assist the YMCA team with
information, records and plans to help the individual child to experience increased success.
c. Should behaviors continue, the program director and if warranted the Behavioral support team, may
complete observations, assessments and require additional conferences. Child, parent and teachers
may create a written contract agreeing to acceptable behavior and alternative solutions, and
consequences if behavior does not improve. Sr. Association Director of BASE Programs and Behavior
Analysist are also notified of incident and may attend the meeting(s).
d. If inappropriate behavior continues, a child may be suspended from the program for anywhere from
one day to one week. A parent conference with program teachers, program director, and Association
Behavioral Specialist will be required prior to return to the program.
e. Prolonged disruptive and inappropriate behavior will result in dismissal from programs at the YMCA of
Greater Brandywine.
f. If a child has in place through the school or alternate agency, an IEP or other Care plan and this is not
provided to the BASE team, there may be a pause in care that can be offered to allow for review of the
plan in place and to properly train the YMCA teachers on how to best implement the plan or goals. It is
most important that parents share all information prior to the start of the program.
In extreme cases, a child’s behavior may warrant immediate suspension or expulsion from the program. This
would be reviewed by the YMCA team of senior leaders,executive director and Behavior Anaylist team and
communication would come from the director and senior leadership.
It is the responsibility of the YMCA to ensure each child’s right to achieve their goals within the program
Parents/guardians are advised of behavior issues and concerns through written communication that the site
teachers will share with parents/guardians upon pick up, and/or verbal communication via phone as needed.
Parents/guardians should also expect to receive positive feedback either verbally or written during their
program time as well. This communication occurs typically at pick up and will include a connection to the
YMCA Core Values and expectations that the child has demonstrated during their time in the program.
A child will NOT be expelled if a child’s family:
Made a complaint to the Office of Licensing regarding a center’s alleged violations of the licensing
Report abuse or neglect occurring at the center
Question the center regarding policies and procedures
The YMCA rules, expectations, and behavior guidelines also apply to field trips. Should a child not follow the
behavior guidelines while on a field trip the site team may contact parents/guardians to pick up from the field
trip location. It is imperative that we are able to maintain a safe environment for all children especially when
away from the YMCA premises. Children who are unable to manage expectations while on a field trip may not
be able to join on subsequent trips.
YMCA Childcare Closed Days:
Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New
Year's Day, President's Day(for all teacher training), Memorial Day and Labor Day. (June 19
and July 4
are closed days for programing that might fall outside of the typical school year)Please review the YMCA
Childcare calendar for more information or additional days. State mandated training hours may require
additional closure days for BASE programs. Notification of at least two weeks would be provided to families
should additional closure days be scheduled.
Early Dismissal days are scheduled and must be registered for by participants of the BASE program.
Registration takes place on the YMCA website under the specific school / district where the child attends.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to register for these days as soon as possible to ensure space is reserved.
Space for these days can be limited due to required ratios. Parents/guardians should contact their director
with questions or to be added to a waitlist for these days. Fees associated with early dismissals are located
on the registration page at www.ymcagbw.org
YMCA care will close when school closes. All children should have an emergency dismissal plan on file with
the school. This plan should include arrangements for your child to get home directly after school. We will
not start our Aftercare programs or stay open when the school closes. Your child cannot be bussed to the
YMCA; please do not include the YMCA as part of your emergency dismissal plan. *please contact your
director with specific questions or if your location has an abridged unscheduled dismissal plan.
YMCA care will make every effort to stay open until at least 4:30pm when the School District cancels after
school activities due to inclement weather. However, there may be times when we will need to close the
program for the day based on School District and Y Administrative safety considerations. Please remember
that we are guests in the schools.
YMCA programs operating at school sites will delay opening in equal increments to the school district
opening. They YMCA must coordinate with the district to ensure that parking lots and sidewalks are clear
prior to welcoming students to school sites during delayed openings.
If the district calls for a two hour delay, the YMCA program will also have a 2 hour delay to our regularly
scheduled opening time. (Example: 7am program would start at 9am to provide an equal 2 hour delay)
Should the district close the schools after first calling for a 2 hour delay, YMCA children will need to be
picked up with in 1 hour of the change in opening. The YMCA can not bus students to an alternate
location during inclement weather.
The Y-Day Program is a full day program that provides care for students during teacher planning days,
winter break, spring break, and some holidays The hours of this program are 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. These
days are scheduled and include special activities. Parents/guardians must register for Y Days as participants
of the BASE program. Registration takes place on the YMCA website under the specific school / district where
the child attends. Parents/guardians are encouraged to register for these days as soon as possible to ensure
space is reserved. Space for these days can be limited due to required ratios. Parents/guardians should
contact their director with questions or to be added to a waitlist for these days. Fees associated with Y DAYS
are located on the registration page at www.ymcagbw.org
Due to special activities that children may be able to enjoy on Y Days we ask the following:
Children must have:
Sneakers or closed toes shoes that are appropriate for running and playing outside and inside.
Lunch and snacks and a beverage all items must be labeled with the child’s name first and last! (we
are a nut free facility please pack accordingly) thank you!
Water container labeled with their name, that can be refilled through out the day
Bag to carry items needed for the day and any items a child may make that they want to bring home
labeled with their name.
If requested a swim suit and towel and other related swim items all labeled with their name.
Change of clothes (as needed)
Weather appropriate items like sunscreen, hats gloves, all labeled.
Please DO NOT bring toys/pokemon from home, cell phones, or electronic phone enabled watches
as these items can be lost stolen or damaged and can interfere with the fun planned events of the
It is the responsibility of the parent to escort the child to the appropriate location, sign the child in,
and wait to be acknowledged by the teachers person in charge before leaving. Children who are
dropped off outside the building or left in the lobby will not be allowed to join our program.
A parent/guardian or authorized designee must sign their child in/out daily.
Vending machines are off limits during program hours.
Should the district close for inclement weather, the YMCA will determine the safety of holding care based
on storm predictions and ability to have teachers report to the YMCA due to road conditions.
Parents/guardians will be notified regardless of ability to open for a Y Day or not. Should the YMCA host an
inclement weather Y Day, a notification will be sent, sharing information regarding the location for drop off
and pick up, the times care will be open, and the needs or items students should have with them. If the
YMCA has to close due to weather condition changes, parents/guardians will be required to pick up children
promptly from the YMCA. Attendance will be taken and the child’s account is charged for any inclement
weather Y days. Parents/guardians with questions about these days should contact their director.
If the school district is requiring children to log into technology to complete work during the school day the
YMCA will not complete these items during the Y day. This must be completed at home.
The above list of items applies to emergency Y days.
Swimming is an occasional activity within the Y-Day Program. Parents/guardians should send their children
prepared with a swimsuit and towel. All students are swim tested by our YMCA lifeguards prior to entering
the pool for their swimming ability level. Life vests are also available and required for children who do not
test at a Green Band level. Students may retest at any time if their ability changes. Students may also opt
not to swim. In this case they may remain with teachers in the pool area until the swimming activity is over
Swimming options may not aply to all locations
Child Care Information Services (CCIS) 610-344-5717
Child Care Information Services (CCIS) has been designated as the hub for child care information in Chester
County. CCIS manages the subsidized child day care program, which is a Federal and State funded program
through a contract with the Department of Human Services, Office of Child Development and Early Learning
Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) 1-800-986-KIDS (5437)
CHIP puts health coverage within reach for all uninsured kids and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in
Medical Assistance.
Medical Assistance Applications: 100 James Buchanan Drive Thorndale Pa 19342
1 888-814-4698 or 610-466-1000
Children, Youth and Families 610-344-5800
The mission of the Department of Children, Youth and Families is to utilize high quality, comprehensive social
services that strengthen the family's ability to provide for the safety and well-being of each child.
Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) 484-237-5000
The Chester County Intermediate Unit various educational, supplemental and support services for ages 3-21.
Housing Assistance: Human Services, Inc. Rental Assistance Program: 610-429-3033, ext. 189
Community, Youth, and Women’s Alliance: 610-384-9591*
Legal Service: Chester County Bar Association: 610-692-1889
Mental Health Services: Chester County Dept. of Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: 610-
Warm Line (for non-emergency mental health calls): 866-846-2722
Holcomb Behavioral Health: 610-363-1488
Creative Health Spring City Pa 610-948-6490
Community Serivces of Devereux Pheonxville 610-933-8110
Child Guidance Resource Center Coatesville P a 610-383-5635
Core Providers Communicate Care Behavioral Health 1-888-251-2224 this is the managaged care
provider for Chester County for wrap around services
Other Important Numbers:
Compassionate Friends (bereaved parents/guardians ): 610-933-2346
Downs Syndrome Interest Group of Chester County: 610-889-0291
Special Kids Network of Pa
Parent to Parent Of Pa
Mothers Against Drunk Driving: 800-948-6233
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill: 717-238-1514
Parents/guardians , Families, & Friends of Lesbians & Gays: 484-354-2448 Parents/guardians
Parents/guardians Without Partners: 610-383-9830
Women’s Resource Center: 610-687-6391
Crime Victims: 610-692-7420
Crisis Intervention (Mental Health): 877-918-2100
Domestic Violence: 888-711-6270
Drug & Alcohol Information and Referral: 866-286-3767
Red Cross Emergency Number for S.E. PA: 215-299-4889
Chester County Aging Services: 800-692-1100, ext. 6350
Chester County CareerLink: 610-384-9393
Chester County Department of Drug and Alcohol Services: 610-344-5630
Chester County Health Department: 610-344-6225
Chester County Dept. of Human Services: 610-344-6640
Chester County Department of Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities: 800-692-1100, ext. 6265
Chester County District Attorney: 610-344-6801
Chester County Domestic Relations Support Hotline: 800-221-4636
Chester County Library System: 610-280-2600
Chester County Assistance Office (Welfare Office): 888-814-4698 or 610-466-1000
Food and Shelter Serivces:
Chester County Food Finder Website: Food Finder - Chester County Food Bank
Food Pantry Oscar Lasko YMCA 610-643-9622
Church of the Holy Trinity/Act in Faith: 484-324-8492
West Chester Food Cupboard: 610-344-3175
The Salvation Army: 610-696-8746
St. Agnes Church Day Room: 610-429-0697
Safe Harbor Shelter 610-692-6550 20 North Matlack Street West Chester Pa
Friends Association Homeless Shleter 113 W Chestnut Street West Chester Pa 610-432-3598
Shelter 1156 W Baltimore Pike Kenneett Square Pa 610-444-0400
Good Smaritan Services 104 High Street Phoenixville Pa 19460 888-477-0025
Bridge of Hope Chester County 610-280-0280 1 North acton Hill Road Malvern Pa
Walker house Shelter 1400 Blackhorse Hill Road Coatesville Pa 610-380-0704
For additional resources for shelter and food please contact us at the YMCA 610-643-9622x2157 or contact any
of the above numbers, who can provide more information.
We recognize those groups or individuals who are significantly impacted by children and families who are
served by our facility or those who have the potential to impact the family. Families are encouraged to
participate in building a list of Stakeholders who directly or indirectly impact the health and welfare of our
West Chester University 610-436-1000
Delaware County Community College 484-237-6200
United Way of Chester County 610-429-9400
Pediatric Dental Practices
Children’s Dental Health Associates 610-869-9727
Pediatric Medical Practices
CHOP 610-869-4700
Pediatric Care of Children 610-594-6440
Pennsylvania State Police (non-emergency)
Avondale 610-268-2022
Subject: Nondiscrimination in Services
To: Program Participant Parents/guardians
From: Claudia Aust, Senior Association Director of Before & After School Enrichment & Camp
Admissions, the provision of services, and referrals of clients shall be made without regard to color, race,
religious creed, disability, ancestry, age, sex, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).
Program services shall be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and
economically feasible methods available. These methods include, but are not limited to, equipment redesign,
the provision of aides, and the use of alternative service delivery locations. Structural modifications shall be
considered only as a last resort among available methods.
Any individual and/or their guardian who believes that they were discriminated against may file a complaint of
discrimination with:
YMCA of Greater Brandywine
1 East Chestnut Street
West Chester, Pa19380
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
DHS Bureau of Equal Opportunity
Southeast Regional Office
801 Market Street Suite 5034
Philadelphia Pa 19107
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights-Suite 372
Public Ledger Building
150 South Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106-9111
Department of Public Welfare
PO Box 265
Harrisburg, PA 17105
PA Human Relations Commission
110 North 8
Street, Suite 501
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Bureau of Equal Opportunity
Room 223 Health & Welfare Building
P.O. Box 265
Philadelphia, PA 19107
BASE Parent Handbook Receipt Acknowledgement
Please return this page with your registration paperwork.
I have received and read the BASE parent handbook. I have also had the opportunity to ask
questions regarding these policies. I agree to all of the policies and procedures set forth.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Please initial that you understand the following policies:
___________ Illness Policy
___________Behavior Policy and IEP 504 IFSP expectations
___________Allergy Action Plan
___________ Late pickerminations of services