Vol. 4(5), pp. 62-66, November 2013
DOI: 10.5897/JMLD2013-0078
ISSN 2141-2618 ©2013 Academic Journals
Journal of Medical Laboratory
and Diagnosis
Full Length Research Paper
Evaluation of SD BIOLINE rapid antibody test for
diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection
Endale Tadesse
, Gebru Mulugeta
and Techalew Shimelis
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Hawassa University,
Hawassa, Ethiopia.
School of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Accepted 6 November, 2013
Helicobacter pylori infection is most prevalent and known to cause chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer
disease in Ethiopia. To date, simple and rapid point-of-care tests are commercially available; however,
information is limited regarding their diagnostic significance. This cross-sectional study was conducted
to evaluate the diagnostic performance of SD BIOLINE H. pylori rapid antibody test. A consecutive 203
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) confirmed sera (148 H. pylori positive and 55 negative)
from dyspeptic patients were tested using SD BIOLINE H. pylori kit (Standard Diagnostic Inc, Korea) at
Hawassa Teaching and Referral Hospital, southern Ethiopia from October, 2012 to January, 2013.
Individuals under 15 years old, who were on anti- H. pylori treatment during the month prior to the
study, those with discordant ELISA results, and refused to participate, were excluded. The sensitivity,
specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the SD BIOLINE H.
pylori test kit were 95.3, 94.5, 97.9, 88.1 and 95.1%, respectively. Therefore, this point-of-care test could
be used as alternative to ELISA testing and best fit our context.
Key words: Helicobacter pylori, point-of-care, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), SD BIOLINE.
Helicobacter pylorus is a small, spiral, gram-negative
bacillus that appears to inhabit the mucous layer
overlying the gastric epithelial cells in humans. It was
formerly known as Campylobacter pyloridis then
Campylobacter pylori (Engstrand and Lindberg, 2013).
An estimated 50% of the world’s population is infected;
yet, its principal mode of transmission remains largely
unknown. It might be due to poverty related factors that
the prevalence of H. pylori infection is markedly higher in
developing countries than in developed nations (Khalifa
et al., 2010). In Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), an investigation
using different diagnostic methods showed H. pylori
prevalence varying between 69 and 91% among adult
dyspeptic patients (Asrat et al., 2004). Similar high
prevalence of H. pylori infection (70%) was also shown in
dyspeptic patients in northwest Ethiopia (Bahir-Dar)
(Tadege et al., 2005). The bacterium is known as the
most common cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer
disease. Also, infection is associated with gastric adeno-
carcinoma, which is the deadliest cancer (McColl and El-
Omar, 2002). It has been shown that eradicating H. pylori
infection reduces ulcer relapse (Arkkila et al., 2005) and
the risk of gastric cancer development among patients
with or without precancerous lesion (Wong et al., 2004,
H. pylori can be diagnosed using invasive and non-
invasive methods; but a combination of at least two
methods has been recommended to improve accuracy of
*Corresponding author. E-mail: techalew03@yahoo.com. Tel: +251468209290.
its detection (Ramis et al., 2012). The invasive methods
such as culture, histology and rapid urease testing of
endoscopic biopsy from gastric mucosa are commonly
used. But these methods are tedious and time consuming
and require sampling procedure that cause discomfort to
patients (Cirak et al., 2007). The non-invasive methods
C and
C urea breath tests (UBTs) and
serology. UBTs are specific for active infection; however,
they are more expensive or have safety concern, limiting
their diagnostic suitability (Mansour-Ghanaei et al., 2011;
Kato et al., 2002). In contrast, serological tests are
inexpensive and widely available even though enzyme
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based tests require
costly laboratory equipment, trained personnel and
electric supply to establish diagnosis in resource-
constrained settings (Leal et al., 2007).
To date, rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) detecting
antibodies against H. pylori infection are commercially
available and widely applied in clinical practice in our
settings. RDTs are simple to perform, has short test time
and do not require laboratory support. However, studies
reported that RDTs show varying level of diagnostic
performance, which is influenced by H. pylori prevalence,
genetic diversity and study population (Chen et al., 1997;
Elitsur et al., 1997; Pelerito et al., 2006). Thus, it
highlights the need to assess the diagnostic usefulness of
RDTs in our context where H. pylori is prevalent; but little
is known regarding RDT performance characteristics.
This study was conducted to evaluate the diagnostic per-
formance of SD BIOLINE H. pylori rapid antibody test so
that its diagnostic value to serve as alternative to ELISA
would be elucidated.
Study subjects
A cross-sectional study was conducted in consecutive dyspeptic
patients who provide blood for H. pylori serological testing at
Hawassa Teaching and Referral Hospital, southern Ethiopia from
October, 2012 to January, 2013. Two hundred and three ELISA
confirmed sera (148 H. pylori positive and 55 negative) were used.
There were 11 patients that were excluded: 3 were on anti-H. pylori
treatment during the month prior to the study; 1 refused to
participate; 4 had discordant ELISA results; 3 were children under
15 years old. The study obtained ethical clearance from the
Institutional Review Board of College of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Hawassa University.
Venous blood was collected from the study participants and sera
were stored at -20°C until analyzed. All sera were tested for anti-H.
pylori immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody using two different ELISA
kits: Pyloriset EIA-G III (Orion Diagnostica, Germany) and H. pylori
IgG ELISA (IBL International, Hamburg, Germany). According to the
manufacturers’ claim, the respective sensitivity and specificity were
100 and 94.3% for Pyloriset EIA-G III and > 95 for H. pylori IgG
ELISA. In this study, H. pylori infection status was determined on
Tadesse et al. 63
the bases of the same positive or negative results obtained by both
ELISA tests.
Pyloriset EIA-G III testing
A 100 µl of each calibrator sera (labeled 1 to 4) and 100 µl of each
1 to 201 diluted patient sera were pipetted to microtiter wells coated
with the specific H. pylori antigen. Plates were incubated on a plate
shaker (1000 rpm) at 25°C for 30 min. After washing 3 times, 100 µl
of enzyme conjugate was added into the wells and incubated again
at 25°C for 30 min. Following washing step, 100 µl of substrate
solution was added and plates were incubated at 25°C for 10 min.
The reaction was stopped by adding 100 µl of 0.5 M sulfuric acid
and the optical density (OD) of each well was read at 450 nm within
10 min after stopping. As specified by the manufacturer, samples
were defined as positive when their OD values are equal to or
higher than that of the calibrator serum 2 OD.
H. pylori IgG ELISA testing
A 100 µl of each standard (labeled A to D) and 100 µl of each 1 to
101 diluted patient sera were added into the respective microtiter
wells. Plates were covered with adhesive foil and incubated at 25°C
for 60 min. After washing 3 times with washing buffer, 100 µl of
enzyme conjugate was added into each well and incubated at 25°C
for 30 min. Following similar washing steps, 100 µl of TMB
substrate solution was added into each well and incubated at 25°C
for 20 min. The reaction was stopped by adding 0.5 M sulfuric acid,
and the OD of each well was read at 450/630 nm within 60 minutes
after stopping. As per the instruction of the manufacturer, the OD of
each sample was divided by the cut-off standard (standard B) value
to obtain a cut-off index (COI). A respective COI value of < 0.8, 0.8
to 1.2 and > 1.2 were interpreted as negative, equivocal and
Rapid diagnostic test
Those ELISA characterized sera were tested using a commercial
rapid diagnostic kit, SD BIOLINE H. pylori kit (Standard Diagnostic
Inc, Korea). A single investigator blinded to the results of ELISA
read all the rapid test results. Tests were carried out according to
instruction of the manufacturer. The SD BIOLINE H. pylori antibody
test is a simple one step immune-chromatographic assay for
qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotopes to H. pylori. The
test procedure is to add 10 µl of serum, plasma or whole blood to a
sample well, and then adding 3 drops of assay diluent to the same
well. The result was read at 10 min. Positive test result is indicated
when control (C) and test line (T) are visible, and negative result is
when only control line (C) is visible. The test is invalid when the
control line is invisible. Data entry and analysis was performed
using STATA Version-10. Results are summarized using mean and
proportion as appropriate. Parameters including sensitivity,
specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value
(NPV) and accuracy were calculated considering concordant ELISA
results as true results.
Sera from 203 patients (102 male, 101 female) were cha-
racterized for the H. pylori status by ELISA testing. They
64 J. Med. Lab. Diagn.
Table 1. Serology results of SD BIOLINE H. pylori
antibody test kit, southern Ethiopia, 2012-2013.
ELISA Testing
SD BIOLINE H. pylori
RDT, rapid diagnostic test; ELISA, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay
Table 2. The diagnostic performance characteristics of SD BIOLINE H. pylori antibody test kit, southern
Ethiopia, 2012-2013.
Sensitivity (%)
Specificity (%)
PPV (%)
NPV (%)
SD BIOLINE H. pylori kit
95.3 (90.5-98.1)
94.5 (84.9-98.9)
97.9 (94-99.6)
88.1 (77.1-95.1)
RDT, rapid diagnostic test; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.
were aged between 15 to 78 years, with a mean age of
36.9 years and standard deviation 14.8 years. One
hundred and forty eight (72.9%) sera were positive for H.
pylori IgG antibody and 55 (27.1%) were negative. There
was an agreement between the SD BIOLINE H. pylori
and ELISA results in 193 of 203 sera (overall accuracy
95.1%). As presented in Table 1, 141 true-positive, 52
true-negative, 3 false-positive and 7 false-negative
results was obtained by SD BIOLINE H. pylori test kit.
Out of 144 positive results, 8 were faint positive (Figure
1). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value
(PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of SD
BIOLINE H. pylori rapid test were 95.3, 94.5, 97.9 and
88.1%, respectively (Table 2).
In our context where lack of resources and expertise limit
regular evaluations of diagnostic methods, many new
tests are marketed and used directly without prior
evaluation for their appropriateness. Rapid serological
kits for H. pylori are among the most widely used tests as
these products are easily applicable and other diagnostic
methods are limited. However, the need to determine
their diagnostic value through evaluation should be
emphasized for the improved management and control of
H. pylori infection. In attempt to find a reliable point-of-
care test, we evaluated the diagnostic performance of SD
BIOLINE H. pylori rapid antibody test. The sensitivity,
specificity, PPV and NPV of the test kit were 95.3, 94.5,
97.9 and 88.1%, respectively. The kit’s manufacturer
claimed similar performance characteristics: sensitivity
(95.9%), specificity (89.6%), PPV (93.4%), and NPV
(93.5%). Also, the overall accuracy (95.1%) we reported
was in accordance with that of the manufacturer (93.4%).
The various diagnostic products, dissimilar
methodologies and diverse studied population may limit
direct comparison between findings coming out of valida-
tion studies. In agreement with our findings, a previous
evaluation of the Assure H. pylori rapid serological test
(Genelabs Diagnostics, Singapore) reported a respective
sensitivity and specificity of 90.1 and 80.9% in
Bangladeshi adult patients (Pelerito et al., 2006).
Moreover, evaluation of the Assure H. pylori in
Portuguese pediatric population showed compatible
specificity (95%) to that of the SD BIOLINE H. pylori kit,
although its sensitivity (75.7%) was inferior (Rahman et
al., 2008). However, unlike our evaluation, those studies
included methods such as culture, rapid urease test, and
histology to confirm patients’ H. pylori status.
The NPV of SD BIOLINE H. pylori kit suggests that
negative results could be used to rule out H. pylori infec-
tion. Also, the observed high PPV of the test kit indicates
the reliability of positive results to detect H. pylori expo-
sure, truly. Nonetheless, the faint positive results may
increase inter-observer variation and the risk of reporting
false-negative result. However, since the predictive
values of a test depend on the prevalence of H. pylori
infection (Banoo et al., 2010), the test kit may demon-
strate different performance elsewhere if the prevalence
is lower.
Serology is a non-invasive method detecting antibody
against H. pylori infection and it is the only test unaffected
by changes in the stomach that could lead to a low
bacterial load and to false-negative results of the other
Tadesse et al. 65
Figure 1. Photograph of SD BIOLINE H. pylori rapid antibody test
Left: faint positive; Middle: Positive; Right: Negative (61, 94, and 96:
Patients’ identification numbers).
tests (Malfertheiner et al., 2012). However, serology is
unable to distinguish between active infection and past
exposure due to the fact that antibodies against H. pylori
remain elevated for longer period after the disappearance
of the infection (Ekstrom et al., 2001). In Ethiopian setting
with a high prevalence of H. pylori infection (Asrat et al.,
2004; Tadege et al., 2005), ELISA was shown to be
highly accurate in diagnosing dyspeptic patients (Asrat et
al., 2007). However, ELISA-based H. pylori serological
test takes longer time, requires trained staff and a
laboratory set-up; thus, it has application difficulties in
resource-limited developing countries (Leal et al., 2008).
The SD BIOLINE H. pylori rapid antibody test addresses
challenges related to ELISA as it is simple to test, has
short test time (less than 30 min), does not require
laboratory equipment or electricity supply, and use whole
blood, plasma or serum as diagnostic sample.
However, the results of this study should be interpreted
in light of its methodological limitation as the tests
employed for H. pylori diagnosis did not include methods
of choice such as culture, UBTs and histology against
those comparisons of the serological tests would have
been imperative.
The SD BIOLINE H. pylori rapid antibody test was found
sensitive and specific for screening of H. pylori infection
in Ethiopian populations. Therefore, this point-of-care test
best fit our context and could be used as alternative to
ELISA testing.
The authors would like to thank the Hawassa University
for finical support of the study; and the Standard
Diagnostics, Inc. Ethiopia for providing kits free of charge.
We extend our appreciation to Ms. Sara Tadesse for
technical assistance during laboratory work and finally to
the study subjects who voluntarily participated in the
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