Circle, highlight, and underline this date on the calendar… August 15, 2018.
This is when the state will unveil the inaugural A-F” letter grade ratings for
public school districts via the state’s academic accountability system. (TEA
will not issue campus-level A-F ratings until summer, 2019.) Regardless of
one’s beliefs about public education, accountability ratings in the form of A-
F letter grades will be critically important to virtually all of the education
system’s stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, campus administrators,
district administrators, school board members, neighborhoods and communities, pro-public education
advocates, pro-voucher advocates, realtors, business and industry leaders, the higher education system,
and officials (including elected officials) at the local, state and even federal levels.
No doubt there will be a plethora of media releases, informational brochures, and website updates prepared
in advance of the August 15 accountability ratings release. Some individuals and organizations will simply
total the number of D’s and/or Fs and issue a broad-brush declaration of failure, with the solution being
an immediate call for vouchers. Some will bemoan the K-12 system’s apparent failure to adequately
prepare students for postsecondary success. Some will tout the A-ratings given to their local school
districts on marquees and/or billboards. And some may dismiss the letter grades by observing that “…a
letter grade will not measure all of the great things we do in public education.”
To address the last statement, one must first understand “how we got here,” that is, the policy framework
within which the public education accountability system operates.
What We Knew as of “Sine Die”
The 85
Regular Texas Legislature changed the education code by passing
HB 22, which requires the commissioner of education to: “measure and
evaluate school district and campuses with respect to: (1) improving student
preparedness for success in: (A) subsequent grade levels, and (B) entering
the workforce, the military, or postsecondary education; (2) reducing, with
the goal of eliminating, student academic differentials among students from
different racial and ethnic groups and socioeconomic backgrounds; and (3)
informing parents and the community regarding campus and district performance.” (TEC, §39.053(a-1))
Legislative action repealed the index system that had been used in the 2012 through 2017 ratings cycles.
Also repealed was the former statutory requirement to implement an A-F rating system (per HB 2804,
2015, 84
Texas Legislature), which would have evaluated schools and districts on five domains of
performance. Current law requires the commissioner to implement a new A-F rating system that comprises
three domains, referred to as the Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps domains,
respectively. (TEC, §39.053(c))
TEC, §39.0541 explicitly grants the commissioner broad authority to “adopt indicators and standards
under this subchapter at any time during a school year before the evaluation of a school district or
Superintendent’s Panel, Texas Tribune Festival. From Twitter, @MoakCasey, 23 Sept 2017
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
campus.” The law further states that “The commissioner shall evaluate school district and campus
performance and assign each district and campus an overall performance rating of A, B, C, D or F.
(TEC, §39.054(a)) Statute defines A-F letter grades using terminology borrowed most recently from the
TAKS-based era of accountability, last applied in 2011 (TEC, §39.054(a)):
A = Exemplary Performance
B = Recognized Performance
C = Acceptable Performance
D = In Need of Improvement
F = Unacceptable Performance
The commissioner of education must assign each district and charter an A-F rating beginning in August
2018 and each campus an A-F rating beginning in August 2019. (TEC, §39.054(a-4)) When the Texas
Education Agency calculates an overall rating, the commissioner must select whichever performance
rating is higher” between the Achievement and Progress domains [within certain limitations], and
combine that result with the letter rating assigned to the Closing the Gaps domain. The commissioner is
required to weight the Closing the Gaps domain as “no less than 30%” of the overall rating. (TEC,
§39.054(a-1)) The limitations specify that: 1) the commissioner cannot assign a composite rating higher
than a “B” if the district or school received an “F” rating in either the Achievement or the Progress domains
and 2) the commissioner cannot assign an “A” rating in a domain or overall if any of the district’s
campuses has a corresponding “D” or “F” rating. (TEC, §39.054(a))
Statute mandates that “The commissioner shall ensure that the method used to evaluate performance is
implemented in a manner that provides the mathematical possibility that all districts and campuses
receive an A rating.” (TEC, §39.054(b); emphasis added.) The agency effectively is prohibited from
developing a state accountability system that applies a forced statistical distribution, such as a percentile
rank, which would result in predetermined numbers or percentages of “A” or “F” ratings.
Statue also requires the commissioner to solicit input statewide from persons who would likely be affected
by the proposed rule [pertaining to assessment and accountability], including school district boards of
trustees, administrators and teachers employed by school districts, parents of students enrolled in school
districts, and other interested stakeholders.” (TEC, §39.001(b))
The next sections of this opinion article are intended to inform stakeholders, especially district and campus
administrators, about how the new accountability system could impact schools, districts, and
The analyses identify potential issues with or limitations of the new accountability system.
Stakeholders may be most interested in providing feedback to TEA that can improve the system’s fairness,
accuracy and utility by addressing the already identifiable issues and/or limitations.
All descriptions, analyses, etc. are based on publicly available information as of January 31, 2018.
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
What We Know Now
Using the 2017 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
and TEA’s published methodology
, Moak, Casey & Associates
(MCA) models suggest that campuses educating large numbers of
economically disadvantaged students will not be as likely as other
campuses to receive “A” ratings. In other words, while the statute
requires a “mathematical” possibility for all campuses to receive “A
ratings, the draft policies set forth by the commissioner appear to have
a systematic bias making it more difficult for some schools than others to earn those ratings.
The scatterplots below display the MCA models for the Student Achievement Domain results* for
campuses based on the percentage of economically disadvantaged (EcD) students enrolled at each campus.
(Please see Attachment A for a description of MCA’s methodology.) In Figures 1 and 2, the blue dots
represent campuses with less than 20% EcD students enrolled and the red dots represent campuses with
80-100% EcD students enrolled. The dotted line at 60 represents TEA’s published cut score for an “A.”
The cut score of 60, as TEA explains it, is intended to align the K-12 system with the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board’s “TX 60x30” plan; which states that by 2030, at least 60% of Texans ages
25-34 will have a certificate or degree.
*TEA’s methodology averages approaches, meets and masters grade level for all 2017 STAAR subjects.
Figures 1 and 2. Relatively few high-poverty elementary and middle schools would receive an ‘A’
for the Student Achievement Domain.
Graphs are based on 2017 TAPR data and TEA published methodology
Figure 1. Elementary Schools
TEA Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC) materials, December 2017. At this time, the commissioner has not
made his final accountability decisions; therefore the methodology could change.
732 (or 17%) elementary school campuses = A
≈ 53% of the A’s enroll less than 20% EcD students
≈ 13% of the A’s enroll 60 –100% EcD students
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
Figure 2. Middle Schools
Sources: Graphs are based on 2017 TAPR data and TEA published methodology
The scatterplots shown above in figures 1 and 2 indicate that very few high-poverty elementary and middle
schools would receive an “A for the Student Achievement Domain as it is currently defined, while a little
more than half of all low-poverty schools would receive an “A”.
Curious readers may ask, Which high-poverty campuses (the yellow and red dots) are above the “A”-
line? To what practices do they attribute their results? Can other schools implement these same practices
to obtain similar outcomes?” By looking at the school names and total enrollment, we’ve learned that
most, but not all, of the few high-poverty campuses above the cut score of 60 are small campuses, each
with fewer than 500 enrolled students. Many have names that include the words “Magnet,” “G/T,”
“Montessori,” “STEM” or “STEAM,” “Young Men’s or Young Women’s Academy,” etc. From the
names, one can infer that these probably are high-performing, high-poverty specialty campuses, possibly
with selective enrollment criteria, rather than traditional, comprehensive neighborhood schools.
Elementary and middle schools only have STAAR results to use in the Student Achievement Domain
calculation. In contrast, statute requires the use of multiple data sources in the domain calculation for high
schools and districts: STAAR results; graduation rates; and College, Career, and Military Readiness
(CCMR) indicators. (TEC, §39.053(c)(1)(B).) The commissioner must decide how much to weight each
of these indicators in calculating the Student Achievement Domain score for high schools and districts.
Accountability advisory groups (e.g., ATAC and APAC) and other public school advocates strongly
recommend that TEA weight each high school indicator equally when calculating the Student
Achievement Domain score. However, if it is true that TEA will implement a single accountability system
to satisfy both state and federal accountability requirements, then it appears that TEA has declined to use
208 (or 13%) middle school campuses = A
≈ 60% of the A’s enroll less than 20% EcD students
≈ 5% of the A’s enroll 60 –100% EcD students
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
this recommendation. TEA’s revised ESSA plan
states that the indicators will be weighted as follows
to calculate the domain score: STAAR, 40%; CCMR, 40%; and Graduation Rates, 20%. Please see
Figure 3 to understand the potential impact of applying equal weights in the domain calculation.
Figure 3. Almost all high schools would receive an “A” when STAAR, CCMR, and Graduation
Rate indicators are weighted equally. Graphs are based on 2017 TAPR data, Index 4 PSR and TEA published
Figure 3. HS Option A: 34/33/33 grad rate
Graphs are based on 2017 TAPR data, Index 4 PSR and TEA published methodology
Figure 3 shows that almost all high schools, regardless of EcD enrollment, would receive an “A” when
STAAR, CCMR, and Graduation Rate indicators are weighted equally in the calculation of the Student
Achievement Domain score; and fewer high schools would receive “A” ratings if Graduation Rates were
to be weighted only 20% in the calculation (88% compared to 94%).
The absence of a clear explanation for the state’s decision to minimize graduation rates leads us to wonder
if TEA leadership is concerned about the appearance of having “too many” high schools earn “A” ratings
eventhough the law clearly states that it should be mathematically possible for ALL campuses to earn
“A” ratings. The commissioner recently praised Texas’ public high schools for being among the top five
performers in the nation with regard to graduation rates.
Why, then, is this same indicator going to be
minimized in the state’s calculations?
Following are some recommendations for the commissioner, and for districts, to mitigate concerns about
the use of letter grades as ratings. Particular attention is given to potential limitations in the Student
Achievement Domain calculations, as they are defined in the commissioner’s current proposal.
TEA submitted the revised ESSA plan to USDE on January 8, 2018. More information about TX ESSA Plan can be found
Commissioner Morath, Jan. 24, 2018 in remarks to the appointed Texas Commission on Public School Finance. More
information about the commission can be found here
94% HS campuses = A with equal weights applied
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
Recommendations to TEA
The commissioner is urged to include non-test based indicators for elementary and middle schools to
promote fairness. Some examples include “enrichment” course completion rates for fine arts, physical
education, and second language acquisition, extra-curricular participation rates (UIL, clubs, etc.),
middle school dropout rates, and full-day Pre-K participation rates. Statute provides the commissioner
with authority to adopt indicators and standards at any time; exercising that authority would address
the entirely test-driven determination of the Student Achievement domain as is currently planned.
The commissioner should accept the recommendations of practitioners by applying equal weights to
the STAAR, CCMR and graduation rate indicators in the evaluation of high schools and districts.
Doing so is 1) within the commissioner’s authority in current law, 2) consistent with the accolades
given to Texas public high schools for their exemplary graduation rates, and 3) renders “A” ratings
attainable for most high schools which is aligned to specific direction to the commissioner in the
current law.
The commissioner should phase in the Student Achievement Domain targets to 1) align with the ESSA
Academic Achievement Indicator (47-53-60), and 2) positively motivate continuous improvement.
The commissioner could begin with the statewide average of 47 as a reasonable initial target and
increase the target in 5-year increments, which also serves to balance the need for system stability with
the need for continuous academic improvement.
The commissioner should expand the list of industry certifications to include CTE ‘coherent sequence
of course’ graduates and School-to-Workforce program graduates to recognize the achievement of
these graduates, too.
Recommendations to Districts
District leadership should provide an appropriate interpretive framework when reporting Student
Achievement Domain scores in the new system. This will help stakeholders to understand that the
appearance of “lower” results is as much a function of the changes in state methodology, as it may be
of any changes in actual performance.
Districts should adopt CTE coherent sequence of courses that lead to certifications in high-demand
fields in the workforce, primarily because that will serve students well.
If a domain score of 60 is the adopted target to represent an “A” in the new system, then district and
campus leaders should anticipate some pushback from certain groups of people (e.g., “the system is
rigged to give everyone an ‘A,’” or “the standards have been lowered for schools - students would be
given ‘F’s’ for grades of 60)”. Factual information, provided in advance, may help to manage the
expectations of various stakeholder groups.
District and campus leadership teams should ensure contextual understanding of the results. That is,
while the law requires it to be mathematically possible for all schools or districts to receive “A” ratings,
available data suggest that such ratings in the Student Achievement Domain are less likely to be
assigned to elementary and middle school campuses educating large percentages of economically
disadvantaged students, than to campuses with small percentages of these students.
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
What We Know Now
Statute requires that the School Progress Domain indicators include:
“the percentage of students who met the standard for improvement, as
determined by the commissioner; and for evaluating relative
performance, the performance of districts and campuses compared to
similar districts or campuses.” (TEC, §39.053(c)(2)) In response, TEA
plans to implement two methods of gauging progress. The first method,
referred to here as Part A: Student Growth, measures whether the
students’ levels of proficiency change over time on STAAR reading
and mathematics. The second method, referred to here as Part B: Relative Performance, uses a regression
model to assign letter grades based on the relationship between the percentage of economically
disadvantaged students enrolled and Student Achievement Domain scores, relative to the relationship
observed for the entire state.
Using available 2017 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data and TEA’s published
methodology, MCA modeled campus and district results for Part B: Relative Performance in the new
School Progress Domain. The results indicate that this component of the new accountability system does
not appear to function with a similar negative bias for campuses that serve large percentages of
economically disadvantaged students, as was seen in MCA’s modeling of the Student Achievement
Domain. Potential issues in the School Progress domain instead stem from 1) the weights proposed for
use in calculating Part A: Student Growth and 2) the meaningfulness of the varying cut scores used to
assign letter grades in Part B: Relative Performance. Each of these potential issues is discussed next.
Part A: Student Growth awards points (0, 0.5 or 1 point) based on year-over-year changes in students’
proficiency levels on STAAR reading and mathematics tests (e.g., declined a level or more, stayed at the
same level, or increased a level, respectively). This proposed approach is a significant departure from past
accountability systems. From 1994 to 2011, the state’s academic accountability systems relied upon
changes in the percentages of students “passing” the state assessments, from one year to the next, as the
key metric. Changes in percent passing were considered to be indicative of growth or improvement in
performance. With implementation of the STAAR assessment program in 2012, the state began to
calculate individual-level year-over-year progress on STAAR reading and mathematics tests, and compare
those results to statistically expected performance. The amount of actual change then was classified as
having either met, exceeded, or not met the statistically expected growth. The new A-F system changes
the dynamic entirely. Not only does the new system shift to yet another growth metric calculation, the
system employs a weighting scheme that emphasizes growth toward postsecondary readiness the highest
possible proficiency level – for all students regardless of their prior year proficiency level.
Three specific points of information are needed to anticipate how Part A: Student Growth might work in
the new accountability system. First, the commissioner needs to define how the system will distinguish
between “excellent performance” and “minimally acceptable performance.” Second, it is not clear whether
high schools can be evaluated for Student Growth with adequate reliability, given the limited availability
of pertinent data (particularly in mathematics). Third, the commissioner has not announced how letter
grades will be assigned to schools or districts on the Part A: Student Growth component of the School
Progress Domain. Until we gain clarity on these three points, it is impractical to model this component of
the School Progress domain.
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
Part B: Relative Performance uses a regression model to compare the relationships between Student
Achievement Domain scores and the percentages of economically disadvantaged (EcD) students enrolled
in schools or districts across the state. A trend line shows the statewide average relationship between the
two variables. Specific distances above and below the trend line are used to define various performance
‘bands’ that, in turn, determine the letter grade for the Relative Performance component. Therefore, a
campus with a relatively small percentage of enrolled EcD students must meet a higher Student
Achievement Domain score to receive an “A,” than does a campus with a very large percentage of enrolled
EcD students. Please see TEA’s graphical representation of Part B, Relative Performance, in Figure 4
Figure 4. TEA Middle School Example
Source: TEA APAC Meeting December 4, 2017, page 18.
TEA’s most recently published cut scores show that the performance band for a Part B: Relative
Performance grade of “A” begins at a Student Achievement Domain score of 43 (for a high poverty middle
school) and reaches a maximum of 92 (for a low poverty high school), depending on the campus type and
percentage of EcD students enrolled.
On the one hand, the wide spread in the cut scores for the
assignment of an “A” rating seems reasonable given historical data showing large and persistent
performance disparities among EcD and Non-EcD students in Texas on state assessments. On the other,
a 40+ point span to earn the exact same letter grade risks confusion in the community and the media about
the meaningfulness of any given letter grade with regard to student learning and campus or district
By applying TEA’s most recently published cut scores to the results of MCA’s Student Achievement
Domain models, the scatter plots below show the performance bands that could be used to assign letter
grades to the Part B: Relative Performance scores. Please see Figures 5 through 7, below.
TEA School Progress Look-Up Table, APAC, December 4. 2017. Additional information regarding the 2018 Accountability
Development materials can be found here
. At this time, the
commissioner has not made his final accountability decisions; therefore the methodology and cut scores could change.
Using TEA’s regression model, a campus
with a small percentage of EcD students
receive an ‘A’ than does a campus with a
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
Figures 5 – 7. “Mathematically possible” can mean “reasonably likely” for campuses educating
large percentages of economically disadvantaged students. Graphs are based on 2017 TAPR data and TEA
published methodology
Figure 5. Elementary Schools
Figure 6. Middle Schools
Most, but not all, of the high-performing, high-poverty middle and elementary schools
enroll fewer than 500 students and have names that include the words “Magnet,” “G/T,”
“Montessori,” “STEM” or “STEAM,” “Early College,” “Young Men’s” or “Young Women’s
Academies,” etc. From the names, one can infer that these are high-performing, high-poverty
specialty campuses, possibly with selective enrollment criteria, rather
than traditional,
comprehensive neighborhood schools.
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
Figure 7. HS Option B: 40/40/20 grad rate
ces: Graphs are based on 2017 TAPR data and TEA published methodology
Thus, in contrast to the model of the Student Achievement Domain, It appears that “mathematically
possible” for any or all schools or districts to receive an “A” rating can mean “reasonably likely”,
regardless of the percentages of economically disadvantaged students being served.
The results of MCA’s modeling affirm the possibility that, among high schools in particular, exemplars
with high performance and large percentages of economically disadvantaged students abound. The data
displays also give rise to some questions. For example, why are the performance bands so tightly “packed”
at the middle school level, when contrasted with those at the elementary and/or high school levels? How
instructionally meaningful are the differences in performance at the “C” versus “B” letter grades, or
perhaps more importantly, at the “C” versus “D” letter grades, since sanctions commence with “D” letter
grades? And, do these results in any way shed light on how educational practices must change for all
schools to become “high performers,” regardless of the characteristics of their respective student
populations? These questions go to the heart of the new accountability system’s ability to meaningfully
discriminate between performances for purposes of assigning letter grades (i.e., validity and reliability),
and the system’s utility in informing improvements in instruction. It is difficult to accept the premise
that accountability is intended to drive systemic improvement, if the system can neither consistently and
meaningfully classify performance as acceptable or unacceptable, nor inform practitioners about what,
and how, specific instructional behaviors need to change.
Recommendations to TEA
The commissioner should elect to assign letter grades to the School Progress Domain results by
selecting the best outcome between the Part A: Student Growth and Part B: Relative Performance
components. This will serve to promote fairness by reducing the risk of incorrectly identifying
campuses or districts as having unacceptable levels of performance, particularly during the earliest
years of implementation of the new system. This approach to the assignment of domain grades also
may temper some of the anticipated rhetoric about “How come that district got an “A” when my district
has a higher score on the exact same component?The commissioner can revisit this decision once a
stable baseline of complete information is established.
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
To promote fairness and validity of the accountability system, the commissioner is urged to continue
Agency research into a more accurate measure (or measures) of educational need or educational
‘degree of difficulty’ than continuing to use participation in the Free / Reduced-Price Meals (FRPM)
program as the statistical proxy for educational disadvantage.
o The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), National Forum on Education Statistics
calls on the education community to “adopt and implement alternative SES measures that may
more accurately identify individual students who are socioeconomically in need.”
This call
to action is made based on the fact that the FRPM indicator is becoming progressively less
suitable as a proxy for an individual student or family’s socioeconomic status due to three
primary factors:
1. “Interpretation and use in a manner not intended by the collection: FRP eligibility is
being used as a proxy for SES even though it only reflects income (or, in some cases,
school-wide characteristics) rather than other components of SES that are widely
acknowledged to be relevant at the individual level, such as parent/guardian occupation
and education.”
2. Severely limited access within the education community: FRP eligibility data at the
individual level are available only for the purposes of administering the meals program.
NSLP prohibits other education staff from using the data to determine the instructional and
non-instructional (service eligibility) needs of individual students.[MCA note: Access has
not been severely limited in Texas.]
3. Decreasing applicability as a measure of economic need: CEP is expected to improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of the NSLP meals program; however, it will also result in
the loss of individual student-level FRP eligibility data in participating education agencies.
Because many education agencies rely on FRP eligibility as a measure of SES, this change
would have serious implications on the quality of the SES proxy in LEA, SEA, and ED
data systems.
Recommendations to Districts
District and campus leadership must consistently communicate the message that every student must
demonstrate growth. How does the district intend to address instructional improvement so that student
academic growth is both universal and substantive?
Districts must determine how to more rapidly identify and effectively serve students to keep from
perpetuating what the accountability system sees as “failures” especially when growth actually is
occurring. The “school-dependent” student who starts the year behind grade level must experience
accelerated growth to meet or exceed grade level standards by the end of the school year.
As with the Student Achievement Domain, district and campus leaders should provide an interpretive
framework to consumers of the ratings – parents, community and business leaders, the media, et al. –
so that they understand up front that the Relative Performance score associated with an “A” rating can
vary widely, i.e., from a 43 to a 92. Arguments over “they got an ‘A’ for the exact same score as we
did, but we only got a ‘B,’” and so forth, distract from the much more important conversation around
the question of, “what are WE going to do about this?”.
District and campus leaders should work to ensure contextual understanding of the results.
Comparisons of current results for one’s own district or school to: 1) historical data prepared using the
same methods (when possible), 2) “like” districts or schools and 3) statewide results may help to
ground the outcomes for consumers.
National Forum on Educational Statistics: Forum Guide to Alternative Measures of Socioeconomic Status in Education Data
Systems, page 6. The complete guide is found here
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
What We Know Now
According to TEA’s most recent plan to implement the Every Student
Succeeds Act (ESSA), the Closing the Gaps Domain letter grade is
determined by the percentage of student groups that meet or exceed
state-identified achievement targets.
Large, diverse campuses may
have more than 70 achievement targets to meet. Individual students’
results are used multiple times in the domain evaluation. TEA models
show that most campuses will meet less than half of their applicable
achievement targets. And the Closing the Gaps Domain score
comprises 30% of the overall letter grade rating.
HB 22 codified that the Closing the Gaps Domain include: “the use of disaggregated data to demonstrate
the differentials among students from different racial and ethnic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds, and
other factors, including: (A) students formerly receiving special education services; B) students
continuously enrolled; and (C) students who are mobile. (TEC, §39.053(c)(3)) While the statutory
language is broad, Commissioner Morath has been clear in his intent to align the state and federal
accountability systems in the Closing the Gaps Domain. Many educators and parents remember the days
when “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP) determinations, under the federal No Child Left Behind act,
were not aligned with the state accountability system. As a result, it was possible for apparent
“mismatches” in ratings to occur. A campus rated as “Recognized” by the state could, for the very same
school year, be identified as having “Missed AYP.” The resulting dissonance was difficult to explain and
raised doubts about the credibility of both the state and federal accountability ratings systems.
As shown in the 2018 Closing the Gaps Domain Status Report
the following elements are included in the
letter grade calculation for this domain:
14 Student Groups
5 Groups of Achievement Indicators [these are identical to the ESSA-required indicators]:
Academic Achievement in Reading and Mathematics, as determined by the “Meets Grade
Level” standards on STAAR
Growth in Reading and Mathematics (Elementary and Middle Schools), as determined by the
“Meets Growth” standard on STAAR
Graduation Rates (High Schools, K-12, Districts), as determined by federally compliant
calculations (no state-required records exclusions are applied)
English Language Proficiency (ELP), as determined by levels achieved on TELPAS
School Quality or Student Success:
Student Achievement Domain Performance for Elementary and Middle Schools as
determined by combining Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, and Masters
Grade Level performance on STAAR in Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and
Social Studies
TEA submitted the revised ESSA plan to USDE on January 8, 2018. More information about TX ESSA Plan can be found
Appendix F of the revised ESSA plan
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
College, Career, and Military Readiness Performance (High Schools, K-12, and
Districts), as calculated for the relevant Student Achievement Domain CCMR
Results compared to Achievement Indicator Goals or Targets (both long-term and 5-year interim),
as established in the state’s ESSA plan
Test participation rates for all students and each student group compared to 95% targets for
participation in STAAR Reading and Mathematics, as required by ESSA
While having this many indicator targets to meet in a single domain seems rather daunting on its face, it
also appears to be fundamentally unfair to large, diverse campuses and districts; which will have 25 or
more students in most, if not all, of the student group categories. TEA’s model from the December APAC
meeting demonstrate that there is good reason to be concerned: the model shows that not very many
campuses will meet all of their indicator targets by this coming August. Please see Figure 8, below.
Figure 8. TEA Data Modeling
Source: TEA APAC Meeting December 4, 2017, page 21.
Recommendations to TEA
The commissioner should elect to use the performance results of Title I campuses to set the baseline
targets, rather than using the results of ALL campuses (both Title I and Non-Title I) as is currently
To promote fairness in this domain calculation, the commissioner is urged to expand the idea of
satisfying targets in either Student Achievement OR School Progress indicators. Texas’ proposed
ESSA plan has two categorical calculations for achievement (Academic Achievement and School
Quality) and only one category for growth. The commissioner is urged to expand the ESSA plan to
include additional, non-test-based measures in accountability evaluations. For example, the state
should consider using chronic absenteeism (like 33 other states’ plans do) or a statewide climate survey
(like 10 other states’ plans do) for the School Quality / Student Success Indicator, rather than yet
another variation of STAAR results. Large, diverse elementary and middle school campuses could
have over 70 achievement targets to meet in the Closing the Gaps domain, and high schools appear to
Appendix A of the revised ESSA plan displays both the long-term and short-term targets
High schools, whose indicators
include CCMRs, graduation rates,
TELPAS, and STAAR, are found
to meet more of their achievement
indicators than do elementary and
middle schools, whose Closing the
Gaps D
omain score is almost
exclusively based on STAAR tests.
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
have an advantage over elementary and middle schools because non-STAAR based measures are
included in their evaluations.
It is essential that the commissioner introduce some “checks and balances” in the federal accountability
evaluations, given the large number of targets that schools and districts must meet. Therefore, in its
final ESSA plan, TEA should include the use of an improvement mechanism as a way for “D”-rated
schools and districts to achieve a passing letter grade.
Recommendations to Districts
Just as was true under NCLB, the state’s ESSA plan makes it clear that individual students’ results are
going to be used multiple times in the evaluation of this domain. District leadership should ensure
contextual understanding that poor achievement by a small number of individuals may affect multiple
targets for a given school or district.
The proposed TEA model inadequately recognizes the complex challenges posed by poverty in
education, because of its use of F/RPM participation as a proxy for educational disadvantage. District
and campus leadership teams should be prepared to showcase all of the ways in which they are creating
and maintaining support systems for the success of all students. The expectations and targets are
equally high for all students. What the proposed accountability system fails to recognize is the wide
variation in intensity of effort that may be required to help all students attain or surpass those
expectations and targets.
We agree with those who believe that letter grades will not measure all of the great things we do everyday
in public education. And we will continue to advocate for a fair and meaningful accountability system.
The commissioner has not issued his final accountability decisions and TEA continues to accept feedback
on the development of the A-F system. What recommendations do you have to improve the proposed
system? Send your comments to
Questions about this MCA opinion article? Please send questions to
© Moak, Casey & Associates, February 2018
Appendix A
Moak, Casey Model Methodology for Student Achievement and School
Progress Domains
Data Sources: 2017 TAPR Download, 2017 Accountability Download
Calculate the STAAR score.
1. Using the numerators and denominators from the 2017 TAPR download, the values for Reading, Math,
Science, Social Studies, and Writing for All Students are used to calculate the percentage of tests meeting
the standard as follows: Tests Meeting Standard divided by Tests Taken (R+M+S+SS+W) / (R+M+S+SS+W).
2. This is repeated for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, and Masters Grade Level.
3. The 3 levels (Approaches, Meets, and Masters) are added together and then divided by 3 to create the
average of the 3 levels, or the STAAR score. (The final STAAR score is rounded).
Limitations: Some numerators and denominators are masked in the download file due to small numbers.
These absent numbers were ignored during the calculations, and so the percentages for Approaches, Meets,
and Masters Grade Level may not match the 2017 TAPR exactly. TAPR percentages were not used because the
2017 TAPR Meets Grade Level percentages are for 2 or more subjects (not all subjects). Differences will be
more observable in districts/campuses with smaller enrollments.
College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) score.
Due to the unavailability of many of the indicators in the proposed CCMR score, the 2017 Index 4 CCR measure
was used as a proxy from the 2017 Accountability download.
Graduation Rate score.
The 4-year graduation rate and the 5-year graduation rate for All Students are taken from the 2017 Accountability
download. The higher of the 2 graduation rates is used.
Overall Student Achievement Score.
For elementary and middle or junior high schools, the STAAR score is the Student Achievement Domain score. For
high schools and districts, which include STAAR, CCMR, and Graduation Rates, we elected to use Option B as
described in the December 2017 APAC document: STAAR score 40%, CCMR score 40%, and Graduation rate
score 20%. For campuses, with no graduation rate, the weight is distributed equally between the STAAR score
and the CCMR score (50%-50%). If there is no CCMR score, then only the STAAR score is used. Alternative
Education campuses/districts and campuses/districts with no significant data are not included.
SCHOOL PROGRESS DOMAIN Part B: Relative Performance
The same overall score used for the Student Achievement Domain is used for School Progress, but a
school/district’s Economically Disadvantaged Enrollment is taken into consideration. The sample chart on page
17 of the Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC Dec. 2017) HB 22 Domain Models document was used
to assign the letter grades in this domain.