Planning and Building Unit
Department of Education and Skills
First edition: March 2019
Version 2.0: Oct 2022
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
Table of Contents
1. General 2
2. Appointment of Consultants 2
3. Open Procedure 3
3.1 Who can submit a tender 3
3.2 Eligibility of Firms / Consultants to tender 3
3.3 Tender Documents (Open Procedure) 3
3.4 Award Criteria 4
4. Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) 5
5. Appointing the Design Team under an Open Procedure 5
5.1 Advertising on eTenders 5
5.2 Documents to be uploaded on eTenders 5
5.3 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers 6
5.4 Completing the eTenders Contract Notice 6
5.5 Assessing the Tender Submissions 12
5.6 Validating the preferred tenderer’s suitability 13
5.7 Completing Formal Appointments 14
(a) Letters to Unsuccessful Candidates 14
(b) Letter of Acceptance to Successful Candidate 14
(c) Conditions of Engagement 14
(d) Contract Signings 14
(e) Maintaining records 15
6. Appointing the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) 15
6.1 PSDP Framework 15
6.2 eTenders 15
6.3 Documents to be uploaded 16
6.4 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers 16
6.5 Completing the PSDP eTenders Contract Notice 16
6.6 Assessing Tender Submissions 18
6.7 Validating preferred tenderer’s suitability 19
6.8 Completing Formal Appointments 19
7. Appointing the Design Team from a Framework (Restricted Procedure) 19
7.1 Consultants Framework 19
7.2 eTenders 19
7.3 Documents to be uploaded 19
7.4 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers 20
7.5 Completing the eTenders Contract Notice 20
7.6 Assessing Tender Submissions 20
7.7 Validating preferred tenderer’s suitability 20
7.8 Completing Formal Appointments 20
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
1. General
Following receipt of the letter of approval from the Department, and prior to the signing of the form of
acceptance, School Authorities/ETBs must tender for Consultants to form a Design Team to design,
procure and oversee the approved works.
The following Design Team consultants will be required:
Building Services Engineer
Civil/Structural Engineer
Quantity Surveyor
The consultants must have appropriate professional Qualifications, Professional Indemnity Insurance
Cover and previous experience in consultancy service of a similar nature.
In addition to the above consultants, under Health and Safety legislation it is a legal requirement to
appoint a competent person to act as Project Supervisor (Design) Process to oversee the health and
safety requirements of the project.
The Department’s procurement procedures for appointing consultants for projects vary in relation to
the size and complexity of the project as follows:
(a) Estimated construction cost €1m - €3.0m (ex VAT) Open Procedure; Type 2a projects.
(b) Estimated construction cost 3.0m - 10.0m (ex VAT) Restricted Procedure using the
Department’s Framework for Type 2b projects.
(c) Estimated construction cost €10.0m - 25.0m (ex VAT) Restricted Procedure using the
Department’s Framework for Type 3 projects.
(d) Estimated construction cost over €25.0m (ex VAT) – Restricted Procedure using the Department’s
Framework for Type 4 projects.
In the case of PSDP Services appointments for all projects over €1m are based on a Restricted Procedure
using the Department’s PSDP Framework panels.
2. Appointment of Consultants
As the anticipated aggregated value of Design Team services will be in excess of the EU threshold for
services the Request for Tenders will need to be published on eTenders and in the Official Journal of the
European Union (OJEU). Details of the procedures to be followed, together with checklists for the
completion of eTenders and OJEU contract notices are set out below (completion of the OJEU contract
notice is facilitated through eTenders).
Appointment of Design Teams for approved works without a formal tender process will expose the School
Authorities/ETBs to challenge and subsequent financial penalties from a firm that considers it was not
afforded an opportunity to tender.
For devolved projects the School Authority/ETB will be responsible for any challenges that may arise due
to a failure to comply with the relevant procedures and guidelines. Any such challenge would also result
in the project being substantially delayed.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
3. Open Procedure
3.1 Who can submit a tender
For an Open Tender process the tender is open to all consultancy firms that meet the minimum criteria
set down in the request for tenderers. The School Authority must advertise the tender opportunity on Where any Consultant (being qualified in the appropriate discipline) has
expressed an interest in tendering for the project (e.g. by writing or emailing the school), and where
that Consultant meets (or declares that they meet) the minimum standard required, that Consultant
should be notified that a contract notice has been uploaded on the eTenders website from which, upon
registering their interest, all necessary tender instructions and documentation can be obtained. (There
is no upper limit on the number of Consultants permitted to submit tender submissions.) The only way
to submit a tender is through eTenders.
In order to ensure an adequate tender response it is advisable to contact any suitably qualified firms
that may be known to the School Authority, or that may have worked successfully for the School
Authority in the past, and advise them of the tender opportunity to be accessed through eTenders.
3.2 Eligibility of Firms / Consultants to tender
Under the Building Control Act 2007, a body corporate, firm or partnership carrying on business under a
name, style or title containing the word “architecture” must be under the control and management of a
registered professional architect, i.e. at least one of the directors must be a registered architect.
The same applies to the title “Quantity Surveying” and “Building Surveying”, i.e. a body corporate, firm
or partnership carrying on business under either of these titles must be under the control and
management of a registered Quantity Surveyor (in the case of the former) or a registered Building
Surveyor (in the case of the latter).
The registration of Engineers as Chartered Engineers is governed by the Institution of Civil Engineers of
Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act, 1969.
The websites of the professional bodies include search facilities for checking the qualification status of
members, including, in the case of Architects, Building Surveyors and Quantity Surveyors, their
registration number. The following are the relevant professional bodies:
Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI)
Building Surveyors
Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI)
Quantity Surveyors
Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI)
Building Services Engineers
Engineers Ireland (IEI) and
Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI)
Civil/Structural Engineers
Engineers Ireland (IEI) and
Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI)
3.3 Tender Documents (Open Procedure)
In order to invite tenders from suitable firms the following tender documents are essential:
(a) Letter of Invitation
(Sets out general information about the project, the service required, the closing date for
receipt of tenders and a procedure for dealing with queries. It should also include the Project
Type and the Notional Capital Value (NCV) for Design Team appointment purposes.)
(b) Form of Tender
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
(Sets out the information required from tenderers.)
(c) Instructions to Tenderers
(Sets out how the tender process is to be managed including tender assessment, the award
process, the time periods for each of the project stages and project particulars.)
(d) Schedule of Stage Services
(States the services to be provided by each Design Team member at each stage of the project.)
(e) Conditions of Engagement
(This is a standard Public Sector conditions of contract for consultancy services and includes
details of fee payment stages throughout the project.)
(f) Project Brief
(This describes the project to be delivered and includes a Schedule of Accommodation which is
the limit of accommodation to be provided.)
(g) Suitability Assessment Declaration
This document is in two parts. Part 1;DoE QC1- Suitability Assessment - Declaration 2022’
sets out the minimum standards which a successful tenderer will be required to meet in a
number of different areas including professional indemnity insurance, qualifications and
experience of personnel who will deliver the services, previous experience of the firm in relation
to projects of similar scale and complexity, etc. Tenderers submit a signed declaration to
confirm that they can meet the required standards: ‘DoE Suitability Assessment Questionnaire
Part 2’. There are three appendices associated with the Suitability Assessment Declaration that
are to be submitted by the tenderer these are:
Appendix-A-QC1-and-QC2 (Article 57 declaration)
DoE-QC1-Appendix-B1 (List of Services carried out over specified period)
DoE-QC1-Appendix-B2 (Certificate of Satisfactory Execution Services,
separately required for three projects)
When tender assessment has been completed the apparently successful tenderer is requested
to provide verification in relation to all matters covered by the declaration as part of the
validation process.
With the exception of (f), which is specific to each project, all of the above documents are available on
the Website under:
Award Criteria
Tenders will be assessed using criteria that include quality of service as well as price. There are four
criteria in all, with a total of 150 marks available, as follows:
Tendered Rates
Resources (Hours devoted to the project)
Project Assessment (Site and Project Specific Issues)
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
Criteria B1, B2 and C relate to the quality of service and have 125 marks allotted to them. Criterion A
relates to price only and has 25 marks allotted to it.
Marks are assigned to Criterion A, B1 and B2 by mathematical calculation in accordance with the Excel
Marking Matrix.
Criterion C is divided into five sub-criteria, each assigned a maximum of 15 marks. Three of these sub-
criteria are assigned to site specific issues and two for project specific issues. A written submission is
required from tenderers citing and explaining the site and project specific issues which they consider to
be most important for the successful delivery of the project. The submission must not exceed 1 written
A4 page of text and may also include a second A4 page of graphics i.e. sketches or drawings that help to
demonstrate the applicants written responses to the site specific and project specific issues. Note that
completion of the second graphics page is not a compulsory requirement for applicants and may for
example be utilised by some Architects and Engineers but to a lesser degree or not at all by Quantity
The criteria are detailed in the Form of Tender to which tenderers must respond and the method of
marking and assessment is detailed in the Explanatory Notes attached to the Form of Tender.
To allow some flexibility at the early design stages, fees are tendered on a percentage basis, i.e. the fees
are calculated as a percentage of the approved estimated cost. The fees are then converted to a lump
sum at the end of Stage 1, based on the approved Stage 1 Cost Plan. The fee for each fee payment
stage can be calculated at the end of Stage 1 and these amounts will remain fixed for the duration of
the project. After Stage 1, fees will only be adjusted if there is an increase in the scope of the project
that could not have been predicted at Stage1.
4. Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP)
A separate competition for the appointment of a PSDP is to be run in parallel with the Design Team
appointments, using the Department’s PSDP Framework. (See Section 6 herein for guidance on
appointing a PSDP.)
For an understanding of the role of the PSDP see “Form of Tender and Proposal Form for PSDP
Consultant Services” on the website. Part of this role is to confirm that consultants being considered for
appointment to the Design Team meet all statutory requirements with regard to health and safety;
therefore it is important that the PSDP is appointed first in order to assist in the completion of the
appointments of the Design Team members.
5. Appointing the Design Team under an Open Procedure
5.1 Advertising on eTenders
The School Authority must advertise the tender opportunity on, by way of a
Contract Notice, and upload all necessary information.
The contract notice must state the date, location and method for the receipt of tender submissions. A
minimum of 30 calendar days should be allowed between the date of publication of the contract notice
and receipt of tender submissions.
5.2 Documents to be uploaded on eTenders
Placing a Contract Notice on eTenders is an online process and it is good practice to assemble all of the
necessary documents to have them ready to upload when prompted by eTenders.
The documents required and where they are sourced are as follows. The location on the website for the
web based documents below is
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
Template Letter of Invitation website above; to be
customised for the particular project
including the Project Type and the
Project Brief
Provided by DoE for each project.
DoE Form of Tender Consultants - Minor (Architect, Design
Team Leader) website above
DoE Form of Tender Consultants - Minor (Engineers & QS) website above
DoE ITTS Instructions to Tenderers (Open) website above
DoE Schedule of Stage Services for Construction Consultants website above
Conditions of Engagement website above
DoE COE1 - Schedules A & B (Architect, Design Team Leader) website above
DoE COE1- Schedules A & B (Engineers & QS) website above
DoE Tender Excel Marking Matrix website above
DoE-QC1 Suitability Assessment Declaration website above
DoE Suitability Assessment Questionnaire Part 2 website above
DoE-QC1 Appendix B1 website above
DoE-QC1 Appendix B2 website above
Appendix-A-QC1-and-QC2 (Article 57 declaration) website above
5.3 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers
The tender submissions (returned by the consultants via eTenders) should comprise:
The Form of Tender signed by a director or principal of the firm.
DoE-QC1 Suitability Assessment Declaration
DoE Suitability Assessment Questionnaire Part 2 signed by a director or principal of the firm.
Appendix-A-QC1-and-QC2, (completed Article 57 declaration)
DoE-QC1 Appendix B1 (a list of all projects of a similar nature, size and complexity completed by
the firm over the last 5 years).
DoE-QC1 Appendix B2 (three examples of projects of a similar size and complexity, which have
reached Substantial Completion, carried out by the firm in the last 5 years).
5.4 Completing the eTenders Contract Notice
The following are the procedures to be followed to advertise on eTenders:
1. If already registered with eTenders complete login.
2. If not already registered and you are acting on behalf of a School as Contracting Authority, go to and on the home page scroll down to “Buyer Registration” for instructions.
3. When logged in, if a Workspace has been created for you by the DoE, go to Workspace, and then go
to Create RFT (Request for Tender).
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
4. If a Workspace has not been created for you by the DoE, click into Buyer’s Services, scroll down to
the bottom of the page and click on the “Create RFT Outside Workspace” tab.
5. Select the type of contract (in this case “Services”) and complete the relevant details as prompted.
In this instance tick the box beside “Click here if this is a construction related services RFT”. You will
then be prompted to select one of three options. Select option 1 “COE1 Standard Conditions of
Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical)”.
You will then be prompted to select a procedure from a drop down menu. Select the second item
2. Open Procedure (OJEU)”.
(Note: eTenders will automatically populate later cells with relevant repeat information to avoid
double entering.)
6. A separate RFT will be created for each of the four disciplines (i.e. Architect, Quantity Surveyor,
Civil/Structural Engineer, Building Services Engineer), with the relevant tendering Consultants
completing and submitting the tender documentation relevant to their discipline. A separate RFT
will be also required for the appointment of the PSDP.
7. Select “Use a Tender Box” at “Opening Procedure” (this allows receipt of all applicants’ information
through eTenders). De-select “Allow suppliers to also make a discount bid if awarded all of multiple
8. Once you have completed these steps you then move on to the main eTenders RFT Checklist as
follows (when each information point is addressed the red X on the left hand side changes to a
green tick ).
(Note: all Contract Notices commence in the same way whether the project is required to follow EU
procurement rules (i.e. above the EU threshold) or not. If you selected an OJEU procedure at 4
above, eTenders will direct you into the OJEU contract notice as you complete the RFT.)
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
RFT - Title
The short description of the project that you entered at an
earlier step will automatically appear here.
Manage lots
Create, delete, copy or edit lots for this
RFT add more detailed information
regarding the procurement.
The short description of the project that you entered at an
earlier step will automatically appear here.
Assign Team
Assign team members to work on this RFT
Select the persons to work on the RFT from members
already registered with eTenders or, if the required persons
are not registered arrange to have them registered. A
minimum of two persons required.
Set Message Recipients
Set or change who is going to receive
messages from suppliers
This field is automatically populated by the assigned team
members. Tick at least two members to receive messages.
Select CPV codes
CPV codes for RFT, for any relevant
publications and business opportunities
email alerts
CPV Codes are important in that they enable alerts to be
issued to consultants registered with eTenders and
appropriate to the category selected.
Click on the blue text and follow the prompts to enter the
CPV Category Tree and select the categories that apply to
the project. Tick the box against the main category.
RFT Dates / Planned activities in this
Set or change dates related to this RFT
Insert appropriate dates and times for the single stage
process. Latest date for queries should be 5 days before
the closing date for receipt of Tenders.
Note: if for any reason a date set in eTenders has passed,
but tender/EOI documents are not yet ready to issue, it will
be necessary to reset the dates to allow further
amendments to be made. Please ensure that any deadline
dates inserted on eTenders match any return dates in the
tender documents.
Publication sites
Manage external publication sites for this
If OJEU was selected in the early responses TED will be
automatically selected by eTenders. (TED is Tenders
Electronic Daily, the European public procurement journal.)
Manage evaluation model
Manage which evaluation model to use for
the RFT
Not currently used and can be ignored for the present.
Change X to manually
Create ESPD request
Not currently used and can be ignored for the present.
Change X to manually
Pricing required (if any)
Untick the boxes under this heading
Manage Questionnaire
Add or edit questions to be answered by
the suppliers through the system and for
you evaluate after submission deadline.
For school construction projects this can generally be left
blank. Manually click the red X.
Upload documents that the suppliers can
This is where all tender documents can be uploaded.
For Consultants the following documents must be uploaded
(see 5.2 above):
Project Brief
DoE Form of Tender Consultants - Minor (Architect,
Design Team Leader) OR
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
DoE Form of Tender Consultants - Minor (Engineers &
QS) (depending on discipline)
DoE Tender Excel Marking Matrix
DoE ITTS Instructions to Tenderers (Open)
DoES Schedule of Stage Services for Construction
Conditions of Engagement
DoE COE1- Schedules A & B (Architect, Design Team
Leader) OR
DoE COE1- Schedules A & B (Engineers & QS)
(depending on discipline).
DoE-QC1 Suitability Assessment Declaration
DoE Suitability Assessment Questionnaire Part 2
DoE-QC1 Appendix B1
DoE-QC1 Appendix B2
Appendix-A-QC1-and-QC2 (Article 57 declaration)
Prepare zip file
Create a zip file with all documents that
the suppliers can download
For large amounts of data this allows the preparation of a
zip file to include all documents. This makes it easier for
tenderers to download the tender documents.
Internal Documents
Uploading of internal documents to the
RFT, the documents uploaded to this
folder are not visible or possible to
download for the suppliers.
Not generally used. Change X to manually.
Attach cover letter
Configure or select cover letter
The Invitation to Tender Letter can be entered here.
Use the following, customised for the particular project:
Template Letter of Invitation to Tender (Open)
Prepare items for Evaluation
Prepare and set the parts of the RFT that
will be part of the evaluation. Checklist
item will become green upon refresh.
This allows assessment of applications on line but would
not generally be used on school construction projects.
Change X to manually.
Define opening committee
Define users to open the tender box
Select the members assigned to the project as the opening
committee. Of these select the number of persons (keys)
required to open tender box. Recommended (and
minimum) default is two.
ENSURE Approval before publishing
Ensure that you seek appropriate approval,
if needed, before publishing the tender
This is a prompt to ensure that the person preparing the
contract notice has authorisation to publish (i.e. letter of
approval from DoE).
Prepare and manage publications
Prepare and manage the forms for
Click on TED. This brings you into the EU Contract Notice.
Refer to OJEU (TED) Checklist below for guidance on
completing this.
Publish to the site selected in procedure
When you have completed the TED notice you are ready to
publish. Ensure that authorisation to publish the Contract
Notice has been received in writing from the DoE.
The remaining questions relate to evaluation and
assessment of applications.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
Select “Contract notice”
Form Data
Form Language [English]
Type of Contract [Services]
Type of Procedure [Open]
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1) Name and addresses
[Enter Contracting Authority name and address]
NUTS code [Country or region code - select from drop down list]
Contact person: [Enter contact person name]
Telephone: [Enter phone number]
E-mail: [Enter email address]
Internet address(es):
Main address: [Enter email address]
Address of the buyer profile: [A link similar to the following is entered automatically by eTenders]
1.2) Joint Procurement
1.3) Communication
[Select] The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge,
at: [A link similar to the following is entered automatically by eTenders]
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address: [Select]
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: [A link similar to the following
is entered automatically by eTenders]
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
[If the Contracting Authority is the Department of Education and Skills select “Ministry or any other
national or federal authority….”, otherwise select “Body governed by public law”.]
I.5) Main activity
[Select “Education”]
Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title
[This information should be carried over from eTenders, if not Insert Project Title, e.g. Proposed New
School for St. Mary’s National School at (town), (county)]
Reference number: [Insert Roll Number]
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
II.1.2) Main CPV code
[Once you have selected the CPV Code in the eTenders notice it is automatically repeated here; the
main code is 71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services.]
II.1.4) Short description
[Insert a short description of the project including information on the site and the building (e.g. nature
of accommodation, number of storeys, gross floor area, etc.).]
II.1.5) Estimated total value
[Insert estimated approximate value of project exclusive of VAT.]
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: [Select “no”.]
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
[As division into Lots has not been selected there is no requirement for additional CPV Codes.]
II.2.3) Place of performance
[Select “Add” to open the NUTS code tree, select “Ireland” and select the appropriate region for the
location of the project site (Northern and Western, Southern or Eastern and Midland or further sub-
divisions of these regions).]
Main site or place of performance: [Insert address of site.]
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
[Insert a more detailed description of the project.]
II.2.5) Award criteria
[Select “Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement
II.2.6) Estimated value
[Insert estimated approximate value of project exclusive of VAT.]
II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
[Enter proposed contract duration in months.]
This contract is subject to renewal: [Select “no”.]
II.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: [Select “no”.]
II.2.11) Information about options
Options: [Select “no”.]
II.2.12) Information about electronic catalogues
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: [Select
II.2.14) Additional information
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1) Conditions for participation
III.1.1) Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on
professional or trade registers
List and brief description of conditions: As DoE-QC1….. [State exact title of Suitability Assessment
Questionnaire being used].
[Include also: A declaration is required to confirm that none of the circumstances specified Article 57 of
Directive 2014/24/EU (and Regulation 57 of SI No. 284 of 2016) or Article 80 of Directive 2014/25/EU
(and Regulation 85 of SI No.286 of 2016) apply to the applicant.]
III.1.2) Economic and financial standing
[Tick: Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents.]
III.1.3) Technical and professional ability
[Tick: Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents.]
III.2) Conditions related to the contract
III.2.2) Contract performance conditions
As DoE-QC1….[State exact title of Suitability Assessment Questionnaire being used.]
III.2.3) Information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract
[Tick box.]
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: [Select “Yes”.]
IV.2) Administrative information
IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
[Date and time is automatically inserted by eTenders.]
IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
[Insert date on which it intended to publish the Contract notice.]
IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted
[“English” already selected by eTenders.]
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
IV.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
[State 60 days.]
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: [Select “no”.]
VI.3) Additional information
[Insert the following:]
All tenderers will be evaluated on the basis of the information submitted in response to this notice (All
criteria have a minimum standard). The submission of the apparently successful tenderer will be
validated prior to awarding the contract.
The contract will be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tender.
The scope of works requirements may be extended to include additional works of a similar nature at the
discretion of the Contracting Authority. All additional scope of works are subject to the restrictions as
set out in Article 72 of Directive 2014/24/EC (Regulation 72, SI 284 of 2016).
It is a condition precedent to the award of the Contract that the successful Tenderer will provide a
current tax clearance certificate or in the case of a non-resident Tenderer a statement of suitability on
tax grounds from the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland.
The Funding Agency, the Department of Education & Skills, is subject to the requirements of the
Freedom of Information Acts, 1997, 2003 and 2014. If a tenderer considers that any of the information
supplied in response to this notice is either commercially sensitive or confidential, this should be
highlighted and reasons for its sensitivity given. The relevant material will, in response to a request
under the Act, be examined in the light of exemptions provided for in the Act.
VI.4) Procedures for review
VI.4.1) Review body
Department of Education and Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, County Offaly
5.5 Assessing the Tender Submissions
When the tender time and date has expired, open all submissions.
A minimum of two people must be present for the opening of tenders. A formal record of tenders
received, opened and tender amounts must be made. Late tenders cannot be submitted as eTenders
will prevent uploading once the latest date and time for tender has passed.
The School Authority must be satisfied that there is no conflict of interest for any individual participating
in the assessment process.
Tender assessment must be based only on the information submitted by tenderers in response to the
tender documents and not on any pre-existing knowledge.
A record of the tender assessment should be retained by the School Authority.
Assess Criterion C for each tender submitted from each discipline in accordance with the guidance in
the Explanatory Notes attached to the Form of Tender.
Marking Matrix
Download the Excel Marking Matrix from the website (a separate copy is required for each
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
When the Marking Matrix is opened the Project Name and Roll Number should be inserted.
The project Type should then be selected from the drop down menu. The project type will be identified
in the approval letter and/or the associated Appendices (i.e. Type 1, 2a, 2b, 3 or 4).
The default for project type is “New Project”. If this is not the case (e.g. if it states “Stage 1 complete”)
use the drop down menu to select “New Project”.
Next select the discipline which is currently being evaluated. This is located on the top right and the
default is “Architect”. Use the drop down menu to select the required discipline.
By selecting the correct “project type” and “discipline” the reference hours will be adjusted accordingly
and the spreadsheet will make the necessary calculations relative to project type and discipline.
When the above steps have been carried out the information provided in the Form of Tender by each
tenderer and the results of Criterion C evaluation can be inserted into the Marking Matrix as follows:
In column “C” insert the name of the Firm.
In columns “E”, “F” and “G” insert the tendered hourly rates as per the Form of Tender.
In column “I” insert the tendered total (notional) hours as per the Form of Tender
In column “K” insert the fixed price lump sum tendered as per the Form of Tender (where fees
are tendered on a percentage basis the amount to be inserted is the product of the Notional
Capital Value as stated in the Letter of Invitation multiplied by the tendered percentage fee)
The marks achieved for Criterion C should then be inserted in the columns “Y” to “AC”.
When all this information has been inputted the matrix will indicate the final scores on the right hand
side with the highest ranking tenderer for each discipline (i.e. the apparently most economically
advantageous tender) highlighted in dark green.
5.6 Validating the preferred tenderer’s suitability
The tenderer submitted a signed declaration with the tender stating that the firm was offering
personnel with the required qualifications and experience and that the firm had the required
insurances, health and safety competence, measures for ensuring quality, tax clearance, etc. The
Project Director and Project Senior person to be responsible for the service were also named in the
Form of Tender submitted. It is now necessary to verify that everything promised will be provided. This
is done through the issue of a Letter of Intent.
This is a very important step and is the Client’s last opportunity to ensure that the apparently successful
tenderer has the capability to deliver a competent service.
The Template Letter of Intent (Open Procedure) on the website lists all of the areas where verification is
required. This should be read in conjunction with the Explanatory Notes attached to DoE QC1 Suitability
Assessment Declaration.
Where a consultant is a Sole Trader, Employer’s Liability Insurance is not required but the consultant
must have all other Insurances. The Registration of Business Names Act 1963 requires Sole Traders to
register their business name (if it is different from their given name) with the Companies Registration
Office and they must also register with the Revenue Commissioners as a self-employed person. A Sole
Trader ceases to operate on the decision of the Sole Trader, although they remain liable for any
liabilities that have been incurred when operating.
When you have confirmed that the preferred bidder meets the necessary requirements (as above), you
are now ready to appoint that firm.
If the firm does not provide the necessary evidence within the assigned timeframe, or does not meet
the required standard (e.g. if the person proposed for the project was not suitably qualified), or
withdraws their tender, you may exclude that firm and proceed to the next highest scoring tenderer.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
5.7 Completing Formal Appointments
(a) Letters to Unsuccessful Tenderers
When the apparently successful tender has been selected following receipt of tenders, and before the
School Authority make an appointment you must send letters of regret to the unsuccessful candidates
informing them that they have not been successful, using the Template Letter to Apparently
Unsuccessful Candidates from the
consultants/#tender-documents-open-procedure-for-minor-projects-type-2a website (Open
Procedure). The letters to unsuccessful candidates must give the reasons why they were not successful
by citing the relative advantages of the successful tender compared to the unsuccessful tender. These
letters must be issued via the eTenders portal.
A period of time called the stand still period must be allowed (16 calendar days) from the date of issue
of the regret letters before the successful consultants’ appointments can be confirmed. This period is
obligatory to allow time for the unsuccessful candidates to query the reasons for their lack of success.
The Letter of Intent to the apparently successful tenderer and the Letters to Unsuccessful tenderers
should all issue at the same time.
(b) Letter of Acceptance to Successful Candidate
Once the letters of regret have issued and the standstill period of time has elapsed, and provided no
challenge or appeal has been received and the PSDP has verified the health and safety competence of
the successful tenderers, the School Authority is ready to appoint the Consultants. To confirm the
successful consultants’ appointments you should issue a Letter of Acceptance using the template letter
from the
open-procedure-for-minor-projects-type-2a website (Open Procedure). The Letters of Acceptance
should be issued along with the Conditions of Engagement.
(c) Conditions of Engagement
Together with the Letter of Acceptance, it is also necessary to execute a formal agreement with that
consultant called the Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical Services).
The Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical Services) sets out the
general terms and conditions of contract and should be signed by both parties (School Authority and
The documents to be used for signing are available on
appointment-of-consultants/#tender-documents-open-procedure-for-minor-projects-type-2a Because
the Architect as Team Leader has a different role in the Design Team compared to the other
consultants, there are two versions of the contract documents tom be used as follows:
Architect: Conditions of Engagement and DoE COE1- Schedules A & B (Architect, Design Team
Engineers and Quantity Surveyor: Conditions of Engagement and DoE COE1- Schedules A & B
(Engineers & QS)
In the above documents Schedule A and B to the Conditions of Engagement, which are attached to the
Contract and set out the project specific requirements, have been already completed for typical school
building projects. School Authority and Consultant contact details should be entered in Schedule A.
The Contracting Authority entries should be reviewed and if there are any particular project
circumstances that suggest a need for alternative entries contact the DoE.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
(d) Contract Signings
Once Schedules A and B have been checked and the details of the contracting parties and the project
title inserted on the front page of the Conditions of Engagement two copies should be made of the
entire documents (i.e. Conditions of Engagement and Schedules A & B). Both sets should be sent to the
Consultant for signature together with the letter of acceptance. The Consultant should then return
both sets to the School for signature and dating by the School Authority. One set of the signed contract
documents is then returned to the Consultant and the other is retained by the School.
A more convenient way to deal with contract signing is to invite the Consultant to attend the school
where the signings can be completed by both parties at the same time and the signed and dated
documents exchanged.
Once all of the Design Team members have signed and dated the contract, the Design Team can start
work on the project.
Alternatively the signing of contracts can be managed through the Messaging Facility in eTenders.
(e) Maintaining records
The importance of maintaining an efficient system for keeping records cannot be overstated. At any
time throughout the project, the Department (and/or in the case of an accident the Health & Safety
Authority) may wish to audit the records of the School Authority to ensure that proper procedures are
being adhered to and that vital information is being retained.
The School Authority should set up their own filing system, one that recognises the different areas of a
building project (e.g. Design Team appointments, Financial, submissions from the consultant, general
correspondence, minutes of meetings, etc.) and ensure that all documentation is properly filed therein.
Reliance should not be placed on the Consultant to store information in relation to the project.
Where the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014 apply to the project there is a particular
onus on the Building Owner to maintain records. Key documents in this regard are the written
undertakings, on statutory forms, to the Building Control Authority to appoint a competent Assigned
Certifier and a competent Builder. You should seek the advice of your Consultant in relation to other
important documentation to be maintained as records.
6. Appointing the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP)
6.1 PSDP Framework
The DoE has set up a Framework of PSDP service providers and this is available for School/ETB
Authorities to use. In setting up the framework an eTenders/OJEU advertising and suitability
assessment process was carried out and, as only framework members are permitted to tender, it is not
necessary to publically advertise on eTenders or in the OJEU. However, the eTenders Portal is used to
run the call off competitions as it offers an open and transparent method of communication with all
framework members and provides records for Contracting Authorities of all communications during the
tender process.
The previously submitted information, upon which the PSDP service providers were admitted to the
framework, will need to be validated prior to appointment of the preferred tenderer, to ensure that this
information is still valid and that the circumstances of the firm and personnel have not changed. The
validation process is as set out at 6.6 below.
6.2 eTenders
It is necessary to create a Request for Tender (RFT) notice on eTenders which is then issued (through
eTenders) to all PSDP framework members on the relevant panel.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
The RFT notice must state the date, location and method for the receipt of tender submissions. A
minimum of 15 working days should be allowed between the date of publication of the contract notice
and receipt of tender submissions.
6.3 Documents to be uploaded
As explained previously, it is good practice to assemble all of the necessary documents to have them
ready to upload when prompted by eTenders.
For PSDP call off tender competitions the documents listed below must be used. The location on the
website for the web based documents listed is
Template Letter of Invitation website above; to be
customised for the particular
project including the Project Type
and the NCV.
Project Brief
Provided by DoE for each project.
Form of Tender and Proposal Form for PSDP Consultant
Services website above
DoES ITTS Instructions to Tenderers (PSDP) website above
PSDP Conditions of Engagement website above
PSDP Conditions of Engagement - Schedules A&B website above
PSDP Marking Matrix website above
6.4 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers
The tender submissions (returned by the consultants via eTenders) should comprise:
The Form of Tender signed by a director or principal of the firm.
6.5 Completing the PSDP eTenders Contract Notice
The following are the procedures to be followed to place the contract notice on eTenders:
1. If already registered with eTenders complete login.
2. If not already registered and you are acting on behalf of a School as Contracting Authority, go to and on the home page scroll down to “Buyer Registration” for instructions.
3. Access will be given by the Department, on request, to the PSDP Framework.
4. When logged in to the Framework Workspace go to Create RFT (Request for Tender).
5. Select the type of contract (in this case “Services”) and complete the relevant details as prompted.
In this instance tick the box beside “Click here if this is a construction related services RFT”. You will
then be prompted to select one of three options. Select option 1 “COE1 Standard Conditions of
Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical)”.
You will then be prompted to select a procedure from a drop down menu. Select “Mini
(Note: eTenders will automatically populate later cells with relevant repeat information to avoid
double entering.)
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
6. On the next page fill in the relevant details of the proposed project and the response deadline.
Select “Use a Tender Box” at “Opening Procedure” (this allows receipt of all applicants’ information
through eTenders). De-select “Allow suppliers to also make a discount bid if awarded all of multiple
7. On the next page fill in the relevant details of the proposed project and the address of the school
authority. Fill in theInstructions to bidders” along the lines of “The School Authority invites you to
tender for services in the above consultancy as detailed below.
8. Once you have completed these steps you then move on to the main eTenders RFT Checklist as
follows (when each information point is addressed the red X on the left hand side changes to a
green tick ).
Manage lots
Create, delete, copy or edit lots for this
RFT add more detailed information
regarding the procurement.
The short description of the project that you entered at
an earlier step will automatically appear here.
Set Message Recipients
Set or change who is going to receive
messages from suppliers
This field is automatically populated by the assigned team
members. Tick at least two members to receive
RFT Dates / Planned activities in this
Set or change dates related to this RFT
Insert appropriate dates and times for the single stage
process (Step 1 process).
Note: if for any reason a date set in eTenders has passed,
but tender/EOI documents are not yet ready to issue, it
will be necessary to reset the dates to allow further
amendments to be made. Please ensure that any deadline
dates inserted on eTenders match any return dates in the
tender documents.
Publication sites
Manage external publication sites for
this RFT
As this tender will not be advertised on OJEU this step can
be skipped. Change X to manually.
Manage evaluation model
Manage which evaluation model to use
for the RFT
Not currently used and can be ignored for the present.
Change X to manually
Create ESPD request
Not currently used by the Department. This step can be
Pricing required (if any)
Untick the boxes under this heading
Manage Questionnaire
Add or edit questions to be answered by
the suppliers through the system and for
you evaluate after submission deadline.
For school construction projects this can generally be left
blank. Change X to manually.
Upload documents that the suppliers can
This is where all tender documents can be uploaded.
For PSDPs the following documents must be uploaded:
Project Brief
Form of Tender and Proposal Form for PSDP
Consultant Services
DoE ITTS Instructions to Tenderers (PSDP)
PSDP Conditions of Engagement
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
PSDP Conditions of Engagement - Schedules A and B
PSDP Marking Matrix
Prepare zip file
Create a zip file with all documents that
the suppliers can download
For large amounts of data this allows the preparation of a
zip file to include all documents. This makes it easier for
tenderers to download the tender documents.
Internal Documents
Uploading of internal documents to the
RFT, the documents uploaded to this
folder are not visible or possible to
download for the suppliers.
Not generally used. Change X to manually.
Attach cover letter
Configure or select cover letter
The Invitation to Tender Letter can be entered here.
For PSDP use the following, amended as appropriate:
Template Letter of Invitation (PSDP)
Prepare items for Evaluation
Prepare and set the parts of the RFT that
will be part of the evaluation. Checklist
item will become green upon refresh.
This allows assessment of applications on line but would
not generally be used on school construction projects.
Change X to manually.
Define opening committee
Define users to open the tender box
Select the members assigned to the project as the
opening committee. Of these select the number of
persons (keys) required to open tender box.
Recommended (and minimum) default is two.
ENSURE Approval before publishing
Ensure that you seek appropriate
approval, if needed, before publishing
the tender
This is a prompt to ensure that the person preparing the
contract notice has authorisation to publish (i.e. Letter of
approval received from DoE).
Search suppliers within the CTM
database and add them to your RFT
These are the firms who qualified for the PSDP
Details of the relevant firms will be provided by the DoE.
Send invitations
Send invitations to suppliers
When all checks have been completed, and the School
authority is ready to issue the invitations to tender, this is
selected to issue the invitation to the relevant
The remaining questions relate to evaluation and
assessment of applications.
6.6 Assessing Tender Submissions
When the tender time and date has expired, open all submissions.
A minimum of two people must be present for the opening of tenders. A formal record of tenders
received, opened and tender amounts must be made. Late tenders cannot be submitted as eTenders
will prevent uploading once the latest date and time for tender has passed.
The School Authority must be satisfied that there is no conflict of interest for any individual participating
in the assessment process.
Tender assessment must be based only on the information submitted by tenderers in response to the
tender documents and not on any pre-existing knowledge.
A record of the tender assessment should be retained by the School Authority.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
Assessment of Criterion C has already been undertaken at the pre-qualification stage and is not
applicable to this tender action.
PSDP Tenders are assessed as explained in the Template Letter of Invitation (PSDP).
Marking Matrix
Download the Excel PSDP Marking Matrix from the DoE website.
When the Marking Matrix is opened the Project Name and Roll Number should be inserted.
The project category should then be selected from the drop down menu. The project category will be
identified in the Approval Letter and/or associated Appendices (i.e. Type 1, 2a, 2b, 3 or 4).
When the above steps have been carried out the information provided in the Form of Tender by each
tenderer can be inserted, as follows:
In column “B” insert the name of the Firm.
In column “E” insert the tendered fixed price lump sum as per the Form of Tender.
In columns “F”, “G” and H” insert the tendered hourly rates as per the Form of Tender.
As the assessment of Criterion C has already been carried out the default for all tenderers is 25
marks. This should not be amended.
On columns I, J, K and L zero should be inserted for all tenders.
When all this information has been inputted the matrix will indicate the final scores in column “W” with
the highest ranking tenderer (i.e. the apparently most economically advantageous tender) highlighted in
dark green.
6.7 Validating preferred tenderer’s suitability
The Letter of Intent sets out the procedure (see Template letter of Intent (PSDP) on the website under
Completing Formal Appointments
The procedure is similar to that described at 5.7 above but using the PSDP Conditions of Engagement
and Schedules A&B.
7. Appointing the Design Team from a Framework (Restricted Procedure)
7.1 Consultants Framework
The DoE has set up a Framework of Design Team Consultants comprising two panels: Panel 1 for Type
2b Projects (generally projects between €3.0mand 10.0m ex VAT in value) and Panel 2 for Type 3
Projects (generally projects between 10.0m and €25.0m ex VAT in value) and Panel 3 for Type 4 projects
(generally projects over €25.0m ex VAT). This framework is available for School/ETB Authorities to use.
In setting up the framework an eTenders/OJEU advertising and suitability assessment process was
carried out and, as only framework members are permitted to tender, it is not necessary to publically
advertise on eTenders or in the OJEU. However, the eTenders Portal is used to run the call off
competitions as it offers an open and transparent method of communication with all framework
members and provides records for Contracting Authorities of all communications during the tender
7.2 eTenders
It is necessary to create a Request for Tender (RFT) notice on eTenders which is then issued (through
eTenders) to all PSDP framework members.
Contact the DoE for access to the eTenders Workspace where the framework panels are set up.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
The RFT notice must state the date, location and method for the receipt of tender submissions. A
minimum of 15 working days should be allowed between the date of publication of the contract notice
and receipt of tender submissions.
7.3 Documents to be uploaded
It is good practice to assemble all of the necessary documents to have them ready to upload when
prompted by eTenders.
For Design Team call off tender competitions the documents listed below must be used. The location
on the website for the web based documents listed is
Template Letter of Invitation website above; to be
customised for the particular
project including the Project Type
and the NCV.
Project Brief
Provided by DoE for each project.
DoE Form of Tender Consultants Major (Architect, Design
Team Leader) website above
DoE Form of Tender Consultants Major (Engineers & QS) website above
DoE ITTS Instructions to Tenderers (Restricted) website above
DoE Schedule of Stage Services for Construction
Consultants website above
Conditions of Engagement website above
DoE COE1 Schedules A&B Architect/Design Team Leader website above
DoE COE1 Schedules A&B Engineers & QS website above
DoE Tender Excel Marking Matrix website above
Note: Unlike the Open Procedure, DoE QC1 Suitability Assessment Declaration, DoE Suitability
Assessment Questionnaire Part 2, Appendix-A-QC1-and-QC2 (Article 57 declaration), DoE QC1
Appendix B1 and DoE QC1 Appendix B2 are not required as all framework members had to satisfy
the suitability requirements in order to be placed on the framework. However, the validation
process is similar to the Open Procedure in that the apparently successful tenderers will be asked to
verify any declarations that were made when applying for a place on the framework.
7.4 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers
The tender submissions (returned by the consultants via eTenders) should comprise:
The Form of Tender signed by a director or principal of the firm.
7.5 Completing the eTenders Contract Notice
The process is identical to Section 6.5 above.
7.6 Assessing Tender Submissions
Tenders are assessed in the same way as for the Open Procedure, as explained in Section 5.5 above.
Department of Education and Skills - Guidance for Appointing Design Teams for Devolved Grant Projects
7.7 Validating preferred tenderer’s suitability
The validation process is similar to Section 5.6 with the exception that the Template Letters to be used
are those on the website under AWARD STAGE DOCUMENTS (Restricted Procedure for Major Projects,
Type 2b, Type 3 and Type 4).
7.8 Completing Formal Appointments
The procedure is similar to that described at 5.7 above but using the appropriate documents and
template letters from the website under AWARD STAGE DOCUMENTS (Restricted Procedure for Major
Projects, Type 2b, Type 3 and Type 4).