www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
ABAQUS An Introduction to Finite Element
Prateek Malik
and Dr. Sudipta K Mishra
Ph.D. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, G.D. Goenka University, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Associate Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, G.D. Goenka University, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Abaqus/FEA was developed originally to solve complex problems by numerical methods in solid mechanics. FEA is the most widely used and
versatile technique for simulating deformable solids. This paper gives an overview of the Abaqus software which is required to understand the
FEA implementation for solid mechanics' problems. The physical behaviours of mechanical structures or systems are analysed, and
the minimum potential energy principle is used to develop element models. The procedures for FEA modelling are discussed for a few of classic
solid mechanics' problems such as foundation, plane stress, plane strain, modal analysis, as well as fatigue analysis.
Keywords: - FEA, Modal analysis, Abaqus, foundation.
1. Introduction
Abaqus is a complete Abaqus environment that provides an interface for creating, monitoring, and evaluation of results from
Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit simulations. Abaqus/CAE is further divided into modules, where each module defines the
aspect of the modelling process like defining the geometry, defining material properties, and generating a mesh. As you move from
one module to another, you build the model from which Abaqus creates an input file that you submit to the Abaqus for analysis.
After analysing the product, it sends information to Abaqus/CAE to allow you to monitor the progress of the job, and generates an
output database. Finally, you can use the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE) to read the output database and view the results of
your analysis (Dassault).
Finite element analysis (FEA) is the process of simulating the behaviour of a part/assembly under predefined conditions. Finite
element method is used to help simulate physical phenomena and thereby reduce the need for physical prototypes in the design
process of a project. Finite Element Analysis uses mathematical models to apply the effects of real-world conditions on a part. These
simulations, which are conducted via specialised software, allows to locate potential problems in a design (Calvaranoa, Leonardia, &
Palamaraa, 2017).
With the use of mathematical models, it is possible to understand structural or fluid behaviour, wave propagation, thermal transport
and other phenomena. Finite Element Analysis works on simulation software and the results are usually shown on a computer-
generated colour scale (Malik & Mishra, Geosynthetics Stabilizers and Fly Ash for Soil Subgrade Improvement A State of the Art
Review, 2021).
CAE is a common graphical user interface which is used for modelling, solving and post processing a finite element problem.
Steps involved in construction of a model is explained below: -
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 1 : Flow Chart of Abaqus Process
ABAQUS Standard which is an implicit solver and used to solve non linear problems.
ABAQUS Explicit used for solving dynamics/wave propogation problems (Dassault)
Figure 2 : ABAQUS Viewport (Dassault)
Part Module
Is the first step towards creating a model as parts are the building blocks of an Abaqus/CAE model.
Part can be created by following ways
Create the part using the tools available in the Part module.
Import the part from a file containing stored in a third-party format.
Import the part (mesh) from an output database.
Import a meshed part from an input file.
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 3: Part Module Toolbox
You use the Part module to create, edit, and manage the parts in the current model (Abo-Elnor, Hamilton, & Boyle, 2003).
The Part module allows you to do the following:
Part Modelling space
When you create a new part, you must specify the modelling space in which the part will reside (Bathe, 2016).
Abaqus/CAE embeds the part in the X, Y, Z / Three-Dimensional coordinate system. A three-dimensional part can contain any
different combination of solid, shell, wire, cut, round, and chamfer features.
Two-dimensional planar
Abaqus/CAE creates the part in the XY plane. A two-dimensional planar part can contain a different combination of only planar
shell and wire features, and all cut features are defined as planar through cuts.
Abaqus/CAE embeds the part in the XY plane with the Y-axis indicating the axis of revolution. An axisymmetric part can contain a
combination of only one planar shell and wire features, and all cut features are defined as planar through cuts.
Part Types
When you create a new part or import a part from a file containing geometry stored in a third-party format, you must choose the
part’s type. The possible types for Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit are:
Any arbitrarily shaped axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional part that you can create. A deformable part represents a
part that will deform under loading condition and the load can be mechanical, thermal, or electrical. By default, Abaqus/CAE creates
parts that are deformable (Dettmar, 2000).
Discrete rigid
A discrete rigid part is similar to that of a deformable part as it can be of any arbitrary shape. However, a discrete rigid part is
assumed to be rigid and is used in contact analyses by the model bodies that cannot deform under loading conditions.
Analytical rigid
An analytical rigid part is similar to that of a discrete rigid part in that it is used to represent a rigid surface in a contact analysis.
However, the shape of an analytical rigid part is not arbitrary in nature and must be formed from a set of sketched lines, arcs, and
Eulerian parts are used to define a domain in which material can flow for Eulerian analysis. Eulerian parts do not deform during an
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
The electromagnetic part type is used only in an electromagnetic model
A part created in Abaqus/CAE has a feature-based representation. A feature is a piece of the design and provides the engineer with a
convenient and natural way to build and modify a part. You select from the following shape features to build a part in the Part
• Solids
• Shells
• Wires
• Cuts
• Blends
Part Size
When you create a new part, you must choose the approximate size of a part to be created. The size that you choose is used by
Abaqus/CAE to calculate the size of the Sketcher sheet and the spacing of its grid. You should set the approximate size of the part to
match the largest dimension of the finished part (Kanpur, 2021). You cannot change the approximate size of a part once you have
created it. However, you can copy the part to a new model and can scale the part during the copy operation, Abaqus/CAE uses a
geometry engine to model parts and features. The approximate size limits recommended are between 0.001 (10−3) and 10000 (104)
units. This size range will prevent your model from exceeding the limits of the geometry mesh on Abaqus viewport.
Property Module
You can define the properties of a part or part region by creating a section and assigning it to the part. In most of the cases, sections
refer to the materials that you have created. A material defines specifies all the property data relevant to a material. You can specify a
material definition by including a set of material behaviours, and you supply the property data with each material behaviour you
include (Mandal & Ahirwar, 2017). Each material that you create is assigned its own name and it is independent of any particular
section. Abaqus/CAE assigns the properties of a material to a region/section of a part when you assign a section referring to that
material which you have created to the region.
Defining profiles/ Property
A profile defines the properties of a material section that are related to its cross-sectional shape and size & properties (like, cross-
section area, elasticity, plasticity, density etc. (Stephansson, Jing, & Tsang, 1996).
You can create the following types of profiles:
Shape-based profiles
Shape-based profiles define a specific shape and dimensions of the part/model. Abaqus uses the information to calculate the
engineering properties of the section.
Generalized profiles
Generalized profiles specifies the engineering properties of the section directly. You can create a generalized profile by defining
values for the area, moments of inertia and warping constant.
Figure 4: Property Module Toolbox (Dassault)
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Defining sections
A section contains information about the properties of a part. The information required in defining a section depends on the type of
region. If the region is a deformable wire/shell you must assign a section to that region that provides information about its cross-
sectional geometry. When you assign a section to a part, Abaqus automatically assigns that section to each instance of the part. As a
result, the elements that are created when you mesh the part/instances will have the properties specified in that section. Sections are
named and created independently of any particular part/assembly. You can assign a single section to different regions if necessary
(Pichler, Pucker, Hamann, Henke, & Qiu, High Performance Abaqus simulations in soil mechanics reloaded chances, 2012).
You can use the Property module to create the different types of sections which are listed below:
• Homogeneous solid sections
• Generalized plane strain sections
• Eulerian sections
• Composite solid sections
• Electromagnetic solid sections
• Homogeneous shell sections
• Composite shell sections
• Membrane sections
• Surface sections
• General shell stiffness sections
• Beam sections
• Truss sections
• Fluid sections
• Gasket sections
• Cohesive sections
• Acoustic infinite sections
• Acoustic interface sections.
Assigning Sections
After creating the material and section now we have to assign the created section to the model.
So, we assign the material properties and section to the model. So, click on assign section and select the part/model and select the
created section and click ok. Colour of model changes after section assignment is completed successfully
You can use the Assembly module to create and assemble the assembly. A model contains one main assembly, which is composed of
instances of different parts from the model as well as instances of other models. An instance maintains its association with the
original part/model. If the geometry of a part changes, Abaqus will automatically updates all instances of the part and changes will
reflect in the model (Helwany, 2007). You cant edit the geometry of an instance directly. Your main model can contain many parts
and model subassemblies, and a part or model can be instanced many times with the main model assembly; however, a model
contains only one main assembly. Loads/boundary conditions are all applied to the complete assembly. Even if your model consists
of only a single part, you have to create an assembly that consists of just a single instance of that part. A part instance can be a
representation of the original part. You can create either independent or dependent part instances. An independent instance is
effectively a clone of the part. A dependent instance is only a pointer to the part or virtual topology. You cannot mesh a dependent
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 5: Assembly Module Toolbox
Linking part instances between models
You can link part instances between two or more models. Linking part instances will allow instances and parts to be updated
automatically when you modify the instance in the original model. If you select all instances of a part to be linked, the part will be
linked automatically. The part and its features are updated using the parent part. But assembly-level features and sets and surfaces are
not copied. Instances are updated using the parent instances and retain sets and surfaces defined on them (G. Hussein & A. Meguid,
2013). If you select only some of the instances of a part to be linked, a new part will be created before linking the instance and the
new part to the parent model.
Figure 6: Assembly Module toolbox (Dassault)
Creating patterns of part instances
You can create multiple copies of a selected part instance through a linear or radial pattern
Linear pattern
A linear pattern creates the new instances linearly along a direction; for example, the X-direction. The origin of the selected part and
the origins of the new part instances lie on the line specified by the direction. You can specify the number of instances and the
spacing between the instances. In addition, you can also change the orientation of the linear pattern by selecting a line that represents
the new direction.
Radial pattern
A radial pattern positions the new instances in a circular pattern. You can specify the number of instances, and can specify the angle
between the first and last copy, where a positive angle corresponds to a counter clockwise direction and negative angle corresponds
to a clockwise direction.
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 7: Two linear direction & Radial Pattern Instances
Within a model you can define a sequence of one or more analysis steps. The step sequence provides a convenient way to capture
changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the model and changes in the way parts of the model interact with each other and
any other changes that may occur in the model during the course of the analysis.
An Abaqus/CAE model uses the following two types of steps:
The initial step
Abaqus creates a special initial step at the beginning of the model’s step sequence and names it as Initial. Abaqus creates only one
initial step for your model, and it cannot be renamed, edited or deleted. The initial step allows you to predefine boundary conditions
and interactions that are applicable at the very beginning of the analysis.
Analysis steps
The initial step can be followed by more steps. Each analysis step is connected with specific procedures that defines the type of
analysis to be performed during the step, such as a static stress analysis or transient heat transfer analysis. You can change the
analysis procedure from step by step in any meaningful way, so you have great flexibility in performing analyses. There is no limit to
the number of analysis steps, but there are restrictions on the step sequence (Khennane, 2013).
Figure 8: Step Module Toolbox
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Field Output
Is a step in which we define the type of output we require and choose the required field output to view result in desired form.
Figure 9: Field output Editor Toolbox (Dassault)
Interactions are step-dependent objects, which means that when you define interactions, you must indicate in which steps of analysis
they are active. The Set and Surface toolsets in the Interaction module allow you to define and name of your model to which you
would like interactions and constraints to be applied. Abaqus does not recognize the mechanical contact between different part
instances of an assembly unless the contact is specified in the Interaction module.
Surface-to-surface contact describes the contact between two deformable surfaces or between a deformable surface and a rigid
Self-contact interactions describe contact between two different areas on a single surface.
A pressure penetration interaction allows you to simulate the pressure of a fluid that is penetrating between two surfaces that are
involved in surface-to-surface contact. The fluid pressure is applied normal to the surfaces (Malik & Verma , Use of Geosynthetic
Material To Improve the Properties of Subgrade Soil, 2015).
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 10: Interaction toolbar (Dassault)
You can create the following types of interaction properties:
A contact interaction property can define the tangential behaviour (friction and elastic slip) and the normal behaviour (hard, soft, or
damped contact and separation). In addition, a contact property also contain friction. A contact interaction property can be referred to
by a general contact, surface-to-surface contact and self-contact interaction
Film condition
A film condition interaction property defines a film coefficient as a function of temperature and field variables
Cavity radiation
A cavity radiation interaction property defines the emissivity for a cavity as a function of temperature and field variables.
Fluid cavity
A fluid cavity interaction property defines the type of fluid occupying the cavity and the fluid properties of fluid. You can choose a
hydraulic fluid or a pneumatic fluid. Hydraulic fluids include a fluid density; and they may include a fluid bulk modulus, thermal
expansion coefficients, and other temperature-dependent data. Pneumatic fluids include an ideal gas molecular weight, and they may
include a molar heat capacity
Fluid exchange
A fluid exchange interaction property defines the fluid flow between a cavity and the environment or from one cavity to another
Acoustic impedance
An acoustic impedance interaction property defines surface impedance or the proportionality factors between the pressure and the
normal components of surface displacement and velocity in an acoustic analysis.
Incident wave
An incident wave interaction property defines the speed of the incident wave and other characteristics of the wave loading.
Constraints (Dassault)
Constraints may be defined as the Interaction module as the analysis degrees of freedom, whereas constraints defined in the
Assembly module define constraints in the initial positions of instances. In the Interaction module you can use constrain as the
degrees of freedom between regions of a model, and you can also suppress and resume constraints to vary the analysis model.
Currently, you can create the following types of constraints:
A tie constraint allows you to merge together two regions even though the meshes created on the surfaces of the regions may not be
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Rigid body
A rigid body constraint allows you to constrain for the motion of regions of the assembly with respect to the motion of a reference
point. The relative positions that are part of the rigid body remain constant throughout the analysis.
Display body
A display body constraint allows you to select a part instance which will be used for display. You do not have to mesh the part
instance, however, when you view the results of the analysis, the Visualization module automatically displays the selected part
A coupling constraint allows you to constrain the motion of surface wrt. the motion of a single
Adjust points
An adjust points constraint allows you to move a point/points onto a specified surface
MPC constraint
An MPC constraint allows you to constrain the motion of the slave nodes of a region to motion of a single point
Shell-to-solid coupling
A shell-to-solid coupling allows you to couple the motion of a shell edge to that of adjacent solid face.
Embedded region
An embedded region constraint allows you to embed/insert a region of the model within a “hostregion of the model or within a
whole model.
Equations are linear constraints that allow you to describe constraints between individual and degrees of freedom.
Load is an independent module as abaqus cannot apply load automatically you have to select load type and position on which load is
to be applied. You can apply load to any node/Surface.
You can use the Load module to define and manage the following prescribed conditions:
• Loads
• Boundary conditions
Prescribed condition managers are dialog boxes that you use to organize the prescribed conditions associated in a given model. Each
kind of pre-determined condition that you can define in the Load module has a separate manager (Pichler, Pucker, Hamann, &
Henke, High-Performance Abaqus simulations in soil mechanics reloaded - chances and frontiers, 2012).
You can apply different types of loading
• Concentrated force
• Moment
• General and shear surface traction
• General shell edge load
• Inertia relief
• Current density
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 11 Load toolbar and Load manager Module
Boundary Conditions
is also an important module to check the specific point interaction. As Abaqus cannot apply real life constraints in model. So you
have to manually specify the predefined condition to be applied to a model to make analysis more effective and accurate (Pichler,
Pucker, Hamann, & Henke, High-Performance Abaqus simulations in soil mechanics reloaded - chances and frontiers, 2012).
Figure 12 Fixed boundary condition at bottom
Figure 13 Conc load applied with fixed boundary condition at bottom
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
The Mesh module allows you to generate meshes on parts and assemblies created within Abaqus. Various levels of automation and
control are available so that you can create a mesh that meets the requirement of model for analysis. As with creating the parts and
assemblies, the process of assigning mesh attributes to the modelsuch as seeds, mesh techniques, and element types which is
feature based (Liu & Quek, 2014).
The Mesh module provides the following features:
• Tools for prescribing mesh density and global levels.
• Model colouring indicates the meshing technique is successful and assigned to each region in the model.
• A variety of mesh controls, such as:
Element shape
Meshing technique
Meshing algorithm
Adaptive remeshing rule
Seeds are markers that you place along the edges of a region to specify the target for mesh density in a region. Both the mesh density
along the boundary of the region and the mesh density in the interior of the region are determined by the seeds along the edges of the
region (Malik & Kumar, Effect of Blast Furnace Slag and Lime Mix on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Clay, 2016).
To create an acceptable mesh, you use the following process:
Assign mesh attributes and set mesh controls
The Mesh module provides different tools that allow you to specify different types of mesh characteristics, such as mesh density,
element shape, and element type.
Generate the mesh
The Mesh module uses a number of techniques to create meshes. The different mesh techniques provide you with different levels of
Refine the mesh
The Mesh module provides a number of tools that allow you to refine the mesh:
The seeding tools allow you to adjust the density of meshing.
The Partition tool allows you to make a complex partition model to subregions.
The Virtual Topology tool allows you to simplify your model by combining small faces/edges with adjacent faces and edges.
The Edit Mesh toolset allows you to make minor adjustments to your mesh.
Optimize the mesh
You can assign remeshing rules to regions of your model.
Verify the mesh
The verification tools provide you with information regarding the quality of the elements which are used in the mesh.
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 14 Seeding part in Mesh
Is a process that generates results and analysis. You must combine the optimization results into a individual
output file to view the results of the optimization in the Visualization module (Dassault).
Figure 15 Optimisation Chart (Dassault)
In job module we create a job
Check job from job manager by Data Check”
If no error is reported
Submit the job
Check results in Visualization Module
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Figure 16 Visualizations of result
The authors would like to acknowledge their respective institutions, Department of Civil Engineering, G. D. Goenka University
Gurugram Haryana INDIA. The dataset used for the experimentation has been obtained from the ABAQUS Software.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
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